The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 09, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 RESIGNS THE CHAIRMANSHIP. i 1,1.1* .%w i* % M%tM*i<rvr A I*l*ol MMI >1 find to *• l*r • ll ni of ***""*e In |Of% rll*a % !*•• r I * • Mill* look lug t ihr I'rrM’Hilow •*# ll nil road Ardden l*— Hall ' llalldla* of n Depot in lilania-M anit to fill} tnf •* li*od— !’•••■ lir rs Ntt I’u mI Uonihh Atlanta V * A * so >r h* the run ' l * M r KIU of the Twrm: -.* * i t. roe* to a Ques* ton of prr V ,r\* and rf.*l|fnr<l thr chairm*. - : f w.> ,* i# generally tonsil* rr , r r. • riant of thr S-r.ate :r . •’< the fHtftil Judi lary ( m- Hi. t •# * Hr • ! (hat h'.r action wap pr rrj ted t> inr >rtatk*r. had be n given htm That *hf Tr** .dent of the Senate ■# ‘ t . absent him#- if f r me*irr. on -I -?unt of private business Mr Kilts having been honored by thr 'or 'ih th- of? * ? ; rr* : r pro t* rr hr #j<j he would \*+ oK %• 1 t* <* - i py the chair during t r pr*-. I* nt r ab sence. when thr chairman f * bytam commuter would be frequency reHel to report from *he ommire on •ir floor nr confer wttn It In it* . o';S/.taiion room President How#-H said .t w somewh.t tnusual to m*ke the president pro trm of the Senate a]*o of the Judi e*ary Committee, but he *hJ4 hr made the d'pAfure * ip* m or, .. count of the unusual at-l .'ltv and f n* -•* which he be lieved the s* • at r frot.i the Twenty-Sec ond ptr-pp-4r*l In v *• w <.? *he f. t pre! t y t *.♦ Senator, however Mr Hot lell recogmr*-! the conflict of duties in volved. and. therefore, reluctantly accept ed hi* it Jon The 'a r fh- r #d Serator lloyn • • . .. man of vha c;e*.*ral Judiciary Commit!*- In Mr Kill' -t i I To I'rrirnl Mali road Accident* Two tmoortant Mila or king *r *hr pro led lon of th* public fr. m n: way a drtifp were Introduced In t. c Penal# h. Mr Hwlft ef the Thirtieth IMstrl'*?. tnl mornlt g In the flrrt of the.-* he insist. • hat people pay aome regard to their ow. safety an ! keep off *he tight f way Th * Mil make* it a mlsdcrncan r to walk, rt-i or drive longitudinally wi*l n ejgnt f *■' of an: railroad track In this .date Mr Smith also w:*re* t - -tm *1 the railroad companies to do their part ar.d employ men of mature J > Ir:ncn* to send the dispat'he- that Might to keep thet trains from running !oihtr and killing people The second of his two hills provides a like entity In case a rallies 1 emoloy a* a train dispatcher onv hoy unl.-r 21 years of age Aulnt Ulnntn's Depot. Mr HhII <A Hi b noted for h! ant pa‘hv to cor;orailot • at-l av wed .nomy of the DMivrtntnt to build de.*- t cere in troduced a bill to-du> t m ike H Imp a Mole for the pian t prote t and improve !•* terminal proprrtv Mr Hail’s hill u infenled as a haavy blow to the d"pot # It to tpplv *he monev available for buil Png an I (ati<> i to another pur|s> Th** hill dire* ts thot th* *'at' fr**:io~er apply the finds In hi hands aHstr.g from the e|e of the No**h eaet rn Halimil sn*l certafh property is* longing to the Western *nl At’antl R.IU road anl the aul*' of the o!d capilot build ing to purchasing outstunding n*l* of the stale The amount Is ICJ.7 <• the . . lit Mil to be u‘ and in building anew depot ,t At lanta The I■ nh to be purchased by th s’lte reaair<r shall t-e the bond# now outstanding lairing 3‘* per cent Interest The treasure- l dire ted io ptrehs-e the borxia at their r*r \abie. but he shill r. t pav f*r ar \ of wild bon<!f* any pre mium ex **dlr.g 12 per • f*n(. of th* par value of said t*orwts. All bonda purch aai nit have atia ed thereto at time of the purchase all upon* for un*<jutr*d In* tereat The treasurer 1* required io submit a r* to each Legl*4atur of the n of purehawe Iby h m which “hall t#e examined b\ u committee of the <icn eral AaaemVdy who ar* to bum such bonds In t r e pres* n*•of th trtasurr ar and the coot roller general The vote on Mr ilall’a Ml! wUI te con sidered a te.t vote on th*- depot measure. Another 1n % **tlga lion. The Houae ippilntei an-dher Hla > k Investigating this norrtlng Tlw* wr->p* ar.d power lodge-1 In this com mittee Is not a?, large as that given the fot nv r famous *liia.. ck commltiee,” hut it is going o And out the ra*on why the common srho*d teachers of the stale have not been pokl monthly ■ required by the act of Mr Hlalo k says they have not l*een paid e\en quarterly. Tin- resolution to appoint an invastl gitirg to Inquire into Iheee matters la as follow* •Whereas tr.