The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 12, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 KILLED WITH A ROCK. % NTIM *l\ till V *.ll! K • '•!I II OFAIdlt M.IIN I* \ MU.HO. $L l<ll* Had n u mirr lln* *• Morniua Wllh .1 or M% *r about -*••• %|- plrft-Mnynor belt rbr*- union l.rl KifK-lli llHwmril %Uout lMtk nml I lireo ‘i llm U til *Ultll*, I mall iim 111 HU okilll. "'* • Alnimi |n%li*nt I#-hll—The MiiriltT* *r UK* trr* -1* *1 uvttl I* 11 ■1 •• Ml ll llnrrm l. foirntm in* Sk a Gr*k fruit setter. tr u | • i , t*l v. rantly killed 0- I J Myr . J i . look |la tit |Li> 0i ( , k • i n*l h p. . , if ■. ~\ * ,-uit store From th* a r , , i i- *f w hom -Jo p ii w.. i < >l*l 1400 k*<l mur !* r (4|( i.i t :*ai ‘ of the uppfwioh < i * , in ihr* Farm -ti** ft „ w ■ n l * t. ; • i J g* w . it. a f w f I of ■ • ‘I 3 i* and l k With Ml i that <* * .* I in th* right side *f i k.. The man fba *k into the wiort anti died within a very f* w mlnui*-. I**f * * r** d ■ *,>r t-oukS be summon* ! alum *. u *'* ttrward wm 1. vr*l h it *-r'i • w. n: * have b* en of to i. cv. ii had h* tla re. When th. nan tv.i tru k #me of hh broth* rs Wii' •• l *• ,r ’ • ,f| * BRil from him. • ♦ i * Hi tor i • k in me nor* 11* mi; ** v n-d to th* * t brother I* * I el ? tn hut ttiidli -• wit tin- Iki not re vive t.-*k him •• ‘ u * *’•' dr jk *-i**r* • f Tong# *v <V. a? MU .* nd Furm street a. bn he wae lt ad w hen the> .rri% • i there (Vrotier J*'ii ;*•* lit vt.> notified of th# affair anti t*.*k hint** #*f th* r*-l> on i i r. l • * i wnin • f* w min • - after Hi** flturd* • laid been comillltte l. but •i- the mni ha#l i**n Mtn t# run aw ,% Immediately niter throwing th* rock and could not U* foun#l anyw.m re in the netgh borhood of hiit * rim* h** was not arr* 1 at the time He wm* . ptiir* I *t r Si. 4, hou*<- on / *!> ami I .umber ktr#** m •> \ *S Hi ark and Muiphy and I’atrob man \N.*.i ii i> • ..*1 bv t brother** of the mur dereol man that Mavmr yesterday m >rr tnr Imol I*. * n t ih* K?.ie anti n inte.l t ..111. ii|>n’a on r#dlt. ami in when h* hatl been refund b> t*onstantlne h* had gone away threauntnic tt k* 1 ev.*n fthortly befr-re he returne 1 for hi murd* r t ,,i v .o other *'•>.>rt*tt man h** t ai.ed l Ihe sl-*re . 1 w arned I'uliM.iii* tin* that Mayi or w.< < *mt:k to hurl him arl th4i* he w. armed with n |i-tal and htt.i in ividlilon *• |*t k* ( full #*! r*> K Thii* man. H h rinan Jenkli ?* w ti .irr*a*ted by Miller and i* lieid - witness. When arrested May nor denied that h. v is the in t!;;i hnd i rown I • r* Ii be ha*i had a row with "onsiantlne in the ne-rnlna .diout the a|*il-s. and * tl ttuii i'onstantim* hiei siru-k him on the h* #l. IT* rlnr Hh in irk **. the blow to prove his H*'* i ertion <\irAnr (Suede will hol<l on * t prt *.i > 10-nlkiit. Iff I ol'l* I lIK M>( KHTW. Jin in Interfered With •!* M**ie . tin* * ttrnlxal lifn4. Falrman* Boion Concert Bind delight - h| the fnill audience taut gathered in the* Carn.val gr un<l yesterday afternoon to h£ar the excellent |*rogr mmc that had been arranged. The mueic was apt end id onl each number was* enthutda* ally p phibiiel. The hind wni called upon lor an encore after every numt*r. an-l the rewp*>ri!e. n i -arlly drugged out th* time. Th** pr* eoukl tint i finished. on t its account. b*lng cut abort oti a ' mint of r.iin. Juwt m* th* nmUen. j^ r<-gr* ?tel it m****t. u for* n*ii ditton of the duet of cornet and trombone from "Ii Trovatore," An •.<'*r* ttin w I- K r r*.nly i*nJoyl w •‘The Huh Mil s " Thi> wh* one of the religious piece* played in rewponac to oaiU J: was familiar to the titklicn* ■ . but thi** did not d* ’ra*'t from itw r*• ption. If van pr**i- .> more upphvialnl than any thirty vim-. The f.-lioAiru; S.h the programme that to ini n nntit Overture—“ Poet and !**•*•-‘lint" fSuppci; fa) inttmx tzo. “Forget Me Not” iMh.- bi*thi, (!i .'i|inUh l uutar i.. “La I'aioma <Mi-*ud>. Corner Sajo—“{’©ns art Polka" (Hart, •imm i Fl* S* 1, on "Itobin IJo*d” (Ik Koven). Gloria- Fr**m "Twelfth Mbm" (Motart). !>uei For <-ornet and troniUm**, ***••* from “11 Trovator* “ iWrdi). Mi W F silk ar*l H Hotted. • I ni* of Hteftbeik I' ter—(Tobanl) Grand Ala i\h—“The Kike" (Falrman) *]’ !.1 10 !;•• Hivai.nah llk* I* I’- K . No. Itt. It a < also Intended t< have n concert at high*. ut the rain mad** it imp** d b.e. The band Mill be in Savannah throughout ti carnival, which will *-m -tinu* .HI of ti •*- week, however, ami p j*or;ut> <u to hear it will not u la- kin©. TIIK M W t lIWNU.M. COMmiltrp of < olloti IhrliiiNffr 11•- |M*rt mi of ll* Work. Thi* rmon <’ompr. - < Company mad* ♦*n I*. -mpr* Mi)*? cotton •luring the w-k ir *h benefit of o of 4■ b r '-•''*!. |> 'i.n • pf-In t* I leal** nn<) i |*>rt on tin* work of t ie u a press. T 'inniltu-e n* ii Helrtle Gor don. ct.i, mn. If on r> T William*. i; ! A Smith ir.d W (’ !,v. n. Dtirlm: tin w**k th committee went j v \ otll i- . ! t ■ 'ornp.i v t- h* prci>? ] •ind v.. hown it' w 'k i . From i j report w ii w o m ol* and |.t*d nt ; the Cotton fSxrhange th* teat* nle w*t Mtltfactorv. nnl show• and that the rom- i pressing l thorough m I the ( a k iic prod’i ♦* In prem . i: flrrrln^ I fwvorwhly on lie dn*iiv i . ui lf-> mli\. T<• miv Improvement th* \ ;.**.<•- I.*} n m that the end* of tlx i*.i|ee ‘would lo k *m tter if wjuar- l io the I;i -i; w*u!d r>*-l li i !