The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 21, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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NUMEROUS needs of navy. Ol Tlir \%\% 1 %RI) %M 9 OVERTAXED. ,rr on 'horf llaa \l Krpi ~n rf with Thiti ni Urn—'lt In Knpr ,ll > >pcio*#r) to In lit rgr Ihf \iinl il Norfolk—%f Any Itntr tlir \ iril* %rr In Rrllrr (oudltlon I Ini ii WUrn the Uiir Wllh *|nln *inrtr*l. 4t*.n Nov. 30,-Th annual re- I , \miral . hl©f of ivi if yard* and dockr. *ulmlt* , „ irrigating $LM.'4.29u, of which , , i tV*wn for public Improva u.• ’ v mi ml 1 lb© . - prop* r provlflonn made at an .. for storing at oomrtUertf iwlnln ,r •**. Ih© large number of t*r ,it, which are lalng (omhetfd nnd ~ .in 1" called to th© overt ax*.l of many navy yard;*, due t> the ti i'< In the navy afloat, nn l , P |..*t earnestly advlws nn lncr©.i*e • ir** aUolmrftt. that the land •- .ft nun keep tip with the growfh , • i<. i,.*vy i*n the -eas. t Kfdlftxt tea tea that *©v* rtl of •.If. noil Id tw considerably Inrreneed . and particularly the yard et Not - y tr. \. congr©* hie authorized . .'ru 'iion of anew dry d*wk. which r*l to la* one of th** large.** • iaa. \. tniral ralle ttfeimon to rh© fact • nly ovnilable jqae© for tlilf - ''i• limit**! ht* to preeiude the nof k* kof dratrubl© dlm©n . iii •4 1 itay* that the navy varle i.f i try generally tire now in much ’ .*hi to meet a >u*)d©*i demand. ,i w ih thrown u|Hn them by ih© Hpa ©••* than they were w,cn that >ii*. lie rev leu the work h - •Mid th** ©xietlng conditions hi • . rd i ’• * 1 floating dry do k. theUmr *■> world. Intended f< r AUter* I* *• ready for pi.M ig< hy >©;i t> i •xt fpr#iK and if•* -it© il-o • : 1 anplete hv the time the dock ar Ad f the four (I<k k" authorized hv th* . 'i rf*te are In progr**>. Chief -• vs that with this th*.-© doks the th of the i ivv w|*| he largely •it t• -*■•!. Put the incr< ate in the num t-* r f \ **M**-a to U* handled wtl require 'till :* * dock' than ar*- imw |to\il>d tin; M:\vh %t vti,DOfn. i hnnui' in < IC> l linrler bought. MrrtltiK* nf Ha |li*l. V*. I*-***. (ia., Nov jj Col Robert •uen v. member of me from •!.* *unty, has introduced a hlli in that <d> for a ©hang© of the city a charter. • itlioi Ding th** e.t:ii>.iehrm*nt >f a r©< r -l i i.• • th- t ix appraisers final |ri fixing val b of town properly for luxation. The i w * "urt i t tuke the j ale lal huelner* t of the 'land' of ihe Mayor, and it ma v amended t*> tk f*om© of th*- iiiinl"- j t amr • ises *way from th** CUy <V>urt. Th* Rap. lst ©ongr* gat lun in now having >e*i i-x of meetings aft th*<r ohtareii. !r trwlrum ,*f Atlanta r**moin**d h**r*- I*t • :h> and pr* * hed. and Rev. J. A. Wray MUleilffmille 1 **x|ertrvl to aesiet in inct iliif - th* bal.ue > of thle week v .1 L. WmiH of Mne \n expected take •* of the nu**r njp* next Sun a* 1 . i.l i t them through next w* **k v r Ii Xlurray of Bridgeport, W. Va., i-i* aiding in the mretintf* thU w* k. a.* deaths firvurT**! here yciitrday, h b ilifc little children Idtlle John .<m.iltl. th* 2-yehr-old son of Mr. and John Mil* don i *l. and gnndsor of l *. A. presiding elder of this a . db-d at the fane of his pit rent 9 roupe citrect. am) the remains were ***l in the city cemetery here, b* Virginia Itoyi, th* bright little iter of Mr ami Mrs. (. M Boyd, at their Home 00 South Patterson after an Illness of *lx or seven Roth d* it ha were due to a coni i**n of troubles. S. il. Godwin was .ailed to Moul • this morning by a telegram announc the death of her nephew. Wesley neh. the 17-ye,*ir-o!d son of Mr. W. W. i#h, of Sparks. Tne young man was i known through this section and his h was h great shock #o the wide clr f friends f the family, it* at reel car |>* ople have lwen having trouble from obstructions placed j a the tracks hre at night, and they taking drastic measures to prevent repetition, bond and r<K-k* have been a * l on the tracks several times. and j c.: h delay was occasioned by It. The - k is believed to have been done by little boys for mibchief. not being •1 enough to understand the ('ons*qun<> of suoh conduct. The company* has *’ r. i a good reward for tin* prejetra and the youngsters along the route Imdiy frightentsl over the wa;mugs : have been sent out. M tt H XOTI> I*llo>l \\ %Y 4 ROM. 'tr-©t C ar I'rnnrlils©—Artralan \%©ll. Other Nntrm. lyrross. G.. Nov. 2*.—tlm© ag*> w*i inn>unc(x! that th© Waycros© hi *1 • t:F*ii Railway would. In short tlm©. * ii th© work of constructing its lln**s "■ 'ii •llff©r©m jwr © of th© city ©x?