The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 16, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 QUESTIONS OF TAXATION UP. H IIIDW ICK'* HIM I <‘H * TTK (111 \ltl <i| * s . '*H#. krnnlr r* •■*•! Hill ••• l*rn* irtr < tallonn I \ iim* ml in* 1 n * *' Limit ll'** UuMnuin . 11....I 1 .... r 1.. I In ••*- lln If 111 iim I'rr I • m—rorl 'l |i,.| \ill*rr < ..narrs.inni, oln iti %\ 111 '•>' •<• **•■ M Hrl*- •llrr .••>• ml Uhl # morning th- .111 to '*"*■ '*•" >** rardti K itu f .... cm Hi to i: \rf. .tf s ~.. klilc-J hy a vole of ” to Tli< bill by Mr. \V I of Chatham. a - ■ii , i; M , r ano I'OUISCiI of <•’' n i |*ir. . • KOI* ny n iul te the Hy i m -l. , in. . at .1 If.* like wot pi* *.| unanimously. ■p . ..I y M.l or ant* imp.iienei. Intro -11. (1 10-iliy tv is by Mr lUrrtal k of Washington It was the tax *>M loi.o --tliM-..' 1..51 veer and provide* lor a > • trl of aee- ‘*.rs ro fix I .' • f properiv A ruimber of l<* n blna a • Georgia I" not likely inv. trolhrr •" n gresßman. deeplre in* t,.i[ ... ■ i-‘ •'> l* ' uiHtioii, a* s.iowii by th® !**• *m* if l built'* fr It U sent* rally hell. v.-.j that f • il .. n, |t m-o from l*i‘W. (U will i.ol ? .In i.i.f or* • "h" la e. her ..• . • wev. r It *<. " ha\ *io t. r. list , I * I twm* t.i I al chuturi * Ii *> b i X\* * t*'•!. Tnere ar .“-r * u l think h>w ever. :).. .r- -n i n#>’ fit.** ti* gpi *: : • i.m* n* ik. • • ll * " •** m > " foripn mih - f jtr v.d* 4 anotti#i i| r i iv n. . . * tin fr* M • gg tn.e* * I* , f r WfUTt- lh*l fra . i . , , ,;f of I-,- i: .mkr fix and or. I r.H r I * • ' M'! f ntvnt •.• fk la lt.Mi.ll .av* . *. ,*m of IG''** ffutn uhi< h i#> sr< * ’“r tw* If;. f'Mivgreseu’ian, In rti • K.* K*t# B iwtflf h ton* gWHiml: \* •:>. <Jh| <li>' ir •'* w tllscr. t tt, i rn' 4 t pro ahiv !>♦* nuid® up <f th<‘ -A ie. roiinth!* \V.shin*t*n 21.227. Li iru - : >J' Momkom* r>. Johnson. 11 ♦4* iiUtut'Or'k. 4,."i14, W l.Kln* #n 11.4k' Had <mK. Uufo. 15* - 2u. i * k; ruiaskk Totti. t lni|prir *!'•* 11111. i aft. r • io S. nat* w* • •IW 'I oiil r t ils i . m i . Mr t’h-i ;* •• -I > *° limit th* taxing pow r of ih* LcitliMiiurc to oil* -half of on.’ |*rr niil. ttu.* t ik* s *!! ut* ft I■ I l il I pi* fug. Tfif l|t, invoiv. a r.*"i*titutiomil Airv'it*! •rif-nt tvh * ,f ik>it*H) wi‘i .frtlN* in l&x>. Mr explm *1 t the rontl luiton of lntei)df<| to rt .-irl- t a nuni n**r of for which the p#*rpl# •houl t be ix* 1. hit 11 *r it dfv*ihpr4 that la** r-ii iOii woe* not a xiiffl lent . .ii.l itnotitit at ijb l*vy oucht to it* limheti Mr. It* .1 thonjfht th** hill m *nlfe*t|v us*. .•• els, as to t ike t from dobtiiH I * ftroun! H* .l*.ihtel If th-r* w#*r* *n> urider an- form of government, moaning a: mort opprc' stve taxation than •| < op. H* the vti rioua tax* • t.* uni I'* tfen. not for getting • ixar i\, wht h he thought an ouTiu* V.. ... ir*ji were ma*le in ojiyio.sitiH t *. ti- hi.l went through wi;h r\. Th- vi, wa• M to 1 The * •!. nt wl . he “'itimltie.l to * eral e.e. *ioi Uh# Tndim <'i*iokr#l It. Mr. T.r tn .n vottNl against th* ) 111 H< cU I m*. h* s. • with th* tl* i t at th*' bi;i iim*-i i t.ow •• h nduc ll >i al run I •' Y i ( I III* |#M> m* nt t*f Mil'll* s’ •nd wMmvs* |>*i,'l>iip Th* |# jii<n lutul h* * ;*:hi .1 l lii r.i>l Thrw WF-rr* t'rtal* c ;!iul**f:s of th* tale fr whl * \ i t -i v t pr vi !' ni >i + Tbs |HiUII !.#■ *1 tn l til*- pensions w* ra •n- t-n H - w iifnltl lhat If tl e taxing i* #* th L'g* a tun* w< r limit* *' * "i.t'*n.p 1. t fit ra wo 11 n*i bs m•* • \ *i** uii i ti **l o iro\i for • h** I I I * |M 11N1.19 \w- -nt liik|I iik| #*ilm of \ #)••*. The* bill by M: liarrcll to |r<*vnt th* inp ion >r v#* 1 *- aftnr the* #l*t*tion I* ov*r pa- *i th#- K** tt* thl* moriilUß Mr. Harrell # x|i iii *<* ti.a untier the p v#*ent bw any •n* who w:sh*-l can, Mv- diyi after an I* lit-n i h**bL g** • > ti e office of th** c* rk t rl< r I* urt an l •xarali * a I the hail**t' <>** A man h #*l I | , ■ :! t** h* |*i#a el but io k <|> th fat ? .f h**w be \ t*d to him*- ut ~iw fit to tl.vulgt* It. The* Hrr# i with him The I ) of Mr. Jtw.fl t* rtquirs Ml>r* of rot tot ism* #1 hub i iNilr* *r nackagcs to htamp * weig t i-i iln y upon the bale or |M k * wan *lmi pib***l without * on te*t. Olimr to U#*mtli •% ( olonel. Col TV O. o*B ar will r.o? lea bilgaller P rank as b *s" “* r k*nerul *f t h sfa • mi litia T•• hill to n ak* him a brtgmlter m-t will*, s-. -r mr jf oltl>r, that O'hwr'. friends thought it wl* r to have th- measure withdrawn. <**) o*B<ar thoug it so him*** if. and a- thug \ ji-k#*>l Chairin-n Hay* *# of the Military (Vnunii t**e to with haw th* I! 4VI O’Btir states that In his opinion the j * ago of a law r* ifti f another bng idl<*r boi # *il of mil I 'la woukl o-tHbli*h an i* b - sirat*le (are* •ue t H* say# he wishes to avoid !.!