The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 27, 1900, Image 1

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the morning nkwf F<abll*hi-u - - Incorporated JS*S J H KSTII.L, Pr*ld<nt A REPORTED WRECK rM'.'GER THAI' SAID TO HAVE GOXE THHOIGH BRIDGE WERE 200 PEOPLE ON BOARD. ■I t II.IIOAO OFFK’t.U.S. HOW EVEII. lIIM HE.DIT THE HTORV. M ltil I .and elide on Ihr Cheea |ir,kr and Ohio. toil Hie Hcpnrt %l*y (irown Oaf of This, ilmv> Flood* n Hpl Virginia, Kentucky • * TriH*wp Unrv Hoik Great UWg Hnny Rivers \rc *•• t* , I utl, >{ov. V—A special to the , . •| Tribuo* from Charleston. W V* says ■ I * 11 ported h#r* that a Ches.ipeak# * , Koilwriy train went through the r> , - riv-r brldg** which‘had b##n n,,*! 11> -1 by tho prevailing floods. It t j, ~j. 1 nr th**r# were al**ut 2uo r 4 to if * 1 thnt ill w#r# lost. Al: v duwn at and near the crossing of • r v#r. and It is impossible to get t \ ‘"rt of confirmation of the disaster. j;vi: • ;* railway official* rp unable to f., ■ .mmunlro t |un with point* on as?t fr I of the river.** There ha a been groat apprehension ove*- n repu • ; lout a fhesaprak' l A Ohio pns f# k**- tram p :i *r through the Or**enbrl#r r\# hrolg* Hinton, W Va All thn-ufci wtr* n lna( litn* are down and It 1h ; ' ii-.t to i.'.i h Greenbrier river o ai > . oiit'- n ir It Messages lia*ve lte*o ■ t.t to New York An! e! sew tier • and hit p ace cannot be reached from either the fact or the west Many men am have letn sent by thoae who have 10l l fr elm* oft that road to-day as It was i• *: known what train, If any. went through the bridge, but no response to tny meoiif. i have been received and t jey art accepted only subject to delay Discredits Hie Report, f’hirl* 11 Ryan. ft*<i#ant general pas i i g#r agent *f the *hf s.pcnke and Ohio Failway, Is her** to-night, and he ill*- '*! 1* - the all■: y #ntlr#l\ lie #nd there v !*• a very bad hifidHiidc* near one of the * ••enhner river bridges, n* fir from V. hite Sulphur Bprlngf, and it has com v 11* 1 them to transfer passengers dur t g the day. > iwir.ff to the high water In the river no exempt to transfer pa*ergers was made * ulght and two trains that left here to y on* being held over night at Alder e west of White Sulphur Springs and * * <|Ulto likely thgt trains are being - * on the other aide of White Sulphur Sprl-ig*. r# are three bridge* on this line over übrier river and the reporta do nt ! it** at w hich bridge the accident oc d. so that it in quite likely that tha r rrs were f?art->l because of the inn I- 1 i -flr W hit* Sulphur Springs and ’h* i that train* that wire duo both cist west of that point were not heard l i on i count of the w ires being down c trains have been arriving and de l Ing in Cin InnaM on tlm* . with the e HX*’eption of the Kastern KSxpta**. this evening at o'(dock, which did i t arrive until # o'clock this oftarnoon. did nut attempt the usual fast tlm . Is saul that the express due her© at * . i . k to-morrow* morning is st! I on t other side of the Greenbrier tlier. I H\l\ %\ \S W l>T ItOI ND. Si irrsl I'rumlncul People Were Imkiuk • lie I'ssseagerM. irk-r-huTg. W. Va , Nov. 26. —The paa i k*t train wrecked on the (i i*• ak* A Ohio 1h mi id to have been \ v. bound, consisting of seven paasen i aches, baggage, express and mall It Is said that among the passen- w. rc ex-Gov M* Corkle, State Audl * • t 8 her rill and State Senator Alex i Miller. OKI l I IIA >1 lliii HUM %U he> •iny There lie* Hern \o !.•• of l.lfe on The Idne. hmond. Vn., Nov. 16.—The Chcjm- I in<l Ohio officials here lositlvely * r story of n passenger train wreck * • ';uibri*r river bridge, and all stories * i y Josh of life on the line. 1 i t*h had i Nieclal after m!d - t from H-n evertc, which is within a f mil*- of very point at which the ik- nnd ctosses the Oreen- T 1 ! ref*, r s freight wreck t lb t.o : s of lif, at Alleghany. anl ot ps-siger t;aln in w i> ns to discredit entirely the Inger wrn k report. * 1 u ■ in k tTu *day) this morning the ’ • tpeake and t hlo was working direct * Hinton and reaffirm their denial.* iti*i\t* MM'ioiiV. 1 ople In Git* l.owlnail" trr Already Mi% lug Out. arlestnti. \V. Va.. Nov. 26.—The ron uoua rainfall of the past forty-eight I; is caused rapid rise in ail ims of tnl* section of th<* state. • aha hns alm**st r**ac!jrd the danger * aere and people in the lowlands ate ady moving out. The Kanawha t o’clock t -night was 27.4 and rising i f-oot on hour. At Kanawha Kails, t'-* x mi log above, the river Is 23 6 •“ rl<7rv. At icast f#ur mor** t • were expected. Kdk 1 out of its hanks with fifteen ar 1 at ionary at Flay, live miles * The rainfall here for twenty-four • at s o’clock thla n.orning v • 2.7 Ir.ohe*. < \6| AI.TIF* 1% TRUXBMBE. * • Loaf In Flomls In A% eetern l’rl of the State. btnphla, Tenn.. Nov. 26.