The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 16, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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JEFFRIES WILL DO BATTLE. 1U |r|<illT HI Ill'll Hl*.- , mill iii.i;riMi shark*:*. practically UIU far • . h , |,i |hr u ,, ,| l( > Entire Purs*—Jeffrie* viuiu ii> l *—t I*ll4iJiiittiui Hf f4,rr nulillHK Kr**-** Mablftu or *b* r kr> —%nrc*nont With *hr -k,., mill ituhliu %boat thr same. • rk. Nov. 15.—Jamo J. Jeffries , j article* of Affrfftncltt for both Gus Huhlm ami Tom A ordlng t the stipulations, with Hublln la to toko place fir es-Rublkn agreement call* for vc roiind content before the g the beat inducement*, on or . 1, HMI. the exact date to be j lt n the club articles are signed, j , y the rails for a* finish. Should the conteat take ! state or city legalizing only round contests, then at the end •w.nty.fifth round, if tin* referee to render a decision he shall .iit cd to extend the conteat five T , at i time Indefinitely until he d* cldc, th* winner. If the con ,,, s>Jace In the state of Nevada lfv all be to : finish. M hall h. governed by the Queensberry rule- and the be permitted to fight with on# I ,- . aoh protecting himself at the but they are to break t th* .. .. , f ~f tin* referee. Five-ounce • •ailed for The winner Is to fl# k ire purse and all the rwcetpts, nd other money accruing from If either man be lata ten be !n a and the time of the battle, the m I v de< ar*d off by the man v ■ a unbeaten. U> one condition in the agree rn, ~ ~? that Is that Jeffrie* reserves meet Bob Fltkj-diiHiioti* before , }) , with Ruhlln, providing this 1( inged on or before April 1, j . , , . h with Fitzsimmons may nc , i-ostp nement of the bout, i ..1 agreement with Jeffrie* to 4, iii Tom Sharkey for his stgnu r, . is to be on the same terms , ffrles-Ruhlln contest The date . ni i* 1 pet for on or before July 1 t flfrie* rraerve* the right to meet iiot Fi’z- mmon* and Huhlln before the n , a i h him piovidlng the much wit.-> I- 4 come* off on or before June (I % PTISTS m.lT!' AT HHISTOL. Enteral UMN'lallnn of Virginia Kind* II 111 err*. I ' Va . Nov. 15.—The general Hap ti? \ i ttlon of Virginia tonvenel In *nr • - -‘ion In the First Baptl-t • *hu r < f 'lii* c|ty at 7 .Jd o'C Ook ibU , vet i J Ige W. It. Harked d*. of llout ro: |. .--i is. Thcr** were present about 7, and us many tr.ur.- are • x !■. t 1 ly to morrow. TANARUS, , . iig rmon, which was In the I , ~f u .huominat! u and addr* m. was 1,. v • 1 by Dr. r. t*. McJonnell of L > tK’h- i• g All : officer- we. e ect and for [t j • f; -•i ill k > * .r b> (C c'.i rrei t Ion; l r >i !(•!;•, Jim;i \\ It. Hofkada'e of . n vi e pres.dente. T. II K elt, ii !V id. Dr. J. H. bake. Upf> rvllle. r H. Martin. Salem; Dr. G. B. Tay > rn ittox secretary* IMw Hugh r.lth. \l ri-vl le; treasurer, It A. Richmond*. auditor. J B. Mont - y, R, hm. Di; assistant secretary. Th* o lor* Kl cn. Richmond. *• - old •:i w t** w• . omed BriJ on bc:i* f of the church and the cltU by I;r i\ A Jenkins, pastor of the u Huptl M hurch. th* resfioikae n t*o of he a*s.> lalb>n being made by M. I . Wco-i of Staunton. •morrow *••'*!- n wb. b* devoted to hearing of in per;*. Til GIX I. I’l l 1 'III IK. X Ml HOII~ ill I arnt'Kli' XXiiolk I* That Ihf I'll) •,'nrnllt ti Milt*. I‘tMburs Nov. I.V —At a dinner *lvi eight l v XV. X Frew. president of tlx , l of .Hu oil* . f the t'urrfrgle Inotl to Audr, w Curneßl ■. Mayor XX* J iii.l . * r prominent citizens, Mr. m l- in off. r to the city of 1 i. Inn* to a technical school In • to*i with ibe C trm *le Institute, . i onilow It wi'h ft.KMi.OOi. In hi* offer Ur. I 'arn gl- said: th<- city of Pittsburg will fnrnleh a i which 1 hcpe will In* of ample *lzc utur. extensions. I Khali he delighted -oxide the money for euch a ochool. g are lo provide room for addition* ie budding*. to meet the cerialn :h of l’lt tsburg would endow II with ll.ono.rtio 5 per gold tends, yielding a revenue of ■ per yenr” nxi: ixuirrwKXT *tt amiikd. < iii.- Aunlnst Kvansrtlil for Mort mi(il Trnat Property. ' e’ Id. N. J.. Nov. li.—Frank T Mc i> II and XV. Ilolt Apgan. attorneys In Itev Dr Henry M. XVharton. of 1 i •■r. . made a motion before Judge to-day to quash the three lialiet fi.iniil against the evangelist si Indictment taken up the | ..tiring fair" pretense* In getting a for m orphanage hi fee Klmole. . he Ik all.-ged to nave represent# I I wik to him in tru t The deed *• n >•-.! Aug SI. IS**, an. Judge H* I*- and the Indictment, ok It w* out ■).. two yt irs limit and outlaw'd ’i r two Indictment* charge th# with putting two mortgage* on rty, one for Vt. , * in a'.d another an.! approprl.t'lng 'he money to in ii'ex The motion to o'laah these l m<nln will he signed later. )iXI !| AMM.It nil II AIIIIAOT. I* XX 111 Xueered t osm-II si Heed of Menltleli Rite Ale*oo*. Is * enworth, Klin., Nov. IV-Kr ismur it. grand prior of the Supreme 1 of th,. Southern Juris lldt n £c.,t --i Mu-on*, when notllV and "fllcal v f ihe death of Gran 1 Common ler i s.ii I that Congre—man J I. ,ii of Tenuesec" would Ik m td" “ 1 \t gland ler XV ill i iiti.l iti-1 I'oretao Trade. ■rfolk X'a.. Nov. 15.