■* Th* bill to mike Pol O'Bear hr gtdier general was Introduced as a re want for his a tlv* fcrvi * In thi tnili'la both In p. # * if. 4 time when the #-*■ gift hoops had to • <> _ * vixed f>r service In the war * rnl e* >'.*!. C< i O B ar *1 l x -< i#*i t wo* k ii !(l' g the sol di* r* Into the 1 and Governor <'*.in<ller ti' his me**.- gr t tit*- Id* gis attire spoke very highly *f this w->rk M 114.14 11. \V4K | ATIOft. Dr. Mniimliik <lnimoii of ( liurlniluu i Noam l*rellem. Atlanta. N v. i;. -The Southern Burab , cal uni < iynecoloßh aJ A ****>■ :ation which' hae b in in H.on here* for three day*, cone 1 utii 1 tl- r %\ *rk i -'lay. The fol- i lowing off! -r? were cle wed: President Dr. Manning dimmorj of Charleston Ftrat vice pr* ttderif. Dr. Oeori* H Nolle. Atlanta. 8. cond vice pr*ldent. Dr L. C. Bo*h< r, Richmond. B retary, Dr. \V. D. Hjgnard, Naah vMle. Treasurer. Dr. Kk>yd W. Mcltue. At lanta General rounc I: Dr Georg** J Enjfle mnn, Hoeton: Dr. Erneat 8 Lewt*. New Orleans; trr Georare B. Johnson. Ih t menu): Dr L. MoUane TlfTany. Haiti m .re Dr. Louis 8 M'Murtry. Louis vllle. 11 \HT4IV <Ol-N N4IIITII. Hn>* People f finlveton Are In \red of Shelter. X-w N-v IS—Ml** Clara Har tor no- onal Re lCn * lal enr ar ris *d front • • today and left to nirnt '< r Waehlngton Mlm Barton 1# 4| rav r.g in i r th* are of a ph.valclan. Dr W A. Diliaiger of Galveston. In the party are her brother. 8. E Barton aid v:. ,**r !•. retur>. Mir? M. A r*xr.i>. of N< w York. er.J Mr*. Fannie It War * ix ,vi|ta •• r orre*pondcnt of War i v i and '>■ • ler al farce. She ea> •* the Galv*-ton >:urm pufferer* hav everything they reed but shelter, an*) thl* rnuet be given them before win ter (.ten oil All lUd Ooaa work 4 Golveaton is hnlahed. WKIIUHI) If ST. IW.r.ll^. Mr. William KlllwM. Jr.. Leads Hl Miiir fa the %ltnr. B ufort, S C Nov. IT. - 4 >n# ** t moht attractive %x*Uin*. * ver a •• iv*r** took i.a e in rii H*-.rn • ' v * this morning, when Ml Wii. xm lit un i ill - 4ia till fve ; .<arn v • r*? I ik* etMicioua * har. el *%a. pi iusi> !• orated with Im.iulHu. h*w <* moi. w ; w**n *' uril • i- •n’ i.f * lof*t. . i* •' • ■* r* rrw*i.v tn* p* v*w r* w• .* hI * • •*- w**re fau th* gailt-i .r v £ihorti> ufur ■ 11 Ji tne Orel. ,arty entered th* •uefern i.*or and pro* e* 1* • i up trn* entrai aive to tn tm.o *f a wedding m*r i Ml*** Nellie Klitoi*. •later of the groom ' tiv- oniy urukhini.d *i. J itnmaliiitciy pr * < alel fh* i>i i i w o h i. 'sl up n arm . t hit father S,-;e wue ntflre*l ti. i very b t oniing tul.f'f -mode ault of turk grey ,\t (.;* ..Ur t . Tail ‘ '!'•>* Hi, Hi i\ at: **t mull. -Mr Hhh > iii of Chartos -1.1 vx li st firttv.i. -*f the par • v j The Ifei Mr Oitnenr. r tor of Ht !!* e -. v f Washing ton ft. (’ . ui. uncle of the groom fur formed the very impressive | eremoti' The couple left for foluiiibl.i | n* 1 P m tr..l will reside ,%t the star* ! ip.■ 4i h i,* r* Mr l>oht will attend to ih i >'ft .ii buaitieea of the Hi >h la ml rot ton : Mills. U IHh IMILITH %L I tHIMIftW. I oral UItNAtIAM atlrrlng Things t |i In % merle as. Amerlcus tin Non 1 -AmeMeiis It® n the midat of the mo*t interepting and >i [*olitJ~?il campaign In re <-nt y*r over th election of a Mayor and Aid* . men fntll tr-<1 a v four end. li’es aspired to; th** mayorwtlty. hut this afternoon H I> ! Wh:h retlri-d from the ru* e. Paving J ii Foklar. W r W a His nd W F ! iurke .. fight to the flnl>*‘i (extremists amo ig (ho jiroaih.tloriiei • m atteiiipi i.g o lijei tout i**u* into the fight Willi* aj. | Clark** being pr ui 'itionis * w hile ! id* r i“ not *>n lervat.Ne rit|E#4l 'itk** l!tie et*. k in such ii effort. and will vote for the h. -t in in what her prohilMiiookita or anti-prohioi- | (toftlstv. as tms vtuasure ie air.*<)y in ! f r<e here for two years longer Trie * lection * .11 he held next Tnurwdav. wa% Act im;\i %M.i kiListon. (•iisi Disrhnrurd and hmlnl the Idfe of 'lr. tluii T. Forest. Boston. <;. . Nov i; Mr Jun T Far- j * .and. u highly r p ♦ i gent • man. was k.Urd this morning u*cKltntllv on his pantation al>ou: a mile and a hulf from town He was having e*>me hauling 'lone throng it .i ccrn Held, and was riding upon a farm wagon when his m i**tgun. ii- j thought while tne uag.n waa passing over m stump, was cl is hirg*t ac<ddental ly. ttie ciwirge entering his stomach The negn* driver hearing tne report of the gun, looked bark and saw Mr Fores* filling fr<*n th*- wagOf lie whk unsi l * to ej* ok .