The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 27, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 TO DROP APPOINTMENT BILL c itizr** %hi > i r** 4i.R:n <> a C OMPHOMIAI MF \M ltF. Will Amnil (ttiaHl* Bill % ® ° I'rm lilt- for A|*|Mlnlmrnl of Minor Ofti #*r* nt flu* tt**e Will* Clrrllnio, %f lr llr tomtom <H> | .Irrilon. TANARUS• *** *• Hr IVrumm nl for Two %*n r—l*u r po*r I* l* l*ro frrl iliv I'arlf \\ urkrr-Miior rra llrfrwl> III© Hill *•• n l*nr|y Mmaiirr ami * !*•* Principle la %|| ||| k ln-|hr Hill I*o HI Islird In thr HornlMi '•• " * *!> *>*© In (hr I'imo olon of %lr. Ilartlm. It up* nov * .all* surtd that th Jr l*rir.‘*d . >est©r\*tt> * Morning New:- I, ik.i>’ u.l hut f\ur of the city ©l~ l ( •* fey t r M>or ond also provtdlr c tor t. e jpvuritment o' • numiter of .• rk hf.l m;r.*r ofti rm by tn© Mayor for tern, of twu year*. Will not bo tntrodu *i in t.u- L#l-- * : .-re. n !*#(!u*lar** who have bmi back tU i *il kUßia:#d that tber© was no cnai r*f its ;mi> av* aiii that therefore jt wood i !■ introda* ni Ir • a*i rn -as* irr has irwj ugr* #d upon w • <h i* j. *.*-vd wUi hr astir factory to n.I fu - t!o<* ot the jwirty. T:ie conr.prom:-e .9 ©imply' in fh© nature of an am* ndrnent to t © b 11 approved by Council whJk'n pb ** tl** ejection of a 1 the city officer* In the I. irai of that t -h it la profN#*,| to mpiv amr-l the t'• Mine Li t *•# ‘o tt r t e •!♦*# i< 1 of *ffi ©r#. tofe*! 1 r wdtn the Mayor a ©'•- will • ir;- p • #ft**r t'-e coni ng city election, it: tead of kfor* and to mike the apt*li im**ni a* wel i h* election#, permanent *ot *wq yt r A’ pr#o* n* t* .i(f*m e •*?. ©a art* fll * I y the IncomltiK Mayor arl the aju© r I**** hold simply .*! p* ensure. twing •!> to r*-no\ *. *• i v time for ml o •! 1 t In office *,r for any other rea#ri. ©it.-- la tory to th* M ynr T;e am* mini nt propose* to h iv* th# a, p*sntm* > n< ir b 1 the o ngoing Mayor and to fntk# fh#m ftermaticnt for 1 v\o wars ‘The report th*" the appoint mar it hi wo ild r*r abandoned .*f <1 that instead t sucus ha*, **g *ed lo u >li to pu *• >1 th* rle t. <ie In he an ** of th** iftcominK r~>ard. le *rroc. u-, ♦-.ikl a member of t!.** "Inner dre.e *f thr c'lttaen. (arty to a Morning New* r*i*>n• r yeaterday. “It !• true that at ■ party a icu - hekt laet Hat uh|.y a *ver.,il of i.vm> tr*ae!t gdvocat#*d thi* tde-i, bit It re- favoroi by ih m* rity it U very plain to *-n tht tt would iw very pr i* ley to throm everything into the lailanre <n*l **ffer an In* ••ntlve to me oth**r (/••ml to put up .1 sniff fight. When He have everything in our hand* n*>a A fea l*r aho fear they <‘ennot a*-! every thing they want from Ihe present 'oui U. ure •riiiir.j* to it.row ev*-rytluig Into th* eoaie In the hoj* -of gettit.g what th* v want from 4 he neat Council, bat lh lead er* wll. t.ot have 11 TJie bill you published this rTa*rn?n{ was sv*Ae ur.tiallv correct, though ther* have hangee .nc# It aa* agreed ujioh. In fact, the mckiirt has br n übundc>n**d This H P W’aa liO' de.Med utssi at the oaunuN but by th* Inn* r cir cle. tue ’cabinet* *f the Cltlaecia’ t'lub, which Aire t ha poll y. The hp polatmaru maaaure w,i* vlew**d doubtfully hy emne of the cabli • t frt*m the start. Anotner meai.s ha* now ten agreed upon to obtain the end desired What we are aiming at 1* to secure protection for the ssorkera The fHIoh s who ar** darted hy t ouncil can ait In their oftce* and cro-a their legs, aaetkred of two >*arv mor* in lae cJtye pev. The boy* who pu I off thsir and g* t out a? and work ar** de l*#i. l**nt upon the Mayor’s Appointincnts, and utilres our man Is elected they nra i ft out iii he . old for another two year* Now we don't want to deprive them of their Incentive for working, but we w mt to eeatire them of their r wnrd whether we win or lose Thb* *-ar. very easily he done by having the appointment* made by the present Mayor after the aj^pro** l b tng election ar.d cnaklng the npje>tittiv tits permanent for two year*. A slight amend ment to tho Council bill will :u this all rsc’rt The eUa lion r ajipolntment of if.* otJp l*l msKAa little difference n* moat of t.v*m will l)e retained anyway/* Another one of the very pu tlcal p*ll (iciana, when atk* I ai*out the matt* r smM tia’ the new tle*l wag ail right *’TT* u.u.n thing l* to have the Sections and Blpo!rmn* t* - < om* after the city alec t .. n:d. "There ar** half a doaen candidates for some of the Job* an I. of coil? th* *t will he a lot of aortfieg* Hnoiif th** defeated one- This would hav# a ti<i effect before the ele< tion. but will #iot matter mi much af**rw < srd. Than if the ap| M * i titmerws are made rman* ni for two y• ars tho .fading workers ran be cared for " Th© mtuuv rap given bill an* 1 lt* tw4iy*n Morntnjr wa© commented upon with <!*■ idd approval yeamlay by the runny opponent* of the m>aiur<' Al derman Tinman doea i ot propone to be |Hit in tha position of juihllih2ng n bill which !* no eun<img. "Th© effort ha* !**©: madf, said Abler, man Tlwl*fntn, "to make it appear that grw- I*l*l >ht. n©d from me and publDh—i In th* Morning N'.m , w m not the bill wh!eh had l**©n *gr©d upon her* an*l M>nt up to Atlanta for Introduction in tha I/efl)atU!>. I e'mpiy w.nh to Hy that the - opy of tha hill whi h 1 ftirnl died to you wa- made from a cony in th© r>*- w*l'n of Mr. VVilllim Harden ami which w furnished to him to b© tntrodu* nj in th© heghhture. If there are any othar bt.iH of il.: h rt I know nothin*; aUmt tftwm " Mr TV**leniin ■© t*.d of th© comment tnade by Mayor Mwyt upon hi* Interview but m 1 ha had mthiriff further t* Hay a: pr ttwtit. ”1 think Alderman Tleik*man take© an ©gtjemo view r*f th* matter.” raid Mayor My era when e*<*d n'out Alderman TJ ©*!