—SevaraJ live* f * f saaas. th of Dyersburg a woman and two Iran in a buggy were thrown in a *h by the crumbling of the roadway -l .11 were drowned. A mail carrier waa drowned in Canay SiUuinnal) {Horning Creek near Glymph, laiuderdalr county, w!U e utternpilng to ford the etrewm A section hard on the Illinois Central Railway wa drowned ai tho south fork of Forked river MAXI ItlYFtt* t\| ItlT/OM tVi. Imiuense Davnagr la ll*lu Hone to Farms In K nitiicl, y, Mldklleaboro. Ky., Nov. 26 —Cumberland. Powell and Clinch rlvera ha\.* overflowed thetr bardcs. doing immenso dsm.ige to farmers The lower purtioli of Powell valley Is in undated and those living along it l>uiiks have been comieUetl to nsiva to higher ground. Ilenjumin Turner • f M.ddi* Ixjro, diowned in the flo and while trying to swim hi s liorao act os* Yel low creek. II % IN* !\ \VI .r* l % IROIMA. Loss to Itallronda and I'nrinlng In- OtiyandoUe, W, Va . Nov 2'. *uh raltis for the i>*4St forty-eight hours have produod unprer*ed< nt'l floods In Guyandotte valley. The river and Its trlh utariew are overflowing their t*ai>ks and are hear.r.g away *|tian<ttiea of lumber •nd other property. Som** St.oflO logs liave gone out, hiking with th*m the falre works uf th* two new railr*s*d leldlfej -outh of Hjrbtursvlib* Tho loss is *atl timt**• lat Jii' f s* to i'J’-.’i-O The tracks of the new Cluywndott* Val ley Railroad, juat cctnpleted B;ilt Rock. ,i* eof eight* en miles, have le>n •iltu.iai ruined The rl\er is rising above and still more *lam **- is exp ctcd. AIIIGTMA dII.IT IM STORM. II iu It Wind* mid llatn lld Much HamaKe t Property. Richmond. \ i N*\ 2- A h* ivy wind and rain storm aw**jt over parts of the state aiotit 2 o’clock this morning. While ■ Richmond Is said t* * have b-*ti alssit th* center of tho disturbance, tlw damag • here was ootifltved t<* tlw twisting of branches from trees and the derangement of wire?*. At West point tlie wind reached the force of a tornodo Th** Neale A* **i**n' was unroofed The re-iden- • of W II Hell w*aa destroyed, and -everal other houses were seriously damag’d High water is rejnrud up tie James river, and i.ewls tunnel in Alleghany • **nnty. o:i •he Chesapeak' A *hlo Railroad, was **hcked by a landslide. No loss of Ilf* Is ho fur reported. > Founilatl>u for It. Washington. Nov. 2 The Post has re ceived a mess age from th*- railroad tele graph o|er.itor at lllnton Miylng that there is no foundation for the story of a wreck on the Chesapeake Jk Ohio near that place. PARIS SHOWN TO KRUGER. Biht l*r*lfirnt Thins* on the li,liu.ttlon (irnmiila \X hleh He* mtniletl III*,, of Home. Ports, Nov. 2 —Pr. I<ey<ir. (he rtlplo mo*le ap. nT of the Tnimiat, vDHrt the minister of foreign nffalra, M. lif-1-a*e, ,|iis morning. Mr. Knnrf-r took a long drive during the ifternoon in the landau. He wai acoom |ian-1 by hi- grandson and escorted hy lolloe ’cyclist* nnd mounted guards, lie traversed ,h Itouievard des foi.urines and tho Champs Elyses and entered the Exposition grounds. There he ascended the Elftel tower to the second story, where M. IT-ard. the dtrrror general, showed Mr. Kruger the principal build- Ines of tho Exposition and the monu ments of Paris. M Hi anl also made a short o litres* to Mr Krug>*r. during which he spoke of the brilliant participation of the Trans iil in the Kxoofliton. Mr. Kruger thn visited th.- Transvaal pavilion, which had hee„ maintained untouched sines the Ex position closed. Mr. Kruger stopped and gazed at his bust, which was profusely decorated with (lowers and o’.her tribute- of admiration It. hind the bust was a Hlhl. lying rpen and Mr. Kruker r. ,and veree from it lie nfteraard examined the Itoer firm, and Mopped for a few moments before a • • I’r nc.h officer "ho was killed in Ho til Africa, while tu-h’lng slih the It er■ There,• he continued tils drive to the llols <le Hologne and ha k to his hotel He was warmly gree’ed along the route, theugh nowhere were there -itch crowd- as htd assembled Balurday or even yesterday. Isiter Mr. Kruger recclve.l various del i cg.tions at his hotel. THE Trail IS in IBPHOVim Ilia ronillllon \ r.lfrdsy Morning Un> Very Wntlsfnolorj. Ltvadla, Nov SI, 11 a. m.—The follow ing bulletin r- carding the c'lar’s eondl -1 :ion has Ison Issued: "The Emperor passed a good day yes ter lay. lie was able to sleep a little nnd had some f*er-piratlon. At 3 o’clock In the afternoon his temperature was 99 3, pulse 7S. At 9 o’clock In the evening hi* temperature was 99 5. pulse 72." "His Majesty passed a good night. He perspired profusely. "This morning the august psllen’’* con dition W’as very satisfactory. At 9 o'clock hi* temperature was 96 6. pulse 70. "In the genera! course of hln Illness a distinct Improvement is observable.” I’lltrTlt E OK THE DHOKK.It*. They Are Responsible for Iteporl* of f snr’s Denth. I .on don. Nov. M.