The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 17, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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J m LLb $9.98 Men's Strictly All-wool Suits. M*li. Vlruium. Oxford Gray?. Htr * nirhi >iriper, uinl Ihe lntext t*h*d*-i* of ar. • I- mely trimmed and lined with th* i*-’. q .nitty of Farmer *atln. The Intact m** In N*w Military Shoulder, iroa! .% Box, or lhe od-ilm<*. forrn •ttinp m** Wft ran i-lous* you in any ryl* r *txe. Splendid vaiuett nt lift flO This Sale g I o* ncut. CITY GOVERNMENT.'' oit ic i %i. iMiuc of ror\- ( IL. s. . nnah, G.i . Nov. 1 ISWMk—‘The* r*g t mee ting >f Council wa* hHI hl* <1 • 11 i • H Myer*. mayor, prwldlng, AM<*r* r <ieorg. W Tledeman. vice chairman i am 11. and Aldermen ttchwan. Doyle T n.m. Mill?. Dixon. Hau, Bacon and C:. J im. Minute* of meeting? of Oct. 2 and 31 % upon motion confirmed a* pub- Lr-d. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES y of Savannah. Nov. 14. 1900-The Ci njmlitee on Accounts report that they in i m the city amounting to iw#nty-flv* and nine hundred And twenty-four r* and eeven cent a* per \ c •* neduk and recommend mat the i*ire i*e paaaed for payment. Cf.J2i.o7. George J. Mi!la. i Hair man Committee- #n Avunta. ,< t p i eived und account!* |>aee and for P roent. Herman Myer*. Mayor. ird of Health— *• Grimhie "ime of lianda 11 30 H Mai ne # *" <•( hand* *** Tine of hands * *>—6 &** ? y U.skuj Elec ri’ 111. Co..* 3.02* *>-* 3.026 6> rcniatorlea— M Dixon A- Cos * F* 37 >3 1! lot .V Sipple .. 676 00 {i i •Kulnian C. A W. ..... to on ' B Bacon A Hone *> ** ‘ > Bi< on & fton* •... S7 4*> H l*wck T of hand* ISOM 0W *• 1 ; * i **ry— •l > n Ke*f| $ 40 no-l 40 0> L r : rv ’"ulture— ‘ > i.iMvtraro Cos. . * C f fin. < fiO M s * D A Byck .... 90 ' ' 'TI A Son** 20 tiO 1 Dixon At Oo . 33 12 * ■ I 120 00 J.c of hand* . 279 *1 -and* 112 10-0 W 6 *7 D* i-inment . >'•’ - * Walsh t 49 ;■ ’* ■ Fir.. H Cos 4*o oo > I- trim K Kuh > II ft. i'a . 400 m *- n a It'Xill J U " 1 1*tit 4i 5 A -*ra V. 8 15 Art \ ‘-’•My 21 85 ' 11 I Canty 10 00 , n <1 3.231 23 ■ ► <1 1,815 ?- 6.029 *’> 1 informs— I & g.>na 433 73 >nd Wharves— -1 It- illy gn tn— 20 O’ Drainage, t’tty— rheuntship Cos S 300 ! < Farrell 14 00— 29 00 I>rln*\ Sptrlal Ualntananco— t> A. Eyck S fc) 1 110 Oo— 210 So ~ ’ titala— ■ rtk- irr Cos t 03* Or Morgan 2On tlll.ot t a oo '• Klactrlc 111. Cos. .. 4 SO ►“rrmon 50 • I'til. Cos J 00— a* 3 Urovo Om.t.rv— ' Hand* | |o f, A 3V|laon t 10 09 V . 1,0,1 2 3 I ■ on A Hon 4 on c ?>>• I*. A 11 " ,s " n "S y Atm.j- A Cos. 2 50 ' ' M Nlchola jS Utctrlc lU. C 0... 4a OO ,i ADLER’S A Great Common Sense Proposition! CLOTHING IN WINTER IS AS NECESSARY AS BREAD. And Bread at Half Price is Always Cheap. $9.98 Men's Overcoats. All Wool. Douhl.