- act >f pnvides that the t# chers of th# public s< hoois ahotill te |#a.d tr> tMy . and “Whereas Th* < ondtMon of tite treasury has been such that payments could not be mad#* mdnthly even quarterly, and there se* ro to rxUi a very gt-io-ral luck of Inform i li' a* to w|i> the tc-ah#rs arc r.ot i*ald, therefore !**• it H*to!val. That a committee of nine, comfa***-*l r.f members of tike Hkluc.itUxi and Appropriation Commitlaa* b# ai isnnt ed. whose duty It s k iall be to Inquire Into this matter and r iggest some j lan by which the above named act can be ear ned into effect Needs t "Mstr Iti • f Iti t Inn Ths Hou* Ar prof>rlatlon Commute lie Id % (Mp and dlrerte*! Mr Hsli. of llibb to pttsent a resolut'on In th#* House to-morrow: providing f r the imm<N!.a<# ippolfliixuNf.* of :ut -ommw teeg to visit th* various nt ite itiMltuticn* for (he r irp-M 1 of Inquiring Into ?h* finamifii ree l* of tofore ihrf* com m.t tees hnve re friHi so ixre In the *epjilon tha? tli*!r luveptl gxtlons werr of l'Hle \s j. to tne lw iflsture :n fixing fcppr. .prut I: It to rrak*- an #*arly nd thorougr. Inquiry into the nseda of the varkßj* rfmt* institutions with a view to IfiiiitUttriK t *•;# n econ mi al manaire tnent It was un*lfrtvi m this that members of sin txner oommitteet, r-p#Hallv the E#lu ats*n l Committee, fe *J that tbe Appropriation rormnliifif tlvry but (he Appropriation Committee Jus(ifi#K* l? course or. me ground tha; It 1j absolutely n etsary to aerure enrly, • reurate |i fomtion on which •* bst* ap propnatiotic of the year Nrgro knaiehetl n Purse. Macon. Oi . Nov H—A flf?een*ye ir-**M negro hoy (hi* afternoon snatchsd the l—e of Miss Motile Mason. f l\'rale van Colirge. while she was talking to s lady friend on streo#. The purae on tslned 110 Tho negro ws chsaed two Ilx k (;.( esrnped with lh* money. Tor|el< Vl(nt Morkion. Washington Nov. $ Fr.gtnecr !n Chief Melville received a telegram to-day from William Trlgir. the builder of the torpedo tMt Hio- kl*ri. rtatlnx that ui v see) i . • iris! off Norfolk. The Trigg Compmy has asked foi • prompt ofllctsl trlsl, and t • Nsv> I epartmtr.t has expressed coin* f isb> > Constipation Headache.biliousness, heartburn. Indi gestion. and all liver ills are cured by Hood’s Pilis Fu'u by all druggists. 23 cent,. H tMMIIII OIL Mt;.q MEET. Offllrers and tirnii Held t osferrn* * In ttlaiita Atlanta. Nov. I—Art Interesting m*'*tl. g of Htaisla*’*) 4.,| ofTv ers srd ag'r w *s held this morrrng at th* Ar v r. % i *■ ■ K B, Htanlwy of f'lnclnnatl, <** ner *l Manager f the Bouthern tertitory. b If. Paine, who is at the re id of the lu bricating oil department. irr*v#d in the i?V •< *t t;i£ at 1 lay ‘ * - * 'fer encr wth a, mintber of the r ager 4 ts throughout this e :.oo Hi regard U> bus .?♦'* mat? r o* the r mpsny Mr pal: e . '-t H’ar.icy are making i ir oft, K-n i*h in th*- ir crest **f he Standard '*b * t > at; 1 .* ontmt f A?ho’ quests-! *he agents fr rr ;tss in this v - ?> t rr.*-ef their, her* Those who •stsrdfd the rr-* ng from . .t of t wr. w-*re L W He *k< It, S var;r.ah. H W. G>ns. Nathvti-le H H Pslne. New York. Capf V. H M rrt* New Orleans: G P New 1 k; W a . ii p New V ck, J K i tgner, Ghat?am g* J P. Hrowder. Kr. xvjile, and J l Trann, Na *?■ vi lie. Tne meeting was he!i to* plans t< ' f n ' il:*at:ng tci*iness, increatng en t. v !asm r.j > k tb* c> r•* dts Ur ipg *r. g* neral tne b ;‘;r*- of h company DKATH OJ Jl HIM M V 11. Was the I.aat **unlmr f the C rrtv of the \ln Imi mu Allan's Nov. * Jerry Lyn n. wno wa* ♦he last surviv r.g member of the crew o: ’he famous Confederate Ha* I* hip A . r am* an I on* of 'he <M*>t r* *Mem cf Atlanta. li#d at hi* r**? len in Xnn.*n l ark this morning at IV* 'cl ck Mr bjTs h w * T_ yea'4 of mge n i id brm 111 f r many mor.* A few >*ki ago he wu• gen w.ih peralv *i ar.d fur ?iie ~ist f*ir weeks ha- been cor.flned to his bed The.-e was not a lie?ter kr* n toon in Atlanta than Jerry 1-ynch Hi* isrvi'e on the Alabama iting in- Cl' War is a matter of i uri r coid. IPs death removes the ;* m. ml? r of the crew f the Alabama An rt? -er who il ft.ght on the ship. Lieu Am strong vf Nova Hcotl*. survives Mr Oen Kell, another officer v h > f ught cn the Alabama died a m *rth ago T*he funeral will iak<* |li omorr u rr. rmng i t I<# o o k a* .he f.