The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 27, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 HAYS GETS A NEW TRIAL *l PHF.Vfv; (Ol HT MIUIIM I) I 111 - WO-i ~K>\ lI JIIH.I. I U I.M.AM tlir 1 rlnl 4 *nr iUin in il#* Js#r> ill#* I’rln# *#* •*- I. j nii of !.'#' tr#*u*-il—The* l.iiila >? J.micr. In i lir *u|r rater I #ri • Hrqwlrr a '•* Trliel. %i vt of llolorniNfi \ nrnrilin* In Dili* i.**■•!; II \|*W < lißiirp for Ills yiva>>imi'‘< • vlili’iirr al Irlnl Mailr Out nml ll# lilh r.iir Hurtle* r—Nlar> of Truce'(v. Thf flufw rmf Court ha' rfVtrMj Judir*' f.illuj nt in rh !U>* murder **r ani lias grant' Ia r*'* trial l>< th** yrr of Motorrrvin Lu*. lu* 11. Varnrilor Tit# Si prcint Court .< aL with Judno I '♦II £ int’i* charge to :l# Jury without tfl<Ve It •*ThU Ik Ire a rn#e in which the evi dence wan - -trial court. In It* instru tin to t!• Jury havinjc not only fulled altogether to men tion tin main contention of tin **< '"l which w.i> cupportld b> ■' M> lie* **i I which. if true, prevented *Kd mat *f • defense. lut having also f •ih*l *" 1 !,i ‘> and fairly submit to the Jury th real Issues InvoltHi niul c* law aj- .. a:*-- thereto, the • r.Le of Ju>ti e requir# a *>e.v trial. Judgment reversed. Thla is ad of the d< The fact thu 1 Ml • t" t - -I* M.,i4h W . rruile known t*. the # orneye for him “Messrs, flu ford Falllaant and H. J. TravU, b> telcgr*m from Atlanta yeet*r #.y 4*ftrrn#*n ly after tl*- newc was received by hi* counaei. Hay* *'•** t orin#d that ♦ wah to have a in w I- -c of lift- and anew • hare * t demon: tra t a Jury ttie truth of the somewhat #lllll - atory >f his *t tnnoren *. He vj g#ad :<• lienr it, hut le-r unduly so. lie hat ail the tote lam that comet to Hi** man has kllieil hie fellow urid wno **xrecta ultimately to pay the penalty. Its manifestations are fenular to thox*- wno nav wu'ched the car#* re of the con demned murderers of this county from the court room to ih# scaffold. The story told at th#' trial by the wlt in'ssea for the state n*Ae out a p*rfe*d < ase of < oil-blooded, wilful, malicious and deliberan* murder, without one single i*ai ttdting of extenuailiig tin umatan#. 1 did not apfw-ar that Motorm in Varne lo lisd ever #kn© or mwl an> thing to th negro, on the night of th*- ho mi <ie. to excite the latter a animoaliy. A quarrel there hud l*<n earlier in the evening, and Hays, with two m |>nions, hart been put ff th** _tir. by ih conduc tor and some of the passenger*, near Kami fly Station. Ho waited until the car wok making its return trip from the city, and hud reached Sandfly. Then he stepped out In front of it and with M ar' e n word of warning began to tire at the moiormtiit Vurnedoa returned th#- flr*. hut naver succeeded in wounding Huy*. Th#* motormun was wounded in two plates and died nt the Savannah Ifospitul, where he wa* carried, the next afternoon. The wltn** Kes for lire state at the trial were for the mod part men of standing anl respectability, not of th#* class which ha* ihut prejudtet igilMt fht M|is tlist w'cmld I*** likely to distort testimony. lloth Mr 'Pravis and \lr. Pulllgant argued llie case l#efore the Supreme Ootirt There, tlielr main contention was that the charge of the court was so framed that in Its entirety it did not state fairly the content ton* of the <lef*nlant and tlwit in effect It remov'd, from th#' decision of the Jury, the question >f the guilt or ln i four# se# m to have agreed with this content loti. The derision of the Supreme Court wa* delivered by Presiding Justice l.umikm and In the decision all the Justices concur. PIfILADi:LI*IIIA* TM•*.%*! IIKII. Mayor Aatiler ilu-’ eeretnry Pays SsiHnnsti n \ islt. Mr. J Hampton Moore, secretary to Mayor of I'hlkidclphlt, left yesterday for Florida, after spending Ne couple of days in the city. While h-re Mr. Moore called at the City Exchange, and finding Mayor Myers out. h.l quite a pleasam chat with Secretary Gamble. Th* latter, by the w.iy, his u broiher who Is a clerk In the ofli< e of Mr M*x>rc Mr. Moore was l*rSiis lii the best c.f spirits, os he hod good rea-on to le hav ing Just l>ean elected city tr*-a*urer >f Philarttlphln with a salary of sH>,on() a year. He was opposed by the Democrats and th#* W hi. a maker f.i tion of the Hi— puhTW*an party an#! yet was elected by &0.- P)0 majority. Mr Moor#* la • young man to fill such a responsible position. I*lng still under Jo, hut he l* a bright and en ergetic man and evidently fllle.i with th.