•“ y Thi- only ~t i tppmm •>( •b( \ < r ever Th** first tent wan with i b> \vi h eight hand*, wt ighinir r*4 pound . ,n | with n lon ftfatSDxl* After 1* i n rompr hi| the aim*’ bale w- gh*| j. I mi iie-i lie dimension* wtr f"x 1 icIT Th* hviiul te- wi- i t>al w.ih - x l*ands. w Ichlnc "13 |oai.d* and din n idons MWtxJS. fifing re-ct rnpreyed wi h ip t ml* It wo added). ft weighed TANARUS, I- •un ( h, and it? dimension* weie .':x23‘!7 Th* third tr-t wan with .* bah* v. h s* n b.r • weighing W> i>und-, ,% and writ a dim* ion- Being re-com . . < . i md (-• i•-• • bale weight and aft pound*. Uhd ll* dimen *4 on* wi* fdx.’lx 17. u ii.i. iioi.o % tih^ioN. Jesuit fallirrs to ll*wln fine nt t i ltielrnl >e\t Mimlii > . A rn!sbn will bg:n next Sunday at the .ec il by the Jesuit father*, the arv. • oeglm.lng at 10:80 mots. The mission wi; Usi two week* and there will be four dully service?. Father O'Connor of New < r cane, a former Bavannahlan. and well known here, will be one of the priest* In attendance. The names <A the others have ktaii been received >cu \ hi mu u • iit i. %itit i vrt:t, lrrh***l Iron* %*■% I ork on the 'lni* Inlintapr. An interestinfi ‘torv umr to light v t* *• i*i\ morninu, when the *t* im htp V-tl* ih •* arm* and from New York b*, r.- .nr m tig her |m- * for•• a v**at di X w > <>rk gird who t ail* l tin I r th* i. r• i *f Mbs *'*lla Jr-r.-m* M. jerom* w ** i runaway from h* r h tnr in New York. *1 wh*n the whip ur.vei sti< wa* im ttuditidy taken into custody t*> de* t:v.-w who had i *n Informed, through h r father, of her saliiVH' n iti** Taliahi—* Sb • wa - taker to S*• e \ n II- .- * * l • !*?.iin* *1 until h# r f .• r n* r* arrived, w f **n i. l: l > :? *:* ■ if?- no -n lUrti* b o’eloofc. !!u |T - • ..I o* > **• lock 'll. 1 v* . ■ i • t * • Iv. v, thre* of iIM . ?' .1. I . f. that had been *}*** * \ < nod*. b> th*- *>•• an Ht*um n•* (*.*mpan Tn-\ w< re acting tirlT l: f * f. . tit -and ‘her. a*m* *| V re? ,v 1,, fih * -.0.1 take r llwrife of the > *l|t.g i j b * thi- waw amicably arranged h iiou? any hitch. A ...t; aw the fither arrived he to>k • *-# . f Mn - J* rom* u.d thi y left t>- r f#r N* u Yor k t * t nint Aa mu h •• r y ii-* t\<* pi*swihle w mn obs-rv*•<! tV i! pirn.-*- orm* t* i will) the nfTiiir The \. ic ,d\ h* i— ;f -ibwolutely r* fu-***l to *tk at)l :,er father w* ni her on* t* ti-r, ii ti• l> w*'iM t • ih.k *f lhe m*t**r. h ? - i-l not evpn rpfb'i-r at th* *• * l'r**m •? • r - I* rn- .it the young lady was a f*uili at * Na York soluml. nrnl that !*?*• Tliuriolay wll fee 'iit any intimtii i*n ?< her parent* of h. r b • * Mon. v i* 1* ’I the • **? th* T •Uahass* • It* r f ither that h r • t wo- aui*e*i hy a t* rnporary vagary, t e *f t‘H> hard ■‘ltaly. *a the -hip it s.n that Miss .!*- r*nie Is g.ut t*> r* gr**t her net. on 1 en f- '-.l a* much <* on** of th** officers, t -U --]i ini that t * had I*r ■**! out to v:w t fri*m*iw tn Florida, hut was worry *ht he had done so. a 1 wished to go bark r.. N*w York *>u th* t it trip of th* * dp H*r arrest ami th*- visit oi h r la* • pi. .*nt*i h# r carrying out this r.o elution r i* :ath r * *pe< t**l to artlv *- rl> *i <i urh In the morning to meet th*- ship u.*l •>?> *1 1 t] f * n* .-ssity .f Iwivlr.g th** cr, art* -t , 1 hut <*wln|r t** i wreck in North ‘' r * iina **f th* train <<> which he start -I ..ill ii*l r.*? reach the oil> In !!•• ;or Ihtk. - - i \ iiy.ri.Htri M.t.ito shot. t t nrollna llnrki Wantnl for Sea •rn I 4MTrnf. j,, .4. Swam, *l*>iH-rrtt© negro, was t twt • yeM©r*luy b> Tr* mn T J. I‘irr**r. in*i will probably die from hi wound*. Th© |*>lic© ftiav* Nen on th© lookout I >r Swain sin*** Aup wh**n a b*!t*r v* ,• re**eived bv Patroim-in Martin Scully ! Mr. J. II Adams of Goeth© 8. rating that Swain w* want*-*! there on • cha; K* s <f • auli .*l.*l tmttery, a-- • ult with Intent to murder. .t;-l stealing i Winchester rif!*\ A leacrtplkm •*( >v* i.n wi- en I*-- I with th*- 4 ♦ formation. H*nt in n let *r a few l;io ©ter. i mi h had taken a train .if <inr ntt nnd w* h* als| toward Sav innh where his usual h* a*kiunrters wen* in tfei© ra-.ghiiorhooii of Bolton street, near th* Plant System yards. About 11 o’clock Farrell raw the man in n house on Gwinnett ©tr***-t. rs* ar the Plant System yard, and arrested him He went with th© f?i*'©r quietly to the ©all )wx an*! mad** no sign tiui he intend*d tn r* 4isi arrest until after th© call f r th© i*rr>| wagon had been turned in. th*n •• suddenly mode . iash f**r li)K*rt>, tnit was taught by Farr*ll and again taken to the b*x. he tht'ti gt j*p;**d with t?.** **f fkrer an*! threw him to the ground he ► oing with him. While In thl© p*-tfln ).* man.igf-d to g*t th**of!l.vr'i pistol from th© halter, and ut th© same tim** struck l:lrn h* rtviiv cai th* mmith with a drug gl-t’s i* *•!*- < tn** of th*- bystanders *-••©- Ing •h* *llmlv.intag* uni r w hich Far rell w.*. ga v* him his pistol and with it he shot Swain twice, both balls enter ing tit** Kick 10-low the ♦‘h*it*i'l* r and ach of th* m (Nnctrailnit a lurg Sw.lin w ih then taken to the barracks and Ihcnre to thl Georgbi Infirmary, w hen-, it is said. If Is hardly probable that he can recover. No TIIIII.S 'I III* Wl i.k. .ludff© Pal llftnnt’a lllim-om Ia uses pMi**m©iit f 4 fiw©. There will n- no t*iaD *f ■ riniln *1 n * in the Superior f’ourt to-day <r *luring tii*-* w.'*‘k, < I of th4* * i. * which had iM-*-n ah signed having l©en fosti* tr. and un til Mini lay next. The \**m* to Im* trle*l then ai l on #mi’ v e*|uent days liut l-g n**\t w>*k In*dude thOM lu which imli invent.s war© found by th* granl Jury on list Th© postponement has l*e* n cause I by th© illness of Judge FaliUant. Early >4-Ht.fda> morning he w - atta k l wl h .o tiit iiiflige tlon, i I l*r an nit** r •: hours Miff* r I very Intent* pain For i * onsiderablr vtrt f this time two -hy- Ht.