The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 25, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FATE OF THE DEPOT BILL. MEtll ME THAI I* 'f* ATTRACT -140 Ml II ATTENTION. H >lltra and Allaafl* • as*lte* Mill oaelder II *"*•> Al*hl. H'porti Hif n *uw r liuporianf iMind - ravwewft Mrl(hl ft*f*rm*f*rr Bill—Jordan Hill far Former*' lllllilf. Ro pnr AltrrMlr. A <lar' Nw 21 -Th Horn* • *t <h ooual hour to-day. BPWt w*r# üb tr.itiol from tie <i*r. Judiciary, Gen ,,j Agr. uit jr < ofporai.oeia and Road* and Br dgea ‘'otmninoi Th Gniiiil Judiciary Comm.use ra pof:#d ad.eras'y ibt HuirMion bd* to amend the general reglttratlon U* and fivoreb.y w.lh amendmaei*. tn* Wrluas reformatory &I<l The G*nr, Agricultural Committee r (uirtMl adveraoly on the Jordan bill, pro viding for the Inauguration ol fa.-m-r --uatllulM throughout th* atate. Th* Trading of Hou* and Senate a a*, or.d tlm* and ih pae-oge of local bit!* occupied rh* balan f the :.m<; Th* Houm adjourned a( in o dock Bill* Pa***l hy Ihr Mo***. Th* fo.loMMig bill* w*rr paatd Br Mr Harden of t'n#' m— To provide for n* eagletration < Kara la auiau pal •Ir'-tionr n Savannah Br Mr M Ivnnan of Tlf*tr~To ♦•tab lab a rr*t*m of public rshoola tn th* town of I-umbrr 'ny By Mr Morrl* of Cobb—To amend the act eetahltsftlng * system of pubd. *• hoot- In (h* town of R#w;t By Mr {('ward of H*. lain—To craa'r a n*w <-barter fi r Miledgevlli* By Mr Fld*r of Bitib—To amend tha charter of .Mm on o a* to Incorporate Into •aid erty th* eubirba thereof By Mr Mail of Tannin—To create anew Shorter for B ie Rid*. By Mr Hutchins of Gwinnett—Relating to the removal of ob*trur4lona m the •traemi of Owinnett county; al*o to amend ttie a t proh.hiring the manuf* - tor* of spirituous liquor* in Gwinnett county By Mr Tower of Jefferaon—To Incorpor ate Abe town of Avrra The Atlanta depot Matter The romlng weak will determine the f!e of the depot bill t'hairmtin Rower bs* < ailed a meeting of the entire Weet ern and Atlantic Committee for Mondny ntght at 7 9ft o'clock In Room St at the Capttoi when the work of the various •üb-oomtnitteea Will be gon* ovar anj the bill completed There t* no doubt of the fact that the bill will he reported favorably, which re part wll be read In th* Houae on Tuesday A aacortd reading will probably h.. had Wednesday and art effort will lie made to have th# bill mode the special order for Trdd*v. or if red for hum day of th# following week The mailer la generally conceded m y,* by far the rroet important now before the Houae, Inattmrti a* It Involve* th# pro teetbm of the value of the e**te * moat valuatd* property, the *t*te road which la aerioualv threatened by the farl that the o*h<r road* entering Atlanta will b# forced to move out of the prevent depot and ere<-t one of their own ff the atotc refuses to furr.lah adequate accommoda tion* WILL RT, A rot RT MARTIAL. Two Officer* ..