-br*4t**d uni Bln*l-hr,>.m*d Coal* In all the kue*‘ fad*— Fancy Wor ried*. Oxford Oraya, Cheviot*. HatrlnK bono Btrlp**. Black and Oa> \Vor*t*d<. Blue B*r**a-ln •Hr*mHy haavy w<dhl, hand<>om*ly mad* nnd trimmed, cord warn* and double-*tltrh*d. aaitn piping, and llnad with the b**t linln*! MEN’S FOOTWEAR. A art'k. unless comfortable, lea k> k-dolager But hero I? a line that la glortouf* and cheap. lUO docen Men s Fine Fancy Hoalary, worth from tii BPe a pair, it Xc rente. lrtft dozen Men * Fine gohd Colored Half Hoar. In black, tan, r- I. ar.d blue, worth M n pair, at If*', two for 22*'■ * idA'MfkiISNBBMBBBWBBBI SHOES, SHOES, SHOES ! Men’s Calf Bais.pliin lot, §1.23 sbo:, 90c Men's Satin Calf, Bals and Congress; real value $2; this sale $1.50 Men’s Odds and Ends in hand-sewed Bals. Tan and Black; sold at and $4. If your size is here you get! a bargain. Sale price 81.98 ADLER’S. opnn4L. D \V. < >*l>ome 16 K l —s 81 •' Bavin*— John MrGralh /... * 2*2 OofiMltution P. Go. li’j J li It* nil 1 l iinorg** LahwalJ 22 83 John McGrath # 27 . , W. i> Perris < • D T Elliott 374 Thomas Ut i l)o(inell 2 72 J P. Brown 175 flora- W Allen * 12 82 Tim-- oi II in-la li <E—I US 72 Parkf and Square*— Time of Hand* * - u s ‘ Pol Ire . Pay roll * 6 M ■*- Printing an*l Stationery— C. N. Stern 1 J. W. Fret well Morning New* 43 Oliver S. Nichols ' Braid At His ton I'*> John W. Fralwcll 6*‘ Momma New* " C N. Stern 3k w O. H. Nichola 3■* M S At D- A. Byck .. 6 12—* 117 40 Publlr Buildings— W B Hill —* S -avenger Department— E LtOvaH'e Son* $ l ft 00 D K. Thomas* A Son* .... 13 Leo Frank * 01 A S. Cohen *7 s Jamee M. Dixon A Cos. .. 400 20 Sou Bell Tel. A Tel Cos.. 24 B Jamee M Dixon A Cos. •• 9 <k> Yourtglove A Sipple 4K> fiO Cohen-Kulman C. * W. Cos 67 77 Cohen-Kulman C. A W. Cos 65 00 M A Morris 19 A S Baron A Son 73 3# Edison Elec. 111. Cos 10 > Edieor 111 Cos .... 12 *4 Time of hand ■ 342 ST Time of hand* 421 12—6 1.899 4>l Sink Department. O E. M J, VV Fro:well t 76 Leo Frnk 1 3ft J*s M Dixon It Cos 773 Fay roll 1M 42 I' Buttimrr 336 !l> Mrs Mary Driscoll 6M IS Streelr and I-sues— A Morris I W® C A Cox 170 J W. Frelweii 7S M B * D A Byck S3 Hdw. Cos loss Henry Juchter 17 71 A Hanley Cos 7 3ft J r Ward A Son 14 i A. 8 Bacon & Son 67 JS Cohen-Kuhnun Carriage Wagon Cos I***7 Ja* M Dixon A Cos 192 61 Your glove A Sipple ••-••• 476 oft l*ay roll *•* Time of hand* *• nrt T me of hand# I*3 03 Sidewalks— Frank Marker plant System of Ky .. *'* Geo A Ala. By M p T. Elliott * m Ofo Lhkl W*7 Savanna). Building SCo 4*2 66 John McGrath *’™ 1, T Kliiont J;" Oeo Lehwald ’■ ? Ttme'of 1 r—a. Water Worke- Owen Cash * T A. Ward ■_ E IfOvell a Son* * * n H. <*lemnta I*’ Cohen-Kulman C * ■ Leo Frank * "J Mingledo.f A C* K.e trie *UPP4V *•• •••• J? , _ M s AD a Myck .... 12 66-4 70 ' Water Work* Extension Main— Th , a P Smith Mtg Cos , George JUtnwakl w THE MOKKIKG NEWS: SATEHDAY, NOVEMBER 17. UHXI ADLER'S LOTH $1.98 Men's Wool Pants. Tho tv*i Working I’ama ever offer*.! for ralo for gshn Tti*y nr* w*ll mad* and trlmm-.1. pr..|*r fitting In the crotch. nnd warranted not to rip. Spe cial II * Knee Pants 39c. Rolbs Winter of Its Terrors. Men’s $4 Vici and Kox Calf Bals, plain and tin toes; all the new shapes; at this sale for 52.98 Men’s $5.50 and $5 Fine Shoes, Patent Leather. Vici Calf, and Box Caif; new, up-to-date shapes, and this season’s goods. Sale price s<4*. 50 ADLER’S. OIPII 1 81.. George Lehwaif 2 6ft John lio.itk.- A- K.n .... *lx A S li * on A xai* .... 24 74 A H lla.