The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 21, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Hull** (areal DUwfrry. Oie ~ bottle of lia . • Jreat I>t* covery cure* a.! > ;*•> * r * 1 ** r truu * Idas. remove* gT.v.* ••'-* em Imi •mutton*. *• ik ! 1 iMtrtr k* futun.-t un, a t J all .rrr*. dan lie* of t*e klinc >a un<i I*-*J • • i- to . M*n -*nvi w met., rtgu. * .t u > • • ■ b* .. < * ■ • be MCt i;i. a. n•.-of *. ****** #ro * w UttUe l* two n n* an<f wo. cure an> a •( • mentioned Lr. t> W. Hall. *• . *- o • ‘ to-* r I O Bo* 42* _ i Mu. enj for *e- ImooJal* ooid b> .*v an J aoiaoOi Cos. .. Mend Thle. ru! r-r. lia , April 2 l* v > Thl l to -rtlf) th< I w* *ttr ld with ** v. (id ti - 1 inok • -xtv of Ha • i ♦ * i worth ILW pas Ultl. tu un) or.. nr.-dlr.* It J T BTEVUNS IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. m;iv* a\i> vir.u* nr the day i' two mn:i. Effort to Horn Oof a Poifftrr 'prlnc* Famll)—HruNcnlek Mak* # unrea lina to u li nll r*al—l unerwl of ol. Vmlloi Ulih Mm* Killed M Ilia Cnn*ln*l,NH->ri Profeaawr a IHi li l.ncailrr <on % let al |Vo*a'’••la—other I U'rlila >*•* Arne? u* Her.. A • c * <nr In lb*' Central >a n f: f t .*. attr. I worn** it <u from |m -•'■ri I’ *• ; - a!ni tw-* v 1* r. • - lo p * * J a -o*a r. t i and h t or*.- .ini *k- Each had 1 *: ;.t ,, (n*( * to I 1 *.f and i *’ *m e*i p-rfert* o.tvnPd with th*-lr ear j to .1 Trlril to Horn (lot 1 I'nntlly. A d'Mf'r.f 1 .* tj >t*ful attempt to hurt* • .1 Ii a ir<l I ***•. - w.l n Sun*J !\ 1 .*■ it I’ >*'der Spring* Ixnl'h liv. - *>n J I. ji. r'* plu e, i•ar t 1 • * ■ |hj? H. r 1 rtlrrl f‘r the i • ami wits aw if t g *rn<k- '*! 1 ’* wa* <li> • •-d . - ill k from .111 w .)<* 1 ln*r room l ; i * u r\t u # rc*m I** id * fCfitml a *afK* pil** of ‘fit on Jlre T .** fire ho* t • ’ fn.rri t o- .. *‘-ld* ?l -.rough a lar* h.. - r n.*|e I n* *|itn(**r w*- r> •vtlok.r g In in* to-“ ar-.l w- re wtlll 1 <r toff wheel ttiUfMl Ihr room Trarka wrere four.*! hadlr ir to and from t* < hm.s- Th* f.iwn rr. • * . • .-•in t‘iirrti*nf' of (hrm r.rd a Is and 1 ni*|.- t- r guilty party. *!•> .'•• - I*- wil . . . il. mirraalim* ! n Itallroail. The ronrreslone made by the Ch> Omin* ell of Br'jr.Kwhdt to the projc 'or of a prof )< (1 railroad from Bntviewl k to Hiriniiif r. trn will ootii* Into t* jui*'*- tlon It la iearne-1. n I t*> Jah 1 tt Ivr pre|mratp>ntt will : •v*- *n.m* t --•! for tn* bui.'dr.K of thle areat nt*rprl* No greater Indue emrr.t < *uld Ik- offered a railroad eyrvll *t- than that w. h hie be**n given m N**w York romiainy !**• aides r u '• *f w*- t i.r .1 tn -it v 1 1 have be*-n irrane***! a m variable wi*t*r frotii atid *■ t- f r tn.i im- rb*;*- Ti - however. 1* r.or- to - nip-ir* with what will re- 4 lt frun .in oje i.lng up of a moet vi'.uaM*- *♦ ’■ ion tf Southwest fieoriiia ar.d aaliilr • f*t • valuable mining rcioui • .* of Alabama. HfprrsriitMlht* l.nnr. Representative W. T of Buintfr. who has been assigned by speaker Lklit to the chairman*hip of the ooratnlttc* of county and county matter*. I*, while ore of the young* “* member* of the Hod*- , m no one of >:.f tibM No rli ilrtnanfhlp Irnpo** more nl **u* du:l* - or area ter re* pone .hi! • r>. .l to wh * h Mr Jjmtn- ha** *r. *jf**m'*-d It* pr**-ntaltve 2an* i* serving hi* • *nd term in the; House R#*fore removing to Arnerh 11 hi* | (•resent horn*. h* :-i* >1 nt \i >nti‘#Uo ttr.d wa* t Tin* Junior member from riumtr it* pngtfi-4 In the prs tl-e of law w*.hJu U’ I* !• Mil liard former Judy* of tm* < ounty court of Bjmt*-r ortci on. of the biding law yer* of th# coir#' Th* partnership was only iru- inma: and during tn pa-t atek >**n |*rfeaer * li(Mi a n. At a. re ent m*e.:.c of tno resident trustee- of the North <*onrU Agri* ul turwi C<dbr- at I >..hl i,- ki. Prof. Carl W. Stewd wa.' l -1 to the ha.r of his tory a/ul on* mi in t * li ii u'.lon. net 1 e \.i ' f by ih>- r :gun Mon of Prof Oer tr Pa! mo *r Pr> She !. who is at*rr: conn* e.l w;d th* -olb , K*- at |4riM*4, Vu , rn-* h.ghly qualitiMl f< r filin g th* im-nt to wh < h h* h s be*-n elected. A grndu !• of M r-or 1't**- i vrr-li\ 1 1 • • w i s > for aw ill* < i-K-i tr *1 as editor of ii mag iXTir In M w*n, und sul r*-qoently fill**! th* dci-trmmr f Knßltsh In fJorrhm Military In tltut- at Vlllc l*mf H:* • 1 h taken thr**- court** at th<* I'riv*-r-#!y of Ch eagro, wher** he took high rank a h bolar in hi* and i inm* i : Me l *■-*| ■ •*••! t. ar rive are! t -k* *hinr*- -f hi <l* purtmt-nt about tii* end of t h tnorilh. Ktllinw • Col. Mnttns. The remains of Col \V. 11. Mattox, who w.- v#-i r av k l*-d t Ihtrdmont. I son-in-law. J. <. JCHM-s. Jr., ware 1 brought to Kiiaerton Saturday night and Interred Sunday afternoon nt 4 o'clock with M -*uk* rlte, servlet- being pre viously he|*l a* hi t- r* -*ld*-n-*e by Hev. A S Worley Very little more of the particular- of th* tr.iw* dv have in*, u learn#*l If in I t .it aft**r th* * hunt ing in w.,i h Col Mattox ws w*un-tet twice in th*- h' • i t. h* rtihed at Mr . Jones mi,.) tilth nei fell, Cos Mattox on top Ai-'-ut t tim* Mr .1*• id •.