The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 11, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 .JOHNSTONE CASE DISMISSED. MjlI.VriFF ABANDONED IT* Ft N THFH FBOUF.rI TIOH. Order Foard by Jnilr FVrrIH In Ifcr (flari of Ordinary Plaintiff f Inina*'.! In Hr tlar lion of Mra. Mary M. Tnllnfrrro nod Hod Filed Too Knit* Against llrr I'xeentor nod Trolrr Case In tl.r Superior I oarl Wrnf off on n 11. mnrrer nnd the rinlnftff Has Abandoned the Other—So I aldenee Han Hera In t ro.l need lo Establish Ilia 4>n tenllona. The ctM of Florence Barclay Johnmore ■calm■ C C. Taliaferro, executor of the will of Mary M Taliaferro, that hu been pending for more than three yeti it In the Court of Ordinary wan dismissed yester day by Judge FtffSl. The order dismissing the null recites ' It api tea ring lo the court that the plain tiff hae abandoned hie cate, It la orderel and edj elged that the eald none le hence dlsml seal Thla la the bare ataunieni of the fart; behind It lts a atory of thrllili I and sensational Interest Three year# ago two edit were file! agelnat Mr. Taliaferro, one in the Super ior Court. In whlcrh he wna aued as the truater under the will of Ida dead wife, and one In the Court of Ordinary, In which he was sought to b* compelled to offer for probate In * detnn form the will of Mr* Taliaferro, *o that the plaintiff. Florence Itur lay Johnstone, might fie hie caveat thereto. The plaint ff. tli# aam* In bolli -ase", claimed to ha the Illegitimate non of Mrs. Taliaferro, and hi* claim lo a slides of the tel*!# whch atie left ai her death waa baaed o . la.a contention. The plaintiff haa been represented by Meeer* Mercer A Mercer. Burton Smith an! A C. Wright, and ihe defend ant by Maura. Haueay A Sauaey, and dußlgmOft A biepheita. The caae In the Superior Court went off ou a gen* ral demurrer, filed by ouneel for the defendant, to the petition. The point of that caae turned upon a claune In the will of Mr* Mary Maiahall. who had adopted the mother of Mra. Taliaferro Thla clause provided that the property of Mrs Marshall should go to the children of Mre Taliaferro. It waa contended In the demurrer, that admitting, for Ihe wake of the argument, the truth of the plaintiff's contention of fact, he yet was no 1 , entliled to Inherit under the will, as It oould not l>e construed to main Ille gitimate children. This demurrer waa filed by Ihe attor neys for the defended because they knew that the earns question of fact would l<e presented for determination In Ihe case pending In the Court of Ordinary. The caae waa carried, on Ihe question raised by the demurrer, to the Supreme Court, which tribunal decided that the point made by the defendant waa well taken. In both cases a large amount of testi mony haa been submitted on behalf of the defendant, all of which goes to show Ihe untruth of the allegations made by the plaintiff On the other hand, no evidence has ever been introduced to show that hha contentions were matters of fan Other than tbe allegations In his petition there Is not In the record of either case any evidence. The evidence Introduced by the le ferulant waa to lha effect that the boy waa the eon of parents who died In Mem phla. Within a few weeks of each other, during the yellow fever epidemic that p*e vailed there In the summer of MRS. It ap peared that ihe woman who had nursed the father and mother of the baby hoy had written to Mrs. Taliaferro, then Miss Mary Barclay, end had asked her to adopt Ihe child Miss liar* .ay was a wo man of very large means and of known benevolent proclivities. At the time she adopted this boy she was supporting a little Japanese, In Japan The defendant * don ten lions as to the paternity of the boy have been borne nut by all the evlden.jf that has been Introduced during the sev eral trials of the cess. The cats that Judge Ferrtll has dis missed was based on the allegation. Itself resting on the claim that Johnstone was the son of Mrs. Taliaferro, that undue Influence had been exerted In the mailer of her will and that It did not express her real wishes us to the disposition of her property. Tla estate Is estimated to be worth *Fn.(too It la evident that young Johnatone has totally abandoned any contention h<- might once have made. When lest heard from he was m the Fhlllpplnes and his own counsel have not hrard from him for more than a year. The conclusions stated In the declelon of Judge Ferrtll express a self-evident fact. It Is a matter of general public congratulation that th. ram* and good fame of a dead woman baa thus been freed of reproach. UPHIMXATRD A POMLTHAK. Mr. F. N. (arlnrliihl Has an Ea roulrr W Itli a W ould Hr Bobber. An ateempt at highway robhrry was mad>- night before left on Mr. E. N Cartwright white that gentleman waa or. the way to the Central depot. Mr Cart wright gald yesterday that the attempt waa made a few minute* before 7 o'clock at Jefferson etreei and Oglethorpe ave nue. He had Just come from Schaffer'a bakery when he waa caught by the arm by a white man, who told him lo consider himself under arrest and to come whh him. Mr. Cartwright was naturally aurprlsel and demanded to know who his arrestor was He was told that his captor was a policeman. Mr Cartwright