The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 17, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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fag ends of legislation. H „V Divio WBLU 6\ HIF.BTIO V IlCt'Ollß CMBNBHAI. JIHKmV, | |mi ( Imlliam Will Hr Bifrpt t.,l From Operation of Nrw 4 outlet Hill. In lf Should Become n vtl |lng fur Election of illy tHßeera i,, oetftolm Couwcll—Hefuuud to Discs** Ihr 1111 l taking Tkfsr Of -11, , r kppulnf 1% c* by Ihr Mayor. I ranch*** I'll Mllle Haanlf From >rr U oi Maury to Meet Ypproprta lion*. t e ntative David Walla came down I, rt At-anla yaau-rday morning and will l r it i,t city until to-morrow evening. h will return. Mr. Wells told n v u i v- News reported that there will , jifflcuhjr in having Chatham coun 4, mrted from the operation of the i(l placing the control of mhdemeanor x ,n the hands of the Prison Com miMton in t ray whether or not the bill will t* ome a law. At any rate this county a *l* other counties In the mate which 1 and work their own tn 1.-demeanor j , ~icta w I I have but little trouble In se c , .g their exception fr.m the provision* # ,• law. It U fortunate for Chatham t ai this l* the feet ” Mr Well* r*td he would introduce the ), in reference to the election of city * by Council, which had been ajv tr by Council some time since. In j ; IV . . m form this hill provide* that mt • . s now elective by Coun i!. tuel tli , on thereto the hcalt* of the po- * li * hr-" and public work* department*, * (l i elected biennially nt the flr*t „ • r ;n January. Mr Wella stat^l t ■ bill would be changed before It * r ?reduced, so ns to moke the elec* if, Uy officers come off at the mee#- lr,f f.'lowing the election of Mayor and A1 tv n. As the date of the mayoralty ei* n will probably be chanced at the pre.o-itt session of the legislature. the c.a ee of the bill fixing the date of the . . <;> of officer* is uniting until this * , r pi t*>*r<l change 1* made Uhl!' Mr Wells would net discos* the subject, it Is understood that there i* in ti handa of another member of th** dele* ginon a bill providing for the sele :loi of It' *fflo©rs In a very different man n©r This *te the one that places th. m all with three principal exceptions, with in ’he appointive power of (he Mayor. Th*- exception* are understood to be ?h“ city treasurer and the h* a I* of the pi'e an- Ar* departments. The bill, it Is fur ther understood, provides for (he op nim m* I by the outgoing Mayor of all the pr* nt appointive ofH ♦ r.c They ar. to be appointed too. .after ihe election for M c.or and Aldermen. Mr Weil* would not say whether <v not such a bill would to introdu • I or dl- use It In any way. Jit said thnt It was hi* personal Intention 'o Intro luc . with the minor change aonv© outline!, th*- bill which has 1 tne a|>rov 1 of Council, if th* other 111<! nls > e introduced. I v an th- m mVr of the Chatham delegation, ill* re would !e In teresting times in th- G* n-rai Assembly. Mr Wills anni that t •** bills changing r term* of the County Commissioner* j m that they would begin on Jan. 1, In <l of on March 1, and providing for ■ the election of a clerk to the board, with- j in five days after they have taken theor j s at*, would •hortly be Introduced. and i ■ believe# there will be practically no . ftb'uliy In securing their passage plough l>oih houses. According to his • brstundin* of the matter, the bills are * t opposed by tho present Hoard ■of mmls:onrfw Mr. Well* was ask* 1 what position ; t uld b* taken by himself and the other m< tubers of the Chatham delegation on i o hill providing for the taxation of fr irtchlse*. **! huve reached no concJo i a," tie answered, **ns my opportunities of investigating the merits of the bill have been meager. My understanding of 1h that It propose* to tax th franchises which Involve the U-** of the public j*rests ami other property belonging to \ ♦he people. Kail road and street railway ! •mpanies. telegraph and telephone com- ' p.ntes. electric light and power comiwi- j Me*, aiil others which use the streets, j •re specifically Included within the oper- j at lon of the law. ”! don’t know whether It would be n t od thing or not. So far as I am advised, the franchise* of street railway com taides In this nart of the state are not worth a very great (led, a* It ha* been some time since I have heard of one of them declaring any very large dividend up n Its capital flock. If such a dividend 1 been declared I have missed hearing of it. While my own view* on the *ubject sre thus unsettled,*' suhl Mr. Wells, “my rpnlon Is that unle** some vigorous a t! <n Is taken, by tho e primarily affected 1 the operation of the proiKis- *1 law. I*, will be passed I am a mainh< r of the Ways and Means Committee of the House mi I while, ut the meeting at which th* h. was considered. I cam* In too late t > h-ar It read. I was present when the \ was tak* n. Tlie 'ot* to reiort the I favorably was practically unan mous. 1 had reached no decision in the mat i. myself, 1 did not vote nt all.” Mr. Wells was asked for . opinion o to ihe hopefulness of the project to ln the legislature to make an appro t iMon t nard* the erection of the pro- I monument to Oglethorpe. am rather afrakl it will not be suc * - fu!.’ he said. “While I should