-tan- W4*r© in a:tenckna*- ui*on him. \\ ii.h* Judg** Faliigant s 1 11 ti* -s has b* ©n tDu- pimful and distnasitig hi** c nJi tion is no* thought to b at ail alarm ing. and H I *\p *d thu h wil out , .am in th© in xt f**v% *hy- M *vjL 1 probably I© prtv.rted, h w vr. tom making the trip t> the *onf .i tata r - union 1"* Aug.jsta. t* \v!l> hhe had 4*k and forward wita i great *b.l *f |d* *air.. Bis atiM'U' Judg* Pahlgant’s Him -and th- <>i.aequent p**st|voii*inetit f the 4’4-* that had been i**Lgn‘d U r Jur ors nd witnesses who hail ten sum moned u> appear U> *<rt t**-*ay )*v. nren relieve.l until Monday oft xt w.**k vsii.*n the fit Of th** ~* * ami as ft i „t>nr* oh titn* p mls wdl i* ?'l *1 nd the i i'i ■' f'*r the trial o! the * bets fixtd by the court. DETAIL I HIHI THE 1.1 lIIIW. %ttenlefl the Faaeral **f tle Lair fears 11. fev**il Y**sler*l*. The fur *ra **f the I t*- F.xta H Kent took place nt 4 o’clock yesterday after noon fiom hi# me resi.len f. >• i And* rw>n >im*4, west. Th© Itinera! serve** at the hotoe and it tht gruve in laiur-1 G >v were conducted t*\ Hev. Hareorn Anthony t Trinity M©*hod Ist Fhurch, and Rev. W \ Ni>Ut *>f Hi© S*v**ikd J*rcbyterian 'hurch. -I ii. furcral w .(tienJH by rt.-Mi. ft hi tb* Hav tnna!) Vohtnt'tr OutirK ut Httl' h '"tt.t* Mi Krnt hurt h* • n rn'inlrt Thf tlcrtdll w.t!t in i'l> up of <b whtrm !■ j from flu' h> tr v.mian|f. of (hr Uatwtllo.i iml tu<. un.t''t 'UKUii'iiii of B.*rt St'nun 11 Iti kr Tne fir* I iht> ru-. ti tn,ry .i.u'r i t the i.urtover Inc fcr.ivc in I.iurcl I rove. PlunnlUK for < ItrlMttoM*. At (he i'"Hehielon of th. nurttn,; of thf I rtutl'litv r ho 1 of tin I-'lre■ li.ipilet Church > n. c.loy a:-.' !n. on a merlin* of (he j (euclierr al.rt oil-.' - I" woe tu hi lo dhCUfv that Ik klway- (flven to (he ehrtrtreit of the ehool A (‘hrhdtitw tree vu rtort.lert on, nil other (i' irtl of (he uffuir Uf: lot ! (uluf* coD'lJkrati' n. Noralnu Mntlier*. fccbl* children, the eicert (tr.d Infirm, ani all who auffer from debility, exhaustion i and wattlnc rtlea,e(. find MALT MUTRDfI invaluat'ie. The prodoat of (he Anheuer-Hu- h Urewuis A* u. t'or ' salu t>y all drunKlei*. THE MOKNING NEWS: MONDAY, NOVEMBER I^, LET ALL THE COUNTIES HELP. \ *1 1.4.1 > I lo\ U TO Till: MtWBH 4| I.HKI I IM . Till: MOM MI NT. let Imo It l mull) of the fate Hr i nlled I |>oai lu Kuralah n klone f#r ll4* Mon ii to rni | uni the Knllrr sinie Min Hr llrprrirntril—Till* lli it \\ nm | *o| lti%4 rtl In ihr lirrrtloii tf ih*- W MliinKton Monument ( Imirnmn llmWii Think* Mute should link** un \pi*ro|rlllou of s.y.'Hsi, mul Tlml W.tli ilie i|i>* t onirlhuiltm nnd Those From Other *iiiirt*ra H%t*r Jg.MI.iHMI t on Id lt* It n lard i h.ilrni iii I'ifhn *<f the Fork and Tr* e CommlNikm U very ptoud of the fa *. that the nw>v tra-ni to *r- t > monum-m* to * Sen < b!efi>r|-4 will* h h *•* urfk'**e!*i by him ii. mi intervl* w publinhe l In : * Morning News l*e* than ten days ajc *, lias mt * i h a h* arty r ism **. * I have reason to beib-vo that there are other prouunmit *lilz*n who %Mii make Urn* td • lataHis I** the m unirn* nt, ' *ll Vlr. Uu f! n. We have a number of Hi • x# ns who can well afford to eontribut* - liberally l. mu 1 * i eat;--. .*ome of w .on have 'liown a epe lal Intareet In tiie early history of the olony and In preserving the memory of thoae who plannetl an I tiui'led its |* *!iv I* s In I'*' Infant days. I trupt. f ourr* et*Ul Mr DufTln th* the rtit wli* ntik** a 1 appro priation I ttiiik f " a v#*ry h*n ill um t. i-k for hi*, h a ports**-** a this. WHI .in i*pr#>frlo:bai of by tin* state nid lf that eum by tho nty. in 1 by I Hi-. iMiii. **I.I ral interest In the movement ihr /luHit the .-.ate and among th* -ons and Georgia In other ntatas. w* un e* ur> a fund frui !*> to with ! vs l leh a monument * #eild * o rt t.*| whl n v **uld not t*i > I • an honor t* the ’ U*?. lit one of U. attrtti tioiy of ihe city ae i w< ll.** ,\ soijnfT !• a situs man. who la too m*l •s to |e*rrnlt On* u-e f i.l natne. make* me foil**wing suggt -tliiti. *if the |K*oph; ■ f r*'voimafi," ltd he, m>• ur** ■ufß i jent full'is to lay the foumlatlon ®nd |wro v .<|• the* first stone, then let every other unity in the a at* I** * illad upon also u* i r*v; i** a -tom It is a matter In which ih# entire *n: In- an interest and on* In which every county ehouid !• repre- , *.,-!,ted li*if till- Idta were adopt rll th* leading counties w#hiM vie wlta * a* } othe-r in furnishing hundMime stun* s Toero is a great variety of marble and kranlt*- In the -tat* . * >(*•• hilly In tbe mld (!**. and noftlurn com.’teg and th* ma juritv f the counties wmil.l * able tt. furnish at on* - Quarried from their own Mils The Mon* - h Mild of course, have conform t<* th* general plan or design for the monument, nut this could be *■*! ly arrange*!.” The Idea Is not anew one It was car : led Otf* successfully in the **rectlim of the Washington monument at the national apltal. every** furnishing • st.av from Its own hills A number *f foreign . v.untrles ah < *inrHuie l hai. lsom* mar k| ran • to tIM motiuim nt Whether this kb * couW *• huc* * >sfull> arrled out In ih*- *r- ‘b*i of the >gl< ihorpe monument Is only # matter of con j.eture ut pr* *w nt hut th* suggestion is worthy of Vonaaleratlon Th* plan would have the* advantage of furnishing an In . entlvo to the counties of the state to vie with each other as to the character of th -tones to lw> furnished and would giv.