The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 19, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 REV.C.M.SHELDON’S SERMONS A i TIIOII ••!> !••• lIF. %HO in ri ori i.. I.iirgr I nii| rritn |fton • i.rrrinl Him •! Four \ |>|io IMliMf til%—nr I pt-i*l rni l*rel *tr rln t • I to (KrrflonlOM I nmi M*hl, *e%rra* I onurritiiiiiin* i nlilim 'liters* ••11*.%% to Hn kr I’bls World." no Appropriate Till** for j)| r , *|i*ldon*a *rriiMin- A I nlun ( flir l hiirrhr* ••* of llr Hopeful flgn *f ih** "I in*#*® l r*u Whirl* llr Sheldon I %|*r• • Mo*h. <*ser iwi l .**>► -***** Hid th*- an i <r t i Hi> S-* ,• Ml th** \ K* * jMtrv of woff lp Ml which hr *|%Ok' • fezd <A nmfl< KM!IonM r. • t thr |<>. • ,*r. M Sii* lor at th* Fir -1 J'r *L*> ivrUi: the S < *nd Afrl m. l’-|*ti* IH* Voiing M*n* f'hrftstlgii A *0 #•?>? (,r.4 ih* Independent rrwlivtciUn o.ur At lh* latfttr church, vvhc * Mr t*i<> < rton ir*-arlie*l at nif i h* n rvf' led thoee of ail lire t* • n t,.i ed li wn m union nrwetini. • • * ,! > gregetftoir* <■ f tin 1% • Ir* * i *lVel*y and Trinity MeihodiM chut*:;i ■ uniting with that of the lift* , f t I‘rwbylfrtan h*-ere w* re tn.n . n** n* l-r of ■ • -r* *.l'! >rt • *fi * *. ITV-i.liotied in a’trr,<l.*iu • th*T** l-rli 4- .* very g*ntra desire to h*ar i hr mat* wh"- work him tfr . t i iih r alter.’i.m In i*(ft the •!*: .*>u • Ui \ * iia' world hi Tine the I a** year *r w> than that of any other div ,i *• Th* re war m 1 ronaMrraNc * in* ■ t -• • lh* man who had run i tally iew -pryK lor m week ’ a t ’hriel woukl h*> rm l! Tim**-* vrt**u* rnoihe-* of sympathy, in tt-ient and u . *> mad* Mr Sn tdon th< l • liftouft tife f the an d om! a* t tel mure attention to him than would other wiae hitve !** • i lh* can Thw who h**rt trim wire gm*ra:iy w*ll plrawed. with xcc|>tl*ti. perhaps, of the c uriosity n * K tn The author of ' In >in Hiep 4 * * i a mar. at plain with noth ir.g of wj a* S** known as "*tvl* him. ll* in p.atii. wimple, rtr*ight for ward manner, and t* evidently very much In rne--t In what h# fHvx He did not advocate any n*w th>ri for the rNK'-neration of the world and the mi (•rovem* nt *.f eoetaty. hut simply urg'd • hat the chtr hee tu.d thoir mrmh* r should roli*w more < losely aft* r Fhriat and that they ehould always l*e#r In inlnd to conduct ihutnieivce In a manner to meet wdh Ills approval Mi Hhtldon was wen after the eervlc. nt the Y M t A by n Morning New reporter, w •* desired to obttin from him eonu Information as to how he had been led to write hla lrok and whether it offeoi from a religious standpoint had hern altogether what he exacted or l - Hired. e well •* what his future plan werw in reference to reltg.H*s w**rk. and what his vo w* are *>f the situation In ih fv-ligtous wwM. Mr KHehloci very courte ously declined. h**w* ver. to enter into any discussion of these topic! *1 made it a rub -om*- time ago n*t to be Interview*-*! h* -**!*l "1 hnv* put off no many nev-pyper men on •i . otmt of . * ... . to therr or m>s**lf. make an exception flow •• Mr dheldoci** w s very pleasant and he gpoke H s If he would have no oh- Jeejtone to talking on taeee various sub jects. iil it not beeti for the role which he felt obliged to conform to. Mr Sheldon la a guear *>r the re Snso where h wiU be entertain***! nt breakfuM this morning by a number of the lu* * ministers He will fake the 12:30 f> m train for Charleston, where h* liar* en g is* ments of a nature similar to th<*- xblch brought him i* Savannah. FOB % IIhrTTKB WUlll.P. Her. Mr. * Net don's l)lseurse nt the lnde|ienl*-nt < kurrh. The large auditorium of the Ind*pend er.t I*r*--b> terian Cburcb w : compl-tHv filled U-*t night -to h*r the author of •'ln Ills Hteps" Many memo r** <*f oth-r congregations Joined with thmc .f ihe 1 mieperi*lent Chur* h Fra tl allv ev rv nvalUtils ••eat In the body and g.lbry of the church was oroispied. be-ld* s e*m • who had s* at* in the aisles and quite a nutnlar who stood In the rear T e .-on gregatinn gat hare* l early, ant w tien ttie s* vl % Ih gan there were hut few •* it left. In tin- pulpit with Rev. Mr Rhel.l n *r* K* v. J Fair. I> D piator or . tin- fhurrh. iiwl It* v Arthii- J. Smith, on- j til rrcrntly paxtor of tltr Kits pr-ebyto- ] rhtn t'hun h. It.-v Mr Smith r .1 th* arvrmrrnth chapter of the c< -, *■ I by St. j John and I rail in pray or After lnrtntr by the choir an'l • iMigtetration Mr. Bh** - | ilon wai* Introduced by Mr Smith III* j text w .it* from th*- rain*- >hpt* r r*-al > Mr gmlll "I pray n•! that Thou -hool t tak* thorn oui of the n*>ril luit that Thou aouMtit k***'| them fmrn evil," a part of C'bnM'* pi aV *r to Ilia Father In l>. tall I O. Ilia diwlpld. Mr. Sheldon l*ck*it hht dlirtmriM- by ray nm that thill la God - world 110 h.i I ni . I* li It la Hie and lie lad put men and rumen here In or*ler to make It h#t*er Cod, lie akl, would not rend *•.•) her. to make the world better Thtr mull I**- *!< no through the p-opl* lie ha*l put her*, un i not throttitli ett|*< mutural aifencle* It wur (t*i.orll> ttrtwe and, he * aid. that the world wi not to .rood ae It ouiehl to I *■ Although It la tiod'e world and He owna everythin* ih It III* creature** have aeem *d relte-innt to do lit* will. What he pro posed to Jt 110. he wuld. wrap way a In which the world may he ma te l*tter Flrat. Mr Hheblon aahl. lietter church la needed lie wondered what itut-t would think If He ehoul 1 • who itown from heav en ami ent* r a modern city church He would hn*l n x**t conre*atton. but ll* would ttn*l *-oklncaa and Indifference nnd I V orldltnowp, and He miijht tlnd thlnif p. different from what lie would have them l>e that He would *o "** trleved ut , heart. The w.