told him to wall unell he had deposited his packages, of which he had an armful, and then he would see what was wanted of him. He returned to the bakery, and leaving his belongings there, name out. only lo find the man was still nailing tor him. He ap proached and again taking ehe gentleman by the arm demanded lhai he come along, but Mr. Cartwright had by this time made up his mind that the man was sn impostor, so Instead of "coming along" he gave hi* would-be cap tor a blow on the head that seta him In a heap on the sidewalk, and then he gav. him a good thrashing Into the bargain There was no policeman In the vicinity and as M' Cartwright had only short time in which lo catch his car he did not atay lo aee lhal the man was arrested, which he say a he otherwise would have done He get hi* package and started for the depot, leaving his would-be arrestor seated on the edge of the gutter As he walk'd away he said h# noticed another ran coming across the sireet, and he thinks that he was probably a pal of the other Mr Cartwright says the man that at tn ked him waa of medium high! and com paratlvely well dressed He had good look at hi* face, ami Is sure that he could Identify him If he sees him again The man’s Id. a In Impersonating a po liceman was probably lo get Mr. Cart wright 'o .. dark si>ot where he and his pal could rob him without being de tected. ■ • ■ BtTr.REI) llla MAJORITY. Muster Joe M. Ilyck Then Entertain ed Forty l.lttle Frlenda. Master Joo Uyek, eon of Mr and Mrs. M B. Hyck, received hi* degree of Bar Ml'srah. or the celebration of his "Be. Ilgloue Majority," at the Temple Mtrkr.i Israel yesterday morning The young candidate acquitted himself finely, offering up a beautiful prayer and reading a por tion ut the Law lu Hebrew, Before the conclusion of the services, the pastor, Rev. Dr I H. Meades, in elo-ment terms, conns- led him with goon words In ih* evening fn-m 6 to 30 o'clock. Master Joe entertained about forty of hla Intimate friends with e flnaf collation, whlrh tvas greatly enjoyed at hit horn*. No 230 Hamnett street, wrest A flash light picture of the little folks was made aa they eat a; the table CllllilMln IIF SAVANNAH. A Shy but In terra 11 iib f la** With Peculiar t natuttie. bur flood Traits. While Havannah numbers many Chin <- mrn among It* resident* pro ably |re* la known of tin Ir every day life than of eny other class of foreign-ra In the rliy. But If there i little known of It It la not l-eoauae if Is not Interesting for Ih-Te 1* few If any of the foreign people here that present roMotns and manners so var.od , and unusual The ecneral Impression of the Chinaman by those who do not know him or wha have gathered such all-gel knowiedca front eermd hand, and often qu-' tlonat-1 , .our —a la that hf ta a washes waa .ee all da) long and that bla nights when i.ot taken up In a continual! - <f me day's occupation, ere si**nt in hitting th* f tp*. . playing fan tan, or both Wnlle ihs ua true in a measure of some, and w o y of other. It -Joes an Injustice to the claa. as a whole The m<aa peculiar characteristic of th* Chinaman, if one may Judge by those In Havannah. I* his ehyncaa of i-tranger* and great nature! reaerva In dealing with any body not well known lo him. but let this reeer. b- but once overcome and he will be found an Interesting ooject of aau.l) Fl is remarkably grateful for favor* and trifling klndnes-e*. too. aa may be seen by an incident that reivntly happen ed to a young boy here. He took some linen to on-- of the laundries and found aha proprlator suffering great pain from a e- aided fool, lie suggested that lime water and iir.aeed oil would be an excel lent remedy for the Injury, and himself went for the mixture From applications of this remedy the fool rapidly g-a well, and the Chinaman never forgot the af fair. but regularly on holiday*, whether thua of thla country or of hla native land remember* with prraents hi* young bene factor. a I lie handkerchief*. Itch! nuts ta. imported by Chinese firm*, earred Illy bulla, supposed to be replete with prom ises of happlr**a to those for whom they grow, and other thing*, are among the present* that have h*n made Chinese fo-d haa long l-een a subject of Interest on account of what people term Its outlan-llshnees, and that much of It warrants the application of thla term cannot 1— denied The appetites and taste* of Havannah’* Chinese |ropulatlon ere ralher limited a* far as the dishes of their native land Is concerned on account of the difficulty of Importing the materials yet one or two of th* dishes are obtaln ■bte, but Ihe demand for them I* not great, aa can be seen by the experience of a gentleman of Havannah who had been advleed to try the common est and best known of them, chop auey. Chop ettey, the name Is redolent of China town, and the dish of other things aa he said after hla first trial of It. Ha had been told to try the stuff by a friend who pose-1 ns a connoisseur In rare dishes, so fol lowing thla advice, he went to a Chinese restaurant, and ordered the diait- He waa told that It could not be made on such short notice, but that If he would -all the next <l.l y the real thing would be rerv-d to him. To (wraphrase Caesar, h' went, he saw, and was conquered; that Is to say hla violent deelre for any more < f the native dlshee of the children of the -l.stlal kingdom was conquered. ThJ gentleman's description of chop *uey, what K looked like, what It smelled like, nnd what It probably contained would not look well In print He paid the bill for hi* chop suey. 11.2!