The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 22, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 JOHN J. HART A FREE MAN. bHOUJimi KOIAII NO IMIKT'ir.M AOAIXUT Mm. After An InvrrflatMfton ltlnß More linn Inn Monro, f4,rtn* H Moll n \nnibrr ot %%ltne*oeo 1 till* tied, the tironil Jnrr < oulil Not find Thnt Mort Rta Hlomolile lor tbr Killing of Itotrollre Jerry jiheo-W lot Nome of the Ultneoaeo laid anil the Fneto With H hlrh the Jiriunn Were I Hart • tUUMii-lt of the lloltlli’ltle. Jjtin J llort m free man to-tiay TT*** gru i ry *f th ftupeiiof * ouTt, lifter H irmr y investigation yesterdiML mad* a rum If no bill" ot. the Indictnw fit charging him witn Uh mur* d#r of I-H<- uv* Jerry ft hr*, and he % relfwaed fr#n. tf; county Jnli wMhtn n ffiw minute* after tho ot the *r n<l Jury vt tnnoun #d. Th#t* wmjv ieronty-on© rMAbert of th# grand jury who a's-wered the call of * • r jMnwa Ha tfttiperioc Town The gran 1 jur> m*t were d.wna*l by Judge K lifiint to their room, with tna'r .' '*oi> to ink* up u* h huatnee* a# <i* pr* rf.-l lor their connidentlon. Thou it h th*r w#*r# two oth**r factly undonat ol thnt tho case f llart wm tho on#- of pnme ir.t*-r##t afid of greatest Import at • Sodiiior Oonerai Oobomo assisted the member a *4 tho grand Jury In lo examination of h* wltm who were brought - fore It. with ti e a- -tr tc mak< i fatkttl Al hoi Ifb ai*l complete • p - f •*. and t bring out. If thl* toad r- 'ho wh<*> truth • n wr1.11.4-- the hum.' UP Mr. O: -orn# 1 iK.t con?#’ • Mmwif w!* tu m.t u . ♦h* • v ;!* ( • of *hOf *•’*'' ’ ‘ only whoh. te#tim ny was molt strongly against th* *r uo-d. but Introduced alt of the witness## wfi were present when tbt fatal shot W4‘ fired. The exa mi notion was a careful and j painstaking on#*, the -oliclior general ex umintng c .o#!y an I th#- grand Jurors twip ptementlllg hi# queer lona* lie?id* s the wltnMO* who t< at the cwron* r Ir.qiicat there wre several other* T e additional *itne** # dul not *orve to re o rite the .©nflitlng tHhmony that •••! pr vtousi} Uaen *lv#n, but rather to in trea *• the wtf! t Throughout the evidence of all of them, however, three fa •?* >tod prosnln* *nily out facta trt c.tvjght ar. \ b and #hc r cent ion of the grar I Juror* and doubt lea* Mrv*d to a > ouiit for Wit return of bill ” These were firm?, that Hart wa# at hi* own pla of bunif.e**. when the quarrel began, and that tthea ha l orn# ther- with tha evident purpose #f provoking ver bal. If tio a prrwi al <nftlct. exmd. that Hart had declined i|*arentl>. •# pnilonff *he quarrel and hal railed upon I‘atrofcman ftheahan to arret Shea, third. tt>at Shea ami advancing upon Hurt. In a thraateidng atti* ide ar and with h< -tile Infant f* any ahoi tad b#*m T*r• t On ether point* th# writua-*** dlertarced rvivnpl# tely. They varied on the q neat km of which of the part ten to He huml ide had fired ftrM. they told different atorfew a to the quarrel between th*m. they aralgned different position* to ll**t and Hti# a and they estimated the tim* i*e* tween the two ehoi* at from one e. ond to one minute On none of theae queer lona scarcely did two cf the wltneaae* agree. l*o*lhlv th* antecedent facte f f:.a tragody, which have liecotn** public property within the past faw da>.-‘. the relation* letwie#*n tha fwo men. known generally to have exist ed, and tiie diw^ref-incy n thex ph> .* 1 proportions and power*. Hhea lciig mu- h Ihe larger ojhl stronger, h'-lp***! tl 4rrnd Jury In rw*'binK It* decision. At any rat* . the grand Juror* <\me to th* conolti* **r\ tha? when Hart fired he was inaptr*d wtth tha fear* <f raaamtable man that hie life wae In <kuigar. or that hi/* OP|k ttent meditated th** rommiwlta of some terlou* ImhliJv injury U|*>n hn There wr' few spectators in the court ruom whan the grand Jury thlerel The foreman handed the ln<ftl'tment to th*- w>M* Itor g* neral. who r*u*d the names of the b nj*el and th> fin#ling ©f the grand Jury rajudlv. Hu*te .again-t John J Hart, ’no hill, ” roa<l the solic itor g#-n#*ml. There wia * nuppcewwed Ktir in the eotirt room Mr Fran-h* Hart, th*- father *<f the boy from whom the stigma of guilt had been remove*!, had bean sitting in tho room With a Jno# eigh of thank fulness and relief h** li*anf what ?:♦• graiul Jury ha*l fours 1. In u moment he was surrounded by his friend*. wtw hsntmel to congratulate Inm nd to wiiom ha re turned his thanks for thHr kindness "Mr Ofbnmt," j#al*i .Hilge Falligant. "I eupp*f* there le no furfhar -a*"n for th*- |etentkai of Mr Hart.” ’’None ut nil. sir,” the solicitor general anrwsered Mr. Walter <’ Hart ridge, of counsel for the i-<-ueed, hid be#n |#r* room when th** grand jury report*-#1 its Immcdia?