like to have the appropriation mad* . the need* th* various statt k*|sirtments have so v :ly increastnl. that the question of w*v and m*ans lias msumed the dignity ’ * problem. This fact accounts for the *•' | of revenue-producing bills that h been introduced or are .iwiling In* r non In the (Jfnrral Assembly. A r -miiui might serve to accomplish the b -l-for purpose, but m the present state finances it la certainly very doubt ful •• Mr Wella favors, as a business proposl * • t • bill providing for the erection of to Attmta 0 " ere the g4.'s>.o>X> now* In the state tree*- l " ip’d-d to this purpose,” he said, “the Interested would pay t*> the state an *■ " *i, rental of S3O,0 < for twenty years. k en*l of fifteen years, when the to 14i* retirement of which th# in the treasury l* to be devoted will there will have been paid In from ,f al a- much a* Is now In the trvas- y ‘ and the state will own the depot. 1 state owns the lard upon which ’!• • nt de|>ot aland*, and It i* con ' I with the possibility of the mads r it away from this site add building J i***t of their own some where else. ■ they adi>pt this course,, the value - pr*g>erty woukl be very per '’' ihly (k-ertased. “ not only a question of giving At • a depot from the state funds, a* wo s* em to , otwMder It It Is a clean . * uslness ptopositlon. and In my optn *®r he advantage* to the state arc ad side of devoting the money In the ;r V to the suggested purpose. If the ** • > general decides that this use of •mi | b KH | # the depot. In all probab wili he ertced by the state.” O%%<•* riillsMlelphln l-’lrttis. rbs Menge of Savannah, describing n. Hied an applicntlon for * unkrtipt. \ in the United States Court r ‘*ay The scheduh* ap|>ende*l to the t ; "how 4 he iMiiikrupt to be inde >teJ # nr lous I'hiladclphia mercantile Urms corporations In the aggregate sum ♦•.•Oi ju. There are no asset/ NO FRANCHISES GRANTED YET. (Continued from Tenth Tage.) as to the future of the road The pros pect of Bull street being extended out Whit# BiufT road was brought up and Mr Lester said that he would be willing to ac cept a condition requiring the road and railroad track to be kept in such condi tion by the us* of some hard material as would make the track no obstruction to travel for a distance of one mile from the city. This was AUlerinan Thomas sug gestion. The question of what he was willing to pay for the city franchises was plainly put to Mr latter by Alderman Dixon. Mr 1 tester evidently did not like the idea and said that other growing cities of this section were s** 'king to attract enterprise* of thi* kind instead of discouraging them, if C ouncil demanded a price, he ►aid, he supposed h** would have to comply Mayor Myer* remarked that It was lime* for the city to demand a price for franchises of this kind. Mr Mayor, what did the present street railway lines t*ay for the franchise* they iw)iv enjoy’’' inquired Alderman (Jr.iham Not one cent.' 1 promptly replied the Mayor. Mr Randolph Arslerson said that as a property owner on the White Bluff road, he was opposed to the railroad passing by his property. He had declined to grant n rtgnt of way and d*l not want the ruad He believed shat the city would grow southward, and that his property would he a part of the city within a few years, and that his property woukl he more val uable men should the road not be butt: now. He did not propose to cut hie prop erty up Into negro seniemeuts. he *aWl. White Bluff road would become a part of Bull street in time and he did not think raliroad should bo permitted on any part of this street. Mr Anderson’* remark* seemed to arouse the resentment of the fr>n le of the petition. Mr Ben Wells <mid that the city of Sjvar.anh was a part of rhM ham county ami that wha< benefited ths county benefited tho city.* He owned a great deal more land on the rood than Mr. Anderson did. and he witnced the roal because it would benefit h‘m and help that section of the county. If the city could, by gr iming on** fninohl*'* benefit a large numlier of citlxena and help to Jevelop one of the best sections of the county, he thought It its duty to do so Mr. Oliver safe) that there wrere several o*hcr proparty owners who occupied the mid" position ns Mr. At#ler*on, and It was Just on this account that It had been necessary’ to get the charter of the Ver non Shell Rond Company order t-> toaura a right of way * Mr. !>. Y. Dancy said he and other property owners at White Bluff and along the line of the road bad no Inter ■** whatever In the Vernon Shell road or the proposed railroad. They did not care whether Mr. Lester built, or who built It. -< they got the road. Mr. Kohk- Jones mid that s a proier y oisiior on the White Bluff he was .leslroiw of e.