The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 18, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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14 I-t us hope that the week Just pa**<l tj plfles th* lull before the itotm. Thcr seem* no reason why entertaining should rot begin now that with few exceptions every one In at home again, the warm weather la really over, at .1 that young and old seem eager for <•%<■ lenient The first cotillon generally sets the Will roll ing. and as that event hi* been arranged for the twenty-ninth, we can look for ward to next week as the proper opening cf the season The first meeting of the Married Women's I'ard Club will aUo lake place then, an I plans are In the atr toi a numter of oilier interlalnments. The afternoon tee at the Woman's Ex c .xnge W. li.. day. was not only a suc cess financially, but proved so pleasant on enter!alnment that the ladles in charge propose to have a series ol leas during the winter. The rooms had been prettily arrang •w fur the occasion with palm* and wild W ..II The c He -ion of fancy work so attractively displayed In cases lining th<- v alls, and delicious refreshments wore served at small tables adorned with chry santhemums Mis. Julian M Solomon, Mrs. George M ils, Miss Josephine Egan, ad Miss Caiherlne Mclntyre were on the decorating committee, while the tea was served by Mrs Mill*. Mrs Charles G | Bell. Mr* George Tn deman, Mrs. Henry ; M Steele. Mrs. E. H. Abrams. Mr*. B. A Denmark, Mrs William Neabit. and Miss 1 Mclntyre Amoi.g the many visitor* dur ing the aftern on were Mrs. Walter Charlton. Mi* T J Charlton. Mrs. Egan Mrs James H Humer, Mis Harris Cope. Mi*, w. E Scabrook Mrs Edward M Haber*httm. Mrs. M A O Byrne. Mrs Girardeau. Mr* J 6 Wood, Mrs It W h'hlot. Mrs W. W Rogers. Mr* E M (st<-ddaid. Mis Tracy Hunter. Mr* 6 It Adam*. Mr* A L Bacon. Mrs Thoma* ! Morgan Mis It C. Oordon. Mrs Bay-: n.ond Demare. Mrs Clarence Conner*!. | Mrs, O C Drew, Mr* Alec B Hull. Mrs 1 T f Wy| y. Mrs. Fred Myers. Mrs. W A Blsbcc. Mrs K J Thonu*. Mr* Max Wolf. Mrs Lrhey, Mlsa Hopkins. Mis* Haskell. Ml** Webster, Mlsa E.orence * an 1 Miss Maxcy. , • Rev. and Mr* Itooh White have sent out Invitations for th* marriage of their daughter Maiy Utter, to Mr Arthur Bev *rlv Rill It. which event will take place a, no. n on Wednesday, Nov. 7*. at Chilst Chun h. Miss FJdl'h Barfield gate i charm,nr I • . - : r pa her guest were Ml Mav du Btgi.on Mt*s Josephine l e in. Mr Lout* Morgan Mr. Fiank Kgan. Mr James Butner and Mr. Lewis Douglas. Mr. ard Mr- tier leiter D1 klnson ■<m p lmented their *ue*i*. Ml*s olive S; e r of Allan a and Mbs Armantln* panders or Gainesville, with dinner party Welnes. day evening at thetr home on Gaston ftreet. Covers were laid for ten and the i * tted. Restlt on a squari of Ilattenberg lice over pink s'lk a- a or eurrounrtrd hy a wreath pf pink carnalh i at 1 fern- and it the center of thi* w.* a silver epergne filled with 1 rkk-tmild roses; fairy lamps with rose- Olored shads* lig nt • I the table and were also pi. c l on the buffet and eld* - board Besides Ml* B|*er and Miss Pan- j d<r* the guests were Miss Ann i Uuerurd Mis* Hay Cutter. Mr Edward Demere. Mr Clarence C<nn*rat. Mr G. Noble Jones and Mr. Falmer Axaon. Mm’nme Mark Oorfaln. formerly of the Metropolitan Opera Company. New York, gave an Informal musical reclial Friday evening at Mis* Hartrtdge'a home on Gas ton street, east. Madam* Gorfatn was sufteilng fi*ni an a’ttek of lar>ngltt* which would have made It tmpo*al I ■ for an ordinary singer to before th* public, but In spit* of this fa t which detracted front the usual swec.ncss of her tones, the singer gave her song* with a I the fervor and finished phroelng of th* artist born. Eight songs wet* given, four Oertpan. Intruding two songs by M'-ndf 1- sohn. on* by Mcyer-H*! mund. and one by Ehh*ri. two English, "Hymn of Eve." by Pr. Arne, and "Malden and the Moon by Dorn, and two French. Pong by Cho pin. and Maxurka by Choidn-Kardol It 1* hoped that Pavannahlan* may soon have another opportunity of hearing an artist of such marked ability. Invitations hav# been received from Mr anl Mps. Morton Brallsford l*aine of Charleston. P O’.. for th* marriage of thetr daughter Isabel Ashby and Mr. Alexander Atkinson l-swrerof this city Tn* wedding will tike plac* Tuesday after