* y draw up an or der for Hurt a r-l* mw from ruatoty, which w* signed bv Judge Flii. nt. The order, alter atating the cae* . r* -le u* folk** “The above defendant having l*e n committed to Jail ii|on a warrant fir murder, and th* grand Jury having In the tiomlclde of J J Shea. tsj*on wtikh the charge of murd*>r was mad* In said warrant, uni rinding ‘no I**ll,‘ the Jailer of <'haihm county is her* by ordered to dl- barge the mM John J Hart from tl* common Jail of the i-oun t - Arm-1 with this nrd#r, Mr tlartridge with h Morning News ret>orler. wnt to the Jail In a f* w minuter llart wn# i Ire#* man. *'Ah ” he said, ms he breathed the outer air, ”1 fee| better than I have since Mori* day night.” He was asked to mak# for the Morning News aorne statement of the unfortunui• affair in which Detective Hh*a was kill#*#! "Of all the people In the world,” he eald ,’T. of course will be the one vim Will mow regret Mr Hh*si's d.ilh I desire to say that I fired .it Mr Hhea only when It wae absolutely necessary to save tny own life There Is u great deal I •nigh? say about the clrcumttaru • s that led to the tragedy, but. In charity to all concernel I think It lx*tt*T to say tw>th- Ing. exc*pf tlt at the tim#* *f the hoin -1 lie I acted In self-dcfenae." H*veraJ of the frind of the young man were waiting for him ouisttde the l*all, and upon his release he was driven to his home. His mother lias tw*eri quite ill f#r inane ilmvh ami the added gri**f of In r Mm's trouble hoa not served to decrca#-- her lllnei*.s I,ik#* him. when she saw him •■oms free to lor arms, ahe must have “felt tietter than she had since Monday flight ” Talk of toother Warrant. H#*me of the friends of the dead officer have been talking, since the action of ttie grand Jury, of swearing out another warrant f**r murder ajralnst his slayer. Whether this Is countenanced or encour aged by the Intimate friends and the fam lly of I>•*?♦ ctlve Shea could not In* author itatively learttMl If such a warrant were sworn out It could not be Investigated by the present grand Jury, after that body has returned “no bill * on the charge against John Hart The grand Jury of the December orm of the Superior Court would have to take up the matter Should It. too. make a return of “no bill,” the concurrent ac tion of the two grand Juris# would be equivalent to a verdict of acquittal, and no furth#-r pnogecutioo for the oflanae could be maintained. < OliOM %l, IMtfU AtiRKCD. Adopted Plan of Organisation for Monument % ■■ocia I Inn. The Board of Managers of th<* ft#clet> of Colonial hamcv nave agreed to the re-* utnmendatica.s made by Pro-* bn? Walter (J Charlton for the organ. x.#s *n < t a cor p ration to undertake th# t irk of rabiog funls ft r the ere. n of a monument t-# <b*n Jam*-* K 1 • ril Og thorpe To Mrs J. J Wlkbr presidcr*: of the Colonial Jsin#i. was left the a;*p :r*m*nt of the * * rnfnrttea of si* that # > to represent the society ti|*on the Uard of twenty-four that are to be nm*-*i by the four socle'l*w the Colonial larne. the Hons of the Kevo illon. t•: I‘ugM *A the Amert an Revolt*lon and the H ns of Colonial Wars. tf*at are t* ate a *##- * ia t tor*. No obj. tie* to the plan a- stMr**-sed by Mr 'ur *ra, n*i *qt* dby th* s*rfs •<* th* H* • was raise! among the lMii<— • f tt* I 1 All Hare* 1 that It offer* and the l*t-? pn-qei t for th a- com t'i *-*m-n * f lit | • r !••*♦ ,n w h all f or of tfie in p.tle- mi* int*re<* , ed It is i . eve*i that neither the of ’he It- w J h ti nor th ft- i sof c-.i >riiai Wars a!! 1 <*!;• aiel Al #jriy n * **?JngM ’■ r ♦ v will a i<pi the plan ai -1 name their com t .1* A •tat'- •* ** lMimnir* ot ih i:mv<>.uii< n- to *•• h*M n.x' Hi Atlanta *i < n th- nroi.*i l ,11 .-I r hi- H-.!, of ttir Itn utlon Will *• p.'.-. -it. I N-. gu..tlon of it, a . |'Un • i, t.nt..rtatfi-*l Th. |,ropottlon to build a mon.imant to . *;ttH,l|ia I* fi,it r,-w with ttll* I.ii*h ..t, f i: #. f!*\o,ut t'.n A f tha a ! ata roh < of th- ora an x niton In IVX Oft 11. th- n.p.rt <f th- tnan raßinl. Mr* T ft Morgan of Savnnn ih. rontatn-l tha loil'ivt tnx ‘laurrt.. na* -vrr flUltiKly -x --ir..*.-! birr <t*p *< , n*- of ot.lixulnn to dj-lxth r|*. for tha * i rltl(* !'•, trio i , | i < ■I 11 < ■ M r* ‘'k tir- m e mfli*o**l in founiltflf th- 001, , f ;* rx .i r w Kran-I .mrn<n xvr.llh, !: .■ l.rraitrr*- of th- Houtti. which wo have |.,i**tr*iit-ly lov-d. ,ltkn In hiT anl t,r-r |*ro*|rMjf. the ,<i.n* un i I laitlfhtnra unln In unltrlnx harmoni- in un i -fft-ttv- .ff rt and -x --. ~ | < i. ,i toniim< ntal 1 hi. to ttnf n-fa< tfr ari l t>hll ti. * • Intel f‘ * lioard I t-.*tt*-r thw f rm ImM to OfM f ■ • * ’* k " i* a WHII-'Wltwd opinion tliat H - toui‘l la an In attonal Iri.' it ill ion. ,i . •, • mat o twit ■■ • for otnatnant und H* r* t f wnmtton >f th, ■ilnilratlon utal vm niton :n which -hfl— tl,or| I h-kl It it conolttda I. how-v-r. 4h,l i h i | lan w<■ far b-von.l the roeana of a monument n-*. rtiton The I'oonlal I*im * will t on— take Il|l tbeir etnrtv of Col on In I hlxlory. The m.-mtu-r* of the eca-l-ly all over ttic conn try will pure m thee*, ent ile* The 10l- Imrlna tmt • oimltte* It** dmwn up • , ouro of mniy fo* lh. Oeorirta cltnpterH: I award Karo* illW ia It latitat Ausuata; Mr*. Hub Ha gan. Atiama. Ml-* Anr Henning. <"•>- lutnbti*. Mr* T. H MorVan. Mr*. I. *• Younts -ltd Mr* A note J. Warm* A •■o*- d-i nation of th- atudy In i-amphlet lam, ,-ont ilnlnK •- working ttcheibi -**- gri|>hr for th eii|.|.|e*neiitnry Work* to I— read and luglteHlore for t„dy haa been mart- u|> and illtrllHite.l among the ni-rnle re ft.iturday afternooti from 4 until 7 o'-dock, ml the quarters of th** Havannah hi pier, comer of Taylor an-1 Abercorn M tr#*e:s. where then* r*- two c*>mf*rtably arul t'*t*-fuiiy furolah*d room**, the flr#t •.f th* "Color tal Tam Talk- will b*- h#**l Mies Maud Heyward and Miss Kugeola Johnston r-al i#*i***rs. the former 1 upon the aborigines of Georgia. •*1 the latter upon Pe ftoto and his explorations Following the paper#*, there will b- a k* neral dtscu -slot) ftuch “tea talks'* ore to l*e hel*l once i nx*nth throughout the winter. Tne work h* twen maprsed out until April, when 1t will bo discontinue#! until the f**i;*>wlr)g fall. The members of th# w*- cp?y #*xpect t* !