The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 10, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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SHOT PIGEONS AND TARGETS. .Pit \mn \%>hk or iroinHAi , , rill FOIIKIT i m 4i\ \ ( M H. Jl, ||.| II K IIIU Mim Hi nmrkablr I h pld-Flee Work ait Tr|f|, (.leaking Ml • Mnjl(l| % as Thr> M llr Hrlrtard From flip Trap. I- lion 1 lean •core of |A urgef llr. K. f . Wilson Ud In ,ti r |,hr 111r(I Miaullni, Hilling %lr Fi Hn'lsiri Ur. Wilson Is Us hr Finest % malrar *hMt In the • nuutri • ,e who wsre si the grounds of the Hty Oun Flub yesterday afternoon ,m* remarkable shooting at the JK?n blue rocks ar.d |ivs uu<l . iiiot. in#i the |s>rismen rood'- roc vif shlih they rosy welt f-; proud Ansley M Pol of Ualtlruar#- rtpre • Die Wlnf heater Arm* < pji > an 1 therefore, on 4ht p.ioa * list of shots, was ihe star attrac ilia shooting wa wonderful par* .My when he showed hit dexterity in spld manipulation of hi* rmiatme # * and his ability to breAk the targets ,t , Sr fast MS ihey could be thrown r< the trap. -a preliminary to the live bird snoot in* Mr Fox Dr F. t\ Wilson, Dr V\ F B ner. <"apt Jos Thompson and Mr H B lam kc had a trial at the blue- rock* AI Fox led. brooking all of th twenty n\ targets Dr Wl.son ranked as'end wi twrnty-tnrae to his oiadlt. After the target practice the gentlemen gr tee way to Mr Fox who announced that he would try • little rapid-fire work 11 stow'td aw ay five shells in the mag*- Sin* of his Winchester. bif yd another In the barrel and il|i>uncet readiness A* h- word. Mr. l.emcfce began to pull the iis; le'igfig six targets fly In rapid gu ceae'.un. There could not have beet. mor t’.an a (••cord intermttalon between the u* wise of the targets from the trap They haw as fast as Mr Lem* k* oouid work hia arm In releasing (hem hut Mr K * was equal to the occa-on and target after target All eta were ahntwr**d by hb shots, and It was unld Jfci •ppl.fjgg of the onlookers that lie ac t on ; Urned Ms feat Thro#* or four hundred p geon* are kept tn a house at the tgun Flub grounds Only seventy five, hogrevgr. w*r* used for the shooting, as Mr Fox. fir Wilson and t’apt Thompson wore the only on** who sleeted to shoot the live birds Tne traps from which the pigeons are released are thirty yards from ths spot whete the spo'tKnt'tn stands tnd fa- does not know until the trap Is sprung from which of the five the bird he Is to shoot Is to In* re leased lie Is then allowed tpo shots, os* with each barrel or two from o repeating nir but the bird must be hard enough hit to fall within a certain l rmi In or!er for it to count as a dead one To the ape 1 4tors the work wi h it live birds was not as Interesting as that with the targets The sportsmen are such experts that the turd** wars n,i ab e to get in flight. marcely. into:* they were brought to (N.rth. Some weie killed when only three or four fe-t from the trap from which they were released. With less expert shots the spori. to nnl *uk- r**. is greater, for r#me of the birds then have a • non e to get away. Dr. Wilson led in the live bird shotting. He killed the twenty-five ai wh eh lit shot, but Mr Fox missed on* of his. bringing no more than g bunch of feathers from the rgpidly-moving bird F*pt. Thompson made a sort of twentv. Another trial at the trap* w.v had after the live bird tliooT Dr Wtlbon lead ing Mi Fox in th* second round Dr Wilson scored in*nty-four (lend to M Fox’s twenty-thr* Their total mcows* therefore, were