-on A Son* 3o 24 i I’alrrf. r Hardware Cos. *A ,• Time of hand* 2*2 it* Time of han 1.. 2ut* 21 Tun... of 11.i11.1a 11 60-1 746 97 I Total I 25.924 07 The Committee of the Whole to which 1 wm referred the* ordinance by Alder- ( nuin Ha i*. i am*rul an ordinance n titled. An ordinance to re|ul.ite electric t railways operated m the oily of Ha van null, adopted Oct. 11. 1K93 beg to re port adversely u it® pu stage. llernMin Mjrw, Chairman Committee of th Whole. Adopted. The Committee* of the Whole to which wa® referred the following u; idle'attone to transfer licence®, beg to report favo rably thereto. Herman Myer*. Chairman Committee of th* Whole. I* It Mercer, to transfer ht. liquor li cence fr4>ir Last It road and M Donougrh *tr**t® to the *outhW4-L corner Indian and Ann street*. Adopt* ! Otto W Nell, to transfer hi® liquor li- ! at Congre®* street, weal, to : f* Broughton afreet, w*m. Adopted. J W Healer to transfer hi* green j grocery lie# nm from the corner of Went Broad aid Wuldburg **reei lane to the northwest corner of Houston and Con gro- streets. Adapted, The Committee of the Whole tr which w* referred the petition of property owner* on liidlan street asking that the rali street be paved with vitrified brick Instead of granite blot k. beg to receive j the at roe a® Informal lot* l|. ." Mv.r- Chairman Committee of th* Whole. Adopted. The Commute* on Finance to whlrb was referred the petition of the llavern Home Institution uaklna thm (hey be |H-milttl to run a horse and wagon on the (tree!* to do their own draytng with out being required to take out a badge, beg to report favorably thereto. Geo. W. Tledeman, Chairman Kina nee < Committee. Adopted The Commute* on Finance to which w referred the petition of W O A ft C. Ham eon rotative lo the refunding of Ihe lax of 17140 paid by pell:loner- for the buslnes- of n.-gotlatlnc loan* ot real e-tale Imi lo report favorably thereto, providfd italliloni-re die- onl.nue from Nov 11, 19U*. the business of negcMUtlng loan*, on real eetai*. George W. Tledeman. Chairman Finance Committee. Adopt'd The comm ttee on Finance to Which wa# referred the pilllnti of Hi me* Bros. A Cos asking the refun.hug of t*. |M for wagon badge, petitioner . lalmlng to have ->ib*4ltuw4 a Ingle har.-.' truck In lieu of the wagon, for which they were made to take out another badge, coating p heg to recommend thot the sum of l. being the double tax. be retunded. George W. Tle-leman. Chairman Finance Committee. Adopted. Th Committee on Finance to which wa- referred the petition of the truetee# of the Alexander Bob-ri I-ueton M*mo ■ rial trtntt by A K Lawton president, a* king to he rdlevad from a bill of 437 2 for 124.2 curbing In front of tlw Memorial | building, beg to report favorably thereto. tjeorg# W Tledeman. , i ntirnniil CVanmlttee on Finale e. Adopted. The Committee on Finance, to which wu referred the petition of Dougm A Shflkii. asking the reUttidlng of 43 for a on e-hore wagon badge, petitioners claim- , Inc an prior wa* made Innocently In tak- j Utg gut a nagoo budge. Instead of a uuck j MEN S NECKWEAR. What th* hnm**? I.h u woouii the neckwear lto man. It 1* ht* adorn* fTu*m h!* prkfe. Here E n ton of (!