The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 23, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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rnrr sample PpiP V* of 'VAHNEK B safe I CITRK will tw aem to ■ ■■ — any deatrlns on racvlpt uf n poatal car>l. mmttnniin; thta AcHr.a WARNER'S SAFE (THE ro.. RorJmalar, N. T. CANDLER OFFERS A REWARD. jUtkh wHinr-Aim who opksc vri.n afar griffin. >m Mnn Is \w I ndcr llniitl mill MnrranlH lliivr fti*i-n lurcl for roirlern Other U lihi* I'mrmcra. 4.rnn<l Juries of I'our <'mm lira Will l>o Aorni* lit % #*■! luu 1 1 ii— llii it > Are I.*u% Ing lb* Wed ion f or I’t or of 111 —'l rcntmcnt. Atlanta. Nov 2200 v 'anllrr ha? of gered a row aril of sl<* for whitccap* who hjve for iwo inoniht hern terrorizing four counties immediately south of Atlanta Within the past w. *k. the lon* Mundtnir trouble has reached a climax, and now tr.e most intense ex ttement reigns over . wide section of Georgia, *i/>w n where Clay- Kii. Fayerte, Henry and Bpaldlng coun v <*. ome to a corner Wholt) families of negroes are fleeing jm: gtrlckm. from their hom*?. seeking .*m* place of safely. Some of them ar* m/tg here, while other* are atnpmng In <*.. 1 n eminty, between Atlanta anl J 0 n e- two. A ready one well known white man haa beet* arrested and hound over muter tw * bonds, one for 11,00 t• keep the pert’ *. an 1 the other a 12 0 bond for assault with |rtent to murder. Warrants are out for fourteen nth r farmers who ire accused of complicity In the whipping* Ri hard Crawford, a wealthy p'.inter. who own? l.Ono acre* of land rig it In th** midst of the territory now rin over by whlteesp*. has added f*n in the revvi and offered by th* Governor The rrouhin started on Mr Crawfo <1 place, an hats already been staled In dis patches to the Morning New? from Grif fir. Abont two month? ic some ?• srro'? hy the name of Htrb klsnd w-r whipped and w irnd to leave th.- rotCi hrhool The whipping party sro- a lar.:e one made up of men well known :n be community, many of whom will have to appear before the next grand Jury. The Story Told %tcsiti. Mr Crawford openly expressed tils dis- Mpprovai of the whipping, and ?oon after one of hi* negroes named Joehun Good son re.elved a letter full of vile threats and abuse containing s w arning thr< at that if he and all of the other negroes on Mr Crawford ? place did n**t leave In twenty*four hour? there would be. trou ble The letter said: "If Dick Craw ford ad scoundrel, refuse* to help In moving you *ll. we will hrtnr bis house down * This pleasant communication was i4rnd Jack the Ripper " •Mr. Crawford promised to protect his negroes and he at one persuaded Gov Usndler to Issue the reward This ac tion did not stop the whipping outiage-. for wlm**?! immediately after It was offer ed negroes were rhlpiad on the plan tation of Green Wesley and Ben and Ab salom Ogletrae. In all. six negroes were severely bra ten by the regulator* Mr Crawford accueed a neighbor of having a part in the whipping?, and thi* intensified the trouble The neighbor t>.< bl? gun. and stroking over to see Craw ford. mode known his intention of doim? damage Othar neighbors who were present prevented bloodshed, and the Ijeiifgorent visitor was arrested and put * as- r u lI.OUO pence InmhJ, and a txad of I2fci for asaault with intent to murder. T xdajr the new* from the whitecap ?e< - ten is tnat nearly every negro has fled or is preparing to get away or quick I v i 1 possible Eleven families of negroe* moved sway in one hunch. The negroes •M say that they found notices posted on t.ieir doors telhng them to leave Inside o? twenty-four hours It Is already prar <*• ally imio**bfte to get farm hands in that pe-rion as all the laborers ore dv* j r-ralix.-d There Is some talk of organizing a com mittee of white men to protect the ne r"ew who have been jruby of no offense T e offb era of the law say. however, that this will not \m necessary, as they will be able to handle the situation. I*DICTMK\Th \Vi:nfr; |i A'tllKD. of the C rlminnl l*rom*dißK* Aacalaaf Dr. Wharton. New York. Nov. 22.