( < ■■matautla la Atlanta Will Be Tried. Atlanta Nov in -Gov randier to-day laaued an order, appointing a general court-mart**! to try anch p*r*ona a/ tmy b# brought before It. The court I* ordered to meet In Atlanta On January 1. neat Whlla the order doe* not stale who I* lo be tried by Ihe court. II la th# outcome of charge* that hay* been preferred against two prominent Atlanta officer* • apt Aldrad of the Atlanta Zouave*. la Charged with misappropriating company funds and Lieut Watt of t'ornpany K. of conduct unbecoming an officer amt a gentleman. The charges again*! Capt Aldred were preferred by tb! Nash early In deptem bar, and Capt Aldred has been relieved of bla command pending an InveeUgatlon The charge* agalnal Lieut Walt, were brought by Col. I*erk Woodwatd In 0< to lar during th* fair, and grew out of a difficulty on a meet tar one night while returning from the exposition ground* The order Issued to-day. Is as follow*: •'•pe'-lal arder*. No 237 A general court martial I* appointed to meet at At lanta. Ga . at * p. m ..n Jan 1. 1901. or as snow thereafter as practicable for the trial of such persons as may b* properly brought before It. "Detail for the Court —Col William O Cheer. Inspector general; MeJ J ff 1 #>* tar, First Cavalry; Ma) W W Market. Fifth Infantry; Capt James F Onall, Fifth Infantry. Hecond Lieutenant W. T. Wllaoh, First Cavalry; Col George M Napier, judge advocate “A gtaster number of officers cannot be assembled, without Injury to the service The court will sit without regard to hour* Th# Jotsmay# required in romptvlng with this order ara necessary for the public service ’• *Ol,Oll at millm>ora*illk. Legislative < ommllten Visits the furasl aatl Industrial railage. MMledgarllle. OA . Nov 24 -Tha L#gis lattve Commute* appointed to visit the Osorgta Normal and Industrial College apena all day yenefday Iriapectlng the School The committee constated of t**na tor* Bell and Cobh and Representative* Gtlahom Rlchardaon, Hutt'hlna ami Wltrhard. They, together with a num ber of members of the Asylum Commu te*. wrr* present at Ihe morning opening MOrclaos. and Senator Bell. In behalf of the commuted, made a short, eloquent Ond Inspiring epeerti lo tha student body, consist tug of ti young ladle* turn ing from ion countle* In Georg.a. Bapresar.ixtr* Grice, th* hand-,tme young member from Fulaakl. bHnic aapecialiy rolled upon olao made a bright and nw>*t appropriate impromptu speech to the girl Tha smmrnlttre. conducted by President Chappell, then invited every branch nnd department of the school and raw every phase of It# varloua and comprehensive work Th#y were charmed and delighted at what they sow and egpre*e,l them selves In most anlhuataatle terms. At night th# young ladles of the no,lege gave an Informal reception at Alklnson Hall to all of the vialllng legislators. In cluding Ihe membere of th* college, and 4IM Asylum Committee Over thirty scions were present and enjoyed the oc casion heartily. rax/ITON It AAR WAP KILLKD. Gat Oat of a Pashrr’a Way and Was Hit by a Passenger. Wayne*hern Oa . Nov. 14 Andrew Lee. m colored section hand, employed by the. Central Railroad, stepped out of the way of a shifting engine In Ihe yard here to day and w* struck by Hie eoulhbound paaaeng' r train, receiving injuries front which he died In a short tlm*. Mead This, Please! Kindly lot m* know your hast price on Bryan* Fritter Cur# by the doaen. 1 have used It in nty family and find that u cure* fever before you njn get a doctor. J W Orlffln, fat Creek. Ga Ona bottle of Hryan'a Kevtr Cure euros fsvar In • single day .