The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 08, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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a narrow escape |Hl ,nll r.MK I.W HISO A >mho >kak ucrm. VIUTARY WAS ORDERED OUT. lin 111 Mi IDBUTinCATIO* B\ run victim. unman Who IIU Ilrrn lanltpil I'romplly HeplortMl Up Wna \ol thp Man— llorrlhlp Callin' Wna C ommit- Mlm Hull** Relatives W *re 4wr "I lh* polls—\rgro \\ nn Itclegacd *nd lor ( rinilnnl Is Still Brill* Midr. * lit*. Nov 7.—The life of Morgan r<: * hung by a to-day, and a r mar.'* wont of Wi en I ill c*i Hon would hove i . i h.m • target for icorri of weapon* The military had been oM* rod by toe Governor, to be in readines* to protect ) life, but had he proven to be the f man, he would never have come i r.der their protecting care. \bout *l* from Augusta on the 3d!t.-dgevllla road. Mr. John Hall hae hi? residence and a country etore. Yeater t afternoon he wa* at the election pre. 1 a and hie wife had gone to town. j*v <ng their daughter, a comely young w'onwn. Mite Willie Hall, alone at home. lu! r g the afternoon a young negro rr o imeto th#? houee where she was and i ■ - vs anted to buy some era kera from the .tore. This was a customary oecur r* * and not dreaming of harm. Mis* Hal trot the key and led the wav to the f*.re When ehe and the negro got in ti. e etore. he drew a knife and de mar.cbd money. Having got the small .;*: o int In the caeh drawer, h* than as n ilt'-d Mlm Had. Afterward* he inrdtt d that there wa* tnor*- money om* where in the residence and mad*’ her lead the wav there A second assault was made in the house. When her parents returned home. Mi** Hell told the terrible story ar.d described the negro Ho w dark glngerrake color w!th vary alight kinky mustache, about & feet H inches and weighing aoout 17ft pound*. The *ospert Arretted. Immediately word wr* passed Among the netg.dv.r* and ; outirg I art lea were, aoon on the lookout. N lhboring at a tug.a on the railroad* were telephoned a depcrlptlcn. and this morning word came that m auepe ted negro hud been arrested a' Harlem on the Georgia Railroad In a short rim* men from ail over the county assembled there, and when Miss Hail arrived with her father on the Geor gia train thin afternoon to identify her as sailant, he was in the custody of a hun dred tn*-n. rs*..v-d upioi his speedy de.ith. if she m used him. In the meantime Judge K 1* Brinson of th* Superior Court had lelegraphed th* Oovernor f r troops to protect the pris oner from vl<J. ne. and Gov. Candler had order*t Cap! Renki. with fifty picked men. to be in readinc * to a newer Judge Brinson’* call. The men who held the prisoner only awnte I Ids Identification, but auid the te*t must be fair one. mi four other r. *gro * were made to stand with th* us|H rt wh4b Mis* llall looked them over. She promptly declared that neither oi th*m was the guilty man. I'rtioiirr \*f %frnld. The prisoner had not been at all e*cit el after he was told ho would be coo f rowed with th* young lady before an>- thlng wis done to him. ‘ Sh* will tell yon I urn not the man." he .aid. "for 1 never saw cr heard of tier In my life " It was fortunate for him that Miss Hall wa* confident of hi* Innocence, for If she had Identified him ns the guilty man. lie would have been riddled at once with out oral* ng for him to get into the hands of the low* or the mlHtnrv Men stood around him with their hanla on their pistol*, only w iting a wor I from her. When • nvin el of hi* Innocence. how ever. they took up a collection and paid Tope* for his lost -lay and iil| hi* faro to Warrenton. wrier*’ he said he was going when arrested cm suspicion. Rut while the first arrest was a failure, the *!Yort to enteh the real villain will be 1 *-pt up If he is caught the military will id be needed HONDIRAI TO V\\ miKWITY. I'aymrnt of 9IO,HN> In Hr* *lmle to I'timlh of Frank Hear*. Washington. Nov 7.~ Secretary Hay to day received a telegram from c*h.rge Ev erett at Guatemala City. saying that ha had ricelvfd a from the mlniittr of foreign affairs of Honduran. Informing t m that the government of Honduras ha* ordered the Immediate payment of the in demnity claimed in the* Peara rase. Frank I Vara won a young Pittsburg man. doing bufinaaa with his brother in Jionrt.ira*. During eome re voluflnnnrv •l.*turt>ance ho wac ihot ao l<*ath by a overnmont sentinel. while walking in o streets. and approaching too closely the guard Una through ignorance of *iw language of the* country After mk ng a through InveaGgntion of th* case, *h" stale department decided that It was oro warranting a claim for Indemnity in r**half of pears family, ao the gum of |W.