—Judge Hanckel. motion of Romutno H. Croeby of ' Now York law firm of Burk A *' to-dsy gronted a charter to 1 Eddy A Cos., linked, of New the purpoeee of which are to Con < a* oral importing end exporting presumably between thlx coun i 1 the South American republics, ddy Argi-ntlna. Capital UOU.fIOO. dl into shires of JIOO each. XV. B ’ l pr, - lent of the corporation. EAT-WELL Salad Dressing IS WITHOUT AN EQUAL tAli First-c.ass tirocsm.) DIED FHOH A9PHV \l %TION. Hr. C. T. Ablstroui and Mm llnrry (•arduer Klllel In Itulrl Ho4im. New York. Nov. 15 Dr. Christopher T Ahlstrom and Mr* Harry liar In. r. both of this city, were found dead in a t • ij , m In the Houlevatd Hotel, in Bn a iway Both had been suffocated h*y Illuminating i gas. Rhein hold Huse. proprietor of the ho tel. saltt *he couple, whom he ha J new seen before, to the Ism el ul* ut o’clock yesterday They drank to* get her In the best of About 7 O’clock the man aslm *— n room for htmaelf and the wotti.u. II reg- Istered as “John Mutien and wtt* New York city " He was asslgnevl t** . n* m on the third floor. The r -otn wa *mi,l hail tMslrtxmi About 2 o’clock t-.m men lng Proprietor Bust*# found that g*is wa escaping fnam the room An entrarn • wa force*! ami the ga* was found • - aping from radiator On** of ti gas let burned d.tniy. The womuii was found -u the floor and the man on th** bod Both were dead. Tho woman was u hands me brunettw wliout 27 years of age. She wa* tho wife of a man who followed tin t.Mr <larlner's mother. It was lwirried. llv* In Chicago. When the hu*hai | of the woman was fouml tvda> n**r his he said he wn* out looking fr her lat night, after h* had failed to find her at home. When he *.iw her picture print* l to-day he identified it a* that of his wf*- The couple were married In 1*93, .and lived in Ohio before they went to Chicago Gardner's brother wa* n patient of l>r Ahlstrom'*. Gardner thought the do lor wa* fond of hi* wife, but never ms -pectel her fidelity. The autopsy held late to-dsy showed that death In l*'th *.*.-* j was caused by gas aaphyzlation. RE POUT OF UFA. U FIIJKiTOK. Discloses onie Differences In Ord nance llepnrlnieiil. Washington. Nov. 15—The report of Oen. Buffington, chief of th* bur* a i o' ordnance, has been made to the Secre tary of War. Some of the most interesting |>ort|on* of the report, deling w ith dispute I points between the ordnam e bureau a: and the of ordnance snd fort Ul''..on* are contained In ap-jviidice*. which f i e not yet been made public. Among th**se features is that of Held gun* nhi h l dismissed with a paragraph suing that the fact* can he founl In an apt>entllx. The ordnaitre bureau wa-* a out to I t the contracts for 20t> fled gun-*, wren the recommendstton of th board of ord nance and fortification-. w,.s a- |•* • 1. hoiillng up any action for * m- m*nth ! It * * In conn*- tlon with flel I or Intn that an agent of the government has ob tained what he alleges Is the s or* t of the Frsnch field gun. and wiilch It I** pr - l-osed shall Ih- tested by this government. Another controversy Is thst r* nting o th*- disappearing gun carriage . wnos firrther manufacture has been deckled against -by the t*v*rd of orlt ance it and fortlflrallon* <len. Bufflngb n <9|seuse the history rf this earring. . sltowlng that it was ordered by the Kndicott b. arl and the Secretary of War ESTIMATE Ilf I OH A CROP. The Xierngr X leld Per Xerr la l*ut at 5.1.. T Hnahela. XX'ashington, Nov. IS -The preliminary cellmate of the average yield per acre of com In livo. ns published In the f r;h . omlng numthly rei.rt of the -totistlclan of the lepartment of Agriculture Is J'. 3 t.ushels as compared with an average yield of ST. 31 bushel* In ls. of 71 To Ixtsh el* In !*9S, ond a len year average of 21.1 hurtle)*. The average a* to quality Is '• per cent., a* rompared with 17.11 per cent ! i-t year and II 7 per cent. In Novemtter. ho lt Is r*tlmated that I I t>er cent, of tin corn crop of IMS was !11l In the hand of farmer* on Nov. 1, IW. a* compared •vlth S.* ;er cent of the rrop of IkM* In farmer* han-lK on Nov. 1. I'lht. mid 73. per cent of that of IKI7 In hand on Nov. 1. IXW The preliminary eMtlmate of the cott'>n crop, baaed upon reporis from the and partment's regular eorr.*pondcnt. frori glnners and from Individual planter*. *up plcmcnted by the lnve*> (gallon* of special agents will Vn> Issued early In December KIIIKO OK THE WAR T % A EM. emigre**man Tass-ney Think* It Alnat fame <7red mi 1 ty. Winona. Minn . Nov. 15 -Congressman Jim.*. A Tawr.ev of the Ways and Meat Committer, speaking of the meeting lo be heal In XX'ashington. Nov ?>. said "The object 1* to consider the extent to which the war revenue taxe* can l„- removed and amendment* suggested t„ moke the law more satisfactory In ndmin- Istratlon. The problem as to what tix shall be removed will he a perplexing on I think, however, U Is safe to any that tne stamp tax upon Instrument* of con veynnee. sueh a* notes, deeds, mort gages Inheritances for charitable and benevolent pnr|>o*e* will Ik* removed; p.