The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 12, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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WHAT THE INDIANS COST US. i %* cut SUVsIIIT lIMR l TIME lii.-nditurr* for hr* Iwm Fhml Vr Urrr More Than HKHEtMMi.tHME < tintiitiioit*r Jours* lli pori —!•* IM-|rr*i**** tbr Hallon kyatrm. \n „nlty I'nuncnu ml thr of Vlli mr !•—■*# y*lt I* n Mistake to < ottsHler That Indian* %r* lh iuu Oof. V ngton, Nov. 11.—The total ex .* ** * by th uvprnmnt on account to -< r Ind .*n grrvtce from March 4. 17*9 „! a i inr luffing July 30, 1100, \., *.217, * ordiiig to the annual it,, t f rommiseloner 6f Indian affaire. W\ i ini A. Jones. T expenditures for the fiscal year rn j :.m July amounted to slo > lli,b7 Of th tmoani at least $3.390.0€ff was ffevot- Ch j , the cause of Indian education. 1* ♦ report deprecates the ration ys ter: annuity payments and the leasing of ah' tmenfs. T v Ir.d an iopulntlon of the United Sti •* is about 2ff7.<#*> of which 45,270 re • n dolly ration Nearly two-fifths i,f • nutnler recelvlnir rations belong to the great Sioux nation The ration hae been gradually reduced In the past fev, v. ir?- In a eordance with the policy of the Indian bureau. If the Indians els m for full rations n a right Is eon i the Commissioner predicts that th* me when they will Im* --elf-support ing a*" n the very distant future. If It cones a all. A numb-r of th* Indians also are ns by occasional issues and at sever u4 r ue-s the old and Indigent are pro vided t* These aggregat* about 12.57“ Alt '-'ti'f there are 87.57’* Indians re cslmi . subsistence In sim<* degret-. x -cluf-■ \ of Indian children in boarding ech* TANARUS! Commissioner urges that the In dlscr mlnote ,ssue of rations should stop at cn * The and helpless, he says. eho i b** provide* I for. but rations should be i Mj"*d to the able boiled only for labor, whin- thoe who have been educated In Ind .an schools should depend entirely on their own resources. An*.attic* !s?rlbuu*d lost year nggre gatt 1 f1.507.541. the per capita ranging from f2W down to 5“ cents. The report nay* that Urge money payments to the Indians "aro demoralising In the ex treme, They degrade tne Indians and corrupt the white, they induce pauper inn am! scandal and f*rm*; they nullify rdl rthe good effects of years of labor. Indian* Have n Ilia Fund. "Thera is now In the treasury to the credit f Indian tribe $3?. 17 a,. r . of* draw ing nt®ri‘ amounting annually to sUv4s,4fcf*.|S I’esldes this, several of the tribes hove large Incomes from leasing and other source*. It is a *fr pr* diction that 10r.,: these funds exist the liurtans will b* the prey of designing people/* Two remedies have been suggested: Firs*, the gradual extinction of the** funl siting aside sufficient sum lo mam ten the reservation school* a defin ite jm re ti of yearn, and then dividing th** balance per capita and paying each member of the trite* at certain ages their share. Second, as a coroil try to this, division of the land belonging to the tribe per capita Ihe rem* dy proposed would not invariably immediately rebgatc the In dian* to poverty, though the remote re sult might be for tiretn t* work to save *hemseive! from actual want. The gen ! leasing of thoir nllotmtlUi by the f Tans to white men Is denounced There were 250 Indian school* of all ids conducted by the* government, and Increase of 1.412 pupils in enrollment 1 1 142 In average attendance shown c*r the previous year. About R.DOO of 14.000 eligible school children are un tvlded for Compulsory education of Indian children is strongly indorsed. 1 Congress Is urged to authorise th* mmisMoner. to place every on*- of hool age In some school, the selection <' the school to he left largely to edu •ed Indian parents The report controverts th* commonly opted theory that by constant contact ?h the whiten the extinction of the hi! an Is only a motter of time. It says ia I*- elated wbh * degree of con fi l* nee that the Indian population of the i rted States has been very little dimln -1 fror** the day* of Columbus. Oor • do. Kulelgh. Capt. John Smith and c'.er early explorers. \Mi ll It IN Tl%l* StIOOTHBM*. Party of i rack Idiot* fo I hallenge Rarnprnn gpotrts. htcairn, Nov. 11.—Americnn trap hool ■ are the latear *o propose an Invasion i* mimr. A (niii of representative k nhots of tills country will probably 1 from New York early next -prlmt a tour of Rniltnd and th- continent, irscen man will R*v ten of them form - the tram an.l the others being sue- 1 V R Elliott of Kansas City; John 9. f nln* of thi* city. Thom. * Marshall of j K- .thahtirn, 111; Prank 9. Parma ire of. "mib.i, Xab.; Rlehartl Merrell of Mil-I •n'.kee; William R Crosby of Batavia, h V, Rollo O. Helkea of Day lon. O.;! ,ini ray Pnwrr* of Prratur, 111. ; himl rl. s w Rudd of DenMolne*, lowa, are ona selected for the trip I* l the t.iion of the party to challenitr any . lmi In Europe, and after thr contest* England n trip may ho made to Ger iny France and Austria. 'HKBIIT %MKK*Otl IIK 111. lilted ii||| rr |n Oranar County for tlttrrn 1 eara. M.ndo. Fla.. Nov. 11.-Sheriff J. C. '■ *l* raon. who boa filled thr ofWvolfor ala* • ' \earr, und who waa re-elected last '••lay for still another term, dlrd at hla lot. yesterday from tho effect of a par *iv.. t T , |. B hovt four''w eek* •*<• He v - ons at lbs o'.th•' and best known Hr In the male He> same to Florida Covington, On., where hi* father and the ofllee of nherlff for many year*, i Aheie hit brother now hold* the same i ton. V sterday's meeting the Executive i-inlttee recommended t'hariea K. Mr "ill for appointment to All Sheriff An. • n n umpired term ha fe lllosser* tint tl.Ollil, •rlottc. N C. Nov. 11,-Sifeer.iekerw “ * pen the *afe* In the po*toflW and " e mer tiandtse store of J E. k & l*o. at Matthew*. N. C.. early rilay mornlntc nml secured nearly '** In . ash. The rohhera were tracked 'he depot, where they probably took * min pissing there at S:SO a. m llepol for Hanson. , *w*on <ln.. Nov. 11.