•! was 4ik fr m him. Col Mattox having drvp|w-*l his tw*for* making th* rush Stri dent) Cos. Mattox'- far* was seen to pale and he p tlali> fell ur.*l erar-led to one aUSo. ramsrking "he’s got m# ami then etpir**l Th* - humt lil t a hold an in quest. * ther*- wer* *■>*• witu - t* i e t r i- • ■ -I I Imrm-dialely f:*r th* • -Kitirijr Mr Jon*** • am** to li rtoi r Ii • now a* tin- h t. * * of his father, w •r- r - ;ff* * ng from his wounds. It i- not know; w t If any, will be taken -a r* ult of the affair. FLORIDA. J/M-nburs ComnKT' Tru k.r- nr bumy with orop.. fuk< nn-l t.-m. nr- hntnic .hlpin-l. Th*rn 1 1 i no frnt to Injur* tlMn .riPlnr vr- t .bli... hfhl tlp-y Will !•" riulhwl r., t. Ornnir- urr *n prim- ron.lPion i;.- la busy aluJ the outlook L protn- Istn*. Planting Ort.lf Trre*. Mlnml Mrtropoll.: Kirk Munrow h.s finish..l planting -i< rltnia nn lil n. w xrov. .* * >rumt** <sla*lr an.l ha. m.i'l*- <pr!'( *n to thr numt.-r of tr In hi. horn. ,r*VS. Xlr. Munrop ha. ah*> |.ul c.n* i>.' inor. tr-r. lit thr *rovr .l hi* broth, i ..lltor of th* Hr-ioklyn l.lf<*. ai'i 17* tr*. In th* crov* of Ml.. Me dially at!* Oln-la. Work on tit* at. Julib'b. Jacktonvli:* M.tropolla:’H'.e ■pprclat*. very much S.nator Mallofy'. an.l Conyrtasman 87arktn.11 s inter**', .n the d*va:opm*tr. of oar waterway to the aea. Tnelr preMnre with Senator Talia ferro and Coimr. aemnn In the ln •pectlon of th* 81 John, river thla morn ing will not be overlooked or forgotten by our people It mean* much. too. X united Florida delegation In Congr*** for aay UDJ-royvtncct tncana that u will go throunh arhet r for Js'ksMvtllr, r**na-i- | tla. Tamjm Miami or anywhere else. Carter Ollve’e Death. Miami Metrhfdlt: Anv>rar the thlTt*- two persons drowned on th* City of Mor.- tieedlo which foun*>ei%*d on the ro'ks ? 'he entrance t* the Bay o? Kundy hti Aaturday. <u Hu pert Olive, well-known u many [enmn.* m Vlwmi ** tre purser on it. - •*ir iin l*rln • Elwanl w * i last season pH**l hrtw--n Miami and Ha vana Mr Olive w.* a p>i.H*ener on the M mticello ar:*l h;l r. * *l'">hi t>**en on i visit *o hia horn*- in H* John ** the Mcmv tl eHo was hound from 8' John to Hd- s If.x N S H unfor .iiAte ml will he greatly regTCttrd by ail who knew him here. I iiml ler W • • oßTlrtrd. After ad r.f nof over twenty- j f, r v -s .in • *• pei.-i fi frauda as- o' Mrs ii **n he- e-m -hd J I' j lets-.ter at !*. * i r‘turr*l a verdl t j (r*> is It* rr-* - r and -on. *r for con- . * , . r.w •-! lea-Oder, md ’he ourt up*--* and a • fin in* him SI,OOO end ai*> t • t** rv# stxti‘o months In pn*oi I N* - •* T* r n ! tti evefep ' M *i i **wn that a- heme had teen plan r• .i ?*. .p '• i. • 4 *i>v • nun* t slid the • )fy ■*• .I*l shi? Is.'i--.ier m* tie guilty r*\ w *w t i,nr;* repn* . l* for mid a scheme of fr.u I Mr- llovnton Is 'n I ttorrwn ov r years of nr** and w s ar prey fpr the iemer. Her on Haymofl w. neo *lrawn into It. The rr*i t■* r of how i*h* kim *-nf *•! by * r v. . Ih** n i . 1- i |i>ti'* of lie j♦ • •.r : ***l the ->ir.jM*ny f the court. a j reeultrd in h* r ca- t*eing nul priced E\IM S %T I'll I>MOM I* %HKs There Were Ihr Isnod Hares, lull Only One l atorlle Won. Atlanta. Nov t'rahr a War sky m ! W :*tth** tempera! ire nt sumnier h* it five good events w* r* run at I’lS lmon! Park rfiU .ift*rrw**n f>n favorite won The w* th*r w .* *\> .%r and the track fast. Hummarlcs: First Hi • B**iilnsr. five and a half fur longs. Ignis, 2 to 1, won with Jud*e li ik**r * t' >* • ond. and Carlotla to tfdnl. Time 1 11% it* *md lUt • Scllln*. six furlongs. W j lHdw. t t*s 5. won. with Isilltan Hoff man, * -v* -• vifid. .md Virgli* I>’Or. • to 1 ih;nl Tim* 1 l'** Third lU ♦ S ilit * or e mile Monk Wtivm m, 4 to 1 won, w .th W-i’er Httle, to 1. •.. >ti*l ui*l /Ane. 1 to 1. third Time I 4*. Fourth H * SHln*. six furkwigs Hos*ymori. 3 lo 1 w*n. with Hidden I*. ] to 1. e* otnl. and l. ly ll.iSUngN 5 to 1. third T*n** 1 -I*4- Klfth H • Si'lluiK. live and a half fur lonics It* rll* B. f. *> 2 won, with giiav tr, 4 to 5. te-ord, and Ji*.*le Jarboe. 8 to tlk*rd. Time 1:11V, Race Hcaulls m Newport. Clndfinatl. Nov 2h—Results at New port : T'lrsc KarMNi fur longs. Angm. 3 to 2 won. with Empress of Beauty. 2T. to 1, ••-tAiil, hi 1 01. i.-s Blpi**r. 12* ** 1. thlnl Tim#* 1:30V, S-( on*l Iti <ne mile and n eighth .Winter, n lo '*. won, with <**v Boyd. 2 to 1 *• * end, and Isaac. •* to 1, third Time l;>v 4 Third Race—Bevcn furtongs. selling Pauline J. .> lo 1. won. with IkaiaYer swlvi ~ 7 t* J -d*oil. and lake Kons*. 4to 1, third Time 1 bj*-,. Fourth Haoe—One mile Ben Battle, *• :o 1, won. with Etta. 1$ to S. s* ond. and Ben Boy. l' to 1. thir l Time i i;.V Fifth ltace—Five furkonge. selling. The 1 Covenanter. * to with Miss Au brey. 7 to 2. * on 1. and Juniper. 