> slbly the taxes upon proprietary medium > ind some others. "It will he the desire of the> of the committee to remove Just as manv of the *iamp taxe* as possible, but Ilk the removal of the stamp lavs, undi r :h old civil war revenue gel. this will proi ably have to he done gradually * > to avoid sailing too close to the danger of a deficit." MORGAN TO H ITT I H\ TO SKXATK. V\ us I naalmonaly Vonilnnted In mucus nf Oemucrnla Montgomery. Ala Nov. F.- The Jon: caucus of Democrat* of boih Hotttes of the Alabama l-eglslkture he'd to-nl*m unanimously nominated lion. J i M*’ r eon for re-eteeiton .is f’nlted ft:a'c H ator. No oilier name wa- present*-) B<n ator Moraan was colled 'afote t e m* InR and intde an eloquent -P* ' ‘ 11 thanking the members for the h* n r con ferred. The ten opposition m'mlen of 'he I' -. Is ature. In separate caucus. pledged the r votes to Morgan ACQt ITTF.tI OF llllilll'Hn. Tnn nf the Itefeiidants Were Imme diately Mr-arrested. Richmond. Vo.. Nov. la —ln Sindian .keth Court to-day. Ndward Cnrney. alii "Hutch." John Butler, alia* "Slim Jim. and Stuart B. Uray. alia* ' fk-otty " merged with burglarising the Mass mut ten Bank at Stru-burg ware a quitted Butler was immediately reirr-*t..l mi i charge of robhlnß the pn.tofTb • at I!" I. away, N J • and Cam.a Is he'.l for ta Tennessee authorities. helnß w irwed In that State. It l sold, to complete a term Ir. the penitentiary. M il.I, hum mv in t iiiv*. Vlalh llejtlnieat of Cavalry Mill II" Itelalned There. Washington. Nov IS Gen. CTiiflfre >a cabled the War Department the fol owing from Taku. under date of Nov. 11: "Hlgth Regiment United State' Cav.dn I w ui remain In China tinder comm ml o' I teutenuiat Colonel Theodore J. W lt. Troupe I. K. UU. w THE MOKNING NEWS: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER lf. 1000. KNIGHTS OF LABOR SPLIT. I%l|hu\s FICTION CHOffB THB * OH . OFFII lilts Nfler ih e I.lection tlie I'nrantii Wing \tlJiMiriK-il to Mn t \r%t 111 N\ Mill ington, O. 1 !ln>r Facllnn l>ls ruM*-tl tin- t liineae 11 %*-l iialou Act. ** tt mi %ldrcft t Ike I'n bile hut Hid not tin Into the (■•• ot tli- '*pllt In Hie Order. H.rn - 111 Alii Nov Ik—At this t .-n Knight* of LaK*r. Par .■?. wing, the following of* fleers were elected: M i Wot John N. Parsons of X* w \ ork. Woitiy Foreman-J. J, Donnelly. Bo*>- it'. ,M . S* r: ry and Treasurer—Emory Bur fey. W* lM#n. M* mb* i • *f Executive Board—A. J o*Kf*. H.rtmj, Ala.; J. A. Eon tier. Pittsburg, Pa., and NV H Carr of Washington, ! <\ All t! *• the old with the ••x- e| ou * : Mr. t\*rr. who take* the place of P.o*t> k of Mancie, lnd. A J. O K I* was * ecied e*litor of th* nail >iii i *1 |mj! i *d in Washlns t* a I). (' H* nry A Hick* of New York was o\,>*i>d tr>*tn the order by special r>. . > rI • tlioc i’ion that he tlile*| P > -f -I'lkbc el* trlclans in New N • rk v wi 1 r -unlcn th* n. The Hi>*'* fiction spent the morning in the d!i > ai*e.ou vf the Chinese cx< luston act. Tin* 1 ir on- f t ■ ,-)ii adjourned thin af ternoon to meet in VV ishingt* n at the call of th grand muster workman. Tin* Ha>* faction at th* af ernoon *•*- hl*>ii aut.-mrixod an addross to the pubi c setting f*rth th* tr ela.m- an i denoun 1* g tl Par-<His (a :*>n In m verc terms The b f ter i a: * and *•• .very d* egate I• t••*).■ but •?. *• i not go Into ih*‘ merits th** tuci.-I.- will S rau-ft*! the split It is U li* ve-l that i • 11 y* people will xd journ 10-morr >w In view of tiie fet that Pat sons h.ts returned to Wash ngtofk where )h** l- ok* aie sal l to be. A \riO\%|. Ill: SIGN A TIM. ' 4 l>r. It os* sn* Mrs. Stanford Foreeil llim to H*lkii. Stanford I‘nlverslty, <’ul.. Nov. 15.—Dr H iward Ibc , he id piofessor In the de pirtraent of *• onomlcs and sociology at Stanford I'ulverslty, has resigned. The rrslgnatb n caused quite a sensation In univ# ; <Mr* ■. where Dr. H**s wa* ex tremaly p pu’nr. In ht formal htter of resignation he Itiitmi e*l :> ar 9<* ft'b being forced out of th** uriiver-l:y I> Mr* Stanford, who had tak* ti • \ * pti to statements by him In hi* public addr* * on so* ld*gt c4i| n* . .on unic qu* He further Mild Mi Sanford was promptM by er*..‘ |owi rful i>m n and commercial ,nt*T* sln -n I’i i > ; - Several *f the I > 1 11 1r .1 *rdnn. president of tho University, paid to-day: “In r*k<*rd to th resignation of Hose. It l* right that I should make further saem**nt. There Is not th*- slight .t evidence that he s a martyr to <i m *>f -i- di.* Nor Is there any reason to believe t T his withdrawal has been due to i v pr* ~nte of capital or any oth- r inflf ii v l know that Mrs Stanford's and c i *-n was reached only after 1 ng at I * arr **st con deration nnl that H motive w * th* w. !fare of the I'nl \crslty uvid tHat alone.