The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 22, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 TALK* TO Kll Mi men. Mr. J. 11. Nnu**. Op *m llt* *rrle nt flit* ! . 'l. 4 \ Th* firxt of ihf w!' of Ut* Woik Talk* i th# V.. ‘I-i • iris*i-an A-- #r < ijiiori w a#> mv*i> *' ri hf by Mr J K Ftauj> w • •• 1' i•• to vmnv m* n on ml* nt <• v. . * n*l to * • Irntlvi :> I>> • t .i • * m* n who fll.*u ij- •■’ t * • •- Mr Hi .• • I fit -* advice would I to ht • * • . li uRP for eve); •word • Di -j ilne i;i<* min i. Jir ~1 i ii • U by reuaLn,: Th>* mi. -I an In* bui t . * ion o t-i i , h* urged. but m.iny fi,- ii •) i.ateU hrivi nun!#- 4 ***- . * *i II *k*i . :• .#*h• ■ • man: if only to tli *xv ! m ..t iml d* v lop him Mo*t ii . tnt . ;h Ihw* day# . K*'i n rolli . < it.' i. n* is deurmimd *o lo ► “lx*!* i * ► itlsfled,” Mr *aU. “with a r*4.< k** *du< arton, for |r |**rl> t~p *\ • . m • h **du atl*>n his JtM ha-gun A pr-I fCnvlii'b education is of ftrtat ■ <> tn und refunding Il!oksioii'- Mr ur. **i ti. MiMy of Lntin. t -h*> . 1 h* .<l I** > a <1 *•! I.aiigu.ig*, for v* ry much aih* Gi*d*-r tho h*-al rtf p*ronal quallfi' • t:tj *. Mr. Sundry *ald h< :.> ,ll ilk* th in \obligation of iruin, m i*<i I. tv . . sl el vnind. rmiHt feel ‘ to the | ro f<**or. ll** ehouM have a <iit erntng fTilfxl no that ht- can ikni j'~ ,v falvlv rnid biiOlJu. ntiy w 'IU' 1 • •>.#• H<* ilokf *f Ml in*l <rt ,4wyi i * There l a Ha • f"" hth. h* *l<l La* !■ a jruhHjf intMr.ami - ■!.> hard to * rn hra*'<*. it !*• l. ft * iif f *.*• • at. irouid h* s A lawyer ha.- ?. *b il v%i*h * very klrul of qu* tU>t r* .t| f-trtt* l o.w! rontn< i etc It with h* infant, follows man to ti av# aril Mirhts ov.r hit* aMW. Th* 1a a !•• ix-t iKk< and up to a * l ourht to sometimes* hard rhlnKH wr** 4mM of th*m m l often unjustly. A law yer whou I ilriijti \* I'ourteou.- but |f- IKMIU* • lmsf. aallfy, vl < and fraud A • ult Mild h i*;ht ioi to t* brouuhf to trial If it •in t*e PfttlM out of cour A la w**er should tr\ to reconellr. No l#t a yar should def* r.d fraud, he * annnt b* a |M*rpctraUr In crime or fraud. .Mr > . y did not advise young men to wind v k w to get rich, hut he slid the law leads to tnrtuanre and aotxl. It lea p.jod rnuiH to hear the wei ikn* of Ikul and mun. In reply to the question. “Should a young lawyer go Into i*olitlr,“ Mr ftaoai *y frreatiy amtmed hi: audlen r- bv re latlnr hi:* own experience aa a young lawyer. Ho advised that should hry (o Into |*,!ilin th-s should n\e as o>n as they had trained the attention of th* puff 11c and the expei of nolitlcal Ilf* n i ln.l li TIfIK.IM a| |*|*t|tT. 'ne Hersatl IMafrlet 4 Inh F.tilorael MsitUimif Nathans l.nst M s ht. The .* onl Hi strict dub held . meet Inr last night In Henley Hall. Alx>ut ISO |M i r- ! 4*>n* were |>res* nt The m etlnff was ad dressed by the following gentlemen 1* Uasnron, Ibtlmsr Kirkiund Trank .M Ilermott*. Trank <'ampos. K \\ For*u on. F K Kellbach. E. V. Ilartl ** an . 4 * West rot t, I. M (iirnuiny. it tv I Hr I J Kletter nn>l <V|. Wiring Itu Sell The fololwlng resolution- were dnwn up ty Mr. an dadopted untnlmotisH by th** club: “Kesolved. That th* mrlll b*>rf of the Herotid District Club, reeog mslng the high *m*i*e yof Mr Mr Isn u H Nathans for th.* office .f mnxlsfra*e. an*l his Just and Impartial administration of the off) . In the past, that this dub unanimously Indorse him fur re-election, and hereby pledges him Its undivided *. jp port, and urges • ver voter In th* dlslri t to supoprt him a( the coming . lection.“ Th* l club will have another meeting .iih| rally \V.ip.d.iy night nt the um< bill The c.tndidat.*s for coti't b|. - the tick et with Mtgist .ite Nathans .r. M L Uflenthal and < hirk H. Fennell. lilt. ( |R( | s 4t> >i in 4•. hells Urns' Mill Make Merry Thanks- U't lK Hl> Here. Sells Ilros'. circus will be here in all its j plory Thanksgiving Day The perform ance will In- :te best. It Is nrtpearing now the last t m* before g l-.g into winter quarter* In Savannah. The animals are in |n rfect condition, and the men and wo n.eti were never In better trim The circus will show gala week In Ja< kaonville, Nov. tn Valdosta. Nov 2T at Jesup. Nov. 2*. Thanksgiving Dv her*, and the Titfi a p*r forma rice will be £i\4) in Chari* Hto to round up. I>K. F. W. (itMUHN TO-NICiHT. He will lie Heard nt the 4.anrls* Hall miul Mill *|ienk of **vftnuroln. The lecture of