noon. Nov 77. at B*. Phlitp's Church In Charleston. Mr ansi Mr*. Gardener Plcktnrem gave a box party a', the Theater Monday even ing for the perfnt.snve of "A Mid-sum mer Nights Dream ." Their guest*, who were entertallied afterwards with a chaf ing dih supper, were Mr- Cnrtsiopner Colson Sand'r* anl Miss Sunder- of Galnesvl.le. Oa . Mss Olive Speei. Mr. Clarence Connerat. and Mr J. Noble Jones. Mrs. Charles Straton entertained Mon day afternoon from (our unth seven o'clock In honor of Mr*. Wilbur Honey and Mr*. Tinsley Smith. Th* other guest* were Mrs Taylor 6 Whitfield. Mrs. Waiter Honey, Mis Fletcber Smith. Mtvs Annie Smith of For syth. Ua . Mrs. William Champion. Mi* Georg* Dwell*. Mr* Jams* Grantham, and Miss Nannie McCall of Quitman. Oa Miss Dorothy Karowr gave a delightful littl* entertalumem Wednesday afternoon to a number of her IMG* kindergarten friends. * M.*s Edith Johnston, who has been vl 11Inc relative* In Kllxabeth. N. J , re turned home yesterday morning. Mr. r<! Mr* R Habersham Clay w.d leave Wednesday for their home. Strathy Hail In Bryan county. Mr. and Mrs H. Wiley Johnson re turned Thursday from Asheville. N. C.. where they have been spending the past few weeks. Mr Lnnat 1 Mackall, Mies Corlnne Mai kail ansi lesion Mackaii. are the guests of Mr and Mr*. A. It Law ion on Abercorn aareet. Miss Florence Olmstead has a clever little dialect story called "The Launching of Charlotte'* In the October number of the Alkahest. Mrs Edward K iron whl go to Atlanta on Hi* >1 h for the etate meeting of the Daughters of tin Rovo'.itllcn. Mr*. Cooper Myers ha* returned from a visit to New York, where she waa the gueat of Dr. ami Mrs. Tslly. Mr*. Arthur Gibbet arrived Thursday from a viait to A!*nt4. and with Mr. Gfr*>r. yrner*l;iy for f*w Oiyi' •lay ml siuwjiu.M: Spring*. Fla. Mri. William H isak-n .11,<1 Mi liar* C'otfcn# leff Ti'i irdnv frsf Coat* vide. P. . whara th*> will r*nl !h** next t#w we. KP Mr m.*\ Mr# Jo in H trd Hunter. *’to nr' now tn Nf* York. wi. #Hd for Eu rope on the Aber of 1e North German ijr.e fail th** twenty-fourth. Miw May dull lx non nr<t M Firming dufligoon returned Friday from a nrlef vait to Atsiii. a Mr and Mm William Arlington Moor of Baltimore. stopped over for n few dav* In Huvannah lam wt*ek Mr Moor**, wno •a the g*>n#*i 1 manager of :h* % llaitim* r<* and Lehigh Railroad, ha# come South in hit private car for a buaintM trip. Tne Savannah friend# of Mr Julian Wi*,k#r arc inter-*red to hear of hr* ting ing witn the Apol.o Mu*cal <. . in Chi .'ago mi# ea#on. Mr Walker udl in the oratorio Sa Paul on Per ,V Ml## H trtrhlge and Mie* Margaret Stll*-* will receive their friend# Th'ir#i4v f.- ernonai# thi# winter at their home on <;rion at reel, east. Mr. and Mr#. Charie# Hueton of Coai**- vllle, * Pa., palled from New York for Queenatowii yeaterday. They t to be Absent only three week#, ape rail n* a meek in Irelaial. where Mr. llimlon ha# been caikd on bnalneta. Ml## Marie Jerkin* of Orihamvl’le. S C., Is vl#ltlr.g Mr*. Heyward Lvnnh. Mr* H. r t irra l lurli g the 14 BROUGHTON STREET, WEST. Ladies’ Furnishings. Dress Goods - New and Stylish. This deparime it being anew feature in our store you wifi find everythin* up to date. Costume Cloths. Pebble Cheviots, Pebb e Camelshair, Serges. Tailor Suitings, Plaid-Back Sui ings and other sea sonable styles in black and colors. Fashionable Furs at Astonishing Prices. Mink, Stone-Martin, Blue, Fox, Brown Martin from S2.>o to $12v.00. Special Sale of Dressing Sacques and Flannel Waists at V’c and SI.OO. We have replenished our jf vou wan t stock of Ladies’ and piiil- to ' s t an ,| cor . Vi dren’s Non-Shrinkable Un- re ctly. want to F jIK derwear. Only reliable goods a ct|uire the up sold in this dep.irtment. to-date milita- Women’s and Children’s T y j >ose wear /);.