The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 15, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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FAILURE OF GRANTS )| OK* SHOW A VKB V > rttA\OK STATU Or ATT A IKS. erasures have been made. \tn IT H t I. lIMKO THCnftS W Aft MO OFF AM \TIOM. fr'irni dimply W oltr I p to lh* Part That There Ht No Money In the i unit Drawer—Nta'i feternrttlea \%err bold aal When tie Aiked for Them New One* Were Houglil for lllm. New York. Nov. 14 —The principal de velopment In the failure of Grant Broth tt v io-<lay aaa a statement by Frank Bergen of Elizabeth. N. J.. attorney for John K VanSi kle. one ot the partners of the Arm Mr. Bergen* statement wa; It is very doubtful If any one can tell w it caused the wreck of Grant Broth ( * 1 do not think, honestly, that even t*< nxmbers of the Arm ckn tell stat brought the crash. and It la doubtful if the cause will ever be knowT- The truth of the ma'irt- seems to be that (.rant Brother* have been Insolvent for ♦ vral years without knowing It. The are in frightful shape, the expert u H.nt.ints *a>, and have not been kept propertly for year* back Since my oil er/ |'H nw a number of the Arm they had not been balanced, and they may I * to be rewritten before head or tall can be made out of tliem— If, indeed, they r.m ever be clear*-*! up. T r ver a week liefore the assignee toek barge of the l*K>ks 1 had an expttt arc untaiit examining them He foun*! n inmruua erasures, both with knife and m ; i As fnr as the expert went, he found no les* than nineteen I r rag u lari t Isa Oik* transaction. 1 know, showed die Arm had void Sl4o.ouu worth of a certain security txn£ to a man who had no idea the parsers were being disposed of He called upon the Arm shortly afterwards for the se ini tie*. Thes*- were then bought In open market, an*) restored to the owner • is It certain that no trusted clerk or otter employe defaulted?** ,4o far as tie knows, there was no dis honesty on the part of anyone. The Arm ftlmidy awk* to the fact one morning that no more money was there and that It ws* ruined. The rumor of . defalcation, however. Is traceable A Unit a year ago the Arm had a clerk whom It accused of emiiezzltng. A lawyer was called in and the man was charged with the theft. simply put his pen down on his desk, sat down and said: '* 'lf you think so. send for the police. 1 will si here ami wait for them.' •'The police were not rent for. That story leak**! Into Weil street and there fore the rumors." GRANT BROS. ALIGNMENT. fttata* of Firin'* \ffnir Is Not Net lleft ni te| y Known. New York. Nov 14.—E ti. Bltdmin, as signee of the Arm of Grunt Brothers, stock brokers, gave out the following statement to-day ■; "The irnMint of the assets and liabilities of the Arm cannot be stated until I have had opoprturlty to examine Into the af fairs nd schedules and Inventory have been prepared; nor can 1 state the cause of the assignment to me beyond the fact • list the Arm was Indebted to an amount treater than It had the means to pay and i .iat the reason. therefore, appear* (o be ie re ent discovery that its resource* had *n depleted in some way. ihe particu an* of which may l>e and Anilely known •ally from thorough examination of the Arm * books." From ore who Is close to the members of the Arm and who** authority is un quest'oned. It was learned to-day that the shortage n the Arm'* account would be about*>. This person said: "When it became evident that some member of the Arm waa responsible for •his sum. Frederick and Charles F. Oram made th;s assignment to protect the creditor* of the Arm. John K. Van Side’s name was no' attached to the papers of the Arm and the assignee, Mr. P ted man. will have thirty days to render ht* accounting nd inventory. Then the - realtors ran take what action they deem best to recover the money that is miss ing.** lIIIUIMA 4 OI.LKCE BIHIKD. I tiling l/Rdlfi Ifiitl In Earape In Light Bedroom I (lltunic. Roanoke, Va. Nov. ll.—Virginia Col lf|l, an lnstPutton for young ladle*. situ ated Just outside the oily limits of Roanoke, was totally destroyed by Are at an <arly hour thin mxrnlng. It was a short while after the ”rMng bell" bad been rung, when It was discov ered the hallways of the hlg building were filed with smoke The young ladles were notified to loee no dime In getting out of the building: to s'Op for nothing The word was quickly passed around and the >'< ung ladles, 150 In number, made their way out. many of thetn thinly clad, hard ly any with anything more than the nlpl'-at costumes of the l*edroum. There v as little confusion, no great excitement Aj soon os men reached the scene they cheerfully loaned their overcoats to the girls In light costumes. Some of the riighhors in the meanwhile brought blankets, anil the girls wlio had the least cl"i hlng went Into n*ar-by houses. The nrr start'd In the holler room, ex actly how la not known It made quick work and In less than two hours the buildings were entirely destroyed The desks from the business office and a few entries of furniture were about all that was saved. The hulldtng was of hrlck and fitted with all modern conveniences The |„t, R is |7", Oflri. with about 125.000 in surance. The building belonged to M's# II trria and Mrs Boatwright. The students will he kept together In R tnoke for a few days until P I* decided where the school will resume. ItGADV Foil TUB lIEAHIdO. hot. Roosevelt Mill Tnke I |> the Ice Trust I sse. Albany. N. Y.. Nov M.