The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 25, 1900, Page 18, Image 18

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18 TH& V TNkkfM- Monday kl*h—"T®w Taplrf." H'odarvday Klght Thai Q. ifiibriMilto la ‘Tin* Hoondari." T liurNfir Mgkl—The Kllmi-llrorti < |wiit in ‘Mbf Fatal ObHI. n Irlda? and Mght and latarda* *l®tli## ,r Tlia ftpidar aind rif ’ Tti# ’T© P.lrh to Many ##npxny c'a* 1 iti *bioA U‘ftta I’rl da r ght. arj!h two performance t*rd®y.f#lt v i®r of vUcJiwm well Th* piny ts tk f*ru® oocxHXiy of very or dinary kind. Th® th®*t#r will bo rg*#n rv-ry r.'nht but ©r® thl® w*#k. Topic®' will bo th® opamnf attrac tion to-tnorrok r .*ht T * y*f - menrt ©f Tom ®r," a Cmiifo ®u©t*w. will bo th® f#®- turf of the w *k. Hrabryolia I• not ban hra in four rir Ilia l®#! xi®tt woe a th* Mor tn "The TU# of <T>mpa*r.* Tho well-known oompai * wiU bo tb® attract lon I %y and LaavUi r rpariacbUr, •*Tho bpl irr orel Fly.” dooo th® w#®k with taro* prrfornmi < ♦ . Bo much complaint hx® b*#n baard on o "rim of lhe i #•* an l orf *4on i l rw t to ®#®ttoig f*r-*#n* and jrlng th® J*fOk r# of o r>k*y that Martoffor W®i* ha® *- .***t that h#r#®ft*r no *:•# will bo •#*<! while a I on Iho curtiUD w ill rw# • t 1 •/) o’clock, tor tnaurea j*erform*ti > -#• • ’•! b jft o'- lock at nlk t oral th### who < *me lata will hav** to r*- iiMin In the rear of the bo>## until after the ft rat a <*t. Whilo the will perhaps think this rule ** little barib, tn AcßliS.l t ,, great majority o' tho .|r-r<vr* wit! wl -.xm- ll- Th'># I* nothing no annov-nit bk the bbbilmi of |.-re*uie e.ler a |.Uy ti im cotom* !■ .’l, ai .1 eltra h. Orel |r; of a j lev In e; —>. I'G for ' ne ptrejiii by the mryfu on. If theater r' ere nnder ft' n.) that they tnuel la* .*. time, and that this rule will tie llvetl up to It will surprising twiw -eon .-veryt-oJy ail* Cat In the habit of arriving In time. The umilßl i, fair. Hereafter Sou will have to hurry. F*or laughing purpose* alone 'Town Topic*" l* eald tn be well worth I'e’i r It U Ut perewl With bright, catch) muni-, *<>me of which Savmncih iana may have heard before. The fit!.' are raid to b" young, pretty an.l wr.t aoatied. wnl.e the nieti fit to a nicety the cha ranter* they twrtray Una follows Ihe plat without effort, find al though or.' may have t at l *l* ..n*t teuirh every few tenmlr, rare h tble to lo ’ow the wtory and thu* keep In clone gympathy with ah the ch* met ere to the very *nd There > pethai* a certain Insufficiency In motive, no convincing ra a run for the •e* of the flounder*. complication* of th# plot, but it l futllo for • perron to find fault with th* exag geration end groteetfueneea of pure farce "The Rounder*." the r'jirtno comb open vaudeville, whtrh comedian Thomow y lteheoeke hrlnga here on Wednesday, de. rive* It* origin from the name of n rung w hiofi at aung and anted In the last ant. and wtitle the title aetrine a trifle Ten deriolnlah," II la certainly up-to-date, are] *ugget* n breegy lime and abundant hilarity. In f.iet. It fit* the play egartlv. a* the etory deale with the adventures of three men, who by their netlona ur< rightly entitled to the term "rounder* ." The liymun doe* not have the *llghte*t Idee uf the amount of trouble experience.l In the set*, lion of a proper title for play. Piayt as * rule are written tlrwt. and named afterward*. Author* and manager* hold coneullatton after consul tation. aid the plausihilly and virtue of many different title.. ur diet um<4. It not Infrequently oe.ur* that managera of a coming produetlon advertise In ihe news paper* for a tilting title, offering a ptlxe for th* on* el*e:*d frnsn the many *ul inltted. Thl* Idea via originally con ceived by Manager ladercr of Ih* New New York r'**lno It is not an uesual oc currence lhat a * nmruay ha* been organ ised and rehear*al were well under way. betor* the nrlual title of the jUece ha* been decided upon, iloineilme* ihe man agement baa gained an Inspiration from Run. Incident In the plot, or iroaelbly • vwn. some chance speech on ihe part of th* actor*. "The Round*r" was named la Uda wajr. ll had aluiwl been decided to emit work 'Wild Oat*' dur litf t*f ih© i rtrd © r th# call wan rr*a*t# for Thom©* Q S*.ibrook# to r*h#ar<# limit ©rrr* r>#t *T>nf Mwr*o4r/r f*4-t*r#r w a w* rt# rthtttiai, irru ( *tDit*-ly lorntl to Harry II Htnth t KhcrtftM. ilfd "Tb*r* !