—President Bj n i" Central, while here last week ■I that Diwwon wlli have a* nice a ” a* there i* m the mate m the near re t>aw*on nerds It. PURE FOOD IS NECESSARY IN maintaining HEAI.TH EAT-WELL. Pate I Sick he*dche. Food doesn't di-I I gest well, appetite poor, bowels con- I I sfipaied, tongue coated. It’s your I I liver! Ayers Pills sre livef pills, I I cssy and safe. They cure dyspep- I I sis, biliousness. 25c. All Druggists. I NN*ut jour mounUcne r a bsauUfai brown or rich Mk ' Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE tiUKr. f * '<*•'* .*. * e **♦ *f o I*.• . s ■ ItOWI-ITSI. I‘itH 't\Sl VH-TIVKS. Nntlotinl Jrwitli OiKitiilaallnn I’er feeterl nt i Inelnnnti. rinelnnatl. Nov. ll.—The trustees nf the National Jewish Hospital for Conauntp tlves at Denver met here to-day ai 1 perfected Vrm.un*m organisation. There are thirty-fl\ nn miters and they have heretofore had only a provisional organisation The lioard was fully rep regentf'l a 1 there were o*her dist*n vuished visitors. Including physicians. Addresses made by Habbi Friedman <*f Denver; Hamuel Or*bfe|ir of Ixxns vllle, Hahbi T. K Cortlsch of Hi* hinorul. Vi ; Alfre i Mueller of Denver. Dr. Levy of Denver, and other* Th* following officer* were elec led: l*r*ident. HumuH Orsbfelder. Louis ville; vice presidents. Sol \V Levy. Cin cinnati and Loti,* Uerstley of I’hil adelphia; secretary, A Mueller of Den ver: treasurer. Ben Althelmef of St Louis. Kxecutlve Committee: I>eo A. Loeh of Chicago; Philip Hum berg er of Pittsburg ami Ignatius Rice of N* w York, together with all of the offlipfl ** ex-off! I© members. At :h* merging to-morrow a board of managers and other officers will be elected. I MTUUAN ( OM/'HI'AI K. I'romiiirnt Minlult-rs Arc feathered In %tlnitci. Atlanta, N>v. 11.- Many distinguished Unitarian ministers arc here to attend the fourteenth annua! session of the South* cm Conference **f the Cr.ltarian churches. The meetings will be held In Ibc Church of <hr Father, which was dedkuted to day Rev. Marion F Ham conducted the exercises ami Itev. S imue: A Kliot, D IX. of Boston, presklent of the Am* rWan Uni tarian Association, preached the dedica tion sermon Rev. C.a re nee Adrian I.nngston of Bos ton is pnstor of the church. Among the prominent visitors expected nt the conference rf Hon. Frank N Hartwell, president of th** cotrferene.* Louisville. Ky : Hen Frederick Brotn berg. vice president, kloblle, Ain : Rev Oeorge A Thayer, Clncinngtl; Rev D. C Llmhaugh, Dallas, Tex ; Rev. Fred V Hawley. Lotilsvlllo. K>.; Miss Fanny Field. Cincinnati, Rev. Samuel A Wllof D. D . president of the American Unitar ian Ah*; 'ation. Ho*:on. and Airs. B Ward Dix. president of the National Al liance of Unitarian Women. Brooklyn. >m ußmi: mrrici ltjb. ( hiengo ll<*nri <f 1 rule and Tele graph f ompnnle* to Confer. Chicago. Nov. 11.—There Is every prob ability Chat the long standing difference* between the Board of Trade and the Western Union and Post a' Te I graph com. panic*- will b* settled to-morrow at a con ference to be held in the office of Presi dent Warren of the Hoard of Trade. E J Nallv. acting fr the Uostal and H R. Q. Ckwry re|* relenting the West ern Union, last week forwarded to their head office* In New York a proposition outiir.lng a basis of settlement, and this has been agreed to In its entirety. It Is believed the t l ,nees*ton* will !**• met In lib eral spirit by the board and that the whole trouble will be quickly adjusted. Th n*t imi*or?ant featurat of the present flan*! of the telegraph companies are th** determination not to k ban don ih** lo* l field i> the Cleveland Telegraph Company, and the *l* man*) that the Board of TVide shall designate what firm* should le placed under the head of bucket shops and shall Im prepared to defend any action that may Im* brought If the telegraph companies refuse to transmit •*cn* to houses. TSI.I. Mt *f*EE WAV AUK AD. I unntinit the Capital Hrmotal Voir. Ollier Dft* Votes. Tallahassee, Fla.. Nov. 11.—Th* South cm Industrial Con von I lon has boon ciflled lo moot at New Orleans on Dec. 1. anti Gov. Bloxham has been requested to ap point delegates to represent Florals l’*r sons desiring tp attend the convention will l>e commissioned as delegate* upon appli cation to the Governor. The Florida Railroad Commission will hold a session here on .Monday, whleh will be at by representative* of the iransts.r’ ttlon companies doing burin*#* wholly or partly In this state. The ob ject of this meeting Is to agree upon freight rates. The contest for the capital of Florida has narrowed down to Tallahassee and Jxikwonvllle. with Tallahassee leading with more than two votes to one for Jacksonville. A plurality was only re quired In the primary, bui Tallahassee h* Vevernl hundred majority of the entire vote east. A number of counties which voted almost solidly for Tallahassee re main to he heard from According to re turns received here, Tallahassee now has 15.3E1 vote* SHOT llKit ItIftHAXD DEAD. Woman Said ffltc Had Heen Driven to Desperation. ’ Chicago. Nov. 11.