The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 19, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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PARK RESIDENTS APPROVE IT. IMHill'E THE MIiIKMEAT AC**T , AMAIVAU I' THK EITMSIOA. •rallmrnl Aisninat I’ermlttlnn IIM- I'ark to Hr I'sed tor Tfcrar Pat m (hr Koto re la Mrna—Mr. 11. 11. I.ralrr anil Mr. Mila Ashmore Discuss the IManil % u nlaiira That Have Aocrwcd anil llir Anwoyaores \ toll'll llraldrma of That Section Hu t r Hrrn Korreil In Eadurr—Hll- Harr 1 oinmnniler Maya Hr Will lie l„n in Ainu Another I'rrnll, *l*l,e article In yesterday's Morning ,>na. In watch an pi knted ihe prediction cf Aiderman Jatnys M Dixon that there would t>r no more carnival* in the Park Kxirnnton. ha* excited generally favorable artenuon. Tin* approving remark* of some of the Tie ‘lent* of Whitaker and Drayton atreet* oopoette the park, relative to the move ment to prevent ihe park being uaed for *.hie purpose* In the fu.ure. were printed in sne article, other resident* were aeen yesterday and all of them feel the m* aa) about Ihe matter. To the choru* of approving comment that ha* greeted the movement there l not one voice of dis sent. ■ I am glad that the Morning New* ha* taken up thl matter, nnd I sincerely trust that the carnival that ha* Juat been en.l -,l |a ihe last." sail Mr !> II- Dealer • Py those who do not live about the park aid In close proximity to the noise* that theae Mffaliw produce, It I* almost ln\pos sOlile to conceive the extent of the annoy ance. * And the nole I* rot the only disturb. ps and annoying feature. I wa* forlu- In Ihe locution of the animal allow for thi carnival, but during one of them y.., 1 In the park these shows were lc*-*ted , m front of my residence and Just *.-ro** the street. There I* a peculiarly I .n*ent and disagreeable odor that seem, to attend a herd of animals, and l Imagine that long acquaintance with It l* the only thing that will render It endurable. Al any rate. It nearly served to drlv# me out of my own home on Ihe occasion ot which I speak. | hope the prediction that there are to be rto more Park Extension carnivals I* accurate. In Ihe past, for many reasons, we have all been 100 supine and Indifferent In nils matter, and 1 shall welcome the change. We who have endured the annoy ance the carnivals of The past hov* brought, ought noi to be expected to en dure them In the future." # -'1 approve the suggt-stfbn made in the Morning New* In It* entirely." said Mr. Otis Ashmore "In the first place. I am opposed generally to such forms of amu-ement a* that which has Just been brought to an end here. I don't beUeve that It has been of any advantage to Ihe city flnunrtully, s I think moro money has been carried away than bus been left here, and I am sure tt has been of no advantage to Savannah morally. "Specifically. I am opfwsed to these car ntvuls being held In Ihe I'ark Extension They are nulwanees to those who live about the pork, they require an ugly en closure while they are In progress and they leave Ihe park In a very bad shape when they are concluded The residents of tne neighborhood ought not to he mad* to end.ire these various annoyance* in the future, and 1 sincerely hope they will rax be." The commanding officer of one of the •niillarv companies sold he also wa* tired cf the practice that nws obtain- I “I signed ihe permit for the use of the park on thh> last occasion." eald this om . er. "in a purely perfunctory manner. Al the time It did not occur to me that It made much difference, either to me or to my company, one way or the other, and. actuated by the human falling that mak’s us wish not to appear surly or ungra cious. 1 slgmd Next time I shall do some thinking first. "In addition to the other arguments thit have been used against holding such af fairs In the Park Extension. It mud lr> remembered that the military have been deprived of their i-ara-le ground already for three weeks, anil that It will be an other week before It will he In a condition for use Even thfti. If the experience of the past ran be taken as a safe gul-le, the ground will l>e in horrible condition, and ll,smiled for military maneuver* If the Elks put the Irk In good shape they will break Ihe record." Tlie success of Ihe movement* that have resulted. In Ihe past from Ihe Use of Ihe park for the pur |.ose of holding carnivals and s‘mllar projects, has l>een largely due to the strength of the fraternal organisations and of fraternal sentiment In Savannah Not only are these organizations strong separately, but they are disposed always tn help each other, and the pressure they • in bring to bear on Council and the mlll t ry has been effectively exerted However, the members of these organi zations are beglnntnx to realise them f Ives that Ihe Park Extension is not the plarw for holdmg carnivals, ntvl It Is very ilnihtful If similar application* will be made by them In the future It la abnos certain that If they are made, they will be refused. 11l VEH IM) IIAItIHiK I>• SUTTEE. Mi-mhrr* VUII llnme to Tnke n Trip llnnn Hip t nnan. Home, Ga., Nov. IS.-A number of the member* of the Rlvpr and Ilarhvr Coni mill** are hprp to take a I rip down the C'onaa alver. Those who strive I 10-dijr a e rvaigressm in Alexander of Npw dork. I ■'wrenoe of Maaaarhu.ett*. Itlshop of -M:i lilaan. Lmtor of Savannah anil llank -1 of Alah.ima They wore TOPI hrri' hy Congressmen ' iMipft of Aln'iain.i amt Adam on of <!