The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 16, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 PICTURES OF CAMP LIFE. V|(M!JTTK!I, VIVID RATH til TMA% PHBTTY, OF MlHt l %\I 111% ill %< . Mom Hr. Ifkint U nlk nml Talk© In H*at Ilf#, While* 1 ram plait nn<i Klghllng on fh- ©null* African Veldt. From fhr London Near The day had hr* n warm mid bright for a mkl nt* r da\, end from the duwnu uni.l sundown our fellow* had Urn tram, • in over th* rnonotonoua expanse of veidt, broken by mirrmli tent line* of kopj*- As the i drop mm! out *f ctgto n <,j 1 wind whittled through the rank*, tint I Mr. Atkia.4. < l.i<l in thin khaki, hei.Mii to ease h; ovrr barged fee.logs by drooling #lah* f plrtureaque )iii|,hk> on tr. h*ad© of li and sundry Mr Atktn* 1* n lons*uff i lnj; |> r-unage, blit w n * I • doe© |rt Mm-elf |oo.~* hr ran bacomr gor geously vjvi.l In Mi vocabulary. ll*- like* to color hi* cuma, and hi* favorite color I- red. not pale ; Ink or i*.-* hurl red deep, gory <wrmlne, with a fiery < rmivm renter. Soot# of hu* curse© nrr r strong thal they leave n tan*- tr hi* mouth l;k* the rerelpt of iswt new# fr*m horn** 'I he order came to ramp for a .<up!c *f hour* and thrr •'Tommy * Id m* rifl* threw ofT hi* kit. #:*•* iwl himself upon tn* feathery gra*©, grahix-| a h<altn ~*ised ro k for n pillow, niun and ru bis cuit and chunk of haif-raw b*f or mm* tun a *e*f born of keen hunger tablet* wo# n.r akin to famlri*- \N r*n h** had awimiUteil hi© ?o*-l he dr* aar forth that mo.t faithful of frond*, id dearly toyed pip* *td *mokel jovousd, happy • a any gut *r kid for th<- time be in.,' happy in h: utter forgetfulness and inv • pon© hllity Il- 1* purel' animal In hia emotion* la •'Tommy H- i© brave because hi© fath er and hi* mother were brave before he ttaa begotten ll* i© carei* * because they were care.*-**?*. r else ne wouM never have reeded io IP f, ,#, r|dier Right don i In hia half-brat hen heart he worships rn* fetish -* devoutly hh lid the plrar* gning who. of old time, awept the Northern under that vwg.i ond. Viking Haratd ''Tommv n" fetiah in the lirjs iRi public Ha poor devi; believer them )urt . they believe In him Th- v know that no matter what come* or go* Tommy w ill eomchnw or ano.ier dr ig the old flag out on top aa he ulw.iva In?* done General* may make mtatakr-e. |e*©- er officer© rmy blunder hour in or hour on. but In the end 'Tommy” will ev n up lh ©core on the elate and come out | on toil It * a way the heggnr ha© II- %v tie doe© } Ood •*• know- Why he k i H ge?.* past me i only know that be I doe 11. and while I often feel that I .1 like to pun h him for Wing a fool 1 fin t j rnvae f. j n ©plte of mj>e|f. taking my . off to him for being an unanointed hero, i Ged him and the women who mh kb I him. for he> eh* heart of the British na tion—he and our old friend "Jack " And after **;i Jack mother and Tommv mother ore full-blooded sisters. though on© wears a Mue petticoat aid the nth * a red one. and there the difference begin* an.l end. Th- Hrltl.h public MIfVH in Tommv and Mr. Atkin* believes in the R | *-|f ! 1 get blown out ' -a> o Tornftvy the pub lie won't *ee the 01. l women - ni the kid. wants for o fmi *' What have you aot to ay to ihat' I>o you fe| In your aoul that you are worthy of•• Tommy’s" faith In you? He's ehlM. Is Tommy-a *reat overgrown kli. hut he pushes a bavoilei home to the haft as no other man ltvina • an push It. anil If you don't st.rk to (h 0..- he leaves hehtnii him you are not worth your s He believes )n y,, u . arm he nnts for you; don't blast his faith In his fet ish. or the day may dawn when you may hok In vain for men of his kidney to drive jour foes from your doors ••"I'ork About I toms!" 8o this nluht ''Tommy'' Just stretched hie wtori - 11 mbs in the face of the w.ntry winl ami smoked, and as h -tf.k ••.I he talked and " 'opr.l V mht he elruck dead If ever he 'llsie.l aaaln 1 I eautflit snairhes of his conversation as I moved alone the line. • Why did I com - out here? Illoomln' well couldn't help me. self Got the marrhln' fever, so told the old girl I couldn't he appy unless I rants, thouah I had a nice billet, with thirty ' lath a week reg'lar." "Goi any klls-' ' Should say I have. Got four already, 'nd there's another— " I passed on. f..r I dLI not want to hear alartit that "other oncT "Torkin' about dorgs.” chimed In another voter, "why, I left a hull hitch at 'ome that was a 'oly terror ter fight, 'nd sh was as known' ns a man; hut she'd tak. no Interest In anything that didn't have u fight In 11 somewhere Mv lltlle brother HIM used to get Ihat hull hltrh to sit be. side him. 