The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 11, 1900, Page 23, Image 23

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financial and commercial XOTHIRO OF IMTIIIIVn DEVEIAirS n THE LOCAL MAHKKT. flir Cotton Fmrt tlarkrl nnM at a Gain of IfiiOl Point*—Turpentine liridT at <1 Cw*Ma, but H)rra Nat After Nuppllr* a< This I'rlrr-Rna. |„a Kirin and I arhaaird-Slaeki 9trong nl Hie Ailiaara—l.ural aail Telegraphic 'larkrta. The Morning Ni Office, Saturday. Nov. IB T> , r . were no developmrnti of great In „r,., in the local market to-day, nhleh act steady and In the main the name as an yesterday. The cotton futures mar ker dosed barely steady, with prices 2 to } points higher. There were occasional stror.r bursts, but they did not lass, aa was evidenced by the quick recessions from the advances scored. The spirits turientine market dosed steady at 41 cents, but It was not understood that ex porters cared for supplies at the quota tion. whkffi resuited In practically no business be lug done during the latter part of the day. Roetna closed firm and un changed. with n moderate demand pre vailing. The stock market closed strong, will, a number of wubstuntlal advances •cored. Evidence of a “turn’ have not ret appeared to the conservative market Observers, who believe (hat even when the market Is entitled to a reaction, there must be something on which to baaa It. pa- Iflr Mall was easily the leader, scor ing an advance of 10 points at the high est wh h was rsixirtod to be due to the entrance of t’nton Paclfld Interests Into the directory. The effect was to oxert a buoyancy also In Union Pacific To hacr and Sugar dipped toward the dote btn r ariy the entire balance of the list doted it the advance. The following ye anin' of the different market a will show the ton' ar.d quotation* aMDta close to day Sr*/ coTTiur. The Mton market Closed steady to-day, with sales oti the spot of 157 bales. There was H noticeable improvement In tha de mand which was token a an Indication of at early largo resumption of business Offer nv# off o.b. cotton were reportwl to be fr> and the demand decidedly better than ■ toy. Oobd middling was quot'd by brokers anywhere from 9‘ s to % ci: The day’s receipts of cotton were f IST bales. The foliowing were the official spot quo. taf Inr . , • • ' - aw- .... I 9 •••*' K'M HI ltl Cotton Exchange to-day: j This | iatat I day. | year. Good middling Id, 7 s.jg Middling |!, 71-|g Low middling 4i 'r, ji.jq Market steady; sales, 157. Savannah Receipt*. Exports and Bto"k-: Receipts this day .j 4 JJ7 Reee.pts Hits iluy lat year 5,7(8 This day year before last i'.jbi* since Sept 1, 19"0 411,778 Same day last year yr rff) S<ock on hand thi.-- day 8:,,719 Same day lasi year 181.781 Receipts and Stocks at ths Porta . Receipt* thi* <lay 31*781 Receipt* this day last year 76 9Y> Receipts thl dry year before list.. 57.70) Total re . Ip:* Sept. 1, 1900.2.811.125 -'tamo time last year .',891787 dame time year before last 3 13®. t“5 rttock at ill ports to-day 630 417 Stock rail*' day last year k?5.2K Hally Movements at Other Ports. Galvr.-ton -Firm, middling, 9c. net re-j celpt*. ROM: gross rteelpt*. 11.0*4; sales, •); atock. 1*5.117- Netv Orleans—Steady; middling. 9 3-180. ne receipt*. I0.lb3: gross receipts, 10,8*9 rales *•„, sic k. 811.273. Mobile steady; min ihng. 9c; net ra cte. 3.7:1; gro4g re> eipts, 553; sales. 2W: •' k. 28,371. larteMon— Firm, middling. Bc. bid; net I- Ipts. 1,363; gross receipts, 1.363; stock, II 'kS. Wilmington Firm, middling. Bc. net ra -r'.s. 871. gross receipts. 871; stock. 7.- 61. Norfolk—Firm, middling. 9Nc; net re- I ■ts. 1.789: grors receipts, 1.739; sales, | - stock. 38,735. Baltimore— Nomlnfll; middling, 9Hc; k. 2.811. New York—Quiet, middling. * 9-I*c; gross > eipts, 6.956: sales. 110; stock. 43.715. •-ton—Quiet; middling. 9 9- 16c, net re rr pts. 781; gross receipt* 1.578. Philadelphia—Quiet: middling. 9 IS- 14c; n receipts, 31. gross receipts. 84; stock, till Rally Movements at Interior Towns. Augueta—Steady; middling. 9 7-l*V. r■■ .i; . - gross receipts. 1561; m s, 615; Slock, 41 200. "in mpnts—Finn. tnlrklllrg. 8c; set re -2.73); groes receipt*. 3,>a. amts, stock. 108.634. '< l*oul-—Steady; middling. 9lec, nat re " ' is. 29C3; grosa receipt*. 11.582: sales, j stock. 56.417. i clnnatt—Quiet nnd nominal; middling, >■. net receipts. *29; gross receipts, *B9: - , 400; stock. 6.876. II uMon—Steady; middling. 8c; net re • 15.261; gross receipts, 15,264; saiea, 88*. stock. *3,695. Duitvllle—Firm; middling. 9>*c. 'Port! of Cotton This Day. livenion—To Great Britain. 4.089. New Orleans—To Great Britain. 3.300; ! " e. I.OuO; continent. 4.250. coastwise. 1 <47. M.■r.lie-jCoastwlaa. 2*. 'rtvrnnah—To Oreat Britain, 2,500. Norfolk—Coastwise. 2.291. Now York—To Great Britain, 412; contl tnt. 379. ion —To Great Britain. 6.332. '* >i foreign exports from all porta this To Great Brltirin, fT.ft; to France, to the continent. 4,229!“' in,v ’ and foreign exports since Sept 1, 1904 To < Irea t Britain. 967 459; to France, 184,162; *•> 'ne continent. 