-ln Mr I*e*4er*s proje-t out. and he t>eileve<l the mtjor- Ity of the property owners on "the road took the name view of the mat'er. This erv|el the dlseuMton a, to the Ver non Fhell RoH Company's petition, an 1 that of Mr J 8 Coiltr* wus taken up Mr Collins ask- for practically the sinv route os does Mr t.ester, only Itls subur ban lln runs to Thutxireribjli, Instead to White BiufT He now has a line the I 111 Sovann th and Isle of Hoie from Waters avenue to Thunderbolt, which Is Ivins Idle. Mr. Colllna desire- to eslerd this Him- from Waters avenue alorx Ail derson street to Briee atreet, and on I’rlee. Bay, Montxomery and Twelfth Streets, so ns to form an Inside licit cm neetlmc with his Thundertolt line. Mr Collins only spokesman In bt’h tif of Ms petition lie referred to th several numerously s|ne<l petitions which he hast presented io Coun II In behalf of hi- request The name, of practically all the l.utflmv* men of the city were to oe found upon thesc petitions, he said. „nd tnose Were men who did not elan pe:'- ilotis thoußrr:l'--'•> Mr. Collins s-ild that h. was also seekinx to develop a portion of the eoiintv which, at pree.eit. Ims n street v.'tllway facilities. The present line to Thunderbolt l of no beneflt to a lame part of th> southeastern section of the county, he i-oid. He also proposed to |wn his line in a portion of the city'which Is now- without street railway facilities and which would thereby be built up and In ill value. ••I am not nsklna for in option on a franchise," said Mr. Collins. "I am ask ins for a franchise, tilve me a franchise and 1 will (five whatever bond Is required that I will build the road Mr. Collins was asked If he were will ing to isiy for the franchise he aomrht. lie rep ted that he did not want to pay for It, bttt that he woukl do 4 If neeea . try. He already hail piece of road ly- Inx idle In the country which could not lm profitably operated, he said, without connection with city lines. Mr. Collins was asked howl much time £e would want to signify his acceptance cf a fran ’hise If offered lo him by the city ntsl replied, "Konir enough *o write an acceptance." Mr lister had stall’d In reply to a similar question that he would want sixty to ninety days In which to confer with the parties with whom he had been In correspondence, and ascertain whether ihey would accept the franchise with the various condl'lone attached wh ch Council seem—] deposed to Impose. Mr. ai r also said that he wouhl he willing to jtvc a iv>nd of aout 10.000. as a (tuar iintee of the completion of the road. In dicatlnr that he did not think any rea:er bond -hould he required. Mr. Collins sold that if the people at White Bluff wanted to build a road he would be glad lo make connections wlh them at Twelfth street. In answer to questions, however, he said that thin did not mean that he would let them operate their cars on hta lines, hut simply tha he would make a traffic arrangement with them Mr. Collins remarked that If Council could not see Its way clear to irtve him t i entlre route asked for. he woukl he will ing to accept a route on Anderson to Montgomery north on Montgomery to Boy and on Bay to Bull, truatlng to his ability to get the real of the route at some later time. Mr. Colllna was asked if he thought he arrange to use the tinea of the Parsons syM,m on Bay street, as tntditional tracks on that street would he objectionable, but could make no delf nlte reply on this point. There were no other speakers on behalf qf Mr. Collins' petition Mr. I). V Dancy arose and Mated that It had been pretty clearly brought out In the dtum-lon that Price and Montgomery were Ihe only streets available for street railway pur poses which Ihe city has left to dispose of, and he <hought this to be the strongest argument that could be brought to hear why the southwestern aeetlon of Ihe coun ty should bo favored In disposing of these streets ond not Ihe southeastern, which Is already provided with street railway faclHtles. This concluded the discussion and the r-.cxena who had taken part tn this rather Interesting meeting withdrew. The eom mlttee spent about fifteen minutes in dis cussion and then adjourned. Mayor My ers stated that no action had l>een taken and that the matter had been continued to a special meetrng to be called some time next week, when aU Interested will l.e Invited to hel*reent to give expreselun to their views He alao stated that the r-'ty engineer had been Instructed to pre piro maps showing the routes asked for In the petition so that council could get a belter Idea of what was desired, as well as of the manner In which the atreeds would be affected by granting any of these routes. t Heath of Henry Hath. Mr. Henry Both, formerly of Savannah. 1 lied yesterday morning at Newburgh, N. y from heart failure. A telegram an nouncing his death was received here dur i tog the forenoon Ills funeral will take j place at Nowburgh to-morrow morning. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17.1900. WOMAN'SKIDNEYTROUBLES Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound is Especially Successful in Curing this Fatal Woman's Disease. Of all the diseases known with which the female organism is afflicted, kidney disease ia the moat fctal in fact, unless curly and correct treatment is ap plied. the weary patient seldom survives. Being fully aware of this, Mrs. Pinkhara. early in her career, p-ave ex haustive study to the subject, and in producing her preat remedy for woman's fils Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound nus careful to see that it contained the correct combination of herbs which was sure to control that fatal disease, woman's kidney troubles. The Vegetable Compound acts in har mony with the laws that govern the entire female system, and while thcro are many ao called remedies for kidney troubles, Lydia K. Piukhan.s table Compound is the only one especially prepured for women. The following letters will show how murvellously successful It is: Auir. B. IW. •• Pear Mrs. Pinkham : I nm fail ing very fast.