'and he'd show her the bright colored pictures In his play hooks When the plrture showed men playin' cricket, or fishln', or a dual at sea. or a lot of ■ attle In a meadow, sh- would close her eyes until they Just looked like Iwo slits In her Vad, and then rne'd begin to yawn, or maybe she'd rurl up with her lower Juw restin' on lllth Hill's knee, and go to sleep ISut when V came io a battle pic ture. the death of Nelson or ihe charge of a cavalry brigade, or anything with plenty of light In It. why. that old bitch'd Just stand up 'n growl, seiiln' her four feet apart, prickin' up her ears, brtsilln her hair up. 'nd every blessed tooth In er ’ead would he Iwred for husmes) Tork about dorgs!" But I ©p*d rapidly on as n hundred voices rose to toll a "<lorg” story more weirdly wono* rfui than Ihat of the flrst Mvak*r, aiu) equally truthful In detail, liy- an 1-by my feet took me among the Leinster*, th* rip an*l tear boys of the little green i©le, and I >wught the roll V thim Boer wlmmtn air t t > lad Wan av th< 'jock#' called at a faltnrm to-dav win the sun phwe© shin n straight down on us. hot a* ; an wan av thtm wimmln came out ’n*l ©aid ‘O >ju pore sojer men, how tirsty *n 1 tlrel you lo Ih* loukiti ’ 'Tlrsty we are. mam.' •*.>© Jock, 'hut tired ve are not.* 'nd ihe hay thin' Scotty give© hi* kilts a twin, spinnlr. round on wan leg until an on common am>uni av hare Bcotchman was on exhibition *NI the Jloer girl© giggled 'nd Mushed, for th y had never seen a Scotty In uniform be fore. 'Nd wan v the elder wimmln wint innoidi for a minnit. and when slie ranio back she had a pair o’ thim garments which It ain't periolt# ter i ame hingin’ on her arrum Nd ©he offer* <i thim io the Scotty, © lyin’, wld noice kind ©hmoll that, © nil her min folk w-re aw iy. she had no throuser© to oflor him. hut, if thim thing© would fit Inm. ho was rn wli rom a© the flower© tn May; ’nd she wra© •ure he'd nerd ’* m. fer the frost was nip pin' nn*l bit in’ on the veldt In th* morn In's. Thin, that hoythln' Scotty ©i miH i rour*l 'nd crow**l Ilk** n rooster, chokin' wid laughter, 'nd flappln* his llg hairy • rrum* lolke wing© 'NI h* began twir - ing himsHf round lolke n ©thrange drake 1n tr new du k|***nl until the kilt© av him begun to look like er necktie. 'Nd thin he kissed the laughin' frou© all round. *nd took thim thing© ©he had offerer! him. 'nd tl and thim at the bottom wld a piece av raw* hide, nd got the froti to fill both lg- wld mealy tneul. Thin they g.iv* u© another quort iv milk aech. and wv win* our way. Ood bless em!" "DivllPh lucky you on' the RcOtty mar** Houlighanf,'* ©aid a rleep voice from th* grass; ”anl thankful you should ha’ been, ye onchr.stbined .Jeevll©!*' "And who phwaa tellln' you, MoOltUlls, that we w© no* thankful'* Ol tankel the pretty frou that gave me th# milk as #• *•*nlly a© I kn w how before 1 .eft." "I’hwat did ye* ©ay to her. Moullgtian'*" "Phone* whin Ol wiped :her milk fr>ra m*' Im i*| Ol ©aid *o the winch that glv m# th* n k - ild 01, '(k©l wind 111© ang* Is to m***u wld ye ail yer days, dear. sure. I'll nivir ferjflt yer pretty lace a.- long as Ol Mv©. an I OTI nlvlr ©c • cow wnlout think* in av you, dear.' Th* #bou' of ..tughtcr that gr**©tr! ihH h of ih*- man m) hiidth-nly u% the orl**r to fa I In'* ram© j growling along the Him*, for the night I • n bl'i-min' tramp, that© what • I©.” growled on© "Tommy '* "Go on the ice ah mahn.** iaugn©*! a Uiniur. * Sure, t to • for the x<mm| av hi* ti* •©*■! miul; he’* do ing per.anre for aom© av the ina av hla >outli \V* - th* k * •! .iv yi im muttrre.l the firet aohlbr. we re ordered f o march, in! mar. h w* * t wither a man •. . kx n hi- fut **f • AUj wld > **r grumblin' er*laugh*l • *•© n h ••* rnv v* * from the taetn*ier *ine© "alay wll y*r cryin . Ju*t cwldlt >er rolfl- up to >*r rib* and fancy u a th w.iin? av th* re*t-heade<l *latitfhte r • V th- *,!' -meat man >ou left In Fsondoti ■ you're houldtn ‘ Thl* ? i ■. brought a Mjrceaalon of hkt* eoua • .it* nl t r*m h* rank* aixl then out h.r* th© float In*. *hakw of th* night the • glment* Mvuiig Th** fellow© were tired. ♦ *•> w ir •■*! u good ©i***|* *1 ent fce*l. m*l -i who)* w.i*./i nd th* v got n*th ng The Guard© moved forward flrat imt cloae on their heel* cam© tht Iri*h *L;im*nt, who whenever iliej got a • 'han't* in th© darkn©**. * tnar. hed l *n . the heel© *•• the H of* an*i fr<d on their liOt*. ‘ * luring th* Guard.©men to throw black I cur*e© ov* r their ithoukier© at h© bo>a fiom fle land * f th© * imrock Th©e© In ter (• How© only grinned at the *'ijr*ea an*) i-rohiptly l/*ffiin to whittle, Tom© Back to Krln A little w*i.v out on each fl*ek*.! the Hampahlre* at I lmi*eriai %' o manry. )n fr- nt. with the <, rod# f ' *•! k 2rlelim.m T*ri- 11 with the ir> e.f..tdg**d It; , J. t behind th* Is Ine’er© rumhl ,i me ior©e Artl bry. and t*n cam© ?;, ..ul-l. rr wia irwneport In It.-’ trrtnendoii- |ei yfh The Wagon* c*er*ke-| and groan* I like aoul© In tor tr*nt. thernule© full of devilment eternal, kicked ov#r tlie trfti** and -a\;g*f on* another or anything *■.©*■ that cam** near enough to lmlt* their t*eth Now one. a -node more ahaiuloiud in It* wj-kedn*©* the re©t. Jlhl.ed and flapped down on the track, bringing the w !!