The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 13, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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at the theater. nml Klddrr'i Ksrrllrnt Pro duction of ••Mi.tsunioier Nights llrruiii." ip| iraiK<* of Mr. Louis Jamm n<l jj Kathryn Kid.ter yrgttrday after n( n a I*l last right was a notable en i, .m nt A double bill was given at th - matin**. Mr. James and Alisa Kl ldcr re both seen In a cleverly done little curtain raiser from the French—"A M <l - S’ Anthony." Mr James did not ap in "Pygmalion and Galatea." Mr lv -man Hackett playing the principal T rod he played It well Miss Kidder's il.jtei" was excellent, rn.- frst few •erne* of the night pf*r'- fo' %u were spoiled oomewhat by the ) ;i and *entlng of many |h >plc j, . tut always iom< late comers, aui or- third of the audience seemed to bo )4 a t night, and the result was x tr. . \ annoying to those who had put tn • selves out to arrive in time. T • revival of ft hakes |>ea re’a A Mid summer Night s Dream' was a .q l*nd and ;> r • lu ( 'U >n. and was finitely in k* ofng w- h the productions w hich Mr Jcvnen nr.*l Miss Kidder have present and her*' pf e vj -lv under the direction of \Vag>nh*ils Kemper. Tne play ltaelf is a cur.oiis con co non. Shakespeare mut have planne I It r • dream. One h*ar' frequently of th. * tv being* presented outdoors by .*m- M t -* but it is difficult to tie** how It to 1 be successfully done, except by cap* m actors and with elaborate scenic ef -1o ' and accessories. The production ha i a ]' 0 f these. There ware four act* and t, enes. The costuming eas hand seme ind the scenery and lights w r utiful and well bandied The fairy and, ind choruses were pretty feature-. Mr Jir *** had not .1 very fat part in *- Nick Bottom and f’yranius—• h in i- nda to tho>e character* a I of hiv article ability, fin*' humor and str* lin ■ Miss K.dder has .1 ro eln Mel sfm t •’ fl’® her like a glove*-—but then l vj| to be the raw with all her rol* • which goe# to show th* gr. at ver a,v. • • • the actress. She 1* beautiful, ifr, ir.d seems to captivate, no mu ter wm rort of a part she 1“ a*t for M - Jane Oaker as Hum u w.* and llg ly sympatheti >et \lrll* Mr Hack* tt made a capital Lysander and Mr H> ai :k-wdse a good IJemetriu- Mr Cooke and Mr. Bond deserve mention, wh: Miss Ethel Browning hou *1 no* be rgott#n for her delightful portrayal of ruck. Tc.m was well received and reenxed .in amount of applaud that be tok r 1 unquestioned approval. * MnMhsw* & Bulger will lv spon *o rlgnt in "The Night of the Fourth." The Atlanta t’onatKution says of the com pany "Moving an 'hey ilo In wh it is probably the broad* -t and certainly the most • *)- go ed Held of drumuil.- endeavor. Mat thew. un.l Bulg'-r are entitled lo all th** prominence they have gained. Both of them are funmakeri* of unusual ability. Their new play la lata leil a com* ly In three explosion*. ,ikl I! Ilv**- up to Its name. It i* a farce of the liroadert lyi* 1 . Matthew., a* a young lawyer, and Bulger aa a retired Iceman, get ull that la po**l ble out cf their respective roles " ’The N ghi of Ihe Fourth' <tetle analy st* or detailed description, but .1* pr**- eenuM at the Grand last night tt w •*> dt<- tlnrllv good. 1 a plot -erven principally to Introiluce apectaltiea by varloua *n*m bers of ih** comt any. "Norma Whally I* one of the m*l beautiful women ever aeon In Atlanta. Bhe mi one of that group of Fngl.ah b* utter hi ought to New York three or four year- ago. when 'ln Town,' 'The Gaiety Girl*' and o'her munlcal come.ll.-e of the a ime lyp<- were llret produced In thia coun'ry. H* r toi<* :a a trivial one. hu* h* r pr* nonce on th* rlage e* rved lo , .v. rt atienilon front all Ihe othere Jonee hoe become a** thorough t.lentlll*.l with tramp eiiecialllee that I* .**-nie Improbable he will ever do any • ng elae. H.s performance laet night v a. omteal and an l.iughler-provok . g a anytli ng he ha don** in Ihe pa*l. Joele I>e\Vitt eeor* *1 a b g lilt with h* r > tr "M-o-r.-e-y ttpella Money." The atr I‘ catchy nnd the mueic spirited. Thie • rg. with chorua and dance by tho v >m.*n of the company, mark..l the . lore Of the aecon.l act The curtain had to bt rung up two or lhr** times in t. a whirlwind of applaute. Ml* De- Witt made another hit with her violin •do Tony llart a* Joaeph Kld*l*-r. the bay detective, was good • •■pjic farce It* clever and snappy, Ihe company Is an unusually strong one. the ■kes are n* w. nnd Ih- song* are tuneful f.nd bright. The audience was kept In n constant roar of laughter anil applause last night.” In a program of vaudeville nets to he ■ sen nightly with Bunco A HollemV* Bis Minstrel Festival, are Billy Kersund*. ionn Rueker. Ih<- AWibama Blossom. Me- Ki.