* sort of push that keeps the Republican party at the helm m Philadelphia. He Is irrotnpnnWil by Mrs. Moore on hi* Southern tour. reh:rvi:d hi* decision. Mayor Will Make Known Ilia D*cl ulon In the kheehan fate hater. Patrolman Hh**ehsn was before Mayor Myerj last night on the charge of th** neglect of hi** duty, the charge growing out of the kill! >g of Detective Shea by John Hart Monday night #i week ago. The Mayor reserved his decision There was a docket ♦ u.-* against Patrol ( man Goodman a I*4#. he Saving b#*en re portwl on a.< oiiit of Hotn#* trouble that be had while on duty at the Kike farni val grounds This ca** was dismissed. HEADACHE , Pain back of your eye*? Heavy pressure in your head? And are i you sometimes faint and ditty? la your tongue coated? Bad taste In your mouth? And does your food distress you? Are you nervous and irritable? Do you often have the blues? And are you troubled about sleeping? Then yourliver is allwrong. Butthereisacure. ’Tis— /MSS Pills They act directly on the liver. They cure constipation, bilious ness, sick headache, nausea, and dyspepsia. For6o veers they have been the Standard Family Pills. PriM 21 ersis. All Dnuflst*. ** I hare taken Ayer's Tilla rrrularly for els mouth* They hae eured me of a serere header hr. and I can rum walk from two u> four mllra without retting tired or out of breath, eossethltu; I hare not hern able to do for many yiut " 8.1.. Wacwnaa, July is. tsse. Ha lain, Maas C‘Th -yewr f rigntto With Yellow Label j. Good Rye is soothing—that’s IWHiSnEY Yellow Labe! Its mellow, old FOR IT and oily—the ideal stimulant and WHEREVER GOOP LIQUOR WPll TUt'iT The diftwxne# m irrit |cl J - 7b* "cue IM. I. | (i,t and ordi 1 j •• ■ o, i i A fir.-, 0n..-*irt ff' ill. i lodofrayiit tint, eu . A#ilrr* m§% CMAB. nr. pFiire# * co.. 'nil. tn.ii #.%Mi: of toii ii. UorLi and #n I n<#titt#**l lug '*#ri##u#r l# ii Trntrllitix t,rnft#*r. A white man * ailtd at the b trra**ks la-’ night about 10 3rt #. o k w. b the -amt old story to i# 11 of his own trustful !>#*• ll* f in li< non#-tv *f i umtnitj .n l how It hail been taken advantage of t> a i l**\ er in.| ag o i ibl* c rnnp i Th#- man arrived in Savannah I'lxtut h oVlK*k las* night on the IM.iiii System train fr >rn f harleston While on th* train he said, he hal fall en in will# a vary .*** • !* |r*on th* hat proved pleasant company find bor rowed from him a H? 11 ready .i:h v* all that h* had. showing him a check f#ir and telling htm that h# would iv it cashed a soon .is h- rea* hod H ivan* ii;• . and would then repay die loin a* khtdl) mad* When the train i ear hod the <le|**t. the twu II)*(1 went up Ldhorty - E tr"t. ns far as the |)e il re the crafty one, bid ding his companion wait at the #ke.>r for him while to> ca-he#| th check, went in The victim waited c ti i !#*rahl> inor# 1 than the time that his debtor h.#d toM him *vouWl !#• r• • ' ary for Ids fl- n* lal trans action. and then wit t# the cl* rk of the hotel and ask' and If hi* companion of th** train had c-ahe#i > click there or had been seen The clerk told him th it n* eh#* k had l*#-#*n presented even, much lej*s cashed, and that to th## b# st f hi 1 kn* wl #-fg* the man <f whom he was in search had not l*#*en in the hotel at all Tht> victim thin w* nt to the barracks and reported th** matter, but t.’ie only description h*. <*ou!! give >f th# m-n was a very vague one, nl further t* * auee having a through tl-kct !# T.mi .1 an I not • tiough ii¥*n*y # n.thl- him to -t iv over and thus assist the d* tec.tlves In the wik ( getting tin* smooth-tcmgtud in dlvhlaal, nothing could i d'*4. with the case. The operator Is probably one *>f the fa kir ► .still quit#* plentiful around this part of the country, where they were driwn by the hop** of rich pluck tugs during the various country fairs ami reunions. It is probable that when th# man went in th*- hotel h* simply went n out through the other #h#or. and b ut ht* business, while his victim continued hi* weary and fruitless vigil. LITTLE* til ML* Til El PLAINTIFF*. Suing E*. F. A I*. f*r Their E*sthef* Death In llie t it Court. The damage suit of It. James and Marian A James who sue by th*lr guar#llan and next frlen#l. A. L. Tucker, agalnat th* Florida Central and Peninsu lar Hallwuy was on trial In the CTy Court yesterday afternoon. The can - w s rot concluded and will l*e continue I to day. further evidence being Introdu ed on Ireh.tlf of the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs at#* twu little negro girts, the oldest, of whom rot mon -ban l years old They arc suing the c inpany for sl.'i.