The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 17, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CUT CLOSE TO THE CLOTH. USQIILATI HK lIM* It Ml* r ll: %fO*T rrMMM %l • It (Rnnm Hun Otrr Hir %monn of %l|iro|rlHtloii lr !*!! !!***•. Xix Knit lln* Mlr |,n-*rvrrl Hills |* ••••! )•* *• r irr |'ro lilinu for ry mrnt ol Si Ihmil | rnihfr* ll* *M*tr Farmers* laslMnle*. Atlanta. N • r* th r mad* ri-ar ir *h* ’ * 'hi out In th#‘ Ap|kr- > tv.- afternoon •i -J th- v ' • 1 ‘ *.*.#:•:. * for I*l’ ‘ * * ovf*f th< j* r ropr it. rv- for the pa m two yaar* if ih<* Rt'pfai rUttloni at* fo be corJli ol ic* !' ** ?our* t- of r* t<* *"* drrivl by ?h#* •■*•■• from taxation Mr Jordan of Ja-;>er r\airmail of th#* mb-outrun t* -•* to nacortain the condition of the tr**x* iry, r#*f ortM h revenue for iarr. woiili N rh* i*ftrrt i ? v . year AlthOtJfTh the tax nfc ha hr* re durel. the * i e,*> valuation f property wouiri **<) thin*- an 1 th*’o*' could appropriate on th* ft.inK hi. w for the put ?W. There Will hav e to b i *>i r'** ir.* rci In the tax rat*- f>. K# • r *';*"• Will b#* a mu* Inrg and urv than th**: " * u-* v #* ; v yaar* whi is.* and t * A’ th* ** t e* M *-e pn, • > fit <* i in* for the pavrm • * t p+tvn*mn to 11*11 g#it aid* w . f i ’orf ■ • oe • Tb Will tncreat- I" p .iti ! i' l iroi sUr> to $: • •• , t a.l ave t< b* provl .-i f . mx r . -a the rat * • *hu ex** * If • *<! ! • 1 1 f* r bill :In#* at the .-tit Sanitarium i* #*#)♦# t * •• wi.i f* * * <** to t>* raiM'i (m ol taxa k> Thi* j.ibt! i *1 rate will have t . U- .e --led irr#*{* * * • * r* * v* f-.n or whai*vr *i*..** •• *n m.*ie -f th** fin and, w etb*r >m}x il) ore*! in ho I ins anew depot, u: applied t j • - .!>*• . lifted In pur'’ha (tin# out it in in# hn .i*. I*. carvnot h* :** *k -m *i in .. di e. ap r* |r - atioii, aid iji.i * - re u*d rn et * Ini dirr'( extra appro;riator .> $. —•• llille r<iril l > the x**Uftir. The Senate a number of biUr tin* rn*rr.. i • *f *ti w* r. ..f ar. ex. • t*-1 * t m* ins lon*, tneaftoree The hill by Mr. Cnapped to .♦mhorix* county to condemn land eo a? to ptrooure uravtl and other materia!* for macadam z.tig ’he pub!i ro.i : pm •d A bill by Mr Hittlatny providing for the keeping of u t*’- v*rd by tn* s re.ary of f*■%?*• to eh* *A' the * in - llati *.. of *or poration bonds md a tdll b M r Harrell to mike It a felony p-.rv.-h.t *.e by fr<m fo*ir to ten yrM m ih** jvenltf rvtiarr. to alter, ounterfeit or furga tea-here err* tiftca’ee. or license* were paeaed. House hill* wrre then taken up u 1 o number of lor! m vur*- j ‘v t Airorc them were bt.ia to aruen*l th< charter of the town of Osleth*>rp In Maom coun ty; a bill eatibii- ng th City * 'our t cf Amorl.-.j- t-dl“ *• .* *’;••! ••• th* town of Morrnr. s Hrooke *outtv ; to •x!*nd the •* r.r it I'mita of Iton-.. . < prwvv‘■ for * .* ■ and.! -of .m oie nor. t* detemi: .* ’he ju*-t.on of le-uink munic ipal bor.d* in ThotnasvllU to amend the charter ' ho •* . * > amend ’he eh tr ier r.f M !r.t .rv Hum- * ountv The Henate adjourned till noon on Morduy. Pii) tnenl of Vhool Teaehrra. Mr Hi.vkxk of F.iveit*. Jnirodueed a bill in the H .\K- r**iv authorizing ihe treftik irer to Ir • v * n any fur i t < stale vraa>jry to th urn him of Jnmmi to be u*ed Ui paving .* .•*! f** hers monthly aa p-ov* -1 • * i of Th** :t* a-- urer - dir* * t*i t* iw draw .n the first dav of Mar s !>• ••• *f l *n : • flr- ! day of Apni a nav auii*. or as much *• ma\ I** * -i t ;t ti* .. rer authorised to no;, the tea her- monthly, the am** • t*e repaid fr-'m ihc . hoi*l f.iii‘l when rit*- ftain* h(>ai*l in** M* treasury The Wright diirj*eiiaary bill will taken up .* xt Th irwi.iv morntr sc f> a -tlon Immediate!\ a**er the nfirmat ;*.*n f the >ourr.o Ttne b in • oordar * aiih the re * >rnme*. .au uf - < ‘ouimltf * * on Ruler* Mr. Wright offered n rrcd*ri. * making It the special order for Woln**lay an*i the ('otnmitter* aubstituted TmueU.s The • tjiii Kfl i.ikn without iinv ■ ’ppusdtion, th !**• to th* ire i-.ire being will ing for it to b* (V| s ier* 1 t that time. i ariiMm’ !nftiiii#*ft. Mr. Jordan *f Jr** want*# thn nigt#* %,j th .'