#• greatly henefl:ed through it Their stinH will embrace all of Colon - il history, •casing where •f th#* It-\-dm t#*n begins. 4 HIM.ED ilia: m.Uii'H i%RY. I (sale Jolmaua ll*lt# Shea’s 4 ertlfl <-at* In Poll#*e He ne olen t %sn*Aa f low. It is quite possible that there will le* some trouble that may have to be settled in court he twee#) tb*- relatives and friend* of lx*te>--tlve Sh a mid Uxzle Johnson, the woman for whom ft hen bet his life. At the time of ft hots'a lvith he was a memhwr of th#* I’olir** Benevolent Asso < l4ll<SK and as sin b. entitled to leave to the Ix-r.efl- lary mentlontsl In his certificate of natnlM-rslrip a sum amounting to a littl* over I"' This certlfi ate when taken out, Ihil n m* *1 as the benefii lary In i .#e of he b uth. his father. The cer tlfhato was. however, at the time f Hhea's *1 ath. tu the hand* of Lizzie John son. mu 1 Iter name riad been pul In the place of tiie original beneficiary. That she • vkh ntly ex|*ects to get the money Is slx>wn by the f.v-t that the cer titbate ha- been |<Ut In ihe hand* of h**r ilorneys in<l further by her message to fthea'a rekittvea v**sterdny that she want id to pay th#* funeral expenses as soon us she khoukl g-l this money. Hhea's friends In th# Benevolent As.o latlon are not at all sur# that sh* can o!l#*et Ih*- am. Mint >f the certificate, as no noil -• of Ahe hang of Ihe lenrtb iay has ever lieen mo l#- t the ss*m lati-n, and they nr** determined t. prevent her getting the money, if it i to |o o Tbe woman visit# I yesterday the house where her dead friend luy. but stayed only a sixvrt tlin**. leaving as e#on s sh# had seen the remains, rthe was also t the church luring the urrvlcc**, but did not go to the cem#tery. DETEf TH : SIIEVH FI Xt It %!.. Took I'lsee lrstrrdny Wu-rnnon nn#l an# Very Lsrgrly %ttended. The funeral of Detective J J Shea, who was shot Monday night by J. Hurt took place yesterday afternoon shortly before 1 o clock. The body wan laken from the ' 1 1* am* of the 1# id man's father. No. j Congress afreet. um to the Ca thedral of ft? John the Baptist, thence to the Cathedral Cemetery, where the lairlal w.ih ma-b. Tho services at the i church were conducted by Hev. Father Robert F. Kennedy and at th# grave by It. v Father J. Hennessey. Th* funeral | was an v a. *pf tonally large one. the pro fession exicndiiig for several blocks. A squad of eight poilramaii, un | -I* r the command of Unit , Reilly. accompanied the Usly from 1 the house to the church, and ( on th*- way to th#* met# ry as far a# ; Liberty an.l \Vh*aton streets. The pi#|| hcnt-rs w.-re Me-sra. Th-mas ftwe**r.y. Masters. Charles Odeil. J j-I Murphy. J J Oarrlty. Frank Wall. J. Gulitovle ami luin Klley. FAREWELL 'ltl 14 E\. .%. J. NMITH. f h rlst Inn Endeavor toelstf's So-lnl To-night Tha ChrUtian End**avor ft#K*l#ty of the Flroi Presbyterian Church will give a so cial In the lecture room of the church lo rrlght, to wnlcb all the members of th# congragatlon ar# invited Th# social D Intended by the society as a farewell to Hev. Arthur J. Bmfth. who has Just sever ed hh connection wrrth the church a* It# pastor Mr. HmJth took a sp*risl lnt*r*#t In the Chtintlan Endeavor work and Is ow president of the state orgaUxetmu. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1900. TALKED OF ACADEMY’S PLANS. Rl %ll OF F.IH ATIOI A PHO|MMI|TIO\ TO THI ATRFA. >l* eft ns Ur Mr Id U>l Ni* la t —Host rl Will I'ay la'ireM o-srp IWMMSi af the fast of •hr llalldlag—Th i Prp#>i I inn a oanler Oar u Prar tlealh (hr Wae proposition From the Hoard *f Traateea—silsstlon l< •a •• rl#-l a* Hull Satisfactory Mince Ihr Fire—Trusters Will Prah mll> Aecrpt— 4 outraet May Hr l-r 1 This W rrlt. A special meeting ot fhs b-erd of E4u c?loo W - held last night lo consider the matter of th* restoration of Chatham Academy. Present at the meeting were hwkkr.t <i*-oige A Mer er Mr l>ee Roy Myers Mr li A Denmark, Capt. Ker ry Illun. I>r M F Dunn Dr. T. J. Charlton, and Capt M A * > Hyme. The meeting w- held tu conid-r a re p.r** front •-.*• oomcnlttee appointed to con fer with t’i Board of Trust**e of Chat ham Academy. The committee of the tr .*t#- ta• ed tha? they were willing to ■l- rvl alt t‘t*\ have upon the profajs#d lull ding Thl' means about 12A.0W, but th* building w li cost several thousand do- Ur# more It was desired by the* Board of Trustees that ft#*- lbixr*i ##f Education become re #|M>n?*|ble for the excess over |*Vf.oiO that t!i** buil*iing will cost, and such a prop**##:- tton w. made the commit te from the latter i<ur 1 This iopoflUon, however, was rot a *,*ied just as it was made, th* re be ll. g one or two /•#tures of it tnat w.-re • omewhai chanv#d arid molitied. the Hoard of Fdut til lon deciding upon -i coun ter piu|#oMtloti, but vetjr littl* different fronj ilial male l*y the Jio.nd of Tru* i eea. The counter prop-onion of the Board of Education will b* submitt*l to the Hoard of Truaieea this morning It is tnought very pr*c * that It will tie a -td by the iioMr*l of Truetees. In fact, n* ai*out this ’>• f*-l? It 1 also *a I that #t meetitig of tlx* Hoard of Truatees will !