* them direct Interest in the matter. It w iil>i also give to th* |eoj>le of each ! county the satisfaction that they were mpt >* nted in th* monument to the foun of ih- slat* . W Iftl'l F 1114.11\\ %%>!%>( II GUT. Forty 4r More l , rls*ier H I iht Ihe II •*•> rilrr This Moritln a - C. II Hit ton, whit*-, another of ihe men charged wish having lull up and robt 1 a negro hu ktnan early Saturday tn*rn ing. .*n account #*f winch w*is published u y* -tenlay’H Morning N# ws. has arrested, aisl with hi- two com tain lons, wiio wre arrested U'lote, will Is* given a hearing this morning before He* ord r 11 art ridge. Howard Wili ams. eoiored v n*l J G. i pie. w hite, were ai r* t l last night by Patrolman lUtimberg ut the requ**at of ! Tc.-hi r llangi* *>s. who charges them with i being drunk and u sing anl a- sing him. As the men Wa re abui to get Into the rrol wagon *’ iiit ll* J. *b*. al.-o holored. ; came forward a.i-l offered him If as a witn*'s- ptiirolmuii Iging * dls**-iv* r*d ttuit he ha#l a | air **f tn.c- knu< ks In ill !l> k k-t s* h* t*** wen* ti th#* liarr icks ;*i and will this morn tig have to answer the ■ • barge of carrying concealed wsapotia. The police w**r* qulic busy an da> mi l th#* proba bill tic 411.* that there will *• forty **r more ,*rtsonera lx*fore Record*.r ! liartrldge this moult g a am: ok t %ntt:iM w. it.w ft. Wan a l.nrur VltrndNian* mid *ati foefort Hewultw* There nt a larg* attendance t the e lie of pew 111 the lieW t'athrdral I** night. Tin re> dts of th- ah* we. very satiMo* lory t the committre having the matter in hand. In nv. ral i .etan* ■ n * high a.- s!•** was hid 'or pear* alt I iti a numiwr of ca©** the jirwn brought mor I halt the U|* at price ftxtd by tll*‘ inlue*. Mm of the o ler members of the t\i th*di a I omgr*'a■ it|u made u |* n of t-t •'oriiiK *•■ vu* with the '.mi 1 local!* n a those they had in the old i’llbedril. The rale of p*ww will h oivtlnucd dur ing the we* k by the comm.tier. Thi s* d* coring to I** accommodated an l r-o \t\ ..iiiii g it|*on ("apt I*. F. Glen won, * t H ! lam,. ry k* * o . my day during the wa *k. * (Off p. w - u : * per cent, of th- annual rental. %11 mi m i.s" aoim\i . Until Predicted for To-day. but Fair Wen flier lor ro-morrm. Savannah * temperature, wil h haw been above normal Cut two months and m *te. haw within th" laid three daa gone In the oppoalto dire. lion. The max m ini iem|H*i>aturc vtatirday waw 41 der* ea. mid • n m;nlni m Is. giving a mean of M le uraci*. below the normal. Tbl r* due the ; urn . i<! -xcew* of heat tor the I 1 , . Jil 1.1 . to 3d degr* Tu rail fail wa* d.4 of an Inch, which n ik*M an ex, ee* lor the nv*nth of S.'T Phew, and for the year u abort age or *j-„ for* ,wt for to-day iw for rain; to pi a row I 1* pr* dieted will be fair, with fi,*di weat to iiorthwttH wtndw. i,%a-i t iti itt ii t o\it:h'.:x will Take riitre at Seventh aired t liurch Thursday. The lawt *onferen,* of the year will f k place at fhe Hev nth S reet Methodic Church on Thurrday evening. The re i*>'ita ft 1C !>ntor. Hev. J A Smith, and the other church ofltcefa wi.l i*h ud mtued uid other matters of intores: to the members of the church will be dis ci seed. The report of the patfor will enter fully Into what haw been accomplished by the • hurch during the year that Is drawing to He clone, in every department of its work. Much ha* been bn** and tn* show to be made by the pastor will be in teresting. ' t|l IFT o\ THi: Mltm %V. *unlay** l*eaer Will t*lvr Way to IlnalurM %kiilm l-du>. Hunday on 1,.* Midway was very quiet. Ther* y H * •’nothing doing" within ths - irnivu. enclosure ali da- bang. ?ava the usl concert that • l but a short while during the af**ri •• r The place wore an air of rest and quiet that war meet unthtnkubl# aft* t the noire, con fusii-ii *4 . I tuiruial of ih* w.* k, when th** . .11-441. and one i cm* d*aitnctlve of the p. i. .* were ail goitw at *<n< * T u spielers had si.*i **l their contin uous w< kly flow- cf .* i llation, finding I ! .istire In the ccsaaHcn of those mighty pr •>• * of the greatest show on tne grout*!* oral th** reel* l of the wonders *ha’ m gbt h< view* I upon ering the int toward whi* h they g**sM uiatei wild itf tira/.*-n h are f orti t batsls. She r* p.*rt of whoop-err. up - i*‘vi*iven, tip* a or Fnt nte of fog horns, the raver h-rations from the lion s roar, the clang ing of *ow hells string *m a tig#**, the •■* n of rut'tier ball*** ns nd kln'lrei aubles ar.d th** Milui'livt and tremulous mush' < f the rtireets of Cairo were ail be king Not a one of the shows was offering en l* rt dnhent for visitors. Trie Kumiay ru es were etrh tlv oY*served. and all were -av- Ing themselves for the sev>r.l we*k of the arnt .il With r- < ••! energy af ter a day of rest, they will b*-gin th*lr irerformance.- an*ln this afteii. on. Mt*l It .* * x|*e<*t* *1 thai. with good weather, ihe rowb in attendance will greatiy exce—i tnose ttf last w**<‘k • No admission to the grounds wll. be tiargotl tm** afternoon. It will b* oll> .it night that the charge *♦ th© gat* will l* mi l*, llie managt-m*-nt having *b i*bd t> put ull th* afterimon.-' **f l.ds w*-*k ©n th** free Hat. This u • *'otice l**ti thit will resub In a large attend ance of children ami their parent- *r nur *v*. and the show.