#Ki> damage f< r th* tl#ath of th ir father, who was a petal cleik It< the employ of the Foil' and Btat# s gcivernmen*. On Oi l. 16. \m, th* train upon whl h J.m# s was running inn inti* 11 nger car that was standing *n a sidetrack n#*ur the town ul YuJe#. in Florl'lo* - was thrown by the force of the colli non against the woodwork of th* .r and r#*- ceived Internal ttijuri#** from which he never recovered He ling r and until Aug. 21. 1599. and died on that day. as. It is alleged In the petition, a direct conse r> nf h* inlliri’S r#*c# |v#*d. At the time of ha* death he was eatnlng a salary of r.*o a year and enjoyed the probability of having it Increased to sl.- .Ail. under the rule* of the service. In the course *>f a f#’W years. He was 32 years old and hd 1 reasonable expectancy of life of 31 yean#. Messrs. Harrow & Harrow repre>enl tlw plaintiff.-# In the trial ot the case an#l Messrs. D'-nmnrk. A1 nc & Frs#*man th* def#ndsnts The principal witnesses ex amin'd yesterday were A I, Tucker, the next frtenl of th#* plait 'tfTs. wlo tokl of the Injuries and death of James, nd Mr J R. Hoyd. the senior postal < lerk on th# ttain at the tltr.** of the accklent. The latter described the accident, th- Injuries of which James then complained, and the n inner in which the ii!jur*si man had t# ie Sifted from th** ir He tmil* o very excellent wttne> for the plaintiffs noiHlil I) IIE3H TOO KABLY. It tinner f#'e Shl| t'hun#f|rrs llefore t nih-il Mates ( iiamloinnsr. Jans Kllefsen, a runner fir Nclsan A Lundsverk. ship #*iiandler. was before Fnlted Htates .1 F. Lewis yesterday ;fterno*ti charged *tth n vio lation of the treasury regulations of th* government, ills sp< clflc off# nse was In boarding the Italian hiirkcntlne pro gTf*jso, before dii*- l*ark**ntme had be#*n h#arded by the • ustoms ofllccrs, Capt. Thomas li. Laird. . It appeared from the evUfenre that El- Irfsen h*d no tiiitiitlon of violating the regulation, which recently h* me .1 law. and tlwit as soon ut* he was apprised of the impropriety and Illegality of his con duct h- left th** ship. Pnder the clrcum- | tanct s ih#* commissioner #lll not hold him. but rel< used him with a warning and an admonition. It hn> I** ome the custom for the run- I nera employe*l by th#* varlotc butchers, grocers and ship chandlers and th- other* j who rat#*r to the shipping trad* along j these lines, to race for a ship ns soon as j it • .iter* the harbor. A fr*od d* al f On- | noyan* •* and trouble bus been o t*dan*<| by this practice arid the treasury reguln- . flon Is designed to stop It As soon as ! It becomes known or one of th* runners 1 is punished for Us violation. Its good **f fvets will readily he apparent. .MAY UK \V\HMi:H TO-M OH HOW. The Tempernture 1 raterilsy ftsvrn Degrees Below Normal. The cold wav#* that struck Savannah j Sunday rontlnuM through v*ttgrday, the x* degrees. 7 degree* blow the normal. The maximum, which was- 52 *l#*gi* e*. o*curred at midnight, and the minimum. 44. at 8 o'clock p. m Despite the fit that ahe temperature has been u;#*w the normal a number of times during the month, the accumulated excess of heat yet nmouiu* to 89 degree* while, for the y#nr, k amounts to 30 degrees. j The forecast for to-day and to-mor , is for fair weather, to-morrow proNtbly | he**oming warmer near the coast. Fresh I north to east winds may be expected. \ THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1000. APPEALED FOR MORAL REFORM (Continue*! from Tenth Page.) tr t and 1# r-"mmends l-g. dative action r**du mg th- itimlier of magistrates to one in * 1 1 'il'iri t. either abolishing tna •drsdlve #li #• or that fllle I by ap|#olut tnen* tin* (tov**rnor The giaid Jury f ivor a r#*|**| of the law authortxh k ' e f.t i,( $1 for l awing ia>n<ls by ;r iii an I further favor- i:# pa-sage of • law authorising the CountyComoil-sionara to ai'Oll'h the (••• system In uli cntnaial #s* and r les gr at#* one or more mufl* iral'H who shall have jurisdiction In ! i nil# al <*.