- ,#¥ * wo demanded Hondutae offered to arbitrate the can* bt the proportion wn and lined, and the I’nltai Hide# minister *V'i directed to pres* for : aettlemenl which ha* now been effected IRLAYA HIM. \l*iT I S. Mrn r i tf n n Officials Coming fo This f onntry. f‘nrr*por of the Associated Trees Manana. NlMragua, Oct. IX —There arc rinv-r* current at this capital that Pr*s i Zc!a: a an! p.irf of hi* cabinet tn °d visit Washington during the wU|- t r of while I he Tolled Stiles rgrrasg fs In evasion. It Is said that >e object of this <\ntemphite t ?tJ l| Is in connection a Ith the propose \ -I tuition by the Tqlted States of the ragua an..l route. \\Vnt %mrrlctn Claims l*all. • njfSr. Nov. 7.~ J The Tniled State* General Is understood to have m !• further strong represent irtkons to the gov- officials, urging the immediate l *vment of the American claims It la •1*” aaaln report**! that an American \ rui er is to be sent to enfprre the de-i tnand. . Held for Tin be a#dement. Pittsburg. Nov. 7 —John C Robinson, i i“tary of the Cash Globe Mutual nml l'.dutr|a| IlulMtnir ml Asitatl<>n. *■* rr.ft.'.l laat iilaht on elshi ■•ham*'. ■ mb<Mi<>mnt an.l falalfyins <he •< L ’ " '• In (Waul! of hall, hf *" | n j*n Tho | MM M*liitkMW ary no* l he hand* of receiver*. I.literal Government W tns. lor or. to. Ont., Nov 7.—The return of f h* liberal government to power Is as- im ronstituencioa out of 213 having |* en heard from Of these the Übersht have carried 100 and ths Conservatives 61 Armors roffrucr feared. Whites Assaulted by Nrgron at NVashtagtoa. Pa. Washington. Fa Nov. 7.-The greatest ei cl lament prevaiit here at a late hour to-night, and a serious race war Is feared before morning Four members of Company H, Tenti Keg,mens. Claude Duffy. George Barr, David Currin and Charles Rodgers, were attacked on Main street last night by negroes, and ill bally injured. Company H had u meeting In the arm ory here to-day, und deckled u> patrol the town, and are out in squads to-night. Both whites and blacks are on the streets In force, and the citleens of th# town are In a dangerous mood Reports of assauk* on whites are com ing in hourly. In Washington borough there are about V 0 negroes recently brought here by con tracting firm*. A large number of extra policemen have been sworn In and five arrr*t* of negroea have been made AL AAK AN TELEGRAPH LINE. ben. Grrely Gives a Statement of Its Present tints*. Washington. Nov 7 —Gen. Oreely. chief signal officer, has received a dispatch sav ing that the military telegraph line rat been completed from Port Egbert, or Eagle City. Alaska, to the International boundary lire near Daws*>n Th** Ca a* dian line extend#* from the lourwta y to lawmn. and from that city southward to SkMKWay, Then is m gap of about thlrtv flvo mil** In th** line from Daws, n to (Jueenelle, and the Cana it tn company ia * onsiderlng the advls iblilty of oo .ering ibis line by courier® during the wn,tr. The building of the line bad to b** abm doned on account <># severe weather. As the line reaches Skagway. It is with in three da>* sail of the tehgraph offl *e at Victoria, and this brings the trcop* cf the I*lilted Btates at Fort Egbert, wiihln lelcgraphto communication with the de partment here, save tee three <la\atoay. ■ ♦ > ATLANTA AAI LA FOR MU TIL < raiser, I'rsHlrsllr R*bvillt, Goes to Join Achley's Fleet. New York. Nov. 7—After lying off T enpkinsvir.e nearly a week sin#® her of ll* lal trial trip, the rebuilt c.nrtser At. lanta sailed to-day for South America to join the South Atlantic squadron under Head Admiral Hcbioy Ppntt her arrival the Montgomery w 1 1 bo relieved and re turn home for repairs The At Unit it ha* ln*en transformed Into w very different warship <o what ah* was . riglnnlly, by the three-years’ work on lwr .it the Brooklyn navy yard. She ha* been given a higher ir-ebojrA, her spaed has I*ooo Inr red sod to fifteen knots by n**w engines of the triple-expansion typ f of 4.<o> horse-power, ami changes have h*on made* in her armament, which now consists of two R-inch and eight C-in.h giirw* and a oecondary battery of rupl 1- tire guns. APPROVED HI THE qIF.KH. New English Officials Are Given Roy al function. Ix'ndon, Nov. 7 —The has approv ed the appointment of Water !x>ng. presi dent of the Board of Agriculture, to be president of the local government board in succession to Henry Chaplin; Gerald Balfour, the chief secretary for Ireland, to be president of tha Board of Trade In succession to C. T. Ritchie, recently ap i*#>int-d Reoretary of State for home af fairs . George Wyndham. secretary for the wir office to be chief secretary for Ireland, In succession to Gerald Balfour; Lord Cranborne. eldest son of the Marquis of Salisbury, to be under-secretary of stats for the fsr*iga office. In succession to Mr Brodrb’k. re cently appointed Recretary of Rtate for War; Joseph Austen t’liumberlaln. el lest son of Joseph Chamberlain, to be finan cial secretary to the treasury department, Lord Rtanl*' y to l>e financial secretary of the war office, und Arnold Foster, to be parliamentary secretary of the admiralty. . . ( OOLTfSHS ClliiM DMIE.I Will Floy - Wmrh r.mnr on thr Sa vannah Link*. Da rim. Oil . Nov 7—Thr mur.h-talli*4 of (tamo hrtwrm <h Darlm Oolf Club an.l ih Savannah Oolf t , hib will akr plare Saturday on the llnka of thr Sa vannah Dub Thr ttamr was arrangrd thla morntns by trlrphonr. and to-nlirht thr rluh |>nnlntrd thr folloarlns mrmbrra to rrprra.nt t( In tha *amr Andrew Mn -on. Kohrrt Manmn, John Manaon. R O. Wylly and T. A Stuhhr. The Darien club ha* had no profraalonal trainer, but have nevertheless made rome Rood records. The live men picked out to-nlht for the Sa vannah |in* are amor.