The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 28, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 DESIGN FOR UNION STATION. H%* *ll.l I (Ti l) THAI M NMITII n 111 I * 'III Ml M>. ill&l* Will l© Adt*rllfil It*r, find If That UnrL Will nIM lie l amnirai•*©#! WIIIiIm Wrrk %ll IlDfi |ilrrrMl Have i onurrr<l In the • f Mr. Mil burn t Mailnn Will Ilf < onvritl* mi in I rr> Detail mnH Iri-hilfcturnlh ln| Two Tv** r fhr I hlrf Feature* of Ihf Ctirrlur mill n lluinudN of llir Interior. Th* <if>i|{ii i the Savtnah Baton Bta lloi h i*'i> .** • ’S Mr Frank I' Ml* burn of Cnarlour, N C , is thf areJu i, l X \ ! . n h h* bffn aceped o - Ihn < otnp i:y. Advert ioooianta for bids | 4 .# >ujding will be mad© sitfttn a f* w ia ;ii.*J it m * ttifrvod tnait the a t ..I work of ntrucbkm w.l begin %*ith |f. XIX Wf k©. Raiiwtiv offl. lih who ha'f b *<l tb<- ma - | t. r ui hir I *'or>a:d©rmi the psi off alt of wootn app* tr*d tl>** i;r© lor.- of the Union dtatt#'** • *m puny on behalf of their .<!♦■•’.gr.** APer | : . a'-fij? th© ar © '•< . ttpiananofi ’ **'© . attractive (rjtumi of the.r r* *p©ctiv© ► igrifr. th* oil. lui* -k *ie<l t * wait n f-h before air in Inf t • ' *1 -• Thi© ton hauon hats been res h©*i. xrd the ks.iul haf been mwlf to Me Mil Mini i Cur. rrrer■ .n t e rh-co of n.* deMgi |tf* Nfn rn> * #*l v Mr. V\ TV M dta.l j tf Bavai.ra r*-|#r# ©©fifing •*>© B*abord Air tarn, from Third V, * I*residue uni lifhsra Mai ig*r I* S Qannon, r©i** •>* ntfr.g the ftnu*h©m Hallway. and from ' J*resld* nt H O. Ki win. representing lh j J‘.ant fl>tifO) in the Union Nation <*om -1 ..r:> Tr* • ©**•■ railways named nr* t;:iae that are to iim the new station, t.’t i t'ffttml Pui.noud retaining its pas- | ♦'•'ffr dpot The I t ten ©?a!!on will be on TVept I ttbroad arm Rolarni and f4t© w - “ff ntil fa eto the oaet and will ax 4 • t and hank b/' ©et truths westward, fr *n j whi h stde the train* will enter. Bight • travk* will -neer the frti##l, and room wil. ♦©• left for potting in others, ehoukl < * a aior. require. An 4n*f* tion of the plan* wa© made yesterday by a r*pr©*#n tstive of the Morning New Mvd ihe eiterior appaaran gj©J the interior arrangements nr© ail tha* could he r- k'd ft 1* oiear nt a Klsn< •' • ***t the officials have rh<*fr©n wisely and that the buPdir-g ni.l b* a credit, ar hl t* tural'y and in cotivenfen©**. to the dlv Cl ray pr *>*e<i urirk and none trlmmliK* wlli be urnii in of the building which Ip to re two atoiiee high The roof will le ti.ed. Pave over a large rotunda, where there will be gin*.- This building will face upon Wes* at.l the ehed will extend westward from It j bat along the Stewart street Mde of th •bed there will be a fa<mie of brl k and atone, • on the frort Ap th** first e at the front eleva tion of the building, the feature* at true- Ing th* eye are the two tall lower-, of "iual hlght and simitar con*!r tion. that stand with symmetrical effet equl-dlatant from the center of the front. I’pon one >f three towers the dial of a t lock I* relented, hut it has not been determined whether or r.ot this detail will be followed Srt the construction. Kntraiv** to the building on the West Jtroa-t street side is afforded through an fttcade of arches. Hwtngmg doors give ad mission to the chief feitur of the inf**. Ttor urrang* ment. a fr|Mciou* rotunda, which egtaiMiw to (hr tt*t of tlie bull Mng forty feet. This rotunda in octagonal in s>h4p* havirg doorways kneitng to other rooms in the several faces. I'pon these faces, in haiubfcfftte lettering will be the n imes of a number of the niufrt important of the cities along lw> route f tie- line rising the station. A wide corridor run* t*otit the rotunda sotn*- distance up. and upon this ojrn the door- of the various off! '• upon th* 1 second floor. A* n cen tral feature of the rotund*, there |* a fountain, with seat* arranged about It wnd spate |* ft for tropical foliage p! nb This rotunda is designed as a general w dtlng room. One place of egress from the rottlftdi lUMda to the * spues of 12.28S eguars f*-4. from which the gate* afford ing access to the earshed and the trains will op**n. There are several of these gat**, so that large rnardt will not he confined to on# plats m finding Jngr ■* wr.d egress As I* customary in mot large riittons. nn Iron fen >• wil! separate the concourse fr*m the s|*ace reserve*! f<vr the tracks So Station could b** more gener aislv fvovtdwJ with room* than that designs I by Mr Milourn For every part os* e*ie cotiM imagine to exist in * ttch 4 u 11- Ing then- U a room ee* *-n t T'j . n te north shir of the front there I* m port**- cocher*. covered entirely aid nt ■ tt | vehicles may drive to deposit and *e -iv * passengers. To this place a corridor I* ads fr*m the rotunda and * n oir Pert e|*Hvting in l cation to -the p*nte-coch'l*e, noon the south puli' of the front, ther* will l*e a reservation fer a store, where It Is probibl*-. a drug store will be established. Passengers and oth**r will find conveniences a *arh*-r shop, a smoking r**oin a bureau of inf *rmat o*, 1 k-* ron waiting mean* for white and colored **-*ple, a* al-o ro ns- rr the two ru ♦ A dining mom fr white ppop. having a floor simc** of 2,M* squ.i * fe* t will also be on the ground finer, b**- slJ*s the necessary atorenom and kich • i cm the floor above will b** th** rsi - road oft> -i. Running along th* St* wart #rtre*< side will t*v *fllc*s and rooms There will b* a ro**m for the * tat ion ter. for Ug che king, for mall, fr ]*ullman -up|>il*‘S tirai for th© South- ru Jvxp • "* Company. Mr Mi tdl wa- asked for tect's *nr mate of the cost of the building. but this ** 'li tuA f** I at 11 -Tty to give. It is ill intrr.tlen of the company, however, to *u- I ,<•(),I it round sum for lh* UuiMlr.g. and there will probably be active bidding by contra* tor* for th* work A few unimportant modification* of th < design are to he made, an-i tor this j i - Mr. Milburn will lc In th* * > day after to-morrow. ('OSfIftMIVATIVt: t M B TO MKKT. f It ism* ofKaat aide to Indorse fan didate for Mayor. Tho East hide Cooaervatlve Club will hold an Important meeting *t Hall to-night. It Is und rstceud that a candi date for mayor will be liulornol What action on this line the club will take remiiins a matter of some doubt, but the consensus of opinion seem* to he that Alderman Jam** M I>!xo i* the c.ub members' Choice for the next maw r of Havannah. Th* choice of the club lb* between him and Mayor Myers. A meeting of the Second Dlstrlc; Club and all voters of the district who favoi the re-elect loti of I saw* - It. Nut hat * * Justice of Hie Peace will be heal at the hail at West llroad ai**l Dry an streets to night. To riissßi 1 *• Artillery. Hetwtor Cann has introduced in the Leg islature the bill announced in the Morning New a some time ago providing for a change of the Savannah Volunteer fiuards from an Infantry to an artillery organisation. The propos'tlon to change th* style of the organ-f.ation was written up by the Morning News several weeks •Ck MU OH %Ml THR <lt tM) .11 111. i i'nniitho| raitd Mnair Hall* Not *urli xrrloua Fells, lie *ey. Mayor My era ayri*— with th. srir*l lit .i r i dt-*\ g r * * w ; I ■ n i*i*: lr It* rrttiei*m of tte j*awui-ho,'* j buvineas him! the music ha-ibn It wi* only natural tw* ! * gan l | J try should have given ther* na*ter its .it ten tion." vmml the May r yeaterdsy. "in vit-a of pi*tier* ii -am v *rren e which ur.d*HJbtedly to brl' g -oh lines of uu*in direct.> to us a ten o | 1 do tail well e< h.iW the <*ndit;uts co.n p..ii.e.. of a to *he pawnshops aru to te remeOied The j**wt.b-ok-rs |*ay n it *v. t* to tt*r illy tk‘X k**pt id r I c.o e aurvu Uior.c* j,y e;.* poll e. an :, u* •4..##. Kee, Hi * t>- . w *.t h l-U* uvn In • turn w*> tne det* *,u ■<• - .r- t* a to ep,rs(. u*d many c.tminals who •roal J rwt-e *- tf em i h-v< r, * nt. ) j tlisi aotiie utoh li goo s ar* 1 ' pewneo .* tnee.* nop* t-ut t • uJk o' t - it<* must (.owe .r m <! %- j -■ iiuw *> rr.any pawnshop- exut and i w tru > tnan-g. to <i th* bucincse ■ t. > lit) a putftl* to n* ■ a* to th*- mu -.c nails,' .'.Url the Mayor, j I rituwt admit that there i e<ntc Justi j r. fur tie > fiUtbiiil f lint giani jury *l*h* mu ai hardly I- sai-i to .*• of af> * f*' iai benefit to lh* • itv | A! r. ♦ tjnie tiler*' .* a iarg* ~i* •*f i* * , • w ■ ibtn trul amuMiu-m of th t ami w . if iic do not find it In j 11 a ii. e- hulls, wil find it *nmwheri * -* I h.iv* m iaef> in one of the*ej n. *i i. . but I utui rstand from other - * .*t *.. •. er? dniiietst furn. whii** r **t re* is for tire rnos ? |*art unfdfjec- j t:or<at<it‘ Oi ustonal!) they too itro.i l i. t *ir sOligs and and h\e to b* ( a! • and and wn For this reaaon Ussy *r k**|t 1 ,ii p-r i sixi .ai * .{erv’isl* n r.( t -■*■* pol. • and ilet*isilve*. who have instructions to | >.e. that !hy keep w:tntn boqtKls. Ma>‘*r M>er* .i-o indorsed th-* re-om- | rra relatu.n of the grard jury w ith regard | to sever* r penalties lor Uiw carrying of j r i *abi weapon*, though Irudtned to j ori J> i.** !lc grard Jury for v^r!<v*kng 1 tn* *|rort unity to return Indlctmante fr i (t 1> . ff, ~.