#ses usually pdsst—e lby niagb- I cruts. a##l who shall r#* • iv*- a l**slgnated i t .ir> for all services rendered in con ! i* lion criminal luain*es,the magi l ** [it t • so designated, to Ih* required to ibml* monthly e:atementa t th** County Treasurer of all f**s and costs collected ft iin that source and who shall he d**m **l guilty of malpractice in office when • ver they shall collect fees or osts not authorises! by law, or wbrnsve they shall •oil'd any lawful fees or costs, • and shall fail to a* ount for. and remit the same to the County Treasurer. The grand Jury commends the utmost care in the recom mendation for appointment as magis trates, under the present law, of person* whose character and ability are proven. ai.<l whose general qualifications fit th**m for • proper discharge of the duties of the office. The grand Jury referred briefly to the payment of pensions to Oonfelerate s l dierw und the widows of C\*ifel#*rate hol dlers and asked that the investigation which jt had la-gun with r# f* r nc- to the list* of jK*nsi#n^rs from the Pension <’m in Is sion era office be continued by the next grand Jury. Judge com pi 1 mealed the grand Jury on the prompt. energetic an#! 1 borough m inner In which It had lis •hargsd .ts I'ttleg and <n the comfiiet*- ne-< of its presentments The gr ind Jury whs eomnos#*d of G. A. Gregory, foreman; Georg** It. Pritchard, Abmm K. Smith, lohn \V Fret well, A. S Nichols. Frank < * Hsttey, A J Ives. R, || Tatem. Adler. H II Fomwel! J. J. Nevltt, Jacob <hitman. R J. Kennedy. I G Ha is. W. (’ McDonough, O T H< >n. Max L Byck, James McGrath. Michael Farolan. C F. I. *eorge G Wilson. Julian King. J J. Cummings, Ghrletopher IV Gray. <. H. it* mshnrt. The Jury began its session June 4 AT Till. TMEATKR. "Town Topic*** Not U lint It Was I’.t peated lo He. A.Q. Scommon’s three-act farce "Town Topics'* played t> n small nntl genersll/ dlsple'.'swt audit’ll* e inst night. Tile pie**.' s* hUmt on a fair with ~S l#l**tracked.” which Mr. railroaded through tins s* tiott with varying su ess last se #*•. It Is hal nn<| the company an har#l i> compare wl;h sortie that have play l here this* season at populnr prices. It was the title of the pie. e that eaug it n m of the ms!** auditors. ’’Town Topi.**" ha* such a devilish ring and smacks *of such naughtiness, bur it we \*rv dim up to *e#* what connection th? name had with the play. It was a mi-n>- mer There wns nothing offencive in the Piece, nothing risque. There wire one or two specialty stunts that went very well and ruffl. cd to k*-p Ihe n alien c from leaving h# fore the con clusion of the play. To-morrow night "The Rounders" will l*e e# n here for the first time The play F not anew one. having hud a nin f*r nearly two years. In New York Th* Chattanooga Times tv# of a re ent p*r in Chattanooga: Tho- Q S-abr-'oke presented th- *Berhrook. Itouiul* *to one of the finest audiences of th#* s*son With n string of Jok**s, new. bright.'ludlcrou** J*-ke, some spright. I.v music, situations indescribably funny, the "B#.#hrooke Houmlcrw are a troup of Jesters that make. The care/ that Infest the *iay. Fold up their tents like the Arab And sdcntlv steal away. The pfav Is full of laughs, and Bei brook*' make* a faultless funny Irish comedian It la like nothing w much as Tar and Tartar.” and it digresses oft**n into some beautiful hn.lad singing Maii'h vllle, excellent as ev#*r. sang several times last evening, and scored 11 great hit r a comic song. "Nothing New Ir to Perry, Bertha Waltzlnger, Jeannet e Lcrverfe. ami Jake Itonanl are cotni * opera interpreters to the mtnnor born. They are a support which n.ak*n th*' whole wondsrfu. bright a*-*l Interesting, and fully sustains the star It is not n pi *v w hi*h may be easily described, or < rltlclscd Put to a man who likes pol licking fun-making, in Illustrated and laughing recklessness commend the Be*, hrooke's "Rounders " The)* are qu4<*k death to ennui, gloom an<l depression f% I 4# IIT BTE-AI.INO A HORSE. ( harlea Harper, t olsred. Hs Hlillmk Kn\my AA Ith Niilnial When t 'nptnred Charles Harper, a negro, attempted last night to steal a horse hltcned at Holton nn*l Burroughs streets The owner of tilt) nnimal, Mr Mh k O Bchuman. had rWI den the hors** to the store of J D. Hro#l munn. pnl hitching It near the door ent. r ed the store He remained tn tne place for some time when he was told by on .* of the . !* rka that a negro had taken his horse and tone down Holton street with it. H# g iv* chare ar.t caught up with the animal and its rider Just as they reach# *1 Wm Hroad street. 