- Since the Orar’s sick lots* apparently a-siim,sl s serious turn It hns I- en the dally practice of the I brokers In Paris. Indon and elsewhere to announce his majesty's death. Hence, ! probably, the report* of the rixar's death i which have r, ached New York IT Ml XT HE STAMPED CU T. linn bury hpriak* Emphstlrally of the Iloer "It r bell ion.” Iyondon. Nov. M.-Tht Hi. Hon. Robert William Hsnbury. pre.ldent of tbe board or agrlcui’ure. addreaslo* hla conatltusnls at Pros ton this svsr.ln*. and rtfarrlng to Mr Kruger's complaint of "British bar barism," said: ... .. "This 1* no time for paltering with the dying embers of th# Hoer rebellion, for re bellion It now Is, and il must bs stamped I out vigorously.'' SAVANNAH, GA„ TUESDAY, NOVEMBEK 27, 1000. CORN IS CORNERED rmuipx roYTROF* thid cure u. at rim ctiNTs. HIGHEST PRICE SINCE 1894. RPffiCTLATORfI lim. II1"F\ l> UIU TO SHAKE HIM DOR X. IIftltltn(( Hla Own Ky Kof Trilnv to n>ot th Prior Too lllxh-Hp l it •lrntly Inii-ntia to lir-p It nt About Flftjr t hub-lltniitlit From l iiit*.- XV ho I rli’tl to Almilr III* Prior— lit tln lin Hr i n n not Hr *|iirrxr|. Chlojißo. Nov. 26.—Com, f*r November •I* livery, mIJ to-day n h** l<oml of Trade at uO centa i>**r bunh*d -the mhest price nine*- I'C**. vh**n. owin*; to t pro tr.i -trd drought, the m.irk t mlvanerd close to the t-cfnt mark. Sn ■ hat time the <aar* cereal i>a*s sold ttJrmwm down to I>* tents |*er busiirl That there ire v.urt quantities of <*<> n in the country i* u**ll known, but Ce 11. I’hllllpw, a tn**mhrr *.f ttie * h:c m . imord. toking advantage f th* fax nl etui of a pfutraett-ii bull deal on the • - cal riclmnge, which hotl r**u!ted ui e dapletlon of tiie contract s:>eke *4 c m in ChU'Mgo, gnaduallv picked up all ott* r lngs anti to-day, apparently, show *1 th t he iieffect***! the most perfect "corner** to the recent hiMir\ of the 1* i'd i’ #*- ti* ally no coiuraot roru ie <omlrn: to mar ket . l'hilll|ks did little to uiv ir < * th* tnnrk-i to-tlav it a<lviinr<*i on th** effort** to shorts to cover. When fin cent.** w i bd Phlllilet sold I*** • nushels or so and checked the advance. Tin mark**: o; n etl 1 ent Itlgher than Siituidiy ut '• *’nts, to .I** cent and clos'd i ♦.* cen*, a net rain of 4 t * nta Th** advance over th* • lose of last xveek mad** the ky the notable one so far t r •h** campaign A r*-*r and cheer gave not lea of tha halfnloUar aehiovflmtnt atnd there was a fit* king toward tho already overcrow*lch| corn pit from till over the floor. XlMHter of the situation. The man with comer tn #he hollow of his hand 1m apparently not ready to let It get nwav from him. 11* has watched th** speculative careers of other men with * omcra and lelieves that mast of them lost Iwcause of their kt* *1 last penny. All the morning the little corn kina *!onl on the edge of the ni’ .r.d watched the ebb and fl*v of the but tle Whenever the clamorous “ahorts" howled the price In the face of unrespon sive fak**r**, he pushe<l to tha front of the line an*] let out more cort. S*m© of the dealer* thought the Juvenile looktrr speculator w * in atratt* and was running to wind up his string They Jumped on the market and triad to sell ■,'orr at 47y* PhlUlpt turnegl instantly from aeller to buyer, frran l>ear to bull, and snapped up every men who whs offer ing to shade the price that hr was mak ing. The decline sto|i*ed ut once Phil lips showed the corn pit that f* was Its master, thnt he could reg date it at will. The fellows who tried ! get som* of the corn kind’s money In the iWitdon that he sn* weakening are n*w wood* ring un**re they will get off *n Friday Won Him t# rm t Praise. Phillips* conduct to .lav w-n him rr a* prab** Few men have been abb* t* k*p i c*bl head under like rlr urnstance* He p irteJ w ith aOfl.Oh) bushes, .P out o-e --tenih of his holding*. He botuh* l'O.- **■• whan the bears tried to drag h'm off hla pedestal. He made s.!•*'■) Ap*ar *ntly, h Is going to k* •i ti e *- ttl ng price around Jo c**nts If th* horts a e me lltatlng a coup on the las- .lay they may wak* up to fin I that has close*l out his line. He claims now that he cannot lie *quce'- cd whatever may hapien. A* 1* • h* keeps on selling more than h b iys and holds the market and .wn o fiO c** t m* j seemingly te* t.lmble to be c*ov.•! and off the market with hi* e rner. Oho sp* culn’ore have been broken hy bay n at a big price tn order to hold Ui the market and playing th. ir fan is on mar gins. HR. hhiii.tox SHOT hfxh. Alfred Alin le Held for Firing th.