The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 14, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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ELKS' DAY AT THE CARNIVAL I % 114*1? CNOWIM WEJIB OIT 1\ THK AFTKIHOO* AM) AT \H.HT. M Irf Allnartlon lit Multi Um Iht |.lr'lrlr I oiiiilhlii, Where the i rwml Hunched for liar Two Ethl> liltt*i—Bome of Ihr All raci lon* |)o >ol llrrrhr liar I'nl roaiwacr I ||r> llrorr\ e— Aniniiila of the lirrHa of ( Niro Do Hu*!aaeww— til* Me. cta* Klrplmul, Took In liar Mill* nay—Wrnl Ip Agatuat u Fire l.n glar. T. e Mika had yesterday devoted to them at ihelr carnival. The day was one of the rm ,-t successful the carnival has yet en jO>*d. large crowds having been In at tendance during the afternoon and even ing In the afternoon the sdmlsson chiirge to the grounds was removed, as *ll 1,0 the case during the rest of the af f, noons the carnival will continue. A gi.*at many clh*dren were in the grounds, many of them accompanied by their nurses or by their parenta. ami the Ker ris wheel, the miniature railway and other attractions that are regarded a* purtlcu l*r wonders by the Jit lie folks, were kept busy. In the evening the Elks were In evidence, b. Mdes* a great many who were not Elks, it is believed the crowd waa th* largest that had appeared at the carnival, and the iiAir.ny mem was well pleased by the gen •nJ attendance and by the patronage of tie shows. All the attractions had large receipts, the ticket sellers being kept busy In ipplyltjg the crowds that yielded to tno p. rsuaslons of the spielers ami sought view the wonders and sensations that were to be found within. Ilaby llllss and Manner. Pome of the shows on the Midway nave trt been patronised as ihelr real merit should demand. They have hot seemed to tak*- quite so welt. possibly for the rea son that the crowds did not he id their w y at the start. The solders did not f t in the gam.* with the others, and the people got to going one way, and dil not break away for the other ul tra t.on*. Among those of merit that m<y be seen and that a groat many hive ml'ied Is the exhibition by iiaby Bli s. thi dwarf wno weighs only 7♦* pounds and whose stature Is only s:x f**ot c*;gh‘ Inches. Th* baby has a dainty lit le w list, it* girth being but seventy-six Inches. The baby la Leonard H. Blls-, lb, heaviest man in the word. He baa an International reputation a- a bicycle rider, having toured ihirteu natbni awheel. Bonner, the trained horse 1 , does n and draw the autihn he d* a rvt. 11 is oi.o of the chief shows, but the people do not a* cm to be on. It 1* wonderful to see the tricks to which l>e has b en trained, and those who jay their money tu take in the performance never r g <t It. Bonner is educated t * read and Witte, and tils Intelligence u* remarkable. %ll Mel hi the Kotiuialn. The center of attraction for the carni val crowds last night was the electric fountain, which was seen in play for th* sc- oid The fame of the beauty of the fountain when in action had got abroad. and all were anxious to see it and note the wonderful electrical effects that bad been told of by thor* who had already witnessed them. The fountain Is a gorgeous color scheme that the ey* would scarcely ever tire of. and It is as pleasing to one who has already seen ti as to one woo observes its display for the :irst tiro** Two exhibitions were given lost night, one early in the evening and the other at 0:30. The whistle of the fire engine that forces the Jets from the fountain gave warning of the commencement of the dis play. though a large crowd had already gathered. The signal of the whistle was practically a signal for the stopping of the various shows for the half hour the fountain was to play, us they were desert ed by she crowds that rushed to see the free exhibition. Many expressions of plejsure in the action of the management in having put the fountain on the free list were beard It will be seen nightly in two exhibitions, the fire dancer and the woman In poses taking f*art each night m the display. The elecertc theater he gone out of business, the fountain demand ing the appearance of the artistes of the theater for the hydrostatic exhibition. Animals Arc Popular. The animals of the Street* of Cairo arc I- >[>u I r with the Carnival crowds. The turnkey* do a good business, more. prob ably, than they like The camcle move i mplsiningly, too. while they are being r <lden and It h* with apparent delight that they remain down when their drivers give them the word to let their riders and emount. Often a girl Is seen with soling man mounted on a camel's bark, but the perch h* too lofty, the gait 100 swinging and the "lean iw-s-y" almost too much of a feat to make the pastime •in attractive one for she average girl. Many decline when the Invitation to take ride comes from an escort. There Is imethlng about the violent rocking of the camel's rise from the ground and his low ering himself again that prove* too much for a girl's nerves. ■ .Is and the Fire F.naine, One of the animals of the streets that 1' algo used for riding Is Lt*. the