♦ procenaton tf a halt Promptl> a doz*n nigger© and half a* many Tommie© would he round the 111 a*ivt©e<| quadruped The nigger# would ©elze the unlucky on© by tall ear* a* j hariMM and i 'ii. god IxHil Tommv would lrl\© th* toe© of hi© boot© into th© ©t©e| Wire rib*, or da©h th© ©harp hi#* of *teel would follow a© a bayonet ©lipped out of It* ©heath Then the mul© would give # few frantic kick©, squeal with rage ind pain, ti* and hound up n It© hoof# again n ooupl© of of ©tee! In a chosen place ©eld m failing to ronvtnc# even a transport mule ihat l)dng down o the mar<h was ‘agin them regulation© Mow Totwany Trent* the "Mg*era." Now amt again ©cone ©lepy meg r would r*e jedted off the top of :i wvgon and f ill with n ©udden sort of ©ound nd 11© where he fail until th* to* of a ©er geant w \'oot would put him on the ©aina footing a* th© mul© Many © nigger, who. ©ecure in the favor of ©ome officer hd given "Tommv" raue© ad lib daring the and m l retribution ©talking In th© dark Then It wa* that Mr Atkin©. wt king h * opportunity would lei hi© rifle dip wuh *leadly ©w 1 fin*© through hi* Fa* da until the h*w butt landed with a *l©a llv crah on the bar© toe* of the -on of And Io! the air would b flllevl with th# rm © awful ImfwecaiW>n© In three or four language© ,t once—ptggtn ICngHah. Kafir. Dutch, and mongrt 1 mixture of the lot. The nigger would whirl a round in the dat knew© on one foot. nuring hi* ©ma©h. ed toe© with both hand*, while three or four Tommie, crowding round him, ©jm pathetkally would proffer all ©ort© of *d -' tc*' "Ww a unite ky l*eg*;ar you .re I'Htr. get tin kicked by bia-ied tnulr© " The voire no sadly ©vn,|*urhetie l- to# voice of the mm who hal dropped tn© ride with mi h deadly Intent * No. no, dam mul© kick C'ursed *oldler do It." walled the nigger. Then the butt of a rifle took him In th*> ©mill -f th© back, and hi© unearthly how i© would era k ho • a In the atmosphere. Out of the d*trknrw come© an officer. "What th© devil |* th* matter here? What © up with the nigger** Drunk **h- lon i you fel low© try and shield him. cut©** >ou. or I'll give y.*u ©om©*hlng to think of for n month to come. ' Then the voice of the man who-© rifle nad don# the trick: T in afraid. 8tr # iH-g (tardlng. 81r. thi* |Hrt- nlggt-r has ho I a little too much ©omethli k Sir. arwl g*t kicked by on© of them flamin' mule©. Sir.’* • 'Serve him d* vlh©h well right, too. Her*, you. no ©nlvelln over a nlg-pT. Chuck him on that wagon and lanh him there till he*© sober. ** "Yc. 8lr; certainly. Hlr. *Kre, Hill, give us a hand to life tht© p*or bla k heathen." Tlffui n© the officer move* off: * Kre. Itill, t ike thi© blit k bullo* k by the | t*ke i • ■ ia ~ three, let Im g My. that II t ach him to give lip to .t Tommy!” Over the level ground the wagon* creep slowly, ilk*' a giant python In iuln Now they ©trike a deep narrow-gutted slult— laid plate to cm*© m the daylight, a deuce of a trail ! tin dark. It ha© to t>e ap proach* l through a deep, narrow iwsm There I© a couple of feet of aluggish wa ter crawling along It* bed. and underneath that there |© a rotten bottom, composed of four feet of black ©lime On the other idde there I© a broken bank to climb, een *t#tlng of ©oft. r.l earth, that won't hold a hoof at any price In go the ox-wagon*, amt after a wilderness of curse© have been ©et h**e, th* > creep through the weight and site of the oxen making the trick po©#lbh Not so with the little mule©; the first i* am flounders through somehow; but. when It comes to pulling the wagon they ©imply .an t The cold wind, fresh from the snow-coated hill© close by, goes through the khaki clothing of ihe men Ilk* a burglar through a plate gla©s window. Their bHlie© are away back igainst their backbone# with hunger. Kvery breath the> draw into their pov ! eriy-©tricken lung© cut© Ilk** knlfe i \ lade. Hut the order goes, and Tommy i |Mor. patient. 111-paid. Ill*clal Tommy— * bey© like the klUlldrvc-hearted hero he I* Hide* are slung down on the grass; the fat lasy nlgg**i© ure pushed aside, ami Tommy wad* ln* the Ice-cold water, sinks up to hi© hip** In the stinking, ©mfw j cold ©lime and unpack* the wagor. j hump© th ©tuff ashore, and eventually belting the 'orncr* off ihe sulky mules. ! hauls the wag* n <fut, ami reload* It wlill*' ! the 14 10© a month nigger* *tnak their I pipe© and ride acro>s the ©lolt dry shod. Now. what I want to a©k the good old ■ Hrttlsh public is this: If tin* niggers, who <! | nn lighting no marching, no fatigue drill, no picket duty, no sentry duty, ami were never hungry, were worth f4 10s per month, what do they m* an by ©tmplv Mowing Tommy Atkins, who does s*i tlu'-e thing© and does them a© no othe* man. w hite. Ida* k. or copr©*r-colored, can or would do them hi* few paltry pen* e per day" "Money tnlks" *ll the wide world over, and you who hove vote© In Kngtnnd *lt*mld remember this—that the llrltlsh government ranks a nlgg* r twice a© high ; .