* Fnln I Sb*H. Mry*vll>. lowa, Nov, >’ Or, H A. Hamilton, a prominent pliyst lati of t .1- pi.K’e, wan shot to-by Alfred Alin, wlo has •cciise.l the doctor of csuslnk the ...j,inttion of Alin stid his wife. Is under arrest on the chsrite of flrliut the fatal eh’d. No one saw the ehot lir*.! and the physician died without nutkinn any state m- nt. lir. II imllton left hi* res.denee seem nr t-r breakfsst to to his latrn. which - Had it, a dal | He lid I n! bin th. line of tree* when a shot .ll turl-d the s lienee. A mono nt taler he stssKered hack towards hi* house witere he fell dead. Mem>r< of hi* faml y rnrrhd tile llfe form Imo the house and then spread the alarm. Tin- little town was mem the scene of *r. at excitement, and !*■ were searchlnir for the ~e is-ln. Tiie srove was surrounded and then searched Not n trace of the mysterious -layer oil I be found, the sheriff of Marlon county overlooked no clew, and when t>< hear*! <d threni* s*l<l to have b*en made hy Adn he dedded to take him Into custody Ailn Is 36 years old. He Is sal I to have hi.e.l ed over his domestic troubles until his condition bordered on Infinity w tit HBtKNi B mintmoti. Democrats May niter a Snballtwtr In the House. W.ishtnirton. Nov. 6*.—The suh-eom nilttee on Way* and Means contlnuoil It* pre|xirutton of th war revenue reduction bill to-day. rnirlntr a pari of Its- com mittee's session ex-Hpenker Its. I was jir> sent as n visitor. The Democratic members of the com mittee thus far have taken no action a* tu ihetr programme reirard;nx the hill If the Republican members brittle the hill into th.- House with a rule preventing amendments U I* probable that the Dem ocrats will prepare and offer a subatltute; otherwise amendments will he offered by the Democrats In t’ommlttee of the Whole. To Abolish t'oaris-martial. Rome. Nov. 36 -The Chamber of Depu ties to-day, In spite of th opop.!tlon of the minister of war. Slsnor D'.san-Mar tlno. adopted a Socialist motion to abolish trUU by eaurtmartlal. To Brtn* Eord Huberts Home. Cape Town. Nov. M -The British steam er Canada. Capt Maddox, sailed to-d.iy for Durban, presumably to emtas/k iattu Atoberia. __ TAMPA STRIKE A SURPRISE \X orknirM In All Brunchfi R>nt Owl lu yu|iwiliv Hlth lli w I lußriuakrr*' I nltin. TYinrpa. Fla Nov 26. Tbo alnvoat gww oral atrlkt* hvrr thl morning a great Murpr.Rc in \len of plaits at* preoemad l ist mgr The tra#i*9i* aaaembly f b4Uig<*il If* Idea# at ft laier hour and without no il e t* anyone, ben • the surprise, as all intaifOet! bad b****n given to unilertai.*l there would !**• no strike The Mirtke wn* not ganaral In ajl tha unloi s ,*a mai \ man were uc work, hut the) will be .ontroll#* 1 h> <v-mß*rrovr and things win be at MtHi.dstlll. llundroda nf bulldirw-. brl*k atl*l w*ml under ron siriution nr* now at s!antstlll. '•re of all . Inneea. ax<epi I boas of the typographical union ar* <u4 whaix 1 there ate miy immbrrs of them. Leiklflatur** afiarwards ralmhuraad the I>e.ulera declare that by to m**rnw night they will b<* able to tontroi at ioa.Mt* in* i who ire not swi ls .l, but w hr* *ir tn >!in**ith> with tiie movement. There are ir.i fv out to-iay. ar**N*r.line t* their esttim ’*• not Inc I tiding tiie I ntei ra l l osl r*lrarnak*r a \*ral hundrovt of alum were l-t. t work Mid name out thla rnurtiliiK •ne fanory had been turned over to tb**m entirely and they dwsrt'd their friemU. the nianagomont and left ti e fa* to: v without a worker this avm if)g There I i* bt e: a little Intemperate talk tin toe atreet to-dw\. but nothing in h wav of a demonstration Strong efforts will bt md# vet the union# everywhere to lM*v<N*tt Tnrntai *lgar , • ani rallpo'd tie-r. u longing to the unbwta wtil •*# a*k ed not tn handle the ahlpiii* n’* 'I b s I** not gffentlvt U Hue#* there #r * no union men on the Plant ftyetem, and that sf for*l han outlet .tt all time* All the m*m bnr?* **f Resieiencla l*n■* a.r# mtrkli g. trot there u no effect of the strike shown • rnong them l\lH%\s alinT It) IMCATVf. One of Them Xagposetl to He tKe No torious A |ncl*e Kid. Salt I oik#. I tali. Nov Dotalls wen* rei*eive*l t* slay of the kbling of tha sup rMrd Apaolia Kid near Pacuero. Mex.. • f. w by ago The ki lmg In* ludoa three liuMans. one of thavn suj*posed to be the notorious Anar he Kid for whom th# I nlted State* g.rvarnninnt baa offt*r**d a m* a arti of TTe oth* r *ls*l wer* sn Indian squaw with a i*po*>e wlio fell In ih*- hghr. It not beir.g km*wn that the ttdult was a woman and tle child was not *■♦••?) until ft**r th** tight Tlm sletoting was tlonn by fwo men whom th* Indian* had robbed or>*l who ht i follow#s| th* bind They bad *le *bd to let the robbers go when the latter t'.imo forwanl in a trail tlmt made •b* shooting a neoesaity. The lnforma tlon f tmes In a list ter to President Bn**w and George g. Cannon, written by Apostle Woodruff from O’olina. Juares. under dale of Nov. IF U.IPIWV MT %FTKR CI RACAO. she Doee Xnt Desire to Acquire Any A merlean Territory. #as# firrnisn) iroea X*M Usnt It. Berlin, Nov. 2*' The National Zelrung to-day. eeml-officJally, deni* a that Ger man \ Is seeking to acquire the ielai.d of **'ira**ao. lmtoh Want indies. T. •• correspondent of ihe Aeaortatad Press to-day obtained the following au lM>rltnllve tntemant as to the rumor • , t | <Rrmany ♦) < ■ t* rrltorlal ambition in | the Wcst<rn hemisphere: The r*j*ris consbinlly recurring in the Amerl tn pre-s wlii h Impute b <Jetvn*iny plana • f milring territory in the Western hemisphere are absolutely haaeieaa. <l#r tiMiny lo - not intend In any way to r* - .julr* territory in North. Central or Botith America She values Ihe friendship of the l'ulted Stan ** fur t*-> highly to Je.p‘*rdlxo :t by u’lulling such territory, large >r small.’