[/ r\\ Winter-Weieht Stockings, the Reilern , • A.real bargain thi* week M Cotscis . f 25c. / ' week from the North after nn absence of several moiuhr. Mr* Jam** Dent who ha* been for the past fortnight tn New- York left there jester.lay to vl*tt frier, ! In Mom real Mt** Clifford Mnnnerlyn. wtt:i her • U expected home the latter part of tht* week from N< w York Mr*. John Bryan will leive for Alkinia next week to attend the aula cetvftriwt MtkaOM • Mr* Tin ma Morgan. I ■ national vi<e i l ii: r leave for Atlanta next week. Mr* John I- Hammond. Mr*. Tfoli-rr Burden amt Mite, linmmond t’-o are now ~t the Waldorf-Astoria. In New York, will spend the next (ew weeks at Hot ttprlngs. V* Mis* Armantlne Sander*. who hi* keen 11.0 guest of Mr. am* Mr* Gardener Dick inson. left Friday for Atlanta where she will visit Hov anti Mt* Con-Iter before returning to tier home in OainegvtUe. Ml* H. F. Brlmborry ond chlltlren of Vinevllle. near Macon, are spending * few .lav* with Mrs. T M Burner at 19 Gordon street, wrst. ..Irs J S Wood will attend the state conference of the It. A- It In Atlanta next work Mr A It Stoddard Of Daufuskte Itlar.l spent . ,-v-Twi -lay* In tow-n during the week. i Capt. J 'V Flixgern'd .in*t faintly, who hav, been for some time in Savannah .ett a few day* ago for Tampa, where they will aptr.l the wlntet Mr* F J Trenho'rti erl.-r aired a few friend* Friday afternoon at her tiome on Henry s'rrei, Mr* ft \\ Ft kin Ifi Fil ay for n Vis!! to frcllt* Id M IlMlfCVlll''. Mr ■ml Mrs. T C Farr have t*ued invn.itton for the marrlate of th- r daughter. Rachel Louise, to Mr Charte* Green Fleet wood, which llaa been itrranr ed to take idaT-e Thuratny evenlne at the residence of the bride - * p.iren *. on Wild burg street, • nt The montage cf M (lira* end VI * Cohen, which trntk |ti ice l the lie So: t Hotel Mednet.lay I venln*. was an Im portant event of the past we k, The ban quet hall was nied for tht tcetemony tn I later In the evening for t dance Th wail* were wnathed with smlinx, -i t palms end flower* broke ihe sev re ou:- lire* of the had iwrreshm. n l * w.r servnl through- -! die A'nlini tn two ad joining i om* I the lal'V v. eit it c orated w ilh fruit fl'.wii* A .elgv ful evening spent tb> the gut—’*, among whom were: Rev. Ur. and Mr-. Mender, Mr. and Mr*. Nathan Gazan, Mi. and Mr*. M. U. LiitUcb, Mi auJ Mt*.,A THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1000. Khrllrh. Mr. aid Mrs A B. ! m n \|r aih 1 Mra. K. Klduger. Mr. anJ Mr#. M 8 H> k. Mr and Mra. It ti. Ley, Mr. ard Mra. K. Muhlberff* Mr srvl Mr- S fitrsch. Mr and Mr#. N# D* lilrsch. Mr and Mr*. M Dryfu*. Mr. and Mr- Ferdinand N#-j --. erger. Mr. and Mr*. Henry HFach, M . <1 M e. M Sternberg, Mr. **n 1 Mrs J Hf'hwab, Mr. and Mr J. Rooe. Mr. and M 1 <s M 1 Oreei.wood Mr arid Mrs J. i> (iutnain. Mr and Mr# C H Dyck. Mr. and Mr# S Partner Mr*. O B/ck Mr* I'iia rl* Stern. Mrs Am ram. Mrs T F -iriger. Mt#s R< • ** Fmr ni* Naubergc-r. Ml## ran- Gazan Mb Dora M ihl - rg. Mli Satdle H ©rnberg ■. Her Ml#s BertMi Holey, Ml#* Ids Ho ey. Mle Ir*ne Poisel. Ml- Viola Fr.uik, Mi#* Heulah W• l Mi # <> a Well M; s Rta Outmar. Mie.-Ad<l- Mey* r. Mla Fran e Htern. M- *♦ Regina Hr.* # Mr. 1* K fly k. Mr .M ix Ne.jherc* r Mr An n V Wright. Mr. A * A Lawrence, Mr. C D Klin- Mr J #eph KUmger, .Mr Mo;m Meyer, Mr N.ithan C.ieriian, Mr Ari* 1 H * 1 Mr Samuei H* ig Mr. I>oui# N* u* bergf-r, Mr Fdwln Put sal. Mr l A. R k. Mr Max Krao Mias M r Hlrseh. Ma# *r Julius ( and M i l* M mnie Gutman. Mi## fic-eal# fio.okina of Washlnatop Ga,, and Mr and Mr* Frank Wo*d r -l of Havar rah r viaitlng .Mr#. G. F. I'ian der at th* Naval S'.it ion. Port Royal. Mr la'■• iT- -r; liu ♦n< to Jack FU.. to spend the winter. The numbers of the ("a# ham Artlller' wi.. -v the second dance of this sea #4fi Ir < y evening at their hill on Wr.ghi H-iaare M!‘. Hi#‘ nplatt of Clavelan4. O , is the guest of Mr* Prager a* UC Hall street, wot. M #ter Henry Pland* r of Pori Royal Is visiting friends m Savannah. Mr. M At pin Arrudd o' Kllwrton h<# sent i. it < ard# for lh#- irarl.ig** -f ha and ighier. Sara Ijouhe and M*. If nry H J Hit 100. formerly or thl# dty The iar Iu- will b* jt-rf rmrl in the ITr t M-thodlat Church. Flbe ii-*n. on D#c. 6. Mia* Ftancea W . nr will make v o and - I’. Atlanta #ncl**ty ape-ding th* win ter th**re with her #l# er. Mia. Holhn* Randolph. M ►# Mabel IModdird. who is visiting friend* in Wilmington. N <\. is expected h :iir the latter ir( of thl# week. Mi#.** Emma c iv, who i# now in Ashe ville, N wi.| spend a few wee\a In \<hena liefore returning: to H<ivannan. Ml## Rosa Sullivan will raturn ihl% wft k from N*w York, where ho ha# been #|*ending a forlnighi. Mr ai.d Mr#. WTIUsm I*. Clay and Mi a Frsn.a M-Guiro left yestrrlay lor Richmond. Va Mr# George E Cope* l# xidtlng Mrs Thomas R. MUD, in Griffin Mr# V. M DuP n* of Charleiron i* visiting Mra. T. T. Chags u. Mia# Joele lh>r.e:t h,*s reiurnei from Augusta. where she ha* teen vl-dting friends. Mis* Julia Ren*hart of Toronto Can a.t. I, I* ending i few- week- et M s Cunningham *. on Ms-on atreet, M' B I*. Goortwin ha* ie*urne.