-wlth of tin f'hriadana of thlp country. Mr Hh*blor. said la .•-tlmat-l ' at and vet elatiatl. p show thin they have alven hut one tenth of one , l*er rent of thla amount to carry lb*- p-el Info forrljm land* What w uld I'brl-t ray to title He would probably -xclalin • Are tb* Mv |><>ple. living Iti luaurv carln* for their own plettaure. their mlnd rdl*l with thoughta of the world, and trn InE only one-tenth of one per cent of their Wealth to carry the *o*|>e! lo for oian land*"' Thor- ore two very hopeful tliln In th* church of Thrlat to-day. Mr Shel lon raid, which made It poealMo for mine, hlmrelf In haled, io remain Inalde Ih* church In-Uad of *di>E ontalde .til wo k InE nr the Spirit prompt**! them, 'be of thee I th. Man- of the tlnt. r which show tl at th*- ehurenes are comltiE nearer toseib i lie commented upon thlr ar y*ry hopeful plan, and <i>ntm*!e*l Ihe i-on dltl.a.e nM h prwvaile*! In lib >'**uth when the variotir d*notnfnatlona had very lit tle • baltriar with ea* h other with Ihe ptea ent **.. dr lot i* when the -plrll of c-Ofiera tlot* prev-u an*l there Ip an evklenl <ll*- poalllon toward* * her union In oatryln, on the work ot the church Several recent In-ten *. rhoivltir the development of thif rplrlt of uhlo’i. were mentioned. "Tit* time I* coir.ltif all over the world " h declared, ' when Ood'e people muat unite The church, unleaa It doea unite, mini prove recreant to !t truit.*' ttecon l hopeful tltr, and one upon riii.'l) he dwelt ul rome length. Mr. Sheldon eold. war Ihe or*anl*ed life of tb* | mi Xblld Page.) IHI Mil l\\uwv t'he \ rrdlct of Ihr c crn-r*a Jnr> cm tle Kllllna f t . okicllt. An Inquiry* into the rlrcunet-m deictli c*f Cott*tatitlnc H* ti t - Greek fruit dealer kill# 1 ct It y Perm Noa 11. w i* l by a > * onrr'a Jury at nigh', and r* t# l t a .* from a blow inflicted by rr ment and ly eoni** i r <i unknown t" the Jury. A r'*.:ro. i amHl Joe Mu w u reacesft on the night of the killing < •< i <un? of tin* fc! tlwit he hud h J row with t • *ir* k n th* morning Of they day on which the homicide took place and vv ,i • r- i- t* l i< i v* Hun mad*' threat* iiK lin t ih** Hr* k - If* I w ako rc-poeted by Ski-UV brother to the pok-- met .id an- * th*t ln> • <*d the •■!**- that a man rum* i St* iman Jt-r.k) wi . vv*- i fr* n*l >f M .ynor'a r and . 1 the fruit -u * * time l>re\ io m the killing urel h **l t ’d (’mi • intti # Sk**J to le on h.*- yuard. h Mayian had r *t only thmit*i -I turn. t*ui had lioughf u pi-ol and .* • i h.d hi* pcvkds full of sek-c J*rikln* trar ar r‘ t*d or. th- nlrht of the * in • end w • • 4k**i I !u* barra-'k-, but * •!<• * 1 the st* rv 5r to-to and w * cfi-rw .cr l rclcaged lc • order fr*m ** *r*r*.*r At the it *|u-* only two witn# -m*s wer* bl* *1 Oth fi f • ' r - ' * • rotl | *l* cl man to their I’totl * v *H lr ♦ pr. s *r t The te'tlmoiiv . f •h* wltn* o* w c for the purl*. of showing u tlibl \ r Muynor The first heard w . 1 >•-*. 1 • Mil ler. eolortd. who .il*|. in fut*t in that .\lvii*r n* >*n* I m t <• f • n whb h *h* lived in i; j rir id ** * i cii• * that on th* Sod.\ in on* -it- j No .1 N** hud .?! Lome it b**ui tin o I *■ k in th- 'if: rnain ucl had not I C th* hme-r after that until he w * arre i •I. aiiout 11 o'clock, by the dd* - live * n and taken to t • t:o k . Th** *eoonl wi:nc vv i- Wlbiam \l - *!“•• .* .*f*d, vv Ijo •• t*-#tlrnoi * w * to ib# h.trrie **fl- t. though r*allv untn.- I**rt an I In It* fearing cm th* * • a al) he kn* w of t fie rn alter wa - t t h* had ! it .ct Mm **r' h !••• and i r n k h* ir. I | I til about Mr Kh :or<l I'al lvant ’h* p l *i-r attorney, *#*.*ured from tin* coroner an or*ler f*>r ’h- rel**.** of tils cli* t tmt thi* or<ler wa* not honored, a- there I i.*ther warrant out for tn# man .-w * n out In Magistral* <’ I* Kiln* - >•* i f t t>* It,*' brother* of Ski lb , **r l * t a.glng M ivi>*r with the murl-r rWB DAI GMTI mK iit\ Mv i m trkfionlrdKr ( ciwric*lr ilmwn Dur ing < *%#*•tt#n f IllvUlcm. Th- Savannah i at** rof I*a rune of the iConfederacy feel very deep gratitude io thce itidlvldu.i - firm* * and ** ri oral i#io of the city wao *• rllmtc.l eo much to trie i<* • of 4 tl* re* ent cotiventloil of the State Im vision of the 1 taught* A Thank* are tei.|ered by tfi* chapter to th** t'onftdrra!' A*** -latlon, M* Law.*' Camp *vf >nf*-*i* ra ** Y#*t**nMia utid Ibirlow t’amj* of Sotie **f Vet* i J for th** * o*ira*'le* * xtei-led by t * r* sp** tlv* org.en•* th d*'degtt*-.*c did other vl ad tor* t* t • convention Trie thar.ka of the chaf*lT are to th ('hath mi Ar*i M John ‘J (*u ra wed. r* * ver of tlic S.ivo'in ih VoluS* ‘ r Guard*, and to Met*are. Wat*n nn! I’ow cry. proprk*tcra of the De Soto. To the Knight a of Pythia*. who proff*****! the Convention the u.-** cf th*lr fs***l for it* aelnfi!*. t* President John M Kgan ? the Central, and to Cky Pae-enger Ar*t W. <; Brewer. -f the *am* mad. tti.iuk* are also due and !e.