| ;* I In a verv ru.f* time A tunrier for a physt ian was sent in Itntw itlately, and before a pliysh an • oul*l star .I.other runner came In to report death Mr Foies’ leaws u wife, four tt night* rx. iwo -*ofks m l friends hy the score to mourn ids ral dewth BIN til TI. %\\ Ml HIIKRBD. Negro l\ep n Vtllnd Tiger \%'blrh Un> Hun ll> n Womnn. Wrightsvllle, Nov F* luist night about li or .ok. !n Outlaw a negro, wis hen ten to death In ms Ihium- here by s >mt <4i* who used i* large heavy club. ih* hark of Ills h*ml I" pulp Two ne groes. Bill Avers and Berry Hines, have b- it arrested, as suspicion points to their guilt L>an has for a long time been mi-pe. '.-d of runr ing a blind tiger, getting a ne-tr.* woman to sell for him Bhe has been flu* i a time or two for the off*nse. and th* la- t time she was trle.l for t •• > ftens* she wui sefttenn-U to tin* chain-gang, it is thought that the murder wax commit ted by som* friends of the woman wlio ffi) that he was used as a tool, ae 1 that the killing was loie to a/cvtge such action on Ixan's iart \\ Kl)l)bi> l\ n>I.I n*il s. ®||a tnnle I . 4.rrnrd Became Sirs. Frank <•. I.umpkln. Columbus. • <•., Nov. 1; (ne of the rnosi •*rii!ant and • lats>raie weddings that ha* occur:***! In Cidumhus in a long time was the marriage of Miss Annie Leonatd Garrard to Mr Frank O. Lumpkin, this '-kt'iting at Wildwood, the I* auiiful horn .f th* bri*b e tar4t* Th*- iri*l- l* th** tUaiiKhicr of Hon. and .Mr# Uul.i F. mr*i, miml i u Ihautlful atHl - earmlng >oiing woman, who is u so<*hil favorite her** and who H known and admired all over th state. The groom iw a sue <*esfui xoutig insurance man ami U quite prom- Id, ~t in business lrclee Br. W illittm A r ,rt* r. pastor of the First Presbyterian Church irrform*d the ceremony, which w.*' elaborately b< autlful In ail its de tail*. a brlillant reception followed the , nremotvy ki- coujile l *• f t ssnighl or* a trip to Virginia and New \ork. (,|||,T4 OF MA*M*AIUITLB. Kvsna Mult Srr%r *r%r n Tears in thr I'rnitentlary. Gainesville Ga . Nov If* -Tne Jury In the* case of Will Evans, charged with th* murder ( 1-5* Merck on th# night >f April rvturntsj . v r*li l 40-i)lght at S o’cav k of voluntary man4aughter after being out sine** y#*s • rtn> at 1 o'clock. Judge Candler avr*trncad Evans to seven years In the penitentiary. The prieoner to*#rt his sentence quietly and seemed plcavd .it the remilt of the Jury's verdica. *TOP* Tin: *>l4.ll t>l) TYOHKB OFF 1 ML 4 4)1,1). Laxative Hroroo Quinine Tabieia cure a eokl In one day N cure, no (n>. I’rl • 25 cents —ad \V t-ilillnu Nt Fort Whlfo. Fort Whit#. Fla Nov. ]f At f o Fir Pr##bytrln Church hcio at It o’ lock p m \\>tin*"la v. N>v 14. Mr. Horr\ J Nibl.i' k anil Mlt*# Mina A Whct*t n both of thi# wore marrlo *|># i-ibb 1- th* younoi*l tauarhtrr of th# lat•• Mr. ti. M- WhttJton- an I ih- itrom I- the hon of |lr John Niblaok. In r e a •My afii r the roremonv u.* p rfonu J th-y vtcro tirixon to th* lovr y horn# / t # braJ' # noth' r. wh#r# botiirlf I f# ** tv a* ***iv*<l Th* • prim i vxa* |. r forme 1 by th# R*v Mr. N vnwn l.hrrpHnl I iittnn I,lv**rpool. Nov. It.-Following ore th* weekly cotton m**ll*x: TWI .ate* of all kln<t*. '►'•.*<oo l*l* . total fal** Atncrl ratv 45.000 hai#. Er.*;ih aplnncra* fak ir#* }#?•* bo-#a t #x|*orf~, 12 • < hnlc* Import# of all kln<l, 121.000 bil#* Import. Amcrlcjin 105 000 baUa. Ito k of VI kl P .W •*** baM; #?o*k Amir i 249.*Q0 bilrr Quantity afloat, ill IcmU 4tJCf.•#o; afloa*. Anwr* mi. * *> Tot tl halts on speculation, KiO bales total salca to exporters. 3,200 bales. A Her Dinner To assist diges lon. relieve distress sfier eating or drinking *oo heartily Vo prevei I ronstlpstlcn. fske Hood's Pi/is Sold everywhere. 29 certw TH! MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 10. 11)00. IIP is IT lli:iMO%T PAHK. 'three I m sortie* Won and Sport %%• i.imm! I liroiiuhtinl. A'lanti Non -Three favorite- w >n at J'j*'lm*4r Park io-dity. sport w*> Kuo*l throuKKNJi a.I the events. Attend ii. . j ... a • • Trn k. fu t. .‘iumrimn l.i It* Selling. *U furlongs ‘> * Bro l. ► i*< w.r wl' i Cdden Hat? ; to i.-- ond tirel <* *1 Hand, a to l. third Tdß* * I**i-. dr* i ft.* ••—Five furlongs Henr> S:*t**r 7 to wot with Ceftserfleld I *o l. *•• cind. r.