•• man* ext*tfvon wit.* mrard to rb© up* pilmment 1)111 *lt I** doubtful In th© flrat fa- a if the bill will b© tmrodu • 1 and hii* ramwrk* tnav therefor© b© found to 2tav© beef* entirely min© • rv. While 1 k> not ler!r© th© inrre if-**i authority', and responsibility which *u< h m act would imp©* upon me 1 do ~.t regard it an i r wtial departure fr >m i 'eepted un-i p- I rovnl mrrfk:i *f municipal and other gov ernment!* In nearly nil of th*- large ©itl© practically all of th* aiu"**nt mentu ar> in th* unis of th© Mav*>r and thi©* ?■> I*> regarded a a matter of course. Th Governor* of Georgia and other fUnm have a vary large Its*: of appointment* T .*• I*rekl©nt of the ITnjted Sfut* sap points hi© own cabinet without commiting or one tnd moke* a large nutn.vr ot other important appointments. Th© prin of having th© extouflve head of n appoint hi* own osaletont* I*. pretty We|| #* | abliwhed. ' J dta.igre© with Abl**rman Tledeman in bli* at a t©men( that the bill la n virion** ‘ !••" *•* ■vi hat th© appointive I" "• r w-.-ud i ihici**i by any Mayor v um its* p*p* of Savannah might elect. Th* c tv ha* lieen in ex lat-nc. i* i m jnldjal corporation for c*vr n dr**l r* and during that t;nk© it ha never had a Mayor who proved unf!? ful 'o • *;© trust r-poeed In bvn mt did . i belli , p ever will M "Th* l* r I**** I Id? 1.” nld M ivor Mver*. * !•* ©imply t f;r*v rrouure. In tended for tt© benefit of th- vupnorteni of th© nd ! party ha* fought ir ) won i victory :t 1 •n --tltled -o *njn> th* fruit)* of ft a victory and that the administrator. in entiti and to li- served by thoa© who are to sympathy with it Thi* 1* th* alt ©f th© w ole buetoees. Here w* have m©re!\ faction* Instead of part lea, but tne p.triple in the g.irn*-," Xn uOm!n!stmtion polltl.lana *e>m to N geting (OtaidaraWy mud*lied over their effort to so arrange the dbdribution of *he . *> [atroiats that they would gt . .* r>nhuac in sight at on cash out of the no* ami ttie muddle Is no* getting an> wav* < lear. despite the deration ot th "nMnet * to tack on wme romjr tnlr .inac Imerrtw to the ( 'ourwil m*v* urr. I IIU MI N s III.HOIC WOHK. Presented What looked l.lltf a Hie aatroua 4 onfluKratlns H*he *to k and •■yxifeii** of the b 1 Wltng nt No, 21A liav Mrect wear, occuple i by T J Da via us a wtwHesale grain, feed m 1 hay w irrhouse wa practically de stroyed by flro, mok*' and water yester day afternoon It | iue to t**e weld <*r>- a*ruction f th* od building and to the *l - r*ro • efr.*r? - ( th* * remen fiat the damage aa w 1 *t viv greater Tha fr* bf>ke nut in the ee. ond floor of the Laikilng wi.i h fronts on wnat js kioßn a < l-'a**:or' walk, running ±b*rvz In f >nt ♦ • ling >n the m*rtr\ sld# f Hay. half way pet ween the grades of I t % ard luver s?reet* There ore three fl 'r - ** a#* that -n which the fir# start **i It never s.* celled in getting wither >v* . •* *w its point ot origin. \ t ■ workm.u. In the emj I' y of Mr v\ - - #vete j (*mr>ke o*. the voofid r ft* ♦* buedmg h rtly After 4r. IO k \ t*-*ep - *e alarm was in immediate. Iv A< 1 !**> s at the <rner of hay nn<l Whitaker sfr rla was s<| Tne en • re .■ i<artme.nt resjaxwled. and in a very I* w it nute* a lo*en stream* were b*tng P* jre.l into tha burning building These r* .c-#'.i la tar. At fit- 10 flumes could be g#*n. b*t • n*e (-*! ,mt >f smoke poured out of every fm k and cranny of the building 11* C th*- flremen and jre\enflng then* '•*gn W*- a’lr.g with exactness the where *vt*iis <*'. he flre The Hay street floor of -fie buLdiiig was filled wPh smoke. anl It w i only with extreme dlfTuulty that rhe toks .km! papers of the business were %♦. ur. I s*-n water W.IS being poired In liberal i atdltp-s i.j*rn every fl*a>r The flrm n l* ght the moke M nd flam* * from l*oth the 1 .1 v And Hlver -treets hfelea of the •’hiding and for a brief time It aeentel that the fire was to t*e victorious In th onfll • *ti the fl(**r where It h.l naught t •r* was *(•• * and .* quantity of riee at raw ,f l r* !**l hv and In these boa*- pnd very convliuetlhla *u!at m. • th* flame* mad** raj 1 headway !t wa> from the lllver street aide that • flcr*-et fighting wa.< done. Here |h* riMke ;*oured in 11*1 k < lou*ie from ev-ry siinluw and Inside the building, on the M-'otid ‘td third floors it aa--* a dene tt t it wa* liupe-ltd.* for th** flr.-met* to M-* b for*- them Tt .e. of t .**•• flrem* n who pl iyad the ho.-* on th- -••(•ond flx>r oc<ujde*i na* 1 ' p* ili.r \ tivicom for table They lung l** th* window ledees and directed n * str*-anui into tne burning building while fim tt*e up|*er floors |e-rfe* t **i r f4. d.-vtiidwl upon their head*- rvl 'tiouldrr* pri River street the enter wj a font d**ep Hnl on the floors of tjie Jhitid ing tt w arar ely more shallow No a great time had elapsa*d before moe* of tire-flgtvter?