(-n*!tUK '• Sutllla riv©r, two mil©* distant. Th©r© has h©© som© delay, • r. in th** oommen©© men t © worlc, wing to th© r©- ' ns placed upon th© oomptry l y ' ' ty Council in th© franchise*.which * inf***! ©r>m© weeks ago. Th© Mrrst ( hot'le tnve gono ov©r tt© fninchls* ' 'iy. and have suggested a number hangas u*l mo)ihoaii’*ns in ih© on ’ rropoasl by the > Itv. These they .a • -v i • . I ! • ■*- I..gut. V it" * I Ii * 1 Iw able to ram© to som© 1 We adjustment of th© matter. On •* (bis is ion© th© street car enterprise * bi* 'ail©i) off tndefinitely. '■** * ontnn t will la* awarded Monday • r new machinery, necessary to th© •• -a-# m th© B.attlla Manufacturing ' . any m l o {khau. Th© Improvement* *• f i • plant will cost a? least £5,000. r - J. K. Wad ley, president of th© ffa ’ M tiring Company, ha* given ' **ntract n 700-foot *-in©l artesian " at the company’s plan?. In West ■r.isii. Th© contract was given to r.dier A- Cos. nod work Drill l>© begun *v f. days. They will pm In an alr ' t amp, .* a flow cannot be obtained li#*, ! ’ J M. Olenn left lhl. mornlnß for *' r ' where hw will assist In a rwlval Uft Ihts wsrk. . ‘ nnual I'onfermr, of tho Woaloyan l]t r-huri-h will oonvono in (his 1 ■ morrow. Rrv. 11. 8. Abbott of ’ ‘ TANARUS,n 11., will prrrl.lo It. v C. • ;l-. iho (Wator, bus all arraiifp * " ' m.ido for ontcrtalnliig tho conler of la* I.lM'.llk tHK LATE. ,l * | ny nniril hy Roa K h Wralkrr on •he Atlnnttr. D*ik. Nov 30 —Heavy winds and * *> on the A’lanHe ara tin lonbt -1 v. ‘Uh© of the delay of a fleet o' * ' \ : l*ntie liners Uu© her© from d.f t.urqs*aii ports. Among the ves tr” ,hf 4 cra. k North Uoyd flyer. K .1- dh*lm d*-r Gross© from Bremen, •jmpton anti Cherbourg; ih© Hol liner Rott<rtlim. th© Red ' r^ r l<r ths Anchor llfi© )*• from Glasgow* and Movllle; *h© lrans|<t(t < ‘ompany*s r D’*ni liondon; th** North Ger ovd liner Ailer from Genlo, Na '* <ohraltar and the White Htar t OA •* MUC Irani Liveipool and qustnt- MUNYON’S KIDNEY CURE When Prof Munyon says his Kidney r*ure ia n spertnc for nearly* every form of Kidney disease he *|nt* not overstate the as** In tha least. It has won for tl seif a pla. e among the almost infailtbb* remetfk* ?. it will not cure Bright s Dis ease In the advanced stages It will n*'t io the imt*ossil)b<. but it will •ur **very phase of Kidney omplalnt. even th in cipient stages of Bright's Dlseas* Fifty-six other cures All druggists, ■ ISC- vial <uid* to Health Is free Medical •idvtr* fr* • write t Broa*lway un*l IMth Hf . N* w York. UFAT T(i Mil**. |,YOX*g Ft M.IUL Workmen .1 11 mp*'*l Their t nntmet tint Were 1 n tig tit. Wajrcross. (la . N*a . .Mrs (‘lira \V 1 Lyon, whose death was rsported in yrster* • lay * dispatches, was a teacher in the WuycroPH schools eleven \*wra. The fu ll* ia! party who w*nt up from here to 1 th© interment at Albany yesterday re turned to-day They were th** Misses j Lyon, d.itighter **l the dead lady, prof L. A Pound, principal of the public >choo|; Vk t'ar.'W'Sl, secretary of the li.uird of K*lu< at lon. Rev. M Cainpb* il Stryker, r* tor of (*ra • Kpiiaopal : •'’hurdi, Mrs il S R ldtng and Miss ‘ Autson An el*** tion will probably be hekl this i week to fill Mrs Lyon’s place In the ; school. Her j*l 1 h.- .***en filled during ! her IMness by Mi-> Mamie Beavers, u graduate of the e ioi in the class of | T;i Wavcros* Air Lin** legun laying : rails yes**rdy at Wadley's Mill, eleven rnu* s bt*>ond i>ougias. Fix e miles remain to U* graded before the rood rea* hes Fitx gerald. The belief is ttiat trains will not , fa- running Into tn* Colony C’lty before Jan 15. Kiev* n n. gr.wn #*mploye*l hy thee Way , cross Air L n* in its (construction depart* j ment jump* and their contract yeaterday, •nd left t!e camp, coming 1n this dlre<'- tion. As the pasoenger train, due here t 2 o'clock was pousHtig Murray Suitsui 1 Conductor Smith saw the men. and after | reaching the city he reported the matter o the authentic* of the road At 4:15 a '!* .1 train pull*l out, carrying T .1 .M'U'lellan in.l a posse of in* 1; Thcj m up with 1 he m*n at Bolen. and all of them surrend ered p.-M fully except one. who mal a hold dnsh for liberty. 11* was chased a hundfed r tw*> hundred varxis by ShTlff McClellan, who comnixn i*d him t<* h.i!t Rf fusing 10 do so. the officer began shot ing vx It Ii th* result that the man stopped ani gave up Th* eleven men were brought to town shortly after dark and put in tlie county Jail. The fourth quart*!)' conference for Trin ity Church will b*- held next Monday night at th*- church. CM LITER % DhT(HHiM& Ose Of a C ru*il of lloxxtllea 4 uf i Ity Marshal of llouxlns. Douglas, (ia . Nov. 20 Last night while Mahara s minstrels were exhibiting under a small canvas, crowded with w*men and children, aom* drunken young men from :b© country, came in ami began using very profane and onscene language. City Marshall S. H Brown was catie| upon (o eject them, and while endeavoring to do to. was serf*Mn*lv cus by KHaha Ixitt, Jt.. *-on of Representative Arthur Ixtt. Th** wound was in the side, and the knife <miu>g in conta r with a rib. was all Dint saved Mr. Brown's Mfe. The sheriff of tha county and the sheriff of the City Court were both under the canvas, and yet Mr. Lott ourromuled ly his friends waa permitted to eocap* wtth otit arrest. A private citlxen was pursu ing and endeavoring to stop the fugitive, vh- • ma:. that Henry BlancHt and others threw their pistols on him in pro- I tectlon of ihe fugitive. flll.IMN) 101 l A WIFE. I|nrrr Talc n( Nutrlmoiir and Money From Virginia. From the New York Journal. Newport New[*, \*a., Nov. 18.