I>r. F. \N' Dunsaulu- n •'Ravonarola,** which will take j ace to night at the Guards' Hall, promises to is* one of the best of the course. The 1* - turer com* s with the 1* i of recom mendations. and theoiulo.k Is that he wl I have quite a urge au*:i*nct*. True will Is the second of the entertainments of the Havannah Jedure emirs* 1 TW O I Milt TM: NTs F*lt Ml IIIICH. >im klnim>ns. %lin llnrues, n iml N..rum ii JiirUiioii. Sam Simmer s. .riias llarnes, the negro w hoehot John \Voiler *1 * r. the sailor, Sun day morning in Yarn *, raw. was indicted by the stand Jury y*-ter*Wry for murder. Norman Jnck-on th- negro who shot and k.d*d Sir.ih Williams, in n house In the w* •* rn |Kirt of the dty oome tlnj* ago. was also itidu e*l for murder. jjS^Trcachcry' cou * ; h > s niHrs-t m r l '** 'ornin(s of * ,hC d ’ >Cl °^ danger signal first appears, help nature a littic with fherra pectoral Don’t delay until your lungs are sore and your cold settled down deep in your chest. Kill the enemy before the deadly blow kills you. Cure your cough today. A 25c. bottle is enough for a common cold; a 50c. bottle ia bet ter for bronchitis, asthma, and colds that hang on; the dollar size k is most economical, especially for ■ | old cases. IVM NO FOR THIJ CLAHItm Mr. (irsrir M. Uwrna lfour lira Inuftr 4 imtrsrtora fur Fcr*. ' A City Court Jury, which had b* cn .*dr utgllmr alt day w ith the r** of* W Curmi* against Delaney A Xlpf. nd Oktisy A Mitchell, ckumants a verdi i for the . Ulman s >*■- tenlay ♦•vrning The • is** grows out of the contract for i th#* constnu tion of t>* bo.isa drainsg** j system of th** dty. The r• 1 par;i - I*- fftvlnnt w**r<* Messrs. O’fbinnor A o Hyrne ( an*! W. R, who. t ndtng them , dves In th** utienvlii) b- ixvmton *f sire ties for Delaney A Zlpf. and that they j were .t’ ut to uff.r f r 'his sin. deposited acer *in 'tTh-ani *f money in the t*rr ! in *ni i Hank Th* lawyers were m rn i i th*- r • w* firm of Ddaney & Mitch j•! w i th*n hbsirok) the contrn i and It t . m*.inttme. Mr Owens, who had | :i. !*<! m itiunsel f**r D*dane> A Z.|f. g4r n -h*** <i fh fund In the Germania it.nk r h,*' f. imountlng to s*>**. .md l for which he lA'l ulitAltte! Judgm*nt. The fund in bink w .s rl:i:md by Delaney A ! Mit. hell, of which firm, a* h.* lN***n said, J tS.ivannah lawyers named alum were partners Mr Jt.tmuel R A■Ume represented the kinui'if l wm hi- .*nfentior tii *t fund #l*posited with th* Gcrmmlo lMnk wh> ila •*! there for < * rtaln specific r I d* -uri. 4t*-*l purfn- sand that It never leloinred in any s*n-e wh h could mo -).* t |t to gnrnishment by Mr Owet.s. e on*- cf their creditors, to D.d.iney & Zipf To support th • >onte*itlon Mr. Ado me ■ emmer,ted on the fart, admitted in evi. •b i . .*, that Delaio v a /.ipf . ui*l not lraw the fund from bonk They had given it; lrrevo ab.*. i- w. r of attorn* y to their u v-.’ors in th* h< u* drainage c.mtra f. The Jury evident 1} skied with Mr vdatnt* and agreed with tils contention, tot the verdi* t w.* for the latmauts. c lUHirißiK hum %n ni:\D. Funeral of the I ate H4n Mamie %. Dwyer Till* %f ter noon. Miss M i rule A. Dwyer, ft well-known r**-*ident of the southern se tlon of the itv. filed early yesterday morning at the reatdence of her sister. Mr** \V. O. Ryan, No. S3D Tliirty-ninth atree.t. west. Miss Dwyer had been 111 for saver a 1 years, for th*- last few* month* very seriously, and death cam as a release from great pain arwl suffering. Miss Dwver was a woman of broad find ch.irltahlc dis|xxitJon, and n great |Kirt of tier life was d-voted to the aib vtuti**n of the sufferings of the ia>or an*l distressed of the dty. The or phan •hU Iren she jiiadc her e-pe |a) fburg. and w* active In every work that redounded to their good Miss Dwyer |<-;iv*h two sister-, both residents of rti v.i ti ruth They an* Mrs. \V O Ryan, at when.* residence she lived and died, and Mrs. John Zeigler. Th.* funeral will Take place from fit Patrick's Ghurch at 3 o'clock this aft • rn* **n. The palUn-sirers will b*' M ssrs. M II Puder, W. M Bohan. F J Bohan. J*hn F. Walsh, R. M. Bey tag h and Ed wrd J Whelan. ( IdlM % lllltiKF.N f’ONTtt %< T. two Music flail Performers jlur faililcn for a Meek's Nalary l s li. The rase of Jeannette I>‘Arvllle. and Irene TonUint. who sued Mr. Nell Oildea for S9O each, which fhey allege Is due them for the unfinished time of a contract that they claim was unjustly broken by Mr (Bldea, tvns tried In the Court of Mag- Dtrate G Noble Jones yesterday after noon. Th** magistrate's decision was that the Women were flue flit eeli. the illffer .