forty-eight lor Mr Fox ipd forty-seven for Dr Wilson Mi ' >v Uteri trW*l some more of his rapid c work, again breaking six targets tn lolf HfUctegMon ID* t annul uccomplDh ♦* feat every time, for on two or three • *re trials he missed two of the targets To n representative of the Morning ■w, who was on the ground* to witness *.e shooting Mr Fox *-ald that he hat never met an amateur who could equal r Wilson tn trap shooting In fact, declared, half the men who art* In the 1 isines* .is professional* are not tn hi* sss Mr Fox s.ill Dr Wilson east v ■ a*ls all th** amateurs in the >unr> lib shotgun FiKllt* I.KUIM* DULY. IMrty-ftlm of '1 lie in Left V rate rdu %la the St-ahoard %lr l.lne. The two bundled and fifty-three fakirs at blew into town ai (lie uegiitiiUi* **• f week for the pur|i** of doing bii** • here during the * outti.uance of thi ns' Carnival, hav been iretty well nned out since they found that th* po a wouldn't stand t>>r any crooked work .1 snll the thinning process (ontltmes V *derday rhv rt*:il>oard Air lane atom Pl>ed two bunche* of them -tggregutlng rty-slx persons, eleven of them going ' • Washington, and the remainder to AUr •Ma where they will see “what's doing ring the Confederate Reunion In that I 11 1 IIHIII ITII.V Hie Abby woman, who was t to iati 'll before yesterday, be. a use found druuk, 1 nil street, has been release*!, and with 1, left last night for Fharlea- Died In Jail nan as While, colored, who has been dned in me county Jail for ne.irD two til.* on a hangc of lunacy, died %11 teiiiay He liad never been tried The 11. t. undcrtakei took c.iurge of t n -I which wdl bt but led in the Dot ter# id - i'OOD FOR ATHLETES Iteliuftldft lira In auil Muscle. A young otalate. .;rnntciting on thf 1 *d *f Well selected food to build up a nan *ft *1 v*i -study, seyjw “Two years - • I returned horn* from the university •• < my hsalth quliv run dawn from ovyr ' • i\ and severe atlil* dc tlaming. I itftds • * X'ssl rest to put in** right; but inetea*! *kir.g it. w• in to work iu an c w;'k • untlning dutfe*. M health grew 110 better. I ffit unfit wrk and at night would He awake ’••■I. hours halo re sleep would tome. <• •* ti*et ite wa guru* entirely, unt * anew dish 4p|e ar**l on the table. • Nuts, with cream We all thought n cgic.leni food and 1 not only en * -akfa“i that da>. hut dinner and sas we il ia Her *uipri**d mi dim# that • mad* the foul a rtguiat article of 1 ke*p a box uti hat'l .It thy olflcf • often lunch on Oftpy-Nuk and cream .*•1 of going home to dinner. and 1 *)Ugh it was 111 the summer wlren r *d the use of Ihe food, ll was not ** * for*- I had gglncl IS pounds. **nd * 11 1* from the use of this food that ' :and so well the Indoor work My •* 1 h D now |N*rfvt. sleep sound and my meals, but find I do Hbt need. to * much volume of other food while '• ' •rajH-Nurs ' s hort lime ago I though! Orape-Nuty onimenclng to disagree with me. hut ■i It Wa because I was eating m*re ' ■ >ou r* omm* nd ! simply ale l°e ‘ ■> at a time and more than th a>s f* 'julre*l. When 1 returned to the teg 'feed* of four heaping teaspoon* the ■f *t fur the f.**l returned ‘ > ung man Is .1 member of quite a “ fmil> fie requests that his name ‘♦milled, but the same c.n be furnished • HlcthsH to the Posium Careai *• UaKlf Crtvk. Mich. NEW LIFE; STRENGTH; VITALITY. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND Cures old people of chronic pains and weakness; strengthens the stomach, liver and kidneys, and makes pure, rich blood. Hopkins Fargo, Huntington, Vt., writes: “I am 86years old. Being all run down physically, so much that 1 had concluded my days on earth were surely numbered, I was induced by a friend to try Paine’s Celery Compound. It has helped me so much that I feel it my duty to make the fact public. It has given me renewed strength and courage to meet the infirmities of old age, and, in short, has made anew man of nie.” GALA NIGHT OF THE HOO HOO. Fup'inurl (r rn and entil V ige. ‘b*je who ,t*- b*>ns i>i iiiiupi'o*.. -(I* n ever giv**n . kindly wel- ome. I know tii*:ii. that yaui in ert*' shrill With mine ttVnigiK .ii the* flunor* tone, not the man bin the G-or gian. and <he lumberman Geor gian I am and lumberman i• igh: *u be. Not to l* w .u and mean utier tall are to pr>fl' b. either pre* ♦pi •# cxainii for I entered the achooi of ihe lurnnei man at an ear*y wg and tok i swons tn tK.ift theory 4#nl practice, under such l um.veumn in Maj Mlllen. (he VY.idley D. F. Hsfc>n tneftnuirts Jak* Col or*! and f L. KUises, an*l ui.tlr; mj h limb* i - ne. the Hines, tne n.| :,i Rirdb Th*-b. *-ari\ jtbMii. wart* foliouutl up by the experience Incident to u*tu? uupfut M* as-HX katlona with hu h lumber met* wa J J Dale. J K. ciai k*- (he R. pards. Hie M**jMneuph*. the lliiton.** t i Garbuttx. rh# PcGclnv th* FAys. John* *°n• Uike. Mliter). Dixon ant otlu rN * You do W.IOIII three nan ice are ill familiar wilt real!*, thut next m the feeling we in the honor don** our Mate. must come the feeing that iu ihe.-** men, wb'*e names aru so closely connn-ted wuth th* bnalneh* in **very stage of its (level pmeni, • " well tiK to us. (heir assoc la ten and xucc-eeaors, ia.- *#onor been <lon*- in Hi* ' • rleotlcit of o(n- (.f our number ax Mnaik o', iho Universe, and fha n ognifion ha* inrui gccoixled their • ffurts arid ours to I* • 'tvond to non* 1 a- lumlrernien All honor to (ieorgki. ahl life anl Nucevaa to ’.er lumbermen! ’ “As standing her* to-night wa the head •if this nph)e order, and as Uh repir- ■ e* lltall%e of state, aud of the h*(#g line of lumbermen show integrity and success have brought her to Die front. 1 am overcome with a >ens *f tli* r* .-pgn.-ibtii(> that rests U|*on me smi mni us all, to maintain the traditions of our 1 • late and out tailing and lo malnta.n lh.* , ►taialar*! of our order. Just as you ate liete to-night lo vtdenc% your on giatukitions. your wpprrciwtlon. and Thus, your k>v# and Interest in Hoo-Hoo. .*.*, | In th 6 |-Asi ready at ihe call, vou have extended aid and sympathy l to those bearing your standard \V hat could 1 what <‘ouM any man have done—without •hat sympathy and help? M brothers, in the future 1 shall look to you for success, and n/w invike your aid Tor the upbuild ing of. I 100 I 100, and nirllculsriy for its uplifting by in-llillpg through pre cant an*l example Into its r.iiik!- a fu ler and higher rofU'tpMon alms and jAlffiOsas of oui #vdei. *For as 4ur Meet has truthfully said ’ Tin principles of Hoo-lbotsm liavt p*. t n abogoDuer rn4f uiwlr.Mp *1 by som iwyausc f th* ttimpililty of those pi in I l ias au*l w* mud ** led W ..iiul > a k to tin thorough unde rsisndlng. rather thap forward to “Aiai 1 tell you now. that net sin- e r.ln • leeu ‘.enturley ego. when there rang out ever the UsillUtaii hills that glad c y of * Pea os on Larlh. iool Will to Men.’ has any broader. noUlsr pur|os ne* *ro (Uknpl among men than is found in the declaration of the object o> *ai or let The Prcsnollon of Du Dew it). Map, tin