• rgki. Thla afternoon they w*fp t.iken if a drlvp ofer the city To-night m .tiiiiiaal rn-Ptalon w * given them a: 'ha matron! Hotel Th- ptrtv will I • .1 f. k to-morrow mandat oil I P 1 it If pit Slates steamer I/O* for Gadc d-n Ala. This committee la asked to make an ap- I inflation aufflclPnt to open the i oo ' ; n-r from Home to the Gulf of Mcxlf >. h I n dlstanee of *63 ml.o* Cor m nv '"ir ale.imp re havp bPen running Iron, •f to fiadadPn. I*l miles All hut <l*hty mil. s of the dlstaii.-" from Home to Mo t tlf u now iiaYlK.iblf’. M ILL 111 XT > OM UUW. rrty From spuria Will Vllt That lilaal* Ga., Nov. ll.—Mr. C. 8 fry ‘ t ft)in pl.v*. who own* a ©f iv Island. |<*f: h**r#' ihto* roorntu* with 4 (tarty of frteuda for Savannah. * routr* • <**-tnaw. wh*re they will sp*nt a * k hunting deer. Mr. ('ary ha# deve* i hin proj>erty on Oaib:t* eitfH‘lVfly h# paat two years. and hat* one of th* 1 **l*l pta< e* on the coat' The party " H <>m posed of Mr. and Mrs. C. S Ml*- Mary Cary. Mr P. .1 Grave-. C. H. Jerniaan. and Mr J. Forest-r cu:koar. * reetful tonic, that quiets nerve*. In -1 "*a 'timber. bring* appetite and f'l.gth to thoae weakened by l.lneas, la preparation of the Anhttwer-Huaoh •‘"•win* As. n. whlrh fact guarantee* H* ksailty-. Bold by all drugglata. FOR A BETTER WORLD. (Continued Lorn Eighth Pag#.) young pcorl# of the church. This. too. hr said. was a great improvement upon oW conditioni*. when the joung peo|l~ arr frowned upon. but *okJ<y welcome*! inio the church and given running to do •Her bring received there Thr Chrls ttan Krvkdvor fhovrmeni. 4ml other elm liar movement a in the various church**, by which Ihe young people are actively enlisted and organised for church work, were rjiokrn of with tie .ded approval and Mr Bheidon gave an Interesting de scription of his own methods of work with the young people of his church. The hor- of the church to-day. hr declared, Is in training up the children and the young people in the Sunday School, and In 1 he** various organisation* "If you wans to make a better world, begin right In the church of God.’’ he said. Another great, tlwng rhe church should do. he declared, ts 10 make Christian business world. Christianity tn the busi ness world. Mr. Bheklon said I* some thing that la conceded to hr sadly lack ing Statements from buxines* men. giv ing their ****Tlmates as to thr immint of bus ne i-on hji'iid on strictly Christian principle*. vary all thr way from 10 per ivnL <h*wn to less than 1 par cent. If the world is to he made better Its busi ness must be conducted on CJtr tstian principles "God held us." he raid, "to have a Clw.atlan commercial life. This will be a far better world." Another way to improve the world. Mr Sheldon said, la to tiring about a Chrte flan journ.ilDm With Christian journal ism. he declared. the church could trans form the world, so great la the power of the preea "If we had only one great Christian daily In the metropolis of thb* country we could revolutionise the life of that city. If the iors of the dally. i*apers would take a bold stand against every form of vice and Immorality, a revolution would soon be effected tn pres ent conditions. It !x possible that In the next r yean* w.> will have In every city a distinctly Clwtstlan dally press " One thing Mr Sheldon declared, all ;i r h members could doc ard ttaN to • help make Christian horp** In Am ri He ommfnled with deep regret upon *he dylng-out of ihe old custom of family prayer ami the almost total dlaoppearanca of this form of worship among ihe peo ple As an illustration of the impor ant pari which this form of worship played In the old life, he told of his own boy hood hots* 1 and the manner In which It s'ds conducted there. Incidentally, he furnished an Interesting picture of the hard condition* under which his own bov h*H*d was spent upon *i Booth I*akot. prairie In the pioneer days Among other evlia Mr Sheldon con demned c!uh life The dubs for the men are bad enough, he declared, but the clubs for the women, if they take the mother awny fr an their children, were a more **. rlous evil. The decadence of the family life In the cltlee was referred to. Ip con clusion. Mr fthe <lon declaied Inst a pure y Christian church ami a pure and simple home life would b- nhle to overcome ail the evils to which he had called attention First of all the saloon must he wiped out as the greatest enemy of t’hlrstlan civili zation Eighty per cent, of ai the crime. |tauperi*m. vice and Insanity In one of Ihe slates ha l been shown to be tenceable to drink, he MkS. There are 700.CM* drunk ards In the United rttates. and fai.OOb go down to drunkards gr*v*-> annually. Tn* evil Is l*elng met and gradually conquer ed. Kansas has had prohibition for twen ty years, and all ihe best men of the etat*. including the politicians, are opposed to any repeal of the law Mr. Sheldon re elved the closest atten tion throughout, and there Is no doubt that practically all of his large congrega tlon agreed with him in his views. After the benediction many came forward to press his hand and wish him gvispeed. A collection was takrn up after the sermon to defray Mr Sheldon's expenses and to aid In Christian Kndeavor work. AT FIRST I'HKIBVTEBIAS. lit v. Mr. Sheldon's Klr.t lirrmttn In Ittiatah, Rev Mr Sheldon preached at thr First Presbyterian Church In thr morning. an<l despite thr disagreeable weather thr church rnt filled. about thrrr hundred people bring present to hrar him. Ills sermon was an exposition of thr thoughts sot forth In his writings, tho necessity of all railing thrmsrtvrs t'hristlans living up to thr *tand.ird sot by Christ himself Ho took *. thr morning lesson thr last rhnptrr of tho Gospel according to St John, and turd as his text, part of thr 22d vrrsr, "What Is that to thee? follow thou me." Mr. Sheldon said: "Thrrr Is only one standard of conduct for ovrry onr: The word of Ood dors not trll thr minister to hr brltrr than any onr elee. Thr com mand. ‘Follow mr,‘ which Christ spoke to Prtrr. was for Peter and for thr world (or doctors, lawyers, business men and everybody. No matter whai others may say. 