The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 11, 1900, Page 22, Image 22

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22 A TEXAS WONDER. Hall's Great IMimtrri. On# small bolds of Hall* Groat Pla covory cure* alt kidney and bladder trou ble*. remove* gravel, cures diabciee, an- InaJ enuaxcn*. weak and lama back', rheum a. .am and all irregularities of tna Muoeya aiut bladder in both man and wo man, regulates b.akJtr :rouble* In ctUi orn. If not sold to >our dtuggl*! *U br sent by mail on receipt of II on* small bottle la two nwititd' tioaiment, and will cUr* any cos* above nenHoned. Dr. E. W. Mali aole mar. of*- lurrr. IV O Box €29, Bt. Lout*. Mo Band for testimonial* Sold by *ll druggists and Solomon* Cos. Sevan<>ab Ge Head Tbla. Cuthberl, Oa , April 2. 1* Tbla I# * certify that I was affected wllh gruei and mat I took elxty drop* of Hail’s Great Discovery and It re*- plataly cured m* It Is worth 11.100 pet bottle lo any or.e needing It. J T STEVEN* - X. _J. ’liU - - . IN GEORGIA ' AND FLORIDA. 9KW AND VIEW* or TUB DAT IN TbO NT ITCA *eaie Bsteaislnglti f tsaffarafed Mas? Trees Skipped Kreia Tenaesaer. Olaerr Must Hang for Murder, ksrea May Get lanrr In.Drasrr. Orange Trap Aragnd rort igyera. The Howard Mystery fsmlsg lasaart < snvrallon ( omidalnl. Aheat the Ceaaoa—other Florida News. A special to the Morning News from Ot toman. Go.. says The plotting mttl of tbs Southern line Company cams very near bet nr destroyed br -dr* yes'rrday af t -moon. howrrrr ih* fir# was extinguish ed before very much damage was done A Wealthy County. Moultrie Ohaerver: The last census pula Colquitt county among the wealth iest and largest counties In the aiate We lack only one thing of bring In front ranks: It la a creditable court boue*. Tb# one we now have la a dla graco to the county and we will soon have o nice modern one In Its stead. (•lover 2Naf linns. Th* Ponton Board Friday *nl In to ikw, t anaier it* de unn i iite myy'f catlon of Uinio (.Mover. colored, of Nrw too county. far executive clemency. Glover ii convicted of the murder of a white man and la under sentence to hung next Thursday The hoard refused to recommend clemency, and the execu tion will take place Tnureday. Only Way for Democrats. Editor John Hodges of the Houston Home Journal soya the next time o pr*s Idem ml campaign la to he begun, the btno ratt ahonld wait until the Rcpub llrana chnoee their candidate and make their platform, end then the Demo rate adopt a different platform, but Indorse the Keptthllcan candidates. In thla way, hs thinks there U Home chance to win In spite of the wealth and power of the trusts. Naenn to Get Lower Insurance. News hee been received In Macon off) clally that the Executive Comm lues of ths Southeastern Tariff Association will give Macon that lowest insurance rates If she will carry out the suggestions of (tpeclal Agent Tanner, thnt La to give a building Inapecior police power, to build two engine houses and employ a naw en gine company of ten men. The recom mendations will very likely be carried out by Council, bui nothing will be at tempted until after Jan. 1. For Murder 2.1 Years t. Gelnestill* Eagle: A rumor has reached the city to the effect that a man of the name of Dills, who died in Union county recently, confessed on Ms death bed to having killed Duke Palroour of Cleveland. The killing occurred more than twenty five years ago, and a few years ago Mark Vandiver was tried for the mur der. The trtal was In Towns county and created much excitement at the time, aa Palm our was x prommenl attorney and very popul tr. Vandiver was acquitted, th'ttgn the circumstantial evidence against him was very strong and many thought, tbxt he was the guilty man Rarned Thousands of Tree*. Htate Entomologist ftcott on Thursday located three carload shipments of fruit trees not hearing the certificate of the board of erttutnoLogi The trees, number trig tn all over 16,000. have been confiscated and burned by the state official, who baa Issued a statement to the fruit growers of Georgia not to accept any shipments from the firm owning the trees that havs been confiscated. The wrath of the state entomologist has teen aroused against the Cumberland nuraerlaa. at Nashville, Trim . for Shipping scaje-lnfe.