'The negro at h<x hnste hil neglected to f-e *ur* th. reins properly and they w-* * entangled in the of th#* animal which • •vounte*| for |t slow progress Mr ikhumaii polls*! Harper fi#>m the hors#* and gave him sound thrashing ufte* v hick he turned him over to Fatrolman Kiernan who Imi*l by that time arrived Mr. Be human thinks it likely that II #r p#r Is the sam#* negro that <1 week am • llel it his house wiiHe h* was a wav and said that he had been sent for a set of buggy burn***. It was given to him but I.either h#- nor the harness haw been seen since, that is until Uat night if Harper b* the mun guilty of the deed Wanted In Liberty t'ounty. The police yesterday received a letter from the authorities of Liberty county stating that William iKicount. the negro arrested Uid week for hltfii.g Lewlf V. .'man In th* head with a rock. Is wanted there It la likely that an officer may ome for him. The ''ommunFatlOtt did not say for what Laeount is wanted, j MOTIIKIt l KB I OH a.ttt.tMm. %\ftnfa Thla At 11 ■li Frtn Aeflliard for llmulelde of Her Yn. Mrs Mattie R Ffe file#! t lit in tha Oiy Court yesterday morning against the F. ilioard Air Line Railway Hhts sues >s the mother of Kmm* tt L Fife, who was killed In an accHent, while tn th* aervica of the defendant, in November IFxi. The f'laintlff fixes her damag * LSrOGU. !t Is alleged in her petit lor to *he court tha? h#*r t n <of.trllut*d n. i ? *rialiy to tiet support, from his. cafi.iiw** u . flagnsin on the H# aboard Air Lir On Uk day i>( the accident tiie engine of trie train on which he was running x-t* detach-d and ran down from the ma n line ut Wil -1: ante btat ion to Me.drim for the pur p #se of k***tinr: wai#*r L was on the re turn trip and when William"' Station had h# cn nearly reached tha 1 t. • i#k*n4 oc curred. The engine and tender suddenly left Hie. track whiu Ptfa araa at! - m *** •* • H# lin tin' r* lUlUng wi k h w.i n >* intly k l l e#J. Negligence on the part .f the <lefen Inm i#* i*g** In .1 number of j*art • ihr-. It .., . ■ I oent. the engine w.h running backward, at the fat** of for*v-nve to fitt> msl‘*s :ri hoar, which w.** • Mr- .r.d negligent ra* *f apel *.tder tin irr um t.#n *• •of the ruse The engine v. c<l :u. i out of r*-|ia!r, the g* - %*f t’.* wh** |.< l*ang sharp aid ti.'-re iK-inn othi •-(• eta '1 n* tender was light, thei* i* .r.g no coal in it t<* Ik>!I it down, and this added to the • lat./*.♦*? of the high thu- *>f s; -#d The lank is naiti to l.a\' • n iti iKid cotidl non. ti.# #*roetle> tott#*n. th# aplk*> out and the bailisl, if then* had ever be#-n •n worn iiv ay It 1 alleged that th# •l**l# i dant had roll*# . lv*. of ail of these W* •< in its road l**d •tu l tne hinery, and must m held itab.e f or a*'* ld. niy resulting therefrom. At th#* time of his death Fife ws 23 ■ years old. and h r.-oruiil* expect am yof life *f 38.58 years l!* was earn ing ut the time tww#*n 345 and L>> per mon'h, and was in Him* nf promotion to t* j tettei position The full value of his life ! is sued for by his mother. Hh* Is repr#- ntei by kon Arno.'l & Arnold of At lanta. THE: .11 it A DID <4l If K AVORK. It E*onnd %. A|. Ilnrliee Nt f#ullt> It# a V*Mlr of Allnotew. The case of the stale against A M Barbee. whi h was tre*#! in the fluperau • i'ourt yesterday, resulted In a verdict not guilty late yes?*r*ky afternoon. Mr Barbee was * barge#) with selling liquoi within three inii# of a pubic school. The * vUknco disclosed the ta t that t * liquor hod been sokl t* and by tne in# m lers of the Isle of llo|#*- Yacht Club, for which chattered organization Mr Bari"* acted as agent. It idiuw#d that it had not lieesi j*l#l to any olh< r than regular mem bers of the club nor otherwise tiian in ## cordotic** with the club rules and regula i Lons on the subject It further showed I ilia? na soon as tue d'feiwlant becam* j .1 ware of the fact that he was taking P*ri in even a technical violation of the law ; h'* stopp' and t;ie practice nt on- e and #i**• i#t lotiger permit the Yachl <Tub to mak# i use f nls premises for the purpcsie of s*ll | Ing liquor. Mr Barbee also nn*l** these tatevnetifc to the Jury. Hi- defense was oa-.d on th<* | • or.tonti# n that he never had any inten tion to violate the I tw and that ail crimi I nal intent, an f **em#*l matter of pro f ! in order to warrant n conviction, was ah . sent. The prosecutor In the use #li*l no* np I l* ir. .i#d the Irallctment helnsr by special presentment, of the grand Jury. ThL fact .vrous' and some comment, Mr. ILirbee think mg and saying that it was the act of someone who *leehed to mjur#* hltn an 1 w.s afraid t*> .no out openly. The i*- fendant Introtlu* ♦'d no other vl lence than Ids own s'rtt'-ment. b#-lng content to re * his case on th** sh w ag that had been made by the witn# ss-s for the sta’#* Judg* Falllgant charged the Jury alout r. o'clock and In a very few minutes a ver dict of net guilty was returned. Messrs Twiggs & <>llv#r appeared for the and f. n lant. while Mr. Robert J Travis, so licitor general pro-tem, |#rosecuted on be half of the stat/- f H ANt.i: IN Bt llKill LEX Southern’s No. ;t I Now Leaves 3.1 Aft fl utes Later Than Heretofore. A change has been made in the time of departure of ?he Southern Hallway’s northbound passenger train No. 34. The train now leaves Savannah a? 12:56 p. m , Instead of at 12 20. as heretofore. No b* been m ule in th* time of de parture of the nlghs train. Mr. M. F. Plant, vice president of the Southern Kapr* -s Company and a vlre president of the Plant System, was in the city yesterday Mr. Plant came up from Florida, when* he h id been for some days He is traveling in his private car. Sev eral of the lo<**l official* of the Plant System and of tne express comi>#ny call ed upon Mr Plant during the day. Mr. Let M Rendon, passenger agent of the Plant System at Atlanta, left via the Central yesterday for Athinta. Alß*# IIKAItV* Ft NKR AL. Took Plaro A esterilay Afternoon From file limn#- of Her Parent#*. The funeral of Mrs. KUa A. ll**arn took place yesterday afternoon at 3.3f> o'clock from the resldenc#* of her parent*. Mr and Mr*. Joseph Phillips. No. 113 Henry street, east. The services were conducted by Rev. Robert Van Deventer, pastor of the Duffy Btre**t Baptist Church. Three members of the choir of that church sang .1 numt>er of hymn**, among them "Asleep in Jesus.’* "Good l -Night.” The burial was In Laurel Grove CVm etery. The following gentlemen were pall bearers: Messrs W. B Mc’xccr, Joseph Heffernan. J. Bailey. Joseph M Aiken, Isaac La Roc he, and Fred Butler. There was a 1 rg** number of beautiful floral tribute*, and many people paid the last tribute of respect. No Arrangement* for I nn**ral No arrangement* have yet been made for the funeral of Mr. John L. Johnson, an n count of w ho-* #l-*ath v is printed m Ihe Mrning N’ewa of yesterday. The members of the family here are nwnitlng the return from N* w York of Mrs John son. who |s expected to nrrlve this after noon. It is probable that the funeral will take place to-morrow. Doctors Say; Biliousand Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the great ’’driving wheel” in the mechanism of man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result. Tutt’s Liver Pills k Cure all Liver Troubles. There is no end of Old V lrgmia Cheroots to waste, as there is no finished end to cut off and throw away. When you buy three Old Virginia Cheroots for five cents, you have more to smoke, and of better quality, than you have when you pay fifteen cents for three Five Cent cigars. Three hundred million Old Virgini# Cheroots smoked this >er. Ask vour own dciler. Price. 3 for 5 cents. •?”S?; w S 35“ -* 2 • L. 8 - 3 1 • *-1 *-"5 •- ' riE"iB.B ,n * ** ' E Sfl Js S Ifit-'Agfks!-* „*y ho. 52? 33 2 j?,;. ?£ .i- • i c !! ;i oSci !>•' r rh -.a Milm itt*n ii out* nx It on lb yps Do \ 011 Peel Broken Down in Body —■ ' %/ gh ratio S iind Mind? £ h* Rt fgo ha •vi •* “Grayheard did me more good than lornry anything I ever took in my life. I was "ITa" m. r troubled with Indigestion, Shortness *•-"“ 1 ailmU r T . . , , • .j, |>rpor or*.-.mi of Breath, and was given a great deal bin-* i J u ” f >l| of medicine by mv doctor, liut it did me no good. I saw Graybeard adver- *t>rro iMandi tised and i)ouglit it, and it cured me. I r*Mn t Era”!! began to gain flesh, and weigh twenty u pounds more than I did a short time v ago. MRS. J. G. BROWN, J/ES "127 Lee street, Montgomery. Ala." • If |toj - ■ > r Z? For Rheumatism GRAYBEARD * J lvatr°l is Without a Peer. T^- y ihw ox "I have used five bottles of your "• 1- Graybcard Compound and 1 have ex- £• perienced greater relief from it than 2 U h oui from any medicine I have used in the u 1 kno last 15 years. I have been a great suf *'dKr?! ferer from Lumbago or Rheumatism vloU < r .u of the back all these years, and your mn*-i#' iu2'm medicine has well nigh cured me. Lo°^ “V 'Z “ s - G. DENT, # i ‘‘St. Simon’s Island. Ga.” ll ot r.fc. m, Price SI a boltle. If your druggi*! doe# not keep our preparations write us and we will be glad to serve you. ’ nm< r '* rn _ Mir r. RESPESS ORL’G CO.. Sole Owners, Savauoah, Ga. *r th*i a'a!s|te2||jgg ?; r ="?If5 t j <*• rnTr.i"* *’ w a'— —j, 3 ® -r. ST c - -r T -i ~ Z m~ ? LO( 41. I'HHiIOV 4L. Mr J O. Vaugtian of Atlanta Is at th" I'ulsakl. Mr M M Elkan of Ma.