The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 15, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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automobiles start soon. merman wivrw mv hi: wiu. have them i\ three months. uintrr H Wf!rmd From m Trip *orf*i, W htrh Iteaultcd In •slight Ckcr of I’Un- Wlll 1r <,-ißltnr, Ualtad *f Elrdrlclty, • m Mot I% c Himpr-f hanur \ecra- Hltaitrn Km Permit From toimcll. it Will Hr Kfporrd %r*t %\ ••dnradar-Thr ( onohra, Ten of Them, to He Here in Three Honlha. IToJeefor Kalhnalaatlo Over I'ro |,.iaed Mae. M Herman Winter, proje tor of thd jj j street line of automobliws ha* re turn from a buwinc** trip Norh di- Ihi 1 with the practicability of hi* plan Ac rdirm to Mr. Winter there la to be ‘*til • .rt**f walttnir eeviaon before the auto in. .su* are here and in operation. yi Winter raid yesterday that a ch tr.gc that hi* view* on the aubJeT un derwent while he wan North will Involve torn- email rhan*r In hie plana and e me dalav in their completion. He d**t<r mti '■ after an Inspection of the varioua tvp.-j' of machine* aultable for hie rrn •rai purioec. that gasoline eigne? woul 1 |>- K.r*atly ircf**rwble to thoee the mo liv. power of which Is electricity Ti e permit from Council to operate the late doe# not authorise him to u*e gar* R n , . MKinea aa i motive power and It will t* rif pMury. he atated. to have the |*er- Olt en triced. •<> aa to authorise the ar rvlm into effect of hla piea**nt views on the fi j‘*J<v t. Hi* peillion to round'll will be present*<l on next Wcdneaday evening when the next Council meeting will be held Mr. Winter believe* there will la but lit* difficulty In having the ne del charu in the permit made **Thi- • henge in the jicrmlt from CHin di." ii*l Mr. Winter. ”1* all that and lay the signing of the contract*. They w.r - prcpar- l before 1 cam** South and a* soon a* Co*in 11 me#t* and art* favorably they Will be executed. “The contract* coll for the delivery In Savannah, within three month* time, of ten gaaoline automobile coache* They are of very |l<fiAlnii and handeotne d.-- aign nd each of them’will accomodate twenty |wi*engcni A* *oon a* they are •hipped and arrive here*, they will be placed in operation and I think 1 ran prom .-•■ the people* of Savannah a line of automobiles In little more than three months.’* Durug hi* trip North Mr. Winter made ►* v**’al visit* of inspection to dile* in , w hich line* of automobiles are In success- ; ful or ♦ ration. He* raid that in every city he had visited on this mission he learn • I that tile (>eo||e hud taken with avidity | t i th* new method of locomotion, and ; that the coache* did eevrywhere a good business. The coaches will run from the intor ? ctlon of Bull and Bay street*. on Hull • * Go-ion. on Gaston to Drayton, on Drayton to Park avenue, on Park avenue ’ Hull, and on Bull to Forty-second Two f the c >aches will be operated Q n Dray >n street exclusively, un l*oth line* it ! i proposed to give a schedule of ten minutes The i**op!e need feel no uneasiness. ’* msl Mr. Winter, *’About the completion if the project and the *ucce**ful oera •on of th* airtomobll*** We are going • . have them and we nr** going to make t*. m a sucres*. Indeed. I think the pen. jle will give them all the needed patron i .. to make <he enterprise pro*, table. f regret that the change In my rdans. , tituting gasoline for electricity a* a i ve {ower, involve* *me delay, but a delay only. The line i* sure to 111 vm:d fob *k IKI TK. I %lird In n Mnglr Pond and Had a t*mml Tinas (irsrrally. r Lady's Aid Pe|ety gave on enjoy ■ peanut hunt yesterday afterno n In yard of the Kpi*copal resklsnce a* rris and Lincoln *trets The peanuts • e pretty well *catter<<l around and n the boys and girl* who wished to <,e part in the hunt were fold la** at cent* ea* h and sent tn’o the yard to who cou I*l gather the most peinua y ,*ter Joseph O’Brien secured more than t , other boy and was given a* a prise knife, while Mbs Hit.* Ooette outstrip ind WAS given a haod-* 4 doll. \ not her game that afforded en Hess amusement wa* a wort of nviglo fish p**n 1 which one was allowed to coat a line ' .•m payment of fi%’e cents. The fbh In • shape of neatly wrapped bundle* were • • . ■ liging as always to bite, so that every < mi that fished went away happy \ fi*h net donated by Rev. Father Hen i *y wa* disposed of by m*an* of num eral wa* won by number 86. A cake ,il*o ho dlepo**ed of in the same wav *r i was won by Mr*. J J Power* The fmd* of the entertainment were further rcased by the sale of light lofrssh- Bc Tit*. he entertainment last'd from 3 b o lock to 8:30 and tva* well attended The rrv'ecds will be devoted to the charitilde *ork of the society which is ol s non- tanan character. TIT BBFORR THE HBCOHDEII. A Mnn and a \%niiian, Coloreil. Sent l* Superior Court for Robbery. Ten pri*oner* were In the Recorder's fourt yesterday morning F. K. Field*. t white man who the night before oc f imulated a jug of unusual proportions *.'s wanted to fight everybody and thing Hull and Broughton Mreetr. wa* let bwn with a fine of $3 or five day*. Arthur William*, colored, charged by [ hn CoakAr with being one of thref* per o* that lured him to Jones's Old Flekl Ii roldied and assaulted him. an account of which was published In yesterday s il 'riving News, was remanded to the Bti nor Court, and so was Katie Miller, •ho Is said to have had a hand In the rind who wa* arrested sometime •fter Williams was cNptured. The remaining case* were of the ordt f jr V typo and devoid of Interest. <• KMR OF FOO'ITIAI.L .