-*ivt ♦•*! ty the* l> u Ti ter*. To the management of FVHey’p Trans fer t'ompany and the IHatrlct M* *****ng r n l l>**hv rv t 'onipanv Uic ih* iiilm ; if •In* I'ark ai I Tr*c (’ouunleelen, an#l M 1 • Lindsay Ar Morgan, t • **hHt**i • xt* n*l* It* that.k* f**r mam cmirtesi* - The ( huptc** extend* thanks to lt**v Cuarle* II Hirotib, Ju . Itl*# rt Kalll garrt h*l (’apt. I*. II Me Law*, the fir** for tlie * |* nlng prayer of the convention and t-;#. two lutt-r for Inter* Ming .ul ctreaa* ■ made during It* g-Judon* To M * Atdl* Itetmipi, directress oft! local chapter of children **f th** t’*nf•■•l rai , v to th* ch cpter It*** If. to Mr S. K Thcus. •nd his aid- a*eltant* at th* concert of Thursday . venlng and t* tfi* ladlee who h. ng while the -* **n* of th** invention were being held, th** IVitighter* make t heir grateful ;t -kino* 1* dginent S T*> the ih iiomb-ts of th* c*hapt<*r ore kind enough to *ay. their th inks for many ex:* n*iel tr- also lue. \\ tt1.1.l'r t**llt.tVT t \l lillT. Midlrnder Ir at the veirnrak Httr plial In n t rltlcal < oadltlan. Aleman flaner. the iwrre who * arty yea I I* t.pty mornliiK ahot John Wnllender. o ' wallor of the liritlrh ridp Horn. ward, no ; i. -oune of whl li yy i- In the Morning I \r* war arrerted a J hor; tun*- aft. r th* 1 .hooting by Detective Murphy , who f**un*l i him in it houee ut !timhcr etreet un*l In j dlan lane Hance *t* me** the .hooting, bui the detective hnr a numlter of wit m-erer who pay that Hater lr th* man , w anted From th* story of th- affair gl* med by th* il**t*t llv- It **'*rn> mat Wul!* i.l* r wlthf (W*t CvMa,*.inl<'li'< li.lll rfn;*lHVnl tl'.- u it aort it guaf* through th* labyrinth.* ’ nut to r**i:s of Vnni inw. u t r when he hail be**n stcrr-sl up \ against h.\*i of rse*. h* gav** Bfin' j only 2** for ins -■•■rvlo-* whl>*h th** guide thought too vmall, u*l *< lay (or j urn a* h w.% rfturn:i.m' I . hl Woll**iil#r wn tnkett to th* ri.ivannah lfoK|>ttal tt at tiit t ioiurrM to hr not p-rioii'dy hurt, i.u .ar y tin- mornlnp ] *:ft corklltioii %\ .i> ri- .1 r if* .| II rrltii j|. lit \i ii KBI || >t \ r. iVBtl III* Fanrrnl From M. l*Nitl‘ I iilsni. I*<ll * hurt'll Tht >lurtilnu* I*#v II N. vo A\ r\, lato trt tt*r of h Mark‘s Kj>‘ -opil Olrm h In Pa!HtK<. ' Fin., arul wll known t.iruugkHni'. .ti*l FI r| J.i, ll* *i t .4-l> yo • *t tit o'liiiii; at tho r*-.'l l iuo *f i daukhtf'r, Alru. J \V. Honiervllle, N t;T Park nvenu** ' • let, at th** iMivftn *l air* i*f *Ct j>ir Ite\ Mr. Avor.v had t* *n in 111 i-nlih fev -m tim* li lea vo a wife-, t*n- da ugh t* Mi - SiHiiorvllli. and i an Mi A ■ W. Avory, of Itih Hty 111 funeral m.l tako f'l.ic* at Ht l*.ni • K|>lm* a! t’hurrh at 11 o ** k tl'.l> m irnlnK T’n- -*rvU • s will bo 'li hi t 1 hy Itov. J L ully Qf b*t I’aul i*. IN v <*l#ir!o'p II String *>f St .1 > lin’i*. and IN \ lti*hi Whito I’hr * I'huroh. Thu Intrrmont wl! I** in Laurel ! tiro VO Comot' r* 1 r%IFI .lt \ II It f tIIKM XIIOMI tlatn !*rdt<-tr| fur Taal> and To morrow Willi Kinh Fun f W I nil*. Tho tofni* ratut*• to<*k quit* an upward apart ywotenliy. Whlli B.tiru\ th*’ moan w. dv r*p l low ♦ i* n - that >f ya*tf 'l.iv kii 4 >*:r< * ahovo tht normal T* o tmxlm mi vu 7t degrrri and tho minim m 12 giv a mean of whlh u*c > om:& in ,b*. The rainfall amounted to .48 of an men giving to the month an exen of 2;7 inchea. and reducing the vhortago ot th* year to 6.35 Imho The Wauhlnicton f*ro *a*t for to-day find tn-rnorrow ia im ruin, with fiah aua wifi da THE MOKNING NEWS: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1900. AGAINST THE FRANCHISE TAX. imon Mil I(V I (I kv l*L\l\l.V (i% Till: M IUK( T. I* s|mpl IntendHil to lnrr*ar tier I*l Harden* of the ( fttir* Which % I ready l*n > Mor.* I ban Tldr Share of tli Mafv’a lax#*. Hr Tli'*‘ • rnnelii*#'* for Ihr M>| Part Are I ntftrety lei nl nml llrrh** I hrlr lain* I nun (lie Improve ment* Mini# lu lave* Paid In llir c ttlven*— \\ #uld Me All Might to Permit I lie t Hte* to Tax Local > nuM hlin. Th** bill now tx'fore th*' Isgldature and whb'h I alt Oly ta-en favorably report- I by if;- •mmttte to which It was r - f* rr- *1 i * in* * tx on fra*aal*# . * regarc’d with gr v *#uplc|on by buain* .* rre i h< r* .Vo copy of !•• bill h.i* b# et r* #dv**l I <ie atvi It* full intent l* n k' an h* re but l* apf**r* In*Jude ail frat. hi# * auch a** iebphon*% telegtaph and expr# u cotnpaflia*. etreej rai.roada. j. ’ri : ht cnnprtniea aid other coni* in* enjoying i**#l or a peel* l p.v legea. M im* Mverw Iwfore hi* departure f r lib hmot. I Fai odaj ***pn e * i hlmtadf in a very *i* i*- maliter in re gard to this . ’ .Clal -.i and that led c.iily the *o p ru - Hon* intere*t*l, but the butditr-a* lnere-t~ K* i • rally, ln lading th# trade ball* . . - . • • ■ •v M • I IM OPP Don and disapproval of auch i* measure. A fran- hi** \ act,” raid the mayor, aiij mi additional *•* biir l*t u|*on the it I# .* *f th#- sta** The corjio ratioia* which wou.d le affe ied by the Mill ,ire airn-cst emit* y k* al. and the privilegc-e whb h they enjoy wore for tiir •tt -> a t part obi a. ne* 1 by 1" il en i tiD—nt Tt**'V ie i hie fly *U{i>orted by local pa I ion *k* *: l whatever addltUmai b rdena are id.i* **#i upon them would tiatura.iy luv* i l b -rue in th* **• 1 t> their patron.*- in ihr • Hie*. ! <> elites of th# '-■tat- already th* irfx. lt-.. burd-fv **f tlie *;ace -* taxation *1 M y.-i Myers, ’ end it se. tn to t>e the dc'iermination of the lagieiature lo In* r • .**• thh toirclen a* in e h as (elhl Am rn*-*ur* which will Increase ti# amount *f lax** to Im extracted fr *m the , itb * *-# ms t furei w ith lavor in f.n Legb latur*. Th* i.-tpon!* wh a ?•#• tax tip n • w<ui<l lie unjust t# the itb** -aid Mayor Myr. "are wry a>!y brought to rn.r.*l I is tlie • file.