-on Is nt the Pulaakl. Mr J. B. Walker of Charleston la at the Screven. Irr. S. W. Mims of Sylvanla ts register and at the I’ulaskl. Mr J. F. Bhetlleld o( McCtea Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr It F Sntns of Atlanta It regtster •sl at the l>e B.rto. Mr. P Henderson of Jackeonvllle Is a guest of the Pol.wkl, Mr 'J F. Bailey of Brunswick Is regis tered at the Pulaski. Mr. J. F. Iroughery of Sumter Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. J, Q. Bedel! of Wo dblne la rrgt,- teresl at the Screven. Mr John F. Pldcock of Moultrie |s reg Istered at the l>e Stoto. Mr F W. Carraway of TalUh*s e Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr W 11. Cordner of Jacksonville )s registered at the Pulaski. Mr K I*. Campbell of Jacksonville Is registered at the Pulaski. Mr James It. Boy I of Jaeksonvl.le |a registered nt the Pulaski. Mr John II Sharpe of Ralnbrldge, Oa., ts a guest of the Screven. Mrs. D. Copeland left via the Plant System yeeterday ft>r Tampa Mr. Fred M lloelel will leave vis thy Central to-day for Montrose. 111, Mr. S. Cl Lung of Sandersvllle regls ter.d at the Screven yesterday. Mr. W. J Rogers of Hpurks was among that arrivals at the S raven yr-Pr ay Mr and Mrs Joe Ferst were passenger.•• on the Kansas City from New York lust night. Mrs. A F MarmeViein was a passenger on the Kansws City from New York lan night. Mr Isaac Josephs left over the .We,,, hoard Air Line yesterday for Old Point Comfort. • Jack" Cranston, the genlnl Southern representative of II A It W. Cather wood. Is among his friend* in the city. Mt -srs W llayes. (leorge Coleman, and B Bessie were among the imssenger* of the p.ant System last ntgnt for Ju kson- Vllle. Mrs J O. Woodward, wife of Mnvor \\ urslward of Atlanta, s|H*nt yesterday In the city and made a pleasant call upon Mayor Myers at the City Exchange. b\ti:hbi) i*i,i: of titii.n. tarter Wade Sentenced to Term tit Five lenrs in Penitentiary. Carter Wade, Indicted by the grand Jury for assault with Intent to murder, en tered a plea of guilty to the Indictment In the Superior Court yesterday and was sentenced by Judge Kadlgunt to a term if ft.o years tn the penitentiary. Wade Is tne negro who assaulted Mr W H, Mo! ra with a razor du log the Flks' carnlvs.. Fortunately, Mr Mollra was not severely hurt by the ugly weapm tn the funds of his assailant Admit* It line, a Part. The answer of the defendant In the ea e of Thomas F. Healey agalnat the Istac Jos,ph Iron Company was filed yesterdiy In the Superior Court The defendan' admits owing the plaintiff 0i1.42. but ile •Uca any other and further liability. The ■Mill is brought for a considerably larger sum All allegations of fraud or u rout, ni.i.lo In ih. petition of th plaintiff, n re *• •>!'■ emphatically iiihl flatly In the an swer of the defendant. The •-ompiny n r. pr. sorted hy Messrs. dußigi.on . Stephens. for mi: ruiiMi nnn. Fnnlffienl lllub tlMia Celebrated at Cathedral. The Pontifical High Muss for the dead ■:-heps, prlcrtr. sr.d htPy of the nnrUh of the Cathedral of HI. John the Baptist sut relfbinled yesterday morning at 11 o'clock h> Bishop Kelley, The service ass un usually well attended. t il l limit Some little uneasiness was felt yesterday for a party of rtorPmen, Messrs. fHivant aed Buk , who left Wilmington Island >’• terdny morning for Tliunderlll and failed to show up until night They were out In the blow the afternoon l*efore an.l rental re 1 a t Wilmington until the weather subsided. They turned up all right, how. ever. Mnrrltiue at ilenufort. Resufort S. <•.. Nov, -The marriage of Mr Mark Keyserllng of this pla e on,l Miss Hos.i Is vl of New York elty was solemnised in the hall of the Knights of Pythias on Ray street at :*) p m to-day. Rabbi I..sser of charleston officiated. Mr Keyserllng Is n Russian ny hlrth. and