-lck A Jones. Ihe knoekalw>ut **ome dinrs: Byron Family of instrumentalists. In s rehncl musical act: the Flying Ttanvnrds. a trio of gymnasts flying in h* air: Furher * Davis, the grotesque ftcrcbetic comedians; Hilliard Brewer, the bonolest* wontler"; the big s*-enic act. ' Down Among Ihe Cvrrew." the "Drill of the Black Watch.” and "Arabian ricmenltes." The first part is a aeenlo wonder, using over WO colored elecsrlc 1 hts. while the wordrobe Is elaborate an 1 It keeping with the subject, m* "The Oriental Terrace." Speciui arrangement hi< been mad** lo give the colored people the entire balcony. The sale of seats will open Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. ftntnrdnv matinee and night Howard Gould will be seen In "Bupert of Hent *ui " The play deals mainly with the s ime characters presented In "Th** Prls cr*r of Fend*.” hut while furnishing a sequel tn that romance. It is n drama *-om p’ete in Itself, and 11 l mid lo possess e. more of the peculiar Zcrwki charm • ban the earlier story. XVHITE Bt ItGI.AH (MI GHT. Three White Men Sent to Superior Court for Robber) by Intimidation. Forty.,lx prisoners wen* lrle.l In the Re*-* r lr'# Court yesterday morning. Ihe r**ult of lha work of the police and de tectives Saturday and Sunday. An excep tlor large number of Ihe prisoners are white men. and a'ere charged with serl- O'is offense,. W. E. Medford, white, was arc *d by Patrolman Williams early 'day morning while trying lo get into th< Hufr Pharmacy at Oglethorpe avenue •■ and tVesl Broad alreel The oftb *r beard • spidoua noise in Ihe yard of the l h'.rmacy. nnd on Investlgallng Ihe mat ’*r found that Medfotd was trying to get n ' the store by taking out a pane of •l In one of the windows. At the I nt *,f his pistol Williams made the man r nb the fence and accompiny him to Pe ill box. although he pleaded to be re '* '* ■*i and offere*! us an excuse that lie w -n mcmlier of a well-known fraternal ' 'nitation, and did not want It dl frv-d. It* corder Hart ridge remand* <1 ‘ to the Superior Court on a charge of burglary. - white prisoners who were re f* * led to the same tribunal are John X r,n. William H. Koons awl <'. A. who are charged with robbery by ■latlon These are the men who en r Ia hack to take them to the south ‘ "rn riart of tho city, but held up th** 'r. a -mall colored boy. at Gwinnett -*st Broad streets, and at the point ’ pistol took oil ihe money he had. *“' 'it E 50. • , mas McGovern, while, who was n, l at 2 o'clock yesterday morning In **ooth of the Anheuser-Busch Brew - Association al the Elks' Carnival Petnda. anl who was arrested nnd sent ‘ Patroinan Fender, was turned over ' e diy Court on ■ cbargiwol simple “treny. Feb. May Jan. April Every Month In the year moat women have to tuf fer for a week. At the best this suf fering interferes with household ac tivities ami social enjoyments. At the worst it shuts the woman in a darkened room or confines her to tied. Most women can be complete ly cured of irregularity hy the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It regulates the periods, stops en feebling drains and cures female weakness. " All prni** is du<- to yoti for jrotir wonder far Favorite 1 ‘ writes Mr John W Coffman. Ktlit>urK Casey Cos Kv "My wife tuners I wit), female lrtegtiinrttv was ie<l to bed every thrrr weeks After using two bolt lea of Ir FtervF •* Favorite • ription wet urrtl. nl h.i* ■ ftlßfenett since Your Pe voritr I reacnption * is a boon for delicate women " Favorite Prescription Nikcii Utah Women strsig, Sick Waidcr Well. Aug. Nov. July Oct. oAMiu.i \r: to\ rm ui. lllnrarya iMaimn r n* to H hat l In %ol\r>l In the llenrinK. F'urthf'r fore Judge Norwood. In th*- matter of the •11 i. hmenl of Mi hael A. <*onnolly ifi.tinai the At Unlit* <"\>niraetlnir Comruiiiy. Benjamin I*. Cirrene. John F anti F>l war l II Cavnor. wo re made In the City Court yoM.rdny afternoon. Nt decision w>i renderetl by court. Juflrre Norwood |iervnlttlnK Mr. IYiih* Har row. who appear* for the pl.itntiff In at iiKiiment, until 10 o'clock to-morrow morn inK to fuinUh authorities aupportlna the ontentlon- upon which certain plcudinKs h ha* filed ar- lum i). The hc.iilntf that lia* been In progrea* for the few days, at Intervals. 1* u|HJti the pjt >!on of the ufH iency of the hor.l filed by Connolly, with William WoH-lge ,i urit>, to answer whatever .s accrue to thi* defendants In at taehm* nt In cai* it *hou;l np|*e.r that *the claim made Is not correct or due or that Hi* levy h.*i been ItnprovMeruly made. Mr \V. Ct. Chari on. representing the de fendants. claim* that neither the principal nor the security owns JJMMto. the amount of the bond, or the amount of the niim. or any Ilk** sum. The argument yesterday was Juat a lit - th- bit discursive. Mr Harrow claimed that the purpose of the defendants in seeking to Invalidate the bond was me-e --ly iti haw* the levy dissolved, so that they noght have tho tujr boats and <4her prop erly levied tif>n removed beyond the Ju riridl* lion of the court. Then they would he in h position to snap their timrers at any Judgment the plaintiff might secure, and they would do this very thing Mr. Charlton said, in reply, that all this was t*eyond the point. The only ques tion for rhe court to determine was. whether or not the bond was adequate If It was. why th*n the proceeding he had Institute*! should be* dismissed; If It was not. then the levy of the attach ment ougnt never to have l**n mode and should Ih* dissolved Instanter. The hearing will lie concluded to-morrow morning. TO WATCH THE CEVHHY OIT. !lihup C. It. tiNlliiws)'* (all to the Methodist Clinrehea South. Bishop Charles U. Oalloiray. of Balti more. has sent out the following official document to the various Methodist churches In the South, calling on them to make the lae; night of the year a twentieth century watch night: "As president of the Hoard of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church. South. 