7 to 1, • third. Time 104 Sixth H i * One mile, selling Cllpsetta. f * to 2. won. with W G Wel-h. lb to 1, - ond, and Zaztl, 7 to 2, third. Time i a. liny *■ apart* m llrnnln#*. YV .h log ton. Nov. 2" A #• r*l of nix ra wjFi -in' lnirr#’*!|nxf flinch# * #*n tortaw nn* th#*r *ox>l*lz*#l crowd at BennlfifM to-l.f\ Humrnirl#-- X .rrt Hn • **#*.ll ng, m\# n furloaK* B*f f#*, 3 to 5 oa*k with Th rroo* 7 t# 1 arxi ** (o 5 a...* 1.1 nrvi B# v r ••. 4 to 1, lhlr*l Tim#* 1.31. .<•*,i Hu * M.ildcn J-yctr-oldx. fix#* furloi.y- S ntrv, 7 t# 5. w<xn. with Al /r . 15 o 1 .u *1 t 1 .#‘* tn|. rn<l Fur Ht*. fit. 2 o 1. (h*rl. Time 1 *r* 4-T. Thir*! H • '>n*- mil** ;iri<i forty yard*. ‘Yu min* < 3 t# 1. won. with Iloche*wt#*r. ** t. 1 mi l 3 t- 1. and. and Annoy. ** to 1. t ;ir*l Tim.* I 17 1-5. Fourth ft I *- .**>Hlmk. furlorim# Mkl* niah: C’.ilm* . (* 1 wn. with KM. 1! io 1 an! 2 to ' *#s n! mid Elfin Font*?. ♦1 io 1. third. Tut)#* 117 2d. Fif4 Ri • him* mil#* n#l alxiy yard*. Hand--uff. • vcr. wn. win M< r 5 io „ #t| 1 lo 2 *##onf. hid I Tin *iori, 15#* t* 1. *hirl Tim** 1:49 1-5. Hixth H# * II inll*-.i*. >* in Ii anl -lxt#f rth. Kinniklnnti*. *v#n, won. with D* !* (t> 2 an*l 7 t# 3. -#•• onl. nl Fharcnfu*# 11 to 5. third Tim# ls* 1-5. telegraphTc markets. (Continued from Ninth V.\gr.) 1.-rl. p#r |otindt#-• Nov 7 ir 7 715 731 Don 92* 7 U2 1 , 6 624 7 #i J in (i 824 6 9** 6 K 2' 3 fl 9 M *y '■ >* i [*2t.j ♦; ( 92i^ Short llllu# j*# r ion itoundo— Nov .. 7 *l2Yx 7 7 7 6*2S 770 Jan *; 25 * 12* % (i *, S2U, May * • 25 #. 3 5 *i 25 H 35 * Fa*h quolatlonw w* r* n* follow-*: Floir dull: N0,3 Hprlnjt xx h** •(.67>f72#*. No 2rl 71 fi7l‘ a -; N*>.2 *om.4i*\. . No. 2 y*Uow.4lV*. No. 2 #-:i*a. 22 , 'u23,f No. 2 white, 25' t fi . No. 3 whit#*. 24 </ '2*l. . Ko#k| f#*M|inic Irl# v. 4Mir.i. fair to ohnicn maltliiß l*.r --!* y. . No. 1 t! ix *•#• I $1 o So. l N#*rthw* t#*rn, tl 41. prim, itmothy M*f#|, M ID; nt#-i#w pork. per Imrrol. !!•* 87,ji n on; lard. J*r F* 37 25; .short riba -i.l#A itM*-s), $7 2-5i7 75, dry NMltal j#houll* n* (boxoll, 65 7xi*; no; nhort *|*ar (box#*d). s*'. 9#hi7.*: xx hlwky. iam of hixh xv n#?* $127. KUKHH. rut loaf, f#i 15. gr,nu- I t#sl. |. 75. #***nf#**t|nnrr*t* A. 65.55. off A. 6.4**, # iov#r, c'ontra#*: icrad# . sl#>r#o l t• ••• Mill **irlkr l (iff. N (’. Nov 2 Tie h e rot. t#*n mill *>p ratix#*-' Mrlk#- In .*< r*unty. N*rtn (*a r o!ira 1 < u. n I ir- I si off. Th# 1 -ttrlk# h.t# Ih *n In fore • thont three month** in#l ### vvral thou and bar m w r#- lnv# \ • Tin !if*r *-rxai lx*| n whl h la* I*#** n al line th* rtrlkrrh with. lr*‘W It- i. ir: Tnl- 1- in#* third r# #- < **trik- amor ' it* mill w kerr# In Nwrih (Virollt.a an<l the mill *wn* m h.\e hi **:*• !> #.*>* F ii th* w.nni>. IsiXl K7X nAX BEI ■ ■ |9(L ni " hen ncgl-cp-.1, almost Invariably %>** fe 4DS.' I J3 S■ n a results 111 as. .rr ~j M r • . Wj 0£ _ m E f ft | 1,-.HI 'll., trr,, ww 9 S|2Bm s ii 1 r -■ n-i ■ WlaW < V whole urinary ami coital organism and lh whole nervous HgV Tlieordmary methods resorted lo for a cure r not only excru clatlnslypamful. hut frequently cause disorders as serious at the ■ stricture Itself. jp,. * iff- Hathaway years ago discarded these old-time barbarous i" methods and te-rt.s-ted a system by which lie removes the stricture, SJ reducing the thickened walls of the passage to a normal oondttoo. Wu,- There hno operation. The treatment Is applied by the patient btmself. It Is tolnless and takes no time from business. The cure |v*7 eitected Is paruarieot and all complicatioos of the and- ised cundr tlons are removed This method of treatment and cure of strlo- TANARUS: hL J,, ture Is exclusively used by Dr. Hathaway. •’ f,r Hatliaway. by a similar method, cures Varleoee'e without *k'. I X operation. Ail Sexual, t'rmary, Nervous. Blood aad other dlso >sr I vru'Tov RiTXiXAV > n of * chroo, nWre **° **“* *>y him by his escluslve sy stem. J HEWIOBHATHAWaT XB. which (or 20 years has proved Invariable to Its resuiu. Write to him or call at bis office for a free copy of bis new 64 page booh and sell-examination symptom blank*, and for free consultation and advice. 4. NffWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. l>r. UaOiaw,) * Cos. Office hours: # to 1J m.. 2 to t and 7 to U Juryan sunt, •avaonah, Ga. p. m. Sunday io a. to. to lp. in. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1?K>0. THE ARMY OF HEALTH, The \rm) In tlie Pblllpplaea lnlg ntflean I tm|aml With This One. If all the |e*pic tr. tne l*nltrd B*aie. < suada and ilreat Britain who make daily •a** *f Bfuarr's Dyspepsia Tablets rouWi be is—mi* * i together it would make art Mirny that would outnumler our *rm\ of el* hundred tkouisod by at least live to * n. Men and women, who are broken down in I.e-asitH. ar* only a part of the thou - nda s 0 u p pu -r fit the greater number are people who are In fa r hat! h but who know that the way to keep w* ,1 J to keep the digestion i* f*ct und use Btuwrt s Tablets as regularly as mew) time < otnc* to Insure good and g* - tlori and proper acAlmllatlon of food Prevention Is always latter than cure find dlsea-e cam flisl no foothold tf t i* digestion I* kept In k >o*l working onWr ►y th* daily u * of liiusrts Dyspepua Tablets. Mr Thomas Beale, Mayfield, Cal . say* 'Tlavf UA* t\ and recommended Btuart’s Tat )* t*. be* u.