The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 09, 1900, Image 1

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Till' MORNING NEWS r *,!*•-- Inro'i’-'mMd IS*" , H ESTtM. RrMijrn, atthewhite house FOI\D TIIOFIAXM OF roNOHATI NATIONS. he had prominent visitors. 'Jill HI. I* NLHEADY M>VE TALK OF i 1111 ACT CHAVUEfI. Secretary ll> anil Attorney General 4rlits* Will rrobnlily Retire f Private Life—Other Cabinet ttfHeer* \l n % Mold on to Their Joli*— It | |,iL**l \p|Mtlnf No Hun) Hrfrura In the , ‘Mlh. \\ Nov. * President MrKln froi iiit >n and spent the ffreo'er part of •. *. . \ receiving personal an<t teie i-’ >nxratulat|ofia ujon hs success at ih % i >ils last Tuesday. 1- w Known that the presidential train vim ! r h this city about 8 o'clock and ttftv' thousand people congregated around rtv* Pennsylvania Railroad station to ri\ lim a cordial welcome back to the city The presidential cars dUI not enter • railway sheds, but were run off on . •! track on Sixth street, where the crowd had assembled. Sc -etary Root, Adjt. Gen. Corbin, Bur G r.eral of the Army, A*- r*tar' Be retary Puden. and several er public officials were at the station In waiting As the President assisted his wlf from the tmln. the crowd broke forth In hearty cheering* for the success ful candidate and there were numerous cries for a spe>oh. The President acknowledged the compli ment and, lift .n*r Ms hat, smiled gra ciously upon the throne, but declined to respond to their demand for a speech, lie entered his carr age and w as driven rapid ly up Pennsylvania avenue to the execu tive mansion. It was at an hour when the army of government employes were •*n their way to work and os the pre-i carriage was enaily recognized. Mr. •nd Mrs. McKinley received a mild ova tion all the way up Pennsylvania avenue Mini) (nnurnlntnf lon*. Upon reaching the White House the President h.ul an individual meeting with ihe executive staff assembled to welcome him, and In honor of the occasion anew flag was brought out and flung to the breexo from ihe staff on Ihe mansion to iff rvalue Ihe return of the President to his post of duty. After break!a*t In his private dining room with Mrs. Mc- Kinley. Private Secretary Corteiiyou and I>r. Rlaey of the navy, ihe Preallent rt i-aired to his desk In the Cabinet ro m There he was confronted by several hun djr* 1 congratulatory leiegrjyxp* which ha l n receiveil from all parts of the world. vas imponlbls for him to read thm in md while thus engaged, the Bvcreiary <•' he Treasury called to extend his per il fell nations. Secretary G:ge v\n wed by other members of ihe caMnst r .v in Ihe city. Including Secretary Hay. t**tary Hitchcock. Attorney General .<gs. Postmaster General Smith, s'en.a --i Piatt of fVmnectlcut, Senator Bewal New Jersey und a number of minor ia!s of Ihe government. Th** Prel -f-nt was in excellent spir ts and *"*m and appreciate the grave j • h the American people had imp>s. and .■■• ti him. ;{•• received ti numler of other casual . rs. Including a delegation urging ex- Ive clemency In l>ehnlf of Frank Funk . icted of murder, who I* setuenced t • ingwi at the district Jail to-morrow. ,iter in the day the President excused t n. Hf to cnllers and took a much needed r having lost considerable sleep during insist forty-eight hours. M ny be I shluet t Range*. r was no attempt to transact any be. strictly routine business at the White H e to-day, but on to-morrow, then* • be a regular cabinet meeting when üblic business will be resume 1 Nat . \ there is more or less gossip shout ible changes In the cabinet before or sft-r the Fourth of Match next. Of course. President Is not inedned to discuss • elicatt subject, nor are other mem f his official family prepared to an >.ile the wishes or desires of their •f It Is but fair to assume, however, here will be some changes In the c i t with the advent of the second ad t ration of President McKinley. It is and that Secretary Hay desires to from th* department of state. It l • reported that Attorney General wishes to relinquish hi* portfolio i ( ursuo his law practice In New Jer vhlch r**ta him something like MO.'XP nnum on the oth*r hand, it Is said . rretary Gage. Secretary Root. Sac . Hitchcock. Secretary Wilson. Hec v Long. an-1 also Poftmast-r General may be Induced to remain in the * • Those who have authority to ik for the President on this subject *>\ the matter ha* never been seriously ed. although It Is not unusual for r .. 1 s|>eeulatlon in th* direction Indulged in Immediately after an * r. It is quite likely. In view of the l . fforts which resulted in the re f Mr McKinley, that he will new friends to rawgr* R |k equally nosslble me of the prwnt m-rab-m ihlnet may tleslre 10 retire front * • ffl till life At the White Houmi ■> I that all Matemetits hearing upon n.n M are at tht* time pre m-i purely speculative. McKinley nnd the *oah. who talkrA to th-' PrOH •*" imi>r...rtl with *hr l.lra that h ifin tan.l thr *lttMter *lvm him tr K - iirmr of <otmrrvatlvra or ■I <l<*l UrnKXTßtn at thr rrernt Amornc thr tr|rrama of nrth i w.rr arvrral from |>romlnrn t. mrn wlo -have hrrrtoforr hrm - I tt< I 'rtnorrata. Thrrr arntlrmrn .itr.l in Intluatrlal puraulta. and r*rj.