The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 27, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. lintl'a t*r*at in*rry. Or** r mi. hottl** of Hail* Groat Dl*- covtry cuiti all kidney mid b adder tr * blw, rfmove* gravel, cures d..b t** rf ' ln*l eriii*j*: ru>, w*-afc and lain* 1 k irieum*im and *ll irrvg-ilai ••** *>f 1,, 1 kiun >• *tid bu i .t i si: i*o■ r* !' •• *‘T H * •nvii, i* i* * ** ‘ • l club it i.o. o*d b> >o-.i •kk>' l *” l be wnt b> luti. .-! :• • t 1 * U,,u **“*• bo til* l a iwo raoi lift’ t **' *• j rorc any ias** at t im niii'iud *’ r i- , W 11*11, k>U muj.uf * luir. 1 *~ x I to* Si Lou.*, M. • n<J ?or : Tmonlai* Sold by all dru*gis:s and HoUmi > Cos. ; £a\*nn*l, Ua Rmil This. < u! b rt tiki., April 2 19&0 This Ik to ■ f> I ■•••* *••*• with *r••••: "1 t • 1 took aiaty <*r.>i> of Hair. Orral llc. vry and It rom rrurr 1 w It l worth tl."0O l>*( bottle to any ot needing !l J. T STEVENS IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. xku a ami t n:\\ * nr tiik im i\ t%% u m:*. An ttlrniplnl %*ntill Near Moll unuH-lllg lilNiirry for Thomson. Cotton Well In l.n l.rrnm**. >• u |le|iot f*r I olimiMm* Thr#nl*nrd strike In Trni|H- 1 n* trp Is Miori Florida's ’letiiier* to Mfel—lMhrr Florida Attempted on limn nit. Bulloch Times: It I* ■* nil 4kc a**out F* riven county gob*# - ever. It ram* ver\ i.*-ur It I’.r-aii's m*- joriiy wan only 12 '• H* .i <*■" li**- trift wont Hep.ibllt an M hai 1 * ** al tar up there. Mr. Alfr* 1 < niton Holds It* on loiOraiige R.|**!*#-r The LiOr.v g*' Mill puiv iel .1 K inin tri |tr *. \e-er lt\ * *. :t s' • •■■ - ’f -HI l ihe IHxle Mil* pur oh**# -f the *• firm !!■'>• •.* • th* v**r • .*• pt*-* jai l ]** r the cotton 1 Ing •* ‘ * tt.~ |er p-'irul Th** tleal w.i** u bug* ou* a >’J l** Ing involved in the ir.ui .* Hon. This D the l**t of * >l*l It < • H--.r in l* 1 li .ihtt' this '••• ihwi, un i the pci ** paid for the ntapl* eh**w •* the ktrength of the uwirkei 111 tl4 city. | MicrprUi I r Th*MMnn . It I* currently i i*ortcl In * r clrx lht arouiu* will In' brokin within nrxt f.-w mottthr. l*w>kltt< t the 1. nl I Itut <f w Ijritr n r\ plant .it Tliomwon. It Ih thonrlh th.-rw will l. .in ••.Mw-nttnur*' •• from ti I **' '•> Jji tin In th** rtr.-Uul! of thlw ww win* ir f ), .ix It Ik proi>...l to <*| ill* It at h thr Utawt impmvnl machinery anil nl* al" an.-.ti lor handling cotton . onvenlant'y, therwhy ttlvlnic ootnjilrtr and ax neat |" r* fact aarytea a* a lnnar> ■* I ' ax can he learned, thci* will !*• k. t twelve win Mati'h Of the rqnatr .m*l round-lap hah , Ihux the farmer will be able to have hi* oitun pat Into whit ever whap* h* prefeta; n lartm wirehou-w |k U 1 in. attached, cincnient i rrm< I for the handling of weed colton. odtoi and ixitt'Mt k.-.k! N.wr Ikw uM tlrove. ttalui lav. elahl mile* aouth of McDonough In llatr> <ounty. atwwt noon MU* KdHh Iximmux, daughter of Mr*. Maggie Uimniux. who Uv*' two an*l a hail mn*-* a*u of •> cuat (trove, wax reiiirnlinr fr'm that place tn a buggy Stic ha. wot sen about "'!• mile from laienwt Grove, when n* -to ►prenw Irom bahltul . home on the roa aide and Jumpr.l upon th. hack of th buggy. He threw hi* arm ..round .• • alrl out MU* l.urnmu,* *ciewm.*l ~s s - Of her vol e a.1.1 the n- vro )Uinp>-d from th- buggy and nl. alarm and It, a -host while the .hUe - Ikv u. Grove w rc on '• " “ the negro. They tr.u k.*l him ..l- I * mile .0.1 loet th- trail, but they n * h aenurtng lb w <eU In * of *nv From the .lex rtptlon given o him y MU, Lurntn i*. th. ctw.i,- know who b rmlt ■ and to al n W • 1 *' ' l! ’ ** .7‘i.hdah y'w’souwhi . r; inim the mother . f tne IHUo girl. I * highly rci|‘Cled v\ blow. < olniti*' lrp*- ( OtumbUK Enquire! -Sun The <!• “* r 4he gterund on Which lolutnbuW new e John* M l- ■ f <*>■ ' • V v "r, ,*• , Itv in roi l. Ml- nrt "n the ~* lommHiM' "l Hi- •■mmoi.x * omttdssloner. theme- v.- T.. - .!-<• •">■ V . him lli<* nr..hi I i'ii wnx ti tin •'< 1 l , , ' stand tor *' -• I*” 1 1 'ii * v* ull in- nitlr.i.i.l • ..Uhl Klv- it" -omniu sinners <h • • B ' 1 ,or l. n,, Mr. Egan will now recommend n> the Oentru) diw ior* I ' ls the pur.-imsc ~f the ground l*e mob- *1 hh* Is nvr- or I* Of form.ill:> only, an the matter wan l.ruetu.ill' left In the hand* of President jjjgan A* ■ n i** —i of fm li 1 •• ÜB “* M ntc<Ml thin the executive bothl of the root* nt m* -linn to In' hi'.il i. xt week, wii* opprovn of hie request for nuthorlty to u.iKf* th* |HirrhH’* written ’om ntunlcaiion t th* -arl ys’iriy, l r-m IvtfJin h• l * < w>rk on th- i*w *t.*- Ilon wiv <1 beg.*' * * lt‘T thin M.l r '!i v On** of the t *rti*it it ti*- >f th* • *■ It* thil the wr>rk b* *-l ' : FLORIDA. rine-rritMllnK I* general through th* pert loti arotift* I Anthony now. anti ti*w nxryp |v nr. iitly rli*> .•*•! The old cron hurt been MlrH.v * in* lup for th* flrxt tltiir in m Vfi itl ‘ hi * lx not mk lflie a good View, amt th** output will be *n ire y ina qti.i f far home consumption One of h* Anthony m* r* hunt* hah * rtml) mad* or lot for ?-vrui> from \N. -t Florida, which will arrive in a few day* The can* cr p, however, will vry much larger next y* ar, aa la I*o pluminga will be made. Florida** Tenehera. The meetlnir of tae Slate Teach*r* A*, fiociatlon in Tampa from D* 10 2* will be an event of Importance In the plane for the • nt* r air.m it of th* t*aeh. ere, many thing- ar* beinx •n 1 !