—Relative tha ' ‘urges preferred against Mayor Van- W’yck to the elfetg that he M a stock holder In the American Ice Company, r ’ 0 v Roosevelt said to-night he had gone • srefuily over the history af the case with Attorney General Davlew and was perfect • prepared for the hearing, which will ' given to-morrow In the executive cham ber, I Noble Hayes, counsel for the World. 1 ' notified the Governor that ho will be it. sent with hla partner. Wheeler H. ■ khott. The hearing will be public. EAT-WELL Salad Dressing IS WITHOUT AN EQUAL (All First-class Orocera.) WrODED AT Tlir, WALDORF. (irorgls and California Furnished the ( Antraeting Parties. New York, Nov. 14.—Mr Telamon Cuyler Rmith. of Atlanta, Oa.. and Mis* Grace Barton of tfan Francisco. Cat-, were married at tha Waidorf-Astorin to-day. Miss Graca Barton Is the only da ugh ter of the late Mr. John Bart on. of San Francisco, California He wa-* a pioneer merchant manufacturer and million* r* M as Barton is a brunette, with grt*> eyes and abundant black hair. She has been carefully educated and has traveled both In Europe and AmerUa Mr. Telamon Cuyler Strath Is the or.l son of Mr and Mts Henry Hunter Smith. He was lorn tn Home. Gu„ anl educated In the public schools of the county, attended the Cnlverslty of the South, at Bewanee. and later graduate I in the Law Class, of 11*1 of the University of Georgia Since graduating he has been engage.) In the of law in Atlanta, and has of late been interested In the exten sion of cotton spinning in the Southern States. The wedding took place In the little room ofT the large reception room The bndal couple stood under a large can opoy of wh*te chrysantlu mum* with bow* of white gxuxe rlblxxis at the corners. The cornices were wreath*-*! in smtlax Th** largo reception room wss decorated in palms and ferns The whole suite of rooms In trouts XV was in green and white The d'.ntng room was a vision of beauty in yellow brocade, the windows, chandeliers and cornice* being wreathed In smllax. The bride’s gown was im ported from Bar Is and was of a soft sil very fabric, trimmed with floun* es of round point lace and orange blossom?- The pearls worn hy the bride are an heirloom In the groom’s family and were worn In the olden days by the beautiful Ann's Duer Cuyler :n picturesque Savannah. Oa. The brides bouquet wan n shower bou quet of Llitca of the Valley and w hite or childa. Mis* Blair, the maid of honor carried bouqent of pmk roe*'* and L lie# of the Volley The guest* drank the toast to the bride and groom In Madeira of the vintage of 1830. which was sent from the South for the occasion The heat man. Mr Hnrold Van Hens *etaer. Is a son of Mr. snd Mrs John King Van Henselser of New York city. NATIONAL Git A NOB MBBTB. It Is Claimed Farmer* Mast Fay Ton Much for Wliut They Nerd. Washington. Nov. 14 —The thirty-fourth annual session of the National Orange. Patrons of Husbandry, began here to-d. y with a good attendance ami will continue for a w***k or more The chief feature of Interest to-day was the annual address of Worthy Master Aaron Jones of Indi ana, who said that while ngrlculturai condition* are somewhat improved they are not what they should he. The price of what furmers had to buy h** raid, are httrh compared with what they had to'sell and such renv-dlal action should t*e had as would cause an equitable adjust ment of prices In all the lending staples He urged opposition to the ship subsidy bill and spoke of the growth of the indus trial combinations, "until the entire country l* Justly alarmed " He urged n amendment to the constitution char and expressive In Its terms, empowering Con gress with the right and authority to reg ulate cori>orntlons. The Interstate com merce law. the Grand Master argued, should be amended so that all sections of the country could secure fair and equitable freight rites. CONFERRED AFTF.It HWEATBOX. \* arro Admitted the Harder of a 11- Yenr-Old-Glrl. Denver. oV>l. Nov 14.—A pair of overalls and a shirt stained with blood were found In the baggag** of the three negroe- Prsston Porter anl his two a*>n. who r *fetalned In the city prison here on ac count of suspicion tha* John Porter, one of the boys was the murderer of Louise Frost. They had their baggage shipped to Lawrence. Knn., but It was returned to Denver unopened- After withstanding the pressure of the sw* eat box at the olt\ jitil for four days. John Porter, who l 1 years old, to-nJght broke down and con fessed every detail of the klMng of the 11-year-old girl. The little girl was the daughter of a ranchman living four ml!e from IJmon, who attended school In town On Wed nesday last, while on her way home *he was waylaid, assaulted snd murdered, her body showing no less than fourteen knife wounds The police department sent two men to Limon to-night to verify some of Porter’s statements. They with to he absolutely sure of his guilt before turning him over to the authorities at Limon. owing to a strong belief that he will be lynched on his arrival at that place. IMWTWKATW U BUR FOCttl). nhorre Mill Operators to Aastver to necorder Goff. New York. Nov. H.