* w# re wet and chilled frm he 4 to foot. At o'clock the Are had been got In •aitrol. but for an hour and a tia.f long* r tle work was continued, the pirti.tlly *-n --• timed tittle of fiay .r*i at raw being pull ed to the ioor* an<l <kumped out into the at reef. Moat of the damage done Mr. Davis’ et*> k was by smoke and water, but these suit ***l ttimte-- completely to (kstroy It. Fortunately for him. his principal bus liiees H done from the wharves and de pots, and only a comparatively small tock uv cwrrisd at the store. A* estimatetl hy him fus loss will not exesad ail <f which is fully covered by Insurance Tha building belongs to the estate of Wal la e ft. Jonea. The damage to It is small, j vfubly |2S*\ ei.'l u likewise fully covered The Insurance to carried principally in ompsftles rcjreeented hare by Messrs. I scaring A Hull and W. M. & W. K. ( onry. The adjoining holding* ave occupied by Krennan Bros, and K>wnaugh and Cos., respectively. There may have been alight •1 a mage t* the stock of tfK-se two fMSuees. both of which deal in fruHs, produce ami v* got able#*, but it will not amount to a great deal. The firewalls l*etween the buildings and their own toltd cmvatructlon—they are r**lirs *f the uMen tlnv* prevented tle tire from spreading Its origin Is not ((ONitlvely known. Mr. Davis thinks It •\used by a sjmrk from an engine •sn nivor while Superintendent Maguire ascrllve* It either to the <mre lessneaa of some employe of tle house, who dropped a mutch on he floor, to de f*-ctlve eb*ctrlc wiring or some similar ause. It Is probable that the exact ori gin will never le discovered. Mr. Davis hi*s tarcupled the same build- Itur for twenty-one years and. a* he said list night, “this Is the first time I have ever itn* U smoke on my own premia#*." Th** fire will n*>t be permitted to inter fere with hh business, which wIU he continued os usual this morning The old stuff ha* Iw-en got out of the way and new stock will la* moved In at once. IOMMITTF.F* WILL 4 ONFFJH. Ilell#v#d the Purl* F.4#n*ln Will ll# Put In Proper ©hap#. A r#nf#r#nc# of th# military ©ommlt* t©# appoint#*) from amonir th# ofll'# a of (h# Fir*t Infantry to in)ure th# Pity f*ouncii. 1C po-xible, to put th# Bark Kx* tension In proper <’(u litlon. and of ©tv officials will lx h#M this afternoon at 4 TANARUS) bVIo k 4>n th# (Omtnltt## arc M ij, W L. Grayaon. t'apt. IV. 11. Stephen# and lleut. I. C. Ikirrow Th# city official* they pill meet ar# (’hairman J. M. Dixon of th# Mtrcet an l Lane C*mmltt#e. Dlr#-- tor of B’lbli * Work* 45 M. Ga*Dd*n an l Chairman B Iv Baffin of th© Bark an*l Tree Comm!anion. It I* thought there will he no qu#*t‘on raJt**<l of th* advisability or expediency of th# proposition to put th# ext*-n*!on In order. i#velllnf and fradlne It pro(H*rly. The offi #r# l#*lre to hav# tho city plow, harrow. l#\.l anl roll th# around, and th©~* of th# city administration with whom they hav# talked ~e#ni Inclined to arant th# wind Th# cost of th© w.>rk mukt find It.hi way Into th# bud net of #x p r.~# for next year, and It Is, then fore, itf. essary that oom# Idea a?* to th© nmount needed Iv* rrachwl No objection to th# i.hem# has yet been h#ard from th© authorities, but on the contrary, they .©m •- ready a# th# military to have th# extension Improved. Mr (iudrden explained to .i member of tie* orn* era* CommJtec yesterday that hla plan for tl# N>nv#rslon of th# #xt#n •ii into a Mirt of immense amphitheater ontempltttf*! the aradlna of a slop< of about twenty f* * t In width all around 4h** Inner *tde of the aulk, which would five nn Incline upon which spectators mtirht •mnd to view any parade, review or other . \r>t transpliinp upim th* parade ground, which would 1# level. He hs i*t tbouKta of hnvlna th# entire parade irround *lop# to the center, as aom© havs ihouicht. Th** officer to whom th# ©xplana* 1 tori wus made approved of th# suaip s> t;on. ar.d It is ihi Improbable that w will b# followed. Th© officer also be l lev ©a that It would l© better to plow up the extension dur- Inj? th# winter. This Is th# season when farmers break up their irround. and h© doe© not ##* why tt would not be better for th# Kx tension to b# plowed up now than to wait until th# aprtnf Certainly, th# officer declared, It would not #ndana#r the health of Bark Kx ten# ion resident* to have the ground broken up now. while. If th© work were don© In th© spring, there murtit be ouch a result No action has yet b©#n taken by fh© Military Commltte© that It to onaurt with th© commandlnr officer* of tha *ev #ral companlsa tn the city with th© view of suaxeaMnir a name for the Extension Col. A R. Lawton Is - hairman of the commute©. It is pro!mb!© that ther© wUi b action Xor aoou: time. THE MORNING NEWS: TT ESDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1000. WORKING FOR STATE FAIR. T4t Pill IlOhA THIS PLCH FOB M IT VRAM. Artis# 4 ttmpttlK'i to the Fair for Tills City HeHIIN I.Mttt light. When %flaj. ft. H. It >a Is UH for %- lanta—He %%11l Inters lew* There President J. Pope llronn and Ihe Members of the Fseeaflve Commit tee of the sinlr \u rlenltu r I Ho elety— llrclsinn ns to Place Is \%ttfti Them—MaJ. N .sals' Trip Is the He suit of a Conference With Mayor My era. For some day* Mayor Myers and other prominent citizen* of Sn.anr.ah h *v lx* • onslderlng the advisab. sry of making an effort to pe* ur# lac S:at Fa.r of year for Savannah, and 1 >t a i.ttjo quiet work along ’hl line has l**en don* The ac*lve campaign wiu inaugurat'd last nlgut. when MaJ G M Hya.s. rep rewentlng the ity, left for Atlar.ia, :• Interview Preldrr>t .1 T ,r j*e Brown, of the Slate Agricultural S* • ty. si* i th* memlsri of the s*e le*y > Kxecuttvo i rn mittee MaJ. Ryals has teen Inst rue t*l by the Mayor €0 u> iwteree*. tf.ejr* •• blent of the society and the other m-m --ber* of the commtt'ee m Savannah’s claim* to the State Fair. to as • rtam wiat guarantees the toci*4v will require from the city and. if possible, t. sc- ire such oondlttonal promise** a Insure th# ffuccegg of the proje ?. MaJ. Ryals had a conference with the Mayor on thla subject some day's sin* and another conference y#*>?eriay mann ing. In the meantime he had written < President Brown and had re elve*.i , t r*-- ply of th* rimtsi encouraging d*a ripllon. I*ortlon* of Utp letter sr* Int* * tif<. Af ter some general ol*ervanon' n th* ; u •- Ject, Frehideivt Brown say-. “To give you an idea a to what we would want. I will reiat* th* agr* ■m* mad** liisi year with the Ifv o? A n.l Th** people of Atlaida pit t a l*>nu of f oi to tnaur* th*- p>m r f ad * fsnecs, in A'ldltinn to tile *ate /• ••*,*? and oth#r gc>tir<ea f r*\*uiu* 1 wa tt Iso understood that If all l ♦* expense of th# fair were (aa I*l ut *1 th* |1 l r - rnaJii any h;ian. e. that th *■ •*' * 1 *u'*r to the llO.Ott) bonuw sliould ha*- 1 1 •*! motley returned !