— May Teresa Jotephlns Schmitt shol and a most Jns.antly kl 1-d her husband, Peter, late to-night at their home tn this olty. • After the shooting, which o curre.l tn the parlor of the hotmc, Fchmitt *tx gereri out through the front .For and fell dead in Jhe yard. Mr Schmitt Inale no attempt to escape. She admitted th * shooting, but declare! her husband ha 1 driven her lo desperation by his acts. Fo some time, the woman declares, ahe had been neglected by her hurhand, wdto waa drinking heavily and paying attention to other women Whan h> entered his home late to-night hlw wife declares h- was lntoxl atel. and , I i:m;■ r • . J |i >' r *l. and the shouting followed. Klrr In a lllw t opper Mine. Dulte. Mont,, Nov. 11—Fire broke out In the 300-foot level of the llcll mine, an Amalgamated Copper Company property, inti nigh* and Is still burning. It I* un dsr control, but grave fears art- entertain ed that It cannot la* extinguished. The or In this mine I* fret milling, contain mg large percentage of Mllphur and tire cm •• st arted 1* a bard proposition to han dle The loss will certainly t>e large. The aource of the fire la unknown THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 19041. WARM CONTEST IN FLORIDA. PIGHT OVgft STATU/* %TTOIIfHffY *HIU AT OHLAAOO. lot*- Vlrlwrrii llrga* and .tones Is Very t lose—Protests Filed %Ktnt •he \ ote In Several Precincts, j There U ere Ton Many > otes in the Hose* V uder the Prlwmry Mill***. Stale C ommiftre Mi? Ila%e to Set tle It. Orlando, Uls . Nov H —Tle County Kjl Coeni tee m t here yesterday to can\xiss the %'ote * ist it the Democratic j primary 'if* Tuesday last John C. Jones, candidate for appoint- ' ment by the Governor for the ofllc* uf state attorney for this judicial district, j attains*, the present Incumbent. J D. I*< gg*. who has held the place timler ex ecutive for nearly sixteen part, filed a protest against counting the vote of the two largest precincts in th** county—Orlando and Sanford Bts pro test alleges that In the Orlando precinct the Inspectors were not properly sworn In. and that the vote cast at the primary exceeded by eighty-three votes the vote cast fbr the Democratic presidential elec tors There was also an excess of such \*.tes In the Sanford precinct The rules adorted and sent out by the State Democratic Committee for tiw* gov ernment of the primary elections, pro vided tiiie those who voted at the Demo cratic primary must have first voted the entire county, state and national Dcmo > tali ■ ticket a: the regular election The primary election included not only the • apltal remove, queettop. hut all npisjirU ive offices in the state. The last Dento retie platform made the hhl -r-cmmi *f the Denkt ratio votes at the primary h necessary proceedure |n I*4erminlng whom the governor should appoint. Mr. Beggs also (Vied a similar protest against the canvass of 4h* vote of the Pinecastle prr inct in which there was a strong majority in fa\*or of his opponent. It Is reported here shat similar •'ontests will be brought In two precincts in Dad* • otrnty. in each of which there was vi large majority for Beggs These contest* will be carried before the State t'ommittee The vote between Jones and Beggs Is so close In she dtatrlot that it will probnhh require the official count to deckle which received the greater number %WI %l. FIKL.fI TRIAiA. Will Itealti Thursday on rreserxes at kewlnn, C. Newton. N. C.. Nov. 11.—Th. annual m>*** of the E.i*i.rn Fl*!<l Trial. Oub hrro. hr.ln* Thunday, ai*l a nuni brr .if trainer* nlth their kennel* have arrive.! The meet protnlw* to be one of the mot InrKely Htirnrlr.l In the hi*tory ..f the clu > The trials will be run on the preserve, leate.l hy the rlub. wh!.-h rover n Urn* tract of larwl an.! upon which birrh* are numernu*. tiif. i. ihi.kit ok ni\Mo\r>n * I nrnl. It W Mrfirly Half „ l*<* ii ni —it U Of the Ktrat Watm Crom the Jea.l.ri' Circular No aluale Object exhibit,,l at the Pari, exposition even remotely approaches in value (he xl-ani n* .ruhllee” .l .ution I. a* II ha, been calletl in rommemuratton of the Jubilee of the relxn ®f the gueen of Enflitnl, It {, a dlamoml of the flrat -ater in! nr a beauty anti ,!xo that leave nnythlnx known heretofore far hehlit I Thta larxeat moet coxtly of all 11- ainontl, wetxim 1 n 11, present shape 2 'tara*,. while the next laraest, vlx . the "tirloff," rrownlnit the ttuanlan tmterlal sceptre, welch, hut !9t, karat. Also a recards whltenes, an<l fire, as well as In the wonderful |ierfect(on of It, cut. th " Jubilee" excels all its rivals For the time bolnc this Ooltath amort• praclova stones t, still owner] by a syndl cate of capitalists connected with th- Jaaorafonteln mine. In which It wae fount). With reganil to the price one can hardly speak about that until the stone has been sold, un evert whl-h la doubt less not colnc lo take plabe th a hurry, for the funrd stationed by the showcase eontalntnc the s|a,rkllnc ttm elves Its value at S.fksttsn francs, whether correctly or not Is hard to say Only one thing seems assured, namely, that the stone shown to the admlrlne efowds In the palais on the K-splanade ,|e. Invalid-, Is paste, while Its orllnl Is kiwt somewhere In secure custody. This gem was found in June ID. ISiW, at Jagersfnntetn. In the Orange Free ft! ate The stone was plcknl up by a native while hp wss loading a truck, and although a white overseer was standing near him he managed to secrete It and kept It on his person for Some time In this case, how ever, it did not ppar that he proposed stealing the gem, hut only wished to de liver It tiersonally to the manager. Thl he did, and as a bonus he received (ISA and a horse, saddle an.l bridle The dia mond weighed In the rough exactly 971*, karats, or