| from N- iVo k. Win-:,'he h i 0.-> n vt-dtlng tit* -laug liter* Mr*. M L. Boyd of Oxf rd Is vlslitng lir and Mt*. Arthur Boyd Mr- J SI. Dwells of Mill n anl Ml*. Tobin of Augusta are giest* of Mr. and Mr*. F. L. Coop*:. M.*. I*elder t>f America* l.- the gue*’ Of Mr. and Mi- W. O Charlton, cn Tav lor street Mr. urd Mrs J 1! 1! i- m have re tumet] from a vl*lt to New York Mia* Annie Smith o' Forsyth I* the guest of Mr, and Mr* T Kleioher Smith. Mr. and Mr-. CVt-*enee May have le turned front I’hl adelphia. Mi*, tleorge H slson has gone North for a visit to frlenls Miss Maud Firming of New- Y'ork !* th* guest of .Mr ami Mt*. J Harry ilaslam Mr Percy Innbett, after a visit to Mr K • Krenson. Ila ■ io Mlwml. Fit. Mia* Bertha Arden has returned from a trip to Atlanta Mt* M n Cavanaugh ha* sent out In vitation* for the marrlnge of her daugh ter. Annie Elizabeth, and Mr Harry Tnvlor It.t-to r, on YVednesday. Nov, .** Mr* Charles Ib-hens.-ln and Master Charles Mohenett In of Wayeroa* are vis iting Dr. and Mi Weichselbauni Mr anti Mr- Adolf l.'-ltl-r have relum ed from a visit to Atlanta Mr. and Mr*. Samuel Wolff of Cincin nati were present In Ihe elty last week for tho Gaian-Cohert wedding Mr*. J. W. Sovarese gave * dinner \\ edneadgy evening In honor of Mr* Hanaboiough of Tamiw. Fla. Mis* Carrie Lllkcnthal ha* returned from the North, where *h* has been spending the past several month* Mr. and Mr* lawl# Byck are the *"'< of ‘"vl Mrs. Char lea liyek on Whitaker street. Mre. B A Einstein and the Misses Eln- Mine Emma Roderick of New York, tho well known t.aeher of vocal music has probably tlevoloped more singer* of repu tation than nny oth. r trt'st in America. i ■■ I let- t r.l her *: d|o ( v >r ihe sea .a. a 1-1 i.* alv y* ml i , tr.oel proinla lug pupil* that tom. from the South hue'll work as Mm. Roderick Is doing |s ll.liking New York second lo no other city lu the world a a ruuiHal venter. GUTMAN'S - TO-DAY - Dry Goods and Millinery We Address the Economic Spirit ot the City ot Savannah — —.— U r do an with the anarair# that rest nlthls the eapnbllltlea of a great ■lock ■parkllng with the fseahneaa and newwneas that's charming to th* I eye of faahlon .and that's bright and pleasing with a price attrnetlon w litrta 11 111 cause the moat economical to ylel<l to the tempting value* dl|ilnvel at our eonntera. JRESS GOOOS. Colored. 'Y.e offer you th* larxest se*ortm*nt In lh, city. SPECIAL ENOLMH VENETIAN CLOTH. xHa fine, value t 1.75, NOW 51.25 BLANKETS, the line. luge, fleecy kinl, at prices (hit CHALLENGE COiiPETIIIOS. SEE THE SPECIAL at $4.98 CLOAKS. A large and charming variety dlroctty from tha hand# %,t faihion i best tie •Uner#. THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL CLOAK OFFER la one Jot Indies* Oxf-rd Jacket#, all aUe#. value |7.fiO, BPECIAL $5.50 Our $1 Kid Glove Has No Equal at the Price" WF. PIT TMRrt AT TH COUNTER. SILKS. A.l 61 k Taffeta, every yard guaranteed, the other store* charge tt.oo. our price $1.25 1 24-tnch Satin Duchcse, worth U. 75 now SI.OO Lining Ta!Tt*e. all elMc. all tfiiada*. Pl‘E‘ IAL at 49c a yard fiSn are *t home again after thetr trip io the North. Mr. and ilr*. Joseph Foret have gone to New York for a ehort *ty .Ml** lilttenherg of Sumter, S C , 1* vl,- tlnc 511** Fran.e* Stern. Mr* Jo*rph Hiraoh, Jr., 1* the *uet ot her parent*. .Mr and Mr*. E A. Wall, on Bull etreet. Mr*. J. A. Solomon and Mlew Sarah 6,1- imon are tn'ffttlanta. the Rued* of Jlr and Mr*. Juitus Alexander. Mr. and Mr*. Wer*er S Byrk of At lanta have been aper.dtng the pa*t week mth Mr*. Byrk a father. Mr. Jacob i'ohen. Mra J. K H.ayes and little daughter. May. have returned borne after a. pleaa ant tyit In North Carolina. Mr*. E A Roaenfiekt and children of Detroit, Mich., ore viaitlng Mr. B. 6. Levy at SIS Himelngdon etreet. ***t. Mi* Marie Alphonee ha* returueil to Charleator. after a delightful vlalt to her friend* the Miese* Zink Mlo Annie M.iv Collin* entertained In elebratlon of her Mrthdny laat weak. arl her guest* were Mr. and Mr*. J. C. Cos - lin*. Mr. and Mr* J Johnson. Mr. and Mr* D Newman, Mr and Mr*. M. Cor dory, Mleae* Margaret Johnson. Roea Mo A *n. Hi lie Johneon. Llllte t.enard. Ma mie Jonn-on Tteesle Cameron. Laura Johnson. ahd Meesr*. James Martin. John <*. Collins Jr., Harry McAleer. Fre.