The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 11, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 HOUSE PASSED SOME BILLS. (iESIF.H U ASSEMBLY I' <WTTI!IO |\T(I WORKIIO SHAPE. Rill ißtradorrd la Ureal# the foe of rrlnrlpal Mratelß * •*' I'ralinxlurr-Timm n* ion Anlhor liril to lur Ritnd* lo I’rovlde for KlrMrlr Usklr-UnKrlt'i Uh*rt*r la Dr Inradrf-lMt Branch*# for Urorgla'r Pakllr Srhmila. * Atlanta. Nov. ia-Tho Hous# waa In arnlon only about an hour i-day Flva Mil* war* paemd, all of a local natur*. ■taking an -ten half doaro in all that havr b*en p*ol ao far The rrsoim.on of Mr. Underwood of Whirr, to appoint a committer to report on the ’’Georgia Jiu-IIca" by E H. But ton cf the Übirksvtllo Bar Association was pa.*< J The House was presided over by Breaker Pro Tern Morris, In the absence of Speaker Little. New bills were Introduced creating the office of principal physician of the j.en tttntlary, to provide for leaching of physi ology and hygiene In the public si'hoo.a of the State, to appropriate LVd fof Infirmary at the fllrls' Normal and In duatrlal College at Milledgevllle. and lo change the law revialng the Jury buses 111 this state The bllta passed were: By Mr Walker of Brooke-To charter the town of Marven. By Mr. land of Butts —To amend the act Incorporating the tos'n of Pcpperton, In But*a i ounty. By Mr Ttaslngrr of t'paon—To author ise the city of Thomsston to ruder an •ieotlon for leeulng l-onda In the sum of 110.000 to establish electr: lights. By Mr Wright of Floyd— To amend the charter of the city of Rome. By Mr latntl of Butls-To repeel the act Ih-orporit,ra the town of Melritoan In the county of Butts By Mr Underwood of White—A resolu tion providing for the sppolntment of s Joint committee of three from the House and three from the Senate, to examine and report on the Georgia Justice by E. H. Sutton of the Clarksville bar Nsn tlllle Introduced. The new bills were: By Mr Howard of Baldwin—To appro priate Soothe trustees of the University of Georgia the iv>m of *.>.000 to be used id building and furnishing an Infirmary lor the Georgia Normal and Industrial Col lege. By Mr Rhlpp of Uolqiim—'To amend the charter of the city of Moultrie. By Mr Booth of Walton—To amend section IIP. of volume 3 of the code, by making the minimum siumher of grant Jurors 17u. and to put In the traverse Jury box all intelligent and upright ciitseiis. whose names appear on the tax recelvara dig eat By Mr Bush of Miller—To creaSa the office of principal phyelclan for the pen itentiary of Georgia, and to define bla duties, etc. By Mr Walker of Brooke—To author ise the forfeiture and retirement of the ha res of stocks of delinquent subscrib ers to the cagipal stock of corporations By Mr. Park of Greene—To provide for the teaching of physiology and hygiene In the public schools of the Mate, to with hold the public school fund from such boards refusing to provide for the teach ing of the name, and requiring atl teach ers to stand a satisfactory anamination upon these subjects HUIIIUK K FOR CONURBM. Hr Mar Mr a rsndtdste Under Ik* Hr apportion mm*. Atlanta. Nov. 10-lt I" stated on good auihorny that tha Hon. T. W. Hardwick of Washington wl.l baa candidate lor Coo gre#a In tha Tenth District two yrara hence. It la atated that Mr Hardwick ha* frankly told certain clou* personal and political friend* of hi* ambition In Ihla direction, and thua the fact leaked out that he ha* designs on i'nr**m*n Fleming * seat. or rather, to be more ac curate. he doe# not care no much about disturbing Congrraemen Fleming a* he does about rearranging tha Tenth Di trtrt *o a* to leave Richmond out. Sir Hardwick I* chairman of the House Apportionment iVmmltlf* and ta In a po sition to make the proposed change In the Tenth District, It be *o desires It la believed that the ten other tVmnllas In