%TTRO%Y, bartif* of the *4at%sinttn li Athletic \*<h*lallnn’s Team to-Mght. Th** members of the ftiotball team of the Athletic Association wi.l have * practice to-night In the yard of the ars* Club. It 1* desired that every 4- a*und. a* a matter of i'onskler imimrtance to the team will be <li*- f * addition to the game that I* sched -1 between this team and one from K onvlHe. there will be another game probably Haturday. as Mr. Gordon v has recelvetl a telegram asking •• secure the Bolton Htreet Tark for rn ** fhat will bo played here on that rween FertlAndina and Jacksonville ••miitril • % enr’a Support. •ar's support was gr*inted by Judge ‘U, in the Court of Ordinary yeeter *° the widow and children of the 50 ph M Jerkin*. The caveat to the •>f the yesm supjiort Hied by cer th *he creditors, was dismissed by • r and th' report of the Ap lr adopted by Judge Ferrill. A *Sf you cannot I>r "rjcrcc’s Ck>lden Medical Diacorery cure* (liaraats of the stomach and organs of digestion and nutiition. It enables the body to assimilate food and so put on sound flesh and develop strong muscle. "The j.r.i.e I would like to glee your Golden Medici IHcverv I esnnot ulter in word, or denerthr with pen " write. Jatue. B Kw| of ijh Miffltu Street Itanliuadou B "I vm takes down with htt our plte,icaD. .aid was indigestion 1 doctored wtln the beat around here aud found so relief / w**tt ye .j nj new ten/ Me a quntian lljni to flit out and I did to and you tlien advtwd ine to uae Ilortor Tierce', Oolden Medical Ptwovery I took three bottle, and I felt w> good that t .topped betag a, 1 think, cured t have no aviuptom. of gas tric trouble or indigestion now " Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pav cost of mailing only. Semi J! one-cent stamps for paper or 31 stamps for cloth binding, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. WENT TO JUDGE ON A FOUL Continue fr m T*nth Page. porter tnat he would m*et any represen tative of c%rcoran at the Morning New* offl # t>-fia\ at 2 ocock and make h mni’h. guaranteeing that Smith w*mU4 stop Corcoran in ton round* Billy R®che wants to got on a match with the winner of the Corroran-Hnnlon fight for Judge Ho made this s o’oment to the New* reporter. There <ou and l*e no question that a match between the win ner of the coming tight and either Judrw or Smith would prove a trcnvndn.i* < ard as Hanlon and Conor an are ot| t*d to draw the biggest house ever enjoyed by a prl*e fight In ftrivunnah. Roche und Judge will stay hero until af ter the Corcoran-Hanlon fight. Their ef fort will be to arrange a m.itch with the winner Kelly and Bin! h will lease to night for Louisville, where BmUn a ojn 10 tight. Corcoran was not nt the fight. At lci*t, he wa* not vl*lt|e. and It wa* said he was not on hand. He made a *titement later to the Morning News, however, that he had said nothing a lout cliallonggig the winner of the tight, for th reason that he ha* a contest on with Hanbgt. Hal this not been the case, he add. h* wou and nt have hesitated a moment. Tommy r marked thtt there is 'no man in the business who ha|*p*-ns to have more thn two hand* and I chance to have that number myaelf.** k lllk iithority exteudeo. C 01. A. Pope Will Have a Wider Terl rllfiry W III* the K. %. L The Authoilty of Assistant General Freight Agent A. Hope of the fk a bound Air Line ha* been extended to include the entire territory of the Fifth, as well a* the Fourth dtvision. Col. Pope’s hesd quarters will renuiin in Savannah, and the extension of hi* territory is the result of tlie re|gnatl7V> of Mr. W H. Pleasants, who have* the service of the Seaboard to l>e omo gen* r.d freight and |a*seng*r agent of the Ocean Steamship 4’ompany. Mr. Pleasants will he in B.ivannah to morrow or next day. It is said, to discuss hi* new duties with Ocean Hteamshtp Company ofTMal*. Col. Pope was hi Jack sonville yesterday. The fuhowtng circular. signed by Freight Traffic Manager H. W 11. Glover and General Freight Agent Charles It. Chi*p> and approved by Mr. E. Hi John, vice pre-ident and general manager, give* notice of the extension of Col. Pope's au thority: "Mr. W H Plea-ants, assistant general freight agent, Jacksonville, Fia . having resigned to accept service elsewhere, ef fective Nov. 15. the authority of Mr A. a-Hdant genera! freight agents, 1* hereby extended, on and after that date, to Include the entire territory of the Fourth and Fifth divisions, with head quarters In Savanmih. Gn." TWO t'HAJinE.t. \. .nil W. P. Mnit Ur.tnrn nl %in t.nmn tn llnve a >.w Hrnit. Prii<l*nt John M. Eitan left lant night for Atlanta, whpr- hn will attend tho