The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 14, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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discussed negro question. IHi KI>W AV* %IO AND 90ITNERN Kilt I 4TI> %L •KH IKTI. |*roinlnrit llrmhrr* onnkrlcd Mod* trillion W nli Regard lo Step* Tlmf i;a%* Hern Tnkrn In the *tontk, %H Relieved In I'leservlag Good I re!l nift llolneen the North nnd ,„ulh-iiunc Criticism f Hooker l \\ n >li imu i*ti H Indulged In. York. Nov. 13 —Tnr Krrdman‘s Aji nd Southern Educational Society met a t \. w jrk. N J . to-day with Bishop fid* v .1 i', Andrews presiding The foflow* jri. “ *rot>ritlonj for a* ademiea for col were iti*dk <• ui Aiabanu Academy. Huntsville, Al s■**•>; <*'K>km*n A ademy. Jsrkeoti* % I , |J !<■. Gilbert Academy. Wn ***■< La k *• . Haven Academy. VVaytica- K ; . $l>V; Uiiramie Academy. I*a . . fii sl<*>; Meridian Academy. Me* r , Miss. $Jw; Morristown Academy, \1 r rj -1 wn. Tonn.. $3,000; Samuel Hous 'iit \ jlt my, Austin, Tex.. $5100; West Tn: i Academy. Mason. Tenn.. $75 T .> \\is it K>nir discussion preceding th i l lernilon rf the appropriations for n -'mien for white people. It was ex pl;< 1 that the flel*s of the academies w, >m ng the poor wnltos. nni they were doi *li- work, both in instruction pto v.. ..1 \ the schools themselves and as tc> • for the Fort Worth and U. B Gr. i.idversities. 1 Ma;l.ilieu, in talking on the suh j,, .k** of the effect on the alms of t . *s of the disfranchisement acts of t s.:ih. He said to see the day when the flak *hft i •'t all Americans on Amerioan K>:l I • it • Ia dehate on and!? ranch so me: ne ep'.lkf<rs connecting H with the qti* * . aider •'onsideratioii by the id a tha i work amoni; the wh tea In the star whi h had passed ’’dii-franchl e mei ii a should be increase j, rather that imdnishad. |,( til hert. editor of the Western Chn a. Advocate, counseled modernll n. He . I the Houthern people tn-ide no pret •• f disguising the objects of th e me a ms, but that so far s the actuai |jt * of the statutes went, there was no * imitation set forth in -o many wui■. li* believed in strengthening the Imv ti ’ were holdii'.£ the North aid Sou* i togethbr. Criticised \\ ash I nulon. Bi-hop Kiw.t r had criticised Booker T. Wa line con f.*t trading the rights of the negro for joa but for his pari he was IKS ur* hut hat Washington was right. Hf thought t i: education wow the surest groundwork for the maintenance of rights md if the t>lored man went to work on that tin* enjoyment of his rights would follow H -aid he hoped to see the day >n North nnd South, when no ignorant man would ho allowed to vote. S* reiary Mason also said that he be lieved in preserving good feeling between 'he North and South, but if In establish ng that good feeding the North and South planned to leave trie colored man ut he Mill foretell that there would be ■ rouble lie pnid a tribute to Booker T Wa*‘lir.gton saying tha* any man who had done what he had was a great man. w ut. or black. Nevertheless he did not i*cheve with Hooker T. Washington that edu- at ion should come first and rights afterward. If a man gave up his rights in this country, he said. he was very un likely ever to get them hack again Bishop r>. A. Ooodsell saArft Hooker T. 'V ashing ton did not deserve credit for r.gir ti ng the idea of industrial educa -1 n In the S uth. for the whole society . done that thirty years ago; but the uk r was inclined to think that his ed n Idea was right. He said that f believed trial any community of the te race In the North -that wa- ruled by *th*r race by a majority of numbers .id resist to the point of revolution. Bishop recalled a number of kindly •x on th** par of Southern whites, sonu wh m i epmed tbtrir olrarchN to t e color**d man when h< was holding nferen'es mnng theam. I will tell the colored men." he said, ••hat every word of war they speak now* * 11 make the . |e\ ition of their rare more •tlcult In the end." The white a wdemiew were then given I appropriations. NC\M O M ANTS HUAI EM.. lien ring in Extradition IWrcillsg* in t hiengn. C leavo. Nov. 13.—The he it In* cf th . of William U Colwell hf r- Unit and S’ i •*• Commissioner Foote in extradition p . • e-ling* w.i* concluded to-day. < ol* .s h cured of robbing the Mexican ral Eiecirlc Company of the Cltv t 1 xleo of $2.0 0 In c. h and s>Oo In •s. and the Mexican g ivernment ask he be returned to that country for t p. The eotnmfc loner took the case un advisement. •well says he was formerly private • ary t. deorge Vanderbilt at B lt r . Cisile In North Carolina He <!•*• i that he i*<ok istt In the robber/of Mexican K'ectr.c Company, th ugh 1 ;mr dy. who was a fellow cm.loye ef tee *l* trie company wil Cos well .n<l i. dlsi|i>p*ared from .Mexico about the itt time Colwell did.-has confess and and rated Col we 1 TRI AL OF lUK ATiK KTON. A* w 4*unboat Must Alnkc n kperd of r l %% enty-eli|l*t Knots. Annapolis. Md , Nov. 13.—Naval Con i ter William G Groesback. United res N.ivy, and Engineer George K. w i,send of the William R. Trigg Bhlp Company of Richmond. Va., ar ' I here to-night to witness the speed tens of the gunboat Stockton recent- I I ht 'I t n-g < ■ mgai v The ik. pi a ott tn* Bomn M* n*t r.-imtt off pautuxet river. Twenty-six ' • s the contract requirement. The rj.*nls-on in charge of the trail Is con • i of Admiral Frederick Rodgers, I: bl y D. Evans, and Chief Engin ’ Roelker. I HI \ n-FOI It ItKt UVBHEO. 