*t*urch of the Imm 4 tilat* f’oncj *|.n. cori r of Lovrt end Hunter r*?r< Father M a*.e well wi.i conduct the *r i * . and Hie in terment will J.e at 'V -*?v*ee.* < *nietery. M%II H fills IN >1 |( ON Wedding of Ml Kwfhryn V.. Cornell snti Mr. 11. F. f’ary. Macon, ill . Nov * —The marriage of Misa Kathryn L Cornell ard Mr Harold Francis Cary w.s solan in is* I here thl evening. Rev. C C Car' of Atlanta. *i uncle of the bride groom, performed the eremony After the ■ erernony, j w*Al!t. : dinner w.s served. Mr. Cary tt*d his brld*- left on the -v**nlng train f*r Washing ton New York and other *aem dtie* They will return after two weeks and will is* at horn* at 2VM Spring tr*et. in this tv Bolin the member* of the family, there w. re present nt the v • Iding Mr and Mr* C. M li.ery of Atlanta. Mr and M• 1 W H Stall.ngs. of Avigu**ta M * f*erts V B: aid r.g s. of N* w York, an*! Mr and Mrs R W. Hunt f Augusta. Mr H H llardwh k of Atlanta, ar and several of Mr Cary’s close nsso latea in the rail way business. The bride i the youngest daughter of Mr. ltd Mis C H Conn U | of Me on. ni f rmerly lived at Jackson '•■file. Fls Mr. Cary is asri.-tant traveling passenger agent of the Southern Railway n Macon, and .* well known in Augusta. .Savannah and Ja* ksonvlll*. ON \ SCRUMS fII %Kir. James Yian f i *lqulft Nrrrsted at Tiff on. Tlfton, Oa.. Nov *—James Ysun. white, wts arrests! last night by Ofll era M ‘iulrt and Baxcm. on authority of a tele phone message from l>o*.a Go, charging Mm with the rape of Mrs George Whit tington. near that place, in the northeast •tn part of Colquitt ** untv. The office rs met the Tlfton and Motiltri* train ai the railroad crosM g beyond :h depot, and arre*te<l Yaun with ut trouble, as he was taken completely by aurpriM- Ha was placed in Tifton jail until thl morning, when he was turned over to th* ColquHt county authorities. Mr. Whittingt nay that !ie was w*>rk ing In his field near the house when Ids wifi 's scream ♦ caused him to run to her assistance. As he approached the hous* Yaun run off. He w.i wtll known to a.I parties. Ysun lived lr. Tifton about ,a vear ag** and is well known her* His defense Is an attack upon the character of hi* a Quser. Rtll.NOAl) UFA UATiIKIt. (Ini* Heard Addresses and Fleeted New Officers. Atlanta. Nov. * The Southern and Bouthweterr. Railway Club held Its an nual meeting In ‘he private parlor* of ih Kimball to-day. Following the reports of o flic era ar.d the addres* of the president were several .addresses by men prominent in railroad ami other circles The regular programme was catrled out and then sev vn gentlemen from the club were called on for snort speeches. Am* i.g the latter *vre Mayor Wo*slward. Frank Weldon and fhiperlnt* nd nt Vaughn of the Hotith ' ern The club (hen wr it Into the electtoi of offleerr, and elected the following men for the year W. 1. Tracy, president. J If. Waters, first vice pres Hen?; J T Rb ' jnsen. sr.-ond vtcf. pres*dept: \S' A Low**, secietary. and Ff Hpaldlr g. treasurer. Al l lilt* AT TIFTOV A Irgre Men Kill* III* Allfe—-% lr Knlltlna Mill Orwanlsed. Tifton. Ga , Nov. g.— A negro by the nam.- of 9jncer Trank shot anl Instam ty killed hi* wife at Enigma u night or *o ago She refused to live with Frank, and after continued argument had failed to move her. he drew a rcvo'vrr and shot her through the heart, alterwards making hi* caj. Tifton ha* organixed knltilng m'.sa with IIO.W capital The knitting ma chine*, twenty-live In number, were pur chased . yesterday, for delivery In Jan uarv and February Mr. C J Austin of Laconia. N H un knitting mtU man. Is at tt he.el of the movement The smokes"ark of the TUnm Cotton Mills, til feet high, WBS finished this week . whleh complete* the building The mschlnery is being placed lr position as fsst a* possible, tind the milts will be teady for work with the new year. They ar, already buying cotton In the market American C01t.,,* tilt Divide,id. New York Nov. S —^The director# ol the American Cotton OU Company hav# . e Hared sn innua! dividend of S't, |r <rn" on ,v>mrn<>n sto k payab.e Dtc 1 lais, yaar the rale was * per cent, and In l.*l } per rent. Wedding at TKitms., Ille. Thomaevllle, <7# , Nsv * —Dr Thomas Fdwurd Black-he,r nnd Mtsa Lnura Ful- Ham Dry den were married at the home of Mr. W. H. Hammei-I tn this -ty thla afl ernoon by the Hev. O. Sherwood Whitney. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1900. I.uvi ; ONK m\. The sheriff of AA 111 in ttishti rg, H, f Doesn't Know AA here llr |* Coluirbi.i S < Non —The mystery of the and; -*p • a nee of Mason lueses ne from ?*ie band, .ft sh* rift a( King*tr** r> rr ln* ■ rr.; ■ a*tiJ* **f i • e* r iff is tr -jig rii|ci>el by fMvipie In end out of hie county *nd h* i- Udng vehement y ,rx*l • . • • •*!. .'ti*n As h * er* repc*' • 1 Insert.e. a rgr . assault ed a married w trui mar Greeley. Ile . m < . a the ,irul f ti.e won an ride *W4., •. .! he w to t. • n/U>- for ihe purpu* f committing tne rime Tne wfr -i with i lute In by 1 her a-rnn trie?] im i % n . \.i*. i it was |gev te. front . ti 1 v. .i- ov* ■powerwl. L- . t . wa- ti*pt.i*d .irt otnfes*l H was tak i. to J*.. i King*'ree Mm .!*>• . ..•* . T‘ * Governor <rdered rhit vent |yj htng Tds th* 4?erlff siarted t do Ih-tw*e it. )aii i*i i t'ie 1p t the r • * *1 • .f*p Hr* 1 Nothing neb bd- 4 been heard of him T e sheriff elm pi. nr * its **<l • at r.c had ••scoped a*'d >dl* V,d on r. i iff* Ti*. n* Iff wa- arm*“d but did t shoot A cor drg to r p rt* from Gneiej tb t;e |**-jpie aro not hur?lr.g to' th* man an 1 we*m o hav** r. * -1 ih <-ee)cius*ion *hui the sneriff ha* bun secure here. SHOT A\4*AIAN IN THE RACK. Cowardly Crime f Henrur NlcFa*l ilrn nt lisrlington. * r iml a. f* r So * -George Mr Fa ! len had f or a long time been paying de vfted attention r<* l.ldia flurg*s*. and it is • jppos*d promised :o marry her Recentl • M** visits J** le*4 frjquent and fur ♦he last week reared aito'♦ tber This morning the young woman who l ad beer untirg for him. went ?o M I*adder's home n‘-ar r*srltng'->n What or irr- 1 t tot definitely known. The woman ! rr,.:h!'• g<•• p- : *; •* .*> ut. h\t i , t #ri riti.iiv u - **t.;r woman** r*[> f ' h*- dm. anfrj* n i ,fi.r * m-* h! n. in . !hr- ti^nlnt ton*, nh- mr* . I lo l*'v- Wiwn h. KO' i,t *' v ***' MP-11 n who 1. i1 irmi.n ,m<. to *h< ilnor i<l *h. ■ in 'hmiich th. artrVs back. , rf> in.tant rt-nth. 1 ,n<l not 1-f-n r.pttir. 1 jtrtM* II \1 TI t.MIII* ttlli %** %• \nolh.r of tli- Mo.I Nrmldaklt tn thp tt <rlil T> !•*. 1-omlon. Nov * The .1 pinoM' battl*- . hip I to I ■ th.- ni <t f.wnl'.a bl vr.,l of I'ti kind In tiio orl<l, w* lour l.ot to-dsy •( the Vlcktre-M*xlm wotk- at (larr.iw. The M kast 1 of 15 30*> tona ttiaplaoe ment She 1 (<* feet lon*. >1 feet wide t and 17 feet S Ittrhre deep. She hae tw propelvr' ..i and h t an Indti ated horee ,^v*rr of T. *<* she ha. arm*.r t>lt of 12 to 4 in ! >■. ni.l tl;< armor on her *un i .Itl n 1 it t >1 Im he* thh'k. while *he le -k phi! n* 1“ 2 In he. thl k Thn .rtnarntn; of the M kara * *>n*l*t* of f"Ur tx-tn hk-> 11 fourt— nPH . k ttrtn* twenty :;-p"under- t.poun*ter* md four Ss-iwitidert ha* four *tih merged torp*do tithe* The l.attle*hlp ha t , ,j ~.. i (> *>|t it< dt of I*t kn t*. and hr ormal '</al supply I* l.* ton*. She ear tie* a * re v. of 73" m. ti T<* riIKWTK\ lll*' \HK*i*>S. New Monitor W 111 lie lilvra to Ike Muter To-morrow. rinelnnall. Nov. * -Oov Pah W Jone. of Arknnaa*. iterempinird hy It!* family tnd *taft and state oflleent and their fam I lie*, nnd r- O Warner, vlee pre*ldent o* the Ml**otiri Paelfle and party pa-sed I through thl* elty to day eti route to Now i.ort New* where the new monitor Ar ! kanaa* will 1- ehrliSened hy M. Bobbie Newton Jones., the governor 1 * daughter, j ne*t Saturday morning ■ ■ ■ 1 *- ATOPA THE col (all AMI WOltK* OFP Tim i OLD. Lasatlve Bfono Quinine Tnbicis cure e * i 2b —ad ni'ixitL xonctrs. K OTMI WIIKKV. Thl> celebrated famous old viltwl lllgh ,nn<l Whisky Is Imported direct from the distillery by ns. Title flrecr S V>trh Whisky Is guaranteed to le- liotib-l it broad and I* consigned to ur from Scotland, and Is In bond In llo* Vnlted Stales Custom House In this city This grand oM Orecr Scotch Whisky 1 beautifully mellow aid mild to a degree and Is soft to tin pa utc as one could fios slhly wish, and tlo-re Is i nutllnes# about It that I* espe ially phasing We are clad to let the public purchase as small quantity as they visit, . van one lotile. for the purpose of Introducing the best brand of Scotch whisky eaiant. UPPMAN BROS. Wholesale Druggist*. LJppmana Block. Pole Agents for the Oreer Distilleries, Ulasgow. Scotland, and Dublin. Ire for their Sot--h and Irish Whlf klew si w tnn: srniM.s iioit i. Puss a nee. Fla. Situated on the hanks of tho Puwaree river. Cllmaie m equaled. No malaria. No mosquitoes. Cool nights Most healthful mid delightful r-tort In the South Water cures every known disease li*>iird 110 per tek spoclal rate for ommer men of f2 |er -lay. which Includes transfer Table and accomh'.ida lons eirl.tiy hrat-clasa For ll!