nirMlnga of the tarrt* of dlrertora of the Atlanta on<l Weal J'olnt on I the WeMern Railway of Alabama The chief event of theae meelingn will be the liv- Mallailon of Mr. C. £ Wlclteraham. itmll recently president of the Alabama Great Southern, to aui ' eed I'reel.lent George C. Smith aa the head of Ihe two corporauona ft rat named Mr. Smith goea to St. I.imt, where he become* the general manager of the new St Latuia division of the South ern Railway. Postponed tnnnnt Meeting, The annunl meeting of the Georgia and Alabama Railroad was to have been held yesterday, hut no quorum retqionded to the call for Ihe meeting, and tt was de cided to pot-tpone It until Nov. IS. It la expected that President John Skelton Williams will lie In Savannah then to at tend the meeting Mr. W W Mnckall. one of the directors and an officer of the road, la now at Ihe North. Will Improve Kervlrr. Mr. James Freeman, city passenger and ticket agent of the Southern Railway, re turned yesterday frum a trip to Jackson ville. Mr Freeman met Assistant Gen eral Passenger Agent 8 11. Hardwick In Jacksonville, who Informed him that ar rangementa had been made with the Pull man people by which entirely new equip ment of the most modern type would be I ait on Southern trains Nos. and W. hy llec I Th, service by the Southern has always been excellent, but the Improve ment will be pronounced The railroads are offer.n redu-ed rates of one and on--ihlrd fare for the round trip on the certltlcate plan to the Inter state Convention of Cotton Orowers to !>• held at Macon, Nov. >. Certificates will bo Issued by ticket agents it the home offices. _l,or'l James of Hereford Is the only man living who has refused Ihe seals of the lord chancellorship, tho highest hon or which any Rrltlsh lawyer can hope to receive So long ago as twenty-seven 'ears Grd Jam-s was lll-eral attorney general, but In IVV. he left Mr. Gladstone and Joiner! ihe unionist party. He Is a very wealthy man, having had a large practice In his Urns THE MOKNING NEWS: THFKSDAY, NOVEMREK I.'. 1900. RITBHTAIKBI) THEIR riMEVnA. I mniisny IV f the linsrcU Added to lt In I form Fund. Company l>. of the Savannah Volunteer Guards, gave an interesting entertainment at the G>uird* Hall Let night There was an pitHtrainme of mualo. reflation nn<l song, following which there war a fre; diatrl’Kitton of prises to the lucky ones In the audience The programme rend red was as fol low s Overture .. ... .. Orches*r\ Rfc.Hatton . Mis* Marlon iVoper Cornet Bdo Mr John Ha.tuci Exhlhiiton of Prestidigitation Prof H Htalb Selection OR'hestM Solo Mis* Morgan. Reef(gtion . Miss Marion Cooper Mimiolin H Blalb-Mandolin. Artoo'.d Seyden Mandolin. H Cnrrik- Mandolin. Henry iteckett—tluitar. Jce Mo Ira Guitar AH the number* were excellent. and were greatly enjoyed, espe tally the re* 1- tatlcn by Miss Marlon Cooper ard the x hlbition of prestidigitation, given by Prof H Bialb. The gifts to the member*of the audience were targe In number and of very* appro ciahlc value Some of them remain in the hands of < pt Hunter, an l thoce who are entitled to receive them may ge? them by calling or him at hi* office. Ttosenfe.d’s Orchestra furnished the music for th o* astoti, and after the pri gramme of entertainment had Iwn cn eluded there wa* dancu.g until an wr|y hour this morning The entertainment was given for the benefit of the uniform fund of Company* L> ami .** sum of was raised for this pun****, that will put the command on "Easy Street" In •very* sense of the word The committee in change of the enter tainment consisted >f ('apt Wright Hun ter. Lieut W. L Pritchard. Burgeon Geo. II Ellis. 8 Fleishman. land* 8 Har ford. THoa. M Hoynes. ‘ orpls W. H. Robertson and T it Heyward. Jr . Pri vates E J Gleason, H. L Glrtman, B It Wever. The chaperons were. Mrs Wright Hun ter. Mrs T M Hoynes. Mrs. A. H Brown and Mrs Hem Rlun. Jr AT THE THEATER* Vtnseo end Itnlland’s viiasfrels the Ntt Attraction, Rusco A Holland s Minstrel* will be to morrow night's attraction The combina tion haa five shows on the road The one wh*--!! frill visit Snvannnh is orlgmel the NashvMle Students combined with Gid eon’s Minstrel Carnival, and Rusco A Holland’s Rig Minstrel Festival. The oompanlee, oil told, employ atiout 230 people, using eleven curs, fen agents, and •n office force of eight people They car ry all the horses. poniee. and live stock used In their different attractions, and automobile* used 1n afreet parades. Each company 1* fully equipped with scenery .md electric effects, which helps to make their productions perfect. The booking and routing of these shows Is done by Messrs. Rusco A Holland personally, nd each <'ompany travel* about 20 nw mile* They have aver sf*o.oon invest* and in cars and over $50,000 in printing alone. Saturday* matinee and night “Rupert of Hentsnu will be seen. The play is said to be the superior of "The IHsoner of Zenda." of which it Is the sequel both as to story and play. The story begin* with the return of Rudolf R uswndyll. the En glishman. to the kingdom of Ruritiinki in pursuit of a letter winch has been writ ten