1 suggest that on Monday night. Ihe 31st of Ih • mier. a great Mchodi*t watch night service he held in every church of our vast Connecticut in the Interest of the twentieth century fund. The last of the year and the last of the century ought so be made memorable. Watching anew year come in mi l anew century riawn, should be m momentous occasion, like the wonderful feasts of early Metho dism. On Sunday before in all the circuits and country places let twentieth centurv service bo held and shank offering* hit I upon the altar of the church. In all vil lages. towns nnd cities the greatest feast should be on Monday night of watching and consecration. Addresses should be delivered in those previously on the \ariou* triumphs n1 developments of the now dying century, ami an appropriate sermon preached and grateful offering mode, closing wish a prayer of consecra tion as the clock strikes 12, and then the jubilant singing of Methodism's thrilling nlgnt watch hymn: " ‘Come, let us now our journey pur eue,’ etc. "Then, with an exchange of new cen tury greetings, we will go out under the baptism of another I’ensecoat to achieve greater things n our Lord's wonderful to morrow. "Brethren of Bouthern Methodism, lei u* make this great watch night another si-ch spiritual scene as was witnessed m that historic love feast In Fegter lane. Inlon. Jan. 1. 1739 If so. the glow and glory of It ivill abide through the cen tury.*' WEEK OF I’ll AVER SE2R VfCflMk Ire llelng Held Mghflr at N O't lark at the V. g. C. A. Parlors. The meetings being held at tho Young Men's Christian Association this week are Intended not only for the members of that organisation, but for all young men. The speaker for to-night will be Mr. W. 11. Htubb*. whose subject wi.'l be "One Thing Thou Lackest." The meeting which commences at fc o’clock and last* three quarters of an hour will he found both Interesting nnd profitable to all who attsnd The classes In English, bookkeeping, shorthand. Association City Council and Bible Study will not begin until after the service, or at about 8.1.7 o’clock, thus en abling those who attend the classes an opportunity to attend the service in the parlors. _ "Graybeard 5s a family medicine with us." sakl a prominent business man yes terday. My wife takes It, and 1 notice ‘‘h* is enjoying better health than for v ars. The children keep well by taking it." Graybeard may bo obtained at ail drug stores or write to us for It. Respess Drug <o., solo props., bavamaiM, Cia.—ad. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13.1900. m:\% \u. thi: aukiATioiß. I' Defendants *u> teqn I*ll ton of tlar ■ low l.niitl* Was I'roper. ? The .*nsw*r of the defendants in the i case of John 8 Harstow and others against Isaac Beckett and others, was j died yesterday in tne office of the clerk | of the Fnlted States Circuit Court. The petit.oner* in the caw* nrc the i heirs of Kita* B. Itarstow and th* > *ue for the recovery of land, formerly be ■ longing to that eccentrh resident of Wil mington. nnd now belonging to the sev eral defendant* I The answer filed is a lengphy document, which denies in toio the several ahega ! tion* of fraud and undue influence made i In the petition. It denic* that at the litre j the various trans.t lions by which ihe property changed hands were ma le that Barstow was in any wise in.-inn:* tent to manage his affairs or that any advantage from his occasional lapses from i*erfect sobriety, said to be tlu w'orse that could truthfully be told of him. was taken. On tire contrary, it Is averrrd that ever* transaction wa.“ entirely legal and iro*- .r. Indeed a general denial of the illegi tlons of the petition > made and strict proof of all of them l> required T ie de fendants are repr ** nte.| by Messrs. Den mark. Adam* A Freeman HIS MoMH.ll ten Itl t iH.M/r.O* Frmlrfrnt U right of ( oloreil ( nllrgr Fleeted to Historical %**ocla t ion. President R R Wright of the eo! red college has Just rece.ved rotlc. of his election a* a member o! ih* American Historical Association, of which th his torian, Edward Eglcston. Is president with a long list of distinguished nam s .ia Dr. Andrew I> White. Pr J.itn * B Angell. Ilofi Melvin W Fuller, chief jus tice of the United Hlate- Pies dent \N hlto’* ele*iion w.* due to the fact '.hat he wrote a monograph u|mihi * Tne Spanish Discoverer* and Their Negro Comp n ions." which wtkH accepted by the Ain rl can Historical A>-o iailon *nd will l>e puhllshe<l in the annual pport of the Sm)ihonian Institution. Mar. June Sep. Dec. I.EGAL. HALRS. ri'BUC SAi.t: OF IX)T GEORGIA. CHATHAM COFNTY- Defaull havlnx hren** by liani.l G. I’ura* In thf payment of the note*, ee *-ure*l by that certain il**l to recur* *leht. made hy Daniel O. t’urae lo m*\ Charier 11. imreett. dated Dec. 30, IMS. and I. Charier H. Dorrett. the Indorrer thereon, havlnx paid the rame. Now I. Charier II Dorrell. utvd**r and by virtue of the power eontalne*! in raid deed, which ie recorded In .he office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Chat hum county. In Book of Mortgage* 3Br, folio, 334. reference to the rum* being hereby especially made, will rrli at publle outcry, before the Court Hour** door of raid county, tlur'nx the l*Kal hourr of rate, on Tuewilay. the 4ati .lay of Decem ber. I9uo, all til or*- several loir or parrels of land, situate. Ivlnc and bring In Ihe city of Savannah, county of Chatham and stats of Georgia, and known on the map or plan of the I'urse subdivision. In John ston and Atlantic wards, prepared by Percy Sweden, city engineer, as lot* Num ber seventy-seven (TO, seventy-eight (7*l. seventy-nine (79) eighty it. clghty-one (Sly. eighty-two t*2i. .Ighty-thrae <S3i. eighty-four (*4I. elghlv-Hve (So. elghty slx (Mil. eighty-seven t7i. eighty-eight (XS). one hundred and MX (MU), one hundred and seven (107). one hundred and eight (10*1. one hundred and nine (lid), on** hun dred and fourteen (1141. one hundred nnd llfeen til.'