-tad trees Into Georgia without a certificate end over hla written protest. Home weeks ago the entomologist and tbs Nashville firm were tn correspondence and the nurser ies mads a strong effort to obtain the cer tificate of the state board giving Its plants legal entry Into Georgia. This request was repeatedly refused by the official and It n.>w develops that while the correspond ence was In progress the Nashville nur sery was busily engaged In smuggling tree* Into the state and regularly ClUng orders In North Georgia. The fact that the law was being violated was detected by ths an’omchurtst himself at the union depot In Atlanta a day or two ago In going through the express car he found a large number of trees, all infected with the weals snd all coaling from the Nash ville nursery This shipment, amounting to over 30. "OU trees In all. he stopped a' Flowery Branch, Norcross. Cornelia and Woodbury, and all the plants exoept (hose at Woodbury were burned Mors than *>,- 00 interned trees are row lying at the station In Woodbury and Prof. Soott will destroy them. By the quick work of the entomologist tn detecting the plants ship ped Illegally Into the state It ie estimated that thousands of dollars have been saved to Use fruit growers of Georg* All the trees from the Cumberland nursery are Infected with Ban Joee scale and had those trees come Into the state undetected the work of two years In destroying the rcale would have been undone In a num ber of fruit-growing looalltles. FLORIDA. Volusia County lltrald: The Seminole Manufacturing Cosnpeny will begin the manufacture of starch from the cassava root about the first of next week Reed will be saved this month for the planting of about l oon scree another year, and per tles who want seed Ms plant next year should make application lo Ilia cosnpai y for the amt. Naming News Special. Palatka Advertiser: The Morning New* special edltVe* last week In the Interests of Bavannah’s mercantile and commercial Industries and emeiprlses was bang-up la more respects than otte and doubtlea* proved an efficacious advertisement for that big. progressive seaport city. The number also reflects great cradlt both upoti printer* and compilers. A Cassava tun vent I on. A cassava convention and farmers’ In stitute has been celled to meet ta Gcals Nov 96 si 9 o’oluck a. m This meeting wIU be addressed kg Fist U El Baook- bridge of the government experiment sta llon : Luke City: by F. G Perkins, Esq , praaltent of the Lak* Mary I’assava Starch Manufactory; by Mr. A C Lock ett. who has for many years been a grower of cassava In the UlahJ of Ja maica. and othrc In the sfierncon car rlar's will l*e piovidrd lo convoy to the casesva field oil who desire to examine the growing crop and witness the practi cal demonstration* which wnl theta be given. tsnaly’s Orange Crop. Fort Mverx Press A conservative esti mate of th* orange crop for I-re county nail, during the rummer pla<' I lie . top at P).tX*> boxes, hut sine* ins snipping sea eon ha# opened this estimate has been raised lo Ki.ftSl lanes, a/ni we Issheva by the time (he entlie crop of the county la Cathsrid the figures will lie nearer 70.> boxes The writer made a hasty visit to some of the large groves this we-k and was surprised to see the heavy . rop of or anges and grai>ef(uli hanging on trees that hove hern I iced cat all sal. to li.ep th* heavy-laden.d branches from break ing down under their load of fruit The arge grove* an orange river. Hickey’s creek and Alva at* literally loaded with fruit, and socti a crop has never bafur • been seen In I-ce county and even ih* groves that formerly existed In the old or. anca sections up th* state were never more heavily loaded Population ol I'ensaeola. Th* cejisu# bureau bar Informed the newspapers of Pensacola that Pns.icola's population Is found by the ute census to he 17,747 and that of F.scarobla county to b* 2V.SU Wh.n t,e taking C In* **M was In progress It became known that many cltlxens. In many cases whole fam ine*. were being left out. no etitimeraror celling on them at ail The commercial oodles of Ih* city at once took up th# matter and s‘i.V ended Irt having some Wt name* pla ed on the tolls that had been left out Even this did rtw give correct numbers, as th* census of city authorities lu lt>: showed a population of over 3.