The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 14, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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11l ME n %* HOT HICH. I k H **•• It W* I'oor. I.nkc Maitland Nrni. t,v Muitland, Fla . Nov. 13 —The press > p from OrUindo announcing h* , ro * ,ng of Mr. Hume at Lake Howell vs n; i. uIiUK m stating that h* wm a ana* grower." On the contrary f v , i poor man. nd on this account j si* mystic trouble, which w.ia the . ms suicide. Bcygral years ago tle wife went West and on the , ,p itfemptett to commit suicide by i w n* from the train while it was go *r g , • full #peed. Recently hi* trouble* i .id r* v l upon hi* mind to such an ex .nf ■ *{ life became a burden too heavy • r mto longer bear— hence suicide \\ is'* had one or two cold snaps this i or. but Met night the thermomettv *>roi i nearly to 4fl. amt in t*x;oeel l iar, killed a great deal of garden truck :ng Inio o tine condition on ae ,i.i .1 a recent refreshing rain It i .imp ii our aging >o our ttu k garden ,r- t*# be ro often “itruck*' by *oll i,ij • e frequency of w.Jch in !ate hi * surprising. If the weather pro •>, -■ are correct In tlp'ir predi tton*. we •, have an early and very cold win , Flcrkla. I'earh tree* are In full i or. her* now. and this ind.catw*# th* *# . irlv pr*. he* in oini cold snaps . *nt r.*l Lecom** mo e severe Mn ■ i ani .Iclnity will shtp enough nr. in give on> {kicking hou.-e a pay ,g t i.ess Kx-Alderman W H Reyn . t m orange.buvinsr and shipping nr. Heard. Rails A Reynolds, has al :ea<. to New Y'ork for the e.*on to rtf o " of oranges and grape-fruit 'her* Hi grove is the best of our small , rov <i l hi* crop of grape-fruit is line T hows that groves properly ir, here come Into profitable bear ing Ii ■ county, but of extursa not to the “Mcnt as In the Qulf const com We are ho|eful of a good win ter < -and plenty nf guests (or the sear- M otnzer E. J Steele of Ml- higar, opens • Dark Hotioa very* soon, and our Nort *i residents will toon arrive and • .pen i i-ir winter j , 1.0011 HO \liN MOt How ll lln• HetieflleiN the People of *n n ford. San f Fla.. Nov 13—In no county anyw r- has the “good roods' movement *cn m*re successful than here In Orange ount While much of this l. due to the enterprise of the people generally, much redit is due President H II Dick #-on of Orlando of the Board of County comnilsioners. and Capt. Georg* H Fernld of this city, one of the most setiv. u ltd popular members of the toard Every town and city In the coun ty re a bed by our new clay roads has • iken *>h new life, while Orlando and I Sanford merchants aire reaping a harvest • orr the largely increased country trade. The bed Indication of:hi** I.** seen in th* i-w bu#ine*e houses recently opened here, j-d th* increased i Hvitjr in a.l branches #•' trade Hanford wa.* thought io be ad. not long #ig. bit she w cftly . deep, and was wake i up with renewel ■ * i ■ 1 • 1 M l. . r sailed up the* street*-., w .Ik.- n<) pirka) 'id Is moving gracefully forward i* a ight and happy future. Even our mg ted hotels ar#* being overhauled an i y eatly improved. President F\ H. Rnl making extensive and costly improve ment# in the once famous Sanford House, which M:,ag*r Ingle heart of New Y'ork v 111 soon oj*n. Georgia has given Sanford and Orlando i any good citizens end some splendid ty, county and state officials. Sheriff Anderson, who naw Jus* died at Orlando, v is from Covingt#*n. * . ar.d for years ■<s the popuiHr sheriff of the county * efficient ami popular clerk of the Maj J. N Bradsnaw. is a,so from ngion. while President If H Dlck also a long-time offi iai In the Board ounty lomm. oners was formerly • Atlanta pn. * r and publisher. John r* s Esq wnois n (gromlnent Orlundo i* • er. n 1 is ronti sling Judge Begg*’ pri r* election as state's attorney for th‘ ilt. Is an old Atlanta hoy. son of th* lb v I>r. Jones He made h it * against Bcgg* time surprie*-.! his • t ardent suppormrs. 1 AT AI.TAWOVrt: SI'HIYGI. 'tuny faaprox ements llcliik Made In flic Florida lt*ort. Mtam>nie Sprlrjgs. Fla ~ Nov. 13—No I** in Orang* county has waked up" r r* actively in the matter of new lif*\ • improvements i in this once noted oter resort, where for two w i "The First I.ady of the !*it.d“ guess. Mrs. General V ft Grunt was 1 • one M*on. uni Mis? Rose Elizabeth ; v .and another. Then our cottage j •v -* are am*>rtr the wealthiest people ; 1 the counir v. ihc \Vestlnghou.*-es. i I •- . Currier- Browns. C,re*ns. and • •r, who have eiegoi * winter residences I thrifty orange *ro\c •!.- ~{ m ! iy coveted or shedd< and to protc v l rn from a tr* ze I**ant Sw am has late v !u. t a freight depra in pia* e of in * old one , •• “troyei hv fire, and pia cel it on *hc j • n aide *f th* track a * the j a senger | It It I t gnatlliciHon of tne jMiiroi. o; the l i novif Mg ato l ,r n Palm Hprlngs t*> thi flice ,nl Is • olng a fine si and J>\§ fam i ♦! ilt* an M*l*li'ion io the sqcfa l ir s here Mr. N H. Fcgg Y*ir* ar*t , •state dealer, has i-pvPi it l 1 r* h * (uvwent year in growing* .V nfg ro, * .