the district will ahow the necessary pap ukatlon to make this change poastble. and If an. Mr Hardwick's friends will make a strong light to piacayßichmond In *ome other district, thereby leaving the follow ing counties In the Tenth: Columbia. Un co in. Jefferson. Glascock. McDuffie, War ren. Taliaferro. Wtlklnaon. Hancock and Waahtngton. Or It la possible that Wil kinson will be added on 10 Congressman Bartlett * district, the Sixth, and possi bly Burke. Wilkes or Greene given to the Tenth Hi order to make up Its necessary quota of population. Mr Hardwick Is well known lo the people of Georgia, both on account of his famous dtsfranctUaement bill, and his ac tive work In tba Legislature for the pest several years Although quite e young man. he is rec ognized a* one of the ablest members of the General Assembly, and a lawyer of unusual ability. Ha Is both popular per sonally and strong politically, and hla chances for Congress in the event Rich mond H given to some other district, are considered altogether eatltfactory. HIHT run ATTUHNKY OIMEIUI. Will CHat* a llTtlr Fight In the Orunlfra PlrcmJt. Atlanta. Nov MI—TIM announcement that Julfa John C. Hart, of the Ocmulgte circuit. wIU be a candidata for Attorney Oanaral to auccaad Col. Terrell when that ••n tins an runs for Oovcrnor two year* hence, has caused a general political shaking up In tliat circuit lion Gray Lewis Is the only name men tioned to suercod Judga Hart. Mr. Lewis Is tbs preset!’ Solicitor General and his promotion would cause a vacancy, for which there are already (our avowed can didates. so It lo said, which would make the nghi in that circuit on# of the pfet- Utst In the slate. These prospective can didates are Joseph Pottle of MlUedgevtlle; J P. Park. Jr . of Greensboro; Greene F Johnson of Monltcelle and 8 T. WingAeld of Katonton Mr. Park la a metnbar of the present i;.,use. Mr. WingAeld an sz-Senator, anl Messrs. Pottle and Johnson ore well known and able lawyers with strong po litical backing FIHK AT LAKE CITY FLA. Depot There Isrsel-Tes Negroes Arrested for Mnrder. Lake CUy. Fla., Nov. 10.-The rarker House and union passenger depot of the SealHiard Air Line and Georgia Southern, and Florida system* burned this momlnf. It la said the property was covered by in surance. being within the Are limit. It will probably be replaced by a brick structure Constable W. H. Colson arrested yes terday two negroes at Toian, named Bony Johnv n ai l Jim Gslzen. on the charge of murdering Israel MrPulSe, a negro, on Oct SI, and also '.turning the premium of McLußle in the effort to destroy evidence of the atrocious deed. They are In Jail, awaiting the convening of the Circuit Court this month. 44 No Eye Like, the Master’s Eye.” You are mater of your health, and if you do not attend to duty, the blame is easily located. If your blood is out of order, Hood's Sar saparilla will purify it. It ia the specific remedy for troubles of the blood, kidners, bowel* or liver. Kidneys ■ " Mjr klury troubled me. and on advice took hood • he reaparllla which gave prompt relief, better appetite My sleep Is refreshing. It cured my wife also Mic-ituti Bona. StT.t Irenny htreat Pittsburg Pa Scrofulous Humor-“ I was In terrible aorutlttou from th. itching and burning ol Scrofulous humor Grew worse under treatment of several doctors Took Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Pills. These cuied me thoroughly.’’ J. J. Lnri.