*# s f#t i*iifthmrnt ari-1 mxlrit# .** \jl l.trini -n. -i in ih. ►tat#* Tn- iTiftitlcir of th# S >♦ Dairy mtn’i A- hx ttD-n tit.J n. jrt -I nt -f tfw' Fteitr .XgrN’tt’.Ujml B<v!rty irr to bri eon-ft r: ifiipt: a-m 1 1 o’ T - will cnee , nif-Mimial l x a. -j rrv* withou* ftO,ir\. rxcept for hoUm f’XfM-nses in 11- tftirtling su h mr# .inuft TL \ or# to r# - port nni.u Jy t< t * - rmr>-i of ac culture, nnd n>j **\ i ..-erint*nb n* >i Inatituirs anl pay um .i i ary. h* to .i.\* ‘urm* t'f tno in stitute wotk Ur i • ► M;l the corn - mission# r #>f it> * t ini t i* I #• from (hft* pro *f fiiti.lx.i t#, t-*’ f*io purpiw<- of carrying on th#* i-a.mi#- w.rk TO n Hie % < IN (INK DAY. Takw laaxMtiv#' Bromo Quinine TabDt*. Al. dru~i*: refund th# money if it falls to cur# t. \V *#rov* igtatur\ is on each box —ad •! %n: \\ 111 IM) TIIK DC POT. Hut It Wnntft Uslirra Front \djn c#*ii I'roperit Ottnrri. Atlanta. Nov !•: - The state will r*- uire. waivers of -I.images from ad- Jac#*rK pr*.-|M#ry owners in fh** event it builds t r# w* union depot on the Western and Atiant ' property. The ap pointment of a Joint committee to require and secure such waivers w * authorize#) by the House th;- afternoon Just prior to adjournment. The resolution w* by Mr Hamby of Rabun and calia for a joint committee of three from the iioune and two from t: • Senate, who ;re charge#) with the #lut> of mimed )*dy e#< uring *h# •' w.ilv. r V - fore any action in takon on ?n# < • mt measure. These waiver* .ire in U with the Controller Genera! and kep on record in hft office and at* to t*e# une the property of th#* state a bar to any claim for damages in building the d# j*oi The a|ieak#r has not yet appoint#**! the House member- of the committee, but w :J1 probably do so on Mn !a\ A*tori #*v General Terrell, tn an opinion to the General A-**mh!y to-day. held bt the building of a depot hy the Mtatr* would 1* cone* tut lona I Th#* General Assembly asked for the opinion >•-#*#rday. on iu\ i:itft %\ and ii %umm ft r mml tier From (niigrf ■ Mill N Isit This htate. Atlanm No -Ti e II •is • (*<mm!* tse of C’origr#*ft# on Rivers ant Harbors Is on Its way iu Georgia to Inspect ’h river and harbors of this state. The member* of th. oomrn4'ie*‘ ar# Theod r#- K Burton Ohio Walter R#,.ve Illino: Bla kdjrn Dorenar. West Virginia; Ros we.i Blftho(>. Mi higrtii; l*2amest A#h‘i>n. B-ig# Morri . Mi i.# #o i. !• A vw Alf xsf.der. NVw Vo k; Thom;* Tongu.Oregon; Thoroin Oitchlngs, Mis* sissippi. Hutus Lester. <*#**♦ glx; John Rinkhead, Alabama; !H* plun , Fkrf Thu *>****£Uii£S of Pure Blood That Is vhat Is required by everv orpan of the body for the proper per formance of its function:. It prevents biiic: nets, and rpepsla. constipation, kidney c.- :... nt. rheu matism. catarrh, r.--v. weak ness faintness, j - ; t..t.hes. and aii cutaneous erupt.ons. It perfects aii tl - vi*ai processes. SC ! • Rar*|uirsu* t- n.*kr t'. l.i* *-1 pur.' M writ.* tuftt hr h*U uol frit t. .. Put t for gome before be had fln liH fh** Crt buttie f thift mediCint he flit better Slid wii.-n he had tftlien the w *r.d vm like a:. **r free fr ui that tired filling aad able to dc bta werk Hoc 4’a Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the premise. A: *z\ r. substitute, but get H aFFd 111 Mil 11 l> V ilti.lM % M.< OMI HOI* n;Ki> roTATOF.e. BKANB. PR AS TOMATuKS B* 't* PLANT. and everything la WARRANTED SBEJD, fiituihle for mtrk*'t gardc i r ’ nr# ir Write far BPKCIAI. price*. J T RHITTRINF, R edeman. i’ongrerr and Jeffereon ftr**etf. f*iv'nnah. Oa. IMIKH TIIHFK 411%RK. Frxft iu \\ ii* Immediate! > \rreie| mi • Hft Hrltirn lu Home. Rome. Ga . Nov 1#: Lee O Krwrtn, se retary ind tr#*aft irer of the Krwm Mr Con,; j y Lir l.i* who disap pear *-d myrterimiftly some six weeks a**. pp#-ar*-d in Rome thi* afternoon and wan a> once under arrest Th*re ir# three warrants garn-t him * charging forg# ry. another larceny after trust, nnd a third embezzlement W hen - arrle i fefore a Jtisrice ##f the peaec, Krwln waived pr* l miriary hearing ad was | laced under three* lonit. ag* xregating f-*#• Krwln would not ite where he |mi ****en siH leaving here He Ik* 4 always borne an ex* ellert reputation previouz ! this trouble, and is well ronnreted. ftKNTi Nt i; U IN ( OIDII I Id). It**> Who Killed llift Playmate t.ei ftiit) Hats In elnll. Atlanta. Non I*' A ting on the re##>m metidatiof) of (he |r4oo Uxard, G#>\ • andler t#-la\ con:niut#-#l (■• sixty #ia> in Jai. the panted of Paul Rainwater, who killed vemng Frank Fluppi. Rainwater w a*- c#>u\ ?