**, one hundred and sixteen (116). one hundred and seventeen (117). one hun dred and eighteen (Ilk), one hundred and nineteen (11). one hundred and twenty tour (124). one hundred and twemy-ftve (125). one hundre.l and twenty-six (12*1. and one hundred and twenty-seven (127). (all of said lots being In Johnston ward); terms cash, purchaser |*a.vlng for deed and revenue stamp* on *.*me C. H. DORSETT It*. Al, ROtICBS. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED IT! US. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COINTY- Notlce Is hereby given to ull person* hav ing demands against Charles D Baldwin, late of said county, deceased, to present them to us at Southern Naval Stores Com pany's ottlce. IK Bryan street,east.proper ly made out. within ihe lime prescribed by law, so as lo show- their character and amount, and all orrson- Indebted to said deceased are required to make Immediate paymeni to us F.MZA J. BALDWIN. Executrix. WILLIAM C. POWELL. Executor. LAWRENCE M NEILL. Executor. Savannah. Oa.. (Nov. 12. 15no. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT. ORF GEORGIA. CHATHAM COFNTY— Notice Is hereby given to all person* hav ing demands against Margaret Valent ne late of said county. de-eaed to pre *nt them to me. properly ma le out, wllflln Ihe time prescribed by law. so a* to show ihelr character and amount; and ail par son* Indebted to said deceased are re quired lo make Immediate payment to me Savannah, Ga., Oct. 29 190" GEORGE MOURO. Executor. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COFNTY— Notice Is hereby given lo all perrons hav ing demands against Indiana William* late of said county, deceased, to present them to Ihe undersigned, properly made out. within the time prescribed by law. so as to show their character and amount; and all persons Indebted to said deceased are required to make immediate paymeni lo the undersigned THE GERMANIA BANK, Administrator. Savannah. Ga., Oct. 77. 19*0. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COFNTY Notice la hereby given to all persons hav ing demand* against Charles N. West, late of said county, deceased, to present them lo me properly made ou, within Ihe time prescribed by law. so a* to show (heir character and amount; nnd all per sons indebted to said deceased are re quired lo make Immediate payment to me. LANG DON C WEST, Administrator. Savannah. Ga.. Sept. 5. !MO. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COFNTY.— Whereas, David 8 Water* has applied to Court <f Ordinary for letter* of adminis tration on Ihe estate of David Waters, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern to he and appear before sai l court to m.*k * objection (If any they have), on or before the tlr*t Monday in December ncxi, otherwise sakl letter* will be granted. Witness, Ihe Hon. Hampton L. Ferrill, Ordinary for Chatham county, this the sth day of November. 190" FRANK E. KETLBACH, Clerk Ct. Ord'y. C. Cos. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CltHT* rroßs GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.*— Notice Is hereby given to all person* hav ing demands against Mrs. Isabella Neill, late of aald county, decease.), to present them to me, properly made out. within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount: and nil persons Indebted to said deceased, are re quired to make Immediate payment tome. Savannah. Ga.. Nov. 5. I9rti JORDAN F BROOKS. County Administrator. ii Bay street, west. CLASSIFIED AUVtKIISEMEIirS. I'KHAIH W. "•TadTk? wkbk fbkk of rharxp an w pin will b* put in your brooch, on the prcaeittattoo of thl# alv tut it out and :• rlii* It to Fup*i*. 2# K t Brunch ton, hair. Jewelry and * r>tnr *Upf>l\ hou I* a. The place pir r*ce.l • for lecAinnx waiche*. clock*. **' t b* ,ithl jewelry, eng ravin* tin* wnllr v u wait, given for oM kld l liver; |u tMI tiemaml this week to mak bai*c YOU'LL IIA\ K To HUUUY Tu OKT seals for the *reat Bmlth*Judgc tinht at the th4it*r Wclneedav night, Nov. 14 Box office open to-morrow “OIL IIEATFBB. WO9D HEATKU, coal kcateri, c*(k atovc* nml langea. He liable k* C. H. Miller, agent. MOBI’II lN K. OPIUM LAUDANUM rocoaluc habit mytHf < urel. wl,l inform you of hiirmicea, permanent home cure. M.iry 8 Baldwin. Box 1112. Chicago. AI V K BTISUM KNTH SKT IN CAP ITAUS WILL BK PRINTKD IN CLA** SI FI I'D advi:rti*kmknt FOB TWO CKNTB A WORD NO AD VKRTIBKMKNT TAK ESN FOR THAN JQC. 1S YOU It IRON ft AUK Fini‘M'lßH>l'? Btiffei A Freeman ha\i a tcamlsiii: offer of SI,OOO for every Mif of th* .r make that h*j* not preeerv** its content* One •*.*!