*© a Hritlstv ©oldter. ... e ■ KOI GUT M% i:m w;: ITH. IVov imiiHv W|| t (|enl Resulted In werlous Injuries. Omaha. N- b. Nov 1-V—4'halrs, piece© of , furniture nnl wedges as missiles were ffjlng In lecture room No. 2 at the Omaha M*dical folb-ge to-day when the dental students attacked the doctor* In an at tempt to get wha* they deemed a fair show at the seats f- r the season. The dentlsfs were engaged in battle and driv en l*ck. Two rmn of their number, John Dorter and Joe M<*'ann. fell with serious Internal Injuries. An otxratlon may have to be performed oti th** taller. Dab* Woods w;.a hurled to tin- fo .t of th* Htairs ami the demists tumble! on u*p of him II wa* unconsvious for womc time, but will recover. I HE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1000. DOGS KIIXBU lad tn T rouble In %%nre fount). %%nrk of the Grand Jury. Waycros© Ot., Nov Ht -Th© fail t-rm of W ar* Superior fourt adjourn**! f t- af* ternoon ami Judge Itennoit ©nd Hteno* graph* r tial© returned to llrunewack on the l p. rn tu.n Mr T A. W. IJttle susta n©d p*inful bruises by a f ill a few days ago. whll* dtivti.x to hi© home iteur Berkley. II * era* standing in hi- waxon when he ’ell. striking asa net the ©ule of ih*’ w g n brt-aklig iw.* ri?- and o h* rwrite bruising blm©elf J A M Funlel srd W H Robert© art both large sheep owners in the Waresbor • settlement M< Daniel own© about 1 • head an*l Roberts or tub Lately th*y‘ have had n gr it dtu. of trouble from • .ound dog* ktlbd thirty-five fine sh-ep The second night th© men heard the dog© and mounting their horse© went on mtdntgh* hun* for th' rn. Ttiey . uughi the l>g> among helr sheep and succeed ed in killing four more or l*ss valuable toinln* * which are ©aid to have Ixdongcd to parties In Waycros© They were feast ing n fat eh* f* rtf mile© away. 8- m* on* no i to know who. put out . lot of < l 4**i and ©ome of the „ ■ in tin iemi.*wrhood got doaed on It and bit the dost. I.ean Itiglon and Tbm ■ Taylor, two young men whose purps ha I h.‘**n killed. I*a*ic<| up the r gu * *t and went after the *heep to aveng* the |> * of thetr dogs They f|r*l Info M**la d* Is sheep, killing two or thre*. when a go# Pieman ( am* 1 up and they *1 m*?e l. The young m* n w ere *roeuictl tdg week in Superior Court the grand jur* flmllng bill© at.Mtiv.-t them for mallei u* tral-ehlef Messrs Roberta and Mcla?.l ©ay they will be ct>mp4k*l to eitii I y shepherds or give up the raising of sh e altogether uni* *? they can *ret ©onrie pro tection from the degs yirs- Childers, who was sent to the ©ts'e asylum for the Insane n few w*ek *<g* for it ©at merit, ha* been returned home cured Walter Hwmt leaves to-morrow for Chattanooga. Tenn.. where he will enter the Mountain City Business IVliege. Rev. J M Glenn accompanied Mr* Wil li im Wiggins and her daughter. Miss Mat tie. to Savannah wtwte th** latter w© placed In the Telfs.r Hospital for treat ment. She has la*©n ill fear a year or more The grar.d Jury, In making It© report yesterday, crlilcixed the city convict camp pretty severely, referring to It a© u very filthy place Chief if roll< •* Colev was seen to-dav and he says h© beg* to differ with the grand Jury', saying that the city ft*-**kud© I* In g*od con* lit lon and the in mate© are well cared for He Invites any one to visit the place and s*f*- for hlin elf if thi- is not true "Of course." ©aid he. "th** beds upon which the negro# ©leep may not smell altogether as sweet a© tho*e uccufiled bv the gentlemen on th** grand Jury, but they forget tbit the in mates of our city camp are all of th* colored persuasion. And not much sweet ness |© expected.” The gran*! Jugy rerominwial the ap pointment of D 11 Bennett to succeed himself on the Board of (Yunty Commis sioners. and W 8 Booth to succeed him self a© notary public of the H9mh District. G M They report the total Indebtedness of the county to dat* © $10,14$ with u prob ability of siv*o tsve* coming in this fall, leaving a surplus in the treasury after paying off nil Indebtedness. Th© recent grand Jury found thirty-five true bill© The negro. Will Smith, who 1© suppos'd to l*e a murderer fiom Florida, l© ©aid to be it a turpentine ©dll operated by re groe© over on the G A W. Ratlr*id Sh**r. Iff McClellan expects to l*ag that game yet . Judge Joseph Tillman of Quitman came here to-day to meet *om* prospective col. ocM© who tnav ks-sto in thi- **ct|nn Frank Johnson w!f* and two children, who claim Jacksonville a© th**ir home are In town u©king aid to reach hom*-. They have iveen In Pittsburg. Pa . !*• siys. where hv worked nt hie trad© a- a cigar maker until his health failed Th* y have been on the way twenty days, mak ng short J*ajrneys as the people gave aid Sometimes ©le* ping in depots and some time* faring better. HF.%1% IM AT >Ol GLA*. Farmers llavr Pleaty of Urnt—lienu ttful Itlrsg** Weew. IkMiglas Ga . Nov. 15.