1 *ulif >! ore Bodies of Montlcelln’s \ letims tn lie Found. • rtnouth, N. 8., Nov. 13 —Up to 3 k this evening twenty-four l*o*lles of of rlie City of Montlcello disaster en recovered and identified, and •tu ing out of town forwarded to nine in Ht. John. Moncton, Bar r . Halifax, Lokpor and other f r inter men’. The bodies of tlie other are still missing. A of them went down with th* Mon '• in deep water thetr remains may • r Tm* found. Killed llutli Ills Partner*. l.i Nov. 18—In a fight to-day •u.uncse affairs connti ted with .* ■ 1 on of s store here P. J* lls'- his fNirtners J. A. WUilam* 1 Weibourn. All three wero _____ -neru dtlsens. TO LIVE WELL IS TO EAT-WELL. Absolutely Free! jy Send a po.tal erd, to yr Warner s Safe Cure Cos.. BockM-steg. l£r N. Y . requesting a free sample of fW Warner’s Bafe (Tire, mentionlr.g thi*. iff* paper, and you will receive nmc b> return i>ust RATIONAL W. C. T. I . TO HKKT. (wll for the Contention Issued l> the I’rrstdeut Chicago. Nov. Is.—Mrs. L M N Bttvens, president, and Mrs. B M. P Fry. corerspondlng secretary, have l*. sied the call for the National Convention of the Woman's CbriMia: Temperance Union. It s*tys: "The Nat onal Woman's Christian Tem pers noo Union is hereby offlcially railed to meet tn tu twenty-seventh annual convention at Washington. 1 C Nov. 3 to continue In session until !• 7 "The lime, as well as the pia< t of our meeting, is significant. It !> the m*nth *•( a Presidential election and th w- k of opening the United Btates Congr. s, in both of which we have intense it*.taresi. but in the words of Miss Willard con vention call for I*9H. 'We sh ill meet no? as a political party, but as those to whom politic* seems a warred duty; rot as finan ciers and yet as thos*- profundiy Interest l tn finance, not as statesmen, but wc trust as states worn* n—the women of u great nation. bapttz*d with a mighty earnest ness. endured withs cl* ar vision that enable* us to see that * uitevr rise the nation and individuals constituting that nation may need, the primal not* is ap plied righteous neas.' "We bespeak universal observance of the day of prayer. Friday. Nov to fl end that we may have a pillar of .loud by day and a pillar of fire by night, not only while the convention lasts, but dur ing the entire year." DEATH OF C A FT. JOHN If ART. He Was U rll-Knnu n n n **ht|pinu Man and I nltan Flllltiisler. Philadelphia. Nov. 13.—Capt. John D Hart of Cuban filibustering fame, died to day of apoplexy. Capt. Hart had been in poor health lately and made h - home at Atlantic City. Yesterday he came her* and was stricken on the street He w ** taken to n hospital, where he died with out regaining consciousness Cnpt Hart's life was practically spent In shipping circles From an a >le s* *m u he became a successful ship owner, and engaged kn the fruit trade with the W* Indies I Miring the year !•' two of h:-* vessels, the Bermuda and laurndn. mad. frequent trips to Cuba with arme and am munition for the Cubans. Cup* Hat t was convicted in Pecember. IRW. of par ticipating in a filibustering expedition, and wn* sentenced t< two ye ir* impriccj me.t In February. I$3N the senten. .• was put Into execution, and In June of the same year. Cap Hart v.s pardoned by President McKinley. Caps Hart was born In Accomma* county, Virginia forty-on* ye rs ago. BLI MP IR UNAKEVI OIL. ( hanres nf I'aselng Dlvltlrnri ( atiisrd Hot tom to l>r|. Chicago. Nov 13.—-Announcement by the officials of the Eindseed Oil Comf .my of the |M*dbliiiy that B will pus* th* Jivt dend on the preferred ►to k and the quar terly meeting of directors In New York on Thursday, sent linseed prices down with a rush to-dy. Within fifteen mi? • utes after the market opened over 7.000 shares of the preferred stock wer* e. 11. causing a slump to 4*v After Ite rap! I* drop to 40. the preferred stock roe** more gradually and touch**! 48, receding after wards at the clore to 4'* l *- This 1- fi h* - from the flrsi price of the morning after elec*lon of 10** The iottom price t- lav Is the lowest the since the company was organized. Bit VAX ACKNOW LKIM.KO |T. Thanked the Georgia l.eglalafnrr fr I'leetlnu Him. Atlanta. Nov. 13.—The Georgia Eegtsl*- ture being unable to adjourn Nov *. ut.anlmously elect*-l Hon W. J. Bryan President of the United States Mr Bry an has scknowfrdg*l the compliment and a letter from him was read in the Sen ate to-day by order of President Howell. Mr. Bryan says: ••While the return,* show that the de cision rendered in my favor in Georgia has been overruled in the higher cour;. which includes the entire nation, yet I leg to express my appreciation of th* n lldenee and good will expre*.-* and By th* members of the Georgia Legislature. Yours truly. W. J Bryan." 01*1011 %Tl\ KN MN‘Ks:il Ol T. Cotton Mill Trouble* Unsettled In Grrrnaliorn, V, C‘. Greensboro. N C.. Nov 13 —The cotton mi l trouble In AluiHance county, wh* r. several thousand ojvratlvee are locked out on account of their refusal to abandon th* textile workers' union. Is practlrolly un changed. For over a month eighteen or twenty mills have either be*n standing idle or running with reduced fore*. The union operatives are vacating the fa tor. houses a* rapidly a* possible. In n *ord-j ance with orders tssuel some days n-o Those who have been unable tose*u e em- ! ployment elsewhere are temr'orarl.N Itv- I Ing In tents furnished by *he N iponal Textile Union BOTH WEItK UUNM RFI). Conrt-martlal Recommended for One o# Craven's officers. Washington. Nov 13—The raval cour of Inquiry which Investigated I r y lBlO i on Oct. 1. near Newport/ of the >orf d> ivoat iMhlgren and the A. M 'raven has made Ra re oromendlng thit Lieut. Ford H Brown of the Oav n b tried by * ourt-martl .1 and th<t Leu* William G Miller of the Hahlgrrn Be en sured. On the recommendation o t judge ndvo.xite general. Fe r* ta v L ng dispensed w ith the r urt-mnrt'sl an ! **l ministered censure In cafes -+ T HONOR NBLN UIMTI 1IIUKI). I lent. Col. ItMssrll B. Mnrrlsoii Is Non Onl of the \rm>. Washington. Nov. s3.