*r <l. nn*l moi g them • *x- u-n 1 *wn th* lny Th* Tampa K* tile mpiny haw agreed to gave th* teachers fr* trace* p, nation over all the tr. et carllt * while they ar* in the city Bodge* will b* ir*- eented to tlu teachwre, and thl* will <n tltie them *0 go Where they pbwie* witi ocit the rout of u nlckl* Thii will n.*l>i• them hll to get a good lo k at the it% ard *? Joy the many p.ea*i,nt resorts t the fuileat poealble extent. hamliler* <••* tittsMlp. Pertaarola Preen: The town was again full yer * with gossip relative to th* gemb* rs. iil th* out fm of their ttr r*er ts -t.• miptirtatu fe ttur* *• tn con tending ar 1 t>* nevlng the defeii.l.irte will come out O. K w >li* others say the city will b ant* to • cure • conviction and >*n i..- sjf. r - by tlii*- How* ever, th'.s is nl) 1 matter of conjecture end opjr.j'H ir di‘. >;> will I>* k pt up until Ttifishiv tn*rnltiK. when th* evi dence will h* weigh* ! in the Mayor's Court and o decision reached. The con tinuance it the !• .t < f th* hearing *<*t tot yesterday morr ing when aii the de f* ndant* were present before Mayor Hil liard and the court room po~kod with arwetatora. all eager as to the outcome of the trial. What's In a Xamef The editor of the Ess' Coast Advocate roccAtly unearthed a bit of history in onnfilon with th numr c*f • tTHfckiint tf thp* *it> that wan r.ot |n<*rally knowti. About ¥•• yfum ufo the Kif*K f Ktikb'n*f i i .if p i<k| |MU‘(I ail ot d**r f>r a*np|e *♦ I he um| *XoiUfllV*>ly for l)*K' nikimr Mn> .itnpl - were fmhmitl* ! f r :• - p-• lion, t if ..*ilj one vsifh.-ioul t *• \ r it- -f - ( rillti.ft tne tn*kt r l f*r l>,tii. the Kiiilf tn.ifb known the reuH ‘>f iln .-f, it I liepilred *if the m*k*r n •tn* On bfHOC laid th*t it wan l‘.'inl'. ii *u|<l it ,*t In w tiUl !h- 111 i •rll. irul thereafter It would !•• ifitr hiTi name <. Ituntlr*.’. <f rtt A in i HtmlKht and m of th - old I. tne clotliDiMker. drvf rr llrmiuht The peetlon Mrountl lloanlmun • riow coins through • fill Hr* a:ht of Imot it.pres * i*nii 1 iliirMtlon. rians** !•*'■• I eve be**n rl*-<* tip f r l- k of rnol*tur* for a month Alv if.-tui*!* for winter market will be late. ,n*l fily a -tnali p* r •nt *.f the .i*in| p mu b. plan * I The coal •II of two w*** k* alto •■*• *!*.. f| lirl> pi* •*f*ti* t‘ for winter fr -ttur* tr*-*-* in* I- ;t. lanlp l. and •“ • iik* rut ilel ltiik**l All th** .*- ** *• v a r.t 1 1 y (•* lif fH MliH** * IO •* ir- fi fie tory it lak* Miry Orati.** • I*-. w .. *. at ii I **♦■ 1 for, hive m.i* * in, I tr w?h *in< e they uproot**! tip m th- nmp** In ih* -jrf ► Tne ruo'it •in harflb-r -mil nrwly InvlgcfiilHl *f -4* . c-a.-h b.i k.--t No Mi mimtlii'tlr ktrfke. Trlhtm*- T'urther talk of a evin |nth* i' f*rik* i>* mere l*o i. So fir on tn t* nee it from th* pr**e*-nt *-lt toil, !ief in lio.hillg to be # vmpnt hel if* HU*U* Ma .ink flf llmtl an Itormraide p*e'*e arl i" • tu• (•••)! | *m uroun-l ii:ir 1* ‘ <*f w at : i,*'-n* ! t’ n|*. iliiiHK body of v .rki kmen ftin*t lonifer auk. the other Is* and .IH#r bodl**** of the * Ity to nup i-**ll i Nothitur would 1 >*’ by if* neraJ m mpiili* if Mtike, nl inn* and woiildt ►* |ot iv it 'rhe r*olt of tt wmihl • ribi .. t: t.f liibintri4 * n; alnM ithrn Hie **i r! h* t** iv. tio grle% ant'e, tn* k*- f • > niplovin**nt im| |tn pr*g*'-*-ln to lalmr.iur men. who i-* v•• no omfdasni* to make -in * t o -carmakem nitunHon would re mum Meiniwily th** name hi 1 le noef. Ih ihih* a etrlke *f the other tr d*n won I*l i • fHi* r nfr**M the rnanofarrturera nor the lb MMi-nria' win mi %t i MoitY f ilial.m.i-:. I le-1 g| *<| litNlnat iPmielnK the In fat I tot lon t•> %flant. Kmorjr College. Os ford, bn Nov 2f> Tin min iit im prompt u debate letw*en ttie i w i IPer.iry •d-'iftlf ■. w.i* he.d Satin • lay * v-nlnf in Sew Hall, and wax one •*f Hi* nt'-t-t Inter* link f*ren*t* *attlr ** j which have b * n wltfieeaeal at l*anor> In it i )'rur time The quetlofi. wrht-'h wna an- I riotince*} io the speakers by Prof Murvtn ‘ * William* of the rfuilr <f oratory, who I i)r#*i litl, wnt*. "fiaaolvod. That Em* ry t'ollese hout4 be m<*ved to Atlanta " The annonn- emenl of this question fame an a ihur*l**r> lap l**lh to the wpeakern and the audience. !*< rcreat at* their surprise, but , It u • . qul< kly seen thit It war* an Id* il i <|U-tlon f<r lni*r*ini|*fn *ila<Mifo*|oii, tlni .ill w*re • quall> lnforme*! ij|M>n It The repr*i* ntMlives of Phi liamma, who < luimpbdied the .ifflrmuilve were Meaarn How ur*l K JJller <f V\ ayrroe*i. Hush A. Woo*lwaid *f Wlvu'hetter, Trim . Alfr*- 1 ! <*■ Hroofn of Newnan. Wade tinmp on liy-* t*‘r of Vienna, <’h.irb-a I* H*ddlni< of Waycrof'. <*tl t.f Atltitna while the a* kativ* w.m lefend**l by ihe to low iiifT e**tiM of K*w Menurn L*. Wosrn •'raff of Ho kmart, .M4<lsmn) Bell of At lanta. John C C Hroike of Forsyth. Sm rt Hoto rts of Ma. on. Thom is Bran^m •*f Ho. kinuri. John W. Btuh) of M* Bse. The pleasure of the was k^vttlv • nhan •-I by the intrrK;terel**u h* tween h peer he a of some b*utlful mindr ex • ellently ren*i**r**l by LoHle Hsv kooil and Marie livim* and Mr Aim It. M-< i*'*h* on Th* d* (i.Mon was for Ih* negative. Prof Wllibim*. who probated. at.itel af ! ter ih* dla- ti dtui tlun hi wh highly pit*.i’••il with tin* efforta mule hy lte vn rkma -*!•*.tk*-iH at i Bui!, taken a Hog* ther il wax one of the rrtmit Interentlnir and ; holly f * ight Impromptus that he had ever I win.