'What Is that to thee? follow me ' It Is a divine and not a human command: I am not ray uig that you ouch: to live by the example set by Christ, (iod Is saying 11. And this command has always been known lo thr peoples. Strip the Hlble of Ihe New Testament If you will, ami yet In the Old Testament you will llnd tho same command given to thr raer In Its infancy almos-i. ‘Ye shall be holy becauar I am holy.' "It was Christ that srt up thr highest possible standard for man. and this truth needs lo M emphasised in order that you may understand what follows A second great truth la that every human being reeds to live on this high plane; needs to try to follow Christ, for If men set up a merely* human standard to live by they continue to drop lower and lower until they are enmeshed In the worlds sin What do you say when you s'tart to your business In the morning l I>o you say that 1 will be honest and truthful, and Just unless I suffer for It? This Is the standard of expediency ami can not l> the of thr Christian, for to for low Christ means the bearing of hl cross It means the following of Christ no mac ler what the coat, and If death comes while so doing ‘what Is that to thee 1- "What does li mean to be a Christian 1 I sometimes th.nk that after nearly two thousand years many persons do not know Just what It does mean. It means the following of Christ, and this means just what It meant when Christ was on earth when Christ said. No man can fob low me unless he lake up the cross and deny himself.’ When He ways follow. I must do even as He did If I am to be a Christian I must he Chrlat-llke; I must Imitate IPs example while on earth of which there Is only one record, and that Is the Hlble. There are many liftl* things In our dally ilfe that are different from thoae of ancient life. Huppose Jesus came to Sa vannah, ami there Is nothing Irreverent in tho! how would he live? I don t know how he would dress, but 1 know that he would not dress In rags I •> not know In w in* isort of house lie would live and I don I know ashat he mould do about the observance of Hunday. for during hla life he did things on the Sabbalh that vio lated the customs of the people among whom he lived but I do know some of the spiritual things he would do. ansi as I take It for grained If you want to fol low Chrlat. you must bt a disciple of Chrtat. end will •“< • know wh * l *° do I will name * ,fW ot ,h * things he would do: He would do right regardless o* nnat happened to him If he cam* he would call attention to the great sins of the world, Ih* sins In the buslnesw. m the uoildeal, and In the social world. Bee ' „ H> he would always put the Kingston) St Ood flm. Hava !n THE MOKNING *EWS: MONDAY, NOV EM BEK 19. 1900. any of the great number of political speeches that nets been made during recent ocmpuin. in any of fh*m the sentence Beek ye first the Klngkm of dod’?' I haven't. It seem* that w. seek everything else first Yet a man lw*s no rtgnt to make mone>. to write u book or it* edit a newspaper, or to do anything that Is not done for the gh-ry of <lod Man la not a follower of Jesus unless he putw the Kingdom of tiod first In btrslness. in politic*, and in p.easure. Another thing that Christ wou.d do wer- he here wmi Id be fn take a great a: a! active part In trvtug to make the world better I can't imagine him standing cn# side arul merely looking on. The men *t>d womer. that have brains and hav* talents and do not use them ta the gior\ of dod. Will be called 10 amount Were Jesue her** be would say everything le pends on love There Is no question that love >wnrog aokve. We have criticism enotigh, we have prUle enough, and we have qitestlons enough, but we have tot love enough Christ would make love the solution of all the world's trouble* will you do to-day. my friend* '* If you fol.ow Chlrst you can't io It wt;h out taking up the cross The test to-day Is not one of th. den of wiki bea.*t*. rot yet in the arena. b\M In the bu*ln rj work! and the world of pleasure where there are many voices calling, but the fight is the same, and can \**> won onl\ by doing as Jesus would do ' TO UFA AT 1. M. C . A. (lYMtUlll >l, Mr Aheldon Made it n Interesting Talk on “font mon Tempfn t ions." At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Mr Bhel don addressed a meeting of perhaps 3rtn men in th* gymnasium of the Young Men a Christian Association. Ills talk there was on the subject of "The Common Temptations of Men." 1 bat Mr Sheldon had to sav was di rectly to ihe point, and during his entire address he never referre*! to h spade b> any other nwm* m s remarks were ad dressed principally to young men, who made up by far the greater part of hi* audience Mr Bhe!don said that one of the great est temptations which a young man ho* to withetand Is the temptation to get rich quickly and dishonest!ly. The dally papers, hr said are fl.lrd every day with of yielding to this t.vnptatlon and of tta Inevitable effects—crime. ini*ery and degradation "It Is the 041 to g< t something for nothing." said Mr Klieldon "The wish to live beyond our mnne. the effori to succeed at any cost, the desire to amass money. Its baleful result*. In evitable ms the\ are. seem lm|MMcnt lo de ter others from this l-nq*tn tlen Then there Is the temptation to Im purity, to which *• many yr* ng * men yield. Clod hal place I His lenedlc?lon •irw*n marriage. It Is the Impure realm which vexew the g>ul of the AlmUhty Talk of fallen women' Why. It Is J at as correct to speak of filleq men. fo In religion and In trtilh there can he hut one standard for the sexes The speaker described wiih zreit r*r ticularity the evil resubs of Impurity and brought the question down from the re gion of abstraction* and theori*s i •*.