—The grand Jury re. turned indictments to-day to Recorder Goff In the Criminal Court against Henry Zclmer and Frank Wilson, the alleged operators of the divorce mill recently dis posed by the district attorney and others. The defendants are charged with per lury and subordination of perjury. There are two Indictments against Mntson. (wo Indictments against Zalmer, one Indict ment against Wilson and one Indictment against each of the women. Mrs. Herrick and Miss Thompklns. Ito Til % MAY M Hit B Mint. Has Kent a Statement of His Terms to Gett. Roberta. London. Nov 15 —Commandant Octi. Rotha. according to a dispatch to tho Hally Mall, front Pretoria, has sent to Lord Roberts a statement of the terms on which he will surrender KHIGBH IV IBrUTIIM. Has Reached Inn on Hutch Cruiser Grlderland- Sueg. Nov H.—The Hutch cruiser Oel derland, with ex-Pre*blent Kruger on board, has arrived here. Mr Kruger re main* secluded In his cahln. Hie health Is good. A delegate of the Marseilles Reception Committee hoarded the Getderland here, hut tha eventual destination of the war ship will be unknown until she arrives at Port Said, where she will coal Mr Kruger received an ovation al he German port of Har-es-Salaam Roberta Veeils Hie Troops. I.ondon. Nov 15.—" We under-tand," aays the Dally News, “that Lord Rob erta has intimated that It I* Impossible to withdraw more iroops from South Af rica.” _ Slayer Was Bsonerotctl. Tacoma Wash. Nov H Former Dep uty -Rherlfr Richard Adams shot and in stantly killed Daniel Kild.e an t William Kennedy at Oeni. Idaho. to-.lay. lo"i men were union miners and t. ok pr nil nent parts In the Coeur and Alene st ike two years sgo. At that time Ad in served warrants on ihem an.! Inner, and their deadly enmity. Adame w- mat and ss a hero and to-da>'s cotonrr's Jury ex onerated him on the ground of ealf-dt (ena*. f • THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1900. GUAM SHOULD BE NAVAL BASE ADMIMAI ftti ADFOHD THUS OF ll.%Nl>* I M PIHITAht ‘K. Font I.tat Avar tost the Nitty Nrarlt S* a Ton More Than In IM>H~-tltr -*•••• Statens I* llrriimmi-aUrS—A*r \r% of I'Nflfit* l nltlr In IC*-ml> • I n* lli* 4 able—Work of l*nrtlen Sst Out to Mnd% the E*ll |e. \S ijhlngion. N<v. 14—The report of Ad miral Bradford, chief of the naval bureau of equipment, sets forth the desirability of a navid -ta .on at Gunm. emphasisiug (he Imtortance of the island a* a naval lss*\ B be.iig the only l nte*| Stnies port beiwaen Hawaii and the Philippines The umou .t of coal b*4ng co-**unud b>* the navy |* increasing y ax h> year, axil its cost last year averaged nearly %2 a ton more than during the fiscal year of IfeSw Admiral Bradford igntn renew# bis rrcovnmeralatlons for new naval al de iHits. and dwell# upon the great necessity of m.nmalfiliig an efficient coal supply wherever naval operation* might he look ed for The bureau re xnmrnds the Installation of the Ms PC*uii system of wireless teleg raphy on board of several ships of the mv* provid'd It -*an be done at a reas onable cost. The Irri a! states Ihat the survey by th** Ur.lted f*t.itee ship Nero for a trans- Pacitic suhmaritie tel-graph otS‘e he* ween Honolulu snd th*- Phl lp*in- Isatd* wa* mwl : ees*fully accomplished. a4l tbit c?lf .*tor> route for in all Amerlcm cable t> . onr * • ih** Parlfl c a*t with the outlying obnlil possess :o no of the l’n!te*| Ht.t*s In the Pac*flc a* *1 with China and Japan, ha - f*#en dsc vered thorough y explored, surveyed a and mp l*ed The bureau Is now ready to lay the cable ai any tlm*-. Two parties were sent Into the ft. Id hy tl • aval *>b;.-rvwtor\ to wltn*s the tot ,| 11 ***• of Ihe -tin r May 24, 1901* The re *ui:. snys Admiral Bradford was a- a whale, successful there U-lns. however, sum*- failures with miner Instrument*. Attention 1 called to :he fa**t that an other e l.pse of the sun wl l o- ur May 17, PI. wnich will be remsikthl- ©i a* -ount of the long dunitk'n cf the iota t ty nnl of the hlsh attitude of the sun. An estimate to enahh the observatory to set and an expedition to ad Inass this ec’.lp e will h>e submit ted. TWO I. Alton < oN\ ENTIONN. lot Inn* of the l*nr*on ond llsyet Mt-rlingn In lllrtntnalinm. ft'rtnb xhatn. Ala. No\. 14-The and Hayes factions of the Knights of lothor are *sil| holding their separate inl distinct 'nnv*ntlons without Interfer ence with ore another. Both are awaiting •he ulttmnte decision to he reached In the courts. At the Mwston* to-day routine business was transacted and strong reoolutlon* were adopted The psrsone <*>nventlon. In It* resolu tion. de non no* and Htmofi Burn Pittsburg. 