-Jut*# HHnloy tn F-##hokl. N J , bun I#l rtonn ;in order quaPhlng ih# two remaining Indict menrg aftainrt fh# Rev. Dr. Henry M Wharton f>f BalUmore The Monmouth county jrran*l Jury ln dlotrd l>r Wharton on three n< u*iraio ‘Wife#. The firet indictment acrueed the df#n<Jxnt of false pretoneee in having a? • il#K#d Induced Miee Clara ftommers of Oc**an Orove to deed to him ten acre*, and dwelling for an orphanage. This* Indict ncnt* wa ret aside on the ground that the Matin# of limitations tarrc<l such an action after two years- The two indict ments quashed to-day. charge Dr. Whar ton with putting two mortgages on tne the other for S6.WO, and appropriating th r oney to his ow n use If 'he matter comes up in rourt again it 'vtl! probably be In civil proceeding*. MF.1.1) FOB .l \\l> I,UICF>Y. Orlonrl Broker %rr#*#l nt the In •tanee f r (irn. *l#klr. New York. Nov 22 J Fletoher Bh#ra. •he stork bolder ami mmler of the New 'Vork Stork Kxehange. who failed Inst -g|g arrested to-day. charge| with grand larceny. Ij#vnu#| W. Baxter Shera's bookkeeper. s w.s arrested. Both men were ar r *aied on warrant* K 'ued at the instance cf Gen DnnM E. Rickies, the charge l*c the aectiring of llo.nno of Gen Sickles* money under fiho pretense. alleges that some time list sum mer K nve Shera sl<>.oon In cash to |n- J*vt in Manhattan St Tail. Northern nnf other sto'ks. and that since ,^" #f time Shrrn h.aa refused to give an • minting Daniel I*. Hays, sirornev for Sir kies, raid that though tn# speclflc • "*rg* is for the nggregwte .imotitit wji| rearh nearly s**<■• llAkia FOR COHId TIVi COST. Important DUnißMlon ul the Hard aanre i nmrnlion. Richmond. Va Nov. r -At the morn g session of the National Hardware A.*- ►"'latJon the subject for diecusatoo was, l ' **** th® proper hi sis for compiling fowtr* a nutnlvr of delegatea jvinici- Mted in the dlacussion. The general dis fu*Kkm urged that coat should Includ. all r ‘*tUy for merchandise, and bo corn rut •* on each lot of any arttcl# traded jn •'P-uxtely, A part uf the cum of dulig aines should b *ppll#,l by Mpportiov lo each department Its pro rata f renerai expenses In addition to the fixe! c ***** tor that de|>artment. the afternoon a abort huatnasa aea >on was held, and to-night th annual l*anquet came off. AAnr llriruui' flrcelpta. Washington. Nov. 33.-Th* receipt* ' on the war revenue act for th-- flrat !L >ur * Ui prevent, usual year * YARN SPINNERS’ MEETING. 'Vrrr .rt*rrtl, nu Reply f,r 4'niaml*lnn Mrn Ht-fnaliiii In ( ut Thctr Rules. Charlotte, N. C., Nov 22—Tin* m- ..Inc ot th. t-xart ot governor, of th Sjinh .rit Cotton AxMx'tutlon her.- t<v nicht was a stsrxhsmber aflUlr. T:;e incmbno I>r>.nt Dr. John II M - I A Jon, prohl.nt; Ci-org. ii. Him, or<- i isry; K. 8L RHnhnMi. lADootnton. N C.; \ It. R. Ray, M. A<l.novlll., N. C.; A. C. ■ Miller, Shelby. N. C.l Leitoy Sitting-. 8. C., and J. C. Smith, Ntw | ton, N. C. It Is admitted that at th s me.llng the | report of the Commit!.* on Cone.entra j tloti us. roedved. This oomtuitee r> |K>. t • and on the plan of handling the products of th Southern jarn .pinners >by s dmit , *d number of Northern communion mn. 1 The botuil w is In .colon lr**m 7.A> to lh Ji o'clock and at adjournmtnt It wo an nounced that a reeolutlon had been pi *- id that no Information whatever j* to the proceeding* idiould be given to the pn*. It war admltt.-d to the Aaaoelit td I’rct*. representative that the reply of the tHimml.Mon merchant, had twen re lived, but what action w* t ik u It by th*.* board waa not .I a' I*l Ini. I. the Hr.t meeting of the board i.t held," mid one of th. members, "of srhlch we have hail abwilutely nothing to eav. S*| f,ir te you or any laxly else out.iib* tne meeting can tlnd out w. del not.tlng at all" Wild. MIT ( IT COMHISWOSI*. ■ turn Merchants to Make Vo tonees stun, to ftplnnera. Philadelphia, Nov 21-In re.pon.e to a j telegram received from an officer of the i Son hern Cotton Spinners' Aseocl ulon relative to a reduction in the rate of oom ! m1..10n charged by the yarn house* the tollowlng named firm., which practically <-obiprise the Yarn Merchants' A.ocls iiun. declined |H>.ltlvely lo entertain uny leilurtion from the pr>wne rate: .1 II Untie & Cos Hu king ham A- Fanl -OO J ami. F Whit* & Cos., rharl.n J Webb A Cos. .lame. E Mitchell A t’o. i \V. M A F W Sharpie... Hooper Si'vlng \ Soil. Oscar P Uoeb. Schell. Taylor A lxvn.trrth, Thomas A Houston Edward s Hyde, WTinon * Bradbury. Walter 11. j r-ockran * Cos John Corbett & Son., William IVOllrr tr Cos. Richard A j Ulyth. A telegram t<> the above effe.t wll nt to the Southern Cotton Spinner. - Asso ciation at Charlotte. N. C. < OX.ItE!*S OF THE II IITIiTi. there Wus a Lively IMseus.ton at the Final Session. Hxdtmond. Vs . Nov 2J —The fifth see sio*> ot the Baptist Congree. w,. hell thi- morning The topi' for consideration was "Weak Fointe in the Baptist Fol -tlort." end the discussion wus probably Tha livHi*i*t nf (hs R?v. E T Tomlinson. I*h. D . of Eiix i ih< ih. N. J . pretiu<l cwrolutly pn r#*l p*|wt. lr B K Woolburn of Alisghany F*liy, l*a . an.ft i>r Albert G Lawwn of Tjni in. N J.. foilowod Dr. T^nltn?on. iftisrusslon tnvlixM short (Aik* by Dr. H. W. Battle Petsrabur*; Dr. W. K H*<- nor of tnu ncy. Dr. L. A Cran ilaall of Chicago, Dr. t? B Mmwt or Worcv>tM. Mas*.; Dr. Gaorge C. Hou of Roevton, aiul Dr John Foftkird of thi* city. The congreM thia afternoon for th* last lime. An aMress was <lelhreml by Hev N. C T. Rhowd*. D. D. of Mrooklyn. N. V . on “Child Nurture in Baptist Pkllty." Closing words were ?