—A mil for divorce which was tiled here yesterday afternoon brinks to light a etrange ro mance of love and money. Mr. and Mr*. Fenton F Finch are members of proml t,ent families. Mrs. Finch was formerly Miss Martha A. Mc-lson. of this city She ts of H.'Olllsh descent and Is related to some of the nobility of Scotland. Mr Finch Is the brother of Mrs Mann H Val entine. Jr., whoe- husbuial Is the oldeet M-n of the late Mann K. Valentine, who established the Valentina meat Juice busi ness. The brief courtship of Miss Melson by Finch seems to have been purely a busi ness arrangement with him He had a friend living in Newiort News, where Miss Mel son’s valuable property was lo cated. and It Is reported that the friend I old Finch he would enable him to marry an heir, rs It he would give him IM'.'XW for the Information after the cernon> took place. Finch readily agreed to the propo sition. He was a poor young man Miss Melton, who was an orphan, was living with her guardian. Mr. Ilwhins, of this city, who had a daughter Just her age Mr Finch, through some misunder standing. thought Miss Hawkins was the heiress, and paid her several visits. He soon discovered hla mistake, end trans ferred his attentions to Miss Melson. who was at the time only lt>. and mere chill In her feelings Finch, after one or two visits, gave the girl a diamond ring, which she wore In her stocking Her guardian, realizing that Finch was after his ward’s money hurried her off to Dr. J K, seminary, near Ashland. Va "love (.) will find a way,’’ and In spite of the strict discipline of Hie school and the argil*- eyed doctor. Finch met Miss M. son and persuaded her to elope with him to Wash ington Ijtlt an orphan at an early age. she now gave her entire confidence and love to her young husband Hu Immediately assumed eontrol of her enormous property, amount ing to over *;..>’. and fiom the time of her nnirrlage only allowed her a lim ited amount of spending motley. It Is sail that after the marriage Fin-h's frl. ikl. who had located the quarry fo htm. called for his *lbn and was refused Ihe sum A stilt was threatens,!, but a IIMHII Will ' Wai reached, t' ■ friend receiving i. for his aervteas In t the transition Mrs Finch Is well known hete. and Is of H modest and retiring disposition. The i sympathy of the entire community Is arous-'d In her hyrself from her husband through the courts In the meantime stories of the penurl ousnees of Finch are cropping up from every quarter It Is wild that when he ttrst came to Newport News to look efter the extensive Interests of hla newlt, mar ried wife he alcfd on a dry goods box In order to save roosn rent, and various other . xp. dlents were renorted to by the embryo millionaire to save expense gom. time ago Mrs Finch.told a mllll net that she could not |av more than M i cents for a hat as that was all her hus hand permitted bar to pay for such an irtlcle. In her complaint Mrs. Finch j nates that she was only allowed *6 per ' month, and that when she made bills for— houso ei|>nsee her husband would heat her. \ rlmnipluu tot ton Picker. Atlanta Nov. .-!n a cotton picking content at flood Hope. yesterday Warner S Hale gathered 753 pounds of itw- ska pie. His Irtenda claim ha haa es tablished a record THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1000. HANNA * PETTIGREW FEUD. \\ IIY THE OHIO UFA ITOH NT! MPCO SOI TH IlikOTi. % l*ilttteal \ t*iklefta— I'rlllgrra XX'III lie X|t*r| in UMlilngtos Respite Ills % itrlolle %tlacks uu Ills flcaa • orlnl ( olleagues. From the New York Times. Washington Nov. 17—In spue of the general rejoicing over Richard Franklin i’eftigraw'a defeat f*r the I’ulted Buies Benato, the fact la generally rocgnlze*l thit th* Hciuitc will not le ao a place w lieu he h> pa*ktd his gnp and gone k to Soutii Dakota. Even the Republican senators will have to admit that life is Ahum of much of its excite ment. None of the Republican leaders ever came down to the Chamber :n the morning without a feeling of wonder mixed with dread about what Fettigrew was going to do to th.m that rt iy