s .414,i Long Life t Us Member* Tht found* is of our Order were fabwtiPf whan they lioundcd our Ibid of war* only b> the ilttm* of Du* untvtrse lgtiSily. its gciipe I* ftlmoet Inflnltf It rasa • fall and gi ikrou dtalings wttii friend . oni patitor—.ye*, wen wi h ff> '' tia more < uuduvlVe to a clear con-cielice. IU |>) heart, and luiiihfut mind? ll means tie v ordUi giasp of tbs hand of th** dws.aur tog S./iber U means Du ►ymputluii. , yt. an*! kindly-spokwi word, dispelltni his gloom and fw lifting to aucces Tbi speach of the ftuprsme Hn rk wax r****elv-(l with enthusiasm and was fre quent!/ Interrupted with applaux* N* xt in order was ths response of Mr Anton y Wright to the toast Of “Georg .* ’’ The rerpon#* was n bright and #nt*rta Plug re #Uin® of Die history of the Empire State. flll*i with humarnUw tomsknti, and wax greatly enjoyed by the guests Hon Pape Harrow, in h's respotix* o . ihe toast of •’Fommemal HxpanslO! discussed the conditions and legislation sf reefing D lumberman In.this country mi I advocated the building of the Nicaragua A THE MORNING NEWS; SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1000. nal • in Important means of exteinling th** Muie of tip* lu rn tier niau. Mr Dav h Fee#*man, in Ins response to ’tilb ii#*l Refuse ’’ rn-nb- i number **f neat hit#*, not ahe |es>l of wh>*'h was his losing tribute to the guest of the evening, lit wiih-h be said: “I .mi sure >#wi ugree with me thnt even such men mad* no inistuk*- tn thSr choice of Hnark of th* University, for iking in the vernacular nf his lu*#i mss, h* is ‘saw butted’ ‘stuff’ of ‘big di mensions. ’ >quare edged,* showing ‘entire heart fgee’ on wll sj-Uw-. without ‘sap.’ *i lenr *f wll splits and ►bikes’ and apa the of passing the iimwi stringent ‘prinf* insp* dlon." Mr Frank AI Oliver. In hU response (* '’Fraternity,'’ dlMiawM**! the progr* ► of mankind from >*rv to civilisation hkl bbowed how frstt'inity had developed ** h resiiit of the arduou** otrugglex through which men ha*l pa?*sl in reach ing th*- present high state of civilisation H* commanded orgai.lxalions. such a- Chat represented by the Hoo H k*. wist then *al*l that organization had done more to d -vapie the Inter# sis of the workingman •*!• *M oth>r causs-B vxiihin* 1 #! (trgan tzallon had proven lo i#e the best m* aiic for the .scoring man lo uplift himetdf from hnri and uiijuet ondttt*n He cited th* coitdiDoiu whi n formerly ex isted In Kngl nd which exist t.-day h* evidence of his - eertlon and W iar*.*d that cigantzslloii Is a sign of fraternity which unites m#*n to gether and Inculcate* the practice of ths golden rub* At ihe do*e of his H|M*e* , t) Mr Oliver pr)|*oscd three cheers and a i(a>f to the ftnark of th*- Unlvtrs#. and the proposl* tion wis ttoncurred in with a will. Air. fttlllwtli then announced an Invitation from the Klk* to rom lude the * xcr ises >( tn# evening at "their vaul. ‘ out at th# Dark Extension This invitation was a* • I t*. tl.d 'he Hoo llo* and t h*-!r guests proceeded to th** carnival grounds where they in* t with a warm reception and add ed much • the Ilf# of the evening. The ftnark of the Universe rode a camel through Die street*- of Fatro and other Hoo 11 **• vied with him in vartoim feats which added Interest to Die occasion, ll was n great evening, and one which #le Hoo Hoo ami their friend* will not soon forget. mi4*ii r It# liner) llurnril. New Orleans. Nov. 5# —The Meeker ftugar Refinery at Meeker, eighteen mile* from Alexander, wap destroyed by fire to-day. Lu*> LMuuO. insurance UlOirtc, T BEE HIVE, N. SCHUTZ, ftisv Bt Julian and Whitaker Streets. HEAVY UNDERWEAR. K(>K MKN *\CltN AKI> CHIUmSS Oti&ARKK THAN TOl' CAN HIT THKM KL4H;WHtRE Whit* ii<l N*lurl Rlb‘l \ PP I4 .U*^J 1.