* *F.\ ATOII IIAVIX WIFI* DIB. Physlelawe •** la Only a Question *f Time. St Paul. Minn.. Nov. 26.—1 t now seems to lie limply a question of hours until Pnlted States Senator Cuahman K. Davis taaae* away, the report* from Itla hedside this afternoon being that his strength is xiowiy ebbing. Ills phyaMana do not an tb l|*at# dissolution immediately, but tt Qly admit that eo far ar any human agency js ahl# to know, •bath ie certain. To-day he ws noticeably w*-ak**r and -is the day advan <*d the weakness became more pronounced. He was unabb to take much nourH iment and when not deliri ous sank Into a stupor. *||,\ Fit Q I KITIOX XOT DEAD. That Is the \le Tnken hj Senator Teller of t olorado. I>enver. 001., Nov 26.—Senator Henry M T*’ller of Oolormio, who left for Washing ton t-*night. |*eaklng of the effect u|H>n the silver question the defeat of Hryan will hav*. *a I*l th : he *ll*l not lnt*Hl to I .haiKk*n ihe sliver question because of th** r* lit of the reMriiit election. "Th** silver quest lon is not dead,” h# continued, "un*! will I#* a live question In American politics for year# to come, and I am firmly of !h* opinion that we will ultimately return to the bimetallic system .n my Judgment, th** only system that an secure stability of prices and equity between creditor and lebtor." THEY RIM, >4 4KB AFFIDAVIT*. New lurk Preachers Who Hrre In sulted l> Policemen. New York. Nov % Mayor Van Wyek receive*! a letter from HHhop Potter to Ivy, s tying thnt the statements mad# by the Rev. M*s rs l'a*ld*>**k and Georg** regarding Insulting Language ned to them by certain poll- e ffl I*l would be sworn to and forwarded t th# Mayor Th se ■tatemet ’H were requested by the i#*ll e lxstr*l sevens 1 days ago. presumably f use tn * *>ni ti*n with the trials of In #p**ctor Croe- and <’apt. Her ihy. COM lixsioy 1% KOI HAM A. Standard Oil ( ompany Recnrea a A al •inKir Monopoly. l/tm) n. Nov 27 —"The Standard Oil Company,” says that Bucharest efcrres i oral ent of th# Dady Express, "has oh tained concessions for mining: and erect- Irg pipe llrtewi on all the government tracts, as well as almost a monopoly In s.nkir.g oil wells in Roiimanla. The price uf the concession was IkW.OOO." Tsarina bun* the Stork. Copenhagen, Nnv. 26.—The Deni*h court has received from that the conUntmetu of lb CxaJina U faM ap ixroacklng NOT SATISFACTORY 4f.HKmr.XT OF RmsTERX Wll.l. hi: onjr.t Tt:n to. FEATURES NOT SANCTIONED. POXYF.It* DO YOT Aid COA*K\T TO THK FHKM II XtITR, That |e *ild tn llitve r*rnrl tK* llael* id Agreement of Ihe Dlplo iimUb nt I’eUtn I nitcil *tatea W *mIH ( eriiuiil* **ek *€Mwe Alter ations In Mint hHuiii*’nt—.Wald %X e Will Vie *e*’inde<| lig n I'onrrliil Uovsrsmi*st. Washington. Nov y The Mtale T'e parttn-ikt ha* been lnf-< in and f tbe .u*t em inent un<ivi: t,iiitliiu. >r i*r* Um uarv treaty tit la iat |Maet<>te nw : .*atn In Jtait wtMit foim ii. m itter jtuiidsi r . b e*l by the fot**lgu mint mts at I‘ekln. h i** nvt regaru 1 il* |> oj*er to give out for publication a tins tin**' any d**ta l *1 information resp* < ting th- agreement It may be atateil. how* ver, that ins ngree m*n* s'.aiiiK* n \#ry |**r cii*ne o‘ it celling the -Hinqloti of alt th |' w*is r * rswntwl In th* Pekin 'onfort n- e, uni* s* som*- tnaterlai amendment* r* § •* tnl * - led Juet whAt th# objoi'Uonabb* f**aiurea ate only cn b# surmleed. n vi* w *>f the <ul vers# decision of th** autlwwlUe** r* ef*- *t lr f : publication Hut a • |*t as a - the ntdi tisot from I’* ktn th.*t the lot Hie of Hi* ngr* .tuent b * t- found in tiie Fr**n h note, it I* easy to |* *•).* that there ar** no b-ss than two jwiinl.s which, if • *4 lud***l in their orlirfn.i att-it** , would not tia et with tlm uraj ialfl** l f|* proval of our own governm* nt. *f In stance, the President expressly r* *r el his o|flnton a to th** proi*aMbn lht t e Taku ferta he *llm ntl <l. ll** ia* %' h held hla approval of tli *• Kren h |mio* •ition that there b.* a |#*rman.