* anti ate —ham and < g* Still a liking for Chlneae diehe* I*, aft er all. only a taste, one that can be very easily acquired, and seem, when got, to he lasting This Is Illustrated by a visit to the Chinese quarter of New York or any large seaport, where men who have been to the Orient long enough to ac quire thle taste may tie aeen by prefer ence In the Chinese restaurants, eating th* well-known chop auey, aa well aa many other strange coneoetlons whowe queer look and smell generally stalls the average person. I'HOt ECDIMIS UltklMl.D. street Itnllsenv fVimpnny Bellnqnlsh rd Effort to Condemn land*. The Injunction Instituted by- Henry Ambos against tha Savannah Thunderbolt and Isla of Hope Railway were dissolved and dismlaeed In the Su perior Court yesterday. The defendant had sought to condemn, for the use of its tracks, certain property belonging to the plaintiff and Ihe Utter hod had the .condemnation proceedings enjoined. The order passed by Judge Falltgant tvs* by consent. It recites that the con demnation proceedings have been with drawn and that the street railway com pany consents to pay the full costs of Ce Injunction proceedings This Is with out prejudice lo the defendant's legal right to Institute condemnation proceed ing*. Involving Ihe same trad of land, al any time In the future. ASKS FOR TOTAL DIVORCE. Plain tiff Sara His Wife Deecrted Hint Thirteen Iran Ago. Benjamin Harris hied suit for a tots’, divorce against Annette Hants In Jhe Su perior Court yesterday. It Is set out In the petition that the parlies were mar ried In I*B4 and that in IW7 the defendant deserted the plaintiff, II Is further charged that this desertion was not Induc'd by any action on the pari of ihe plaintiff, but Hint, on Ihe contrary. It wan absolutely causeless and unpro voked It has been continuous ever since. The plaintiff asks thst the divorce grant ed be total. He uvera that there is no properly belonging either 10 Ihe plaintiff or Ihe defendant. CITY BREVITtM. There will be a meeting of the King s Daughters Un on to-morrow afternoon at t o'clock In the Sunday School room of the Independent Pr>*hytorian Church, The Savannah Dancing Academy, of which Mr. John 8. Banks Is the director, will give a grand soiree on Tuesday night of this week at Masonic Hall The affairs are always enjoyable, and It Is probable that many young people will he in attendance, ltosenfcld's Orchestra will furnish the musle. John Moody, tne maimed eatored boot black, who nag such sn insatiable crav ing for drink, and so obstreperous a dis position when under Its Influence, that tie baa become well known So the police, was sent lo the barrecks last night bt I’otrolman Hicks, who entered the usual charge of drunkenness and disorder.}- con duct against him. The Reddick-A lams Dancing Aeadenn will give another soiree at the Catholl Library Hall Friday evening. Nov Iff The success of this academy lias been title to the management's exertions to ntske it s pcasure gathering The Innovation of It. vltatlons Is atffireeiated by those utter,l Ing There Is no doubt that the sue-es of this academy will be permanent Ha kin's orchestra has been engaged for th entire season There will probably be a large an attendance ns at the previous aolree* and dances, and a pleasant even ing will fee spent by these attending —Secretary of Bias.- John Hay has con tributed *IBO to Ihe fund for enlarging Ihe New Hampahtra Historical Socle tv a bulkl itig ai Coucord, N. U, THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1900. OIL HEATERS. Th*r t noth.;.* which will makt your room more omforiabk* ihee cool day* than oce of our Btirler Meal Oil Healer*. We hava other*. WEDDING PRESENTS It miff hr be rreii for you to bear In mind the fact that me are the leaden* in al. the pretty things for wedding preaenta. THOS. WEST & CO-, No. II Broughton St., W. DRCIIINU I F TIIK DOLLS. Members of Froebel Circle Prepar ing for I lu-lr Show. The members of Froebel Circle of Rinat's Daughters arn busily employed In mo menta that otherwise might be leisure In dressing dolls that are to be displayed for •ais tn the show that le to be given early In December for tha benefit of the *pror children of tha city, l-ast year Froebel Circle gave a very successful dolt show, but It Is expected that the one this year will be an even greater success, aa there will be more nicely dressed dolls offared for sale The proce*da of th* show will lot devoted to the poor children’* Christ mas tree It 1* the hope of th* memb*ra of the circle that those who desire to purchase dolls ns Christmas presents for little once wilt first pay tha doll snow a visit, as It Is believed the assortment displayed there wilt be so vnrled that ail may be easily suited. Home of Ih# dolls upon which the ladle* are engaged will be very liaiMtsome when completed. A feature of the show will be the dolls entered by their little