* th * I.# for call 1* * Th# ItMiiKkrv' ml > th* i.w born b tir m r din#l In I • It mlch? Im> * i<l * 4*l it.iiy of th# tilrti llnm of n r*i#c, uni *p*-©cties which hv> •tMvtfdri In K >Mnr iwh Cwmo for v*rftou a<Hor. rtni wtileh ttiy r#frMin#d with f<w v# rw ♦ wvw fr#qu*'ullv ln*ri MkiMMi r by liJidvcrt* nt r**fiwi:k For IriiUn*'# a lirif* which reatc*. * I jr at mu *n merriment miy m ,#r lh Tnw r. Mii eVr# ■!;<! w r hl ti Im frrr|nrntly r '*rir*#rw# j |n M-. c*k# i#*rt. !► f m*y lr wrv*nw I m*> l>o wroUf!'* Thl® w* not In trwi ©orlnwl Unrcito. t ut w® * l4i djririf on# of th* rrliMifalft an I Hr. it® wn t iktit to ta k by th® '©** tniwiffr for th® mlwm> i Hon n' ik*• of th® bufkirw" .r 1% t rtaln rctft*. Tb# #mlrw • ri|.nny w.i® on th# ®twv# ®t th® titk# ®rxl altliouMh Hr. >*'• hr<■*.it® rmlrliy tnnhi il for ® wtill# ,e t># vr® ® nr hi h# hnully f'l*nnr#fi l hi* mir*l iiml reiatrkrd in hi® itroll way. I may bo wron* ) n>®y h# wror*'" Hi rnlin®r #*f rfK *-ion ®t th* lrn# cr#*iwl much fTM#rrlm#nt. arwl **n#r*l Itufb r®- •ult**4 In whl h th* wool# oom(winy In “dli.f th® ►••* dir# ior }4hd -f'h# l®t * r i one# h*t S®*brook* Ut#i this c*ich-Hn® in ®nd u# tt * * * h iract## thramrhoui hi* h®u®K,# Th® of i**Mt® win Mc> 11*v iroirnlnff at k r> clock. Th* 4CHmt M*®m <v>m;.in/ will h* *h* TI ink.*lvlnff Imy tlo# r®l th*i hill will h* “Th* Fatal (kri " * vw atmnar dr im. Followlnr 1® * rUppifuf from th* Atlanta Cn®<ttution: *At audiano# f •‘fdrndid r*roiwrti>na #njoy#d th# Kl.irt fleam jr• xliictloti of ' Th* FnaJ Card * laM nlrht at th* Cr<Hmhta. Th# r#rfrrn an* thrrnjfhouft ww* moat marttonou® aivl th* hpprowai of th® big * Jdt*h••# wan* ithur wldanr* th it tho** pr#*#nt mjoyel #v®ry tart of th® play. *' Th® Fatal r’artV l* th# h#*t of th# rrv*ierri that h*a h#n riv®n h®r* In yawn Th® plot I® cleverly w'orkad out to a < endued on. ar *i th# wiorv is told In an Intelligent, plaual* hi# m*rirr. ' (MfrtKn Klimt cartalaly k#®rv*w rraJlt for riving witch a ffiod f<#rforrrMin o at prl<#®v Much icMiery At uwd and th* alar® wotting* W( *r .too I. l<ome • xr#n#nt moving prtctur#a w#r# glv#n between acta.** “Tb# Fpular and Fir,** that mustcal ap#rtabular #xfrav*agaii**. wlh all It® Ka- I* .d'U' opie xnrlaiy at wcotir ry, womc®i, magnificent m*tum#a. miulr. novl ®U||* tmlqii* -fa* laities. #l#''trl *.'il i®l* l#t# #?<*.. will l*a th* attrarticwi Frt*!a\ and Haturduy itigUl® arid mutlnoe ftnur* diy. It rain- and exiwrirno* hav* a-jc- iwl In forming an orgß<oiz.tlon which fir i.eauty, n*v#lty and K#t*#r*l urtipfic #*o#ll#fi' #. h*# a t tarul ir 1 with h will l- lim< ult of imitatl* t In * *now of it# kind. Mr. I>a\ltt, whi!# In Kurnj.# la>t ramenrr, p#Xir<t a ttuinbwr >f h ading f .tur* !, which ar* #xp* o .<1 to cr< at® u Mcutmtloti. Th* organlaition i# a larr# on* , n*imb#rltig ov*r forty |*o pl*, r#Tiirlng two earn lo tiaA®|ntt scen ery alon#. Cl rw # C#*org*‘ f'Ofitrlbut#® to th* fTirl#- wm* num ** r < f th* .M* tropi>ll*i Mo<a xmc * tb Mirlptlna of ti* r*‘o**nt I**j*hlon |‘kiy *• t Oh#rmm#rfr*u. lhat I® on# of th m<i#t rngagtng pioduct® <4 th® year. A ih#r-maiden. •*T # FirgomM* r." n bl#ndtng of mTil il rom*dy nrd t*travwgnfa that i* vary •uc'‘#*ful kt th# W‘t. l® to lw given n N*w York prodneliem at tn® Manhattan al ;io*il*y time. A ped*l -*mpny l b#ing crrvii!zii anl nix Chionfo artist* nr* at work ui*m th* scenic etidlianvnr. "I noticed some storb-s last i*Hc nboui Interrupt Inns." eu*d the old-timer. “ |hv rf all a humorous Joke perpetrated at tha expense of !