*‘r.*(l unlrr thr prernt n.tmln t Hrtrrat of thrm lntlmatr.l -hit a large growlnff flaw ol Bothrrn “ vl.wr of National affair* and (•ritH-ipirr arr in full accord with • Mlcan iwriy up to a certain Th* y congratulate thr Preaident >"■ in rlfectlvaly alplmt oir of .rctlonallam by his liberal on of favor* In connection with th War on<l n*M that If hr will from making the color line con • In hit rwteral appointment* In i'h there l* a fair proapect of t tpi tubatantlol wrhlte Republican •cverai of the Southern atatai ' dert-ood that l-raa McKinley pro- J ** t five this eubjeet due eontlderw ' He received eome valuable euf* JL,. *on the eubjeet from Re*- of . f th * Tr *aury Judaon Iryona. one - tepertentatlve colored men con *,J nl 'b the praaenl adanlnltiratloo. Satomtuil) Mofning Vruje. ( LAI ts MOHETHtN TUFA (iOT. Ilrpulillcans Are After Kentucky snil Kebrnska. New York. Nov. 8 —As a reu tof mew sagew received at Rep.ibli*- tin nat on il headquarters KHbV by National Commit teemen J. If M< nle and N. B. So t from <kxi. romts, Mr. Mauley, gave out the following statement: "Full returns to-day leave the (situation as it wa-t yeateniay. We have won by 3ist electoral votes. We h ive carried tvry Northern state bul l*oloralo, Nev.itia and Montana, with ten voc-. We hav car ried Kentucky, MorFianl* l*fliware and West Virginia. As v\ •*l during Ihe entire cam|Mlgu (hey .ie al.ein. tlcg to *rob us of the electoral votes in K n tucky under the power of the Goebel law If they succeed we shall have 296 electorl votes. Our candidate governor w *.r • that we have carried Kntu.-k> for t • electoral ticket >nd elected him \*y over 7,000 mujorltv The tune hu- cone- w on the American people ought In Iraet at whatever cost that the \c(es s ail le .ounted as they were honestly cast * benator Scott in answer to teiegrama in quiring as to the result in Nebraska re ceived the following dl-patch from K Rosewater, memier of tlie national advis ory committee, who is a candidate for the I’nltcd States senatotship from Nebras ka : ‘Return* from rural districts incom plete but no doubt whatever that M> Kin ley carries Nebraska by not less than 3.- OU>. to\ernorshi| cl *• but the prosisseta favor Republicans poth houses of Leg islature w ill he It -publican by small ma jority." %\\n UK WILL hi: m;\ %toii. Qnsr '*)• the Itegiilnr* Have Won In Pennaylvanla. Washington. Nov. 8 Kx-S* r ater M H tju.xy, who will leave to-morrow morning for Florida. to-night gave out the follow ing statement for publication "The contest on Tuesday resulted in a sweeping victory fur the stalwart Repub lican* of the state. The Sena'** will be or ganised by the regulars, no matter what statement* may be mule by Insurgents or hostile newspapers. Senator W P. Snyder of Cheater county will be elected president pro tem. of the Senate, and Representative W. T Marshall, a s’alw.irt from Allegha ny county, will i*e elected speaker of the House. I will be elect*d United States Senator by of _‘M on the first ballot in Joint assem bly." _ FROM I*IKSHI>K\T MM IIITT. Congratnlatlon* From the Head of (he French Republic. Washington. Nov. A.—Among the tele grams of congratulations received by the I’resident ar* the following ' Paris, Nov 7.—111s Kxce.iency Monsieur McKinley. President of the United States of America: I beg you to accept tny most sincere congratulation* on >*our re-elec tion to the supreme office that you have filled with such lustre and during which the bond* of friendship between our tw countries have, to my great delight, been drawn still closer. "Emile Louhet.** "Manila, Nov. 7. 11M).--Th* President Bincere congratulations. The m<et impor tant step in bringing peace atul prosper ||y to these islands tins been taken. "Commission." \ LLEtel <ll FH At D IN NT. Id l IN. Repnbllenn* f onalderlng the Matter of n ( onti’U. 8t I>wis. Nov The Republicans are considering a proportion to contest the election in the city of 8t Louis. The mat ter ha*4 already been discussed by the Re publican City Central Committee and by individual candidates and will Ih* taken up for formal and official consideration, nnd as soon as the official count has bean made Thee a r<* convinced that a proper examination of the ballots would result In the rejection of from 3.0 tofi.QOO fraud ulent votes that have loin placed to the redlt of tha Democratic candidate*. Thi would be suffi Frit to reverse the result on nearly all the candid-ito*. Lents Lost Mis Job. Columbus. 