owners. Th* chil dren will pay an entrance fee of 10 cents for thalr dolls, which will be divided Into classes, Prlxe* will be offered for the beat doll In the several classes. Just where the doll show Is to be given has not yet been decided. The ladles are looking out for a place*, and one of the hnlb- may be used. So many dolls ore needed to make a suitable show In a large hall, however, (hat It la more probable that some smaler room may be found. I) ABUJA IV Alt THU VICTOR. Vlattlng Team ol Golfers Beat Savan nah by Tea Holes. The Darien team defeated the Havannah Golf Club * :cam ba-Hv In the match game yesterday afternoon, winning by ten holes A large crowd of golf enthusiasts were out to witness the playing, and Ihe gal lery was enlhualasalc, applauding good play's ns the contestante were followed over the course Darien sent up Messrs. It D. Fox J D Clarke. MacD. Dun wood)-. It W. Grubb and L M. Smith to lend their moral suptiort to her players. In Ihe score following the players, arc placed opposite their opponents: Durlett— Havannah— A. H. Manikgt ... 1 Noble Hardee ......0 It. D Wylly 0 C. W. Sausey 0 R. Mam-on 10; Henry Blun, Jr. . . 0 John Manson .... 4 IV. L. Johnson ... a T A. Stubbs 0 Htelii Bryan S Toal .. Total 5 It Is probable that there will be more match games during the season between Havannah and Darien The Savannah players will not he content to have the matter rcat aa It la. but will challenge Darien tn the hope of turning the tables CLASSIFIED AUVERfISEMENTS. PERSON AL. "LADIES WEEK' i'REK OF charge anew pin will be put In your brooch, on the presentation of this adv cut It out and bring II lo Fegeaa, 2R Ea<t Broughton, hair. Jewelry and sharing supply house. The place par ogee,lance for repairing watches, clock*, spe'tacles and Jewelry; engraving and. nr while y>u wait, cash given for old g Id ad silver; special demand this week to make bange-. Y’OULL HAVE TO HURRY TO GET seats for the gnat Smith-Judge tight at the theater Wednesday night, Nov. 14 Box office open to-morrow. THE FURNITURE EXCHANGE 11* Barnard street, buys and aella all kinds of second-hand furniture for cash. OIL hEaTKRB. OOb~ H EATER, cool hasten, cook stoves and ranges. Re liable goods C. r. Miller, ageni. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS! THAN 39C. IS YOUR IRON SAFE FIRE-PROOF’ Sltffel A Freeman have a standing offer of $1.0(10 for every eafe of their make that does not preserve Its contents One safe was in burning debris 111 hours. Wbeit taken one. the hose had lo be turned on It. When opened, not e page was discol ored. not s record lost, not n dollar de stroyed If you want security, buy i Stiff el A Free ms n *afe. C. P. Miller, agent HOT SPRINGS AT HOME ROBIN SI.N THERMAL BATH CABINET WILL POSITIVELY CURE RHEUMA TISM CATARRH. AND MANY OTHER DISEASES BESIDES BEING THE BEST BATH YOU CAN TAKE CALL AT LIVINGSTON S PHARMACIES AND LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR A CABI NET OR GET A CIRCULAR YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfleld Dairy; It’* rich and pure; try 11. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, MAT tre**es renovated. Antique furniture re polished, furniture packed snd shipped tn best manner Send me your orders. C P Miller, agent. OELBCHTO NURSERY. OPPOSITE C.itholc Cemetery. hrysanlhemuma imi-lls Jsponlcaa are-arca* palms flow and floral design- le-ive yot)^order* i ltd J. Gardner, agent. 13 Broughton, east. HAVE YOUP. HORSES SHOD AND typed by J U Furlong. TELEGRAPHV—JOIN THE EVENING lass In telegraphy now forming at Ry an’s Biislnc** CVLcge, Provident build itsg. _____ HOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER clothing" let us put It In shape; *i per juemh. Sterling Pressing Club, D York, w. PK It SO* AB IT* COMING < IIRISTMAB. AND IF you have an Idea in presents, go to Wllena ky e and It arlil matertallie Into a gold or sliver watch, breatttpln, and a ring for your heal girl; you wl.l aura to be suited and It will not forr* a postponement for the wants of friend* lo go to housekeep ing, you'll hava some <eft. see him. corner Brougnaon and Barnard. "the HAVANNAH DISTRICT" MFJS senger and Delivery Company la prepared m put pianos or safes in the upper floors of buildings without going up tha stair, at reasonable price; telephone 1. ORDER JEBBICO COAL FOR TOUR gratee A, H Cohen, telephone M SPECIAL AN T’NBIMITED SUPPLY of new willow rockers; ladies slxe. at 32 J W. Teeple. BET I S MAKE - YOU A PRICE ON cleaning your carpet Pari Men Carpet Cleaners Telephone 4143 EVERYTHING YOU WROTE IN MY life reading live years sgo hae come true " Mrs M W. Wright. 1-odl O.; everyone satisfied; past and future truly rev*aied, trial reading. 10c, give date of birth B. Thomson. Kansas City, Mo. GET YOUR CANDY AT HETTbK- Irh a. 110 Htate. west, opposite old i-oet offlce It la positively pure Fine candy, ldc pound box Home-made candy. 10c pound box Cry*tal;ed fruit. 4!* pound box. Cherrlea nd <<rystal!*ed ginger Try hla cheap Gibraltar candy. 