• *i r*4*m niatlonv, and ail at the one price. We are showing: all the awelleet in N**kwear, In Duffs, Teck-. Im|eTi**l>. Four-in-llhhil*. 14 tt Wing and Clulf at 4'** . ADLER’S flipfl I) .LU \J 1 The Leader —OF— Low Prices. ADLER’S. OFKIt lAL. t*.iiig* and nuidB to |m> $4 (Witk>n<i| f r h.iivl truck badge. b**g to report favorably thereto. G* *rg* \\ Tiel' rrwn. Chairman Committee on Finance Adopted. The Committee on Final, e. to which wa* referred the petition of J F Emery, (taking ihe refunding of F*. eakl amount having been paid f4*r w igoti badge. on a count r>* fteiuioner tiffing two-hor®** wagon badge 4>n a ono-hor**- wagon, beg t* report favorably thereto. George \v. Tiedeman. Chairman Comroltte on Finance Adopted. The* Joint Comm lit ee on Public flcalib an*! Finance, to whi< it wa* referred the tietition of Mr*. II II Groth, aeking t 4 ie relieved of a bill of I*; for cleaning and filling privy vault at 4*7T Anderson arreet, • afft. bee to report favorable thereto. J. G. Jarre.l. Chairman Joint Commit t* a Adopted The Joint Committee on PnMii Health anil Finance, to which wa* referred the jietltlon of Mary M Clark, anklng tiie re fuc.ding of 13 f*r t boning iml filing •Ink at No. 1311 Hrayton fftreet. aewer <on nection having been made, beg to favorably thereto. J. (• .Jarrell. Chairman Joint Committee. Adopted % The JUnt Committee on Public Health and Finance, to which wa-* referred th petition of E. K. Heavctney, asking the refunding of $2 70 for cleaning aid filling •Ink, aewer connection havmg been mad**, beg to reigrt favorably thereto. J O. Jarrell, Chairman Joint Committee. Adopted. The Joint Committee on Public Health and Finance, to which wa refeired tne (•eritlotiw of Mi *. S. J Lady. A H. Fu.- ford and J. E Fulton & Hrm. *‘nt atking the refunding of s.'* F> e h for cleaning and filling ink*, beg to repnr* favorably to eeimc. J G Jarrell, Chairman Joint Committee Adopted The Committee eat Public Health, to | which war referred th- pension of Mire Ida F Cosey. asking Coyne tl to trail so r portion of lot No Jftll Laurel Grove Cem etery to herself, beg to report favotably thereto. a J O Jarrell. Chairman Commit!#* on Public Health. Adopt • and. The Cominlllee on Public Health, lo whl< !i xvrta referred the petition of K A Well, ehairmin trnrieer Hebrew C.-me tery. by 8 L Latnron attorney asking permission to d.g a pruy vault in the lot occupied by the keeper, Just west of Slew-art and Wilson street*, petitioners to make sewer connection* to th* new sewerage eyetem as soon a available, beg to report favorably to *am* J O Jarrell. Chairman Committee on Public Health. Adopted The Committee on Street* 0r,.1 Dane*, to whloh wan referred the petition of th Fnlted Hydraulic Cotton Pres* company | by M Barnard, president asking permission to extend the side track owned and operated bv *ft* Savannah. Florida and Western Hallway Company, and lo cated on th* north *Hd* of 8t Julian street. In the rear of th* Pres* property, wrstwanliy on Si Julian street and Ihence acroe* Randolph -'reel by * curve 1 n distance of about 2’-. fees, so as to con nect with tne tracks of the Central of Georgia Railway Company, beg to r scorn mend that same be granted, work lo be don* under the *uperv|elon and direction of the director of public works, and Com- I mttle* on Screes* ami Lanes. James M. Dixon. Chairman Commit tee on Streets and Lone* Adopted Th* Committee on Finance and City Lots to which wa* referred the petition ftom C C. Beebe, submitting a prooosl t'on relative to the Indebtedness of yotl,- pvtiUoucr and tha further rental o( the | ADLER’S I N G.