| Lenanl Fred Cameron. Harry Johmon, Tom Cordorv, Arthur Collins. Charlie Mc- Aleer and leo Oollln*. tKIWIIRTin I.ITTLK BOATS. Inslanlflennt t raft \\ lilrdi Have Gone Krerjeliere. F'rom the London Exptesa Irutlng the pa*| few w-ek* the shipping world ha* b en not a little excited over the performance* of those rival leviathan* the German liner* Deutschland and Kal*er Wilhelm der Gro*e. Meanwhile, at: unnotlcad by the general public, n little crafi. the aolc occupant* of which are a hardy Scandinavian aea man, Johansen by name, and his 151,-year old son. ha* left Gibraltar for Florida. The boat In which thl* haxardous under taking L to be accomplished Is only t* feet long, with a beam of 7 1 * feet and a maximum draught of 3 feet. She carries a mainsail with gaff topsail, spinnaker ard staysail. Given reasonable luck, the Intrepid crew hope to make the pa**ge tn forty day*, but they hav.’ victualed them*elve* (or an additional three wteek* In order to guard agilnst accident*. Tha tlr.y craft'* safety t* well provided for hy a large stock ofoll with which to break the forve of any angry >et* It may ena-ounter, whl.e she I* still further steadied by a hoary false keel containing some *75 pound* of lend. The subject of open-boat voyage* hi. always had a fascination for the 6can- Minavlan mind. In |* Chriatlan Chrlstlanaen mode a bold attempt to cover the distance §epn tatlnx Glasgow from New York Hl* boat, the Ocean, measured only 19 fe*r In length but despite tetrlble hardship*, lie only :n. up hi* quest when 370 mile* .fT Newfoundland. i're\ tou* to thi* Ik ml lost literally everything out cf hi* tioat. Including his navigating in'riment*. and was nearly dead when picked up by nn east w ard-bound BrliUher. Nothing ilaunte*! by hi* tertlhle experi ence*. Uhrlst tansen "signed on” some seven years Inter a* eeeond mate of the Viking ship, which, together with the Cos. lumbus csravel*. formed one of the stand. Lie attractions of the World'* Fair at Chl i ago In It.*3 Upon that occasion he ha l the aturn tlon of aoecejafulty defying the element* throughout the LOW mile* of BEE HIVE, 'JSgki N - SCHUTZ, Julian and Whitaker Sts. ( Bov ßu n idVnß' 0 "*) Some of the C r owJ-Brinpg Specials. WHICH ARII MAKI.AG THE BEE HIVE OAK OF THE MOST TALKED Of •TonEd IA stVAAAAH. ALL AEW FRESH. BT.AADAMII GOODS, lit T HR I'AY AOTHIAG HERE FOR "ST\ Lli" Gilt Burtons, a dozen, 6c. Tinsel Braid, 6c. Metal Bell*. 100 Black Talent Leather Bell*, lhc. Ladles' Empire Corset*. 4c, K. Indies' Rust Formers. 4K'. Indies' While Cambnte Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. S-- LADIES' WHITE LINEN Hemstitch ed Hnltder-hlefs, 6c. Ladles' B.ack Bl k Flchues. accordion plente.l streamers. TV. Hoys' Windsor Tie*. 6c. Hllver Grey Blankets, a pair. to.' White Blanket*, • pair, ktc. DRESS GOODS, colorel The beat variety I, at our stora. SPECIAL KERSEY CLOTH. 56-Inch wide, heavy, no lining necereary, value s!.<. NOW 74c REAQHO-m SHITS. In a large and varied a#sortment of the taon # la(e#t and b#i production# SPECIAL THIS WEEK. MILITARY BLOUSE SUIT, a beautiful apeclmen of ault etcg.incc. aiyllshly fin ished In xUt braid, value If*. NOW $15.00 Linens, Damask, Napkins, Towels. Every go*l housekeeper In tne na'e will yield to thl* tempting offer: All Linen Damask. Til-Inch alia, value *I.OO, NOW 75c yard 5-4 Napkin*, value $1.75. for $1.25 H S Towel*, ad linen, the 3ic quality. SPECIAL 22c water ep.,r#tlr.g his native land from the Jreat Lakes. 'tn June 6. IB*;, a couple cf Norwegian* left New York in an !