*• iv t and i> proud of hi* sue eras orange groves are doing well *ev- I n*. in ful Iteaili.g Mr. Bruwn . ho. grove tangerines, which ] • it l,ke grapf fruit, at a hlg.i figure. H nniLlt Ml ii \|-|> %Ll\ F. horrible Torinre Inflicted ntt n Mls tlonsrv llthoi. n Nov. M-Private advices an that the Catholic German tnl--| -r ' r bishop, II >ntmer. wus horribly 1 and then burned alive at Tu* • *C g . ' new batch of letters from soldier* in j 1 ' -i ; f ars to-diy |n a number of pi -"vlug horrible demils of w iolesale n C’hinamen nt I.muig Plan and htf' th* press generally does 1 '*'• ogniaan* of these revelations MOVH.HKV* l*lkTO> BWTST. M ". in, |,|, of I lilted '•lnim a easels Io the Fast. ngton. Nov. 13 —A ben: piston rod ' ■! Ms return of the monitor Monte loti * K*ng soon after sr.r ha I i for Canton Tin damage is ■ •iing to reports to the navy c ", • m.f nt dler* Nero and Iroquois arrived ” duiti Nov 3 The Scorpion has 1 ai Cape Hayiian. the Mononaa Hampton Ro l>. the Potoma at the Albany at Hlntapor*- and the at St Thomas T c latter is on *• south to Jmi Admiral Sc.ilcy’ Tip Gl.tciti has al c*i Ir m for Brisbane. Root l(rncli*s Hnvana. *. Nov u —Ellhu Root Fnltad ?**creiary©f War. arrived here this; on the new steamer Morro Castle, ft New York Saturday afternoon. • mer made the passage In three nd four hours. Killed In Ills \i Ifr. f ,r ’d. O . Nov. 11 lrvin* King, an d!e r , to-night was shot and !nt n'- ed by id- wire while he was try ng k into her King was - ‘ *• drunkard and had been divorced * his wife aevcral year* ALL THE \MV** %T %\ %VCHOAk. Itnlls for \%a>rr> \tr Line—Harris* Case \ol I'roocd Waycross. Ga.. Nov. 13— Twenty ci loads of steel rail* came in Maturd night for the Waycross Air Line Hail toad. The rail is being laid as f.-t possible on the extension of the road • Fitzgerald The rail being lakl on the n**w par: of the toad is heavier than that us and on this end of the line. A parts of ten or twelve gentlemen left here yesterday morning in asp !al tar for South Fioiitld. where they will spcd ten day- or two w*ek- hunting a \ - mg Hulmes. a young while mao. *•• srrewted during th.* fair ch.irp and with operaung „ Ulnd tiger and Is tu Jail. Holicltor General John W Bennett wi taken quite sick yewiaiday. and hu place in tii* court room wa- ably filled by ' i J Walter Bennett The solicitor I be ter to-Uay Prof Sniilh, |e%i*ler of the Buskin Band has i>erme a rest*ient of Waycros- The case ~f the -tate vs Jim Harri charged with the murder of H. H. \:n *on. w., the flist called on th** crim docket. The rase was md \ r *.-*■ and fot w ant of evidence Thers je some talk of th* next Wgx ro* fair being turned into sureer rniv , with racing *: the grounds • i h fte noon. Rev J B K Smith an l Mr T I, Brown left to n.ahr for Augusta, wh* i they go to attend the Confederate reun ion Mr Smitn wili s r.g his mmik and deliver hi* spieiMkl address on the Con fliers'e soldier. Ex-Sen*tor K O Dickerson w-s in the city to- lav unending Superior Conn The attention of Ware ftuperior ’*urt h been engaged nvdajr in the tr. il of •he case against Babe Flahar. lt>-year-oi l son of th* Inte B 8. Fisher He Is ivargcd with assault with Intent to mur- Utr Y’oung Fisher attenle*l m school, breaking up some week* ago in the Jon* < M'ttlment five tniie* north of town ■ While there he got Into a difficulty with Alvin James, a D-year-old son of Mr W. T James, and In the melee he shot James in the neck. The wound *wune near ki I ir.g the young man, a It | * 4 i*d thr uah his windpipe and wa* ?-wall* wed. He goi ! well, and Fisher %■* being v|goou!*ly p oa ! ecu ted. Acting ftolidtor J Walter Bennett i oseisted in the proaocution oy Judge j I, Sweat, and lion. I- A. Wilson and Pol. J Crowley are conducting the e fense About dfteer witnes s* have *c n subpoena-| by each side. Only thirty four voters hove regi Isrel so far for the city elec:ion Th* bo k ire open iunng the month of Novembe DENIAL* Fit ll M CHHMINV. \sertect Von nldersr**s Authority l Hraperted. Berlin. Nov. 11—The German preaa has tecelved the announcement of the diplo matic agreement at Pekin favorably. The Vosaiech Zeitung denies the state ments of the Bngdsli papers that Fount von Waldersee'.* authority is not resfiecte*i ,y the Russiana adding • The very best proof that II is respect *i is furnished by the fa i tliat Russia gave up the railroad from Taku to Bhang rait Kwan to the British *t the tl- maud of Fount von \\ aide ra* The aspersions cast by the Fran h yel low book on Germany regarding h r at titude In China are challenged by m num ber of p**p**rs. It Is asserted ii*at Fount von Butlow on April bordered 11German gunboat Utls to Join In the naval demon stration In the Gulf of Rechill. It i* mlso aseerte<l that Count von Buelow statement that no disturbances need !