(1,11,11 Heavy Fl**, e# While Vt amt I’ania to mairli Uc,- KlUa Heavy Flee. *J Veala i,ii'l Fnl to m*!h S!,c Iji.llec' While WA Veete 'i*l Pauli, lo mauth. full fa*tilne<! hllk hamle. .ilk emt>roi.W' •> no It . *iit While W 4,1 Ve*l ami Fain* it* moleh. *vltt:ietl flock, fu.l faahloiie.l #*t ij.||e' AI! Woo! tJcailet Vaaia and Fani* to niat rh rnifMran'o While aiwl Natural Heavy rnilareear, Ve>le Fanl* ao*l I (rawer* .... Ha Ui*c. IK-. Ik, 20? I'hlklren'a Wool l'iuler*ar, ISc S&> - . 3ac. Ik. 49p iiiankets and Fomtorts Remarkably Low. \. M. (. %**. MlllNltltH. hb rn Ii) >txiy Members of (•# > (Dor mid >4* ai tor ( losses, The fplL gv li<i(HSA*n exhibition b> the ; physical depai.ruvnt * f ff*• Young Men’s t'hfisthitl Aw** Uit'lpn took place last night in epltd of ihe fget t.-mt an etc trance (e* uf tw* iay-il\* *. ut w is charg (*1 there w**ce a o**lll I’s pt-opi** ptesent Hosenfeld s Oft-hestsw had to vit eiigag* <1 for iht evening an*l noun * entertatriing th- s|KT;tgtorx Isisifiu tha UifY**rent num t*ers of the piogramin*- also enlivened th* a* ir ihein*nftv*s by w ppm print* s*dectU*n After #n overture by Die orclu*tr evo lutions were gone inrougb by .1 class of sixty members #>f the gymowsluivi Tiies* evolutions ons*ste*l iu th* 1 forming >f *l*f ferent geometrir figures by th* lines of marching men sn.l boys H-verul of Die ngurcg were very intricate and beautiful, and thoroughly gpprewisu 1 by the spec 1 a.iii lin liecctst nutnier wfd'i a short w ane! drill in which twenty-twn metnl*rs of th Junior Tr- touk pait Tn** drill is an ex ctpttoiiAtiy pleasing one and tne buy* a* quittc*l theinsvlves moet * reditably. A long wand drdi was Died xivui by th members of ii#e senior class This !*o# showed careful work and heartily ap plauded. In the division work * • apparatus - an very ‘ lever work w • done, th* apparatus usyd tMEr.'tig th# hoi txotr.ul bar the pa re. I lei bars, and the German hore* This nnm ber ftlde-d lb** class woik mih! th* r*iualn tier ct thte Performance Was given by spe cl d* perf'irmer- On the horizontal bar. Messrs llohen>t*tn House* au, George Kl uhi, Hl.ike. .nd Ivejj <|;g some excellent work, that of Mi Kllaike being parti* u lAiiy good. Anew and nomica) feature not before seen In these ex ht bit kiis was the wheelbar row 1 ace thxt followed i|re h*>rlxontal bar work Alrssnx Uourvotaisr. Hunt. loty. W H And tieorg** Kltrn took part hi thi> race. Two of the oys became wheel barrows for th*- occasion, and. supporting tbo—stives on their hnd*. while their iftgs were supported and used ab handies hy the other two men that took |*art they were shoved across the floo. When the width of the floor la.) been traversed the position of the players wvi reverstd and a return trip ma t* Mo-sie Hunt (tml Doty won the first h* while the second was won by Al*aarn Oourvoi sler and Kitoti Home of the •beat work ard the most G t*;h niy n (fray Mixed. brown Mixed, and Whit** Undershirts and Drawers to match . jv Oewtlemen’s Heavy Fleeced White oil Fancy blue Umlershlrts un| Drawers 10 mit< h ...... Gentle men's Mshlcary Natural Wool tlhirts and l)raw*ra, elegant qualify .Tie Gentlemen’* Kxtr* quality ftnltary Nnturai Wool Underwear. Mk Gentlemen's W aHet Wool Underwear, Hhlrts and Drawers to match &K Gentlemen’s Hui*er G milt\ lb srlet Underwear, ftalrts and Drawer* to match 11 infants' Vest* Me. infanta* Wool Hand 15.. 