•• th**m. r w i* er p o j*ortlon of u *ul*l lx* rvturmd • i*n h* fund In hand, it there <*u! I !>• motieo’ ui r-jjoy ull the • trP- i' *rs nl still leave a lathmce, then the State Ag ricultural Hodety was to l*c n t* 1 * -led in that fund ' The result was that hII of the expense of the fair war*- paid, every > •i.trthutor got bark every dollar *u *sTitKd. mvl th#re wns a small sum left ov* r. om*- ihtng lilts H Ths head* partment*. sixteen in numb* r, w*r* paid F. per diem during their - i\ In Atlanta, which anioasAsd t 1 * * 1 *-f b* I*e r day. duller the fair. The fair onnnued ***mi t#n -lavs, whl< h tm <nt that * • h ;m*l of a de par intent recsivt-d tVi for hi .-*r\i • - Not br tan days w -rk h iwever, but tor ni. the tint# and talk he b and pu: In. In b* half of the fair, from the time w#• flrnt agraed to this arrang* jn-i t We abo and duplicated this agreement with the |wini of Valdost* "If you have a rw e track In Savannah and he proper buildings, and >our peofdi l#sire the fair. It strikes ins that we could make a briilinat e*• • • of it In your city. Tna *0 .ety will hold n fair naxt year I have been Informel that Ms'on and Atlanta d-iia to make ar rangemerits for It. :in*i p* r.uipi* itooi** at.l Anvrli'ts may make a bid ’T shall call a mMing of the Exaeuttv# Committee to meet at an early *I s t a n.I decide whfT# th# fair will lx- held, so that #■# can put the farmer* on ncxb*# and a premium list In their hand* eirl' next year Thu* they will have no excuse for not making a fine agricultural exhibit MaJ Ityals, at th** Mavor’ .1 - • mce, cotnmunlca!-d with President Br- wn. l*v wire, after the < onf* r**n-• o:x >• t rd.t> aittl last night rvived a reply stating t Ist he w*oi)Ul be In At ant* to-dav While no m*-eting of the Kx**cutiv< '.aninit'* * lias been called, n tiumlrer *f Its mem ber* will bo in Atlanta In reforunce to th** bill now (tending in the House, which seeks to Increase the appropriation fr the us# of th# State Departm**; 4 of Knto rnol4>gy MaJ ItyAls eX|N*cts to discuss th© question with these g*nlb*m*n and ho has good hope of being able to mok* h#n see the advantages of holding the fair in Savannah The question of a site Is already l*c|ng considered by those inter- t-d in the project. Th* old T**n Bro# kr •xitirs# t* prominently mentioned and would prob ably be us good i place as any that could l*e chosen Though the ra *• tr< k th. r** has be* n suffered ••* fall inc* di-t* .dr there was a time when It was on*- of the finest In ihe Houth and at a v. ry small outlay of time and money. It could I** re stored to io old roiuii ion. There are no build ng there suitable for the uses of the fair, but these could easily be erected and would b. . If the Mayor’s Idea of the {M>|-;].trity of ihe plan to get the State Fair here !*• •*orr#et The question of tnns|K>rtstlon is already solved, for nt only do the street ear* run right up to 4he old race cours- b 0 the Hue of the I’etitral of Georgia Railway offer* equal advantages. With an add-d switch or two on th© car llu*- a: \ num ber of visitors to th* fair grounds could easily l*e handled. It might t*o that a gt> 1 would result to the city from bolding the State Fair here For th© fair the stab m and track at Ten Bro© k would have to be put In first-class condition, at and the prises offered would at'm t to the c*v first-class horses from all over the coun try The result would very likely b that racing each season would leeom • per manent Institution In fl.vunn.ih. The *d vaitages of such an tn-tiiutloti t* the city hv* Won but very r* • ntl> stressed In the public prints. RKCVIVF.n MVM lailfiFATt. Innnnl Mreflita of flu* >©edle Mrk t.uild Will It# Ts*srr(w. Many a.irm* , nts were ye*‘*r day at th© horn# of Mr- David W i Is. nrealdm? of ih# Savannah Branch of 4h# Scsdle Work Guild. Th* ,© parm* t !s will b© distributed .imong the insir of the ty after tho annual meeting of th Kutld. which will l© held 10-morrow morning at 11 o’clock In th© Barish Hall of S4. John’s Fhurch. It Is n©t yet known how many r rni#nt wwr# donated. They will h* <• and sorted by th# 1 idles of th# cull ! and mMvle up In pAckap* for dl>'rihutton umonir th© several church *o i©ti. m tha* have mad*- application for them Mv th sue let lew ihe garments will l*e dl*tr Luted amon ie th© |oor. to whom they will om* as welcome xlfts at tiro* when th* we ather bids fair to be much colder th u tn# several days of unusual warmth that have Just passed To Johns llpklns for Treatment. I>e# Platshek a well-know i m#m *r of the Are deportment, will go North o- t’ # Baltimore gtearner to-day for treatm© t at the Johns Hopkins Jbrptal Mr riatshek has been suffer!r for #.-m© t ; rtt# with what appears to b# !<■ om # * r a* \K and Is now in a very low con t .i <• j friends are In hDpe< that th# *r itm# •• si Johns Hopkins will b© of benefit to him. Tha best protection # axa.nst fevers pneumonia, diphtherl i. ate , I* in hulklti i; up (ha system with liood a buraaparilla. —ad. RYRIP FOR MYRHINHIU 4.t oral* I'rtularl Mas • Hepstlflo* I bere mud 1 radr Ms? B# Hullt I p. An Mcr foi a •.gTij'h shljn*#it of * syrup for a large grorery housa , i..verpool w ..