-&- $6.90 MEN'S SACK SUITS Men's flin|ltabreaiMti nnd iv-uld -f r an ted Surk Butt*. made f ,ir-*w-.| Oxford OriyMn OiteU?*. Hripe* .ml l iaida alro Blue and I- wk rju > lom, |r nch fai-ed. f’ord-Plp 1 oat*. i;n \ and I rim tne I throughout Th e. Milt* would he eplendl‘l vain- at 111 •*, |. t t, y ,at h suit COVER T O P and B O T T O M HATS, HATS, HATS! Men’s Stiff Hats, the latest shapes and styles, in brown and black, the $.( 00 special $1.63 Boys’ Brown and Black Alpine Hats, the SI.OO kind, at 60c Children’s Eton Caps, all shades, at 15c Children’s Shirtwaists, bi{j assortment, at 2 Jc ADLER’S. OFFICIAL. old waterworks tract, Ih*c to <• iort un favorably to lb# proposition, untie an f .ndoreer or mmj uubfaciory to the Mayor i in** urn] <• * W Tlnl'itun, Chairman Joint Committee. Adopted fp* CiimmiU'*' on Public Health, to which we referred th* |h tit lon *f Carl S- iiulta culling u ientiuti io Hie off* n*iv*. un6*at.tbU* and uti~.tnit.i> * ofuittlott of fh*- privy vaults on lot No. 61. Brown ward, amid * lering the eenw* a nui*- anc\ hih! ticking their ei*inmnt ti|9ii the liew hoiiH4 m-wi iag< yntem leoommg in this **l4oo. beg to report tlait upon tie c triplet,on *f the new *>- tem of lion*. *w4rag- the nuleance will Im* promptly abatecl. J Q. Jarrell, Chairman Committee on Publlr Health. Adooted. Petition of Georg** W. Owen*, aaking p 4 rm ®eioti t> build on lot 4*. t'alhouti ward, and referred to the Committee on Fire, by hi* honor th Mayor, the Com mittee beg to report by i nUnanre. Iff.ia** ti liaa*. Chairman Committee on Flrb. Hecelvcd sm Information Tne Commit tv on Blre**t® and j t* which wa referre*! with jiower to act the petition of the Hivannah lodgo of th • 11 P o. E . No. IhU .1 king the uae of ] the Park I'xtetudon during the month of ! November fur th* purpu* 4 ** >f holding * ! Midway Carnival. bg to report that the j petmigaion |een granted Ja*. M Dixon, chairman Committee on Street* and | Lane* Received a* Information PETITIONS AND APPLICATIONS The following api I • atlonw in retail li quor for year 59ft! were read and referral to Commit lee of the Who.e: Ahtam- M D--No. 42 Bull etreel Beckmann, Grange—No. 113 Whllukar street Cottlngham. John—Southeast cornar Drayton and Broughton Si re Is Cottlngham, John—No. ?a Broughton street, west Carr. John—Corner ll ii. r-h m ar.J Bay street*. Dr< ■ on H E -Northeiat corner Stew art and Wilson street* Delgnan. Daniel—No 6\4 Ind n street Dirks, A J No 7 3 Whltoke- street. GefTk-n. Herman II —Northwest cornar Broughton and Price afreet* Graham. C. F.-Pula*kl House. Bull street. Hick*. R. M —No 23 Congress s'reet, west Immen John I! -Northwest c-rnsr Jones anil Habersham street*. Klilgmnn. A -No 637 Sim *lr#t Luba. John F.