* and >f iriv4uutarv rnai. Uiughf<*r last rr.onth in Judge (’and- I* r *- Court and crntHiivd to serve one \ear In h** |>enii#*nti.r> Ti.#* order ommuting i • >#T.ten*e |.r x id# • tf t [h# Jail (.11 a.I l.g.n with the <lat- >f c#.mvictlon. w!ib h wu> Oi-t. !’• This Klvrs N oung K I'nsat't but Irt> days longer to remain in jail. HOI %K HM'KILft I Hit, LAW. The ftrnith- l Now |.oola*l to, to Do Ilk %!••*. Atlanta. Nov. If* hi •i* = k law w ft rc- I•#')*'<! by the lloi##* to-day y a \oi* of to 271. h only require! the a swell t of ihe benate to now g;vc th d*k tin ir former freedom. The ad to repeal *he prt-ftent d-g law was Intrudui *1 by Mi Htiwatt ,f (’aihiur and am* up on its l-assage with a five ible repo* from the cocr.mUt®*. \ 014 K \ 11.1.1, Nt HtHlle 111 It \KI). rhe ftrliodl t iiiltlrrn \ll l-:ea|el W lilioul Iniun. Columbia, st”.. Nov b- The York vllle Graded fh*hool hu.:dlrg. formerly usc#l as a fenu •• #*llege w is birnc*l at ... !.!•!,- v. ■ • tarti ther# 1 * were many ••hr.dren in tlie huild lug. but ail escape*! without injury. Many loftt book> and wi ip# Th# imiiding coat about llh.twt; in-Minn e W \ft t ON \ It 1 I D OF Ml ItOKH. (#orgrlnn Neur## Was Sentenced to lie llnnaed. Columbia, h C.. Nov. IK— John Rrown tidd. the colore#! barber who Wild a sf#- deputy In Georgetown, six weeks ago, and to prot*- i w .'torn from lynching, a lh*>utand armed uemoe*. Mirrounded the Jail, was to-night convicted #f murder •tit.) senten e#l • be hanged I*o sup press the threaten*'! riot at the time *>f the killing, infantry. *.valry and ariiliery were rushed to tSoorgetown > sje Iml tr line W J Whipper. of than fort, nnd J L. Mltchess. of Georgetown colore*! lawyers, defended Hroe?nfl*d I. who ift m prominent lea*Kr and Ijelorgs to an arlsto i *tj. col ored ft mil J When the dep it y dr#*w hit pistol. Brownfield t*Kk it from him and ■ shot him rtl* t nrt-fl \\ ilunut (lie Knife. Itching. Blind. 141*eding #>r Urotiuding Piles Your druggist will refund your money if Paso Ointment f.iMn to cure you. 50 cents.—ad. NKNTKNt Ft) J-o" III: IIINGF.t). Kelly Kill.-#! an I#l '#nrn With sn \ \ t# t t #t7. Charleston. S C. Nov. Its. James Kel ly, colored, was convicted of the murder of* Bormeau also colored, in Augu*t last, in the Court of tJeneral Hess ions her** to-#io> )!#■ was eenten ed to hanqe#) Jan 4 The me w n r .-t !>rum| oh- K#d ly ti?*#) n r.x and th *.?J• - * >i ’.* rirue iv - rctaa i > ’* •• * #;r. id - .| ** • murderer. EAT-WELL Salad Dressinq IS WITHOUT AN EQUAL. (All Ftri'-.'las* Gn>.,r.J THK MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1900. Milt (i|\l i \MI \M-M. MdfKm luirmiM* lloti un t oner ri lift ml at Ttienlrr Mhihlmi l.vrnina Kurmun i Boston Concert Hand, wrhi during the twr weka of the Klkf* ' gntvu, ha* dr bghied mxr y thouagnd* by l; • muni* it hiir rendeml In the Park Kx i#i.** w:il give far#wf*ll rv*nr* * nt the* hroter on Monday evening Tre ppogramf:.- to t*e rvnbr.d will u ;!♦• |oeh ei *?** *' *4 ami popular selec tion*, and Wi tut nod .■ e all of the eoVrw ie-ta of the org'tn list 100. The prl ea wil MU of he orKu*lz.* n. Thr price* wUi play to 4 l.rg rn e of thf>i w n*. areb to hear it m v from the Jarring arid di-furt- . - *.f trie Midwa.v HI *1 1,1 or I II I4> I 111 kl. . I'roni Inr n t l**u I nneler* f.aihrrrd l*r I’lril ftm'* NVwen, N' N I4i*' night I* l*ri)UM. Jr : :.-! <•? if th* fMftern Field TraH fi.;b arrived t\ F Pride of • i, inn* ALA ’■•’iegh <f l arm r.g- Uit Mo and K \%*hilfo:i < f hi a * ar* .m*'t,*: la’r affix •!" Tie draw.n< f*r i #* rm-mberfthlp e’k#* tok iia **• Io the • j' ->m le* night *rvi recuprl in the foj.own* *j*i*-r of rut itng i-e L. , n-i Lire. Jun and Nut; . H Jo Cummii c Jr. .r.d Jim S Paladin and Clara The ‘Wav'* rw e wi* !