about 71-Id ox avoirdupois Fn fortunately It had a brack spot about the middle, but It was so plneed as to allow the stone being cut Into two with the spot falling out. STEW AWT M AVOIDS 0014). Fifth Ivennt Palace Sernred by a > ndlcntr. From the Philadelphia Ledger. New York. Nov Alexander T Stew art's many heirs have at last add the fa mous mansion of the dead merchant prince. > the northwest <Arner of Fifth avenue ami Thirty-fourth afreet The price paid for the* property I* In the neigh borhood of t1.K00.000. The buyer Is a syn dicate comprising wealthy real estate bp eratora and bankers Thun far the pur chasers have concealed their Identity, and If possible they will not allow their names to become public until they are tn actual pnsesskm. This may not he for thirty or sixty days, as the title has to be searched and other preliminaries arranged As soon a* the syndicate hue become the owner of t' * record. Jr I* said, th* marble house will be torp down ami the site graded to the street level Ii I* then proposed to erect two-story store and business building, to be rented to a mer chant or merchants tarrying a high class line of goods This sort of building I* known as a "taxpayer.” the rent from It furnishing money enough to pay the taxes ami very low rate of Interest on the Investment Such an Improvrm'hu *lll save the owners of the properly from continuing loss In taxes while they deter mine on the character ll? Cffi* structure they will finally erect Th* Rtewart property ha* a frontage of |)| feet on Fifth avenue and 150 feet on Thlriy-fdurth atreee, and t ihu* suffi ciently large for an imposing structure. It was purchased by the late A T fit-w-- art in lilt, and the present mansion, which is said lo have rose lI.DOh.fllM, was erected several years later. —Devotee* of golf are fond of referring to It as "the ancient ami royal game." It lx probably more royal ami certainly far more ancient than moe* of them have tiny Idea of. At oil events a pictured tablet was recently unearthed at Car •hemish. the old capital of the Mimics, wnereon are depicted men and women engaged In a paetlme. which. If no! exact ly golf as played at present, la some j thing extraordinarily Ilk* lb The prophietors of Warner's Sale Cure will send to any |rr*©n request ing sum**, a free sample of Warner's Hafe Cure. Mention this paper b n 1 to-day. ATOin OF %% OLD W \t l I.LIM. A Family Impox erlsbed in *rn*e i-UtIMK It From the New York Evening Tost Washington. <*• >-Tne stag> a** the Story-book are full of talcs of per- | stts tv ho have i*ursu* 1 phantom claims against the government, shlh. In sr. of undoulHetl merits, have landed them *n tit* poor house or the Hotter s Field, but ; rarely is one of thee* c*s -f i' real It*** j btought to public attention In the White I lag *e maiith* other day came ft letter for Mrs M Ktnlr> *KgitK her to Intercede with the EresMent and Indue** him to invessuite the writer> ease. The letter sin In a f<n*nin hand, and. though rudely spelled in p * --s wi generally well express*.l The writer said that she inherited from her nncher n claim agamst th* governtnert which ought to have been paid a quarter of century ago. In trying to colb t it the family had spent every penn\ they had at com mam), had mortgaged their home and lost it by foreclosure, u I now were re duced to extreme need tvteh nothing mi w hich to build a hope of future suoce** except the interforenc* of some piwarful personage In their behalf The fir*; law yer they had appllsd to had told them that they wuUI gee th* tr money in Jan uary last, and on the strength of that hod demanded a s2** fee As they had no money, they proetnted the case to their landlord, who was n merciful man and ad 'anetd th* m the necssar> sum as n l*n Then this lawyer, having put them into ommunicatlon with a firm of claim at torneys In Washington. lt*ap|earesl and they have no: been able to find him since. The Washington altontevs items < tm*‘ to the front wfth a demand for a contingent fee. to consist of on half of whatever they might obtain from the governtnen: Now che fk>e no# hear from th* Wash ir gton firm either, and she ts In despair. Tne letter continues "There seems to le ro more Justice on this earth. I forfeited my home, and even borrowed money to try to g*u my rights, but got nothing Now ih*- winter Is com isg on. I have not a lump of coal to burn Vlv four little boys are g *4ng to sch*o| every day without nv unlerc'ethes on. and with very thlw suits, you may know what they are when I bought two suits at H cent* each and two at GH cents ea h Myself and husband r * Just as hsdly off I have a good hushund a man that never spends a cent foolish!?. Bu* he can not get out of thi* struggle He i* only driv ing a gro ery warn, and gets s’! a week Out of that we try to He. a cd we have to pay f!4 a month rent Our boy* nre net able to help us vet Our oldest son will he Ut years old thl- mouth, end the others are 11. X and * years t>kl • • • "If i could on y get pild that claim. T would see my way clear to educate mv *on* and tet along sn the worid again ns we use.! to. But as thing** star*}, may tjod help us (his winter!" A search of the flis In the Court of Claims, made by your correspondent to day. discovered the papers In this case, showing that the mother of Mrs McKin ley’s correspondent was the widow of a well-to-do Irish contractor who removed in 1853 from ('Tticag** to a Bout hern state bordering on the MlssHslppi river, where he undertook consMemNe Jol on the levees. The Civil * ante on, and one day . body of Fdeml irtepp came to the place where the widow lived, and pre pared to throw up a fortification. Accord ing to her affidavit, they todt from her two hors*** valued at J.w each, one mule valued at 1125 UM wheelbarrows, valued at f714. 