670.055. SEA ISLAND COTTOV f'o grr*t Interest developed In the sea I cotton marker during tho paat 11 < V The dullness In other market* has 'I '■ r.tly turn reflected also 11l the s-a ” and cutton situation. Whether there *>h b a rush by holders to sell later, re ■o be seen, but so far the demand t,! not been sufficient to enliven thing*. f " ,r * interior business Is reported. Hrl*i about a* follows: choice East Florida* 22’j*i24 k*tri choice and fancy Florida*.BH'dUl ' ira cho: e and fancy Georgia*.33*.;'tir<\ 1 ioh r Georala* 22tj'i23 r xtra tine Georgius 22 ' Ip'i c~and~gtock*~ nywuoi. lO^-00. I post Week | 4.175, 5.1*1 IM week | 7541 3*3 -IP!* this season | 21.741 31.2*1 post w.*k | 71.' 4.MJ 1 hand I 17.2F. 1M < OTl(.\ Kt Tl 14US. N ‘ w Vork. Nov, 10.—The cotton market 'd steady, with price* 1 to 4 points ' r the decline being a sympathetic Liverpool having made an unsatle * TV r- spnnse to our rtee of yesterday. n felling helped to cAieck anything "ay of o rally around the opening, t. r. the close of Ihe ffrsi hour the •• supplanted by a slight • ••ring and a purt of !nve*t -I’■ h-g . „u* <t the change in the . the market and in ,l Kuroj-ean sellers. Aside from t , cterpool nterkee news of Information > *•* "I bullish character. The k r conditions South were unfavor , tempe-aturea being widespread, further frost noted over Isrge areas. . •** *• *he ports fell considerably i ' f preconceived |drn* and gave rise.. .ctl .i, for a further reduction In ~ m "'' m* nt n* n whole B|<ot cotton 4 ever described a* llrmcr anl atl — . ‘ n * on ur * , ‘ n, demand from spinners xapomrs. Cloth market reporta for MURPHY & CO.. INC.. Board of Trade Building. Savannah Ptlvm# leased wires direct to New York. Chlraco and New Orleans COTTON. ITOI M ADD €2 It AIN. New York olbce. No. tl Broadway. Offices In principal .-Idea throughout the South. WrMe for our Unite: Manual and book coma Ing tnair one foi radera the week were encouraging. The market far futurea ctoacl barely steady, with prices net 2 .to 1 points lower, having eased off |n tht last few minutes under protu-taklng. tTIJCTI ATlttN* IN PI Tl HES. New York. Nov. 10—t'oUon futuraa opened etettdy and dosed steady Prices as follows: | Opath-i High | Low.""jctoae January l~*.* f* I.S I;; 9.21" Febtuary .... y2| .a j .I9 911 Mkrch .2i | as j 9a, j y April 924 i 9.24 | * 21 I H ay V 22 927| * 22 924 Juno 9.23 | 9Ji , *22 | .... July 9.22 jf *; 9.21 | 9.22 August |9 17 j 917 | 914 9.14 Beptemar | .... j .... | .... i .... Novtenber ....j 9.2 U 9At,* 20 j 9.21 Decant bar ...,| a 929 l9 j* 3 Mvcnrooi, cotton- market. Liverpool Nov 10—Cotton: Spot, tno-1- erate business, prices steady: American middling, fair. s*d, good middling. & 7-191. middling. S 11-22,1, low middling. S V32d; rood ordinary. 4 29-ST-!. ordinary. 4 tJ-S2d, The sales of ihe ilay were 7.<i00 ha'.aa. of which MO were for speculation and es port and Included 9.200 bales American, receipts, 3MO bales, in -ludlng 19.700 Amer ican. Tuturea opened quiet and steady and closed barely steady American middling, low mtdd.lng clause November & 13tt9 14<1 sellers; November-Dei ember. i.n9i buyers, I>erembsr-January. 9.<Kfit.<l7d buyers: Jon usry-Fehruary. 9 06cWd sellers. Febtu ary-Msrch. l.kbl <Hd buyers; March. April, 9.02d buyers; Aprtl-May. sold sell •*■*. Bay-June, 4.9Tu4 9bd buyers, June- July. Iflltttt sellera, July -August. 4.910 sellers; August-September. 155.1 buyers. NEW ORLEANS % OTINtN NAHKIIT. New Orleans. Nov. 10.-Cotton futures closed steady * November iOlffftws • March 9.043* <w December 9®9 04 I April 9 *#9 07 January .. 9.ra0*.0 1 May February 9 044/9 n* June 9.479*10 COTTON LITTERS. New York. Nov. 10— Murphy A Cos may: Tne market has been comparatively dull to-day. with little nesni to Influence prices In either dlrectlott. Liverpool reported fu tures 3 to 4 points upon their opeuing. closed un hanged <> 1 point lower. With sales of *OOO. (trices for mUd Ing l-l*d higher. The Chronicle report was eoneld ered rather favorable, particularly from Texas There was also on absence of any serious frost news from Teaae and the territories Washington expects frost to night In the Caroltnaa and North Geor gia Temperature haa risen In Central Mississippi valley. Hester repotla the world's visible supply of cotton 2.9*0.54*. against 3,901.049 lasi year, and 4.146.519 year before We opened 3to 3 points under last night’s close and advanced 9 to 6 points, but ions Ihe Improvement during closing hour. Fluctuations of to-day's market were confined within a range of 5 to 7 points. Cotton does not appear to be enjoying Ihe boom that la evident In Ihe stock market, however, the trade I* disposed to await some more positive news regarding outcome of crop and the demand for cotton goods Rstlmated port receipts 32.000. against 34.9 NV last year New Orleans expacta Monday> to 13.