10c pound. FOR FURNITURE AND PlANO parklng, moving or storage, call up tele phone 2, either line, or call on the Ha vannah District Messenger aid Delivery Company; all kinds of drayage done on reasonable terms. MORPHINE AND OPIUM DRUG habits cured at home; week's treatment free. Painless ami permanent. Write In confidence or coll personally The Tack a-Poueha Treatment Cos., 121 H W. Forty second street. New York. SECRETS THAT WIN—KNOW BROOK that pays; science that brings buslnca and social succeas—cures disease and bad habit* win* love and friendship; gratifies ambitions; gives wonderful power and control over others. You can learn at home. Write to-day for our elegantly il lustrated book, which fully explains all the hidden mysteries of Personal Magnet ism. Hypnotism Magnetic Healing, etc It's free Address New Y'ork Institute of Science. Dept 141 B . Rochester. N. Y I AM NOW BOCATED AT 414 WEST Broughton; ring up 11*6 If you want to have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that’s given to me A H. Orim... 414 Broughton street, west; matlrresea mid# to order BADIES. IT WIBB PAY YOU TO call and see my line of fall and winter millinery; hats trimmed for 250; ha’s renovated; feathers dyed and curled. Miss C. D. Kenner. 117 York, west. DEAFNESS CURED OR NO PAY. C. H. Rowan. Milwaukee. YVta. W E CLEAN CARPETS EITHER BY whipping out the duet and dirt or by scrubbing Call up telephone J. Savan nah District Messenger and Delivery Company. * IF ITS RUGS Y->E WANT TOf CAN get them cheaper from McUUlts. NOTHING BETTER MINED THAN Jelllco cool for grate Area. A S. Cohen, telephone 68. WANTED. FIVE TO TEN COLORED families lo shuck oysters In Carolina Ap ply Monday steamer Viclorlne, nsirket dock. ’ MILLER’S STOVE* AND RA ng EB give satisfaction. The Magnetic, Econo mise. Waldorf. King, and other good make* at reasonable prices. 207 Brough ton. west. K ENBI NOTojT" FARM-MlLlTYs'"UN surpassed for richness; delivery Is per fict; phone. 234 K no W XSs®f form w int ii clothing" let u* pul It tn shape. II per month. Sterling Pressing Club. IS Y'ork, w. SEE MILLER FOR OFFICE DESKS office tables, office matting, office shade* OT Broughton, west. WHEN YOU SEE M'GILLTS SIXTY- Inch 99-eent rust, you will buy them. Just can’t help It; will sell In any quan tity. SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND rangea for sale by J. W Tee pie. also agent for Insurance gasoltna stove. THE~SAVANNAH DISTRICT MES senger and Delivery Company has the only regularly licensed storage warehouse protected by burglar alarm, for the stor age of furniture. In the city; all kinds of drayage solicited; telephone 2. "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE." Is a specialty with McGIIII*. MILLER'S NEW STYLES IN CAR pets. mattings. Unolaum*. window shades, etc. All work .lone in flrst-class style. 207 Broughton, west. FI.bRAI7~ DESIGNS, BULB®! HTA --.nths. nsrclsstts, palms, cut flowers from Oeischlg's nursery, opposite Catholic Cem etery. Leave orders with J. Gardner, agent. 12 Broughton, east. MGI LLIS' LACE CURTAINS” WILL beautify your parlor. M GILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS lace curtains, hammocks, water coolers pillows, pictures, stove*, bedroom suits, snd furniture of every description. II 48 HUTS NICE RATTAN ROCKERS while they last. Large a-eortment of lockers, divans snd easy chairs. C. P. Miller, agent 'DON'T WEAR READY M \ I -7' clothe* when you can get a suit made to order from *ls up; elegant pant# *t. at A Gel*, the Tailor, at Jefferson and State; also cleaning and dyeing. THE 111 MAN RACE - AND _ THE horse race are closely associated in one particular, they both require welt lilting shoes to enable them to give the best re sults ! guarantee the fit of the horse’s shoee. you should do the rest. Monahan, the horse *ho*r and fitter. Jefferson street near Liberty HOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER clothing’ let us. put It In shape; *: p-r month. Sterling Pressing Club, 19 York, w CASH REGISTERS REPAIRED AND rtplated. rasors and safety rasor*. con caved and hollow ground, and cutlery of all kind*, straight edge. sharpened, honed and tempered. Raxors and corn knlvew made a* ordered. Handles put on rasors and rasor strop*, beta for putting • harp edges on rasor*. Orders sent through postoffle* general delivery. Put your addr-** and name on orders and 1 will call and see you, or leave orders at general repair shop of J. F. M-’Aullffe, No 49 Drajlon street. Robert McDon ough. Savannah, Ga. KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation In iha country, free from city drainage Impossible for ml k to become contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey milk, phone 2345. De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. M’OILLIS MOVES PACKS SHIPS end store* pianoe and furniture; beat work only; no "Cheap-John" prices—no Cheap. John” Job# GOLD FISH AND FOOD. WATER grass, bone flour, 20-pound bag 60 cents J Gardner, agent, for the present at 12 Broughton, east lino FOR woven wire cots while they last. C ?. Miller, agent *2 58 FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they last. Big assortment, ell grades of art squares, rugs, mote, portieres. C. P. Miller, egent. MTHLUB SEIX* SIXTY-INCH RUGS -flmvrns patterns—for 99 <-ent. ADVBRTISBMENTB SET in CAP ITAL!* WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS 3IFIKD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKL.N FUR LESS THAN WC. DKDiniL. DR MeGEHEE VISITS ANY PART city; II cath; ofll*a treatment. IS per month. madlclne furnished Cosmopo.ttan Dispensary Blberty and Uncoil! streets; phones SIS. LADIES’ CHICHESTER H ENGBIHH Pennytoyal Pills are the lost Safe, re liable Take no other Herd 4<- at <mpe for particular* ’’Relief for Lodi, a ’ In l letter by return mall Aek your druggist. , Chichester Chemical Cos. Philado Pa. I HAVE FOUND A Pf-fIITrVE CURE for drunkenness; can t-e given *,cr*il>’ w!l! g'aulv till you a-tat It la; don't aend money Mr* May Hawkins. I-o k Box B H 111. Grand Itapl-la, Mich. CANCER CURED AT HOME BY IV ternal trtatment, no knife piaster or pain B-k end teetlmonlals mathd free Can cer Institute, 121 W. Forty-second street, N- w York M< RPHIN'E. OPIUM LAUDANUM cocaine habit myself cured, will Inform you of harmiase. permanent home cure. Mrs Baldwin. Bo* 1212. Chicago. HOW ARE YOUR FEET’ IF YOUR feet are troubling you. call on m* and I will give you r*IW, I cure Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of Ihe feat without pain, charge* reasonable, can give the beat references In th* city; (•- tlenta treated at residences; orders call be left at Livingston’s drug store. Bull and Congress streets: telephone 291 Lem Davis, surgeon chlrcrodlst HELP n th TED—MALE. wanted, two fihst-cbash coat and trouser makers Apply G. Fontlnl, No 41 Bull street. PAPER-HANGER - AND PAINTER A. Hanley Cos. WANTED. TEN CARPENTERS TO erork short while In Carolina. Apply steamer Vletorlne, market dock, Mon dev morning. ONE MORE ACTIVE WHITE BOY. about fifteen, as apprentice. Call accom panied by guardian. Leo Frank, Congress and Whitaker WA NTED. TUN BOYS. AOIB FROM fourteen to eighteen, willing to learn to Make trunks, small pay on start; In crease wages after four weeks Southern Trunk Factory. 429 Ray aireet, east. WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS BREAD and cake maker. Apply No. *39 Bryau street, east A GOOD MAN WANTED AT ONCE TO handle patented article; sella at algrit. must have security, good pay. Apply 127 Habersham WANTED. A DRIVER. WITH GOOD references; one who has had experience cm a retail ddlvery wagon. E & W. Laundry, No. 712 Anderson, west. WANTED. CASH BOYS: BRIGHT, tidy and quick ones; none others. Apply at once. Adler’*. WANTED PORTER WITH EXPERI ence around a drug store an-l soda foun tain. Jones' Pharmacy. 241 Bull,street. WANTED. A COLORED BQY ABOUT 13 years old to work around the house No. 321 Bolton etree-t, east. WANTED, "cash BOYR APPLY Monday before 11 a m Foye A Eckstein. SETTLED, SOBER RAKER TO GO TO Florida; good pay right party. Bewan. Bull nnd Rest. WANTED. COATMAKER AT ONCE. Joe Damctto, Jacksonville. Fla., 2T3 West Bay street. WANTED. SIX UNION CABPEN ters 12 50 per day and tran-qion.itton here. F. Ogram, Jacksonville. Fla. WANTED. Al DOUBLE-ENTRY bookkeeper, who ha* some knowledge of lumber business. Address CJress Lumber Cos., Kramer, Ga. SALESMEN W A NTED TO~BBBLToUR goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade, wo are the largest and only man ufacturer* in our line in the world; liberal salary :-ald Address. 'n-Dex Mfg Cos., office, 2* Hoard of Trade Building. Savan nah, G* SALESMEN WANTED TO CARRY flrst-class side line; easy sales; good per centage; permanent trade; everybody need* a fountain pen; reference* Perry Pen Company, Bo* 38, Milton. Wls. GENTLEMAN OR LADY TO ASSIST In office; salary *ls weekly; position per manent; railroad faro twld here; enclose reference and self-addressed Stamped en velope Wholesalers. 304 Caxton build ing. Chicago SALESMEN TO~ SELL PERFUMES toilet soaps, etc., to dealers; *IOO monthlv and espouses; experience unnecessary Plumber Perfumery Cos., St Louis. Mo, WANTED. INDUSTRIOUS MEN AND women in every town to work for us at their homes; no canvassing; we wilt *en 1 work any distance; we have several lines of work to give out. some of which re quire* no experience; If you can’t devote the w hole day to otir work you can earn *5 or * a week by working an hour or two evenings. Address Standard Manufactur ing Cos.. 142 West 23d street, New York. '.MECHANICS. ENGINEERS. ELEC trlclans, firemen, etc. A free scholashtp In* engineering will be awarded to a few well-recommended applicants. American School of Correspondence. Boston, Mass WANTED. RUPTURED PEOPLE who will work a few hours for a free cure. Dr. Spelrs, Box 613. Westbrook. Me WANTF.D. MAN* WITH GOOD REF erencea to manage business of old estab lished house; salary *lB per week and ex penses payable each week direct from headquarters; exp-nse money advanced, position permanent. Enclose self-address ed stamped envelope. Standard House 303 Caxton Building. Chicago. WANTED. SAVANNAH BRANCH office manager, *3O and comml-slon; send •tamp. Sanitary Company, St. Loul* Mo MALE HELP WANTED, RELIABLE men to sell our lino of high grade lubri cating oID. greases, paints and varnishes; salary or commission. Address Mutual lieflnlng Company, Cleveland, O. HOME EMPLOYMENT. EITHER SEX J’,3-17 weekly working part time day or evening;,no canvassing, easy, permanent enclose twolc s amps. Excelsior Mf*. Cos., 3ID E Nineteenth sireet. New York 'COLORED MAN WHO - BEADS AND writes to prepare for traveling. 