8* shovel* vn! I'.l nt f'l, iG.OOfi focf <yf pine rlank, value.! nt and eighteen pairs of double blankets, valued at $!44. making a to*al vgnation of >2 554 An army board was first called to took Into her case and. after liking all ih* testimony It could procure, but without Impugning h*r good faith In nskipg for more money, out her claim down to $535 50, throwing out the horse* nd (he mule be cause she could not prove positively whether these were taken for the govern ment service and reducing eh* amount of lumber and th* number of wheelbar rows and shovels o what they could es timate had been actually usd h, con structing the fortification The |o r wo man appear* to have been Ignorant of ehe necVasitv of vouchers for her prop erty. and tale such (otper which was vol untarily given to her she deposited eg!h a clerk of erne of Ih* officers, a'hn pro posed to raise money for her on It; but she never eaw the clerk or th* voucher or the money thereafter. This experience had the efi.-te of in iking her so suspi cious that she would not trust worn' of her original paper* even with the- chair men of the military board, a rcfuwil whleh appears to have cast her sign* thing, fihe afterward went to live with her married daughter In Chicago, and the whole family seem to have turned their attention to the nolle Sion of her claim A civil commi doner was present ly authorised to examine the claim, but after looking Into It concluded that ade quate proof was la king of the lovaily of the willow lo hrr husband. One of the IMlnol* congressmen undertook fo get a private hill passed for her relief, but did not succeed, and under one of the gen era! acts the case was turned over to the Gotirt of Claims for adjudication There II hue lyln*? *lx nr ymm, th evidence being In so Itsperfevfi a eondl tion that the attorneys hove aiutarsntly been somewhat loath to pres* It Fo the story miy he summed up th.s way; At the hand* of somebody purport ing to represent the Fnlted States gov ernment. the widow lest more than $2 3) > worth of property, tier claim for It. when rifted with the usual formalities, was rut lown nearly nine-tenth* In order to col. lect the remaining $235, the family has Impoverished Itself, lost Its horns.and add -1 ed $25 to Its debt*, this sum presumptively carrying Interest till repaid Of the pitl ful residue of the rlalm. one-h!f will hr required as a contingent fee for lha at torneys who argue the case before the courts This reduce* It to IlfiTTf., from which must tie deducted the s,’s loan and a modicum for Interest, leaving about D4O to be paid over to the original claim ant'* heir* if no more expense* are In curred It l upon this sum, the mengre ness of which she probably does not y*t rrallxe. that Mrs McKinley’s rorrearxtn ■lent expects to educate her children and restore the old comfortable conditions of her life' H ave ary of the plays or novel* told a more distressing story? And who can fall to read the moral ia It? —Sunday law* are wtrlclly enforced In Honolulu. Not only are all saloon* and bars kept tightly closed and elort* for bidden to sell, but any one who attempt* to play ball or Indulge In any other sport on Sunday la carried before a magia'rtt* to pay a fine or go to Jail. lfte Ordeal is > Childbearing is a perfectly natural func- j*. * | Don, but it robbed of its terrors where -§*•-;; ! the virtue of “Mothor’m FrlaiuV' > k known. This uniouc liniment, applied tn; | exlafnally, relaxes all the muscles,so that i The Ordcn Is Eflsy t wtt-t. OLT, st Lt*'*ii*, leva, •tom -g'tlw't SOaol' , m*.S •* tWetpt ef sdee, I K,fUs**U w y -tfc *t*U'"e.*K.. ti is**.. It "•'O. iX*eceej." *I.OO per bettle. I M ; t nuonrxD nrfii UTop. < 0.. a u*. r‘ W - - A _ PRESIDENTIAL DRAWBACKS. I‘HOFITs AMD Ettas tF HOED) hi. Till; 1111*11 | t*IFHF. I olln Fame Is assured. Hat There are Mnm Other MaMers to He t *♦- • llrre| In Holding the t hief Mug litracj of This Nation—— borne Ux eeptinnnl Motel lulls. From the Galveston News Apropos of t;is *- >tml Quadminial rc> of Bryan \ McKlnUy. let us consular the |em* of personal ptxjflt ami loss in curred by lorn who wins the g**?tl tn our lie- of j, esidentlal profits enter first “perpetual fame ** Blnce history be gan it has never Is of thi name of a s (i gle exe*'ulve wh- *♦* --1 at the he id of a rnigm mttion t;.Ks|. b,*l weak Indifferent Kitixs or f*rcs:dents of conse quential state* alike hare the asaumne# tha; iheir •* imes will ever b printed !n all c.\i.,ei inguagee eu*l pronounel by m. ‘ivtl.xe-i tengues Ctmakler next ihe uaais of pecuniar?- gain The presidential salary Is 1900.6*1 a term s!3* a dav. E' 75 an hour It looks targe yet many Americana In pri vate business receive the same regular pa> The Preside©: ot Franc* receive?