*!• ** between that sum and the one sued f.r being allowe*l tlie def*-ndant to the suit for room rent An ip|* al wu* made fr>m this decision, and the car** will be tried before n Jury. V. %l. C. %.'* *Ft 4l\D fMM'l%l*. Mill He €■ I % ett To-night Vy bather’s l.rnciK' of I liareh of %sceni>n. The second social of th** season for the the member* of the Young Men’s Chris tum A s lotion will !*• g.ven to morrow nlfrtr b> ?he but her League of the Church <f the Ascension. The committee having the matter in charge are nt work to make the reception one of the most successful given t* the young men An ex.-.-llent progrimmeof vocal and instrumental mu **l will be rende •■*! and refreshments will be served. The programme will be gin at 30 o'do**k. The social will tw* held in tii* gymti isltini. No Invitations have been sent out. but every member of the association Is expected to attend HILL* %FFIU TING 4 II ATII %M. Il* tr*Mlneed ta the l.rgislnturr by Mr. Harden. Representative !larlen has Unie*| three lib* affecting Chatham county In the Leglf’oture. They ore to amend section tfCf. volume 2. of the co*l\ relating to the paym*tr cf nttoriuy-' f* ; to authorise he County Commlsslonens to employ u clerk; to provid*- for registrsti.m In muni. - .pal eleetiotis In the city of Savannah. I,Ot M. *F.H*M% %t.. Mr J G. Boullgny of Atlanta it at the Pulaski. Mr i: M Ball y of Ibaiifort is a guest of the Screven. Mr John C Rus* of Atlanta is a gueat of th> PuDkl. Mr C. K Perkins of Duffln it m gueat of the Pulaski. Mr Hamltton Yancey of Borne is regis tcred at the Pul*kl Mr D F Davenport of Amerlcus is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. J. H. Malloy of Ouseley |s regis tered at the Puluskl. Mr F. U. K• :n of Hilton Head is a guest of the Screven. Mr B It Ors\ **f I*lnebkom is regis et**d ut the He rev ell Mr. C. K DesComlie# *•( Augusta reg stersi nt the f* r* v n \ < > • tl.iv Mr A F Chut alii of Allan i bft yes terday via the Central for Atlanta. Mr T P. Hjffrtld of Griffin amotiu the arrivals ut the I'uia-ki yesterday Mr T J. C. Park of Macon was among j the arrivals at the De Soio yesterday Mr D G Malloy of Quitman hu ; mioiiß the arrivals at the Pulaski yea terd.i> M* ssrs. J \V. Williams and J L ! Stui I of lie are r**g stem! at tin Pulaski. # Miss Lucy Boyd wdl arrive irt Savannah this week on a visit of several weeks to I her aunt Mrs A F Boyd. Mr. t; I> Cohen left via the Plant Svs- I t* m lat night for Cuba, where he goes to take targe of the agency of the Isa i Joseph* Iron Company. Mt V M C|D. traveling pas^ng*: | *g n# f the Chicago, Milwaukee and St I\.ul Hallwav. w th b.*ad<iuartrs In New orb an.-, spent ye.-t :<l iy fn Hnvmnah. Mayor Herman Myerv returned v**ster day fr*m Hlcnmond V.* where h* went to attend th*- m.irglige of b J Piece. Miss Fannie Myers Edel. The marriage took pa* Motidhy t ight at th*- Hotel Jef*. r son. the grtnim taring Mr I.*on FaP young business man of Pit; oug. is the thlr*l nl*--e f tf Mayor's to be married w.thin the y car, ami Uirs la slid anotber left. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1900, THE WEATHER. nnwl for Thuraday n4 Fr!*ly Klr Thur*<ly n* Frl4y; c0,.1r Tburaday In irlhrn n.l cntri portion*; varUblo winds*tn l lortda Kulr Thurd*y und Friday. **.ipl probably ,how<-rn Thur .lay In nortr.rrn t->"ion; varUhlw wind* Wcutrrn <l-n-rlly Ulr Thurw dat nd Cr|(|n>, frrh iouthrrly wln.ii. i6outh rar<*lna Fair Tburrday and Fri.tai ; io..|< r Thurr.lay in wrern por ; i loti, variable winds. Y-at-id.iy r Weather at Havannab- Mnxlinuni iefni. r.tltire. I p m. HZ ilrrrrr Miruni'int t-mperature, * a.m *6 dtfifr* ! Mean terni-ratune .4 drfrre* l Normal tmperature M de*r.—* , gxreti of temperniurn 20 - i .Vcf umuiai'd tin . i Nov. I 40 d*ra, A. > umult.-d earen, eln.'r Jan 1 31 d-areea I llalnrall 00 Inrh i ... "7 Inch Kace.'n alnre Nov 1 I>l Inrh—. IHlelwet alii, e Jan 1 4.54 In. be- Hlvrr lte|*)ri Tn. hlahi of ih- Savan nah river nt Auauela, at a a. m. iTSth in". ri.ll <n time) yeelerday. waa 7.4 feet, a rlae .if •. foot liurtnt: me preceding twienty four lioura. OhaerVatlona taken at the tame mo mint of tlm.- at all alatlona, Nov. Zl, I'fOO, >i l> lit.. 7ilh meridian lime: Nana of B atton. t V itain IloHton, rlear i Vi ~24 T*OS~ N< w York rlty. el.