* o-d Th* late for th** unv lllnsr of th* !u t ! *f Skiney I..inter ha* been net. Aid thin notable event will occur ti the sth of IV • niter .Indue John W. Alk*n of <ir tersvlll** wii !*• ihe orator *>f the ocen** lon, Aik! a pnorr im *>f great Intereai will I**' rendered by th#* student**. \r.w nkiih %i. Mmnon. \ It-11111 rU it lilt* I.*ry Mml** I*, an Kmtnrnt I* re wo h g*lentlt. From th* New York Journal. Paris, Nov. 21. -Medical circle* thrmigh out Europe are much interested in a die covary which !r. If. Ilaraduc. the emi nent P-irtelan scientist, lata Just ma<lv and which, it Is claimed, will In future tender a quite • isy for physicians to diagnose several, if not indeed ail dE , case*. lr. Bara due *xpl.dn<sl hi* discovery nt ; recent m*ting of physicians and ps - - hologlsts, w itn'li was hdd her*. an*t since then there h** tH*en much dipctjsslon in regard to It. some • I.dining that it is quit* a- Important ** the Roentgen rays while eg hers maintain that its sphere of u>* • fulne*H will In* much mors limited, though even they admit that as a factor toward the correct diagnosis of disease it is hound to prove of great >*rvlce Nine year-* o Dr. Bara due Invented the hiomcPT. an Instrtim* nt by which vi tal for * in the form of vibrations may be measured. ll* has now discovered that these vibrations can not only lie measur 1 hut th t their < ff* t on th* hu ! man loly and mind can also readily U ; ascertained. M n. ut i ordlng to him, consists of three •dements matter for e, and splrlt—of j which force i mainly manifest..) hv jm* ana f vlbntthww, whl *h are both psychical and physical, or. in other words, emanate from the mind as well as from th* body. What he calls "a double vibration" is thus produced, ami this, he soys, can l* easily registered by means of the two hands, the right hand showing th* physt* r inn n diseases ivy I I ( R I ■ can rurad only by a t ompl*t* s*yxiam i If If I# Of trc!m*nt which neutralize ami drive* \_J L J \J \J out Ml Of I poDon ami at the amf time buiklx up tFi#* general health of the patient. Dr. llathaw ay's metho*l of treating th*' different tttagtw of this dleea**’ stop- lh* outward xisnx at one** ate! quickly bring* !*>ut • thorough anil prmxmtit cure of every portion of the body @ affected, and a.i thl* W* done In xuch a way that the pa tient doen not need to Isolate himself or give up hi* buxi ne**, nor doe* he suffer for the balance of hi* life from pallvutlon or any other reflex a-tion of adinlnifUered The patient I* etmply mad*' again a perfectly well, *otu .| man. with all danger of tranamllllng the dtxcaxe I>r Hathaway al*o treats* with the ame guarantee of v'ls ■ne w LOSS OF MANLY VUOR, and aotber chronic >lt}d , ‘-+’s/f* •’ dla* iss ot men. K lulling *li Kidney ari l Frlnary nrxl -"W Sexual disorders Varicocele. Strlciurc. etc. J Newton Hathaway Ml> l >r llathsways new id-page book, mining fully of all the diseases which he treats and telling of his method, together wllh a great deal of valuable Information which will help any one to examine hla own condi tion. will be cent FREE on application, as will also carefully prepared aelf-examlna tion blanks. Consultation and advice free at office or by mall. Office Hours—9 to 12 m , 2 to 5 and 7to 9 p m Sunday, 10 a. m to 1 p. tn. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Hathaway k Cos. 25 "A” BRYAN STREET, *- SAVANNAH. GA. THE MOKMNG NEWS: TI'ESDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1000. al, or animal, vitality aa* the left the !••>•( tswi. or m* iitaJ, vitality. Or, llnrl uv‘m Ivtena. He ray* "I- Inlm tha there nriiiii-i m a verita*- ?* of in- t v • p\j 11*-1. wMi * ir* ruKk ral rn in i . -t loth* visible tn*vefn*ntr trrvfairfed hy tb* rn to the needle *f an Instrument d** -*. sc to reglmer them Ar a r*Mllt. by • ’ - ■. r-xtr M**t niovemevitr w *• > in ml* rpt *-f th#- Ignin* .in* •* of t!* movement * within ii Min . ret**- iround him by ha* vlbra i.* -1 -in invirlbb* b-it r*n im**P|ihere atil i i* |.** expiali r*d th*- phemon4*fioci of mor •i. contiiglon, whether it tiffed* only two (•ersemr or m r<w*l of |*er pon who are .i imated ly tn* *- *ine inner vloration." lie th#*n * that thwe vlhrattoai* of vital for* * after b*-mg measured, can le *xpre--d In * lentlfV forrnu.oa, whw'h will |ti each n *x •< tty ItuH s > the r*- lat hip bet\v-n the (diyeleal ar.d m**ri- tl nature of th* j “ent. Beventeen such f',rn.ji.i . Hpp i nit.** to various rr>.i)a*), •* 1.. \ lie. i ilr>*!x fr'ir.*| Ivy him 'lh* it* t • *.f tne b.m**ter. or register he fMilnis out. j -ittr.i ted or hy i.• vim *tion- nr and thus •’ a glance the , *fate of i jaiti* ntu men.'a) ir phyalrnl !. •sit ft can b*- lor exampi* the n • *ll** is n-f*- dhv vibration* that Irwli- J<*%* an<t h* ;th. #rd lr attracted by .***■ that Indicu * l euraatheulM and rid re As each hand serves for n dlff- rent pur !■* * . th* pre !e r*rn(*eram* nt of any per •**ri mnv h*- l**H p m*l by rotniarliis in* vl- I-.ItIMHX from 1.l .eft With tll.rtK from th#- righ* I’he Kit it tmt ortonce of thlr new *ll*- cr*v* rv in * tliii\ he styled tne science ttl biometry <■••ni**t. h or!lns t* Tr Buradi . at the fa* t that bv means of !f ’ ar-l y stmiying the vibrations i tr>* wf hi ctn hi nce determine wna* f* nrn " f e|*-trot he rn pent )c trenimem lr b* -t sotted frr earn |a?ent In the care, for example, of a pe*rscn *• i.ff*rlntf from r*m* nervous mabttH the movements *.f the* no. die would rh**w th# v.e • corrlitlon of hi* brain and what should hr d<>ne in order to brlra; Ihe two ►*s* of vibrations Into i*ro|er e*!iillit>rlum | (no Ho| oof Treatment. "Th ink* to my nee met ho*l " says r>r B iradut 'f <,n now th* enerry *>f t e \ltal \ihr.itl -n* and- an thu f*olnt out in tiia case of Ir.vali.l* what form of , ejecirnal tr* *irn**nt ir t*e>eflrlMl and wiiat 1 I** not ' The <]*ct>r de-crlben at length tli* two f.