The days wire few when the Boutb I>nk<ytan bad not some ambu>< i*i* carefully pre pared for hia former friends on the Re public. in aide. He had not his equal for Industry and pertinacity. His attacks w--re like tho<*e of a mosquito, and hta energy ws hh tlrele-* and his activity Uh as that *f that unpopular in sect. Fettigrew h defeat is one of the most cu r.ous things in politic* H had prodded a tel stung Republican senators all the * v ssloij, irrtta'inr them bey<hkl measure. n*l at last in the closing hours, he un • \IM-Ctedly swooped down on Mark Hanre* .'iii*l drew blood Th** b,g Republican, who hid Lfne assaults from other quart* rs w'iiht>tj? iqienlng hi* mouth, was aroused by l*-ttigrew's attack and there was a seint’orical fracas for half an hour Han na then tirs f entered the arena as a ©en at (dial speech maker. The incident appar ently ended, and Pittifrw ocrurtily rx t .' lit , Wor* r.-suir.N from it than had follow* and hi* flagging Of other senators litr Mark Hanna waa n roused r was ,4 r*ers*nai matter with iiim now All the other |wrsaial of th** last f**ur years had drawn from him nothing out nn occasional protest Rut he now vowed vengean e on the mn who had "•fried the attacks on hb charn. *er into th* Senate and hod rubl*ed them in He had been accused of dishonesty to hie fo* e and In the H*-riae it was this lnt ter fai-t that aroused Hmna m*.s of nil It may not h*> generally known, hut there ie n* nrwin in the Senate not even Mr who has au* h an nppre<-int on of th* *llgmty and mnj.vsty of that hodv as Mr Hanna. ILs oorveptlon of ft Is even higher thm the f H ct Ha could hardly con>: !e** himself a m**tnler of a more tiiguet body if he wore n tus'lrv* of the Huprema Pourr He even has an td**a the t • should hesitate to erbk clwo •, member of it though he would rot Opplv the Idea to any other legislative U-iv And here, in this sac r el chamber its* If. he was a*a!!ed wPh a jwirtlsan %*ir- Ulence which ha*l never beep surprassed nd hardly ever equaled in editorials and cartoon*. X Political Vendrtta. The campaign came up Just then, and M* Hanna's vow of vengenn'e was f r g often Proha hi v th>se who re m* inhered It thought when the Republican ni.m threw himself heart and soul into the frav for McKinley, that he himnelf hid forgotten It In the pursuit of more Import in? matters, or that hi- anger hod cooled That betrayed an Ignorance of Mark Hanna As soon he f*|t at* o lutelv confident that McKinley was ire t in> ele.'te*! Mr Hanna dropped every thing. left the national campaign In the hand' of subordinate© and b*g.n the carrying out of his long-cherished nr- J* ? for vengeance axainst h|s i-ersonal enemy It waa a vendetta, of politics. During the remainder of th** campaign Hanna ramped on the trail of his enemy He went through South Dakota from end to end. ©le aking and working, and left no stone unturned to undo Fettigrew* As It waa generally believed that South Da kota would give her electoral vote to M - Kinlay. Hanna's devotion to that state became inexplicable The fa t was that the political prophets come led th** sena torshlp to Fettigrew. while giving the electoral vote to McKinley grid until the very *• v© of election this was the s a ** Hanna's work undid that H* came har-k from South Dakota nor only with th© electoral vote for his chief, but with the scalp of Fettigrew dangling at his licit. It was a curious and interestp,g feud. No two men could b** more wnllk** than Hanna and Fettigrew*. and yet there Is a similarity In th*- positions they o.- upy. llanna Is the business man In |>ditlc; so Is Pettigrew. Both are or were lal magnates llanna Is the type of th# buin-ss man In politics who upholds sys tems o* they are; Pettigrew Is th* mu h rarer type of th* busffiess man in p i tics who would tear down a tel <letroy— or. as he would prefer to put It, to re form ami regenerate. Fettigrew is said to have met with financial losses lately, but ho entered the B* note as ag* h man lie was the best \ In that respect the same position that Hanna did In Ohio. His own community was covered with Pettigrew's business enterprises. Hanna started as an em ploye of a wholesale grocery house; Pet tigrew* started as a laborer Roth men made their way in the w*ork! by indomit able energy and business ability. Both were educated In Western colleges. Roth were it* publicans; but Hanna’s Ivent was lr. the direction of extreme conservatism and Pettigrews In the direction of ex tremity of his views when they met as ariagonlst* In the Flitted States Senate. The radical was unhorsed and thrown out of public, life, and the conservative can -ay with truth that it was he who did ! It. Nor would he he slow to acknowledge j that he did It as a punishment for