<Y>o. A ren irk.vtd* Increase I* shown however, even with thee* lmr*-rle-t figures. as In I*> the official count showed 11730 In IWA the Inhaldionts numbered only I.MO. and tn I*o g.Tfih The result t very un just an.l disappointing, a# Ihl* ontcial count will have to stand for ten years. Tampa’s I’opalntion. Th# publication of the figure* of Tam pa s cenau* has caused no end of discus sion In that city, pushing the elections ,'hvse as a matter of local Interest Evcry hndy agrees that thn count of the city was a very faulty and Inconrplsle on* The imputation of the city proper aa giv en. Is, of course, restricted lo th# four .I.i of the. nuqi<-|paHiy, and docs not include W< St Tampa. Fort llmoke or Palmetto Hra-h. Th* flguins are 15.84 which, according to the concensus of local uplnlow. Is at least I'M* short of the ac tual number It was noted at the time the count waa In progress tn this city, that the enumerator* ektpped whole sireets, and there wa# practically no -ount made of the ftpnnlsh and Italian >l caking resident*. These defect# could have been remedied at the tlwt* by prompt action on th* part f the local author!- Ib-a. sa did Jaeksonvlll* and other elites, init no such action wa# taken Aa It l#, Tamps ran congratuiwte Itself on multi plying Ns population by three In ten years Planting Ortaxe Grove*. Planting orange grove* t as kept many of th* farmer* at Miami busy during th* last few weeks Kick Monro* has Just ompleted planting tree* at Orong* Glade. * for himself and 30 for hi* brother, the editor of the itrooklyn IJIe. nod 17* for hi* coualn. Mia* M.Ouffy of lloston. Messrs, Conataln Golden A Cos. of New Tork have purchased ten acre* •of pine land at Orange Glade, a part be In* already planted tn orange tree*. A* oon #a The land can he prepored the shot* tract will be planted In eltru* and tropical frutia. H. Price Williams, man ager of th* Uarrset farm. Is busy plant ing l.Akt more citrus lr*- Mr Williams Will also add a Urge number of eltru* tree* to bis grove. Jbhn Kill#. In the same n sigh lor hood. will pbint several hundred more tree* Ihl* fall and winter The call for ..rang* (and# In list* portion I* rapidly increasing. Th# owner* of the land are showing good Judgment in not advancing the price of ttvelr lands Settler* who will transform the pin* forcsM# Into productive orange grove* are of more value than va cant land# held at a high price. The Howard Mystery. Tampa Correspondence Jackaostvllt* TMnea-l’nton and ClHxen It t* being post lively denied by many people Interested that th# recent atory about the discovery of C*. W. Howard waa true Howard I* the wall-known merchant from the Man* te# section wtio disappeared tn Montgom ery. Ala., a few weeks ago. will,* on his way to Hlrmtngtuim to be married. How ard disappeared Just as If (he earth had opened #td let him drop through. It w#s reported several d-iya after that he had been located In Chottanooga. lt hiding and th* cause of It was the fact that he hod been previously married, and did not cate to fill hi* tngtvgemnt with th# young lady This Is helnr • ■osl tlvely denltd by loose who understand the css*, end they say that so far no trace of the men has been discovered beyond the potn: where he was last seen De tectives are at work on the case, and ate making every possible effort to locate the man. but their effort# are unavailing Thc aftalr la a very mysterious one. tail then ar* several who are so well acquainted with him a* to declare positively that th#) know be was never manled before, ami that this pert of the story 1* decidedly un true and unjust. Persesal Gueslp From YAaycroas. Wsycros* Nov. 10 Mrs C. M. Bab cock of Millwood, widow of the late Dr W. P Babcock, was a visitor to Wey crom this w-eek. Mr* Charles Holienstetn will spend o month with her parent* Mr and Mrs. J Welchselbaum. In ctaf- snnan The Camp Branch Bchodt. taught h> Mis* France* Moore, closed a successfu. term Friday. A .Vllghifu. programme of recitations. 