** Su>pl imn’d* ir his farmer uttrrxn e* lit *>n 111*' übj' ct of ProfeS'or Roe ’ *lls rd- and Dr. Howard to-div add re sand hi* i In history upon the matter. The ♦ nifrc hour of the eln*e was given up *o th dl*cws.-ion of "free speech" Dr. Howard aria ti*‘ th** Influences th*' brought about the dT-ml -il of the pro fe*sr Pro * *sor Hou ird concluded his sp.*cch with t his •*• t -it lon al utterance: • | do not tow down Saint Market >t* • t I >k i*t doff my hat to the Biz Comrant**; n* Ither am I afraid of the Standard Oil rvm pany.*’ IN Ill'll C'l HHKNCY. secretsn (. mi* Takes it l.ook Into the Distant Fntare. Washing on. Nov. i5. Sacrttary Gngy to nig; *lellv r* <1 in a* a.iemlc lecture be f..r> the (Vdumblan University law 4. !;*-; on (be topic. ’Home Furihor Titov.ghts on Banking and Currancy.** Tow rd tl'.e •Toted he .i*kfd: •l> n ,i i<* and usslon o which we hav T ■n and piin-A r id* nit discussion? Is „• , , ju our * >rr m y system at all pr.) . nc. >r •\ • n p -ruble, io mutter hw nuh h * m desired? No immcllaie , a.c : * • all probable, hut looking for u ~.l i , t}j. period your own business f itur> - .rr* ~u g* in o‘ar system seem* ta be IrVvltabl* 111 the first p*•e. In the , . •, , ~fa •*!ulnar> • v<* nTi'urc for A i> . jr-• ni *>utstan ling public debt . i, largely r< Ui 'd or whol r j,,ji this #vemuates the r .v required frm f security for nnki<‘ 1 -uts will he lacking and tiiodlflc.nlon in our present law will j,. ry. Again, If I may express i dn* 1 opinion, it wTI eome to per . . v-I . time pii.s - that the govern np n Is r* v and cannot he well prepared to *l.-?1 wrh a huge mass of flouting T* i.‘ pa.vah!e on demand. The obllsm i non •> mdm i*n t <rlty huw- n our i s(yn).o*vi.h'o of liver ni<*n( y and (toll). a-lf|* ,h romp<l< .'ton •> > < ht- lwniili*r l * -..ntln'-t t will blji'l tn i .1 nitiiisb ih.- [> *•- 1 rrm,t r<— pontbU!y." • . ■ ■ ■ I'\|l.l 111: <>l TMK UHAVT*. v„ll instituted In Presrrvr Certain UrcnrlllM. N. w York Nut IS -Judg > l-acombe qf the t'n! • .-•< ae. Circuit Court to-day. on •lie it— If. > of Kllma T Griswold of I-,..- , i, I),m.i l’,*l a temporary Injun— •ri h.m'm: n 1 *r y I’. Btrone, P Bradles •:r..n I'd Albert It Shaltm k. Individ- I ill •! I | . I'*S Of V . .if'ihs late William I. Strong „ -,| ,' r e-T .in* iVm from |artlne with rdl ■ of cer ltn m-Tteage bo*ul. it.t ...her e-urltlee claimed bv the urlilM ori v i tiie.i *i'h-v .re investment! made bv M IV. - “'roil'- for sir- Griswold. It Is i u the .eel:rttles are at her ~ ,• ■ ih< silt was begun to , ... pv then- Klw rd \ Tl it. tie .e . Ivor. save out the f..Rowing t tteoasnl \l- .as .!• I M Caflt' imml-r- of ~ ~. iso tntmltti •• stated thi at r r,ip.t in i* i min •: ton o f t‘ie II iblll w. 1 Btrora *<’ ■ *eem- shew , ■ thi tola' amount of no e drawn b r- It I I It St itt and Indors'd by IV. i eng A C\, a maun I m H.' 00.'. i 1., i o t -ae of VV*. L* r ,v i ‘,j., ' x re, one i Ob' for $7 *O. \\. an . lih:V lnform.ll hat t - h „ on no a pplng of pspe . aid th't there are no note- diawn K y \1 I. Hi ■nt A . , ,m.t mdnrted by C. 11 and F. 11. aott." noF.ita tn;sKSiN hhitish. 11, ported a *nialt Garrison of arw* la *mi rruti ttsled. Capo Town. Not la.—A • orreupondeng of I Cape Times rsports t int l.i Uoer* ~,, .g.nK a British garrison of 2*l regue.ra at •citwslgerresicke. In Western Transvaal, uosl that k*ord Methuen and ii, Bettlr are btllevtsl to b* going to tbs | (jafi isoti'e teWefa 'g rr f R E F. A *mpie of WA RN F.R SK\ FK t Rll —that great kldu’> and liver * arc- will he you free by addressing a pv*tal card imentioning thlw paper* to Warnet s .***(•l t'ure Cos . Kochester. N \ ANXIOUS FOR HOME. (Continued from First U.igc.) mendous eppiau**' and the auib-n • tor a lot.g time was In cnthuel istic nfue *n Wh* n order was final!' re**-d U -'•** man T.| Harrison of th <* mniiree • u H hsl Books, moved tt;n a *mmittei • a;>potnted from nch f*m;> t h> k nta the character of th* - s ht-'ki* i.•••v in Use. as It was ho Urge a matter ft f tin• un nto har.tlb . x St’hool * . Mr M. P. Carroll, of Augu a offered the folh-w ng rvrolutu a. which vvtus t* • ferred to th* Comtinwe* on It* “hnivm ’’Whereas, the annual uinvtmion f the l . C. V.. held at la'uUville, K> In May last, iidofued h i> tt > *f* fret that w * should bav. on if*-ltn i*\t iK'oke for our public ►■'!* >. !il ti'.at tb-' histories and oilier lsHk us* and should be written ami publish* by HutHhcni authors ami publshrr*. n w. therefor**. "Hesolved. ’nat our leg slatore t*e. and they are hereby request**l to pas?* h law requiring uniform teztb*Hks to Ih* u*d In ill public sciiools of Georgia, and tliat the histories, readers and other I*oka hearing upon the history *f our • .wintry sh.ill Is* such as art* wr t*> n sul pub -Ins.Ted hy Bouthern aua hors util pub llvhers.