*% recent v p * and by s vlrr. i a gr xer, 4*. A Munster. The r sting ihe shliunent says that tt,*- it eifatk n of Georgls ayrup has reach • and 1. . u.l arai if the forwarded a r- q.ieeied are ill k-eptng With th# repu tation w.\l h ha* pre bd them that the r* - .It will probably t* to build up a large ?r-d *t In t: • Georgia produ<T In Uverpuoi and surrounding country. Iba.uing the impo- ant bearing which if; h ordr may r tv© upon irw* f'.' .re of the Georgia *-yrup trade, ‘.Mr Mar.sfer has selected a <io*en quart bo:- by the s*v -i era. fl-ms b. ltd* \ >r. wrl h make a' -ta laity in preparing a ftp© artl*?le of \ r © f r the market. The syrups eeitset- j J ar** of if:e I** st gt id*' ar*and a ;g *r t Sc# ?han th* klr I ordinarily re- | • *d In t.* gro •ry forex try th# gal- ! I* Mr Munster Is satisfied that If th# 1 all: -of th# good provided by him Is | a 1 that is needed to confirm the good lm- 1 pi*--slon that already obiatn* in Liverpool - to rhe desirability of Georgia syrup I shipment wl l do th© w*rk This fnpr*- lou once confirm* t and the repu- ; ilon of (borgla syrup established, the •ullding up of ii trad# will follow u n 1 matter of course. It 1 )*oir.t#d out by those who have i<**n trade aw tr* of this matter that th? fl* id Is open f.#r the building up of a large irads wlfh IJvsrpool for Georgia syrup, f oi the d* mi and b* created. A num ber of large steamships have Savanna a sver> •. >n f*r LJverpool, Kuideil with otioi phosphate, roeln, aid other bulky produ* I.very steam* r • *uld easily find ruom bra number *f binds of syrup. • i lt*• * hnrterera woul*l l# glad to have ! thb extra freight, even wt very low rate |l* b prohtb.e that syrup could b landed .n I.!v#rpi*ol in this manner almost as heapiy as It Is now land#l In N* w York ; f* v tie regular steamship lines. The tw n eftt• which would resu'f to the* sugar pro j d-.cer* by rason of this Increased trade .o not ne i to b# -iw* t iifon. Tit 4 I’ll %N 4 It PBM, 4 *mmltte# Mill Alan DUenas kpnrU- Irreater O r*l lnn nee. Mayor Myers said yesterday that he will call a meeting of the (’oun'dl Coni j mHtes of the Whole for to-morrow after noon, to resume- the con* I*l©rat ion of the petitions for street railway franchise* The muj-x which the city engineer was In st met *d to prepare, showing the routes I‘b -ired by T..e i*#4t4ioners, will l>© ready hy that time. At the earn© time. It I* very probable lat the * rnmlti#© will take tip the quex t*‘>n of the u* of x|Mirk-arrestern by ttigs and other ve-scls plying on th# river. \ petition Is row In the hands of the Committee of the Whole from the tughoa* people, recpiesting the r*|#al of th# pres. • nt ordinance, requiring th© use of spark arrester* on steam vessels on the river The morine Insurance agents hav# a very stmng petition protesting against the repeal of th© ordinance, uni giving reasons why It should b** retain#.! nd * tifr>rv*d Mr A. h F trl# has taken *h# lead in ihls matter, and hH# th© back ing of th# Ni.lional Board of Fnd#rw rlt#rs • f N©w York. cjmpri#ing ih# oftloers ami man.ig#r* *f mo#* of the marine insurance • onq il.fe# doing husin-.*** in this country, and Also of the New York Board of l’n derwrlteTs. It w-itu that though th# ordlnanc# ha bc#,n upin th# lM**kx for nom** y- ar*. i4 has not Ix-en rlgidiy enforced, only thos.- ! tuAji' actively engaged In handling cotton ■ <n th# river u-ing th. stxirk-arresters llu* city Was v.sited recently by Inspec t* rx for the marine insurance rotmunlss, who took nog© of the fact that the ordi nance is not being generally obeerv'cxl. The consequ#nc# was that notic* was - rv.-.t ti|sn th# towboat and other con s*nle* ha%dng vcsw j on th# river. tha4 th# • rdiranc# must complied with. The result of th * was a trlov# on th* iK**-t of the fowl* at people to have th# ordi i an. •* r. jx aled. which mov# Is being op posed by th# marine Insurance c.wnj ante*. Mayor My**rs ami Superln4#ndcnt Ma i'uir** dlvcu**-s| th*- matter Inf rmallv \* terdav n1 tho superintendent stit#-l that only those tugs engaged In handling cotton on th# river had been using spark •irres'er As 4h# ordinance stand# now. e * Id th# i-vin st#am*hl|s and all th r steam v#ss* I* plying nj r*v r •r required to use spark-arresters. H st-amshtp and other companies not en 1 Jr > th# special bu-tn* *s of handling cotton to enforce the letter of the ordi nance. 1 Is probable 4hat an amendment to the ordlnam*** wd! le submitted to rwiHiring that only tug* and other v#w#l. actively -ngug. and In th# hatulllng of cotton Is- r©*|tilr*d to use the spark-irrx‘st**rs N vlrn*d by f)e tow’boit |*,-otl# tha* fh# use Of sjxik-arr.'fMcr* m!nlmi*.*s th# h .ft from th# bolters and Increase# th onvumptlon of **ol % DW4.FH 111 BrnF.MTII I %\S. Major Mjrra fall* Att.stlnn ot Trustrett to lenriemy Untl Mavor Mvcrs dlrecfe-l a letter y#st*ir ,,v to H C Ounnlntham. ( hair man of the board of Trutee* of Bha hm A- "h mv coding his attention to the un H.fc (xmdltlon of th# wills of tho burn# 1 portion of the academy buiMlng an<l re (|U©-ting that *s>m( thing l*e doof to obvi ate this danger Mayer Myers, said. In sp# (king of the subject, that he had allowed this mat ter to rest for some time. Awaiting the arrangements for th# rehul ding or th© ad(fny. but with the high winds pr©. '••King he ltd n *’ think l? advtsahl* for th# walls to r* main In their rreaer.t on dltlon any longer. It has been found n#c . ry to stretch ro|(es again around th# *on *!c my. pedestrians *ft from porilonn of the sidewalk on Drayton tre t an.l Oglethorpe avenue, for that • *m# injury might result from falling de bris. ( OMPRR.44 I titt tt ,%DJ( ITF.n. 4 (impress No. 1 Will lie Hunnlna %am In Sborlljr. Mr J F. Minis president of the T’nlon Shipping 4’ompiny. stated yesterday tha* the matter of the damage to (ompr* s* No. 1. actors th© river, hid been adj -t --( I Th# ex|*ert who was sent for to In spert the pr#s# has made hD report mil th# |*r©ss will be in readiness for oj#ra* tton within thirty days Mr Minis did n*"*t 'ar# to gt Into details as to the amount of insurance paid or the dam* o to th# press It Is f'dd n„ that th** :!