- t. against 11.199. Houston M.UOO to 17.000. against 12.000 last year. New York. Nov. 10 Hubbard Proa A Cos. say: Tha feature of the market yes terday afiemoon and to-day wae the sell ing by commission bouse# for Pout hern account, principally fiom tha Atlantic slates, while Ihe Soutanes! haa been the buyers. Local traders have again bought heavily taking large lines of this profit taking cotton whenever the demand from the South was slackened Frost occurred again in the Atlantic elates, but does not seem to have touched Texas. The sen timent hers Is to expect s further Im provement ai Liverpool on Morwtay on Ihe feeding of planters, which It Is thought will bring a lighter movement of the crop. DRY (loom. New Tork. Nov. 10—A more hopeful tone Is evident In the dry-goods market and though transactions have not shown much enlargement there Is unmistakable evidence that developments art likely to occur beksre very long The few buyers *l*o hate been In tha market to-day have been purchasing conservatively, but it recognised that the needs of the trade are becoming more urgent every day and that a good many who have held out will bo compelled to come Into the market In the near future. FINANCIAL. : FA Rogers# Cos. L® I iwro<t*o*T* • I BANKERS. BROKERS ief DEALERS IN Stocks, Cotton, | Grain and Provisions < ► jj HIGH GRADE ► INVESTMENT SECURITIES I. • . CASH OH OH MAHG/H •• • i | Iliaaaar tiniixn no Cbimt I Writ* for tUmkUt •• SArr.TJ AST*.... ( ►~. CKHTAISTV TS HVKCVI.ATIUS” I II will pay vo* to ,M our tersi, p <M tod special quotation service 38 WALL STREET a New York EXPOSED. Method* of Inside operator* fully ex plained and Hlustratcd In my celebrated lawk. "INS AND OUTS OF WALL BTREBT.” now In Its ninth revised cd'- llon; 15* pages, fully esplalnod and Il lustrated. Just out. Large fortunes have been mode by follownlg instruction* Id I down In this book Thousand* of tesrt monhila from correapondenta In all parrs of the country terrifying to It* value to Ihe trader Chart trtdn* fully explain ed. Don't fall to write for It. Mailed to any address for 10c In stamp* LEWIS C VAN RIPER, 11 Broadway. New Yotk. JACOB BERRY & CO. MEMBERS OF THK CONSOLIDATED BTt'K EXCHANGE. ESTABLISHED IWS 44 and 4ri Broadway, New l'ork. STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN. COTTON. Strictly a commission houso. wotklng in the interest* of cur clients and exe uttng all order* tipen the exchange* Snd for our new hook desctiblng market move, monte, al o Huct tatlon sheets and Market reports. Commission Ml. JOHN W. DICKEY, Klnrk and llnait Broker. 41(44 ST A, GA. Write foe Llaf. I’IIE MORNING NEWS: SEN DAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1900. hAVAI. STOKE*. Saturday. Nov. 10. SPIRITS TERPENTINE.-The Market for spirits opened firm to-day at 41 cents, with sa.ea of 251 casks, and closed steady at 41. with no further salsa reported The demand at the quotation was light, nd tt was the current understanding that neither domestic nor foreign exporters were in at thts Sales could prob ably have been made on a basts of 4b 1 ) cent*. The day a receipts wera MB. and ihj export* ill ROSINS -The rosin market closed Arm and of 1.4 H barrels and 555 barrels at ths clos ing The etemand a, fair The ,1a > receipts were 2.57*. and the axport* 4.176. Prlrea as follow A. B. C 11 *j J |l so I> I *t K 1 4.7 E 1 35 81 170 E 1 tu N 110 j 0 141 B O 2 flu I M 1 58 \V W 216 Reeclpte Baturday— Spirit*. Room e. R R U3 22: *. E A W 815 1.302 18- A. U Jiff 1,084 Exports Saturday— ! Ausl. lark OTgu T.. Trlest 3.liß tt tt Alleghany. Philadelphia ....115 38) C. R. R. week, various 6 149 9 . F A W , week, varlou* go ■> 5 A. L . week various J 77 Naval Stores Stalemsnt— Spirits. Rosin, Block April J. INO 2,197 142 5tK Receipts to-day 935 2,37* Receipts previously 3*9 *37 649 401 Total sloe* April 1 2T3.Ut* TH.485 Exports to-day m 4.774 Exports previously 238 SOR tt*6 do Exports sin-a April 1 223.484 670.426 Block on hand to-day 39 585 123 159 Stock last year 29 941 ICA92 Charleston Nov. 10 —Turpentine mar ket firm at 40 cents bid Rosin firm: salts 50 barrels, n. O, D. *IBB, E. *1.50. F. 9135; O. $1.40. H. 1150; 1. *] 50. K M. 21.60, N. e oo; W. G.. 82 to. W W„ 22 75 Wilmington. N C. Nov 10—Spirits tur pentine steady, tO'jiplic. receipts, 00 , casks. Roaln slesdy. 21.9001 25. receipts. 166. Crude turpentine. 81.40 and 12 40. racelpu 104 Tar firm, 21 56; receipts. 111. London, Nov 10—Linseed oil 22a 9d Turprmine spirits 31s 614d. Rosin. Ameri an strained s*. 101vd. Rovln Rns Is 6d. New Orleans, Nov 10.—Receipts rostn 760 barrels, turpentine, 91 Exports. Belfast. 500 barrels rosin. nMAJtriAL. MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up svlth the supply Foreign EXCHANOE-Market steady Commercial demand. fIU I ,. slxy days. 24 7941; ninety dvs, 8179: franca. Paris, and Havre, sixty days, 5 27%; Bales, sixty days, 6 26. Belgian. 5 21*4, marks, sixty dev*. 9B 9-16; ninety dev*. 93 5-16. DOMESTIC STEADY - Steady, banka are buying at 1-10 discount and selling aa foUAwr 225 and under. 10c pre mium; 227 to Art l,v premium; 250 to 1100, 20c premium; 8100 to IJoe 25c premium. 2ano to DM *4 premium; 11,000 and over. 75c per M premium. BBCCRITIES—There Is a brisk demand alt round and light offerings. Stocks. Bid Ask August* and Bivannah R. R ]<V4 110 Atlanta and West Point 129 do 6 per cent certificates Mg AuguHa Factory 82 88 Cltlsena’ Bank ....132 ... Chatham Rank 110 ... Chatham R. E. A I. Cos.. A 57H B*4 do do B 664 674 Eagle atil Phoenix Mfg. Cos 106 ... Edison Electric Ilium. Cos kff 110 Enterprise Mfg. Cos. .. 108 Clonnania Rank ....190 ... Georgia and Alabama 23 M Georgia Railroad Common 215 217 Granltevilhi lfg. Cos 168 170 J. P. King Mfg. Cos 100 MR Longloy Mfg. Cos 115 1 Merchants’ National Rank 112 ... National Bank of Savannah 150 .. Oglethorpe Savings oisi Trust....llo People’s Savings and l*oan 100 Southwestern Railroad Cos I<4 110 Q Savannah Gas Light Cos 244 25'4 Southern Rank 153 ]6 Savannah bank and Trust 114 Sibley Mfg. Cos.. Augusta 84 88 Savannah Brewing 102 Hands. Did. Ask Char . Col. ft Anr lt. B*. 