9cclam(ion* etc . had hern arranged for the occasion. The families of Dr J O. A Cook, pre skiing elder of the Vaklo<t* District, and hi* *on-!n-3aw. Mr. J W. McDonald, have moved to Valdosta The marriage of Mies Rosa Howard and Mr. Charlie Barber occurred at Bev M A Thigpen * residence. Wednesday. Mr Thigpen performed the ceremony . Mr. and Mr* Joel Gaskin of Gaskin flprlng, wera visitor* to Waycros* this week. Miss Bailie Hinson who was married Bun.lay at Thomasvllle to Mr (Valter Hinson of Qum y. Fla Is well kronen In Way-cross Bne Is a dsughtsr ol Mrs 8 It Hlnnant. Mr and Mrs O. J McCrary of Moul trie. visited the family ol W W. PhL lips this week Miss Dorsey of Milltown, | visiting at the home of 8 H. Hlnnant on IVl.llnnis afreet. Mlsa Jeanette Folsom has returned home after a visit lo friend* In Vatalosta Mr*. Crooley and Mrs Barnes of Bax ley, ar* guests of Mrs. 8 I! HinnoDt. Mrs. James Hinson of Appling countv. la visiting her daughter. Sir* (V. W Beach on lose avenue Misses Ida and Bel.e Bla'-kburn of Nehl ham. visited Way-cross friends this week Mrs. W 8 Booth of Mnnor. visited friends tn Waycroas this week —Headed by the local g• and ml’hs the sd mlrer* of Benvenuto Cellini In Floreac have been preparing for some time fo: the celebration on a grand scale of his 966th birthday, on Nov 2. Among othi ceremonies a bust of the great artist le to be unveil**. THE MOHNING NEWS: KUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1900. SEVEN!: GX HOWARD GOI’I.D. A lawyer’s miter and Naklng t)*ra linns In n Suit. From tna HaUlmorr Bun N*w York. Nov. 9 —Howard Gould to day had to stand a lot of bitter and hu miliating que*t ,oti* concerning hi* pri vate life before bis m.irrtage to Kath erine Clemmons. the actresa. He was rakliigly cross-examined In the ault brought by Frank I> Mowbray. hl for mer valet, wno sue. to recover IRtHO for tiie brea h of n alleged contract by which Mowbray xoirtel Mr. Gould prom lax-t to emp.o) him u- hi * valet during the remainder of hi* life MowbraF told nit atory on the winters stand yean rday He said tbat while lie waa employed by Mr Gould as steward on th* yacht Hilda gatda he to t an e># ny the explosion of v distress stglial rocket which he fired off on the of Julv 4. 1 ■*•:. by the com in.ind of Lit Gnu. | lie testified tilt Lit Gou.d told him that hr would employ htm as hts volet for the remainder of hi* tLtowhray at life at n salary of PM a month Mowbray testlflid mat Mr. Gouid dlxharg.d ,im on Aug. 17. IMT7 In upltc of th* bluer na.ure of many of the naked him to-day young Gould kept his temper well under con trol, giving no trace of th# Irrttaelon tie moat nave felt beyond a flush that occa sionally aufTucfd hit countenance. ll* looked nonplused at times, hue for thn most t>*ri answered question* with n .r of dignified ncnchaatn ■#. Mis Gould wa* present and listened to the questions wtih an jlr of iridlgnat it) Ba# wore a peari-tvdur.-d latlor-ma 1* suit and a smell link hat tipped forward over her face Around ner neck was * mink fur boil, with inuft to match. Mr. Gould denied that tie had mud* any If- contract with Mowbray, a.wl stated that, after several warnings, tie had dis charged him for lirtoxicotiun while he was oei hts y acht at kl Petersburg on Aug 11 I*J7 Alcxwbtay’s counsel, hy miniy qwes llons. a’ tempted lo ah* w that th* reol r-a am for Mowbray’s discharge was that It was requested hy Miss Clemmons We are going to show that the defers) ant discharged Mowbray, not for intoxl cation.’ shouted Mowbray’s lawyer, "but for per* nal reason* and at 'he suggestion of n lady Wit bln the sound of tnr vote*." Mr* Gould, who sat a few fee.t hock, leantd forward and (lushed "Isn't that a fact. Mr. Gould” uskr-d tb* lawyer. "1 do not remember." ’’Was there not a laity whom you called Kate Cietnmona or Kathryn Clemmona on that yarhtT’ Thera waa." "Now, waa It not at h*r suggestion that this man Axowbray wns uisenarged: "No. air " "Wa# Lllsa Clemmona your fiancee then?" 