-e there ,* nothing lk them to keep the stoma* h right " Ml-- Udla Dlveiy. 4ri.7 Plummer street Put-ourg. P.i , writes 1 wish everyone to kn* w how grateful I am for Stuart'* D> P-?* P**;n Tailetv I suffered for a long •m* and * 1 ’>• 1 r>**' know what ail*l rn- I 1 • fi- ■ . right along until one day I n* tl *d an a*l\ertlsemeni of these tablet' t and Imm* Irately b**ught a M> cent box tb* ft ore 1 Hfn only on the **■ on I b**x and am gaining in fi* xh and col*>r I i.avr at l.*t found sometbirtg that hsa r< t It* *1 rny ailment From Mrs Del, Kidr* !. Bun Prairie. \M> I w is taken dlaxy very Idenly during the hot weather of the past Mini r* r After ten days of constant rtiaatnc • 1 went to our Itf tl physician, who xaM my Ever w > tor|d*l and had over heated nv blood, he r'-tore| rn* f*r two w..k withoip mu* h Improvement. I ht alv th*.light '*f Btuwrt's Dy-iwpsla Tab!* < twh<* h 1 had used long before for var:*u *.*! f* cling-) and the first three tablet* I edted rn* and \ ar* easily the bet .ill around fm -*.J> me iScine I ever used.’* Tne army of peopl< w:o take Btuart f Tablets ar*- mostly |e*p!e In fairly g *<<l > . h. Wi .l who keep well by taking th**m r.gularly after meals They contain m **pa ’e. c** nine or any ci§:hurtle or Inju rl*Uf drug-, simply th* natural pepi**n* - ai*l dlir'ftlvef which every w k stoin ac h lacks. Stuart s Iys|*ef*fla Tablets are sol I by • .ruggl-ts everywhere in Foiled Btatis. * ' ..f i .*rul i ;r*-at Britain THE WEATHER. Pan is for Wednc-kiy nral Thurwbii fleorgi.i lUiin in northern; fUr In southern |.ruon WkiesMy. Thurwlni fair. coWer In northwest portion, fresh south to weet wind,. Baeiem FlorMa—Fair Wotne-lay ami Tnurwlay . frieh east to noutti wind, \V-wern Klorbbs—Tortly We.lnes tv Thurralay fu.r. freeh south to west vlmlc. Hfxith Carolina—Rain W*##ln#**l v Tbur#ay fair; ol#l# r in northwrxl por fr—h wwith ( w***t wlndn. Y’# *terday‘ \V#*athT :•( Bavannah: \l iximum (# roperature 1:00 p m 80 degrerj* Minimum t#'m|x*raturc 7 **) , rn Clfttfreei M*.n t#*mpWratur#* 72 ifrgrrc* Normal Exf#a*i* of i# mp**raturr lidegreci A'uroulitM exert** tnce Nov l 20 drgr#<a A umiilaUHl fin* # Jan 1 211 #lrrrr9 Rainfall <*) inch .. 07 in h Ex•■*-#-* alnr# Nov. 1 2.03 ln -h#*!* I rh* i#*ii*y f#in*#' J in. 1 6 4!* lf)# h .<* Hlv#r Krport. Th*- hieht #>f tti** Sum . h rivrr a* Yukuklji, hi * *t m . €7.' rw-rltMiin tlm*) v#-t*tr#4.y. xx- 7 0 f# i ii#** >f 0 5 f* . ( tlurinK th** pr# #*#link •x. i*tv-four h ur> (ilMt# rvallon#* ik* n t th*‘ #.'*m* m*rnrnr of llm*‘ n( all i-f-UUhii. Nov. 2:), HM), 8 p m . 75th ni* ri llan tirm*: Name of Kiaflon. .. ... T V Rain no • •• and) (6 i■" New York * !>'. pi cl#3y 64 2*) .* FhUale|phta. ralnliu? .... * 2*l T \\ .1 *hlnk(cm *lty, cloudy. ♦*’. 8 T Norfolk i*lou<ly 7 12 Hal I era*. <*!•>*r #W H 1 Wi.mlnxton, **lrar #*k h <1 Char Mia, clear ♦*** 1, T H i *lxh. cl#ar 7* *L FharUeton. cloudy #5( L .**2 Atlanta. |*t c'oudy ...... 72 h •#* Am.*u-fi, c|* ar 72 I* " Hav tnriah. clear ♦( *1 •** J.i> k-#iivlll#*. celar 72 s •* Jupiter, clear 74 12 **• Key \Ve?t, clear 76 12 rt*l Tampa, e’ear 71 j I. o* Mobile, clear 72 12 •** MouiKomery, # i.*r 74 *# ••* Vi ‘ktsiiurte. clear 7#i 12 “t N* xx Dti*nn*. cloudy .... 7*4 14 T (llvi**ilon, # l**udv 72 H "2 Forpus* ChrlfUi. clear 7* 1 12 Pal* etlne. char 72 ' 1* 42 Memphis, raining #;i n 1.62 Fin# tnca-tl. c|ou*ly *'►! 4 l3* Flit-xinirg, clo<i#ly 4j I, ,i* Buffalo. c4ou#ly 62 16 .12 Detroit. l#M).|y 5H 12 T t’hlciffo. ralnltifA.. . 44 x < | Mar*pi#*tt# . ci >u#ly 3#* 32 <2 sS Faul. snow in# *22 8 It Davni*ori, cloudy w ♦, .*24 St. I*H!t*. pi. clou‘l% *y> 14 T Kanena City, ralnlnic ... 36 x .02 Oklahoma. clouly 42 h *-| D...U#* Flty. 24 lit oi North I’latie, anawlnit ‘l6 |, ' x H H. R#yer. Ixx'n! Forecaa: Otflda! 11l MYK44 > ( It %TT\II4HM HKE. Firet *f a Fompelina: l.lne of * ten tit er • tin* Vlen#*h*l I tilHmliiih. FolumtHU*. (Rl . Nv. 2* —The M YN Kelly, th* flr*t of th** untf-I'ool hit#* of .•teamen*, will reach Columhu* 11 *to niicht Her coming 1e . xp# te#i to mark <he opetiliut of Itv* ly #*<>mi# t tl#n on th<* (’hrtltHhoch#*# 1 ('apt. It \\ MHir# fr tie r mtn itfor of th# Finn! rtv*r Kteamert*. li* at tiw h# a#l of th#* new comptny. xx he h 1* a ntrotK one Two #'lh<r F> *## xxill It* put m. all #*f 'trni 1* m; t*p* . tally adapt #*#l for pa**'#*n*r#*r hu##ln# - (apt. IVter lat riii l Dead. Lexlmrton. Kx N.*v ix* Fapt F#*ter Everett who aerve#| u* l*r ih* < *>nf#*.!