0.. Nov. 8 -The official count In the Twelfth Ohio Congressional Dis trict completed to-night gives Emmett Tompkins (Republican* n majority of eight votes over John J L*nt (Dem*s*rto. the present representative. Th* llstiiet D nominally about 2.500 Democratic. - • ■ t n#mo<*rntlr 4.rrt>or U Ine. rortlan.l. Ore , Nov. rompleir re turn, to the Orexonlun from on<>-tnlr<l of the count le, tn the —ote of \Va,hln*ton (in'! t—rilal return, from all but three of the remalninK counties show that Roger,. Democrat, for governor, ho, a plurality Of 1.371 over Krlnk, Republican. Heanlt In YlrKlnla. Richmond. Va., Nov. 9 —According to estimate, mode up trvnlght. Bryan’, plu rality In the state will be upwards of 33.- 000. I.AIKIEIt’S TItTOMY. Inbounded Butlafnetlon (expressed by Knjiltsb Papers. Ixindop. Nov. 9.—The mornln* paper*. Irrespective of party, express unbounded satisfaction at Sir Wilfrid Laurler’ii vic tory. The Dally Nee# ulillxes It to rend a lesson to the British anti-ear Liberals All the paper# dlseuss the coincidence of three notable cases In the swing of the political pendulum ha* been ar reelerl, and the Dally News remarks "Doe, It portend n new factor In Demo cratic politics” Tlte only safe conclusion I- that What has happened le noe because lr.l Salisbury. Mr McKinley nnd Sir Wilfrid laiurter have discovered anew B-v of governing without mistake,, hut because in all three countries there ha, been a stirring of national life to great (esues. and because tho opoltlon parties have been found out of touch with nation al feeling." Canadian elections. Montreal. Nov. A —The |ate*t returns from the parliamentary e|e-t!on held throughout the Dominion yeaterdnv show the following result!* Liberal 133. lon er vatlvcs Independent 8; to be heard from 5 Liberal majority over Cona r vat Ives and IndapandenU. 37. L; eral anl independent majority over Cn,#rvatLa U T / Turbulent Scgro Lyuebed. xr—mnbis Tenn., Nov. 9 — Nabors, a shot and killed J L. Hoi ..._^p white, near Coahom*. Mlaa.. was ratted bv byatandera. To-day his corpse SAVANNAH, GA„ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1900. DOUBTFUL STATES KFATtCKY \M) MHRABKA ARK !TILI* tM)ETKI(MIM-.D, BOTH PARTIES CLAIM THEM. KEvriTKv i- rnoiiißLy a.imt ■IKNOI II ITIC. In \ctirHk* (miv. I**yalrr of lli*. National TloUrl anil Will III* I: lrrl**l—l , rrl*l* , n I Ini Voir I* In lloulil—llr> nn Clulin** Arlirnaka Ity y.IMMI V'olr— Hrpnblli-nu* Aim ila I ■■■ li—>l> Hr i oatrat In Krn- Innk y■ l*>ulsvllle, Kjf. Nov. A —With return* from ii.l but 3*> out of l.vw pm-lnct* in Kentucky, ihe Courier-Journal pm Bryan’* majority ol d.uon on*l Bri’kham’i at 5,f10 The irrerln.-tv have been lakrn Into a.-count In till* reault. The K*publican* now claim that m- Jorule* will bo shown for McKinley nni Yerke* when the returnlna boarjl ean vaeees In* vole at Frankfort which it will rlo three w*‘ek* from ele.-tl.iti ilay. Tim retumln* board 1* I'emorratlc and tn* I*eKltlature la also lemo ratlc. E*-Goi. Jame, H M (’ittri who man aed ihe liemocrnlle eami*alitn. nr-nlght < loeed the headquarter- und will to-mor row return lo hi* home at Richmond H eald to- 1 j lit tv i he had hoard from cam paixn etialimivi In every county In the state and that allow.n* all the Republi can claim* In ih? Eleventh fl>ltrlct, he plaol the mojortiy of Rryan and Beck ham, reefieetlvel), at S.OflO and 6.0U0. The I*oulville Commercial. Republican, will to-morrow ray tho election lr "very close’t It will not concede the defeat of Yerke*. ami the McKinley elector*, and will say that th# official count only can determine the result. tTntme of Republican*. Chairman Comb* of the Republican State Campaign Committee was quoted to day a-s follow*: "While we have not Ihe figures thor ouirhly comi>ill yet wo are certain tho I Mr. Yerke* curried Kentucky hy a small majority. "The result 1* very clone. I think that It will probably require the count lo determine hoa- the stale itoes. When I left headquarters Yerk< had a email plu rality Bith seventeen counties *lll lo be hoard from. I am Informed that over 3.00 H hnllots were not counsel by Goebel election officer* ihroiuthout the state, on a. count of trivial fechn'* '‘We have discovered that not only hivs systematic frauds been practiced all over the etate. but In acme counties, there B-as wholesale exclusion of voter* from ihe poll*. In Fayette oounty. for Inatanee. tn ■wo precincts ino voter* were kept from voting In Breaihlil lx hundred i<er*-ns were kepi from voting ChaJeiifrer* uni lnsi>ectors were also exelud and frem the booths In numlier* of issuntlee Ihe re lurna Bere tuidded by the PuiKr at*, i ot ably In Franklin and Owen counties." AVATHBR KKVTI CKY I OVTMT. Ileckliani Claim* III* Ml ret lon by a Majority of fi.tHMt. Frankfort, Ky.. Nov. Gov Reckhatn returned lo the state capital 10-lny. He *ay* hi* plurality will not be under S.ODO. The Slate B.ectlon Commission will meet week after next to canvass the return*. Return* from the rural districts are un us-mlly sloe- In coming It Is evident no* that both shies will continue to claim ihe state until alter the official count is ma le, and then there like ly wlil be u contest for Governor to be settled in tho