-e in on* or two instances which I h - nu ntioneti Tner* should be no l*nlen~y cxerclee*l ! tow aids off*n*k?r* of ?hl* character. ’* ue s. If there werx lee* carrying of con I #a* ' w -ate r- tn**r- w*mi J i*e few**r nm* ** of violet. ■■* l*r our courts to W*(l eii*, T c practice is one that should t** I d<s *ourirel in every* pcibie way I r* fr * tirvy n s • upon tny ** If anti I do not j th.r. att! *ther (Htgen should carry ore I un|e<* u discharge of nil* duties hx an j n*T er *>' tt;e law ?I the police COUft. i wnerover he e\ iV r**c ‘how* tht a prl j soner has been guiltv of carrviiig con- | cewlrd w*nport v !*e js promptly turn**l over ♦ the h)g!)-r (oitrt fr trial on this rharg*. j thourli he may have be# n brought N'fors the Poll'* tveirt fr trial on some n -11 roly different very trhial charg* ' j In the matter of the music hulls it b n#t unlike,y that * move will be made In making up the t H x ordinance for the ec-tilng year to place a much higher ll'ekse upon fllet**- places If the effort i* not made to 410 away with them altogeth er At present the muwir balls only pay I IT'D a year license, w hich i* In addition Ito the Hqtior license of |3> The [wn *hop*\ of which there 4rc ten or twelve, pay n year a h 1 %'il l \ 4 1.1 m BXBIM! ion. Nearly Tito llmihl rrd I'letnrfo for i ni|tellllnn nml Display. The Exhibition t'ommlttee of the Sa varmah Camera Club wa in the dub rooms until nearly midnight la*t night, receiving picture* for the prize competition which to-mofffow Aevcnty-nlne pictures had been re -wived when the to#* closed th*- entries. In all, nearly one hundred pi. -lures have so far Iwen re- efv*d for exhibition u*l for (-*>m|H titifsi. Over thirty more .tr* n*l> for the *<mmltt*e thi* n*m ing. ami I: i*- **xjNcte<i that when the ex hibiti**u op* is th* numlMT will huvt reached nearly 80U The ta-k l * fre fhi* Kxid *ltlon Com mltler is l>v 1 (.i m-ie an 1 i y <>ne It h- fit- pt *turc - to * I.Mbdfy nnl harg and will litre t th*- award *#f the prises which I prize** will b* awarded to-nyht nd the i*rtz** piturts will b** sarrcl <lurmg lh** exhibition. P.oth in the number an 1 mrit of the the exhibition will ex cl any tti club has ever glv* n The js* c!a-s Is especially fine The genre |*l> tim * and l'nls*..|*#s far excel tlo*** *f ad v*er. and th#* miscellaneous pictures in tham selves form nn JntereaUrwc C ss. The hanging of the pictures ml the de.-orr.ion of the club room* will i*# fin ifrhcd io--U> Th exhibition will open to morrow afternoon. Th* xhi hi tion hours will from 4 to 11 o'clock p m to rn r row and Friday. During the e hours the •dub rooms will be **p n to visitis. an*l the dinebTs invite the put lie to vsli me exhibition 4.01. t ills 1.1. %%F. Tfl-MlillT. Nnvnnnnh Trait* Will (in 4** n Tag to l*ln> lll** llnrlrn T*n*m. The Hwvar.ntih Oolf Club’s team will leave to-night f r Darien, where it is to play a return match with the t* am of l hat plac*-. The Ikirlen team defeated tin* Ha\HnrM*h go fers on t!e Rrtvgnnah cours 1 f*w w**ks and the local pla>*r .r atxxioUM to et back at the Darien golfer They h |* ttwit they may retrieve t . Ir former failure an I being hack a vie lory over the I mrlen n-aiii Pome twMny-llvr g*.lf enthusiasts have ci,gngel passage for the trip, which will te made aboard a tug. cither the VV. F M 'Caul**y or the Jacob Pauls4*n. Tlw tug wlil Uiive from the foot of Bull street at about K..TO or o’clo* k. It* turning It will b av** iHirlm to-morrow night All who ar*- g<k*ig 4-xpect a Jolly time, and there will be no lark f rooting for the gxvatu nah team r i|i‘ Henry Dlun. Jr . is antuin Mr j Kteln flrvan, Mr Noble • lee, Mr C I \v Hausy end mother p aver will repre sent the Havannah Club in the match | Mr c F Moses wll probably be the fifth man on the team. ©%\ %>\ %| ION mi>TMFNTt. Prcildent f Niorflitvralern l.lfr rum pniU l.lkes fle ( Its. The Northwestern I#ife Insurance Com* iwny will vnh*b|y make Inventment* o *ome ‘ort In Havannah. Judge 11 L 1 * *l m*r. president of thf* company, orvl Mr. Heorge C Markham, Its counsel, both of Milwaukee. wcr* In the city a day or tw * ago. and Judge declared t‘* h** wi* Impressed e* greatly by the b si ne*** enterprise stability and progress of Savannah as •>> theu* fiualilles in anv of the cities in th* S*utt he has vlsued A lour of th* H*>uth ;s helr.g mode by the gentlens-i; with th v.ew of extend ing the InvM.stmeiits of their I'otnp-my. Judge Daim* r de-Jared iha4 h* found Ha* vannati. Atlanta. Ni tivilie and Memphis show ing prospect *f mofrtadvantageous in* v**stm* nt and that he woo and recommend the**** *dtl‘S to Ids Imard uuon hi* return to Milwaukee. Jus* w *it form he want-* his Investments to • k** he did tot ray. hut it was dear to all who him that tie was very favorably impressed by tha city. Thin, Nundlown People are helped to regain needed flesh and strength by using MALT-NIT TRINE. The Anheuaer-Hu*ch Brewing Ass n pre pares If. which fact guarantees its su perior mam. bold by all druggist* TFIE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1900. CLOSED THE CELEBRATION. 