|ioken by Ih*' fol lowing; Dr. T A K Gesalrr of l.anl - N\ J ; I>r I*. M Mercer, for ;h A local committee; Dr. J. If Hawthorne, for the Baptists of Richmond, and Dr U A. Crandall, for th* general ronimit* tee. th#* was entertains 1 by the Baptist Social T’nion at a lan quet. Ai the close of the meeting this moan ing a committee of the general commit tee of the congress wji called end it re elactcd I>r Theodore A K Geasler ot landing. N. J . secretary of the congreoa and elected Rev. W. A. Granger. P. D-. of Mount Vernon, N. Y., ami Rev. Frank M Goodchlld of New York city to fill vacancies on the Executive Committee. It na? *><• decided where the congress should meet next year, but th*' place will lie either Augusta. Ga . or Providence. K. 1., from both of whlrh town? tha con gress his received Invitation*. METHODIST* OF VIHULNIA. t'nafrrrarr Adjourned After Marti Imiiortant H ork. Norfolk. Nov. 22.—'The eighth *iy' ecs m of the Virgin 1* annual conference, Methodist Episcopal fhurch. South, be gan thin morning at 930 o'clock. Bishop Duncan presiding. The licvotlonal exercises were conduct'd hy Ilev William H Edward* Rev K. M Edwards read the report of Ihe Ccei mluee on Temperance. It was a very strong arraignment of the (raffle In !n --toxl atlmc liquor*. arsl was adopted. Rev F. M Edwards and Richard Fer guson were elected delegateo to (he meet ing of the Antl-Haloon League, to be held In Washing ton next December. Rev. James Cannon, Jr.. SM elcrtcd a member of the boarl of director* of aald Anti-Saloon League. Rev. R. M. El wards read the report of the comnnliee o- publishing Inlere-ts. The recommendation of the rctr.rr.ille that Rev. 11. XI. Hop he appointed col porteur of the conference was adopted. The recommendation of the committee Ihat the Richmond Christian Advocate and Ihe lliltlmore Adxocate be consoli dated was unanmlouMy approved by the conference The checks for the superannuated preachers ami widows and orphans of de ceased preachers were then distributed The aggregate of these checks was 111.- 4.17 SO. At th night session the matter of Ihe gift to itin conference of the Rowling Green Seminary came up for discussion. On motion of Rev. Dr. Cannon the mat ter with the charter, was referred hack to Rev. E. A. Rowe, for revision with all (lrlus to be paid on the property and relinquishing all their right to any part of the Twentieth Century fund and to report the revised charter at the next * **lon of the conference The conference adjourned sine die. tonvratien Will He Public. Havana. Nov. tZ-—' There was a large at tendance of the public at to-day'a ses sion of ehe Cuban constitutional conven tion In ihe Marl I Theater. An animated ■ took place over the question whether the ees.tone were to be public or private. The llnal vote atood 1 for public sessions and 10 for private. Pro gress was made In tha adoption of the remaining rules. Thin People should try Hoslettcr's Stoma, It Bitters, Ismi of flesh means that your stomach Is not working protserly. The blood becomes impure and the result Is Indigestion, Cots stopstton. Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Inactive l jver and Weak Kidneys. The cause lie* l„ the stomach Hostetters Stomach Bitter* will reach It and cure It. Be sure to give It trial. Our Private Revenue Stamp cover* the neck of the bottle ihe Ring Hosletter’s ot all Stomach Health-Restorers / Bitter© THE MORNING NEWS: FKTDAY. NOVEMBER 23. WOO. Rico It is a good soap. It is kept by all the leading grocers. Florida ?*oap Work*, JftcVaonvillft. "DOWN WITH BRITISH." <r*ontinued from First Page.) one night Vn route at Dijon A reception i being arranged. ftl'AT UKUtrri\G To IXH BI^T. President kru*rr Heat Him a v*r atfe of (tralllude. Marseille?. Nov. 22 —Mr Kruger ha* sent the following dispatch to Pressftent Le>ubct. "In debarking up*xi the hospitable shore* of France my flrsi .rt ie to greet the worthy chief of the French republic and to forward to you a testimony of mv gratitude for the marks of interest your government and country have so kindly wished to offer me " VICTIIh OF 'ft ME TOWN ADO. l.ater Itcpnrts Trll of Additional Caaaaltlea. Nashville. Term Nov. 23 —Latest re ports from ihe districts swept by Tues days storm, show that seven persons losi their live* m Williamson county. One more death, that of Clayton Tucker, has. occurred near Columbia making the total in that ?ertton twenty-four. Three member* of the Eli* family at Walnut lake. Tunica county. Mississippi, were killed Clarence Thomas, living near Corinth, Mi**., was carried away by the wind an 1 no ;raoa of him ha§ been found In Arkansas siv dead and twentv-flve Injured hove been reported. The