*• feared In Bhan Tung ha* since Uen cor roborat*p*i by the fa ts The government also denies that Ger many Is strenuously opposed to the partic ipation of Belgium. Denmark and Holland in she Pekin negotiations. AIHbHD HE W A* Ht M OKU. flow a Gforgls Alan Loat Hl* Moll In Itiflimond. An. * Richmond. Y . Nov 13.—K. H way. a cattle taiser of Washlnguvn. • ounty, <*eorgla. wa buncoed out of s.'*> on Monday He came her© to sell .<1 *t of cattle. Soon after his arrival h* in* t up with a man who intro<iu*d him - If hs B F Stanley, of Nashville. Trim m • tmndrd horse-trader. Stanley's liard luck Htory so appealed to F.Ulmvs,> that h* paid his hotel hill for several days After Callaway had sold his cattle he and St m b*y wer** w tlklng down Main street, when the Inner suggested that they g- Into a j*.Joon and taK* a drink They went into a saloon, but Callaway denies taw: he b*k drink Two strang ers entered from he rear of the si icon and Invited Callaway to throw dice, bur h.* declined One of the strangers sai I "Yen have no money.'* whereupon Callaway pulled out his roil A* h- laid the takes on the counter, one of th strangers snatched the pile and ne and hi* partner fl* *! through the rear l*M>r. while Stan ley took the front duor route. TEN PEOI*I,E INJt MED. Lake kliore l'aenuer Man Into m Frelwht Train. Kahmaioo, Mich.. Nov. 13 —Ten people were injured In a collision between a nonhtstund Lake Shore passenger train and an extra freight train whl* h met head-on. three miles south of thi> city tlhs sfteroon Injured M J. Curtl baggageman. Internally. Thomas Wilmington, exprtss messenger. mcrnally injured Brakeman Adair..*. collar bone and leg broken Seven others ©scaped with sight Inju ria*. \ Try log to Ont llell Telephone. Des Moines. la.. Nov. 13. Suit was fo gun to-day by K. M Hub:.*l and C. M Campbell to oust the Iw* (Hell) Te e phone Company from the street- of T> * Mollies on the ground that it frinrhi e has expired The company will re?|st n the ground that the City Council ha- ie peoirdiy recognized It* existence since th f ranch I**? expired and aiao on the ground* 0 f vested rights, hiving mote then fIOO,- *•* invested .n Its plants AAnnt a \A lin*a Frm New York. Berlin. Nov IS—During the three day*' trial of the rich Berlin banker. Sternberg, for n n wi.eged offense against mortality, the court directed that Margaret Fischer, an important fugitiv* witness, now in New York, should be summoned by cable ind that her expenses should he paid in Hie same way She is the wrongest wit ness for the state panilrr Ho war llloxtn I p. Pin Francisco. Nov 13—The groin-mix ing hou*e of the Giant Powder Company „t g.-.hrian’V. fifteen m‘|es from here wws Mown up to-day. John C. Iloffeimeyer. foreman, and two Chinamen wire killed Inquest •*atponel. The inquest Into the killing of Con •taniine fikldls by Joe May nor *• poet foned from Just night to Sunday night Horsford s Acid Phosphate 0/t<M Good Digestion. Taken regularly after meal*, remove, the mm# of diitreee. oppression and ■‘all gone" feeling of the stomach. Genuine beer* none Ttre..pp > * ,n wrapper. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1900. WILL IT BECOME POPU LAK? Ilow Pn You Like This New Fail f Vegetarian.*, anti ffe.- drinker* vhd fo and rank- of cv. > ,i r.ptl n. mud :;oa •k- i tack * at, fra i. w .a i has th<* fiior A '•*'!> | a,, i* *nt y been fo tnsd th mens**** s of wt.* h pledge thsivsMvei jU> cat i food whatever th.t has ben Ti.ey U m (I Ut OOked fod I* th* < , , i o*i: rn ! e . to no c oka i to and wr and, th* ref-He. if *> t ,o t e -ame. vigor •nd h* a I til , ... r 4* w ii P‘* rt ni ,t. iia jin*., . raw wheat. ,IW r Kis taw ivetyt .i.K i th entic ing b.ll of f, r out t > the * lit 111-1- aetu food v rank the. futur ..n 1 .ne .-a U-t> pn p :. < t * ;>ll- H .<• ta rams in tie l*igtr ii. i w er t. is ~c tgulful menu may t>* >vrv©d daily Moil* rn o,klr*. 1- o:t>-n n dysppdi r r ‘*i •• i• ; • u. vo many ( ods wtu.'h ghoul*! te bak*d roted broiled or toll* :, frierl foul iihiifCMtbe .e --***••• • ‘ h par:: I .| •..*: m- i in not gr. ,- whlrti th*. Hk a;ve juic s of tin Momj m cannot easily penetrate; but pro,** r.> ■ ok* - l f:o 1 ino o easlP di • r stid th.n the same f* -I uncooked out w- p:*d •* for th* nrw i•-1 i very limit ed foowlng. Tli* teal use of p n t- the lack o # In dr • 'hioi i , .it .1 j., >tons In th* ■•an., h ... th.t • hv w*i “"kM th* f**‘i t in t ♦ we *••1 unies** the e.aatr.c t is ahtmdan r nd <onta)ns th. n.c *r. imount of peptone* to di*fo!v* the to and Therefore h • it, st ?en*lbb* cure for por digestion I to t k* if * r •. me il eom ■f and m le dis*s|.e lika Stuart's lK*i epsl.i Ta let- wilch supply f* |m *ii*' - *•* the m< • t n : • e;s arvl •Hastuse to digest the btead. pdatoes and st.rr. h foods Eaxativ* ni*diene-, i ever cure tndlge*- bOli beraus** they have n • l:g -dive ef fe. ! whatever tp*n *• foo*l, on the oth-r hat i, If •ue f. o I prof* iy lix* st *1 there will he no reel of laxatives g.od dige**||on *l, c- w.i\ with on?t'pa'ion h'tii.m I'v*pej>s,t Thi • • otitaitt pure asepth ;ifjn urtvernnt'i • tes *.iat*s* •n i the •ligestlv# •l ine t>* which w k stomsd -a k and they ure indeed ion by ii ii . t! . nve worked run down stoma* i in lt* hard work until it l* r etof(| to its normal condkiot. wrten the trt l* ts are n*> lunger need and but ? her r.