courts. (I.AMI* I AKA llt THUATMF.YT. Combs Tblnk* McKinley Entitled to Mnjorlty In Kenfneky. Ixrulsvllle. Ky., Nov. • Ixelle ('omla. chairman of Ihe Hepub.lcan Riale Cam paign Committee, sold this afternoon: "I’nder any fair election Its McKinley and Yerke# would have carried ihe state by Aftlo to lO.flW) majority. The Republican vote lia* been whittled In most place* by petty larceny, and a number of place* by highway robbery Nothing but ihe offi cial count will settle the election, and the ofltcltl count Is made under the Goebel law by * ommlseloners from ahose hatvl* the Republican party haa no reasonable grounds to expect fair treatment." BIX KH AM VM>9 IT. Ilrtnrn* Show That He Has Carried Kentucky. Frankfort, Ky, Nov Returns have ben sent by Democratic county commit tees to the Democratic state officers here on which the following er.tlmate of the Kentucky election f*r Governor Is mnele, by congressional district* For Beckham. Democrat. First. 10.045; Second, B.ffio. Third, 1731; Fourth. iI.KSK, Sixth. 5.355. Seventh. 3.510 t; Eelghth, 800. Tenth. 1.172. Total. 2*,o(*. For Yerke*. Repubffcan— Fifth, 6.201; Ninth, ht. Eleventh. 1A922. Total. 21.250. These figure* are btised on complete re turn* from alt but four counties, and esti mates were made on the partially missing counties. lilt A A.N CLAIM* M’.IIB ItIKA. Another Eatlmnte Flgnrr* Out a Re publican MnJ-irlly, Chicago. Nov. f.—A telegram was re ceived at Democratic national headquar ter* to-day from W. J. Bryan stating that the Democratic national ticket carried Ne braska hy a majority of 2.00). and the state by 4,00 u, and that Ihe n xt Legisla ture will be Democratic Omaha. Neb . Nov. I—The Evening B* print* a table on the national ticket, giv ing complete return* from fifty-five coun t|ee. and on ten other counties, with on precinct missing front each, out of a total of ninety counties, giving McKinley 90,23*. Bryan *5.198 counties in HUB gave McKlnlay. 66 Bryan. 98.647, This O a net gain for McKinley of 14.903 Bry. on’s plurality In 11.8 was IJ.HO. With thia ratio of increata throughout tha misting counties McKinley will have a plurality of about 6.000 In the atata. There were 12.000 to 15.000 more votes polled In the state than In 1896 and the (Continued on Fifth Page.) i ANNEXED TO RUSSIA. Itnilnn (trnrral Aodltri ( iinanlß Thai 11l (tuvfrnmrnl !!■ T*ln i’n linin’ Territory. Tlrn Tiln. Nov. S. via Shanghai—Grn Linfvttch, th <?imiiMinlrr of thr Mw#*hin twiv|iii. hnn offi*llly noiiOoi th*' foreign oomula through tho Rimm*! in congul Ihm Iho lan.) on (ho river aldo oppoPito ih Rritlh ami Gorman aelllognonta ha been annoxoti to Rnwala by right of conquest. 1-nlfM il l fiiroign owner* of property im vneitlately i)f|ioOO ilfxmmenta proving their ownerehlp no riaiina will to enter ralneii. Much ralirtkiul properly. ai> well rn* (he ebi araenal. i> lncLih4 in the (or* litory annexed hy Riirtaia. The consuls will proii si against (he annexation. I%f 1*1(011 % BLR MIS ( AMIM. # lOoblhh % in liNkvnilnr llrllrvra Wu*h %<■(lon Una lalaou. SVaahlngton, Nov I.—Count Caatlnl. the Hiiasian amUisMulor saM (o-day in reg irl lo tha ro|s>rteAi annexation of territory in Tien Tln by ihe KusMan governmanl, (hat he felt very sure no ouch atop had been taken lit foicho-i upon (he blllty of n Ruvim comslon similar to ihe Rrlttah niKi French allolmoni*. having l>oen maiie. hut <ltsmispe<i the rei>ort that R‘60*1,6 had eunuiiari:y takan i*mn+*uUm of (he territory referred to an entirely im probable. HKfIKLLION HI l>x OMMlili F.. Hi tmi 11 on In nn thorn t'hlnix lleeotu ing Next Aeate. Paris. Nov B.—A to the Hivne Agency frorn P*ktn announcea that a high Chlneae personage pays the rebeil'an helng organ!zol in Boath China mi ruin ing commerce, that the revenues are de <Teaeinir and that the payment hy the service of the debt next sjHiug la doubt ful. Prince Ch ng ami Li Hung Chang, the dlapotch adda. regret fh* delay in pre sen ting the peace propositions and ex preaa feara ns lo the future They' are ready to accept propose ton* baaed on M Deleave*'a propoaiU, but it Is further n§- n#*rteil the foreign minister* are In the mennwhllo marking time and dlacuwing •e'ondxry q ties dona The t'hlne j the dispatch f'oncludea, re gard the occupation f the tmpertal tombs at 81 Ling oh )>eing m*re impfxnant than the enfiture of th* Em|>mor ami Dowager Empreea. IIF.PORTS FROM MR. CXISIC2F.R. Ministers Reach a ltal of Negotia tion* %Vlth Ctitna. Wahlnglon. Nov 8 —Additional reporta from Mr. Conger to-day record the pmg re#k of the eff*ir>a being mada at Pekm to bring the foreign ministers tnto ngrroment aa to tho basis of negotiations with ('lsLra The department declines to make public any of the details of the deliberations. GREAT CUBaTfRANCHISE. Com pa nr Formed With SJO.iNiO.ttOO < nplial lo Ncenre < oarol of t Its ftallTOr I.lnea. Phlla/lelphia. Nov. 8— Following a meet - *ng of Near York. Philaiteiphl.x and Cana dian capitalists In this country last night. 