Mg ele ! hant. Ll* got loose from her "stob" in the streets early yesterday morning and decided she would take In the Midway on her own account. She was out 10 see the sights, and after a time she got rath er chesty. Things were coming her way. ar.d she began to feel the exhilarltlon that so often comes with the process of tak ing in the town. At last she went up against the fire engine, believing she should lake In everything that was do ing Ll* got very gay with some of the mechanism of the engine, endeavoring In her very frollc-ome way lo turn over the mars of me|*l that did not chance to please her at that particular lime. It was not until after she had wrought con ed, cable damage to the city's apparatus • hat her spree was ’’Ut short and she was token hack to her quarters In the Streets of Cairo. The show will have lo pay the e'ty for the damage done Its ap i'-ratus by big Id*. tKi:t) 0.1 I M kl tl. I.tim Ml*. 1 hurl If t nrlrr Appealed lo Superior t oort for a Divorce. Charles Career filed In the Superior t irt yesterday hi* petition for a total i'"re# from his wife. Carrie L. Carter. " whom he wos married In April, of the Int year. The ground of divorce al hge l In the petition I* somewhat unusual '< and remarkable. arter say* that at the time of his mar he wos under the tmpres lon that 1 wife was pure and virtuous, but that • ttly after the ceremony he discovered * M t she was soon to become a mother, "and, still later, that she had alrmdy had children, horn out of wedlock. 11 hen these alleged facts became known him lie separated from his wife, and ’i not *lnce lived ’wtih her, nor con ned her offense. He ticks that he be i inted a total divorce. Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all News Stands in Savannah. •JlGftotißf ginning Mahes a Bad Hiding.' That saying sens to haw been horn of the superstition deep rooted in hu manity. it is akin to that other saying "He laughs liest who laughs Ust." Per haps in these and similar saving* there is a survival of the old pagan behef that a display of happiness was likely to in cur tne envy of the gods and to draw down the visitatiou of the malice which is twin to envy. It would be a ridiculous proposition to affirm that bad is the necessary outcome of good. But just as many a day which begins with a cloudless sky ends in storm, so many an event in life which promises only happiness ends in disap pointment and misery. This is very true of marriage. The voung wife goes heart and soul into borne making and housekeeping. She loves to cook and prepare the dainties her husband enjoys. She is so robust and hearty that she can hardly find enough tu do to exhaust her abundant energy That's the way it begins. Af ter a while she buds tliat it takes all her strength to care for her home. Then household cares begin to overtax her, and she drops down into a chair many a time and gives way to tears liecause of her weakness and misery. The sky so cloudless on the morning of marriage has soon become overcast. THK critical time in many a woman's life cornea just at this period of discouragement and de spair. She finds indications of disease of the delicate womanly organs. Her women friends perhaps tell her that the bearing down sensation, the pains in the back and loins indicate disease or di>- placement. She consults physicians, takes prescribed treatments, all to no avail. And yet this woman's case is curable on the evidence of women who have been cured. "Four years ago my health began to fail,” writes Mrs. Nellie M. Reycraft, of Glenwood, Washington Cos., Oregon. " I had a heavy <1 ragging and weight in the region of the uterus, pain in back and loins, could not lift anything heavy, rest at night very poor; stomach de ranged. One physician said I was over worked, another said I had conges tion and falling of uterus. He treated me nine months and said I would not be well until I had passed the change of life. I was only twenty-seven years old then. I became discouraged, and began using I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Took a teas poo uful three times a day; began feeling better right away. Am using my third bottle now, and feel I am in good health. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has restored me to health If suffering women would give it a fair trial they would give it praise." It can truthfully he said that there is hardly a form of womanly disease med ically curable which will not yield to the faithful use of '' Favorite I-rescription." More than this, it is a matter of record that many forms of womanly disease pro nounced incurable by local physicians have been perfectly and permanently LEGAL NOTICEI. In the matter o( Sill.well, Mlllen A Cos. and L. It Mlllen & Cos.. bankrupts. In l>ai)krui>tcy. To the Honorable Kmory Speer, Juiiire of the District Court of the I’nltrd .'Suite* for the Eastern Division of the Southern District of Georgia. William H Stillwell of Savannah, In the rounty of Chatham. In the stale of Georgia. In said district, luring It Mlllen of New York City, In the stale of New York, Lemuel Johnson of Way