—since January Have lost thirty-live or forty pounds. I Rave a yellow, muddy complexion, feel tired, and have hearing down pains. Menses have not appeared for three months: sometimes I am trou bled with a white discharge, ami I also have kidney and bladder trouble. . . I have been this wav for a long time, and feel so miserable I thought I would write to you. and see if you could do me any good."— Miss Edna Frederick. Troy. Ohio. Sept. 10, DW*. “Pear Mrs. Pinkham: I have used Lvdla K. Pinkhum's Vegetable Compound according to directions, and can say 1 have not felt so well for years as Ido at present. Before taking your medicine n more miser able person you never saw. I could not cat or sleep, and did not care to talk with any one. I did not enjoy life at all. Sow. 1 feel so well I can not be grateful enough for what you have done for me. You are surely a womans friend. Thanking you a thousand times. I remain, Ever yours Miss Edna Frederick. Troy, Ohio. “T>ear Mrs. Pinkham: —I have taken live bottles of Lydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and cannot praise it enough. 1 had headaches. am KHV ARD. We with lh National <7!tf Hank of Lynn. t-VioO, ¥l# HI fIU W I“G‘ l* l** I*tl ( any |**r*oi who ran fin 1 that UraL.Tr testimonial Irttrr* arr not or w*r* puMjsiiml Ir-f.-rn obtaining th*- wrltrr’* ►**<• mj i*.r VUVVU mission. LYDIA K I'l NKHAM MKDK’INB 00. AYAItIII>U CIGAR MAKER*. Arr Giainx U* Alannfnrtnrrra nt Tnniim %suc|i Trnllr. Ttir Cuban-American M imifartuiinfc Com ini ny, of which H*n. Herman Myers Is president, m having a deal of (rouble with (ha cigar maker* at Tampa. The comioiny operates three factories a Tampa, the Kl Moclelo, the Corlna, ami the Rosa de la Cuba, employing about #H> operative* In all. The cigar pc pie are great on unions. They have three unions, the Resistencla. 01 Hianlsh union, the Int-riuttl(nal or Cuban*American union. anl a strictly Un ban union. A peculiarity of these union* 1* that they object lo h.ivioK the member* of any other union work In (he same fac tory with them. There was a *o*t of treaty or agreement between the Rcslsten da an*! the International unions, how ever, by which member* of the two un ions worked In the same factories. Th..-* treaty expired recently and neither side teemed willing to renew It. The result wn that bosh union* mad* demands upm the manufacturers that only memlieni of their unions be employed Tins put the manufacturers In a hole because If a fac tory attempted to work the member* of cn* union, th* other union rl - 1 a row'. The Mortfnß Nw* ha- published ac count* daily of (he trouble at Tatmu Mayor Myer* sold yesterday that he had written the mitingcr of the Cuban-Ameri can Company to throw open hl fa morb s to free |.\bor of any kind, no matter what union the operativc- l***)one<l to. ar.d if he were interfered with In any way to appeal to the court* for protection. \\faen asked about the matter Mayor Myers said he did not mean by .infM-allni; to the courts to Imply that tn*- United States pp>vernm*'nt phouid be called upon for troops to suppress the rlo This was a last resort, lo hr used. h- said, when the resources of the state hod failed. As th© factories had done nothing to bring on this war among the opera#lves and ns it was r< ? a quarrel between manufactur er* and operatives he sw no reason wkv the manufneturers should not be given the protection cf the court- ami the otieratlve* enjoined from Inb rferlng w!h them Mayor Myers said that on ae.uunt of the frequent labor disturbances nt Tampa he would gladly remoy* one or mor* of the factories there to Savannah If assur ed of a sufficient supply of laln>r here. The trouble at present 1s that t’ur* I* practically no skilled Mbor In tbc cigar making line to be had here, othersl- • the move, the Mayor says, would In a cer tainty. Ill* roi M\ DEAD. lln*. David AA ella Rrrclwed 3*4 New* From l*hlladrlpliln. Hon. David Wells received i telegram late last nL;ht announcing the death of hi* counsln. Dr. J. R Wells >f Philadel phia. Mr. Wells that ih* death was ulden. thougo the telegram s mply stated that death occurr*-*! at 6 o'clock. Dr. Walla was about €5 year* of age and had been a practicing physic.a ns In Phil adelphia for a number of years. Ait hough only a cousin the relations b* ween him self and Mr. Wells were very clow and they were more like brothers than roitsln*. He was not known in Huvan nah. Mr. Well* wr'll attend th** funeral. If he can arrange for hi* absence from tha Legislature. leucorrhoea, falling of the womb, and kidney trouble. 1 also had a pain when studding or walking, and noujc tiiucs there seemed lo In* halls of tiro in front of me, so that 1 could not sea for about twenty minutes. Felt aa tired in the morning when I got up as if I had had no sleep for two week*. Had faint ing spells, was dow-henrt and, and would erv. M — Mrs. Rkrtha, Second and Clayton Sts., Chester i*a. “ Dear Mr*. Uinkiiam; I cannot find language to express the terrible suffering 1 have hail to endure. 1 had female trouble, -.