*rrri of electrical treatment which he 11**1* at.*l wi|ch he styles ebr irtx.itlon and lle|e*-irlr.atlon ,f, ‘ niAlma ns t it t.# bar found tle lat ter method of wnlerful servi e In the . *• *A rn* >of*holv an*! itHelnnst** per j -i r. as w*-l| , *f th**. e w<* apt to I commit suicide * die young nwtn, he rays, who w*a-, on • the point >f putting an *n*l to himself on amount of an imh i|*px lov* affair w a.- treasie<l hv him. and th- r—ult was it‘ at the end of three *• had wholly *lven Up all Of stib'ido and had •vcn utterly forg>tlc:i the girl he had I ox od In conclusion. Tr Baraduc sa\s “ThU dl* f*overy In regard t< human vibration** is of interest to all those who are nerv ous. trnpreHeinnnh e. emotional, sensitlve and phytic*!- fo those who vibrate too tnuoh, ur well a** to those who do not vlhrwt# enoitgii "It 1 necessary that InvalMs of this type, the children of a neurasthenic ave, wtio***- whoh- life l?< not till g t*ui a fa *.• vibration, should know that now at last bus Is en die* .v# r.*l u vn--th**t I y me in of wlUch the vibrations can be analyzed •n*l cl.issitlsl. no ugitter wh*tt**r su h vtbratiotiM ar* th** result of ienic plixsl •ul ex* e-r or in.rnal <!*"-lr. nr wh th*-r they at** the Indicator* of a hr tin that Is too feverish, and of ideas that at** too exalt*'*!. Nature Mas He atndlcd. **a\nd -vn as their \lbrt't*nr a e known and registered It will be |< si h> to study each person’s nature more clo*e ly and to classify it with a scientific p c clalon unkn>wn hitherto "Thus th- evil tendencies may be held In control, an*! a return to health may be Insured In evi ry use, provilc| th- prof • r m*(hod of treatment l**> fl)*w*d namely eh** trlx.itlon In the cn**# of neu nisthenhs, dkaelectriaation in th* is* **f liersrHis ruffe ring from other forms of nor* - • •us disorder, and mechunl il augueatl* n In the ease *f |>svchopsith Jr lisradu*' is preparing for the press i lengthy work *n this Mi>Je<*\ whl-h will contain . full a -omit *d his v.irlivjs *xp*•*•■-tie nis In this .llrect -n. n well *s ; ,n explanation of the various formulas by meuns of which he cl.issitles the ills . i * s that tiav* 1 nvmlTested th**ms. Ives t> him through vibrations. This work Is designed for physic! ms ami not for laymen, but a a disc iv* ry of this kind Is of Interest to th** entire vtlised world Ih hit poMn frankly ahiniA It to some of his Parisian to - leagues. % writ an4.r. 4 4in4 im.Nt I'M!! Wreck* In An me In Which Two Firemen Were Killed. Thom.isvUle, Ga . Nov. IS Ttu* Plant System had .a hsd freight train wreck one mile w* st of this fity on Saturday a a* , k ago. In whl h a fireman w • killed rkiturdsy. Just otu* week Inter, at the same hour of the <lay, it hail another tr.-lght train accident at the same spot. In which another fireman, Itufus Hhep. herd, by name, was killed, being scal*le*l -o badly tliat he dts| soon aft* rw ards. Tlie *• .tents arose from different causes, Ih* ~ne yesterday from tne blowing out of ihe crown sh* * t of the boiler. Th** en gineer, Mr Manning. Jump**l an*l was only slightly injur* I The way seems dear now for th*' Pos tal graph r.xniwiiiy io hulal to Th<n !*>vlll**, and P Is said that the line will l* ex tendril to this city tmniedi te|y. .1 M Clamper, who Hv- I near this city. ,1b *1 Friday night. John .1 Kentudv. in tig*'*! f.rmer of thi county, died n ently. ll*me grown pecans an* being offered for sale in this market. —A biographical work recently publish •! In Kansas o btains the biography of a well known Kepubllcan politician, writ ten by himself. It says: “On Oct 2v. l^i. Mr i it his wife ** This was th** date %vh**n tin wlf* s* cutisl a divorce from him on the grounds of abandonment. • PROMPT ACTION. I herowg ii I j Pure** Every Form of t*llea. Tne Trarnd Pile ’ure ha* !*een • pl#a*-Ant s .r;.rlt* to fhousande f suff*w *rs, r**- ause of th# Instant relief |t gives and t • prompt eure whh h follows :ts regular uee, an#l this don* without iht* • *►• nt opiates, co*vtln*. tnar >tlcs or poi eont< of any knd. o careful anwlysis p>r*wvi t e Pyramid PM# Pure to be wholly li**- front any tnjtirlevus drug whatever. Hurutrcd- *f peop,e who ha*l almost *le • d***i to undergo an op*rati*a>. liellevtng nothing e:s woiml cure them ' ave been i-temteued to flitd tusit • fif \ egit tsrxx of j the I’x r imtd was far eifer fierier atsl mure *-ff#vtiv tnan an <*ieratliai ould possibly !*•• T* *• Pyramid Pile Cur# a.lays the In rumn-i'luii mil intolerable itching, re li • the tumors and hy Hit trlngent pro|ei .* causes the enlarg'd b.0.xl v*s • h t* contra ■ to healthy e'mditioti. A gentleman living in Cleveland relates ► -x,Be *t bv saying It afforlw tn** liiHieusil pleasure to odd ny en*i*rsefn4nt to wixi I eosishter a really wond* rfui pile cure. 1 w ip a sufferer from piles for years until a brother salesman toll m* about the Pn mm Id Pile Cure. It ha enilr**ly 'tred me mii*l I cheerfully recommend It.'' Mr* l> |. |(wd of Albany **ays I would not take tfiiO atcl te i>ki ed back Wh> r- I w i b*-f.r# I io*#* 1 the Pyramid Pile ('ure | suffrrid for year# am# it M rvw slgntrsn rreaiths sin<*e I used If and not th*- slight*m trace of the trouble has return***!. ’* Vlrs. Hinkiey of Indianapolis was told in’ ‘.