>*gun about !'* #>v to k 10-. L . th# wr*. nt her r>itig <*x> i a r.d pi# : t f*,. w<:k It* ? .'*• ft# i l T win ners we r* I>*na B# H* rtrftt owned by I*. Iyrlilrd Jr . I.ark -♦ *uhl, owned by The *1 *r*- Hturgic* .ti*l Clara, third, owr.ed by I*. Loriilaid. Jr. It • 11* lyen- Con ml lM*nnr. Tw. IrQuett of lunacy wre held yes terday in the a ’ -*ut t of Ord nory. tlie **l -g c*l lunatic* Being Richard OIL* *id lirnry Aden. t>* t h colore 1 T .#* luri •* that uil Lcn imptaneled found that both of the men were ln*an and lire -ii t elr rmov unde: guard to the state ennita rium a* Milledg# vlll\ f**r ir#*aimc*nt. The men will be removed to Mill luvllle a i>a c.* then- i* av. art . in 1 at , .( there i a vacancy now Hill* Hi*fore * onimlttecft. At.ants. Nov Ik -T‘.< übor * anmitte*. heard arguni thie afternoon on the md lab*r bill by *i mint *er #f lodle* who favored it The bill. If nfrtd on fa roral vrtu In atrongli * ifM in * ‘.* Houan Tit iimmittee on education reported ad \erwely on th*- bill t* ad ml’ girl* to the Te hnological w< hool T‘..- Ml nae re ferred back to the committee for anoaher report. I*h<• filiate riant nought tp. Home. <1 \ . Nov >* A !. al wi- lowed her#* to-dav ti* Virginia n*l North Carolina Chemical Phosphate Con|Mny. j, the i.'-fuLftl p.ant k* at#-#! in tide - .ty Tr • ri-vx owner- wi.i in* •; the output to forty tot;* l day. The price paid f*r th* p nt ii not known WILL IT BECOME POPU LAR? linn 110 lon l ike This N#-w Fad f it Han anti iffee drMcavs n4 food era I I • ®Uil I.ow take 4 •a* at fr 4 I*w !al ha the rt or. A ** rtv it i. nt v h* formed th* mentuet.4 of which pledge theme ive* to ♦at no food wna-eve. th i ha* b *n *•ok • I T .*•>■ 11 m : h iirp uokfl fo >#l r it our remote i. "- on* . te re- c- . oke i fo and th* refor* If w.* .jo tne -amr. x igoi .if h a tfj util e n.i ri ward Raw uu at. raw p* aio#*y law h<' riw egg*, jaw, iwrytmng i* th- entlc iio- of f.,r > i- I o.t t,i th* int .u i cti ■ i iik o th* futur* tilt 1 ihe • let , |W |•. .. to eftta.-lbh ** ta rant* in tiii 1 irz* r u w.. r tela *i lg tfu* mnu ma> b h rv*xi dully. M irn • o 'kilts. i- o.t i. it )i*i |it l-r*rcc# r, 1.. a , w f y • maty ( o*l* which fthouid • h.ikid roa*tt*d. hroLol or .oil *l. Iri• -1 !i>vt i* Uvi.gcatlb e be aii?-*- #a h far;i l.- of fr>i ft in an <i in hot gr are which th* digest ive Jttlc * of th#* Motnach • innot easily |* -ir c- . hu* r v ■ ok* ! foJ is ti #* c •.•-it * #li rented that! the >-.*!?•• fool utw • k* i w p*h,*t for th** low fad a very limit ed following Th* e| * - title of Indlge-ti nl* the l ick o* t <!r hlort '* l* and j eptoc-* I th stomach n* th *t t o ru* • r ho v wel e* k#i th* f; . 1 i mu -t he we I- lg#>st e*l uni* s tin .ii'irr i e !i a bun n a l *f.r i? t?e . ••--hi momt of pe tore- t*i * L'OlV* the fo *1 Tiieref re. th most *it Ihle cur- for poor digestion I to t k> af #r *nr I Nome -if- n-i je’.ti* .|e dlshe like Htuart s Dyapepni i Ta let . wn |.*h i ply p**pt *ne* to <!lg st the m#* • *n f eggs an I diasta*## t*> dig* st ihe bre#d. p tafn#*N an 1 • Mar hy !*> il* Laxative m- #Hc net never cure n t.on t**mis they hi\ n# 11geftt!v* >( feet whatever u|on th#- f*H*.i on th# oth r hand, if t f<vl s properly <tlg at and there will i e io nee l of lix t ives. h 1 ilifc#*? I lon due- awv with * o t |* in Ktuart’s I>y- p# j*m.i T hi- tft cos tain pur* aenjti jM |e|n miov #-rnm# nt tew id *tt s an ) the <IL *t|v. el me: t-# wbdeh w ak Ntonvu ift .i k and the* ure i. di.e-ron by u dstlnti t ove -worked run down at *m.i h In its har! work u til it L r - r• oi#d to its n--rml • .-t. !’!•: . V\ the ta lcts are n 1 n.rr n--*.l-d lir there ire h • -oau !a of tobost n'er: and w men u - n.