*tt military orcupaUon at two or thr* • |*o.nt*x ai ha road bstwii'ii T ’t) Tain and P* kill. Muat Make %ll.rol*m*. I’nleas tho mlniaters nt Pekin nwi*le n very aulmiatitial change In the r* qulrements of Ihe French not*, therefore. It may b* predicted that our government will feel oNlgt**! n seek t* make some ai ter at ions In the arrai>g tn**nt ia*foro it gives its adherence. There Is some reason to believe that the indemnity |*rovl*lon has taken such tin ex cessive form oa tu make It Impossible for the Chinese government to meet the d mend, and this fact, taken in connection with the unreasonnble demand# of s<inc of the. Powers i**ejiei:Ung puidshmants. may require our government to mak* act ive efforts to have the demands moder ated. There nre Irvllostlong too. thnt In their efforts, our government 1# *o receive the support of mi# of the moat powerful of the government a represent#*! at the Pekin • ooference, nnd ore which generally has tfw*>n supioa-d of late to have favored an exlree position. WAX HO XbW A It A\ XOTE. White Only Had n t on fere nee With llnron on It leh t lf•• n. Berlin, Nov. 2*l The entire German preas refers editorially this evening to s I report that United flJat#** AmlaxMdor i White on Saturday handed the n**w Am* r i lean note regarding tha China#** seltlemant j to Huron von ltichthof*n. ►••* reiary of for | rign aflairs ail the | decmrtng that Germany refuse*! to *omply with the d* | mands therein formulat'd. Whan Mr. White wuh a|*froach#d on th* ! subject this evening he r#p led that no In terview* with i:T<>n von Hlchthofen oti Saturday whs had. t \or h.d lie then r*** 4 **lv. *d the Am*rl*’an note. If* nsaerted he ha*l received nothing from Washington aim* Thursday Wist, and that what he received then was not n note, hut merely Inst rue. tions. In oofiseqtien • of which h# had an interview with the secretary of foreign af fairs on Ft Id.i y Mr White reiterate*! that the result of th# Friday Interview w* itisfa tory. adding: "It was merely an lnter* iai ge of view* In which no definite propositions were submitted and no d’flnlte engagements entered upon What ah# said sum In the nature of a suggestion looking tow trd greater morleratlon in the puntshni#ntN, hut this was only & suggestion, which Germany could either #■ < *pt or rej*<g. It wiu not a formal proposition,” The Voaslaehe Zrltung sty "A demand fur more moderation In th# punishments is a sensible demand, which Germany <mild wllhmit any loss of dignity, especialy tin it aptteara that Britain sides in this particular with the United Htate* " No other representative Journal, how ever, adopts this i*n*\ DIR ARMED TUB <T6l\l>F. Yorek's f Olnasa la WO Alllea to the \orlhx%eat of Pekin. Berlin. Nov V> A dispatch received by the N.ivy Iyague h*r** t-nky nj*>s that Col. Yorck’a column r rhe*l Kale in (aliout UW mllea northwest * f Pekin) Nov 16 The C‘hln*v“ troops, n im‘#*rlng 1/60 men fle.l A hat/udlon **f Chin** e Im jK*rwl soldier* was disarmed The National Zeltung. discussing the punishment of the guilty offi* ala In China, saya: •‘Germany must aM b* by th# decision of th* ministers at Pekin.” The Post *myn the |* * *• negotiation** will probably is* flnlshe.l at the end of the week. (•rrinsn Fla* ** the Great Wall. Berlin. Nov. 26 - A ls*patoh racelvel her*- from Field Mare.i and fount von Wad ersee. dated Nov 21 )\ ( 'o\ Muehl.i. fels* expedition has hoist**! tn# German flag over the great el whl h was re a o ed Nov. 22 by way of lley Ung-Cheng af ter difficult mountain mir *h. The dis patch adds that the French have had a severe fight with Boxer# thirty ki.ometres south of Pao Ting Fu Emperor’s Letter Interrvptrd. Berlin, Nov. 26 -”A letter Pom Emperor Kwang Hsu to Ll Hung C l sng ha# b#n intarcaptsd by the Oermans. says a pri vate dispatch from Pekin, "but its eon tents have not been male public A smiil German detachment destroys*! An )fai***i Wang, sustaining no losses TKa weather Autra U now severely cokL’* DUKE'S DEBTS ALL RIGHT. '/ lin me*r iunii Talk* of ISaaghter’a AA**dlliii to tlasrh<*Mter—TKtnka Mr lino m Fine Roa-ln-Un New York No\* 2? t>ig#ne Zlrnmer man. a hese daughter was married to th- I*uk* *f Manchester a wreck oi *g > in FuisUi l w*.s interviewed here to-dt) lie said io a reporter "1 have com** her** to meet my da ugh rested here a few da vs we will go to t*in tnMlt hiv*l a reception will be given at mv home The Hukc Is i bright chap M#‘s a Hue nsinlv follow 1 Ik# a man wl)4* w nt to work h ii* *l*l is . tu w# •Hijer man wh**n h- w. hotc S- in* f hi** artb be were hr#, rat** bo At o time wu* 1 *iq*M*l •* his marriage to my daughter.. Ttioao stnr** art* nil man* shin#’ I !♦ true that the Puk** is In a had way, flnaiH'iallyT’ s-k***! th** repocter. 1 su* .