1N0..1W1 Atlanta oily Ip. la 106 ... Augusta city As. 1927 106 <lo 4*4. |5 in do 7*. IHOB 107 v> . isis ia Ala. Mhl hr Ind and. 193*. M 4N It 9S Augusta factory.* |>r cent..lMS. lit IIS Drunanrlck m<l Western 4a. 1534.. S3 M C R. K A Banking collateral sa. $4 ... C. of G. Ist morfg. s*. ms F & A lit 131 C. of G con 5* 1945, M AN... 95 93>) C. of U lat Incomos, 1544 49V* k>*4 do 2d Income* 13 IS',) do 3d Income*. IMS 7 * C of O (M Q. A A. Dlv.) 5* 1347. J. ft J 9* 97 C. of O. (Raton Branch), 5a 192* J. ft D 97 SI City A Suburban R. R lat 7* 199*4 Columbus City s*. 1909 107 Charleston city 4. 1909 101 103 facie ft Phoenix Mills A*. 1334 in* lift Edison Electric Illumination 6* H Enterf>rt*o Mfg *. Itti ID# ... Georgia Railroad * 1910 115 117 G 8. ft r . 1945. J. ft J 112 in Georgia A Alabama Ist 3s. 1946.. 104 10* Georgia state *y. 1930, Jft J 110 do 3*4*. 1915. M A N 101 do 4V s. 1915 t ll* 119 Macon city As, 1910. J. ft J 11* ll* do 4’ys, 192*. Jan. |>ar 10* 112 Ocean Steamship s*. 193* 104 10* Rovannah cliy is,, quar January. 191* 110 111 do V quar. February. 1939 . .159 110 South Carolina state 4()a, 1933 117 119 Hlbley Mfg Cos. *. 1903 10! South Bound 5* 99 100 9 K A W s-n. mt'sr 6*. 1934 .124 U>i do do lat 5s KOld 1931 115 do St John Dlv Ist 4*. 1934 94 94 WSSKLT B(\K ATAT9-4H7AT, New York. Nov. 10—Th weekly atnte ment of averages of the Associat’d Ranks showr: Loans 37*5.656,500. decrease 94*71.. mn I>e|M*lta. 3*51.091.609; decrease. 3H>* IXI.IOO Circulation. W>.7u7. <Ui. .lecrease, 112.101.1*0 legal lenderp. Itd.lß.luu. <l crease. J2.225.V50, Specie, II hi. 3.*;,?**., <le. cream 11.7W.400. Tolal reserve. 3*12.379.- 999; dm reuse, 54.n15.20u Reserve required, 3397,772 9JO, decrease. s2.*7U,*su, Surplus re. serv. . 11.ftrt.560; deereas. t 1.344.350 New York. Nov. 10. —Money on call nom inal; prime mer antlle piper. 4'*#ts> 4 per cent Sterling exchange nomaial. with aelttnl bueinrv* In hanker*' hills, at $1 *l'j fit (I*4 for demand und nt ft )S(I >, for rlxty days; posted rates, 54 tit* nod II *s*o. I ‘ Hills. It *O4/1 ft)', Sliver certificate*. ntffSie Bar sliver, 64c Mexican dollars i >< 4 c. State bond* inactive; railroad bond* atronc. govern, ment bonds weak. STOCK 9 AND IIOYD*. Ilia Jump la I’liriftr Mull the Feature of the Klee. New York. Nov 10 -To-day's stock mar ket was not materially changed In char acter from that ptevalllng since Wednes day morning "X.-vpi an opportunity was given to test It when she hank statement mn le ll* sppesrsnee Considering the kind of buying that ha* been going on during the latter part of the week and the extent and reason* for some of the advance* made, the market came through she lest fairly well. The momvmary chill which struck the market when the state- mrnt flrst appeared seemed to pas*, hut a fever At was on when the market dosed and fluctuations war# wild and unsettled under the confiding Influence* of vigor ous pressure by the bear* and eager sup port by the powerful bull cliques, or fran tic unloading by weak speculative hold ers and nervous covering for a quick turn by aborts The earlier market shoned very mixed conditions but the eager demand for stock* overrode alt other influence* and prevented much effect on prl.-ea from ths realising, which wa* on a very heavy scale Pacific Mali jumped n&ariy p* points by half-point interval* on the announce, mem of the entry of tl Vnlen Pa 'lie Interests In the directory and Cnlon 191- ctfle was slso notably affected The sleet stock* showed wide and excited fluctua tions on a continuance of the heavy spec ulation In those ecurttl*s American Hoop. Tin Plate and Trnnessee Goal were moat coniptcuou* and Wrre marked up J point* or ovr. When the market re kt ed these stork* and other prominent Industrial, and specialties were most af fected. to.lng In some c.aea. between 2 am 8 points, partly recovering before the close. The consternation manifested among speculators over the shoalng of the bank statement was due slther to foolish blun dering or to reckless misstatement*, as yesterday's preliminary figure* from the bank* Ihemseives closely Indicated n fc>* In cash, though not a* large a* the 31.015.- 2>d actually reported to-dav Tt*e extent of this decline will inevitably lesd to dis cussion s* to whether ea -h wa* with draw and hoarded over election The loan Item seems also to reflect the prccauMon af> loan contraction of Monday, rather than the later Iltveral policy reflected in the money rates on the Block Exchange The large .k-mand for railroad af fords a better index of the substantial character of the buying than for stock* 2’nited Btalea new 4s advanced IS. the refunding 2s when Issued and old 4 S. and the 3s and 5s 4 per cent, over the ruling call price of a week ago The total sales of sto Its to-day reach ed Wd**) shares. Including the following Atehtaon, 23.240; Atchison preferred. 17.00 c Baltimore and Ohio, 19 *6O. Chesapeake and Ohio. 7.9T0 Burlington. 0O; Man hattan. 8.750. Missouri Pacific, 10820; New York Central, 9.90#; Norfolk and IVrstrnt 20.4 W. Northern Pacific. 14.*70. Pennsyl vania. 