cross, In the state of Ueorgta, It. Henry He sick of Atlanta, In the slate of Georgia, and William R. Hewtek of Detroit, In the state of Michi gan, respectfully present that on the day of July, 190). last past, they tndl viduallv and as copartners, trading and ■•oing business as Stillwell Mlllen end Company of Savannah. In the state of Georgia, and U It. Mlllen and Company of Nw York City, tn the state of New fork, were adjudged bankrupt under the act of Congress relating to bankruptcy; that they have duly surrendered ail their property and rights of property and have fully compiled with all the requirements of said act* and of the order* of the court touching their bankruptcy. Wherefore, they pray that they may be decreed by the court to have a full discharge from nil Individual ond partnership debt* prova ble against their relates under the said bankrupt act*, except such debts a are excepted by law Irom such discharge. Dated this 31*1 day of August. A IY. 1900. WM B. STILLWELL, LORI NO R MILLEN, LEMUEL JOHNSON. R HENRY BEWICK. WILLIAM H BEWICK. ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON. On reading the foregoing petition It I* order ed by the court that a hearing be had upon the same, on ths 2fth day of November. A. D., U*. before sabl court, at Macon, In the said district at ten o’clock In the fore necn; and that notice thereof he published In the Savannah Morning News and the Savannah >Prcss. newspapers printed In said district, and that all known creditors and other persons In Interest may appear at the said lime and place and show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of the said pctllloner should not be grant ed. And It Is further ordered by the court, that the clerk shall semi by mall, to all known creditors copies of said petition ami this order addressed to them at their places of residence as stated. Witness the Honorable Kmory Speer. Judge of the said court, and the seal thereof, at Savan nah, In sakl district, on the 12th day of November. A. D.. MOO. 11. H KING, Clerk. NOTICE TO’DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY- Notlce Is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against Mr* Elisa C. Chis holm, late of s ltd county, deceased, to pre sent them to me. nroperly made out. with in the lime prescribed by law. so as to show their character and amount; and all persons Indebted to said deceases! are required to make Immediate payment to me WALTER 8. CHISHOLM, Executor. Savannah. Oe., Oct. 4. 19K GEORGIA CHATH A M COUNTY.— Whereas. Itobert B Reppard. has applied IO the Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on the estate of gifted (sometimes called Albert) Evan- de ceased These are, therefore, lo cite ami admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before asld court, lo mike objection <lf boy they havej, on or before THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1900. cured by the use o* Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription It is worth noting that these cures are lasting Many medicines offered for women's uar are mere palliatives. They numb the nerves and so .lull the pain. But they do not re-establish the lost womanly health. "Favorite Prescrip tion " is a purely vegetable preparation. It contains no alcohol, neither upturn, cocaine or any other narcotic. It cannot disagree with the weakest constitution. It establishes regularity, dries the drains which weaken women, heals inflamma tion and ulceration and cures fruialfc weakness IT IS WOMAN'S WAY to sacrifice herself for her family She goes without the new dress that hustumd or child may have som • coveted pleasure. And for economy's sake she often bears the ills which are undenuimug her health. It is a false economv. The health of the wife and mother is the most important factor in the home life, and every suffering woman who has lieen cured by "Favorite Prescription’’ is a witness to the real economy of this means of cure. "My health is the best now that it has been for four years," writes Mrs. Phebe Moms, of Ira, Cayuga Cos., N.Y., Box sa. " I have taken but two bottles of your medicine, ' Favorite Prescription ' and 'Golden Medical Discovery.' These med icines have done tne more good thyin all that I have ever taken hefore. / couldn't do my work only about half the tune, and now / can work all the htne for a family of four. Itefore I took your medicines I was sick in bed nearly half the time. My advice to all who are troubled with female weakness is to take Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discovery*—tho most wonderful medicines 111 the world.” Sick women are invites! to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All letters are held in sacred confidence anil womanly confi dences are guarded by strict professional privacy. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. In a little more than thirtv years I)r. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. Buffalo, N. Y., assisted bv his staff of nearly a score of physicians, has treated and cured hundreds of thousand* of sick and suffering women If the dealer offers you a "just as good ” medicine in place of " Favorite Prescription ” it is I>ecause less meritori ous medicines pay him a little more profit. His profit is your loss. Insist upon having " Favorite Prescription ” the medicine which makes weak women strong and tick women well. THE REASON Win - . Some medical works content them selves by classifying advice under the bead of "Do” or "Don't.” Dr. Pierre's Common Sense Medical Adviser gives the reason why, for all it enjoins. It is a plain guide to health written in plain English and dealing with the great proli lems of physiology and hygiene from the view point of common sense. This great work containing 1008 large page* is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 31 onc cent stamps for the work in cloth blad ing or only 21 stamps for the book in paper-oovers. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. the first Monday of December, next, otherwise said letters will be grant' and. Wltneem the Honorable Hampton L Fer rlll. Ordinary for Chatham county, this the fifth dayjif November. lo FRANK K. KKILRACH. Clerk C. O . C. Cos.. Go. C.EOnCsIA, CHATHAM COUNTT.- Whereas Mary Campbell has applle 1 to Court of Ordinary for letters of adminis tration euro loiamento annexo on the es tate ol Susan Shefiall. deceased. Th -e are, therefore. %u die and admonish a I whom It may eon corn lo he end app ar before said court lo m ike objection- < f any they have) on or before the hrat Mi<n day In December, next, otherwise said let ter' evil! be granted Witness, the Honorable Hamidon L Ferrlll. Ordinary for Chatham County, this the seventh day of Nov. mber 190). FRANK E. KEILBACH, Clerk Ct. Ord'y, C. Cos LEGAL SALES. CITY SHERIFF'S SALE Sheriff* Office. City Court of Savan nah: Savannah, Oa., Oct. 9. 19fS>.—Under and by virtue of an execution issuing out of the City Court of Snvannnh in favor of American Linseed Company, against Forest City Varnish Company I have this day levied upon the following dr acrlbed property as the property of de fendant. to-wlt: All that varnish and paint manufactur ing plant, consisting of one twenty-horse holler engine, paint grinders, pots, ket tles. varnish tanks and other machinery used In connection with said plant, and all located on Stiles avenue in the city of Savannah. Also all that stock of raw material, consisting of roaln. oils, white lead. powder, etc. All contained In the building at said plant. Also one (1) Iron safe and office furniture, consisting of desk, chair, letter-press, ete. Also about six (*) rords of pine firewood. the same being located and contained also at said plant. Also one (1) roan horse and one one-horse w.igon. And I trill proceed to offer same for sale at public outcry on the firs! Tuesday In December, la> (-ame being the fourth day of the month), during the legal and usual hours of sale. In front of the Court House door In Chatham rounty, to satis fy said execution. Defendant notified of levy. Property described in execution. Terms cash. E. J. WHELAN. Sheriff C. C„ S. vie BUARMI I, REDUCE TOUR LIVING EXPENSES hy Investing your herd-earned hard cash with ths Southern Orocery Company, 114 Barnard street. THE SHOW CASES. COUNTERS AND fixtures In the store. 12 Broughton street, east, known as Gardner’s liagaar, for sale; they must go. “STERLINO siI.VER NOV ELTIK.S Go ing for less than first cost at 12 Broughton street, east, store known as Gardner's Ba saar. ir~ YOU WANT "GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithograph'd and printed stationery and blank hooks from Morning News. Savannah. Ga. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP, ITAIJ* WILL HK PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKLN FOR LESS THAN MC. | CLASSIFIED AUVtHfISEMENTS. I‘RRSOS \I„ "I.ADIKC WEEK FUEK OF chnrse anew pin will he put in your brooch, on the presentation of thl" *lv cut It out and bring II o Kerens, > K-t Uroiiahton. hair, jewelry and snaring " house. The p.r on.e.le fur retiring welches, clock*, spe. 11 lo *tltd Jewelry; -cntr.iving done while vou wall; -ash given for old gold and silver; special demand Ihl* week to make badge*. vor i-i. have to murky to get seals for the great ftmllb-Judge tight at the th.‘*ter Wednesday night. Nov. 14 Box write*' open to-morrow "oil. HEATERS. WOOD HEATER, coal heaters, cook stove* and range*. Re liable goods C. P. Miller, agent. "~GKT ylh'R candy AT HETTKlt leh>. 110 Btate. west, oppnelte oM l**l ortt. < It I* poaUlvaly pure Fine candy. 10c pound box. Horn* -mode randy, Ibc l*ounl box. Cryslalised fruit, 4.V pound box. Cherries and Vysi#Ued ginger Try his cheap Gibraltar candy. Kb - pound “acoljg <IT FRIED OR STEWED. AT la>van‘s cafe. 11l t’otutica street, west. MORPHINE. OPH'M LAUDANUM COt-oalne habit, myself cured. will Inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mary S Baldwin. Box 1212. Chic igo ‘THE FI'RNITCRE EXCHANGE. 