** there w**'t le any diffi’tilly Hb-ei** hla debts Not ut all That *|OtS n*t tn.ik* a.v dlff*r*-i e I *4oti t *y** to ubhit sn* inai r|.ig# portion 'Paat la a private nuvttct Hut there won't b> any trouhh about debi" They will t**— well that nil rifht all right” "Is If Ilk-Jy that the l*uk* my settle ilown i* Auurba and enter the i.ulmid bualneaa?” No. no the Puke Is going Into British m il* emit led t a seat In the House *f I#*rls and he is going to turn hi# <(Sentlon to politics" ARRESTED AT FERNANDINA. Weaken rl Air Line I leek Wald to Be tn I uatodi on Aeeonat of a Short All e of giO.iNlU. New Ycrk Nov 26 Word wai rtcelvsd at is*!!* # b*v)*lquai tTH to day W* tbe aff***t that v * lo*k of th# Baahoard Air l.lne ban h** vt arr*nel ut Fernand I no, Fla . for the peculation *f a very ia;g*- sum of inon#> fr*m that luw* The dark # name w'ma iwt given It U said that the money taken hy the ■ *b*ik waa lost through s|*e4-ulatl**n with • It* flrtn *>f Ch#**#r H Lawrence, Jr., A Cos which failed last week Th# amount taken was reported to be At tha city nfllf* of tha fV-stievard Air Line horn It wa* said that, no one there had heard of this arrN#. They were certain that no one In the Nw York City department had run nway or been cauglx AFAV 4t*lM AT PKMAXUIXA. *nll Thnt J. VI faround la to lte|re arnl Mt HlMtard There. F ernai dina. Fin . Nov. y. It Is reported here to-night *>n gi*o*l authority tliat J 11. iinenxl of Jacksonville, who has been long connected with the fleahoard System, wdil berneiw* the agent for that railroad In this city. DITTMIR AVAST* TIIF. MOXKY, A aka f oart to llld I p I hsMvsm Cat frllane's I‘ropert). New York. Nov 26 Hanmei I’nfermeyer appllttl to and obtained beday fr*m Jus tice FstxgerMid. sittitvg In th# Huprem** Court, an injunction oni**r retumalvle on Monday text, ngulnst th# Count and f’*rtint*# Caa’.ellane m*l George Gould, Edwin tkmld. Howard Oould aid Helen M. Gould. #s trust### uiuler th# will of Jay GmU. reatrainlng them from p tying to Anna Gould, Coilivteaa tie|hin-. any |art of th# astute In th# hamla of the trustee*, or fr *ni anplylng any jmrs .f the trust fiual to Ih# debts of Anna * Sou I* I or to her *up|*urt, or that of her Ididran ujitll the further *llrectlon of th# court. plaintiff In th# suit Is Anton J DMimar, who sues as assignee of Asher W#rthlm#r, a lomdon hrir-M-bra** dealer Th# 'ompialnt. whi**h Is a long printed •Iveiurmint, contains * rpl#e of draft# drawn by Worih#iin#r aicl a*'C#pte| In writing by th# count and Counters d# CtMtdlSanc. amounting to iipward of LTHTi <ioo. of which t2RTtiy anl ii*wnrda are past due. It is alleg*-*! that Ann/ Gould haa |l|.- nrß.ffXi held In truat for her hy her broth ers and al#t#T and that h#r Income is al*out ffiOO/rtf) THIF.II TO ftF.IXF A SThAWKN. F.ff*rt nf fwlnmblan Inaargenta, However, AA na Fnlle|. Atlanta. Nov 26 A special from Mobil# Ala . aava an attempt waa mid# hy th# .nsurre.*ti*ailsts in the republic of Colom bia to h#lx# th# Norwegian fruit at earner llrattat). which put Into th# port of Hanta Mat lu Nov 22. It waa th# captain's In tention to take aboard a cargo of fruit. Aa soon a# the st#am#r r*t< h#d her !o*'k, H) revolutionlats prer**r#(t to selx# it. according to ttwe story of tha officers ami crew l'u ally th# Colombian g*v#rrim nt **r *l#r#d th# vessel to stan*l out In the -!r*am. out of tha range of guns that lined th# wharves n#w 1 streets of Hants Marla. Before thla orler could b# ©>>eyad it was found necessary to place the ahip under guard of a body of government aor dl* rs. Th- captain waa obliged to return to Mobile without a cargo. AA IV.L f*ll AAT AO IIF. AIII AflY. Hirer and Harbor Committee AAIII Follow Ihe Fstlmatea. Washington. Nov 56 The River and Harbor Committee of the House met to day and began the pr#para!lon of it** ap proprlatlot. bill. It decided that no hearings will b# grnnt*d except In spe cial raws. The lm|*r#.-ston among the members 1# that the estimates of the en gineers, approved by th# He#r*aary of War. will ba clowly followed In making tha hill. XT ATT Fa Alt 1C FORI.Bit IF.A. Tlif) AA er# H*mhi From a Denier of lllgli Atandlsg. Boston, Nov. 26.—Mr. Edward Robinson. In charge of the Greek room at the Boston Museum of Fine Arta, announced that twentydive of :w#nty-etght t**rra cetta siatuse, supposed to have com* from Tanagra, Grew#, ar# forgeries. Twenty-three of the figures w. Applets** and came from a dealer of high standing Rrjrfltril "Miitni Failed to Kill. Richmond. Va . Nov 26-C. L. Wi liam son, a reject'd iov*r. to-night at the Vir ginia Hospital, shot Miss liet y I, Htucky. n train all nurse Htve is wounded In the and the erm, but will recover* DAILY t* A YEAH fi CENTS A COPY WEEKLY 2 TIMES-A wf.kk.h A YEAR IT WAS REJECTED t-t HAAs DID NOT F AYA ICFJMILt TIOW OX tiRX. U’JL ATTACK ON LEE WAS FEARED. ÜBMIIIAI * FIIHONDA litt it r Foil E DID XUT I*lll.ft# IT. Hasmllb Obfeeted to ff ntmi on vent lon Inssviing <, . AA nod's Addresa *n the Gr>on<l That It AV ns s AlHDary Order—Mo. flntt Not to Invwrr It 4An l urriril rasnliiitiNsl)—('tiiifnitiun Waa 111. vlded Into t 'ommlftee# f I i r . Havana, N*v 2L At Ihe op* ning ,f to. dnvs #aet**n of tiie t'uhaii C- n-lU| .ml tAonvensmn b* gu.