* nts>r* than twice at mtich Our Preside nt of course pavs r., rent for the \5 bile House or # or its stabler Congress an nually appropriate* t n-xl! fortune to keep them in repair During Arthur** sdminlstratb n it made ai e *iol approria lons of IkMvnr* for refurnishing the man sion. while in Cleveland** first ahn!nla test U>n fT* #* si* given White House repairs smi fumisMngs have cost more than one and three-quarter millions with in the |st century The coal wood, xas and electric light bills of the mansion ire paid hy Unde Bain who further aioa* his chief serxan? f<* •**> u year * cabin-# officer’s a.’ttr\ for stationers record bocks, books for the **\# -utlve lihnarv. leiegrams ffi e furnishinnt care of lh* i > president til stables uat the carriag •** horw-s and harness used by the White House office force Add to this an annual salary of $1 * for the White House st#u ard. whose hulnee is 4o mjperlnteiul the housekeeping of the mansion The government further pays the President’* valet hi* wife’s maid and the groom of the White House stable* It pa\# for washing the linen him) for the house • lean ing of the mansion Moreover, Presidents, a> a general rule have no doctor's hid# to pa\ In Washington there is nlwnys stationed an attending physician for ths officers of the army and navy and their families living here The President, as comma ruler-4n-chief of the army and navy, ts legally entitl'd to this professional service. The big ex - pens** of Garfield's Illness after hi# assas sination was piUl by congre** Oarlua is of glfta come Into (he White House during each n lmlntstrnrion The White House garret Is always full to overflowing with useless presents Among th article* presented to President McKin ley hHVe been Moscow, it fit Itemard dg weighing HO ponnd', end India tiger skin rug eleven and on*.half fe*t long, a pair of antlers worth $1,500. ti mosaic table, a toilet warer sod of gold and cut glass with gilt stand a act of goid and sliver toilet articles In a morocco case, a bronxe lamp on a base of onyx, numerous pie-es of fancy work, embroidery, tapestry, rsrved wood and paintings, too or son pipe -, no end of Manila, Havana and Porto Rlrnn ci gars an l uncountable medicines flume time ago dbe French ambassador pieseotod Mr McKinley with two exquisite > sacs mad* In France'- national pore*! tin works at Serves and selected by President Faure before hi* death Kvcry President receives trom far and wide eatable and drinkables of every description Fvery Thanksgiving and Christmas day he receives anywhere from a doxen to a score of turkey* Must of those bird* come from Rhode Island, and It I* the boast of their raiser* tha! they are fed only on gra'"hopper*. On Thanksgiving day two y><*r* ago the Provident pnrtook of a twenty-eight pound bird, the record breaker of this administration Grant’s table was once graced by a thlrty-four-pounder. Various presidents before M K Utley's ndmmWtr* lion have been given expensive liquors and wdnes by the tittrrcl The omforts assured by the presidency may be assured next upon thl* list of profit" Harrteon and other president* have complained that the White House 1* an evil combination of worshop and dwell ing under the one roof; yet whet there Is of It ha* ever been luxuriously main tained When President's wife desires new furnishing*, new ornaments, new dec oration* or new housekeeping utens'ls for her official* residence eh' need not ask her husband for the wherewithal; she sim ply summons the muster of White House eer'-monles -a bonded army officer, who disburse* the appropriations made by Con gre* These Finds are regularly glv< n with the understanding that they nr* to he expended i>* the executive family see* fit. Tn this way Mr (Irani purchased for the While House table a silver canoe, still used for containing flora! decorations at state dinners, for which was paid ll.otto During Jackson's admin's!ration $1 Jut was paid for the *eeon.l-had ancestral silver service of Heron De Tuyll. Russian Mr* Hayes had painted * set of chut* which .-net IIS.W All *u”h article* of course remain the property of Fnele Bam fiaim admlnlstratlnon to admlnistrttlon. and no preallentlal family can apt.oprl ae n dollar's worth a* a souvenir In the practical housekeeping of the executive mansion the presidential family 1s entlr Iv relieved from cere The steward doe* all merdketlng and ha* the superintendence of ell servant*. Th* master of ceremonies and assliant secretaries a'lend to all arrangements for social functions, even to th* seating of the gusts at dinner and the issuing of Invitation# The official maid attend* to all personal wants of the first lady or the land, lusl a* does th* ..fficlal valet to those of th* President President* have usually selected personal servant* who are expert barber*, hut Mr McKinley ha* always preferred to shave himself The While House I* redolent Ih* year round with perfume* of nature's chokv t Slower* Fncle Sam furnishes a larg i onaerv.itory and several greenhouse* for Ih* exclusive uee of preeldenila! families Whenever m is! la desired for seat* func - tion* th* great marine band* or any of the army or navy can be ordered to the mansion by Ire oommender in-chl'f When a President Has el* he Is offered the handsomest and best equipped ttaln to be had It I* burk'd with flow er* and palatial!)- furnished Flalmratc menu card* are engraved and embossed for each meal Th* market* are previous ly ransacked for their chok-eel game and sea food* When he wishes to travel by water the President has at his disposal hi* luxuriously appointed yacht. Sylph t'pnr. thl* he may take plsaaure at any time As Presklene of the Fnltefl State* a man enjoys greater constitutional power* than h- might as Klr.g of England The ap pointing power of a President I* limited by the civil servtcw laws, which can be f, **l wnuHn t Ho vrithnnt Pearline ; I w0..',,1n , if I roii'-f. • oVA) * couldu' Jo w.ihou: Pearline ; I couldn't i( l >1" lj - J [Csatidsned t y Pssf'tns a tg/ v \ She means to say that should a washing medi rJA iy um * nvcnlct l iat would equal Fc ar l* n c in lahor-aving and ■rvv.