81r William Van Horn, chairman of the board of directors of the Cana Ran Pacific Railroad ami his eon. K. Ii Van Horn, of Montreal, sailed from here to-day on the steamer Admiral Sampson for Bantl ago, where they wl.I make an • ff<>rt to se cure options on all horse and trolley lines in Cuba and Also on all sugar plantation in the Island The departure of the two nen was the result of tho permanent organization ut last night's meeting of the Cuba Company with a capital of $20.000.(**). Sir Wllilatr presided t lire meeting am! the others prevent. hesllcs his son. were Wllllnm L Elkina and Thomas Dolan of this city: R. A Smith, preaidant of thr* <'ut>a MaJ) Hieamship <*oininy and Pornivil Farqtl h.r of New York, and Dr. T W Shepherd and M I*. Evans of Montreal. The pun**” of the company, it Is an nounced. |s to secure control of tha elec tric light an*l trolley franchises in Cuba and u> establish plants ami systems In ev ery city Tha purpose, it is said, will not i>e confined lo the control of tho*c fran chJi*M nlone, but will ultimately tak* the •team roads and also the sugar plinis . The MM - k .if th*- company, it Is said by those interested. hAs been sufiwcrll**-*! A 810 ftTLAMKKIP DB.4L Ctiniblnntlnn Tbnt Will Inynlve 'lll llnus of Vlollnrs. Baltimore. Nov. 9 —Rumor# were current to-day concerning a combination of Iran,- Atlantic steamship comiMtuea which will Involve eeveral rami—nlra and many mil lions of dollars. It was said thnt Ihe At lantic Transport <”,*n|iany. which oT>"ratra lines of steamship* between New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore and leandon will Ire a part of the combination. I>■ tall, ef the deal are carefully guarded, tout It Im understood that the sPa'khoMera of the Atlantic Transport Company will reel a more than 5200 per share for their hold ings. In the event of a consummation of the deal, Ulll l Kill U9i A LICK RAFT. Battle Plrked t p W bleb Contained an Appeal for Help. Jacksonville, Kia.. Nov. 9.—There was picked up on the beach the morning of Nov. S by Mr. B O. Holden, who ts a machinist of the Seaboard Air Line Ball way, a Little which contained the follow ing writing; ’ Off Nassau, N. P.. Oct. i. 19W -I am wrecked on life raft three days and near ly exhausted, send help. Jame, Francis." Fraudulent Warrants I'ut Out. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 8— A special to the Star from Talequah, I. T.. ways A spectal coromlroe composed of C. V. Rogerr, W. O. Burton und Sf—clal Agent Zovarly, 10-day filed a report of their Investigation of the alleged Irregularities In the Cherokre auditor's office The re port shows. It Is said, that 9194.00) In frau dulrnt national warrant-* are afleat Gen. DrWrt Was Wounded. Pretoria (undated) by rail to Charles town, Natal. Wednesday. Nov. 7—Otn DeWet has beer, wounded In the leg m a fight wfth the troops of Oen Knox at P.ensburg drift. According to native re ports the Bn,.- commander narrowly es caped capture TALK OF NEW PARTY MKETHii OF 1>F.%10( N %TJI NN ILL 111. HELD IN MIW \ (IRK. TALK OF REORGANIZATION. IMCKINWON MD \ t* \ I.L WILL JKION III: slAi olt. Uarllsle Ways I lie I'art) Must Return tn (lie atitui* Ii Hr Id Before Iwiml. Demm*rallc Notes fur NloKlnlry Were Nni an I mloriniir ni of III* AdiMlnlalrallnn \\ allrrson Ways the- Factional lllvl*lou s|kull IHs appenr Witli Free Silver. Chicago. Nov K A >p*clsl to the Chroit l le from Datrult says lon M Dickinson is authority for the statement that within three e eka a mart ing will he Laid In N• w York *lty to (nji- Ima a plan of reorganization for the Metn- Ot ratio party Hr sa>s th** call for the meeting will have the sigt a'urvs of prv-m Inent Prmocratr The mrettna, Mr Dl'k ln-’-on avs. will I*** attended bv ivmo* rat . of both gold ar.d silver leanings The i-all will be nveile*) throughout the land up pealtug to all Damonit.'*. g I I an I silver alike. W hat Carlisle TVitaka. Atlanta. Nov X Hon John G Carlisle has wired th** Atlanta Journal, in re sponse to a request from that paper, his views on the reorganization of the Demo cratic party Mr Carlisle "In my opinion the PcroocMtle party shouH at on<*e organize tin u Democratic basis. * An immediate return to the conserva tive an*s patriotic position o* . upied by th.* larty before it w.i* demoralize*! b> I o *il- Ism and Free fltlvcr Republionns in **>’•. will invite all true Democrats In an act ive opposition to the objectionable gli des of Ihe a.teninlstration. Insure ihe suc cess of our Northern friends In state and local contest* and prepare the way for a great national vlctirry In 1904 TNic I Mrrwvrui It* votes *-ast for Mr McKinley were no* Indorsements of*4hia party or his admirdetratlon, but piot**#t* aaulnsi what was considered the larigcr o<is purpose** and t.-rdeivdea of the oppoo ing candidate J G. Car Isle " Henry \\ a t (er*i*a Views. Jacksonville. Fla Nov. A.