* of fact He forced Ms arguments lorn upon his hearers ami show-d tie* die*- trous •*frcts of vice upon the Ind vidusl the family and the natbm. "tleneratlons to come." he said, "wrtll ]>a> the penalty of the personal Impurity of t- -d.v Mr. Hhehlon -Ilscusse*! also the tempta tion to dritfk. describing som< of the ef fects Of yielding lo the seductive p'-r-ua sions of this vice. That It Is so jre\a- l rt tu he ascribed largely to the lukewarm ness and Inconsistency of ronv* of the ad vocates of temperance Many of t e*e advocates, he said, while de manding Th*- |ka*-4ge of tempe ance leg islation. use Intoxicanta themselves. Man. of them have wines u their table every day In the year Mr ftheldon had something lo uiy of the temptation to religious doubt, the temptation to yield to the passion for foolish and trivial amusement, the temp tation 10 pessimism and the temptation 10 put off the tim* of alliance wPh the cause of Christ "I>on’t you think It Is disgraceful.'* saVl the speaker. *‘ffr n man to use the best years of his Ilf* in eoitafytng h s lusts, his amtdilon and hie greed, ar.d then give to (Sod the sh.i* tered aryl battered remnant of his career on earth? r>on’t you think It shameful that he should drink the cup of life to the dreg* and then hand the dregs over lo n just and loving dod?" Mr. Bheldoti said that the only way to withstand temptation was "to watch, pray and trust In dod " Individual ef forts would not suffice; there must be divine aid. At the conclusion of the regular service. Mr Sheldon Invited those who wished to have help In withstanding temptation or who wlotted to l**nd such help to others, to remain. A number ac*epfed this In vitation and a further meeting, of prayer and advice, was held. TALKED Til (OI.ORKO rEOPLE. Ilev. Mr. Msrlrton’s lililrrss at irrosii African Itnptlsl Cliareh. Mr. Sheldon addressed a fairly large congregation at the Second African bap tist Church, on Houston aired, yrst. r day afternoon, at 3 o'clock. The rerun.n was simple. being shorn of fit e 'atiguage and delivered In a conversational style that was not wlhtout effeci. The pastor. Itev liurham. Intp|uc*d llev. Arthur J. Smith of Ihe First Pres byterian Church to his congn gallon. af ter which Mr. Smith Introduced Mr. Hhel don, who began at once a <ll seus-lon of the means through which tho e who heard him might bring thcm*c|vs t. a sense of satisfaction with their lots n life. The grrn eof Orl was commend. <1 lo them lo be enshrined In ih: Ir hmrts as (he iirrventlve for a rebellious spirit, discontent and passion* that come through covetousness. Instances were cited by Mr Shellon that had come within his personal o # r vation of person* who weia perfectly hap py. though outwardly appearing to have so many lodlly 111* or other woes as to render It Impossible for them to be sa Is fled. The reverse, too. we* shown, the minister lelllng of other* who. apparent |y, had everything that heart could de sire to make them happy, ye' weir m - eraole The happy o*<d their h ppl< ess to their acceptance of Christ ami lit Ir determination to do thoer thlugs lie would commend, while ihe unhappy could a scrim- their empty lives to no sympathy with their Savior. UK VI H OF JOII3 A. HO III.Kit. Wn* Tex Collector of Hirhtnoao Couaty Froa* IHIM to l**l>7. Augusta. Nov I.—At an early hour this morning, Mr. John A. Bohler. ex tax coMertor of Richmond county, died t h* home In the western pari of the cliy. He was one of the beat known and moat popular men In the county, and held the office of lax collector from lIM to IIW7. When he voluntarily retired in the Interest of hi* eon. Charles H. Hohlcr. who has held the office since then He was born In Lincoln county In IKK. and came to Auguetn when he was seventeen. Mr Bohler was Ihe only man who ever refused to abide by the party nomina tion and won on election ,Jn Hlchmond county At on#'time In h- eariy political career, a oonventlon was picked and another man secured Ihe nom nation Mr Bohler ran lnd*p*ndntly and the people •poke their wilt In the matter by electing Mm with one of the largeet majorities he ever received. In r*-eontruction day# he was defeat ed. hut hla opponent eootd not give bond, and Tudga Samuel Levy, who waa ordi- mr> at the time sp(M>lnied Mr Rohler He was married three ttmes To Ml** .Sirah Primrose in IM4 to Mrs Man A Murray. lt> 1866. and to Miss Mamie Mur ray tn I*6* The letter wife and four grown children by his former marriages survive him. together with . large family connectiot One of his sisters. Mrs Ma rla Walker, lives In Atlanta Tha fun eral will take place Monday , , s THE WEATHER. Forecast for Monday and TUesdajr-- OeorgU Ral* Monday and probably Tuesday; fresh easteny winds Ka stern Florida Partly cloudy with lo cal rain* Monday aiul Tuesday, fresh east erly wltuk* Western Florida: Partly cloudy; protv ably rain Monday and Tuesday; colder Tuesday In weMem portion, fresh easierly wind*, becoming variable South CaroUaa Cloudy, probably rain Monday and Tuesdax . fresh east to south s Inds Yesterday’s Weather at stovaanah: Maximum tempeiature 3.JD p m 71 degree* Minimum temperature 6 10 a m 62 degree* Mean temperature 62 degree* Normal temperature &X degrees Rxcens of temperature 4 degrees A* unmlMic) dell len* 1 since Nov 1 12 degrees Accumulated excess since Jan 1 179 degree* B.i a 42 Inch Normal 07 inch Exec*** since Nov. 1 .2 17 Inches Deiloienoy since Jan 1. Inches Hlver Report . The hlght of the Savnn nah river ut Augusta, at 8 a. m . <7sth meridian tlnn i. yesterday, was 6 7 fet. a fall of 0 1 foot during the preceding twenty-four hours Observations taken nt the *ime moment of time .it nil tnt! ns. Nov. 18. 