**• tielii very “OOI#. pOSSiMv this afl ernoon. hik! no further time will be lo** in l#*t ing trie cootm*t for :♦• ©rw building and getting right to work In its proposition the lk*ard of Educa tion gr* *e (o b-tynii- respone:ble f**r tb*- x e#s over IW'.uUO. i*r>mWtng to make th** *• *-a go*s| by easy |Mym-i;h This can la* done, it i !*o|ieved by the board, without cniharrassuneut. The iNar*l has already ob.tgat*l l?s*-lf to tb** r* pavmei.t f e#n>e |>. oO or S*A,(IOO of the amount to t*e * xpendel ti|s the butkhtig. the |*n>- i*euig made as an annual rental of gi ono Nothing wave tbe arrspian-'s of the Hoard of Education's propiait|on hy the Hoard of Truaieea n*w atan#ia in th* way of th#* aw-#r*l of th** contract for the tulMirur Hi*is have l*e**n received hy the Building Commutes of the Hoard of Trustee*, and only the agreement b*— • ween the two hoard# as to firiMn--e* has been mwaited for the awanl to tbe most atl-f.i. tory bidder. It whs stat**l after the meeting *tat tle sttuatkH) Is i*garde-i ' 1 • • any tim- sin* • tiw consideration f the re-hullding of the A* a*l*tny was first brought up be fore tte Hoard of Trustee*. Before the pr—#-nt wc*k ♦ xplr#— h was *d. *he contract will probably have Ispen let. All con*-erne-l are very well pleased with the hu.lding that It is propos'd to erect. Then* were a numis-r of modifica tions made in the original plan, which was not within the means of the Board of Trustees to carry out. but very careful thought has been expended uton the changes, and it Is said that a very can n.odious convenient and outwardly pr**- tenttOiMl hulkfing will be put up. No (build le felt that It will he completed by Oct. 1. Rsd. when the term wlil begin. The two ('listham schools. Nos 1 and 2. can then n-turn to their old location, but lo quar tera vastly Improved and little ilk** thus** they occupied l*efrc th# Academy was partiailv destroyed by fire. Home Investlgat n has Ih en made along tile lines #f the resolution adopted Ht the last meet ing of th- It w#r*l of Education relative to tiie erection of tern nor ary * < ommodalion of the t'hHtham grammar erhools, but It i*as been <l*-ck9ed to i* ve that matter In abeyance for a time. If It Is seen that ail obstacles ore removed, and that work on ?h* \ a-huny building run begin at once, nothing will be don**, in all probability, about securing the t**m jairary structure. NOTHING IX TIIE CHARGE*. *n Any# Magtatrate Kline #f th** Grnnd Jury Investigation. Magistrate Charles D Kline, whose off! rial conduct it# Ih#* subject of Investlga -4lon by the gr.itxl Jurv of th# Superior t’ourt. stated to a Morning News re|Hrter yesterday that he had nothing to f* af from th** lnv#*stlgatkm, "The rumors or charges w hi- h the grand Jury has seen fit to investigate, (id Mr Kline, "are liiHplred and urge*! by a dis gruntled ex-v-onstabl#, John Hilllar*!. I deny iiltsolutely that there Is any basfa whatever for any rumor or hnrac Oat seeks to impugn or discredit nt> personal or official conduct. Malic**, and malice H)ly, 1?* the lnsilratioh of the whole mat ter. "Horn# mistakes I may have made In the application of the law and some re quired formalities may have le#*n omit te#l N>thliig else can l*c shown by HH ltar*l **r anyone el***’. To-d-iy bus|n*ss tn#*n, with whom I transact business, have voluntarily ns#ur I me that everythin* aixmt my office has been conducted, so far a- they knew or w**re . on* erne#l, In an orderly nn-l busfn#*s*-llke manner. ' l don't Ilk** i*> anticipate by any atate ment of mine th- action of th#* grata! Jury.” said Mr. Kiine "I merely that my frkn#!# and the {Mthlio reserve their decisiot) as to the truth of the harg### until the gr ind Jury’s Investiga tion haa been con *hsle#l. 1 hnve no rea son to fear Its result." The next meeting of the grand Jury will he held to-morrow afternoon, an.l it i- understood that ih* form.i. investiga tion of the charges against Magistrate Kline will then he had The law pro vides that the magistrate e.-iall have i right to appear before the gran.l Jury. • I'd I*** confronted by the W;tn*>►#♦ # ag ilti-T him and Magistrate Kline will avail him self of this right. ♦ ROADS OF THE Y %CIIT CLI H. Issne \1 111 Re Mmlr to Pay a Debt nnd Mkf luipriivpsienli. Advertisement Is mule of Ihe 112.. W (5 per cent bonds the Havannah Yacht Club wi l issue to pay the debt of F> #© on the park property acquired sonic time go and to make the extensive improvement* that are about ready to b** commenced. First In tni|*ortance among th*- improve ment- Is (he shooting gallery and bowl ing alley, contract for which wdl soon b- let. No trouble will he found In floating the bonds Members of the club are wi ling and eager to Invest in them. The adver tisement Is but a matter of form demand ed by law and no# an effort to obtain biddder*. A picnic Is not complete without aome of Cook’s Imperial Extra Dry Cham pagne. A lunch with it is At for tb# gods.