to him by Queen Fla via, and which had been taken from her messenger en route by Count Rupert of HetltMU. The latter designed to us** the letter to ruin Raaaendyll and Flavin, and to reinstate himself in the favor of the King, and the action of the play deala with hi* attempts to accomplish his purpose :nd the effort* of Rasendyll. aided by* C’ol. S.ipt and Frit* von Tarlenheim. to prevent his suc cess and save the Queen’s honor. The story affords ample opportunity for the display of dramatic talent of the highest quality', and the play is full of virile a* non from start to finish The climaxes which follow each other w'th remarkable rapidity, are novel in conception and sfrlklng In effect, particularly th** sensa tional duel scene of the thirl act, and the tableau which end* tho fourth aot and Play. WILL HAVE % TOl HK AMFAT. netnrit f*Alf Watch to Re I' at Darien Thnnk.icl . liitr Itai. A tournament will he play-il S-itur'lAv afternoon at the Savannah (l If Club links Only gentlemen will take i>art. aid their utandint; as players will be de e - mtneri by their scores Handicaps will h. made and a list arranged of the players accopdlnic 10 their ability to play the Rime as shown by the scores. Thanksgiving Day there will he a return match played with the I>vl>n team. A plan Is on foot to hire a tug for ihe trip to Darien This will defend upon the number of golf enthusiasts that can he In duced to take the trip It la expected th it there will be no difficulty about lh:t. and those who are rhosen to r. present the Savannah Club will probably have a 11; crowd of rooters to cheer th-m on In tip ir effort to get back nt the Darien place a for the defeat that was idm.nlsicred a few daya ago on the Kavannah links. H IN I\TO STKBBT CAR. \o. !i F.nglne's Mishap at r.s.lon and Whitaker Streets. Flra engine No. 5. while out exercising Tuesday afternoon, ran Into car No or, the Whitaker street line, al Gaston and Whitaker streets The engine and the car both arrived at the corner the tonne time Driver Morrell attempted to mak" a quirk turn to avoid a collision, hut one of Ihe horses became unmanageable and the | o|e of Ihe engine struck the able of ihe car, crashing In one of the glass windows ant! breaking the warden frame of the window Luckily ther. was no |*- srnger silting near where the |K>|e struck There were several pissengeis aboard, however, and they received quite a ware. The engine aud team were un hurt. WFfCk OFPHAVKR SIHIVIt'KfI. Meetings nt the V. M. t . A. Hall Well Attended. The week of prayer service* at the Voting Men's Christian Asms atlon this week still continue to Interest the young men The services ore being conducted by Mr W. B. Stubbs, whoa,- addresses are proving of beneflt to those who attend The meet ngs commence at * o'clock and are over by * tJ o'clock. The gymnasium and educational classes do not meet un til aftertheservlotv LEOAL kOTICEI. NOTICK TO CREDITORS. ESTATE HENRY STELIJES All persons having ,'lalms against the estate of Henry Sicbjee, de< eased, are hereby notified to present same, duly sworn, to the undersigned for immediate pnsment. at .VA West Oglethorpe avenue. Savannah. Ga MRS GBRINE BTELIJEB, Widow (fd Sole Helr-at-Law of Henry StcLJea. THREE REQUISITES TO SUCCESS. HEALTH ! STRENGTH— ENERGY' The J man who posses -1 ses these can < on 'lhPmH . (iiK-r flit- worKl ni FIT’S ti re yLg j MAL. T WHIS (C v 1 KEY the safest and most reliable lonic known will build up your strength, intuv new en ergy into your system and keep your health up to the high-water matk. To Ihe overworked professional or business man it is simply indispensable. It ii tin only Whitkey taxed by thr Govern ra-nt a. . inwlleuic This i.* a guarantor All iruxirisu and gn>ccr*. or Iln*c|. f: no holt)* Kefns. uNMitulr th*y rtr injurious Scud fur • r*r iu lirni bunklct hii l tAStiiuonlalf IA FFY IIALT WfI!BKKY (’ . llivhrster. N Y CLASSIFIED AUVLRf (SEMEN TS. PK.IIKON ii.. S UKKK I BEI OF rhirts a n*w pin will be put in your brvK>cU. on th** present At lon of thl *<lv <ni it out and bring it F*g*A > L* t Ilruughton hair. Jewelry and s.Avlng suppl> Imu -•. The pl.t* * p.r ex ele > for wuic ,* * cI.H-ks, spe t le ami Jew*try; engruving dene w hit* v*u wall; • avh gl\n f*r *UI g I*l *l *ll'er; *!*• ml ‘t mind D'.i* week to mak*- ba* ge . IF THE PARTY WHO W AS BEEN TANARUS > take t hla. k Spaldtug <• ii.iinb-si w heel fr**m In front *f N * Liberty Mr**e. we?