\Ag/ h.irmlcssncss, she would still stick t { to P-arline. She feels it isn t worth i I while to consider that possibility V " further. As things are now, washing I with Pearline is so easy and so economical, she really couldn't afford to risk anything else. i Millions sing the praises of Pearline. LINDSAY & MORGAN’S SPECIALTIES: Buck’s Stoves and Ranges. Read’s Odorless Refrigerators. Perfection Mattresses. Imperial Furniture Polish. Carpet Size Rugs. Wide Portieres. Vestibule Lace. F*. S.-Read our large net. McDonough a ballantyni:, w Iron Founders, Machinists, lllai-l.milh., Il.ill, riUrr. iiimil. lnr<T. nl IT, .....I I' I ntlnr,. ti rlli ul ...i.l I ••(. Hunnlnu lorn Mills. ilr Mill *n<l ln* (Mm fllnu rnllr,* TELEPHONE NO. 123. changed, of course, by the dominant pow er of Congress Were Ih* civil service law repealed a President would probably ifitv.- at hie dl*|w>*ai MMMO where as Mr McKinley * official patronage lias amounted to only not coupling [Sts!- masterships In either estimate The choicest office* Ut the gift of the Presi dent are ambaasedotwhlp* and minister* paying as high a* s!7.*ri eon mil general- . ship*, often |mying 135.1*0 !|> fee*; fin- | preine Court Justiceship*, pa'inn from ; ftowirt down, territorial governorship*, a* ; high a "!,*>. and cabinet officer*, at t*,uxt Our President enjoy the highest assn notion*. Intellectually ami socially. Their function* are attended hy learned sehol- I are, great statesmen and Isolde of royal anal noble Mead The President l* the host of emperor* and king* visiting this country Mr MUliuey has already en- | tert-tined a prince, a princes* end tw. presidents He I* regularly i-ald home*- a* will b' !il successor by duk** mar- 1 qtilee*. count*, viscount"•and baron*, cot. I stlttMlng a pari of that official coterie whleh In a monarchy wluld be termed Hie "court." The aft-r benefit* which the high*** of fice In the land guarantees It* Incumbents *r* many. The title “ex-Preatdent" hs* the greatest posetbl* advsrtlsmg value. Harrison, after leaving the While House, received a* high * 11.000 a page for molt Stine article*. !,*’ for a short series of law lecture* and several tremendous law feea. one amounting lo Fur thermore a i'reel.lent or **-ITetd#nt tlnd* himself a great !*am fur real estate in ; whleh he invest* Mr Cievelaitd bought I •Red Top." his summer honu near <hta city, for $35 <nt wnd sold It for sll*.'•*> Ille Inveeitnt nt at Buxxaid'a h*y anl Princeton have Imusi follve<l by great is,urns latter next th* lasting larirfit* which the presidency offer* to wives and pos terity of list UK'umbfid* It 1* safe to eav that history will never forget th<- con sort* of our i idef executive# What la more, of practical Wurth, the presidency carries with II virtual Ilf* lostliwnce Fnn gresa has rsrahllshe I the cttxtum of al low Uig a pension of s&.> a yar lo Pr .denis' widow*, whether aggrieved during Ihelr husbands admlntallwtlone or lut'd If fh chief executive die# In office h.r widow receive# the lailance of Hie salary Which he would have earn'd during ol four year* Cotigrea*' further confer* upon pr.-aklenllal widow* the rlghi lo use Ihe mall* fr*"’ Mrs Grunf aiel Mrs. Gar fiekl are enjoying these privilege' In addition to her pension. Mr*. Garfield r* -elvetl a fortune of rxkMUO conlrlbuied tv the people of the United Brutes JeffcC on * friends, after he left the White House snd fell Into poverty, raised IH.VSI for him But th* prealdency hss entailed curving fortunes to the children of H* incumbent*. The son of John Adame and the gre mis an of Ihe first Harrison *u , seated to ih<- lilghrstt office iln s son served a* Secretary of War amt min ister to Kngland Grant's son he. am* minister to Austria and nrlgadler e'-neral of volunteets His grandson and th* "ei of liny** obtained military commissions Th* grandson of Po.k represent* a Penn sylvania district in rongr*** Y*t th" sort of Tvler a few year* ago died her* in poverty and obsctirfiy In our "lo#" column we will find en tered the pecuniary expenditures demand ed of a president In past campaign* It ha* cost many men dt ally lo become mere pfesld. nllat candldste*,. The candidate on the at .rnp suffets lews, financially, than he svho remain- home and keep- open 1 ion*' come to Washington In proper style before ItiauguHMlou usually costs a pretty penny. Cleveland's hotel bill her* In March, 11. wee sstx> a day. Although ihe government pays the White Hous* steward, valet, maid and groan the wagi* of the coachman, cooks and other personal servant*-usually ten or a doxen more—must come out of the chlsf execu tive's ilocket. The Prerid'-nt must buy the horsee and carrlnges devoted to his own use and must purchase hi* own h>r*e feed Although state dinners at Ihe Whit* House are official affairs, h* must per sonally hear their expense Hayes spent M.oon on one such spread McKinley'# Dewey dinner I# sail to have cost ll.dhn That to Prince Albert of Belgium prob *hly cost ss much. In each administra tion there must be twelve state dinners, and these coat anywhere from $-Vo to li on apiece. Th* fiecretsry of t*is Is allowed a "secret fund" of for Ihe enter tainment of official forrlgners. The ex pen'll turc of this need not be account* 1 for But the Presided ha* no such fund. If h# entertain aboard h! official yacht, hq must settle for ail ealables, drinkable* and emokable*. Yet *h* I* a naval vessel and he I* command.r-ln-ehl*f of the navy. Th* grind upon a Prealdeni's physical and nervous system I* an Item more seri ous than Ih* wear and tear upon nle lx>ckettK>ok Kven before the busy war prriod Mr. McKinley’s working dsy *'.