-ar ..... *4 4n .til > I'hll.ulrlphla. clear .... 44 24 T Waahiiwiion city, clear ~| •; i 01 ! Norfolk, ilear |7O u .on I Ifattern*. dear 44 u .00 w llnilii*ton. r-r j 4S . io w li'harlotte. dear | ta? 6 in IlHlelah, clear 4 ; 6 T it-harleatoo. pi. cloudy 70 10 .on Atlanta, pt oloitrty | 61 1 1. J Auguata. cloudy 4k .Calm .01 SHvannah, D 6 j ,ofi Jackaonvllle. clear I 72 1. .00 Jupiter, clear 7* ; 6 On Key Weal, rlear | 74 0 | <0 IWinpa. clear 74 L | .00 Mobile, cloudy 73 H .14 Montgom-ry, pt. cloudy 70 , L. m j New Orleane, pt. cloudy 7 k .12 ! 'Yalveelon. pi cloudy 74 i 6 an li orpue i"hrlU. pt cloudy. 744 14 on j I’.ileMine. clear j 76 6 m Memphl,. rlear M H 0b Cincinnati, clear .'. 4* L. Ou riltahiirit, rlear j P> 12 .02 l',t.ffalo, cloudy 3h .>2 M Detroit, clotnly M 1* T Chicago, pt. cloudy j 34 10 j .00 \lari|Ue4te, cloudy 26 L .lo el. l’aiil. cloudy | 20 k | lit I>aven|ion. cloudy 22 | L. j .00 Ht Ixmle. clear | PI ; 10 | .00 Kaneaa City, clear 24 | la uO Cklahoctia. clear j VI 4 AO Dodge city, cloudy | i4 10 .00 North Flatte, clotaly ...,| 31 j S j .00 Vlckaburr— Mlaelng H B. Boyer, lama’, Forereai Ofllcta! of orpornl Puailahttient l>efended.** Buch la the heading of an editorial tn the deemed New, of Nov. 14 I do not understand that the editor defends, or ap prove,, his attitude |, that of Inquiry! Thla I, wi*e and well, oaly let the Inquiry go on ro we may learn what la true In th*- premier)*! Judge Baldwin of the Supreme Court of Connecticut approver, we are not Inform ed a* to the attitude of hi* a—oclatea; till* we may learn later, for the present It Is one opinion against the majority. 1 must believe that the “editor" of my favorite paper does not approve, but that he W'lahe* to op-tt a dlaruenton. so that we may Kuril Just what ia tiest: The people of Hnvannah have taken the lead of nearly all other Southern cities In discarding from their "public schools" ally resort to corporal punishment This his been In successful working for more than a doien tear- We ma> therefore cheerfully alible the verdict of your own city, after the evidence Is all In! The unknown, or, rather, the undeclared defender of a return to pal day method* In dealing with crime and criminals <lo-s not propose that the "restored whipping lost shall be public, twit the application shall I— tn private, so as not to destroy the recipients' self-respect " Bo much of deference Is made to modern eulture.noth ing Is sold of any loss of self-respect by the keeper who performs this Ignohle ser vice Doubtless there Is Utile prospect of such loss. Modern “penology" is d< monstrating, the truth that in the heart of every criminal there Is a chord which res|>o>ds to the touch of human sympathy and kindness. This declaration Is made by one who has studied modern methods and who speak* as an expert. There Is no such being a* an Incorrigible criminal. In the best prisons the Idea of "reeailatlon" is put far sway. The Bbt need Is the protection of society, and this Is Intimately connected with the cf fott to reform the criminal, the two must become Inseparable. Fnder this pr.irtlce In one penal Insti tution something more than to per rent of the Inmates baie been returned to so ciety reclaimed In another the propor tion |s much larger We need to rememlser that the system under discussion has not passed beyond the experimental slage Another generation will demonstrate its value If we consent to avoid retrogres sion! The '" existed before the trogidy on Calvary. What Is Its effect" Its record should be made known The effect of brutal methods in dealing with crime Is to still farther brutallie Caesar could hardly be termed a hu n unltarlan. yet lie.after captmtnw a band of desperate pirates. Instead of nailing lltem to crosses to die a lingering death by torture, as was the custom,finding they h id engaged In piracy ns their only m. ans of suhsls ence. pardoned and gave them fattns so they beeame good and lan-abld. mg cltlxens Your editorial suggests that > ouihs Ire admotil-hisl bv the magistral** and then givm a sound flogging by a eourt official." you do not way who Is to carry the work of icfornt to Its consumma tion. Again vou say "the Idea of corporal pun- I ihtnent is repulsive to most tiersops who have given the matter any thought." Ho much Is essentially and concretely true You nskt Has society not gone too far In Its humanitarian regard for the crimi nal" Those of us familiar with the rec ord of floor*la convict camps, can read ily reply in the negative, others will b' bi netite-l by diligent Inquiry Into horn.