*, Fulton. N. Y SaUapau^f Wood’* PtlU cum thr#r l‘U: the non rrlt*ttn m 4 #n y rsthnrtff * tsVa - • '-a srat;*ril}* SPfiTVAL NOTICDA. TfSTK^rTrSTciTy^oi rfr^Triiok*7~ The petit Jurors of the City Court need at 10 a m not appear until Wdn**dav. Nov 14, lnn By order of the Honorable Thomas M Norwood, judge WARING RT’fWFT.U JR. Clerk C C B ROYAL MUSIC Hill,. n-21t Broughton street, weit Week, commencing Monday. Nov. 15. First appearance of the comedy duo. ED—A I, LBN A M ITCH 15 Ll*~M AGGIE First ops-cerwnce of th# charming MISS DOT COLLINB Ra-.tppesiranre of Ihe captivating singer MIBB EHTKLLE NEWCOMER First a|>pearanca of the French chatuause. MLLE JEANNETTE D’ARVILLE First appearanro of the child wondar, LA PETITE inENE. And the very latest In new and novel MOVING PICTURES ToTtHE VOTEIU OF THE FOI'HTH G. M. DISTRICT. I am a randldate for re-elec’tlon as Jus tice of the Peace, and respectfully solicit your vote and support at an election lo he held Dec. L 1900. at 10 Abcrcorn street Re spectfully. SAMI’EL REYNOLDS. kOTirn. Neither the master nor consignee* of th* Brlllah #ltnwhlp Edenbrldgr. Apple ton. matter will be responsible for any debt* contracted by the crew of said ves •*l J. K MINIS A CO. Consignees, tiavannah. Ga, Nov. t, 1900. RBDDIOKsADANI DAHCIRO AC ApE n. tk.irra at C. I- A Hall Friday. Nov I*. 1900 Admission Mr leidies free. Ras kins’ Orcheelra. Secure your tnvllatlona for th* season from the management. Dancing Tuesday and Friday nights. J. O. DA V AWT, Attorney. Solicitor and Counselor. BROOKSVILLE, FLA KtliaiTl rH ARM ACT. The Original All bight Dreg here Bulb Byrlngea. guaranteed 36c Fountain Syringes, guaranteed Ke enest Protectors K*r Chamot* Veal ...11 71 MO Empty Capsules 6c iiasors, guaranteed SIOO 3 yard* Aseptic Gauae 3tv 1-lb. Absorbent Cotton kc Hot Water Bottle* 16c llalr Brushes (Adam*! 40c Hair Brushes, Imported 10c to $S 00 Tooth Brushes 6c to 36c. guaranteed. Beef, Wine and Iron ..Sc LSryar * Chill Totno e We Import our own Tooth Brushes and guarantee every one. KNiGirra pharmacy. Mall orders solicited. A I*l.ClAl. run THF. I.ADIKi. On account of the pleasure of tha visits. and Interest taken in our .display at "The Elk* Carnival.' - we will Issue next week, be ginning Monday evening, free tickets for a chance on any plush lap robs In our display at the rnmlval. draw ing'wlll take place on Saturday, tha 17th. at our dis play. Hoping the la.lie* will call and secura a chance on these beautiful robes with our compliments. Cohen-Kulman Car dago and Wagon Company; reliable vehicle and harness dewier*. Have you seen the snow scene? IK IT - * Si ICE, WE HAVE IT Fellcklnger 1 * California Frulls. White and Black Royal Cherries. Biteed Apri cot#, Yellow Crawforu and Lemon i 'ling Pesches. Bartlett Bears, and Green Gage Plumbs In S-ib. lira. Alto Waaaan Baled and Cooking OH. at HARDEE A MARffHAM/A. Phone MS VOl M M tTTHUSS. Hoar about your mattress? la It nil rlxht? I maka Ibe best ones In the world How Is your lurnl’urs? Does It need up holstering? 1 am especially prepared to do the work The only man here carrying a full ilaa of covers and curtain# DAVID CLARK. Ml Jeffereon at roe*. A SEW HOME. I am now prepared to serve the best meats brought lo Savannah—over my mar ble counters, out of my giant refrigera tor. M 8 GARDNER. Phones lit 4U-4tt3 Whitaker street PLASTER KRB* AMD SAMMP *1 P PBIE9. Cement. Lime. Blaster. Hair and Rlvsr Sand. Prompt delivery. Reasonable price SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Corner Drayton and Coogresai Phone M* LAID TITLES. Abotracts of .the recorded land titles of Savannah and Chatham county from tha settlement of Georgia to dilt. Money loaned at low Interest on ettv real estate. BDTKETT A BECKETT. PALACE CAKE. hkhtaibi't and ov*te Horse 43 Bull Street. Blue Points. Little Ne;k Clams, received by every atearoer. Native Oysters In all ivies. Chops and ateaks and gams In season Everything the lieel. Just received, fresh lot live lobsters. M. D. ABRAMS Prop. P. 8 —Hot htnch from 11 to I every day. HKLWKENI CAFi:. IJberty and Whitaker. The fashionable cafe of ffavannah. Wllhln a biork of Ihe De Solo Kvery .hing In season. Fal game Fresh oys ters. Private parties—dioceia. Phone mt THE MORNING NEWS; SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11,1900. deaths. Ml'RKEN—Died last night at hit resi dence on th* Thunderbolt Hoad. John Murken. Funeral notice iater. McCONNBLL-I'ted In Brooklyn. N Y . John II McConnell. Funeral notice later PHILLIPS—Died at Hackensack. N J Nov. . 