** t’apt. Copers Dickson move*,! that th*' invitation of the lathes to the entertain* innt it tho court house to-night be cor dially ac<’S|t*\l. D was v arrlnl by u ri ng vote U**iernl McOlrt*hn offered n resolu tion that reunions hereafter le held bi ennially. Referred to Committee on Resolutions Nrxi Neanlon In >leon. Get.. Wiley then t<xk i ie aml • x lended to t!.e et#iam> a ordln'. invitation to hold their next reunion In Mu on He read telegram from Mayor lirklg*'* t*mlth. Mixing that no clt> In the ffoutii hon*>red the Htars ind Rais more, and s*ie desired to honor herself by ei.t* ri niiu' tkM W hen Gaft. Evans adtsd if !• r*- were any other nomination*, a veteran moved the nomination?- b •ed Ther* were shouts of Macon! Ma *on! * and loud applause. Mu on’s Invitation wu a - Thrt* cheers and a were .if tei ward* given for Mu on. A resolution for the preservation of Georgia** colonial. ravoluth>nary and Con federate records, was adopted. It ap pro v rh*' Governor’s recommcnd.itl nto that effect Mr J (* Morris of Marietta o*k t e *tag' and made an appeal for tho 1 idl s who are att* rripting ta raise lunds t mark th* grave** of the 3,<K4 Confederate soldiers hurled near there. The general commandlng remarksl that iht convention needed m reteu:ion atul asked that the hove join In singing "We Are Old Time Confederate * c ph-4 of which had been diatlihute*!<*imh li e hall The song watt written by < tp Tip Harrison of Atlanta. wh was present and 1* and the singing This MlrrmK on 2 U ret to tho tune of "The Old Time Re Igl n. * and the convention soon 1< k* 1 Ilk* a M*thcsllst catn( meeting. Th*-e w*r** shouts of *'Amen." and cheers f>*r <* *nf.*l • rat** heroes, and It took * v -ial in nr* s after tire song ended t * fore q ilet c ul I he restoreil. (apt W M T>unl>ar of Augusta, a on - nr me-1 veteran, stepped to the front of the rostrum an*l sai l he always felt better after giving thre* ch*4*r f**r Jeff Davis. Tin y were given with great enthusiasm The? convention then adjournal, and th-- Veterans formed into tattabons *i and marched to Ht Paul's Church to piuc ujon the chancel. In memory *f O n I u-oiibla > I‘oik th** beailtlf*il floral i-ffr- Ing which tho ladle* prepired for them. Uvs, Alct.lnslinn Hold* Over. There was no formal meeting of the veteran* convention hall this after noon or evening. The afternoon ts.ur was given up to mceding* of the brigades and the Hot.a of Vsttran* U) separate place*, for the election of brigade offi ce**. The Northern brigade re-elect, l drn A. J. XX'est of Atl.uit; , an 1 tin- K.-K-rn brigade re-electtsl (Jen. XX’iley. of Ma on The Western hrlgile was without a quorum. In the meeting of the Bouthern brigade, the question w.- raised as to expiration of Oeneial Peter M illa-ban'* comntls slon. It sis ordered In the by-law* of the division that all of the brigade com manders should be elected at the time of the reuTiton of the division, *'“• Gen eral Evan* announceil at -the mornti : eadon that this would t-e the duty of each brlga.W*. Bu* It was contended by the member* of the Pouthern brigade that they elected their general at :**'lr owtv reunion at Rrun-wlck, last sum mer. and hla commission dales for one vear from that time They claim* I th,- right of each brigade to control Its own affairs without rtlr",*tlon from the .11 vi- - ,on. and decided that Hen MeOla-han's • ommlaelor. gool to the time of th meeting of the brigade next summer I'pon thin decision by the brigade, no elect ion was held al 'hi* time. rapt, tletam lie-elected. The meeting of the K,n* of f'onfedcratc X'eteran* was presided over by I Ivlslon Commander I'. 11. .XI laws of Savannah, and after rolling the meeting la ©rd> r and stating the pur|*se of the call, h* op nounced that he would not he a can II late for re-election, and desired l ie selectar. of another Mr Lawton R Evans, -on of till). C A Evan--. e|>k* In omi-llmen lary terms of the x.lintiaoe - ivlr n .V-red ft* the Sons of the I "nib I * Orf dr nt# Veterans by Commander .XI bis ad raid l' war th- aentlmr nt of tit - dtvl io.i t at he rhould remain In offl<-> Mr XX' II Barrett commander of the Augurta Camp, r.on-hd the remark of Mr. Evans, I the apiointin*nt of a oommlitre on pomli tt'l in T its ■> nml* tee was rompned of XX'. If Barrett, 1.- I! Evans and lieirlng Harden of Hvvon ■wh. and repotte*l In favor o th* t*■-•;•■ - lion of all the ptesei.t t.ffl -ik. whl i was done A social see-lon fellwel. and r edi rneni* were served by the Augusta bona of I’nlted tV-ntrsb ;ate X'ete a..- To-nlght was given up to a r- option tendered do the Veteran* by the Dough -1 ters of the Confederacy at the c ty bail. where profuse decoration* nnd tempt ng i refreshments, added to pleasatxt o.'lal j tnt* r.iaurae, c lose,l the second day of th** convention. The X’si.