- ;r could not have been vary aer ous if the presH Is to be In operation again with in th© time named. W edding Presents Of appropriate significance and value rosy b© selected her© under our advice and siigg##:lon to great advantage We have the stock and the price*. fetcruUr* 4 Cu. ad. APPEALED FOR MORAL REFORM GII4ND Jim TICKITI) 4i%MIII!N. n %€• ISTH %Tl> A 111 Mt Mt II Ud v I’m s n hrl*era 4 time In for Their sbttre of Hpi*ok nllton— l.r tali.4i*o Uantril tn liedtiee the Number • MagUlrcii-a. In 4 urlall Their Juris diction miiil fregent %!•©• of tin 4Mlice—The 4 lly to 4 In.Lc 4MI the Muaie Unit llra-.rta and lo Fs* Sfrlcter lawi HenuiMtlnn l*#u hrdklna-l'asnbrolirra to ll* ll*ll 4 riminiill? ltr*|ionallilr for %rcepi- Ing klolrn I'riqirrt). Th© grand Jury of the Superior <’oi t which ha* i**-©n in # *.lon <n <• J ; • mad# Its general fr* - /trr .nt ye t* r u> and was discharged. B*-l*k' the usual report* uj<on county fiffaini the t 1 Jury (bait at conauierable length w. i . numbtr of aff ting p * *1 -n --terest*. Th© gambling evil was dwelt uj on. th# magi ffirats* w©r* handled w; mriui severity, the pawn-hop e% t w cU*<’Us*4nJ at length, the muic i w- ■ condemned a.- 4 mei-u*'* - to putd n* * Ai.-l an apjM'ai wax made f >r .•-ever* r | n aMlcs for carryitig can *-ai#d w. p Th© grand Jury ala** reviewed it- • *1 n by *je( ittl pr* nt, | r*y*- * • k agaiiiat the Toomer ml>dcm *' r c <avi t MIL which com#** up In th# Leal latur* to-day. Th© pension qu*.-t oi. wa* ■i - cussed, and th# gran*) Jury -k*d t; * th© lists of pension* r* f r r.i . • ->' ft** commissioner of jxrittdona lx* inv,-at*ga.e*l by It* successor. Th© grand Jurors nvt at 4 O'clo. k. s< *1 were in sesttion ** coaplc of ho’irs. and r mg which th© presentments b ;* jiorta of committee- w**(© oon-ld* r#*l. Th© !>!#•* nt men tw •- :h*i !•*>.? •i a *1 | read t< 4tie court t-y foreman i> A. ‘ro • • Fount House off! #*. th# public bui.dir. roods (w| dr nnage, lit# 04.\l ’ c*> u * taim and various other mat * r t • • .n'. t *wtlng jart of th# pieseiiim#*i w © r* #%). on ths questlon *f ganibitr.g. t?!' grand jury xabl “Th© (ire vent lon of gnmlAing and : •* pun Is hm4U of garn.i.g room k**, •?- • •• ■ rcupiKl its share of attention. I at* Jur tiSM endeavored to bring befor© t * wun for putitsnment th© keeper- o' kamte.* rooms. |Mrticiiiuri>* the propri* oti pu4lc> wheels. It Ii •> **sk-i *t f**'- K.sian • it bvdsve# that t:* -d* •*• a*on of public gambling is !■-* . **- cafliptishniellt. If lt* requisite lal 1- ex lepdttd by tiie county and cits authori •:© \N'Kh the ordinary machinery of t.i© • ourts, it dM-s not believe it can t*e dot © j l tiled th© grand Jar> is furnlxn*--! i means to obtain in its own wav t:t I neerswiry evidence to convict. It is i'- opinion tlut th© gambling evil cannot i# supprMS#d. This Jury reccimm nds that I th# coiinty authorities approp/lat© for tne use of tiiu survevdlng grand Jur> F'*>. o 1m 1 ##*! h.h tt may P-©m pr*(** r. m bringliig the keejwra of gambling room- lx for# the - ouri Tti# graiul Jury approsrt' u.d'coni in* rids tii# sentence# of jinprlsoi rticni ,rn i>o.-<*d by your Honor ** i p • u . for . • oiuou of tH© .iw.s ap .in ; an,l it Ixdicvf# that with the projx r itv u..- at Its disposal for bringing th* k* cj*. if ttsmikllng houses tefor th# *ou . r m i*i!*ltiofi of jail sentences in addition io tin#* will rivuit In an effectual suppres ?.on of tn# evil." Th© us# or abuse of pawnshop* At place* for disposing of stoUn g* o Is w* discussed at some lei.gih. The gran i Jury said: “The attention of the Jury has been repeatedly cal,e l during Its session to the recovery of stolen pro|erty from the pownshops. In almost eury instai. - th** clrcumatance* of the i* ©iving of t • property by the pawnbrokers were such a* to Justify the i©,|*f bv th* grand Jur> that It w known or should have be#:i ki *wn I** have tx* n s*o. n. The grand jurors ar# im(r#ss*-d with the .mjx.rtam.* •>f r mor# rigid regulation and oj|ervl ion of the |ttwnbroking bu-itn -, with th# vi* w to prevent ii g ih. us* or anus© *f pawnshops ai pla c* for sing of stolen g<K>ls. Th* grand Jnr\ Ix-itcve* a sihxlhl tiix sho il*i In* tmjM >#■ 1 py the county on pawnshops, and that the propri etors should tx h**l I criminal.y r* -{- nild for th© acceptance oi stolen |rtq* ty It, recommend* that in addi hm to requiring lists Of all article- |cwu-,| h furnish© I th# police nuthoriti**© the * l|y require to •# furnished accurate description -'f ih* (wrtle* the -,m* and t‘t fail ure to furnish the description or the fur - nihing of a fab* d*> riptlon be punishable as the city aut. ior it i* .- may deem proper." Th# Influence of th# music halls cm. public morals has been a matter of pub lic talk for some time. The grc.nd Jury is the first, however, to male any mov< toward their tuiorrsiion. In Its present ment It says; “Tne at ,nU..n of the grand jtiry ,;ai .-vr, •<!•! . .uu*>i crim**? a • result! of the so-called music hall-, - !• irctlvi- R)m. It re—tilk ih.