-ad. Salt Rheum It may become chronic. It may cover the body wi*h large. Inflamed, burning Itching scaling patches and cause Intense suffering. It has been kr.oirr. lo do so. Do not Ce.ay treatment. Thoroughly c oarse the system o! the humors on which th.s a .men: de pends and prevent their return. The m*i - ne taken by Sir* ICa F Ward. Cove Point. Md. was Hoad s Sarsaparilla, tits writes I bad a disagreeable Itrbieg on ar arsu whieh 1 concluded sa< salt rbtum I began taking Hood • Parsaparllla aa is two days fell better it was not loar before i was eurad. and I have never hoi say skin disc*** state " Hood*a Sarsaparilla Promises lo cure and keeps the promise. It Is pos.tively unequaled for all cutaneous eruptions Take It. ■PEC IAL NOTH iaa SPECIAL srtrTlC*:. A - MAN Kll.t sm.ns- BALL. or.utnr nall Taeaday, Nov. aT. 11*00. llekrta SI.OO. Admitting Gen tleman and Ladles. Haste by W legend'* Orchestra. LIBI T. R W. BAAOHB, Chairman. MOHTOV* S< Hfltll. KOI! HOVk, 12 K.n Macon At th* requtrl of ecv, ral patrons. 41i# principal has Inaugurated an < *m*ntary claes for pupils about the age of *|g. but not suffli lenity advanced for In# Prepar atory Department. This new cisss ml. be limited etrkily to ten The services of a v*-ry effi,-|.nt teacher have been secired for tht* rises in consequence of this Increase In his corps of teschars, th* principal feels that even more rffi.uvnt stork will ba don* tn the fUhool For term* addrees: J B MORTON, M. A., Principal NOTH K. Th* section pr*4denle and director* of Ihe N**dl* Work Guild are requested lo send In Ihe4r garment* on Monday, Nov 29. between 9 and 12 o'clock, to 21r. Dovtd Welle. TH Koet f'harlton street. It I* also requested that th# church societies wathiiuf to share In Ihs dtsirtbu lion will send In their name* at th* same tlm* and place As Ihe Guild I* strictly non-sectarian, th# hy-laws require that trie name, of >hur< he* shall no’ bs used In the dis tribution of garment# By order of TIIE PRESIDENT 9A1.10 OF aTALLM. tYty Marshal's Office, Havannah. Oa.. Nov 24. Tha slabs In the markt building *lll be offered (or rent at public outcry on Wed n*edar. the Fifth day of Iwcembet, I9on, at 10 o'clock a m Parti** desiring tn retain thalr stni'a and renting by tha year will have th* pref erence. hut must he on hm.d und rs.|M>n,| promptly. By order Committee on Market JOHN I*OWEB. City Marshal. 9DTIIB. Neither the master nor consignees of the British stsamehlp Tanagfa. T. U Marsters. master will he retponslble for any debts contracted hy crew of sold ves sel. J F. MINIS a, UO., Consignees 44 E IN4 ITK VOt lo our riemonetration of Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit, the World's Beet Food. msd from tha W.oile wheat and nothing hut whole wheat. II is especially gon,| for troutded with weak digestion Cook honk "Tha Vital QttSMia' free Very respectfully. FOYE A ECKSTEIN GRAND I'M 11. I RAM It 11 t West Side Social Club, at Catholic Libra ry Hall, Thanksgiving eve. Wednesday, Nov 2# Tickets 75 cents COMMITTEE C J Hanson, ehaimar.; J T McEvoy. John H M<uiro* Friges lo he awtrded for b**t costumes are on eahlbtllon at Tha Huh and Stern berg's. s l t:\Ml n DORS I I \ Th* steamer Doretta will leave Savan nah. loot Whitaker -trees, neat Thurs day (Thanksgiving Dayl for Wilmington Island. Boat leave* city 9 3ft ocio< k, and Thnnderlwlt 10.10 Return* to Thund*r holi *1 I o'clock afid le*v* 1 94 for Wll mihgton Oyster roast and a tin* outing Fare. sft cant# THE *44 414 4 411 _ PREPARATORY M 11(1(11., MII.IT4KV. Harris and Barnard streets Ormond B Strong (Uornelil, Hoad M.isier, Greek. Latin and English: Bev p. P Johnson. A M (Princeton), lately of St Mat thews Military Academy, History. Geog raphy and Modern latitguages, John Steiger, A B. Mathematic* ami Cham letry. Ga. Telephone 1911. M'l.i 141 M> l H t: For Ml*, three nlee houses tn npe pvrt of the city. 4'ery small cash pavmenl, balance straight tnteresi or monllily pay ment*. Two-story detached. 