*—Rev. J. I. Ox ford cloaed a ten days' revival service at th# Baptist Church and has gone to Syl vester to hold a ten days' meeting. Thi© • mtnent divine did much good while In Douglas, and the Baptists will try and in duce IT Oxford to accept the pastorat© of the Dou;.i* Baptist Church Rev. Charles D Adams, pastor of th* Douglas Methodist Kplscopal Church, aid ed by Rev. Boland and C. C. Buchanan and .Mrs. June*©. Christian lay workers, i con due ting a series of revival services at the Metho*ll©s f^hurch. Mr Garbutt of the Garhutt Lumoer Company. is 1n the city; his company eloped a deal for several thousand acres of saw-mill timber In Coffee county yeaterday. They own and control about thirty mile© of railroad Iron, which when they move, will be put down between Dougin© an*l ?h** OcmuJger river making a connecting link with Mr Jam*-©' railroad from Augusta to Valdosta. Messrs, referson. I#ott an*! M r**- cetved a hundred head of hors* s yester day. they arriving before the completion of their new stables. Despite the fact that hV • holera rag**-! no fatally In C€fr*e rounty this year, our people ©o far a* the farmers are con cerned. are independent of the meat trust, for they h*ave raised, and are fat tening a surplus above home consump tion. Thoe who were fortunate enough to ©ee It were treated to a grand spectacle this morning for a fetv minutes Just at sun-up. there was portrayed on the western horlfoe a large and heauttfu: mirage—a city, brick, ston*- and wood building© l*©lng plainly discernible, with lefty chufeh spires an*! towers, and one street with solid walls of building© on each sde was plainly visible The vision etilv remained a very short while*, then I aw a> m? • % 111 IIHIW I*ll \TKRMT¥. I hr Karnlt) Tlin ninm to K%|rl lia Mrm her a. I-rxinjrton Ky , Nov. 15.—The First Hebrew Letter Secret Fraternity In the United States h.i* Iwen itarlwl In the ltlMe clan* of the University of Ken tucky The faculty, which met to-day threaten to ex(>el the students thus en rolled unless they abandon the fraternity, the existence of which I* contrary to th ruler. ItnlfM suppressed the order which Is confined to theoloeVwl students. wilf be extended to the other universities. Stilt for Half n Million, Hut te. Mont., Nov 15 A ault for th l 000 war today brought attain*? the Washoe Copper Company one of th<* conpinlf* in which the lute Min us Dftly w.r largely Interested, by Janwx Foyer. Moyer hose* hi* rult on a c.alm that th * Washoe Copper Cotnianv h.s token ore valued at that amount from under sev eral city lota which he owns. Made Vicar (icnernl. Chicago. Nov 15 —An- 'I h p Feeh *n to-day appolnted Falhe- M. j FI t m mons to be vicar general o' the wrcndlo c* of Chicago to sucotsd h>* late Rtv. L>. M. J. IX>Jinf. who died U#t July, J A G% H% %XT OF Til F WIGHT AIM. Thr lldliis* of the A Ihtax© l—His l llukt© In Ih© Mjihi Time. Fvocn he Km*<o 'ity Iftar. if at dusk on a warm -ummer evening > i ate tr ti pr.g through a fragrant daisy Held in New England, you are a.t #*** .* long-wan*..l gray bird rise and • *..r away -k>w nd. ut • ring at Intervals . loud nssil <all of ' ivent! |**ent!" This i*- t h*‘ r. ght Itawk, • bird of whose real f <mpartttlveiy llt'U j known.Whenee i. re* ivt-d ids name I ki;*#w not. for I> gh h l© as truly a olrd of th# alg v .t a- any owl can be. h no more a hawk • nan be © .* w*aili*-n > k He I* a *rom jH* nt member of the laig* family of go*i inkers and a firrl • to tne whl;*- r-will Hi**l chuck will's-widow. Hl© he tat© ai entirely different from those of n < m of the bird© v. < s* • in eastern North America. Al*ut th** middle *>f October the nigbt hawk© gather tuget rin flock* uim! leav* ! ili* bleak New- England bn*l©iape for air wlnte: horn* In South America. ! They do t.<*t • turn until th following Mu Ai* ut t you may see one m<*unt into the air from some pasture r i ><*k-'tudd* and hißsld* wway above your 1.*.-l A> he soar?* you ©*e what apt*ears to .•■ a latg* hole in •<< ii lark wdng. ! t hr* ugh w ifi h you * *rn io see the sky. !ii readty th*?-* holes ar white patches <t the wing© Boaalhly these con ?p:cuou© n).rk> enable the mate of th** bud to dl-tlngulsh It more readily n th*- g -Mm. or the) may serve as guiding ; light© to i* comrades in their long night jeurn >s to ail from the South I do not imagine ihat an adult n'.ght i hawk would make a great success a© a pedestrian, but once In the air he is an athlete, nn n robot and an aeronaut in one. The variety of hi© movements le endless, and It I* u* v<r poeelbl# to pre~ diet Ju©t what he I© going to <lo next. Now he u wheeling with rapid flight, a mere ©je- k against the sky; then with a few zigz *g. downward ©hoots he is flit ting Imtltk*. n*t far above your head. Again he 1* mounting on rnpwl wing, when suddenly he cheeks nt© speed and performs a series of rial gymnast! ■#. possibly in an attempt to capture sum* unusually active Insect which Is trying to dodge h© gaptng mouth. After flap ping away quietly f.