'She was mm." "When waa It that sh# become your fiancee?" Llr. Gould shifted In hla scot and looked extremely annoyed. "It became .publicly known five or six year* ago ” ’’You cannot remevnber whether It wa* In ISM or in IS*?" ”1 think It was tn IKM " "Of course, you cannot rem#mh*r wuch a small matter as that. Wa* there any other woman on the yacht hevltes Mlta t'lrvntnors on that night off Bt. Peters burg" "No." ”W as there any lady's maid?" "No " Further queatkmn tended to show that Mowbray had Incurred th* 111-favor of Ml** Clemmons In several ways while Miss flemmons was In IM! nn<t IKK the tenant of a hou* in Norfolk street. Lon don. He wa* naked whether Miss Clem - mons had not asked him to discharge Mowbray because Mowbray, while acting as "lady'* maid" for Mlsa Cleenroon*. was accused of raking off some of tb* perox ide of her hair white shampooing her. This Mr Gould qulrtly drpled. and. after a tilt of counart. the question was ruled out. Then the mUHuoalrn was requested to re member whether there had not been prune trouble In ihe London house over a firh bill. Miss Clemmons claiming that she bad given Llombray money for the bill for which vh# wa* afterward sued. He did not remember the orcurreace. but oakl that Mi** Clemmons had stated to him that Mowbray ought to he discharged he. cause he had not faithfully performed ex. rands she had sent htm upon. Mr. Gould was also naked If he had known Odette Tyler, the actress, and Mid he had known her for several year* prior to 1994. He dented that Mowbray had re fused to serve him as valet at any time lie was with LLlse Tyler or tn cumpuny with any woman. ( WILL HE MOST IIMTUtT. title ** CKret of Kleetlon In the Flilllpplwea. Chicago. Nov • Maj Gen ElweJl ft Otla arrived In Chicago to-diy. H a#ld. concerning the effect of the recent elec tion mi the I’hilljipiiie Island# "The effect will be most ti utiry, and Is tb* one thing needed to bring ab ut that roapect for American authority which ha* been wanting since the native, got It into their head* that a change of adtntntstratlun would result la lit* reilrrnrvnt of our truope fr m ihe IrUnd* Inst June we h*d every thing like org.tnlxrd opposition -tunn ed out and order nrac.t icvally r, •tored. hut about that time began tha agi tation incident to the elections In this country with the hopes which were held on! to ihe rebel# in ca*e of a Republican •k fmt and the result wax a renewal of disturbances." NEVER TOO LATE To Try n Good Thing. I mi 52 years old and for forty ywsrs of that time 1 have hern a chronic cat arrh sufferer, say s Mr James lilcsh ng of Alle gheny City, wlih every change of wesither my head and throat would be stuffed up with catarrhal mucus. 1 could not breaths- naturally through the nostrils fur months together and much ot the time 1 suffered from catarrh of the stomach. Finally my hearing began to tall and I realized something must bo done. I tried Inhalers and sprays and salves which gave me lemporary relief and my advise.) m.- to spray or douche with peroxide of hydrogsn But the ca tarrh uou.d speedily return hi a few lays and I became thoroughly discouraged. I had a.ways been prejudiced against patent medicine*, but as every thing else had failed I felt justified In at least mak ing a trial Our good old family physician. Dr Raindrll. laughed at sne a little, hut said If 1 was determined to try uutent nn di cin'* s hr would siliise me to begin with Smart'* Catarrh Tablet* beeauue he knew wlist they contained and he had heard of several remarkable cure* resulting from ihelr use. and fu.thermore that they Were perfectly safe containing no cocaine or opla la*. The next day 1 bought SO-ccnt box at a drug store, carried it In my pocket and four or live times a day 1 would tnke a txbiet; In less than a week I felt a marked Improvem*nt which continued until at th * Um# 1 am entirely fiee from any trace of cutarrh. . My head Is clrar. my threat frre from irritation, my bearing l* as good as It over wse and 1 feel that I cannot ssv enough in praise of Btuart's Catarrh Tab ■sts, These Tablets contain extract of Euca lyptus bark. Oiislecol, blood root and oth r valuable antl-sepilcs combined tn pleas ynt tablet form. a;;d It Is safe to say •hat 8- wart - # Catarih Tablets an- far su * rior in convenience, safety and effective ness to the antiquated trea ment by Inhal ■rs, strays and douche*. They are sold by druggist* everywhere in the United States and Canada. QrandStreetCarnival AND RACE MEETING NOV. 14-16, 1900. Three Daus of Gontlnuous Entertainment Midway Attractions, Races! Free Street Entertainments and Other Amusements ot Varied Character. THOMASYILLE OPENS HER DOORS TO YOU THE PLANT SYSTEM will sell round trip tickets on Nor. 13, 14, 15 and 16, with return limit Nor. 17, at one: rare: Ror the Round Trip for Civilians. For Military Companies and Brass Bands in uniform, 20 or more on one ticket, rate of ONE CENT PER MILE distance trareled, will be made. FIRST CLASS PASSENGER SERVICE. For further information see nearest ticket agent B. W. WRENN, Passenger Traffic Manager. , TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. (Continued from Doge Twenty Three) Turpeti'lne nAi. i-iiilt'-e'. Rlcw quiet; domestic fair to extra, 4HC 6;ic, Japan, t\tfc. Coffee—Spot Kio quint; No. 7 Invoice V#c bid, mild qulei. Cordova. Sugar, raw quiet, fair refining, S?4c; erntt lfugal M teat. W. mo lasses eugar. f*c. refined dull; t ;andard A. 5 40c. con feelloner*' A. r,.40c. mould A. S.Lc; cut loaf, € 00c; cruaned, CJXtc. powdered. 