90 goo, Reading first. 96.000; Bt Paul 12.117, Southern Pacific. 68.550. Southern Railway preferred, 6,wn Fnlon Paeffic *•*■ Steel nnd wire. G. 9,0. American Tin Plats, 12,545; Totvacco, 22,250, Brook* lyo. 12.80. Continental Totiac.vv. 9900 Fevlers 1 Steel. *3 810: National Steel. MIX)] Paclllo Mall. 37.1*9; Peo|>le’ Gas. 9.300, Sugar. 82.750; Tennessee Coal and Irnr,. 14.0 m. Leather. 78.226, Cmte.l States Hub. oar. e.Mo. , Nw York Stork Mat. Alchlaon 75%: Talon Pae. ... M, *• % <*o pref TS! Bho A Ohio n\ Waiweh .... 8 r* n ...MV,, 4. iwef. Jjv! L* n ***’* SlVff A U K....10V * °hlo JTS. do 2r.d pref. . J< I C. G. Wf.l,rii l* 4 t Wlx Central. 14 <;• *A U 13*1, Third Ayr nj C. I. A luta.. Kp* ao pr<*f *-7V Arnerlewn Fl 143 £* * K 111 ' I !’• e E>xpr* . r., Chlr. A N*. Ue’Ja Karri K* 130 C., R. I. A P—lH% Am Cotr.m Oil . 3>,% C. C. C. A St <!o pref.. .. gt S |Am Matting .'. pi Sou *%j *" prof Mk do lot pref .. 40%< A BAR. .... 4^ do 2ml prof... |C% do prof SM, T>ol A Hud,on. 11*HI Am Spirits .... j Del U A W...l I 4. prof 17 t>. a r. a ... i* 4 a s. ii m, do prof 73%, do 7 Ert" 13 A. 8 an.l W.. 44% do lat pTrf ... *7'i| do prrr . *4% Ot. N prof 1(1% Am. Tin Plate.. 10% Horkieg Coal .. 1* | do prof g*% Hocking Vml. .. Si . Am Tobacco ..VI 111 CttltMl ....1 72%' do pr. f us lowa Out 15% A. Minin* C 0... ? do Vrf 44 > Brooklyn R T.. (*% U K A W. ... 38% 00l Ku-I A I . 01% do pref KIR Copt Tot a-.o .. *4 Lake Shore ....*lOl4l do prof Oku k * K 71%t Federal Steel .. 4.% Manhattan L ..107 | do pref. 7*% Mrt. St Ry i7% ‘-an Ktecdrlr ..1R Mr*. central .. 11% Ulucone .. *s% M A St laoule *! do pref :<M do pref 104 [lntrrn'l Taper .. 75 Mo Pa el Hr .... HU do pref 71 Mobile A Ohio 41 ! laclede Oa ... 70 31.. K. A T 11% Nat. Bi’eull .... 21% do pref J 5 ] do pref 54 N. J Crnt 135 , National Lead .21% N. T Central. .13 7% do |MOf K Norfolk A YV... 4'4 National Sleet *< do pref 7* do pref 92 Non hen Pac. .. H N. Y. A B l*i do pref 7;% N. American .. 1% Ontario A W. 21% Pae Coaat .... *1 O. Ry A Nav.. 41 j do lai prof. .. k& do pref 74 do liid pr-f *4 Pennsylvania ..IS% Paetfle Mall .... M Reading 11% People** Oa .. M\, do lat pref ... ClVPren Steel Car. 55% do 2nd pref .. 0% do pref tT% Rio O. W TO Pullman P. Car.lll do pref M |B. R and T 1 St. 1.. A 8 F. II ] Surer 121% do let pref .. |i do pn-f 217 do 2nd pref... 31 jTenn. C. A I *>7% Bt 1... 8* 14%; U. 8. Lecher.. 18% do pief SJV do pref 7 % Bt Paul 111% U. S. Rubber .. 74 do pref m%| do pief 15% St. P A 0 113 Weeiern Union.. M% Sou. Paclfl .... 41% R 1. A 8 I*4 Southern Ry. .. 14%' do pief 41% do ptef ro%; P. C. C. A St. L.. £5 Tex. A Pae... 11 Bond* IT. S S* ref. ;U . K *T. M TO reg, TOSS; * tf *1 do roup IOJi, N T. C. lit ....10* do 3*. reg. ).M. J. C O 5* 12ti do 2s, roup .. 11044'North. Pm-. 3*. 70 do new 4s. <lo 4a 105 do now 4*. c'p.l*s' N Y.. C. * Bt. do old to. roe 11< | Louis is 10**4 do old is. cp.lK N. * VV. C. 4* S<V do s*. roe lUiiiOro. Nav. lgt do ss, r’p .114 do 4a HU D of C. 3 65a. .lam Ore. £ L s ..7’4 Meh.. con 4a .101*i do roc 5a ....1114* do adjt 4a ... MS Read Oati to ... \ Can Sou. 2d 107 V Rio O. W lat. W*. C. * O. 4*s* ...ÜB*, St. I*. A I. M do 5a 139 I con 5* UU* C. of On con. |Bt. L. A 8 P. in 35 I gon a ........125 do lat Inc .... 6<t ■Kt Paul con. ..172 do 2.1 Imo. ... 15 Hi P., C. * P C. A Nw. con. lata IK** 7s ISl‘, Si P., C. 4c P. C. A Nw. S. F | 5a lIP* Peb 3a 117' Sou Par 4a .. t3\ Chi. Tor 4a ... *t I Sou Hy 5a ....113 roi Sou. to ... Hit*iS It A T. 5a.. 70 D. * R. <f. to.. W’a Tox. A r*< lat 115 Brio Urn. to ... 771. 4 2d *r> r. w A D. C. t i on Poc. 4a ..101 lat 73 jWubaali lat IK*, cion Birr. 5a ...113 do 2d* .... ....104*4 low. Con. lat ..lls‘, Wool Snore 4a ..112 , I*. & N. I" to #VjWlac. Con. lat.. *7 J . M 4 O 4i T.. M Vn. Cant *u . New York. Nov. 10.—Scand*rd Oil 4k2| K. Uuiiih) A I tt.'a Mark I.ri|or. Now- York. Nov. 10—A memorable week In the etock market came to a fl't n* cloa* to-dny. Little raoro can ho raid than that Ih* dealing* virtually reflected the state of mind of the public, crowing out of Tuesday - * election. Th* trading was In aitnpiy enormous volume, natur. ally well distributed and resultad In w.da fluctuations In prkta. The <%>y open'd with no atngl* faetor of novefty offered for conalderailon Lon don. Indeed, sent In a higher range for prices and for the Ural limr this week foreign bouses bought heavily in this market presumably In odvance of n#*t week's teakimr.t upon the London Stock Kxchange. which. H is expected. will dis close aoma interesting condli on*. Prior to tha publication of 'he hank statement. th probable showing of th# latter wit eagerly dia-tiaaed, but the conclusions r adial did not api>ear to bo n fn' tor In the Intter trading. The mar ket naturally furnished some features, particularly In th* Industrial quarter anti among the specialties In 4b* Uttar Pacific Mall wag g congpicu- ■SR* Southern Railway. Train* Arrive and Depart Bavannah on 9f>th Meridian Tima—One Hour (Dower Than City Tima. Schedule in Rflact Sunday. June 10. 