victim* ore principally negToe*. riOftH lUHRiK |% <Ol,Oll ADO Mnn lliuses Were Vllawn Down hat No I.lves Were r>|orado brings, CVd . Nov 22 -The damage by yesterday's storm will approx imate ISQujtft. anl is due entirely to de struction by the wind. Light wire* and telegraph wires are •till strewn across the trolley wires to many place*, and street railway traffic will not be resumed until some time to morrow. About one hundred houses and hustnana buildings are dm *g* t and many tree* were uprooted No lives were lost in the storm. rilßlATl.ttt t ill 111 II SbSMOtl. %n Interesting Day at (he Conven tion In Anauatn. Augusta. Nov 2—Thl has been strict ly a working day In the s'ate convention of the Christian Church, fllle.l with re ports from workers in the field and the discussion growing out of the reports and Sllk-gented methods The morning session was devoted to the Woman s 8-v-lcty r>( Georgia Missions, and was gracefully and skillfully presid ed over by Mrs. Albert Howell. Sr., of Atlanta, who submitted an excellent re port and carried forward the business of the reunion In a spirited and business like way. The matter which attracted most atten tion during Ihe session was two pa|*rs on the subject of establishing Indusirltl schools In the mountain dl-irl *.s of North Georgia. The Hint was by ill -a Ella Mitchell, an accomplished teacher of Washington 'aunty, and the second by Mrs. H. O. Miller, a devoid woraar of this city. The ptan Is to evangelise tha North Georgia mountain country hy • a tabllshlng schools there ami educating the children, thua sending Into their homes To-night Rev. J H. Garrison, of Ht. Louis, editor of the Southern Evangelist, deliver.*! an able discourse on ‘'Christi anity. the Universal Religion." To-mor row's s-sslon will end the convention, and besides the rotation business, there will be iwo addresses, one at noon by Rev. C. P Willi imson. of Atlanta, on "The Twentieth Century Church." and the closing address to-morrow night by Rev. W. F. Watkins of Savannah on "Enthusiasm " AT IHVAER IA Cl MCI NS ATI. speeches Made by AVa Ting Fang and D. A. Tompkins. Cincinnati. Nov. 2.—Wu Ting Fan*. Ihe Chinese minister, wne the guest of honor to-night at the eighth annual dinner of the Commercial Club of Clnclnnall. He made a characteristic speech. Among th* other speakers was D. A. Tompkins of Charlotte. N. C. His theme was the business relations between the South and the North. He declare.! that slavery hod robbed the South of Its an cient prestige In manufacture*, atul this fact had dried up the Southern trade formerly enjoy wl by the Northwest, Sla very being dead tha South had revived and was now leading New F.ngland in iot ton. litlsburg In Iron and with Its cot ton seed oil was eclipsing Chicago In turd, lie urged co-operation between the two sections of the country In opening ad ditional lines of communication. MIX* OAST STILL LEADS. Hat Her Competitor Was at Oae Time Even Willi Her. New York. Nov. 22 —ln to-night's cycle racing at Clermont avenue rink. Mis* Brandon pulled up one lap in the first mile on Ml** Goat, and during the next ten mile* galnnd another lap. making her at tn*! tlm* even with the leader, Oast. in th* second hour Mis* Oast made a spurt and Mine Brandon rvns prevented from doing likewise, several other* ruler* interfering In consequence Ml** G**t gamed a lap while Mia* Urnndon woe un able to get through the interference Tha •core Mis* Goat. 3111; Mir* Brandon. 319 2; Mr*. Llndsuy. 314 4. Mice Davis. 111.4, Mrs. Bayne. 307.16; Miss Pcthatd. 249.7. Liverpool C'oltna Statistics. Liverpool. Nov. 23—The following ire the weekly cuton etatlstlce Total sales of all kinds. Mono bale*, total sales,Ameri can. 44.000 hales; English spinners’ tak ing*. 91.000 b*le*. Total export* 7.00 bale* import of all kinds 101 ono bale*, import. American. 146.0*'. Kio k of ell kinds. LO.OOU. stock. American. 22/OJ. UiMUitlty afloat. *ll kind*. 3#s.oW>. quan tity afloat Amerks.i. 316.0W1 Total tales on speculation. 1.900 bales. Total **l* to exporter*, 1,410 bale* (noriATED PHLM MEET!Nit.. oilierr* anil lllrrrtorii hoseu for lln* Dnautnu Year. New Y’ork. Nov. 22 The election of flf teen director* for the Pras* w* held yeptenlay Ae the IwllotiOß war heavy, the result was not known la t night. The count fhuw* the election of th following gcrHlfinrn Frank H Noyes, the Washington Hts I '. Charles W Knpp. the Hi Loot* Rapub- He; victor F Lawson. Chicago Record and Chicago Dally New*. Stephen <> Meara. R-eton Journal; Albert .? Barr Btttsburg Post Harvey W Por Lwl Oregonian and Cortland Telegram. George Thompson. St Paul I>lsroch; W !. Mdauin Philadalphta Eveniug Built tn; Don C Self*. New York World. Her man Bidder. New Y rk Htaats Zaitung. Thomas G Hauler. New