* the best .ma trura tn the atate, and It remains to he seen Saturday whether they are not the very bast KOIOIIT Ilf roi RT HOtlß. tv. W. Toomer and .Indue J. L. Swear fame to Itlowe. Wavcrose On.. Nov 7 -While arguing a rare tn-Wnre superior Court yesterday afternoon. Hon W M Toomer. Ware rountv'a representative In the legisla ture. and eg-Judge Joel 1. Sweat, passed some hot word* and Anally name to blow*. Mr Sweat. |t seem*. Intimated that Mr. Toomer had made a misstatement In hi* argument of the ease, and that gentlem in made on effort to and to the ei-Judge. when he was struck over tha head with a walking rnne Refore further damage was done friends Interfered and the dlflt eulty was stopped Judge Bennett •*- eeseed a fine of lb' on each of the gen tlemen for romempe of court. ARHIVJU. OF WAff AM AW. Georgetown Is Jolillnnt— Uppa la Held for Murder. Columbia. 8. C.. Nov. 7-The people of Georgetown are Jubilating to-night on ihe arrival at her wharf of the steamer Warcamaw. drawing elghleen fee*. The vessel !e the first of a fleet of sis lumber farrier* built for trade from that part, and Is the largest to cross her bar Walter Kpt** has been arrested in Man ning. charged with the murder of Will Kvana. Kvans was shot In bed while asleep.' Robbery 1* supposed to have prompted ***** crime. Ilereption Await* Kruger. Parts. Nov 7 Kg President Kruger , '-*'•■■ •• * NO tion Committee of the local Boers Society will go to meet him Mr Kruger will make brief stop* '• Avignon. Lyons and pijon where re*option* will be given him lie will arrive In Paris on the morning of Nov !■ j It eduction In HeAued lugsr. New York. Nov. 7 —All h* large sugar refining companle# have made a reduction of 15 p*r cent. In •* grades of refined su gar. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER R, 1000. To Mothers of Large Families. *r ' In this workaday world few women are so placed that physical eaertion is not constantly demanded of them in their daily life Mrs Pinkham makes a special kppeal to mothers of lar(fe families whose work ia never done. an{i many of whom suffer, and suffer for lack of intelliffent aid. To women, vonnjr or old. rich or poor. Mrs. Pinkham, of Mass., extends her invitation of i ree advice Oh. ’omen ! do not let your live* be sacrificed when a wora from Mrs. Pinkham, at the first approach of Mas Oabbix weakness, may fill your future years with healthy joy. “ When I h.'iran to take I.ydia E. I*inkhara‘s Vegetable Compound I was not able to do my houaework. I suf fered terribly at time of menstruation. Keveral doctors told me they eould do nothing for me Thanks to Mrs Pink ham's advice and medicine l am now well, and can do the work for eight in (he family “ I would recommend I.vdia E Unkham’a Compound to all mothers with larpe families." Mrs. Cajibik Bet.L.EVn.i.K, Imdiuffton, Mich. III! AAiTLEVH lUJOHITY. Hr la Highly C.ratlAed Orrr (kr Oa(. mat. RrunewkAi. O#.. Nov 7.—Return* up to thl* night from counties In the Eleventh Congressional District give the Demorralle majority for Congi .saman Brantley a follows Appling. 6&. Brooke, SM, Clinch. IIS; rlodge, 344. Charlton. 106, Eohole. 144. Olynn, EM; Lauren*. W. Ixiwndes. HI. Montgomery, 400; fierce, 71; Telfair, 530; Ware. SOS; Wayne, 101 Oonarenaman Bran'loy *a.kl to-day: "1 am both flittered and ple**t with the vote given nr In the Eleventh dis trict The majority here la mfreahlng and encouraging when we turn from the disaster that haa befallen Democracy ; throughout the country at large "But for the vigilance of the lkmoerre leader* In the aeveral counties of the dis trlct anal the active campaign that has j been conducted an.] the exrr.est effort* of our n.-wspaperw, we would haver be n caught napping In not* o( our OOtimle-. The oppoultlon me-le no show of a Ashe and yet their organisation wa* well per fect r*l and they r<olled their full strentth. They came near < itching u# cut In more than one county by their alien and ceeret method*, which lured many of our people Into the belief that no otnoltlon exlate.l, and they did thu* auccasd In cutting down our vote In the*.