—ad. j •U.ATII A f’AXOPY OK PtOft’VIII. Mr. Da Id %. Vlyck and Miss Ida Hley %\err Wedded* The weiidtr.g of Mi David A Byck And M*a Ida ltle> was celebrated at half I# # ' o'clock yesterla> afternoon at th#- re- der<e of the bride’s mother, Mrs Hamah Holey The mtrr.age was wit - r. -1 by tbe two famlli* > f the young ■ oupie ar.d e few intimate friends laiter m the evening there was • general re**ep t r-n The residence on J n*w street was i r antly lighted and de orated with ! alms. f*-ms, ard flowers, white and green laing the prexaiiing colors. Th-* doorways !etw*-en the r-M*ms were archei wi*h ta.! palms so that a bower-like effe*-t was given to each room rverhend long •rails of wer** looped from the - nandelters. and everywhere were groups f t fohage plants, and tall white chryoao thevnums. At the northern en#l of the perlor stool th#* canopy, wh ch forms so important a I art in the Hebrew marriage rites This wa# outlined by ta 1 palms arvl interlaced rl’h gloasy gr*en smilax And clusters of wtiito < hrysanthemums The wedding march from “Bohengrtn,” was played aw the |*ro* evhional, and Mr Ixiuts Israel of harlesti.n. H C. Ahe best man, entered the roctn In advance. lie was followed by Mlsn fttella li -nblatt <>f Cleveland. O . the ma.d >f oii*r The groom, ar- ornpartied by his mother. Mrs It H\ k nter##l next ani f<*.lowing them m two littl* fbwr girl** • twin metre *f the, Miss md llks Fannie Kahnwellai > waIH*I tru* bride and her m->ther. Mrs. Holey. Hev Tr I IV M-mieg t#erformed the r#remony. and the bri*)al ij|rty made in efffo'tlve picture as It surroun.l - I by i j urtUn floral <lec©r itlon* The 1 r.b ■ gown which wn** per 1-tuflarly beau tiful. wa of ivftite s:ik n*-t over chiffon. Hows of narrow .-a In r; bons trimmed th*' net skirt and trait while the bodice wns finished with r i>int lace an.| clusters of orange biomoms. The grace fully arrang*--! tulle veil was also fasten #*l ortuig#* biovo"ms. while tne b uqnei was * omjK>**.-#| of Uh**s of the Valley or.d NephltOW rofies. . In hatm ng a .*.i with this coatßme. was t;ie gown worn bv ??>#* m i*l of honor. This was of white point *l* esprit over white satin Tie high t*#*llce was tr.m m***i wnli l.#< e an.l sarin rlfWmna, and a lovely Imuquet of white carnatbms an-1 ferns wae -rr.#*! A great d* a! of ad miral!**) was elicited by the two Hub* flow* r girls. They were dmuiel alik** in the diinftfst 0 f batiste and la> •• gowns with pa> gr* n rlhbotis. and -a- h car* rl* and a -bower bouquet* of white carna tions at.*) ferns. After th*- ceremony there followed a banquet for the bridal party and near relatives This was served in the dining p*--rn. wh! h wns. like the ether rooms, elaborately and < orat* *!. At 9 ©VI*, k the many friends of the young couple were *tit##rtAinwl at a de lightful r* eption. There was music, and a I evening refreshments were nerved. In an uieifalrs toom th#* wedding present* were displayed, and these made a beau lifu* show. arrMved or) long tabUs aliou# th** room <vcspi.-u*Mis an>*>ng the many hinds*mc gifts r*-tlve4 was n silver lea service md two immense rasew of tallc "liver while in cut Im-*s. furniture an-1 hrh ’ rar there were numerous and beautiful articles. The newly married jair left via the Hourhern Hallway at midnight for New Orleans Aft* r n brief stay in that city they will pr**ced to Mexico, and later to Califor nia. while Cleveland. O . Niagara Falls, New York, and Washington, will be vla- I'ed before their return in January Both bride and groom are popular young peo ple and carry away with them a host of good ui>hs Mr Hyck Is the Pimor member of the business firm of M 8. \ D A. Hyck and Is a pubHc-apirlied and highly young man Tbe brUe is both attr.ic-tlv* and lovable, and is i great favorite in h**r circle of frietals Among th#' out-of-town guests presrm wer** Mr in-1 Mrs. Warner Hyck. and Mr. and Mrs l.ou,#* Hy k of Atlanta; Mr Is.toe Cohen of N**w York. Ms# Hlr die Dann of Atl.tnt # and Mr. and Mrs. J | IvastrlrxT of Cleveland. O. WEDDED Ql IF.TI.Y AT BOHR. Mnrrlni# of Mr. M. M. Parker anl 'll## Ella MeKensle. A quiet home wedding took place last night at the home of Mr#* Kenneth Me* Kenitlc. >n Thirty-first street. Her youngest daughter. Miss Kill M Ken Me. was united In marriage to Mr Munoah M Barker of Wilmington. N. <* . Rev. Kd war-l F. t*ook >fflclatlng. Mr \\ Idiatn O Uoddard. also cf WIU mlngton. wa# U-s? man. and Miss Miggie King brllesmiid r Pbe parlors were pret t||v deorat*-d in gre# n ond white, the bride and grw>m standing under a very handsome pyramid of flowers The banl -omo bride l* well known here, and h**r [ mtnv friends r*-gret to see her leave their ! midst Mr. and Mrs Parker l*fr on the early morning train for Wilmington, where they will mnk* their future home. OFFICER* FOR COMING YEAR. Elected by Francis A. 'lnriotx Camp f *nns f \ etcrans. Francla ft Hartnw Camp i*f ft*>ns of Con federate Vet. rans held an enthusiastic meeting at Confederate Hall last night There was nn extensive discussion of the work to be *lone by the rump next year, for which period officers were elected. The offl ers elrcte*! were nominated by i H>mmittee ami chosen unanimously. They are as follows. Commander, r. H. McEaws. l.truA*nnt C'ommar*ler, C. W. ftausy ftc#on*l Lieutenant Commander, B.*g. r.* Woods Adjutant. II M Branch Quartermaster. M. o’Mara Chaplain. Hev. M. J Ept Ing. Treasurer. A Duncan Kent Color Sergeant. A. D Krenson. Historian Edwin C. Hyal*. A munhrr of ipplUatlons for member ship were read and referred to ihe Cre dential Committ*e for Investigation and re|*ort Because of the absence from the city of members of this committee reports on a|>pllctt’tons read at th# last meeting were not forthcoming and action on thee#*, too. was |o#tponrd until the next meet ing. The camp was notlfleil of the intention of the H tv.tnnah Chapter of D lighters pf tlx* Confederacy to give a t#all next month and urged to attend. The hall is to be given for the lieneflt of the Winnie Davis Memorial The a*•!