**t p iv**; inn ♦ but i>*,thi*.g rsit a stirgi al op*rali>fi. eostitle Is tween seven and • ight huiKlr***! ioilare. < ouil cur# tier as •:i** hu! eufYere*! fifteen years, yet even In • .-ii -i hw the Pyramid Pile Cure arcovn pdahed it complete cur* . sfe nays: I k**w **-i operatioti wouil • ietth •< m** iirfi tried the Pyramid with very little h**i*c. so it |- no* to lx wn*lere| ** that I *m it enShusiasltc In It.** praise " The Pyramid Pile Cuie je s*el by drug- ,t ftfcv >ft fa fr>r coinjt* t‘ trewl m**nt himl as |t confalns n* opiate or #ther |His,inua drugs may l*e used with entha safely N. <>n- n—Kl Kiiir-r fr.nn |>Uaa In nv f-rni, wh- will ki\k tHla **<'.'.l.-iu (.r.-par oiton n (rial. HAHI*r. DTKLLIOnCE. MaMara nl Inlrrrai tn <lliip|iln Mrn Grarrsllr. If was a quiet dav In the h.trbor yes. terday. There w*r* no arrivals nr d*- parture* of foreign trading vesael*. The a-ly stir among river craft was during th*- aftf rnoon. wrien th*r* was a rush of mgs to the foot of Whitaker and Barnard -ireets to render assistanie at the ftr* nearby. When li whs found that they could r. n.b-r no effectual service they were or dered away. Philadelphia. Nov. 3*.—The Norwegian steamer Frey fr*m Bt. Jago. now in fort, rejtorts thiit on Nov 19. latitude 29.1&. lon glttuio 74. b*arl**cl the ir* ii* t iw'hoiuier Miry K lermoni| and *et fire to her When la t seen she was burning fiercely. I he first ship, properly sj-** iking, of the I*rit!.4h navy, known as the <reut Harry, w : bul*t by King Henry VII. at a <ot of fM.tiuo, and was burned at Woolwich through H‘ >'iileiit in ll&l, snyn CassiePs M.iK i/me f>r December. By his prerug lU*-. nr and it his own ex|>ense. he Mid the foisr.da'lon settled the oonsiitut rm of the present royal rnivv. An admiralty and n *vy off| * wer- - *nsf it tiled and *otnmis. slonerx were appointed hv him. regular salaries were aettled not only for the ad rnirais and vie# a irn.ralx, hut for his cap* Liinn al* and seamen, nd the sea serv- I **> si t <i ilm* h* • im*- a distinct and reg. dir profcasion Henry It was. too. who founded the Iteptford. Woolwich and Portsmouth do*’k>arda oral the Trinity House. Hie powerful |c*breoker sfe tnixhip Krmak w;t* bul t from the plans of Ad rnltal M ikan>fT. ti- originator aiul suc • sful navigator of the vessel. On h*r til l *! trip -h# CIII her way through the -.did i-e. having behind her a brood chan nel in th** desert of I•. At Cronst dt. w t -re tli. h** Is gins to close up In the bite autumn, the people fr*quently gather t.* witn* ss the arrival of the vessel, anl lri\f ilongglde In sledges, but the little Finland horses -in ootircely keep up with the Krmak. I'siktagrei to Stewwiahlpa. I , a-sengrs by steamship Kansas City, New York for Savannah Nov 24 J C. nro*hollne mui wlf*. Mrs H Meyer. Mrs E Al\ * r/. Mrs J \V. Adorns. J. Feral and wlf*. \V. IM. fi p and wlf*. Mrs. (*ham herlain, Mrs. <J Spalding, D firodle, J. \\ Decker, 11. Tuttle. Mis I. Hchep er and chlldr* n. Mrs. L. W Dean. Mrs. It C. le-if, Mrs J. It. Gamble. F. S V. nd wlf* Mrs t j Porter. L. E St John *inl wif*. Mrs Thornton, Mi** Mic* I,o hay, M. Krdman and wife Mrs. M ildhoff. Mrs. T H Ward. Mrs. J W T* eph . Kev. F, Gunn. \V. M J. S And*rwon, M S. |<o--. C. Mill and wife, tl. A, EW'dl and wife. Mis A F. Mar meisteln. Mt-s M < l‘r *n. < M I'-rt-r and wife. Mr Hyrne*. Miss I* Plena*. P. S Weiigtiio, W C, Davidson. VV S* an ton, Mrs Chaff**. Mrs A tl Brewer. Miss M Belcher. J J Byrne. A Morris anti wife. F < • Moor* .1 K Held, Miss M. A Smith. W. M. Br*s>ks. Miss J Hwlnton. J H: n -ton. F. Gross, F Mortimer aml wife M. Campbell T E Nickerson. Mr. Graham, F. J Held. F. Watarbury, F. F Pierson. It It I’rh e and wife. W. Mclierrmdt, J o'Tool*. K M Loughltn. C Murray. J Early. Mary E Davis. J Daly, \V. J. Sornes, It. N T*ft and wife, F \V <JH tus. AN Korrnann. D l'*odhetm. J. l’rlggs. M Lunderen, E. Wright. II A. Curtis, E Debo itnd wlf* nr4| children. II Lewis, .1 rinknwtn. J. Gecggrcr, I*. Handmau, F. G. F. Gaffney. Basset wer* per 'e.imshlp Alleghany. *aliSng to Bhilalelphla yesterday: L. H. Tucktr. 1. A Tucker. Mrs Eillott. Miss 'Edictt, \V. O. Duval. Mrs. DuvuL I'assengers srrlv*<l last night from Bal timore on steamship TANARUS. I! Miliar: Grant Cowan. Ir. c. H. Mtlilrim Mrs. A. Mil ler. Adam Miller. J K. ChafTlmh. Miss Bessie Fox. Mrs c il Me'.drim. Miss An nette Miller. M 11 llardee. Susan unit Alninnne. Sun rises at ti.tJ a. m and sets at 4:M P m. High water at T>b*e to-day at 11A5 a m. and 11:33 p nt High water at Hsvan nah one hour later. I'liasre of the Moon for November. D. H M Full moon * S 0 eve. 1 -as? quarter 13 ft 37 eve. N* w muon 22 1 17 m n First quarter H 33 morn Muon perigee sth. Moon np g- e. 17th. Alt Mil W. %Ml IIKPAHTI HKI. I cel trrh*l Yeaterday. Steantship D. 11 Miller. Be tars. Baltl moM J J Carolan, agent. t*srl I lew red 1 ratertls). Ftark Baogvig (Nor.), Olsen, Hull—Paler- Co. \ eeaela Weal to Nr*. Steamship Baltimore witlppltia Memoranda. Key West. F'.t Nov. 25. Arrived steamer Msscotte White. Havana and sailed for Port Tampa, tug Dauntless. Floyd. Havana, with schooner H Frank Neallv In tow and ail*d for Miami. Charleston, S. Nov. 3&.