- which, through their ceuxene. have paid th** t ix which have provided fh- numerous pj - ll# Improvement a In th#* way of atreet* ,m*| yireet pavement a #*w#*rgge and dt,i ige and *w ivv *r k-v police and fin* •b*iat and the various oihvr pi is lmi*rovero*uta which make for the progrepH of #'lt \. and which mak- t figr.chise* grant-#l by the city deal ra Me • Ivlin- Dlt #MM f thf hive cr-abd the impmvementa which hnvw In turn brought these and s* ml-publk* #*'i'j**r it lona Into exheten* * In order to provide each Improv* tu* nte th |M->p- of the rlti-.H tax tu# ms-lv #*s m*i l nior# heavily than *1 • tho*< of th* rural -ai * in suirn it *t c. - - wnich I in . tc vnin*l the tmt*'** have t*n h hlgii ae 2 l *j |er * *-nt. To eav* ttmi the stat* •cm *ll com- .tod pi a -e . tax for *tate |*ut ti|Mm the• s franchisee whim have K -**n rnab valuable *y the taxes p!*l on .and the |*. kete of th** rtflzens, u altog-rh- t unjuet anl tnequltah> '* ‘ I>> von object altogether, then, to t x -l , .. |f . \\ .9 asked. “Not at all." he r-,dbd *'A lw whl h w. !d l glv#- ti th- dtl*s the right to lax the franchise.* of the corporations within Its tiiblM Would >#* unobj*'* tin ih • , A h*v fran-'hls#*- are gtanted by th** city - they an made v il .abk* by t tn. v o' th* - 1 1 lx# n- whl-h Im- i #*. n In U*?h | *uoil and private tmt rovem* it**, hi I is they <l-rlv th* ir xii?>i om from rh* ItlE' M-. a municipal t,i\ would Im• # n'h*- ly Just an*ft |uitMhle. A state tax #*n ii tian bc - would bo Just th* o.iio sits " Mu'•*r Myers *ail that b** hc*,‘*s| th n th* senator from this dl-ttlel and li three 1-pi • s#*nttlv - from Chatham Would all exert th- It Influence against the { .1 -age of the liill. mill Ml \li;ns Fliovt Okk %|| %w. It* lit ruod With •'%•• lleer, llio k pul Ik of llio lluui. A party of nine door humor retiirtiod Satur*liy night fmni mralair. whore tho> n• nl I*.hi Wikfru.-day. bringing wiih them live di*rr, Ihe flrnt kill of th* M-aaon. In th* i**rt\ wor* M* Haifurd Fi I'ii inl, Ih rman ShU|:rtno. It *bt J. Travl: .m*l !'. W O'i'onnur -if H.ivannah, Mi John F*ui* r #i i l>r. \V. I*. Travis of ('ovinglon. Mi. tJooig*- V* \N*Ulott of Is!.’ f Il' iH', Hon S A **rwmp of lid on. and Mr. John L Tinvia of Atlant.i Th** |*ir?> g't * I v%.m aiming in M In tho i%.*> of ixeitemont. and aomo of !i’ In* uloniw that h ipin-nod on th** trip iol tho iiuat H i itiu. - ng Un* man gof within .iay rang** <f • *lo*r ami hl.igod *ill* aaw a* t|*r fall, *r thougir. t* <iiU. *o drawing his trunty hunting knlfi*. lio wonl io ih* |l.n o of th* kill to rut tho animal’*' throat, only tt> tin I that • * g*n< h.*l ••• aped Hut It wan on tho rrurn trip that the gr**at*r |*iri of t.i* o\* it* nioi.t hapi’on* and. f**r whllo i*.tiling through llrdl'e Hit***, the boat on which tSo* patty ii'. wan run into hy u tuft b t ni a hraw liglit*t tin* u.ih towuiff Th* si** i* liM'l h**r h.w uprli i t wt 401 til Slav?* t *k* t iva>. lut w * oth rwhi mi tuniuK' and In the hurry and infusion thr** f rh** huntora attempted ti. : ul th* law of tho <vj‘* r iMgit. .m l It took m4ii- argununt to convln** th‘*rn t .at tiiolr own I*, it w.ih *nl rlghi. and that ihoy hid l •• rg* t *ff ih*lr p*?* h lt\*% IIIM **Ol TIIKHI MIA. suuth’n l nrr 4|utM In %liirlnr ll pilHl %**r> lor. H< I’.fh < >ff\ • r Itrunn* r in looking up dal i for hi* .i*l*li* - fr• • th approach iitg cm\ontion of inun'otp-iUtie* lt ran a tohh intoroating Kuril* ** to tl*’ m.k*-up of the Mnnno lio*l>t?iil Hi ivlc** Tho lt* ?*t offi* lui r*- i.*ri * ihwi* tho Horv* o to oonniet of 107 memoerw. 1n luhi g tho rurgeon general T.o’ fore** if- divided ,ir*o .:•* ira.*• n- 21 pahs*d wsHiHtam Mirge**tM* and U> aalniiini irn*niu*. f thin nnm'or I* or nearly .V i*< r cent, of th** total ar* from the S*a.i Virginia h id* th* lie*t with II in* mh< r>. ii.*l iieorgtn •* n-xt with % Th*- <***- ci.inr rank protty w* II up in Ihr lint. •*nwu g their lumvi r h ing l>ri J 11. Whit* I* M <’arrington U 1’ M In •*.<:, mi | T V, IVrry, ►urn* *n#. am# hn* \lark Whllo. L I> Fa k- <l. M j. 0 41 nnd John L llurkd.dtor. Thlt* irv* H con. iuHtvo \ one of Ir lt’tiinrr‘a oont*i i.on- tn.t n* lta* r H.ivan m!i nor n> othor Houthern fiort. or ut il* ithor. f*' r tl*i matter, Hnvthine io •.;%r fi m th*- M irlrf* llispltai H rvlc* ot4rol in 4|iinrintin* m * tore, owiiu? to •ie hirg* num4or of j**iuih* rn nun in lt • mionhip Tho * rvi * • **in** i*> have **•• n giv. ■* too preference by Southern non. and on the other hand they neevn | o have alnay?* been well r* * < Ived there (IrllOOt %VI f* |*l le**, Jutt received a la.*ge ar.d atvorted up ; >ly of achool hart and echo*)! tuppHan all at cut rates: from 10 cents up. also, tsual large siock of all the school book-, now used in Chatham county, at Estill s Nears I’cpol, 4s bull stietl, b#va4.uah. , Ga.—ad. miltkFli THE UATTKHI <i IMK. % I rise Fakir* Arre.fsd. Three for c. aint 1 1 aw . Two for a akin (•wtne. Tne people of the B u> k *howw gnd the fnklr tha: *eem to follow tne nrgan zatHXi HrtiuWl the **int'v have been "up igatnef It*' with ch- |*>llce ever aincc* they atru* k Havannah. nisi yesterday wild the day before were riot tx eptloM. i’ J J O f’oanor of the Plant !*>• -fem fore- y*-*'er :> <♦ nt to the bar ra io# three mmUi -f tne ibow cr-wd. found f ILng sh b for a penny - iot In <me >f th- car* statlotwl in the i'lant System yard. % The *>ay before i%vo of the fakir* were ir i-*!**! ai the carnival ground* on the • -urge of working the battery game. ••.#* f them bad trt-#l it on •• l*efor#* dur ing the early part #f the flr*t week of •he carnival od had b- n put out of th A ti rou*’.*l a for In* pains, but Saturday two of the fakir*, evident iv idhnldened by the knowledge that l xv *• the lass la\ of the trim il, nr, p-* >ls mil of sheer des l* ration, eatieed by the nec| of ready m*nsy on to get #*i• of town tri**d it again. ai.