—Lieut Pol. R s sell B. Harrison. Inspector gcnenl V F V„ hss been honorably dis barged fr< m the service of the United Ht tes, to 'a e effect Dec 1 next, h.a service 1 * ng * o longer required. Col llairlson b o of ex-Presldeirt Harrison |)nrr> lnllelm**af lllmiii:•***!. N.w > k N- , 4 the Criminal Court. to4qr granted • motion of l>cputy Btate Attorney General Hedges to dismais the indUtment g-lnst Chief of Police William 8. 1> very, ( barg ing him with a violation of th- election Uw. . . Poller flopped Marling. Berlin, Nov. 11.—Yesterday th* tKilic of M tyenev prevented meeting at which an address was to have been delivered on ihe Hay market riots, entitled "A Judicial Murder in Chicago.* THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOV EMBER 14,1000. Alls To l ilt. SHIPW IIBOKUD. AN lnt flic Lift* Nervier lias Dune In a Wnr. Washington, Nov. 11,—6. I. Kimball, general superintendent of the hfe-aaving scrvl* • t his annual report to gecre tsry Gage. - \s that the number of dis ! aMrrs ;o do umMited veseela within ih# Held of operation* of the service during liß pear was vi There were on htwrd 1 the-, v —* ~•* 2.* * persons, of whom 2.507 wire - i\. i and forty-eight lost Hlx hun-lr and and si*%cntly-thr o shipwrecked received suot'ar at th*- slations. to w hem 1.447 days' relief in the aggre i*. • w i ifrond's I The ealimated value of the \ .*' !• Involved in disaster was K. 127, "'* an ! t at of thetr cargo** $3.- <•'..* 4 making it total value of prcn>erty imperi!.l sm:u.l9o of thl anunifH $7 - 2.14 was hiv* and and r-’.23S.SU lqit The numb-T • \* • n totally lai was t>l. The mv* fti' ullon* made Into the details of every sh.pwi- k invoivtiig !<>#e of life, and into t oil-be t ..f the life saving crow-, *hcaw that no life was l >*t through lack of pr.-nipt ard faithful efforts <sll the pirt o th* life-saving men More thtn one- 1f of thc-e that perished wera 1.-t by t* ***n of iheir unwße at.empui to re. h he shore in their own lioats. whl • ll h* y had ratnaino.l o board th* w ks t .y wo ihl all have been raved. wet • ’.i yhii ma:***. who refused to t ike ta the boats. ATOHI Is IIIM ItIdOITKB. sinuaKled Jrnel* Hardly Thoae of Unipre t nrlotta Cit. of M* \;<* ■ Nov. 13 The raport of the arie-t In New York f Prrt* n<i Marchtilehl. charged with having mut gled Into the United Ptates diamonds an! other J w.l !.* 1 aig iu •* U.m.eror Max im Ban is crown m l to Kut*r*s* Carlotti. ex-vted much Inier*-t her* ll Is i.oi e ||ev* and that th** Jewel* were part of the regalia of the f.-rriit-r sovereign of M- Xl' o ind o and ImpelialisLc consider B quite lot po.H*ible that su-'h valuable diamonds . ouid hav• Lilian Into the hands of pr- I vat** p irtie \>< HOlt LINIdw M:U NMIFB. Will Add Fixe Biu steamer* to Their t arise Fleet. New York Nn 13 The An hor L‘ne. wh’ h maintains two serv.cae i from the for' o' New York, on to Glas gow via M*\die. the Qther to Genoa, Ni ple and other Me l.terranean ports, ’ has now In course of onstruction an addition |o' ti\ new (tamers to their large ft *t. Of tb Bit tw • | * i w * * '• • r an : on* recently vomp et'd, an add'tl* n o 7' ) tons will le added to the Sine’s ! totting*-. 1 NTRIIAI: ON THE N%\TA PR. It \\ ns Ordered and l ailed Off \A Ith- In lliilf an ltar. I*. Angeles. C.l , Nov. IS—A srike war ordered *<n t • Hanta !•%• system to-dy. involving nil tin tel* ;rnph oierators west f Albuquerque in< hiding those In the ,mpk \ <,f th* fkxithern California and San J*>a*i it Valley mads, and called off wltiiin ha.f u •ur. The duration of the trik* w • l.n ’• 1 th it so far os known i.oi;.- of t m r. a■ - 1 'i■*l!> left their keys. 4.lll'ltl> HOI M. HI l>**. Il*lie%el Fixe A|re Bodies Will lie I'onng tu the Helirls. Poplar Bluff, Mo Nov. 13.—A partial search of the r*i ns of the Burned Gifford Hotter* was mad Betlay. but only one un* dcntlll 1 B-.iy was recovered. The debris i'! *-tUI B trnit :' *til the Intense heat has rtar l*d th work of the searchers. It is now com t ier* I certain that five more bodies ii* beneath the ruins. Wilt: IIKFIM.II ADHIMION. Trvent> -five Inimlunml l.aeemukers \\ tin Were Dowlrlte*. Nov. 13,-Twentyltlve lm m grants, who am*- here us saloon paa engers on the American Line sieamer Wo* Innd >’•*• ■ rd iv, were to-day denied admission t* tin- country by l*oard of t quire of the United Statea ImmlgratUm Commissioners on the ground that they had viola?ed the contract labor law. The m* n and women are In. .makers. It was proved that a first-class pjs* ge hAd been p.. and for iiv m by John Alexander IV,\\). th*- Invine Healer" of Chicago, who ls>ut to found u city called /don. n* r Waukegm 111., where he Intends tt> *- t ibli. h u L*t producing plant. 