Orlejins ftMca* yen# . Charles 1* 'Taft. Clminnati Time? Htar, H Gms<> Bihlmoye Even ing New*. Whtielaw R id. New York Tr hune; M H Young. f**n Francisco Chron icle. The dlrec’ors subsequently met and elected the following officers Frank B Now", Washington Star pres ident; Clark Howell. ABaum Coast it n tlon. first vice president; Thom is M I*• t - terson. Rooky Mountain New?, Denv r. Col., second vice president, M- Ivllb E Btone. secretary and general mn*ger; Charles 5 Diehl assistant secretary and general manager; V I* Hnyder. N**w York, treasurer Executive Committee- Stephen G*Mea c. Seltx. Frank D Noyes Victor F loiwsnn and Charles W Knapp FEW ADDITIONAL CAM AI.TIF.S. Heavy Property l.oe* From Storm In Tenaeaeee. Memphis. Tenn , Nov 2 —Commtmlea lion leu w een most places struck by Tues day afternoon s storm has been restored and report* so far indtc.i.e that there will be few additions to the casualty 11-t from Tenness.c and Northern Mississippi, ow ing to the small population of the conn try districts. The chief property lets* was Incurred otx the cotton plantations, but no estimates of the damage can yet he mad*. LIBI T. AL*T AETTF.H I* FHKF.. Hi* Release by the Insurgents t aased M*rh Surprise. Manila. Nov. 22—U'ut. Frederick W Alstareter. of the Fnited States Engi neers. sit. was captured hy the Insurg ents early last September north of Stan ladro, has been released. He entered the Amerb an garrison at province of Nueva Eclja. Tuesday evening, his ap pearance thtre being a great surialre, a* Agtilnaldu's iirder for Ihe release of Atnerl. an soldiers Included onlv enlisted men. He will start for Xlantla to-morrow. lilt V Adi IN IMITATION. He Saw Himself Taken (10 nt a Mln strel than. Lincoln. Neb.. Nov. 22.—William J. Bry an saw himself in Imitation on the min strel stag* to-night t Oliver Theater. Mr srwl Mr#. Hryan were the special guest* of honor, this being Mr. Brynn’s first public aitpearnnre since election George Primrose and !>•*• Dte ketadcr of the minstrel compuny. were by invitation. Mr Bryan's guests at hi* home this aft ernoon. and he In turn accepted their Invitation to ntteml the play. PFNIHHMBMT It DEMANDED. Foreign Envoys llcnonnce the Weak Chinese Edict. London. Nov. 23 —"Nine of the foreign envoys." says the Pekltv correspondent of the Morning Post, wiring yesterday, "have written strong letters denouncing the punishment edict arwl declaring that Tung Fu Hsiang must he punished. Dr. Mumm von Uchwartensteln. the German minister, has told LI Hung Chang that the foreign Power* mu*t thenn-elv** pun ish th* guilty offleiu:*." WILL FISH NEEI.V’S CYSE. Steps Heins Taken by the Prosecu tion In Havana. Havana. Nov, 2—Messrs C.cnaut and Wright, who have been acting as counsel In Ih# prosecutions growing out of ihe poetotllco fraud*, have official notl * o turn over to tha fiscal all paper# and other evidence bearing upon the rase In their possession. II I* sail that Horatio Rubens will be assigned to take, charge or the prosecution, and that In Ih# case of Charles F, W. Neely proceedings will tv vigorously pushed. MARK TWAIN'S COMFI. YINT. Had • Cabman's License Hrvuked for Extortion. New Yotk, Nov 22 -Samuel L Clemen* was at Ihe office of the chief of the bureau of brense* to-day to tnak, a formal com plaint again*! a cabman whom he chant ad with extortion and insisting on the overcharge. Mr Clemen* *urceed*d In *<•. curing th# ousuenston of the cabman', lie* ns* Irrigation I <irru. Chicago. Nov. 2—The National Irriga tion Congress, which begin Ha ninth an nual session here last night, got down to business to-day lb evident Elwood Mcd of Wyoming presided The committee on resolution* was Instructed to draft a memorial showing ihe Importance of the reclamation of the arid land* In the Unit, ed State* Letter* were read rr,n Gov Roosevelt and Oen Mile* and a number of paper* were presented. ■e * f Tea Year* for Dyaamltla*. St. Ixil*. Nov 22 —Maurice Brennan, one of the three rrvn arresttsY for dyna miting Ihe property of the St Lnulf Transit Company during the recent mnk, wa* found guilty to-day and sentenced to serve ten year* In the penitentiary. Dr. Carry *poke la Mntsmer*. Montgomery. Ala.. ov. 22 Hon. J I* M. Curry, general agent of the Pea bed v end Slater fund, on Invitation, addr-aw'd the state Legislature to-day. He spoke on education —• • 1 Hilly kmlth Foaaht a Draw. Wheeling. W. Va.. Nov. 22--"Mvaterl ou Hilly" Smith and Mike Donovan taught before the Metropolitan Athletic Club to-night • twenty-round draw. A NEW COLLEGE FOR WOMEN. TIIIMTI, AT UASIIItieTOtI, FtlH- Mll.U DKDICLTKO. Catholic I nut ti luu Which Will Take u I' I'urt In the Kl -ue*t|iin i'l file Fall ?et— < ardlnal t,illuiii* I'rrsldvd al tle t ereiwo- Mli , \\ lift*li l\ *ri* Must Impressive. liisllluttmi M:nlt* I'lißkiitlr Througli l.g*rt of iiirr of >otrc Dame. Wa-hingion. Nov. 22 Trinity College the newly fmmdel <'athoilc Institution for the higher education of women, w is deli a#d 10-iiiy with imposing cere nw*n !