*, will return same no question* will he aaketl OIL HEATERS. WOOD HEATER, cowl ImitTH. cook *te\eF and range#. Re liable goods C. I*. Miller, agent. MORPHINE, Of’ir.M UI'I'ANTM ocoalne hMt. myself ure<J will inform \ou of harmle**. permanent home cur** Mary S Baldwin. I*ox 1213. Chicago 'the furniterf rxchangr. in Barnard acreet, buy* and sell* all kind* of second-hand furniture for cash. ADVERTISEMENT* SET IN CAP IT ALB WILL BF PRINTED IN CLAM HI FI ED ADVERTISEMENT t’oLl'MN FOR TWO CENTB A WORD NO Al VERTIBF.MENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN IOC. IS YOT’R IRON SAFE nRI-M’ROOF? Bllffel A Freeman have h standing offer -f SI,OOO for every safe of their make that : does not preserve It* contents Ones iff* was in burning debris 113 hours When taken out. the hose hud to le turned on jlt When opened, not a page wa dlacoi Aired, not a record lom. tot a dollar de stroyed If you want security, buy a Htlffel A Freeman safe. C. I*. Miller, agent. YOU WILL LIKE THE MILK FROM Hpr.ngfiekl Dairy; It’s rich and pure; try It. Ft RNITVTRB UFHOLBTERED. MAT tresses reno\ated. Antique furniture re- IKillshei. furniture |aeked and shipped in t>e*t manru r Send me your orders. C. P. Miller agent OKIA* HIO Nt RHBRV. OPPOSITE Cathode Cemetery. chrysanthemums cantelta JaponPas are* areas, palms, flow ers and floral designs Leave your orders with J. Gardner, agent. 12 Broughton, east. inCIAIs AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of new willow rockers; ladies' else, at If I W. Topic t VM N<|\V LOCATED AT (H WEFT Broughton; ring up 13W5 if you want to have your furniture moved or packed for shlpm'nt or storage, 1 guarantee prices the same as 1 .!o the work that's given to me A 8. Griffin, 414 Broughton street, west; mattrefse# made to order IF ITS Itt'GS YOC WANT, YOU CAN get them cheaper from Met lulls. MILLER'S STOVES ANI) RANOKS give satisfaction The Magnetic. Econo mist Waldorf, King, and oilier good makes nt reasonable pnceo. KIT Brough ton. west. KENSINGTON FARM MILK IS UN eurpasted for rlchnees; delivery Is par ted; phone. 2M&. SEE MILLER F< )R OFFICE I>EBKS office tables, offi # malting, office shades Kfl llrougliton. west WHEN YOU SEE M Oir.I.TF SIXTY- Inch *V-ceni rugs, you will buy them. Just can't help It; will sell In any quan Uty. SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND range* for sAle by J. W. Teeple; also agent for Insursn e gasoline stove. "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE." lea specialty with McGINI*. ■"MILLER S NEW STYLES IN CAR” pets, mnt'lngs, linoleums, window shades etc. All work 'tone in flrst-c.aea style. 307 Broughtct), west. FIJIRAL DESIGNS, BULBB~ HYA Cinths. narcissus, |stlms, cut flowers from Oelschlg’s nursery, opposite Catholic Cem etery. Leave orders with J. Gardner, agent. 12 Itroughion. east. 'MGILLIS' LACK CURTAINS will beautify your-farlor. _ M GILLIS IS CHEAP ON P.UG9. NETS lace curtoins. hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, a'mes, bdreom suits, and furniture of every description. ""|l 44 BUYS NICE RATTAN ROCKERS while they last. Large a-eortment of rockers, divans end easy chairs. C. P. Miller, agent. KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation In the couniry. free from city drainage Impoasltde for milk to become contaminated, by Impure odors; If you want pure Jersey milk, phone 2J45 De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. MGILLIS MOVES PACKS Bill PS and store- pin nos ard furniture; heat work only; no "Cheap-John" price*—no "Choop- John" Jobs "GOLf> FISH ASP * FOOD. - WATEK grass, bone flour. 20-pound bag HO cents J Gardner, agent, for the present at 12 Broughton, east. 11.00 FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS while they last. C P. Miller, agent. FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they last Pig a*-.rtment, all grade* of art ?qiinr#. rugs, mats, portieres. C. P. Miller, agen' M GILLIS FELI-8 SIXTY-INCH RUGS -Smyrna patterns—for V* cents. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN OAT ITAtiB WILL HE PRINTED IN CI.AS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VKRTIBEM ENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN MC. MEDIC AL. LADIES' CHK HESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pill* ar- the beat Safe, re- Hnlhe. Take no other Send 4c >1 ißips for particulars, "Relief for laullcs " in letter by return mall Ask your druggtt. Chlchrster Chemical Cos.. Philada . Pa. HOW~ARE YOUR FEET? IF TOUR feet are troubling you. call on me and 1 will give you relief, I cure Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of ihe feat without pair.; charges reasonable; ran give the best reference* In the city; pa tients treated at residences; orders cen . at ;n '• t Ir H -lore If and Congress streets, telephone 23. Dm Davis, surgeon chiropodist. HELP IV VM liIt—MALE. CARPENTER WANTED; MAN WHO can do cabinet work, flx to* ks arid fit keys, anal do general repair work about large hole., permanent p*ltlon to she rig it jwr ty; single man preferred. Apply bet ween 10 and 12 o uiuck at Ihe office of De Soto Hotel. NFftJ* U % > TFIg—HALF. \\ ANTED TWO f IHKI VI.ASH (MAT an*l trous* i makers Apply G Fa mini. No 4S Hull stre t WANTED BIN FNION OAR PEN* ters 12 v per d.v w and tran*portatlon here. F Ugram. J ksonvlNe. Fla BALKBMi N’ \V \N !*FD TO BFI t OT'R by ttnple to wholesale and retail trade, we are the largest and only mao Ufa Hirers in ■ ur llr.e tn the world liberal sal an pail Addre-s *nn Dex Mfg t’o . ottlc**, 2$ Board t>f Trade Building Savan nah. Ga ii pip u %n mi-i i ii ill. w \N 1 K GOOD COOK W 1 PH gtnul ret •unmenAlation*. 