tho radical's daring to assail him personally and publicly. In fact, the impreKsion pre vails that Hamm is rather proud of the 1 feat. Traps for ll^pnlillcnns. From the time that Fettigrew tlod him ■ ©©lf up to the Silver Republican Party | he ha* devoted himself to making life un pleasant for the Republicans, but he never developed this faculty so fully and com pletely as In the last session. No man on the opposition side was so dreaded and disliked. He whp continually digging I traps for the Administration Senators Some of th* m were serious pitfalls, and the Republicans only avoided them hy great wgih.v. as when he introduced a resolution that the Republican* could hardly avoid passing without being put in a bad light, but drew it so cunningly that to nass it would be nn official *c. knowledgment of AgulnaMo*© Government 1 Others were of a humorous nature, and tended to put the H’•publicans in n harm* fessiy ridiculous light. One sa*h was when he asked leave to print a pamphlet prepared by himself snd containing quota tion from the writing of “distinguished i Populist*, extracts from which he rend The Republicans fell over themselvea ! to object, and then It turned out that 1 Thin People • houl.l try Stomach uin.-r, l >r M> of llfth meotui that your , 1, not working pro,wrly. Tha blood fn-comea Impure and the reault l. liullreeUon, Con. attpatlon. ftyapepnia. Flalulenry, Inactive I L|,-er and Weal; Kidney. The caui*e lie. In th nonwch. Hoetetter - . Stomach Ttltter* will reach H and cure tt. Be eure to .tv. It trial Otrr Private Itevenue Stamp cover, the neck of the bottle Ihe king Hostetter’s ol all Stomach Health-Restorers Bitters JJadway's Furely vegetable, mild nnd reliable. Regulate ihe Liver and Digestive organ.' The safest and best medicine in thr world for the CURE of all disorders of h* S omach. Liver, Bowels. Kidneys. Bladder, Nervous Dis eases. Loss of Appel lie. lliili hr t'onstl patkon. Cosil\#nae. Indtg*stl(in. Hl’lous ne*s Fever. Infl.iinmatiori of the H**w-Th. Flic* and all d**rang**ment*• of the Infernal Vls-'©r.i FERFECT DIGESTION will be •* on hod b) k RADIX Af 0 PILLS By *0 *lotng DYSPEPSIA, Sick Headache, Foul Btogfiaeh. Bllnxisness will be avot*lel. as the foo*l that is eaten contrtbu4e>* it* nourishing properties for the support ©f tho natural waste of the body. Price. 2f*c per box fbV-1 by *1! druggists, or sent by mail on re • l§t *f prlc* RADWAY Ar CO., bo Elm s( N* w York the quotations were fr<-m th*- writings of Lincoln. Washington and Joffers**n At tiroes the badgered Rtpubh* nn*. worried lieyond ©ndtirance, furn*d sav agely on Pwttlgrew but they could not f -fret him Their Invective, mu* a*m. and auger made *>• mpr-we **n There \s * only one occasion when ivtltgtew’© * <m |K>sur* left him and he le** am© align D w*a.H when he was made th* vl* tlm of i tremendous rebuke by B*um?oi Wilcoft of Cariorstlo, wh has ois** failed **f re election anti will go out with P**ttlgrcw. The s ene was a remarkable on* Not even Fettigrew .and Hanna nr* m*re unlike than Fettigrew* and Wolcott. IX* tigrew i.s mil man, with tvp l **hoall ers and i jmlo fa deeply llne<l Hi vk e is shrill an*l hlgii alines? w hining To listen to ft long oats th* n*rv**s on edge. Wob oft |s .1 big man with a bmnaed. Jolly face and a thunderous voic* !l* lm>ks ni* much like c*>mm**r I*l traveler as Fettigrew does like h retail dry g ,M ds cl**rk H* * an watoi with h magical vote©, of whom it can UtnoM ite s **! a© win sag) of Garrick, “He • an pronounce the word *Oh* si as •* bring t* .11 - •* *ih © ©>©© • Fettigrew had trliimphantb **n oligled on© *f his **n the iJmm istration, when Wolcott ,ir**?** af*l ri slantky the doors opened and the et-natora who had gone into the nak r*join- "hen Fettigrew in gan roliel in like a lid*. Wolcott's Attack. .Standing not more than ten ?••*■? .*‘vay fr*m F* ttigr* a Wolcott began his spe**' ? 11© drew n picture of the South I *ok*tan that wa** ptiriee© in Its cruelty A© h* warmed up to his work he t**gan t* walk up and down, never taking his ©ves *ff Fettigrew. who sat hudd!