>Hvln Wwrmt," i'cexed to continue he went on: “It ** i In ll.tlfimore Forrest l>a<l been Importuned to ni(M‘ mat great wag *nt pnmleai Joker, Charles Kolshijry for his company. rialwhurv a sense of the rtdtcu loo* had tot httn Into all manner of tremble, and ho found l( difficult to ee. cure an engagement Mr Forrest took him wi however. and one nlrhi while pi - In* |n Halt Urea s Kesbnry took a brief night off. Tim play that night w.i* “Othatlo.” and In one scene Mr. Foment a* the Moor, read those eilrrlng Itnea: *' ’Thin 1* a bad. bad act.' "From tha gallery came a voire: 'Ton re rig tit, but the other taro wer worse' "It waa Halehury. Ila had otowed him aelf up aloft to enjoy the performance, hut lOuliln’t reset the templatlon to wot k In e*)* of hla hunwroua Idle Forr.vd raved and stormed behind the sctrnes, lot It spoiled hla a t but Kailabury name In rmlltnt ao serenely he <■ never suspect ed " Next season's outlook for the American dramaatai In even brighter than tha pres ent on*. Among the well-known star* who will prodnca play* bv native auttiore are mentioned Mr Richard Manatleld, 'I .in Murphy, Ada Rehan, lleniy Miller. Julia Marlowe, William Ulllette and Kathryn Kidder. Alfred Mansfield. a I • phew of Richard Mansfield. la playing .1 boy part In lleet bohm Trea'a production of “Herod " The extremes Of the theatrical map are occupied 1 her week by lb- two companies prMMltlng “The t’hrletlap ' one playing tti Toronto aral Ibe other In New Or leans. In spite of climatic illlJeronecs, however. t>oth arc meeting with warm re ception* and plenty of cold cash. Hpenking of interviewer* and their qurrwa nut long ugo Mr. Richard SI .ms field sold: “A favorite quest on s< em to lie. 'What do you think of the rharueter of Shylock - " or of ■'yrano. or King Richard; of luck 1 nsdreon, or King Henry, according to the role watch at Urn moment happens to h- conspicuous In ray repertotr*. When tlm Interviewer do not rewch me person ally they writ- t> a-k Itut why II vcry performance of *<Hester* or 'Phylor k' or 'Cyrano.' or 'Arthur Dimmesdab'' or 'Henry' is my > VnrcasliSi, my view , my etssv nn 'Richard ' Shylock • 'Cyrano.' 'lMmmeedale' or 'Henry.' The bi-ot way to find out what nn artlrt thinks of a subject is to i*<■ his canvas or lib mux Me. or read the dlssrri itam of the essayist, arsl to determine the actor's In terpretation of n character se him art It. What I my favor.:■ character? It is uu easy question to ask. T *> you -k 1 fu'h.r to determine his favorite chJM? Chnrae terlgatkm. the realisation ..f new role, In nsitlul pregnancy and delivery. It Is bom of study anxiety, liter, t iln Ti.e (surent loves that child best last on his knee or In hl arms loes It not occur to you that tha serious congceutlous artist loves that role heal which he Is acting? Hympathy la vlt*li it l the marrow of tempermant One bee -mu the character In hand. Tha character becomes the only one." Tha revival of "Tba Mikado” proved THE MOKMNG NEWS: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25. 1900. la h a dt at tn® M*inopoltt*a Opera | lioie** in N>w Yfrk mat th# pl*o* haul c * r tor th* m w ##k. Tn* revival o: '>tlU#n and ButUvan t® ®*#i to huv# t -*f mi ’ll a i*/r**iivir '4t that tn* oaf* rw - j • tno havf • ..ji.dor- I tn# coon dlttl#* t t P#*y part* of u># r or* "Flnafor* * i.* -<m 1* produced a® * rasut* of this I Ih* w® w##ki of “Htkado“ run m- ! #d th® first tim# tn th* hlatorjr of th* I tf p®r* notia tnat an op*r* t>id ov*r f* r that tun®. \ A.*xaa lr l>arr.® p#r*. th# author of j Mont# rrlao. - wan *n (Ktnrooti, har j th# point to *h# luty whir h J*m#a O N'.ll t*li* of th* f*noi® Fr#ncnm Mi a nroun i*r witn an ir>r*rvi*w#r "You ar® an ocxorooo. ar* >ou r.ot, Mr. I *um®*T" *T*-ruiifg4>” ' And your fathtr?** "H# w*i a <|tjadrooo. M * And hi* f ^;#r , * , • A mulati i #>r a mulatto!** ’ And Mi (uUirr? A jtrgto, air, a negro!" ' Might I r-r*- um* ao fir aa to aak what hip fatf.*r *®* > *' An ape, *ir men Pku, an ap#'~-M> P#l!|rf end® wher* your* common Jit!" Th# ©•*ll®-f#ra> t ntt#d ©how®. Bavannah t® to h# congratulated iipoo th# nr /tin that th® rklH m Gray * t idt#d Show® will exhibit h®r# Thu: of*y | (Thank*giving* Nov. 'Th*®* United I *now* r om# well r#^commended, and It l yo®® without beiylng that with the name | of William h’eli® Mini J.tni#* H Gray—two Itf th- fo'>moi*t nomi of the century l 4 **orf ,*#sd with It. that th* show going p*oji® of our rlty will !