1 mom bee of thr executive t*ard of the Haye# fa tlon for adv* sting for non union m* n to take Ihe place of men who were on a s’tikent the lime; removrdythe disabilities placed on former Grand %• t*r Workman T V Powderljr hy the Hay* h convention and ln*ton*d the • f Ihe genera! cffi ers elected by the Bos ton convention In their <fTrts to secure ontrol of the property of the organisa tion. Th* Hayes Convention adopted a resolu tion concletnnlng the Industrial Commis sion. denouncing --ontract labor and the onvtct system In the South, and pro testing against nnv Increase In the standing army of the United States Both conventions adjourned until to morrow. wedding tv u urvTA. Voptlnls of Mr. William Alexander him! Mi.v %<!•* In Il•* Hiiiin*. Ausuila, Nov. 14—Th vn.irrlaft# of Mr Al*'x.n!r aihl Mlp* Adelaide Moure, with Mr Leopold Alexander of Savannah n le*t man. kid a popular ao eleiy event tQrday. The ceremony w*i performs) by Dr Plunkei of the FI ret Presbyterian Church. It *.u* a beautiful home wet!* liner, .arijely attended. The brldn’x younger eleter. Mlm Mary Wilxon M* •>!-. kii- maid of honor, ami her fwo brother*. Mevsr*. Frank and J. W. IKwre. Jr . were ueher- Aft**r the ceremony a leliirtitfni lun-I'heon wan aerved. Mr and Mm. Alexan.l.-r left on an extended North ern trip Gen. E IV Alexander was among ih* guests from a distance. IMAM TO IIKFKMI TUB CVV . Vonno: lllnoit I'rrdomlnslcß In the >pw M%nll*atr. New Tiwk. Nov. 14 —The World *a^ Nat and John H llerreahoff mme to New York y#f#rda>' and were |>r#*ent a*, a meetlnir of a symilcate formed for the defense of the Amerl< a s cup. Young blood | redornlnates In the ayn <ll wte. which l> compoeetl of Cornel ud Vanderbilt. Herman I) Duryta Harry Payne Whitney, and the old guird I* iet*- res*ntd by J ri*rpont Mmgun I* wn learned the plana shown to the syndi cate were approved. l % HI lll’ltl*F. Hill BG. t nilrrn Cnrncale Will Bstnbltah a I'f'lytcrtinlc School. Pittsburg. N v It —Andrew Carnegie, It Is stated on unquestionable authority, has unckhcr surprise for Pittsburg and In Its accomplishment Is willing, as usual, to spend several million of and" lar. 11l- pur pose Is raid to be the establishment of a polytechnic school for the Instruction of practical mechanics and the Industrial science* The amourc of money which It Is said will he spent by Mr. Camcglo In founding and endowing the school 1* 12.tK0.00D. Deoils of the proposition ate exiwted to be ma le known to-morrow IUGFII) TO BBC It'll: DEMOCRATS. Vo Future Hrfore the Sliver Repub lican Party. Minneapolis. Minn.. Nov H - Members of the Silver KepubHcan Notional Com mittee have been In conference here over the question of the party’s future. Among those participating wera Charles A. Towne. chairman of the committee; George II Hhlhley of Illinois, and E 8, Corsvr of this city, treasurer of the com mlttoe. It la understood that they havs d* Ided to Issue an <Mre* In which thtjr will express the belief that the time has cork for the [lying up of the party or g,.t 'xntlon. All Silver and Llntom Re publican# will be urge I, It Is understood, to beaome Demo- rats. TUB V tTF. IV DELAWARE. McKinley’s f’larallts in the Little stale la ll.OOt. Wilmington. Del., Nov H-The complete official vote of Delaware for President f: McKltJey r:.ST; Brian IMM; McKinley’s plurality I,SOI. Four years ago the plurality for Mr- Ktnlt y was 8.710. Tha I’rohlMtton ticket received 587 votes, and the Social Demo ciatlc ticket 57. Total vote, U^K. WOMEN MUST SLEEP. A void Nervous Prostration. If Mg ar** dan(r'*ro*ly *it( what is th<* drat duty of your phygioian ? H<" aui<*t th* norvoua lOU’iu. hr dMilrgi ir pain, and you lirep well Frieuda ask", “what is th.* enusr?” and tho answer c<mix's in pitying tonra. nrr*ou prostratmu. It i - an* upon you ao quirtly in th.' b‘irionin(r. that you were not alarmed, and when lleep deserted you nipht aft.'r nipht until your eyes fairly burned in the darkneaa, then you tiwaed m ucrvoua agony praying for ilevp. Mm A. Haktliy You oufrht to have known that wheu vou ceaaed to l>e ropular in your courne*. and you ffrew irritable mtli out oauar, that there wm nerions trouble mmewhere. You ou>,'ht to know that indigestion, ex haunt ion, woiul> ilinplaeeiuentn. fainting, ditr.ines.s, headiudu*. and baokaciio aeod the nervex wild with affriifht. and you cannot sleep. Mm Hartley, of Wl W. ('ouirreiw St.. Chieajfo. 111., who-* portrait we pul> linh. Buffered all these lupin ten. aud wan entirely cured by Lydia E. Piek ham'a Vegetable Compound : her cm* ahould lie a warning to ottiern, and her cun* carry conviction t.i the iniuda of every nufferintr woman of the un failing efficiency of Lydia E Pinkiuun'a Vet’etable Compound. THEY WANT IHUITH VTIOV. National Civic lVderntlon Will 111 l n ronfermrr, Chi- am Nov. 14. The National Otvlr F*derail<n h* iiwu*l the following iin nouno*ni-nt n n.m-n al conference to consider fhe b-*t rn hih to pri iire ron dilation and arbitration In the sdlle men! of induatrlol dispute?' “No phiiee of our m*N|crn Industrial <le vdopmnu la mart* inters iki* than the eturly and observation of the method* of conciliation m*l arhitf.itton :i(>pl|eil dur ing recent y**am to tin.' of difficult?** .rxl grlev in. * * that ron.xiant ly a rim* txd ween labor ofld capital. • Btrlke* and lockout* r **rh in!