—Hon Henry Wa4tersnn. c*lltor of the lulsvll|e Courier-Journal, wires the Tlmes-Union and Cltlsan the following statement "With the elimination of the money Issue thera ought u* ha no further fac tional <H\*lsion among 4he Democrat*. If fre sUxer was not dead before. Assured ly II Is dead now. beyond the hopes of ree urrection and relempi|gi. having itWi* harm enough to dl*credit It forever, even among its most sealoug o<lh**renta. There will continue to tn* tw gr*a4 opposing tv>lltoal organizations Demoted to-day, the rata may win to-morrow They will find issues arising out of the nature of public affairs, and evolved hy the course of events leader* uM*d to these will. In good tune and sea<>n arrive oiion ihe teens. It is too eariy to fmrtlcuiartz** On Are it to ay that there will always be a party of strict construction, a* against a party of loose construction. an*l that, readjusted to the more conservative requirement* of the country, the Dem ocratic jer?y will reappear as the con tending force in th** public life of Ihe people." ■AYS TUB TALK Iff tits I Illy, Fa-Gov. 9(ii, ie’, tlcna on (be Reor ganisation lluslneu*. New York. Nov. 1.-Ex-Ocr. Stone, vie* chairman of the National Democratic Committee, said at tip Hoffman House to night in regard to the pro|*n.ed reorgan ization of the Democracy: "Thi* talk about a reorganization Is ab surd. Tho Democratic party Is already organized If by rccrgahlratlnn Is meant a change In the i.alloiutl committee, thil will have to be done ai the next national convention. If hy reer.'.'un(ration I, meant a radtcol change of platform, with can didate, whose view, accord with It. that will also have to wait the next national convention If tha next national conven tion want* u new committee I am willing to abide try the verdict of the convention I have nnied that those men who clamor for reorganisation after defeat are the very one, who contributed to the defeat "There sra some people who go to a convention ami demand a certain platform. Insist on the selection of certain candi dates. end at fhelr failure lo ger wh t they want Immediately withdraw th< Ir support anal become opponents of the party If they want change, |<.| th-m work In their elate orgmlza lon- for the selrcttarn of delegates to bring about I boo; changes” WE *11(11 Ml IIKOI* 10 Tri 9. The Views of flake Smith end Horace Vlale* of lowa. New Orleans, Nov. The New Orleans Picayune sent telegraphic request* to many hauling Democrats m vnrlmis see. th-n# of the country asking expression, wllh reference lo the future of the Dem ocratic party The following ora ex tract* from some of lh> replies; Hoke ftmttli, Allan,*—“l doubl the ad visability of a distinct movement by a few men with the purpose, of rwrguntxa lion, A party which can poll the enor mous vole that the Democratic party ha* recently polled, I* far from being n dead parly. Mor>- i-or.servtlve counsel* will prevail In future liemocratlr conventions and wilt a pronounced soiusl money plat form In 1994. with a man against whom no factional tight can lie made, .here Is ev ery r.-ason to believe Ihe parly will tri umph." Horace Bole* of lows says "My belief la we should drop 16 to 1 Let th# money question rest while ion dlHon* remain a* at present, organia.- Dwnociatlc clubs In every voting precinct to send delegate, to county, from county lo sta-e uni from state to r.a tons con vert.ona of delegates to meet periodically and formulate a platform for tha pnrty This should be based cn principles enun ciated In our Declaration of Independenc Insist on a strict construction of the sole 4Continued on Fifth Page.) ALVORD'S DEFALCATION. 4 nar of the Defaulting Teller Taken I|l Before I ailed N(atea 4 <m •Mtaai<in a r Shields. New Yt*rk Nov s Uorndiua 1* Alvord. Jr . the former note tcll er of the l ,% fr* , i Nattoual Rank. wh la accused of embex iling s4!v an *f the hank r funds w.ts ar ratgnad before United States Comma* stoner Shield* In the criminal branch of the United States 4* rcuil Court t* day. He waa rapresviMetl hy Jacob F Miller United Ktate* District Attorney Henry I*. Ilurnett und hu* aos.siant, Ernest K llal twin, nppeure*! for the government Tta examination was conducted by Mr. Halilw in The first wltne*a was W lilting E Rnow, assistant of th First National Hank Mr Btuw said tie hai known Al vord twenty > the past t n f which in had I>een the note teller of the First National Hmk lie explained In de a l the dulle.t of the note teller and Ihe hank • clearing house transaction - lie explained the balance shei- .* which showed u short 4g. •f fgfn.tOO in Alvord** department The tigures slioweil tbut th#* sltortagy varied. Mild that, from Oct. 10 to Oct 13, H vv.s $700,00P You know ihNt Alvord’* nc •<unts were made up from statemcnis handi l him h> other |.MTn iw in tln* bank?" asked Mr Miller Yes sir. Farit)." answered Mr Hnow Mr, Alvord wis suppo e t | to tke the* M.