<*- sged fifteen hotirs. Kvery Pre Ident i hunted by crank* and lunatics, n g<dlv proportion of wtioni would attempt vio lence on gaining accees to I Im. A few of th* Whit* House ersnk callers during IM* administration have been a man claiming to be the Pope, another believ ing himself prophet Inspir'd by Ihe Al mighty and sent to warn the President that some high offlcla! was to be "remov ed" frrpn thl* world; > tail Herman who wished to teach the President haw lo *- amine naval recruits, sn okl woman with the photograph of * >ouse In which she claimed to have been gobbed et * man who Insisted upon preaching ssr mon In the vestibule of the n -rth .long and * German who call's! for relief froth pereeciitlon* bv the Patholl Church A vast e'esnent rsgard a Preside nt ss an a'.l-powcrful dictator, who esn t ight any of their imagined wrong* by a simple com mand lie I* asked how foriucs* can be made and Is flooded with begging tetters. Mr McKinley ha* hem .apt>ealed to to grant several divorcee Ai Christmas children nddrees hint in letter* as "Hear Hanta finis" Many people lielteve that Stub It being as ' I'ncle dam" live* In Ih# White House and d.lfe*s their letters ac eordtngly Thro ighou’ the .-otintry a President can a wavs depend upon n vast tshlrtei of self-constltut*d advisers From many ssntrces he Is heaped with abuse. Georgs Washington white President, was accused bv a New York paper of over drawing his sclaty s.V*n Rut what most sorely tries the h**|th of a President I* Ihe nth, *-**ektn* c;*#*. I t* estimated that 500.000 <• 1 *1 lh Wl.Pe Ho"** each admlnbtrallrvn under existing elvll service laws Many mil lion* will pester the rhtf executive who tet# down these hsra to office F.lghty [teople on an average, heg the f’rssldent for each office tn hi* gift By dtsrtppotnt tng seventy-nine upon each appointment a Pre-ldeni eenllxe* that he Might* many of Ihelr lives or make* them politics! ene mies The wife of a former raval officer commuted suicide heraure she could not get a place as charwoman early In this administration. Bo thick were the office, seekers In the spr.t.g of 's7 that they sunk the floor of the Pr-'S'dent's office lobby four Inches. A President'* social dulls* ore by no means r< taxing A publl reception al ways leaves him with a right hand soro and swollen This vexr. hy actual count, Mr McKinley broke s i previous hand shaking records He grasped hundreds of lalmwat the rale of on* |>*r second. A President l tailed upon to selllo social rquiihble# latiwsen hi* cfficfal*. Mr. McKinley ha* hail to solve several such problems, notably when he Informed l’auncefot* that lie must pay a first call upon Hobart and when he Informed lawry that army officers have social precedence over offi ere it White House receptions Anew President mov ing Into the White House I# 1 mined lately grabbed at by all ehurches of his denomi nation. lasoklng about him he Amts him self the greatest advertising medium In tlie country A thousand bland* of mer chandise bear his pi lure Most of his gifts are given with Ihe hope that hi* ac knowledgment will have advertising weight Moreover, o President has Is** liberty than the humblest law-abiding clt- Ixen of hi* republic lie must not leave the country during hl *<imlnl#tra!lon He 1s forbidden to any fo>elgn embassy, legation, consulate cr warship. PIHIIOT HKII SIC It TO HE riora. Woman Tried tn Make It Sax "It I ess the l.ord!*'— II Fleas tsy. From the New York Work!. DOBT-THE GFNTDKMAN WHO CAP tured a pet bird on or near Ninety-fifth street will please communicate with Rev. Phehe A Hans fori), jni West Eighty eighth street, who haw last a pet parrot and offers reward for It* return "1 put this advertisement In tlie paper* In hopes that It might lead to the re de said th Rev ' I'hebe Ail ana font In her home at No. 3)1 (vast lllghly-cighth street yesterday to a Work! reporter. “The bind really la as much the property of Miss Ellen E. Miles. | who lives with me here, as mine It waa presented to her four years ago by Mrs. fit. John Gaffney, and Miss Mils* very generously prcuented me- half th* parrot "It ta a wonderful parrot -H came from Australia and Is six years old It Is bright green lb color tutd of the site of a plump roldn “Yes, W can speak twenty languages, hut not all of them correctly," In’erposed Miss Miles. "It Is a remtrkshle mimla and extremely Intelligent. We never kept It In a cage except when It was naughty. It alwa> milked until w* unlocked tha door. Then | would xhrlek 'Ah-ha! Hera we an* again. I m a good parrot now!' "Mr*. Hanaford, wito l* a minister, yon know, tried to teach the parrot to aay Mlesa the Lord!' All Ihe parrol would an. awsr was. 'Oh. go to the devil!' iitn Mrs. Hanaford kept at It and I really think that I* why the parrot, two weeks ago. (lew out of the window. "Last Monday we notified the principals of two public •> hool* nar by of Ih* loas of Ihe parrot and all the pupils wer* ask ed by ihelr teacher# to be on the watch tor this parrot. "That same evening Albert Walsh, a sdhotdbo). conn lo us and weld he taw the parrot the day It escaped In his yard Ml No, 141 West Ninety-fifth street. Ha 'lied to clasp It and It flew to th# fir* i r-tcape Another boy caught It and gava it to conductor of a trolley car. who ran Into the yard declaring he had lost a par rot from hi* home In Seventy-first street. "The boy said the parrot kept calling McKinley! McKinleyy uttle Jn.vt* GslT nsy. Mrs. Gaffney's Utile girl, taught Ihe bird In HW. to shout for McKinley fio If any one hoars a toirrot rooting for Me* Kiniey he may know the bird belongs to Mrs Hanaford and me. "Mrs. Hanaford and I would pay a big rewaid for the return of tlie pnrroL W# c9tialder it worth at Moat $39,000,*' 5