-foot c inker-built owing boat named the Fox Sne was but '3 Inches deep .net drew onty four Inches uf water Built by her two navigators of cedar wood, she achieved the remirka tde distinction of an. entirely successful trans-Atlantic passage arriving at Havre ■dxty-two days after the start Although In the main favorable, the passage was not entirely without Incident. On July 10. when In mid-Atlantic, the hardy Norse men were r*pslxed hy a heavy sea, and must surely have perishrd had It hit been for the life-belt* continually worn by them. After some difficulty they succeed ed In righting their tiny coekle-shell, onl> to find that the majority uf their b long ing* had bene washed out of her. Providentially, however, they contrived to revtctuat from a passing vessel, and managed to row their boot safely Into 6t. Mary s. Bcllly Isle*, whence they subse quently pulled acroae lo Havre. Needle** to say. perhaps, neither Yankee nor Hrltlsh emrrpriae hi* heen backward In the achievement of almtlar open-bout records In taw Btr George 6.gners, hav ing been ahlpwrecked on the Bermuda*, successfully negotiated the h'naword pas sage lu a ship’s boat; while the celebrated voyage of Lieut. Bllgh and his fellows vic tim* of the Bounty mutineers covered the huge distance of 3.61* miles In forty-two days. Between the year* 1X76-7* a perfe t epidemic of bcal-voyaglng broke out. In the first mentioned year Alfred Johnson crossed from Gloucester. Mas*, to Liver pool. Although caps lied when tic*r Iha Irish Coast, he managed to right his twen ty-fool boat, and revlnuallng frean a pass ing steamer, completed hie voyage In fifty seven day*. Next the New Bedford crossed from that rlty to Mounts Buy. Cornwall, In forty nine day*. Thl* vessel was of the same dimensions as Johnson's boat, and carried a crew of two—lt* Captain and hta wife: Even thl* achievement, however, was eclipsed by that of the Nautilus, a tiny fifteen-foot boat, -which In IS7 carried two men safely from Boston to Land's Kiwi In forty-five day*. Another American, of Continental extraction, Capt. Adolphus Freltach. also made an extraordinary voy age lu ISM. He started by building his own boat, which carried slxasallsand wns schomer rigged with an American centreboard, having auccaaafully launched and christ ened har th Nina, he sailed from Milwau kee to New Yotk. via the great lakes anti tha Erie Cana.. Thence he set out for Eu rope. He arrived at Queenstown In five weeks, less a day, despite numerous accidents en route. He then started a coasting tour around the British Isle*, btp ever tual y lost his tight little craft off the Sc t leu coast In November. So much for th successful passage*, othef voyases hue been less fortunate. The celebrat'd Capt. Gardiner, who endeavored to cue* fn m Nova Scotia to Falmouth during the early nineties In hi* fifteen-foot Flying l>U'Ch man. has never vet come Inta mortal port, and a similar fiale overtook the Inventor of th* Neverslnk. Many other attempt* besides that of Christiansen have been abandoned, owing to the privations experienced by their principal*. In Übot the Nar puked np the Dark Secret nttdway between Boston and Queenstown. Just In time to save tht .Ite of her navigator, a Scotchman named An drew*. A similar fat* overlook a com patriot In June. IMS. who had left New Yotk for the same port a few week* previously. —Rev Mr. Saintly—l waa very sorry that I Vrouidn't fill nty pulpit last Sunday, hut I nope you liked my substitute. Mrs. AVltheiby—Oh, yea. He w.i* fine, and 1 told my husband, who didn’t go. that h* Ittile knew what he had missed -Life. Dll, k V. •••••<* Ila i 6 Lamb's Wool Wadding. 15c. Canton Flannel. 5c Brush Binding. 3>*c. Knitting Bilk, all color*, a spool sc. Kilo Silk*, washable colors, at skien, 4c Ml***-' Union Suits. He. Ladle*' Union Suits, 39c. Ladles' Heavy R btr 1 Vest* Pr Ladies' Black and White H". 12>,c Ladles' Black Fleece Lined Hose, lIV Ladles Black Wool Hose, 2v. Children's Heavy Ribbed Black Hole, llto. DRESS GOODS, black. We afford you an easy selection of the best. 45- All-wool Armure, worth SI 89, now 51.26 46- Whipcord Serge, 75c kind, now 69c Rain-proof Cheviot, a great bargain at 49c 4 yard Have Won Enviable l)is inction IN OUR Millinery Department! It matters not what style ot hat you want, we CAN PLEASE YOU. Our exquisite variety of ready-to wear Hats and our extensive assortment of beauti ful trimming's constitute a scene of millinery splen dor that’s far beyond the touch of descriptive power, and our wonderfully low* prices lift this department quite out of the reach of competitive effort. The Display for the Next Week will be j exceptionally interesting. Me invite you to come, i The ladies of this department, with characteristic courtesy, will delight in assisting you to make satis- i factory selections. Respectfully. ( G UTMAN S brou ™ st •• j STATES’ FIRST OFFENDERS. Kl\4.’ DAIOIITKRA WANT THUM FOII THE JI MO II HE PUBLIC. *u|M*ritin of llir ll*|ul!l % \\# nf i lit* Herr nt Conference nt \\ el llnjsfnn. 