*> !'t Qulckilrrw. Castro, to 2 third. Tim- ’ t'C Third Race- S-hnt, one mile. Uilian B*et. I to i' w’*>r. with Windward, J i* l, second, and M--nk Waymin, Akvr 8 io I, tnir*l l ii • 1 4. , Fourth It i S* i.isix and a ** f furU r #; O/.o s fu with Kican - r How *r • * . Hid m l It . it'", k to 1 r rd < ime 1 Fifth !<-'• Sidhrirf. nevrn furlongs Hie Away ■; ?o j won with Miss Cham 7 to : m -ond ami Hoowstorn;. 1 * to 1. ! third Tim** 1 The Hares at %quedart. New Votk Nov U. -Three fav r'e or* rhoF*- aid *w* out-* d*T at < omfMt<t:i vsiy s ? p i un* tt * re •ord for t.e rl.jcing day f the Queen's County J<- k- v i1 ib f I* n tt A*j i'-'iti i*-<kt> Sum mar.ew II *■ ft*. Vo.’ *v* fa > loin*, el lik Huftg* loj*ovfitie. i* to 2, won. wit fluff.k4> to 1 nr-1 A to '. second, a tl B|* ii 1, third Tim 1 2*; S-i* B* id Hue Fin# aid i uf f *rion Isia, h to 1. won, with Moo . 5 to 2 a* and evefi se* - nd. and Sw-*t Tooth, to 1, thir l Time pflf J S Thir l La •ne mile and seven! •' ysr i- s* ing H* tt.*- Hny. :t to 5. w n, with Kx “Is,-, i to 1 >r.d 4 t<> 5. sreond and Ltn* ewnod jf* io 1. third. Time 1:17 1-5. Fourtr Hare -Or.#* mile nd e.enty yards Wlthtu to 1. won wl*h Gre.- rteid. 2 to i and 7 to Ih, #c *nd. and A'slke, ?♦ to third. Tim* 11 Fifth Pa e rt:\ fu long.-*, *el!ng PF eon Post. ♦* to'., won, with Kid, 4 to 1 an 1 % t . sec'OMl. and !c t FlshennaJt, I to !. third. Time 1 14 4-5 Sixth Pace One mil* tud seventy yard* Humboldt, !* to io. won. wit P n **t n C#l: !. x ’o • *r. 1 2 t * o •> *1 tttwi ai .i da Mw t * 1. thr *1 Tinj 1 i7 45. Hare Iteaolt* at Newport. Cincinnati, No 1( Resulf* at New port First Pare -Ot.e mile end fifty yards, selling Fre# lln ml Ato ' won. with Ba die Burr am 7 l.i 1 seco i and r 'har.le Siiane, if. t< 1. tr id Tim 14* \ H*n#l Bar#* Flv fUfiotv/e MoskelO 1* t, won. wi'.i Tin Black Jew. 7 t> **'-*• oni .txl Y ait y Prince, 16 to I. third Tlm- 1 ( C M v Thirl Race—Ore mile an#l a quart# r. s I ini; Flag if Tru ll to l won. with Co.bert. ll to h ••com], and Gov. Boyd, b to 1, third Time 2:<* Fourth Ha • 1 r • mil# Hovl Vic tor, k to : woti with CambrL ti. h t#> 5. e ond. and l a It* to 1 th r i Time 14* *- lave • g i--* ' ’* •< wh With \ a d~2, 4** to l. st'(X)nd. an 1 Porter ll *• t: 1. third Time 1 „*•. Sixth Pace Six furl *ngs selling Flop 4 to !, won. with Nancy Till, lh to 1, *e> - *>n*i end Fu.minute 4 to 1, third. Tim*, 114 Y m:\ltl FOR FltLB TltltL*. I’r*in itt<■ n t ipnrtamrn attl Bog hwn era to Take Part. Charlotte, X c , Nv 15. A special 'o the Observer from Newton. N says: Mr S C Bradley nf Orm'ftlleM Hill Conn , tetary u and treasurer of th * Kawtern Fl*- <1 Trial* Clul*. has been her** for .i month arranging for the ami ml meeting of the . lub. and for the trla'a to b* held on the clubs grounds n##r t wn beginning to-mo? row H** ha * also been training ami getting In retdines* the ra * ' ,i tuintla-r of dey * which have been entered. He and Mi George Crocker have n< v# ia) tiiouaariti acres of fins* hurt liig grouinis Just oui-t**#* the town limits leans*l tor training and hunting |*ui|M> es Mr 4'. li. Bu kl* . Chari tte-vi.F . V* and i>r J S Brown of M- ir 'la r. N .1 have also been here f . the former truining dog for th ra os on a large gain** preserve os 5,000 n i **§ near this place, the latter working his doss, hunting and shooting quail on th*- Mini** pr**jb* rv*. which Is lea*l hy tdm-eit The iMloro Sturgis and J H. Bukar of New York. Mr. Sturgis !,*<. orrlv* and >mo* da>s ago Am* ng iiluts h* r** are Mss Bradley, (laughter of the ae<- *itary of the club, Frl Andrews. New York; K M B*al. Lewiohurg Frank Rii horde Sowxirt. Minn ; Pr G. G I>avis, Philadelphia; C. E M- Murdo, Charlottesville, Va.; J. M A\**nt, Hick ory Valley. T* tin ; .1 11. Johnson. Car -1 •#!#*. I I and r. H. Osthaus. Toledo, O. The lus- nam* • 1 gentleman U a wa ll known artist lie favorite work is placing on . inv.t* a life-like picture of live animal*, but more especially a poin ter or *e:ter. Th.* member*’ *tnkc will be run to morrow COM FHLM'F IT VIHGIM %. u orL of the Mrlliodlats In Ttmt Ttste. Norfolk Ya . Nov IS—The seeond day's s#self>n of the Virginia nmal conferenc#* of the M l. Church. Stouth. begun this morning at 0 o'clock tn the f’timhe land Street Church, this city, with an Increased attendance of ministerial and lay delegate*# over yemerday'n s -eslon Th** • |*eni; g \* i♦ > were t orulucted h> It shop Grant*# rry of the Southern Mi-thodUt Church. w;o arrived tn the city last night. The pas-age of the char acters t*f the pr. s' lint *Mcr nf thr con feren* e ws c#>n**lutlctl al having t*as.