* thousands of toba-' men and women win n* ver a nva! wttho<t ?.ikin'* on* or two o r Rtuart's T* let tv allse |\ -o dolt k tin v an eat wh it • hey p| and -.vhen thex p e ,-e and t e free from anv I*l after effects St art Iv**j**p'is Ta* !• t tre *old :y druggPt-* rv- • > wh••*.• l ? e United Btates. • ana.l. and fir v Britain. I'urKßT TFLEGH APH Y. It:islnes mid PntnrMtlr Compllca tlans Hitherto Unforeseen. From the lo>ndon Telegraph If in he near future ait electric bell concealed she t the pet-on of a mnn In tb* street is heard to rinc and he draw* fr>m his p** ke* n ?ma ■ -e. listens to It and then burn* ■ off. c must n> hasti ly he assumed th* he is nm i The prob ability will b< tha* he rn% Just received i in* "*.• by wireless t* ;* craphy Pucb t.tinge ir. not yet, but that they may be fs not so very wide an assump tion from ** •lemonstr.*:lon which took pla c > • tci *' a it.* f*ryt:,i PwJa • . In wireles* t .•'graphy there are several Richmonds i th*- ff* *1 Best kn* tvn j* • f course, Marconi's * turn But on Pai urday Sir Prcc e described to the British Ass.*> : idon system whlc.i be claims to be noth >at her and simpler. ii which nnn l*. j e*l for telephony n* well as telegraphy Y* 4crda> the first ;eni at the Cafe Chant.nt >f the t'rywtal Pali*' tvn an exhi cj, r> .f Mr Rosen berg 's system The hl f point of differ ence i*tw.*u tb, an*l Mir 'hi net nod • 1 it important alteration in the cor..-aruction of the coherer w hi* h ar test"' as they travel through the air the Hertziat waves oti wh; * ail wireless telegraphy b trends Otherwise the op pa rat ii- l> n; i* u t r.e *cn* , and f.r long distances Mr. Rosenberg d*-pends on ver tbtil poles just a Marconi and Sir Will iam Preeoe do. Mr. H<s<(nherg uses an indue lor. •od ‘ i.'plied with . • trl-lv from an * lumul.uor. a Mors k*>boar i fitted t** enable him t, make *r break the corn n* ,t will hiu} ta> mes-.ige is vent a usual by rn ms of an oaclllator. It is i ikfii at tb** re|uirel |H>t by an iiMrument •if lining the h* r*r. a mall bras- tub* tided xv * nni k*-! filing and n receiver, from whk-h the messav- mtiv Is printed on a tape in the u *ml w .v. Thl was demc.tif. rst.d to the Interest-si audience at tu. Cat**. Chantanr * their complete satisfaction. But with a view to obtaining funder Information the rep- i r<-enrativ*e or the pre-- pr* sent after ward ac* oinp.inhsJ Mr Ro*?>nherg to the pressroom of the Crystal I Minn- and da '*-.| th* mat:* r mori at length Mr Itoarnbfrg s Claim Is that h- as prn \ kled , pracjlc * -xwtem which ts clear ol Marconi i-at o and which *an be much heaper YVtth only the appara tus used vierdy and no vertical rifles he m..i tain he can tejecrap.i f w miles % i p>.* she c.n. rend rn•• s tortv mil* ind U engage, on an aulomMtl* I* ! • . *IK dev I which shall enable them r * ent on Indeffnltlv But In tli** our * ~f onv rciikin he mention ed an int*re-tir.g f i When he leiives his offb eto uin .ith rt v auram. < couple of hundred >tde •-!? r.e ak*s w*lrh hirn the little lerx entraining r ~ receiving ap pa rat us Thi- * c* -n the ,* b le h.*- I sl.le him and if the b*-U ring* he knows that be in wanted at .* office, even though '■ ** ■ k n,.L , n.*t he „ware when- he w’.-. and *#* can receive a mes sage from th m 3\ hi t her thi- Introduce* * nrw hoop ftr a n*w i< rror to Ilf" '.inr.ot h* haatlly de cld'il lr i> not too much to auppor* tiim b,,fo "' lonr Ihr re eivlny tpparatn* might ho Improved a I t. dined In *li<. *n that mnn WuM mly carry in hi* poeket; in.l !h run*, of ... m•- -age may ho m_ up to, ony half <t dojon mil**, Thon th. huain*** mnn mny carry hi* r*- nolvor about with him nr.d ho in much with h. ©me* nil ilny. Tul* would prob ihly lie an advantage; but. on th* oihfr hnr.d. a J, .lour mlfr might ln*l*t on her hurbsnd i .rtync >. re elver w|*h him o ihoi <hc wtM admonlah him from time te lime, which would havo di* advantage*. Th- irrl i'fd hu-hand wouid labor tinier i dhibllitv I that h 1 rouiil no* ''talk bark." b* could only r* * vo ad vie* not r*tiirn It. when th* tinkling of the hell on. mor* *motc upon hi* con* ien.-e Atriln. th. *y*t*m would be very ti*fu! for l**u!n Ir-tructlon* to employ** npd other* ,iv from head,pi irt*r*: htp what if *hr me* r# became mix**!'* A “r*c*!v -r" will not receive unle** it 1* )n ton* with th* *. ndme Inttrumn • and thrrr | olulonah great - npo for v-jrliMon In ihl* re*p*.f Hut wh*n a frw thoueand* of those rone v*rx *u* In nor It would he • trai.p* If there were ot many of the dert -il tone. A nil rim I mi'ogynlat might feel annoyed at re.