*"l up In htw . hair, his pale fora changing to a dull red and his fingers spread over hi# left cheek Occasionally he strode up to with in a desk s Tcflgih of his victim, m and wav ♦*•l hi© big arm In the air His great vi©© pealed and rolled through the Hnate Ilk* .n organ symphony. All th* now**rs of that remarkonle vole© were dlsp v*d t 1 their fullest extent f.r ih© disscv-aiou and pulverizsiiion of Fetiigrew He painted a man whose nature wa , p*Heon©d with suspicion, hatred, and vn* levolenoe; wrho “view* th© world with Jaundice*! vision. ** and “when tin* s‘*n shines sees only the shmlow s It casta He held Fettigrew up tsw a warning to mankind In his p*r**r4lon he ©trod* up I** Fcf tlgrcw, on*'* shak:*g his b - Unger at billi, tmliclerwd. fh ma voice of a hu man orean: “I lrßevtd that If be change*! nlacee with Agulnaido. who is brav*-. l\al nn*l patriotic, and Agumaldo stood In th© K* n te repres*utlng th© great state of Booth Dakota, whicti sent Its soldiers to the Fhlllppiiaw and left i%*tne Of them deal In the trenches I hers. Agulnaldo would never— though Ih> Is— Iw found In this body traducing the President of the t'nlted Btstea and * loud* ting on* l ma ligning our officers now at the front and charging th*m with bolng swindlers and defrauders” pot*lgftP's fa *© had changed from Its duff flush to it dead white when Woh ott conclud'd. 11© m-.* Mitd made a slur ar Wolcott'a private life Wolcott nn g*r©d him above all by some refereti ***• to Pettigrew s relations with hlc fellow senators, and Tettlgrewf bitterly refilled. “My relation* ar© pbac-unt with most of them, and I hp© the Httiator from Col om*lo will not hkl** tf©* whole S< nat© be hind his large personality.’’ Hitnnii'ii Threat of lt©vence- Pattigrew went on day by day hurling darts Into she hide of the Republl in ele phant Just to hear the hug* beast trum pet, until June 5. when he made ;he mistake of waking up Mark Hanna But for that he might still he Ui the Senas* ll© hal l*©en bitterly MSsaUing another senator with the usual result© SiKlden ly, without the slightest warning, he fell upon Hanna an*) tore him. tooth nnd nai. lie raked up the story of Hanna's ©b tion to the Senate, made rlat-footed charge© of bribery, and provoked ilunna to do something he had never don© mak* an ©xtenif>orane*us reply iLnn.t denounced Pettigrew s a “traitor.'' and read a clipping from a douth Dakota per calling Fettigrew a "JtMlax'' am) an ‘'Arnold " At tne doe# of hi© spee* h. leaning o\'©t hie d©k he almost touched Fettigrew. wiios© bark wo© to w*sr! him. he shouted “Oh. no. Mr. President; the gentleman will find that ha Is mistaken in th© peo ple of the Fnged States when he attempts through mudsllnKing to Influence their de cision at the polls next ffovmbar. When It comes to personality. 1 will stnn) up against him and compare mv chara t* r with hb 1 will let hint tell what h© knows, then." and Mr Hanna maie a long pause after •.1 h word. “I will— -4(.|l_-wnat—l—know -him." The threat was fulfilled. In private Hsnna vowed vengeance on Fettigrew. ind h© pursue*! him relentlessly. The vendetta of polltlcn ended In victory for Ihe avenger Bitter as were Pettigrew’s speeches, in private lie. wss an fTaMe and courteous gentleman Hie ptihlw personality w*s ©< strong, however, tha* It completely eff.i vd hi* private prr*4l4ltfy In the way men regarded him. If© became persnitaiiy un popular among th© Republic senators nd ©ome of the Democrat* At the ©am* time he was an in;er* .flng figure in pub lic Hf©. and Washington wdl not Ihj o lively* notv n.oiuiM " (onvirnt. Iteprt klioss* They Irr In I’retfy (innil t 4o*llllon. Tallahassee. Fla . Nov. 3> —The report of Hon. Robert F. Rogers, state Injector of convict camps, for the month of Octo ber. ha been received by Commissioner L B. Wombrsll. Mr. Rogers reports a total of XD con victs in the. various camp* and say© there was no death and only one ©sca|w- during the month The prisoners are well fed. healthy and cheerfu* and no frl* tion is reported from any of the ramps. All four of the constitutional amend ments! submitted to the people a: the re cta* ©leotlon hsvs been adopted by small majorities. Judge Charles Rwayne openerl the t’nl ted {Rates Circuit and District Courts her# Monday afternoon with a full retinue of court official* In attendance. I Gilmore A Davis were to-dy awarded contracts for two n©w residences, fronting on Duval stroet. one for Prof. A. A. Mur. phe# and tbs otiier for Mrs. J lx Wil son. GEV l.ltft FM.‘* UTUBTkKm tirs. %lg©r llrnle* I‘hal They t aiue Prnm Krnstwr Manna. From the New* York Ain. Buff a.**. N-*v \% R>tne<lme* |olitlcsl histoty 1© m.i,n at llniiei. public an*l private, v*rv *•!** words are **id at thee© dliin* 1 wnlch ©xeti an mrtuenc© •hi th© situ* . m.| fiequently mu 1 ©tg- | nlflcanc© i* attached to whit ooeun at these •linmr-’ Viiyway, tte* fo4h*wlng s iy i-*.l t*> • ~f the moat emimtit It* publi* an* .( me state on-©thing an ©j i sod* ar t ’*'*ll ihnmr at the Futon Loigue Flub (* New York (!lty t> tho Hon. Mtii \..uso H*ima. Jum*i R© puuhi'uii 1 i.**r for Ohio. .in*l chairman of th© K* 1 in National Fommlue* tto' not n liter* nta.K On th* o * . yi**c. !•>..l* ** Mi Hann# thei© were i*re© ent iNwiifit 1© N Blis Resistor Tlusn o (’. 1 Flat' Nii.ii• * *'onmu,’• • man Fr©*k il k H (ti*hi, 11, Fran L Vinton Green©. Freeidant of th* Repubbean Founty (*an mitt• • *>f New York ex B©. retarv of War Itu.