- of o-ea11,.l i.l.ico* of nmu-,-niont , moiaw ,o publlr moral., an l It r, -oni mrn.l. nioasur,-. f.<- th. ir alialrmont To t iat .ml It favor, n r ■ ommotulatlon to t!i C*ltv Comali iirir.tiK tho annutmoni ot tho pi.s.'itt li, ri-, and th<- wPhholl otf of li.-.-nfi hrnovft. r from ill |>:n of amu*.-ti>pnt -imilar in rhararicr to tin M,-railo>l muale hall- It Ix 'ir-.the .... I.tonco of th*e plare. t>> !• re.,on-il>l<' for many rrlm-o, and ttait aliolitfon l. demanaletl tn the tnv. of morali*. and f- r the welfare of the community " In Judife Pall.Kant'. harp to the eran I Jury, at the U-xinnli.K of the frm h< dwelt forelldy u[kxi the crime . f arryltiß cornea 1..1 weapm .. The it rand Jury and ... the mailer In It* a. n. r.l nr. nt ni. nt a. follow. * The common t ractl . f rarrv .nx conceal, and weajv.r.s, the .1 irx, r f-orn which wa, |.uli tedly md emu* . 11- ally broutfhi to .air attention b> yo r • onor, ha. linpre.s. .1 tip n the unin l jure the nece—lty for '. me m. a.a* to leaaen. If not to prevent, what ha, h. .me .n .. ... ir.d almo.t .tenant violation of law The rnnetMlitlv recurr it, affray., not In frequently endln* In the takdiK of hum., life rcultln* from the carrying of c.n c.'aled weapon,, and the .eemintr dl,r>- Kard of the example, made by the court , of per,,.ii convicted of the Off. n-c. || B . e,t to thl. Jury the nece,|ty for ever •T penaltl. th**l tl Ped. The araiel juror* without preju dice an.l fully re oirnixlntr the intent of the enteric.,, Impo—d hy > ,ur honot f. r crtm. -of thl, eh.,,. ,nnoi wltnoet' ! d:,ieaardirut the xlmonltlana of tt elr , on w-hnee,. and the duty Imp.-el on them fall lo urge a neterer. If n.a th. . xtr.-m.- ladtalty for the vl.lation of thl, |. n It had heen rx.,,el that 'he K a and Jury would deal with the niicl-ti t,., r , ( the public wa, not dleapi .il Tt <■ rc •entnarnt lnrlud.,l the >. |.ir- ,f the com mute. on maul'd rat.d, tatiir u tn. . n dltlon of afTalra fund in th. ~ttt , f the varlou* maslatrat.e "While the commit!*. re|atrte| Ihehrolt, m. I record, generally we I k. t thl • ome to th, knowl.tlK. of to. .ndjurm, that th*- practl e of -1 e, ;ne warran particularly |<o,,e,,>ry warnrd* a w i tng the power of arre-t, tn Ink, t.> |, fllle.l in by eon,table, aid a t. h., ~f ma*l,trate,' office,, to. ft,, nert y rr ... ,p.>n,Ule lanorant and r, ea and e , . f the rlaht, of people. c, tnmon .. . They revorrnlie In the praclce , p.*.!hl |ty of a ml“u,e of the whl h fee fft-e of ma.trale I, Intended to f mil The, retard .he practl.e criminally w one likely o he u*l in the opp.ex on ad per*e-utlon of Innocent people T' , * an l Jury believe* further that the administra tion Of the affair* of m*ettrxte*' cou t, can be better accompli,h-d by . thin by tiro maalatrnt.-. In .a h militia rtl XCootißUtd co B,ztb A E>TIHV ttiO AAU <>• llr. \V 1111 ua libi.i ti*e a roitiparla—n of Parela* th.tnn Work, lairffe gathered at tha I two nrvlcea that were held yesterday at . S-.\a..ra , liuptlM t’hurch In o.eetv i •• of It, on>- hundredth anrd>erary Iron, and until 12 ..'clock In the mornir.* i, ii.torinal ricotsuit was heal, many oth er* than I apt ,t'- - ii.g In attendance A i ,n.t, r ’>t i.rt. f tala- were made by Vl - inr ir.'.Meter.t an.l Iwal th' otfV , of the church aiko tuning nome few wn-d* to ,pc ik of It, oomlitton. T.e mint,ter, preent at the aervlce ,r. Mel Dr. H J Willingham, aeore aiv of the Hoard of K.u-elgn Mlxion*. of 1,1 rnon l, K x I>r. 8 Y Jam.aon, *ec t irv of the Home M.wlon Hoard >f of Atlanta. Rev. Dr J. H. Tay ,..r of Atlanta, in charge of the work of he Hapten Orphan, In tleorgla. Hev. A \ Deventer paster of the Duffy Street H.,pt ,• Church; Itev D. S Kdenileld, it-tor of the South Side BaptlM fhureh. It. % i: r c,..,k paated- of We,ley M>n • Church IP v Richard Webb, atwl Ite\ John D. Jordan the i*tor. Dr Willingham •>, Introduced by the 1 e-t .r a the gr ind,on *,f the ltr,t jaistor Of 'he . hurch. Rev. Henry Hcdcotnbe. n It un ■ .. - otb.ra nun t'l. r* were heard. Tho meeting proved lr, *creatlt.g a, w..a *xi*e led atel wa, ■ and scat \ l.y nl. wh attend.,t. Km Dr W l-andrum ptuttr ot •,))■■ nr,! Itajtlt Chundi of At'onta. nad .11 .xp. ted to .lellver an .oldreae at , . night, but ■ •' hot i M W l c, lit. ,i l i lig . <■ He will i be here to pirn Ipat. In the clebra pl Willingham wru, to have di \, c : th, eervfcc with r>r. I gin drum. but. ~e , Hter t,.t ~pi—wring, ho the even* , ri .to I mrelf. 111, talk wa* ii|wn foreign ■ tn.- .. i ~rd wa, very ln,tructlve A n wa* made by I>r. Wiling- I o' th- for. ten ndaslon wmrk a* i‘ : t. day with tliat whtc hexlste.l .• ~ ' Ii- That the Mr*t foreign mla-.-m In the c .' wa, organised In I*ll t„ -(,a nnnh Raptl*t Church a, uf ,. nt to n.ark with lnten>,t anythjut Dr v , . ,i might I" to •>' uf*t> ’>t Ever rib e itj. establishment tha \ >. ty ha, flourished. I uundred vear, ago. Dr WllUnghom ,„l, x ni'-nth, were required for amt ii i.. to reach De fleld of A,l* and ge. . r- >'t back to America. Now this can t... wnpllshetl within two weeks. •me ■ ir.dre years ago cn!y one-ftfth of the pop,,union of the earth were supplied , e.i , Itn.les, while now the books are tn i ih. ha. I. of s. ven-leiith, ot the pwpula- I .1, t■„ Hibie ha, been tr.ic.ated Into Ut lang lag. , in.l dialects, while more of t:.,. t*".k were published last year than yy ■ ’ e In e\t,l n. .- one I ill I, yar. Jig. >. tt*.x. Dr. 1 ’.allock, tre,l.l-nt of M* r*r Ii :y. rslty . will be the chief speaker to night, his M i lr. *s twing upon Christian I'al.catiiMk He and Mr*, nre ex [weted this morning, and will I* 1 the gu. is at the lie of Dr. ntxl Mr,. Jordan. Rev. l>r. Taylor will also deliver i brief address to-ntght on the work of •he IbiptDl nhans In the ,tate. TH.ttkMIR IM. SHRVK E*. \ 1 her, lee of til af the r.rsa ucll.