-.,. . K )m . •i • mtn •.i to vdm | m i• baby l* ill" If half . dox*n buay mer i haul* wrc notified, "Mr Bm. h I- wa't- Ira to eee you," five of them would he dt*!.'en*<l 01. burning to tiie.r offl< e* And If An**li a telegraphed to t.dwin. ••M**' ti;>- at Victor,a bj the 3 tf," and found half a doaen w iltmg for her. the rttuat on would probably require good deel of exploration >o th* rich I Edw.o. lirnmnt:> and i ovllt rhouid k*p an *ye on wlreleea t<- *graphy; but whether It will be a boon a blearing to the pub. Ur remain* to be *een. —Paper money la at premium at Nome Miner* Oral It more rometji.-nt than col.l and pay a* much much aa 3 par cent. In excaw of lu taco value to. it 1 thi; tki< t j,;n iii l.w* or duct They llnxp Tended IO l , re*enl Dis ease. Also to Isolate Ike People. , l’r*m the Humanitarian. In civilised countries the Jewish kitchen is. after the vegetarian au\ the most nar row.) conr.ned os far as selection goes There, where in all other kitchen* the del Itacles .<>mtnence. the bid o t fare of tl** kitchen h.* already come to an ••nd Prohibited Is all game killed by the huntsman, prohibited not only oyst* • caviare md most -ait water Ilshes. tan eel.*, sul crabs and lobsters The hog. which plays such a great role in th* 1 household t.f the masse- of the people, is. as is weji known, excluded altogether from the Jewish table. B* the hind quarters of all cattle arc prohibited, and t . meat of all young calves a* well a-* the flesh of all animals that had a dle eis that were wounded or received a fatal injury But with that the limitation* are by r.o means ended The J wish house wife may not purchuse at the ttrot shop a piece of beef or iamb, a fine-looking goose or duck or squab, and bring Ii Into her kitchen These, as w 11 a- anlmala on the hoof, must be slaughtered accord Ing to ritual command The slaughter*! animal must be carefully Inept . ted The meat found ritually correct must le treat ed so as to remove every particle of blood. The eating of blood, no matter In what form, is .*n aU>mination Tne meat being ready for kitchen, then tiu* real dlftVuitU' begin For cooking or n asting of meat, vegetables and other •ndtment* with the meat, neither butter nor milk nor cream muei be used All nicai preparation* must be kept In s|*e ial v--s*ls. must be boiled or roasted In sperial utensils and serv| upon si*e lal plates Even knives and fork* needed ai the table for meats, or dishes prepared with goose fat or beef suet mus not be used for fo.*l prepared milk and butter For th* Passah festival othe** limitations exist The Pass.ib kitchen is a xerltable burden for the housewife For m whole week an entire neer assortment of rocking utensils and plates aie requir ed. and the dishes are in mam prepared from matsoth eggs, meat and soups m vxhich nothing leavened must b*' use*! It Is • d)y xindersroo.l that such a lim lted chol e In the preparation of a menu must caue no little embarrassment io the Jewish housewife. Further restrictions ad.s to the difficulty of her ta*k Hut ‘.n the restriction* which sh** must face -he must show berseff the arl*t s>mniandlng the sfftiatlon; she has to get along with the material at her rotnmaivl Her need* • ompel Inx’cnllveness The firsf tsk of the Jewish housewife i* to manipulate the moit in exerv j>s*ii*b wav not ni\ because she has no variety to -e> t from, hut al*o hecaus** In smn l*r town* ehe * an not get even the meat which she may u and It l aleo proportionately nx re expensive What In otne province* i thrown away is turned In the Jewish kltehen into dellcaclea. what the Jewish cook, as, for Instance makes of the mitt and entrails, after h|>e. a! ritual treatment, consisting In the excision -f skins and veins, evlden* e.| e-pc-Yd y lix the filled dosene. ks. calls for the highest com mendation The DI!h1 entrails have no? u vet been proper.v apprr iate-i by tho pub 11* at large and a filled gooeen* k pro|- erlv pr-pare<l l hlghß' *M*-env-l by he most fastidious gourmand Goocefa? tuk* In the Jewish household, to the argent *\- tent, the pla* e .*f butter Therefore, the goo*#*, e*pe< tally the fattened gcio*#- plays in the Jewl-h kitchen the Mm* roe as the hog d* * In th< Christian hotiaehold As is - area and exp*nslve. nr. *• value lr. pla-ei itp*n mile anl hy di-h**?* Frtiifs. |#gi;rj!