*t rioni* of other einp.oyes as coriwt''" "Ya* Mr Miller then ls| Mr Bnow to admit that since tho latter first *ecam* an *f fit er of the hank two years ago h* had never kn wn (b officers of the honk to xamino the assets of the institution Cashier William lted, of th’ First Na ti.sial Hank, was the next witness Ii * said tho last time the hank had an • xam- UlAtlon w - on t*ot. ii. He lunt no jwr muial knowledge of any rejoit of that 4 xamlnatien. Morton V Moore, settling r$ rk fr the tMiik. IdantiAed i column of flgtues o 4 a *he* t f |Niper w is prepared for and K 4 nt t the c.mrftng homo . having uiado by hlm!elf lie explain.**! the details of m-tking Up the sheets for th* 1 clearing house Torn, ons by one, he identlfltsl the sheets inle up for the banking days of October Mr Moore testlfleil thnt two figure# In the aheet mad** up for October 16 had been ohanged. The figures as th**y s'*asl were not hU lie *6lt not knw who had made the changes It w*a brought out that tho sheet had i*een in posses*lm of Alvord jfter It tiad ten mad** up hy Moor** Adtournment was then taken until 2 p m to-morrow VI AY Hi; 9111 MKT MKfffflOSff. Garetinue That Witt Come Before t llhan I nmrsllos. Havana, Nov. 9 - The Committee on Rules of ihe Cuban constitutional conven tlon 1# discussing tho a.yvisabtllty of lio.d Ing secret sessions after the permanent has been effected, which will protiably take place nt the reopening of Ihe convention next Monday Hencres Capote. Tamayo ard River* are the most prominent candidates for the prceldwnry of the convention lot Lucha say#: "The difficulty will not la- In drawing up a constitution, but In r, a hlng an agree ment as lo Ih* relations which are to e -18 lietween r'litw and the Culled rtt it*-. We lake It that th< gunventlon will Insist upon three fundami ntal polnta, namely no relations w|th other government* except the I’nlterl Stales, no power to negotiate loans, and no authority to upsei peace and order." TWO ViOIIK lllirtlKN KIM Ml. On# That of Vtoorehouar Who Had I barge of K.m ploat vea. New York. Nov. 9 —Two bodies were taken from the ruins of the Tarrant build ing to day The first was tha’ of Ham ilton Matthews, a driver for Tarrant it Cos.. Ihe remains being shockingly mutil ated. loiter the diggers In the ruins rame to another body. This proved to be that of llenjarnln Moorehouke, the missing ship ping end stork elerk of th<- company. Mnorehoure was 61 years old. and had horn missing since the 'lay of the ex plosion Wllh him In all probability died also the possibility of explaining toe lire horror It was Moore house who had charge of the storage hook of the big drug firm, tn which was a list of all the ex plosives stored in the building No trace of this book was found MOOfIY WA* FATALLY *IIOT. Serious Me,nil of an t'leetluß Hon In Klorl|a. Jacksonville. Fla.. Nov. .-New reaches here of a eerlous election day row al Key,torn- Park. Hillsboro county. George Mobley and Thomas Moody, prominent olllxen# of that section, be came Involved In quarrel at the pri mary polling place, and the altercation finally resulird tn a flgld. In which one of h> parlleuiHsnts was badly slabbed They were then separated, hut a few mkiirte,. subsequently It ta alleged. Mob ley shot Moody while standing In the doorway of the building In whi h Ibe elee. tlon waa being held. It I* reported that Moody will not live. On account of the prominence of both |wr!ie the affair ha* caused considerable excitement. I AH1.19T9 H 1*1*166 KVILKO. I.ffort to Destroy Knllre Carllst Or ganisation In Spain. Madrid. Nov. .—AI n cabinet council held to-day under the presidency of the Queen Regent. G'n. Azcnrraga. the prem ier, sahl there wae no Carllst under arm, in Hpaln and that tha rising had failed completely. In order, however, to destroy the entire OarlMl organisation In the country, he said. 4he suspension of Ih# romMltutlonal guarantees would be main tained. Oen. Aacarraga also announced that a Hpanlsh-Amerhan convention hud been sign'd In Washington hy which the Islands of Cnyggyen nnd Obulu. in th# Philippine archipelago had been reded for lluo.OUO. YKLIdtVA riIYHH AT hATCIIKX. 1 %rr* ( Mr la Vt*|ortrd to fh* Hfalr llanl of llmlth. J*ck*on Mi**.. Nov. S —On* new east of yellow ftvr 1* r*p)rt*d to rh B.*t of Htalth front Natchcs thU mornir.f Mr§ Batlr. th* f.r*t pationt raportoti. died I*tt niffht 6h* hr * nie* of Gov Lonclno A of the marine ho*pl tal ttnriM t* now in N*trhe*. endeavor *n tfcff Mure* of LLc infogHpa. DAII.V A V KAR. ' KNT A COI-T wmci.T : tvmia-a wskk.ii a tka* SURPRISE TO BRYAN \Ti MI NT MMIK II) THIS PKHO- lt %1 14 4 VMHtHTK. PROSPERITY CRY WAS POTENT. DLNOt N4IH SUi DEFEATED MIT N4IT DIIM (it It %4.1:D. Centeil llrlnren Flufoeraay anil De moeraey I niikml End I util tine or (lie Hlirr !• 4 oiiiplrlcl) Trlaas lihssl- Mryan Way a He util Hog Ntnntl for Ihe Hninl**—Tlie l*la-* fie longs lo % lien—Defeated 4 aud I lla N* Freaenl Flans. Lincoln. Nel>.. Nov S Willi mi J Hrysfi to-night K.iv* out the following a uiem nt (Xinceinlng the election: " Hie tvault sa* h urprtse t. me and the m.igiii(tide of the Heput4l> an vtcto y was a surprise to our >tts i)eni*t as w*ll as to tho*- who voted oar ticket. It Is impoeMU* to analyoe the return* until they are mre complete, but, speaking generally, w.