1900. *lal> powjTJ ¥b YMiE'BaRT.' ]; reap l'p" No 9t No J* (Cem>a 1 fime \ No as No 99 lFßpm IT9nan> Lv tav,innah 777. Xf,| 9 l6am~"l Hj-m (Eastern Tims.) |] J t ilpm, 4 29am Ar Ytiackvllle Lv 3 ohsml 1 01pm 9 vjpiu C loam Ar I'olumlda Lv I lAttm 11 J4am 9 lOpm 9 45am Ar Charlotte Lv | 9 l-'pm I iAm H 44(-m.12 Smu Ar Oreen>hPro l.v 7 10pm 9 49am 1 * ,ii> Ar . Ni ; Ik 7 . Lv 4 Sn.jna It Slam 1 Npai Ar ..................... iaV I 49im 4 39am < 00am T|an Ar" Richmond 77777 Lv 12 Olptn 11 40pat 2 40am 9 tapm Ar ..77 Lynchburg Lvi 1 Uptn 3 l*vun llsm 9 35pm Ar Charloi tear Ula Lv 2 09) mu 12 Mm 7 Siam l 50pm Ar Washington Lv It 19am 9 ipin 9 l.'m It Xpm Ar Halt more Lv ' 332 nm 9 31pm 1! sr.itny 2 s*am Ar Philadelphia Lvj 9 Warn o9pm 2 00pm asm Ar N<-w York .Lv 13 Warn 395 pm 3 Supin 3 oipm.Ar Ho<ton Lv, 4,lo Mem No 99 TO THE MOKH AND WKWt. i No (Can-rai Tlirw i liSOani Lv 1 Bavannah Ar bl&aia (Gaels n Time ) OVun l.v CO umbla 7. Lv 1 79am 9 s>wm Lv Fpartvnburg Lv;j I Ilpm 12 l"pm Lv Aabevllla Lv 9 uAiun 4 iCpm lAr Hot B,u ing* Lv J 1 45 im 7 Shun Ar KnoxvUie l.v , a 29am 5 !oam Ar Lexington LvlOkhnn 7 45am l Ar Cincinnati l.v 9 00pm 4 00pm Ar 8t Lent* Lvjj 9 (dam i A | i . , All trnlna arrive and depart (nun theplant System Station. THKOCOII CAR kr.nVICK, ETC TRAINS 33 AND 94 DAILY NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vaatl huled limited train*, with I’uilmgn Drawing Rouin Bleeping Cara between Bavan nah and New York Connects ai Washington *-!th Colonial Express to" Boston. Pullman Bleeping Care letewn Chari jgtr and Richmond and Charlotte aid Nor folk Pining Cars Nerve *l4 me, I- between Savannah and Waahlngtot) TRAINS 36 ANT' 3* DAILY. THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Vestibule* limited trains, carrying Pullman D'awlng Koom Sleeping Cara between Bvven ah and New York Dtnlng cars aerw all meals hstacen t)*>annalt and Washington. Aleo Ihillman Drawing R<m Bleeplnc Cera between Bavannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and Tha Land nf the Hky " For complete Information ea lo rt># schedules, stc.. apply to O OROOVKR. Tlekft Asent Want System Ktatlon JAMFK FMKBMAN, C P and T. A . 141 Bull Street Telephones- Bell. <; Georgia. 930. < B II lIARPYVICK, Aseletanl Genaral Pnespnger Agent. Atlanta. Oa. ous feature, the atoek recording a sensa tional rise whtch was presumably based upon the entrance of some new import ant financial Interests In tha management The whole of the Industrial quarter was deculedly strong, conspicuous gains ap pearing in American Tobacco, United States leather. Steel Hoop. American Tin Plale and I‘reseed Steel Car Tha bank statement furnlshad only another one of these series of surprises wblch hav# characterised five figures for tile t**t six weeks or more. Decrratsea appear In every Item The most astonishing of which was th shrinkage In loans which amounted lo 96 472.900 In view of the enormous speculation of Ihe week a large rise In this Hem had been looked for. To-day's showing would Indicate that the expected tranefer of wtocka from strong hands Inlo weak bee by no means taken place. The loss In cash, which amounted to was fully double the largest preliminary calculations, and was undoubtedly an Incorrect showing of tba real money movement of tha weak In consequence of tha decrease In loans and In cash, deposits shrunk fl'l.W !IJO. hence surplus reserve decreased only II 244.(991. and Iha bank* now hold 14.006.001) In excess of tha lawful requirements. MiaraCLI.ANKfSI 9 MAHKRT*. No* These quotation* are revised dally, and are kept aa near aa possible In aerord with the prevailing wholesale price* Official quotation* are not used when they disagree with the prtcee whole saler* aak Ceastr, and Northern Prefsee. I*OULTRY —The market le steady Quo ta'lone: Brollere. *o4)i< per pair; half arotvn. 454}fide; three-fourth# g own. SStl 40c hens, *tr7*c. roosters. 904J50c; duck* 504775 c; geese, 75cQ*l . EGGS Steady at Vte. BUTT HR—The tone of th# market I* firm Quotations: Western creamery. I*B 34V4C. New York suit delry. 19021 c. extra Elgin*. IMMr CHEESE—Market firm; fancy full crcnm cheese. I3vyc for 39 to B-pound average. 39f|2u-pound average, lie. Fairly Vegetable#. IRISH POTA*n>EB- Northers, 11.90 aack. CARD AGE—sfl7e per heed. ONIONS—YeIIow. In barrel*. 3240 crate*. 90c; red, 11 90 Hreadslugs, liar and Grata. PLOl'R—Market steady; patent, 3130; straight, 32 90. fancy, 13 75. family, 33.50 MEAL—Pearl, per barrel. 32 20; per sack. 51.25. city meal, per aa<k. bolted, tl 12*48 1.15; water ground. 31. Mil 1.7V4; city gnts. aack*. 31.20; pearl grits, Hudnuts, per bar rel 32 75; per aack. 1122*4; sundry brands. 11. 17(481 SO sack. CORN—Market firm white. Job lota. sc; carload lota. Or: mixed corn. Job lota, 63c; carload lofs. 59c. RlCH—Market steady demand good; fancy head, ft*; fancy, 5(4e. Prime • Good •**( Fair * <M'9 common ** OATS No J mlaed. carload. 33V; Jot, loir 3VfiS*c. while clipped, cars. 17c; Job. 40c BRAN—Job lot*. 9*c; carload lote. 9dr HA Y—Market steady; No 1 timothy. *24c Job. *7'v cars: No. 1, 35 c Jib; 12*4 care Sugar and Coffee. BUG Alt- Cut lu if 4 3l|C,|amortd A 5*4 Crtihed I.StTonfectlonera' A5 7 Fow terrd * 9|White Extra C... 8.49 XXXX pow’d. . 3.V4 Extra C 54* Granulated Bolden C 5.14 Cube* U fellow* i.l Mould A *.*, COT'FEB— Mocha 3*c iPrlme No 3 11 c lava *c ' Good No. 4 10**c Peaherry 14 c Fair No. 5. 10'ftc Fancy No 1....12 c Ordinary No I. 10 c choice No 2—l!