0.-lle Interested Hc Mate Serrelurle* and They Will Work lu Their Own Mate# and Antons Their C ongrrMim , n-( n. Itre##lnnal Action I# Mmaht Io Se cure Ihe Ycmihs Offender# the |4IM— t M>iurlhli>K About the Antlnal .Itinlnr Hcpubllc. Th# National Junior RepubMr, firar Washington. D. C . sld have vfforta made in it# behalf by the King # laughter# a.l over the country. The management >f the Repub'.ie want# to have the first of fenders in every Mate in the Union turn ’d over to i\ in order that It may exert ith Influence toward their reformation and •heir moulding into honest, reputable clll lather than the criminal# they are regurded a-i Ilk* ly t b otiu* utuler the penal Institution* of the state# This 1* n*ardM by the King # Daugh ter# r iH j-iablo d'."4re. and they will lend their aid toward it* gratification. They have determined to lo a.l in their | i*wer to foster tic movement that hu* i tfeen t*gun. iookin? toward thi# end. and 1 pressure will be brought to bear upon the j congrv##men from the variou# state* in i the hope of interesting them arni inducing ; them to #ujiort a measure that will be , introdu< *d at the coming session of t'on- i gre #•. It H desired to hive th* Ist lon. I body ndo|it some men ure Hast will provide for the states turning their first offender over to tho National Junior Republic. This would probably lake the form of n resolu tion, as Congress eou.d not legislate as to what a state should do with Its prison ers. The King's Diughters are retied upon to follow up the passage of the congress sional resolution with an exertion of their Influence tn their own state* to Induce th* dost red disposition of the first offenders. Mi Mudg. Held. slit, secretary of the King a laaughte*s nn d their chief offleer In G-orgla. will bring th* mali*r of the National Junior Re. public before the slate eonven ! tlon when It I* held next spring In At - linta. it is probable that attention will then he giv. n ihe milter an I that step* i will lift taken to bring ahout the request ed disposal of very young off. ler* against the law*. Before Col. R. E. la-*t*r, congtessmnn frnn till* distrl-t. leave* to attend the next session. Miss Reid will call upon him to Induce him to give the proposed mea sure his support Bhe will endeavor to get him to •* cure she help of the other congresamen from G.orgii. The International conference of th* King* Daughter? was held recently at YY e.'ilr.gion. O Miss Reid was in attend nee os tt-a chief officer In Georgia. She was greatly Impre-aed by the repressnta tlors regarding the National Junior Ke publa that w. :< made by Superintend, nt Chriatlancy wiio attended the conference in the hope of Inur-stlng ihe body and gaining It* snppo.-t. He laid before the state m -‘tori..- the pi in for congres loo.t 1 „!.!. mi l ill the ladle* enthusias tically ogre. I to help in every way they coul I. A small citizen of the Republic w-a* With Mr. <rlstlanry. oral (he ladle* were greatly loti rested In gain ng ac eoutw* or ihe Republic from him Following i- something of the history of ihe Nation il Junior Republic Its work* ond in. -h. cl* A Washington gentleman, MoJ Charles New old 'ch ip 1 i.. the young R.-publ o a larg.. ; iri "s*ted about a mils fam Arnajea is j net ion. v.lti and at *VOO, and a.mra dy su I '. 1 for i ... -e Tht* fda ely . rnu udo, w, g,v.- „ morl vl of hi, son. YVilile Neyvbold. The Republic w i it on e Incorporated, i * hullvllngs on t|„. f , rm pit Into c.n dlthm for I e ..) the n M cltlxcn* were m B°r "I thi ■ ante -i law* la gd hy the new cover, me, , ; rahl died the u-e of to nacc, I any lour, the pen,ln for the lino off. ,- v. Hue ,v. i„ the wdk houae o- fine; for the se, ond v,ff, „.e. one week In e gan*. for , hjl „ llrd Offense weeks Imprs nment and fine. Profanity t ofi truancy, de-enton. nl*orf!rrlv *on ! .* . • * k -s * ia\e Dh€m in#t t>> suit,| > awe ivh p< na tie One l.|| sentence | ~-u I; ulh i,„: for ihe yourg offend* , ... J'*" • ■ : at It and i bilght .1 the Republic to oe l ad. The coy-inn",, I u f the National Junior Kepnoii. , p,pure and simple. Each Hr.l -old town meetings at ter,de lby ev. ry fu I cltlgen of Ihe Repub lic presid. | over by the president, ami awH fo: the general g-vrimpel a.h*teil ard udc;*:.**l or ’ 1 " 1 • " of !..