*l eucc#.--fu .y u. at i*ast one a#e They W ilted tilt ti’ -og th- l<te af'er non,. nn#i th*n • aid • o-:e of Ihe country vieduir* thaf wa* pa -sir g -ns of the clark •st #*f ttie un ■ ip|ed b<*'' - Invited him It to •*♦— *#>m th|ng To- man demurred alsouf going in al firnt but w as Anally In •! . - I t-* enter by it lnf**rmatian that “it wmi’.d cx>t him nothlt.g When he had • ti g*t lu th* l*4h ln*ten<Wof showing birr anything he w.* b*. I to take hold of ihe uandl- of a small electric l ittery, and he *lll •*, th# li he vv * lol*l to give- hi* •♦‘i r hand to “the d.s ror. ' the title ,*•- -umed by on* of th-*plraa*r* d“he victim f* It a tiiiid urr* nt <f ♦•b-- trl'ltv w f i. h didn't • It her affect r impr# ** him v# y min h. --I l# til. go the luin*l f the ’U> tor ’ and he battery, he siart • I ou* H- was Mopi#*-| an*l tol#l that he we.l trie Ick tor $1 .• lb olrjt ted at flr*t .t th** !o’tor rung Mm h> the ihr. at an-1 Indu. • I hlen to .in- a ions. ' The v;. i.lm t**id .* story to the iiolice etatlun *• i at *he gnyund- but v th.s time th** p*'V rs ha#l *Ui*.p •*• r• #l. An eve wm* kept on the booth, h* w-ver. and later th# fakirs returned an#! tried the *am# game upon u ouplc ol n irori Th# y were taken In * harg* by some' of the firemen *tnTion>l In toe grout ah- ar*l turned over to I*.t - 11 , e - Stm k and Murphy, who tent them to th ban a k . TKHIT OF nillHT. Mr. strong l*ll% erect Third *f Ilia yrrlrx of (rrmnßi'. “Th- Temptation of Chriat—the T*wt *f i ’haracter,” wa- the subject of the **rmon by rh#* re tor K-v. *'h cries li. Strong, at S. John * Church last night, being the second of a s#*ri.** on "The Life of Chrkst The . ngr*gHlon wan not large owing to the dampnev* of the nigh*, but Mr. 3;r>ng * interpretation of the -mp atlons io whl h Chrltt un* *ubjea -• 1. was oppr. n<! the l'**on* he drew were of profi' to those wno heard them 'lnc* promise of the temporal kingdom • a whs -•* nd#-#? * (‘hrlei wt- a mightv temptation. Mr Htrong so HI to on- of his t aiur# It nrrst Im*#h p.ra/ung for •Mill to ;.-k upon tin ci virion oj wat onjured up. aU th* natix>} of the ear. i it hi* f*ei By an v#*ptin*e of the offer Christ might have beer the ruler over all. an#l the Kingdom of God ui**n earth might ohvc been won at once The slow pro e*sea *4 the way might hav* been avoki*d. but the auch war* not too • pr*oint*sl way wi enough for the flav our. and h#* put th* tempter behind him ■ lectir.g lather b* etiffer wnd to die in ? 1-r that ;ne world be woo to Mm by love. Ad through ihe Ilf#- of Chrla? must there iv* run that same irmtcwxion to ft*mon '■•rale eo that all might iielieve that lie was iisksfl in- son of •ol in whatever ■ li*l. w • rev. r h** turned was flung t him that. “If thott le tne son of nod." \ ex *• forisire m A w.ait.l not reveal hlmeelf i ih* *<'oflfera by the |>erfortttat:ce of th#* 'inn l.t- to w M *h h* wa* challenged. 1 wnu’om: ihh t %tio\. Ilulne* Men C.lMff ( nl. Pope Aon lln* Wider %nlhorlly. Busin* *s men of Savannah Hie cuneoiidalion *f th** traffic of the Hourth and Fifth Plvlviona of the Bea l.o.tid Air Line, and It- boing placed un* i th* maimg-rnent . f t*ol A Pope, as -1 tun: g-n-rd freight .gent The ex ten '• "t of Col I’Or* s authority* Is accepted by the whol'Ml- cbalers and other* a* .n trdlcatk-n that Huiunnah's railroad in -re- *. rat* sand concessions will not •i;ff* r Having this city th** renter f ou thorl’v In traffic mutter* relating co so wide a territory * that * mbraced front I’olumbla to Tamfai and fr.m Savannah to Montgomery is con.-idered a distinct advantage. anl additional aall*faction 1* found in having so capable amt conscien tious a railroad man us I’ol I*ope at the head of the department. The office for. that was maintained by Mr W H I'h .sant*. retiring assistant general freig agent, at J c ksonville. silt not be *iis. >.nt Inu-d ('o! Po|e will ondtict th*- office. 9|H*ndtng two or thtee days of every vv* * k In Jacksonville, leav ing It under th- direction of a competent chief clerk luring the time h* I* away. The busliH f the Fifth Division l* large ind the continuance of an offi. f.r*“ at .1 . 'kt" t'Ville to handle traffic n.ct teih Is dcni.imb and. A long distance t#*|e. i .'ii*' has been eatublished by Col. Po;** i:r hi* flavttnv h office, and by this m- an* ‘.* will le 111 close touch with Jackson \!P and other cities In Florida Business men ;u Florida desiring to consult with him upon mutters relating to traffic may .i<> so at lib c xx ense. TV *rntn*i* <* Ih<- >ntrl of <;>ri!U Knllwav (nr IV wrrk -u<(mK Ib- br.i i( Novrmhw, wrrr 1142.71* liwt year, and *7..474.3i- fr.>m Jan 1 to th— an<l of the wwlt In quwtlon. HKilnat *4.7X1.17* (or th*- corre-porwtlnj Itrrlo*! of lart year. %\ %UTl*T'* H >I:H\L y of t lir I lift* %llllnrl 4 *u I l* t ll■ f in Laurel 4*r\r. The funeral of the late Millinl Cox took pl.i > atd**- t k yesterthiy morning, in L.iurcl Grove 4". tne' ry. Tl.e slmpl*- wrrv h •• at the ginvr in lartur**! <iro\** was con ducted hv Kev. W. 8. Heath, city mlseU>n *r> of the Methodist Bplscopwl Church in 8a vannah. \lrp. Anne Cox, the mother of the unf*r lunat* arilst. the* only m* of his fatni > who attrrl**d hit* funeral. The cir umaun**- urroundlng the death of Mr •x. .i- >-.4.1 .*?* or*. w-r* not „ r th n tiie other cln umst.inoe?