-s* i .\ \ *;.■ J(k'-**ph A Man e\ H* fi *t**r Nathan I .4 *i 1 nnd o n or* **f oth*‘r Ib puM; in* equally r es-• w No ur.iilv after the dinner there wa* a llt.le S|vee*’h'making Ttia* nlwiivs *vtrciirs. even at th* niiiet fwivai© dinners The eminent KepuMl nil who ted* th** story of wliat ‘ * urr** l ,'iikl to-*lay to a*l *• Hun corre spondent "I* In'l nl - lo ipII oc. iirit ol o prhnlo .tinner Still. |- I, k'"-! 'ory, i tn my estimation, nnd. *f *-nur©*' th© Sun t* entitled t.* • \\\\\. here goes It came time fr Gen. Gr.en, to speak He was in to© heat mood ll© \* fin© look ing. noJ luvly f©ll**w ll* w.i- very hap py v . a*i*. Emperor Dick t'roker's estl- j mat* of #• iu f©r Rrv in in Mi* borough *f Manhattan hat) In n cut b\vn to le*-i* j tahn (*©n. (!••* n© said mam** very haiidaotn* thlngM of HeiMstor Hanna tlw* gu*‘* of th** *v©ning Turning t** Mr. . Hanna. Gen. Gretn.* >.*! TANARUS. you. sir. I owe my army appo’ntment my selection , a I'rla.i’ll.T g<>n,ral in.l my naalftn- . ni*M In !h- I'huippllnn ' 'HoM nn - ' ft, n-niK (nm Mi Mi Wh,r< was I. '•*•!) <Jr—nr .liirinit all iha< limn ' Wa I not Ht-mary of War" 'l’rrialnly. vm arn-. a r,' mtavr)y rr- Orn (Irriic bill vnu mrrrl>- ma<lr •In. n ln'mrnla rrnmmm*lrtl by mv 1 frlrn.l S.-i,f..r Hamtn ' ■‘lnn Al.-r I .till nn hla fnrf Hr ! war n *lrn mr •hv In vnu. Orn Orrrnr * ra |a*.l 1v,.-Ac J.'ii Alfrr, ihat vrry ap ■ Itninimrnl you r—rlvwl Unr n thr Hpan -I*l* " if w *■* rwonunrn<ln.l m, *l.*ar I "Ifl frl.-ml wlr. rltr m\ rlah*. Senator PI itt. and thm without hlr lndnrs.'rnrnt vnu w.nll n.a hav*. *— .*.i anywh**rr. for th.* r.-.r*, that vnu an m N'rw York Hr juihhnan. war nomprll..! if. rr. ntvr hlr Inlnirrmnn h.fnrr ollhrr thr PrrrUmF *.r hlr Hr.-rrfary <f War would art "FFrnaFnr llanna irrtnnnd. rvrrvhody nlw 111 tho tal>lr Mitlled. and II wu. an inlrrrrllna hit of (Ik rvrnaiK ' * nn ii Kiri4i run m KYTnK*. Inipro, rmr nlr In Wnr'r Inulnrr, •hr IV> In Mniirr Mnklnu. From *hn NVw Orlrana Tlm.r Hrmtaral "If you want lo Rn rh h qulrkly." raid a kval Invrnlor. "juM think of Minirthlnx if* and |>ra.'thll In military airpllanrrr. irms nt muniUona .An Amrrhan mr- I . hnnlc rr.-rlv,*.| Ifti.nrto from thr Orrman Kovrrnmrnl Ihr olhrr day fur n vrry rlm -1 ahrll rxira,nr rrrrnlly ihr Frrncli paht ov.'r,.. for an Imprnvr mrnt In r. nil Under, for fl, 1.1 arrlllrry. and T ..wild nam. a ■licui tathrr litMan* *, nut of haral. "fhr ~f *h** •hliiat* crraily dr.lrrd at lrr*rii| 1- nomr l<rtt.r lv|>r of flxrd am munition for raikil llrr cunr Fl,rd am munition, >i*u know. I. tUmp'y a < artrldar. In hh h Fhr |rnlr ill*- aryl* arr hon.lKHl 111 onr plrnr. For aut)s up 10, ray. four or flvr-lm h rallhrr Ihma’ i-ari rldkra arr alt rljtht. wllh ono rx, rjalon. an.l Ihal Is fhr nulaanrr of rxlrarttuc Ihn imply cart afirr Fndrr any rlrrumMuiirm Ihal lak.s nmr. ~t,d frr qurntly Ihr >h.-ll rllrks In Ihr hreerh and th.- mill temporarily thrown out of no tion "What I would aUKJtrat. an.l what I hovr Iwrn rxiwrlmrnilnK wllh lo aimr fib nt. Is a (Hiw.lrr rhortr* prrssr.l Into •hr form of a mild cyllndrr and allnrhrd In urn. mannrr lo ihr haiw of Ihn pro- J.rillr. illsprnrlnK alloxrthrr with ihr <■— I.w,|rr Is moUrl Into oil sorts of sha|s libra, stlrk- and so on .it.l th. rls no r.uis.,n why ihr rntlrr rharten rouhl not be mads In onr plrrr How to fasti 11 II to the shell is n ques tion. tail, that rtilkhl he nrrnmpllshrd by |SKS or rods, whlrh would Im> blown to atom. In thr dlsrhary. Any how. It's winrili fhlnkinx alottl oi r.mrsn thr powder cylinder should la. hotn-y -mmhcl w ith small (M-rforatlon*. to Insure nulrk com bunt Inn. nnd thr ndvnn- i a's of su< h ammunition would *s- ktrnt To lii-uui with, Ihrrr wuitH hr no mrlnl as. to removt anil Ihr uun. aP.-r raeh dlarharts would ba oMlr* imply n.i ready for another load Ttutt would a.ld revrrul seconds to thr rnphlMy of fire and .hi away w-|ih thr .tunaer of atlrklna Then attain. It would liahlrn th*- am munition rhest hy so to ;*> pound,, and. lastly, aueh eartrldtlrs would l>r murti ' cheaper * o*i n thr preaen* form. ' Thr ease* now used are made of rliher brass nr roppnc an.l , from 6f> rents in A. a j>lr.* for the lartrrr sin, Th>- man who drvr|.. l ,s mis Idea run in a million aire In thirty days ” PRK.tKIKST IIP PHIIAK BET*. Inuna Mini lYaarrrd tlluiarlt tanlnal a Hoc of t nntly. From the Phila.lrlphla Timer, l/ouiavtlle. Nov U).