•* glv*f> a treat :ri * rnarvcHH** 4i.d my®tlfvlng exhibition I >f #klil uauaily a#en with ammwment n -| (erprtass of mu kta* Messto. Help, and <kray always on th* I nl#rt for new f#wiur* and startling novel- I ti®, hav* aparoei r.etiher *xpef*e. tlm# nor #n rgy 1n m.tklng th#lr *how on* of the I iirg'HU ;nd Ult tented #xhlldt!on® of the lit> Tim piformiinc* throughout \% re pl#ie with aw* inspiring feats, JI-?.>• of uvlinal Haga- lty, trrwalatlMe lowr m ski#* splitting nonsdna*. beside® ’he f.inwwH fto ig,. Hkl*r spectacia and ih# *x #lient nvjrte furnlihet by a ehal eng.* K*n*| nmt#r th* direction ot l*r f The B* 11® it fimy’n United Phown* street i ingeant in thre# aectlona. with Its many j d*nt. tai*l#aux and novelU* wifc *>-* ur t li oSr.Urdi a. m. on th* lay of •xhihitioci, and u pro ida®a to b* a most j i4 ming apeoiaol* to behold. Bell# A* (>ray'i how < are the first j irmo#m*(vt InntKutlon In Amertivi to milk# anew departure 1n the t-hovr butl n##* In thi Internet of their patron*. You will And no trickery, no gambling I#v|r*a. no l*ogora.icing InAuoc#® Their : mono 1® r ow. and ®lwy% ha® been, to In troduce a high < l®* morel imuinrn. ni ln -tttutioo. where a g®titj*cnfcn ran bring hi* family u*i spend * few hours pl*a*ar.tiy. ji a *di4U> j rlo* of ndniliston, where mo rality nr*4 dtgnlty rrtgne puprem# —where j # P* 51 dren and genHemen uaher® mre to tutnd u. # to look #JTt#r tiitlr oumfoit. Tb* ai*ow gminidp are luoited at the corner of He.-on *nd >!**' Bnrvad street®. Ticket® oan t*e iu rob seed tit down-town ’leket seller® at <*irdn®r‘f * h'ur rdshing store, of Hr ought on and Hull utreet*. on and nftar 9 a. na of the • ia> of exhibition. In I.t>ve‘a < uuftttlnnai. From th* Fmert Bet. To you. whore every word and deed *n<l thong lit Ring true and honaet as thrlce-deeted gold. The tale of my shertcomlnga I have brotig at— Now you have given the pat don I be eotight. Forgive the little I hav* not told: The fnoluh. petty faults I scarce ran name; Bo mean and paltry are they, that I fwar You woukl not think than worth a word of bis me, iou Would but pity and—dee pine them, dear. And iticK I love you eo Irl women'* wise, Nor am from woman • curse of pride exempt, • • i' r • •... 1 within your eyes Hatred, my beat-beloved, then contempt! Wherefore, to yo* w hose every deed amt t thought Arc cry Phil-clear— you, whom I lo\ too well— The tale of my *horteomlng* I h*v brought. And you have given th* pardon I be sought, Forgive the little sin* I cannot tel!! —Allrm Hea;h. —A sugar plantaibm In Cube, near the town of Krrtfxta. 1* ih.ftx) acre* In extent. It cmphiyet I.4>tn person*, and there ■re two f.m*. thirty milt* of railroad lot longlttgr tn the place, thr.-e steam r.iilroitd lipiimorlvfp many homes for th* white peoplo Old the native*, a hlg sugar fac tory and a rlv.-r. which float* lighten loaded with *.tigar from the platdutton dock* to Ihe ship* on the tana:. THE ARMY OK HEALTH I’h# Army In tli# t*hlll|>|*lor® Inalu n I Men n t lompnml Wltk Thl® One. If ®U the poople In the United Stale®. Canada ami Great Britain wlki make daily of SiittrCi Dyapepsl* Tablets could lo ®#mhi®d together it would maki d®. hi my that Mould outnumber our army of • 'll# bundled thousand hy at leant tlv® to 4 Vl#. Men ond women, who nr® broken down In health, ar# only a |*rt of th# thou Bjfi’l® w h u.'*# thl* iHJiMiUr i*r#paratlou, ihe gr#at®r number are p®oii# who ar® in fair h©lth hut who know that th* way t.> keep well is to k#t.| th® dlKcailon i*#r ftet mi *1 ut Htoart's Tahh ia mm regularly as in* al time renne® to insure hga®- (lon Mini proper a*itnii!tion of food. Prevention i* ulway® better than cur® and dime*® 4a ii Mai no fouthokl If th* and i# kept In good working order ‘ y the dally use of fituart'* Tablet®. Mr 'Hiomas Heiti#, Mayfield. C*l . #aya; "Have ut#*l and recommended Tat |*t® l-#4!.iu-e ih#:# * nothing !ik* them to keep th# wionuich tight ” Min la Ita 4 1 iv#l> , 4dJ7 Plummer ®tr##t I IMtsbutg. I'm., writ!*®: “I wish everyone to know how grateful I <m for Htuart*® Hyiiapeprki Tablet ►. I * uttered tor a long time ,-md tllil not know what ail*ii nte. I I l nT fl#Ph right ahng tintil one l®y I no li -d in advertisement of the®# table*!® id Immediately bought aSo cent la>x at rh# drtM? ®tor# i -in iwily on th# ®#con I (■ox and nni graining in at I #<dor I have lit Inal found something that Nil reached tn> ailment.