<ttrjt-d pamphlet addreaw Su Springs Cos , Buwane- Springs. Kla ANDRP.W HANLEY, Mgr STATE IMI mi >TY Tuys, IIKMi. Offl e Collector Sta e and County Taxae, Chatham County, tie., Savannah, Oct 6. m*. The dlgeet ta now open for the collec tion o| the a ove tac. on all property, real ard perwonal. the specific *.ix on pro fession- , also the I oil Tax for E Iticatlofial Purposes on a I Male RealdenU cf -he eltv and county between ihc ages of 21 and 6h years Office al the Court House Hours. 9 a. in. to 2 p. m JAP J MrfiOWAN Tax Collecior. C. C. w tirrcD. A flrst-clae* canvass, r for city. Perma nent position and good pay Mutt be will ing to work. P. O. Box 12k Merit I. Neither the master n->r consignees of the British steamship Kdenbrldgc, Apple ton. master, will be responsible for any delss contracted by the crew of said ves sel J F MINIS A O•. Consignees. Savannah. Uu. N’uv *, I'JUO. INI i\t MOTH :: All bills against the Austrian nark Olga T must be presented at our ofty* before 12 o'clock m iHis day, or payment there of will be dt-arrest STB A CHAN A CO. Consignees. Savannah, Ua . Nov. 9. 1900. A IlMtllt, Wild Tut keys. .Malar.) Duck* ami Sweet bread J J. JOYCE. Liberty and Abercorn. Phone No. 107. FI NKRAL IvA ITATIOHN. ARM.STIK>N i—Tnv end ac qu ln?arc* of Mr* G. J Armeiroi.* *.n \V Armstrong aivl Mr*. J. D Bav • /** re*p*- tfu.iv invited to attend the funeral *f the former from Beth Eri*n • hurch ut 3 o’clock th:* afternoon. M HFB—Died. Buaay M, da aghter of Mr and Mrs C C Moras Helatlvi-s ir.l friend* ere reencctfully in vited to attend th funeral this afternoou m 3 p m from re lence, 3.4 Sixth street. • eat. SMITH—The frteruir ar.d •■'quaintar.. f M: ar.d Mrs. \A J Smith. Mr Ma k D. Hunt. Mr Ki*rd Hunt, Miaa Faith H int rd Mr Uabe Jfkii are reaper:- j fully invited to etien i the funeral of Mr* W J smith from ter late 'eMdance. 7.’u j Henry rtreet, wut. thla (.Friday) after noon, at S o'clock MB I no KENT—Died, yesterday at hla reatdence n t: ( 'g city, Exra H K*nt. Funeral no ♦.ice later. TKIIII TFA OF HEfIPETT. A* a meeting of Mdntoio Kell" rxmp No. 1 (jO2 of Darien Oa held Nov. ird I>A the following reaolutlona were .. tn.rnouHy pea *-d. Whereat It ha* pleated Almighty G 1 in Hla Wisdom to remove from rth. Captain John M lntoth Kell (whoso .ofinr*d name this camp of Confederate Veie*<ir lear*> the tklllful. brave and chivalrous naval officer, the courteous, dignified gentleman the devout conMaten* rnrlatlan the devoted husband and father, ♦he rxi * J man aho tn a ‘‘life of I eda” ah* ever fal’hful ar*l true In the II- harge of every •r-iat confided to him. w h4ei career and drede nave prrltted hie name high up on the scroll of fame end *hi‘d lustre upon hla native state and early boyhood s home. Therefore be It resolved, Tne: Jo.nn Mclntoah Kell Camp. V. C. V.. vi Darien, Oa , bowing to the will of F*roviden e. dt the ksa of our dle .ngui fftu namewtk* ar.i as Confetlerwte V'eacrans and cltlsns of hla native coun ty. glory in thi fame that > ao de rved.y atiache<l to bis name. Resolved, Thai a blank faige in the minute bo*k of the camp be inacribtd with his name and dedicated to his memory. Resolved, Thax e extend our heartfe.t -ymjaithy and I'omloin. * to tie devoted vri # wdio has for so long a time been sharer of Ills joys and sorrows, and his ..'ting children to whom he has left e priceless heritage. H esc I va*l That a copy of these resolu tions he for w a Med I Mn>. Kell and pub iis;.ed in the Bavai.rvu.i Mornirg News." (Signed), James Lachilson, Jemet* Walker. A. C. Wylly, Committee. NKETINOS. r ai.kstinTTToaivi % gAtiention Sir Knights A reg ular c>r lave of this mmand w A.(F/S* enii.g t your aeyl un Mason.c x Temple, at s !. r , o’clock. Visiting Sir Knights are cordially Invit ed to attend. By order of li K WIIJiON. Bknineni com. w 5* Rt m’K WELL. Recorder AVUOIVVfirN OF THE WORLD. Mistletoe Camp No. 4. The regular monthly meeting will be held to-night at the K. of p If ill. Barn ard and York All members are eameetly re quested to be present \ isiting woodmen In th* city are cordially invited. Camp open at sls prompt By order W n HEWLETT. C. C. R. J STEWART. Secretary ipiu i \i. no j cna. MOT 111 I li W MU AT CAKES AMI FI RE MAPLB IIHIT. We have juat received a tot of finest Map." Syrup ever put up. It’s pure sap syrup, and It's worth a trial of people w ho knew w hat good syrup Is. It Is pus up In Quart cans at F)c -gallon cans at 7&c 1-gallon at |:.2> Quart Bottles at SOc Buckwheat Self-Raising per package 10c, 15c and sc. —At— JOHN T EVANS A CO.'S. Congress and Barnard streets. 