- a greater waete nf human energy. atvl r* Nponathl* f*r a trea'tt r k*** of we.ilth t* nociety a* a whole, than any other ol>- Ptrueflve factor connected wlfb tno<lem Induet rialiam “I’uhllc opinion lt>-elf hue been Indif ferent and unlnf<rmeti • to the re*nire mer.te of thlt* w ng* with it." rapid and w<*nlerful de%*elopment In every de|art ment of our Imluntrlal llf Hec*gnl*lna the new cl'lm- arising frmn mwkrn lo • 1 nutria! condition*, the National t-lvk- Felerwtlon will hold a national confer**nee In Chicago on I*••- 1" and IH. to eonal'ler In all It a* Ikeailiu: the principle* of con dilation a ltd arhllrathm “It l? thD object of the National Civic Federation to moke tin* com n* conference a** practical at j*ODrlhh by bringing to gather both the lubor l-.*der> and ap talna of indusiry who are the m<M*t ll r*ctly conccrnenl ami without w‘h>ee goo-l will no py?tein can Ihp lmpe'el. “Tho exj*eiience of the pstet will h drawn upon and a pracii* .1 cxamliiietlon of ail methoda f*r . '*m illation and r 1 tratlon at pr* -vi k In vogue will lm nm*l IMPOKTAKT I %fB I>K< IIIBD. Fidelity and I’aawnltf Company Mitmt |*ny n Homl. Richmond. Va . Nov. 14.—An intereetlng cMse decided by th** l*nltel t lr c ult Court of A|*fe ila to-day wan that of the Fidelity and Caeuulty Company of New' York ngatnM the Ht Matthew B.iv- Inga Hank of Charlaoton. C. Judge Paul wrote the opinion. J. W. Zimmer, cashier of the hank. *ev eral year* ago became a defaulter. The Fidelity and Casualty Company wn* se curity on hie bond for the gum of tIO.OOO The company r<fu*el to pay on the ground that the preaident und director* of the bank hod not exercleed ltl lgcn*'e in *u|Hrvialng the work of the cashier. Suit wu* brought an'l a maeter waa apio4nted m Invei- Mr-ate the ca* t * and H re<onimeii-le.l that h ghen <n favor of the hank for <h *um -f 17.0*7A and Interest from September Judge Slmonton who the a*e In the Inked States Circuit <*oirt. gave jinlgm* nt for *um. Th** Fidelity and Casualty Company apfHMle'l. and the opinion of the lower conn wa* unani mously affirmed with o?*la to the |> aln tlff. irillllltl IDOPT I’ll ICE*. Worm Fight Precipitated tmona lout hern Moelery Hen. Charlotte. N C,. Nov. 14—A meeting of tha Southern Hosiery Yarn Spinners’ As sociation was held here 10-day, the ob ject being lo fix a schedule of price. The Committee on Prices reported In favor of the adoption of the Atlantic schedule The majority of the members appeared tn be In favor of higher price* and n watm tight was precipitated The amended Atlanta schedule wa* finally adopted a- a mini mum. The price wa" therefore ttx. and at 17 cent* for 10s. a rise of %c a number up to and including 22t>. Above 22* a rise of lie a number, POkTOFFICK 11’PflOHH 11TIOA. Poalmaafer General Smith 11 111 Ask for About * I'd 1.000.000. Washington. Nov. H Postni later Gen eral Emory Smith has framed his eatl matra to l>e submHt* I to Congress ami will ask an aggregate of atiout 1121,000,100 as the aprpoprtutlon for the entire service for the tlscol y*ar ending Jun- > 1802 This Include* an estimate of 12 Jio.fltvj for the rural free delivery servlee. Ry the close of the ocl year ljut rural free de livery routes throughout ih" Drilled grates will hnve been etbl!*hed and the general ext* nslon contemplate.! for next year will involve about 4.500 addition il routes. Hal- C. A. Rootk I* Dead. I-oulsvllle. Ky . Nov. 14MaJ Charles Alfred Booth. C 8 A., quartermaster tn charge of the t otted States arsenal at Bt. Loul". died here *o-ljy from pneu monia at 'he home of l.ts father-in-law. ex-ieov John Young Brown (tn .Satur day MaJ. Booth arrived here with hla wife, to visit the latter * parents. He wa* then only slightly Indiepo-ci. but aOoti afterward pneumonia developed. COLORED ELEMENT OPPOSED. DOF.NNT U %N r TO I4IK KRDK9UI* PATRON AGE IN HOI TH. TH**;* Do Not 41* la r Klnillt to ih** Frp -l it** 1 || Is IlNir t* II*• 11<1 I | U lilts tt*|n I*l lent* Party In thr ftntfh*rtt ftiatrs—Jti4si Iqon* t* >s Gang Mr* of thr south 4 nu ll ot ||- lotiurarrd by Giving Tlrin Public Office. W iihlrftcn Nov. 14.—Colored Tlcpubll cf\s 1o take klmlly 10 lh sugges tion 11. i; ihr time Is rijM* ftr Prceulcnt M* Kitil* \ to try to hull*! up a substantial whit* He lit ,I* an pirt> In thr Scut hrrr* stalrj* *>> a more Jul!ctai dlstr I button f fclrrsl |Ki!fonagc ihsn htrttoforv. Ju-l --* *n Ly>nv. register of thr tirasury. onr of thr r* i'Ognlitil Iratkrrs of thr race from Gtsargla, **a\s th* qurstion of patronagr wili ut no figure In any effort that ma> !>• tna*l* to Indite* a Jilt* mm of thr South 40 (Iftlllstr With thr Uf'publican imttv ’ The white men of thr Booth," ail Ly ons. ’ who v**uM la* of material at<! to ih* parts . dnno! hr loflurmfel by puNlc of tl < The\ arr way bcyoml that. Thr nun of the South who arc seriously con tcmplsUm; an op*n announccmrtit of (heir Mingo of political faith, arr principally pr*f‘|*rr**ii.** rn*n who have tast*l ol th* fruits of progr* ss and 11 1 prWc an*! arr anxious to keep step with the Improved conditions which have recemh oprtisd up to man of that •M*etion under th* prs*cni adinlnHtration In thr r. •nt * I met many prominent hiMtn mill tn Atlanta snd aK> In Ma .