1900. 8 p. m . 75th meridian time N IBM o' iltllon T V Main Boston < loud> , . | M 16 a New \ >rk city, cloudy .. . j K j 18 j T I'htliid* IphU. < le*tr .’A | 14 an M'ashti gton city, pty cdy 61 12 *0 Nirf.t|k. clear ... M. 12 |Ol Hatler.ts. clear 64 j 6 0 Wilmington, clear *M j x j Cb .rlotte. cloudy J M j 1 .10 Ud*lgh, cloudy 64 b T Charleston, ctear | M j I | T Atlanta, raining 66 j X | 01 \ugiista. clear j 66 j E T Pa van nah. clear J 66 6 8X Jacksonville, clear j 72 j 6 T Jupiter, clear j 76 } 14 TO Key West cloiHy 7H X | .02 Tampa, raining 70 } I. .2*l Mobil#* cloudy 6*5 10 * (W Montgomery cloudy j 6 j 00 Vicksburg, clear ...j 68 j 12 j <0 New Orleans, clear •> l .01 Halve-ton. cloudy 72 | X j 0 Corpus Christ I, pily cldy 7 22 .*m Palestine, Memphis, char j 63 J 18 j On rtnrlnnatl, clear | 64 j 10 j t . 60 Pittsburg clear j 62 | I, 0> RflfTalo. raining j 1.2 | 14 .16 |>etrolt. raining .j 52 X I 70 Chicago, raining | 42 j2O M 6 Marquette, snowing ’ 2 j 12 j .61 Ht Paul, cloudy j 36 10 j .01 Davf>nport. eloinly ........j 44 j 6 77 Ht. Ijoulh, raining 62 , 12 Karma* (*ity. cloudy 9f X o> Oklahoma cloudy* j 42 j 6 i.48 Dolgc City, cloudy |2s 6j T North Platte, cloudy j3O 1 6 T fl 11. Boyer. Kneel Forecast Ufflclai. n ri.KWV i ituvt. Ihe Financial Outlook ns keen From nil Street. New York. Nov. 17 —For the past week e.-e have to report an entirely pher.omenil activity In Wall street The transactions in sleek# have suipassed all precedent, having, for the first |*;x dave following tho elections, amounted to 7.47*.m0 shares, or on un average of L2ls.flW> share* per day. The recent election has stamped out of the minds of the people nil fenr that any sort of governmental |*>ltry In any way Inimical to the finances or business or fuospe'lty of the country may lie a-topi - I Avery great factor In our future de velopment, which our people are soon to discover, will mpenr in Ihe building up of the ports of trade on the Pacific coast, which will be so extensive and rapid in progress that the Atlantic porta will lie fore long begin lo feel ihe competition of Ihe Western coast of our country. Our grasp of Ihe Philippine Islands, and the foothold In trade and greater share of c mtldence In our dlsinteres'ednes* a# re gards territorial em-roachnient which is fast gaining In Ihe Chinese Kmplre. will niMitly consummate the preparation# for h great business and prosperity for the Pacific coral slate- a* have heretofore been FnJoyed hv those of the Atlantic rcast Soon a (art of the trade and eon) n.erce of Ihe Fasten) states will be brought Into ronijv-tllton with thut of the gnat PadfTr coast, tneomuch that It will rppear that Indeed "Westward the sta ol empire take# It* w>T It Is Ihe fore sight of such i hnnge In the Paclffe state# that lies produced such a pronounced elec tO'al reeull this November Our country I- now passing through a rapid growth of progress and power and pretlge whb li will soon place her In Ihe leadership of ihe nntior s with every means necessary for extending elviilxatlen, enlightenment, commerce and better government over the vwr>r hi LEGAL SOTICKS. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Notice Is hereby given 10 alt person* hnv ' Dug demand* against Margaret Collin*. lan of *ald county deceased, to prrirm them to me, properly marie out, within the lime prescribed by law *o a* to ehow ihclr character and amount; and all per son* Indebted to said deceased are re quired to make immediate payment to me. JOHN T. COLLINS. Executor Savannah. Ha Oot. 21. UOO. GP3OIt<IIA CHATHAM COUNTY - Whereas. Alice E. Walker has applied lo Court of Ordinary for l* Ur ? of Ad mlnletr.itlon. with the a 111 annex'd, on the estate of George W Parish, dec* ied Theae ere. Iherefore, lo ell. and admon ish all whom It m.!> concern to te and appear before raid court to make o’aje ■ lion (If any they havei on or before t e first .Monday In I<*c*mb*r next, othr r w!*e sold letlere will la) granted Witness the Honorable Hampton I. Fer rlll. Ordinary for utmtham county, till* the Jd day of November. 10, FRANK E KKILDACH Clerk Court Ordinary, C. Cos. GEt ill'll A. CHATHAM COUNTY~ Wh-rea* Mary Campbell has at pile I o Court of Ordinary for letters ol adminis tration cum te.amenlo snnexo on the es tate of BhePall, deceased Th**** are. theiefore. to rile and ><] nonlah a I whom It may concern to be and anp*ar before said court lo make Objections If any they have) on or before the first Mon day In December, next, otherwise said let ters will be gran c.| Witness, ihe Honorable Hampton I* Ferrill 'Ordinal .i • . this the seventh day of November > FRANK E. KEILBACH, Clerk Ct. Ord y. C. Cos. iimibM t Htxt Ea. ' Alt V E HTIBEMEN T CAp'- ITAleft WILL BE PRINTED IN BIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOB TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VKRTIHEMENT TAKEN FOIt LEBB TUAN IOC, CLASSIFIED AUVtRNSEMENTS. ri:Biox %l. HIM ?< I:N W \\V?K Al ie T*T llng free is>> and glr.s at tent no auntie’s chopping or novice jrac lclng but cut by Ihe leone la hair expvri him self bring this adv. on the 26th be.ween S *0)1 4 p nu. 28 laist Broughton, hsir. jewelry and etiavtug sU|>|d> home lll** place for everything pertaining to hair, switches, bang*, p>mpikHir*. wigs mus tache* whisker*-, for daily, stag* mas queradr aiul detccllv** us* mail ordrrs promptly and •arefull> fik*l MBS K B NICOM.S DANCING class f*>r adult*, from Ibis dat** lesson nights wdl *e v h.mge)| to ThtuMltiv and Fatur.lav nlgit. on Mat unlay night Nov -14 tht* class m the German "ftguie*. Will be reo)MUtsil Al>\ FBTTBF.MFNTM SFT IN CAP ITAIxM WILL ME PRINTED IN CL Ad HIFIFD ADYRHTIMKMRKT i’OM \IN FOR m • k WORD NO AD VERTISFMKNT TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 80' THANK St II VINO DAT WILL BOON be here Ke** Miller for a suitable table to hold the: turkev and trimmings Dining tables, aldetxmrils. buffet*. • tuna closets, chairs to p.