2 Fones LSI A BOOH PLACE TOR A HOME. *r I have positive orders lo sell: 4 lots between Bull and Drayton 7 lots between Dravion and Abereorn. All fronllng north on Fortieth street (old Tenth street,. Cars running both ways pas* these Ms. New pubis school conve niently near; water main and house drain age nearby. My instructions are to meet the market In price and terms. ff you ever expect io get a 10l upon which to build a hous# this is your chan e. There are only eleven left, and no more Ilk* them. C. 11. DORSETT 22 Congress. Frees ME BUY AM) SELL HEAL ESTATE, Jiigotlalt loans or. nme at 5 per cent. and collect rents Represent The Travel, ere' Insurance Cos., accident and liability departments Represent the New York fndsrwnt-rw Fire Ins agency. Hep.ea-H the Greenwich Fire Ins Cos Repre.-eoi the Phoenix Mutual Llfs Ins. Cos. All busi ness entrust eel to u- will bs apprei>atad, and will receive prompt fnd careful At tention. No il Bay Street, asst Tele phone m W C FRtPP A CO. HM 1 AM, HI.-PHIN I" nail K. We mauufactur# and ,ell all kinds of fancy *nd re-pre#eed brick, paving and budding bri-ks. Our common be'ck are •hn best for building pur|s?ses. being larger than oilier kilns make, and cheap er. Sec samples and prleet SAVANNAH BUILDINO SUPPLY CO.. Coiigree* and Drayton etreets. "Hll Mil TO CLEAN < ARPETO. The only way so gel your carpets prop erly tak*n up. rleane"! and taken care of f.,r the summer. I, so turn th# Job over io the District Messenger ami Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or vail at S2 Mongosnery street, and shey will make you an esti ruate on the i-osi of Hie work Prices reasonable They also iwck, move and store furniture and piano*. C. H. MED LOCK. Supt. and Mgr LEE ROY MYERS 8 CO V ,f ' ■* HUMBOLDT CIGARS A5 GOOD AS CURRENCY :y*-r- - 'Li'V.-'r. 7 m- >. Superior to All. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. PHOME 333 sri'A l \L NOTICE. iCvf MB I -4 FROM ril A hTTTa^ • I.I.TTKIt3. Wm K Gomm, M. D flivanr.ah. Oa . writes. Mr Harry Gardner consent* willingly to have you publish his case. dee.ring thug to exprt-xn hin gratlt id** f*r the benefits derived by him from the nee of Suwanee Springe Wa -r. Wnen 1 tlm saw Mr. Gardner in March, 1H&. hie body was •on.pictely co\ere<i wit.: u rations He Informed me that his disease dated from the |>revious December, when he ot*eerv ed a large rumoer of abac*•*>* forming on \arioue |iarte of ble body. The** had gradually broken down *nd resulted finally In th*- |t jure presented Vrder vigorous i*n.i>orary marked improvement until the following November, wnen the ulacaee be came mu( h mof" violent. Tiie ulcerations Increased In depth and six?. until finally they had literal!" s-xinped out whole masses of tisane. His condition was pitia ble in the extreme and his death wae ei ded hourly. Fpon the of Buwanee Bftrings Water here I ordered him to rnak fre* use of It. The result was tur prising Within two days Improvement In ail his symptoms set In and continued rapidly until in four weeke ail ulcerations had (‘ompletciv healed. After the experience I hid with Bu wanee Water I take pleasure in re* >m mending It, having use*! it nls.* In other rsees. always with mark'd benefit. All you can drink for 5c nt Livingston> MI*RATAL NOTICE. JUST RECEIVED One carload of Moyers' fine work of Syracuse, N. Y., open and top buggle*. tho nuwt complete line ever brought to thts city. We defy competition on tbl* work I o.‘k the public one .'Uid all who are In the market for end and aide-spring ••ney rkl- Ing vehicles, that they cun be found at my repository. Also a full line of deliv ery wagons, open and top; milk and baker wagons. You n.