- counties The vote In Olynn county I# exceedingly ini Ifvlng Almost the full White vote wil polled, and lean than Iktlf a doson whltu vote* were ca*t again*! me." UOVtSH7HbN’r it HTAJWHO. Ur.alt of the llleetlaai la Uiualalen of i mnln. Ottawa. Ont.. Nov 7.-The result of Tuesday's election ahow* lhal the govern ment has been sustained hy a majority of from SO to n member*, on the bast* of ; the returns received up to midnight and j with nve constituencies yet to be heard ; from „ ... To-day** election* were In 20* oul of the SIS constituencies of the dominion and the j remaining live will hold iheir election* at j later dale* Thl*. of course, make* It en tirely possible that when the elections are completed and the later returns are In. the apparent majority may be reduced some what , STtSDIKt) OIL OIVIDBWD. fen Per rent. Deelnfetl Bight the Kleollon. New York. Nov 7.-Tha directors of the Standard Oil Company have declared a dlvldei.,l of 10 per cent., payable to stock holder* of record of Nov. IS. This make* IS per cent In dividends paid out by the Standard Oil Company thl* year. In tvilrnk I sally. Abbeville. O*. Nov 7-The vote wa* lighter than ever before known In Wlleog county. Out of a total regies rut lon f 2.100 only 619 vole* were cost, hundred* of la-mo -rate declining to vote. The result In this oouniy wa* a* follows: Democrat*. 107 Itepubllcan. 226. l’opullst. 2. Prohibi tion 1: total. et "' precln.l. Brown s Mill, give McKinley a majority of I*. The e ectton was -gt"! and peaceable \ t . sro at Lulaville wire,! M.-Klnlry last night; "Are you In or out? Answer quick.'* Thrmlrncil by Brlnnl. Home. Nov 7 Mu©Hno. ih* Italian brigand and murderer, who for several v. . eks has been surrounded by * cordon . f two troops In the mountains of Hegg.o d' Calabria, where he ha* long evaded capture, recently Sent a letter to Signor Cecato, prefer! cf llegglo. threatening him with death unless his (Muollno) sls'er now under arrest for assaults upon the police wa* released In consequence of the threat the prefect Is always accom l-onled by a strong escort. Wedding In Ware. Wnycro**. On.. Nov 7 -Ml.* llo*a How ard and Mr. Charll. Barber •-re married ta-.1,v til the rel<lenc* of Mr. M A 1 h jc ,„.n Six mile, north of here, that g.ntl man officiaim*. The bride Is a .ward of Mr TMin**n the j*r->m ••> !l >n or Mr. Obwilah Barber of thl* county. t artist* Were lllaperaed. .Madrid Nov. 7.-The band of Carlo!*, whtch had been operating in the province of Alleanle. has been dispersed Thre wagon* loaded with arms have been seised near Barcelona. All But Rriisll. Madrid Nov 7.-AII the South American republics, except ltraall. will be repre sented el the Hl*Pno-American Congress. —A Choice of Term*.—"Here'* another m n who got away with some money that didn't beam* to him." said the young woman who wo* reading the paper How mu hr* Inquired Man Cayenne. "I: doesn't stale " "That * too bad* I want ed to determine whether It* Is a plain thief, a misguided emhessler. or a bold gnaucler."—Washington Star. VICTORY FOR TALLAHASSEE. HER VOTE WILL ENfEED THAT OF % LI. OTHER * (’OHMINED. Capital Will Remain Where II U. Tails haaaee'a Heaviest ltr Will t oinp Frnm the Rural DUtrlft* Which Are Yet t R** Hr#r4 I’rnw Predleflani nf thr Tallahaeare Leagaa Have Been EulUllrU. TalUituiaerc. Flu.. Nov, 7 The return* on capital removal a* far a* received are well up to the eatimatr* made b> th** Tal* lttba*oe Oapliai Leagut*. ten d.iva >. and fully Justify the aacrilijn then made by them that Tallahassee wouM poll mor vote# than u l the o • : anJktatra mm blvtod Tullahareee a grratert atrer.xth lotner the rural illetrict* which are yet to be heard from. unl when the return* from the** are ail in they wi 1 carry h* r %ote up In greater proportion than the other cat 'iMti'c*. Thl* wan the claim of tie Tal'.ahapeef* rgpttai League. Tallahassee now ha* a good plurality. VOTE IN C OM Mill % COUNTY. It Wnm Dreltlrdly %gatna Removal of thr fu|*ltul. !.ake City, Fla.. Nov 7.—Complete re. tuna from all preclm t* tn Columbia coun ty, Florida, give for Congroa# Davl*. t&k. Cheney. Republican. IAN For Governor, Jennlnp*. Democrat, Ml. Ma Tarlane. Republh an. 23®. Morton. Pop ullat. 11. Crawford, for etwretary *tate. Lull ir for attorney general. Whltflenl for state treasurer, Reynold* f*r controllrr. Rheat* for |eib!l ln*triK v - Hon McLln fur commt**tnner of agricul ture. t'arier for Juettce Ruprema Court. Morgan for railroad comml**loner. win by majoruie* of tin to <23 The offl* la! coiint <f the primary for Co lumbia county. Florida, give* for *tat*' capital, Jaokronvllle. 2N>. Ocala. 43; AuguMine. 3S, 4f* For oifi* titutlonal eonvemlon. 