17 r* Infanis' K*R fthoe# 7c W*rw utH th*dUirtg for htght and dDtanor Mwr Fttrhtoft Dunlap Cos ir 'tilhn. J F.HOI <1 Uvtll, Hlikf, r Lfwrs* Mini T lleywoud (.-ok part In IhUi A thick mat w.i (k 4 *-<1 * n top fa thrwa*-fn*t twbla 4.d oitr thiw b# toy a dive I to a noth or mat . n th fL ati 1: a at her aid*- of ih# Uihlw. #ftg th* . had all gone over Ihe mat It wraa built up foot or mure l*\ <>hat< i**• tnit the <l|c#rw ni.UKi|wl to tear thD al-o Then a rpnngt'oard was at.d (live* made for length Among the dtvws ware of Matter* |ilake ( n*ir vouitrr and bivtll, (*n th* paraiu- Nm Mtoro HlaD H*hi*p au Holn-natatn and George Klt**n look part Rami* gtw'd w *rk waw dope un thia (i s*ar.*us nlxo Mwar Itlak* and kouti* au irrylng *0 i! e lumora In ihe dprlij-Ihmi.i Jump f(t luxht, Mew*rx ti •md J Fltun and Blake lock part, while in the * a#nant a raog wo.nethß k almllar to the wheelbarrow rk*'e. Mg|ri Four volalar. Frank hi ner, tkeurg* Fl'on and J Elton took pant, Tlw programme wa rinse*! h\ a series of ei.-allent n .*t tiioolaltbi hv J Eltun ]ava l aid 1 lake Mr ft llooae, e More excellent work wan no prunooneed If other rihihltlutit *f thin kind and who had leon ex|*e%#d to ttk** ini*t in that of last night was unahla to du an For the first exhibition of the msn*n It wa* a irditable me Two other exhibi tion* will be given, one later In the win ter. him! th** othar In the early |i|,ina U Is rape* te*l that even a larger number of iwreon* will tak* isd in those, aiul that the specialties will he rvfvi better than were those of last night hl.\% M % lI.Htl IP HILITt. Ilnw Those In trod weed h* teaslAr Wss Ifa Are \ leaved Tne Ml lat r o<l need in the Geoixln ftn ate by Mi. Stvlft *f th* Thirtieth IU. (net malting it a ititabmeaiior for aiiv P-rson to walk, rid*- or drive longliod (tally wrirhln eight fret of any railroad track In llie* n regard'd fa\*r*tk.\ by railroad men They mink the Ity and **nfor ed aflat |is laaseagt. would regult m few# r accident* and. rouaaqtfvntly. fewer suit# agalnsl their *'m|Ninlee one objeetka* 10 th** Mil, as reported, is pa failure t niakc exception of t id* toads that are laid on 4h( treete of .1 it? or town Manifestly such a law suld no? 1 • mad* in cottdttlettf upon Rlvn street In ftavannah, for In vtaiWe a* teams are passing constantly •*• that Mtreet and 1 •nkMumr ute It as well Kalir*ad men win# wen- asked Altont ihe hill ye-tArday. <gprer*d the baiiai that It shdi)d have such • exception The defeat of the Mil b rather #*xp** ied bare If it shmitd ivn. Ihe ftnat* It Is (hougid It wuuld l* killed in ihe It #ui*** • ► the Uiui# will recall many roads u their own countlrt that tun Just • *(; rallfoad nw< k. often fat miles M hen t farm*'!’ 1. iti>ing Alcgtg the und be Is fre#juontl> within U-s than eight fr#*t of ibo track Mr Hwlft also put In a tub to make It 4 mud* tn* * nor for a railroad to einpiov A team di*|Mtchei inxter twenty-one years *id I tn- ftenatoi piv>bai#l> knew of au* h • and #pat* her being employed !> auiiie n*a*l in the state, tint Havatmah tailr*ad men w ins w**re uskol ahotn M do not An ointm tot Is often unde: twenty one but long xpnrlenea Is required of a dispatcher The chief dtsnatcher of a mad by usually t man tvh<> has had >*ar> of extierieiu and hi#* assistants have long 1 eon in nisn s . state L.. %l KOTII’KR. GEORGIA CHATHAM COUNTY I Notice Is hereby given (hat I have made ippihafion to th* <*oor( of ordinary for ('hatham county for b ve to *!