*' From Mr® Hcl Eldml Him Prairie. Wb • '*l w®# tnk*n lixxy very odd#n)y iti.rmr fh# hot weather of th# pa*t mm ner After t#n day* of ronitant digain#®® I went to our loo*l phyntnian, who my liver waa torpid and had n*#r-reat#4i ray blood; lie ma for two week" without tmi' h Improvement: I finally thought of tttuart'w Dy®p*p®bt Taldetj (which I had ih*©l long lefor® for \ ®rlou® b.iti f*'ltr.g) and ihe flr®i three t.ibbt# 1 • ip* and me. Thev arc easily th# beo *ll around fam ily m dlcln# 1 ever uaed." The army of people who tk* Htuart*® Tablet® ar# moMjy people in fairly good h o!ih, #ind who keep well l>y taking them ngtdarly after final®. Tmv otitain no opartt cocaine <g* nny cntJiarttc or Inju ticua drug®, MtnpU th# natural pepioneM and dlgcittvaa whiuli every weak atom a h lur k®. Htuart® I)>®|#|>®b Tablet® are add by druggt® everywhere tn United tiutes, tj.*i.aia and Great litlUlto THE MOTOR STARE. FT I* A M1KI) I.OOK OF HIXR DC#. PftfifllATlOKa An Attack of Nfnnm Frost ration Thai Followed the ©opposed itua nlMjt Over a Rlaliy, ©iow tb# "train of ©terrlng a Itaeiaa t ar Throagh t tty ©tree I •—| 1m- ©|ok#r ■ l.hrr> a of *ra%# t unrrra—H4 la % arylag I on*® Approved for Ip liolßtrry, <*ar and Footmen To. ila)#Holor * ustaiiin la l*r#para tlon for i old Weather ©pin® Are A'ery AVoaderful Agnftr® t lo#l Fleetrle t arrlage® Are 9*lfted Will* All the I oilaesa of a lloudoir. New York. Nov 23 —Th® merry ting-a- Itng of th* lady automohliirt*' b*ll 1® just h#gir.Tiir;g to hdd to th* music and #x ;te mcn* of city atreeti* Hereto tor* Amen* an women have* allowed tnelr Parisian staler® to take th# l#ad in this sport end moat cf th# and forma In motor ar dr.ving cum# from the other aide of the w;*t#r. louring th# summer weather on tiie ijulct country roads, however, tremen dous strtilea were ma<lt toward the aoqui pition of Die ri< t approved appliance® and oh® ran wKh a matlnna group wHh a vision of infanticide before. training tn <h# art of aumtnobtllnff. and It retnalr.® to b# ®ecn If loi Ameticalne ha® not, on many points, gone Iji ParF define® even on** or two letter. With excellent foresight and a® long ago as last spring, a half a dogen wealthy and fashionable women of a certain notable summer resort banded to gether in un automoblla club, and th# membership fees were devoted to the worthy purpose of Inviting over frotn Pa ri®, at a tempting salary, a famous train ing chauffeur, to give them leoaon® In the proper handl ng of t!g ir costly vehicle®. Thla ■ a;*abic stoker won his spurs teaching th# Iruches®® d* Luynea. th# I>U4 hcase iHizc*. tha Inn'in -***® of Port land and IVvonhlre, and other great for eign Indies, th# gentle art of driving their horseless carriage*. Though h# cam# over ♦wpecially 10 tench th# mtmt>ers of th# exclusive automobllo club, he found (he ,^N V \ -- * f MZ f The up-to-date chsoff#u®e In her leather coat for a winter sp.n. general fenunlii# Interest in motor vehicles mo wide and ever ®x twinding ttmt during th# summer sea son alone he gav# l>-Mons to 2W worn n. % Muratiun of \er%e. What they all ki-ned to learn we® not only th® rnMStery of their vmp-hlnd- on country road®, for that, after >iU. I* a trick acquired waally enough, but the art of ©leering them®#lv#M with confliien # d*xt#rltv uxl grac# through crowd#*l eltv thoroughfares. To k> thl® without wear ing the motor star® I®, the Frenchman avers, only acqulrnl by pr ictic# and y th® iosw**>ftlon of excellent him! ol®eii*>ut nerves. Tlie motor star# 1® a Oxer br-l expression on the glance of !•- siiair, that * loud® tho f**r face® of too many women, however ex|*rt. directly any puzzling combination of moving ob j#rts l® #ocpur.t*ied In a iwirrow way ttecr.' femuun® divgt are never th# vic tim of this on inter aw.#. t*e?nylng At cgu e lt ivcision. fear and Mljitntnw*. wMi® others And it IgMKMMiHe to overtom* th* stage fright of nu’om -biur-.g In towr. anl have had to give up the pwfaongl #l®ering of tbetr wet china® ( m* who i-oilurHy r# k )*ea in her country road experiments aboard .m autunuu -.