-ikr no mistake by calling at once and make your sel< -tlnn MARK APPLE'S REPOSITORY. S2O Broughton si. et, wist, Kelly’s Rubber Tires, the only reliable tire on the market. M H AM IMYItHIES. We have a set of four of Ihe fines! Canned Fruits ever offered In Savannah. STK A WRERRIES. RASPBERRIES BLACKBERRIES PITTED CHERRIES. Thl* fruit is between a canned good* consistency and preserve*. They are sample. also examine our attractive shelves of novelties. •reives of novelties If tired, let us moke you a cup of tea or coffee os a bracer. A. M A C. W WEST. SITIMAH7. CAFE Is the pin e where you can satisfy your appetite with all the delica cies of the season. Oysters from the QULF and NORTHERN waters Also Oame In season. —OEM CAFE GEO. C. SCHWARZ. Proprietor Open day and ntghl. Dining mom upstairs. ESTABLISHED IMS. SOLOMON* COMPANY, Mltoleeale and Retail Draggiela. Wholesale Department, 127 Cea gre„ street, west. Georgia Phone 144. Retail Stores, 1.13 Congress street, Viral. Melt Phone 144. Ball and Charlton alreets, nndrr Guards' Ar senal. Hell and Georgia Phones 03. HEAOVATINO— MATTREMBB - REA. OVATIAO. Hair. moss, ticking flher. fenthers. Our stock of new malarial and manufac tured products ate up o .late. Our reno vating and remaking has d'llghiwl many prominent residents Ask your acquaint ances. Material* sent us Is pick'd, sieam e.J c.eaned and mediated by modern ma chinery. Making done by mechanics. We confine our work to mattresses and bed ding gereral y. We sed ticking of all klnda. moss, hair, cotton, fiber, feathers, or any article needed la mat resa .me. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO.. Bell Phone US* 1 Drayton street. Ut t OALY I•" II! - I t.IAi.EH il I The best le the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale made by Wheeler A Cos., of Belfast. Ireland, from the celebrated Orotnac Springr of that city. These springe are the property of Wheeler A Cos. hence no other Ginger Ale manufacturer In Ireland has those water# but them selves The Wheeler (linger Ale le made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper as others are; on* ,s deleterious—Hie other la a tonic. For Healthfulness and Purity the eei*- hrated Wheeler brand of Helfsst Ginger Ale Is the best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Sole Southern Agents, Savannah, Gw. nUIAEII NO TIC ME. European .Novelties. Our recent purrhaac* ol foreign gco>l *(Tor*l buyer* n opportunity of selecting from the latest and choice,l nove'.lle, shown In Pari, ar.d other F7jropean cen ters Tnere are mimy e*ciulve acd at tract l\ e derlgn, froen which to choo* without chance of dupll atlon. Alt of a* lured quality and value. THEUS BROS. jrt RING US UP j| HARVARD S BEER THE i I BUCK CO. UNEQUALLED Offlrr 307 Hull (Mreet. Opposite the I>e Koto. Telephone TOO. BPBOI VI. NOTH . ;v LEVY’S DISC (It vr AOTICE. YOl MILL SAVE TEA FEB PEAT. Ily paying your hills on or be fore Ihe 13th Inal. B. 11. LEVY A RHO. K LECTIO A AOTtCE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Coun cil. Nov. 2. lAA—A vacancy having oc curred among (he chimney contractors. In accordance with resolution of Council Adopted Oct. 11, iaon, notice Is hereby given thai an election will b> held ai the next regular meeting o' Cos in 11, to be held on Wednesday, the 14th Inst., at A p m , to fill the unexfdretl term All application* to t>e filed with ihe clerk of Council nt or before 12 m of the 14th Inat. Bond of 5Un required Name* of two bo: dsmen must a< company the application. WILLIAM P. BAILEY. Clerk of Council. ELECTION AOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of '’oun cll, Nov. 2. 19B"—A vacancy having oc curred In the office of keeper of the Lau rel Grove Cemetery, notice Is hereby given ar.d tn accordance with a resolution of Council adopted O t 3!. 1900 an election will be hel l at the next reg :1.,r mi ting of Council, to be he.d on Wednesday, the llth Inst . at s p. m to fill ihe- unex plred trm All applications to be filed with the clerk of Council at or beforo 12 m of the llth Inst Bond of SI."HO re quired. Names of two bondsmen must ac company the application. WILLIAM r bailey. Clerk of Council. Mil i>D ( IFHKM LUMBER FOR MALE. IJo.or*, feet of ash. mj'table for wheel wrights rirruge m-kera, car works and Interior hou fir.lsh Also c>press lumber of all slses. We have resumed cutting our famous brands of cypress shingles and will soon have a full line of them for *•l* VALE ROYAL MFO. CO tloADh T ED. By the Amer.can Bonding and Trust Company ot Baltimore Via are author ised to execute locally iimmediately upon application), ail bonus In Judicial pru ceadlngs In either the state or United States Courts, and of administrator# unj guardians DEARING A HULL Ageit's. Telephone 4. rrcvldem Building ape MM KMAftK'S (Ml 112-114 Whitaker street Diamond Bark Yerrspln Soup with Merchants' Lurch to-day Oy-iers from the Gull dally Th* finest meat* are carefully prepared. Private fitting rooms Wuertburger Hof B: au on draught. Ol B C I.IEATI Loan money at six per cent, on real esta'e security. BECKETT A BECKETT, Attorneys at Law and < onveyanoera. LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. B DIXaLOv Pr.