1900, W. If Phlillpa. Funera. notlca later. Ft YKHAI. H’tTATtOR. KENT -The frletele ar.d acquaintances of Mr and Mrs Lira H Kent are re apectfuily invited to attend th# funeral of th* former from his late residence. No Id Anderson street, west, this Sunday afternoon, a* A o’clock. Interment Laurel Grove Cemetery iriiniL YOTitm lurTTi.i V'Vf fitTi iA TU SliT E\- Kit y marta i*ut kerr. We offer the following bargain*, each representing th# best workmanship of their respective fectoriea: Stearns Hn*ctals, ZJ-ln frames, only WOW Stearns Models A. 51-In frames, only *T><o Hamuler Bicycle * Wotl Yale, 51 and S4-tnch frames. 135.00 Tribune Bryclea. all bight* of frames. *;b 00 and-up Juvenile Bicycles for boy or girl, the best on the market. IX 00. We represent the R. F. Goodrich Gp of Akron O We ere the sol# representa tive* south of Baltimore, Md. We sell onl> Goodrich and Fa.tner Tire*, acknowledge! by all th* BEST In the world We have on hand a complete aasortment of Tires and a larger slock of high grade goods than all other local dealers combined. You wib find our stock of Lampe. Beils anl Sundries most complete W# carry a full line of Whltely Exerciser* and Spalding’s Athletic Goods Repairing Is done her# In a model machine shop Our mechanic* are recognised as expert*. We do enameling and free hand atrip ping equaled only hy factory work FREE AIR WITHOUT ASKING. R V CONNER AT. Bell Phone No WC> No Mft-JiA Bull Street THE RAVAVAAH I'REPARATORI SCHOOL. MILITARY. Mr Strong has returned to the city and may be seen every morning between 9 and 3 at the school building, on th* north west corner of Barnard and Harris at nets Georgia phone 1811 Ormond B Strong (Cornell). Head Master A school whose Instructors are univer sity mm fumilMr with modern methods, and men who have demonstrated the-lr success aa teachers In preparing hoy* for college and business. A school whose diploma la accepted In lieu of exam.nation by many college*, and whose headmaster has the highest endorsement by the prast .tent* of Cornell and of the University of California. A school whose directors are among the most prominent men of the stale. A school where your hoy would re ceive persona! supervision and encourage ment. where he could obtain a thorough and systematic train,ng in ho<ly and mtr.d. where he could prepare his ieseotis for th* next dag under an instructor's care tn the afternoon Just as he would at the Ik-sl boatrdltiff schools, m and where you would hive no worry about his associate*. A GROWING SCHOOL. THE P A ATI Yin BOWLING ALLEY. Two week* ago an Innovation for Ihe uptown dtslrtol waa opened to Ihe pub lic. It waa th* I’a st line Bowling Alley In Just two weeks It has become the most popular place In the city. The house Is thronged from early morning until late at night with patrons Society la begin ning to take an interest In bowling, and several parties, it la understood, are be ing arranged for Ihe near future. During Carnival week the proprietors will be pleased lo welcome th# eht’i visi tor*, and an Inspection of the up-to-date place Is Invited. I‘rlxea are being offered, and some excellent scores are Iwtng made Th# alley t* located In the center of the city, In the old poat offioe building, corner Whitaker and Stale Georgia Phare N*. Mi Ball Phon* No. JB. w. r. FRrrp a 00. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Real Estate bought and sold on commis sions, and Rent# collected. Reprecer.tlng Traveler# Insurance Company Life. Ac cident and liability Department*. New York Underwriters Fir* Insurance Company Greenwich Fire Insurance Company. Th* City Trust. Safe Deposit and Surety Company Issuing Bonds of Surely to contractors, administrators, guardians, etc. LETT'S DIM OI’NT NOTICE. YOV WILL SAVE TEN PER CENT. By paying your bills on or be fore tha last. B. H. LEVY A BHO. * YOU MIGHT THINK IT STB INGE, bsitouresndleenregatnlngln l>of>ulatltyeverydayflndare I hedeltghtof I he fast Idkrne wemakeourgoodsfreshevery dayofthevery be al Ingredients obtains Meandwewantyouforona ofourregularcustomcrsweare se rv I ngh und red sof, • u st ome ra dallyatthcaodatuuniatnwe areaervlngalloftheregular drlnksaswellasthelateal thlngslnlcessherbeteelcelora CONIDAS PALACE OF SWEETB, 18 THE MGBT POTULAR BTORE IN SAVANNAH. FMIHII'IIIIn 1*43. SOLOMONS COMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Draggtats. Wholesale Department, IST Coa gress street, west. Geargta Phoae 144. Itetall Stores, 133 Congress street, west. Hell Phono 144. Bull and Chaeltan streets, nndrr Gaards' Ar ■ rnal. Bell and Georgia Phones S3. ANY TIME OF NIGHT. Tou can get your prescriptions Ailed any time of day or night at Park Avanue Pharmacy. Phone UA PARK AVENUE PHARMACY. J. L URANAN. Proprietor. Corner Park are and Barnard st. BOND!* EAHCIT'HD. By the American Bonding and Trust Compiny of Baltimore. We are author ized lo execute locally (Immediately upon application), all bonds In judicial pr >- '•edlngs In either the state or United (states Courts, and of administrators and guardians. DBA RING * HUrj* Agents, gale phone 04. Provident Building. LEE ROY MYERS 8 CD. HUMBOLDT . _ 1 CIGARS A5 GOOD AS CURRENCY FOR QUALITY Office opposite the De Soto Hotel, Bull Street. Phone 700. fim hi. nonces. iczxiniiTr* Mmm. float Drot. Cos., *n vannati, Ga, Oeatlrmea-I have beoa a frrat • uOrrer from Indlsratlon and *Ctr a grrat deal. Heard of roar Wga tablo flitter* throogh a trartllng •a lea man la Baltimore. I procured a bottle aad dud It grUft me grrat relief. 1 certainly recommend It to any one aafferln* from Indigestion. Voari reaper tfu 11 y. (HA*. A. ( RAMHI.L, Annapolis, Md. PRESERVE Till B NIGHT By wearing glos-es that' not alone en- ' able you to ee. but correct every defect that may exist. There ta no guesswork In our methods. We have the latest and moat approved scientific apparatus for accurate eye test ing We make no charge for consulta tion or examination, and should you need Ihe services of a physl.ian we will frank ly tell you eo. Our crystal lenses are perfect In every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot be compared In value to the kind offered as cheap by the so-called opticians or Jeweler* who han dle Inferior glaa-es as a side line. DB M. SCHWAB A SON. Exclusive Opticians, 47 Bui^ street. N. It —Oculist prescriptions filled same day received. Retiring done at short notice. "LAMPS TO 111 Mt." ••LAMPS TO BIIII." Having Just received a very large ship ment of good* of nil descriptions pertain ing to the bicycle, I am now better pre pared than ever to furnish the btcycl# public with sundries, lire* and lamps, and a larger variety than can be found eise wlu re. 1 can fun ish all Ihe leading make* of tires, as 1 have an exceptionally largo stock on hand. Having Juei re ceived a shipment of fifty pairs of the Oooditch tires. I can now furnish you * N)i any size wanted. Tires pul on* and punctures repaired while you wait. I am prepared lo do any and all kinds of re pairing Enamcitiig and vulcanising done In the best manner possible. "Tires Blown I'p Without Pain." DANIEL A HOLLAND. Qs Fonc 3TO. Stale street, east. Savannah. Ga. RYAN'S 8191N8N9 < OI.LF3GE. Rooms 27 and 29 Provident Building. Day and Night Sessions. Fall and Winter Session now In progress. Stenography. (Munson, Graham and Pitman). Typewriting. English branches. Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Individual ! Instructions. Short, thorough, practical courses: latest and best methods. Our various department* are exceptionally thorough and complete, and are under Ihe personal supervision ol the princi pal. Students prepared directly for busi ness. Call and examine Ihe methods and workings nf this college If you are employed during ihe day. nttend our pop ular night aeoeiou. Send for catalogue. M E. RYAN. Principal. RENOVATING—MATTRESSES - Rl-.N. OVATING. Hair. mass, ticking. fiber, feathers. Our stock of new material and manufac tured product* ate up to date. Our reno vating and remaking has delighted many prominent resident* Ask your acquaint ance*. Materials sent u* I* picked, steam ed. cleaned and medicated by modern ma chinery. Making done by mechanics. We confine our work to and bed dime genertil.y. We soil ticking of ail kinds, mows, hair, cotton, liber, feathers, or any article needed in mattress line. NATIONAL MATTHESH AND RENO VATING CO. Bell Phone Ilk. 331 Drayton street. SPECIAL NOTICE. Jl NT RECEIVED One carload of Moyers' line work of Syracuse, N. Y . open and top buggies, the most complet* Hue ever brought to this city. We defy competition n Ihls work. I ask the public one and all who are In the market for end and side-spring easy-rid ing vehicle#, that they can be found at my repository. A1 o a full In* of dsitv ery wngons. open and top. milk and baker wagons. You m ike no mistake by catling at once and make your selection. MARK APPLE'S REPOSITORY. 320 Broughton street, west, Kelly's Rubber Tires, th* only reliable tire on the market. SEASON row WHISKY. Bend your order to Robert Remler. cor ner of Liberty and Drayton, Savannah. Ga., for the best Whisky tn the market You will be served right. Only the best brands handled. No charge for Jug* ROBERT REMLER. Phone gn FOR SALE. One mule, harness and truck. Also three safes. Herring & Marvin make. Apply at Bcreveu House Cigar Bland lo F. J. FINN. m m\K#f notkim. 11l YIIG % fTOVB Is an Important un WMklrgr If you et on unsatisfactory article there's mis ery ahead for you all winter. H. I*. CLANCY Ac CO., 113 Whitaker Street. ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., 40 Drayton Street, Will attend to your wants in the electrical line. PHONES 62. GREENE & CO, 13S Whitaker. Sea our display at the Carnival grounds. New Pictures New Goods. Call and see us. You will ba welcome iriiCIAL NOI I COL •tiIWAHZ CAFE • is the place where you can satisfy your appetite with all tha delica cies of the season. Oysters from the OULF and NORTHERN waters. t Also Oame In season. —OEM CAFE GEO. C. SCHWARZ. Proprietor Open day and night. Dining room upstairs. THE BENT BEEF. If you want the finest roasts, or steaks, or lamb, phone 1173. Bcott A Da via stalls 7 and t. market. They will supply you Best pork roasts. Poultry. Brstos. Tripe. •l W ANED SPRINGS HOTEL, Nnwenee, Fla. Situated on the bank# of the Suwanee river. Climate unequaled. No malaria No mosquitoes. Cool nights. Most healthful and delightful resort In lb* South. Water cures every known disease. Board 110 per week. Special rate for commercial men of 13 per day, which Includes transfer. Tab!* and eccommodallor.s etrlAly first-class For Illustrated pamphlet address Bu wane* Springs Cos. Suwanee Springs. Fla ANDREW HANLEY. Mgr THB WAV TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way to get your carpets prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken car* of for the summer, l 4o turn the Job over to the District (Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone I. or call at 33 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the cost of the work. Price* reasonable They also pock, move and stora furniture and pianos. C H M IBP LOCK Supt and Mgr GOOD DINNERS. We are serving th# equal of any the meal for 360. We servo only the bent and on order. You