47. agafnet con vention. W 7 Recommend* Rufu* E Ro*#* for atate chemlat. Hon. Patrick Houatoun for adjutant general, and L E Rahrraon for atate attorney. Third Judicial Dl*- trlct. Kl.ottlt) l, flrran'a Mnlorlty t£l,tMH)| Jenulng* la lUAd'U. Jacksonville, Fla , Nov 7 -The odldal returns from SIS pieclncla oul of 6*7 In the slate received up lo midnight to-night give the Demociallo presidential elector* 17.M0 vote* lo the Republican e'eclors' 6.100. Thl* will give Bryan a majority of 23,000 In the state. The same returns give Jennings. Dem ocrat. for Governor, 19,400 vole* to 3.200 for Macfarlane, Jtepuh Icon. This will give the fyemocrallc rand I date* for Unite House ofllc. rs approxi mately 28.000 majority. The proposition to move the capital 1* .lefeotel hty a slight majority over all candidate*, or a heavy pluiallty over Jacksonville, tha highest randldale for the capital. There were two other candidate cities dividing the vet*. The tw. In-mo. r.itic congressmen are re-elected by majorities the tame a* given the national ticket. RRSfivr ih OHAAC4B coem. Greateat fwtereat In Orlsstlo Was In l.ncnl Matters. Orlando. Fla., Nov. 7 —lnterest In the general state, congressional and stale sen atorial results were overshadowed in Gr ange county at yesterday's election by tha contest on er some of the local offb *. I'n der the state Democratic platform nil of ficer* to be appointed by the Governor of Florida, where democracy controls, mint Mrst gr> before the voter* for their Indortc rnent. and the successful man at the pri maries la entitled lo the executive ap pointment In Florida the Democrats have matter* pretty much lhlr own way. Consequent ly. there wa* a genets! feeling that all of the ||. ket heretofore nominated would be taken care of There was nothing to faar from HepubiPan o|>p -elllon There was some Interest In the capital removal question, and a general op:>#lilon t.wthe proposed constitutional convention. Ho far a* return* have come tn. Jacksonville protsalay lead* In the r*e for the capital, while Tallahassee I* a clow second The feeling In favor of Tall.-ihaasee. or, raiher, against caplul removal,* was strongest In the country prerliv'ta, end It I* possible that when the returns from these are a I tn. it may develop that Tallahassee Is ahead In the county. The contest wa* at the primaries ovr 4he office* of state attorney for thl* dis trict, and for Judge of the County Crim inal Court. For ihe former the opposing candidates were Jumi I>. Jt.-ag*. who has tilled the ofltce under appointment for the past sixteen years, and John C. June* of this place, anew figure |n tlte political arena There are six count). * In the district, and It will b* several days before the result will be definitely known. Mr Jones ha* made a much stronger race than wa* predicted. In thl* county where the fore* aster* had placed Begg*' majority nt three hundred. It will only he about lot Mr Jones ha* ancourogtlig report* from other points In the district, and It now look* as it he la ahead In the race. C. 1} f 1 >lll lias Ailed the office of Judge of ihe fount? Criminal Court for the past eight year*, and was In the race for rc ap|>olntm*nt He was op|>ned by Hon I, C Massey, one of the strongest attorneys In ihe state Bun will he winner In ihe contest hy from 12* lo ISO votes. The vote In Ihe county was a full one The Heptihllrans polled Iheir largest vole for aeveral year# Coat of Governing l*arla. From Ihe Ixvndon Chronic!* Paris. In sp'ls of It* geyely. I* not a paying cliy B* Ar. me** for ItOt show a deAcli of half a million sterling This, unless It Is covered by new- taxa tion. will bring ihe local debt of Pnrl* to over {71.001100D Pari* owes nearly om -hslf the municipal debt of France, and one thlnl of the k>'#l debt* of all Fnglt.nd The debt of Pari* l twice as heavy as lhal of Lon, lon. and every Pari >I an owe* ISO more than ev.-ry Londoner The ex planation lies In tha expensive government of Part*, which Is the dexre.-! of any cap ital In the world. The government of Puri* coal* 15 per h#d. as compar,,l with Washington. <t. Home, tS l*; Isjtulon, IS 15s; Htockho'm. 13 2*. Copenhagen. (I 12*; Vienna. It Ids; Berlin (I 4s; Hi Peters burg. in* Keen (gin lon ha* something yet to lenrn In the civil ter of cheap gov ernment. ree expectant mothers Ikatp* Diaoomtort and Dmngor known or used. S fflSiO Oamfori and Bmtmty 'if 1 V L— adAf 1 where the virtues o( “ ?lolhcr r * vrSaf. —““ Frl:nd” arc known. TI 1 It I* theonesiid only linitnent in the world that by outward .. app'icsllon robs childMitb of K* terrors Every woman */ eisaX Bar u. atould tell her Irwndt ot It, whether needed now or not. SCsCkev's Fries* u uIC W ell PouvUH. m nn W ••■ I, one,, asst • fe-os rt take. • I o* see Mai le. Iwt ea “ MmnMM ' acM h*. I* er • rmfca6e‘>lw*Ki n •••isktaf j tc k*ry *nJ u •• fct* Tn BRAnKi.i> M cn. iTfi € O . Adaita. o MB a MM M. MS M MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM M M HANNA FOR PRESIDENT. (Continued from Flrt Page > campaign bualne*?