— also liver.stomach, Tf kidney, and blad- Ju dcr trouble. .. . 1 / 1 tried several doc- Y w XkV f tors, also quite aJ T w W I number of patent t \Ctl # t medicines, and had I JC despaired of ever a getting well At last I concludcfl try Lydia K. ham's Veg* table Cumnound. and now, thanks to your medicine. lam a well woman. I can not nraise your medicin too highly for I know it will do all, and even more, than it is recommended to do I tell every suffering woman about your Vegetable Compound, and urge them t 4 try it and see for themselves what it. will do.* I — Mrs. Mary A. !lii't.K, Ng Marudiester, Ind. ( Alt AIN AL ( MHK3 T-I)AV. 3lw* Will split | p to (,n to Altinii) nml t l lilrnuo. This k the hist day of the* Elk*’ **rnl vsl. To-night th*- last performance* of the various show* and attraction* in tn* will be given, tmd to morrow nigh: the nhow* will get on the road, some for hom* and other* for exhi bit lon* at other place*. Thta afternoon vis itors to the ground* will be admit ted at the cate without tickets, and tbe attrac tion* will remain open. Manager Huffman of the Bostock show.- will a omt>any .ve of them to Al bany and theme to Jacksonville, where celebrations art- to be held The other show* will return to Chicago, when they will winter. J he shows wi.l )>*• ready to leave Ptivsn nab on a -Sunday - was the ca**- wnet they wen- pre|>ar*l (o 4***ve f'olum >u Tne same ditfk ulty tiwit *i*'iayf.| iheir ap pearance here wil prevent their getting away Jua a* soon a* wi* lnten<led, .e fnignt train* are not liowt*t to run in GorgU on Butakty, and u wiil be n- * - ai> to wait untd after 12 o’clock on Hun day night heror** they can start. No representative of th*- show* will have to remain behind lo Hetti* up with the Elks. .Settlement tuia been effected nghtly, and no iong .uvount* ha.*- to la* goiv over for th** s!mw to kirn Just where they get off Ther stay in 8i vannah has not be**n quit** profitable to them *s they hud hoped. Mr Huffman said, though some money has be* n made. Had ihe bum ms* of the flrl w. k equal ed that of this week, there would have been no cause for complaint. Th** cool ■Weather that developed hist w*e-|< wn* responsible for the attendance not hav ing been a* large as was desired. The Elks will |>r<hably char some money. Just how much they will make cannot lx- said, an J the committee qo • not mike an> c-.-rtmat.s All accounts will be mad* up within a few day*, and n announcement of the result* wi;l th**n be given. Director General G D. Benson of the Carnival will leave within two or three d>* for his home in Chicago. •* *tn£an l**d by Mrs. Ibnujii. The Elk* In Wil mington, N. C., were endeavoring to in duce him to go to that city to undertake the management of a * irnlval, but he ad- Vl-C'l them Afllr.d It Itet-ause of the late ness of the season. During hi* stay In Savannah Mr Benson ha,- m* le many friends wno w:II r*gret having him depart from among them FOIt KEEPING OPEN X ADA A. Barber Gordon X-nirnred to Pay TsrnO-ll'r lillnr. A* a result of the determination of the 1 os* barber* of the city lo prosecute those of th-lr number who persist In keeping open on Sunday, Dayman Gor don, the prop Do? or of a Congress street shop, was arraigned before Judge Nor wood In the City ('cam yesterday and sen tenced to pay a fine of 325. The fine onin:lly Inflicted whs too. hut Judge Norwood consented to reduce It at the special Invlance of defendant's counsel, Mr. It. L. C’oWing. who said that Gordon was a man of family and very small meant. The evidence of gtillt was too •kar to admit of coatradlctiou CLASSiFiE J AiiVtH lISEMENTS. run Ml* \i "LA DIE# WEEK”" 1 ‘Ft EE OF charge . r. a pin will b* put in your brooch, on thr presentation of thi** idv — > ut It *>ut .nl bring tl to l>g*‘e, 31 Kwt Hroughtou. hair. j*wrlry anl •'• •Upi>i> ho ie The pUiv §*t*r ex. . |* v 'e for repaint .: watches. * l*e k*. *p l l anl Jfw*|i>. eiigr.ivmg don* while you watt. r**h civrii for ll g*l*l • *1 *ll' *r; •priktl Jttn.iiKl tin*, week to tn*k< Lwiuge . OIL lIEATEKB. WfJOD HEATER. rol h‘Nttf. cook r*to'4">i and range* Re liable fc>nxl C. I*. Miller, agent. MORPHINE. OPIUM LAUDANUM , oooaltu* t. r it wi.l inform you of permanent home cure. Mary 8 Baldwin. Box 1-1-. Cld-Jgo aivi:rtißi:menth set in dap- ITAIaS WILL BE PRINTED IN DI.AB - Al\ I:RTIBI!MKNT t’OLl MN FOR TWO I’ENTB A WORD NO AD VERT I HEM ENT TAKEN FOR LI.BS THAN IS YOUR IRON SAFE FIRE-PRoOF? Stlffel K Freeman hav<* * atunding ofT r of ll.utki f'r every *•(' of their make that doe* not preserve tt* content* one *afe n.i. in burning dehrle 1U Itour* When taken oti< the Jai*e had to be turtle.l on It When opened, not a pg* wa-* *llc4 or*d. not a r <rl l**t. •>>• tlollar d afroyetl If you want *eourlty. buy HtlfT-l A- Freeman eafe. C. I*. Miller, agent YOU will LIKE THE MILK FROM Springfield Dnlrjr; If • rl k end pur#; if) it. FURNITURE UP! MAT treraen ri*' I. Antique furniture re |K)ll*hed furniture parkel and shipped tn t*o*tt manner Send me your order*. C* I*. Miller, agent. OElsHflllO NURSERY. OPPOSITE Cathode Cerretet hr>vant tiemuma. t'RtiH lla Jap<fi| . ate ar. i • p.ilm*, flow er* and floral •! *lgn* your oMer* with J. Gardner, agent. 