-M. t mov*l na rejection of th** resolution lnlr*vliii*<l hat urvlay hy Seiav .* Rivero. cmu i. h and \ Iliuandoe. exirreaslng th# mTrow of the convention at th# departure **f Gen. Fits* hugh I#*# The t<* v Olutlni w.e tlier iii** n r# •*#t** l unoiitmotisly. h-nor lllvrro td after th# session tht som* of tt# delegates intend*d to att >uk G#n. on th# ground tha: he had ti*v always hioi i friend of the Cuban*, nnd That In view of this. Gen Lee’* fr|#ul thougnt It wMj|| be better not to |*r## th# r*soiuiln of regret. Her*>r Gualherto Go*n#r noUfle<| Ue <tm vantlon tliat h* wool*l pr#smt fur *>neid eratkui a moll nln ai swer t* Gn W<d i a*Uties t th* >*onv<*Titk*n. t*f). Raiiiruill) Immediately objected >n th** giound that m**.) a nrp•**l would he entirely out **f |lm a** the a*Mr* s w<• In the form of a military order, whh'h *<w)M not I# answered by the '>n\entUn. He urg#| thnt It w*>u:d li# wdser to leave the subject aba.**, as ny dl*. uwlon f It might cause 111 Debug bwlween lha con vention and th# military. Honor de Qu#sa*ln rrv.vsd that In th# )%Mfegm#nt of the convention Gen. Wood s addrrs# should not, under nnd rlrctinv stances. !•# answer *1 hy Hu* < onvention, and till* was carried unanimously. H**nor (lotniß. evidently much dtsap l"liH#l. * ni* aln..| that tils Intention had *e#n mlaconatrtMNt. ai he h#*l not nuMnt any dlimurt#-v. and the dl*** iiasiot). hi his o|>lnloi. w>ii?l have shown th# mili tary authorities that th# convention hat no Men of Interfering with the ;>rea nt government, and that the Dnlled Htate# ne#d iiave no far of any action on th# part of delegates. H#nor Capote. pr##4d#nt of th# <-env#n tlon. tHvl*i#d the convention into commit tees of ftv# and ap{M>lnte*l Banor Llorante and Gen. Banguilly mem tier# of ihe Com mittee of Phraaaology. Th# convention granted Manor Ctanaroa leave of absence for a month, and than adjourned until We!n#sday 11. AI. FI.Af.LFR TO MARRY. Report That ll# Will AVad Miss Kl -nn of Maran Ant Spring. Atlanta. Nov. 26 -The Journal print a a • stspairh from •H*rlngfleld, O . saving H. M Flwg*r. tha Standard Oil msgnal*, will merry Mtsa Kenan of Xlacou, da., In the spring IIK DIHmiCIMTS THE REPORT. Air. Wise llae Nt Heard That Air. Flaaler Is i Alnrr Allas Renan. Macon. C. . Nov 26. Mr. J. C. Wist, la ot her -In-In wof Mire Kenan, who. a dis patch from Bprlngfleld. O , aaya, is snou to wed II M Khgl#r, wai* isk**d to-night if th# riMWt Was true. li*' said "lf fliers |s any truth In th# report w# |o not know of it her# nnd I think w# would if It w**re true These reports have been current from tan# to time for eev •*ral years art*! so far as I im a war# th#r# i# no mor# truth in this on# tnun there has been in the others." Miss Keren Is at present In New York state with her mother. NOMAl.ta OA THE AA Alt P All*. Jrsnfr’a Inland Fore# Reported In Grave Dnnger. Zanzibar. Nov. 26.—Tha Somalis hav# rWn in Jubalarvi. n of Brltlih East Africa At*out 4.666 wall arm#*l m#n ar# *m the warpath. Hub commls*u>ner Jenner, who has been on a tour Inland wdih a small force h* sari to hava Iwen aits* ked Ills iioaition la grave. It is doubtful whether he will he ahfa to r**turn aafely to th# s# t prt Kl#mayn. Rdnfor. .ments from Mamiaiza bay* te**n s#iit to Klsmayn. Jenner Altirilered Nv. 1,1. fgsndon, Nov. 2. It was officlHlly enn flnnel to-ilny that mjh-Commiseioner Jenner was mur*l r#*l at>out Nov. 13. dur ing a night attack mad# on hla camp by profeaaedly friendly native*. NOt AD T A HI E ( OXFBMKACE. <|ne#lton nf Holy lommunlnn AYaa f niar t)lnrn*ton. !o>ndon. Nov. 27 -Th* Tlm#s publlabeg a summary of the proceedings o # tha round-table conference held a' Fulham Palace last m**ith. r#g4rllrg "th# loo trine of holv communion an*l l>a expraa alon In ritual.” showing that all attempia to obtain th* a-~ent nf members to a statement of belief on the qiewttofUi at issue were unsucrtiiful. The conference Includad leading mem ber of th# different sec lions of the Church of England, among them laord llalttax, lrd 8 tain ford. OgflOf) G Ar# Canon New bolt. Canon Arm I tag# an*l Prof. Handley Moule. | f ,(] ' HILL TO AI.MW FRF.E AA 0168 HIP. German Coloulal lliulgei Provides for a Hla Deflelt. Berlin, Nov. 36.—The Centrists have In troduced a MU In the Reichstag a;tearing Catholics and other distent era tree wor hii and allowing tha return of lha Je suits. The colonial budget, which has raachad th# Ralchstag provide* for an erlmated deficit of 17.132.151 marks The revenues •re estimated at on y 7,973.000 marks. All he colonies show large deficits. That of German Bamoa is 46.000 marks KUo Chou needs 10,750 000 marks The revenues theca are only 200.000 marks. The Kamo** esnenste include* provUtona lor ihirty-alx police men.