-v-r • t \ m al w t o.t t‘k t., rn -r wo o Btua T i let* b#-* huso hy o tlob.g th v an ct wht th* v Jc i c o>d wh n th y p ea.e an t b# free from any bad after effects 8t f* luspi'psla Th I* :s r- ***'*l y Iruggl-*tft everywhere In t-e United Hfat-s. Canada and (lr*? Britain. nvt'A i u, >oth rv NOTIFF. Cl y of Sav innah. Office <’*rk vf Courn il. Nov 14 1 bk\ All parries deslrti g o retail liquor dur ing the year HM will file their npph i tlns with the C!erk of Council at once so that same can i*# referred to Council amt n-'tlofl * aken up*vn t*.ld nppd -.iion before th#* expuatfon of limit provide*! for hy ordinance. WM r DAI LBV. j Clerk of Council. THE* U % A TO ( t %IIPKTH. The only wuy o g* i your carpel* prop erly taken up. deaiuftl an*! taken t arc of for the Mimni* i, p. turn th** Job over to t.i#’ Diftrict Mfssengcr a* .I D*ivery Cos, te|ephne 2, or * *.. it L* M > itgomery ~r**. nnd h#> will make v.*u an eatl mate on the cot? of the work Prices r aaoDub!#*. They nlio im- k. move an*l s:ore furniture and piano*. C II MEDLOCK. Bupt an#l Mgr. Hi:< ktllVV* 4 %FK, 1.12-! 14 IVhil.tksr -Irrer Kvirythlit* tip t .t.m Game, Fish ami Ovtifi • *(>. tiiij ImiK>r:e<l IVuerabury, r tlof Rr-tii on draufhl. Fhona 7iu. ROM)' I.M.t 1 | Kit. Ry tl>o Amtrlfin ond Tru*t CumiiiK) of Hltim.>ri \Ve arc author lxs.l lo rxr- Dtf .(k,II) iln tixslMtsly u{,i application), nil in ju.ltilal pr.c . . 111 C'tthnr (hr ,am . r Uniiaii Court., an.i of aJmmistraiora .in.l Ruaril tan* DEARINO h HI LL. Agam,. . Telephone K 4. ProrMtm Itulidlnf This Tells The Story^^a. On* Op"”*n tak*n from orr on* thou tarn) ttttimoniai* roc t. rod from fho moot prominent phfticiant all ortr the world. DAVID VAUn. M I*.. C. M. :4tn., fhj.lrUn to thr tv.,i. rn Akin Hoapltal. Lon.t.n, K*|lwd. wrU: •• I have four)'! Hunytuli-J knnt to tinw.r overy purpow ■<! I Invariably prvx riN it, partly it can U> obtained any Uejf an.l rverj here. l-arUy Iwcauae of It* uniform action, an ! laar. not leaat. Ivuh- It ! preferred by my [atlent, " Huayadi Janes cures constiratisn Dyspepsia, Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles. No Mrdldnt In thr World ha* rectived ch widespread endorsement. LABEL ON BOTTLE is BLUE with Red Centre Panel. I I %I. I \ \ IT %TlO\a. HFAI.H —The friend* and a rjuglntfiness Of Rev M K Reglft inrl wife, and of Mr R B Romick and familv ore respeetfully iivi #*d to atteivl th** funeral of Mrs Beal- from W'eaiey \|omrmental Church a♦ *f o’clock this afternoon KFRGUBON The r#*lativeN .rd fr.'rtls of Mrs Mary Ferguon. M a r.d Mrs .1 J. Bradey an#l of Air. n*i Mr*. George L Kempf arc lnvlte*J lo attend th* fun eral of the former from No iis M-sit gomery street at 1 o clock this m rnli.g 1 —i —-- - "■ Mi:t; 11\.^ UMIRUIA MM IKTI OF I HF, HOMS OF thi: hi:v oi.i tkh. A meeting of the Oeot fkv*tetv of the Hon* of the Revo) lit ton la hereby called for Nov 17. Rft, in tn** City ’©urt room Savannah. Ga . at 12 m t> consider tne movement to erect #i monument io On Oglethorpe. .in#J a.i matter* collateral thereto WALTER G CHARLTON. President. T r RAVENEU Asst. geCy. HPIXMI. HOTIfW. aTd nTTMTnM % I 1 TAXES. ItMNi. Office Collector fiia • ar.d County Taxe. Chatham Couur. G.i.. Savannah. Oct 5 !9fh The digest la now open for the colfee tlvn of the above taxe* on ail property real and |wrsonal, ih#* speciflc tx • n pro ftalniu. also the poll Tax for E in-ni *n 1 Purpoft*‘> on all Male R# sidents of ?h ■ city anl ctHjnty l*efween ihe age* of 21 nvl ti** uwr>. Offl<e at the Cou.t House Hours. 9 a m. to 2 v in jas j McGowan Tax Collector, c. C. \OTIC*IS OF IIDM*OI.I TIOV The firm of S GtKkenheimer’* ftonw Is dissolved b' the d*nfh cf Mr Moir* S Gu* kenhelmer. ’lhe busir.# s* le arsl will be carried on h\ Mr Ahe 8. Guckenhelmer. who take* over a’.l the assets ;ind natime# all tha liabilities of waul l.ite firm, under the • t v e of 8 OrCKENHKIMER 8 SON. Savannah. t#a. Nov If*. Iks*. NOTH E. Neither the master nor consignee* of the British vteuit.-hip Vlulaby, Olsen. mo*t#*r. will ho reftpon** *L* for any debts - ontracaed bv crew of said \**we#*l J F. MINIS & CO . Consigneew. U II vr w r. II %\ . FOR TO-DAY. KHI>H ITU rn. Fine Fioridi urang* § ‘A* per #lo*en. Fancy Ballwin Mating Apples .V per qt. Fancy L*rg Ripe fKananaa Just fr Indian River rine.ippiea* extra fine. 16*' each Extra Fine Mil eg a Grapaa 2-V pound FR LMI % EfiF/r % IILK*. F*lr;e Florida Tomat*res Extra Fine White t’elery f- per stalk. Extra Quaili> Sw * *-t Pot itoe a peck. I lit 11. Ii Fill IH. New Dried Ra,.Hill-. Curianta an*) Citron New Dried Fig* I<K\ an*l 3 k pound. Just In. New Drirtl Prunes .