18101. W %s FBI Ml (.1 ILTY. snt VII* Wife nn Infernal Mnehlne by Kxprea*. Minneapolis. Nov. U A special to the Times from Witcrjo, lown. says; The use of the state versus Jerome Hool was given to the Jury at $ o’clook this evening and at 11 o'clock a verdict was reached hi; the prisoner gulity of assault with intend to commit murder. He was charg ed with attempting to kill his wife by m* ans of an Infernal machine sent to her by express. SHORT IN 111' IHOtm Detcetixes Are Looking; for \A 111 la in N. Murk. Nashville, Tenn.. Nov. IS—Detectives ire *e,r< nine for 'Vllllam B Mark, hook k* pet in lh< grain an l commission house of N. ar.l t utter of thi* city, who is narked with Is lag short In his accounts ti the extent of fourteen or fifteen thou . md il nl ts. Mark - alleged shortage ex k iwo years He Is alleged to hav* manipulated Ml -of l i ling. ate. Mil) lie Settled. TANARUS rr*’ Haute, Ind., Nov. 13 —The strike f th hoisting engineers in the Indiana co;I field which was declared Monday, n tv !■ settle by thi end of the week To- lay ten of the Indiana opera tors sign ed tin* Illinois s tb* and will puy the w 4 demanded by the enff.natrs for one >* r The -i mof the scale means an eight-hour ri.y and n |H*r cent. Increase wages for the strikers. • An|l-lrnt < Went Over. Jcffersr.r. City. M* , Nov. 13—In the Supreme Court * n banc to-day the case if Attorney (if, eral Crow ugninst the C T .* <•■> Comp *ny for a writ .f ouster for violation of the untl-trust I w v is coat tried t*, the January call of the imne docket, for the reason that the t)j*;,nwnv Is r>: yet complete. Testl n ny w*.’d be f.k<*n here next week. Je*e ilmtiH' A\ iiloxx llrwil. Knr."is M< Nov 1J —Mrs Zerel i J -.! • w: *w of Jrsee James, the n.vd > uthw-stern .indit. died it her nj .. r* to-dav oi a <*ompiica(lon of dleca* after n !ag Bine** Mrs. James w - Mu Minims Bne wo **om near Km • < liv in ISt4, nul was married to Jam*'* .11 K*s*rr,ey Mo.. In 1374. Th-y had cm .-oi; J.*- Jr. who is now In ndncM in Kano.iM City. A PrcLtnitr> Ntsrvey* o. Nov. 13.—The prel.mi- j nary urvey of the Jackaon. Columbus and Ncrthweatern Uuilroad wo* begun s*eday. CHOATE SPOKE AT EDINBURGH. AAfKRIt AA A All! %as A HOR** IYTtBR BIITINL AIMIHIXS, Belixen-il lununiiral Lectnrr at the Pblloaopliteal lnfltntAwii of Ihttii* tin rail—lit* WwbJeet AA a* “The I areer anil t hararlrr of Abrakam I tneolii**— l ord Rosel*er> Intro dareU Mr. 4 hoatr and Also I'ald a Tribute to the (ireat %uierleuu. Edinburgh. Nov. 13.—Joseph 11. Choate ; the United State* ambasMwtnr to Great Britain, this evening delivered the Inau gural lecture at t ie Philosophical lnstl tutkwi of Edinburgh, inking as his theme. The C areer ami (Tumi u r of Abraham I Lincoln." lord Roseberry, who pressed, intro* du ed Mr. Chxsite. a* follows "Mr. Choate wi one of uwt choice sue i ••salon of men whom the Unl(cl fftatrs i have sent to this country. il‘ bus cn de.ired hmiseif to u in i t etnai k* ili •!••* gree by his brilllnnt and qualities. . For his discourse he his selected one of the most tnieri’eting subjects within the range of possibility, the great man whom he personally knew in the fir* i, Abraham Llncdii " T:ie following are extracts from Mr. Choates address "When you askrd ie to deilxer tlie ln nugural .uklreas un this *>* caslon. I recog nised tiiat i owed this compliment to the fact that I was the official i. pr* *• -il lative of American .md in ecle tlt-g \ sub- Jeci I ventured to think that 1 might in terest you for an hour In .• bd*f tudy in |io|)uliir government, as ll.ustrated b\ the life of the most American •>{ alt An***rji* • ans. I therefor* offer n* ap i 9 i asking your attenticui to Abrn .tin • olr to hi* unique cßarH'-tcr and th* part he ls>re in two lm|urt*int gchievrmcnD of modem history, the pr rvatlon .f tha Integrity of the Ainerß an I n*oii and the emarw'ifxitlon of the colored rao. "During his brief u*rm of |Owrr, be w.* probably the cbject of m* r • abuse, vini fication and ndlcti e than .csv other iivixii In the world, but when lie f* l b> the Imikl of an assassin, at the very moment of his stupendous victory, all the nnilor■ * of the earth vied with one another In paving homage to hi- character; and the thirtv flve year* that have since Hup. -• 1 have established hi* place in hli*tor> as one of th great bonefneters <; of his own country alone, but of the human r.v • "(In* of many noble utt. ran ••- upon the occaalon of hi* death wn* that in which Bunch made its rruiguanirno i* r* • intatlon of the spirit with which It hiui pursu'd ! him: i Beside this o*rpsc tlmt bear* for winding sheet The Star* and Htrlpe* he lived to rear anew, Between the mourners at hi* head and feel Ray, scuriile Jester, I* there room fur > oti? • •••••••• Ye*, he had lived to shanv iim frotn my sneer. To UriM* my pencil and confine my |*en To make m* own thi* hind—of primes |H*er. This rall-spdtter—a true-bofn king of nn n * "Fiction can furnish no match for the rom.ino of Id* life, and biography will be sea relied In vain for such startling vicis situde* of fortune, so great |>vt*r and glory won out of such humble beginning' 4 lid verse circuit? - * an-=•-.