4 RVTFAM %LJI RII.FHor 'H 4W %l HAFTMT < 111 ID ft Ia OVKH. He*. Dr. J. It. Jajlor Spoke last Mght on thr Work of (he llnpiisi 4|ihna In firorglw— Idilrest of the Evening VV n on < hrUtlmi lUiu* s -114*a Hr* fir. I'4illf-k. I'realdenf nl Merossr Inlvrreity, \V h (lie apeak 4-r—F.fli-ctt of stMfr I niverslty l.d- Menrlon nol Thai to Hr lte4*el*eJ at lleaomlaatioual Xrboola Oelftne nteil, A large congregation a: the First Bip % ing ex ere lacs of the centennial in etlng'* It# v. Dr. J B Taylor n s.o t u<l droas of general interest, dwelling jar ticuiarly upon the orphan b *no- work, a* which he l- the r pr*- • ntative. Ti i work ba> grown wonderfully slur© he t'k , barge ot it a little more than • year ago. Dr. Taylor left for h* t night. The clOfrlng address was by Dr. P. D. Pollock, the able and pipubr pro id nt *f Mu * r I ‘mverfrliy. Th© addris wa I.roni in l!e M *ie. ahi#* ~id well ue iv ered. Dr Polks k said, in brl f “The last centur> ulmuiati i In 11 fr*- ries of gr* at revolutionary movements d* cidtdiy udlvkluali-aic hd*l demo rad in their tender The American revolution wa frigmficont, but the great democratic r. voiution in Amer tan hisuey u di rected and inspired by Thomas Jeff* rson 11 I.;* beginning of this cer i-.ry Jn*r- Hi's l*!aK have powerfully aft** ted &•> ithsrn life in all its phase-* esi># iily In our educational ideals and ystenru The speaker then gave a comprehsnsiv* setting to geneml r4jn#litlons in Virgu.iu. South T’arrdlna. N>rth c.iro.lna and (Geor gia at tin* fipenlng of thec* ntury. ll* said a a and poiliirs being the r#r domi nating ideal in the first quarter of the cetHiiry, hod kd *0 tb* founding of #>:•* univ*rltie>ft in the Smith that were esaen tla. y aristocratic, that w*r* meant 11* martly to provide an office-holding cla**, that only with th# dksa - iran* *l v l<# *ry was any progress made tn th* edu -* lion of the masses, that in S* w Eng ##nd the. fundanirntal irnpuie** that lel t# i* seetlem* nt wa# religious n#l the firt step toward-* the demo crat Ixa tion Of * ullure Wttf the eatabilshjuent of Haivai-l. Va.e ano Prln* * t**n far the *du>t! n of i*. thwt thee*- institutions had mat ho well ihs ruiigkms, |sr>dtlcal and so* i.d n© is t*f New Kng.anl that he stat*- was excluded from th# fi-Id of high* r education in tn* New Ei gland utsi Mldd.e Bfate*#. tho half tne stat** unlver-tt .* s In America are in the Southern “In tlw South.“ said iPr Pod* ck. ‘in th© early Lhlrtlos such men • Richard Kumwn in Soutli Carolina, .1* ♦#* M *rcer ! utwi Henry Holc#fniv* in (leorjrta. repr* ! •* •nf* l the name typ* of slat**sman -hip. in religion, that Thoniaa J#n- i>**c. Nntha le| Macon Ami Abraham Baldwin in puhtU fr, ar.! the#-* men ato*d i*©i rvi the organization of denomii** * >nal ecl i -g***# for the training of minist**r ” Th. Stat#* I nivenUiy. lie continue#!. ' ad n*w tne ideal of a liberal ulturc for all c *-•- of students, and ’he denominational • 1 legos a.lmltted all classes ##f stud* ms i Mum after their organlzo ton Now both I stand in th*- .arge sw:*e f* r an educa-t* 1 1 - Itixcnahlp.” | The -pecker then traced tlw gr*at ■ movement> In Baptist history, gave ‘ brief h'frtiTy of the Baptist j denominational coll* gew in all *h ; Southern states; showed that $ " ’ jwnw Invested in them; h*t they h.* trained stiKlents; ths* these m*n had gone out as ministers. t**'hei . phys*- iuul#. #6tatesnien. lawyers, farm r>. r: ', into every corner of the Booth, r#*preM nt | pig the sa>*rel unl#*n an#l poweT f ( brt**- j nan culture for tne re#lemptlon of society 10 higher idea,w. An interesting phase of th* decue **lol I was th#- statement that th#* problem of th# I H-.uth m the ttekl of higher edu#xtlcn w a fiacullar one; that her* tn*- -#©!• iiniver j -itv and the den#mlnat|4*nnl cojeg© wer#* j üb* b| aida; that the slata was >*• In t ••• ttekl of higher education in th# New Kn j land and Middle States and that th# *le i nominetioruil -d eg.- w * flnMt c :t •hfi | i .'Uit to ©etetdieh lin the Mrs?, hut * tre jn ii-** Hmit.u they w**r#* hy | -*le and thi* being t u* * * there w.*r certain question* in th*li re hit bans to one anither i*#iui’l ix the M#ih- I e*t type of stalefrmsnship to *ttb ; ;h.t ! |artifr.inship *Oll Id lot *• t: l*‘ them. Tin address clom-d wit a • •unpiiment • ary reference to In. Henry H-dconi *•. th firht past#r of the Savannah B#p:l t f'hurch. who la ! rosily 1*• -n t *• ar# a j Inspiratkin 10 (Titrlstlan c*lu *tl*n in < ieorgla. and to Joeiah P*nfl#-I#l. a1 a u f the Savannah Bapits (‘hutch w o gava the first i. kX> that ito th#* found ing *f Mercer I'nlveisity. Aficr Dr. Poilo* k’s a i*lie.