1J Brmighton. ettJ*t. SPECIAL AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of new willow rocker*. ladies' *i*e. at I* J. W Teeple. I AM NOW LOCATED AT 414 WEST Br.uighton ring up if you want to have your furnl ura moved or packed for -hlpmeni or Morage. I guarantee pri e* the tame a* 1 do the work that’* gl en o nve. A S. GrifTlii. 414 Broughton dr tl. writ, mattre*4-a mada t * order IF ITS IIUOS YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them rl*'tper from McOldl *. MILLER SToVES AND RANGES give mt I* fact lon The MaictudU Exjcio m!>4. Waidorf. King. atnl other goo<l make* at rvanonahh pn-rw. Af? Brough ton. Well, KIiNHfNOTON FARSI MILK IH CN •urpassed for rtchnea; and livery Is per fect; phoi.e, 2.Hf< SEE MILLER J R OFFICE DESKS, ofllca table*, c ftl a matting, office had** 3W Broughton, west WHEN YOU SEE M'GILLIS* SIXTY tnrh to-ceff| rvigs. you will buy them. Just can’t help It. will pell In any qu.n tlty. BEE “THE JEWEL STOVES AND range* for sale by J W Teepe, *Bo agent for Insuran e ga*<M!nn stove. “FURNITURE MOVET* WITH CARE.” Is a fqtectnlty with M^illll*. MILLER H NEW STYLES IN CAR pets, mat mg, lln !urns, window *hades. etc. AH work done m flrst-c a * style. 207 Biought n. west. FLORA if DESP I NSf Bf 'LBS HY A r ntfi* nnrrlaut (stlrns. cut (lower* fro-n Of larhlg’s nursery, optosße Datholle Cem ♦•tery , Leave orders w;th J. Gardner, agent. 12 Broughton, east M GILLIS* ~ LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your pa r lor. M'GILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS lace curtain*, hammocks, water cootem. pillow*, picture*, *tove*. bedroom null*, and furniture of ever# description. JI It HITYB NICK RATTAN ROCKERS while they last. Large a sort men t of rockers, dl\ ana and en*y chairs. C. P. Miller, agent Kl \S'.‘ M IS ON AN elevation In the country, fre. from city drainage ImposstHe for ml!k to l>eceuie contaminated, by fmpur* odors; If you want pure Jersey milk, phone 2346 I>w llv ry prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. ■M’GILLIS MOVES I*ACKS SHIPS an l *to*e* pa*i-*e and furniture, lest work only, no ‘ <*heai-John” p Ires—no "Chtup John" Joh* GOLD FISH AND FOOD." WATER graw*. bone flour. J Gardner, agent, for the present at 12 Broughton, east. SI.OO FOR WOVEN WIRE COTS while they la*t. O f Miller, agent. $ SO FOR ART SQUARES WHILE they last. Big assortment, all grade* of art -quore . rugs, mats, portieres C. P. Miller, agent. M JII.LIS HULLS SIXTY INCH R Smyrna t>atterns—for to cents, ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALH WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAH- StFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN r. OLD NEWSPAPERS, •> for 25 cent*, at BuHlhes* Ofll Miming New* ii r.Dir al. IIOW ARE TOUR FEET? IF YOUR fret are troubling you. call on tvr and I will give you re|p f I cure Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of the feat without pain; hurge* rciaonaMe; can ulvr the tst r©f ranee* In the city; t fl uent* treated al r*-*ldence*; orders ran Ire left at Livingston's drug store, Hull and Uongreffs stre-**; te'ephone 233. Um favls. surßeon chiropolist HELP AV ANTED—M ALE. n uT7 : rrY collector and to assist in office Addr -s giving rrfvrenes. W F , care this office. WANTED. A COMPETENT STE.VO grapher; able to keep *drn;4* account bojk*. Box 45. Morning News WANTED. STENOGRAPHER AND assistant i*ookk**ets r, must iw *xp r|- encetl. A*idreva F.. care M rnlig New*. WANTED. FOR FLORIDA DRY goods *ab'* in I plain wink>w Uecor a or. g*'Oi| st aly position Apply with ri fetenter. Ilox 79, Pajafkri. Fk WANTED A WHITE MAN TO MILK and mak* himself genefsHy *u*eful on a small ijlur* at l*le r.f Ho; e. Apply E G Black. A Bryan, east. * DISTRICT MANAGER WANTED TO reprifsnit u* in Bout he st G oga <nd North Flordta; our liivsm*nt -< ntr*/> * are now rec*gnlx*l *•*< urides and ag* (a find them the roo*t desirable to sell; wi is to-Uay lor pnftlcuiar* Tontine Bursty C* mp.ny, 701 Lowne< Hulking, AtianCi, On. WANTED. TWO ITRBT-CLASB COAT and trouser rnakert Apply G Fomin!, No. 45 Hull *(re*-t WANTED. 81X UNION CARPEN ters. 32 50 per day and fran-portallon here. F. Ogram. Ja k-onvlJe, Fla. BALEBMEN WANTED TO BELL OUR goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade, we are the larges? anti only man ufacturers In our line in the world; liberal salary paid. Address, Mfg Cos., office. 23 Board of Trad© Building. Savan nah. Ga THE CORRESPONDENCE INBTl tutc Of America, Scranton. Pa., will teach young men Illustrating by mall, tuition payable sixty days after position I* se cured Write for full |*Artii ulars. WANTED, CHRISTIAN MAN TO qualify a* manager and office c'>rrttpond et; IWO yearly; inclose *tdf-addr***s*d starm©*! envelope to preaUlurt. Dux 43, Uda ofilcs HELP %V 4NTU.I>—MALE. and cake biker A(>ptv at H TuWetMtijf, 33u Brynn atree., •‘art. MALE HELP W ANTE!