•on who told me that thoy could nm vote for Bryan and thay favored thr rv elc*v tlon of MrKink). but th*-v could not ‘rlug themselves to \*>tr the HtßUblkatl tl k t for far of the social ostracism s ?ii*h thry knew wontd flk>w. Notanth- Kiaiuktig the larg* It rrws*. In tlvorgls s P*>l i Alton, as hown by th.* latest ernwus, •hr returns show t’ Ge.*rgls polled thr lightest vote last Tuesday that ha* be* n r< ordod In that state for the putt twenty flvc years." Vn **rsl Mode. Lyons says Severn’ unsuccessful efforts have Iren ms da to build up s white Its* publicsn |>nrtv In the Houth ty former ad mlntstrafona. b> the use t Federal |*at r >nage. Urn M 1-iw-, rrpiesenttng .ne of tfir* N'lKiif fnmllles In Georgia, was appointed to a big office by I’resident Haves, but the General could not even Influ* nee m* miters f tils own family to endure the ran racism w hi-h It. the - *nst.nt threat hrkl over the of whit*- rnen lit the Houth Ly*n# concede* that there Is an excel lent opportunity presented now- to recruit the Itepubilcnn party In several of the Southern State* and hr siys the present lenders of the |uirty tn that section will extend a corMm welcome to all n w con vrria. and give them * high s*t In the syn *g**gur. They cannot, he says, be In fluei.ctd ly promts* of public office, but It I* ptolmldr that their |rospe*ts of sur cwjs In bu sin see muy supply thr com age .. rsar>* fop them to tnk* the leap which will land them In the middle of the Re publican fold. >!*K inlcy’a ( shlnrt, President McKinley has put out of hus- Inc** a larg** ntunlx-r of self-constltoted 4blnet-maker by his fortnal Invitation for *li th m niH*rs *>f his official family to rrnalr with tdm -luring his next adminis tration. It I. understood that the presi dent was induced to Kike this step not on’.y i** mus- h.- sin* *rtl> d*elrea sll thr present mrmbn of the I'dbinet to nnuiln with him. If they can • onvenlcntly do so, but . the same time hr desired to relieve th.m from the emhariosemeat and the In convenience whiv’h g.Hsl p l<jut cab in* ( changes o**^iiNknecl. N.twithstanding the President's frank and manly talk with his cabinet yester •lmv It i* quite likely that asveral changes will tMYur S’Mlt the advent >f thr second M Klnlry n-lrnlulstretlon Absolut*- har mony prevails In thr <*shlnet at preat-nt nn! there is not the slbrhiest (rkt on on tiy public r>ro|*osltlon. There are. tuwr cver. at lest two niemlrerw of th* rM r‘t who may consult 4/ieir IndivUlual in terests tied |N-reonal cfgivenlen**es ani ask to be refiwved fpitn further cabinet duly h* the *tose of the pree. ut Administration Hecretary liay and Attorney General Griggs ar** the officials named for re*ire* men! by the* In a po*itton to know whereof they speak. the ow m;ii or TIKHIK JKWKUI, widow iy* They Sever llelonge4 td t.intr*n ( arlotta. <*lty of Mexico, Nov. 14.—The widow of tho late Peier Gay, the proprietor of eeveml etnhllj>hm<-tita here, t* the real owner of the dl imorvle eeherd by the Fnlted State** ciMfom** offit inh In New York She gave them Into the hanW of nor Prega for a|e m the I'nlUvl S*aee and ckdm he never meditated fraud against the American ruatom regulation)* The total value of the Jewe!* Jn naid to he not over nnd they never belonged to Kmraror MaxlmdlAn or Empren* Car lot ?n Th# ewee has excited much Interest here. 'I n 11n hit *e>nt \ntea. Tillahflwief*, Fla . Nov, 14. —PeniMicol • ha m new * orjoratlon. the W A I>ijnhm Company, for Which letter* pitiftt were iMtued to-day The oompany hae a capi ta! of lio.flui). will deal |n general merchan dise mi.l c onduct a ship < handiary bu#4- nss Fir-t E eutcnan* W H (*• .eta of the Gov ernors Guard*, having accepted * gy ernment at Key W’ett, ham re el curd, nnd W. A Trurey nnd W. N Hhetts. Jr having left the state, have ap plied for discharge* Official returns on the* anitul removal question have been received here am fol low* Wanh.ngton county—^Tallahassee 4‘. Jacksonville. 111. St Auguatlne 7. Ocalt 1. Citrus county—OraH. .*>ll7. Tilahm-ee. $), Ja< kaonvllle 21. H* Auguatlne. 2. For constitutional convantloti. !3H, against, 2*6. licur t <m|nny Or|Nnle<|. Wayrroam, Ga.. Nov. 14 —The Gustoso Cigar Company has oeen organised snd granted a charter by the Superior Court Officer* will he ele.ied nt the next meet- Ing, probably a* follow*: J S. Bailey, president; W It Folks, secretary. J K Wadley, treasurer J. Ipe s Cuban, hat* tiken forty share* of ssoclt. and Jos# Ang'lo ad Manuel Blanco, two other Cu bans. eight shares each These men will move here at once from Tampa. Fla . snd Havana, Cuba Mr Ipe* wi I travel for the company In the New England state* Mr Tom Fain will probably take the road for the company In Georgia and Florida A HAHD WORKER. Hup of 111- ”Kli>rs” of Ihr I oait. Mr*. L. 8 Kins nt Connjrd. Cal, ta •tale nrsanla-r nn.l t-clurer for lh W C. T r. of Californio Rh had lir—n csr rvli s on hr work without u*ln* proi—r tiO'l to sustain h-r Indy, tind "ays: ”Rs fore I fottml Or|H>-Nuis local I was auf fsrtng sprlou Iv wliti tnllx-ail<>n aivl my mtfl'l hail tw'coma atuxxls t and dull, Ihr m-mory br'nu vwry much lmiilrp.l. ■'Hwartna of Grapp-Nuls si a food for r-l.uikilnq and sir.nxihmlor ihw Lraln and nrrv* crnlsrs I twaar Us uw In I*o months I have xln—l four pounds In wstirhl. nrvpr twit brttvr In tnv life, nnd find a most rnmarkah!