113 Hornnrd street, buys and sells all kinds of second-hand furniture for cash. ADVERTISEMENTS* SET IN <'AP ITAUN WILL IIK PRINTED IN I*I.AN SI FI Eli ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 3w\ IS YOU It IRON SAFE FIRE-PROOF? Hilffel A Freeman have a standing offer of H.flOO for every sole of their make that doe* not preserve Its content* One *.ife was In burning debrie 113 hour- When laken ots. Hie hose had to be turned on It. When opened, noi a page i discol ored. not n record lost, not n dollar de stroyed If you want security, buy a Sltffel A Freeman safe. C. P. Miller, osenl. IIOW ABOUT TOUR WINTER clothing’ let us put it In sh ip l . $1 P' r month Sterling Pressing Club. 1# York w YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Springltell Dairy; IC* rich and pure; try It. - I RNITt RE UPIK il-STEIII'.I 1 MAT- Ireuses renovated. Antique furniture re pollshed furniture packed an.l shl|iped In l.e*t manner Send mo your orders. C. P Miller, agent. BOILED OR BROILED LOBSTERS at Levan's cafe. 11l Congress street, nest OELSCHIO NURSERY, OFPOBITE UathoHo rpmpwpy, rhrvaanlh*mum*. t anv IHi JaponP***. *rflc*r'fi. palm*, flow cr* and flora! dclrn*. la*av# your order* with J. Gardner, ugt nt, 13 Broughton, Mil. bpecTau an Unlimited huppey of new willow rocker*; ladtr*’ *ixe, at 12. J. \V. Trcpl^. T AM NOW leOUATED AT 414 WEST Broughton; ring up IP* If you want to have your furnliura moved or packtd for nhipmcnr or Horagtf. I guarantee pri- om the mid* as I do the work that'* given to me. A 8. Grifho. 414 Broughton •tragi, west; matlrexiu made to order. IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGill!*. MILLERS STOVES AND RANGES Kiv* MMi*factlon. The Magnetic. Brono mis, Xf* lidorf. King. aixl other good make* n: rrasoniblc prices. Vfl ton. wept. KENSINGTON FARM MILK 18 UN surpassed for richness; delivery Is per- Lct; phor.e. 3348. BEE MILLER FOR OFFICE D! oflica table*. r>ffi • mate Ing, office shades 207 Broughton, west WHEN YOU BEi:~M GTELIS’ BlXTY inch 99-eenf rug*, you will buy !hem. Juat ran’i he.p II; will sell In any quan tity. HOW ABOUT YOUR WINTER clothing'* let u* put It in *hap**; 81 per month. Hterling ITe**ing Club. D) York, m. SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND range* for sale by J. W Taeplt; al*o agent for In*urnn e ga* lira stove. "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE/* I* a aperlalty with McGill!*. LIVE LORBTHRB van** cafe, 111 Oongma* street, went. “MILLER S new styles IN CAR pets, mattings, linoleum**, window *had*. etc. AH work done In flrst-c a s style. 307 Broughton, we*f FI/IRAI7 DESIGNS."]BULBB7“IIY a e nth*. nareDeu . |*lms. rut flower* from Oelschlg’s nursery, opposite Uaihollc Cem etery. Leave orders with J. Gardner, agent. 12 Broughton, east. M’GILLIS* LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your ir|or. M C.ILUB IS CffEAP ON RUGS. NETS, laee curtain*, hammoek* water cooler*, pillow*, picture*, ffuwei, bedroom suits, nnd furniture of every description. ~81 48 BUYS NICE IIATTAN HOOKERS while they last. Large a sortment of rockers, divans and easy chairs. C. P. Miller, agent. KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation in the country, free from city drainage impossible for milk to become contaminated, by Impure odor*; If you want pure Jersey m Ik. phone 2348 ' De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. M’GILLIS MOVES PACKS SHIPS and store* piano* nnd furniture; heat work only, no “Cheap-John” prices—no “ChaMp- John" Job*. 'GOLD FISH AND FOOD. WATER grass, hone flour, 20-pound hag cents J Gardner, agent, for the present at 12 Broughton, east H$W ABOUT TOUR WINTER clothing" let us put It In shape; |i p,. r month. Sterling l’re*-lng Club. 1!) York w FOR WOVEN WIRE “COTS while they last. U P Miller, agent. "CM FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they last. Big assortment, all grade* or art squares, rugs, mats, portieres. C P. Miller, agrnt. "m’GILLI* SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cent*. "ADVERTISEMENT* SET IN CAP ITAL*! WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS -81 FI ED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C 'll Ilk tl.. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF TOUR feet are troubling you. call on me and I will give you relief; I cure Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of the feat without ptiln; charges reasonable; can give the beat reft-rencea In the city; is tlents treated at residences, orders can be left at Livingston’s drug store, Bull and Congress streets; telephone 393. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. HUM’ W AVt’KIS— *• qi.K. CARPENTER WANTED; MAN WHO can do cabinet work, fix locks and lit keys, and do general repair work about large hotel; permanent position to *hc right par ty; single man preferred Apply between 10 and 12 o'clock at the office of De Soto Hotel. WANTED - TWO FIRST-CLASH COAT and trouser makers Apply O Fantlnl. No 4* Hull street WANTED. SIX UNION" - CAJtPEN ter*. 12.V0 per day and transportation here. F. Ogram. Jacksonville, Fla “SALESMEN WANTED TO BELL OUR goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest and only man ufacturer* In our line in the world; liberal salary paid. Address, Cam-Das Mfg Cos., office. 