** w • in hurntng dr brie 113 hur- When liken oik, Ihe nose had to >*• turn<i on it. When opened, not a page was tiiacoi ored. not a re<x>r*l loi*4. not dollar b •troye<l If you want security buy 81 Iffel \ Freeman eafe. C. P Miller, agent. YOU WILL LIK K THE MILK FROM Rpringflcftd Dairy; it’s rich nnd pure; try It. FITRNH URE UPHOtUTKRI 1 ‘ M IT* Ir* -'. renovated. Antique furniture r polished, furniture packed and shipped in best manner Send me your orders. U P. Miller ngent. OF.LRCKIia NITRSKRY, OPPOSITK Cathode Cemetery. hr\?<anihemiin.- canvlia Japonlcas. are-ar **. ft**w er* and floral d-aigne. Leave your orders with J. Gardner, agent. 13 Broughton, east. HAVE YOUR HORSES SHOD AND clipped by J. !’. Furlong. BPHUIAL AN UNLIMITED" SUPPLY of new willow rockers.* else, at 12 f w tii pk FaM now LOCATED AT“4I4 WEST Broughton; ring up 11> if you want to have your fuml ure moved or packed for shipment or storago. I guarantor prlf'ea the earn* is I do the work that’s given to me. A f*. Griffin, 414 Broughton id net. west; mattreNsca made to orb r IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheuper from McOlllls. MILLERS STOVES AND RANGES give !!*•! * fur Hon. Tne Magnetic. E*>n >- mis. \N ildorf. King, ami other good makes a: reasonable price*. Vft Brough ton, west. KENSINGTON FARM MILK IS UN surpass* and for richness, delivery is per fect; phone. 2346. iii MILLER l • 'lf OFFICE Dl office tables, ffi e matting. ItU e shade*. 207 Broughton. w'st WHEN YOU SEE MGILLIB SlXTY inch 99-<*ent rtigs. jroti will buy thorn. Just can’t help It. will sell In any quan illy. SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND range* for sale by J. W Tnspls; al-o agent for Insutan • gas*.lit.a stove. "FURNITURE MOVER WITH CARE." is .1 specialty with SfrQIHIr. “MILLERS NEW STYLES IN~CAR pets, mat ings, linoleums, w nduw shades etc. Ali work dong in atyis. 20. Broughton, west FLORAL DEflrtlNffr*BULßS, HYA r nths. narcissus, fwilms. ctit flowers from Oelschlg’a nursery, opposite Catholic Com ctcry. I.env** orders with J, Gardner, agent. 12 Broughton, east. % MOIULIS' I.ACK CT’RTAINS WILL, braultfy your parlor. _ M GTI.I.IS ISriIFAF ON Rt'Gf*. NKTi* l*rr curin'n*.. himmaki*. w.irr coolrr pillow*, pin lire*, alovr,. l>- .lr* - >tn runs, anil furntlurr of rvery dracrlpllon. “1 48 B7TYB NICE ItATTAN ROCKERS hl* th*’y 1*(. I.irx* a-rori m**in of rorker*. dlvnna and easy chairs. C. I* Miller, aiient IcIENSTNOTON FARM 18 ON AN elevalton In ihe enuniry, frre from city dralnoyr lmpoaslidc for ml k lo hecoiiir rontamlnatod, by Impure odor*; If you want pure Jrreey m:lk, phon.- 2345 Do llvery prompt; *s,l*fact|nn ruaranteed. MOIULIB MOVES. PACKS. HIIIPS and ,lorer pianos .rod furniture; heel work only; no "Clieap-John" pi Ices—no "Cbaup- John" Job* GOLD FISH AND FOOD, WATER mu'*, hone flour. 20-pounrt baa m cent, J. Gardner, aitent, for the preaent at I.' lirouahlon, earn. tt,m FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS while they last. C P. Miller, agent. 12.60 FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they last. Illx assortment, all rradea of art square*, ruse, mat*, portiere* C. P. Miller, enl M'GII.I.IB SELLS STXTT-INCH nr. ;s —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cent*. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAIX WILL MB PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COI.I'SIN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THIAN 30C. Mfinirti. LADIES' CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pill* are the beet Safe, re liable. Teke no other Send 4r .(imps for particular*. "Relief for ' In letter by return mall Ask your druggl-l. Chichester Chemical Cos.. , Pa. " HOW .ARE YOl'lt FEET? IF VOITR feet are troubling you, call on me and I will Hive you relief; I cure Ingrowing nail*, corn* and all disease* of the feei without |>aln; charge* reavonanle; can give Ihe hest reference* In the city; i tlenl* treated at residence#; order* can he left at Livingston'* drug aiore, Hull and Congress streets: telephone 293. Lem Davis surgeon chiropodist If El.l* WASTED—MALE. SALESMAN* WANTED FOR CHEAP typewriter. Apply ts“twcen9and 10 a rn , A. C. Symmej, Pulaski House. WANTED. TWO GOOD COAT MAK cr, at E. J. Kennedy *. WANTED. A FIRST-CLASS MEAT cutter, one who i* sober, honest, and can furnish good referevy-e* Apply to P. II Broome. Price and Gwinnett etree>. HOY WANTED, APPLY VAISBERG Printing Company. 1S Whitaker street. WANTED. TWO FIRST-CLASS COAT Mnd trouser maker*. Apply G. Eantlnl. No. 49 Hull street WANTED COATMAKER AT ONCE. Jo*. Dimato, Jackronvltle. F7a., 2*3 West Bay *treet. "WANTED. SALESMAN TO REPRE resent u In Georgia and vicinity; salary and commission .Merchants' Exchange Company. lowa City, la WANTED. SIX UNION CA It PEN ter*. 12.50 p r day and transportation here. F. Ogram. Ja kronviUe Fla SALESMEN WANTED TO CARRY flrat-olaas side line; easy sales; good per centage; permanent trade; everybody needs a fountain pen; reference* Perry Pen Company. Box 28. Milton. Wla. Ftdt HE>T—IIOUMS. NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM, all convenience*. JOB Barnard street, near Li belly. hi 1 p u \mi 11-n tin 1:. WANTED. A GOOD C'*OK APPLY at 217 Gaston street. .*t. ADVKRTISI Mi NTS SET IN CAP* ITAIci Wil l. . PRINTED IN CLA* SI FI HI. ADVERTISEMENT COI.PMN FOR TWO Ci NTS A Woßli NO AD \ KRTISI M N T lA K iIN Ft R LESS TITAN . s 1 Mi’i.ui Yii vr w \\ 11.11. wv\ r 1:i id strTInTT “• rng married n*.tn one %% is •>; afraid o( wmk w 4 iu to anything for n living, threo yetrs in Whoil ' I- rj) hiMle* . W ill e tn* on* Klvi tii* w ik Aldree \\ W . {•!