-** Pastor J tin p. Jordan offered pray* r, t,• on r ga llon united in singing th#* d*x !*#.> #1 K* v. I*. S. Edonfleld pronounced the h#m e*llctlon. The (*entenni l m-•• Ing w r* w. II attend* I ani |#rove#l h g • a sue Dr. Pollock b ,i#v- niimni** l by hi** ■ harming wife. They s:l r* main in the city h day or two a* gu*frt of the D*- Soto Hotel. \\ hVKU NOliMM# FIHK. Occurrrtl Irstcnlsy t Liberty and viosiMomrry (Ms* A fire was discovered in the building • the northeast corner of Montgom#*ry and liberty stn-ets sborily nft**t 4 o'clock ye l'r#>om. who promptly '•■nt in an *.arm from Box No. 21 a Lib* rty and West Broad streets. At the same lime .*• call- Patrolmnn Omn ily of :u < > ntral Ij force, arid th* two officers return*d to the burning huikling Knowing that thte v\*i# i unV**-r of women #n*l clilldr#. in lll*' nui.i* th"> v * nt in to assist them in gei .ng out and It uis Wet. tuat they #l.l g p i* #il> all of the ininat'-e. a tout iwcit> in num i ,-r. wen* #• sleep and w en 'wakened b *a me too ••xcl'etl to :.*k< * iiv of t •in selves. The offleers mn iage*l to g#'t th m nil out of the hows# and to a p ace oi safety. I The htti'dtfig was pretty Well damag' and the fl.tin©*# having s: rte*l on the groun*t | tl*wr. from the hi: of a cooking stove. and got up a- high ns ihe third story b ■ i fr re extlniftishe#l. A |Mrt of th* liouse hoid gooW was insure#!. koii ’ini: nn mh'ijuv. Tl-nt I Imrit, Will Mir.rr H.nrlll. I'ritin Hu#*Br’ Mlntrr|, ■ The Hussars’ Mittstrelt will include the i .lay nursery of the King - Daughter-. ■* w* II as tne fresh air fuul. ue a betn * ficiary of thetr p# rform m-•* to be given a the Theater <>* D# IT T min tr# .e hive never fai,#l to draw u aug* h#*:!--. sn#S it i* not believed that the coming • how grill he an exception. Those who are ' famldar to Havnnnah- Isns ns entertainers ns*f g the Hussars’ Minstrels wall again b< sen. i*u there wiil b. some new talent iir- u • I of w • ,„*. gieat tnitigs are promis'd Mr I4#jy .M Cardie will sing, snd his fir* bass will add no lltfcla lo the performance Master Lawrence Semon. a son of the ' ' magician'' Zera lemon wil'. give ex hibttons of iedgerdem.iin. at which he la wonderfully clever. Tnough he Is but a boy. be ha mastered tricks tuat arc mar veloua* I (H It Oim.H PUTORIBI. *i nrrllt nf Oysters % itrtltiteil to 'I heir Operations l#> Some. There h seme complaint about the fty #,f oysrers thi* canon snd a dis t * :• i exist* in variolas quarter* to at * i#u ** this scarcity to (he everal oyster i . torus which are in operation in Ui© ■ nty There are now four of these fac~ wl*’!- or catineriew, where large quanti *t# t ot oysters are ;,arid,ed dally Capt Augufrtua Ocmler has th** .argeec factory. *;.*• ora at Wilmington !*4xnd. wliere lij 1 .nd-* nr- now empioyei. but lh* fat'lo' , - 1;• of \ augfiun A Bud and Bowdap. at I c.uf *|.*rrvoJt and of C. H Dixon at ('offeo • *,uff aico do • conskWrai'le business and J '’mpioy n number #*f halt#is #*a# h. 'apt Oernler m usked y**f#terday If '),> u)i#:#i i were not growing acnr#*r in *i vi .raiy. and ,f tf.e %r*'it> shou.d i fi<* attributed to the operation of th#* *.#c#*r fa#'tortea. 1 ha\ * hud no dlfficuity In obtaining my ♦ ur*p;> this *4Maon.“ said Capt Oemler, though th© oysters are un#kiiibt#-#l y i grow.*.g s arcer as j* evidenced by trie I f# t that the factorise have to get their 'Mr-.:e* from a gre#i distance eacn -#•*"■#in. I #J*u not think the presence oi e fa 'fortes affects th* l# ai supply, u# small, rn* coon oyster is In hut little ! d*m itvi m#mg the p#*#•,>.* her**, who are n>m- I tu the iarg*-r nr-d better #k— | • **lop*• i blhalve*. The ru* * M>n o>tt*r r fa of littla value ex *pt for caniung ptirimses “ Beside* the four oyster in h.i iuiro there are fiv*- pi naufort ctvun •i **J r nl Capt. >©m* r\ arranging • xta • ish #>#i* 1 at ,-tt. C.’atherine's. In - iti; <*aral) a there is tax of If#*) on ! " n fa tory. anl in the state*# further 1 north tn* tax is oven higher, bur It has i* \ r - urred to (be Georgia Legislature, j f*-< a sootier. io put a tax on oyster fac tor i#v r;it%\T> .It lit FOR MAT TF.HM. Drawn nn#l m*fi#-d In <>nprrlnr 4 ourl % esterriny. I The r.amefr #f forty grand Jurymen. from which number the gran#! Jury of tha i t* xt term of the Superior Court wlli In • .*- t*#J w**ro ifriwri #*n yeateMay. Tlioa** irawn were •ummorei u ai i*ar in coairt r t.