160 month ly and expense*. Send self-addressed en velope President Macßrady, 356 Dear born. Chicago WANTED. RELIABLE COLORED man for traveling position, *jft monthly and expenses; permanent lo good man references required Inc o-cd self-address e,; envelope for reply. Secretary Card, 356 Dearborn. Chicago. WANTED. TRUSTWORTHY MAN over 21 for permanent traveling position; good salary and al! expense* r mart, ad vancement. reference*, self-addre-sad #o velope for particular* Manager F. Giltls. Pontiac Building. Chicago. TRAVELING SALESMAN WANTED by eelahlUthed hoti-e. no technical knowl edge neeessary. buts mply all around hustler of good appearance and address; first Class line; sp-clal contract; ent re time required, references. Box Three Detroit. Mich. |9OO_OUARANTEEI> YEARLY SAL ary. expense* and extra commissions. m-n and women of good address to appoint • scute for u*. new brilliant lines; perma nent positions; old established house; rapid promotion. StsfferJ Press Com pany. New Haven, Conn. WANTED. EVERYWHERE. Hus tler* to tack etgn* distribute circulars, tamp!**, etc ; no anvnsslng. good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. MAN TO TRAVEL AND APPOINT agents; tl.itflO yearly and expenses, perma nent and bright future to hustler. Supt. A6l Star building, Chicago TWO WINNERS. Burt & Packard’s “Korrect Shape” flj (|a for men, 04Ul “Queen Quality,” the famous shoe ftn #w for women, ygi(J[ These are perfect shoes, models of style and the best of shoemaking. Every material in stock from ser- / r. 1 Qfifc’ viceable calfskin to dressy patent kid, //rW and we carry widths and sizes to fit, F i all feet- \ Ixn, tT*L There is no uncertainty about the Style, Pit or -'/i. Make of our shoes. ’ J A VARNEDOE. EMMETT MONCREIFTE A B WET!. HELP IVANTED—MALE. ported and domestic l.quors, principal.)’ fin* Kentucky whiskies and blends; <w*e and barrel gonds to Jobbers and saloon trade, good whence to the right man. sal ary or commission Address R 8 Strader & Son. 69 and 71 E Water s:reet. Lexing ton. Ky, *IKN WANTED; W WEEKLY Posi tion permanent distributing circulars, x.implea, tacking sign#. Mil posting, er send two stamps for particulars Amer ican Advertisers’ Association. Newport. Ky WANTED—ISO PER WEEK FDR MEIN with rigs, to Introduce our poultry food and Insect destroyer, enclose stamp Western Food Cos.. Station A. Kansas City. MO. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. care or 2-vear-old child; recommendation neces sary. Apply at No. 41* Henry street, east. WANTETb AT ONCE. COMPETENT help at drossmaking. Apply **7 Barnard street. ’WANTED. A THOROUGHLY GOOD cook Apply Monday, between and 12 a; 124 Hall street, west, bring reference* “WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK without IncMmbrances, at 315 Eaat Duffy street. WANTED. A GOOD SEAMSTRESS 241 Whitaker street. WANTED A RELIABLE WOMAN TO do cooking nnd washing; also a woman to do general housework and assist In sew ing Apply 104 Jones afreet. West, Mon day morning. WANTED. - A~"FIRST-CLASS HOUSE m*M Apply 11* Eaat Gaston. "Wanted! settled woman. white or colored, at once. 2* Abercorn street. WANTED a" good COOK; ALSO small colored boy; muat have good refer ence. Knight r Pharmacy. WANTED. AN nxrERIEN'r'KD COOK: no other need apply. 21* Jones atreat, eaat. EXPERIENCED HANDR can GET employment at E. It W. Laundry. 712 An derson. west. WANTED A WHITE GIRL for OEN era! housework; only eueh as deelre a good home and a permanent position need apply. 201 Gaston street, ease. WANTED. EXPERIENCED (BABBS (miles In our clotk and suit departments. Apply eu once. Be aiold Adler. WANTED AT ONCE SEVERAL flrst-clasa trimmer* Apply millinery de partment. Foye & Eckstein. WANTED. A OOOK~AT 113 HUNT- IngJon street, west. WANTED MIDDLE AGED WOMAN to travel and appoint agents; also one to qualify' for branch office, manager; I! OOi yearly: permanent; rapid promotion Gen eral Manager. 602 Star building. Chicago LADIES’ I MAKE BIG WAGES AT home, and wont all t# have the same op portunity. The work Is very pleasant and will easily pay *l* weekly. This Is no de ception. I want no money and will gladly send full particulars to all sending stsmp. Mrs. H. A. Wiggins. Benton Harbor, Mich. LADY TO TRAVEL IN GEORGIA. *M monthly and all expense* to start, per manent pos.tlon If eatisfactory. aelf-ad -Iressed envelope for reply. Address Treas urer Macßrady. 356 Dearborn. Chicago WANTED, LADY WITH GOOD REF erences to manage business of old es tablished house, salary 31* per week and expenses, payable each week dlreet from headquarters; expense money advaneed. position permanent. Enclose self-ad dressed stamped envelope Standard House. 302 Caxton building, Chicago. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA IjS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS -31 FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LES3 THAN JOC. AGENT* WANTED. tlmore Debenture Company, eaaleat con tract sold. Address R R. Grier. Ex change B&nk. Macon. Ga AGENTS WANTED-"GALVESTON The Horror# of a Stricken Cpy," hy Murat Halstead, fully Illustrated, fastest a>ll|rg book ever published; only 1180, beat terms guaranteed; outflt free; be qul k J. 8. Uelgler St Cos., Chicago J/l. CORSET AGENTS THERSTTS ONLY ana best—that’s the Hygeia. she standard of the century for service and satisfac tion For particulars address the West ern Corset Cos., St. Louis, Mo. ,\-l HUSTLING MANAGER WANTED (o take agency for paint and oil house on commission; state experience. 