—Liberty and liaoerrhxm sire. i. Mendel. Carl—No. 66ft Db*rty sireei. east. McCormick Wm —No *26 li.dlar *tr*e* Mcßride. T F.—No. 32 Bay e#.t. O'Keefe Jame*. mgi —Southwest cor ner Drayton oral Broughton t-eett. Sullivan. John—No. 15 f’ontrsa street. , Wert. S’illlviin John J —No. *( Bryan street. : east. Travera. E No. 51 Hull street. Screven House Watson and Powers—D* St to Hotel. | Liberty adreet e/i*l. Wade John T —Corner Oglethort-e av- , nue and Houston 'tree * Application of Mt< II W Ciinrungham for permtaelon to tranfer her iuuor li cense from the coiner ot Tayl r ard Eaat ( Broad streets to No. 637 Sim* street wa- ' re td and referre<l to tin OmmKtee of the Whole Petition ft M f> Gardner asking |>er mle'ton to tranafer his gr-eri gro-ery li cense from the comer of Whitaker and Wayne - reel* to ihe southwest earner of Whitaker and Jones si reel kat • was read and referred to the Commuter of the Whop Petition of the Propeller Tow Boat Com pany of Rev innah and of P Sanford Horn, lu.orpoialvsl, asking Inal lh ordinance MEM'S UNDERWEAR. Men’ Fine Gray FFer■*■--l.ned Shine atni Drawi tw, warm ami heavy, at 49* each. Men*a Fine ''nm**!'* Hair ami Nattirrtl \1 <jo| Fhirta anl Drawer*, big value at '**B. n garment. M i Worm F.onnelette, (Iffri* lin*-*! Night lioben, worth 76c. at 6rt rente ADLER'S $2.98 Children's Suits. Children* $ VeMf# Suits In Alhwoot Herfeii, Phexlott*. Ci imeree ul \\ >t Mfldt. extremely fan y \*.*t!. and t*ov thing 'or v noMy for tin* lit t !•* follow.*, titniml In el>eant elik hrald. lane*- -allot f'oUiir- and r‘ ronuldeinl cheap m $4 Oh, you mi ten >m at ti a tut! ADLER’S. OF Fit lAL. * of ffpark era iai the funnel* of emok* ta K* u|**n v**- •|a in the river, be mi amended or nuelifbd a* to exempt the tug* ot the euid (onttHiny from the 1 i*e of the eald -paik an* nter* were reail atwl re ferred to the Commlttea of the Whole I*# tit ton of A L. Farle. mar in* under writer®' .igent. proteetinc axatnet the r- I* a of tle 4KdliMii' 4 regariling *s*irk ai r* ••li*. wiih rad and referred to the Committee of the \Vh9|e petition of <rConnor. O flyrne a Hart ridge. attorney* for Mary J Carney b dr lug i make lot No. 21 Columbia ward, fie aimple and awkltig the tiaual dlw ount of lo per cent., wa* ral and referred to lire Committee on Finance Pet ilka 1 of Mr a. \f MrQuade akmg that whe he <imiw*naated In th* amount of $St for *hmug* * done to property at 316 Antlernon etreet, cj•, raueed ly fumiga tion <kme by order of the health authorl ti• *on a ount of <*ontaglot* dlaeane, w.* rea| an*l referred kt fh*- Joint Committee 011 Public Health and Klnanct. Petition of A*tele E June® aeking that ah*- te reftjialetl the amount of S2I faid in to Uie city treasury for cleaning and fill ing privy vaulta at lot A. Middle Oik thorpe ward. aew*r having been inad**. waa read and referred to the Joint Committee on Public ll* and Fi nance. petition of M Rcott and children asking the refunding of 62 7ft for cleaning a tel niljtig privy vault at 64" Taylor wt ret. ea*l. sneer i-onnectlon* having been made was read and referred to the Joint Committee