-rans of tb - Thir*l Georgia i Regiment met with about forty mern born present. The odd officers, wh* tire la* follow;,, were re-elected f'ol. rtneed. Pre*ldent: f'ol. Nlsln-i, vb* pr -- blent; Major M Whorter. **■ tid vl,--* pre-trlent; ( apt. H. II K-arr, third v „ pr-a dent; Samuel Alexander, fourth vice prt-Mhlent; Walter A. XVUey. Secretary; Relief for the Rentier Sex /■ “Mather's Frlond'”ii a spNcial fritawl JjTwJS during the ninetfyinKinontli;;before cnilclbirth. It i m gimple linhnunt rdf man ciuui iiower, find, by its H relaxation erf the muscles, allays nil ncrvouMnesn, re> hSc kkgj. iievea rlistrcK -ih'd headaches, cramps rind nausea. W "vjß It Is a blfixs/ng In a bottlo, robbing J (ooneneat of ait its pain. f * I ,oo par / (T . (Kltlf Iff! 9t • IW-G-J. * . • 11l Ijf xM-t*x Wf A0 * wWff m t'aient upw *• Jr Till. U HIM LATUII <*o.. Mliintff, . t ft |os<MA*IX a I,** *> •• MntiWliHnfi " Udi •/ MU M tM KB egg ha • srl>4 fr#t u*n fKft*U. °"v H" ” Col J W Din hsry arsl Capt. C. H. Andrews. hDn-rum* It w > de . t le,i to hold n reunion of the rev merit r Union Paint on the first \\ Oiwsilki In August. IPO. tONtMIMIUA MION TO Hlil'.T. Mill 'lake t•• itnestlm Between l HiiMila iml I nttel States. Washington, Nov 1* Ht*j*s have be**n taken for feumlng the lmjwrtarrt wmk vf the Ar gio*American commission, nia*l cp >f tej r- * (a ivos • f the Inked H'alrs, (•r*at Britain .and Cavutda, and consider ation of t . i. w in prugreoa prot*- ab!> Will determine within a few day* W inn ..> ir*. will he nuiKUcd r<?rrr.*p i U nee has in*wed recently le -in rn * i.iwa at 1 \N ashlugton relative to rrsuminy: th* work, aisl now that tle hciiot!** c n hth -lb** of the border are over (Hiii ih f%-lt .* Ih* more time *nd rppoituiTty to devot* t the serious quea- Ihuvs Itivolvtvl b. f. re this CiKlUfUssl n It |- iii .l. khhsl thi the Am*-lean *om mtsstonei *l* sir* to remove he i ... u’ ttifir last slttlnw. The indication* are thst this *an t l. n** thioU-h th** <o tPraib.4i >: ih H 4ti* Depart men . •*> omit tiny t• Alaskan loui>*lary q..etl> n from th..-- i*i • • n* bre 1. thu r**m v- Ing the chief olid nh* to pr*gress. nth • Ala-kan ji**st|>n th>‘ *>mmDsbn w pro • ill di *dlo k*d and it ma eno r* s<*i ’ vrti the )*i *m *>lhT qae tl > * Is*. ,*u*.- >f lnab:ll*\ to indud* thi-> q ie*- tlon Hln*** then h*w**'#’. a modi s vl v ndl *n Alaska hn- h*-n axree 1 upon, and whip' this Ii k i uhihi It 1* f U that th *ju* thn ur lwst lef to *l* r*-c negixDih*iu betw*en ti e tw * r- v .rum* n* thus i*i inttlt:g the com ml * to | - e* J with th* many other im orU> t question# Involved. White arrange-meiu can made In this lit uular whl depend upon the .xmfer *i. * * n**w going i'ii The purpose of the c inmlsshn is to fram*- anew treaty be liv n i UnltMl Ht.i' on.l Great Brit am. covering th*- various questions sris .)laiK t * Citnaban bor h*r. ami thus dlsp wide range of conttnversy WI IHHNt. OF Ml** M Rt. %N. Millionaire's Da nab ter the Bride of n >r% Irk er. N* w York Nov. 15 Mias Louise Tier pont Morgan, daughter of Mr and Mr*. J I'terpont Morgan, wa* marrie*! at S3O o’ch k this afternoon in St fleorge’s Church. Stuyveoant Square, to Herbert l.lMiigiton Hat ter lee. a lawyer of hi • Tty The invitation* for the ceremony numbered 2.500. much beyond the seating c.ipa Ity of th< church. The cerenKWiy v\a.* performed by the Rev. Dr. Raln*- f*ir* r**cfor of St George’s. The servh e was fuT\ choral The hrlh w iii was accompanied by her (.ither, wore superh w'e<lding gown of while peau *!•• sole a.most entirely cov • r*-*| wild xuuifttte p*ln4 *Y Alencoti The veil wan of tulle, and the bouquet wtt* *f while orchids, IJlics of the Valley and white roses The hr I*l stnahls were Mis* Anne Tracy \|<*rgnn. the bride's slater. Miss Carolina , Morgan, M>• Ursula M*rgan, and Mis* • I‘rances Ptreet llappln. her cotudna; Mis* ! Marl* ti Ha iter lea, sister of the bridegroom and Mi* May Slurg*"*s The floriil d* coratlona tn the church and house were of an unusually elaborate • haracter Th** Morgan residence whsr* Die r*- • ptl n w tn hell, was also hand •nil> de*orated with a profusion of r< .*.*'•, rhrY**tvthtnum and pairn* Th* couple receive*l In the drawing mxan, stjindtiig In front of *i mass of tb w**rs A buffet lurp h* n was served un der a large t*-frtp>rary structure ererted in th*- \r<l adjoining the house. The bride received from her father a Miperb tiara and c*|iar of diamonds and a brooch of marquise diamonds, set three fa< •* design, and It 1* said Mr. Morgan i is set aside f*r tier bonds of great value. nil aiiTENM ok i ou'Ktmact. t'l rslclent Mr*. Weed llellvered a stirring lililre**. Mnntgofnery. Al* . N-av 16—At today's ses-tin of the t'nlted lhiughler* of the Confederacy, Mr*. XX'eed delivered the president's annual -v-ldress. She *|toke of tlie growth of the a*sncla!lqn fr-wn It* firm organlgtilbm. nnd ep- lolly since the last meeting at Richmond. There are now 20.'*iO m, mliers. she said, and over 4ft Chapters, "the result of tha faithful work o f th- w,,men of'the South." She continued: “As long as time endures, Smithe.n wo men w ill fian t fir-1 In their devotl n to the , rtuae of the South, to the glatliu-a Itasl \1 XV, e,| calle I ii|K-n thoae pre ant to edit ate th.-lr - hlldren as true Southern-ta In the full knowladge of the war and th** i-au-e* that led to B. "They sho tld l*e taught.” she -all. •■whv th-dr fathers give up everythin*, even life Its-If. for the In volved." _ THXIAU to GET I'gPPKHTV. I'i orrrflngi In I’rngres- lo Mhn Xswr-tndt I* Mane, New York, Nov. 15.