3 bedrooms and conveniences These houses are own ed by an Individual, ami not a company. 1 can sell you one If you wish a home Good chance for mechanic* and salaried men l 'I BLACK NOTH K. SO East Broad street Is NOT FOR SALE EDWIN M FITZGERALD. spilt 141. NOTICE. I beg to call th* attention of the puhltr to the change In my law oflb r from '.06 ,pr.i% ton -'t • c • Oonat Bunk > CHAS D KLINE Ataorney-al-Ijiw. THAMKMHVtaG TI HKU.IS. Th# hbtl and fat last ever brought to thl* My. They ar# ready lor delivery, dressed or undressed They are going fast JAB J. JOYCE, Phone* 107. f> ff —Special purchase of wild ducks just made Gea* KaMmaao-. celery alt fine goods. No roaltar what (be weather U, H'g ready for *ow THE MOKNLNG NEWS: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1900. M 4 it it i tut:*. Mr y Nos 21. ISM> at th* St Paul's ißrglisbi Lutherwr, Church. In Waahlngtosi D. C Mr Alvin Miller M"Nl*h formarly of b sanman. Oa. to Mias CTdrlsaa I. M Donets of Washington V. C. FI AURAL IVAtTATIUNA. JONUB —Tna rslattvss and frisr.ds <f Mr and Mrs. Georg* P. H. Jonta and of Mrs E E thiganne of Washing or. D. C ar* lnvl-ed to ar'tnd the funaral of tha former, from his ragtdaaca, Mont grimary and Thlrty-eseond atraat, this afternoon. t 2 o'clock Initrmant Lajral Grove Cemetery. MKKTIMit. J 1" tT iTt tmm f A apecial meetitut of this lodge will be held th a (B mdayl afternoon at 1 U o'clock for the purpose of attsrsLi.g th* f-meral of our deceased brotner. Gtorgs P. H Jinss. All ar* urged to b# presan* nemrers of sister lodges also Invite 1 l*r of KMIL PETERS. J 4. O W F VAIGNEVR, *e-re‘ary M.lllMt; woltls (.1 ILD. Th* Huvannah Branch of the Nerdla Work tijlld *lll hold Its annual meatitig at B* Johr s parish H.l on Wednesday. Nov M at U o'clock, for the election of officers and diatiibsillnn of garment*. All pa> kagse must b# , ailed for by 3 o'clock, otherwise they will he forfeited BPMCB AL SOTK Bi. ROYAL Vtt Alt It ALL, 214 and 219 Broughton street, weal WEEK OF NOVEMBER 2* The Romantic hruna antlthnl "I'N DER THE GAB IJOMT or THE !dT*n DER AT THE I4WITCH will he pro duced under the dire, lion ol Eddl# La- Roae. ass sled by a full company ol stars First appearance at this house of Jark-RAVTB A PARKER--Marguerite Refined Character Sketch Artirts. In Their Great Bucceae. Harry ol Har vard." First Appearance of MIBB JEFFFRY WARNER. The greatet of all r ing and dance artist* EDDIE and LILME I j ROPE, The Vrraaflle Artists. In a Nw Sketch Third Week of ALLEN A MIIVT4ELL. Bketch Team Bc-ond Weak and Tremendous Bucrets of the Latlern Favorites John J-BULLY A PHELPS-Blanche In Nw Sketches. MIBB GERTRUDE LAWRENCE. The Southern Bong Bird. Don't fall to ** the great Moving Pic ture anilll*d. ' A ft *n* tn a Sculptor's Studio." and many others Proprietor# or Buwanee Springs. B-I wane*. Fla.: Gentlemen—lt afford* m* great pleasure to be enabled to give expression lo my high appreciation of tha merits of the water* of your aptlngs as * curative agent ' I was a miserable aufferer with rheu matism nearly nil over my hody Had had It six months Was reduced In weight to 90 pounds. Huffered great pale, and when down could not get up without *•- •Ittanre • ould not step further than eight lm he I went to Suwane# Bpring*, and after being there one week I noticed that I was getting a little bettor But. oh! what a change was wrought In me Ih a stay of aix weeks thar* v 1 was en tirely cured of rheumellam. was sound and well, and I continued to Improve after coming home, and In ona month af terwards I weigh.-l !6A pounds, and ■ hough ihia occurred eight yeara ago. t have never felt rhtumaltem sine#, and 1 attribute It all In th* virtues of the waters of Buwsnee Bprlnge Yours very trui>. THOMAS P FIERCE, llawklnsvtlle, Ga All you ran drtnk for 4c at Livingston's. NOW IS THE TIME TO USE Ot.TtJt*IVB FLUID. It will make your old elotblng look like new. Bold In large bottles at She. SOLOMONS CO. Hall Street Store Open AII Ntght. FROZEN RICE BIRDS SCHWARZ'S CAPE. Orenteet dainty of th* reason. Oysters served In every style—prepare I by th* most noted cooks In the South. Congret* and Whltaksr atreata. Open Day and Night TO THE VOTERS OF TIIR SECONO U. M. DISTRICT. 1 beg to announce myself a* a candl* date for JusMre of the Peace of Second District; election to be held Saturday. Dec 1. IBS' and respectfully solicit the suppori of my frlesvt* and voters of the district. FRANK S VAN OIEdEN. ••A iIOKSK, A HORSE, MV KINGDOM FOR 4 HORSE" That has shoes on that really fit him A hors* thus equipped can be detwmle l on. You bring the hors* amt I will guarani** th* shoe* sod the fit of (hem. and charge no more than you would |>ay tor a poor Job MONAHAN. The l!nr*j>ho*r md Filler, Jefferson Blrrft hear lunnv hot art tT 9rm k*. Call and see what w* have tn say about them. CORNWELL A CHIPMAN. Ift* ongress street, west. TH 4414*0141401 —Fat Tnrkns —Far Turkey*— —Fat Turkey a— —Fat Turkey*— •Lnl Tnrkfj*- -I’nl Fhnne* 67* Mg GAnDNriR. THANKgOIVING P4I K 40F,. Gel your Holiday Whiskey at Robert Remler's. No Charge for packing Ship ped lo any part of tha t;al*. Only the best brands golf) ROBERT REMLKTI Phone B*3. Cor. Liberty and Drayton. , ** JB"" Ms*. *. '*# ■" *f4r '■ ' *'*' " *?*'■*¥*>, yFl'-O'- LEE ROY MYERS 8 CD HUMBOLDT CIGARS ■ At '•* dUt - * A5 GOOD AS CURRENCY WITHOUT A PEER. 1 (<' >''/ / jfn</iu//'tj Office opposite the De Soto Hotel, Hull Street. Phone 700 Bl BINES* NOTIC ES. “Tribune Bicycles" are bi-yrle, of real merit Wc were the firat to announce tha reduction In 19hh models A* th* TRIBUNE factory have only a few wheels left over, w* advise you to place your orders at once In ref erenc to the TRIBUNE BICYCLE we state positively that they are the nearest approach rt> mechanical perfection In tha chain-driven wheel. In the chainlets we are practically the same as the other fel low*. W us# a h#tt<-r lire in the PALMER better nickeling, because It Is done over copper, and better enameling Our line of medium priced good* |* enm posd of only hlghegrad* wheels The YALE at s3nrio, equipped with GOOD RICH TIREH. I* the beat valu# on the market. We have a complete line of JI'VENILEt* at bargains: Boy*' Fi-lnch Frames. 