29 Board of Trade Building, Savan nah, Ga. OIL HEATERS. §> Thors t* not him which will make your room war* th**** cool (lay* th.lll f our Harter M' til Oil iii ili ri*. Wv hav other*. WEDDING PRESENTS It mtKhr he Mi Ii for you to tn’ar in rmn*l the i• t that * arc the l**a Ur* in al. tne pretty tiling* for Wd-ddmii i*r*F>nm. THOS. WEST & CO., No. II Broughton St M W. 111:1.i* w mHD-itm:. active: man coil tkmi oiiahy l<- <I pewitt<n. a*v-nil w'k H.ilary $3 p r i lay. Atldrea* 1* It Shepp. 723 Chestnut j Mreet, EhiDdflp lia. I*a. | fI.W.KSMKN \V ANTED To CABBY tirat-i'law* *itl* line; c*aay nalea; good pef. t . cnta*e; permanent trad**, everybody i • ed?* a fountain pen: reference*. Perry I'en Company. Box 28. Milton, Wii. WANTKD, A COLOMBO BOY FOB houeenork. Apply No. 3.'1 Bolton afreet, o-t. ■ iin.i* \\ %vn:i>— n mu:. WANTKD, A tlOOli Ifoi'SK tOßf*. with reference*; apply 122 ran Seventh Ft reel. Ik WANTKD. WOMAN OF } inkld ** age, who J* n g>*d rook. 2A Jaaei, • ant. ADVEBTIBKMKNTB HKT IN OAF- I IT ALU WILL HR PRINT BD IN' CLA9- 111 FI BID kDVRKTISBMRNT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD, NO AD- I VERTISEM ENT TAKEN FOR I-KSS J THAN 30C. i until *n:x r tvri'.ii. 'wATTrEIT LADY HOLDING permanent llBSPga poaitlonaa .is i l int, or will learh amall achool; reference#* ex < hanged. Aldr* -* Teacher. Clarki*toa <Ja. W \ NTEI) A ii. KIN <*l FICB aS aHalmani. Acl*lre.** 123 Liberty afreet, weal. EXPEItfItNEED AND (N >MI'ETENT -tenographer want- h-* |Mjt -:lon. but <|f*alrea n change; reference given from present tnpJoyer. A.. Hi la office. KX FKBIKNCBI HTKNf > *. If A I’ll Fall want- piMdtlon In Savannah imniedll.itety or by Jan. 1. AtMrew J. W., care fhl* office. A BKSFKCTABIsK CnIgOBKO WO*, wantf* | • altlon. a niirm or house work Adlrt-aN Jnduftrioua, Mommi; New*. POSITION WANTED BY BKOIHTKH <i) p)uirmaclt. AWireaa Foatoflka Box No. 3, Savannah. Ui. . - noo iw tt t\ 11 m want i7r>^EiTAT^TTr7bTr^4rr77i‘TTHt r, rooms with all conveniences; near ItrOinrhlon nnd Montg<mery streets Ad dr. -s Otto W. Nell, I"* - . llr.Mignton street, weal. tt t % THIS— tl Is< U.l.i. tM XII M. Rt'SINESH FIRMS IN NEED OF practical bookkeepers, stenographers, e>tc., and all persons and. siring such posdlon* should write the Draughon lluslness Ex change, Nashville, Trnn. No charge* to employers We |>uy V- for each vacancy reported to us, provided we 111 same. Business conildentlel WANTKD. TWO gK'’OND-HAND ALE pumps. Address T. J. feurten. 1U Whit aker street. IF YOU WANT GOOD MILK, GET IT from Springfield Dairy; It's rich, pure and wholesome. 'CASH PAID FOR GOOD HECONI)' hand oat aacke. *l2 West Bay street. "IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO Dll MR earth, dirt. sand, manure, etc., free of charge, Just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Hrown Droe.. corner Anderson and East Broad streets. “IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL an.t work, order your llihogr iphed and printed stationery nnd blank b ekt from Morning News, Havannah, Ox "ADVERT! HFVMRNTS SET IN OAP ITAIAt WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 3*C. Worn RENT—ROOMS. NICeT^TThcOHHED front r>tne f. r gentlemaa 101 .Chariton, corner Whitaker. '.NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, southern exposure; mistern conveniences. I|n Jone, eost. NICELY FURNIPM;n SOUTH ROOM, all convenience*. 3fM Bimard street, near Ul-'rty. FLATS for iievi. rkntThT maconCeast. E. J. Kennedy. “Tl* RENT. FURNISHED FLAT; 3 roome; light houeckeeplng lit east Lite nry. FOR lit v l HOI RMS No 217 Waidburg street, eaet, between Aberoorn end Lincoln, flrat-oiaaw order and condition; every convenience Right rent to right tenant Estate Salomon Cohen, Weat Broad and Broughton streets. FOB RENT. THAT DESIRABLE RES lileno with outhouses, stable* ami a beautiful garden; lIR Taylor street, east. For particulars Inquire 8 Guckenhel mer's Sous, Ray end Jefferson sireef. “for rent OR SALK. THAT MAG. niflrent residence on the southeast corner of Gwinnett and Barnard street* 1. D La- Roche. FOR RENT. 211 ‘jONER HTRKtrr west; Immediate po.see.-ston. M H. Baker, agent. FOB KENT, 17 DUFFY STREET, eaet; posseaslon at once. Apply George L Germany agent. W Bryan street, east. T>> RENT, 221 \ND HoLfTTS stieet, aaet; these are good hoisea and location excellent. Apply to C. A Mcln tlra, t>, Board of Trade Building FOR RHNT~RTORKR. TO RENT. STORE AND DWELLING, M West Boun.lary; best stand In Yama craw. Apply to H. U. Clog horn, UO Bry an (tree*, east TWO WINNERS. Hurt & Packard's “Korrcct Shape” *1 t t fur men, VTiUI ' “Queen Quality," the famous shoe QQ flf for women, SJiUI These arc perfect shoes, models of -aOftaK* style and the best of shoemaking. Every material in stock from scr- \AbK viceable calfskin to dressy patent kid, //\X*f■ and we carry widths ami sizes to tit II ig TJf T** all feet. \ \XvHftTT There is no uncertainty COMpM** about the Style, lit or gif- Make of our shoes. J A VARNKDOE EMMETT MONCRKIFFE. A L. WRTL roil HKIT-MIV'BU,IM.III. LARGE WAKBHOI HE AND OKKICR FOR HUNT. CORNISH HROI’OHTON AND WKHT lIROAD STREETS. FOH MEKI.Y o< IM ITKP