| th* east ••tn porton of be of bind Number 37 O’Neill wgid in the city of ftaviinnab raving a fr*#ntaa* •* \\ (IK** #dree| of b, i (set more or lesr mii*l a ir< t**na Hat *b ph >f .and feet nw*ie or |e*p, t*ge(har with tne improvement#- tner**ii le|onglng l# estate •f Ullen .Vloiaan d**cease*l. for the tav rnent of ilrM** amt 1 1** 1 rb**ntj#n ant that •*atd order will Im* granted at the Dereni i* r l*rrn ltd', of ai<l court, unless >bjc Ilona are fli#*l lher^* M A trItYUNK Adtiilnl#*trai>t Nov R. lan OKOROIA CHATHAM COUNTY Whereas Philip M Ruaieß .Ir ha** ap piled to Court #*f Ordinary fur letters dlt*- misaory as guaidian of the property of Ve||lo H Marla* . formerly a minor These are. therefore to cite and ad monish ail whom it may concern to !* and appe r before sui<l court to m g*- oi jeelion on *a before lh** first Monday In December next, otherwise said letter# will be gianted Witness, the Honorable Hampton U Frrll. (r*lu *o for t'hatham County, das ihe 7ili day of November. IlsiO FRANK E. KBIEHACH Clerk Ft Ord’y, C t’o ■4 GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Whereas Mis Marl#* K. liran* h has ap p|i* .Ila Fourt of Ordinary for letters dls inlasory m* a*lmlnls(rairis on the estate of Hamilton M Kf ranch. le* ea#e*l These art, therefore to cite and alt monish all whom it may concern to ! and af|Mar befort <ald court to make oh|ee tion.# (If any th**y have; on or i*efnre ti# 1 w••If 1 H lay of January, next. 01 herwha 11M letters will le granted Witness ihe Honorable ilump’on L F rrill. Ordinary f#r ('hatiiarn county, this lh* 1 10th day of Ocfolier. llsw FRANK K KEIi,RAFIK. Clerk Ct 0., C. C. GEORGIA CHATHAM COUNTY Whereas, ftopble HternsMne has aiqdted t* Court of Ordinary for letter* dlsmlaaory • - guaidian #f Milton M and Aithur ft ftiarnshlne. minors. Th( **• arc. theisfure to cite and adiiton ish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said ■ ourt to iiislt* gbjac inu on or b* foie th*- first Monday In De tuber next otherwl** suld letters wll b* granted Witnts*. ths linn Hampton l* Ferrili. OrdtiU4r> for t hat ham county, this the jl day vt November, ItDO FRANK i: KFiEHA'H Clerk Ft Orl'y. C C. GEORGIA ’ CHATHAM F(M NTY- Whareaa. Ilbin* he M Usb has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters of adminis tration. D H N C. T A on th* esate of Kdw*rd ftwarhreck. de* eased These are theref*#re. Ut *-lte and adm**n- Ish >ll whom It may a err to be apd before ►awl court to inakv objec tion (If any they bavei on or t*efor*- the first Monday In December, next, other wise said letter* will be granted Wit no* the Honorable Hampton I, Ferrllh ordinary for t*hthani county, this th#- Ist day of November, iht FRANK K KEIRHACII Clerk C. O. C. C. ORANGES. Ilc44quan.r> tor riNE KLOKIDA OBANCItB Fllt iTM ANI* VtSUKtABCK* ol all kind*. (BED BYE. HECD OATS HAY. OKAIN. FEED. FLOUB, CHEESE, (JEANS **••. Mk Slraw. |c \V. I). Hi 111 kins A: Cos aa CMICMdTCR't INDIKH PEHHYROy.AL PILLS 5 !( V*M tw CHlfHtATir? rktiLMII mi * # . u*ia aJwn •k wTag* •• ether. Befbe* *h Xa(*f** *WlluS** aaS lailia I 1 |f ilwa*. fs f *f f*f • *al 4*. id I L jf hmh t- ParUralars. 1 ailatßUU I•• B i4 '*Xl'#r (W I •(lo, 1 ’ a '*‘V r*. J# £T lara Malt. !•.•*• tMiwasaU s#*4 *r ait t* * 444 ‘s* DkkeWrClMßiwiU, i Naui"'*(*>*- HdlMs N* HUll*A.a PA. i •sMSi L. *.>!