5.70 r, granulated cubes. 5.76 c. The market for loffea future# op. tied steady with twice* unchanged to 5 trolnt* lower ami dtaplay ,d weakness most of Ih* ##*ton under active general M.lmg prompted by unfa votwble ftweign new*. I>earl*h #tatl*tlc and aelilng presauro from abroad; closed stiady with price* 5 point* net lower The lotal sale* -20 bag*. Including De cember at 7 Obc. January. 7 <*c. March at ; Uc, Fotatoee quiet. Jersey'*. sl.oo®l XTH New York, tl *>Ul !•“>* Island. Jl5O tifl 75; Jersey aweeta. 51 f>bfflJ.tJb Peanut* qu.#t; fancy hondplckod. sc. other domestic. 4c_ CabhAffva f>tea<iy; Long I.• I * rvl. H 2 a. P’rolght* to Liverpool irady. cottoti by •tMtik. 25c. rmm by *tcnm. 3*c. COTTON •BED OIL. Now York. Nov 10.-Cotton seed oil was flrm.y held on the strength of tallow and lard products lTlroe crude barrel*. 30® jo* - % nom.nsl; prime summer yellow, D'ye; off summer yellow. 32®32V prime winter yellow, JWfltv. prime white. 37fl Me; prime meal. 50 CHICAGO MARKET*. Chicago, Nov 10.—Wheat was moderate ly active end firm to-day chiefly on un?e tled weather and eximrt demand. Decem ber clewed I jc over yesterday. Corn closed t*c aid oat 'e higher Provision* ot the dose were 1 iill'y to 37V improved. Ttle leading Curares ranged as fo ,ow.-. Opr Highest Lowest. C.o leg Wheat No. 3- Nov ... r>, 73* 73H 73* Dee 73VC7T, 7',®7F, 73> 7i* Jan .. 7*Vl7t , 73* 7P„ 73 ffTS* Corn No 3 Nov 3iVi3’, 3U SS\ 3* Dec May V>\ 36**S *•*•** Oats No 2 Nov :i* n\ * n* Dtc . .2 r TV, May 2* ft* 31 MS Mess pork per barrel— Nov . .110 30 Mu 33 *1" 30 |lO 33 Jan 11 20 H ts 11 30 H 4S Lard, per 100 pounds— Nov . 693 7hi 603 706 Lie.- .. m 6 S7* 6 * *7Vj Jan . •70 6 77S 670 6 77* Bhort ribs, per b'o .bunds Nov ..111 IHi 6 31. ® 67 1 .* Jan 3 97* 6 10 3 17* lO Cosh quotation* weie as fu.lows Fleur, quirt; winter paients, 13 7 fffi.Ho. straights. 5310(i3.0'. lear- M Affile , spring spe cials. 64.26; patent*. 13.bffi3.90. stralgbls. IPWIt h; bakers’. M JOiG Ta. No. 3 spring wheat. Mo74c; No. 2 red. 73*7*< No. 2 corn. . No. J yellow. D*trrto< . No. 2 eh.te a7i 27’j' . No 3 white, M*ff MV. No. Jry the; fair to choice mailing barley.37V •• N. 1 fltxn-d ll.b>ffl (7. No seed, SI lull 4 20: mess pork, per barrel, si.d fi FTHfe mse f>ork. per barrel, * t. 6 sSff6 9c. dry soil'd shoulder- (boxed) fi 73S.VS7*: short clear pules ( xed). hi 7 ffl*.9u. whisky basts of high wines 1t.27 —Microbe llkht Is the latest Part* Inven tion A French chemist. Ilnphael Dubois ha* found n wav f nourishing phusphn rcseent anltraVule* In glars vessels,which soon emit a I gh’ dbout ss bright as ih* moon. He expects fo Increase Its Intensify and believe* that It* bring entirely free from heat will glv* ll a idtntlflo value. MAHI.ffK INTELLIGENCE. Matter* at Interest to Shipping Men Geuerallr. Ths French edition of the new Internat ional code of signals la now ready, sav* the London Shipping World. Important modification* have been Introduced Into this edition by the addition of six now flags enr responding in the vowels. A. E. I. O. U. Y, which brings the tctal numT of flags up to twenty-seven. Including the answering pennant. The number of pos sible signal*, thanks to this addition. Is much larger than that permitted by the code of l*6t Bo many signal* can now be made by combinations of two or three flags that four-flag combinations are for the future to be reserved exclusively for the names of places and ships This has necessitated anew dictionary f phrases. In the compiling of which cate has been taken to modernize the phrases bo-rowel from the old dictionary, an advantage which Is so palpable a to need no com ment from us. In this compile! on the work of the French editors was b*et with difficulties. for the British Admiral ty had made a vocabulary exclusively English, without regard to the difficulties which other nations would hive to fa.