BY TIIK SAY AN NAII CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. It. ,• SMART. "for RENT OR SAKE. THAT E!.e‘ Kiinl firm, four mil,, on thr Auguata roa.t tpwvrd). , ont.ilniriK two hundred aivt Ihm uirr*. fifty of which ate uniter high elate of cultivation, there are on the place three dwelling*, two Drge lwrn amt pai'klrtir .liel; a hire artealan well, evervthlnir In flret-cYa,. order. tao r.tll mill* run through the luml. I. D. i.l It** tie .. Dolt RENT, ON THE Of] EEC HER road, between three amt tour-mile poat* Hrol|ey rare nearly to two-mlle pout). In .I In lot* from one acre to one hundred, amir can he bought In large or amalt lota on enay term*. <*. It. tmraelt. advertisements hi:t in (■'\r~- ITAIiS WIU. lIE I*HINTED IN CI.AS SIKIED ADVHRTIHEMKNT I'OI.t’MN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN Foil tJata THAN SK-. FOB MLE-IIKtL IATtTR. ADVERTISEMENTS BET IN OAI‘- ITAI.S WII.I. HE I'RtNTED IN fI.AS SIKIED ADVERTISEMENT I'OI.I SIN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR I .ESS TH'AN MC FOR SALE. oN THE oiIEEI'HKE remit, between three amt four-mile 1 *.*r! (trolley r ara nearly to two-mlle |H,.|I, land In lota from one acre to one hundred a.imr can t~' bought In targe or arnall lota on caay terma. C. H- Doraett. >1)11 BALK, A ixvr FOR TWO llT'N ■lreil rtollara; eaay terma. on Ninth atreci, near Ka*t Hrowd. no city taietlon. C. 11. Doraett. 1 or bale lot! on ninth street near Eaat Miont, no city tagea, at tlflu each; twenty-five rtollara caah, amt eaay monthly payment*. C. II Doraett. FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR Eaat tiroart, at f?t each, will noon Iw advance,! to |2si, when a lot tiaa leeii laiUl for I can arrange 10 get a home built. C. H. Doraett. HiR BAUD THi.SE LOTS 1 rN _ NINT!I at reel. near Eaal Rroad, Itave only been aold to drat-ilaaa |.lrtl.e, who will make good neighbor*; an.l non** othera can buy. The term* are very eaay. and they are rheaiwr than any olbrre 111 the vicinity C. 11. Doraett RESIDENCE AND - REU.DINC. I-TITH (or ante all over the city. Robert It. Tatem. real eatale dealer. No. 7 York PtTeet. weat. “ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL RE PRINTED IN CI.AB lIPIID ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD V E RTIHEM ENT TAKEN FOR IJiSS THAN SOT I iilt <• U,K-ttlf ULAIDII N. SIV li KM, THE COLOII KINO! THY It when your favorite r nedy falls, at Ue bottle added to a gill of honey makes a splendid mixture for Infants and children BENZOIN ItALM MAKES TIIK SKIN like v elvet, for sala by druggist or at Ht" ry and Alierrorti I'ersse Drug Store*. Whitaker and Taylor street*. ~FOR* HALE, ONE HEKIt HOX AND beer apparatus. Morning New*. FIRE PROOF SAFES WE CARRY A fine line of Are proof safes In stock at all times. The parttea can see exactly what they are getting Our prlcsw ore a* low as manufacturer* aell it, with freight a<kl ed Parttea Interested, who wish a good Are proof safe, will do well to tnapect our slock 1-lppman Bros., Llpptnan Mock. agenta for manufacturers. FINE TURPENTINE LOCATION with Ane body of round timber, for sale cheap for cash only. Bo* O, Iron OMy, O* TOR PKNTINB LOCATION FOR sale, is crops first year hoses; l’.flff) acres round timber, at 1180 per acre; s’* per thousand boxes for leaned timber; plenty of Umber to be got In Are mtl>* of rail road; will gtve possession now or at end of season Address Round Timber, rare Morning News. A CHEAP BPOOT AND HARNESS for sale. Apply 110 Bryan, east. FOR BALE. ONE TSIJSVATOR dredge, together wMh auxiliary dredg". For particular* address T S Tutwller, Chief Engineer Plant System. Savannah, Oa. SPRINOFIEI.ti DAIRY Id NOTED for having rich, pur* milk; try It; you will be pleated. "OLD NEWSPAPERS. 300 for 25 cents, at Business Office Morning New*. "ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLI’MN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO A VERTIBEME.NT TA KKN FOR LESS THAN 3'* ' Ml i AMD m mi. I/OIFT, BULLDOO, ONE BLACK EYE, head aomewhat deformed. Liberal re want If returned to Bessie Stafford. 24V Hous ton street. I AWT. A WHITE AND BROWN bitch. Reward If returned to W. F. Train. Park avenue and Hull street. IXHT. FRIDAY BVENINO. 11TH 4N atant, 110 bill, on Tybee or Liberty street car. Fltwler plnit return to 14 Oglethorpe avenue, west. T BUNCH BIX KEYS; REWARD If return<l lo Sam Reynolds. 1212 East Broad. 1/VST, AT THEATER. OR BETWEEN The*ier and Park ovenue, gold pin. Re turn 7 Park, weft. FOUND. CAT MOOED OYSTER boat. Apply to Jack Tat (noil. Fox’s wharf. Wilmington Island. 11l i ti INI Rg ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITA LS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LEAH THAN SOC. PI. I HWM MODERN PLUMBINO. IT WILL BE lo your Interest lo let me give you an es timate on your plumbing, new or ukl work, repair work a specially, as I am a practical plumber No guea* work lo endanger your Ufa. Wiggins, 'phone M 7, Ocorgla or ileii. AFCTIOY Mi l ' Till- DAY. AT OUR AUCTION ROOMS WMncitly, Nov. 11, w* will sell one fine piWui Upright Piano. In use only .1 month; 2 second-hand I*l in and 2 Or gana, and other mum • 1 instruments Ta hla Silverware, Oil Stove*. Iron and liras* Bedstead* (new), 2 Center TahlN, 25 (win I*art t'urtain* 2 Out-ub Hhaw tpl.itc glass), 1 Miltiiirry Cojc and i'aahlrr'* Beak. BPRCIALa Pine lot of I art 111 ♦*.