** wid probably and a k • it*r bus.nqss In the aft* moon than i hey *iij**> •* i l<t we* k Tu-nlght the ****ctit. lountal wili *• In pluv fur th first tlm- The is a wmlerful contrivance. fi*#m al report , arid will Is* well worth -••elng IVherav* r It has b****-n *ltspla>e<i It ha* won the must favorable notice**, and th*- mn*g"- rn*nt I- ootuitliiß upon it a>* **• of th best of th* additional attr** t n that liny ts teen this week No charge ©f i-iin -.-ion to s* • the fountain will b n üb*. sit will be cover#d by the fee at U<* gat* 4 inih ru hi thN \ %ti iik. •*iilJ**rt #*f a kt*rtes *f .Herman* •> Hex. Mr. “irimg, Hev. Mr 8; long con muni bis s*rles of Sunday night sermons .it St John's Chur h mm the ‘ Natur* of Th* congregation being small on 'account of the unplcikint weather th* s**con I sermon on “The Temptation* of Our I#ord," vt .it deferred until next Bun lay night. Mr. Strong < n ten ting hlrowlf with a running discussion U|#un thu sub ject of the nature of Christ on Hie human •i*le, and glvieg he points which he will bring out tnor* fully it the .***rtnon Mr. Strong aid ?hnt the auhjert of Chrlafs human nature was on* **f most tnfi it.-** inter • m, as It is Christ's hum Du ty which bring* Him In such close touch and f.*-ime with humeu t*elig; He took the posit I n that Christ was fully human and that ho lived, suffer* and and was tempt i is re human l*eings of to-day. only in a far greater degree In referring t*> lus ** r mon c*f next Sunday night Mr. Strong t*pk© ©f the chief temptation a of i*hrl>t which are mentioned in th** Bible His being taken on top of a high moun tain by the Devil and shown all the king dome of th** earth and also his taken hy th* Mime tempter to the pin nacle *f the tempi©, wh re various Induce in-nta w*-re he I*l out to him to submit tc Hi* authority of th* Trine** of the powr* o* Darkness. Th. -.- llluetr.ition* of the manner In which t'hrlsl hi* tempted Mi Stron-* ml, i metdered entirely figurative ji t uk many other iigur .tlv.- Illumtratlon* are ("uml tlirouyh.iu* the Utble It was a . hlhiisli am-, and l - neeea.ry * pi. -.-nt these thlngw m -i manner to the Intellectual .-.ipa ity 'f the ag To duy they may he r* - tried uk poitir *<|ue and figurative. What l. the Inieipreta- Hon of these llcur. -and llluttiatiao* an l liow ' was r-ally templet b. Snt ill will la* dls'-u**ed by Mr. fc'liong next Sunday night. t i m.imi n HiuxikMi gt inuH. Mi.title Hunks Tried i nauec-essfally the l.nuitnnum Itoute l.nst Mxlil. Mamie Hanks, a color'd woman living at Vurk and l'che utreet*. took w do*.- of laudanum y. erlay with In tent. but wu dlecovefW In time to have her life wived. The woman bought the drug about 11 o'clock In lh miming ll Ik not known when *Pe t's.k It or how large the dose wa but ta Ih ill t 9 o clock a message wa it, nt to the barrack* from one of the other Inmates, of the hours stating that the woman had |*>l scii'sl herself and was probably .Icing I’r K H Okborne was notl flol and Immediately went to the house He found that tl . woman was suffering as inn h from 'lie elTeets of alcohol as of I ludanum. atsl the prompt use of u stomach pump relieved her of lioth. m • f iililiiijhhh >ku mhwiiehs. >l. 11. A. Irrniixlnx i gerlea of \inrl Fniertnlnraent*. The Young Men s Hebrew Association In UI a nulling yesterday. Twelve appli calloi - fur nonib. rshlp w-ts received A . .nitnllt.i wits apprilnted to secure ad dlltonal member*, the olflcer* cxts-ct to li -i, !-.• th- memtK-r*hlp by twenty-live tiefon Jan I Ti e en" i t-iitwm nt committee Is now a work mi -■ ib -of novel entertalnmer.'s the first of which will be given early 111 1i.,-ember The >. rle* given last s- sou h\ the same eotr'mlttee w.c* the* most en joyable of any ■ icr given li the Associa tion. i ITI lIHKI ITIKS. A meeting of ti e merchant* eontrhit log to the Merchant*’ Futvl f*>r *h- 1.l a Carnival will m■ • at the le Ho*o to night to arrange for the dii*|>oition of the fund. Ah! using hlmney In a hoti-e on Ogle •j .( (• avenue in the Tenderloin diet 'et a||t*l >ui chemical engine No 3 Joe night, it proved to be of no ronequence. how. ver. and th' re wai no *f the apiwratiics The remaining two of the foot fnk r* who w*r* arrtated a? auspicious ciwirac ters Kiturd y i>v ratrolmm Kauiin w r. r. i. .I from tli barracks Inst m-:h wt*h the proviso ti nt they have s*v.nnah a? on • They were acc*mjinbd to th train lo c* e that they kept trwlr prom ise. May I, I an Galina, the 7-year-old daugh ter of Mr md Mrs. J A. Oalln. d|*d y. unlay morning at 8 o'clo k fr;n Uphiherla. an! was burled at I opl.vk in lit* afternoon In the Cathed ai cm* t,.rv Th* -ympithy of the many trb nd of Mr. and Mr- nalira was test fled !n me Urge number of beautiful Horn; gifts. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs Window • Soothing Syrup ha beer, used for children teeth, ng It soot new the chi.d. eoftwne the gums, allays all pair, curs** wirsl olic. and is the best r*Mn**dy for IMasrhocw. Twenty-five cents a Untie hmL CRITICISED THE. ELKS’ FAIR. HEV. E. r. f fMiK i IIVID.F* HAIIBATII ll>F.< RATIOY. The I’nrk Bilrnalnn n liable of \l*e and # onfuslon tlie l*relou >un la> With the l*e||e Moving In and the Merclinnta nt Work on Their llooth*. While a **fcrel ( onrert” Was Annoxnrrtl fr !>■• teriln> Iflrmoon—Mr. * ook Dl l \**t %tla*k the ahima, Wliieh ll*- lias Not keen, but I rltlelsed Se verely the #l|i-n Dl*r guril of tin- Wabhat It. Rev. Ed F. Cook, in his sermon .v Wesley Monumental Chur h yoat* rd*iy morning, severely criticised the manage ment of the Elk* Fair f4r*r ite dlsr* g i I of the SablNith. Mr Cook -11*1 not ti th© fair It . If, i.or the s tows wni it it incuidea. probably because be has not D lte*l them His cricitiHm relate I entltely to the mqtter of Sunday ot*e rv me* . and the illsreigord of both I* gal ami mora r - •iri* tlons In this r* *pe i. The phmot.age of \V sley Church is • n potion tree near Dr yt i . in pain eU’ t at,d sound of the Turk ExteiiSion, and Mr Cook lu*.