on Public Health and Finance § mon of C II Siiqile a.king the r. funding of $3.40 for ciaaning and filling privy vault at premia** No. 217 Duffy street, west, wa# read and referred to the Joint Committee on Public Health and Kt j nance. Petition of John C. Metxger. asking me refunding of 67 *. paid for cleaning and j tilling privy vault at. premia*# No. 17 ' North Oglethorpe ward, sewer connr, tlon* 1 having been made, was read tnd referred ! to the Joint Committee on Public Health itn.l Finance Petition of Luey WHIP, aleo estate F M:- rault taking Counell to refund Ihe sunt of 63 6ft each, paid for denning and filling up privy vausa at No. 32 White ward nnd No 306 Henry streey east, sewer . on t * miide. were tend and ref*rrad #•> the Joint Committee on Public Health and I'l nance. PclUlon of II B Dreesott. asking per mlsilon lo transfer lot No iSB Laurel Grove Cemetery to Mre. Louise F E Itreesoft, wus r,.*l ar.d referred to the Committee on Public Health. Petition of A H EOtelman. asking ihe extensloti of sewer on Hall street. 300 feet east of Blast Bread street, petitioner in consideration of #kl extension Is willing to open up that par.’ of Hall street or Hail street extended from Bast Broad to the Savannah. Florid* and Western Railway was read and referred (o the Committee | on Streets and I>*n*# and Opening Streets Petition of sundry cltlxens residing In th* vicinity of Henry street, between Bar nard and Jefferson sire**#, asking thei the shanties end occupante In Henry street lane, between Btimord and Jeffer son. be declared s nuisance and a mena-c ; to Ihe public health, the continued dis graceful disturbances being notorious and furthrr ek!ng the removal of bom oocu pants and houses was rend and received * inform itlon. ihe proper course for pe titioner* to pursue being to pi ice the of fending pirtle* upon the Informa lon docket Petition of Mrs. Mary Powers of 124 i Ftasr Broad street relative to encroach ment ny Mr. P O'Connor, upon her prop- j erly of a dividing fence, wnd asking that | th* matter be rectified, wa* read and j referred lo the fon-mlttee of the Who!* I ORDINANCES The following ordinal < read In Council the first time tict 31 ISM' PS'I the sec. otid time Nov 14. I*4. placad upon ita passage and passed: 4& /s*■ i \ v ; c■' I X/- $248 Boys’ Double- Breasted Suits. Boy a" IVwHrf.rM.tnl Bull* with Kno* Pant*: m.dly AH w<*>l Fancy Cheviot# and Ca*Mm*r< dark and llahl rolora; Ch*ok* tiul Strip*-* and Him- and Black, vary nobby, all id. • aorlh 1400. bul Ibay an al I-' a No* i th* linn- for mother* lo lake ad vantage of llila S,* :it Hal. .j? | a- S! arncTi al. By Alderman Jarrell An ordinance to tirnend an orUnano* P®>ffed March 14 IMM. entil ed “An ordi nance to fix th* charge* to *>wner of piop*riv for deanffing and filling privy vaiiUf." flection 1 TV It ordained bv the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Havannnh In Council H**mh|ed. Tha* the ibove.|tdb i| ordinal) 4 I* and U. n ime |* hereby amended by striking ftom the flrut #•- Hot) the •‘Onciudlng word* **|f ca*e where vault* are aiunioned, and rawer conneclloa Immediately made Inaread. there -h,.