**' Trimmed Pattern lluta (imiMtrtni atylcai, flno Klbhon* and Baby C'|*a A tils aooitft SOIsD POBITIVKLT WITIIOITT HICHKHV K A WIN Kith JUT. Auctioneer. AM TIOX MIJC<I FI Tt RK D %\*. ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. ~ \ % let %lll.r. I. %Ml ON I* %\ KD HO ID. 11. UOHHKTT. %nrliimrer. I’nder atui by vtrltie of an order grant ed by the Honorable Court of ordinary of 4'hatham roonty, 1 will ,ll at the <‘urt House ii Hiivannah, tbirlng the lixuai hoiirw of oal*, on T!*ERBAY, lec. I. 11M* for Ihc purof payment of debt a an,l f* dlatrlbutton. h fol >wnlg aw the prop* rty of the estate of !. M. W.irftakl. decraa***! leta 57. SM. V), Cl, and an Interest In lot .'4* of a Mib-dtvision of that tract of kind In *.M county and state, oil the Montgomery and Waters r>wda. known as Kasi *hip|M‘W'M m •’•anllru fo wurvey made by Kdw.artl J. Thomas Jan ). ICN4. a gopy of which i* atta, tosl it, a deed frtm dtahiin Ar UiiMmil to Trvphina l). \V arfi*ld. r, tinled in the county records of said county, Intoks C Us. folio Ski, Tb* interest of iai<( state *n wold lot No. M being unknown uni ursiefertnined at this time Terms cash. pnr<h.i-er paying for revenue ntamps and papers. H 4' (INNINUH AM. Admlnhiti,pr t a. estate L. M. War fieki. t'Ufttci The above land adjoins the county lands (|ss>r farm), and Is on the east side of tho Waters road, the southern line being altoiu / quarter of m rnhe from the Mont gomery cross road. The five tracts first mentioned oniain together u!> *ui fifty three acres. MIWCRLLAIROI a. WB OIVB YOU KU lIKII DOMBBTIC nr glo*s finish, psrffcl work Forest ’Hy lmiiMidry, I'ark avenue. OBT YOUR WRODINO PIUOOENTB ••t Koch A H> Ivan's. H Whitaker. Thay are beautiful and cheap. AVOID THK Rl7Bll. BKT ME HAVE your sign work for Elks’ fair at onca. Wm. Taylor, 110 Harnard. THE RKMORCINK ANTIHEITIO FRO c*n In the most satisfactory to clean clothes, done mly by New York Htcam I>yr Works. Whitaker and State NEW DOMESTIC WITH BADE le arlng*. <ai terms; try one; buy one; deal with your people. Kenton A Son. KOR FISHING TACKER. NETS. ETC~ go to Cornwell 4t Chipman. DON TTROI nil YO(TRBl£i> AB6Uf moving your furniture, relaying your car pets or matting ferry A Benton will re lieve you of all that trouble. YES. WB RKfAIR WK repair heaters, we repair ranges; we re pair cook stoves; all orders promptly filled. A. (\ Prion A Cos. State and Jef ferson street a. 'Phones RW “'HAVE YOUR HOUSE PAINTED with German ready-mixed paint; eatlra satisfaction guaranteed. Adame Paint Company. WANTED. ONE THOiTfIAND HUN gry people at lha Southern Grocery Com pany, 114 fitrnnrd street. “'PHONE 1575 FOR FOREST CITY Laundry They will call for your linen Immediately. WATCH AND JEWF.EHY RBPAYR ing given personal attenttan. at Koch A Sylvan's. K Whitaker, MERCHANTS ATTENTION! ADVKR- Using ami signs of all description, classl >si work at modern prices. He© Tsvlor. 14< Bernard street. “NEW IXIMKSTIC SEWING MACHINE with l>a)l bearings, lock and chain stitch; two marhlmw In one. Penton A * . WB ARE DYEING NOW RY THK nrw oiHily.. proevaa; t>*p*.rlally .lit*a<t lor la<ltra' Itiw <D-pnn ar\d tallor-mada drnan; trial u* your work and you will ta- idt-aa-il. New York Hteant Dya Work,. 'HtOM MB rO HARDWARE AND TOOLB, OO to Cornwell A Cblpman'a. E arc!,!., SEWER PI PiT~ FLU* pipe, Are clay. flre brick at lowest prices. A'kirns Paint Company, lot Congreaa, at tat. PKRRT A RKNToN. ISO STATE street, west, will move, pack, ship or atore your furniture t short notice; also ren ovate your ol*l mattrniae* ut little cost. Hell 'phone 1121. TOP WON'T RBORKT TIIK COLD weather If you will let us furnish you with a heater or range; we can sell you cheaper than any one else, and will take your old stove In exchange A. C. Price A Cos., State and Jefferson streets. ‘Phones ttl. MORE THAN ONE HI'N . EN*B In every dollar of your hard-cornel hard cash at the Southern Grocery Company, lit flarnard atr,cl "THE STOCK dP - <iBOD IN THE atore. 12 Broughton street, east, known as <nr,liter's Haxoar. must he sold; parties wishing can purchase In lots and priest to suit. TUB Mi >ST~ I'P-TO-D ATK~ WORK*IS bring turned out by Forest City Laundry. 'Phone UR. GOLD WATCHES AND DIAMONDS at ill prices. Koch A Sylvan. Whitaker street. " P ICTOn IAI. SIO NS. ATV E RTISI NO signs, signs of every description. Special decorations for Elks' Carnival. Wm. Tay lor PENTON A SON. WILL RENOVATE your machine and guarantee It. Sell new or old machines. "FOR RANGES AND STOVES. OO fo Cornwell A C'hlpman. GYPSINB IS THE REST WALL Fin ish made Adams Paint Cos., Savannah agents, lot Congreaa. west. WE ARE BTII.L IN THE I't.CMHINO business and saill do good work at ex tremely low prices: our 15 cents mantel la o peach; we have them from 10 cents up, and will put them up for you; give us a call. A. C. Price A Cos., 'phones M, State and Jefferson streets. 3