-r a moment or two. h* Is soaring again, hight upon hicht occasionally turning sn*l twisting abrupt ly in this direction or that, nl! the time uttering the one cry of Peenf! P**ent!” which grow© fainter and fainter. a© greeter hight© are reached. Now several "peents" are uttered in close succ*-©©ton. there are a few rapid flapping© of the wings, and then, hlf rlosing his wing#, the bird ©hoot© earth ward like a dark m©rt' r At the moment when you might expect to see him dashed upon th* ground he save# hi me* if by nn abrupt turn, nnd again mount© skyward ns leisurely ns before At the Instant of the sudden check In his downward course th*r- 1© heard a Mound nor only cure u - n*l unblr.Ulke. but quite startling. If heunl **4o©e by and tor the first lime. Thi© sound, which I© imde by the air rushing through the outer bothers of the wings, is not always the *am* : it differs w th the ?i*d at wh'ch th# bird le *h scen*llng, the angle of the descent and the abruptness with which It 1© ch* k 1 Owner illy speaking. th> more perp* ndtcular and rapid the de** eat, and the m*rc abrupt the turn, the louder and derp* r the sound Rometlmos the lat ter 1© Hk* the report of a distant oanron, at **ther tim**© like th* ©ngie tot of a ©tenmixwt whittle nd occasionally Ilk* the sound of wind sweeping th*- string© of .n aeollan harj> Although It 1 an * v matter to Identi fy u nlghthnwk In the evening when its figure I© in relief ngnlnst Ihe sky. I* is by no ni'ia easy to *|o no in th** day time*. when it is iifually silent and Very livoilsHcuou© If there happen* t< i>e a i cid apple orchard or • bit o' woodland in j the viir>ty of the flehla oyer which th** ! bird© course nt right, look for your friend • •ri tb hrun he The fact that i he crouches along a branch and *-eldo*r> or never |* r> h-c across It as m*#t other birds do tog* th**r with the fact that h # mottled plumage look© almost exactly like a piece of lichen-covered bark make* hi© dlsxovery anything but easy Or.pc you have found him. however, your eye will have rbrf.ved a bit of *ducailon which will **v4r after lie of great a#-i©- 1 trice to you when you ore looking for in consifvuoua sign© of animal life. When for any reason he *l. e# not s rt lect a tr*©r for a roosting place he will gen • rally b.* found lying on a rock where he mat- he**# hi© sutrounding© s*a • basely that you have to look bard before you can l*e -uie that tie l© there. A© soon a© he returns from the South the tdghlhawk enter# upon hi© |x*rlod of iXHirtship. and some two weeks later he rd hi© mite go to hous*k-eping. Here, again their love of originality asserts it -**lf. and Instead of building ©om* 1 kind of u nest, most of our other birds do. they >el**ct ©ome ©p*>t on the hare ground or it slight l**pre.-©lon In a flat rock, nnd there Mr© Nigtlthuwk laye two dull whit** eggs, ©|> <k* I and blothohed with gray and brown. I’nprotected bv so much s a blade of grass *>r a wlp of straw, this faithful mother ©lts ri|>osei t* th*- scorch ing sun. to th** chilling night dew© and the blinding thunderstorm#, not only un til th** *'4K© nr** hatched, but until the xnmg an fledged and almott able to ©htft for themselves. The young birds are nt first Covered with niotrh and down, precisely tire • oor of the rock <>n wlil*h they lie. aikl ur*' hard to distinguish from their surrounding©. They can run almost u© soon as they nre hatch'd, and will do ©o If you dimurh them. The\ do not usually leave hom*-. though, until they are ful y fledged, arwl the mother |*rotcct© them frm sun and rain for nlotit two weeks. Nlghthnwk# are among the few birds to b* seen in the heart of the city. I 'have frequently seen arwl heard them In N©© York and In Ik.©ton. In the daytime the> lie upon the flat roofs, on which the) ©ometime# lay their egg© and rear the r young Divorce l.e*ixln I lon Accessary. Chicago. Nov. 15.—The Ht. Rev. William I! Mm. Earcn. Hifhop of the Kt4©copal !loce©<* of Chicago, declared 10-nlglit tii* the rapidly lncri*asing evil# >f absolute • ’lvnrce had ©o lowered the tone of publh morallty that ecclesiastical legislation was a nr* *-s.ty. Bishop Maclairen an nounced Ulmself as favoring the adoption of the canon pr |o©'*l by Episcopalian au thorities. which forbid© rectors from j**r foMning the -tnarrlge ceremony when either of the contracting parties 1© a di vorce. t oitfcrencc of t'#sl Miners. Terr# Haute. Ind. Nov. 15—A confer ence was he'd here to-night b* tween th* bb>‘k i**.*l bituminous coal operator# and offi *• -d il)* Fnlt#*! Mine Workers of America The question of employing li censed • ngine* r to tak** the place# of ihe striking * * gineers was consider el aid in nil pr. hablllty between 4.UW ami S.OUO of th* mtmrs who ae now Idle will return to work wlthlu a few* days. Illg Telephone Deal. Baltimore Nov. 15.