29-tnch Wheel* ns no Boys' 19-Inch Frames, 2C-lnch W her la sr, no Repairing Is done here by expert me chanic* only. It has always been a question of quality not of quantity with us Our Enameling is equalled only by fac tory work We are ml* Southern repreaentatlves of the fallowing manufacturers The R F Goodrich Cos. Akron O GOODRICH AND PALMER TIRER The Oeo N Pierce Cos., Buffalo, N Y PIERCE CYCLES. The Day Manufacturing Cos. Lak# View N Y.-DAY CYCLES R. V. CONNERAT. Sl-J Bull Street. 111 44K5014 14l line Offers some of ihe nai enjoyable weath er for wlteellng of the whole year, and then* Is no sport of the aeason that can equal bicycling for pleasure and health In 4h* whole category, especially when you relc gueh light, easy and graceful Wheel as Ih* Argos at I3U We are selling 4h*m now at cut price*, as well a* sun dries of all kind*. Lamps. Bells and Tires D A HOLLAND, a H al# street, east. Do Tr linos Thai lit Sell Iron Pipe, Fittings, Packings, Mill Supplies, Plumbing Goods? R. L. Clancy & Cos., Phone II i| Ibl Whitaker M. —Phone 1111 SPECIAL NOTICE*. PALACE CAFE, HKHAIH44I' AND OINTFI4 HOUSE U Bull Btre#l. Blue Points. LIUle Neck flams, received by every aieumer. Native Oysters In all style*. Chop* and gtenks und game In season Everything Ihe he*t Just received, fresh lot live lobsters. M D ABRAMff Prop. P ff Hot lonch from 11 to l every day PORT 4HLE 04* lllH4lws4* with this you can make your own gas II give* a brilliant while light of from *rt to l l ** candle tuvw r. at a cost ont-flfth 6t a cent pr hour. . CDRNWBIuf. A CHIPMAN. KR .ingress street, west. ffl'F.t 141 NOTICE. Now t* a *o<d lime to select rose plant* to plant tn your garden. Come out and see them at JOHN WOLF'S NURSERY, OR and Andcttou gtrttUL 'Fbuua ur*. nt sm:M koTifs* WHEN 1 A MAN Wants a Good Thing He Comes Here. The Good Thing of Wheeldom is the COLUMB A BICYCLE. It ' so far ahead of ALL othar wheels that comparison Is out of Ih* qaeatlon /AND LV MEN THE NEWEST MODEI.S CAN BE BOUGHT AT THE NEW FIG URES IT B ONLY A Ufc4rri(N OF TIME AND SHORT TIME TOO. WHEN EVERY *AN WILL RIDE A Columbia Wheel. Think of It! Columbia Chadless, • • • sfo Columbia Chain, S4O There Is nothing Uke there figure*—they are unmatchabts. Our Repair Department IS A OEM. Ws have Increased It* si**, put lr, more help—added new machinery, and now we van HKI'AIR. MAKE or ALTER any Bicycle, and do It as well as ANY Factory in ihe world strong talk, bul wra mean h Bring ydur work hare and Ist us demonstrate the fact. T. A. BRYSON, Columbia Agent. It:.' Bull st. Mu i Mon MANY INDt'CEMKNTS IN DIAMONDS. Ererythlog newest and best la (iorhatn Silver, Clacks. Bronies, Kussiaa Enamel, Jewelry, Watche*. Cut flla Wedding god Holiday Preseolt Specialty. 144 Hull Street. Gt Pbona hot . n , WE ARE SHOWING THE FINEST stork of Jewelry, Silverware. DU. monde. Cut Olses and Fancy Goods ever ahown In Ravannah Especial attention haa been devoted to silver for wedding gills. A glance through our store will be convincing An ele gant line of Lamps suitable tor wedding gilts THEUS BROS. SOLID SILVER We are constantly adding to our al. reody Urge stork of Bond Sliver the latest designs and creations In Silverware from th* lending manufacturers. Nothing fhel good taste and long eg. perlenc* could suggest has been left un done to make our stock a* handsome and complete a# on# could desire, A.L. Desbouillons Jeweler, No 43 Bull street. Electric Bells, Lights, Elevators, etc., Inalaliatl ami Repaired by ELECTRIC SUPPLY Cfl„ Phohe f>2. 