*#. f • md hers* !f < c>ttw pletfly pgri -sCrl ken on ting tar ftrat tour of the town. :’)©** My. °*‘r dav not lonjj ago she #tt*tfipA*d th# fstx! feat for on* who ha a th* motor stare, of turnitm a corner and bowing to a friend stonultaneo ally She ran pi imp mu> batch of woman, hurrying UMtln## wwri aiid h#r ruuher-tird wheel® ran direct 1 y to a cMnru of gor.l**d screams, orer what, to her horrlAel r. #emed * i*aby m long clothes kept her head • umei'-oUy to atop her machine and then fainted away. When her aeoeea return ed she found ai # hid real y run ov#r nothing more sensitive than ’he absurdly big -hlfTorj eld chenille that <- <>' and matinee fieuds had dropped In her fllgni. but a hard at!®* k f nervoua proa tration followed the ll*r.t, er.d it will be month® befor* that woman 1® able to tool h#r handsom# pheton along the jui* :**si park rui<U. ©onte ©it-rrssful l>r|v#re. It la lack of stout n#rvea only. ay the I'reiAchmvn. t hot prevent* ’he American j v oman from claiming the palm as the flneet automobile driver of alt her ex Sh* certainly team* rapidly, xraeps ths , mechanical value of the appliance* *l -most at a sane, and ta not half so reck lt*s a* TYcnch women. One of the moot 1 skillful nutomohlllsta tn this country la Mrs Willie Vanderbilt, who learned every lirtek In a couple of lessons, and can roll up her sleeves, pull a blx greasy French machine to piece*, and put tt tog—ther tiyaln, as cleverly a* a skilled machinist | Mrs William U. Tiffany t* another American woman who hae steered her husband h powerful racing car *t the speed of forty mile* an hour, tart as yet. unlike their French slitters, the American women show no anxiety to break any mo tor records. The deepest Interest at this Juncture ts centered In the ornementatln and style of tha vehtcl.a, and tha set tlement of that very serious question as to what mlstTMs and footman should wear when out driving Moth t omforlnble and < oqueltlsh. Beyond all doubt the smartest motor ve- hide, so far seen, is the low *wun, re.| t'<lled w.iaonette that hull, i Wl > |,*ns • •id ts upholstered In warm red leather. The Mark t ainted automobile hath n „ •rarm* very evidently for a oman nni| she prefers the flush of rl.-h color that as much a* tnythlttg ei* th . d.ftervtHt* I4i*' , sn a her... „u> arn.x, at.d the other kind Th. t* is a '.ither Ftench) alßur, .ontf or table >ci coquettish In every line. Tin- t.ody u ' air.ted the color of cherrywood. ticked out In iloes of a Ilx It ter shade. aii tit* leather ttiat covers the cushion* Is a|, u jndtshed cherry tit tone, <tr n„, cllrv *4 wtHKlrn lack of the lsjy the owner's Ini tials are deilncattd Inside a tiny oval spec* and he* name and addrea* u re et! trraved on the nlcklu plated steering he*l or lever. HOGAN’S. LOOK A1 the past few days has OTTR <sPFCIALS had a rat,ler d epressinc’ UUK effect on the sale k FOR THIS heavy stuff. We, there- WFFK fore, decided to liven vyc,c,lw ' things up by giving un precedented bargains in all departments. The quo tations below will show that we intend to divide profits with our customers. *Mnrh Illwich'.l I’nton Dam*k. -S'. tiO-mrh Dinarhed I>ara.ik at 44c. waa <Oc. n-lnrh l/wrn Lm.iß iu 6ft'. " >* 7*c. Tl-tn h KlrachrU kfcien Diraaak. ISc; WAN $1 .’JO. sp< tat NawJtlra tn Frtnite.l Dam*k T ibln Sat* at S3 40 par at. Novalttaa tn Fin* Hrnxttt''h<l Tabl Sat* at $4 Go *t. K*tra gutalrty tn Flna Un'n Napklna. with dotba to .vuteh. 4** par *©t. at 'JS*' All-IJtian Hurk Tow*!, hamtn.rt f>r Ift'. Hlith Novalttaa tn M;ir*ail!* an.l Satln- Ftntah Bail Spreaila. Special spread tht* w**k tor "Also a reitular f1.75 spread for K B . . . _ _ Special Sale of Ladies’ Hose Black Hnae for IV. 24* Black Hoac for IV. Ju*t recatva.4 a t**auttful Itna ot La lla*" Fancy Hose, atrtpad arvt polka dot*. In laadm* ahadaa and colors, a* popular prtca*. t>ur atov'k .vf Kmbrolderetl and Hatn atttchad Handkercht*fa are the nw-4 va rtal aad con.,■;•! tn the city. Full Bn of Fancy Brlc-a-Rroc for Xnui Hollda>-x. orwlatlnc of rocket tiook* axtd Card Caaaa for Ixtdt** and Qent*' nnd of m*ry conoeftrahla rrtnk't and navrlttra that have been broutcht out tht* M*on. lotdlW Kid Glore*. tn the laadtrtt ebadae, from 78c tn *1 75. in button*, ctaip and laemtt fur atock of