-klent. . lsM .. C B ELLIS. BARRON Cart |. Vtoe ITealdent A,at Cathie- ‘ The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will h* p!*'a*."l to receive the .-"ourt . of Merchant, hhrme Individual,, ban*, ar.d Corporation*. Ldheral favor* extended. l‘urptiNd collection faciilde, t nJr . lr* promp 1 return*. SEPARATt SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTBRBST OMPofNIiKD Qt’ARTE I.Y ON DKPOBITS Safety rvepoeu Rnxe* ~and VaulU tar rent. Corregponder.ce iollclted The Citizens Bank OF UYANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000. Tranaacls a General UankU K Hbetneee. a*.licit, Areonnla of Individual,, Merchant,, flaakn and other Corpo. ration,. CaUeellaa, handled with ante,,, economy and dlapairh. internal, compounded qiartei), Hllotted on depo,lla In onr Saefn a . Department. hately Depoalt Hole, and Storage Vault,. nHANTMCV A. DENMARK, Preatdea). MU.Lb n. LAME, Vice ITealdent. CEOROE C. FREEMAN, Caabler GORDON L. GROOVER, Aoat. ( aahl-r SOUTHERN BANK of the tltata of Oaorgle Capital (tor Rurplua and undivided profile . DBPOSnXIRY OF THU STATE OEOROIA. Superior facllitlee for tranMctlng a Oeneral Banking Bualrtu Collection* m.< ic on all uolnta ■ erible through bank, and banx.r, A- count, of nank*. Ranker*. Mercl.trti apd other, solicited. Safe Deposit Bum for rent Department of Saving,, Interest paul, quarterly. Se.l* Sterling Exciiange on London a and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY President HORACE A CRANE. Vico Prealdr> JAMES arUeIVAN. "'ashlar DIRECTORS: JNO. FI.ANNF.RY W.M W OORrO.N B A wfii. w yv. GORDON ft II A CRANE. JOHN M. EOAN I .EE W>Y MYERS JOSEPH KF.RST H. I* SMART CHARI.ES F.U.IS EDW ARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBY Sill WHIM A PITA L, I Accounts of bank*, merchant,, corpoes tlons and Individuals rollcltrd. Saving;, Deportment, interest paid quar terly. Safety Boxes ar.d Storage Vaults fer rent Collections made on ail points at Di senable rate*. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of ths world. __ da. Correspondence Invited JOSEPH D. W EED. President JOHN C ROWLAND, Vlee President W F McCAULEY, Cashier THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. OA. capital tanvoo Undivided profits This hank offer* Its service# to corpo rations. merchant and Individual* Has authority to act aa executor, ad ministrator. guardian, etc Issue# drafts on the principal title* In Or*at Britain and Ireland and on th# Continent. lnteted paid or compounded quarterly on* In thn Saving# Department. Safety boxes for rent. HENRY BU N. President. <SEO W. TIBDIIMAN, Vice President JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier. W ALTER F. HOGAN. Asst Cashier , . . -—■ No. 1646. Chartered IMS -THE tttms Kill It OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. I&nvoon SURPLUS ** UNITED BTATES DEPOBITORY J A O CARSON President REIKNE GORDON Vlee Prealdent W M. DA VAST. Cashier. A,-fount# of honks and bankers mar chants and corporations received upon the most favorable term* consistent Oh safe nnd ,-onserv atlve hanking. THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 1J YORK BTREET. WEST. 5 PER CENT, per annum allow**! on deposits, withdrawable on demand. Interest credited quarterly. 6 PER CENT, per annum allowed an deposits of ,ven hundreds, wlihdr** - able at m nual periods. GEO W TIEDEMAN, Preeldsnt. B H. LEVY. Vie* President. E W. BELL. Secretary. C. O ANDERSON. JR , Treasurer The Chatham Real Estatr and Improvement Cos ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms io lw Mitt For sale, a Foreallh Newepaper Fifi will fold abeat OTxC It le In soty> *> r '* r prtea 110#. It coat originally I'.LKi b; ! we have no uee foe It an*l want the ro *** 11 occuptee. It will ha an invaluable adjunct to *f newspaper office. Addrese MORNING NEWS, aavaanah. OLD NEWSPAPERS. >*> for * c * nU ** Business Office Morning News.