*<ancr and attendance of he members of ihe camp were pledged to the lumghters. The m#*ettiigs of the camp next year. It was decided las* night, are to be ma le interesting by a)lre*wes from th#* vet erans and others on subjects connected with Ihe war. Refreshment*, tors are to be *orvl at each meeting A numlter of plana for programmes for these meet. :ngs were rugg#**ted ami a committee will be pf*>lr>ted to arrange them it Is hoped tn this manner largely to Increase the attendance. % Pair f Dlsniouil 'lmr Links Is not to be depreciated as a neat and In expensive wedding present. If selected from ft tarn berg A Co.*s elegant jewelry stock —ad A High-Grade Institution for Ladles Shorter College, iwnt, Ga. Write tor catalogue.—ed. FATALLY STABBED HIS WIFE. JAMES PfiRTRH. THE ***%ILA\T. SAVANNAH PORTER. VICTIM. Affray look Fleer at West Broad and Nrx% Strerts—Forfr r tnlb#*l the Vtoiniii *rxrral rime* In the Neck and Once in h#* Mde—•!#* Han but MH ( n*ilit by Mr. \\ . < Awrst. Mhn Had brrn Ih** Aaoault. The l attlns tlie Hraaltwf Jealuas>. ftavunnah Porter a colored woman, wa* stabbed several ttm#*. and pro ■ #bl> fa tally, yesterday a?ie:ru#on by her hue band. J#*s Porter. The sffray took pis e at Broad and New sAre#"*. ad fr m the statemcn* of the was brutal and cold blooded Mr W. C ft west, who w•* Jtiet serosa West Broad street when t? took place, sui) that hi* atit-ntion was first called to It by a man exclaiming ‘ See ihat man cutting tha* woman H* started across to where Porter and 1 victim w#re standing, but Just l-efor* he got to them tbe w man broke •way fr m the man. but w.i-hi stabbed in the eM l*> Porter as sh ran P er th**n started #Vn N* w street and Mr (*•' *'• 1 a-img to him to stop Tne man eor.t:nu*l to rut;, however, untl he *w a crowd in has say t* nt on stopping him Then ho turnwl. when Mr. ftw-at. who w<- close l*eh;nd him. ca ght him by the arm an-1 another man. nam#-d J k -n, s*dx • the other arm. and b*-tw#en th* \ tc>ok Porter bark to the "fie of the cut ting. and turrx-#i him over to Pa r- .mui. Col-ios The woman, after she received the last cut, the one in the side, tan only * step* in an apparently dazed mdill*r. and after standing for • few *. -on .- r* ♦ ed to the std* wal* fth# # -• •* to i T home >iA Purs* and ftinr* *-’r--ts i; * police am xuiati* c a j v >-1 n. who w st)mmon**<l. sai*i that b* r wounds w u.d probably reault in her d*-ath Porter was seen shortly *ft**r the <ui tii.g He sal-i that th- won*n wan hi-* wife, but tha? they had not live*! together tnc- Saturday I** cauh*- he had found out that • w.#< ui • he said, she carried away with her the hook containing n record of ht- r-nt • counl an-1 the effort t* get b# ktit- i k caused the ir.*g* ly. He met t:. w -mm. he s.itd, and nskc#! h*-r to return th*- t***k, but instea*! of giving dm i v t;-?*• - tlon. she turned on him. and a'?**r • ur ing him roundly, said that she dtdn’A li tenl to have any “nigger" following h* r around and that -he Intended i have h;m arr* -te.| at once. Porter salt) h** had be* n :irr and once before at the request of the wo man. and h#* didn't w mt ? a hnv* any further trouble, so h** followed her asking that si#e would not have him taken In ftho was obdurate, however, arv*l in the quarrel trwit followe*! the* r f her unfaithfulness again came up. Thens ld Porter. "I was so aggravated I cut her without knowing Ju#*t I was doing ” lie wound up his story by saying that he knew whit he had -lone and w ••* will ing to take the penalty of the law for hi* offenae. No notice that -the .woman w s •)**a*l had leen re#'elve*| Ht the bam k up lo nn early hour this morning, but it is thouglit that eh** cannot live but u short time. MET 111 ENGINEER*. Remains of Engineer "Doc" Deli Rrnught Frsti YAaycrosa. Engineer J O Dell's body was brought f# Savannah from Way cross yeaterday o*i Plant System train No. 32. arriving at 11:10. The engineer was a victim of the disatro#ia wr** k of freight trains Nos 2"9 and 30A on the Plant System, Burrmigbs. day lx-fore yester*lay. an u- - count of wh# h appeared in yeetenkiy> Mornir.x News. After the collision, the Injpred, suffering from their hurts, were brought to Savannah, and Engineer Dell, after remaining lure some two hours. is sent to Way# rowhere th*- Im-p-t i. of the Plant System U lo- at**d Hi* fam ily In Savannah w**re not r.<*tfi*d of hi# injuries. anl had no chance to *•>* him while h#* was here He w is dreadfully .---aided and bruised and died about the time he rearhe#l \V.yi roes. A mother. a widow nn-l three children, Miss l.*nota ! >Hi .ir.