* th*it at i*n*i**l the lntrmnl of hie lmd> The mother was heartbroken and tlmort ||>tr.iuglit by the blow she trad suffered Mr. i•* had been In Savannah but a few months, uiid met! t hv* mail* t>ut N w friends. With the exception of his mother. Mr ll*4th and two others, there w. te nit atteiulanta at the funeral. The s ne at th* grave was u towhlngly (Kithetlc on*-. In entire keeping with tht •ad <l* ath of Mr. Cox Mrs <’ox re lumed to h r home in Atlanta last night. Oraybeard la a family m*dlc.n with ur.' said a prominent business man yes terday "My wife takes It. and 1 notice ihe la enjoying bsttsr hea.ih than for y*nrs Ths children keep well by taking it ” Graybeard may be obtaiKed at all drug stores or write to us for it. llesp**a Drug Cos., solo props., ttavanmih, Gg.-a4 BARE OF ALL BUT SHACKS. sitou V %%n UKAHtV ALL IHPUD Ol T or C AIIMI %J# (iHOI Alia. Int Load of f.qatpnient for the wlMvxxa U Hauled Assay nf lhi*k. Freight Train* ol MlcUslaM With the Shosxs. home fesr Albauy and Home for ( hleago—Tranixtera and Attarhrs of the sheuss Were Hues* for Hours In Moving Mag gage. (nlnial# and F.frrti to the ( ars-ktrruthr (’otumlttrr Must Hr 4tls rn All Hllla *r Wednrday. The las: wagon load c*f the equipment ol the H.iMo* k showe was pulled sv y from me c-amlvai grounds uliout < ightfall y t*rday. Tne gr-at Iron cag** of the arena of tralneeft antmals. In which the bear -* Hons, leopards and panthers were mao to fserfurm. ma le up the !• load, a?! other equipment tent* baggage, para phernalia and animals, having is-n *• off to the railroad At m: might Iwt i nirht the freight trains pulled out. twelve of the shows Imhiu-I for Albany, when * they will go to Jacksonville, and the others for Chicago, their home. Immediately after the closing perform ■cnees on flatunftwv night th- ott.icbes *-i th- various attractions began taking dotvr the tents fixing up th- animal- ;• then wagons for shipment, preparing Uig.'ag* 1 ans.l doing the vario is thlnKs to which : *hey are framed, losing no nm* in g-t ting everything in r**ull*iess for th- m->v* ment from tne grouti#!* to tne lepo Teamsters were kept busy for hour* ! t-arlng up th- Park Extension with hoof* and wheeiw ind blocking the streets unsl crdere were given them to drive on to the ears Just such an experience wa* 1 ha*l as watch marked the arrival of ?h* shows, when the hubs of the w.tgom •wink *n the soft earth Exhibits of k. at bij.-dnes* houses have 1 iieen removed from th* grounds A f w of them yet remain, but will probably ne hauled a wav to-day. The grounds r* lesfioLed of a.I save the *h.c- k- and shan ties in whirh the displays were ma le. wih other hastily patched together -true. tur#*s here and there Quite* .* largo sup plv of turn lor remains to he *1 aw \\ It is to b*- given away t th- various -hurltabl* Institutions of the city ami used by them for fuel. The Executive Committee of the Elk.- will receive bills against th* fund hetw—n and \\sdtiriay Advertise, ment is pub:ishs| tnat accounts must b* In on that day. The members of the *• n ■ mli tee are not at.e to say what has ie#t made by their venture, though they know | the receipts have not been as great as 1 were hoped for It is an easy matter to look back and .*ee wherein better plans might have been S devised, and one of th* G:iclsms a*l vanced. Is that th#* fr.t*-rn.*l onlers. the Knights of the Mywtic Hhrlru and others should Imve i*een Invited to t.ik#* in th* carnival during ih- first. Instead of the s*c*ond week It was clear enough that the greatest dnpetua cam# with the ap iearance <#f the flhGners *n th# grounds on lost Thursday night and <n tlte fol lowing night, tot*, the* business was good. Th# Elite themaeiv#**. se*- that the iwagramme rnigh* have haen b#*tt*A ar ranged. but they apprer ate that it l far i easier to find fault when everyth nc 1 ■ over than it Is to offer valued sugg** ion j before a programme is made up. ' Savannah did not take* to confe*tl a Id of the other place* In the flo-jth where it was recently Introduced Mr S', fl-hirs wa#* agent for th** stuff tier hut his sales were not more then half • a heavy ns He Iml anticipated He said yeaterdny ttuit he had soli I gn or (Mforvls of the sttiff nearly nil of which wr*ut *ltej-*#e j of at the cartuKul grounds In other rh low no much delight was found tn throw-log the stuff that the pleasure was iv*t oonflnod to earnval grounds, bu* was enjoyed everx*wrher- Mr fle|tuts or lei#d J/ft> j-oun is **f r<n fettl He aoon saw that he would tv f tr likely to ell anywhere near that qua - tit\ l-eet Thuredav night w.t t i _•!* cnfettl nlgiit. for thet- m# nv re .f t sobl then than on all the *h*r days o gether Th- •■amlvaJ crowl* s * m--l t id* confetti-wild on that n ght an I t e hoys wrho acted as its vendors did a rush ing business They r- elvrd 1 -im t#xr ••very package they or* 1 I and- n- *f ih* m made $2 40 on Thursday night Sin o the boys reallteil nlc. sums l>> th-lr w*rw # FARI.I at mhi FINK. \***ro Preacher** lloiinc F.a of th** llt> 11 ft l I % lIMinNIIFII. The ftrp deiMinmant wan cullel out it 6 o’ 'lock y ♦'everday morning hy on u arm frm No 212 The fire wa* in a Itouse on iU4:)n -tr*ef. Juit *n • of the Waters r<xi*l oc.*upied hy i *I -ortd preacher n.tmed White The fire ongiruit.'d in the kitchen, w hi* h w pret ty well g.itt*N| and two t IJoinii g ro m ilamtige*! An adjoining i.u-• w i ho allghtiy damaged The !i in:* I** *iu|i a lively bUx** for a tine some * f th•*<* who Niw It from th* city got th* id that another large fir*’ wa- n Kastvllle 4H - eont** of the 4*thr eu>tcrn auburl**. < J**ner il attentl*n was attracted ea?l\ las! night by a brtghi r (1* • in on ihe sky to the sotitliw.-n* of th*- Hy A pa rent ly, the tire was -ever* l m.le i ; the c*>untry. aial ik Inforruaton o.ld !