* as** anybody 3>7 Broughton, v * st YOr )YII,t. I.IKK tup; MILK FROM Springfield Dairy. It s rich nd pure, try I 11. DON'T FOIL J FT THAT MILLER sells dolt* and tov* (Vane and see our , holiday assortment 3**7 Broughton, west OEIJK’IIIO NFHHEHY. OPPOSITE 1 Cat bole Cemetery. chrysanthemum# Cl me Ila Japnnlcas a:** an.n palm#, flow ers and flnml designs your orders with J. (iaidner. ugent 12 Broughton east. • 12 FOB ART Xgi’AliKS WHILE they last Big assortment, all grade# of art squares, tug . mats, portieres C. P Miller, sgnt 1 rn'IAI. )N I'NI.IMITED HI’PPI.Y of new wlls>w rvickers. ladies sixe. at $2 .1 W Tee pi# T AM NOW LOCATED AT 414 WERT Broughton, ring up 11X6 If you want to h#ve your furnl ure moved *>T packed for shipment or storage I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that’s given ome A H. Ortffi. . 414 Broughton stre#t. west, mattresses mads to order IF ITB RPOB TOC WANT YOU <’AN get them ch* uer from McGi lls !l FOB WOVEN WIRE COTS WHILE .they last I* Millet, agent KENSINGTON FARM MfLK IS UN surpassed for itchne#*; delivery 1# psr f. ct, phone 2 ’4.' BEK .MILLER hR OFFICE DESKS J office (wiles. ofli< * matting, office shades Broughton, west WHEN' TOE SEE M’OILLIB’ SIXTY inch IfSt-reni rugs, you will buy th#n. Just can’t help It. will sell In any quart illy. Kr the - jrwKi. Stoves and ranges for sale by J. W T#ep •; #lro agent for Insuraitc# gas. !lr# stove. "FCRNITCRE MOVED WITH CARE," Is .1 specialty with Metllllls. "'furniture UPHOLSTERED, mat (teases renovated, antique furniture re|*ot tshed. furniture pa<*kd. srel shipped tn l*jt manner Send me your orders. C. I* Mifter. agent KIeORAIe DKBKINR. lirielW, HYA jrnfh*. n*rrlmn. |*i lm*. ruf flower* frenra i OHurhlf B nur**ry, op|>oM' ’nfhol|e (>m #l#ry origin with J. Gardner, nirent. 12 Ilrou*h!on. fiM M (IIIaLaIS’ I*A< K CTRTAINB WILL | htaiitlfy your |*rlor. M OTLIeIS IB 'HEAP ON RTOB. NFTP ! Uce eurtomn. hammurk* water cno\%rn j pliiows. pictures, atoves, be<troom suits, and furniture of every description, j 'IF YOU PONT FfNI) WHAT YOU want where you are dealing, suppose you try Miller Ills assortment Is the beet In town F'7 Hroughioni west KENSINGTON FARM IB ON AN elevation In the coun'ry. free from city drainage Impoealhle for mt k to heroine rontamlnated, by Impure odor; If you want pure Jer-ey milk, phone 2341 De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. M'GII.LIH, PACKS SHIPS and stores plenon and furniture; heel work only; no "Cheap-John" prices—no "( heap John" Job# “GOLD FIBH AND “food,' WATEK grass, bone flour ;n pour.l bag fto rents J fJnrdner, agent, for the |aa-senf at 13 Broughton, east BEE MILLER'S NEW BTYI.KB IN rsniel*, mailings llnoleuma. winder shades All work done In flrs'-elass style. Get our es'lmate. 27 Broughton, west. M'GtI.I.IS SF.I.IJt SIXTY-INCH HUOB —Smyrna patterns-for cents. - BHK MILLER HeNEW btoveb and ranges, ell heaters. wiksl heaters, best makes, reliable goods, reasonable price#. 207 Hroughton, west. ADVERTISEMENTS bft in CAP ITA I-S Wild. HK PRINTED IN f'I.AA HIFIF.D AIIVEBTIBF7MENT COLUMN FOR TWO i'KNTH A WORD NO Alt VKRTIBFMI'NT TAKF7N FOR I-EBB THAN MT. lIFtIMII.. HOW ARK YOUR FEET? IF TOUR feel are troubling you. rail on me and 1 will give you relief. I cure Ingrowing nails, com# and nil diseases of Ihe feet without pln; charges reasonable; ran rive the las: reference# In ihe Hy, in dent* trsiated at residence*; order* can he left at Uvlngsum's drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 2BX Dm Davis surgeon chlrof-odtst. HIT.I* WAITER— M4I.E. '"iVAXTBIiThutd pIT-f T. m tid shop K K Burn*. 122 Broughton street, east. WANTED. TWO FltlßT-fT.AB* COAT and trouser makers Apply O. Fantlnl, No 13 Bull streit WANTED. A YOFNO MAN BETWEEN IS and IH year# old lo lake care of iiesly rash and to write letters, must able to take letters In shorthand; none tail one who Is wi.llng to work hard and long hours ne<-d apply. A'Wresa X. Y. SC , car-- Morning N*- WANTED. A FIRST-CKABH DUMBER Inspector and shlppina clerk Addren East (oast l.umlar Company, Witer ’ town Eta. -IIKI.r tV tITFO-FFBtI.K. EXPKItIK.Ni Eli CtkiK WANTED AT 20A Fifth atreet, west. - WOMAN WANTED FOR OKNKRAI, work 105 President atreet. east. “Wanted, middijc aokd woman to travel and appoint agents; also one to qun.lfy for branch offt-e. mannger, $1.00) yenrly; |*ermartent: rapid promotion Oen eral Manager. UC Btar biiikllng. Chicago ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAIrS WII.I. HE PRINTED IN CI-AS HI FT ED ADVEKTISBMKNT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR DEBS THAN C AfiEATS Vt VNT*T. ~WANTErr Tit AVKEKH Full THF.' state, also sslesmnn for this city, lew Angeles Fruit Oder Company. Rt. Louis AGENTS WANTED-"OAI.VFJSTON The Horror* of a Btrlcken Cpy." by M oat Halstead; fully Hludratrd fasteit e-llt * book ever published, only lI.M. beat t#rm< ■uatanteed; outfit frse be qul k. J. B. Zrlgier A Cos , Chicago 7/1. CORBET AGENTS THERE IB ONLY on* beat—that's the Hyge.a, the standard of the century for aervlee and satisfac tion. For pnrtleulnra address the West an Corset Cos., Bt. Louts, Mot ICMri.Ol HKXT W IUTKD. YOUNG I.ADY WANTS WORK either office, tnt|Mnn>n or governess to mi,l nblhl in would take p*t*lt|.4i as housekeeping, ties! of ref* ten es. Box 178 Fernsniln.t Flo w %\tkiv—#n*( lit %\rsnts. WANTED. AltOl T 11! -01 Foil TIIRI I', nr five years at 5 ier ent **n it> tm prove*! property, ample se< urlty given X 7. . 