—it was announced here to-day negotiations are being ('onductixl lN.klng to absorption of the Maryland Tel* phone Company of this city, the rat- in and All eg hr-im* Telephone uid Telegraph Company *f Pittsburg, and th* Delaware Telephone Company of Wil mington. I. ; . by the Erie Telegraph and Teiephon* Canpeny. Social l.eader IH©** ppea r. Flml iy. 0.. Nov. 15—l*reslev Hsv. a so* Ih! leader three time- elected (lerk *f the Hnm.vk (unty Court, ha© li©.ip p. a red It Is alegrd that he l short in his accounts. \n%nl I add lllsuiisserl. Annapoli*. Mr.. Nov. 15.—Naval Cadet W I*. Retd Of Arizona, third class, was dismissed from the naval acudvenv to-day tor *'gougtfkg.’ 9 PRINTING Thh Lithograph and Printing: Department of the Morning New.* is an. 1 of the larj;et in the .South’. It Is equipped to do the best work in all branches of printing. Its plant is modern and is operated by skilled people . . . BANK BOOKS- Bank Books of a I klr.ds Is our specialty, cut-, k- Deposit Slip# ar.d general bank stat.onery th# Morning News doe* in a ► j|*erl*r st>.e Ami no bank, it matters not how small. ©h< uld be without our lithograph check buoke. MANUFACTURING PLANTS— AN • make a specialty of doing eul work n© well a- lithograph work for all manu f . luring plants n-*t only In Georgia, but li a;© Mina Fiorfda nnd the Carolina*. I nd* r this head is embraced Guano Fac x nes. Plow Works. Turpentine Plants, b’aw Ml b Foundries Breweries. Machine Shops In (a i all kinds of enterprises of t .ls character. COMMERCIAL WORK- A busknet# man. ro matter where he does business, can't afford to be without neat station* ry. If h* does nothing but sell eggs he ought to have it. The Morning New© make© a specially of doing neat Job* for country merchants. And It takes pleasure In sending samples |lth prices from which elvctloi)s may be mad?. COUNTY RECORDS- Record Books for counties, Tax Rooks, Official Stationery for tvr* and cities, Legal Blank© and Forms or every descrip tion we are equipped to do quickly and cheap and well LITHOGRAPHING— I.lihcgraphln* n br*n-h of the b'lolno*. to which P-lal attention l rtovoted. II U ttie ostnoUiihmfnt In th* .tle nd Is oprrntMl by Gi<> ti artlM, tn tho country V%> ch.orfully furnish eit.mntM nn.,l submit sample, of llthoirraph work When writing to u* addre. the norninq Nomu Job le. pnrtmrnt. Do not think that you arc consuming our time by asking u* questions and writing for estimates. Whether we get you. order or not, we shall be glad to offer the best we have. Morning News .lob Department SAVANNAH. CA. Learn a FroTnssion Without Going Away to College or Leaving Home or Quilting Work, WHAT YOU NEED for complete xucca** In life D on* of h* Ten Frr* BchoJori.hlp In Tha internatlonxl Corr**pon(tcnc* School* of Scranton Pa., whkch the MORN ING NEWS will promt to the ten person* having Ihe most voles by Nov. 20. 1900. Gather all the Voting Coupons you can. and win one of Ihe Ten Free Scholar hlps named below. Through one of them you can qualify for a GOOD aal orled portion, und not lose a day from work or leave your home while dudy ln*. t MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 2. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. (Including Complete Electrical Outfit.) 3. ARCHITECTURE. 4 CIVIL ENGINEERING. 5 SANITARY PLUMBING. HEAT ING AND VENTILATION. HOW TO VOTE. Cut out the attached Volin* Cou pon. end mail or bring it to tha buMner* nfflpc of the Morning Newa, Savannah, Ga. Each Coupon mu*t bear the nama of the person for whom you wish to vote. Special spade Wort LINOSAY & MORGAN'S SPECIALTY. Everybody knows who has ever had a shade that they make you think—if they do not work right. When we put them up you won’t have to think. We have the dnly expert shads man in the city. He does nothing but make shades and hang them. Also Draperies and Lace Curtains. Want to do your work. Send for us. Two Specials for This Week. 50 Daghestan Wilton Rugs, regular price $‘).00; O n r, o our price ODiUU 100 Brussels Rugs, regular price 52.00; ai nr this week Olii.1) Go visit all the other stores, then come to us. and we will surprise you with the completeness of our FURNITURE AND CARPET stock and the prices. Remember, “Not how chean " w “How good,” is our motto. * > ’ McDonough & ballantyne, w Iron Founders, Machinists, ■ f ■llnrk*mlt h*. MollrrmnWr, manafartareni of otnllnn. CTtUtfiEMijraF . r. on.l I' I nu 11,... Wrllrnl nn.l TANARUS.,,, < orn Mill*. *uuar 'llll nil.l I'n.i., Him l,|„ B . TELEPHONE NO. 123. ORDER BLANK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS* SAVANNAH* . CHEMISTRY. 7 COMMERCIAL RRANCHES. *• MECHANICAL DRAWING. (Including Complete Drafting Outfit.) 9 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING. (Including Complete Drafilng Outfit.) 10 ORNAMENTAL DESIGN. j 'lncluding Complete Designing Outfit.) VOTING COUPON. Name St. and No Town Ocean SieamsniD Ga -roR- NewYork, Boston —AND THE EAST. t'n.urpawd rabbi accommodation. A , tho comforts of a modern hotel El.