-Cleared, ... ... *r i fKrli k an<l. I*r met; Hailed, steamer Iroquois. Kemble Jtek ■on villa Ba lilt)ore. Nov Hailed, achoontr ftiiir H. Davidson. r*har,-sion Ib-nfteur N>\ 35-Arrival, steam**- Aureola. P#nMart>l.i liM.timore, N\ 35. Arrlvod. steamer Itasca, Hi\ann*h AiaUchicola F • Nov 3?.-^Tlearr-d brig lulllvan. Allen Bostor Carrabel,# Fla Nov j*> -F|#ar#*l, bark Glvlio K, f'lemrnxa (Ital ), Klot#ntine Marseilles. Kfifere*!, brig Eld Maas. A- r* sc *>*n er Jennie Locksdurl liauthorn, Boat*>. Foreign Exports. Per Norwegian Uirk Raegvig H il 1012 barrels rosin. $2,439. !,l3- r * casks #i Ir its. s*; mi—4 *urgo by Pat* rson-Dowt lug Company. ('askfoUr Exports. per steamship A$ *ghany f r Philadel phla—3oo bales upland cotton. 1.19$ barrel* rosin. 15; barrels turiientine, I*-! r*>x*- or ange#. .S* crates Vegetables. tOfi** |*tg Iron. 12 i.irteis rosin oil f*o barrels ootttw peed Oil !C- uses cOHOtisrUl oii. ft 37 pa<k ngea mer* natwli-r. 171 pi kages domej&th *> and yarr.s, ->* l*iep linters. 3X7 taie.*- rice straw, 307 2Ss feet lumber. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday (eM*rgla: Fair Tuesday and Wednesday probably warmer W. in*-** lav near th * r coast, fresh north to *.tf*t wind* Kustern Flori kt Fair Tuesday an-1 Wfdtlescky, probably warmer Wednesday in northern and central p*'rtiona, w;n*l mostly fr**sh northerly. Western Florida Fa r Tuesday and Wednesday; light i*>r th to esst wltsle South Carolina: Fair Tuesday* and \Vedn**s<lM> ; fre-h w**st to north wind* Yesterday's Weather at R*vnnab— M ixlmum tcrnia ra ure. m*l night ;2*legr-s Minimum temieiature. s p m M**jn tend** rat ure 44 degre* Normal temperature 55 degre** iHjflciency of temperature. 7dcgt**s Accumulated excean sin'C i Nov. 1 K9degieo> ! Ac< umulated airs ** I Jait 1 2N*i*grre* Rainfall <s> Inch Normal *w Inch Bxctxs.- since Nov. 1 ... 1 *> In* h a Il**n. y sir -e J.iii 1 H.M In h**s Itiv*r Report. The hkht of th* Havxn nah river t Augusta at * a m . 7th m - rt lian time, yesterday wis 7* f****. a rise of fod •luring the pr**ce tw.*n ty four hours. Ohserviilons taken at the same moment of time hi ail .*• tut tons. Nov. 'J,., 1900, k I* m . 75th meridian time. Name of Station T V Rain Boston, cloudy J 39 10 J M New York city, cloudy . 52 fc .12 Phttadelphla. cloudy 'Jh 14 <*> Washington otty, cloudy 44 Ik *v> Norfolk, cloudy 4£ 12 nn Hatteros, cloudy 52 Wilmington, cloudy 4*> 14 fib <'harlotte, clear j 40 8 ‘n Knlatgh. cloudy 44 10 f*t 4’h.rle*toii cl**ar | 4*i 14 j Atlanta, dear 4i |* ••• Augusta. o!#*ar 4* 14 *• Savannah, clear 44 8 ••* Jacksonville, clear 44 | K Jupiter, clear M Id ••* Key West, isirtly cloudy 7* 12 •*■ Tampa, cloudy .Vi 6 dn Mobile, clear Vl #? •* Montgomery clear j 8 no Vicksburg, clear | 4k 1, ff> New rkrleans. cler j 54 L *s> fialveaton. clear 52 L dd F*n>ua Chnaii. clear $2 8 no Palestine, clear 54 * | .00 Memphis, clear jhi L rindnantl, clear 4* id .dd Pittsburg, mining 40 | I) 30 Buffalo, snowing 34 12 44 Detroit, clear 34 12 j<s F|d<*agv>. clear 3> io ig) Marquetta. d*wr 3d f, } <i Sr Paul. |*arly cloudy .. 30 \ t (*\ Davenport, clear 34 I, <si Si. I*ruis, dear 44 |, f no Kon*#** City, clear P. k io >klahoma clear j 40 s | • Dodge City, partly ddy’ 40 \ 4 nti , North Platte, cloudy* . . I, | ,du H. B. Boyar, Iy**al Fora. ast Official CLAIIt VtM t>T FOllETol.ll IT. Alnncheater nnil S|| /.Immi-rmnn Were tlnrrleil .Inst n She From the N*w York Joum.ll. London, Not 21 —The Duke anti Duch ess of Manchester sailed quietly on th* St Louis to-day, a c com r>an*<l by tin* Misses Helen* and Martha Evans (>n their arrival in N*w York *h*y will h* th* guests of W. K \ anderbilt. Ju*e before leaving l.oii-lon th* voting Duchess met the Duk*'s mother, who h is b *i too HI fur the last few week- to re ceive any on*. The fresh young girl ami the infirm, sorrowing old woman, lvoth Americans, fell into each other’s arms and exclaimed. "Mother Daughter!" The re* one Illation wn** complete. Tli* Brimes* of Wales has sent her dulaUbof to the Duches* of Devonshire, th* Dtik*'s grandmother, beamed on them, so the taw American Duchess *an enter the highest moiety in England when sk* re turns. Beat of nil, Mr. Zimmerman has sent cordial cablegrams, conveying ••um plete par* ntal (sirdon. and will welcome them hom*. C lairvoyant Predicted It %11. Th* >trangeng feature of tins secret mar riage was that it was predicted in every detail by Mme. Voyer, the notel Lit Sn clairvoyant*, to both brld* and bride groom. More than a year ago iwfor* tijer* was any tltought of love or mar riage. Miss Zimmerman had i seance with Mm*. Voyar. Tlw clairvoyant! smII sh* would b* married secretly, described the Duke exactly and gave the Initial of his name. Miss Zimmerman laughed. Four weeks ago the Duke \blu*.| Mm*. Voyer and was told exactly how he and Misr Zimmerman would h* nxinied 11* was at|\ |sm| to go ahead without h*r father's consent. Th* Duke says, sure *•% ugh. all - m* i -out Jus? as the clair vovont saii. but that her pre dict lone influenced him in the course he pursutNl. The IHkhcas is Inclined to think other wise Mme Voyer gave ;i seance |n F'aris few w**ks ago. which w\- atten 1* 1 ♦•>* Mrs. Georg* loiw Mrs. ICdword Barker Da*'Ofi. Mrs. W T .M<>or* nnl others at v'hleh the luk*’s affairs were Th* ladt* proaent doc hi re the < lnlrvox nr old them all about his fort coming mar r!,*ge *ven lo the parental forgiveness of lofti besides mn\ future hap penlmr which time alone can prove. Fnnn% Ward* Itag of Jess els. A week ago Fanny Ward the Americin actress. IK)w' Mrs. J I> wia. kst a bag of Jewels worth s:.