*• r txt#* flak with Gen John Morgan. li#nl hr to Inx f: <ai eryMpf la Milt INK BTChUGEYCK. Hatters of Interest to Ahlpplng lfea The lighthouse tender Pharos leaves rhp* morn mg for points down the rtver. w here ten wooden !-♦* •* 'na will te built t* t ike the places of -ev*rsl whkch have b* #• 'llkip.,d Supplies of lumber and other necessary mitertai have been loaded rm the Phar'e* so that she leaves w.*r; cverythfr.g ne'*eary for the prose <ution of the work. T. '•nr-!rue don * 1 maintenance of b*. one n the Btva rvih river Is a mai ler *>• great imriortut • because of the many * rooks and luriu* :n In and ou* of the * *ty, Tltey mdu ate the range to ve- i'll* Heretofore tne bmlding of U-a nrvi was entruste 1 to th- eng*r>eer's *b parimefit bit: 1* • now In charge of th* lighthouse establishment. Th* hauling of rough rl e to Bavsnnah fr*m fields on th* Bavsnnah river an*l *- h r s r*ams haf smounted to something f*r tho*e In the hiudness ihk* The loop Pearl arrived ye-terday from Wood blne Wi*h 1 nno bushels of rough rice f*ir th*- Savannah Hi • Mill Coni|any. The *aptaln of the aloop reports having had if *ugh t*m* of it during which the v* • -I I* e her mainetll It took about ten d;y ?* make the mi> from Woodbine to Savannah. The sloop yacht lady Tg>ule, In or>m mand of f*apt B V Smith of Babylon. h I . la an- hored In Great Erg Hart air Ba> <*ff Som*r-* P not awaiting a favor • bio win*! to pro* • •'•l to New Smyrna, Fla . on u winter's * r;u*<* in the Gulf of MXiCO. Paasenger* h) Mrsmalilpi. r** \*y steamship Kansas r*ity fr New York y* t*rday—Mi-* Agnes Doyle. Mr Parnell. fie>rg* T ITesby. L. h Hill, w.f* and daughter. T R. Plumb. Mi - Florere o I *-u. he. Miss A*blie Wright K Gifford Miss E a U. Polllt /* r, A U on. Mis** Feeley, Miss A G. F* ep-y. r.harhn Snyder, and forty-six In t* rmedlaie. Past, ngers arrived yesterday on steam sh p B*-rk-hlr** from Philadelphia: C. H j Prowell K H Thomson. F W DeDove. <*• rth Pharlott. Mr- A. Hirtb. L. V Mitchell. George K Taylor. Frank Bu*'k, Mrs F Du* k. Mr. Glenn, W Y. Albreon, Mr- Glenn. Passengers per st* umshlp D If Mlllbf f*.r Baltimore yesu-rdav: J E Hare. N. \V. Williams. Miss Wingo, Mrs. Daisney. *>n\ iiimnli Almanac. Bun rls* - at 6:37 a. m. and e:s at 4 56 p. m 11 rh water nt Tyt*ee to-*ky nt 6 42 a m and 7 p. m. High water at Savan nah one hour biter Phases of the Ninon for November. r> h m Full moon 6 5 n eva qu.trter 13 h 27 eve New moon 22 1 17 mo?n First quarter 29 11 IS morn Moon perigee. 6th Moon ap>g*e, 17lh. AItHIV %I.A AND DF.PAHTI It*'.A. N easels Nrrlved \ eaterda▼. Bf • *m-hip Tallahofawe, Asklns, New Y’ork < * in B’l amshlp Potnpany. Bteim-hip Herkshlre. Kvun, I'hiladcl pb i J J Garobtn. Asrent. S** im-:ilp Holmlea tllr). Luke. Ham burg—J. F. Mints fir Cos Hark New r Zealand (Nor). Johanxiaen. Hamburg.Chr. G Dahl A Cos. Vessels Went to Dea. Bteamshlp Kansas City, Fisher. New Y’ork Rteamshlp D. If. Miller. Petera. Paltl more Si imsh p Iris (Be:g). Sytor. London and Antwerp. Milpplna Nlt-moranda. Femandina. Fla. Nov 20—Baled. ** h*>> * r R*b rt f*. McQulllen Hawkins. Pbib*lHphtt: schooner O. H. Brown. Brown. Perth Amboy. Garratw lli FI * . Nov. 30. Entered, bark Oltvo Thurlow. Foie, \'r* Cm*. Ji* ksonvllb*. Fla., Nov. 3—Enter* > d Hritish -t* *m v.icht. Sbermtm. Jones. Cu n > . Dur.Bh Weal Indes; British brig Jam* Daly. M !eir. Port of Spain: steam tug Abram Minis, Avery. Phlladelphio; -• **oon* rs Jennie E. lUghtcr. Fhase IVrtli Amboy, N J.; Horace P. Shir**.**, Portland M* . L* gun.i Uuyh s. Sin Juan. Porto Hlco Fi*ari*l. schooner F. C. Pendleton, Fcr jjummi. New Y**rk. In ’• Int 1 • 1* are*l. steamship Algon quin. I*l itt New Y'ork; Carlb, Ingram. H*ston. F t T *mpa FI i Nov. 20. Arrived -icamer M t * otte. White, Havana, vw K* v West. Id In *r*\ Nov. CD—Arrived, steamer State of T* xa**. Savannah Sil**l searner Isr*-h4eter. Rivarnah. Kalttmorv Nov. 20.—8ai|s|, Mary Lee P.* :<-•!. Fhorleston. Phil 4*l*dpi;! * Nov 20 —Arrived, ateamer AMegimny. Sv <nnnh. I*rt Glasgow-. Nov. 19 —The reportej sailing Nov 17 *>f steamer lUi4 for Ba wus an error. M *nehest r. Nov. 3D.—Arrived, steamer Y-*:or. Savannah. Llv* rjswl Nov. 39.—Arrived, steamer Pv lr Savannah fer Manchee'er. F* r- * da. FI i Nov J).—Arrived, bark < Hlv* M*unt ilt*l), H ix* to. Barcelona; - banner John 8. Parker (Hr). Ernst. S*.rua la <lrani#*. F!, ir*l. st*amsh(p ■ tin* Llv# ri*s>l. K*v West Fla.. Nov 20.—Arrived, earners ohvette, Smith, Fort Tampa. • rt*l - ID *1 f**r Havana; Fanltn. Thump -otk llavann; fig Daun leas. Floyd. Nu* - I vi i a wth s-*hi>oner If. Frank Neally In I 1 t# w Ftiarleston. Sr„ Nov. 2d—Arrived. | steamer Bemlnole. Hearse. Boston, via N w York, proceede 1 Jarkaoti\ < *klle; tug \\ ,b \r I ••!•->■ New York Fl**ared. s h**ner Clara E. Bergen, FM- ; wir*b. New York. Bar • I*** a N**v. I** Arrived steamer L* * : • Savannah, via Norfolk for Genoa Bremen. Nov Is.—Balled, steam* r Kur land. Ctrrl*e!on. Sa* Vi-. Nov 19—Bailed. l*.m*T I^ang fonde, Pffis.t*-iia. \ollee to Mariners. Pilot charti and all hydrographic Infor r inf ton wll! b furnl?hcl masters of ves * '.