* He will return home on Mon*la> tind remain until to pec. 1, whew h* will go to Washington for tha raat of th* winter and the e*aion of Oon gret*. Rena tor Hanna to-day received about Sun teleamma of rongratututkm upon the election from prominent men In all part* of the country. \\ II \T II INN % THINK* OF IT. *a>* the t (inihiiiißcr of Prosperity In Nuw \uml, t’leveliful. O. Nov. 7 Rerato- llanna thl* evening gave tb Atw*x lut .l Pre* the t\*lrowing **.i wrten( of> thr* reeult of ycdrrday -* • lection ' The reault lt> more than *atl*factory. It e\|re**#*e rot tlnued conflden *e in til# a Imintrfrjtlon. of the party, which I* cr -flnly gratifitng to al! Republican* and f leiuN of thl* odmtnlstre!4oo. It a**ure tit* ntiniMnce of preeenl piopen*u* (*>ndttk>ii It la * triumph of the princi ple# of good government over the bereoUa of Hryotilem. which I* the irr>iiict of a * m bin*Mon of element# of lrrr*t*on*|hll t tnot ability ar*i maowpeieficy it t nugthenii the very fotMil.itlona of ihe gov * rivn.cnt It I* a rebuke <>f th* dem agog tier y of th.* * jmpaign cf the opfKul- Mon. au*l a clear. *v. dtugnoai* of a alt - nation which wi# for a tlm** clouded by their methrd* of w anion and mlarepre bntation Aiove all it give* to every American .it bo.iHt confidence In the goo*l ju#lgmnt of the |*aople. and their readl* n* an | aidHty to pr.*te* t their own In tend# by dfi*ckllng nrluht thoae gre*t quee. Mon*, wffilch f n• * wity oun- up in a government by the p*(sfl#* While in the main our pre*h<'tioua have I may aay that in many cjse* our expeuiatk'fia have been exceed ed A# yet. final re|orta cannot, of courae, he made. bt -* in** of thr ataiea w lich wi conaldered doubtful are aiire'.y Republican, and # m? which we claaalffwd i# DemorroGe are doubtful with a po*al hillty of being I<s*pntil* jn "M A Hanna ’* PHEDIt TR A NEN\ PARTY. I'eMlurrw Lnnk* for a Vttalng Ip 4*itil Hhiiiihlmd 8t Paul. Minn . Nov 7 A Hmux Fall*. A D . prcittl ta the I>i#pa* h rays; *'l predict the formation of anew natty. h*ed on the proteetw of the outraged peo ple *g-iln*t R|nibltcani*m a* taught by Mark Hanna," declared United Senator R F. Pettigrew to-day What It will be railed la of HHlc moment It may be ‘Social Lali*r,' or It may be the new Demurrary. It will ma*l- up of person# dl#c<nfent*d with the element* In pollthAi a* protect ngainat the extetlng condition# nnd the prM*nt tendency of thlngts The movement will grow rapidly and I believe will defeat the Remibll can party in IflfM. The Mark Hanna R*t>nblleanlani menace* the republic The concentration of wealth will create un inflttrncc aoon to reetrlct the right of auffrag* until capltallat* will #ay ro #n<- 1* fit to tak** part In the govern ment who doea not know enough to make money There will or cur a divorcement of the Democratic and Popullet |rtte*, but the new party will be the iiopular one ! cannot ay whether Mr ftryan will af fll.ato with It or not." GRViHANV I* DKLIUH'IKD. McKinley Victory la Juat Whit Nhc Wanted tn Ree. Berlin, Nov. 7.—German government clr ciea are ail delighted at President Me Kinloyw re-ebctlon. The United Hfate# #*mla##v t-diy received a number of ex- P>o*alQVt* of that kind Generally #|>eaklng the German public 1# taking much greater intercut m th<- Ametlcan election than heretofore. Ev erybody | dl*cu*lng the re*ult* The Pool lays: “The re*tip | greeted with e,rtlßf*etion and evmiarthy in Gervnanf. for ih* re elected Preaident ha* won the confidence of our government and our diplomacy during hi* term by < onhint effort a to maintain good relation* between Ger many and the United Rtate*. In thrt mid*# of r*pulr piMlotl the President preserved a cool fund nnd turned aside rude hand* w’hlch triad to fkrc him Into an anti-German policy Mr McKinley'* victory mean# a continuance of the pres ent relation* between G. rm.rny and tho United Rtate*. and we hope fho4 the tar iff negotiation* between them will also have at l*aat a# good a mutual result." ROME FRENI H I OH ME NTH. One Paper Think# Filipino War Mill Go on to the End Pari*. Nov 7 —The petit Pnriilen *aya "The war In the Philippine* will he con tinued to the end A* to Porto Rico and Uuba the Washington * übinet will adjourn a# long a* poseihl* thetr de finite em%nc|. pat on In short the United Rtate* will take a more active role In International politic*." The Rappel utter* a warning note re gardlng * the Impertallatlc tendency of the American government." The fllecle remark* "Remindful of McKlnteya eorv ee# In IWfi In saving hi* country and the world from the**t economical crisis of the nineteenth century France o <ght to consider herrelf fortunate that iho United Bute# ha# not elected Mr Bryan beta*'*# i man who presented hlme|f M * the can dWUte o( had mon**y ia capable of any thing." REEK * IdPT. KIDD’S TttRAMHK. ' Farmer Find* Rolfle Inrlntlng Let ter from Pirate Written In I TOtl. From the New York I*re** Palmer. Ma#*.. Nov. 4.