(4<-icomir,oi, No. 7.. (4c Hard ware and Building Sniipllra. LIME. C AIeCII'M, PLABTER AND CEMENT—Alnbama and Georgia lime In fair deir.nnd and aell at *• rente a barrel; special lilelned plaster, |l on per barrel, hair. 44)5c Hoaedale cement. ll.IOfil.13; ,load lot*, special; Portland cement, re io(l J 3.8; carload lota, 17 '■")2 ft LUMBER F o It VKBSKUI SAVAN NAH—Minimum. yard (lava. 31050Q11 U). cur hill*. 12V<t,l!P' difficult etl*, 31494 4>l*.uu ship stock. 116.‘0f,1e0. sawn tie*. |*oiy<js.(; hewn lies. 25*)SAc, OIL-Market steady; demand fair, sig nal. 45t)50r. West Virginia blade. 94713 c, lard. U, . neaeefuoi. oli7*W;. machinery. 1* f)2ic; llnaeed oil, raw. life. tllfd, 73(4 r . k’roeene, prime white lie. water white, 13c; Pratt’* astral. He; deodor'ied ftiove gasoline, drums, ll'ftc; empty oil barrels, delivered, 9ir SHOT—Drop. 31.50. B. B end large. 31.75; chilled. 31.75. IKON- Market very Heady. Sweda, 5(4'. NAIIJ Cut. 12*0 har. wire. U 25 beue. BARBED WIRE--33.14 per 1(0 pound*; straight good*. a®*te; sugar bouae molas ses, lit) 20c GUN POWDER—Ptr keg. Austin crack shot 34 00; h ilf keg $2 75 qunrer kc* t. It 35; champion ducking, quarter keg, 32-25, ieiiesit win, Haaur’i Mituseivee. half kegs. 311 35; quarter kegf. 35 73; 1-pound esnleters. 31 ’*>. leas B per cant , Trols dorf emokeleas powder 1-pound can*. 31; 10-pound cans. 99c pound Rail, Hides and Wool. SALT—Drmaod Is fair and In* mark’d steady, carload H>' * bw-pound burlap sack*. 44c. 100-pouml cotton aack, 43', l|A-poun<l I’Unap savka 4v**c; llu-pouikl rollon sacks. 49(4**; 2Z5-pound burtap sacks. 15c: 125-pounat collou sack. Me, 30-pound hur'ftn efti'ka Ug> HIDES—Markgi Arm. dry Ouu, U(*j dry salt. ..qc; green salted. 6c. IVOOI-Nominal, prime Georgia, free of sand burrs and black wool. I9r. Mack 16c; burry. 10c. Wax. 28c; tallow. *Hc. Deer skins 20c Fruit* and Bata. Al’l'btA-Nottnern variety, H xqi t*. GRANGER—(I la I 17 704)3 50 PRUNES Ata to s*. 10": Yus to Ode. *Mc. •Os to 70s. 7c. Tu* to Am, tVfcc. 80s to 9u*. 6c. 96* to Uu*. sltc. BANANAS -212501.00 bbnch LEMONS Market *taady at 81.50 COCOANUTR-44 00*4 35 per 100 PKANUTR-Ample stapk. fair demantl. market firm, fancy hand-picked. Virginia, psr pound. Bc, hand-picked. Virginia, ea iras. 4'c; N. C. seed peanuts, 4c NUTS-Almonds. Tarragona. 16c, Ivlras. 16c; walnut*. French. 12". Naples lie; p>"arts. 12c; Braalla. lie; filbert*, lie. as sorted nut*. 50-pound and tt-pound boiee lie. rattan Bagging and Ties. RAGGING—Market firm; Jule. 114 pound. JMc; large lot*. 2*c; small let*. l-p..u*d. 84,419. 145-pound. M*4J*S", sea Islaiul bagging. I2VYC. TIER -fltandard, 46 pound arrow, large loie, 1140; amali lot*. |! 20 *, Kama and laird. BACON—Msfk* firm; D B C R aides. 7%c; D. 8 heiliaa. **, (Eastern), oc lOTdlng to average six*. D. S Iveillea 1(4" (Weeiem); imoke.l c n sides 245 c HAMB-Mugtr cured. ltQltHc LARI'-Fure. In tlarce*. 2Kc; In gb pouad (Ina and 2D-nound tuba. 244 c. "■impound In tierce*. 2(4c; 14-pound ling, and 90-pound fuh*. 284 c (tried aad Rraporalrg Fruits. APPLEB—Evaporated. TO7Hc; un-dtied. Hoc A PRiroTß.—Evaporated. 10c igiund. neciarlrr*. 10c. RAIBINR-L L., S3 10; Irtyietial rablrtefe. 22 75; bin** 60-pound boxrg. 94)" pound PKAt'HKB- Rveporatod. pealed, ITMc unpealed, K44Q9c. PEARB—Evaporated, 45r. mgiYsi.i.ANnora. FISH-Mackcrel. half-barrels. No. 1 •B.ol'. No. X, rot). No 2. ffi.7s. ktu No 1. II 20; No 2. $] 19. No. I. 26c. Codltoh. 1-peund brick*. 6'4c; 2-pouod brick*. 6c. Bmnked herring, per bo*. 17R12.- Dutch herring, in keg*. sl.lO, new mullrta. haif bsrrcl*. M 78. HYIU’P- M.irkM quiet; Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at natr, selling at 22t|35c; sugar house at 10818 c HONEY—Fair demand; strained, to bar rel*. SfdJOtc gallon. High wines basts, ll. tl. OCEAN FBBIOHTff. CO PI ON—Savannah le Boston, per cwt.. tv. to New York, par rwt.. inn; 10 Philadelphia, per bale. 31; Baltimore. 31. FOIikIGN DlßErr—Bramen. 49c; Liv erpool. 40r; Hamburg. 43c; Genoa. 90c. Barcelona, r. Manchester, 45c; Havre. 43c; Antwerp, 53c LUMBER—diy gall—Freights steady; to Bultlmote and *o*tward. 3110 lo 33 75 per .M., Including Portland. LUMBER- -Ry Ste.rm—Savannah fo Bal timore. 34 00. to • R It. or H and O docks, 7514; to I’hlladelphla. 197*0 per cwt. (| pounds to foot); to New Jork 134 per M. IT3 to dock; lightered to Boston. 3380. NAVAL STORES- The market la firm: medium ala* v easels. Roam—Cork, for orders, 3% 6d per hartal of fio pounds, and r per cent prtmag.. Spirit*. 4* 9>l per 49 gallon* gross, and I per cent primage Mrgn vessels, rosin. J; spirit*. 4a I Steam, lie, per 100 poVjnde nn rosin; 3H4c on aplrlt*. Savannah 10 Boston, and 9(40 on main and 19c on apirl’a to New York. grain. PHoviainea etc, Nrw York. Nov 10.—Flour— Market qulel but held SQI9C higher on the strength in wheat (Vlntar patents. M.OOtf 4 33. Mnnesou patent*, tl 0044.35. Rye flour quiet, fair 10 good, 12 OQ4M 3a lorn meal quiet, yellow Western, 99c Rye dull; No. 3 Weetern. c Hurley dull; feeding. 42<iv Barley malt qulel. s*Bl(r Wtivat—Spot flim. No. * red. 90(*e: op tions were firm and higher tbie morning on atrengih abroad, local covering, pro p*cl* of lessening receipts and a sharp rise in corn, eloped firm t V nel ad vance. ilarvh clowd Me. May cloaed.93*ec. Novmber closed 74(tc. December eloaed, 79*4,: '.•urn—Spot strong, Ne. 2. 