** free if charge In Pnlted States hy drogr iphl* f ' * •• Fustom House Cap tair r** rpi*sied to call at the ffl • Reports of \vr* k and derelicts received f*r tran-nihM n to the Navy Depart nistU. ( iisitwlße F%trts, Per steamship Kansas City to New York 1 l bales upland cotton, 125 bales .*•# * Island cotton, W 6 barrels rot tonsf. I oil, 523 bales domestic*. 7 barr*D mein o'l M barrels r*>sln. 3.*A b **r# N turpentine, 169 0-6 f#'*t lt>mls*r. 2 barr* !lh. "9 cases clanrs, 6,’X3 boxes fruit? 22 bnrmis vegemltles, BV) cra**s \** ibles. 1.3 tons ptg Iron. 532 sticks lay. 3* : *-. cotton Mel oil 2 barrels p rh, x barr-Is wool. 43 barrels lamp black s*o p* kages nw*rchondis p*-r steamship D. H Miller tor Haiti- I more—7s baits upland cottni. 350 l*arrel*# r -in. 193 4b* f*et lumber. 2.21* boxeji ! oninges. 25 tns pig iron 25 packages veg. ' e* *bls. 165 barrels roaln oil. s* l barrels tar, 1 151 p rkrge- m-rchsndise. 25 ps* k igea do mestic* ond yarn. sacks day gnntbern Ilaseball f Irewlt. 9 Chattanooga Tenr. Nov F —P*esldert \ H W Kent of the Southern Biehall As sociation announce* that the circuit of *he league has been decided upon and wl I In clude Atlanta. Nashville. Utile Hock. Birmingham. Chattanooga, Btueveport. I MvinphU and New Orleans MIM GOILD'I ABBWER. Oeed a fireulwr tilting \oo*ber of Heqnesia for Owe Week. From the New Torn Time-. Miss Helen Gould's philanthropy is tne fwuse of much anr>*>yan -e her In tue form of thousand# of lettrra e|v*ss from per?on* In ail forts of the l*nlt#d Biate* who have schemes, charitable and otherwise, to promote At first xhe re i4led to them, bit fin e th# War the numl-cr of letters haw been over whelming Tv answer them all wa* quite out of the question. M.-* •lo -Id a plan to save ih wtitir.g -*f a ter to *.<*rh person eolkuung h r a*l which woiikl -how them why *he couid n>( comply wrh th*ir She hi*l preg>ar*si a ih'uJur showing numt-er nd hr# '*'( of req ;** of her In i !*' ■ w- k and giving the amounts she h* isk -d to oontilbut#* A copy of thi- Ircultr t * ■ ■ cen li oe and 1 by her to ad p rsona a k t.g :a vors of Mies Goo id which she felt com |M-liei to deny. A burin* s- m#in * f N* w fork alt) vko wrou i r - 1 cent Iy to Inter* -** her it> a b ndnaa- tis*l ! ter received one of these circulars, of which this is a cop> ANALYSIS oF MAIL REFEIVED DT'R -ING ONE Vi 17EK 1 wishes to form colony In F i!*a II RW.OOO 231 re4ue>ta f**r money, till! iot naming sum) IS7,s*o 91 request* for loan* (16 not nam ing sunu 156.^5 61 r*i4u*sts to raise mortgages \\ not ru*mittg sum) • 77.675 43 Yequesui to am! rfturcha* (27 not naming sum) 56 9*l 27 requ'-als t# aid edUi’a’tonoJ ln at I tut lons (22 no: naming sum) . Ss.4u> 26 donations t> libraries (24 iot naming turn) I<V*^ 5 request# to buy places • - •* 1 aml-auioon league of Idaho . 34 requeats to ail religious and chattiable m.-tttu son- (30 r.ot naming sum) 3/0* I wlshea to eel! farm .. 2> 4 wih help toward trousseau (3 not naming sum) .. .. . 2/<^ II requests for punno (3 not nam ing sum) 1.9G0 12 requests to buy inventions GO nt*! naming sum) 1 2^ 1 wi*h#*s to sell rng 1 2*'* 1 wishes 10 m*H broo* h . I wishes donation- to patriotic leaguo 1 wishes to sell 8* vrs* shh 1 wish*** monument to parent ... 1 wishes help to rwleera Jewel*.... 1 chun h organ ... ITS 13 treatment (can# r. morphine, KeHey, He.) (12 not naming sum) I*^ 1 wishes |M*ag*- < Englanrl .... 1 wish#-* to soli #iu*lt .... 1 w..**h*s **xi*enss de.fmyel to se cure prisoner’s release SO l wishes to get goods from stor age. *. X wlshea help to publish music— 2* 1 wishes to buy sat of teeth I wishes h* Ip to get watch from pawn $ 10 request* to aid church fairs. 107 requests to aid. presumably money. 34 request* for old clothes. 3 requepta for watches 14 requests for scholarships. 17 request* for advice. 15 r#quests for tickets or paes 1 request to buy railroad sto* k l<v requests to have embroidery or lace work wold. 1* crank* H request* for autograph. 17 German letters. 6 Fremti letters. 4 Russian or Swedish letters 5 wishing to sell manuscript. 3 silk for quilt. 7 naming *'htld after Mla Gould. 1 want ►'‘Wing machines. ; 2 help to publish book. 3 want Bible*. 2 want bicycle*. 19 advertisements, circulars, etc, 53 requests f**r positions, 32 requests for Interviews. 5 wish lo sell hooks. 5 wish to use Mbs Goual * name. 10 donations toward church or gana. 1 wishes help to become medi-al missionary. 1 wish* - help to bring out oiera 1 wishes help to bring out ora torio. 1 wishes electro plater. 1 wishes 550 "America’' rWrds. 1 wishes farm and three cows 1 wlshea to s* 11 hay claim and (DAH 1 w ishes help to open photographic K ill* ry. 1 wi-hes peddling hor-e and cart. I wishes money to print 2.<*rf) hym nals. 1 minister wdshes horse and buggy. 