2? Jons*. <*iet ADVLHTISFMFNTH SF.T IN GAP IT AI J* WILL m: I’Rl NTKD IN t’I.AS BIFIEI KDVBRTIBI Ml NT i FOB TWO t’KN'Tfl A WORD NO A1 \ ItT IS1: MK N T TAK MN 1 II I SS THAN 3 K4,rm> w %>ti:ii. AGENTS WANTI.D tIALVESTON Tin- lloir. r* if * Stricken >l y bv M nat lUilst- •) fully 1J aI I ief •-1 a* 111 * U>ok v • iMibllsht**! oily $' 80; beet term* gu,rant***-*l. outfit free be qtll k J. 8. Zelglrt A Cos.. Chicago I/I. I M 1*1.11% Ml \ I HIM I’ll. P\TdTl? l 7 N•?: 1 A Nl) O * Ml' INTENT stenographer w mta position, hue pusl ! Hon. but desires from pi*- nt . npl> • r A . this office. WANTED. BY A LADY HOLDING permHiu t liters* t*>**lilon a** assistant, or will teach small • i.* i. tefcrenc**.*- **x rhanged. Addreaa Taacher. Clark ston 0.1 1: \ 1 *EIII ENCBD BTENOO R A PII KK want* fmaitton In Ba%annah lmm*liat**|y at by .lan 1. Aldress J W., caro this offl •• I’oßl TI ON WANTED BY ItFeilHTEß *l pharmiiA'Ut Akir ** r'fll * Box No 3, t’-iv Atinah. Ga W % N THO — MI *4 ’ELI. IN WM *^WANTI iT^TGN CHEAP HORBEB Cable llano t\anpan> BCBINEBS FILMS IN NEHD OF tactical luokkeepers. t*ti gr iptiers, etc., and all persona d* siring such p4sltione >.hotiid write th** Pratighon Ituslnrs* Ex change. Lashvllle. I• nn N* charges to employer* VV* pay $2 for each vacancy reported to u*. provided we fill saiii* Luslnea* couhdetii iml IF YOi: WANT GOOD MILK. GET IT from B|m ingtiekl Dairy. It s rich, pure and wholesome. CASH PAID FOR GOOD SECOND" hand oat sack*. 212 West Bay street IF YOI’ WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc . fie** of charge. Just at rit> limit*, hauling over hard road write or telephone Brown Bros, <oiner Anderson and East ltnad street*. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank feoks fr>m Morning News. Havsnnah. Ga. ADVERTISEMENTS BFT IN CAP ITA I*B WILL IIE PRINTED IN CIAR 81 FI ED A DVERTIBBM ENT COLUMN FoB TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C KOI! HETT—ROOMS. front ronnw for gentleniMn 101 Charlton, corner Whitaker. NICELY FI RNISiIED FRttNT ROOM, southern exi*>sure; mevdern cocivetilencee. SlO Joriee, east. l ull HUNT— HOI VIA. No 217 Wsluburg street, east, between Abercorn and lJncoln, first etas* order and condition; every ronvrnlene# RL-ht rent tn right tenant Estate Salomon Cohen, West Brand aid Broughton streets. FOR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE HKS- Idence No. 2*4* Ogl"tiu>rt* avenue. we*t, n. ir R.tri.ard; lmm**ltale jMNiseeslon. Ap ply within. FOR RENT Til AT DESIRABLE RES I den co with nuthouses, *t a hit * and n tieautlful garden; 11* Taylor street, east. For particulars Inquire 8 Guckenhsl mer * Sons. Pay and Jefferson nireet. Foil RENT. 214 JONES STREET west; ImnuvUate poaeosalon. M S. Baker, agent FOR RENT 17 DUFFY STREET, east; t*>ss*-e*lon at once. Apply Georgs L Germany, agent 14 Bryan street, east. P It ENl\ M At4t> 221 H7h.¥77n street, east; these are good houses end location excellent Apptv tn C A Mcln tlre, 4t4 Hoard of Tr*d Building FOR HEM—STORKS. ~THK most desirable retail store In Savannah; slluatcl No. 12.'. Whit aker street, opposite new Postoffice; well adaincd for any kind of retail trade. Ap ply W M A W K Coney. FOR RENT. STORE. SUITABLE FOR any business. In a fine location; rent cheap. I'latshek A Cos. FOR HEAT—MIVCEI.LASKOI X. TTATtTm ATrrr^TTcKTcTp; FOR RENT CORNER HItOUOHTON AND "WEST BIIOAI) STREETS, F< Ht- MERLV OCCUPIED ItY THE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H P. SMART. FOR RENT, ON THE OOEECHEE road, tret ween three and four-mite poets (tro ley car* nearly to two-mlb- post). Irn.l In I'd* from one acre to one hundred; same can be bought In large or small lots on easy terms. C. 11. Ikrrsett. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN OAP ITAIgt WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 30C. Foil ■ ALE—HE AL ESTATE. ITAIjS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN MC. FOR SALE.'CORNER LOT ON BAR pard street. Just outside city limits. Mar gain, th.a office. FOR SALE, LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad, at !2<<> each; wlil ann tie advanced to I22f>; when a lot has been taild for 1 can arrange to get a home built. C. It. Dorset I FOR SALE. A LOT FOR TWO Ht’N lrei| rtotlars; easy termv. on Ninth atreet. hear East Rroad; no city taintlon. C. 11. IkiTsell. Good Positions t _^ w^c‘(§ECUßED - by Active is ulr A*ay : • Young Men ,fwL ""‘V/OMEN i-*b’X ? tflit". cur potties! | Wfe Business (odrse pjCHMONo )( "BUSINESS ( Vyr I COLLEGES.j V W torCjMayv Ait/rhX/uA 'y*' I FOB AAIxL-ItRU. ESTATE. ?Xle! ON road. b#tw*stn three and tour-mils post* (troHev cars nearly to two mile poet> land in bu from one acre to *ne hundred same can be bought tn large or small Lts on •*.*•% term* ’ II lH*rett FOR SALE LOTS ON NINTH STREET n*“ar East Broad, no <*Ht t4X**s. at J.tfh each, twenty-fix** dollars cash, nd e.c*j, monthh payments C II Dorsett FOR BAI.K THOBK LOTH ON NINTH street near East Broad, have only been sold to first-class parties, wh will make g.sHt netahhors. hih| iv*ui* others can !