-l Messrs. (*harl<s and William Dell, survive tha engineer, who was on* itf the i*et kn-iw#. men on the Plant B>-- tim He was popular In ft-avannan. and all along his run. The offl* ia Is regard*'*! him .is one of their m-*sr cafKible nun, and ha* fellow engineers thought the wor.d of • I*n\" ns he was famlli irlv known. \ numl>er of them were at ihe d-pot to meet the train bringing the body, an-1 cor ted the remains to tbe home of the Dells. No. rh9 Jones *:re-*t. -,st The funeral will take piaee this after noon at 3:30 o’clock from St Paul s K;ta opal YTiurch, nrvi th*- Interment will l*e In I/aurel Grove The de • i mother will arrive this morning from her home. Port Tampa. Fla. Engineer Broome. and Ilnki'nun Brooks, colored, also !njurd in the ac dent, were rc|x>rt**i yet*?erlAy ms doing well. Fireman Bowman, who was kill*-I and was burled under the debria of the wreck, was on the engine pulling No :*"?• as extra fireman. He had t*en sick and was put on In place f Engineer lell's regular tin man who had not shown up for the trip. The latter’s failure to go out on tb** run w.*> a lucky thing for him. as lift* substltut** met death tie the |da< ehe was tilling Bowman's I*|\ |m.l leen burned almost to a cin |#-r when It whs recovered from the at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. In one of the freight trains there were forty-three curs and In the other there were thirty-six. Many of them \\* re destroyed or damag*d The engines, It was said, will never lo restored t. any thing like the shn|*e they were before the accident, as they were badly demolish*d They were two of the new frejg | ei.g.n* * of the system. Nos. 11l and 11*; Hnon after the accident a bucket brlga*)> was organise*! to fight the fire. Home of the train hands of p.w -nger train No which arrived upon the s* •ne ix>ut half .in hour after the collision, and a iot of country darkies, who had been uttr.i ?•<} bv the fire tlwii resuite-l from the wr*. k. f#*rm#*-l a line an-1 pissed trie iuckev from the ditches on either si b* th- tra k All the rare wouM have been 2airnc| ha I l not l*een for the work of the bu ket brigade Th# Plant System had nsumsd traffic over Its own tra* ks yesterday, and all *.f Its trains were running on lne. th** w re. k having been cleared a wav Sneese and llluw. That Is what you must do when you have catarrh in the head The way to cure this disease is to purify the blood with Hood’s ftarsapdn la This m*di< tne M>oth* and heals the Inflamed surfaces, rebuilds the dell-at# tir sues an.l p*tmanently cures catarrh by expelling fi m the blo<d th. scrofulous taints upon which It U# sur# to get lloou s Th# noa-lrrltatlng cathartic—Hoods Pills —ad "Oraybeard is a family medir> n # with us.” said a prominent business man ># terdty. *Mv wtf# tsk#s It and 1 notlc* sb# Is #nJoylng b#tt#r htaith than for years. Th# children keep well by taking It.” Oraybeard may b obtained at all drug store# or write to us for it. Resp#s Drug dCo.. sole prop#., Savannah, Ge. -ad. Grip, Bronchitis, Consumption. trT>y THESE THREE lb m3 I DR E ADE D DlS ygn EASES ran lx- avoid- PURE MA L T WHISKEY is taken. • according to direc tioris, at the tir-t sym- V/f toms of a cold. A c h>ll °* col-1, and *>*K' I OSh* ;It .trd, may drvrlop into a fatal illncsr Don't trifle with vour health Kr.,p DUFFY’S MALT WHIS KKV in vour medicine closet and use it ;>r mptlv at the first siens o< approaching , np. pneum*ni.i or otner lung or throat trouble . It will save doctors’ bills and may save your life. It it the onW Whiskey taxed by the Govern* - Dt> fk* a MldM Thu la aguaraul*# All icmt* nnd grocers or direct 91-00 a bottle j -fuse substitutes f#ey are injurious. Send lor fr*-** medical and testnuonisis. MU Y MALI w HIsKEY CO Kochester, N. Y. TO APPOINT I HEKHOI.DER*. Rally f the Fourth DUtrlrt Reyw olil* lab l,t Mhl. A meeting of the Fourth District Rey r '-D <’Jub w.#*# heM at the hall at Aber rn and Bryan streets last night, a very enthusiast) crowd being present. The .j#- -<f t!>e ma ting waa to (>repare for the T*!** intmetif of three freeholders to in mage thq magistrate's election. The , ?•-. ii m.irani* vote derided to hav** and appoint these freeholders md r • ort the same to a meeting to be i td xt \V*dncs#lay night at the same Jiefge Reynolds stated exactly what be u ;ld do in se of re-election, which wa- to conduct his office In the same re • ♦hie manner that he has always coo duned it and a few remarks were mode by wm' iMhers. At the meeting to !e held next WVdnes b v ntght it l> urge-l that all people tn terestr#! in the g*M**l and welfare of the F*’irrh Di-tri l* present and the East S ~|. t *ons*-rvatlve Club was requested to fi. :#fy its m**mb*rs o attend the meeting als-. as husttieM# of Importance will b* • ught up that wall interest all the I'■ > ir' , I>i i t voters Some of the **•.-? .*TMt*>r.H in th*‘ city will be invite#! to • l.lrevs th*- in*-* r.g and there Is every . - Iran *■ that they will attend. i %\\OT HUM: TIIL BODY. Mexican Law Prevents the Transfer <if 11. W . Herd's Remains. The many friend* in Georgia #f the late Mr II VV Heed, who db-d a few days ro in Mexico, where he had large gold nt nlng Interests, will l* pained to learn Mr** Hcel. who is now in the (.Tty f Mexi*'o, has learned that It will be !n;pe-slbl# to transfer the remains to Wav tos*. Mr. fte#‘d’s old horn#-, for lnter m*i)t. This was desired, but cannot la# *(' omplisbed for five year#. For '■onx* r#*.*ison there |h a law In M#x i* that a I#.|> rnnnot he disinterred for r> fnoval to another grave within five years a'fter ! .