* therefoi*. liul aiupi** p jortunity to obwerv© th* conduct of mt ters there without visiting th* fair it- if. In ©(>eaklng t* hU • H*> Mr Cook sail he was auuk*n*d *ary th" previous Sunday morning by the shouting of men and other diwordar t no -s at tendant ui>on th** movement ©f an im cr ♦f ieople wllh a large and varied ba*i ir ige Fpnn rising ami going ’a his win dow he was surprise * 1 to And that ti -ire i- |Mople were movin'*! ii wdth th-i lieiongaigs lait* rlnti e day Mr C>k sal© that he dDcovered that th* clr u* people were not ihe only violator- of the Sundav laws. Th*' men ha.*a *f the citv V4h( have exhibits it th** lair or ih ir •>*■♦•. were busily tr g i-* *l In *<;n p;< mg work upon ihetr t oths an 1 tre noise of >uw and hamnv-r r s-unlel throughout th*- day. Mr. Cook sold he thought the condition kif had # but h** saw that it was announce*! tnt the bund which had b4K*n engaged for th*- , fair vrou) t give a “mm rod ©on • ft" during the after mon. for which an admission fee would le charged He ridiculed th* id* a of a "sacred concert." and al*l that it was only a blind to furnish t means of amusement ni*l at the -ani* Him* ln* r**n the revenues of th* fair Mr C>k sai*l that he h i I not visited the fair, and di I not know the character of the -how- b 1m neeii there. Tn* manner in whi h the Sabbath Is h-ing de> crated, he a:*l, doe.- not speak w*-li for th**©*- in charge f t <e fair, nml he strongly condemn©l the con •luct of the nv-rchants and their employ* s in opcidy working on Sund.iy In i*r paring their booths ar.l thus setting a bid ex ample to the rest of ih** community. If ♦he conduct of th<* rest, of the fair wis in keeping with its eon luol in the matt* r of Sunday desecration. Mr Cook said. It ouM hardly prove otherwise than a de moradxing influ* n* • in Ih* uimmunitj Mr 4*ook was Hiiffering with a sick headache last night, and • ukl not Ik* sen w hen a Mori.lng News r**|orier * al.e*l at the pars. nage. He bad ***ut his son to ♦h- church to explain the cause of ab sance and dismiss the congregation. It was stated at the parsonage that this was probably the first time .-drwv Mr Cook a eonnactlon with the <onferenc* that he had !>een comp**led to mb> one ©f hi- r g uiar services. JIM Jt DDF ins \Hltl\ FD. Itroord of the Man 11 lio 11 111 t*4 I l Ignlnsl Uilly kmlth. Jim Jude©, the welterweight fight r who m to mesa Mysterious IUIIy Smith at the Theater, day aft*-r to-morrow night, arrived tn the city from New York yes terday with his trainer. Hiily Roche. Td* lighter ami his manager t**re met at ti.* depot by the manager of th© Ausarai Athhtlc Club, and ilrivesv to Thunderbolt, whir* Judge will keep busy putting th* finishing touches upon the condition in winch he wants to be when h* g* ta in the ring wnh Smith, w ho is expected to-iky. Ju*lge is in tljvtop shii|M-. iooking i** strong u. an ox. He and Smith are o fight n catch weight*, but both appear in the ring t somi'thing like If. or !*• pmin*l-'. Ji*lg** looks heavier than that, however, and has every appearance of a men of <r* m* ndous mus-ular power. H© wPI probably not be >*-en in the city be fore the fight is pud***! off. s h** inten*D to keep ."lose at Thun*l-rboit. getting 'n hie finishing training. The S< ranton miner comes to Savannah with a gi at record, having met but tw* defeat# in his career, am! b*>th of th* n were agninst th** liest In his class that Du ring *n pro*!uce. Fobotving is a partial list of the many flgh:n in which he ha figured: Heat Dick Case, twenty rounds, Thllndetphm Tommy Ityan twic-- in tw-.n ty rounds each: kno**k*l out Kid Carter, five rounds; beat Frank Bartley of Blng hamtvi. twenty rounds, knocked out Yuatralian T. m U 111 nr.* in sixty-twos, e <©ds; b*at Jack Collier, fifteen round* ! kn*i*ked **ut Aurtiallan Tilly i>lw.irds ir. w.-nty rounds; kno k■ I out Ue*i Conn**ll> twice in one and four rounds; kno k* I out Jim M "Cu ll* n. litre© I 'und**; beat M.k* Donovan, iwtitty kn>. k**l out I Ous Rldenbaugh, two r un is, knocked ou Sam Tompkins *f Asforia. N 1 . In four ponds; b#*at Jim Austin of New York twenty rounds: knocked ©ut J.iko Brier, two rounds, fought Mike Leonard, th* *’!it an Ururamel.” twice, knocking him out once in two r -un the poll • Inter i feritiff In the *l\th round of th-ir other out. which was award* I to Judge 41 he had I/eot>; ni ali but out; ki.u k< I out Utorge Kii:s, Jack Walth and Jerotn.- (Juigiey in two rounds each. Judge has bad only three <icf Tw. wa re kno kouts at the hand- of Wa! ott the ’'Black D* mon." In eleven rounds and Myater.oua Billy Htr.ith in twenty r un l- The Third was a l**c|s on gtv* n oga.nst ■ him in one of hD fights with Kid Carp r ! v ho Is a lght and fights Ch yns lkl shortly The poll ** Inte fcr. I in the j thirteenth rournl when both men wr< I i*rety badly used up. The-r other m** t -1 iig resulted in Judg* knocking out Carter ir h** fifth roun*i Billy Ro-n*. who manages Judge, la w.-ll known a* a' r He hits hu.l to do with prise lighter* for year* and ta Al In the tiuslne** He ha* a string of ten . of the best fighters now among them t-e- | lux Judge. George Mr Fa Men. Tim Calla han and Tom Broderick When Smith and Judge mt before, Hoe he was managing the former. The box ofllre will be open ut the The. at* r to-day for the sate of seats The prices will be a bil above what the ;ilrons of the ring have been accustomed to pay In Savannah, the club having been lo great exp.