* tmprovsm-nt In my mptnory and m-nial nrllvtty I nvr stood Ihn failxun and |.r- sur* of work as well a*. I do miw A shori limn amt I went to nnw >x>uniy. workn.l twnnty-two day*, almost day and nlxlit. without rnst, and cam# horn* fnotlnn Ann. You may h* sura t takn llrapn Nuts food with na so that I mtiy dnpood upon having It.” BUFFALO LITHIA WATER The folia w Ing rut hnss Ihe cal | 11 1 A 'J R' il * A i - In UflC Acid UiatfiesiS, bOUljf Rheumatic Conditions, it* Albuminuria of os •• • Bright’s Disease * * # and Pregnancy- Solvent and Eliminator °f Renal Calculi. • ’ Dr- Thos. P. M.ithews Ilf VUn.-h-irr Va of h- Roar* .\tl2p- of Vlikori. M-l- 1,1 of Virginia: A •'! am Miliflnt fr>m my own • atul • ™ . fiom rnuHs In m.uiy cw In my pra'- A Vw " ' ' hßt a ® Buffalo lithia water . w- ga— I, a wond-rfilly pmtni fartor In I’RIC p W w arm UIATIIVXIM an.l in OOITY , 0 - . V RHFFMAI • . n a A l-OWKUn'L 1.1 THK DIBIN # Y? W TEOHATION AND BF.MOVAL <>K RB •9® A Oft •, PAL/MM.I I iwti.l you a lampta of 4 lIKNAL I'Al.rri.l by myMlf liiir • 0 me and afior h<- gw ol 0 & m Buffalo Lithia Water ASk -- Xo !. ah- mof of th— panmt to "Ns i.K *— • A Augint an,t rtoplrmhvr. !•>* two , _ a w P month,' uiw of th, wal.r 1 ho.l no fur #a • A * thrr Irouhlr of tnla ,ori until Jum-. I*W. ” 0 XT 0t wh,n I nauln viafrad th, ,prln, ,n<l un j, -ft .hr tha nw of thr water |*l th, 0 |fh g rmalln 1 notloa THAT AF- Ol 1 aMK TKK I HUNK INIS THE WATER A a f W WIIIU. THK cawtij ahk nmiKKN ™ ri* AM' PA* VKKT SMALL AND A RANK 1 hav. .1 .. ha.l VERY F!NE KKACI.TS FB-'M THIA ' ATER IhltlE AF.VKIiW f'AAKS OF AI.IH'MINURIA IN nRIOHTR PIIEAM anA THK ALIITMINI MU OF FRKUNANI'Y." HulTa .i IJthta \\ t>olh bprma, 1 ,o'l * •** POK TOtn'I.LT NI-JRY B TONI- - .111.1 HKAT-iIIATIVF. No I |, al~> a POTFJNT TONIC at:A l * omnlv of KXTRAOHIHNAIIV 1-OTKNCV In NBRVIII'R INPIHKHTION. WITH ITS Tl! UN OF I'ISTIIKSSINO RYMITOMR ami IN Al.l. f'AHK* whw* th,r* la roVKRTY or I>KKI< 'IKNI*Y of THE BLOOP or IVIIEHB N'F.HVOt H lK- I'RKSSIoN or KXHAI'STION la a promlnanl ymptom. No. 1 la to ba praftrrwl. In tha ahaam-a of aha Imlt aliona hara at'vn. No J la to b prafarrarl Buffalo lithia water Ororara and Prinjglat* aanarally. Ttallanonlali>. which dafv all Impulallon or quaailon. aaair u> any aAfrva, PROPRIETOR, BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS, VIRGINIA. LOOK FOR IT TO MORROIA/. STHE / ”1' ARTyxr December <UJ ALL TIM. HEW) IT All HUM. aI. Jan|,l.’a Aid Snoloty— l'..a vli-llona in Ihn I uurla. Woyrroaa. (la , Nov. II Thw annual mnnilnx *>f tit l ' 8* Joanph AM B'M-lnly. a iolor.<l bnnnvolenl ordnr. l bnlnK livid In this city, at th* A. M. K. Church. Thu order waa or*nltnd nt Jackaonvllln. Fla., in IY7. and suln/nlinwtn lodge* have b.nn orgnnlxcd Ihrouirhoul Georgia. Flor- Mn, Alabama, MDslsslpid and I tin Caro llnas Thnrn nr" about 10. US) mnmbvrs In Ihn order. Nearly NO d-lngatn* am linrv now and X*) am expected by to nw.r n.w night. Tim mneilng will bln ana ai n Ihr"* dns c H. I’alrtn of Valdoata | the Grand i htnf nml Dr. T I). Tyson of W.iycrua* Is m-or Mary Them am 2S# of the sub ordinate lodge* in Goorirlii Information rnceivpsl Imre to day announcing the denlh of Charles D Hm'.th. l—tiwr known ns "Funk” Smith, which currnd at Jasper, Fla , ycslenlay. He w> at 1h" house of hi" broth, r. Ilev c \V Hnilth The funeral or. u-red this afler nooli at Jasper. Hmdh wis the youngest l.roiher of Mrs. John 8 Knight, of iht* city lie WS" aluiut thirty years of ag*. Judge J VV ll.noe! ,enl*ned R H Fisher, eonvl—d of *hool!ng at another, not In hi* own defenae. to |y a fin* of |l5O m*l coats to-day. Oscar Holmes, white, was tried In War* Superior Court on th* charge of selling whisky without a license, and the Jury rendered a ver.Hct of "not guilty.” Sev eral other rase* of a similar nutufe are transferred lo the City Court. The case of the state vs J H Ryan larceny after trust. haa oreupted the attention of Ih* court part of the time to-day Ryan was an agent of the lowa Idle Insurance Company under F A Fox A Cos b agrn y In Atlanta, and while ao eng igcd h came lo Waycrosa, where he wr>de conslderalde hualnes* for hi* company. He drove a span of One horses and ma.F a dnahlng appear ance. It seems, aecontlng to the charge of the general agents of Ih* company, that he failed lo turn tn lo the company money which he collected, and they hml him ar rested under a charge of larceny after trust The rase waa nailed lasi year, but ftyan wa* not present. The aiieeltlc charge wa* hi* fallur* lo turn In 84110 paid him on a pot- Icy Issued lo Solicitor Rennet! The Jury returned a verdict of guilty, hue sentence has not been passed yel The grand jury completed Its labors this afternoon and was .Uncharged The court will adjourn to-morrow lion John W Bennett was so far re .overed from hla recent Illness that he waa able to attend court to-d-iy. TWO COAL tIAHUICS BBT. They Probably Heat Dawn With All c,n Hoard. Philadelphia. Nov M.