#Mi Thr names of thr -uperinmirei preuen era w**e th*n 'ailed, and t!i#ir charac e a w, r |m -rd T \ w* r teferr-d to the *tnmi*** on tiferrnc relation, excep !t**v TT I*. Jordan who asked that Hl riie#* he deferr* \ for a day or so A fraternal giwting was r# eive*d from the Virgii a M e-i i y Cmiferen eof thr Christian Chur h iDlactp!*i*t in seaelon at Hichm* n I UK. HOW I. II tlF.I> IN KOMK. I nrstr KlcU llecitSMt* t Glvra llrr Only 7.-OI I tonic, id Nov I.', —A howl has been rulsod In Rom-- to-day o-'d the census report that this •'*> has only T.JSI people Ii mis expected lhat the census report would show no: If— thon I *" 1 vuvple sliho-.uih Rome alms r-o a •.urdltur lo the census. Rohh slrop- <o ninth place ainone Georgia ■■lues, while Floyd county -i pa up to tut h plat • Tin’ gain In the .-ounty populailon of 452 people is all auhln a half to four miles of Rome MOe of this Is due o of S . cotton 11,.1 wlsuii I*.er miles from Rome lie- subur.'- of lla I Ron North Rome and W • R<' i. containing .peoide not In, eudeet In th s w:.; i wool l make ltom > iota, population very nearly I&.<SS>. I\ 111 eel an lltimellse t Hale. Amerlcus. Gu . Nov 15—Ben Aaron, a negro employe<l on the premises of Alder man Henry Mitchell of this elty, klllrel an immense earrte with ,a club this after noon The eagle had pounced upon a ■nb ken n the tatrnya I wnwii the negro tnr- w a Uck arvt broke its wing. T!*r bird me-astm-d eight fee-t fnern tip to lip of the wings and pcopls arc wondering how li got hera IIOMKIII#. NKIH !*;*<>*. Lrwl,,ll .labbrtl to l>oth l>, Joe he)*Tle Tlfson, Ua . Nov . 15.—Lewi* Drawdy. tt well known ci i**n of this county. w al.urixd auiioat instantly ktded at Peterson's gin near Iyr.ig. fourteen miies - j’t. #.*f Tjfter. >*'*rday, by Jo Ivy 1: huh) there :# *d ’e*-n bad blood be twten ihe two m-n f*vr some time grow r.g ova of an *d family trr due and *rtly *'or#* th* Drawxly went • tae git iv her* ltaisof> was firing an *.!.#* m>i*i ttempt#sl io renew the trou .*• Ivey told him three Line* that na •il l not .ire to dlacu* he matter, and It a .is rot until Drawdv applied an Insulting • pithet that Wie latter re**enta<l hls re murk* Peji#.rt eajs that Drawdy struck the • blow', and : ucn th* men clynche.l. During the fight. Ivey cut Drawdy *i< times across tne hr* aet hi* pocket kbit or cut isyir.H the breast open to t?i* ■ Drawdy .ailed to a by-atand < r me dow he ha* k'..le*l rne.'* and in a few r minutes i* dad Ivey in *#e no einj 4 at escape and - it.-r.d*!* ? to tr.e #,fflrers He was car* r .*d to Nashville, where he had a #om- j mlttal trial l*-day Drawly> renwitris were intered nf th* | Harmon Baker Cecnetarv Both m**n are j w *i; known cirlsens ot tne county Drawdy le.i\os an estate of conskieiable value. DIUTH®. BQX Ida* 1 a* his plantation. Holly II i. Hampton county. South Carolina, j Nov 15. Mr II It. Box. in hi* 77th year, j Funeral in South Carolina to-day. Pith. FEROCBON—Died *at n g I at No 4l’i Montgomery. Mr* Mary Ferg an. In her 7vh year. Funeral notice to-morrow FtNFH AL IN V ITATIOM®. IIA it it IS- Too friend* and acquaint- | anc*'** of Mr and Mrs. F M Harris are re*i*eotfully Vwiled to attend the* funeral of John Wtiley, ihelr Infant s*m. from the family re*;dence. TTurty-tlrat sr*cr, between West Broad nd MotU gtmery. at 4 o'clock thU afternoon. imi.l UTKIN—The friends of Mr and Mr I*. If. Hollstein are reaueated to ait# t.d the fun ral of the lat’er at lau rel Grove Cemetery this (Friday) after noon. at 4 NO o’clock ■■■ ■■ IN UMIUHIOI. DE.V4ERE Der*arted this life In Marion county. Florida, on the 10th of last Oc tober. Mr*. Virginia Detnere, widow of the late Louis Demere. Although a na tive of Georgia, the larger portion of her long life wa* *rer® in the state of her adopt tor She leave* many friend* and relatives in both states to mourn her io*-A F Barnard. M D.. Ocaia Ban ner pleas** copy. MRKTINOH. LANimt M LODGE NO. 4S. F. AND A M. A regular communication of thtw Jk lodge will t>e held thle (h'rlday) ev enlng at Masonic Temple at K o'clock. Member* of sister lodges and traneient brother* ootdiailv Invited to utt#scid. Hy order GEO. T. ('ANN, W M W. C. TRAVIS. Secretary GEORGI A NM IF.TY OF THR SON** OF THE RE VOLI TION. A meeting of the Georgia Society of the Son* of th** R#*volution t* hereby rilled for Nov 17. 1900, in the City Court room. Savannah. (u at 12 m . to consider the movement to rect monument to rjen Oglethorpe. an*l all matter* collateral lheretj. WALTER O. CHARLTON President. T. P KAY ENEL. Asst. SeCy nPRTIAL TfOTim. NT \ It! TMTcoTvrrTITECTiM^ Office Collector Bta:c and County Taxe*, Chatham County, Ga.. Savannah. Oct 5. ltwjO. The digest ta now oprn for the cc.