■ p#-r pound. New I tiled lVa< hes K’ per pourwl. M!\\ ( % A Mill f.onpM. New Bite# and Pahes I.V. 2 can* 2Tc. N* w- Ixttlx White Fherrlew !. . 2 CM 2f . N'. w Rweet H.*>*•**m Sifted Pea- New Mountain Rose Baby Corn Lc; 2 for 2f* cents. N*w Aspar iguft Tips I6' • in Tos.s A Hlackweii’s Jelly Tablets lhc each Will make one pint pure Jelly, all fla vors. Port. Hnerry. Madeira. Champagne. Lime find Vanilla. Jordan H.!**!l Almonds N*w Pin* apple and Edam Cheese. Flan. Extra Bloater M • kerel 2v N 1 M•k r* 1 K • each. ffxtr * Codrt**h !*■ pi kage. Api kige* 2.'*'. ’ A DRAYTON GRO KRY COMPANY. l S Van Home. Manager I’tDTH \M> HOI hE I* % INTIN ti. \V# handle nothing hut the VERY BEST gt i.b e of PAINTS and OILS, an i - mploy ihe very I*est painters to be had. Allow us to make bid on pointing your j house savannah building supply CO. Corner Congress and Drayton. Phone M! SM MLILI. 1 am serving the best jf*c meal you ever aie Everybody else asks fith* for it. Everything to order. BAN FRANCIRCO RESTAURANT. 11l Drayton stroei P S Meal tl kef* here enable voti *o live che*i*r with me than you can liv© at home • ~W- ' 'l i\ MV NEW HOME. Wild Ducks. I’.tnestic Du*ks. Turkeys. <Tilcken-. The best roasts ami steaks brought to B ivar.nah. Lam’ and ad kinds of gam* Everything served on my marble counters. M 8 GARDNER. Phone* r Whitaker, i.ear Jones st IM t M AND Tl HKBIV Wild Ituck*. Mallards, Rleefleul Ttir , kevs. Barnyard 1 hicks. W’estern Duck*, i My Reef speaks for Itself Rprlng and Winter VrgeiaMew. Cm timber*, Gr-en Peas, Squash, new Irish Potatoes. Tom*, toes. Phon*s M JAB. 5 JOYCE. P B —Cri-ol coffee, the P#'nnett 81-vn Java, haislied only l>y Joyce. V %!..%< E t U’U HE*TAt R %NT %ND OYATER HOI *K 42 Ru’d Btreel ILue Points. Little N< k Clams receive,| by every *• earner Native Uyiter- in ad siyles Chop* and steaks and game in season. Everything tlie i***t Just received, fresh lot live lobster*. M D ABRAMS Prop. P B —Hot lunch from 11 to 1 every lay. THE BUT BEEF. If you w ml the finest rxa*ts. or steak*. | *r lamb, phone 1173. Hoott Ar TMvis. sia is 7 and ?. market. They will supply you j Rest pork rots Poultry. Brains. I Tripe. \*• l-1 %l . IHE vwn 111 ft I At my stalls n the City Market Prime Beef. Mutton and Veal. Limb. Pork. Matchless corned Beef, et .; Venle*tn, Wild Turkeys, Woodcock. Quail *rv| I'V>ves. Aii the delicacies to L had at I hi* season. Both Fionas uC77. JOHN FUNK. I NFIU IA I NOTICES. 11l IT FIU IT AKE Ihn* you g*n#*rly mk* about the ml*Vi.* or latter |Mrt f November in now the subject ol discuftihon. Your frierMb* wili te l you it tft bet ter when ma ie early Now t* the ttm# L* u. i wait tl.l the i**t min u* Evcrjifhir.g in the dried fruit line is fresh ar.d n w and liner this v*ar tu*n ever before Bn*i*e#l Aimon*is per poun#i 50c. Candied Lemon and Orange I>el per jiound 2i*<" L>ralon I.avr Raisins pound IS ’ Fancy Bee Ye,i Raisins per pound If. cent* • leaned Currants, ‘-s-lb package lbc Fancy Citron |** r puunJ lie. N* w English Wa nuts per pound 2b cent* Fre*h line of Rpires. New Ducli#*ie Figs per pound 30r Dark Brown SugriT for rake*. Good Blitter j#er |V,unJ l^c. Fin* cooking Brandy and Sherry Wine. JOHN T 'EVANS A ro. 8. Congress an*l Barnard street*. 2 Focies 2M GREER’S C OTCI WHISKY. This celehra’e.l f iniou, old \atie.| llihlaml Whisky Is Imported direct from the dlatlHery hv us This Greer Beotrh Whlakv I* (uarantwd to he bottled abroad and I* ron.-lgned to us from Olaa yo*. .Scotland, and Is tn bond In the Lotted Slate, Custom House In this dtv This cp and old Greer Seoteh Whlakv Is U-aiMifully mellow and raLd to a decree and Is soft to the palate as one could poeslbly wleh. tind there Is a nuttlnes* about It that i, eapeetally We are alait to lt the public p>r ohase a, small nuantlty as they wish, even one bottle, for the pur pose of Introducing ihe heat brand of Scotch whlaky extant LIPPMAN BROS , Wholesale Drujatsls. Lippman's Block. Sole Acent, for the Greer Distil leries. Glasgow. Scotland, and Dub lin. Ireland, for their Scotch and Irish Whiskies 4 SCRWAH* r4EL. I, 4hs place where you can satisfy your appetite with all Ihe delica cies of Ihe season. Oyter from lha OL’LF and NORTHERN water. Also Gams In season. -OKI, CAFE GE" C SCHWARZ, Proprietor Open day and night. Plr.lng room upstair,. ESTABLISHED IMS. SOLOMONS COMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Ornanlale. Wholesale Department, 12T Con gresa alreel, vrrel. tirergia rhone 144. Recall .Stores. 