-e tn translating the code. And thus not only was considerable linguistic abll tv required by the French Iran tailors, but also diplomatic talent, as certain of the words and phrases demanded long nego tiations between the Iso Admiralties be fore complete agreement could be arrived ot an to the best manner In which lo ex press the one l.lea In the two languages. The new cods will come Inio use on Jan. 1. 1601, but the two codes may he us and concurrently, says I-e Yacht, until Jan 1. 1902. when the new code must be used exclusively. When the new code Is em ployed. the code pennant must 6- hoist'd with a black ball above It. The day* of coffin ships ara not yet over, though, thonk* to the stringent reg ulations of the Board of Trade, there ire not now many of them to tw found under the British flag, says the London ttyreu and Shipping. Norm .y Is the wor'i of fender. British vessels that are ftt on y for th# shlpwrecker’s yard are eometlm:* sold under the Norwegian flag and ar* employed In carrying timber as long a* they hold together. They can gene-ally manage lo And under*rlte-e, who think to oomiiensale themselves for th- hei y risk* they run by quoting very high rate* of premium Underwriters who make a spectalty of timber risk* dolor that It t* * really remunerative burin-'** especially In (he winter, when, thouxh the risk Is greater, the rat-a are much higher In proportion The schooner. Julia A Trc-h-e raot. Miller, cleared yesterday f. r New Haven with cargo of yellow pine lumber rapt Landry of the British t-aric Lit tle Curry, which le at the Gordon wh*rf leaking, ts still In town. Nothing has de veloped In Die Curry * case, and It t* not known what disposition will be male of the vessel. ______ a The sea cucumber—one of the curious jelly-like bodies that Inhabit the ocean— can practlcal’y efface Itself when In dn ter by squeezing the walrr out of Ms body snd forcing Itself |n'o any narrow crack. "1 don t understand steward, whs you and the stewardess both wann the same day ashore. I isn't spare you both a once. Y'ou can have to-morrow, and th* stewardess the next day." ’Tta-sse sir. we’re goln' to get m.irri<4. an' I'm afraid it can't be don* U)i Kay." "Papa," sstal tm*ny Snoggs, "th’s story says that the mutlnre-s were put In Irons.” "Yea Bsmmy." ansacraj lbs aapuin. ’’But paps?" "W#U, Sammy r* \ "Why do they Iron prisoners ?*• "To take the starch out of them. Sam my.” Passengers by Steamships. Passenger* by steam-hip Tullahaasee, New York, for Savannah. Nov. A—Mias E Smith J. O. Miller and wife. Mia Saw yer. Mrs Cleveland. T. J. Thompson and wife, 9 F B. Olllewple. Mrs. Roe*. M Mundelsmu. Mrs. White. P A Ulrlche. W. 6 Lamed. Mr*. learned. W F Dra per. J. R Thompson. Mrs. O. F. Rlrk-r, Miss A Ricker. Mr Phillip* n1 wife. Master Parmenter. Mrs J F Todd Tim O Conner. J. A Humphries. Mra. 8 B Chapin. Ralph Chapin. Dr W. Newcomb. H ll.islam. Miss Puller Mr. Fuller. Mn. V B. Avery and child. Mrs. A. E. Vaughn. Mlsa W A Flashing. Mrs. Has lam. nurse and children, Mrs II Wred. Mr a O W. Garfield E O Woodward and wife. Mrs H A. Bruce. H Harbben, C. Stern W. B Ellis. Mrs. Ellis. O. McKla. R Peacock, Mis* C. Jerome. J Ryrna, H Mornahon. J. O’Conner. W. Strati. E. Naghn. W. A. Townsend. A. Demopulas. P Runes and wife. P. Trainer, J. Con way. Mlsa Warrington. J. Traverm, D. Travefs. N Prlchoull*. E. Bailee. vY. Coyle, G. Gleee. O. PUmendlki. C Sal vador 9 Pledmon. C. Bird. D. Mur ganu*. W. Millar. Passengers arrived last night from Bal timore on steamship Itasca—Mr*. E 8. Harold, R M Hanna, Mr Offutt, Mrs. S Halt. Thomas Halt. 8 W. Grant, ills* A. Blanchard. J- L Parker. 8. H. Roths child.. Mr*. N. Thomas Miss Ora Hatt. J Hievenaon. Mr*. A. Blanchard, W. C. Blanchard. Passengers per steamship D H. Miller, sailing to Baltimore Nov. 10.