-)Mlss Anlt i n,r trmd. a society tirllr of this city, has Ihe rlrtht of disposal of Charles Kalhhour. a well-known husinrs* tain. Itiyan'a de feat la responsible. A f' w weeks before the e(eeiion Rath tone offerr.l to wager him elf an|i s' a two-pound box of candy that McKinley would not l>e re-elected. Tta- w.ixer was a. and Rathbone now Min is rraily to moke x*s>d his loss. Alisa Bertrand's mother Is opposed to the payment of the bet on a maulmonlal basis on u count of Iter dauahter'a youth CASTOR IA For lufanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought t.r.uAi. nuTicKn. (HColb UA. HI A TIIA ii Whereas. Robert B. K* ppard. has appile-l to the Court o( Ordinary (or I* tier of administration on the e.til of Alfred (somelimes .ail'd Alhertl Evans. ,ie eeasesl. These are. therefor*, lo cite aryl admonish all whom It mav concern, lo b and appear before raid coin. lo mtke objection (If any they have), in or before (he ftrsl Monday of Dr. ember, next, otherwise said letter* will be crant-d. WHnres the Honorable llampion L Fer. rill. Ordinary for Chatham munly, this tho fifth daypf November. Use FRANK E. KEI I, BACH. Clerk C. 0., C. Cos.. Da. Hot Air Furnaces. W© mak© a *|>©rialty of r©[Miring Hoi Air Fumaci Your ordsrr will r©ra|v prompt attention. B. C. X'ACKTTI * BON. Phone ML AW Whitaker, j (KSRKVrW WJ J - luvAV . mmmmSMam-' -,m ** AsitroEinm New Paris Shapes 1 ) /’■ r H fr k()WBU.ST.STRAIGHI PRONI& LONG HIP 1 R •Wt STYUtS >JO2-440 441 9 fty ri'R SALF ATAU i! AJINC. KMAH'EWS •***' f W HIS RHEUMATISM IS GOME. “Five bottles of (Iravbcaril Compound has well nigh cured me of lumbago or rheumatism in the back, of which I suffered severe pain fifteen years. Everything else failed to relieve me, and 1 have tried everything I heard of. S. <DENT. "St. Simons Island, Ga.” Graybcard is worth SI.OO a bottle C> ror If your druggist hasn’t our preparations in stock write us. RESPESS DRUG CO., Proprs., SAVANNAH, GA. B®M alar ia^ irial poisoning may showTtsclf in regu lls and fever; or in hard headaches, Ik bones, sore muscles, indigestion, nerv-II ’• Lippman’s II and Fever Tonicl| TEST MALARIA AltD AGOE CURE IS THE WORLD. II sitive and never-failing specific for bil-13 ver, malaria, chills and fever, and for all^H I the distressing complaints due to living in a / malarious district. U ‘Ttuulf vvi r ,FI'I gH' for tl.' **ki. n*l no nttirr rmnmly I -v,f tm k lk hw rver me but. Un-ljr I uw jrour Lipjimau', Chill and Enter Tonic i nnrartlwd. *n*t I bough'tx.dl" i.l It h rt*fiol a (wrfwt rnra, an<l *ool*l •* —v,lik> adit Fti( for prrwm, io*llicat*> liclih It !• th*' b*i ionic ttwjr wam L LlPl'n** ItrUKKlntn, hot. Proprietors, * • o\ Llpptwnn’n Rlork, Mnyatinah. *>a. jJIC L— 90c. per bottle. All drugglit* Mil ‘t. WO? w. I I I I^ol Only Trunk Factory in Savannah. We make your trunks from 35c up to S4O; can save you on the cheapest as well as on the highest grade. BUY FROM THE MAKER, and get it at wholesale prices YOU ARE SPECIALLY INVITED to examine our stock and prices and see how much you can save. Factory at 420 to 420 Hay street. East. Show and Salesroom at 314-316 Hroughton St., west. SOUTHERN TRUNK FACTORY. IT’S A CERTAINTY THAT Smith’sGhill Tonic A Tit AD K MARK. WILL CURE Dengue, Typhoid, intermittent. Malaria, And All Forms ol Fevers. am* nitraaiUTß sei.l. it on a GUARANTEE. —Manufariurorl by— COLUMBIA DRUG CO., SAVANNAH. OA BURKS Dyspepsia CuVe Tablets * r f * **• fu* *■ t ? ,lk ‘ , •• . ' . l' I *HeI ■ SkfIMIMMI CMN. fW Promote the Appetite | J nnd Put Flesh on Thin / Prnnlp AU tis>4sit!laS"is> —4 / ¥ upil. en U by h**r Ne *'*r**'t utlWwnH tn tb !*<• ■ el I'Mf* My |*rM At il 4* wfg'Oa | lou qua* a oo . ui. BLANCARD’S lot ANA'WIA, P(¥>RNE5* of thr BLOOD. CONSTITI TIONAL V* HAKNESS. SCROFULA, Etc. None Kcnuin, unlcu ,i(fn4 " BLAXCAkn” ALL DRFuGISTS- E. rOTOEPA A CO., N Y., Agrnt, lor U. 5. BRENNAN BROS. WHOLES Alts Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. &AV AfkLLT. Waal. latephaaeM*. .noTCTai A safe and powerful remedy for functional troubles, delay, pain, and irregularitiaa, la APIO LINE (CHAPOTEAUT) Suer **• fully preirrih*d by Specialist* f nr DU '■•hm of Women. I'rfrr f i.m of all IhufifiiU, nr by mail. I*. O. Hfl Jnlti. K. Y. M CHICHCITKN t KNQLfSM Pennyroyal pills ■ UHciacl •*! Owlp K MArr * . • I wltra ’J’ f sgtfirt > ttTL’Ua* ter C'llirilKMTKK’* IM.I.IHIf Nil* • > teas lel OMt'ftt *-’••• •* M >v l||i Um rtMat I kt- wo olkrr KrfWw S4 4K Mil lUirrMtH "•IwilimltMU •*! I■>!(•- / flf U*. Hty of *•*! 4#. >• I W jf eiiftii t-.r Vmrt loMlar*. 1 mllhiilau V D Ud ; ‘|lrllr fwr I Mitl**."** UM+ fr tru Mall Ite4lf al; r> .ggiet- 4 fclrb*t*r * hgtoal MUt Ulf ff*t MaAtawa *aaarw. I'M i LA , PL ft*4 by L. ft. Priul 4' w.Ntei. kr||iu. >• urtMAte STOPPED THE COUGH. Prather'* Tar and Cherry Couch Cure 25c. DONNELLY DRUG CO. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE o\: in to* 1-10% mn oMimvfi -KOR- A GBARKD hO.IH; TO Htt I *t>l> <>\ WOOD TRAM APPLY TO * T. . WYLLY A C O.* OAVABIIVAH. GA. Empty Hopshcads. Kotpljr W.U.H. HtirtMili fo* Ml* fc? C. M. GILBERT & CO. 7