133 Congress alreel. sreal. Hell Phone 144. Bull aud Charlton streets, under Guards’ Ar senal. Hell and Geuritla Phones Oh, RSNOVATIAC— SIATTHESSES - MEA 0\ VII Mi. Hair. moes. licking liber, feather,. Our etock ol i.ea material .i.-d nunul.i - luia.l prvaiu tr ai. up o our reno vating and rvn',.kli.g haa deLghi—l many prominent residents Ask your *.quai..l* Material sent u, I, incited, steam ed. . eaned ai.Vaaedl died by ui.t chli.ery. Mjvli k .1 >r.e 1.. m* chanves. W,- .eH.hf e our w. rk to mattre*ea and hed dlns general.y. W, e.l Ii king of a.l kinds, mo-a. hair, cotton, hirer feather*, or any a: tile n mo'.tr. • .in* NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO.. L.-1. Phone UK Ml Drayton street. IK Y ONLY THE REST GINGER 11. K. The bee I, the Wheeler Rrand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler 4c Cos., of Belfast. Ireland, from ton ctledrated Cromau ftpring, of that city. Th'-e spr.ngs are the property of Whee er A Cos hence no other Ginger Ale manufacturer tn Ireland has tno,. water* but them selves The Wheeler Ginger Ale la mad* from pure J imai t Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper a* other, are; one ~ deielerlou,—the other 1, n tonic For Healthful!.*,, and Turg) the cele. brate.l Wheeler brand of Ueifatt Gir.gtr Ale l the best LIPPMAN RROTHERB, Sole Southern Agent,. Havannah, Ua. RIOS w i ntin t CHy of Shvannah. OBtce Cierk of Coun cil, Nov IS. IWO —Bid, will be received at this office until Saturday, De.-. j. at noon, for the following ammunition, stored at the powil.r magazine of the city of Sa vannah on the Ogees hee road: 11 case* HotelikiKf per ineion sheila fio lu-poun.l shedls to the caei I*, case, L-pound cannlaer shot. The right Is rescrvt-1 to reject any or ail bid, Rjr order of the .Mavor W t\ BAILEY, Clerk of Council. A4II AND CYPREIS H VI111:It For SALE. l.V).fl<m feet of ,h Miltahle for wheel wrlghf, I -irrlage maker, car work* and Intenor house finish Also eypreaa .umber of all size*. We have resumed cutting ottr fnmous brands of cypre,, shingles and will oon have a full line of them for sale. VALE ROYAL MFG. CO LAND TITLES. Abstracts of Ihe recorded land lilies of Bavunnah and Chatham county l .e setllenieni of treofgla to elate. Money kxtued at low linerea* on city real estate. JIBCKETT & BECKETT. CORBIN DOOR CHECKS AND SPRINGS The most effective check on the market. Every one guaranteed. For sale by PALMER HARDWARE CO. Bay aud Jeffersog Streets, SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA KODAKS and PHOTO. SUPPLIES EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SJ.OO, that others charge $2.50. Save yoor life, save a- trip to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEDY^ Cures when all remedies fail. LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACIES, Hull and Congress. Branch .HW Bull St, Phone.* 2*4.1. Phones 382. 111 BINES* NOTICES. JUST INT A LARGE SHIPMENT OF hams: Aft •* well known. the.e ire the ffnet Hams that eome to lle market, tender, sweet Juicy—perfect. lit S. 1. MCI CO., Corner Broughton and Whn iker. Phones 76. Silver Services Single Pieces Spoons and Forks Pearls Diamonds Watches One of the largest and most com plete stocks in the country. Manu factured by Sam’l Kirk & Son Cos.. li-G Baltimore St.. East, Md. SOLOMON’S Roasted Coffees VV(> Iloast Hourly. FtlO. LAGUAYRA. JAVA MOCHA. Any of these hl*n#kd d*-lr#s| HENRY SOLOMON & SON USOI*OiaO ADLKR. JNO. It DILLON. PrroWfnl, r 8 F.LM3 BARRON CARTER. Vie# Priant. Af*t. Cashier The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH Will ho lo receive the