—Charles R. Rhaw. a prosperous farmer, ha* Juat foun<l burled In n cave In the wood# n#r hi* farm, a hermetically seiled bottle con taining a letter signed by Robert Kidd the famous buccaneer, and addressed t> John Bailey of N* w York. ! the , xact locution of the pirate'* treasn e. The letter I# dat#d Bostoti. 17F* A Buffalo lawyer* he a.iy*. ha* offered flOMtfg) for Ihe document. The letter #ay* that the money and Jewel# *re hurtel on Uonant Islarvl. Rostnfi harbor, in two chest*. They are about four f**et deep un der ; flat atone sixty rod* up the ride hlO. The letter I* m*>t clr* umnt.intlal, and Ba authenticity Is not doubted by R# |O. sernor .nvl hi* *dvl*er. The letter I# an urgent appeal for Ball* > to gel the man- y mih) hasten to England to help Kidd .ind to aave him from hi* punlabm* nt. DRIFTING. If you arc allowing catarrh to cat its way through /our body, you arc like the man in the boat—drifting -pon a long river which ends with destruction. Catarrh is a systemic disease. Contrary to general 'pinion, it does not confine itself to the head and throat, jt attacks the stomach, the liver, the bowels, the lungs, —any organ of the body. The only way to cure it is to cleanse the whole system by a thorough use oi pe-ru-na the well-known catarrh cure. There arc hundreds of people dosing themselves for this, that and the other, whose sole trouble is a catarrhal condition of one or more organs of their body. If these people'will take Pe-ru-na it will make them well. It will keep the grip away, it will prevent colds, and all of the so-called winter diseases, wnich merely mean that the mucous membrane of the entire body needs toning up and cleaning. Pe-ru-na is the rffcdicinc to do it. * There are no substitutes. Pe-ru-na is the only systemic catarrh remedy yet advised. “Lectures on Chronic Catarrh" is a complete treatise on catarrhal diseases, a It treats of every ohase and variety of summer catarrh, winter catarrh, ind the catarrhal affections peculiar to women. I his hook contains ninety-five pages, is Instructively <llustrated, and will he found very useful in the fam ly. Sent free to any address by The Peruna Medi cine C n otiffrih'ic, rthfn GREENE AND GAYNOR HEARING. EXPERT RIPLEY 1 MOHR CHCPtV- K! ttmvnn*. Attorney rrnfs Tried to Show TAint the Klgsrea In Mia Tablea on - vannnh Harbor Were Otstnrietl. Itlplr, *ald Me Heeelved no llssis aeration Itseiase of Ml* Test t rd Cos Ihr Stand. New York. Nov. 7 -Hearing In the Oay nor ran wherein It t* sought to removo John F., ,W T and Y. H Gaynor and ft. D Greene, to Che Jurledietton of the Georgia Federal Courts for trial, ou charges of ,-onepiracy with Capt O. M. Carter to defraud the government, wa* resumed to-day heforo United Htates Com irlsetoper Shields H. J Ripley, an engineer, wa# called to the stand for cross-examination hy Uni ted Htatea District Attorney Erwin of Georgia He wa* o witness for Cap'. Carter at Ihe court-murslal, an,! was called to testify tn defense of the con tractor*. In his direct examination an attrmp; was made to show chat the work done under Carter was up Cos the standard Mr Er win. in hie rroaa-exnmlnatlon to-day, sought to show that certain tables made oul by the w.lness.a were Inaccu rate and distorted, and In no way In ac cord wilh Ihe tables qf Agures previously made for similar work done for the gov ernment. Mr Hlpley was kept on the same line of questioning until 2 o'clock, when a re. cess was taken After the hearing was raaumed the wit ness on redirect examination testified that he had received no remuneration because of hi* testimony and expected no reward cf any kind In Ida opinion the work wa* well don* and equal to that done at Oal veston harbor On re-crosa examination Mr Erwin brought oat that the on y place where sev en feet had been added to the channel depth was at the Ocean flteamahlp pier at the very head of navigation, and that all along the river In other spots the river had been mad* leas than four feat deeper and that most of the money *x|*-nded had been at points where It was less needed The next wltnea* called wa# H F It Gillespie, clerk of lha United Htates Dis trict Court "• Bavannnb After he had been sworn an adjournment was taken un til to-morrow ■m - l A Medicated lion. Fiona the New Orleans Tlme*-D* moersf. "There I* a prevalent belief throughout all H|>anleb-*peak!r>g A marina." said a vis itor from Vara < rus "lhal the email h.dr lee* do*, familiarly known a* Ihe 'pelon' dug. 