•’ obtained an to its I*, at ton. Kupt M*- gutre noil<**| the re.‘l* lion art* l •ml .i\- *r*d to aje-4 rtaln tin* wh*Tab*>utn ol the lire, but without sue ’eaw MM \t PBHMiN IL Mr M C. 1 lavls of Millen is register* and it :he Pulaski. Mr J W Jones of Atlanta U a gu* of ihe Fuiot-ki. Mr. i'. Karle of Jacksonville Is regis tered at the p4laski- Xlr H. O. Jnnei* of Columbia is regl* t**red at the Screven. Mr. Clem llaekney of Talbotton is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr F B. CWlkis of Abbeville is i K4**ft 4 t 4he Screven. Mr N Kmanuei of llrunHw: k is * guest of the De rto, Mr H J <Tn*h of Statesboro Is reg leered at the Pulaski. Mr K. V. Campbell of Jockonvi)le is i gueot of the Pulaski Mr Chss It* nsinger ot Atlanta is reg teres) at the De Soto Mr James A Marvin of Jacksonville in a gue*t of he fik reven. Mr Huekner Chipley of Petisaixtia 4s registered at the S r*’V*-n Mr Jack E Hrant>v *f Maron wae n ruest of the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. and Mrs James C Ijombard of Brunswick are guesis of th*- De Soto. Messrs. O. L. Johnson and A. M Deni of Statesboro are guest* of the Pu.ask. M J I. 1 K||.( ** day. Mr. J. T. Klngaberry of VaMosta a • imonir ths arrivals yesterdoy at the flerevan. Messrs R A. Oraves. C S Jsrnlfan. Mr. and Mra. C. fiteary, and Miss M H Carsy. all of Sparta, are regis ered a: the Pulaski. Mlsa Lucy Emmons and Miss Bessie Klnghorn of Beaufort, who have been the guests of Mies Aiwa Cuwru.iifc-, hava re. turntMl homo 1 -w *1 n\\ PL.%I THK MLDIBM. (■ effort br Iho Ui-Bl Kootboll Tram for ■ 4iamr -0tnr.1,,. l! |B .quite pmwlW that • raf ot too'-- ball may br rrainr*.i batwrrn Ih* t*am o( ;h* Savanna.i Attvl*tlo AMonation •ml ■■ tram from Battery F at Fort Svreven, Tyhee The batterlea etattoned t Ih* llan<l h.v* two tram- that ar* <-ompo*d r.( etlent mat*rlal. and whirh hav* bran practicing for pome time. They *p*ct to play match gam* on Thank**tvlfi. protwhly at Tyhee. an'l neither ot them ou.<l be averae to a tort o( practice match be fort .rand The Savannah team. too. e*pect to play with a team from Jarkeonvlile on Tiiatrk-gtvliiK. and would like nothing hitler I ban i go again*! aome good team to put th.-m In rhape (or the Jackaoo vllle eleven Step* looking toward the arrangement* for a game w ill be taken immediately, and If au'-!-**,ful. th* game will be played Saturday at the Bolton treet ground*. ■IIMI I OM KMT TO-VUiHT. Fatrnian*, Band Will I loae Ih* Cara. lial al Ih* Theater. The c.oalng event ot the Kike’ Carnival will be th* concert at th* theater to-night by Fa liman a Hoeton Concert Band The 17ik. are tniereated In Ih* concert, a* they were In tlw- other event* of Ih* car nival. and It I* expected Ihgt they will i*e their Influence to Induce a large at t> n-tmice. The tuind ha demontrated It* gee Hence during the two wreck* It ha* been here, and It* music tuis lieen greatly enjiycd. The hand will leave tomorrow for New York. Il w'as expecied that other en gaKement* In the South would b* fllled. but *uch will not be the cara. tv* Inc.-day matinee and night Murray ti Mick will be seen In ’-Shcotlng the I'hutee " Murray & Mack are no strang ers to Savannah audience*, and the fa-I they have never been frail here In inythlng hut the best comedy I* an ■ s.irran .• that they will ortng eomelhlnit jro<*J ihl* time TO TRY TH IHI Y AL, (ASKS. -toperlor lanrt Will Begin Tmn*ac llon of Thl* Huslneaa. The Superior Court will convene thli morning for the trial of criminal ca-e*. Thera are a number of case*. In which Indl tments were returned at the last *e*- slon ot the lury, which have been arelglud for irlal to-day. Judge Falllgant. who has been conflnel to hi' home for the past week a very severe cold, expects to begin the trill of those case* thl* morning. It t* pi tillable I hat several day* of the week will be consumed In dl*ic—tng of them. Knialit* f the Ke>. From t ie JxxitsvUle Cotirier-Journal. "I hav- lost my gTlp“* Tiling phrase Is applied by men to *ll k I rule .f failure*. One of the technical ■!■- ig* ?< of loelng ones grlj* is in the case f telegrapfl operators. Many of th* most skilled operator* Puf fer at tim-H from a !oen of thW * grip.* and are competed to give way temporarily to it subetliute. This ’•grip” Is the hold •n th- key. ami the moment the operator hfgins to lose th- control of thfta grip" - realise* rest, although for only a brief time is due him Another but unpleasant term applied to \hi* U> of grip' i* ‘tel# graphera’ pa ilysl- ’ it owe Itself In many curious %.ys. ail showing that th# muscles •r# ught info play in working the key are iisftiy worn one of the most skillful operators In Louisville, who Is subject to three at tacks, cannot send “P.” The Morse man* ml calls for five data for this letter. Th# .