*— REIJ ABLE inrii to eel I our line of htgh*grad< tub' 1 *atlng dla. gieaee paint* unj \arnl**u*A, n.aiv or commlaaton Addle e Thr Al -ame-Franklin Oil Company. Cleveland, O. HELP %\ GTKIk-l FAIAI • * N ADVEimsnMENTB SET IN C\V !TAIS4 Wild. ME PRINTED IN L\H Vi I*l ED ADVERTISEMENT old MN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD Nt AD \ 1 RTIHF.MKNT TAKION FOR IJESS THAN 3©D AUI.A rn u % vrp.H WANTED A R U 4.1 ABLE AGENT Foil the beat .telling high grade. I*w pr.ced witting maciiiiio 4n he market; g* and o> IMortunlty ffr right man with reierein K M Turner. Atlanta. Ga. THE BOER M AR. LATEST AND be*t history, giving tOv *a;u*e* lea*l iiiit up to th* present conflict; easy to fil, everylnalv want- It. Illetal term* to agent *. experience not necessary; in vestlgate our plan Dept. A. Southern Publishing Company. Dapl. B. Atlanta I Ga AGENTS WANTED LIVE ACTIVE men. both local it<l travelli g fln I oir i form of Investment t'ontract the imai de i sir*hie to sell, profit* guar mtrl. tio cp j tlor*. |oi>m-itt ma le every fifteen month*, no dlcount* or leb.ite . no I druwlng- or lottery *• tierne f relemi’.lp, but a straight prom Me to piy In tltt*-*n months; territory being taken rafddlv; write to-dav Tontine Surety company. 701 liOWtubs building Atlanta. Ga i Mi' him w ivrr.iL MV YOUNG MAN. PLACE to work for tv ard whl'e attending c liege \d lr• • D, n Draui #n • liu-me-H ’olleg* * WANTED* \ POSITM *N WITH SOME ielloble merchant Allr*'** lae VV. Kel ley. Union Hotel WANTED. Vi% (IHADU ATE I*. Tit AIN* nl nurse, female with king rviwnenH*, |s*ltlon In physician * offlc* l Addro a L I L T.. Box .1* Valdosta G.i niMUt' %\ \\ti:d. >TiTi i ~ -d or unfurnished, with modern rotiven lenses Quiet rtmple, prompt pay. refer j. ia t-e Immediate "W New* ofWce. - - ■- ■ ■■■"' ■" 1 u *>Ti r .i— Mini i:i.i - WANT ™3GKni, I '.rkk, ten thouaand g4H*l *#roral-hand | brick r 1 J Th*m.*. engineer. Bavan- I nuh.dThuiwferlwit and lab* of Hope Rail way. WANTED. TEN CHEAP HOUSES, i Cable Plano Company. IK Y< tl WANT GOOD MILK GET IT from SprtngfUld Dairy. It’s rich, pura and wholesome CASH PAID FOR GOOD SECOND hand oat sacks 1L W#*t Bay street IF YOU WANT A PLACE To DUMP earth, dirt. earn), manure, etc , o f charge. Jus* at dty limit- hauling over hard road, srrlte or telephone Brown Bros , corner Anderson an I East Broad streets. IF YOU WANt GOOD MATERIAL i .md work, order your lithographed an I : printed stationery and blank txok* from Morning News. Hav.innah, Gw ADVBRTISFjMENTS set in cap ITAI# WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS 81 FI ED ATtVERTIREMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAK WN FOR LKSR THAN C. roit hi:\t-iioohh, FIRST AND IWt>NM floors, house No. 13 Henry street, east. Apply Bond. ILarrlson A Cos., 14 Hull street. TWO FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH ••I rooms for rent, privilege of bath. Ji* Kant Henry. NICBLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; southern exposure; modern conveniences. ■tlO Joins, east. n.ITH FOR NH\T. "PoiTrENT PARLCOt FLAT . onditlon Applv 214 West Ihjffy. FOR It3!NT—HOI 3|A. No 217 Waldburg street, eaat. between Aberoorn and Lincoln, first cl i*m ordr and condition; everv conv*nl#mce Right rent to right tenant Estate Salomon Cohen. West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT. R RBI PENCE I'd PERRY street, west. Apply to Andrew Manl y Cos. FOR RENT. THAT DRAIRAfILE REB -with outhouse*, triable* and a he©i#lfut garden, 113 Taylor street, east. For particular* Inquire 8. Guckenhel mrr's Hons. Hay and Jeff-r*or eireet FOR RENT. 211 JONES STREET, west; Immediate |tO*#esloi4. M 8. Baker, agent TO RENT. 221 AND 223 BOLTON street, east; these arc good houses and location excellent Applv lo C A Me In ure. 4V B ard of Trade Building FOR ItIAT-OFFK ’.*.* office. Booril of Trad© bubdtng, inquire Room 12. second ff*g>r. FOR RENT—MIV ELLANLOI *. FOR RENT. CORNER BROUGHTON ANI> WEST BROAD STREETS; FOR MERLY OCCUPIED BY THE SAVAN NAH CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO. H IV H.VIART FOR RENT. ON THE OGKECHEE rood, between three and four-mile post* (trolley cars nearly lo two-mil© post), land In lot from one i*Ae to one hundretl, same can lw bought In large or amall lot* on easy term*. C. fl Dorset!. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAI> WILL HE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN toC. FOR AI.i:—IIE4L KKTITC. T?T^CA|c ITAIJ4 WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN IOC. CORNER IJ>T 25X1*10 HABERSHAM n*l Thirty-third (formerly 8( Nlchola*) atree*. alley in rear. C. 11. Dorsett, 22 Congress, west. I'' li HALE l "Ii 1 -• \ \j >1 .\ on Fortieth (formefly Tenth) *treet. near Motitgom**ry; terms 125 rush an*) $5 p-r numth arwl Interest, only three left C. H. liorsett, 72 Congress, west. “*FOR SALE, A LOT Foil TWO HUN dred dollars; easy term*, on Ninth *tre**t, near East Brond. no city taxation. C. I! Dorset t. FOR HALE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad no city taxes, at 320?) each; twenty-five dollars cash, and eay monthly payment*. C. II D©r**tt FOR SALE. THOSE LOTS ON NINTH atreet, near East Itroad; have only been •old to flrst-cU** |artles. who will make good neighbor*, nrul none other* ran buy. The term* are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other* In the vicinity. C. H. Dorsstt. RESIDENCE' AND" BUILDING LOTS for sale all over the city. Robert H. Tnt©m. real estate dealer, No. 7 York stress west. At WALK I TUB DAY. BARGE LIVINGSTONE AT AI4TIOM. 4. D |,| VIfH'HE. Awettoneer. On SATURDAY, the 17th tnet . !W, at 11 o'<do, k. at the oil Baltimore wharf. I I will MSStos for account of whom it may non earn. Barge lav ingstone copper fastened, cbn | on* 1 anchor and chain, 2 F>9lson Hand i Pump* on tioard. • FOR 34U!