- n.l foreign methods! If you will only In- Vlte a symposium. I am confident good j irsults will fellow' The same Issue of the ' News contains n account of the treat ment of n criminal In Colorado, there does 1 t'ol seem to be defense or any defender our onli consolation being It was not a ' Soiitlirrti outrage!" Modi rn penology is beginning the work uf reform ntid He movement will be a for, and not a backward one It ts neither i-.sslble or In any way dr siiabl# that society saould descend lo the level of the criminal, but It Is Imperative that the criminal should tie lifted up and s., far as II may be done, reformed, this can never he -oompllshed by debasing f. rms of punishment, which work evil f„ r II concerned Tae system of punishment l-y Hogging and other abomination* Is as Id as human history. It Is time to look forward and not bock. If any permanent good Is to be our portion William Riley- Iloyd. CITY IIHKVITim. The congregation of Trinity Church will forhlp In the church Sunday for the tlrat ..... since the completion of the repairs to the Interior of the edifice. The semi - arnual celebration, however, will not be held until the Unit Sunday In December THE CHANGE OF LIFE la the moat important period in a wv mao's existence. Owiuyf to modem methods of liviuif not one woman in a thousand approaches thla perfectly natural change without ogpertenring a train of very annoying anil some times painful symptoms. TTioae dreadful hot tiaaliee, sending the blood aurgmg to the heart until It aeoma ready to hurst, und the faint feeling that follows, sometimes with chills, as if the heart were going to stop for good, are symptoms of a dan gerous, nervous trouble Those hot Hashes are just so many call* from nature for help. The nerves are cry- Mas Jtmrir Vos cm. lng out for assistance The cry should be heeded in time Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound was pre pared to meet the needs of woman's system at this trying period of her life. It builds up the weakened nervous system, and enables a woman to pass that grand change triumphantly. “ I was a very sick woman, caused by Change of / -•* It, I suffered with hot flushes, and fainting spells. L was afraid to go on the street, my head and back troubled me so. I was en tirely cured by Lvdis E. Pinkhsm's Vegetable Compound.’*— Mas. JktCftE Noni.k. *4)10 Kcyser ht., Germantown, Pit. THE Uf* JOHN I' titTKR. Ill* Process for Rslilter Hnhtlttitr Knnan 4< Ilf* lornif r “Savannah, Ga.. Nov. 21.—''EdNor Morn- In* N#*ws: Your lut** notice of the d*ath of Mr. John G. C ar:*-r might or*- nt*i a wrong imprrsKlon. I be#r to *?:tc through Ihe Morning News the following fa**ts: “It k* true Mr. Garter may have laid claim to very many things, hut It 1* equally true :ht h* w*s not alone In the discovery of the rubber suhatltute made from cottonaead oil. He had an associate that worked with him and furnished all the mcney for making ih* exp**runnf which I*-*! up to th* discovery, and twice paid hi** exi*en.H*4i to Boston to have the product trjw'*l an*l capital for its msmifuciiaiv. and hit* never been repail. The ex(>enments w-*re originally made to produce a varnish oil from cottonseed oil and take advantage of the cheapness over linseed oil. These exjierlments were en tirely successful. The #licovery of rubber substitute purely a -ol lental and woe no# In the least expected by either of them and its value was not fully realized until it had been practically tested In Boston. The secret has nd lied with Mr. Garter, bgt Is perfectly known to his former *sso*d.ite, who not only personally conducted all th- original experiment* with .Mr Carter, but contin ued them while he was absent in Boston. The gentlrnutn is still living in Savan nah and can be easily found by nnv one who might be lnter*ud. Yours truly, I/Mf*r Hubbell. . West Buy street. HI II PH I HEN \T 111-NNIN4.S. 1a o Long *hoti \\ • In the Second nu*l Foil rfli It *•••■. Washington. Nov. 21.—There were tw.* .ur surprises at trie Henning*' track n*. day. In the second race Robert Waddell, i 15 to 1 shot. won. and in the fourth race Charles I>tee. 25 to 1, came under the wire first. Summaries: First Race— Six and a half furlongs, trt.i.lle S.. 2 to 1. won. with Queen Carnival. ! a to 1 and 8 to 5, second, and Orient a. | I to 1, third Time 1:23 1-5. Second Race—Five and a half furlong** Robert W.iddell, 15 to 1. won. with M - Addle. 