-H. Victor Ne omb. ot one time wirth million* and a fortnir president of the iul*vlll' and Nashville Railroad, 1* miking an attemp t,i regain possession of the of hi* fortune. He has been adj idtel In -an* HccuU pr.--dings have be>n oon ,lni led In this city In the off!, e rtf Feter It oluey a* referee, during the laat thr-e lays to prove that Mr Newc mo I- of n'iui',l mind The im-unt of .money at la 111',.,m ll'-fot* his tne.r e atloi In a aonltarlum on Aug 1. IXV9. Mr. Ns oomb assltntd all the balance of Ms pr .perly lo hi* wife an-1 chl-drag lit* wi:-- I.- now it re, blent of lanilsvtll*. Ky., her native city. t.OI,- TO foot <>k the list. Ideal. tl-iurlanM** I'ortlahmeat for Getting Washington. Nov. Is.—Secretary Eon* i ted upon the ttn-liiig. of the er.urt rtartlal whi h c-onvle'ed IJsut IWtrlek Hnurlgao of lidogleation at IJ'bon. Th court sentenced him to dismissal, bur r>- enmmendid c>m n**y, so M r*-taiy IsutX mmuted the senterme to reiluctlon „ toe font of the list of lieutenant!- Irt the navy amounting lo the loss of about 't 0 cum bur* fisMenu's Widow Xal Wedded. cy. , K Nov. 15 A license was Issu 1 to-day for the marrlag- of Mrs Annie rtunmlrc and Enoch Alb-n Mrs. Dun inlr>- was the widow of f'baric* J. <Jul ,, at. nng.d for tip- ii*-ae nation of I'res l>b nt OarfieUl In IVC Allen Is her third husband. The Week-End Sale Is Our Strong Bargain Day. Sill I SIR 11-II < eooooooooooooeooo!xaeoaoccccg-caic---cojcsxsojooopBa These Inducements Portend Joy to Many. $1.98 I oidie* Rolny-duv Skin**. ms*l <f doubis f ed Ikdf Cloth la)j*e*l seams. 7 rows stlti hlng at ls>it*>in. w**ll made, hon . -tl> worth $3 00. $5.00 Ladles* Hav' Weight All-wool U! ild hack Glf Skirts, in brown, imv> aisl ox ford fell* and M am- ' i*w xtlt* hlng, well tailors*!; thl*- skirt b. |wlilvel> good value mi |s 7*o $1.50 Children’* Reefers fancy hrahl trim med in * ardirwii and navy; the s2<i> kind SI.OO Children s Plaid S h*x>| Dresses, solid color yoke, lined, nicely made. . splendid chance to huv a |j * for |1 '* $3.00 The great sue isn of our effort •o sell tlu* h* *• 1 la<lle Trim me-1 Hats in the city for UOO has Induc'd u to con tinue ihe sale We have added 50 more very slyltah Trimmed llatw for to-day’s selling and give choice for $3 00 & BULL STS, TFe Leader of Low Prices. I. AIIGKMT X IISMIIA IN W'OHI.D. Mammoth Steamers *f :ifl,lstO Toss ntsplnerment. New la>iid*i. Conn., Nov. 15.—-Actual work hs-gun this week on the layinß of the keela to Itse mammoth Iron *te*m shlr lo be built at the work- of the Eastern ahlpbulldlng Company, opposite Nw l-ondon. Th-- sbt(w will be larger than any ves-eis In the world now build ing or plaun-sl Th-- te*w vessel* will In* of JU.WSI ton* r--gtster and 23. nut ton# Uls ptac-nient, or Just |,"*i tone more -ltr placesneivt than th- new Atlantb* grey hound Deutschland." They wUI Ire uaed In the Oriental trade. 1 VI.ET JIIXM IN Sit K. I.Slort lo Have Him Transferred to lino*** of ISrtenlloa. New York. Nov. 15 -AssHtant Distrle: Attcmey Osborne to-day .tma-ire-l Imfore Recorder Goff and ma-ie an application for the tmnsfer -*f Valet I'liarie* 1 Jon s from lit- Torn ,* to the House of Deten tbat Mr tsslNsrn-- In his artblavk, says that Jones I* a sick man. and that lie Is very much desired u- a witness and that aa such as lie is a- -afn In the House of Detention us In prison. Movements of Noval lesssls. Washington. Nov 15 Th- t'nlted Hastes training ship Dixie arrived yeaterdoy at Itlserta. a port In Algiers The Albany baa sailed from Singapore for Manila The Annapolis was commissioned st Norfolk yester-hsy She Is utaler order# to reinforce the American fleet on the Asiatic station, and will sail al an early date by way of Sue*. Kormnl a Tomato Trust. Cincinnati, Nov 15 Korty tomato grower*, controldn* almost the entire I rnduct of Ohio. Indiana sal Kentucky, me* here to-day ar-l raised the price of tbl* vegetable t per cent, over lat vear. O bey have fotmed an association and have fixed the price at *> cent* per huahel. R rpu lit lean llea-l-ioorler*. Washington. Nov 15 Within two w*k republican l attmal headq' arter* will la opette-l 111 this city All of the furniture f th,- Essiern bea-lqut .trt-r it New York acd part of that at the Chicago hradqunrtora has t—eri ehipied to Wash ington for the tio- of l.te Natiott ,1 C-an mlttoe. Army of th- Trnitrorr. Detroit. Nov. 15 A br llivnt ta quel nt til- lit* I I'a lllla ' P-nUlit entl -1 Ibe thirty-second annual r-util n of the ft - ftety of the Armv <f T- mte - rio* >II off'c'ts w- e I--—l* tel Th- next re union will be b- bi In India* atavlts. I.lgsrrd Oil Uses llovtn. Oilman. N v. 15. Simultaneonvly with tin- |. tnsll * 1 * f the prefyrtd Ock dlvl deml t-> it,* dlr* ,ors "( ••>* -ertcan 1 .Inset<l t'omiKtny to-day. the company announced a cul of 10 tints a on oil. Humphrey no Insprrllea Tour. Pekin. Nov. 15 —Brig Grn. Charles Himphrev of Gen Chaffee'* stiff hi* gonr to Hhan Hal Kuan nst the Gulf of I,iso Tung to Inspect that place regarding It* avaiDtdilty as o winter port. toitlnilM'* Ittttclnl Vote. Indianapolis. Nov 15 —The off! lai vote on state cffi-erR was eom:>leii*,l to-day. It gives Durbin. Itcpubllcwn. f-*r Gover nor. over Kern, D-imo-rot, 25. PM plural llK. _ l*hofogrniihed tiros. Minneapolis. Minn., Nov 15. Frof K F tawvenworlh plmtosrap —I the oatetod Eros through the telescope at the slat# university observatory last evening. •‘resident of llrlehl, Berlin. Nov, li-The Reichstag to-day re-elected Count von Bellestrem piestdeiu of that body, by * vote* out of m cast. SI.OO Women’s Khl (!!