- I'aht*. Unexc.U.d table. Ticket, tnclu-. meals and bertha aboard ship. Passenger Fires Horn Savaanil TO NEW VORK—FIRST CABIN | FIRST CABIN ROUND TRII>, Ft, J\ TEItMEDIATE CABIN. IIS; INTEKUi. i DIATE CABIN BOUND TBIP. El STEERAGE. Jl# TO UOBTO.N—FIRST CABIN, J FIRST CABIN HOUND TRIP. *3e IN TERSIEDIATE CABIN. 117. INTEB.Mi, | DIATE CAltm ROUND TRIP. J i STEERAGE. 11l 75 The express stt amshlpe of till* line . appointed io sail from Savannah, Cen'r.i (WHh) meridian time, as follows: SAVAKSIH TO NEW TORK. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt, Ber FRIDAY Nov 16. 17:.?n p m NACOOCHEE Cap;. Smith. HATURTAY. Nov 17. 1:30 p ro KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fisher. TUBS. DAY. Now SO S To p m. TAI.I.AMASBEF, Capt. Asktna. THURfI. DAY'. Nov. I?. 4 3 r- tn CITY OF AUOUKTA, Capt. Dait-eit, SATURDAY. Nov. 31. 6:00 p. tr. NACOOCHEE Capt. Smith. TUESDAY, Nov. 27. S;3O p tn. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. R, r * THURSDAY Nov. 23 l:i a ni i KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fisher. THT'r.3- DAT. Nov. * fono n. m. TAI.I.AHABSEE. Capt Aekln*. SAT! R. DAY'. Dec 1. 1"-oo m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt Datrv-b TUESDAY Dec. 4 3;of p m NACOOCHEE. Cnpt Smith, THU!- DAY. flee 6 4 30 p m KANSAS CITY Capt Fisher, BAT! R. DAY. Dec. *. 6:m p m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt R. rr MONDAY* Dec 10. s> p tn TAI.I.A HASSEE. Capt. Asktns. TVi'A DAY. Dec 11. 900 p m | CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt Danc-tl. THURSDAY. Dec.’lS, 10:00 a ro NACOOCHEE. Capt Smith. SATtR. DAY. Dec 15. 11:*) a m KANSAS CITY'. Capt Ulsher. TUESDAY, Itec. ft. 2:00 p m TADDAHASSEE Capt Asktns. THURS DAY. Deo 30, 3:30 p m ; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM Capt Port FRIDAY. Dec. 21. 3'fO p tn I CITY* OF AUGUSTA. Cnpt liasttl, SATURDAY. Deo 22. 5:00 p m NACOOCHEE Capt Smith. TUESDAY Deo 23. J:*i p m KANSAS AITY. Cnpt Fisher. TH' IH DAY. Dec 27. 9:00 p m I TAIJ.AHASSEE. Cap 4. Asktns. SATVR HAY. Deo 29, 11:00 p m | NOTlCE—Steamship City of Blrmlir I ham will not oarry passengers MAY YORK Ttl HOSTtIA. CITY OE MACON, Cnpt. Savage, M' N. DAY, Nov. 19. 12t<X' Boon. | CITY OE MACON. Capt. Bava*o FRt DAT, Nov. 23. at 12:00 tw>n CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage, WED NESDAY. Nov 28, lf:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage. MON DAY' Poe. 3. 12 t noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage. FRI I'AY*. Dec. 7 12.00 apBB. I CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage. WED NESDAY*. Dec. 12. 12:00 noon CITY OF MACON. Cap! Savaae. MON DAY. Deo. 17. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savoito FRI DAY. Dee. 21. 12 00 noon. CITY* OF MACON. Capt Savage. WED NESDAY*. Dee. 28. 22:80 I.non CITY OP MACON. Capt Savage. MON DAY. Dee. 31. 12:00 noon. This company reserves the right to clianKe Its sailings without notiro and without liability or accountability there for Sailings New Y'ork for Savannah Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays 5 | m YV. G BREWER. City Tick*! and IMS renger Agent. 107 Bull street, Savannah. Ga. E W SMITH. Contracting FrCrht Agent. Snwtr.nwh. Ga. R. G TREZEVANT. Agent. Savannah. Ga WALTER HAYVKINS, General Agent Traffic Dep't, 224 W. Bay siAot, Jackson ville. Fla E H HINTON. Traffic Manager. Sa vannah. Gu I* E LE FEVRE. Manngrr New P' r n North river, N. w Y'ork. N Y Mefclionts S Miners Ironsporloltoii Cos Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Ph'iladatpliia Tickets on Sale to AH Point! North ar.J Watt. First-class tickets Include meals srl berths Savannah to Baltimore and Hue delphla. Acconimodatlona and cul, ne unequaled. The steamshlpa of this company ar> ap pointed to sail from Savannah as follows (Central Standard Time): TO BALTIMORE. STATE OF TEXAS. Capt. EldrldC' SATURDAY. Nov. 17. 3 p m. D H MILDER. Copt. Peter*. TUES DAY. Nov. 20. 5 p. tn ITASCA, Cnpt Billups, THURSDAY Nov 22. 6 P rn DORCHESTER. Caps. James. SATUR DAY*. Nov. 24. 7 p m To PHILADELPHIA. ALLEGHANY. Capt. Foster. BATE* DAY*. Nov 17, 3 p. m BERKSHIRE, Capt Ryan, WEDNES DAY. Nov. 21. R p m ALLEGHANY. Capt Foster. MONDAY. Nov V>. 8 p. m Ticket Office No 112 Bull street. J J. CAROLAN. Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav. A,; Savannah. Ga. W. TV TURNER. O. P. A A D STERBINB. A T M J C WHITNEY, Traffic Manager Genera) Offices. Baltimore, M 1 ORANGES. Headquarters for FINE FLORIDA ORANGES FRUITS AND VEGETABLES of all kinds. SEED RYE. SEED OATS. HAY*. GRAIN. FEED. FLOUR. CHEESE. BEANS. Pass. Rica Straw, at* W. I). Si ink ins aV Cos BURK'S Jr? Dyspepsia >7 Cure , wmLp Tablets * T*4'**C"*’ m ** PiUtw ’ km • • •*'* • MeRWMRt *w. /W Promote the Appetite 1/ Put Flesh on Thin 1/ r-eopie. ~ i nm H—t mm part ran t earr>4 ’• U** P** K a Frt# Sf r*f bmt Al all J lou suss co.