*•?. ('ordinal Gibbons. Mgr. Martinet.i th* papel (Kdegati , and other high dignitaries of the • inn !i, conducted the tervbe in the pr >* nce of a l.rg** a-*enibl.ig . in cludtng prominent ofttclals. nwu.v ntem of t!>e diplomatic corps and npo sentatlve educators from various parts of the country. The in.-tltuiion t* one of the meet am bitlOU- |T"j*i ;> *f higher t<lue*i|OU that has jet r .ivd th* attention o* 'he Catholic .i '' .Hhh * It? Incep |. n ard I 'tual exeetnion me due to the Hler? of Notre Dame, who for sixiv year* base -> successfully piotuoted iduat*on iti many tan * * f th* country. The c l I? l uted near th Catholic Cnße.sty and t tie Kioiife'* -over t w onty-s?' en aervs, overl>.M)kln * the Capitol nn i t. e not tonal library. Cardinal GlbUm?, in giving hi* first bbesing t‘* th? project, referred to its proximity to the university and said M would relieve the university fr *m the em barrasMiient of refusing admission to wo men, many of wh in had applied for it* higher Instruct!* n. and woull complete atul non ih* whole s\?<eni of Catho||e education The ceremonies to-day began at I<> V o c! h k. w hen Cardinal Gibbons, in the full robe* of hi* exalted i **ltion. and aitiwd •h| |*y Arehhtßhop* .and Bishops, in rrlts" of purple. #nd the representatives of tnanv >rders In their habits, proceed**! around the buildleg and through its spa cl*wi? halls, sorlnk tug holy water and pronouncing the blessing Pontifical high mass was then relebraf*-d by Mgr Martin elll, and the delloaUiry sermon was preached by Rt F.*n Mgr Conwty. rector of the Catholic Cnlversltv sn*ra li’Ce Mere I naprel %e. The service* within the etmpel were deeply improtclvf Th* cha|*el is of di sign, the walls hung with re plica* of the maaterpleeea of Botticelli and Peruglnl. Amgl the fore - of plants and flow* re could he seen the papal col or? and emblems Intertwined with the American co.or? To the right of the altar **t a i.k.-*-l thtone with i *1 drop ing?* distinctive of the • ardlnakite. sat the h*.ul of the church in A merlon. Cardinal Gibbon*, attended by manv priest* and <h.i *n> To the left of the altui another rained throne was occupied bv Mgr Mat • ttnelii. the representative of pop*' Leo XIJI attended by thoe* assisting In th** ce| bin ton of n • Among the disiln fttifthed pn lat*-? parrt ipntlng were Rt Ifev C A Al Dcxtrieil of Brooklyn. ID Bet Mgr. Van DaVvver, Hi* h* mond Rt Bet John F Far 1* y of N* w York R Rev. Mar Ccnaty of the Catholic University, Ret Mgr Nugent of Liverpool, Eng . and the ' erv Revs B> rne* ..f Boston. O'Hara, president of Sr Mary s i’o!lge. Maryland, and th#* members of the faculty of the <’.itlio!h Cnlversltv. Th* Fitter* of Notre Dame, whose service* have made the In stitution | OH*dhle, were r* presented by Fitter Julia, superior of the order In the United Sae?; Hist* r lJdw ine, president of the college. Sister Josephine, dean of •he faeujty. Hisier Euphrasia, treasurer. .’i*l twenty-five ladies of the order con stituting the community here. Following the service-* n brrikfast was g v#n in tfie church dignitaries and h<mor ary guest*. At .1 o’clock th* college was opened to the ladle* of Washington in a general reception, with the marine band furnishing music. HONtHI Alt V MEMBER OF O. A. It. Gen. Wheeler n Guest nf Honor nt n Huston Post. Boston. Nov 2 —From his home In the Fouth came Gsn. Joseph Wheeler yester lay lo renew cherished associations with hie Grand Army comrades of Borton at the Invitation of K. \V Kinsley, post 111. <1 A R . and to-night, before the com - rades of .he set assembled at Young's, he spoke words of patriotism and of unity. On the breast which was once bared for Northern missiles of war. was pinned the private and trl-color badge of the post by Gen. W. W. Rlackmar. a tel Gen. Whteler was made an honorary member of the order. The General made a feeling response, and then reviewed the story of the Sinn- Ish war a* he saw It. The other speaker* were Prof Williams of Brown University. Mayor llart, Gen C H. Taylor, toastmas ter; President R. ktnlih of the Betiata and Speaker Myers of the House. INDIANS ME FOM MIG MONEY. Attains! ( lotion nt. Who Were ad mitted In Clllsposhtp. Ardmoie. I T . Nov. 3 —Attorneys on behalf of certain members of the Chicka saw and Choctaw nations filed a suit In the I’nlted State* Court 10-duy Involving |-jo oui.nno. This suit Is agilnst a large number nf claimants who were admitted to elttxen- Shlr> tn the Chlek.iMW and Choctaw na tions hy the federal court In the Indian Territory. PlslMlfT* allege (hat theae claims to clttsenshlp are fraudu lent and that tha deereee en which they are hared arc nidi acd void and without lawful effect plain tiffs ask Judgment annulling and setting aside all dect.