||ee lion of the above taxe on a!! property, real un#l personal, the aprclflc t.*x ->n pro feasion*. also ih* l*>l 1 Tax for E lueattonn! Purposes on al Male R# sldents of thr city 4 " and county b* tween the ages# of 21 n#i 49 >#*re. Office at th* Court House flours, ta. m to 3 p m JAS J Mc< IOWAN Tux Collector. C C. N 41*1 14 t: OF l)l9SO|,mOTi. The firm of S Ou kenh4m**r a Sona Is dissolved by tho drsuh of Mr Motes S t luckcnheimer Ti* bualnes* ta are! will he csrrle*! on b>* Mr Abr H riurkenheimer. who takes <yer all the ss# ts and assume* all the liabilities of *>ai#l late firm, under the sty * of S OrCKENHEIMER’B SON. Savannah. Oa , Nov. 15. Pl. TSTF.HDIIV AM) M.UOK9' it F PLIEO. Cement Lime. Plaster. Hair and River Sand. Prompt delivery. Reuaonahle price SAVANNAH BFILDINO BFPPLT CO.. Corner Drayton and Congreaa. Phone 519 •spec 14 f vvnea All bids againat the Italian I>ark Con •rflla Ga.atoUi must l>r presented at our office befor* 12 o'clock m this lay. or • yn.ent th.reof will be debarred STRACHAN A CO., Savannah. Ga.. Nov 14. l!*g) srm i %i* totm B. All Mils <Mtalnt the British steamship Arlon mn i presente*l at our office be fore 12 o clock m thia day. or paymant i uereof wtli b#* dcfffcrred STRACHAN At CO . Consignees Savannah. Ga . Nov 14. IKO 4PKC IAL .NOTH B. Neither the maater nor consignees of the Italian bark Nin4 will he rcs|onslb*e for any debt* contracted by the # row. BTRACHAN A CO. Consignee*. Savannah. Ga Nov Itf IMA * 1*174 I%L KOTICTC. J| T 14Ll LIT Ll) One carload of Moyar*’ flue work of S> racuft* N. Y . <v -n and top buggies, he rr. >t complete line ever brought to thte city We defy competition on this work I n k the public on# and ts 11 who are in the mark* t for *nd and alcle-spring eaay-rid tng \ehlc*es that they can be found at my repository. Abo a lull Rue of deliv ery w neons <>p n and top. milk and baker w#g ns You m ike no mtrnke by calling a; on#-e and make your •election. 31 ARK APPLES REPOSITORY. 320 Broughton street, wrsl. Kelly’s Rubber Tires, the oniy reliable tire on The market. F.fT % BLI9MBf> 1*4.1. 401.0H0T9 COMP %\ Y, TTboleaale and Reiall DraggliU. TTkoleawle Drpar tment. 127 Cow urea* atrret, writ. Georgia Dinar 141. Retail Utoree. 1.1.1 Congrrsa afreet. %%ral. Hell I'hoar 144. Hall atid Chorllow atreote, andrr Gwwrda* 4r • awl. Bell aad Georgia Pboaea G3. LEE ROY MYERS 8 CD. CIGARS AS 0000 AS CURRENCY UP-TO-DATE. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. PHONE 333 SPE4 IA L NOTH l>. THAT FHFIT 4 IKE • hat you general' nuik* about the middle or latter part of November i* now* the mhjrct of #li*rus*ian Your iri t.h* will te.l you it D bel ter when made* early Nw :* the time Don’t wait fill Hi*- -net min ute Everything in the dried fruit line 1* fresh end new anl finer thi* year than ever before Hhelied Almonds p r pound jiv Candied Lemon and Peel per pound 26c. London Layer Raisins |*r pound lfn Far v JWded Raisins per pound 15 cent* Cleaned t arrant*. V*-lb package 10c Fancy Citron j>*r pound 15c. New English Wa nut* per pound |o rents Fre*h line of Spices. New Duchess Fig** per pound 30c Dark Brown Sugar for <~ake*. Good Butter per pound 25c Fine Cooking Brandy and Sherry Wine. —at— JOHN T EVANS A CO 6 Congress and Barnard streets. 2 Fone* OHBKH'f SCOTCH TT HIMCY. This celebratad famoue old \atted Highland Whisky is Irngxirted direct from the diti!i*ry by u This Greer Scotch Whisky l guaranteed to l*e bolt lad abroad and U oiuiigncd to ua from Glas gow. Bent land, and ta fn bond In the T'nited Btatea Custom House in this ait| Thla grand old Greer Scotch Whlakv U l>eeullfully mellow axui mkd to a degree and Is soft to the palate as one could pnaathly wlah. and there is a nuttineas about it that is oai**lally piaa ng. TVe are glad to let the public pur chase as small quantity as they wish, ever one bottle, for the pur pos#' of Intri during the best brand of Scotch whisky extont LirPMAN BROS , Wholesale Druggists. Lippman’s Block, Bole Agents for the Greer Distil leries. G.aagow. Scotland, and Dub lin. Ireland, for their Scotch and Irish Whiskies. NEW FLORIDA j MI LLET ROE. FINE MACKEREL* —at— A. M A r. W XVBST'S. gCIIWAIIZ C %FF. is the place where you can satisfy your appetite with all the delica cies of the season. Oysters from the OL’LF and NORTHERN waters Also Game tn season. -GEM CAFE OEO. C. SCHWARZ. Proprietor. Open dy and night Dining room upstair* Georgia Phone No. 349. Be.i Phone No. 345. TT. 4. Fit ID* k 4 O. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTH Real Estate bought and sold on commis sions. and Renta couectcd. Representing TTuv !rs Ii ‘ :r *n# r Company L4fe. Ac cident .iwl liability Departmcnu New York Fire Insurance Company. Greenwich Fire insurance Company. The C.ty Tru?*t. Safe Deposit and Surety Company. Issuing Bonds of Surety *# contractors administrator* guardians, etc. 4PE4ITI MITICB. %Ve arc now giving special attention to house painting, katsomlnlng and japcr hanging. *A With a corps of on.y first class workmen and a competent super- Intednent w* tan d> your work promptly aid satlafactorlly Get our estimate on anything in hous#' decorating line and save money. ANDREW HANLEY CO NOTICE. Neither the master nor consignee* of Ih*- British steamship AisLby. Olsen, master, will be responsible for any debts con traced hy crew of said vessel J F. MINIS A CO.. Consignees. TPTIfK. Neither the mas er, owners nor con signees of the British steamship Haint <• gn>ln will be re;*ouwlb;e for any <l*-bts contracted by the crew. J. P. BTARB. Master. niWINEhS NOTIC E^. European Novelties. Our recent purchase* of foreign goods afford* buyer* an opportunity of sweeting fr >m the latest and choicest novelties shown In Paris and other European cen ter*. Thare are many exc.usive and at tractive design* from which to choose without chance of duplication. All of as sured quality and value. THtUS BROS. For Quality OPPOSITE THE DE SOTO Office 307 Bull Street. Telephone 700 SPECIAL NOTICES. 04 \TING. Hair, moss licking. fiber, feathers. Our stock of new material aid manufac tured products aie up io .;at# Our reno vating and remaking naa deligh is*i many prominent residents A*k your acqualnl ai.cee Material sen* u* ts i>. ked. steam ;q. # i)ti in* d* atsd by tiKidern m cllnary Making and -ne by We conhne our wc.rk to rnattrs**ee and bed ding geaaraby. We sari licking of ail kinds, moss. hair, cotton, filar, feathers, or my arti- le needl’d n mat trees i NATIONAL M.XTTHKW AND RENO VATING CO.. Bell Phone ;:3i S3! Draytoi MVNt 111 4 OM,\ Mil: UlvIT GINGI It ILK. The b**st is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. mad** by Wheeler A Cos., of Belfast. Ireland from the celebrated CTomac- Spring* of that city. These spring* ur** the properly of Wheeler Ac Cos. hen • no other Ginger Ale manufacturer In Ireland has those waters but them selves The Wheeler Ginger Ale is made from pure Jamur a Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, a* others arc; one ,s d*4ei#*rlou —the other is n tonic. For Healthfulfiess and PurMy tne cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Glngrr Ale |s the best. L! PPM AN BROTHERS. Role Southern Agent?. Savannah. Ga. NOTICi. City of Savannah. Office Cisrk of Council. Nov. 14. 1900. AM parties desiring to retail liquor dur ing the year 19**1 will file their applF.i -tlons with the Clark of Council a< once, so that same con be referred to Council ui,t ac tion t *k**n said applb'atlon before th* xpiratlon of limit provided for hy orMnance. XV M T BAILEY, Clerk of Council. Illll** W \ n ii i Cky of Savannah. Office Clerk of Coun cil. Nov 13. 1900. —Bid* will be received at this office until Saturday. Dec. l, at noon, for the following ammunition, stored at the powder magazine of the city of Sa vannah on the Ogeeche#* road: 13 # o> Iloti nk.— |M-r# usslon ahcllw (ih It* |iound shells to the .ase>. Bx case- 12-jhjimd r.tnniser shot | The right is rt-.rved to reject any or oil bids By order of th< Mayor. n r BAILEY. C.erk of Council. Awi AM) I T PHLSH LLMUER FOR A A t.E. luo.i'4iu feet of suitable for wheel %vi.gnts. carriage makers, iar works and Interior iou*• *• UnL:. Aieo cypres* lumber of r%A *•!/.*'!■• We hav#* resume#! utting our famous brands .f vi res** shingles and wi#l soon hav* a full line of them for salt*. VALE ROYAL MFG. CO llt)\l) bMXITLI). By tne Am. riean Bondli.g and Tru% Company of llaiitm* ;e. T\ e are author iz#*d to execute io- lly (immediately upm a illeal i bonds It Jvdlelg ceeiiiitv-* in either the stat#* or United f*#a* h Courts, and of administrator* and guardians BEARING A HULL Agents. Telephone 321 Provident Building TUB TV TV TO FLEAS C ARPETS. Tiie only way to get your cnrprr* prop erly taker up. cleitvd and tak>'n are of for th Mimmn to turn th** Job over to th** Dietrb't M* r nti*i D#*,ivery <To tele; none 2 or ill at M Montgomery street, and Sh*y will rr.ak* you an esti mate