1 w ih**s house so that girl can marry at on* e. 1 wishes money to enter old folks' home. I wisties Invalid's chair. 1 wdshes position i get up time table schedule. 1 wishes to sell photographs of Miss Gould for hlw own profit. I wish# * air pillows furnished to regiment of soldiers. 1 wishes team of horses. 1 wants to go shares on Alfalfa in California. 12G p#rsN)ai letter*. 25 new simpers, marked copies. 2 almanacs. H books 31 catalogues, pamphlets, etc. x magazines. 1,306. T>tal amount named $1,54*.>2 Miss Gould s secretary said lust night that the circular w-as correct, but that it was not the m**st r- *nt one she h. *1 ; sem out. From thN it app*nr. that Miws ’ Gou.*l has issued anew circular In the circular ther# apiwarx to have #e.n nmlit'd in this remarkable nrrav ‘*f r*queHs the ofTers of marriage It b ' known that MBs Gould has receive#! tn**r. offers probably than any other A men.-an woman They may be included in th# Item **l26 !>erwonal letters ” Blnre Miss Gould has been xcmllng out I th< inn of made to her is said to h. rapidly fulling ' off. RODE \ 111 l.l.; MAY KILL HER. * • Woman*# Bayvnenf of n i F.lectlon Met Has derlnn* Result. From the New Y’ork Brass. dphla Nov 18. The exciting and thrilling #x|erlcn.o through which Mis Emma Wernta. daughter of Dr Werntx of Ridley town*hl[ Delaw *re county pissed on Tues#lay everdng ha* let her In a aerloti* condition and the voting ; woman 1> likely to die. Mbs Wern's wa a firm believer In Bryan*a sixceas. and made a bet that If M* Kinley wa e.e ed nh- woiikl rib along the township plk# on the i*ck of a \oung bull. Th* animal was a fierce ►f'clnKn of hi hind. Miss W. rntz wa- not daunt* and however. anl after the result *f the #•> - tlon. when Bryan’s falhir#- it the j> II had leen undoubtedly established, s;e , sal 1 plucklly she would jav the he . on Tuesday evening la.-*! th* young bul was brought out and his head nnl nose MOIIR6 bv a roje Tht pp Os# i IU #d, w*irh Mlaa Wamtg rl • . t sign attached to th* animal. *T l ? t on Bry*n * # Th* animal plunge#! about from side to side, but MBs Wernts held on as sisted by those who c-eoa par. ed rer For sex’eral miles the yoan* woman thus rode on the animal, until b th ammil an 1 rider were almost exhausted Miss Wernts wan taken h>rrw and ha hern In be| ever since * offering from (he effects. She is a pretty woman PRINTING THK Lithograph and Printing Department of the Mornln* Newa I* one of the larueat in the South. It t equipped to do the best work in all branches ot printing. Its plant Is modern and is operated by skilled people . . . BANK BOOKS- Bsnk Books of !! kkid. Is our spselaiiy. Check*. Deposit Slip, o<l atneral bank slntk>n<T>' lh Mornlns News does In „ superior style Aral no Iwink, It matters not how small, should lo without our lithograph check books. MANUFACTURING PLANTS- Wo make n speclulty of doing cut work s well ... lithograph work for nil mmu. fa Muring plants, not only In (J—tsi i. l it In Aleliama Florid, and the Ourolln.i I'nder this head Is cmhraced Guano K ic tonee. Plow Works. Turpentine Plants. Saw Mills, Founelrlea. Breweries, Ma.* Shops. In fact all kinds ot enterprise, ot this character. COMMERCIAL WORK— A business man. no matter where h, doe, business, can t afTord to h without ticat stationery. If he ikea nothing but s>ll eggs he ought to have It Th Morning News make a specialty of doing mat Jol>- for country merchants. And It take, pleasure In sending samples with price, from which selection* may be made. RECORDS- Itccord Rook* for eountle*. Tax Books, Ofhelal Stationery for town, and cities Legal Blanks an.l Forms of every descrip tion we are equipped to do quickly and cheap and well LITHOGRAPHING— Lithographing Is a branch of the business to which especial attention Is devoted It l> the largest estanllshment In the ,t it and Is operand by the hesi •.-lists In th. country We cheerfully furnhh estimate •nd aubmlt samplrs of lithograph work When writing to us address the Horning News Job De partment. Do not think that you are consuming our time bv asking us questions and writing for estimates. Whether we get your order or not, we shall be glad to offer the best we have. Morning News .lob Department, SAVANNAH, CA. Mettnis Jim import* Cos Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Ticket* on Sjlu to All Points North and Weet. Klrst-cla-s tickets Include meals nnd l-.Tths d,vunnah lo Haltimorc and l*hlla <f.- [ihla. A. ommodation, and cuisine uni qualcd of this cfsmpany are ap f. etc I 10 sad from Savannah as follows (Central Standard Time): TO DAITIMORE. ITASCA. Capl Billups. THURSDAY. Nov 72. <> p m DORCHKSTER Capt. James. BATUR liAY. Nov. 24. 7pm TKXAf* Capt. EHredfS, TI'fTSDAY. Nov 27. 10 11 m D It. MILLLR. Capt Peter*. THURS DAY. Nov 29. 