- • • • "It is now forty since I first mm and heard Abraham Lincoln, but the ini pression which In* left on my mitxl is |n * ffa* eable. After his great su* • • --• * In the VA'est earn*- to New York t< nitik*- ** 1-HiU'sl add He upp- .if l in every sense of the word like one of thi nkatn l>eo|)le ansMiK whom he loved to l count ed. At first sight there was nothing im pressive or imposing about him—except that hi* great stature singled him out from the crowd; his cloth*** hung awk wardly on his giant frame, his face was of a 'lark pallor, without the alightest tinge of color: hi* seamed and rugge*! feature*, bora the furrows of hardship and struggle; hi* b *p-* t eye* lM.k* and sad and anxious, his countenance in rf'i****' gave little evident * of that brain |Kw*er which had raised him from th* lowest u th highest stAtion among hi* countrymen; a* he talked to me before th* me*ting. he •WMd ill at eas. with that sort of appr* hoaoton which a young utnn might fee| before pr.-enting Min.olf to anew anl s rnige audi.-n wfio-e critical disposition h* Urea and. U wi -a great audlen e. Including n'| th no ed men-all the learned ar.d cult ore I- o hh l>arty in New York, editor-. • B rgytie n statesman, lawyers me f har ts, crltl * They were all very curioti- o h a r him His fame tat* a p.>we ful s| **aker Bad pre oUwl him. and exagg*ra*'d rumor f hi* wit the wcr-l forertiimer of an ora tor-had reached 'he E t. VA tie Mr Bryant presented him. n the itign pat form of the Cop r Inr.Bute, n va t • <i of eager, upturned far * gr* -led un ul of Intena** curiosity to nee sh it thi-* m l" child of th* |ie* pie was like. lie was equal to th* occ.ioton. When h -pok he wa* transform *l. h.s eve klndl l ,* volet rang, his fn •*• *iione an*l seemed o l.gut Up the Whole semi|< ly Far 111 hour and a half he held his no* diene* in the hoj.t wof hi* hind His sty la of spcvca and nvuuirr . f delivery ware severely oitiiim*. What Lowell railed. *Tie grand simplicities of the Blblle* with which h** was so familiar, were reflected In hi* discourse. With no attempt at ornament or rhetorl . without parade or pretense, he s|M>ke straight to the poirit. If any cam* expecting the turgid eloquence or the ribaldry of the fionter, they musi have tH*qi startle.) at tbc earnest and sincere purity of his ’- terances. It was marvellous to *e how thus untutored nuin. by mere self-disci pline, and th* B ch.* ning of his own spir it. had outgrown all meritricious arts, and found his way to the grand* ur and strength of absolute simplicity • • • "Alas! In five year* from that exultitn' night, i saw him again, foe :*• I;m time, in th* same city, borne m hlr* coffin through Its draped streets. With tear* and lamentations a heartbroken peop> aciXimpanied him from Washington, t • scene of hi* martyrdom, to his last rest ing place in the young city of th West, where he had work* and his way to fam* • • • "in all the grandeur of the vast power that he wielded, he never ceas* I to !**• one of the plain people as he alw jys exil ed them, never k*t or lmp.ilr> his jw*r fect symt*athy with (h*m, was alw tvs i perfect touch with them rind open to th lr appeal*, and here lay th*- very secret of his personality and of their power, for th* people In turn gave him their abso lute confidence t ID- courage, his forti tude. hi* patience, iie hopefulnes- were sorely aried btr. never exhaust* t • • • "The gTow'h and development of Lin coln's mental power and moral force of his Intense an*! magnetic personality, after th** vnM responsibilities of govern meut were thrown upon him ut the age of 52, furnish a rare and striking diustra A New Comer Expected It will tiring joy and com tort, es(>ccially if its birth V\ is made t mother. f (jp - Children born under painful circumstance*or ttur- Yk-o'' roundings licfore <r during accouchement are rarely 'vA strong. ilthy. X ’ • Parents and relatives should recommend a trial of l^)h" " Mothnr’r. fniooff" for external nsr-. It lx a simple and effective lininn nt, rdievinz all p;tin by relax- " ing the muscles. There is nothing like it in th>- world. m wmh Md hyUt ISvrr*."*"' to. .t—" P* ef. 11 ol po -a I per tMlle. lwmli'J-H-M Tkt: SUMMS Be*.l Lgyus CO., Allnatu. Urn. kmj. • *( I. Owe. tion of the truirvekHis capaott> and adopt ability <Af the human inte4lev*t f th* 4cuiui mind In the mund body. He cam* to the dlftchflirvr of the great duties of the pre.-Uiency with absolutely no expe rience in the Mdnvnlr'ration of govern menrt. or of the vastly varied and >x*mpil at*d queattoqs of foreign Ht>l vlomesflc policy w h immediately *xne* and con tinuad t pr*so u|sn lum during the rsst of h** life, but he mastered **ch as u * nine (ptHtrently with the facility of t% trained and experlencod ruler A Clarendon said of (’.omweli *Hts part a • emetl m I* by the demAnda of great station Hk life thmugtx It all wo* one of inteniM* labor, anxiety and d*s tr*iis. wlthwrt imh blur of peaceful r*- j***-t to every occituton. He lel public opinion, but did not march *•> far In nd v.inca of It is to fall of Its effective -up |K>r: in every great emergency. He knew the heart and thought of the people, a* no man not in constant and absolute svm ptahy with them could have known it. and so. bidding thsir confldnce. he tri umphal through and with them Not only w* tbur** this steady growth of tn trlled. but th* tnfln'te delicacy of his na ture and it* capacity for reflnament de vHoped also, as exhibited tn th* purity find perfection of hi* language and style of -peech The rough woodsman who had never s#en th* Inside of a unlx'erslty. became tn Ike end. hy s*lf traln r.g and the of his own |*>w’ r of inind heart and soul, a master of style ami some of his utteranee* wilt rank with the best, the moat perfectly adapted ii the occasion which produced them." Many rotab'e p*rsor were In the an dl*nc‘ and Mr t'hoate was frequently