|| ie no 1 barge for cleans ing or filling " H • 2 Be it fmther ordwln**d. Tlu< all and part® of ordinance* ai cun flic l with thl* onltnance are here!>y rep**a|#Hl. ELECTION®. In accordance with renolutlnn* of Coun cil. adoptei} nl meeting of Oct 31. !kff*. an'election waa had fr ke**j -r of Ia *re| Grove tVroeterv. there la-lng two ap,4l cams, Ki'hard F Baker and Henry <l4r wr*. Bll4>ting waa had and reauded a* follow* Garwe* receiving elx VO tea, Baker three. Mr. Garwea wa* ao or iltig ly deelared duly elected keeper An election for t htmro-y contractor for the western dlvUlou waa alao had. an l after *ix uoauccoa*ful ballot® t> elect, further balloting wa* *lef rr and until h** next regular meeting of Council By Alderman Idxun- Iteffolved. That the resolution ad*ipN-d by Council at the meeting of Nov. 10. ItOO, concerning the encroachment* on Bull atreef of the took * a*e*, etc . hy I H Cohn, and the *me la hereby rcaclnded Adopted. MISCKI.LANEOI S Cotntnunkat lon from th* secretary t.eagu* of American Municipalities Invit ing the city of Savannah to sand dele gates to the annual convention of the 1.-ague to he held In Charleston. Dec. 11. 13. 14 and 13, I9f>. was read and referred lo tha Committee of the Whole The foil*.wing communication from hla Honor, the Mayor, vetoing the resolution |by Aldarman Dixon adopted In Council l Get. 31. 19*', requesting the senator and representatives from this district to In troduce and secure the passage of a bill authortxlng the Mayor and Aldermen to open Abercorn and Barnard streets through the square# on sold street# and to close Ihe cross streets In said squares to the property line, was read and upon motion, recslved a* Information Savannah. Oa . Nov J ISftO To th* Aldermen of th* City of Pavtn j nab: tintl*m*n-I return Iv rewlth the I resolution by Aklermin Dixon, ad p'ral In I Council Ocl tl. !#>’. with mv and) a-,rr val under ihe provision* of an act of ih* Gen eral Assembly of Georgia, pas cl D* 4. l*ft. and amended b> act of D- c 7. 119*. Th* veto power has been ve-ted In 'he Mayor to enable him. In hla dPcretloti. a - representative of the community at i lurx<. to check pre. tpltate lecis atlon by Council and to prevent what In his Judg ment may appear unwise legPlit on o legislutlou that I* oppos..| to the wlahaa ! of tin people or calctilatcd to prove d#*rl ' mental to th* present or future Intrrasts j of the public. In rat'rrnlng to the member# oft! a Board of Aldermen with my veto tha r*a olutlon In question 1 desire o exp-es* mv conviction tha> the author of the r solu tion IS actuated snllrely by a <4 sir* to promote tjie public good Big I. In com mon with a number of the alde'tnen. uw6 probably 9u i>rr cent, of ihe cltltena of Savannah, must differ with hi# view* as to the merits of this proposed measure His conclusion*. 1 am convlnral. are not well based and are In opposition to ’h“ desires of th* people and th# hlghrst In terest* of the city. The argument# ad vanted for and against the prop se Ia - tcratloti of the aquiree have all rc<'*l -e.I my careful consider u Hon I canned find 1n those favoring Ihe proposed binge stiftl- on Sixth Fagey. 7