-es of eltlxenshlp heretofore ordered and pray for an Injunction to restrain defendant from exercising rights nf Indian cituensbip and using lands of the tribe*. IX RKABK IN THE AHMY. I alrhsska Say* It W ill Not He Leas Titan IMMSMI to 4IMMSI. Pittsburg. Pa. Nov. V —Senator Charles W. Fairbanks of Indiana said hre to day that the bill providing for an increase In th* regular army would bn passed shortly after C< ngress convened Th* in crease. he said, could not be leas loan 30.000 or 40.000. Guilty nf Manslaughter. Milwaukee. Wls . Nov 3.-Davkl An derson. an aged Inmate of the National Soldier's Home, who shot and killed Capt. Thomas >1 Pollock on Aug 4. 1489 was to-day adjudged guilty of m ir.alaugh'er by a Juiv in the I'nlc I States Cj'ir. On appeal In Anderson'* case ihe ques tion of Jurisdiction In soldier* eases Is expected to Its taken to tn* United Btales Supremo Court for flnai decision. An u-uvr l adcr a Charge. I/vndon. Nov 2 -The Antl-GamMing League took out summon* this afternoon against C A pearsonr for publishing skill , ompe tlt lons In his weekly lepers CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ADLER’S The Greatest of the Great Fine Shirt Sale! Will I3e the Greatest on Record. 83c-Shirts-83c Men’s fine colored allover stiff bosom shirts. Of finest imported Madras and Percales, open back and front, attached and detached cuffs, most attractive styles anti colors — 83c. firnowizr i .uu on nPub' 83c while they last. They can’t last long, for a dollar is worth a half at any tune to anybody. Even staid gentlemen will deign to stop and look at them in our corner show window. 83c-Shirts-83c I 1 I Gentlemen, don’t let this slip! The frayed shirt and the gentleman are incongruous objects in the same per sonality. ADLER’S T ADLER’S ADLER’S ■ lit. DEAL IN COAL LAN DA. Thousand* of Acree In. West Virginia • Im nit* ttnl*. !\irk#r*t*irir. Nov. 22 ~N+goil*9lon rr ckned io-4*y by whlrh iwrnty-flv# to thirty thousand of <*o*l land* In rountla* of Baxter. G4lfn*r *tvl I/ii W Va Into th** h.nd* of Np* Y<rk and I*rnniylvanh wrilm n<l in with thl* th# Lalttl# Kn* iwhd Hbilroad Company |iroj#rt#l from r*rk#r*btirx to Burnavllla. and of which Ihfrty-otia mil#* la built and 1n operation from Farkaraburir to rnlmtinr Into thr hand* *f th* mirt• p;rtl#i*. nod Inrurra complMon ofth# rallroHd lo llarn#v!ll#, r#<'htnc th# *oai Vlelilr nl bn omlitK a lart of th* d#ol Tl# Biaxton Coal Comp4*ny ha>* lrßii formal with a •üb#*'rlb#*J rapltal of |JOa>,- no> roii!:i(i\ nm\n noi KTtm. (*#rma*), .%ailria nl I rmirr Talk ln of thnlialiJUß Ttirm. WaahlnfUm. Nov. 21-UnltH ?♦•!#• o*iil Bat no, at Coio|(ie. tranamlia to th# di>artm#ni tnformatbm ron r#rnlrm t conferfnee of Grrtnati, Aurtrian and l*'r#iK-h ilrkfatea h*ld at Pari* for th dlPi'tiralon of th# pr*j*OH#d aholttior, of xtiXoir bounties. At thr final ulttlnr of th# naMon Kr*nor d#<*lar#d h#r#lf wllUn* to kgrt* to tha abolition of th# direct lountl#j*. wddla du lnc th# tndlr#t hounllN by M p#r ##nf and makinc n propbrtlonata nitr ation In tha dut(# Humli. Or#at Hr|t a4n. Italy and Halfftum ar# to rntl repr#- rantatlv#* to th# n#xt conffrenct lo t# h#td at Ilrussrl* H FITNIVi FROM FROTFISRITY. A I ni|*r CfT##t of tlr 4|nallon on Inauraa## f wpnl. Washington. Nov. 22 —A dalxatlon rap* r#a#ntlnx th# fir# and rarualty In-uran*'# romfni#a of N#w York appear*! h#?or tha tnt#rnal i#vanua oommll- n#r to-diy ami app#al#d to him to r# omn*#nd a re duction of the tax on fir# and r*uatty |iolir|#s on lb# rath#r unlqu# around that th# prosperity of tha rountry had m d# th#m auffar unusual loas. Th#y said that factor!## and mills hod b#an run ovar* tim*-. with th# raautt of incraasins th# number of hr## artd casualtias. Work of Catted Mates Court. Tallahassee, Fl*.. Nov. 22—The Untied States Court adjourned her# to-d*y. hav met been in eslon three day*. There were thirteen criminal c**e* on the .locket, five of Ihe defendant* plead, el guilty and eight were put on trial and convicted. The government w** plaintiff In nve civil suit* *0 recover from parti** who had been operating for naval more* on homestead* In Lafayelie rminty. and lb. judgment* *eeur*d tor the United State* In the** cases amounted to mot* than 17.. ,<y>. While the expense* for the term were shout 11,409 Supreme Court Froceetll***. Fred N V*rn, plolntlff In error, vt Aee D Alderman, defendant. In error Folk county. Judgment revere-d enl cauee remanded with directions to grant anew trial. Opinion by Mr Justice Ogr t#r Jam** E. Hendry a# #lgnee cd J J. Blount A Cos., appellant, va. the Pebhle Phosphate Company, appellee. Lee coun ty Decree affirmed, per cur*m Thomas !’