applauded. lord Rosebery*, replying to a vote ol thanks for presiding, sdd: * Lin. oil) W* one of the great figures of th* nlnet#enth century To me | lus a|ho that he w * the *c'vd fo'iinfer of the gre.vt republic II • t r* iitfth rested <vn two rock---unflleehtnc prlnelpl* and Illimitable common sense One distinguishing feature that dl!Si*o cl Med him from all the other great man of history was hi* Immens* fund of humoi F.I.KS AMI THV VBTMUM. They Are MrUrk Things Qwftte Live ly In tuaiists. Augusta. G . Nov 13 *lTie PTlks' rartit v ,il ha* ieen In full bkft to-day ami Broad street was crowded to-night with merrymakers and confetti throwers There war- another comic par** I* to-nlghl and the Midway was crowded. Everything Is in readiness for the open ing of the Confederate Veterans' Re union tomorrow. Hundreds of veterans hi\e already arrived. and empty sleeve* are be*-nmllig notice* big In the crowds 7>l vision heart quart* ra. In the Leonard budding, have prrvo-nted busy scene all day. and to night the committee has been distributing meal tlckei*. iwirtgca and naalgnlng sleep ing quarter*. The lower floor of the Hickrom I'Ulhltng hoe fitted up a a dining I,all for the veteran*. The six long (able* running th** full length of the spacious building will seat 4i> at one tlm* and the veterans will cum* In relnys until all have been fed. Everything B neat and ippettztng and the epre*d will be abundant To-morrow the morning koura will be occupied with the detail* f organisation, while the afternoon will lw devoted t* the iddresses of weloom* by Mayor Mr -nn .md Chairman Boykin AA'rtgit *nd i,. r ei*i*or• on leh.ilf of tha division by Gen Clement A Evans Among the tllstlngulshed \ls4*ers in the city to-day 1* the venerabl Har.y nil. Ar*'hdea xn of Havwnn th. wh*se r-*- I* In Brunswick Col. C4*sll par ti* tpated in the -klimlsh after th- fall o Fort tiumter, and with tb exe* of Jefferson Imvls wa* the list prlw.*f)*r to .* rel**.tHcd after the wr He eit* •! Ihe geririce a private anl earn* *ut a colonel, Mrg twice wounded. Msi * f the unpa will arrive tomorrow morning on the early train*. Lap'll I MaF RE-Vl* At A A HE BltlE* Talk Of Hlffle nit tea Bet w een Japan and Russia. S' Petersburg. Nov 13. —ln the first of .i series of articles on the relations be tween Japan and Burnt.i the Nov os Vr*n ya makes the predict ion - probably In spired—that the estrangement between the two countries xvlll lw transient. The ar ticle rei-all* the former te*ttmonlal* of Russian friendship for Japan and the p lagoglc services rendered the M'k*i *> irmy and navy by Rusa The paper asserts that the difference* existing be tw*n the tWi governmuts are due to \\ * f European Dowers, wno Inspired the Jwponese ambition to acquire Cores. I %M ALTIE9 IN CMROM3 1., Child Burned to Heath—Cripple lirownril Himself. Columbia. 8. C.. Nov. 13.—1n Dials lown -hip. Ixurtn* county, to-day, two little children of Elbert Martin climbed into their father's cotton press, which wo* partly filled with cotton. It is supposed they struck a match. Or.* was burned to death ami the other will die. WIU It. Mark/, for twenty years an In valid and cripple, drowned himself in Spartanburg to-day Hi# cothlng ami ruche# were found on ih* bank of Whites mill-pond. The water la being drown off to-night. WILL WKIJ ONK THE IIOIIRR. Germany (•lad In Have Them In Her A f rtean I aln>. Berlin, Nov. 13.—The governnwu has officially Informed the Colonial Council that it will gladly grant permission o 15.(j*X> Transvaal Boer# to trek through the Katasuri desert to terrliory in German Bouthve*i Africa Arrangements, there fore, are now being made to welcome the vanquished Boers a* anew and valuable element for the colony. % Aea Hlennishlp Line. Baltimore. Nov. 13 —A movement is-on f*t to revive the project to eatahlish st* amshlp line leu ween Balllmore and the VA •st Indies. A company was formed two year# ago with this object In view, but box been held In abeyance. Allll and Klextt,#r Burned. Wichita Fall#. Tex., Nov. 13.—The Wichita Mill and Elevator rompiny’s . levator art.l warehouse burned last night (>## Is s!£>.oUo. fully covered by Insurance The mill wn* saved and also a lurg< quan tity of grain. t.lft From Rockefeller. Cleveland. O . Nov. 13 -John I). Ibicke fe.b-r has given to the bußdnz fund of the College of Dhy#lc ant end Burgeons tn thi# city. PROUD OFNER HAIR Mi** Turns* Arks****, th. w.ll-knnwn .Ir&mktlr l•>lr. wrlK* u* th. following l.ttrr from h.r rrwit.leuc. *) W l.tth Htnwi, N.w Vork City. Thi* ,n4 T.rlilo young l*ly hu mxl. n onviM. nm. for h.r*.l( on th. ataff. by her •xccliont work tu support of Mime of Uio l.ulmy *ter,<'. bring notvl tn lltrrarv anrl ,rt otrrto* u adapt with thr p.n and pondl. Bh. W justly proud Ttr a-s, of hor magnlSonat band ol bulr. whn h u shown tosilyontagolu Utoaccompuuyuig V Tfi “Som. tlm. *o, whrn my hir w* , /Lygr hmhi>d, I notirrd mor,- and tuoro th. Ineiawa of h*ir l.ft on the <nmt> My -g rwg •<*,lp br.'m. dry und my hair grow thin \ j *o rapidly thot 1 h*d to rbungo thi stylo ffßg of wnarlug It I thru trird various hair JjMM wW#l tonics, th. .tlm of which waa to inakn j* *SS my ncalp .srrrdmgly trndrr, and tha hair stiff and hrml. whrn dry. I rr . jxC* l wind to try Cnrirru Noir. _ * jtS c-'SfltA fort I .ipnrnc>d I had givan it I aluOK trial waaa" grwatlhat I datrrmiliad Taking • ar. to hav. tha Q room w.iiu, I W.uild shall)p.., iy h.s! 