4\c; options market waa fairly aetiv# and stronger, totluemed by llghx eountry acceptaace*. firmnee* In English markets and a short snare ai Chicago; eloaed firm and ThfHAc net higher; May cloned 4*7*o. December closed, 43(, c. (isle—Spot Steady. No. 3, 35(4c; options .nactlve but steadier Beef steady; family.; mesa. 99 9fdi9.:*). b<-ef barns, 20f|21r: cut meal* quiet, pickled bellies. 9Qllc; pickled shoulder*. 9c; pickled hems. 9fl9'4c. lerd firm; Western •teemed 7 Mr; No vember closed. 7.47Hc; nominal, refined firm; cuntlncm. T Wfc; South Amerloon *23c. compound 6Q4*c. I’ork steady: family. 115 YAH OO; short clear Ilf) 17c: mesa. fll.noqil.H B)tcf strung, creaatr). ie6Ml4c; state dairy. 15Q22C Cheese dull and weak; large whße, 10(4®1<eV; small while, I9(4flllc Rgg* strong, state and Pennsylvania. 2Sfr:HSc. Western regular packing at mark. 16*/23c Tallow firm; city, fe.c; country. i%4fi%r Pelr.steum easy; refined Nrw York. D.35; Phllsdelphln ard Baltimore, do In bulk. 31 T 5 Rosin ate.idy; strained common to good. 31 47*401 .It). (Continued *0 Fag* Twenty-¥w*4 Plant System of Railways. Train* operated by 90th meridian tltnfo. On# hour slower than city time. In affect Oct. 1. 1900 All traiag Lv Ravannah Dally Ar Bavanrval* ” Datwaaii 1 II amt Savannah | I M ana 6 96 am; Wajrcroae. 110 15 an* < I# ni Jackianvtlla (12 to a’n * oo rm; and Florida. ..... ] 2 20 pm psiw'an I •) am l savannah |2 to am JtYaiii ..Charbaton |7 56 am II 29 on and 8aH.......... A 14 pm at 1 "it Vaapa with nfo Insular and occidcnlal steamers leaving for Kry West end Havana Mondays, Thursday* and Saturdays. 11 06 p m Call at Ticket offices for further Infer* motion J. H mi.HEMT'R T T A. WARD CLARK Cly D-ln-t Agent, lb) Soto Hotel Phene 72 R W WRKNN. Passenger Traffic Msa mgf'r Bdi%amuih. <i u '^GEORGIA \Y. Ryco/ Schedule Effective Sept to 1904 Ttalne arrive el end depart from Central Run km. West it rood, foot of Liberty street 90th Meridian Tune—on# hour slower than city lime. wa v# Arrive flavatxnah: Bavannaht Augusta. Mann. Atlanta.' * •2 48*m c.wlngioi: Mlllnigevtlle *0 00pm land all Intermediate points : Augusta. Macon. Atlanla,| 1 Athene. Mum comer y, Oe •2 >|vm iumi'u*. Iltrmlngham. Am- *4 20am _ Jerlcu*. Eufaula ami Troy.| DovVr Acommodatl >n t" Pam tl tbi'tn Guyton Dinner Train (♦* supm •Ilelly fEirept Buitday BETWEEN BAYANNAH AND TYREEI 75th meridian or Ha vannah cliy tint* LEAVE SAVANNAH. Morv,ley only 025 a to Daily *xoapt Monday 2J6 nv. DaUyJOOp m LEAVE TYREE Monthly only 715 a m Dally ageapfl Monday 10.25 a. m. Dally 220 p. nv UonnectkHvr mad* al terminal p4nta with all trains Northwest, Waal and South n ew Bleeping "ere on night trains between Hevannah and AuguetA Ma otv. quanta and Birmingham Parlor car* on day train* lietweea Ka vannah. Mi'-qt and Atlanta. Fbr cognplete Informal km. • h-dtdea, rate* and reeve:action# apply to R G. fiHEYYFiR, City Thckct aad Pa os cog '■(, itff Bull t-resi. or w R MCINTYRE. Depot Tkvket Agent. J. C HAILE. General Passenger Agent. R 11. HINTON, Traffic Manager THICO D. KLINE. Gen fluperimandasM, Savannah. 04 Double Daily Service The abort line to Norfolk. Waahlqgtom lUlttmore. Philadelphia. New York aad the toil N5 44 No Uv Savannah. S A. L~R>M2 J.Spmll Up m Ar Columbia. 8 A. L*. R }l 4 t j*e~ Ar Raleigh, B. A L, Ry...|11 *7,,m ll Ar Durham. 8 A. URy 7 Simt 1 14pm Ar Pateraliura. 8. A. U R> I Uatr 4 Mpm Ar Rlrhmond. H. A. 1 Ry & lam i Ar W Mhlngton. Prime. . 4Ax re JOim, Ar llalttrnore, paima 10 oBam,U pa Ar Phllatlrlphla. Panna..,. 12 npm 7 Mom Ar Nan York. I'mna | Upta, 4 item I No 44 ; No * CTKavannah. S A l. Ry;i2 pmjll 59pm Ar Poriamouth. S. A. I. Ry, 7 Otiamj 5 50pa| Steamer* Iravr Norfolk dally. exeepA Sunday, for iialllmore. Phllada pblv and Nen York, and dally for R aahlntton. The atiart line to Montgomery. MoMta and New Orlean*. leevtnt Savannah al 7 2* a. m, arrlvln* at Mont*omry 7 4B p. at., at which point clom connerUon ta made with the L A N. R R . arrtvln* at Mobile 1:48 a. m and New Orleana 1: 40 a. m. The abort line to Kem*lvlin* Jaekiuaa vlile, Tampa and other Florida polnta ~~~ ~ TNo n : Non 1a Savannah. S A. I. Rv 4 tie*m 1 tf7pm Ar Fermutdlna. 8 A.l* It . 1 fiam 1 Spa Ar Jat kaonviUa. HAI. Kv 1 la 7 40pm Ar Tampa. B. A. L. Ry....j 5 hipm 4 Ham MaanlHcani Pullman buff'd pleeplnc cat nervier to Wanhlnkton. Baltimore Phila delphia and New York; al*o to JackaoA villa and Tatnpa Dining care from Savannah to Hamlpt am) Richmond to New York Buffet parlor cara Savannah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apptv ta Ticket Office. Bull and Bnmn itrgetg. Phone 28. ANEW TRAIN WEST The “St. Louis Limited” -VIA— Big Four -TO TEXAS, KANSAS and MISSOURI, And aU Western and Northwestern Slaioa Leave Cincinnati 13:® noon. Arrive Indianapolis 3 26 p. m. Arrive fk louia 3:46 p. m Arrive Chicago 6:40 p m. rARLOH CAKB MODERN COAOMKB DtNINO CAR*. Connections for the West and Southwest made In Union Depot at 81. Loul*. and to all point* In tho Northwest at Chicago. Ask for tlcketa via Hlg Four Rout*. For full Information as to rates, etc., apply to or address W. P. DEPPE. A. O. P * Y. A*ept. WARREN J LYNCH, Oeii'l Pass * Tk. Agt . Cincinnati. O. c— — 1 ' " .. IF YOU WANT OOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank looks Iroa* Morning New* davannah, Oa. 23