account* of Merchants. Firm*. Individual*. Bunk*, and Corporatlorn*. Lilx ial • Mendel Vn*iirpassa <y>]|#cilnn fßclllil*-*. In* prompt return. SEPARATE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTHMrr COMPOI NDEO QUARTER- I.Y ON DEPOSITS. Safety Depoeli Roae, ir.l Vauti for rent Oorre.pondenee .011-Red The Citizens Bank OF DAI ANN All. CAPITAL $500,000. Transacts u U-aeral llaukltaa Hi# •• I iii'ftß. Sallrlla Arcnnals „r I sells IrtnaU. Mercleaula. Hanks and other Corpo. rations. Colleetlons handled will, .alety,, and dispatch interest, compounded emorterlr. allowed on deposits In our Aaring, Department. ho let, Deposit Huge, nail Storage Vault,. IIHANTLKY A. DENMARK. Pee.ldeal MILL# 11. LANE. Alee Preside.!. GEORGE C. FHEEAIAN. ( ashler. GORDON L. GROOYEH. Asst. r,hler. -ITU I A I, NOTK I2A. Nt A.l b.,„ eg,inn the Hr,list, ,’eymshlp ~urw‘ "l "• ■ - maatai must ii preser.ied a. oui office hv u o'clock neon thi, eiat. oi payment ~t mm W( i. h de barrel AV W WlLfteiN, Agent. CooMgnee. ’irnav Nov li, i<rv* ** ii i\ l \i,ih f " • I In-1 Haulfth rk lxr^nio mu( b f>r# - nii our off), t by or b-, !! r * *, U H * U Nov. 17, or payment lhtr*'C*. win b* #i#-Snrr"<#l Ju3K M. Lei?lL\ KAI CO., Conai^naa^* GUAPHOPIIONES and RECORDS SOUTHERN RANI of ihe eiaie of Ueorau. ‘■•W'al Surplus anil undivided profli* DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE or GEORGIA Superior fartlltlee for trail,actlna a f.eiieral Banklnc Bc:r... Collrrtlon" made on all nolnt, aeceaaibie throuch bank, and banker. Account* of Kink,, Ranker,. U-rcharti ami other, solicited. Saf. Deposit 1101-i for rent Derartment of Savlry, fntereat pavak, quarterly He I- Sierlln* E*>-hanae on Lonano -l nnd upward, JOHN FLANNERY President HORA-* A. CRANE, vice President JAMES BELLI VAN. Caehler. niRErroRB 1 JNO EI.ANNF.RY WSI W OORDDI* E A WEIL W W. GORDON. It, H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE RGy MYERS JOSEPH FF.RHT H P SMART CHARLES ELL!# EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBT Milillisltl capital, atino.ono. Account, of bank,, merchant*, eorjiw*. lions and individual, solicited Savina* Department, tntereet paid nuar terly. Safety Boxe* and Storage Vaults f: ri t Collection, ma -e on all point, at re sonahlc rater. Draft, Hold on all the chief cltle, of tha world | C.irreepondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. Prealdent JOHN C ROWLAND. Vice Preeldent. W F MeCAI’LEY. C*,hler. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, OA. Capital ***> IndlvMed prf>fll, BBa *- This bank offers Ite ,ervc* to onep,- ration*. m r r, tiants and Individual* lla. authority to net a, executor, ad ministrator. RVinrdlan etc. Issue* drat a on tile principal cities tn (ir. at llrltal'i and Ireland and on ths Continent Interest paid or compounded q.iarurly Oil deisielte In the Saving, Departmeat Safety ooxe- for rent HENRY BU N President. GKO. W Tl EDEMAS. Vice Pr-sl lent JOHN M HOGAN Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ak#l Caehler THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 11 YORK STREET. WEST - PER CENT per annum allowed on o deposit*, althdtawable on demand. Interest credited quarterly 6 PER CENT, per annum ai:o'l n ' dt posit, of even hundred*, wl nlraw ablc at annual periods GEO W TIKDKMAN. Preeldent. B. H LEVY. Vic* Preeldent E. W. BELL. Secretary. C. G, ANDERSON. JR . Tr-**'ir'r No. !,. Chartered l** -THE- Krcfells ill HI OF SAVANNAH CAPITAL. Lmu.iw SLRPLI'S h-'*** UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A G CARSON President riEIRNE GORDON, Vic* President. W M. DAVANT. Cashier. A.-i-ounl, of hank, and hanker* l#* r ‘ chant* nnd corporation, received the most favorable term, eoneleter.i * ln ,afe and conservative banking The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. S liS nm For ••!# w Forsgllh N*w*ptptr will foland price* tl) Ii rogi orlglna'ly H* lDo Wf h#vw no amt for It nd want th* r o. > It occuple*. It will be an Invaluable adjunct lo ny rx > w ftprti**r ofßc#* Address MORNING NEWS, Savanaab. 08. I-I.r- NEWSPAPER*. 300 for SS cent*, *• Business Office Morning News,