1* ( Box SV IF YOt WANT COOP MILK GET IT fr*tm apttnffWld Dair> . It a rich, pur# and wholesome. % if you Want a place to di mp earth, dirt. *#nl, manure, el* frt of charge. Jus* ai city limits, hauling over hard road write or tel#phone Brown Bros, lortier Anderson and East Ism-I •tt eels. ADVERTIBIMFVTB BUT IN IT AI WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAN SIUIFD ADVERTIBKMENT t'OI.UMN FOR TWO UFNTH \ WORD NO AD VFRTIBEMKNT TAKEN FOR LKBB THAN 88C. Full MENT— niMMt*. TWO FI lINIHHED OR UNFUfINIBH eI r)M#n- f*r rein, privilege of bath 218 East Henry. NICELY FI HNIBHED FRONT ROOM; southern expsure. molern cofivenletu*##. 210 Jo nee east Foil RENT' TWO NEATLY FUR nl"h*d rooms Apply at l% l'erry street. west Dili RENT EUR NIB HKD ROOM OR tw* tinfurnl*he|. • h<up to right party 9*6 Anderson, w.-t fi. %is run itnxT. i- *u RIBN I PARIxOR ui AT in OOOI* • 'Otxlltion Applv 214 West Duff\ FOR KFAT-HOt SFA I* Oil RENT. * . dhull l ABLE HOUhTT No 217 W uldburg street, east. b tween Abercorn and Uncolit, first-das# orl* r and condition everv convenience Rich! tent to tenant Etate B.* Cohen, West Btosd snd Bruughton streets FOR RENT REHIDKNCE IfJ PERRY street, we#i Apply to Andrew llanl y Cos. FOR RENT THAT DEAIR A RLE REB Men e kith out rouse*. stahles end a te*uttful garden, 118 Taylor street, east For par*l ulars inquire B Gti* kenhel mer’s Hons. Hay and Jrfferson street F(jR RENT 214 JONES STREET west, Immedlite |iOms*sl(hi M H Biker, a II cut TO RENT. 221 AND 2 3 HOLTON street, ees*; these are good houses and location excellent Apply to C A Me In tire 4y B ard of Tra.le Bul ling KIIR RIWT. fUrVFHA!. DBfHRABI.K r—iil-ni--*, ihoroiixnly tnlnl Aiq>l> A Wyll y,, 12 Bryan tr—t. ®i rOH RFNT SI. 11A1.1,. KAHT s rftomf, hot xntl roll) wator, ImmoillaN po—npton Apply W, \V. Hwtnton. 'S* Flxtith #•(. Hill lll.H-XIV EI.UM.III A. 'TfATrfrr"T\XirrTi~'trr 'XnTtt7kmT : k FuK lIKNT, CORNKR lIHorOHTON AND \Y KST IIBOAD BTBKKTB. FOR MKBI.Y •MX'I I’IKD BY Tlir HAVAN NAM CARRIAUK AND WAOON CO. II !• SMART KOR RENT. ON TIIE IMiKßiiSli rai). hti*f*n thr— .nd® po®t (trolley cam nearly 10 tao-mlio |io*tt. Inn. tn lot, fiom on® rr# lo on® hunAr®-). nmr ran l>® honxhl In larx® or *mall lot® on npy l-rmz. C II I tor *rtl. ADVERTIHEMKNTB HET IN oat ITAIito VVII.I, HE THINTED IN CI.A9 9IEIBD AI'VIRTIIEJI ENT COU MN FOR TWn CKNTfI A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKMN FOR I.ESB THAN **' FOIt a tl.E— HE *l. KBTVTE. IN CAT* ITAIJI Wild. HE PRINTED IN CI.AB BIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOIt TWO t'ENTH A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKFtN FOR 1.E.48 THAN W FOR BALE NINETY FEET FRONT on Park avenue, nest Ihe Park Flxlen slon. this ts an unsurpassed site, either for a re*iden*-e or for 4rneinente. (', II Dorsett, 22 Cotigrean. west LOT NO ION WHITAKER BTItEET. between Thlrty-elxth and Thirty-seventh, •hlr-l lot south of Thlrty-elsth otreet. 10x110; non-restdent wants to sell at e hargaln C. H Dorset#, 22 Congress, west. I/IT LETTER "K." ON THIRTY-EC -sal street, near lliirr<iughs. 35x114. will be -nut very low a rut on very easy terms, C. |4 Dorsett. 23 Congress, west. “CORNER U>T 2SXIOO HAHERBHAM and Thirty-third tformerly Bt Nlcholasi street, alley In r<ar C. H. Dorset!. 72 Congr<- west. KoR BALK, FOR 1501 A I/IT. 20X117 on F'ortlelh (formerly Tenthl street near Mon:gone ry, terms 125 cah and $5 |*-r month and lirterest; only three left. *?. II Dorset 1. 22 Congress, west. F'Olt BALE, A LOT FOR TWO lll'N dred dollars, easy terms, on Ninth street, near F7ast ilruspl, no city taxation C. II rVirsett. FOR BALE l/TB ON NINTH STREET nir Ka*t Broad, no <*ltf ai S2OO ra*h; iwrnijf-flv* doilorp a*h. and cuy | monthly payment*. C. 11. jM>meti. FOR HAIJB. TfrSK LOTS ON NINTH ptreet, near F.rmt Itrond. Nave only hern •wild to flrpt-clapa partlep. who will m ike icuft<t id'ihl or nfNl none other* rin byy The term* are very eaajr, and thay r c he,|*e rh;n any other* In Ihe % I ini t y <' 11. I'loraatt. FOR HALF. leOTB oSTNINTH. NBAII Kept Ftro.'d t tV> e< h; ni l mmmi le nilvnr.refl to 122 V when n lot ha* hern paid for I mn arrange to r| home IP>II|. C*. II lK>re|t “RESIDENCE and - BT’II.DING ld)TB for aele all over the dly. Robert II Tatem, reel eitate dealer. No. 7 York street, we*t. ADVERTISEMENTS BET IN CAP ITALS WILL Up; PRINTED IN CI.AS i BIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VEUTIHEMENT TAKEN F'OR LEM THAN 20C ■ ' run HVI.E— MIM4 ELI. A A KOI N. HOI ItF.M, lo*. i.Oi.UII KING! THY It when your favortte remedy felle, at fee hotll# aided to • Sill of honey make* a splendid mixture for Infante and children "BENZOIN HALM MARKS TIIK SKIN like velvet, for by drugylst or at lien ry end Aberrorn IVriif Oruf Store*. Whlieker and Tavlor street* FOR HALE JFHT ARRIVED FROM Oreeiiwooil. H c\, e lot of thoroufthbre.l milker*, and nlni one fine Jersey aprlnxer; theee cattle are ftn else and fine up have been In your city for many yeai* Coin T. J Arnold New-mreet *to k yard FOR SALE rifEAr; 8 A LOON CON • vterted with barler ahop. on a count pro prietor left town; elan different furniture for aale. *24 llrouffhton atreet. eaur. • HOR8IQ0! HORSES' HORSES? FOR aale at auction Tuewlay, Nov. 20. at Younglove & Slpple'a atablea. one carload r.'teap work*horaee. If you wlah u cheap horae. attend thl* aale TBBBINGTO N TYPEWRITER TS ftrat'Claan ‘Ot.dltion, cheap, eweh or term* Addreaa Reminffton. Neap office SWD PIANO FOR W> SOLID HOSE* WOOD ITRIOHT ORCHESTRAL GRAND 24 LIBERTY STREET. WEST. ! * FOR SALK CHEAP. ONE SIDE crank engine. 