• y The terms r* very easy, a; and they ar* chetter than any others in the v 1 tutt> C H. lMrsett HEMIDENt’E AND "BUILD IMG LOTH for sil# all over the city. Robert 1l Tntem. e tate dealer. No. 7 York street, west. " a DVEIIT!SUM I".NTH SET I N C*\V ITAI*S WILL ME PRINTED IN CL\B SIFIKD ADVERTIBEMKNT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTB A WORD. NO AD VF.RTIBEMENT TAKEN FOR LEBB THAN 30C. FOB g %!>:— BIH hItLD IBM f. BOV It EM. THE CCJtGIi KING! THY It when your favorite remedy fads, at 25e bottle added to a gill of honey makes a splendid mixture for Infants and children BENZOIN MALM MAKES TIIE BKIN like velvet, for s tie by drought or at IMn r> and Abeirorn. iVrss** Drug rttorea, U hltaker and sti*et FIRE PROOF BAFPSB WE CARRY A fins line of fire proof safe In eto- k mi ill times The |iartle can see exactly what they are getting Our prices treas low as mnnufs- Hirers s* 11 ||. with freight sk4 ed Parti' s Inter* ■* **i. who wish g*''l fire |*r*sif safe, will do well t |ns|*e.*t our sto* k IJppman Bros . Ltpian in Ui k agents fot manufacturers FINE TURPENTINE LOCATION with fine body of round timber. f*ir sale cheap for rash only. Box O, Iron Cfcty. Ga TURPENTINE I*OCATION FOR sal* 1* crop* first year boxes; 1200* m ras round timber, at |l an par ,*ere $ par thousand boxes for letsed timt*e*r pi*-’ If of tlinhr r t* t*e got. In five rntle# of tall* road, will give poss*sb>ri now or at end of so* -on AddreiM |< urd Timber. <a a Morning News for BALK one elevator dreilg**. ttigetiier w-fctfi auxiliar y *lr • d#* For |*arti*Milars Mdlrea T 8 Tutwller Chief Engineer Plant Hysiem Bavauna/i, Ga. SPRING FIELD DAIRY IB NOTED for havlnr rich, pure mUk, try It; you will be pleased OLD NFWBPAPERH 2h* for 2ft cents at Musine s office Morning N-ws ADVWRTIBEMF.NTB BET IN CAT ITALH WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAN 81 FI El ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FoM TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR I.EBB THAN 30C. !.*•T %M> KOI 111. 1/ )8T ir\7l7TmrT^n^^ •ft with (Hmonil, numr ••ngravAil *i Mrn. lsilwntl reward, Him. (’ Ely. 14 Bry#n itmM. 4a*f. IaOHT A I*< H’K ETTKK >K CO NT AlN inr f. r Itownr*! If n(urir'(l to thin oftlt**. HI I\K4N € H 1IV(VI. ADVERTIHEiMENTH SET IN i'AI 1 - ITAI jS WlLla HE I’ItINTED IN CIsAA BIEIEI AhVKHTIHICM ENT COLU MN F<M TWO t'BNTH A WORD. NO Al VEHTIBKMENT TAKEN KOK LEBH THAN MC. I'M Mill\o. MODEHN PLUMHI.NO IT WILL HE to your lil4*r*‘t to let me give you *n e tim<te on your plumhltiK. new or 01l work; re|lr work .* a per Ijlt y, am I nm a l*rH< tli'iil plumber. No kimch work to riuVmiter your life. WlKKini, ’pbotie W/7. Qeorxln or Hell H1%4 KI.IsANKUI 9. DON’T TROUBLE YOURS LI ABOUT movirtK your furniture, reluylnx your #r l*e(p or mattinx IVrrjr A Hen ton will re lieve you of #ll th#t trouble. YEB. WE REPAIR FUHNA* LB. WE refiAlr in ner*. w i*?;>olr rmicrr we rt* lMtr cook elovee. nil orders iiromptly fllie*) A C. Price A Cos. Bite an<l Jef f*rjn tr4w*tA. 'PhoneN (*A "HAVE YOUR HOUSE PAINTED with Oerman rendy-mixAd paint, entlra ■AtiafAdlon guaranteed. A-lims Paint Company ‘"WANTED. ONE THOUBAND HITN- Itry people at the Hour ham Grocery Colb pany, 214 Bernard atreet. ”WB HELL HEWER PIPE. ELUK pipe, fir** flay, fire brick at lowent price#. A*Wtm Paint r'omjeny. 104 Congreaa, west. PEltlfv A RENTON 130 ~ BTATE atreet. west, will move, ahlp or tore your furniture at abort notice; alto ren ovate your oli mattreoaee mi IHtle coni. Hell ’phone 1124 ‘ YOU WON’T REGRET THE GOLD weather If you will l*t up furntth you with a heaier or mnn**; we can a*ll you cheaper than any on elne, and will fake your old atove In exrhanne. A. C. Price A Cos.. Htate anl Jefferaon alreeta. 'Pbonea 4M ft!ORE*Til AN ONE HUNDRED TENTH in every dollar of your hard-earned herd r*h at the Houthem Grocery Company. 11l Harnard a*r*-et THf 'r>B IN THE •tore. 12 Rroufftiton atreet. eaat. known Gardner's Hasaar. muar he aold; parties wtMhimc can purchase in lota mtu\ prlcea to ault. Ori*Bl NE IB Till > lab made Adam* Paint Cos.. Havannah axenta. 104 Consreaa. weal. WE ARE HTILL IN TIIE PLUMBING hualneiM* and do yood work at ex tremely low pricea. our 15 cent* mantel 1# n peach; we hove them from 10 • eot* up. and will nut them up for you; ylve o* a call A C\ Price A Cos., 'phonea Cil, Htate and Jefferaon afreets. Norwood's "Satire" For sale at all News Stands in Savannah. GIVE A GUESS! It won’t cost you anything, and will give you a chance to get a pair of GEIL & QUINT’S $3.00 SHOES. At our Booth in the Elks’ Carnival Grounds you’ll find a JAR OF PEAS. To the 5 PERSONS guessinjf nearest the number of peas in the jar we will give a pair of our s.\oo shoes. A Committee of Elks will count the peas and deter mine the winners. GEIL & QUINT, 205 Broughton St., West. AIVTIO3 MIEA FITIKK DAYS. BARGE LIVINGSTONE AT At 4 rrioV I. D. I.A f4H III;, Auctioneer. n SATURDAY, the 17th Inc 1!W) at 11 o eeti'k at the old Baltimore wnarf, I will mti for cash to the higr.**st uWIeT, for a ■ omit of win an it rmi\ •*n ern. Barge Livingstone, copper fastened. ilet> on* **)• hor and chain, 2 K*fi*oii Hand Pumj on board. '!