40 Drayton St. OL.D NEWSPAPER*. W> for 15 tt nt. at Butlata* Ofßc* iloiawf New a < , We sell exactly |\ . a.s we advertise. \ I [ 1 v \ We are NEVER 1 ' ; M *'f ast outM when ( H V , Ai one asks for / *V \ something / offered in \l( ) ' ; * Papers. ) rWtf The genuine Vici Kid Girls* Lace and Button Shoes advertised last 1 week are going at a great gait. You will have ► to hurry if you want any of them. You’ll like t the looks of them, and the wear--and above all, > The price, | $2.00 k _ Bros. ’ rooTeovEPE/rs TAN- Murm mb BE THANKFUL AND SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNORI II Congress Street, West. PHONE 383 KODAKS iind PHOTO. SUPPLIES EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES SI.OO, that others charge $2.50. Save your life, save a trip to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEOYeS- Cures when all remedies fail. LIVINCSTON’S PHARMACIES, Bull and Congress. Branch .W Bull 5 1. Phones 295. Phones M 2. THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Fall Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing fall Gallon ( s3.oo. BEISINGER & CO.. ‘'“7'"'- UhUllllWUll w l*W| PULL LINE OP CLARET WINES HI 914K54 KOTII BS. FINEST FRA49ES, FINEkT LC4114. Bor Goods are tho finest In fit* south 44* nr* th# nnly Bptlrinns In ■avnnnnli. Onv Work shop is Bnr "Irani Fratur*. 44V grind all |irr sorliitloa work on th* prrmle** sonic day received. Repairing done while ran waif. Eyes examined free. DR. 41. at M4VAH A AON, 40. IT Hull At. On. If hour 11114. GENTLEMEN, STOP IN AT OKARMAS AND SEE HOW HE MAKES SHOES BY THE N-'WEST PROCESS. jSj) A Ten-Doliars Spent j^iMznn S* FRAME FICTORT will make your home an gltrgetlve one and give 14 an elr f refinement. We employ not rung but expert work men that wt!J not botch your work as others do Our stock of Moulding t ten ttmes larger than that of any of our com peiltors, and our price* are th* lowest known K* Tn -ft? CONGRESS BT WEST Ga Telephone No. 1041. • " ' *fF, 441 |>4 B 44 lilt I, I, Jams. IVdklns, proprietor. Dyeing of ev ery description. Finest laces and curtains handled wltnout Injury Ladles' dresses, glove, and feathers dyed and cleaned n* new Gniicm> n' suite dyed, steam clean* Kl and pressed. J| Yofk glreet, e*t op posite new po*i office, savannah, Oa. 08 Rhone IX4 . GRAPHOPHOXEB and RECORDS RIUHRM NOTI( R Jl*T Hfr l ol'fr TlimiGlV(X(} ii/i \\ co<aoMf have • rood look a* your buarr aw *on or barnae* ami ea* U you can't rail on tia before Thenk.ylvlnt and ** lr| aomalhlriß ou of our large ami <■<**• pin* slork that will Uka th* place nt vour old on*, and porelbly prcvr' .r’m* accident by urine your vehicle or h,irn ton lorur diva thla your attawtlon COHEK-KUL.MAN CARRIAGE AM> WAOOK OO . Reliable Vahlcla and Harn** Pralr We r .-prevent all RelleMe Manufac* MMNfc in Newspaper Piste For aal*. a Foreallh Nawapapar FoMrf. will fold a boat /txO It l In *oo’ or ler price HOC It coal 1,11 w# bava no ue* far Ii and want the cam II oceuplaa. It artll be an invaluable adjunoi o*F nowepapar office. Address MORNING NEWS, tavaaaab, oa. The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Go, ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms, (i KEENE * OO.# 1M Whitaker. The new Pleture Frame Factory l* rt cal aaaortnwtit of Mouldina In *M illy. Priori reaaonabla. Call and aaa near good*.