*••* The |* : have been searching and pla have been i"* , t*d 4*ffenngr H.dOtf rewatxl. but n tra w.s found. Fanny Ward felt sure she lo t i the jewels near the house of Mr- Brown Potter where she Fiat calling The Jewels were returned yoste day by the new Duchess of Men he er an I everybody Is happy Just after Fanny Ward left Mrs. p. t ter’s house last Saturday even! g t*a Duchess accompanied by her mild ar rived. The maid stepped on something at the gate and picked up & big but in f‘ e darknea* did not notice what St was nd thought It something belonging to ;h' Ducheas. In the excitement of the >oung pair running away to Tanderagee the big wo* forgotten unUl the maid found it. It had PRINTING TMi: Lithucraph and Prlntin* Department of the Morning Ne ai* one of the largeAt in the -Wh. It la equipped to do the beat work in all branches of printing. Its plant is modern and I* operated by skilled people . . • BANK BOOKS— Park IKv'k* of a!l klrdx l our xpe'-lnliv. Ch*'kx Deiwalt sllp ■('<* |tfnrKl l.aiK slalioner) (lie Mornlna Ne loe- In a ** i|*#rku u\\ e Ar.d no hank It matte's rot how am*ll. should be without our lithograph check bocks. MANUFACTURING PLANTS- Wt make a upeelaltjr of doln* etlt work a* well a. llthoaraph work for all min i fa'turlna |lan(x nn( on.y In (leone'"* hut tn Ala! Kirna Klorlila and the ('* rolWin*. fnder th * head la , morared Ouano Kao torie*. Plow Work*. Turpentine s'lonta. K*e Mill*. Foundriea llr.-werlea. Machine Shop* In fa •( all klttda of eniarprtaea of t il* rharaciar. COMMERCIAL WORK- A business man. no matter where he does business, can't afford to hr without tiat stationery If h* k>es nothing but sell egx* he ought to have it Th* Morning News mak*s a spe- 1 illy of doing neat Jobs for country merchants. And It i*kex pleasure In sending sample** with prl ts from whk-h selections may be made. COUNTY RECORDS- Record Books for counties. Tax Books, Official Stationery* for towns and cities. Legal H.anks and Forma of every descrip tion we are equipped to do quickly ar.d cheap and well lithographing- Lithographing Is a hrnn h of th# business t> which epecil attention Is devoted It l* the Urgent wstablishment tn the stute ar.d Is operate*! hy the *.esi anUtb in the country We cheerfully furnish •st mates an*l aubmlt samples of lithograph work When writ ing to ur address the Horning News Job De partment. Do not think that you are consuming our time by asking us questions and writing for estimates. W hether we get your order or not. we shall be glad to offer the best we have. Morning News .lob Department, SAVANNAH, CA. b'*n carried off together with other - ssions Bhe gave It Immediately to ihe l>uchess who opened the hag and found it full of Jewels Luckily, Fanny Wards 1. tm* was on some of them. Th* Fuke sold h* mould teegraph. but ii wjis #0 much In love that he forgot 111 • I s#> the Jewels remained unnotW ed at Tanderagce a whole week, detec pee ->warmed and evAn made the tpemen ious tdun ier of arresting tw-o Innocent Amm an society women In Baris, who. f >r the .ike of avoiding publicity, agreed to u •vt tne matter as a joke, although they .1 I to go hefor* a migis rate before be in*; released. <•<( Her Jewels Back. Fanny Ward was profuse in her apoo .l* • When the Duk* and re turned to London yesterday the Jewels were sent to Fanny Ward. Much rejo'c ir.g anl much explaining fokvwod. s ut the Du*'Hess maid did not get the s*.o© reward, for Fanny Ward gave her only 123. _ TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. (CoiMlnu.d from Ninth Pas* ) l-ir.l Ka*sv. W.'-tcm !>iram*<l. 47 C.S; ro tlrml cnntlm-nt. 47rt-iuth Amrrt cnn. f compounU. j"xr>i*> '. Pork gulit. • hi"-.- - Sii-rfxty: large, l'.ullc; rmall, 11 u UV' Tallow—Nominal. IViroleum—l >ull. i Itonlii —yutet. ‘ .1 t Ttarpantlno—Dull. Hit**' du ally. i ..(Te. S|> Itlo. quint; No. 7. Invoice, 7 . mll<l quint; Cordova, f’t'qi3'.>*. Ku tur.i oj.nii.-lirm. (touitx tiigtier on u. • ... iral buying, led ly lo .il short. ntl the for-isn contlnseot. Snviilnr lira .i . iii rntel|>ia. Amerl an "are .. .:. tvertrs, lmprov.l pot domond n th*‘ at lent market. Increase In lnt f.4- mmit ipeculotion. mot ancouraging :or ;t*n maik.i news an*l anti Ipa.ion of smaller crop movement In Braail. ail com l.lit.-d to strengthen bull convictions Tne nsirket closed Arm. Jlii'* points hlfher. •|',,la| sales. 71*.3ra* b.iK*. Including I>ecem a r 4.lutpi 15c; January. 4.35*', February, ♦j -c; March. Wfiti-i*. HutttT— Steady at th* decline; creamery, IK-/25c; mi* dairy. 16H230. K.k- Steady; state aiel Pennsylvania. i‘. r.7‘. Westirn. regular. 3"S(2!y*- Polatoee— gulel; Jerseys. |l.(ol.*TVi; N. York. la>ng Island, 41W 1.7;,, Jerseys sweets, 11.77*4!'X77*. I*, uiuta— Bt.-.oly; fancy hafd-picked. t*. .if.-; other <)omestic, 4c. I i‘:itt*ait*‘'Htp.t*lyi I*oll4 Island, per IDO, iI.V). Hrelghts—' To Liverpool, steady; co'.ton. by steam. 3k-. Sugar—ltaw. steady; refined, quiet. nrro* M3F.ii on.. New York. Nov. M.