-F W Munn. of this city, to-day received a dispatch from Capt. Haley of the tug Teaaer. at Provi dence. K. I to th* effect that he coal barge* Hudson and Robert Ingle Carter had been lost. The barges tn tow of the Teaser, left here a week ago for Provi dent*. According to the dispatches, the barges became separated from the tug off Monlauk Point Thursday night during the Jitght of the gale. It la hel’eved they have foundered aral all on hoard lost On hoard the Hudson were Capt LeFester 11'etjater of 11 akehibl Maas,, ht* brother John, anel an nssistant. Capt L. F Bartlett and thiee aa,l>tants were on th Carter when she heenme lost. PaelAe Hall lleeting Goes Over. New York. Nov ll.—The meeting of (he Pacific Mali director*, nt which a presi dent waa 10 be elected, this afternoon has been postponed, this ttms without date. Funeral of llrnrr YIIInrH. New York. Nov 14—The funeral ser vice* of Henry Vlilard were he'd at his late residence. Thornwood, Dobbs Ferry, at 3:15 o'ckKik thl afternoon Th* itev Theodore C. William* of ilackiey Hall. , Tarrylown, oftt.sated Some ol the Cootribatora: I'aroUn.- K Duar K-larar Fa**atl Kara ilartarwri Itt■■ w Carman Oartruda A-harton Miriam Mlohalwm Mr, l-onMnay Plxalora <*llnm Arollarri Joha, IWol Booook A Capital Story la the Ori(lnal French. RUTH KILLBO IBSTIRTLY. Two Floridians 11 ho Pnagllt IS Dart Over a Homan. Bartow. Fla,, Nov. ll.—John Cartar amt Oliver Moody, two turpentine men. became Involved at their rump, near here, over a woman to whom both were pay ing a Urn lion. They agreed to fight K out with guns and. deliberately planning for the dual, fired simultaneously. When the amok* cleared It waa found that file atm of both men had been true and that both •were killed Instantly. Officer* were sent for. but there I* no evidence that there were any other parties to the affair be fore or during the shooting. Cotton Rill Strike tn Sell**. Puebla. M.i., Nov H.—Owing to a re doetlon In wages In the rottun mill* 2.000 oimrailvei. have atnj.-k aiul the authorl * lee have taken measures to prevent trouble which I* threatened Home of the rotlon ml It owner* are not sorry to have a reason for closing th-tr mills un til they can dispose of their surplus stock Some of the mills had already shut down or were running on half time. Seat 11 111 He Contested, Memphis, Tent*.. Nov U - Congressman, elact H M I’uttersun of the Tenth dis trict haa been served with notice by Zachary Taylor, hla Republican opfionent, In the rec-nt election, that hla seat In tha next House will be contested, but no no lle# was given upon whet grounds th# contest will he made. t üban torn ml tie* Coiled. Washington. Nov H.-B*mitor Platt of Connecticut, chairman of th* Commit tea on Relations with Cuba, haa called a meeting of that committee for next Fri da y under the resolution of th* loot sea sk>n of Congress authorising an Inveoll* gallon of affair* In Cuba In connection with the developments In the Nealy eas*. Kealucky lo Go to Aaplea. Algiers. Nov II - The I’nlted Mates battleship Kentucky. C*pt (-irnter com manding. will leav# this port to-morrow for Naples, where she will await orders. 81-RE S A Cl RE FOR MALARIA. Gef a Mongnoe* From the Philip, pines and From the New York Mm Boston, Nov 8 —Thera Is g LIU* Ani mal on lowrd the ship Ktlen A. Head, which arrived here on 8-iturMy frrni Manila, aftar a five-months voyage, that could not he lought lor ronilderabl* money .although there was a tiai- wbs.i part of th* eraw would hava eontrlbutei half their wages to get rid of tt. When the ship a arted from Manila, dysentery ar.d malaria had taken hold of every white number of the crear. and th# cattam. C. F. Cann of Yarmouth, died. Then the sailors began to Irok alut for th* Jonah and fixed upon a lit tle mongoose. Btx sailors, with Rons heat ed In the galley stove, attempted on tho evening o' June Bt> to drive the animal into the sea Every one of the six waa bitten, and then the mongcoee csv-aped. From the moment they were bitten the Bailors began to Improve In health and soon they were entirely well. Later they learned from two Filipino* on hoard that the mongoose Inhibit# marshy ground and la proof agalnat malaria and swamp fevers. Its bite. In torn, they were In formed. bad Inoculated the sailor* and had overcome the dysentery and ague In the.r system*. Mongoose oil Is Ai'ghly valued In the PhtHpidnes ga • cure for swamp rheumatism. Bride Aged II Hist, Dlvnrs*. From Ihe Philadelphia Record. Braden Ky.. Nov. I.—Although only 11 years of age. Mrs. Minnie Gill la a grata widow She has brought suit for dtvorcr against har husband. Harry Gilt. She drclarrs that her husband la mis treating her, and that, too, after a mar ried Ilf* extending over a period of only two week* Minnie Is a.til childish in her way*, and only recently put away her dolls. The trouble with her husband became known when she went to her ni. thsr * and said: “I am not going lo tp *k to Harry any more. 1 won’t even play with him.” 5