'mmSF with a strong lalharof t i ticuua Soar, mMmUOj lotting uremsm for .om.'lim.., I would I thru wash It off with warm water, and XwXl - , J dry thoroughly. Aftar a short timamy ' bHr 1 hair r.aaad coming out, growing soft and 7 silky to Uin touch, t’rm in* Soar is 4 marvellous, and I would not lio without it for my toilet table. ’• RA VK Torn || AIR with .hampoo. of Crrncra* soar and light dressing, of rVTtrvaa, purr.! uf rmollieut skin rurr,. Tin. tr.slmrnl st once .lows fslltn* kalr, r< mo< r. cruets, .. airs, and daiclnilt, WH>th.s Irrlulrd, Itrhlnir surtar.*, sUmulatni th hair follu suppllr* thr roots with rtirry. awl nourlahtnral, and makes the hslr grow upon a wholesome, health) sralp when all rise falls. rmit MILLIONS OF WOMEN I'hr Cpti rrtu Ho if rrtu<Mely for proeorTlrg, pnrffvlng. and hesutlfylng Ih# slrtn, for oirsnslng (ho srslp of cmihP. hcaUm, and daodniff, and th* ainpplnf nf Rkill falling Hair, for •ofieuUig. whtlacing. and aoothtng red, rnagh. and M>ra hand*, la jksNMJI th*- form of bath# for annoying irritation* and rhaflngH, or 100 frw or offasalv* • ps fapiratt n. In tho f*rm of waaba* for uloevaltvs wUbmm. and for many Hr I** chi* antueptic pnrposra which rondlly *u *••( thrmorirea u, sod ••geclaiif F* sifia mother* and for #ll the |*ur|HjMw of ths toilet, both, and nursery. Bold throughout the word. Prick. **<• purrs# Dies ard Cues. Cost., Sol# Prop#* CurietOA Kxaswtxs. " All about lb HkUt, Bcaip, and Hair ** Iras. AA ILL MAKE Rt MIIEN TIB*. New I nni-ern Iflua I'uri'linxeri l ora t 100 st Am lulm V#ldnsu. fi , Nov. 1.1 A large rubber tire manufacturing company ha# purchas ed m location In thin city, and. It is said, will move Its plant here at once. The concern wdl employ from thirty to fifty expert workmen, and the pay roll will be large It w'lll manufacture rubber tires for bicycle*, buggies and automobile#, having a patent -n an Inn* r mle w hich le proof Mg tin puncturing The . ompany Is lacke<l by umrd* capwal ond the enter prise bi*ls fair to be a very important one for Ihi* entire .teflon. Elder F L. A* am# i*f the Christian Church has accepted a call to Ghat'* no* at a. and ex|e ts to Imu* next Balur day to take up his duth# there. If'* prea* bed hi** last term* li here cm> Hunday tn the Knlgnts of Uyihls# Eldar Ad ame lias lived here for rt\e or six yeira and has served the Christian Church a# pastor. During the lime he marrbd •n* of Valdai#'* most popular youi .f women, Mlsa Dellte llrtgg> ui.d hi* removal Is very much regretted by the m uiy frb-nd* (rf Inith A negro, Clifford Williams, w.* mashed to death in the yards of the Plant Bys trm lust night while coupling car* ID* Mtep|Ms| between the cars to niMk* . coup ling uihl trle*| t*> pass to the iqiposlte side of the. track, lie caught letween the cars, dying hi hour after the accblcnt AA 11 Hams lived at TluxusvllW and had been working for die Plant Hystem about fifteen years. The large ia / laud to the north of the city is to be cut up into town 4ot# ami put on the market for sale. The prop erty ha# l*e-n brought in close touch wttn the clt! by trie building of the cor line, and ft Is expected mat a year hence th* entire place will be dolled with cottagt m. qIKIN MAAI .s IPilUt >1 AM. l"ortuiPs R(i> Ml Lady I*l tinges to the Hes "tie. • Jim ..I Mil* M Ml* l* i • hi Ind Ulbon Is tinging with jaaine for the cour age which she has displayed. Hhr has save.! a life, the life of a Asherman named Catalan lie w i In (larger of drowning at Ciscoes, a few mile# from Lisbon, where the royal family Is sojourning. 4*at#lao. It seems, had Just landed her Majesty from a small Iswt and was turn ing around when the litlie craft capsix***! and he was thrown Into the ecu. hoi.g fearles#, and an excellent swim mer. the (Juren unhe-ualingiy plunged Into the water, nd with a few vigorous stroke* reached the sinking man. fly main strength she held up his head until two other fishermen came to her aid find Cat alao was brought to Ihe snore Then II was found that oh* of his legs was broken and usless. Ily the Queen*# orders the suffering man was conveyed to the royal palace and oh* Is dire ting arrangements tor his care and comfort. Her devotion Is the subject of much eulogistic comment. The Queen was the prun e** of orlsana- Bourbon ami m daughter of the late Comle de Paris w nen she married King Dom Carlo# I of Portugal on May 22. IWK. They have two children The Quean has ern studying medicine and has established . pub .c clinic at the royal pni#rc fin# has done a great deal In Portugal for Ihe Improvement of women’s o|qH>rtunlies for education. - . A 4*l KEN KISSED Mi lt I.OVEH. AA llhelmlnn and the Drake Hid Josf as other Penplr. From Ih Philadelphia Record. Berlin. NoV 4^—Queen Wllhelmlna. of the Net her la mis. met yaaterday for the first time on German rod her lover, Duk* Henry of Mecklcnburg-Bchwertn. and the two kissed ench oilier heartily. Just like those of less exalted station The meeting occurred at the Venlo station Hamburg, whither the royal sje -(lal from IDdhtrul arrived in th mid#*, of n rwlnrtonn. On the arrival of the royal train the young couple flung tnelr arm* round each other and kisaed xach other affecti*aal"ly A group of Dutch residents, about ra strong In evening dress, sang the Dutch national anthem. Two young girls dreaaed In white then entered the • ii*s>n carriage and present ed Queen VVllheimlnu and her mother with bouquets of roses. The Queen re mained tst the window until the train steamed out of the station, and bowed repeatedly in reply to the cheers of those present. laMMe (iMthiMMtl Killed. Atlanta. Nov. 13—Mr Isaac Guthmann. a prominent rMiisn of Atlanta, was run down by an electric car In the center of the city this afternoon. Hi* Injuries re sulted fatally. Price of Whbki to t.o I p. Fiankfort. Ky , Nov 13.