#** and \eg.i,*h--< lh i*l subject t# anv restriction But as then, u.: also relative*)- expensive therefor# . il >, oatmeal, peas sago farln t a?'i • pecfally iostry, are much broughi u|*m the table. The dispersion over #ll lands. nd the migration from country to coun. try. have largely favored the atcumula tlon of the kitchen recipes. Onions and garlic are B(wt.isti. frlental and probably Egyptian, reminiscences. The Jewess is enjoined to honor the Kab leth and fe.stive day- with 11 richly pro vided table. On Babf.ith nunt flah and wines *r t#> be partaken of A- ritually iorreot wine rHnuot b* the Jews have to provide h ul*. Bute by the p; *pa ration of raisin wine But ther#* me now new restij tions whl* h tail fr new means. On the Sabbath day no revok ing must i*' done Tti# n s for Frida v evening *uul for the entire Sabbath must l*' cooked on Friday For Friday everting It is # isy to g* t <il**ng The meil al ready the lieurth and kept In certain natiir #1 thermophores. For the Sabbath, the sha let. m*alt and ti e kugel, n verv fa: pud *llng at *1 the coffee are to the bik# r to f#e preserved In the oven until *ai ■#l for to use st the meal* The lay of Atonement Is at tl#e -m#‘ tint# a strl t fast day. For twenty-four bout * the J. ws are not allowed t. taste food # r t,#k# t* drink of water, nor It It p*rmi(teq ( *lo any work, nnd ertalnly not at the hearth. To pre|ae tne evening tne.l. which i' xi*ecte*l to be rich ur.d plentiful, * anno? h** easily don# Therefore. #n the day previous, every part of t e meal m;? lie prepared that the can be ma#ie r*dy lor consumption by simply warm ing It. Thai euch a narrowly restricted and se v# rely regulate*! diet must hove an ex traordinary influence ii(>on health, cos tum#. • onomy and social lifo is easily oemprebended. The obligatory meat in spection J guarded the Jews again*: many disease*. The Jews are compelled to resort to # mlxcl diet by their laws a #lie which is oonsklervl the most salu brious by modern physician# Not le.-* heneflclil than the sanitary effects are the intended or unintended moral effect# Whatever might be saw) about the ritual mode of slaughtering-no: a small ruin her of expert* of the firs! rank, as we# i hy the transactions in the Germ on f'ar liamevw. have pronoun ed p the be*t adapted and least ru*! mode-tlie human reasons which induced tho Jewish pra tire of slaughtering, the faot that th** slaughteeing is not left to he bu:<her. but to a ritually qusilrtet offlrtai. sn<> pro nouncea a blessing, na# provide#! rontid • rotlon for the dumb brine In tne amplest Je# -h household great attention mutt be paid to the kitchen *0 guard against the numerous iaw* T'nder certain clrrumMances their viola tion might prove very expendve and dis agreeable. For instance, if a wrong spoon or po* were used or th#* boiling n.ilk squirts into a pot wrnere meat is boiling, or by a mN #ke pie e of b*it ter Is u*#l for th# s seasoning of v**k tuhl or other ingredients Intended :o be used with meat, then in some caeea the foo*l is altogether forbidden and the ye*-* - are not #0 be used any further Thcr# f** ■ the housewife, on who*e con*'.tenttout re. gard for the dletaiy regulation* the spirMuil salvation of :he Jew w•* lookc<l upon as a son of priest* ■ of th#* household D la but natuml tna* the pious Jew. who hne to pa*s hy so many nice things, accustomed fffmself to gr*.: a#>temiousnes* and se:f-control. If be had m#uH for dinner he may no# take, before six hours are pne#*d, hi* c.#f fee with cream, or a piece of #ke pre pared wltn milk B*-wu*e—and thi* miy serve a# an illustration of rabbinical logi# —lt t# forbidden in the O and Te**fimcni to cook the kid in the mother’** milk From t\h h it Is de#Tjce 1 that th- f m'-a’ with milk 1* in alt rise* forbidden, and tha* until the .Ilges ion of th* m# •• j#ortak*r of ! fully ac. #>mpllshed. no fo*>l prepared with milk must be partaken of • U CASTOR IA For Infauti and Children. Thi Kind You Hats Always Bough! i*#n taking of milk f**l m not so much ; card f*#r though ,#r tin Lintt ar. also drawn h#*rr It j<# natural that the Jews j iti their trw\ el* wer* very greatly cin- Ihii *1 In flnimg the urifhnv i* they were a u>tom >1 to. en e. tally In small tow r> #mo m |magki> tiow the\ lor;*;. I f,*r home. w ra* can k>ubr that this teguiatuai bis r. t \ *#txrr *. d* further th* family atta l,#r W’hu h |he Jew* r*-tlvs such general jr.t*e Ami another virtue wa- the pro t*: the ritual kltcii# t she howpttahf) Th* ‘tnuiiiei w.i- de|M*ndent altogether cm Babl*ath and festivals upon the grm .a of hi* ro religAontets. It wus . OtlsMetitl a Ifllgktns duty and a no ne oiticlum to invit* the stranger on i* h •fa> ? A \.t> serious effect of the dlctarv law.* w t the i'••lition of the Jews Con sidering that many Jews will not even dine at the table of thetr cmldren who •< r " negligent in th** observation of the I diet try law then it may bo easily imag j Ined how enviously they avoided the ! t ible of ih#' t u-, orellgloniats. Imagine j then, a wlio'-etijofing Rhinelander with whom ih# Jewish ku#-i or *‘ut..mter wi.l •>t :*.i# t. t***i 11 .*( win. or th* ho,;**# wife with whom her Jewish neighbor will not drink cup of coffee or cat #* piece of * ak* To m* *i a? tlu same nbl#* or have i so. a# mrotliig with :h* f**w w •in im|M sibllity T)j* J*w* ha.l t* retire, and, a voiding to the .ilium who enters aol|tu|.. will s#*kn I*** left to himself he ww . x bided from nil s#x la! lnierroura even with,out medieval ghetto* and mod ern “Jew clean' io a m Worst, prob ably, whs *he Infill#. H U|Mn the a\.