-t.-e In getting such crocks as Judge and Smith to rune South. The hrt Poor seat* wl.i be n. the balcony Ji .VJ and the gallery Ta cents. Y oar llest YYork. In the field of medicine is Hood's Snrsa- IHiitila ft po-ees-,s actual wad unequal le.l merit by which tt cures all dlsesiscs austd or promoted by impure or Impov erished blood, if you have rheumatism j>,t>epla. scrofula or catarrh you may take Hood* Sarseperll.e and be cured. If you are run down and fee: weak and tired, you may be sure it will do you good. The favorite family cathartic la Hood's Pllia.-ad. | WAXTf % Y. M. C. A. Hi ILIMNO. Dr. F’alr ••reached a Verm on I pon the Week of Prayer. Rev. Dr. James Y Fair preached ml the Independent Presbyterian Church yester day morning on th© observance of the week of prayer. His text was Acts 7.M: "A young mat* wh *©e name was Saul." and the introduction was upon the wonder ( of th© thought *-f the whole worldgtlrdled with prayer, uttered tn different lands, spoken in *lifftrent languages, hut all hav l .g the same meaning and converging to ■ * same focal point, the listening ear of ; iod for the spiritual welfare of young men. Af- a guide to meditations and an en courag.ment to players, the subject Dr. Fair pr-sented wa. f 'What a Young Man ‘an Ih. for Christ ” Th© text furnished a triklng illustration. This was the first i* ;h ir.iiK in history of him who after wards became the great Paul, the Aiosik to the Gentiles. Dr Fair dwelt upon the fact that all the ancient traditions agreed t i ithe w• unigepoeessing In appearance, in ignih ant in stature, with impalrwl vis t n and with an impediment of speech that often subjected him to ridicule. Yel. when fibed wiih the grace of God, his sub. * juent career showed what he could do. A great deal ©f our modern civilisation is attributed to his influence. Dr Fair th* n cited instances from hio ! •!> and from the religious world how young men when filled with love to hu manity had been pillars in church an*! state and turned the currents of time. ,{uing on to show what young men, if filled with th*- love of tJod. could do for th** advancement and e.evation of their follow men But. unfurunately. this great power of the young men is almost prac ti *lly lost to th- church Niagara Is a wonderful .mpersouaiton of power, but '•>r ♦*• its vast p©w-r has been allowe.l . run to waste If harnessed to toll. hw’ many si*(ndi©> It would turn and how many cities It would Illuminate. So the influence of young men would help the • hur h if they could be drawn into its ©** * v "How c; n this great result be a oomplished?" Dr. Fair asked "By prayer," he answered, “let us then unite ur petitions with all the Christian aaeo • .ations around *he world that God may l*ur out his spirit In converting power upon our vmmg n**n *' In eoncluelon. Dr Fair comm- ndel the ?1 w*>rk lon** hy the aSsoriation *n Sa \.iiinnh *n*l |deai<*d that they might hav© better facilities The governm nf fur nlsn*s a life-s.ivlng etatlon. every appl - aim* t* rescue the drowning and should i. t w*. the f*astor asked, rrovid** the a-- .v.H i ii**n every attraction and help to make its work effective? The v.irlo is • iul* of the city, he continued, have -viutifi i t uildings. uih) why should not the association have u budding c* mm* n -’irate with Its importance- uni th© b-a i ty and prominent© of th** gf>wlng c.ty? Ir Fair spoke of the pmpoa to erect a rtsmument to the illustrious found* r of this colony, which met his hearty appro val and ask'd why should all In© church©* not unit** to erect a horn** for the asso ciation which would te an ornament to th© city and ut th* same time a monu ment to Dial unity which should **xiw: imong all those aympallnxlng In th© com mon aim of winning the work! to Child. —i M>c Al, PiiHftOVAL. Mr J. W. Holn.e* of Atlanta 1 roli>- irrtd nt th<* I‘ularkl. Mr. aiul Mr*. J N. Cartar of Mrlga^are jroi',l* ol ih* I-uUi*ki. Mr and Mr*. 11. C. EthrrMire of Allan** .nr gut h yf iht* Scrrvfn. Mr. and Mr*. T J. Ih-.mond of Lyon* irr a* the I’ulatkl. Mr J L. Wlilcok of Lyon* wa* *mons the arrival* at the I'ularki yesterday. tlr*. Ilcrnnrd Will t to MlHisioml. Mrs. Alt •• M. Bernard, who has been t:.e head of the Christian (Science congre gation in this city for several years, will have during the Utter part of this week for Richmond, where she will live In the fulurv Mrs. Bernard will hold her lost nv:tng here \V*ln* winy tugnt at Metro ► nan Bali, when she will make a fare wed idr -s She wi.l go so fiimmond • n aivourt of the wUter field of work tint; hi city offers. IV. Ml th*- annual elect.on of officers In January. Mr. E. I. Mann has been ap ;*olr.te,i flret re.i.l r. and Mrs. N. Sllv i- TANARUS astlale. second reader for the congre gation. The reading r*m has been moved from No. IS Oglethorpe avenue, east, to No. 1U Ferry street, west. Stml) While inu Work. Through one of the ten free scholarship* in The International <orre*pndanc Schools of Scranton. Pa., w deh the Mo n ing News will present to you If you secure one of the ten largest numb* .s of v ><•* by Nov. 20. 