<>'• P* jutv and rsr*f ress never hsi i fuller showing than heft. The “Tampa” 2-ctaep. one mwe .-mbrold ery. |h rfs> t lltttug. soft kid all the new fall - hades, every pair guaranteed. Psr pair $1 V 50c Ml**e* and hbdrer.'s I nlon Hulls, as* tra heavy Kavpilau codon, button a*niaa <-in-st. garments that au ••> worth 74c; today 20c. 50c ■vit pp CrJ..rc*l Pr**' Goods, a grsat (*omti oat hm h>t worth Sft*’ to Mw*. h*r stto pef vard Note th** Item* of Interest that ar* included in this gltnntl ‘ kK—Gam#l*l Hair, Homespuns. Hmrrette fancies, Hiorm Aarge-. and Plaids, >our cbolca Rki per yard IOC Hperfal im *j.son Vxl* Buck Towel*, plain afhlte and fancy borders This tow el ts worth g>v. to-lsy. while iney lost, K>r each. 5c Rig line Light and Dark Gating* One yard wide Blenclnsl Hhlrtlng JMn-'h lsrk Ground Parcales. Heavy Unbleached Canton Flannel t XHXKUIi: t iMI'A X Y'M A At.TR. According to Murket Price of Stock it I* gaiiN.itnit.ttoo. , Pittstmr*. Nov. 15 —The Initial quota tion on the Carnegie dock waa mode at he I It*-.bur* Ht,-k , Exchange to-day, when one share was sold for tI.MO. IWI a hog— i*r value At tht- figure the total raplta-ltatkon of th- f.'arnegle Company would be valued m Iths-xsii*i, of which Andrew Carnegla owns 53 per rent Al 111 Rr Shot for Alorder. Bolt I-aK- lllsh, Nov. 13 —James l.vnch and It. 1.. King, the men accused of the murder of Godfrey I row** at the sh* p ranch gambling bouse on Ills* ntggr of Hept. It laat, were s-aiteno--I by Judge IhM-th this afternotui to suffer th# deeth ficualty on Jan. 11. ISUI. The --otiileinnoi men , hose to Ire shut. | >o i.lnaeeil till Hlsltleml. New York Nov. li.-The dtrectore of (he American 1,1 nse.-l or Company hava pas-ed tie- quuriely dividend on the pre ferred stork. Prevous paymenta have Ireen al the rstie of IA, t>er cent quarter ly. the last d'shuraement being In Sep tcmlrer of thie year f ommlltee ■<> VTail Nome. Rome. Ga.. Nov 15—The Congressional Committee on fttver* and Harbor* will reaeh H-,ine next Monday The city ,-oun ell and eltlxen* have appropriated *uf tt, lent money to entertain the visitors handsomely. THE AMI HE MIII>* OK MIAIHIA. my Rmarltskle for the earless Thing* It Unite* and Mella. Krom the Newcastle fKng 1 Chronicle. Do you know that moat of the old sli ver you buy in 110 l ind I* Imported from England' If you hava wandered about the NVtherlanda. he sure you hav* rubbed your Inquiring noee agalnal the dim glaso of obi curiosity shop* and been tempted In afler an old silver win-lmlli. a ship In ful sail, an old snuff bog. a sugar stf ter. a tiny silver sofa, a crowing cock, sonp- dainty trlfie mat you can carry **)v comfortably; and while you have been gating with -ledghl at these tiny Ikutch treasures, you have also observed more important treasure*, a silver beaker, an old Dutch salver. In th# end you have come away w.lh valuable an-1 char. acleGetlc souvenirs of Holland: and prob ably your feet are barely clear of the o’d storehouse than the Ixmdon traveler follows you wt.h a fresh supply or to so licit orders for the sam- A wonder cNy, Loudon' If li .Joes not make everything, a* th-y say Birmingham doe*. It makes many remarkable things, and deals In every -•onceivaMe article un der the sun. In nothin* l* n more notable than for Its supply of ancient furniture and old silver, some of It mad* to per fection. with every mark of a**, hut. of -ourm-. a vast quantity of li genuine Halt a doren Rerllns. New Yorks and Pariaeg together cou and hardly match the treasure shops of gold and silver work that make many of the Ixn.ton streets museums of ,r A walk along Coventry street, Bond srrecl. Oxford tr.-I, Jiwn lo the Marble Arch and bok by IVadllly. Bt James* and Fad Mall will set you wondering how i market tan tx found sufficient to war rant the vast stocks of old silver and gold plate on v,ew and packed away In those localities. —Christmas bozeo for soldiers serving In the Philippine# will he Bent free this yenr by the war department. A circular to this effect Ie pow bring prepared In the war department, and II Is expected that the opportunity thus presented will be seised by hundred* who *r desirous of sending remerabran.M* to friend* serv ing their country In the Philippines The department Is to be highly commended, ae few con realise how klndnesn of tide sort ore appreciated by the officers and totra. 5