can hoard with us cheaper than you can live at home Our meal tickets entitle you to th* best In our piar* OAN rR-ANCIBCO REfTTAURANT. GAME, OAME. OAME. Fin# fresh fat venison, plump wild fur keys. larg*. lender mallard duck*. A tin# lot of each received snd ready for YOU now. JAB J. JOTCE. Phone* llir. P. 8 -Sweet bread, brains, grandma sausage, special cora.d beef. Try for th# beat '■oftee everywhere then come to me I prld# myself upon keeping tha best— the very best. THE RED HEART. Cincinnati Beer Is the popular bear now. It asems to be mad* Just right. Ask for It wherever you go. JUNO BREWING COMPANY. WM BRICKEN. Manager Phone ML nUtPEHTI OViHxi If you went your plumbing work don# rrasonsble and up-to-date, r#n nn th# former plumbing inspector. COSGROVE. 123 Drayton street, la rear Lutheran Church. It you want ■ pair of patent leather shoes that are patent leathers try DYCK’S, corner Broughton and Whitaker street*. / See windows. UP-TO-DATE. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. PHONE 383 KODAKS and PHOTO. SUPPLIES EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SLOO, that others charge $2.50. Save yoar life, save a trip to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEDYSS- Cure* when all remedies tall. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, Bull and Congress- Branch 309 Bull St. Phones 29 J. Phones 382. THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store { IN THE CITY. t-: TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Foil Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon,s3.oo. BEI SINGER & CO s, “ l DLLOImULIi Qw UUI FULL LINIIOF- Cl-ARGT WINE 6. BISINKSS NOTICWI. solTd silver We ara constantly adding tn our al ready large stock of Solid Stiver the latest designs and creation* In Btlvarsrars from th* leading manufacturers. Nothing that good tasla and long ex perience could suggest has been left un done to make our stock sa handsome and complete as on* could desire. A. L. Desbouillons Jeweler, No 43 Bull street- Elk Pins and Badges. Solid gold: eye* of gems. Only the beat and most ar tistic workmanship. Pina and Badges made to order. HUNTER&-VAN KEUREN, • Jewelers. 143 Bull street. European Novelties. Our recent purchases of foreign goods afford* buyers an opportunity of selecting from the latest and choicest novelties shown in Paris and other European cen ters. There are many ezclusive nnd at tractive designs from which to choose without chance of duplication. All of as sured quality and value. THEUS BROS. A Ten-Oollars Spent fijpLUEVEZFS PICTURE ** FRAME ftCTORK will make your home an attractlva one and give It an air of reAnement Wo employ netiung but exp-rt work men that will not botch your work as others do Our stock of Moulding U ten timet larger than that of any of our com petitors. and our price* are the lowest known a TO 18 CONGRESS ST. WEST. Oa. Telephone No. 1(M1. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL ami work, order your lithographed and prtntad stationery and Monk hooka from jAorriini Niwt, Savina all, Q# GKAPIIOPHOXEB and RECORDS tit SINES* NOTICES. YOUR' HOItaE ' needs a blanket this weather. At • cost of 13 to IS you will possibly save a doc tor’s bill. Don't delay We have th* large*, stock In Savannah to saleci from and prices are right * 'OHEN-KI'LMAN CARRIAGE AND WAOON CO. Chase Robe# and Blankets. HAVE YOUR SHOES REPAIRED AT OKARMA’S, BELL PHONE 1133 The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. riiiiii For sale, a Forstilth Newspaper Fold'ri will fold sheet !7xC It Is In good order price SIOO. It coat originally $..Ud. but we have r.o use for ll and want the rtoo It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to *oT newepaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Aavaanab. OLD NEWSPAPERS, > for X cents. Mustafas Office Morning News.