—The Ptite Board of Aa"*e#ment and Valuation 'o day fixeil the tax valuation of whDkv at $lO a barrel, instead of $7. w hich has been the assessment fen- #• verul yanrs (•#!. —A llerlotis Objection—"l don't see how you ran permh your Willie to play with that Donohue boy. He uses shocking lan guage." "Merry! Is he playing with that little wretch?" "Yte, thej are Just around the corner. I know you woidin't want him contaminated." "('ontamluatrd! Why. the Donohue mump has the whoop ing cough!"-Cleveland Plain Dealer. W A* i AI.LIOn TO *C7W IOIIK, •I. IV. Havninnil Trnnsferred to Mai** ln '• llentl tlffler. Hrunewtrk. tin., Nov. 13 -Mr If RL Kayniond, General Southern Agent of tha Ms (lory Steamship Lins and agent of tha Clyde Steamship Line, with head qua worn at Brunswick, will leave the South within a few dava to accept a position high tn the council** of the Mallory people at ; New York headquarters. He will be stic coeded in the local field by his brother, .Insepii UayniofHl. an experience*! steam ship man. The d**|iarrure of H If Raymond from the Mouth will be a serious lose to trana portation clr les as he Is one of Ihe lead ers in all of the association* The lose to Brunswick is Inestimable on he hrta Invested largely In local steamboat lines, and wa active as a dsvelnped of Atlan tic sea coast reports, as well a a (urge investor in v.irtoua public i-nt-rjinsia. The Afallory people have long relied on his excellent Judgment In promoting their business tn Hou'hern fields and he hag t-*w become so valuable to them that they want hta entire time in the Near York office The exsot title of Mr Ray mond's office has not vet l)*en announced, but It will he the higheat In the gift of the company and carrv with it compen a.ittou worthy of the office and the man. J. I*. MOTK* W A* At Ml ITT Wit. Moeon Man Tried on Aerloas (barge In f'harlestoa. Charlegton. H C Nov 18.—J. L Mot*-s of Miron. Oa , was aequlttad In tha Court of General Hcsd<me hare to-day of breach of trust. Motes was (mploysd by a storekeeper of Ht Andrews’ IMrtsh ta a clerk He ran the establishment ml made weekly return* to ttis proptietor. last M irrji the storeke**|>er took stock and alleged that young Motes wan s.t>l ahor* Moles was arrested and placed fen Jail, whirr he h*s been ev*r since. The matter attweted 'Oiclderable attention at th** tlm* and was fully rwponted In th# Morning News. Motes has let er* of rec- from leading G**orgla of fice tiobbrs. and claims to i>** well cofi ne tel in Ma. on He made a plain, siralghtforward etatrn*nt t> the Jury, protesting his Innocence. The Jurors ev idently beloved him as agalnnt the ac cusing storekeeper MINX'* N IHIIOW MCiPC. ('•■■hi In *bnriln Hhllr Mr W„ 1.,r1n, n I'nllrj. rharlmton. 8. C.. Nov. U.— Norton Munn. ,n appicnlle* at (hr Blvrralih lion Work,, hail a mart ?lou rgcpt from <• -alh hr 10-dy. While U< Ihk , blt. hi, hand awl arm wrrr emugi I in tha )a<'liur. and hr m whlriri round an I round by th mui'hlnrry for arvrral ir.o nvnu. B|rrtatr* Ihroight hr would bi Klllri’ at rvrry r.vulullui) of h>- Ina. hut wlirn thr machinery was flnuiljr *<op|HM il wok foun t that Munn had oaprd with a broken arm lie woo { rch when ukrn from hi* lurc.inoua no attlon anh alnioat in*rn*lM.. hut aavo th* fraoturrl bon* in hi* left arm. thrP, wa* not a ratch on him. Nrw* t* r• iut Tnltn liaMirr. Tallaliaaarr. Kla , Nov. IJ.—Rohrrt Prmton ha brrn broustii h*r* for trral rn-m I-, Drf*R i: t’hllhrlok a* <atn ovrr from (inlwlrn county laat Saturday nlKhl. to atirnd a negro fctlval on Lake Jacktut. whrra .he •< *hot in the Momacto. Thr Klorida Ilallrcad Com mi • ion wa, in ***e!un ail of Monday and la atlli tn Mraaion. a Ur** number of Iran*- portatkm men preaent. I) K Ja-k <inA Jainra Mrtistr* of thr riant By Mrm } e- In* tn attendance from Savannah Th* okjrai of ihM meeiln* la to couadcr frelht rotea. t Mart to Arrange Indrniufty. Hhunghnl. Nov. 13.—11 was isseited hera that ih*‘ Empress Dowager has ii f-> nte I H.r Kutier llsre. director of the imperial maritime customs, to nrrmge the Indem nity question with lilt Bowers. •All imperial edict p|* lilts 14 Hung Chang to raplsca Get Yung lax a fro* erullsslmo of the .Northern srmy. —i Three **a> Hr a t laah. Tien Tain, (undated), via Bhanahal, Nor. , IJ—The HuerianK have .mfered thr for , ,*ner in the railroad hourra at Umlt- Ku to vacate th* butlilinaa and the RrMißlt have Kent ther* a company of Infantry and 1 a boundrral Horn hay rvairy, ordertn* three troop, to retain and protect tho property. ,%ll Vtrrr tkeaoaed. Ijnndon. Nov IS.—The Wiiaoa IJn* t*atn*r Angelo, hound from Christiania. Norway. * for Hull, which went aahoro Sunday night near Wlthernara. on th* lock shire com;, and ail of whooe pa*, onitri and craw were rescued, ban bean floated nnd towel to Grimsby road, Mill l.eave kmerleua. Amrticti*. Oa.. Nov. 13.—J. K|>P* Brown, for eevcnl yrsrr srncral martascr of the Amerlcua ofH.v. Bel! Telephone Company, hua been promotid to itealraMe ixmliion in ihe Atlanta erftb Mana*er Brown waa extremeiy popular tier*, and xreat regret la expressed at hi* contemplated de parture , 5