• Republic In- j ini. a ... ret ary of the j )u ge of the < urt. an attor ne, general and a imagl of police com Bussloneri. All of the above are elected for staled terms by the full body of chi sens, and the police rommlsaloners ap point a chief of puttee end bla aas.stam* Originally tha eunerlntendcnt aesamel the duller of president of the Repub an! exercised the power of veto on leglslatl a w hich might he adopted. After th go ■ eminent, however, bad been put tn rue t.lng order, even this assumption of p.wv was relinquished and to-day Ihe presi dent of the Republic Is on* of th- lb sens, Gilbert Jackson by name, a yourg man whose development has beer rpl •list steady, and who to-day look* ah'* the execullve affairs of the cltlsens of t-i Republic with great tact and Judgm-r The town meetings are always at.d the debates are often extremely strls mg The boys make very few mistak-i in Hie i na,meter of laws which they atutt and at once and almost Intuitively t:." I'.ck out the point* of Itgislwtlon nec r irv for the foundation of the government and prove- .1 to deal with them w-tth firm hand The question of ihe value >f Iheir curtstvey was promptly taken up and legislation was enacted almost it once to protect their money from failinf into contempt among tha citizens Pauperism nnd vagrancy were delr-l and penalized. These laws were rot mat* for show but for enforcement, and t - are not by older connected wi'h tw Republic but by the citizens themaeire* and by iheir own ofilcials In wnom they have placed that power. The laws were made without prompting from anytody being made In this way, every citizen of the Republic considers II a per* rial met tr lo see that the law* enacted hy th rown meeting ond signed by the prewter.t should be lived up to by every citizen, or. If there should be a lapse, that th* proper penally should follow Immediately, with out fear or favor. One of the most Interesting fssturts at tho Junior Republic Is Ihe court which meets every week and tries cltitc - who have l>een guilty of Infracttn.u laws. Most of the charges an of <h*ar • lerly conduct, in many cases In Ihe - ’.* room, or of tnspass. The compiamlr* wltnesh Is generally the chief of poise or one of hi# assistants who has mile the urrest nt some time during the *.'k jrd the offender Is generally out on ball v the ilme th* court meets. A feature of the trails, and one that attracts unlveri.l e’mmrnl Is the fact that almost lnvansNy the prisoner# do not Me or try to secure Immunity by any shuffling. Tie coin of the National Junior Raput llc is made of platinum. It conslste f the following pltcea: one cent. five, ten, twenty-five, and fifty centa and one dol lar. One side has on It the figure o' th> f’apltol and the motto whtoh surgs-te three of the chargcterlstk: features of lb* little commonwealth: ‘ Liberty ex- ti ,e bor. - * The other eetd* has Ihe ned-e -rd dote of th# ‘ Republic" and the va.ue of the coin. The citizen* have passed law* msk't It a crime for any citizen to use any o:hv money In the Republic. YVlth thia tt,*- are paid for all iheir work: farming. c* r ‘ penlry. school, household work. et. TB ' wage* depend, as In our gr-ai rrpu l l ' on the efflclency and the quality of tbnr work. With this coin they pav for thetr bo* - ' ond lodging, their clothe* ar.d every'itlrg they need It will he seen, without comm n‘ bov this enables the clllxen* lo discover fr themselves many leason*. not th Important being the value of wei.t . * r " Its attainment, not by ‘lu ll' ■ •' c as* generally auppoaea. but by Industry. The necessity and the dignity of thrift and self-rellanc# are also taught .T the very best of teachers—expert n.c Lost. Down where th* sand# are deep 1,11 the pins*. Through which Ihe soft wind* tlf" S. softly jn dhat sunny clltne. In blissful days gone by, When she was there ( Close by my side Irom morn till • ot ’ day. My Joys to share. Then hand tn hand we spent Ihe * v day long. And lived like Butterflies— Amid Ihe hum of beea or song Of birds; and In our sklea No cloud wo# seen. f Our life an endless dream Of rare All calm, serene, Beside Dock Laurel or the river's b* *■ Where flowers perfumed th* We sang until the red sun *r.k Behind the moss-clad tree*. . But o'er us cam* a flood wn, away , Our Jov* divine. , Our heart* are hurried now h,r ' ’ sand And sighing pine. c Atlanta. ~ PI mbisA