1(M Williamson building. Cleveland. TWO FIRST-CLASS SPECIAL ageni* wanted to work In IknjUlana. All turn* and Georgia by the Home Life In surance Company of New York Apply at once to G L Crandall, Southern mana ger, Equitable Building. Atlanta. Ga. BIG MONEY SELLING OUR 7m ptoved 100 candle power gasoline lamp# Adjustable flame No torch All brass Sample lamp 32.50, Studebaker Gaa Light ing Cos., Kansas City, Mo. GUESS! It won’t cost yoo anything, and wili give you a chance to get a pair of GEIL & QUINT’S $3.00 SHOES. At our Booth in the Elks’ Carnival Grounds you'll find a JAR OF PEAS. To the 5 PERSONS guessing nearest the number of peas in the jar we will give a pair of our $3.00 shoes. A Committee of Elks will count the peas and deter mine the winners. GEIL & QUINT, 205 Brooghton St., West. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS. TO SELL OUR CUT PRlry; Xmas books; bV- hook 15c; ti hook II SO hook 50c; 32*i) book 75-; oredlt g v-n, freight paid; outfit free. Ferguton 1 :>. Ilshlng Cos.. 1233 Fifth atraet, Clßdanjti O. *’.< MONTHBT, NEW PATENT MT, taTTr bread boards: samples free. G. J r . ahee. Cos.. Cincinnati, O. AGENTS—SPECIALTY RACKED BT absolute guarantee to atrslshten k ky negro hair, nearly all pro (It ands II <„ eight. Write Boston Chemical Ccmp.r Richmond. Va.. for territory and por;-.. la r. AGENTS WANTED TO PELL THE latest Invention for producing light: b**ti electricity; cheaper than kerosene. agr,t| coining anoney; largmt factory; p shipments The Best Light Comaasy, Canton. O. wb kTSot WANT ROYS OR L era to write ua. men of ability only Cnj to ISiju par month; salesmen and grn:t; agent*, salary or commlaalon: sped*. ,r --dueement*. Racine Fire Engine Mottt Cos., Racine, Wla, EMPLOYMENT WANTED. "young LADY~\vrnTlroifE el perlen-e wants p-idtlon as saleslady g cashier. S. L. cars News. “WANTED, POSITION, SAWMILL II yard foreman er woolalng. good referer * Address W , car* Col. W. S. Bran hae. Waycros*. Ga. "young man wishes posit:w for office work, collecting, or both. Jacl, News offlew. WANTED. A GIRL WANTS LIGHT house work. 557 Harrla street. “wanted! T A LADY HOLDING permanent license poaltlon at aa-latam r arlil teach amall eehool; references ■ changed. Address Teacher. Ga. PtJSITION WANTED BY BAR TUN' der, who la sober, reliable and compeacei, beat of reference*. "Miser," care Nee, COMPETENT LADY RTENOGRA pher deairea a poaltiou in S.>uth G—vffia or Florida; experience and beet of refer encee Address, Miss English, Tallaha,- ee Fla. “good stenographer, familiar with export oudneae, code work, etc . ,1- elres position: splendid references Ad dress Rapid, thl* ofllce. PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPER. YOUVff man. desires set of bonk* to keep evenlrts for reasonable compensation; recomiw' 1- ed. Address A. A., care Morning Nest “a' good’ BUST NESS MAN. WHO HAS exteneAve acquaintances among the u road employe* and Is himself s mefh'W of one of tha most important ■ dere. want* pesltion In shoe or dry *,*oo“ house; Is theroughlv experienced In the* knes, and can control some trade; gilt edge reference*. Adlreee S. E. C.. can News Wanted, position as sawyer. mill machinist or locomcklve eng neer; best references. Address* Sawyer, till Montgomery street, Savannah. Ga. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WILL arespt regular, plw -c or mill Write up and balance looks; would take ttvo cr thte* small sets of books 8., News offl-e. WANTED, a POSITION BT AN AI.L round printer, on good country weekly: state salary and when to come. J. O. Latimer. Rtateoboro, Ga. — SITUATION 'WANTED BY EXPERI -man. and good reference. In grocery or bar business. 406 Montgomery, up stairs. 'Wanted' position aI boo ft - keeper or office work . *m at pre-ent cash ier of a bark that will liquidate best of references. Address Lock Box 9. Rutledge. Os. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER. AGE 31. desire* position assistant, with a good deal of stenographic work to do saixry no object; will work night. Address Bo nus, New* office. A COLORED MAN WANTS Posi tion as porter, butler or teamster, with references. Address MS Robert street POSITION WANTED BY REOISTER *d pharmacist. Address Poatofl! e Bax No. t. Savannah. Ga. A COMPETENT WASHWOMAN DE slrat washing. 60S Gwinnett, east A RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS washing. *lO Gwinnett street, east. ROOMS WANTED. OR Un furnished bad-room. ,Ad-lre*. stall * cation and rent. Eoatofflce Box 178 WANTED, WELL FURNISHED room with outside door; privilege hot sn-1 cold bath; roust ba north of Jones, west of Drayton streets Address t-’ Morning News. BO ARD tV 4 M RU. BOARD (EXCLUDING DINNER- FOR a gentleman. In private family, within 1* blocks of postofflea: moderate rates Ad dress "Denllst." cars News. WANTED—MISnELLANBOt". WOULD LIKE TO BUY INTEREST IN AN ESTABLISHED LEGITIM ATI I INESS; GIVE FULL PARTICt!- 1 IW AND MONET REQUIRED. R. .SKI'S OFFICE.