*•* II 4 M IH s REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENHKS by Inventing your hard-earned hard cash with t e "onthsrn Grorsry Company, 114 Barnard street THE 81 low CASHS COUNTERS AND flxtur**** in th** ■•'ore. u Itmugnton street, east, known as Gardner s lUxaar. for awia. they must g STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES GO ing for less than fir t • it 12 Hroughtan street, tail, * tore known a Gardner s lia ■aar. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work order your Ilh *> replied -rd printed atatlonsrv rel blank hooks from Morning News, rtwvannalt tb* * ADVERTISE.MENTB BET TN CAp. ITAIJH WILL Rti PRINTED IN CLAS SiriDD Aid EIiriSKMFN 1 OLUMI9 FOR TWO CKNTB A WORT* NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FK LESS TH AN 3b* * ■ 1 : LktiAL none it*. TgitFoT 18 AND CItED ITOItH GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— N rtf Ice |s hereby given t< all persons hav lug demand* ngalnst Florence Verncm \\ tMHlbrulge. fate of said 'vurly. dw eaewl l< pr.*sen* them to us. prop rly made out, xithNi th** time prescribed by law so ss to show t.ielr character *i*d amount; and ill per-<n* li'debted to said *teeeased wr required to make immedtst** ptvment to us. MARY ANNA HABERSHAM. KitvcueHs f*LIFFf*RD A STILES. Executor. Savannat <Ja . Oct 25 IW. GHOMO I A CHATHAM COUNTY- Wbet'sis, Jtime* T Bhuptnne has spp led to Court of Ordinary for iwtt* r# a* guardian on the eaiatc of Stsphen R. Newton minor. Tliese are, therefore, to rite nnd admon ish ail whom it me\ concern f*r be and spp* ir le f>re said court to mnke objec tion 41f anv they have) on or before the first Monday In December next, otherwise S lid letters will h* granted Wlnes*. the Haci Hampton L Ferrlll. Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 31st day of October 19nu FRANK E KEILRACH. Clerk Ci Or l’y, c . \ CH V i HA M COI ' Oussle Cooper next frl*-n*i of Gcuion T.. CDorge P. and Janie Elmore, minors, baa aiplie*! to f'ourt *f (Ordinary f*r twelve months for eald minor chlklren out of estate of Janl** Klniore. |e-enee I Ap praisers have mad** returns allowing # rne These are. to cite all whom It may om* c* rn to appear before said court to make objection *jn or before first Monday tn December, riext, otherwise som* will le grant***! Witness. Hon. Hampton L Ferrlll, Ordinary for Chatham County, this Mat •lay of October, IDOn FRANK E KEILRACH. Clerk c O.r r GEORGIA. •HATH AM CO*! NTT.— Nolle** I* hereby given to *ll p.-rsone in terested llii Ihe ratal* of KUik Ann* llrnnrt t, deceased, I* unrepresented me! that In term* of the law a tmtntxtra'ton and bnc t a. will I**' vested In Jor<l*n K Hrooks county administrator, on the Arm Monday In lirrcml**r. next, unit** objection* are tllixl thereto. Witness, the Honorable Hampton U. Eerrlll, ordinary for Chatham county, thin tile Slat day of October. 1900 FRANK K. KF:U,nACH. Clerk C. 0.. C Cos. GEORGIA CHATHAM COI'NTT- Wherea*. John 8 B*hley has applied to Court of Ordinary for letter* of admtn- Ir.lralloti on the estate of Wm. Hulllvan Hrhlay. deceased, The*.- are, therefore, to cite an-l admon ish all whom It may concern to be and appear before **ai.l <*ourt to rnxtke objer tlon llf any they have) on or before tha first Mood tv In December, next, other w e aal I letters will be granted. Witness, the Hon Hampton U KerrlH. Ordinary for Chatham county, thin tha Slat 'lay of October. ]*o FRANK K KETDBACH, Clerk Ct. Ord'y, C„ Cox GEORGIA CHATHAM * - iI’NTtZ Whereas. Harsh Ouokenhelmer. Hahfna Oersa. Hannah Adler and A. 8 Gurkon helmer have appUt-d to * ’ourt of Ordinary for letters of administration, to he issued to l-eopold A*4cr, on the estate of Moses Dm kenhelrner. deremsed, Theee are, therefore, to cite and ad m-eiish all whom It may concern, to be an<l appear before s.ild cun*. to make objection (If ahy they have), on or before the first Monday In December neat, other wise sal-t lettera writ I le grunted witness, the Hon Hampton U Kerrtll, Ordinary for Chatham county, this tha 7sti day of November. 1900 FRANK K KKII-nACH. Clark Ct. 0.. C. do. NOTICK To MlHTolts AND C|tKf>. ITORB DBOROIA. CHATHAM COT'NTY Not Ice la herehy given to all persona har ing demands against Kara H Kem, lata of said county, deceased, to present them to me properly made out, within the time preserltied bv law, ar as to show their character and amount, and all |-raon* In *lebled to said d*ceaa*sl are required to make Imm-dlatn payment to me. Havannah. Da , Nov. 13, 1900 KHWI.N W. CITHIIKDGE. Kx ecu tor. OXOROIA. CHATHAM rnt'NTT.- In Chatham County. Georgia. Huperlor Court, June Term,l9oo. —Charles O. Dooley va. Mary A Dooley. I-ll>el for Total Di vorce To Mary A lmoley, Defendant: You are required lo b ar*l appear, either liersnnally or by attorney, at th* neat Su perior Court, holden In and for said coun ty. same l lug the first Monday In De remtier. 10--then and there to answer plaintiff on the merits of the above s'ate-1 case. In default the court will proceed as Justice shall appertain Wltneaa the Hon. R. F’alllgnnt, Judge of said court, this llth day of September, 1900. J. L MITtPHT, D*p Clerk. 8 C„ C. C„ Ga. THOR t>. HIIX, Attorney. ODD NEWSPAPERS. go for X -etna, at Ruslneas Ofjlce Morning News. 3