3 to 5 and out. s* *ond. and Isia. ’ to 2. third. Time 1:02 2-5. Third Race—--Hurdle, one and three fourths miles Draughtsman. .3 to 5. won. with MrFonao. 9 to 2 and 4 to 5. secomi, nii Bosphoroue. 7 to 1. third. Time 3 24 3-5. Fourth Race -One mile and one hun dred yards. Gharle* Bates, 25 to l, won. with lan • woDtl, h to 1 anl 4 to 6. second, and Buffoon. 1 to 8. third Tltne 1 52. Fifth Race Six furlongs The Puritan. 7 to 10, won. wHh Little Daisy, 7 to 1 an*i *i to 5, second, and Ban Luis. 100 to 1, third. Time 1:1*3-*. Sixth Hav *—One mile and ane hundred y.irds. McLeod of Dare, 9 to 10. won. with leron Ferguson. 12 lo 1 and 3 to l. second, and I stand Prince, 40 to 1, third. Time 1:52 3-5. liner llc*nlt nt Newport. Glnelr.not!. Nov. 21 -Results at New port : First Race—One mile. Little Henry. 2 4o 1. won. with Jumper. 0 to 2. second, and Glenwood. 13 to 3. third Time 1 *&>. Heron#l Race Five and a half furlongs selling. Harry Thoburn, 5 to 2. won. with Lord Frazer, K> to I, second, and High Jinks. I to 1. third. Time i.2*Mi Third Race—One mile and a quarter, telling Albert Vale, sto 1. won. with Net tle Rt g. nt. *y second, und Sarilla, hto 1. third Tm* 2:17- Fourth Race—Five and a half furlong* Kd Mack. 4 #o i, won. with The Bronze Demon. 12 t* 1 second, and Ft rraunt, t> to 1. third. Time I:l2** Fifth Rat • Six furlongs, owners han dleap. J J. T. 2 to 1. won, with Humnvr, II to 5. oecond, and i.atl) Strathmore, 8 to 5. third. Time 1 17V Sixth Race—One mile, selling Vterpr. > to 1, w-4n. w ith Agitator, 2 to 1. second, and Baffled, L* to 1, third. Time 1:17v%. Track \\m< Too floppy. Atlanta. Nov. 21.—There was n> racing at Plfdfn4.i t !’i*rk to-day on a count qf sloppy track. wi*\i:ns of rni: nr.Hiit rack. Ilestill of the ( ostrat llrtwren Well liou*. Charlotte. N C., Nov 21—A special to j the Observer from Newton. N C., an- i the winners in the derby stakes’ as follows: First prise. Doc Light, owned and ban- i died by 1> E Rose; second, Billy, own ed by S li. Duana. handled b> tv. J Giles; thirl, divid'd Lady Iris, owned by lr \V. F Henderson, hamfk* 1 by H S Bev ins, and Tom Boy owne.l by P. ljoridard. Jr., atnl handled by C. Tuck er. The nil-age -take was run this after neon. Entries: Senator P with luidy Count; Hoysterer with Why Not. Mport. Gath with Sioux; Zephyr If. with Minnie's Girl; Dol t Daisy with Geneva, liu i Girl with GIN Edge; Prime Minister with Count Hunter This Stuar Is optn lo •!! setters an*l pointers that have never won a first prise In a “ milar contest in either the < eminent a 1 I'nltsl Bates or Itaet.-rn md i trials. Thre itire* of 1250. sl£a> and 110' are offered the winners. NO M ED OF A SMASH! P. A Safe Pinn for Hnllroad Telraraph OlirriUiira U lie %re Sleepy. From the New York Bun. “However tired or overworked be may be. the railr< ad aerator wr*o 4*ll trains to smash Into . h other whtb h* k pounds hi" car is a. l-r.iini* - iHo-1 William Jam*** 4 , an old timer. *'W n l waa ti youngster 1 w.i In h.i’ge of a fta tion down irt Pennsylvania I went ti sleep on luty b au. •• I couldn t k- p w.4k Train met there every h >u. >r so, and I was the only person to run the buslnes- at that point. I went to and Hlept six hours, and there wasn't anv smom-tep or th# *)ignt *t pooaibilit of one mi far •- my station was comirind ”1 was ilftecn y<ani old w'nen 1 app led for a job l> Huiwrlntendent Ho ert PI cairn, of the Philadelphia aid Kri By the way. he a in England n *w mikl* g big coal contracth for the Ftynn^yvvau;:t people, lie took on immediately ai.-1 S)t me out to Katie Tha* wa I*** place where Dr Kane th*- ft’ i c **" plorer one Uv'ed. and it was nanu l f r him Kano is on top of a moun ain Wilcox at the bottom on one die an 1 Wei more on the other. Oil l tru* g ‘ product there now. but in IWj the ti#i t' was general freught. Ulg trains me. t Kane, and for a enrali tiace the Imlfl*’ was* non - Iderable. “I wan mr at th* Htallon by n l>ai. w1l!i-*\*<1 man. who sai l that t*> x ;-*** I 1 wan th* kid that wa* |to4B*{ to r.L-ie him He **:<) lio waa Klad ti> *l out. but h* cu*Md Id Ilk* th- work " 'You'll hav* th* i.lkht tra. k.'' itld h*. 