< Moruiriy N*v%> WANTED POSITION SAWMILL Art yard '<*:* tn.n tr w oigii.g, guud rrfren 1* A i.iri W tr* Col W S Branham. W>crori , iii WINTER BY A I*A!Y HOLDING |*ermat * t lie* n*e pwltlon as usFi-tant or wiii l i t small m !• crence# * x chat'.ged. Adlr* Teach* r, Cbtrkston G.i IN Him ON WANTED BY REGISTER ed plgirum A-Hti posudll e B*> N> S ix .inu.ih, US W % Vl'Klfc—%llM 111 %MUH v you haix* |i •* it \ u> ?*• II <m ex hmge I ■ in help x>*u Adtlr m Prop rty. Orange Park, Fla IF Yol WANT GOOD MIt.K. GET IT tuaii B|aiogtlkl Dairy, IF* rich, i>ura anJ whok Mime. CASH PAID FOR GOOD SECOND hand oat sack#. 213 Wet Bay street. IP YOU WANT A PLACE To DUMP earth, dirt, t-and. ni.inur . en of charge. Jus* at rlty limit hauling over hi and road, write or telepbona Brown Bros. or tig r Anderson an i East Brvud sti els. XDVKRTIrtI MKNTS HUT IN CAP ITAIjS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLYrt- Sil ILR ADVEUTIHKMENT COLUMN FOB TWO UK NTH A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKLN FOR IJISrt THAN 3X*. it. % 1 h i uii iit:vr. to HKvf 1 punish:d FLAT. "3 room*, iiiitit housekce|dug 111 east lab cry, FOR HI M—HOI M>. FOR RENT . xuMriuU AIiUG IIOUBE No 217 Waklburg street, east, between Abprwrn and lJncoln, first-class ord* r and condition, every convenlen e Rlyht rent to right tenant. Ftate Haloamn Cohen. West I'.toad and Broughton street a. Foil RENT. 211 JUNKS STREET, west, immciii iti- po-‘e-sion. M s Bik.-r, IK*ld. FOR RENT. 17 DUFFY STREET, east, possession at once. Apply George L Uarmanv, agoil. 14 Rrymi street, east. TO RENT. 221 AND 233 IIoLWFn •‘tn-et. ii*i; the-e nr<* good houses and location excellent Afiply to C A M in tire. 4*s B -ur*l f Trle Bill ding for hi;vr—miv 1:1,1.%\R0t a. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE Foil RENT. CORNER BHOCGIITuN \NR WEST BROAD STREETS. FOR MERLY OCCUPIED BY THE HAVAN N All CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. II P SMART. FOR RENT. ON THE OOKHCHKK roi le*wen three and four-mile (mwlk (trolley < irs nearly lo two-miig |K>sty l.tnd tn 100 fiom one acts lo one hundred, same can be bough! In l*irge or small lots on eO-X - terms. II lH>r**tt. A DVERTIrt I: M ENTS sFT IN OAP ITAIirt WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAII SI FI El ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS TITAN 30C. FOR KALE— HEAL ESTATE. ADVERTISEMENTS S:T IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN C|AS SJ El El * ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN E<H TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR IJ-LdS TH IN 300. r'tilt SALE. ON TUP; OOEKOHEH road, between three and four-mile posp (trolley cars nearly lo two-mlle post), latal In lots fiom one acre to one hundred same can be bought In large or small lots on easy term*. (' II Dorset!, "FOR SALE, A 1/>T FOR TWO ||UN dred dollar*; easy term-, on Ninth street, near East Brand, no city taxation, C. 11. Dorset!. FOR SALE, LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Rrood. no city taxes, at 820" each: twenty-live dollar* < ash, and easy monthly payments. C 11 Itors'tt. FOR BALE, LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR Emm Broad, ai L" each; will -ss„, be advanced to 1225, when * lot lisa been pnld for I can arrange to get a home built. C. H. Imritell FOR BALE THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East BrrMd; have only been old lo flrsl-class |sirlle. who will make g,m:sl neighbor*; and none others can buy. The terms are very easy, and (hey are cheaper than any othere In the vicinity. C. 11. Dorset!. REBID ENC E A ND~BUI LI) ING l/,TH for sale all over Ihe city. Robert II Talem. rgal estate dealer. No. 7 York si reel. went. ADVERTISEMENTS SET" IN CAP ITAIX WILL BK PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C ' FOB SALE—MIM HI. I, A Al3Ol ft. sov iu;m. the cough king: thy It when yuur favorite rent ty fails, at 25c bottle added to a gill ot honey makes a splendid mixture lor lnfunts and children "BENZOIN BALM. MAKES THE SKIN like velvet, for sale hy diuxgl-t or si Hen ry and A her corn I’ersse Drug Stores, Whitaker and Taylor street* FIRE PROOF 8 A KEF WE CARRY A fine line of fire proof safes In stock at all time*. The |*rt!r* can see exactly what they are getting. Our prleew are as low a* manufacturer* *e|| it, wMh freight add ed. Parties Interested, who wish a good fire proof safe, will do well to Inspect our steek. Upptnan Tiros., Llppgnan blo"k, ag 'nta for m inu r aHirers. FINE TURPENTINE LOCATION w-lth fine holy of route! timber for -ale rheap for can!) only. Box O, Iron OHy. Oa. "ADVERTISEMENTS BET" IN CAP ITA IX WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAB SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR IJ-E-tB THAN 90C. GOODpQSITIQNS r^ECURED I* wctl > (side .vsakf Young Men Women cur practical L > \ Rusiriess tjlijHMOKob / * BUSINESa /s/tv/n/raA 'O/f COLLEG ES.| ( -t/tm/s.i/. n ' FOR %l.:—m*< El | IMDOIX. sale. 18 crops ftr f y ir boxes; I2dh * ra round tingter at $1 Si) |er acre t pgr thousand tnxxet f r le.iw t ttmb plenty of timber ti la* got n fl\. md-a of r tl - road; will gUc pose-ion n w ■> at • M>rntng News A CHEAP IIPGGY AND II VItNEHS f>r sale Apply 3li> Ilrxm m FOR HALE ONE ELEVAT *R dredge. t9getlw*r with auxiliary i •Ig For pirllculars nddrrss T H Tutwller Chief Kngltie‘r Plant System StivxiitiAti, G 1 SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rich, pure milk, iry it. you will be pleased. I.o*l %Ml FOI Ml. h< al emew hat deformed. Liberal rew • *.I if rTiurnel to B* -• in Stafford. 