•perator In question has by some hook or rook lost the power to stop nt the fifth •kit. ami It is a common thing for him t. warn ?h- taker to I *k for his “Pa " It* ently he asked a fellow operator to watch him sen-1 ”Ps. ’ and to stop him at the #*i *1 th# fifth dot. It resulted that, ulhough h* would be warned at the •urtli dot. the ring* rs. no long* r ma -r*-d by the brain, would o>nilnue dot ting beyond the fifth. S rofu:; In the Hood shows Itself aconer or liter In swellings oores. erupt ion- But Hood s flaraaparllla completely ires It. (MI. - - l It*l in the Sontli. One of the sights, of the sight of the • 4 in Iho *t wly appoint*--) gi***n ror*r> *f M S Gardner, corner Whitaker and .1* n**e street )nne N ver b fr<- wan ther* - ; ! an array of goo*) things The estah. ishment Is compel** with its meats. lOiiHrv, game. fish, vegetables, f.inoy ries anil a full line of dejlrateimen And th*- |t**<n*le of Hnvnnnah certainly ap ore.iate it. judging from the amount of edlM* s han-il 'd. None can en*er w ithoui • xpr sslng surprise and natisfartkm. or 0 *pjo!, Mr. Jerome, th* Southern mara • r of th*- Armour Packing Comiwiny It s the handsomest and best c<juip,*e 1 idle, of | a kind in the riouth." Mr M S Gardner, the pinprietor. ex -1 n*f- 11 * 'dial Invitation to the public to a Inn-l look at the new market. It w||; iipri-. >m. Everything is handled over marble -ad. The three car loads of fire-proof safes now en route for Ltppnian Bros , whop. ile druggists, IJppman's Blo*'k. are ex -1 • led t*> arrive to-day or to-morrow They are agents for the Barnes Fire and Htirglar-Proof Safe, and which no better - *f Is in * xl.-denee. IJppman Bros are the only concern in he state that carries a stock of all sixes from small to large Arc-proof safes, and w* invp. your Attention to this magnifi cat stock Thev .t|*y make a specialty of sllver w i* <h* xt* for private dwellings. When in want of a Are proof saf, be sure to call on Lipoman Bros ad. Mudy IV hi If \ oh Work. Through one of the ten free cholanhtp In The International Correspndi.c* Schools of 8* ranton, Pa., which the Mo n- Ing News will present lo you If you aecu e ot * of the ten largest numbers of vo|g* by Nov 20. >ou can keep on earning u living at >4>ur present uork. *nd at the Mime time, ny study at horns in tim* usually devoted to recreation or r**!, ()( )ourel( fr a professional position at a io*) salary. You *n aslly become ons of tlfe win ners of tide contest, by devoting youf t" tendon to • 11-tin* Vo.!n Coup.. n a and k—pn *■ 't > No > Im* • b.'ter than you (iet .very vote >ou can and hu*e al >*-ur (rletulf eve lb. i r f or y o _ B dtaftiay of text booka art drawing outnta to be given away by •be M min* New* m Ita educational con t! at ''h- Mirk*' aboe atore, 17 Ttroiigiiton street, wrest •o• - ■ **ll I urrtl Hf. 1 ' "Orayl>eard broke up rheumatism on m*v Mr Thas Thomas, the Jew . lr on Whitaker street. "And put me In better health than 1 have enjoyed In a ton* time.” Take Oraybeard Ptlle for that dtaay .ee.lrß-Loat appetite, and follow It up *tih a bottle of Oraybeard. It le all you need Reepee. Drug Cos., sole prope . Sa vannah. Ga -d A Hteb-Orade tnetltuHon for Indies Shorter Col> *e, Rome, Ga. Write for catalog ue.—*4k i HOT STUFF STOVES! BEST OIL HEATERS STOVES and RANGES FURNACES CSSSSSS2 till Of HOPt RT AND UU! ICHEDILK For Il* of Hope, Miitgom r>- T- . bod. Cattle Frk .mj Wot r>lly nrrpt Runday* Hubject to an without notice. IRUK OF HOFF. I.v City for | of H l.v. l.leof l.op' m from T nth | -im for i .. 7M) uni from Tenth | dt> .im for II H ,im from Tenth 799 urn fyr T.nri lb “tn from ftulton * <>• urn f<>: ii l>> 30 am from Tenth 10 uu uni tor t> r ..; 17 On n n from Tooth ,11 ram fot a 1 13 pm from It >l >:. li a. am j 2Jo pm from Tenth |2(• pm for >rr, J Jo pm from Terntt | 2 4o pm for I. ,a 4 |.m from Tenth Jhi pm for T.r.tS Mi pm from Tenth 4 00 i in for T-r, a *Jo pm from Tenth OO pm for 1.. r 7 JO pm from Tenth |7ou pm fo, Tee I JO pm from Tenth S t>i |*m for T.dh JO pm from Tenth | 9 lO ptn for ,r; 10 JO pm from Tenth liOoopm fi |ll O) |4i] lor . . oil __ _ MONTGOMERY Lv city for Mon* ry.j Uv. Mom, iu' JO im fr.mi Tenth j 7 la m for T-11. 2JO pm from Tenth IIS pm toi T-eta * J pin fiom Tenth | oOu ptn for t- u CATTLE I'AItK Lv city for C at.l ark Lv. Cait.c Pah oAi am from button 7t. uni lor b ..ton .' Ml am ftoni i4orion ou am for b.iiori 1 w pm Irom Uo.ton | 1 Jo i m for bol.<a. . Mpm from bo: ton Juui in f boiur. 7 00 pm from bolion , 7 Jo pm f. r t- wa 11 to pm from Hot ion ; i'ju pm for t> .. a IHCNDERUOLT Car |ea\e bolion .tree Jun • n &Mi a. an. and every thirty minutes t aft tt until 11 *n> m Car leaves Thunderbolt at fin a to. anJ eiery thirty mlnulea thereof'.' unit. 12 00 mldmcht, for Bolion r rut June tion. KKeTiThT'ANI> FAlti eT. vh This car rnrrles trailer for p.-.r,rr on all trlpa him) leaves west • i. ;t y market for Isle of Hope. T t-rnoit anil all Intermediate points at >" a m. 1 ta) p m . flit | nt Leaves Isle of Hope for Th brMlt. City Market and all Intermedia!- p nts at it uo a. m II oO a m . 2:40 p m WEST END CAK Car leave, west side of city rre-k-' for West End SOO a m .net every t r..r. res thereafter dtirlnc the day until !! J'P ™ Leaves West End ar *:JO a m an* a'- r-r 40 minutes thereafter durlnr IP* **y rtntll II on o’elork m'dntht H. M. IsOFTo.V. Gen Monsrr. AMI KKMKSTS. Grand Farewell Concert -nr- FAIRMAN’S non am ■ -AT SAVANNAH THEATER Monday Eveainc, Not, 19. POPULAR riUCES-Uc. JSr. MO. gnvamNAH thu-v rK* TCEiDAT NIGHT. NOV A :! P M. SHARP. 25—ROUNDS—25 (.love Contest tor a I’nrse of JACK HANLON OF PHILADELPHIA. PA —VS TOM CORCORAN OF SAVANNAH, ga Be at* of) ml#. _ - . gAVAN/iAH Wt*dnciMlaiy Mxtlriww and Nigh* Th** f.imoUft lrtib c CHARLES A MURRAY and MUCK In ihelr New Musical Kxlr*'**** "SHO9TIHG TE *18“ By GEGROE H. EM El Nlh4 Prleee—tl <•'. 7*'. Sue i ' jJ M inneo* Prk*c—Adulfi* Mk*. * To all part* of Ihe hou*c. J SAVANNAH_TH£A f£*- Regular Prk-kn- j THURSDAY EVENING. N Dt’NSR A Ml *<** ■* Maanimenc New Produ ■ ‘ A Milk While F!ai l>y Chaa. H Hoyt • compars ot * r #ir Inc4udln LITTLE CHIP • rJ . *7 • tra Fanchonetll. Mllttar> ,-*f Operatic Orchestra. Teem n# _ r . A taitlea and brilliant mualncal "*"■ ffo brand new produ'tlon N” , features, new coatumes. ne ■ Seal, on sale —11.00, 76c. Wc‘ “