—F. D. Par ker. Leila Poetell Mamie Conners, R. C. Snlbbe. Madame Clio, J. B. Blair. Passenger* by steamship Kan*** City for New York, yesterday—Mrs. Arm'd, Mis* I„ Anderson. C. O. Anderson. Jr.. W. G. Austin. Mra C. 6. Banney and chil dren. E H. Elleby. Mrs 8 Engel, Mrs. Reynold*. MISS W. H. Reynolds. Mrs Luke Ha Icon. T. A Watson. H. N. Wood, Joseph Feral anil wife. 11 W. Kennedy. J J’errln. Jr.. Waller 8. lllcks and wite, Mrs May. children and ma,d. and three Intermediate. Savannah Almaaan. Bun rtsea at i.3t a. m. and aa is at 5:01 p. m. High water at Tybee to-day at 16 IS a m. and 11:19 p m. lllg.i water at Savan nah one hour later. , I’basea of Ike Moon for November. D. H. M. Full moon (So eve. Last quarter 13 t 37 eve. New moon 2 1 17 morn First quarter 29 11 35 morn. Muon perigee. sth. Moon npogee. 17th. ARRIVALS AND IIEPARTI'HPg. Vessels Arrived Yesterday, Steamship Itasca. Billups Baltimore— J J. Caroian. agent. Vessels Cleared Yesterday. Bchoener Julia A. Trubee. Miller Mew Haven. Vessels Went fo G t . Steamship Kansas Clly. Fisher, New York Steamship D. H Miller. Peters, Baltl more Steamship Trrseo (Br). Browne. Man chapter • Park Schw-nden (Nor.). Erlksen. Bar burg Bark Essex Smith, rhllsdelphla Schooner Harriet C Kerlln. Sir. I man Baltimore. *hipplmm Mrni.>r.n4a. Cbarleaion, & C. Not. H-Arrived. Steamer Seminole. Bearse. Jaetoonvffta proreeded Boeton. Cleared, schooner Emily F. Northsm. Pennlwell. Philadelphia. Sailed, steamer Pearclh fjtr). MoKerxle, Bremen; Standard Oil barge Ntt sft. Phib adephla In tow steamer Allan Key Ves(. Fla, Nov 10— Arrived, steamers Lampaas*. Galveston, snd sailed for New York; Olivette, tbnlth. Hsvina. and sailed for Port Tampa, Mlajml 1' lx no. Miami, tug Stella. Galveeton; a.-hoan ers Fearlesa (Br.). Kemp. Nwe-au; Dr. Lykes Port Tampa Pensacola. Fix. Nov. 9—Arrived tug Echo, with bargaa Tragau and Jack: on from Havana. Balled, lark Walllkka (Rua). Ekfom Port NataL (Teatad. steamer Telefon (Nor.). Chris tensen. Ghent; bark Bayard (Nor 1. I-or dal. Buenos Ayres; Echo. Rowe, for Ha vana. via Port Tampa. Fernandlng. Fla.. , Nov. 10.-Ball-d. schooner Helena Hodgkin, Perth Anti y Cleared, schooner Lucy H. Russell. Bit-hop. Havana. Port Tampa, Fla., Nov. 10—Arr.reA steamer Morgan. Anthony. . Sailed eteamvr Maacotte, White, Ha vana. via Key West. Bark Olive Thurlow, quarantine fo Apalachicola, went ashore on Egtnor.i Key. steamer went lo her assistance will probably get her off to-night. Punta fiords Fla.. Nov. 16—Arrived, schooner Llxxle P. Parker. Dung. Ha vana. Jacksonville. Fla., Nov 10.—Entered ant Cleared, steamship Algonquin. Piatt, New York. •• * | ( Cleared, schooners Penobscot! Kayes New York; Alice Archer. Gibbs. New York. Entered, schooner War.ola (Br.). Weg ner. Havana. Ncwr York. Nov. 10.—Ballad, gtssmar Alene Savannah. Baltimore, Nov. 10—Arrived, gtsamer Sanna. B-xvannah, nailed Dorchester. Sa vannah. Bremen, Nov. Ift—Arrived, •team'* Cycle. Savannah. Bremen. Nov. K).—Arrived. t earner Daventry. Charleston Hamburg. Nov. 16—Balled. staanw* Agnrllo (Tampa, far Charleston. Notice to Marlaera. Pilot charts and all hydrographic intof mat ion will be furnished masters of ves sel* free of charge In United Slates hy drographic office In Custom House ''F tslns ore requested to call *t the elflce Deports of wreck* and derelicts received for transmission to the Navy Depart msnt. raaatwlar Bip*rli. Per steamship Kansas City tor N* York. Nov. 10-1.3*7 bale* upland cen Z> tain aea island cotton. 17 talc* tot * 153 bole* domestic* HO barrel* cotton*'*! oU. *M barrel* rosin 560 barrel* lU’peO' tine, si. Kb feet lumber, 75 caso* ' l * T '. 35 barrel* Huh. barrel* room oil. * boxe* fruit. SI barrel* vegetable*, crate* veaetablr *. ST", ton* pig Iron I*' '■* ■Mnaley. 5 barrel* pitch. 7 ITS *ta'*r * barrels tar. Ml packaaea merchandise Per steamship D. H Miller for BaPj more—M bale* upland cotton. 1.613 harr- rosin. 23ft.SIS feet lumber M* hoac* anaee. ft barrela pitch. S aacka cay. •** parkaftea mercitandl**. ftt pa- katsa M mestlca and yarn. I*o caae* canned te*’ r> tons pig Iron. Ilia Bunk la Raised. Washington, Nov. -Be nor Dr P®** Cuestas. the minister of Vrußuay Washington, ha* been advtsed that w* government has honored him with *n crense of diplomatic rank from resident to that of minister pientpatenu ory. and also ha* appointed him rnlnl *i* r to Mexico. The latter appointment car ries with It the representation of I rugoay .it the Pan-American Congress. which *•- semblcs <t Mn oo City next summer, will be especially Important In view of ln dlaeuaalon of commercial and poliuoa unit/ among tha Wealam rg/üblloa.