2k* Hous ton street. LOflT. A BROW N NPANIBL"* POft. flniier will reeurn to No. 3 Perry siren, west; suitable reward I/HIT. V LADYSGOI.D WATCII Id B era I reward If relurtiexl to l<7 West Jones •reel. 1 111 c % 1 io> % 1 . "YOP CAN T< H GRADPATEH ARE • *mtng liu io s'<* p*r da> \\ •• guarantee to phice you in poeltiou to do likewise Write Southern las I tut* <f S.. n- r and Inflmiary. Coltimhus. Ocorgin in 1 11 %M l v Al)\ KRTISIXMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN CI.AS rtIPIED AIVERTII:MENT con MN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO \!> V KRTISI :m 1 ;nt TAKEN F>ll less THAN 80* V PI I Mil IML MODERN PU .WRING IT WILL BE to your interest to let me give you an es timate on your plumbing, new or old work, repair work a *i> laity, as I am .1 prtnthal plumber. No gurt> xvork to endanger your life. Wiggins, 'phone aff, Georgia *r Bell. UIM 1:1.1. Oil tit a. IhiN'T TROUBLE YOURSELF ABOUT moxtng your furniture. rgHt>uig your car petr or matting Perry & Benton will re lieve you of al) that trouble. YEH. WE REPAIR FURNACES. WE ref*.ir heaters, we repair ranges, we re pair cook stovt's, all orvlers prompt ly filled A C price A <o. S:ale and Jef ferson Streets. Thufics 468 HAVE YOUR HOUSE PAINTED with German ready mixed palm; entire satlnfu Hon guaranteed. Adams Paint Company , “WANTED. ONE THOUSAND HUN! gry pofde at the Southern Grocery Com pany, 114 Ikrnnrd street WE SELL SEWER PIPE. FLUE pipe, fire clay. flr brick at low*-t prh •■-* Adiimi Paint Company, lot Cougtess. West. PERRY A BENTON 120 STATE j*ir**H will fn*V4*, pit. k. t*hlp or iitor** your furnltur* at hort notkrr, l-o *n tv•• t• * your 014 niittram nt It4tl (X)H. Bell 'ptuuie 1124 YOU WON’T REGIIET THE <V>KD weather If you wtl let u ftimlnh you with a h-ier or ri>K’- . we ran ne|| you t-lieaper than any one tlnr, riml Will take your old etnvo in ••xehanire A <* I’ricf* A Go., Htote aixl Jeffemon etreein ’Phonei* 054. OYIHINE IH THE BRUT WAI-B FIN ISH nle. A damn Faint 4*o-, Havxnixh aKentx. 104 4 ctixrn#, Went. MOKE THAN ONE HU N Dll ED UK NTH tn every duMar of your har*i*arn<l hard nih nt the Hoiithern Gr>cry Company. 1)1 Bnrnard otreel “THE STOCK OF OOOniff IV THE Ptorr, 12 BroUKhton Ptreet. ennt. known n Gardnrr'p Hnstinr. mnet he poll. parties wlxhintf < aci |urrho.*r in lotp and prken to pult. THE SHOW CASES COUNTERB AND fixture* in the Ptore. 12 Brotißh4tn etre**t, < art. known an Gardner'* Bazaar, for mile, they must go REDUCE YOUII TTVINO EXPENSES hy lnvetinir your hord-eamed hanl cash with the Hmitharn Orocory Comptiny. 114 Ramar'l Ptreet WE AHE RTILL IN THE PLUMDINV3 buxinra* and Mill do jr<od work at *x tremrly low price*; our lf cent* mantel I* n peach: we have them from 10 <mtp up and will nut them | for you; jrlvc ua a call A C. Price A Cos., 'phonce 6.lft, State and J fferpon ptrpetp HTERIaING BIIjVKR NOVWI,T!EB OO init for lep* than flr*t <*o*t at 12 Hrotijchfon alrect. eaat. ptore known mm Gardner'# Ba zaar. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAI WIIJ, HB IMUNTEI) IN f’LA.H SIFIED AOVEBTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD .NO Al- V KKTIR K M KNT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN B nr. Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all News Stands in Savannah. LEUAL NIUTIf Kl. NOTICE of the flr*t meet in# of cred itor*. In the Ihatrlet Court of tho United State*, for the eaatern ftivl*lon of the Southern I>|ptrk'4 of Georitla. In hunk ruptcy. In the matter of S. MurkP. tn diviJunlly. and a* a member of firm of H Mark** A Cos., bankrupt. In tmnkruptcy. To 4h<* creditor# of H Mark* iaul S Mark-* A Cos.) of ItrutiHwb k. in the <*ounty of Glynn, ami <h*triet afore*aid. n l*ankrupt: Notice la hereby #iven that on the 7th •lay of November, A D., IWO, the Mil S Murks wan duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the fire* meeting of hi* crchtora will be held at |4run*wi-*k. in Glynn county, on the loth 4*iy of November, X !>.. 19tn. at 10 o’clo* k in the forenoon, at which time the *a!d creditor# may attend, (Hove their appAnt a trupfee, ex amine <he iHtnkrupt. an*t t run.*•• such other buekieaij* an may |iro|H!rl) *:otnn before pnld meetlnir A J CROVATT. Referee in Bankruptcy. Doted at Rninpwl *k. O#.. thl the 10th day of sMovemlmr, Utoo. GIVE A GUESS! It won’t cost you anything, and will give you a chance to get a pair of GEIL & QUINT’S $3.00 SHOES. At our Booth in the Elks’ Carnival Grounds you’ll find a JAR OF I’EAS. To the 5 PERSONS puessing nearest the number of jieas in the jar we will give a pair of our $3.00 shoes. A Committee of Elks will count the peas and deter mine the winners. GEIL & QUINT, 205 Broughton St., West, lItTIIG MII> I'l II HE IMP*. ADMINISTRATOR S SALE! \%M lIIIJS lAW) o\ ivm il Ito % I), t . 11. IIOftICTT, iNrliunerr. I Id* r ani by virtue of in order gnnt • and by the Honorabk- Court of Ordinary >f Chatham county. I will edl at the Court House in Savannah, during the u- 1.4 hourw of al*. cm TUESDAY I*ec, I. !'.*•). Ihe purime <f pa>m*uit of s- Hid f.-r Jbirthution, the follow mg . th* proj-*rty of the estate of L M. W irfteld *l* ‘fliril I*ot 7 ~h, .