'ami you'll -nly have 10 b* h*rc from 6 p. m to 7 a m "1 looked up wfth dismay, but he wnn ah*ad Into th* ntaUon. H* in airuclrd mi- 4n my dull*'. oM m* of a rxmntry mvsrn about two miles away, then nrunf on th* train that ha.l b**n waiting iwßnty mlnuies for lunch, and was on*. "Whan h* day man relieved me h* next niornin,. 1 P ul For in* ho**!, and found It aft*r trnmpink about for two hour*, and made rran*ni*nt* to stay thar*. The proj>rs*tor's wtf. saamed to lake a motherly kitaeast In ma, and that aflemon when I started for work eh" had a bang-up lunch of fried chicken and Jam and things “Well, tha) night about 11 o'clock 1 got hungry for that chlck*n. ond hanl*d out my lunch basket. I had lust got things nicely spread out on th* mer.t tat.l* whan tn cam* a fat engineer " 'Hello kid.' said ha. hhat's too good n feed for von It'll give you bellyache, snira's the world." "Whereupon he put me on n b*n h. sat on my 1-g* ond at* my supper Then he (got up sucking h' teeth and said " 'Sa. thm over there"" point lit* across the track There wasn't anything el*, in sight Well, them wools Is forty miles long nn' fifteen m*“ wide an' chuck full o' lwrrte* Oo'n eat v'uself t death.' "He walked lelsur-ly out to hi* engine and I went ro th* lunch shanty Just t~*- |ow th* station and nt* up two days' salary before 1 discovered how determined the keegjer was to have plenty of money to suppor’ hl old age. "The next day 1 didn't go to the hotel, but staid near th* station and plotted re venge. It was *h* custom to telegraph up from Wilcox th* number of tassene* rs who wonted mea!- at the Kane lunch shanty, and when I got the first mesaac* that night after vainly tadiemlng ill day an Idea struck me The message read. Six supixir* on 77 ' I mad.- It r. ad #wen ty-slx and carried It to the lunch-keeper, who fairly danced with gle< at the tinex pasted rush 11* undoubtedly sow s l-lfth avenue mansion for his old ug< Just an 77 polled In 1 rushed Into the shanty wlh u message purporting to have com* from Wilcox saying that al the last mo ment twenty passengers ha.l decided to stay there over night to take part In n local |dltlrnl celebration Fiynn was fu rious and want to the conductor for cor roborattoti. The latter heurcl wdtlt a grin she story of the twenty-nix prepared mip pers. and remembering his own experlen. * with Flynn'S price* on two or three oc casions. simply shrugged his shoulders and sntd: " 'How c'n 1 help ItT "Well, the loas of l*ep that day and the excitement did me tip, ami about 1! o'clock I found I couldn't keep my eves open. I took the red lantern and nailed the tin bottom to a tie In the mehlle of the track and lay down. When I awoke the operator, who hn-1 been dragged out of bed two hour* ahead of time, was get ting the Philadelphia and Erie italiroad system Into operation again after n *lx itour suspension of service. "Hut there wasn * any smos'nup and no lives had been lost anti 1 got n Job two days afterward at Tltuavlile " SURPRISING RESULTS. % fUniplf Internal Mu Ur* II *- tun run llr f urr* of l nlnrrh. Pfopl* who have used spray*. Inhaler*, salves ami w.iMhrs for catarrh an<l have found how usclom* and Inconvenient thev are. w lil he agreeably surprised at re sult* following the use of a pleasant. In ternal remedy In tablet form; <lruggt<ti • where admit that B;uurt’s Catarrh Tablets, which they sell at 50 tents for fiill siated treatment, is the sf*: t most effective and popular f all catarrh rem edies. Nearly nil cheap cough mixtures and throat lounger* rvntain opiates, these c heap m&tblne* gi\* a temporary icitef. especially with little children, by destroy ing ner\e sensation; the Irritation In, whl h c auses toughing, Is t mpo rarity removed, not by removing the cause, hut by deadening the nefv* s of feeling the Irritation Is not felt although It Is sthl there and wilt promptly re turn. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets Is the best nnndy to remove catarrhal se retion. whether In the noe. burnt or stom h t* au*e they ate composed of whon anthepth s ilk* Kurolyptol. Ouaiacol. Can gatnait.i and llxdraslln; when you use these tablets you know what you are pul ling Into your system and not t.iking chances with cocaine, opines or slml nr |s>lon- foui and In so many catarrh cures and xujgh medicines. Dr H.imsdcdl In >mmer.tlng on catarrh . utes says: *1 can heartily recommend Stuart * Catarrh Tab es. because they • ontaln no cocaine nor other dangerous drug found In so many advertised catarrh ures. I huve* known of many case* of long standing catarrh f the he.ul and throat completely cured by the dally use >f these tablets for several w***-kv One •mo in parth-tilar, which 1 could not reach with an Inhaler. nni where the ca tarrh caused (tally headache* and not able loss of hearing. w.