**xt Monday, the first lay of tho Dc cumber term. I The names drawn are as follows Wm M Davant. Aii*#ri L Bhei man, William .1 Lindway, William c Tlsori, Wm. C Neidilng**r, Henry W. I “aimer, Deter T i Fove, Clutrlee A Cox. Holme Gordon, j Walter II (JiapHn, Clayton It Woods, lid#m D. M*rrihw, John R. Young, Jo fin T. West. William 11. Metgger. Ambroee | Fibril* b, Julian Schley. W F McCarthy, Walter S King. ’har-w F. Cler, Fkiward Kennedy. Henry II Hull. George J Mills L*wr#n#’e Kelly. Abrsm W. Har mon, Cpoj ;*•© fl Dorsett, HwrW <l. Bed, rre#b*f - k L Cooper. Datrlck L Brer rum, .1 II 11. <M rnc, Fr# #1 C Wylly, II C. .Morgan. KmJ E k*#rein, Henry M. Stcvi -iird. Wm B AM 11 well. Daniel R Thoanas. A Derry Solomon. Frank H. Jed\ T II l-’lovd **d John W. Smith. T • giaiul Jury consmt* of tw**nty-three j tnemhen#. but a larger numb* r Is always j drawfi. *o a-# to allow fr exru**o on j various gioun<t* and the lompucity or - -dnlitv of -time of thou#* drawn to serve The list will be materially decrease*! even before the term ronveno*. mu Hin% MILL HE Ll* CITY. iHVNnnsti Will Droll t ft* Ihe Extent f gt.siHi lq ttaflwny Cnee. The de< i v *at of the Supreme I’ourt of •he state in the - ase of the Savannah. Thunderbolt nl lee of il>pc Bailwray Company Against tha Mayor and A Mer man of the city of Savannah, which va.# r# ported in the Morning News’ illsiwitches from Atlanta y**frterlay, will turn into the city tr##.frury uinml |!.fru in ba k taxes. I The ritiiu iv company to I have the cl iv restrained from taxing It ip#*n l*s trackag** and cars, the tax levied j a husin* sh tax an#! not n#l valorem. I 'I he railway company was - r*d SIOU | f#>r every rule of itv truck within the •ir y :ml* and f*r every ar operated with in the eltv limit** There are thirteen miles of tra k ni twenty-four car** in j onstani :* end the nmeuri #*f the tax s!.Snu amuially The ompany owes for Leith 1X!0 arid !!*•'. The appli. at lon for an injunction was refused \ Judge Fuldgant. m the Ru- P*Tlor Court, sn*l th© *•!<<* was then mr j r.*-l by the defeated plain tiff to tne Su preme Court In tha: tribunal the |e j of Judge Failigant iias Just been ; affirmed. HBFI fF.II TO Mtkb % I llt\(ii:. Klretlnn for fingUlrfite nf *e*4vtil District to Jlr at 211 Hrynn, West. The el* -Mon f*ir magtstrale of the Sec ond District wi.l la held at 231 Bryan *' r* • *t. w>-4 tin plac# originally fixed hy j the #>r#l*-r #f Judge Ferrlll lie hant>d •I*v vv n a decision yesterday, refusing the application of Frank S VanGl* sen for a ! 'h.mge In th# pane of ©lectltxn. Judge Ferrill su>a tn decision that j ho an fr‘* no warrant of law for a change In his or i r previously grant##! There Is .* p # within the dlxtrid. #• says. wn*r# justice’s #'ourt for the district Is b# l#l The office of Magistrate Jones and • •dde the distrk t Judge Ferrill doe* n>t • nsj#ler • ither of th*•#* place*# the "place j *f hokiing justice’s court for the district. within the meat ing of sect lon Id of the i'° It! !• '* I-’or this reason, the aj | pH ntlon f Mr VanOleaen Is refused. The election f#vr magistral#* of t/ie Sc -i 1. a- well as of the other distrs ts of h# county, ai l h.* held on H.ilurduy. The - *i *• ♦ h*t# n Magistrate Nathans and j Mr VanG|**##en will probably b#* the cl *- • aii! mst Interesting of the I*. r\ni it ih am sm tiik < oiifOorh. **n *nii m h Drleal Wrote the ln*le >t **T |i tii'iniir) of l.rr." I w *f thf.s-* who Iwtd the pleasure • f \x< .iring ih* leautifuk >#*nc '•ung hy Ml a M irgarct May Ni> holson at th** ent#*r j taintnent given the delegatee to the con vention if D.iughicr* of th** Confederacy by the children of t'e Confaderacy. kn • w j th** musi was composed l-y Ite I Father Jnm-s thnneasy of the Havannah | # athiairul of S: John the Bap Ist. Tli#* #o*t< is entltlisd, “The Memory of Lc," niil the music has dtincal th-* ; favorable attention ,in#l consideialien of j om; * tent crIU who have hear I it i played As orig nnlly written, I? i- a -010, ut th- tn- -. ha- >e#*n a mug and as © iuarlette f*r mlxol voices. uii.i. —i-r it i>i:•# Ilifrliop 11. J. h #*il• > an#l latiirr W m Moyer (ine t# Heliuont. Illthop B J Kelley, and Father Wm Mu>er of the Sa rd Heart Church, left \ im the Houthem yesterday for Belmont, j N (’ , whr * the# w ill 1© the guests for a few days of Bishop Haid of North Caro lina. Sunday Dl hop Kailey will be in u where he will take part tn the drdica. tier* ceremonies of the 'Sacred Hear; Church. The dedication ceremonle* will be conducted by Cardinal G bkni, who wifi celebrate, alto, the pontifical high j mass. Bishop Kelley will preach at thi*# i mas#, while th* Cardinal will preach at - t TO IMPROVE SOUTH POINT. Tl UK. Kil l SCO I\TO . I’IHK R) vmw.l H IILWIY A Ur*. Tw-Mr, Parllln ) Ol®- Mini My,la Hllli Ur*r Pon I*o .nil vvirir riu l H- fJrt-cted—% ■nltn in I ii, I'oiil orb-r Allrnr. 