•*#•>* **w ar4ew, Xe OiWaaa, l is a liquid food that tones the sys tem. Its use brings appetite, health, and vigor. Aids the nursing mother and the baby, the aged, the ill, the convalescent. Physicians know' and recommend it. All Druggists sell it. Prepared by Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass n Hi Louii, I], S A Bffweru of llu- Original Sudw,;rr, Faint, Mtchelofi, Anh*uer rale-Lager, Lxport ('ale. Black A Tan. I \<|ui*ite and Malt Nutrine. Not How Cheap! BUT How Good! Lindsay Oloroan’s mOTTO. OUR SUCCESS COMES FROM CAREFULNESS In th* BTfaBCTION *#f our good* tn l*\ only thoss tiig> will UI.I.AKE. lath In sift* Mwd quality. Wa hv* tried to lmpr** on your mind mat no tSWONDB rver entsr our !or OUR SUCCESS WILL BE ADVANCED ;ty your buying your g**d* ii m u W* wai.t all your trade, a#* you will ba tha ; gdinar by g ving ti u tt-* Mini gatin g iha best goods lor the sama ir) r that pay for inferior goudx alßfwhers 1 COME AND SEE US at laast. and Ist un prove to you that our selection p the be*! In the city, and that j cUf prices ar* right , COLD WEATHER !b bound tn com*. and vu will te sorry • *’ you Itav* put oft getting your hnms nxwl up before tha tush. Wa can halp you ).* it. and Do IT MIGHT. OUR FURNITURE STOCK I# n<>w tmplctt—Far 1-r and I uning H'torn Library Milting Room and Kitchen con ia fitted nut with goo*ir to utt u> one* astr Leather Couches. Rocker* aT ivaxy Fhsira. ’hla Floaetx, Crystal Fahlne s, ftt*leboards Dining Tihler Hat I Hark*. Hall (’hairs and k*tae* FMlng ri#n I doli, B*>x t'oucha*. Folding lied*. H*t loxinger. t omb.nation Ho**k (’a *■>- Fan* v ( fiairs and lt>* ker* of all da* j•( rlpttwiu*. litriis** and Mahogany Wash Hi and*, Chlffnnlar* and Tablet. 11l I l\ > 9TOYKX \>l KIM*K. •T.llt M 'llo\ >1 % I llt I '.XXL*, llblll N ItfMlHK.ldflk ItMfNlbbH %1 *itt# IMl'Mini I I IIM II lit: UOI.IMH. , ire four ftl'ld'lALTlKN ihot •an t l* t • at. CARPET DEPARTMENT. Ws ne.-d ti<i ray inuct* airui #ur ntC' k <*f • •t|W*l- I yt*ryle#*ly say* It |j* the best in town Peopla come and look *•* away, bin LKKK Till. FAT. 1 hey tome t*a<k. A faw of our siMM-laltla* In this department aro Wlda F*ri nca for Folding itoorg. Narrow l***rtleieH f*>r dingle iMor* \'**st|t.4le lot*#* aiel I’anels, laxce fr*m 12-tn:h lip to M Inches wide. Couch F#v*rs. mi lih-ih’a wi*l* Fallal Hlx*- Rugs. 11l Wilton an*l Hmyrn*. sixes ax follows t#xs dx. Xx’J. ;•*!;. RU. !*-•** Ift f**M Nowhere also lit 1 r#wn ran you ge them W- are s*-lling • fm* txtJ dntyrrm Rug f Wa ptirobaasd ai a bargain abi of sampl# from drummer of Daghestan Wll i ton Rtifv tsd foal The regular prb of them is $l We ar** •*. Ilfig ibis lot at very much less Th*- gmd* ar*- ÜBRKIOUT The price for the arkirg UPHOLSTERY GOODS. Anil a fine upholsterer to du your work H|** la! pricer given on materUl to thoaa in the trad* We keep chair canes and lute of thing* that w can t enumerate. OUR LACE CURTAIN STOCK mial not t>r uv.ilookiil .. II I* In full lil.M flur atn. k of and OmimrlvK t* wurlhy of tioticr. If ro had Caip.* (>WM|>rr you woul4 u.v.r tha jKlt. (..Id for It Tluv.r. lalior auvar. PLEASE CIVE US A CALL IN OUR NEW STORE. LINDSAY & MORGAN GRAND Sacred Concert —FK T Elks' Fair Grounds -BY FAIRMAN’S Boston Concert Band, Sunday Afternoon and Evening MOV. 11. POPULAR PRICES. McDOmOH & BALLANTYNE, W Iron F6unders, Machinists, j f III.' Ii •. 1 1. ...... i • - , 1 1. 1.. . ■ *■. f- 1 1, n. h jSpMIjW ... it n>i l’..iini.|i l.tiiilii.i t■ i 11. i* t •n- l l<i|. II ii ii ii c„ t < ...I, Mill. Hkii> 'l'll 1 1 I<". 1..11... rl,' BmMMBMBt TELEPHONE NO. 123. 7