14 by 19, can be reen at Rrppard. Bnedeker A Cos '* lumber yard. k Jienry strait and 8 , F. A W. K. U, AI mON SAI.RA THIS HIT. AUCTION AND COMMISSION CO. tn \xirr%K;i< BTRRBBT. MONDAY, Nov. 18. at 11 a. m . we will • I. (three> Fin l*p right Pianos. Mason A II .m in *n*l other fine organs m fw-rfect condition, and (D D Washburn M.indllt *nd •••her mu il instrum* nts. (*d rnamHed Iron and brass t>edstrode. 4d line bicycles (high gradn in perfect condition, lad>-e* trimme*! i*#ttern hats, tailor-made jacke t# und • *s .** putts lace curtains, siovea, 'able# ALL T<* BE SOLD WITHOUT RE SERVE A WIN ERIE HT. Auctioneer Reg 1 .ir Mondays. Wednes days and Fridays. CARPETS. STOVES. PORTIERES. lIOMHv I Tt .. %T %l ITMI\. t . VI. lit) It s|' | | \ lift tourer, Wiu eel! Monday. 19th at 22 Congrrsg, west P*rtierr#-s. Lank*’ Carpets. Stoves. Bang.- Arm h ill * c.iutitet rgan. Blde- Iwnrd, Mattre Bpitcgs, Chair* Fie- Itirte. Mahogany Card 1 title lM>k bees, and undry other arlm*e,sn A large nurntn-r of volutin - No. 18 nn<! 1! of history, fiction n ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. 4. It IMlllsll'l, Urtiunrer. Pmler and by virtue of an order of tha Court cf Or*Pndr> of C 11. tn county. I will nell at public outcry a* 11 oYlo-’k on MONDAY, th** 19th day of November. nt 22 OMtrruw street, west, the fol owing pmperty *>f the *•tnfH of John It Haber sham. to wit S Iverware, <’hairs Uard 'Fable, .1 Rook Casew ard Hook 1 ' Terms cash ARTHUR 11 ELLIOTT. Admlntst rator administrator's sale. C. 11. IHIIIVI IT, lartinnrrr. Under ni)l by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of (dmham county. I will ftell at pubife** outcry at 11 o'ckv k on MONDAY, the 18th day of November. 1860, nt 22 Congress street. w** t the fol lowing pm pert > of the estate of Maria E White, to wit Hilverwart-. *haui. Hooks, etc. Terms cash. AIITHI >1 It ELLIOTT. • A dnilntatraior. B*oll S v 1,1;—VII ft* b1.1,4\n0l 8. For KALE. ONE MULE AT 4*l ONB mule at fl.' Apply Repp.ird Hmsk-ker .V Cos • lum <er v*ird llnirv strt**t and S vsnntih. EiotUla jihl Wettferii Hallway yard. BUDDING FOR RALE. AT HKITAKD. Hnedehcr A '• * lumlier yard, Henry •treot and H , F A \\ II II FIRE PROOF BA FEB WB CARRY A fine line of fire proof safes In stock at all time* The ixirties can see exactly whar they a*-e getting Our ptleee ore ss low as manufacturers s**|! 11. with freight ah! ed Parties |rtrreste*l. wb< wish a go*l fire pro*if *afe will do well to inHp#ci our stK*k Id ppm an Ilroa,, Lippman block, agents* for manufacturers. OPRINOFIELD DAIRY IS NOTK!> for having rich, pure milk, try II; you will be pl#a-e®f 'TURPENTINE LOCATION FOR sale. IX crops fir'd year bov**s; 12*4)' . ra* ro*m*l timler. at fl fi*) i>er irre D par thousand boxes fur le*s*.l t mber. of timber to lw got. in five mil'a of rail road. will glvß ponvsibn now- or at end of season Aftblieas Boui and Timber, <a s Morning News ADVfcRTIBKMENTB BET IN CAP ITAIJ4 WILL HE PRINTED IN (’LAB HI FI El ‘ ADV KR TISEM ENT COLD M N FOR TWO CKNTfI A WORJT NO AD VFRTIBEMHNT TAKEN FOR LKBB THAN 80<\ LOST 4NU FOl'^fJ. L4JST. IaAST NIGHT HKTWfSnTn". dependent Preabyterlan Church and Hull Mrem, Mack ellk ruff I let urn to sll Jouee, emit. I/ST. TN ESTILfe'S ROOK STORK on Pull direct, card c*m* with check, cur rency and card* Return fo Wm <} Went, rare f*eo Frank, ('otifrrin and Whitaker atreet*. Ni: %% mo. $T> REWARD FOR KRTt’RN OF white with reeldldh brown marking. *et ler iUw. brown ••.*. rump *nd epot ov**r heart, n.itneffi Juk. atrayed from Kings* lend. Oa.. Friday. W, L. Wllaon. da vannnh. (la no %ininr<.' ItOAHDKIiH WANTED. lOi PRErfl f|ent atreet. east. "nice ROOMS. *KOD TABLE. CRN* tral location, reasonable mica at 322 Har ris atieet, east. NH'E PARLOR IHODROoV WITH Isiur'l. at FC < tglelhorve avenue, *■ at. Pl.t MMIMO. MODERN PLUMBING. IT WILL BE ,io your Interest lo let m* glv you wn ea tlmata on your i>lumblnw. new or oi<l work, rvpalr work a specialty, as I am a practical plumber. Kb guee* w<rk t> * Georgia or Bell nisi KI.LAIIKOI a. DON’T TROUBLE YtII'RBLLE AIIOUT moving yur furalture. rrluyuig your car pel# or matting Perry * Benton will re .leve you of all that trouble. WE GUARANTEE TO IK) YOUII plumbing work cheaper than any ono else. A C. Price A <*o.. Stale umt Jef fereon streets; pnomw 46* RAVE YbTit llul HE PAINTED with German ready mixed paint, entlra •ati fa lion guaranteed Adams ratnt Company WANTED. <<NK TItriiUKAND HUifl gry people at the Southern Grocery Com pany, ID Barnard street. WE SELL SEW KB PIPE FI.UH pip-, fire clay, fire brick at lowest price*. Adams Paint Company, 104 t'ongre##, west. PERRY A BENTON 120 STATE street, west, will move. p<-k ehlp or store your furniture st sbori notice; lo ren ovate your oid mail reuse# el IMlIe cost. Bell 'phone 1124 NOW IS THE TIME TO GET BID OF your seroiid-heral stove; we whl take It In esrhange for a near one A. C. Price A Oo . Slate nnd Jefferson slreel; 'ifhonee .. “MORE TRAN ONR HUNDRED CENTS In every dollar of your hard-earned bard rash at ihe Southern Grocery Company, 111 Barnaul.a'reet “GYPBINL IS THE PEST WALL FIN- Ish made Adams Paint Cos., Savannah agents 104 c< ngr< sa weal. WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF MAN lei* from 10 . ent. to 35 cent#, put up free. A C Price A Cn . Stale nnd Jefferson streets; (Smne* 455. REnurr. TOUR LIVING EXTENSE* by Inventing sour hur.l-earr.rd hard cash with the Southern Orocsry Company, 114 Barnard street ADVERTISEMENTS BET IN CAP ITAItB WILL RE PRINTED IN CLAH BIEIED ADVBRTIBIfMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN KOR LESS THAN 30C Norwood's “Satire" J-or sale at all X'vs Stands io Savannah. 3