19w>. you can keep on aiming a living at your present work, and at the s*me time. study ar home in t>m u> ta*ly devoted to recreation or r. at. fit yout vif * profess onal position at a salary. You cun lastly become one of the win ner* of this onb t. by • Iryoilnu your ut n ntlon lo culler tin* Voiin* Coup. ns aid k-. ping at 11. No one has a belter chpnci than you <iet every vole you cun. and huie all youi friends nve It), ira for you. Bet ito ■ I tv dltpltjf of t.a, ( M<o „. at. I drawm* outfits to be riven away |>> the M rt .nit News in its educational con test, at Chas Mirks' shoe store, 17 Broughton street, wear P r r . a wonderful medicine; It (Ires an appetite, tt Invttfutatcs and strength ena I’ l' •' cures rheumatism and aii pains In the side, back and shoulders, knees, hips, wrist* and joints. P. p. j corec syphilis in all Its various stare, o.u ulcers, sore* and kidney complaint 1\ 1 P. cures .ntarrah, erysipelas nil skin dls. a -e- and tner uttal pot-onlng P. P. P. cures dy*||.*ln, chronic female complaint* and broket.-down rumitliuilon an.l k'ss of m.nhoud I’ I* p., m, best blood purifier of the nice. ha. rni.k m-.r* l>-9n:*t cm cures Itian ail other h.n0.1 rem. • dns 1. pi mat liras., sir proprietor*. Savanna!., (is ad School Snpiillca. Jtl* received a I i/ce and axarted sup. p'.y of school bar* and school stipplle li at cut rates, from ! cents up, also, usual lime stock of the school book now used in Chatham county, at Kstill * News Depot, i& Bull street, Huvannuh Ga.-ad ,*• I * Cured tie.” ••Oraybeard broke up rheumatism on me,” say* Mr Chas Thoma*. the Jew eler on Whitaker street, "And put me In better health than I have enjoyed In a Inrur time.” Take Greybeard Pill* f or fh , t d , tly feellr.jt—Lost airpetlte. and follow It up yvtih a bottle of Gray t ,p| n |* „|| you n e l Restless lru Cos., sole praps., Ba vonnah. Ga —ad "Oraybeard I* a family medicine with us.” said a i mmlnenf business man yes ti rday My wife lakes It. and I notice -he Is enjoy Inc letter heath than for i.ars Tha children keep well by taking Orayheard may ba obtained at all dnif a-orss or writ# to us for it. Resresa Drua Cos., sole prop* Savannah. Oa —ad. A Hlth-Orads Institution for luidlsa- Shorter Col es*, Rme, Oa. Writs for catlo*ua—ad, a uEVELAND J 1 Ll.ibD Z^nA\/V^V>A<nA\/V^\ Hogan’s Our trade for the past week has I>* phenomenal, ahowing that low pr * and good value will always do the w To show our appreciation f<>r such . - eral i-oironage we will fairly alaug r th© g*Mls to-lay. R*ti*l th** follow quotations and know w* mean I ness: In yanls Fruit of IrOom, 4-1, IT ' u 10 yards to customer, hi yards Good 1-4 Bleach for 50c. Full slxe fsc Sheet for 3bc. 10 yarda Good Be Calico for - 10 yards Best 4-1 H** * B land ,Vc. 7c on<l hr quality Outing to go at 5 . Krtlre line of 12V Outing for lk\ Good full width Sheeting, bleachol. 1* . cheap at 25c. AH of our 10r Fight Outings for 1 . lIFAC K 4.001)1. Henrietta*. 4.'.-inch wide, r* wr Henrletin? 3k-lnch wi*le. : w*r!h Henrbita.* l . 36-inch wid*. .V* . worth Black Storm Serge, 4*>-ineh, t-i I valu* . only Cheviot S rge, already sponged, n< w i ( bOKFI) 0001)1. All-wool Ladies’ Cloth, 58-Inch. 45 ;w* 'ents. AU c|f>rm Henriettas SB-|rch, 25''. wot; 35 cents. Six h iding shalo> Henrietta*. 4 n 39©: worth 50c. Fancy Tlntd for children's dre-■* - ani shirt waists, fiom 10- to Jb*-. 9IFKM. Black Taffeta 4worth 00c. Faney Silks. In wuiat de.-igns. 4>r v ir I, Full line of Taff*-tas in al. the l* t shades. 75*'. Prettv line of Waist patterns. 4 yards In each, for 82.75. M*F< l\l, MI.K l\ #*<Mil) T lIIFR DIM PK. G<**>l half-blenched 2Tk'; worth 35 cents. Gam! half-bleached Damask 35©; w h 45 cents. 72-inch gm*d Gertran Damask 77* ; v% r >1 0)>. •>*-in'h goo*l I ! ached Linen 40c; w *t : •and cents. *v-inch Fnton Damask 27’ v o; wo th 72-Inch ©xtra hsaiy Bleached 7* .w* * 51 .di*. 72-Inch extra heavy Blenched 11.00; w . 41.25. i:\TH%ORIIIN%ItI 1 AM’B IN r til Fl* N \I*KIN< Fancy Damask and Iftick Hemstiicred Towels at low prices Full line Hemstltche*! Table 8 t A g**l Finn Towel, ni *• six*. 1 VFN> FI HNhllHt.s Single nnd doubie-breaeted Blue Fi rnl Shirts 11.00; worth $1.50. This is it .v! r Men’s B*d Flnnne I nderwear at * a suit; cheap nt |3 4<o. A 50-cent Cotton Flannel Draw*: fis week at 17V Ju-t recelvml full line Neck weir. In order to unload our imni* u* l handsome stock of Ladles* Wrap etc., w© hav* • ■f’idsd to let them ■* re gardless of *lt. Dom© early a? tip- pick I forget that o;ir r ' Mattings at. Bug Department Is in full blast at pric* a that w ill cause you t ;V Daniel HoKan, The corner Broughton and Barnard * “• AMt MdIKITB. SAVANNAH TtNEATta. Monday Matinee and Night. No 1 * Managers Wagenhals it Kemper pr* r Louis Jom mm Kiuii if In a stupendous Production **f “A Mtdsumm-i Nietit’s Drum Magnlh* *nt scenery and electrl* * fccts. Grand Chorus anl Sph’iwiid i-“ * The famous Mm i • oan Musi* w • pecialiy i-omposed numb* r.s t> Max i Gross. 50—PEOPLE —50 Matinee |**t fo in. • . r*at *i i —"A Mideiii Saint Aft<iiofij'” and -i F maliun and Gauttra." S* n ©n gAWA.NNAIH lit 14 I I* TUESDAY EVENING. NUV. U, DUNNE it RY LEY present T^v'MATHEWS S- BL’LGEH a 4* & ,n ,tnr cast. A J Ing Waiter J*a Jk /f Josie th*Wl!t. in * J\ 4 Xi- new rou-i .1 • in- • WNjWSiI In Ihm* *Tplo,lon* *y _^ n Art* kuthor of thn rkl \i \ book* Artie. Eable* I* I / £ *4 Blanc, eto. MithW’ an.l j i ' Itulcrr, Waller Jone* Jo- •> . ■'7, l- lirW’tlt. Norma Whal- 1 V~ J l-y. Philip H H> * !*<>' 'I Jy. Oehrue. Tony H*r. He en JS , t Mrrrtl. A*llyn E*t*e al>3 Wt*man' Hererarter. '' Beat* on *l. Prleea—C. Us. 60r r r ‘ - v ir tov want qoop mati:b:ai. and work, orrter yotw llthocraphert t* l * t>rlnt*rt atatlonery aivl blank book* if***° Morning Ncwa, Savannah, 'la.