• This law will d*ert** to l*r*-ver. ? th*- removal of Mr Keed'e re main#* to Georgia. The body will rest f**r ♦h*- r*qtilr**#l time. t all events, at Han Mikl.l wic-re it was interred. NO ft\tlU riR Dli lLi). Tlinnksglvlna Likely to Pas# With out (livliis P-ts a Showing. The older reridetua can count on their fingers the numlx>r of snowrs which have fallen here during years past. Th# fact that cold weather has been greatly de layed may bring it on with a rush when it does come Snow* would not lx* an un welcome visitor, though it is uncertain w!tether 1? will make its appearance. Hut i pi* asure #*f Thanksgiving that all may njoy is goo*! • ating. provided they know where lo g* t It. No n)leake will lx mad l*> -• lng l.*san, White and dark grouse. Northern j at#ri Ir**s, diamond back terra pin, hlu* arul green teals and dry ii 'kod poultry will le among the sjxclaities Mr Logan's t'.itrrms arc requested to order • ally for Thanksgiving ad Mhrn Dark Da y m C Miie A good diamond is a handy resource If you bought It at Sternberg A Co.'s they will buy It l ack any tim# at a discount of li* per cent, from coat.—ad The three car loads of fire-proof safes now en route for Uftiman Bros., whole mile drugglatw, Llp4man*s Block, are ex pected to arrive to-day or to-morrow. They are agents for the Barnes Fire and lUirglat-Fro.*f Safe, an l which no better a.ife is in exl*t* nee. Llppman Br*s are the only concern in th*- state that carries a stork of all sixes. fr<>m small to Urge fir* -proof safes, and we invite your attention to thU magnlfl ent stock. They also niake a apechilty of silver ware chests for private dwellings When in w ant of a fir*-proof safe, b# sure to call on Lippman Bros —ad. It'll .Infill Knar To select a supable wedding preoent Sternberg A fn. i Immense (election if appropriate articles ad School luppllri. jut received .t 1.i.-ge and assorted sup ply of school and school supplies, all at cut rales; from 10 cents up. also, usual l ira# stock of all the school book', now used In Chatham county, at Eatill • News Depot. 46 Dull street, ttavannah. Oa.~ ad. —s ■ i It Fsatlll'a News llepcit -15 Unit at. 'Tulare of the King.” Marlon Crawford; "The Dane That Had no Turning," Oll tiert Parker; ''Cardinal's Snuff Hoot "The I.ovc of o Parson" and other stories, by Mary K. Wilkins; "The Rlography of a flrlaaly," by (earnest S. Thompson; "The Itelgn of Law." by Allen; "Dr North and Ills Frlen'l* '' by Mitchell; "The Idiot at Home." by John K Hangs; “More Fa tiles. " by (leorge Ade. ' Tommy an I ilnxile." by J M Harris; "The Moran of the 1-ady laity.” Young April." by Kger ton Castle. Either and Hon." by Arthur I* itterson. "IVccavl." by K. \V llornung, ' t'nleaveneil Itread." by Rotiert ((rant; "The Mater Christian." by Corelli. Kline and Violin and Other Kentucky Tales by Jnme lame Allen; "The Mid night Passenger." by Savage; "Idyls of the Sea." "Eleanor." Mrs. H. Ward. "Mr Dooley In the Heart* of Ills Country men." Red pottage; "A Furnace of Eatlh." by Halle E Rives; "My Friend Itlll, Found In the Philippines." by King. "Red Iliad and Hlue Drop,” Ry H. Mcr rtm.m (H H Mi rrlmnnl. E>en Holden." by Hacbeller. "Her ladyship's Elephant" ••It Cured tie.** "Oraybeard broke up rheumatism on me," says Mr Chas Thomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker street. ' And put me In better health than 1 have enjoyed In a lung time " Take Oraybeard I tils for that dtxay feeling Dost appetite, and follow It up with a bottle of Oraybeard. It la all you need Meat ess Drug Cos., sole props . Sa vannah. Oa —ad. If Von Eiamlar the Opera files' Line at Sternberg A Co's, you will see t ow much better It la to have your own giants than to borrow or fair*. ad. ALL KINDS “LAP ROBES” NORSE BLANKET, —and— HOODS. Confess and Whitaker St>. LEO FRANK. Cai I'u rquetrf Floors. have been laid In many of ' the comfortable h -me# in New York. Boston an.l other cities More cleanly j and economical than car- I pets. Plain and fancy floors laid and polished complete over old floor*, making a solid and beau tiful Improvement. Having a number of fl>or> to Lay In Savannah this month we can quote close figures. Catalogue and estimates may l*e bad by addressing J M. Adams. B->x 212. Savan nah. or 227. N. Charles street, Baltimore, Ml. mm Mm*' mMrn \ v - L.. *r/>. &' a M This is the Trade Mark of the Best Builders Hard ware : that made by the Yale&Towne Mfg. Cos. Those who contemplate building should send for our artistic brochure “Artist and Artisan:" free. H.H. PEEPLES & SONS, 125 CONGRESS ST.. WEST. BROUGHTON M; DUCHO’S BHB Alimentary Elixir I highly rrcc>mnw , ti4l*-l • rrint*'* | r lung amt m • . tyiTi.'i-i. iiifkiarlalam! all kln*i"f lr> • Afpnla. It. reurrNAC*.. W. ROSS GRAVENKR, Manufacturer’s Aflent, RAILWAY 4M> MILL *1 PPI.H *• Provident Itulldlng, Bav annuli, '■*- AMI lEDE.M'I. gAVANNHII T 11l TV TO-Mt.llT. flu mi** A Mtjfii fl fin Production • ' “A Milk White Flag" My CIIARLER H HOYT Company of 4*> people, including ‘ i- TI.E CHIP and THREE ***** FANCHONETTI. Military Hud rP*r*tfc Or T>*min* *•* ■ *' cmlttm and hrlllmnt munlcril num • ‘ fimnd N*tv Production Nw I*l* • attir*. Nor Comum****. N>w Dhjl - PRirES-fI.OO. 750. 60c un*l £W\ on __ gAVANNAH TMBATBR FRIDAY AND SATIRDAY N’I'JHTA SATI'RDAY MATINEE. NOV. il -* LEVI PROS. Treaent the Laughing Success, imir A fln-de-atecle high claa Ccrosb nf Amusing Situations and Wlttr Dial"* > Prices- -(Matinee. adults 75c. 60c. chlUreM SBC. Night. SI.OO, 75c. *Wc and *o.