-nl * hurrhe* Will He Held. A union Thanksgiving Bervice of all of the evangelical church.-* will bo held i'nar mv morning at It o'clfvk at the i , r ,t Presbyterian Church. The Thank,- k.v i.g sermon will he prm. bed by Rev. Dr W C rkha-ffer of th lafthoran .'hurch of the Ascension A Thanksgiving service will b* hel l ; al,o at the laic of Hope Church at 11 lock. Thare will be *.so a special aerv. j :cc held Thursday night at the Epworth | Church. The euwotnary Thanksgiving aarvlres , will ha held bkewlsa in tha Eolsoopol ctiurchc* llvnl for the oitlcer. James Burk* white, was arrested laet night by Patrolman Hheehan. on the liarg** of tieing drunk an.l disorderly, iturkc r,,.ste-l .he officer and wl 1 have that rhatge .. w>, to answer this morning when lio aj.jw.irs before Reorder Hart rwlge. A doxen raw with a twjttle of Cook's Im l-'rlnl Extra Dry Champagne Is un after th. ater tinnight id Tiianksul, lug a. I.ograa'a. Igxgan gives notice In our |>eotal column thnt his stalls will h open all day \Vl nesday. and until !•> o'clock Thunalay momiili for the purpose of aupplylng his customers wl.h everything choice for Th ink giving from the forest, farm and str, am. Among some <>f the bird* arc choice white and dark grouse. Hand In your order, early In tho week so as to t*e bountifully supplied. Iwxgun. City Mar ket -a I. Conk book "The Vital Uuesticsi" free slire.t.t,.l \V .ole Wheat Rlfc-ntt will be served free all this week by Mrs. S S Hen,haw of Wgahlngton. D. C., at Eoyc .v ha k tcln's btg *.*>n- -a.|. I'a*. T1....* to .lackaonvllle, Fla. Via Re a boo rd Air I.!ne Railway— laeave Savannah .". US a mt. arrive Jacksonville VIA n. m ; ley* Bxvannah I2dS p. m , ar rive Ju. k,on\ llle :i V> j. m.—ad. \V** Pay Foil l nl te An Pash Por any sort of old or antique gold orna ment*—lf you don't want It. we do, and ivt.l pay for It -a.I •*ll t ure.l Xle.* # "fjravbeard broke up rheumatism nn me." says Mr Chas Tuomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put mo In letter health than i have enjoyed In a long line . Take Oraylrard Pills for that dlxiy f. * ,ii.g— I.ost appetite, and fol.on It up with a bottle of Oraybeurd. It is alt you need. It.sp.,, Drug Cos., sole prcg,s. Sa vannah. *ia. ad \ Delicious Xiniik.', The Herbert Styencer Is an elegant rlgar and It Is truly a delightful . njoyment to Inhale the fum,-, of th - tine tobacco; It Is exhilarating and Uln jun.. (tee th it the name of Herbert Spencer |, on every wripp. r of every cigar, with out whl 'h ton. nr.* genuine. The H> rtx rt Spencer cigars are only sold by the box of ,V> Conchas nt ft SO and Pcrfcctos. Si Vi at l.lppman Bros., wliol. - lie druggist* Barnard and Congreas rivet*, of this city —nd. Admirers of the Finest I'nt-f.lnsa Will find (Sternberg & Co.'s large exhibit beyond hi vthlng ever attemp!. I in this city. In quantity. quality and unique elogsn , of <l* signs.—a.t Mrs 8 8 Hen,hay* of Wa, "e.gton. D. I C will serv. free a'l this week Sire. Vi.-l Whole Wen IS;- ult at Fo>. A Ecks tein'* big .V !>at ment store Cook laxnt "The Vital yuestlon" free.—,..l, Ness Train to, (j*. Via Seaboard Air IJne Hallway—Rrave Savannah 3:55 p. m , arrive Augusta 9:30 *e kclrcf a Christmas Present Now. If you wiah. and avoid th* Chrlat mas rush—make a small deposit on it and Pternberg & Cos. will lay it ntids for you tiil wanted —ad A fllgh-Or de Ir.atliution for I.adles— Shorter College, Rome, Ua. WrIU for catglogUA—ad. ALL KINDS "UP ROBES" HOUSE blanket: —and— HOODS. Congress and Whitaker Sts. LEO FRANK. Hogan’s has something you are looking for in the shape of Black and Colored Dress Goods, Black and Colored Taffeta Silk at 60c; reduced from 75c. Just received, 100 pieces of Fresh Canton Matting, prices ranging from 20c to 50c. Also 50 pieces Tapestry Brussels Carpets at 75c; reduced from $ l .00 and $ 1.25. Daniel Hogan, Corn#r Broughton and Bitrrnr l SINGLE AND DOUBLE GUNS. LOADED AND EMPTY SHELLS. Hunting; Coats, Vests, Hats, Leggings, Etc. 11 IK . 113 Ilroughton Street, West. Wood Mosaic Co.’s Parquetry Floors Have been laid in many of th© com fort Able hotn*-H In New York. Boston ar *1 other cHics. More clennly and economt tl in carpet*. Plain and fancy floors laid and polbhel complete over old floor*, making u ©olid and Ixxiutifu) lmprovi - ment. Having a number of floor* to lay in S.- vnnn.h thi* month we can quote clue rt flgurcH. t’ataic>gu© and ©atimetes may !>-• had by addrewdnir J M. ADAMS, ltox M 2, Savannah, or 227 N. t'h.irle* Baltimore. Md. STOPPED THE COIUH. Prather’* Tar and Clarry Couth Cure 25c. DONNELLY DRUG CO. AMLBUMiISTI. g/ \v >an \m i rnt^rtiH OnA Night Only, Wednesday, Nov. America* a Ure i Comte Ope fa Comedian THUS. 0. SEABKOOkb / j and hi* nui**rb company In the / T O) |au-at N. Y. Casino aucceea, U “THE ROUNDERS.” ARL.-STAR CAdT-Ircre perry, Will c Mandevilh . jtcri ha Waltslnger. Will T. Tcrrlsa. Jeannette I/own*\ Jake Bernanl. Crlsate Carlyle, Herbert C. Crlppa. Sumptuous New York produel ton In a’l Its splendor. PIUCKO-Xe, flv. 73c. fl. and $l6O. Beats of. sale Monday, S# a. m. SAVANNAH thea TEa. T.VO I'KRF'iRM .N' t S THANKSGIV ING DAY—IIIATINEE AND NIGHT The Popular KLIMT-HEAnN CO. The recognlxvd popular price amusettiant enterprise of America. llA.Otsr Invested In ecei rn ■ eirar.v an- on •"[* cal effete* Presenting ai matinee •<*•> nlxht the auccesfui rr.e odrama. crifln ally produced by Mr Charles Frohman. “The Fatal Card." PRK'EB-Nlxht. Kfc, soo and 30c. Mati nee, 10c and 20c.