11..11. Will Hr Rrortd 1.11 and (hr Hm tlrr TrniH Will Hr loarrrlrd Im a llaadanmr P*rk-Th* Old Forllll <-af I —n. Will Mr l-rr.mrd and Hmlr a l*ai l nf 111. I*lan—Thr Plana for fhr Mulldiaa In *hr Hand, of Arnlilirrl f r l.a n and W orl Will Hrglii Im • Few !>■. Tlir Savannah. Thunderbolt and I*!r of Hope li*iiWMN ,e plennitig to n.ak * x ** *tve improvement* *i Thunderbolt duri. , the next few men the Having fr** ur*sl tt use of a large purl of Thunderbolt D uni the Raliwa> Company intends to convert I if into a park for the us* of th© patro*’.#- o© its lines. The point eotulßt# of between eight end | tdne acres at th© extreme southern of Thunderooit and h a froi.rage to r,orUieast and es: on WHmington rlv# * j and on the south and sotifhw* !*t overlooks the mers.-i townrda I**le #f Hope, and be ing open in these #jire ions is aiways j a and r< *• The Railway Company will s-torily rom , mrn# e the buFd.• k T #i tne f*int of a iir • pavilion where ad F*# pa*rr*rs will be w*F , 'Ofne to make th# m-**.\*t- Mt home. Th* bid ding will ?*e eolonUd m d#s#)gn having a large porti©o in front with tall c-oiufm.s | runring through to the eaves ar*l v; le piaxsaa wiil s irround t-ie entire bui*d! 4 1 The se#N)nl atory will be reserve#! f*r the ie#e n*f kiii#-* ar and cfti.dren, exrepr on j *!>*<*t*l occasions. On th© firs: floor wdl , tea hail with a s*age an#! it D probab.e that it; conneetion with other street rail ’ wavs in th© cltiei. of the ft-ufh theatr; a j cofnpxnU'f wdi engage*d to present dif i f#*rent p!s>e lurir>g ino summer Tie .!- ; **ln for tiie hui)kng wvts me .1" by M John Calvin Rtea#-r.a of Portland uiwl Mi Drhan <*f this city. Another feature of the pJa e mill he n bath-house with a arge sale wter wmi rntr.g pool. Th#* design for tit© grounds is ! h#-Ing preiair.d hy Mr. K. W B*w lr h. wall-known land*# ape nrchite “t of B#*-- j ton, and the intention Is to have the en i tire arru lai| out with paths, kiivns and shrubbery, and every endeavor wii be i mads to make the park 41 hoautiful > ! possible. It is quite likely that the com pany will pm In a iMrge electric fountain ! f or Illumination s nigh* Various other sources of amusement mill h#- provl-led At the beginning <f th*- war a f**rt >f considerable #*xtent was '*ullt on the paint ltd it ifr fr a i.| that Gen H#>ber E lee ! himself selected the site. A large port of the # Mirth works of the fort sti e*i*i ! In a good stale of preservatkai. and in fix ( lr, k up the |ark all of the fort will he j kept Just as It is, because of the histori* j # al association*. The Town Council of Thunderbolt has granted the n reet railway comi'uny the right to *>xh n*! Its lin#* to t he point, a dis tance of alxnjt 360 yards from the p*#* iit i terminus of the line, and this will be dor r ns -oon as the question of right of m i.v j with two or three Intervening property j owners can he adjusted, a for eof hands has been at work at the Point for the j .u-t several days. Hearing away the • weeds and underbrush, and the work upon the p©rman#nt improvements Is expected to >©gln within a week or ten days. Th#. j lumber *r.#i other mu *rials for the w*ork have already he r -n or#lered. Mr Henry Frhan has a his offi •© in th© j Provhlent building the pians for the p.#\ll ' lon and other Improvements at the Point | Th© plans show that the building will pie- I sent quite a haii-borric appearance. ,i we’l as be of consider able ,-ize The p;- vlllon lte# |f mi l b* .VlxlOO f#*et. two stories in hight. with n large portico In front and a J.-f#Ht piaxxa running around the entlr*- | bull ling Tlie salt w.iter swimming pool will le f*-et. |icated near the river nr #1 with * hsv a# re-s to tli© stream, fro ; that good swimmers need not confine t hem'“■lves fo the pool. A raft will be |o- I cat©#! in th#* river conveniently near the pool for tho convenience >, n<l h<*nwi t of | the hiith-TH Tli.* po-.l wrllj f>robol*;>' ho r.<*rv.-. for Indio* nnl rhlldrrn In (hr i 'Whine" mii.l for men in the afternoon ] nn-l even!')*.. 1 "1* -'.'liivat.d that It will lake nhmit i thr*e mottih* to .*.>ini ete ih rmitenv- Improvement* ai n, rale the 1,1. ] #er wlli h*. In r*-a.line** for u.e hef r the r..tmn of warm w-nlher. The oM fortl n non..whl h are proKibly lh m <i om l*le e now left In • :e vicinity of rhe city will be retained .ivl mu<le use of lo -fTTI. In where the embankment, have given away the, will he r-p!a...| and I properly yrnde.l I’ath# will • laid out rt.,w. r. and ahnihbery mi—l and *-e it I ptovldt'-l thmuKhout the i,rk. a-.d everi j thing don.-. In tact, which will make the l> a- e attractlv# to the patrons of ihe com pany. Mr. Harry I‘ar.fM.*, one of the dire-.- '•* 'h- company. In .p a', ng of the ! —We have loiur felt the need o' hem.•! Ihlr.g ol thi* kind at Thunderho t. While there ar.