•* to i, and an Interest In 1 ■*' of 1 u,-llvislon of that tract of I*d in 1 ouni) ari l atate, on the M*u -> in* 11,.1 VV.itrr- roads, known ax Emm • ii x * < ordtng to <1 survey ttiad !• I lw >rd J. Thomas Jan. 20. IM4. *• cop> **f \x •>! ii, 111. ft hwl to a deed from Graham a HubL-H to Tryphlna l>. Warfield .>tt* *t in }]* >ounty records of said count > Ik k *. |: folio 34. The interest h.n.i - a'* In akl l>t No. tf> being iinknowi m l uid* t* rmln-*l at this ' revenue Htami and pajM rv. II c 'T.\ N INGHAM. A*lmlnlefr.dor r I. a • <<' L. M. Wor th* Id. d-i.a^d The above laud adt C. . nunty lands (poor farm), ami 1* on ti • 1 r .l* of tho Waters road, the emit it Ling about 1 quarter of a in! f* •, * \|.r,- gomery rruw road Th* fix- • *.?* nrl mentioned com ain togetliet .i* ..t ftfty tliree acr. x, ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. t)HM;t PROPERTY 04,1.1. | iloil PE HIM i:. %M> 1.01 s. I*. It. IHMIBBTT, Aaetlaseer. Und* r and by virtue *f an or*lwr granted by the Honorable Court of Ordinary of ruithatn County. I will eHI at the Court House tn Savannah, during the tn-ual hours of -ale. on Tuesday. December I, iW. for th* purjxveo of distribution and the |m vrnent of *l* biM. the following, which la sold as do pro|erty f the cHtatt* of George It Stone, de.-eaaed lait No. Yi, Columbia w.r*l, and the Im provement- thereon, consisting of a large iwo-xtory *n l.i"*vnent tor cellar) real dence with store aiiMehed, t*al*l lot IH-tng situated on th*- northeast corner of Itah • raham and * iglethorp* avenue, formerly South Broad ktr*-*-t. and Icing auhject to nn annual ground rent of fifteen 63-tw lol lars, payable to the mayor and aldermen of the liy of Savannah, also lota letters *'l>" and "O." In Dale ward; l*t letter "D" having a front of 31 1 feet n West Proad etfeet, between Thirty-eighth and Ttilrty-nlnGi streets, an*l fat ing Well* rquare. by *l* pth of 110 f** t 10 a lane, lot letter • G" having a front *>f thirty feet on Thirty-eighth street, lietween West Broad and Burroughs tr* tx. I*> a depth of one hundred iiud twenty feet to a lane Terms eh. purchaser paying for revenue < ’ll ARLES W KAUrtHY. Adminlsl 1-itor Estate Getv If Stone, a WELL LOCATED SEVEN-ROOM 111 s||:\4 I, %T IBTIiIV 11. IN)HX|OYT, Aartloneer, Will sell nt the <Yurt House during ha ti-uai hours of eaie. on TUESDAY, In. 4. ID***, for the |*ur|ft>c of diviekai b l w* en ownrrs, Ixd Letter It xutidivision of 109 anl 110 Barry w.*r*t. 32 fe* 4 front by feet deep, and lh Improvement*, known No 1710 llaliersham street, same eonsistlng of a two-story reoklerw *. t ontalnlng seven rMMniK Lshiee the tmth. This property must la* sold. Is well lo t* and ami Is a Kpl* ikIM chance to g* t a h*in*‘ for lees Ilian the lions*- coat to ImilM. Term *in le mad*- very eaay, AT OUR AUCTION ROOMS Wrlnr*4ay, Nov. 14, w. will (hill .on. On.* 54M>.(1 UpriKhl I'lano, In ua only month; 2 *<*<*oml-hnn<l Plnno* and 2 Or- Kan*, anil olh-r mu*4i*al ln*trum,nl* Ta llin Mllvcrware, Oil Htovr*, Iron and Itni*. 14*dstr*t* in. w). 2 CVntar Tablr*. 25 pair* lac* Curtalna. 2 On I util. Show Ca* (idalr *l.*), 1 Milllnrry Ca*t> and Caahlvr * I)k. BPBCIAL* Finn loi of Trimmrd Paitrrn Mm* (Iniporinl alylr*), nn* Ktblions and llatiy i’ain> AM. G(K)HB HOI.I) POBITIVBL.T WITHOUT HKHKIIVK A, WINKICIGHT. Aucllonwr. I.K.UAI SALES. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.— Will be #oid, nn Ihe flrpt Tuesday In I>e remlter next, bong the fourth day of lJ)#~ (♦rnber, a# publh- outcry xt the Court lloune In paPI rminty, within the legal hour* of tu the hlfchod bidder fur cw*h, *ert#ln prop* rty of which the fol lowinir ip ii full and complete depeription: An undivided om-fourth tart of ail that trace of land, wharf property, with the •ppurUtiancu, pltuat'd. lyiruc un*l be in# in the eaPtern tiortlon of **id city of fM% , anniih. end known and <ll*ttnxulhed In the idan and up*>n tin map of Bavan> min ae Lamar*p wharf, mk! wharf prop> erty liein# hounded on the north by th** Havannah river, ept by Igamar’a ca nal. eolith by tru*tee*' #nrden lot number fourteen, and wept by the public dock, by the work* of the Bavannah Gap <‘om* lany nnd hy Reynold* at reef. Hay ptreeA ext* nd* and |>a**in# throu#h paid wharf property; together with till the rt#ht, manbiiv, hereditament# amt appurt#- nan< ch to the enme hclon#(n#. Bald property levied on a* the property of Harriet C. Jone. executrix of O. De- Itopwet laimar. to nafiefy an execution 1"* *ue*| the HtjfM'Hor Court of mkl county on the twenty fire* day of Fenru ary. !!WB. in favor i>f Frank C Jonee and Harriet C. Jo ne*. mini in let rn torn of G. H Ia mar, a#ain*( aald Harriet Jonen. executrix, tm nforenakl Kakl property being in ivuww-don of the owner* repre pentimr the thrc.f>urth (\) ItMereal In the mi;.l profterty. Thl# I*l day of November, 1900 T. J WEENY. Sheriff C. Uo., O#. — = 9 I.RUAL SOTICEI. V EBTYmtpAN? I TO ItS GEORGIA. tTIATHAIf COUNTY— Nollr-e In hereby given to all p* r*onn hav ing demand# ngainnt Mary L late of nald county, deicaned. to i<r*e#nt them to me. properly mate out. within the time prenrrlhed by law. no a* lo *haw their character nml amount; nnd aii per son# Indebted to raid leceurtenl are r* - quirrd to make imm- Hate payment to ma. WILLIAM J 4JUANTOCIC Administrator. Savannah. Oa., Nov. fl. 13WX 3