Ftna Collaratt* are tvrni up to bo the flneet over tnx>urbt to 8 -i vnnnah. Have n look and be convtn t Our Carpets, nattinjfs and Rujfs have been selected with great care and at prices that Insure a sale. DANIEL HOGAN, Corner Broughton and Barnard. ii Big Cl Show Ming ii Sin THIS YEAR. i ni iiii sms s james . urs UNITED SHOWS Will Exhibit at Savannah THANKSGIVING DAY, THURSDAY, NOV. 29. AT BOLTON AND EAST BROAD STS. The SEL.LS-GRAY Monster United Shows—Two Performances Daily—Nothin* Can Bqual the Splendor of These Gigan tic Entertainments—See the Worid-Renowned Bare back Rider, MISS EDNA riARETTA. The two famous aortal gymnast*. Ihe Karl atolcra—Maude end Hard The o*ta t,rated latrardo brother*, the world'* great-M acrobat*. Their ftrat appcaranca la America. William Delaney, th* world-renowned clown. Is with Bell* Sc Orgy. The Greatest Collection of Wild Animals Ever Shown Under Canvass—The Wonderful BOVALAPUS, the Strangest Animal of flodern Times. Don’t Forget the Date-THANKSGIVING DAY—Nov. 29 WIU exhibit at the following place*: JACKSONVILLE!. FLA. Monday. Km'. M VALDOSTA. GA. Tuesday. Koa. 77 JKBt'l', GA Wednesday, Nov. 74 One Day Only, Afternoon and Evening, CHARLESTON. B. C I Friday. Nov. Next" after wnltm the phaeione. shap'd very likr* Ktn.ill vl lorla*. arc the mu>i popular and miw of th* -** put forth for th* trade have th>’lr knob*, handle*, run*. He., ill uiounied In eliver and be neath the flap Ihui fall* In front of the seat lei a *et of smart motor water* proof* pull out to enable the driver to for tify het*e.f and the Interior of her trap against the severest shower. Carriage Carling Tuaei and Healer. Everywhere In the manufacture of liorse lea* vehicles. when they are for aora'n'i use, the appropriate color red prevails. Open the door of the private brougham* Just new ready for their purchaser*. end rich red colored siik will be found a* ihe cover-legs lor iUhlon*. and as all the closed Carriages are propelled by electrici ty those btillt for femtnen buyers have a tiny apparatus In one of the waba where curling Iron* can be kept, and warmed at an instant's not!.#, for a tirnl tweak at curls that won’t stay put on a damp night. Another carriage of thl* son. turned out for an elderly and delicate lady, has a Pleasant little battery, from whi h, white driving round on an exhausting se ries of calls, -he can draw comfort and stimulus for the task on hand. A* to the temperature of those closed motor vehic le*, that can he regulated by the turn of a ecrew Many of threw have a small thermometer let Into the clock ra k un der the iron! window and by watching this, and turning a sorew near at hand, track or forth, the temperature of a June or a January day can be acquired. AiifamuMte t tilmes. Over la Tarts li la Ihe mode to warn the pedestrian of your approa a In a mo tor vehicle by waking the elsas with a pneumatic horn. The ad ami bronchial whoop of the Parisian horn U not, how ever. at all to the taste of the women who have one and all pronoun **| It. favor nf ts tl* for their horseless car riage*. lint there are bells and lorli*. and a horn Is better than a Tsell that got* on the nerve* with Its harsh me a lie edge, consequently there Is a tremendous st.r about bells In automobile circle*. The proper l>eil must h.n. none ofjhe bicycle •ttddrnness and sharpness about It, n ne of the trolley car cant, or the door bell's whine, but the women are very eager to <■■ ure hell, for th Ir carriages thai have a sweet ut perfect!. Individual timbre* It Is eitretn. |y dimcult to satisfy this demand and the automobile build, rs ire trying little Chinese rod Japanese tell* with -real snecea*. yt . mr . arranged to ting In a pleasant chime, and others gte*- forth a sweet ding dong that r. minds one Of the vide# of fhe andent dork on the Stairs from which It I* no secret that some of the l est !*.'|s have been ruthlessly wrenched. The Stoker's Marry. Juot aa lively an Interest la felt by 'he women who drive automobile*, in fhe Wherewithal they and fooim n or "stokers." tliwy ore called, *h .11 Im clad. If you go to an experienced tailor and ask hi* aide**, ho wIU Ire apt to try and convince you tn favor of a livery that I* a cros between (hat <,< u boy and a Pullmm car conductor, hut that la not the ' thing.