Is highly esteem.d here. He . onducts a gen era! men luiniUdng business at 8, a brook station, on the Charleston and Western Carolina Railroad, some ten miles from h f r The bride was attired In white and arrled a buneh of white chrysanthemum- T h Iw , we I 'df. I with people, and after the brief but Impressive ceremony numerous friends of Hie happy co.ipf*- galbere 1 about them to tender their con graiulatlons. A fe-ast at the residence of the groom's mother was indulged In later In the- evening. Bone Meal For Chicken Feed and Kerttllaer. NITRATE OF SODA Invaluable for "home-mixed” fertiliser The cheapest and ni'tst concentrated on the market Hend for particulars. HAY, GR.UV t OW FEED, fill AY, BTC. SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS, Thone —1 1U Ray street, west PROPOSALS WANTED. V. 8 RNQINEER OFFICE. PT AT. Busline. Fla.. Oct 19. lo Rested pro posals for completing gun and mortar but terles and bunding concrete store-houa at Fort Taylor. Ke> Wes-. Fla. will b received here until 12. n on. Nov. so, 190, and then publicly- opened Information furnlshe I on application, c. 11. McKlnt try, Capt Egr*. J. D. WEED * CO UVMIAII, BA. Leather Belting. Steam Packing 4 Hose Agatiia tor NEW YolUt AIEk.Ti.NU AN it PACKING COMFAN X. LliLI HOPfc R’T MO a u R 7 i.i. For lilr ot Hops, Montsom. r>- f boil. Cattle I‘srk and VV.- t Dslly except Hundaya. Subjm t wutiout noiU-e. isi.k of Horn LV. City for 1. of 11 , L.. M, ( , , 6>i m from Tenth t, oo am f 7!0 am rrotn Tciito , 6 wam t r i # um Irom Tcoth j 7 M ani for i S!6 am from lie.ton ■> Wla 1“ 30 .im from Tenth ID it* f „ r l: ul) ll'n from T. nth ,U u* , m (or i; 115 pm from Holton 11 a, . m ,■; 7 3u pm ftvm Tenth - • 3SO pm from Tenth ,34d pm f ()r p , 43t pm from Tenth |3m> pm r ■t, , n SSO pm from Tenth 4 M m > t> 3u pm from Tenth t ioo pm f. M -p, , , 73D pm from Tenth |7UU pm Tei h 3u pm from T.nth ; sOo pm i,. i, . i3o pm from Tenth | ir io pm .. .. •[, ID 3d pm from Tenth jlo *pm f, r i, |U w put for TANARUS, ,;, a MONTQOMKUY. I.v city for Motitj ry j L., M.„ . „ , S3O am Irotn Tenth j 715 am t r 1 , 3' pm from Tenth 115 p u , r ol , #m pm fiotn Tenth , odd pm to .. CATTLK I’AIEK. Lv_city for Cat.Fark Lv. Cattle 1 r ,. #3) am from Hoitott 7 tr* am for l J M oiu fiotn Hoiton | a uu am for n 1 uu pm from Hoiton , 1 i„ pm (or i 3 30 pm from Hoiton | 3 uu pin fo: u 7Uu pm from Holton iuu pm f,, r i too pm from Holton gjo p m f.,r I _ THUNDERBOLT Cor leave, Holton atreet junctli it „ , a. m. and every thirty tuinute: tn.-t . until ll:3up. nt. Car have- Thunderbolt at 6 on a m. , , every thirty minuieit thereafter 1.’.U0 nudniKht. for Holton atreet tiott. KHEIQHT AND PARCEL , Iu Thla car carries trailer for paesen*-r.t on all trips untl leaves west side ~ market for laic of Hope, Th underhot: and all Intermediate points at Sd() rr. 1 no p. m.. 5 •■* p. nt Leaves Isle or Hope for Thundt City Market and all Intermediate P !i at ti 00 a. m , 11:00 a. tn , 2:40 p m. WEST END UAH. ' Car leaves west side of city market for West End 6:00 a. m. and every 4" m , thereafter durlns the day until 1! :;■> p r . Leave, West End at 4:3) a m and • ery 40 minutes thereafter during the :t until II no o'cloek midnight H If. LOFTON. Oen Manar r i■ KY&pJ I t I This is the Trade Mark I of the Best Builders Hard ware : that made by the Yale&Towne Mfg. Cos. Those who contemplate building should send for our artistic brochure "Artist ana Artisan " free. H. H. PEEPLES &. SONS. 125 CONGRESS ST.. WEST IH A CERTAINTY THAT Smith’s Chili Tonic A TRADE MARK. WILL CURE Dengue, Typhoid. Intermittent, Malaria, And All Forms ol Fevers. ALL mirtlGlSTS SELL IT ON A GUARANTEE. —Manufactured by— COLUMBIA DRUG CO. t SAVANNAH. GA. BRHNNAN BROS. WHOLES ALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. >33 BAY STRUT. Wasu ttkrhsMiiL ORANGES. Headquarters for FINE FLORIDA ORANOEB FRUITB AND VEGETABLES of 1 kinds. NEED RYE, SEED OAT 9. HAT. GRAIN. FEED. FLO' r - CHEESE, BEANS. Teas. Rice SirJ W. 1). Si 111 kins & Cos. ■■ CURE j ! i of tie most obstinate r aw* "ft (j ? 1 itn<! Oleet, guana . i dsrs inu other trratmont r..|uir>-i c i I Hold hy all JOHN G. m;TLKIt. —DEALERSIN- Pninls. Oils and Olara. | ‘ , Blinds anal Builders' Huil ln* 1 ' . Dre-oratlve Wall l'u|>er. l'-r-li • ~ mratic Cefnenie. Lime. {’[“'tr.. ;n. Mr Aarnl for Aheallne t old ' V Congress street, wcul. an<l IS •treet. west.