'an cure rheumallsm In Cub*. Ceti. tral America and Mexho It I* a common ihtng for people afflicted with that dle ea*e to heap one or more of Ihe anlmtl* In bed. Ihe theory being thill Ihe malady pa**e* from the man to the dog. Home years ago I ws* In Havana, and called on a wealthy merchant of my vcqualiil aiwe who wa* laid up nt hi* r**|denc* with a severe attack of rheumatic gout. I found him ex ten.led on a sofa, hla lower limb* covered with a blanket, and n* I •at down I polled a peculiar looking lump In the vlcltrtty of hi* feet Heverat tldw*. while w, were tnlkh.g. T raw, or thought I saw. ihe lump move, and. n*e.|- less to say. I was considerably startled; although. In deference to HpanCah eti quette. I en.U-avor-,1 to conceal any Indl ra'tonx of surprise. My prww>-cupnMon must hive been evident, however, for presently the sk'k man turned .town the blanket, and, looking raiher fcotsh. haul ed out a couple of pelon pupplew 'lt le my wife'# Idea.' he raH, 'and I keep them with me to plea** her, but really they are doing me good I couldn't he!p eml'lnx In.weduloua'y for I knew the *uper*tl tlon; bill my friend stoutly Insisted that he wa* lielng beneAK l. and. In proof tha' the charm wa* b*ltsntng to wore, .a'led my attention lo the fact that the Hill* animat* were staggering and tresnhllng. Heal' h< exclaimed, they tufler already! They can hartly walk' Nearly all young pelon .logs have a imcullar. lurching gait, end even the larae*. and sturdiest of them tremble continual y fr>m head to fuot, which I* generally altrlbutwl to eedd. but 1* due. In my opinion, lo a defectlv* perv oue organisation. H< 1 attached no spe cial importance to my friend a conclnstonsu A mouth or so later he had re-overed from hi* attack, and. meeting him at Ida store. I asked ho*- the puppls* wet* com ing on. He naped his hands and roffeg up Id* *y, I kill thorn both,' he raid. They suffer lie, mooch! I cannot endure It to contemplate them'' By th* way. It la an odd oolnctdenc that the people of the French province* believe quit* gen erally that spaniel pupplre will '.invar feveri from human being* In *•* dis tricts they arc In great demund for that special purpoe," WOVli; IIIIVKVR fr’AKKH. U fmt.n Ciana of Vleef atffl I'enella AVICI,,nit l.eed Am., n m The*.. From the New Orleans Ttme*-Democrat. "The wooden nutmeg Yankee and tha fellow who sharpened shoe peg* at both ends and sold ’em for oat* were raw amateur* compared to th* heathen Chi nee," remarked the travelling representa tive of a big house that deal* In (able dellcacle* Our foreign agent. C. L Bartow, who, by the way. la a native of New Orleans, was In Hhanghal at the t'.me Ihe Boxer* broke loose, and haa re mained there ever since A few weeks ago the firm received a package from him. lr>o|u*|ng a lot of Chinese counterfeit* of American goods, whtch he had picked up nt different times a* curios. Home of tha fnkes wire very Ingenious and some wer laughable tn their old blooded raeoattty. Among the lot. for tn*tanc, ws* pocket of what looked exactly Ilk* ordinary American lead penell*. with tha name of n well known maker stamped In gilt at one end They were perfect far atmllm and would no doubt, have answered Just a* well a* the genuln* If they had cosv t lined any lead; but that feature was orntted They were almply round sticks, stained black Of course, auch hmaan frauds are not aold tn tha aetabltshad shop* They nr* handled by native pod lers, who work them off tn large quan .•i er* who p .r-haalng • w >' , Mr Dtrtnnr srri'*# that *t English englneeflng officer of hla ac quaintance invested In FM dosen Another rqm In the collection la a bdx of toilet *Onp. made out of a sort of clay, mixed with a little grene and slalnol pink Th* stuff looks like soap and smelt* like soap. m| a* long ss one keeps It away from water It t* all right. But If It gel* tret M becomes mud What was perhaps th* boldrst fake In th* lot was a dummy oan of beef H wa* simply a cylinder of wood, covered al both end* with lead colored met tell in paint and wrapped around with what appeared to he a gen* u!ne American label In making th* weight exactly ihe same no that of a lama Ad* tin of meat, the Chtneee counterfeiter hail dtsploved a good deal of cunning. The wood wax n little too heavy, and. to ■ educe t 10 the proper point, he had bored a hole In the side and plugged It with light, porous earth. The label t* so per fect that we ar* In doubt whether It 1* a lithographed copy or the real thing, Stripped from come old ran. Th* dummy la on* of ti bt# con# gnment which Is said to have been unloaded on an armv oon a Hi vm Idd that the miff had been stolen fr.m an American warehouse, and when th<- lor waa exhibited to him in a part billy darkened room a few doaen real can# so-r* aratiered around on top. They w*re opened In hla presence to show the quality of th* meat, and ha era* fool enough to buy the entire supply nt about half price. Th# Ohtn##e declared th# vie. nm wa# a -lap. hut lhal statement may hr- taken with a ktCIo suit—any a hngw head full." aC3T.rUREST.GDIC BEST MADE . CE.L.-yVn^E, iSaestenad sod Havered h fruit Ansakg 5