-NV!I. MT4IY. FDR hTTI LOT© ON NINTH NEAR 'vin Broad a I2"ft each, will mn t*e rulvniN e*l to when a lot has been i* and fr 1 n arrange to get * hwin* built, C II Dursett \PV 1: UTIH KM KNTB Ar.T IN OAF n A4. wn.i. in; piuvTicn tN (ti.a- MIFII P AUVKHTIHKMKNT rOU'MN I FOI4 TWO CKNTW A WOltP NO AP- I VKHTIrtF.MKNT TAKKN FOR IJOtfR i THAN lui' kom NAi.i—■■< ion. tmnnt'o. ”To\^7TK4rpT!TK^ToTTr7d<7N<7r^firf j |( wl]n your rvorli, rrui—ly |ul<. X X* t>ottle tn a gill of honey makes a splendid mix lure for Infant* at l children. BENZOIN HALM MAKES THE SKIN like velvet, for sale by druggist or at lien* ry and Abercoru Per*** Drug Btor<a, Whitaker ami Taylor streets REDDING FOR SALE. AT RKPPARIS* Snskk*r A C * liunber yard. Henry street ami S , F. A W. R It FOR SALE "CHEAP. ONK~~IDB rank engine. 14 by IS. r.n Im* seen at Hcppatil, Snetleker At Co.’s lumber yard. Ilt*nr> street and 8 . F A W, It It. FIRE PROOF SAFES WB CARRY A fine line of Ore proof safes In ets k af til time* The fiartles can *ef exactly what they are geltaig Our price* are a* low ,* manufaciurers eell |t with freight a<kl e<l Parties Interested, who wl*h e g**sl fire proof *afe. will do well to Inspect our stock l.ipi’tnan Pros. Lippman hk'< k agent* for manufa turers. SPRINGFIELD DAIRY IS NOTED for having rich, pura milk, try tl; you will be pleaded FOR HA I U ONE ELEVATOR 4lre<sge, together with utixlllaty dr*d#e. For iiarttrular* addres- T H Tutwlley, chief Engineer Pbint System KavaunAn, Ga. FINE TURPENTINE I.OCATION with fine body of round timber, for sate cheap for cash only. Box G. Iron <Hty, Ga. TURPENTINE LOCATION FOR f*|>, |t crop* first year bo***; 12 * rar round limber at SI 50 par tore fh par thousand boxes for leased tim(er. pi if of timber io b* got. in five mil s of rail road; will give possession now or *t *nd of season Address Roui and Timber, car# Morning News. OLD NEWSPAPERS. S* l for 25 < ents. at Business Office Morning New ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO op NTH A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR IJCdB TH IN toe. LOST AND KOI Ml. I/IBT. LADY’S BLUE ETON JACKET, .i . .• * rad i-** ; -* I if i n* 4 r -nival. ldl>eral n-sard fr Its return to llt*M>ar*’ Club. Hull and Liberty street* 3TB A 1 ED. HTIIAYED. LAST NIGIIT FROM Ninth and Drayton, two small mules; li -r..rm.itlon rewarded, J. O. Ndsui, River and A^roorii 111 31U:33 t If IA(F3. ADVERTISEMENT# HKT IN CAP ITA!* WILL BE PRINTED IN HI FI ED ADVBRTIHEMENT COM MN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS TITAN IOC. n I IT^WILL^BE io your Interest to let me give you an *a ttin.• re on your plumbing, new or old work. r*q>alr work a specialty, as I sin a practical plumber. No guess tvork to endanger your life. Wiggins, ’phone 9fJ, Georgia or Bell mi'm;ki,lanboi . DON'T TROIJRI.E TOURHEI-F ABOUT moving your furniture. relaying your car pet* or matting Perry * Urn ion will rs llrvr you of all that Iroubla. TEH, WE REPAIR FURNACES;" WR repair to.iters. ws repair ranges, we re pair cook stoves; all orders promptly filled A. C. Frier A Cos , Htalr ami Jef feraon streets, ‘Phone* AVt HAVE ToT’H HOI HK FAINTED will) Herman ready muted palm; anllra •allilxilon (utriDlrrd. Adam* Faint Company. WANTED. ONE THOUSAND 111 S', gry people at tha ftnuiharn Urocery Com pany, 114 Bernard airrel. WE HEM, HEWER PIPE, FI.T'K pipe, fire clay, fire hrlck at lowest price*. Adorn* Paint Company. 104 Contrni, till, FERRT * BENTON" * 139 STATE street. weal, will move, pa k. ship or atom yonr furniture at abort notice; alto ren ovale your old maltreneea nt little coat. Bell ‘phone 1124. TOf' WON’T REGRET THE COLD weather If you will lei us furnish you with a heatAr or range; we can sell you cheaper than any one else, and will taka your old tdove In e*rhange, A. C. Price A Cos.. Stole and Jefferson street*. ‘Phones i*. MORE 1 HAN ONE lirNDItKQjnRNTi In every dollar of your hard-earned hard cash al tha Southern Urocery Company, UJ Barnard treat. THE STOCK OF - ODOUR IN THE ■tore. 12 Broughton street, east, known aa Gardner's Basnar. must he sold; parties wishing cart purchase In lota and prices to suit. OTPSINEIR THE BEST WAIJ. >IN- Ish made. Adams Paint Cos., Savannah agents. 104 Congress, west. \VK ABE STII.I- IN THE I'I.TmIHNO huslnea* and still do good work at eg tremely low prices; our 16 cents martial la o peach; we have them from 10 eertla up, and will put them up for you; give tia a call. A. C. Price A Cos„ 'phone* 668. Stale tml Jefferson streets. REDUCE TOUR MVINO EXPENSES by Investing your hard-earned hard ca*h with the Southern Orocery Comiainy, U 4 Barnard are*t THE SHOW CARES COUNTERS AND fixtures In the store. 12 Broughton aireet, east, known ns Gardner's B ixaar. for sola; they must go sTtriti.tN ; !4h.\t:b novelties no- Inc for less than first coat at 12 Broughton afreet, east, store known as Gardner’s Ba xaar. . IF vnr WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed *n<| printed slatlonerv and blank hooka from Morning News. Snvannah. Oa. ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN C\p"- ITAES Wll.l. BE PRINTED IN CLAR- HtKIEI* ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN EO|t TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN Mr. Norwood’s "Satire" For sale at all News Stands io Savannah. 3