on the cost of the work Prices reasonable They ti. n pack, move and store furniture and piano*. C H TIEDLOfK. Supt an*l Mgr tilX KM (NT’S i \TFs. 112-114 Whitaker street. Diamond Back Terrapin Soup with Merchants' Lunch to-da% Oysters from the Gulf daily Tho finest mait* arc r* fully prepared. Private dining room*. Wuerxburgrr Hof Brau on draught. land title*. Abstract* of the recorded land titles of • m i from the settlement of Georgia to dat*. Money loaned at low interest on city real estate. aSCKETT A BECKETT. LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R DILLO\ President. r r*hlt r C. 8 ELLIS. BARRON CARTtR Vlca President. Ass: •’asiutf The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH Will be plre.rd to rrottve th* ,ccov.n of M. r. hm t Firm*, Individual,. Uar.,.* arid Corporutlona. l.lbrrai fevora extended, rnaurpeared collection (aclUitea lr, , In* i r.>m|t retuin, SEPARATt SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTBRKST COMPOt-NDED QUARTEn I.Y ON DEPOSIT* Safety D-prelt Boxee an.l Vault. rent. Oorreepondence aollclted The CitizensTSk OF SAVAMRAH. CAPITAL $500,000. Trantarl. a Oeaeral Baakia. Itbilnru. Xu licit a Arroaat, ot Indleldnai, Merchant,, Bank, and other Cor,, ration*. Collrctlon, handled with economy and dispatch Intereat. compounded quarterl, allowed on Heposlta lu our San,,, licparimeni. ba(et Drpoalt Hoxea and Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK. Preeldrai. MILLS B. LANE, Vlcr PreahSaai. DKOHQIO C. FREEMAN. Cuahler. GORDON L. UHUOVEH. Aaat. Cuahlet. SOUTHERN BANK of the Bute of tieorffta. Capital ... ~ Surplu, and undivided prollia . h.a DEPOSITORY OK THE STATE Of GEORGIA Superior facllitlea for tranaaotint a General Hanklna ISusicM, Collectlona made on all Dointo aoceaeibla through Tainka and bana t\ Account, of R.vnks. Banker., tferchiau aial othars aollclted. Safe Dapoait Rout for rent. Department of Savtnr*. tntere.t pa ah. 'luarterly. Beil. Sterling Exchance on Ixtedor. S and upv. aide JOHN Preeldear HOKAf-K A CRANE Vice Preeldee* JAMES BUtX.IVAN. Caehler DIRECTORS JNO. WM W GORDON E A WFSII, W \V GORDON Jr. H A CRANE JOHN M EGAS I KK ROY MYERS JOSEPH FBRBT H P SMART CHARLES EL LI! EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KtRRT Slim MM capital. * Areounta of bank,, merchant!, corpora tlone and individual! solicited Savings Department, Intareet paid ut terly. Safety Boxes and Btora*e Vaulte for rant Collection* made on all points at r*- eonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of the world. Correspondence Invited JOSEPH D. WEEP, President JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice Preetdet**- W. F. McCAt'LEY. Cashier THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. Capital "22 Undivided profile w This bank offers Its services io vapo rs tion, mcrvhat'ts and Individuals Has authority to act a executor, ad ministrator. guardian, etc. Issue# drafts on the principal cities tn Great Britain and Ireland and nn tna Conltnent. . ... Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits In tho Favlmra Dei>artmni Safety bone* for rent HENRY RU N. President GKO W Tl EDEMAS. Vice Presllent. JOHN M HOOAN. Cashier WALTER F HOGAN. Asu't Cathie ■■■ 1 HI 1 No. 1446. Chartered HR -THE- Mins liM hi OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. RK'.Oiai SURPLUS IK*** o UNITED STATES DEPOHITORT J A G CARBON. President BE!RNE GORDON. Vice Prestdsat. W. M. DAVANT. Cash: r. A< counts of banki and banksn tner rhants ond eorporatlona received upon ' the moat favorable terms consistent with safe and conservative banking THE GEORGIA STATE BIiLDINQ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION IS YORK STREET. WEST 5 PER CENT per annum allowed cn ■ deposits, withdrawable on demand. Intereat credited quarterly. 6PLR CENT, per annum aliowtd on dt posits of even hundrods. withdraw able at annual periods OEO W TIKDEMAN. Preatdsnt R H LEVY. Vice President. E W BELL. Hecretary. C O ANDERSON. JR . Treaarr The Chatham Rea! Estate and Improvement Cos, ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. fu NefSDW Puitiefs. For eale. a Eoraattb Newspaper Folder: will fold eheet TTxO It Is In rood ord r price linn It coni ortklnaily #LW® b we have no use for It and want the rtoo It occupleu. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to soy newspaper office. Addrees MORNING NEWS, kuveuneb. #••■ II 1 U WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed • printed stationery and blank books trt> “ , Morning News. Savannah. Ga