-ra#i' people The farmer Ii * I o shake hi* bend wh*m lha J##wsh trailer* declined all offered deli. i# 'ii* a #- a * a** of milk butt#*i milk. clioes ham or sausage, lie consider#*! tt an insult, an e\ nieie e of mist rust I’n.lulHedly m#ich #*f the existing preju dtewagainst the J. w* mui be attributed to the peculiar!: •e of heiL :ai\ j.#w Thesa law- I#m\< als4 had li e effect of spreading rhe fabie < tr.mun© of the Jewish wealth There are certainly many very rich Jews The masses, however, are poor That will never be admitted by the people. The Chr*tUn w#*nun will stv “Only look at the Jewish kit inn Look at th* large number of pots, plates, tiishes. spn*. kiilv#* and foi kr Tiie J**w# must live HR* lords." Thus the Jewish dietary laws have serxed as a tins wall aguiust #li ♦•a.-*'* n#l have an excellent rffe. i la an oconomicttl. moral and over ©sthetlenl direction. On Hie other hand, they h;i\# b * n narrowing ml THE H Alt Y OF litlLF. From thr # w Y’ork INetring Post Whdi approaching winter drives the sport smut i Indoors, golf almost l *n# re slst* the pr gre* of lh* seas.ais F# r It. In fact, winter Is only < kind of glacial ordeal that l*rina- out the true golfer warmed by an inner fire #>f en thusiasm f,r the game The m*u© 1\ man will In inclined to ask %vh> this martyr silri, why this stern d*votk>n to a sport w !ii*ii i* bardlv gosl walking even, and which consists by the deflni tl*r of a scoffer, in hitting i ridi.uilou*- iy minute ball witn implement'* wholly 111- adapted to the pur|W‘S# * That this un reiioorunK levrion o the game exists, an Is on the jn i# * #- e* • m leyond #lisf**He No oufs .b r who no on* •• fallen irnoug golfer and h# , nl ordinarily sane people talk f#*r h#Mirs in a dull and unlntelhglbi*' Doric. Will doubt tile Hhldllig fas inatiou af tle game Here is a m\ster> of In- ! fatuation si Ii the stisbn; of social con ditions for in p.\ rather th; In work | men betray thraselvew--muit enleavor to j :? horn. Now |f would be easy to dwell upon th. Utilitv of the gam# . its value a* exercise its availability for players of all ages, six.* ,t i; < i previous * on# Ini loti of • I** repi lude Its n#v lit and *jst l #ilr features: . ?i* t:ie r* i. cause * f n- popularity w*ull e*. ape any such ariMl) **is I? iv#r absurd t supp#*fe that the memiiers of fifteen hundred club* in #*n • #ntrv ami toe army of unatta he#! player* are in j it for their health merely, for the social j advonfages of the club-home, f#>r the privilege of firraylng themselves beyond Solomon in all ids glory. All thee© thuni count, but the i, ,i* Hm #1- *i er To g‘ t at It w# must l*e albrwml a moment ? digression on !** p!dl* -<q hy of gamea in general I Gamas are competitive or non-comfe | tlve. an*l ai the principle of natural • lection the competitive ones very *0 n •trlvc out all but the adept M la vet v well t## strive to be g<H*l loser, but !•* be 1 kser all ?he tim* there*# the rub IY# 1 such fute stares at him who entf ‘ u|K4i ooai|totitive sf>ori Business and Iye ars aoon impote n nun possum us #• followers of the more vigorous f#i* rt* #i unkiinler lot. j rlslni? generation of sport men abridge unfeelingl) th* work of na ture Y*#u may no? w#*.l abide that you# grandson beat you in tne ''preliminaries nor t <#t you remain a kind of ntbleti- Helot for the warning of n rising *r••*# * of Htartt.#!* Sooner or later, the tlon must I#* made, even in :h#* mlkler sivorts. from the <*omp#toitlve t> the non- ! .omjHtitlve one may t:e driven out #f 1 racing, but pedestiianiecn remains, out , #>f regal:as. but he may still pull n lonely * I o*ir Si h ,*>n sola tlon the god* allow A.l thl* goe fo show tht the guudbi cer tain.tils are fleeting, and that. In com petitive sprt, there is no abiding habit* i tlon. Now the appeal of golf Ilea in the fact fl at ll is n non 1 tnp# litlve game What e ?ne one will say. with the sporting pHp> of every newspaper filled with strange num# rl# al * ore- .in#! romment In an outlandler# tongue? Yes golf ts never • mpettlve even wuen It appears most to Id By an Infraction cf it* very spirit, some hunt mug* and fame, but the tru* golfer l- i*d astray by n# such ulterior motive In a Goethesn *pirF of lolat n he works out hi' golfing salviMon with out reference to his feb#w golfer, com paring himself of to-day orly wlh hi* recoil tlon of himself of yesterday and bis hopes of himself of the morrow His own victor, victory breed# no enw for how can a man regard his victor se.f with other than the moat generous felicitation? Vanqul# ed d* f#at tas r o bttterneas. for 1 how treat one varquGb*d self with other tlian the m*w indulgent conHderatlon 9 You loe. it is the glorious ym of the pat that wire you win ani you have merely rlen on stepping Mens of your d#,*d self to lower soores—which l excel lent golf, even if the metaphor rings Hi bernian. True one usually plays round with an other man nominally his opioneni. but thl* I accident.