. Wetton. appelant. v Wil liam H Bonrey el at., appellee* —Brad ford county Decree affirmed, per rurlem Robinson W Cator *t *l. appellant*, v* Maurice Emanuel, appellee —St. John'* county Appeal d!mled per curiam G Townty Kennard. plolntlff In error vs Th* State of Florid*, defendant In er ror Alachua county. Petition for r h.arlng denied. Found Gollly of Hrlhery. Indianapolis. Nov 22-A Jury In the Criminal Court this afternoon, found Councilman Hlggma guilty of aolklilng n bribe from D M Parry, o ky-al man ufacturer Under Ih# Indiana lan hi* sentence will be Indeterminate from two to fourteen year*. Chill Wants llnils. Not Gone. Santiago de Chill. Nov H -The govern ment he* invited tender* for W.wu tons of rail* for th* new railroads Humor* that thill la buying gun# and other armament nr* entirely without foundation. Prominent Capitalist Dead. Chi‘igo. Nov H—Andrew Crawford, a prominent capita.lst of this city, died to night 31 r. Crawford wo* Western agent of Dreael. Morgan * Cos.. *4 a salary of 680.000 a year. ADLER’S THE WEATHER. Forecast for Friday and daturday— Georgia. Buuth Carolina and Western Florida Generally fair Friday and R*t utday, fresh southerly winds Eastern Fioilda Generally fair Friday and Katur.lay variable winds Yesterday's Weather at Bxvannah— Maximum temfurature 2p. m 42 degree* Minimum temperature 4am 44 degree* Mean iemier.nure 74 degree* Normal temperature 57 degree* Execs* of temperature .......... 17 degree* Ar.timiiloited excess since Not 1 57 degree* Accumulated excess since Jen 1 344 degree* Rainfall Trace Normal tn Inch Exceed since Nov. J 1 w its* h*e Deficiency since Jan 1 *43 Inches River Report -The high! of the tkavan nah river ai Augusta, at 4 a. m. (7Xth me ridian timet yesterday, was 7 2 feet, a fall of 0.4 foot during the preceding twenty four hours. < U'-ervattuns taken at the same moment of time at all stations. Nov. 22. 19(4). ( p m . TMh meridian tlm. Nam S I ition. t "j V. Ttatn Baalon. gtly eMi :.j 1 4 1 tn New York city, clear |62J14 j.W Philadelphia, rlear ,| H | M I .01 Washington city, rlear...| til 110 T Norfolk rlear | M 10 A) H illers*, clear | 44 4 00 M llrulngton. clear 44 | L CO Charlotte, rJaai l2 01 Raleigh, clear Oil L .00 Fharleeton. clear | 04 6 <*t Atlanta, clear 4* 4 .00 Augimta. clear | 01 | U .00 Bavanriah clear | 70 4 T Jackaonvllle. clear | Ti ' L .00 Jupiter, clear I 70 13 .01 Key West clear j 74 j 13 .00 Tampa, clear " Tn | I. .00 Mobile, clear 72 I. ! klnntgoniery. ptly e4dy...| 74 ; X T Vicksburg, dear 74 4 .01 New Orleans, idly rldy...| 73 4 T Ooivceton. rlear j 72 4 00 Curptie fhrtotl. clear ... i jo (hi Palestine, cloudy ./. 74 0 <to xfemphl*. clear i 74 ) 4 .CO Cincinnati, clear t 73 \ 10 .14 Pittsburg, ptly cldy | *1 1 10 ; T Buffalo, cloudy 14 It .08 Detroit, cloudy | V ' 13 i '0 Chicago, cloudy | 43 24 On Mantuette. clear 1 >' i 14 j JO Bt r*ut. clear | 3 4 1 Daven|ort. clear jl2 4 01 fit. lui* clear 100 10 .07 Kansas City, clear | 30 I 12 .00 Oklahoma, ptly cldy ! >'4 L 00 Dulge City, clear i 40 10 .00 North Platte, clear | 21 L .00 H H. Boyer. Local Forecast official. .m. | TO II(UAND'N RELATIVES. Court Held That Httebaud end YVlf* Died Mmoltanrouely. Chicago, Nov XL.— ln a rare Involving th* disposal of Ihe Insurance on the Ilf* of Frederick H. Marty, who. with nl* wife, Mrs. Agnes Marty, and their only child, wo* burned to death tn a fire. th“ Appellate Court to-day decided that In th# aneence ot proof, the deaths ot huahand and wife must be presum'd to h >v# oc curred simultaneously. an.l that ac the wlto did not Inherit the erlate. her rela tive* would have no Interest in It. Th* Insurance money wa* ordered paid to the relatives of the husband. Physician Hied Front Morphine. New York. Nov. 23.—An overdo** of morphine, taken to relieve suffering caused by an over indulgence In liquor, to-day ended the life of Dr Robert Ac ton. a physician, and well known football player on the Harvard team in 199*. He died In the Prrebytertan Hospital. Th* Russian naal estimate* for the year 1901 provide for sn expenditure of 17.,/47.*0; tub!## 'about 171 OOO.OUft). Of thl* sum 14.<UW> ruble* are to be devoted to t trengt netting the fleet. 2,900.000 are to be expended on the harbor work* at Vladi vostok and 1.0(0.900 are assigned to Im proving the defense* of Port Arthur. The estimates exceed those of 1900 by 10.500.0N/ rtib!*. Candy Esculetts Cores PILES or Money Relooded. WHY SUFFER? Bold tinder guarantee at following stars*! ruiwllnakl'*. Jones'. Masvnlr Tempi#. Knight’*. W. F. Reid'*. Marlows CVva -11 lid's. Donnelly'*, and W. A. I'lgman'g. Baxannah. Ga. LIPPMAN BROS.. Savannah. Oa. and W. F. REID. Bavwanah. Ga. Dtairlbuton. 5 ADLER’S