* entlnly cur and by this harmless but effective rem<dy Dr. Walnwright says: “I never hesitate io pre*crlte rttunrt'a Catarrh tablets for catarrhal headaches and catarrhal deaf ness because I know them to be perf< tl nfe for child or adult and have se*n many remarkable • ures resulting from their regular ilally usa; because they are advertised and sold !n drug stores is no reason why any good Physician should tot u* them, t* cause we should ?©** upon the means of cure wherever found." Htuarl's Catarrh Tablets ate especially valuable for catarrhal colds lr> children because they are pleasant to the tastv un<l may be used freely to break tip sever© colds iiihl croup at the very beginning. All druggists st’i the remedy at fifty cents for full sited package* A little book on cause and cure of ca tarrh mailed free by addressing the F. A. j Stuart Cos., Marshall, AllcJk i Cigar Dealers Like to have their regular customers smoke Old V lrginia Cheroots because they know that once a man starts smoking them he is “fixed/’ and that he will have no more trouble with him trying to satisfy him with different kinds of Five Cent cigars. Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this year. Ask vour own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. 2 Special Shade Won LINDSAY & MORGAN'S SPECIALTY. Everybody knows who has ever had a shade that they make you think —if they do not work right. When we put them up vou won't have to think. We have the only expert shade man in the city. He does nothin? hut make shades and hang them. Also Draperies and Lace Curtains. Want to do 3'our work. Send for us. Two Specials for This Week. 50 Daghestan Wilton Rugs, regular price $9.00; Aft our price wUiUI) 100 Brussels Rugs, regular price $2.00; 01 QC this week WliZu Go visit all the other stores, then come to us, and we will surprise you with the completeness of our FURNITURE AND CARPET stock and the prices. Remember, “Not how cheap,” but “llow good,” fs our motto. HIS RHEUMATISM IS GONE. “Five bottles of Graybeard Compound has well nigh cured me of lumbago or rheumatism in the back, of which I suffered severe pain fifteen years. Everything else failed to relieve me, and I have tried everything I heard of. S. G. DENT, “St. Simons Island, Ga." Graybeard is worth SI.OO a bottle; 6 ror $5.00. If your druggist hasn’t our preparations in stock write us, RESPESS DRUG CO., Proprs., SAVANNAH, GA. Scotch and Irish Whiskies. We are agents for the most celebrated Scotch anti Irish whiskies, imported direct from the distilleries of Scotland and Ireland. These Scotch whiskies are the blend of the finest Highland whiskey matured many years in wood before bottled. The expert Analvist describes this Scotch whis key as the perfection of Highland whiskey, and is special O. V. H., selected Old Vatted Highland whiskey from Glasgow, Scotland. The latest novelty in Scotch whiskey is distilled by Kuthcrford of Leith, Scotland, and is called Scotch Cherry Whiskey, and very palatable indeed. We are also agets for the famous old Irish whiskey, imported bv us from Wheeler, Belfast. Ireland. LI PPM AIN BROS., i Agents for Scotch and Irish Distilleries ii EDITION wl / NEW PLATES THROUGHOUT Now AddfJ 25,000 NEW WORDS , Phrurs, Ft. , Mil Rich Bindings ■* 2364 Pages 4 5000 Illustration* 1 ; Prepared under the ...pmon ofW T. Hrri. Ph.D.. LL.D., Unit* State. gfW? ol hducetion, aeented by aierxec orpa of competent apecialieu. Illipiil iU BETTER. THAN EVER FOR JENE.AAL USE, HH gi y j A’k. Collegiate Dictionary with Scottieh Glaaury, etc. './*** “ lir-t class m sjuality, sciond Oaa in i,f R McDonough & ballantyne’ V Iron Founders, Machinists. * 1 It la i U *ni M It. Iloi hriiin U*r. nt mn u fnc tti rer* of Motion- r ' Mini Cori alt I•• | njiiitf*, \ rrlltal nml Top Hanning ' i orn 'till*. ”*ugnr >|||i fn,| I’Nn,. Mi* fling. I’alleys, rtr. TELEPHONE NO. 123. ■ ■__ IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL AND WORK ORDER YOUR LITHO GRAPHED AND PRINTED STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS SAVANNAH* GA.