-Cotton seed ol<l dull ami teak, under free offerings of s|aH niul tmiirx* oil. for which there Is no domestic or foreign demand Prim- erode l orTel* 2S'..liIN-; pr me summer >elk*w Sic. ofr summer yellow 3HiJl'*<'; prime winter yellow 371177‘*c; prime white 35c, prime it.eal IT*. U-S a * < lilt ttot M4HKET4. Chicago. Nov 34 - November corn was the renter of Interest on the ltoar*l of Trade to-day. touching the highest point In years ami c osing 4 cents over Satur day. December closed ‘.'US*' higher Wheal at the close was Vu'lc lower and oat.- were a shade depressed. Provlr'ons , ocel unchanged In iard and ribs and 17>,r up In pork. Wire trouble and Ihe ap proach of Th,kglvlng day curtailed bus iness to a considerable degree. The leading future, ranged as follows; Opening Highest.Lowest.Closing Wheal. No. 3 Nov 71 71 . 7014 7<m I ten 7" t 4j7l 7114 70'v4i7*a, 70gfc*TW4 Jan Com. No. S Nov 46 50 46 49 Dec 34>34% 34** 36'* M\34'i May 34', 34*, 36V. 36*, liats. No. 2 Nov 21S 214 21* 21*. I>* c 21% 21%1r 21\2H4 :i\ir?l% Mry 24 4124% 24% 23%424 24 Mess Pork, per barrel— Nov .. . . I 4 sll 00 Jan 12 lb 12 40 12 07% 12 2 May . 12<I> 12 51 1147% 12 05 Laird, |>er ion pounds— Nov 7 07% 7 12% 7 07% 7 10 Dec 7 08% 7 10 7 02% 7 05 .1 in *7% 4 Of* R *7% an My ... 495 700 *5 6*5 Short Itlbs per 100 pounds— Nov 7 78 Jan 6 35 6 47% 6 32% 0 35 May 6 37% 6 42% 0 37% 5 37% Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull and steady; No 3 spring wheat. 04%o; No. 2 red 71%875%c; No. 2 com. 46f149cr No.! ye110w.461749c. No 2 white oats.36%c; No. 2 whtte, 24%%c; No. 2 rye. 45%c; fair to chok-e malting barley. S79*c; No. | 1 flag teed, |l 6301.63; No. i Northweetern, OFFICIAL. ~uquor^Ticensl City of Ravannah, Office Clerk of Council. Rav&nnah. Gm.. Nov. l>4 1> The followln# apf>l*<'Mtion t‘* r- •* , l liquor ftunnic tFie y*ar 19ul were r*;i a: rra**tliuc of Council Nov. 11. ami r ferred to Committee of the Whole WM B BAILEY Clerk of Coun Abramr. M. D . No. 42 Bull atreet. Beckmann. Geo.. No. 112 Whitaker Mr*et. Cottlncham. John. out.Me*st corner Dta - ton ami Broughton street*. Cottinjtham. John. No. 201 Broughton street, west. Carr. John, ti'orner Hahereham and Biy etreeta. Dreeaon. H E.. rortheart comer Stewart and Wilson street* Deignan. Daniel. No Indian a tree Dirk*. A J . No. th. Whitaker etreH GefTken. Herman H. northweat corner Broughton nnd Price ctree’**. Graham. C. F., Puloaki Houoe, B .!i xtreet Hi kx. It. M . No 23 Cnngreox xtre*t w Immen. John 11.. northweat corner Jot.-* and Haber*ham etreofa. Kingman. A No IKTT .Sima afreet. Luba. John F . northweat corner LiW tv *ni Haberwham atreeta. Mandel, Carl. No Liberty xtreet . McCormick. Wm . No 62' Indian atr* M Bride. T F.. No. 525 Bay atr*6 . ■? O'Keefe. Ja- . Manager, outhw*at Frayton wl Broughton atreeta. KulUvan, John. No. 15 Congreax atn-’ west. Sullivan, John J., No. 3f> Bryan atree. cut Trwera. K., No. 3i Bui! atreot. Bcrrvm liotiae. Wataon A Powera, D* Soto Hotel, L:t* r v atrret. near Bull -t. ef Wade. John T eor • r a\ nue anl Houaton atr*** $1,634; prime timothy <r.*| ne# pork. l>er barrel sll.aK*i 11.25. Ir i. s*t*r JO*i j*f*yjS'J J Jd6a " * bnjij -jlj . *...j t loose i, 46.756i7.75; dry- sal ltd shouc '--s iho**sll, 45 67%4iK.12%; shot cl*r m (boxedl. 46 654|6.95; whisky, busts of high win**. 41 77. KOI H F.%Y4IHIT! k FIM-T. Tsso 1.0 n g Shots Also Took First I|**nry st HrnvilliKM. Washington, Nov, 35.—Four fovort *•< and iwo long shots took first mou* * **. the Itcnnlngs tracks to-day. Summnr. First Race—Seven furlongs Kandy. ' to 1, won. with Ilevcragc. u to 1 and ' o 6. second, and Mordcltno, 4 to 1, thir.t. Time 1:34. S.s'ond Race-Two-yo*r-o!d. five ir I * half furlongs. Automaton. 7 to 10. w with Vclasqucg. 7 to 2 uni 4 to 5. ond. and Timothy Foley. 4 to 1, lid l ' Tim.* 1:13 1-5. Third Racy—Five and a half furi >r.* Bay, 15 to I. w*on. with L jhc II i js*r. 20 to 1 .and 4 *to 1. second, .11 *1 Al bert Knrlght. 13 to 1. third. T n*e Fourth Race-Six furlongs Quit.* t 6 to 5. won with San t-uls. 9 to 5 aid t to 2, second, and Amort*. 5 to 2. third Time 1:19 3-5. Fifth I tacts—One nd one-slide nt miles. McLeod of liar. . 6 io 6. won. wi* Beau Ideal, 3to 1 and 6to 5. second, nl Charles Estes. 10 to 1, third Tim*’ I.M 4* Sixth Rsce—One and ihree-.-Ixt* ' h miles. Carbuncle. 6to I. won, wl h F*r * Whip. 2 to 1 an.l 8 lo 5, n 1 Alslke. 4 to 1. third. Time 2:i/7. 14 nc- It .'suits nt \ea* port. rinclnnatl, Nov 26-Results St Newport First Race—Five furlongs Finipress of Heamy. k to 5, won. with Kal*>**-. 7 i second, aisl Dynasty. 6 to 1, third. Tint* 1:07%. Second Race—tine mile nnd a sixteenth. Pretty Boole, 31 to 1. won. with Near* s'. 16 to 5, second, and Tickful, 5 to 2. third Time 1.37%. Third Race—Six furiotigs. Avatar. 3 <o 2 won. wllh Lady Kent. 13 lo 1. second an*l Loiter. 910 2. thlial Time I 3*%. Fourth Rsce—One mile Fierr. 7to 5. won. wllh Rattled. 2" to 1 ae<-ood. snl Louisville Hells. 4 to 1. thlr.l. Time 1 43 Fifth Race—Five nnd one-hulf furlongs The Covenanter. 2 to I. won. with Is-no. 11 to 2. second, and May Cherry. 10 t*> 1. third Time 1:12. Sixth Race—Six furlongs. Nancy Till 10 to 1, won with Toro Collins, even. s** *>n I and Harry Thoburn. 7 to 1. third. Time 1:20*4. _ “Orsybeard I* a family medicine with us." said a prominent buslntss men yes terday ‘My wife take* It. and I notice •he 1* enjoying batter than for years. The children keep well by taking If Oraybeard may be obtained at all drug •force or writs to us for IL Rsspesa Drug Cos., solo props., Savannah, Gs -ad.