- Hull rcrUUh Black Taffeta for 4c, worth oc. Black Taffeta for s*c. worth 7fc>. lH*ok T iffct.i for TJc. worO. t! 00 Black Taffeta for 44c. worth Out a fnoh** wide) I CMlornd Taflfrta for 7c, worth Ko, Colored Taffeta for 44c, work S3 00. Black and White Taffeta, extra tux worth Sl.2ft Bln k Henrietta, 2So and Mo; w*uM ~ cheap at 34c and 50c. Block Henrietta. 44 India* wida. u would bv tpxMi valuta at 40c. Black Storm S* i*r 41 Inches wide, all wool, for 59c. Black Ht< rrn Sere*. 54 tnohe* wtd* all wool, for *ic. I Black Pebble Cheviot 44 Inches wtl* iB.nO. It 75. II M. Black laidlc*’ Cloth, 44 Inches wtda 55a Black Cheviot. 44 Inches wide, ell wua, | 59c • '..10r. .1 Cheviot. 44 iitche* wide, la *ll i shade*. 59c. We make bold to oaaert that tn Draet Trim mink* we own not be equaled ea where In this xroUan. The very tataat hovaillaa tn Bolero Sate Apohq'ioa. Ali- Sv*r Tucked <*hevrona In Gold and 05. var La lice’ Bilk I'ndorwkMn. tn xaOoa -rylas and colore, thla week. *4 reduce prtcaa French 'ltaonei Watet this weak It 49. worth K.M. Our m*Kii4lleent etook of Ledt**- and Oent*' I nderwaar r*d*trdlae* of profit ?ti the r-a-on that w**ht too terpel antlcipaftn* a. *ever winter Come ear. ly and trot the pick. brown melton trouser*, coat and cap. pip ed In a lively tone of sealing war red cloth and worn with a waistcoat a* rc.l as that I-cloved of the golfer, la the only livery for an automobile footman un less. of course, your runabout, or wagon ette. or phaeton, la painted blue *d<h white or yellow decorations, then the liv - ery should be blue with canary plpng and a waistcoat of canary yellow wvh leather The footman should wear long trousers, a cap of the flat German military ehgp* neavy red .togskln gloves, snd for vsry old days a complete suit of furs orsy wolf skins are need for the kneel##* coats and round cap* of th# fashionable stokers, though they are already begin ntng to Import superb sheep and xt>*t skin ra.v-o.fc coats from Ruesla A set of Siberian fur* for an autoenoWte's fox man Is an Impressive item of agoer * In setting up mr of these new equipage*, but they don't cost nearly a much * the motor ■ oats that the footman* mit tresaea wear. A rtolor Casluna The MouJlck ta the fashionable wrap to wear when whirling about In an ope" • rap. It fall* to the knee, fastens down one side and I* held firmly at the waist by a rrlnged sash of red silk. It* most Important feature Is Its enormously hl* n, which faatens over the mxith. reaches the lops of Ihe ear* and leaves only th* eyea exposed to the terrific blast* of eoid air that strike* the driver when her uuuutuildle I* toddling along at * I*°* of sixteen or twenty mile* an hour. • of broad tall, beaver, seal, mtnk and even of ermine are sold by tht fur rier* for special nee when aut c> mobbing ten a woman who hows her own steering, while she pula the footman who •* lvehtnd her into a roat with the hah" side of ihe skin turned out. wears herself a long MouJlck of dull red leather hue" with fur The leather of her coat la h*l> ly dressed dogskin, not quite so heavy * a man's glove, and show-mg an outl ! * finish us smooch and shining aa a.atn. The oat la lined will! finest ewansdown wadding or a durable cat akin, and h' r collar touches the ttp of her little pf* lose When It is turnl up In deflan-• >t ihe Icy hlaats on top of her head a cocked hat of .hill ml heaver bartered with brown fur: to protect her hand fur lined gmuneleta arc drawn on and the wild horwtnan himself 'tjuld not overtake m " of these smart, well trained amateur au tone.lnUet- when ah# stcem her trap m"’ un open stretch of park road and P'- r ' ,oses to Show an admiring audience what she can do when ahe tries Emily Holt ••It cured *.” "flraybeard broke up rheumatism cn me." says Mr Chas. Thoms*, the Jew eler on Whitaker'street. "And put nit m better health than I have enjoyed in a b>ng time." Take Gray beard Pill* for that Ainy feeling—Loal *ppetlie. and follow It up with a bottl* of Greybeard. It I* •** need Hcspees Drug Cos., aol* prop*., vannah, Cl.-t 4 )