11 a m. TO PHIt.4DBI.PHIA. HKRKSHIIIK. Copt Ryan, WEDNES DAY. Nov 21, 5 p. m A l.l.Eft MANY Capt. Foster, MONDAY, Nov. . * p. m HKKKSHIRK. Capt Ryan. FRIDAY. Nov. 30, 9 p. m. T.ckct Office No. 112 Bull street. J. J. CAROLAN, Agent. NEWCOMB COItEN. Trav. Agt. Savannah. Oa. W P TURNER. <!. P A A, D. BTEHBINB, A T M J. C WHITNEY'. TrafTl-- Manager, fleneral Offl Baltimore. Md oryici HT" LIQUOR "LICENSE City of Savannah, Offl* #* Flerlc of Council, Bavannnh, Ga.. Nov. 16. 1900. The following appllciulom* to nlall liquor during the y#ar 19**1 were rral nt rr.#* ttn*; of Founcll Nov. 14. 19m0. and re terred to Committee of the Whole. Wit F BAILEY*. Clerk of Council. Abram*. M D . No. 42 Bull ntre#*t. B* < km inn, Gen., No. 112 Whitaker Mreet. Cottimtham. John. ?*#>uthmM corner Dray ton and Brouchton afreets, Cottiny ham. John. No. 206 Broughton #(r#'**t wrtt. ('.irr John, corner Habersham and Bay s?r#*ets. I>r#e*on. H K. northeast corner Stewart and Wilson i#tre#*ts IMirnnn. Daniel, No. 639 Indian str#*et. Dirk**. A J . No. 905 Whitaker street. GefTken. Herman H . northwest corner Broujchton :#n*l Price streets. Graham, C. F , Pulaski llouae. Bull street. lit ks. H M . No. 23 Congress street, west. Imni#*n. John H.. northw#*st corner Jones and Habersham streets. Kluirman. A . No. 637 81ms street. Luba, John F , northwest comer Liber ty an#l Habersham streets. M nd# 1. Far!. No. 6>‘ Liberty street, east. M*(’omr. k. Wm . No K 25 Indian str#*t Mcllrlle T F.. No. 525 Bay street, east. O Keefi . Jns., Manager. s<Hi(hw**st corner Drayton and Broughton streets. Bulllvnn, John, No. 15 Congress street, west. Sullivan, John J., No. 30 Bryan street, east. Travers. E., No 31 Bull street, Screven Hotis# Watson A Powers. D# Soto Hotel, Liberty street ii* r Bull sr* ef Wade John T . Osrlefhorpe ave nue nn#l Houston str#*ets. ABBOTT’S# EAST INDIAN * Corn Painti Cur* Cora,. Bunion* aad Warti 4 Bpe<liljr and Without Paia. FOR SILE BT 111 DRUGGISTS LIPPMAN BROTHERS, < l WhsUtal, Dt>(|iiu, Lippmaa't Block, tavananh. Oa ( J. D. WEED t CO AAVAJHABL, UA. Lfilher Belling, Steam Packing A Hose Agent* lor NEW I Glut • BELTLNu AND FACIU-NQ COMFA> X. Ocean SieamslilD Ci -FOII- New York, Boston —AND— , the east. t'raur|iated cabin u r- Ihc . omlores of a modern hotel. K l.ah.s l table. Ti Ie .- . mt ila and t>erlh algxird thlp. Passenser lares lrom havaanil To NEW rOKK—FIRST CABIN', t- FIRST CABIN ROI'ND TRU’ TERM EDI ATE CABIN. Ill; INI .-CM t>IATK CABIN ROI'ND TRU'. • • ■STEKHAOK. Ho. To HOSTON FIRST CABIN FIRST! .'AIIIN ROI'ND TRll*. TKR.MKDIATE CABIN. sl7; IN. t DlA'l'K CABIN ROL’ND TR STEKRAHE. sll 75. The exprm me.imthlpa of this . . i apjiolnted to eaJl from Savannah. 1 ■ • ilkthi meridian Ume, a.i folio*- *\ INMII Tf NEW \<IIK. TALLAHASSEE. Capi. TH - DAY, Nov. Z'l. 4c?.0 p. m. CITY OF ALGI’STA. Capt. I'- . SATFBDAY. Nov. I*l. fl.*X> p v N AC* h m 'll EE, Capt. Smith, Tl - ' . Nov. 17. a :m p m. CITY of 111 B.M INGHAM. Cm R . TIII'RSDAY. Nov . |nj n. r. Kansas city. capt. Fiahar, th: * DAY. Nov. 29, 10.Ui a. m. TALLAHASSEE. Cupt. SA. ’ DAY. r-. ], 12.00 rn CITY OF AI'GI'STA. Capt. Da. ‘ TLEBDAY. I'ec 4. 3:(i p m. NACfsii TIKE. Capt. Hmlln, TR DAY. Dec . 4:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY. Cnpl. Fither, SAI DAY. Dec. *. 6:0i) p nv CITY OF BIRMINGHAM Cai Monday. i>i***. 10, s *p. m. TALLAHASSEE. Capt. A. kirn*. 1 DAY. Dec. 11. DOO p m. CITY OF AI’GI'STA. Capt. Di THURSDAY, Dae U, W m an NACOocHEE. Cnpt. Snitta. ■' t DAY. Dec 15, 11:30 a. m. Kansas city. cpt i „-h.r. th:- D. IS. 2:00 ~ m . TALLAHASSEE. >Nipt. Aekir.s. Tl! DAY. Dec. 20. 3:F> p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt FRIDAY. Dec. 21, 3.00 p nt CITY OF AI’GI'STA. Capt. I ’ SATURDAY. I>ec. 22. 5:00 p. tr NACOOCHEE. Cnpt. Smith, T'T ■' I >oo 25. 730 p. tn. KANSAS CITY. Cape. Flaher. TH DAY. Do-. 27. 9:on p. tn. TALLAHASSEE. Capt. Aiklne. F"* *• DAY. Dec 29. 11:tJ p. m. NOTICE— flteamahlp City of 1 ham will not carry panxengen Sieumxlitp CITY OF MACON ‘ Savage, will ply between New !• k an! Bouton on the (ullowlng ache.lul. LEAVE NEW YORK FOB 1 (from I’ler 35. North river, at 12: • 1 Nov. 23. 2k. Dec. 3. 7. 12. 17. 21. 2*: LEAVE BOSTON FOR NEW 1 Ifrom lawa* whurf, at 12 00 noot ■ •'* 26. 30, Dec. 5. 10. 11. 19. 24. 2k. Thl* company rettervee the r.. ■ liunite it* .-ulllng* without no wa4hout liability or acuountabllit 1 for. Railing* New York for Sav int * day*. Thurtuiav* and Saturday* \V O. BREWER, Cl V Ticket n.* < * •enger Agent. 107 Bull alre. i. Savitt * (la. E. W SMITH. Contracting Ftß Aaent. Seivnnnoh. Oa. R. G. TREKEVANT. Agent. Sav ir.r Oa. WALTER HAWKINS. General ' Traffic Deparlmetit, 224 W Bay *" Ja< keonvllle, Fla E II HINTON. Traffic Mana. ' vannah. Ga. r. E LKEEHVE. Minac'r I’ler 35. North river. New Y'afk N 1 Bone Meal For Chicken Feed and Fartllifer. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluable for "homi-mlietl” frtlU Th* cheapen and moat concentrate th* market Send for particular*. IIAY, GRAIN, COW FEED. BR AN, ETi. SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, Thane 225, IU Bay *tr#t. **’"