*! or at most a met# *• n ess ion to the gresarious Instinct What one is resily Aoing 1* p >lng axalnst him self Por the other man's game he *ar# Ml a Whit, ar.d if h;s HMII 1 unde filed by the pass,on of mug-hunting. It is noth tr.g to him that his opponent ha him at the end of the r.sjrtd s-* many hole* “down"—no*h ing for thit mater. to his #op|>onent Should a p‘nk-*-oat*d <*ham- j plon. calloused hv tournament- and elate' h\ fi#e sij' • essea over o’ ,er men b>st of n victory over mothc*. t •* t##e xolfer ha* hut to rebuke him In Emerams wools *Mf the red slayer think he siaya. Or If the slain think he f* dim. They know not we | the subtle ways 1 keep, ard pose, and turn again." For on the fair greet;, every man Is Brahma It ! this fine egotism That I* the very soul of the game and prever t* |r* going the way cf all competitive sports. The rest—healthfu ne*s ge*ah • natural sur rounding*. comparative Irexpenslvenesa, *r merely accessory to the real <aus* that promise* to assure Its lasting popu larity Entertained Cardinal Gibbon*. Baltimore. Nov !3. Admiral Itlehard entertained Cardinal Gibbons at lun hn on th* flagship OrU e f the I r neb squadron to-#l?i) M Cam ho*; *the !"ren h snihr-n ic#r. with several member- #f his ( suite, slw had c omptnied Admiral, Richard from Washington. was also amcMig those who greeted the cardinal And I participated In tht iuncbcow WfEEfZrBHTIL fV MB ' ' KLV<fig : ' M 4| ,' ? -i >** ***■ ' ** amctoroiw New Paris -Shapes)! r*- L'OWBUST.STRAIGH I FRONTS-LONG HIP I *■' •vi Styles jjo >52-440-441 44;> 447 ■ ■ row SALf a1 AH 1 1 aoihc WfTAILPWS ;. 17.; *•' W PRINTING THI; I ithocrapli and I’rintuiK Department of the .Morning New aL. one of the target in the Smith, tt in equipped to do the he<kt work in all hran.hea of printing. Ita plant i> modern and is operated Ity skilled people . . . BANK BOOKS - Flank F k of a I ku l I* our specially. <'h*‘* k? lb|oll Slip- .n#l general bank -I.#l .■ if i th* New* doe* In a ► ,#(•*. Hr s?v # And si* iwtuk. it tuattern not how miuill, 'ti.-ul.l Im without our lil#hogisph check Ihh *k *•, MANUFACTURING PLANTS- Up mk ii specialty of doing cut work as wri| a- lithograph w. rk for nil ff* Hiring plums n t #u!v In **f It \>al*iftia t' . and md th# *.#r# lin . I hl#t thin h# #l i* #n r<# *d Guano F ie t lies. I’low \V#*rk Turpentine Plant#, dtw Mills. Foundrb * Mr. .verie Machine Hhops. In f t i aii kiifls #jf enterprise* of ihF character. COMMERCIAL WORK \ business man no matter where he d**es can t afford t• tw- wrtiou? mat ry. If |e #l# * i,o;hln* but *ll • kg** !•' ought Io lit < it ’lti* M# r ing N* w* mak*s a tptH'i tlljr of dol# g neat Jobs f**r country mer* hams Anri it ak#to pleawure In sending simple# with |*ri as from which selections may be tnnF COUNTV RECORDS R■#,or.| Books for counties. Tax Books, ttftl.bil H?ationer> for t**wns and rttlr*. I-eg 11 Banks and Form* of every desertp tl**n w# an iqiiljkfi. I to do qub kly and 'heap and w# 11 LITHOGRAPHING- I.l'h.>rrphm* l- ,k hrnri h r>f th, hu*ln*. t'< which r*p. ■ ial nn-iotnn I■ dcvoi-d ll If 11, l,rK*-l ct In ih *!•• and i* (HM-rnlid 1-v ihc tn lt, tnnnlry. W. chcarfiiUy furnl-h itl:nviin on.l kulwbu lumplr, of litinHiraih work When writ Ing to us addreha the /lorninn News Job De partment. Do not think tlial you are con uininir our lime hy aakinif u. questions and writinic for estimate*. Whether we ttet your order or not. we shall he slad to oiler the best we have. Morning i\cvv r s .lob Department, SAVANNAH. GA. LEA & PERRINS’ THE ORIGINAL € | | | 4^% WORCESTERSHIRE pm- Beware of Imitationa It U highly pffnvl for th** very agreeable *♦ y ) • whnh it impart* to Soup*. FUh .urn*- If t fy 0 ,/ jf Z and Cold Mult, Salad*, VVelah kargbiu, *t JOHN IIUNCAN’H HONK, Agent*, N w I'ork. McDOAOI'GH & 13ALLAM V.M;, *jT Iron Founders, Machinists, n 1 lllhi k inf I lim. Iliiil* rnmkrrt aimiiiirni lunro of *ift||n - 1 i-. r> Hit<! I'urlnhlr l.iiKlnn, Vmlml nnd Tn frf \ <nr ii Mill*, huaar >llll nml I'mn, Mm Mln u . I’ull* .f, fe" 4^®® TELEPHONE NO. 123. IT’S A CERTAINTY THAT Smith’s Chill Tank A /p CO\ TRADE MARK WILL CURE Dengue, Typhoid. Intermittent. Malaria, And All Forms ol Fevers. ALL DRfOGWTP BELL IT OX A OIARANTEE —M*nufariurd *y— COLUMBIA DRUG CO., savannah, ga. BLANCARD’S f t ANEMIA. I*OOIfNESS ol fh* BI.OUI, tlsm* TIO>AL WEAKNESS, SCROFULA, Etc. Knot genuine un % ,'r.e ! BlaBcaBD" alt. nßfOGtsrs E. FOTOEttA & CO . N. V.. ArnU IrV. 5. Empty Hoflshcads. r.Mir Houwtfa ■#•(#,#• t C. M. GILBERT & CO. Interesting Items, New goods arriv ing daily. New line Haviland & Co.’s goods. Line of Cameo Work, Cut Glass, Sterling Silver. Puritan Oil Heaters. Hot Stuff Wood Heaters. r^ stNl W,hDDtiyi^ pK( . |AUS CURS TUUMEIF! X StiVUKH V I **W* ti for uuotturaft r f\* .*• I 4i- hit* •, IntUmuiati &, wo/MiMi \J irnuilon# or ui . r*lloM Fv-.)/ w l luurjqn BvßbriDM. J I *UIiM, Mil but CfiCHM. tf*al or pomooam. V \P # *• /. wr*pp*f, \ V yA I br >•. foprtd for i ■ M Cirrour —tit oil rmMi J. D. WEED ft CO tAI AXBAU, at. Lcalticr Bcltia?. Steam Packing 4 Hoss tlui (or NKW IOUJK HVUIMIU. Uk.UTI.NU AND fACJUNQ COAU*JuN X. 7