* seem to have gained in tha large 4 It lee and to have lost In the small* er cities .tint in the country. “Th* It* piII i A* re alli t tick* t t I* i* • for all (her voter* who were away from home ami this gave them considerable advantage We have no way of knowing at (hi* time how much money was spent In tha pur base of vote# and In colonisation* Hut while these would account for some of Ihe Republican gnins they could (wit account f**r the wltli pr* #1 Increaaa in the Itep.ib i< .in vote. The pioaprty argument w pi '*l* y the mowt |iouat ohm used by the Republicans They oins pared present condition* with Ihe jxinki times of ‘MI to ts* and this argument hod wr-ight wllh those w ho <lll not 'top iu ton shier the tsiasis for the change. The peal, stand by the Freahlent whlla tha war Is on,’ had a great drai of intluenra aiming ttuoae who dl<l not realize mat a wir against a doc trite of self -government In the Philippines must react upon ua in ihis country W* iim b* an honeat fight upon an lKNi*st H it form, and having rWna our duty as w** saw lt. # wi* have nothing to r* gret. The Fight Nluaf (Jo On. "Wf ar def*atcd hut not dls ouragatL The fight mils' g* on I ntn sure that Republicans inllrlre wdll la* repudiated by th |M’<#|ile when th; tendency of these polities is fully understood. The con test between plutocracy and Democracy cannot end until one or the other la com pletely triumphant " Conrenx nn himself Mr Bryan said "I have com** out of the campaign with perfect hetbth and •• clear nr*ecieiH*a. I did my most o bring aurerss to the prn -• Iple* for which I stood Mr. RtsvMiMn did ail that he could, Senator Jones nnd the member- **f th** Democratic. Popu list, Silver Republican ami Anti-Iniitetdal -141 1 *01)111 • • ii l|| t ' *|M Mr, Hoirft and hla th* club org intzationa put forth their Ih at efforts. Our n-wsinper# iKir campaign speakers and our local or ganizations did (heir |Mft also I have no fault to find and no reproaches. "I ehnll eontlnu* t* fake an active in terest in politFs as kng as I live. I be lieve II to he he duty jnf citizens to do *< n(tl m ad<i It lon to my Interest a* i dtl z-n. I feel that L will re4|ulr* H lifetime of work to repay the (tolltlcal friemlN who have Sone s* much for me "I shall not be a Hens tor lal c.irwiMata before the Legislature which tias been e|e t4t HenatiM* Allen deserves the Hen atrship which goes to the Populist* Mr. llitcheock and Mr. W II Thompson ara • vowed <andk)ate f*r the They both de-< rve well r*f the i*afty And I arn im> grateful t< them for |ast sup |srt to stand In ihetr way even if I dr sireil a seat in the deflate " Mr. Hryan s.ikl h* !.•) no other plans at present than to remain nt home until he had recovered from the fatigue of ram piignmg He denied the report that ha W4*oid remove from Nebraska and rnaka Tex is ha h*>me. mh u ii.i, mt iia-: *r:*%Ti>n. Ilryan Mm lit* im \t (*nlng to Take* Mfii'i Pnaiflona. Nur York. Nov. k—The Rvtnlnff Jour nal prints the following telegram from William J Bryan: "lincaln, Neb., Nov. k —To the Editor of the Evening Journal: You may say officially that under no circumstance* would I ropt the offl' O of United ktatti Senator, rvn were it UndtrM nw. I ma la 1 iny fight for the pn*W€ncy and I loaf. I am not going to t.ik*- other men's potd tiona from them. William J. Bryan." Bill TO krKIUKV. Ilia Lot to 4 iin rn tuln f r- Iflm t pnn a % trtory. Lincoln, Neb.. Nov. 1.-W. J. Rryan for warded th*’ following telegram at noon to-day to I'rwidtni M- Klnley; "Hon. William McKinley, President of the United State*. At the clone of another presidential ctm(ilgn. It la my lot to con gratulate you upon a second victory. "W. J Bryan.'* Ilrynn Will (•> Muntlna. !x>uis, Mo.. Nov. k--William J Bry. nn wl 1 take tns usual poet-election hunt, lot trip to Col iloM> Wet more's South Missouri gam#* preserve * >m* time thla month. <*ol Wet more st.iPd to-day that he wan making preparellona for the tnp, hut no !• finite tint* ha* yet been net for It. Gov-elect Ixx’kery *lll I** one of the party. MOTOHME\ 0> A vritlKK. Those In Prnsnrola Quit Hrrsais Stools Were Token \wmy. Pensacola. Ha . Nov k -No electric car* have Uni run on any of the linen here since 11 o'clock thin morning, the motor men andp nductor* having gono out on a strike. Borne time ago on the statement of phy si tuns that the long hours of standing were injuries to the health of motomwn, * lie company permit tad th* m to uae a oole. The new rules prohibit the use of theae The men demanded their etooie back, but the company refused to aooedo to the demand, the strike. The etrlkers are supported by district assembly Knights of Labor, and they hare appi ed to all labor unions not to patron la*' the cars should the company attempt W xun tkwca with non unLm two