- aev-ral te ort* there th commo-latlon* f.r tho-e i„ n .„ mmtr of the Tacbt I'luh are , nwwh it ) limited. Hfl.l We fee| 111,; tner. 1/ a W., t In thi, direction whl h ehoild te ft I 1 In a number of plane* in the North u h attractbai* are provl lel by-urburha rail way companies, and are <|u te ®. n. rally taken advantage of by th-dr patron... I am satietlel tnot u h will ■*• the <.. ; li.-re We m <|e some effort on this line .luring the post reason by Improving •>),. lark at l*|e of Hope, and tl.e puttie Im me.ll iiely showed lt|*|>|)rec ail h o' • , i Improvenwitt. The .pie. w.i* too Uni t -cl. however, to make any e,i nslve improvement. Tiie l-otnt at Thun *rh It i Is a *i*>i with considerable naiu-aj a.l vaifctage* snd offer* great i>s*thlllt| . of Imptov- m. nt, whl. h we .hall endeavor t.. make goo<l use of." When asked about 'he doable tiackln* of Itarnard street and thi* chance* In -he Whitaker street track M far- ns i said ith*- material for this work had ie 11 ' onlered tom, time go and |* dally *x j peole-f Owing to the fact that th l ml I* are rushed with order* and rhit h switches have to be m <.f- a* i rmltng t r .|e tal design, the ordets .oulil no) tie tilled Immediately. It 1* h iped however, to twgln the work early next month. First ms Foremost In Ihe field of medicine Is Hood's Sarsap* ! arllla. Ii possesses actual and unequalled merit by which It cure* all d:seases cati*. ed or promoted hy impure or Impoverish ed blood. If you have rh-titniti-m. dy*- |e|> a. scrofu. iit Hurt, . ure v -..k. Hood’S Ssrsapsrllla an Ibr . ured If you are run down nt I frel weak and tired, you may be sure Is will do you good. The favorite family cathartic |* Hood's Pills -ad. The I.miles of 'nvannrili Are especially lnvlte-1 to visit t spe.-'il j exhibit of Armour Packing Company this 1 week at Jack*on, Metgger K Cos. Can ned soups, meats, pork and hearts f world famous brand—"Armo !!•"—dem onstrated atxf th-pcis-d hy an exp rt, Mrs. Wilson who will take pleasure it Instructing, serving you gratnltoudy with a plate of soup or hot tom -lev—ad. For Over Fifty 1 rars. Mrs. Wtna.ow't Soothing Syrup ha been used for chlidren teething it soot nee the ' id aotb n the gum# allays all pain cure* wtrsl eo#lc, and I* Ihe be remedy i for Diarrhoea. Twealy-flve cents a hoitlw -ad. No Waste in the Kitchen I No waste of tins or msterlsli, for with a .ms. qoaatlty of •tract, tnoas;s ) wh.rh by tbemwlre* would be tasted j ind um exu b# Bi4eiatoiu*l:c4W I •oup, or xavorj d:aiL j LIEBIG I COMPANY’S EXTRACT I | OK fIEEF for 1 IMPROVED AND ECONOMIC COOKERY I * Kit \KEH TO IIF. %'F IVKHLKV, I nut'rul of tlir* John I*. al#lio*ou Thl Iflrrnoon. The* funrral of tlie l.t- John la. John s* n will take plac#' from W©l©y Menu met .(I Oiurch at T 30 o • I k thtfr aft#r i Hn. Thr n rvi • will •© ron#lucle(J by I. v Kd. F. f'ook. iw!or of Wwiey, ax i- .l {vofr.'ibly by romt other of th© local * t fty. M vt.ii# a ni©mb©r of Both th** li. ~rJ of Truet**. m ard th© Boar#! #>f Ht©w , . . | I V , in chur* h work an#l it l probable *.#! . funeral Nfvloefl will be vti % Utftlr r -iiti- I Ti© fui ©ral will I* tt* tid 'l t iiioii fr \a>\k> of M.tfrO. j#. w hich will ■iklu ♦ t • **©rvlc©fr at th© gruv©. Ti. irt*rm# nt will F© In B*>na\©nture nvt-'t**r> Th© i*ail !*'aireri* will hr M.sdr- J- Im Kl.inn n, i A Denmark. B F Bullard. 8. B A*l.m*. W. B H tiM P D. Damn, J R fain ami P F Gh-afron Mi?* J#ihn.*-n. Mr William F Johnson and M - Porn# >- Johnson reached the *~.!y fiom N* w York >©M t#lay afternoon. \\ 111 Itrturn to Hrr llogn© Nora oiler, tha woman who cars* U) H.ivannah ©nmr t n© ago from Jackeon. 0.. oral ntcr# and *n© of th© T©n#|rrloln r©. ► . rt*#, but afterward claim©#! that *h## i.-i l T**t, i-rought h©-© un*l©r fair#© pr©- le-fi*,*- !!! I©j* v© fur h©r ham© Th© w man app.i©tl t, Mayor Myers# l.*-: . k f r afrfrUtan©© i getting h *m©. # r i ,*t t!i** fr.mi*- urn** told her frtorx* < f her o - !*%:< and wromra H turned ih© matter over to the |• 1 -•© department for an investiga tion. Ttdfr wax mad© but xhow# I mat • a© w man ( and- *m© *>i her fr*-© w il. eo '-©•h ing further Mulil l© loti© by th#- autho i- ©s. Th* tick©! for th© wmiftn’ v.if ut to l*r lv frl©tda In Jackaon. % MAI 1 \< TOM \ . frfliannnh (irf* 4ln© of th© l.nrimi Trunk I nciorirM In lll#* Xonth. Th©r© .ar© only two trunk Dciorlw In Georgia. hr#l on© of tin*©© In In Savan i ah. Few* p©of>l© know- th© bual n* fr?* th© Southern Trunk Factory i* *i>- !ng here. Tf ;• #int iv on Hay between th© B*.rd.r#l O'.l C m;-any .m*l I txi© <*>ll Con l *ny * Iniildtr Th© latex! nii4#-hii ©r,- r.-r t.‘# mnmifactur© of trunka ii uaed and • v. ry | art of th© trunk Ih mail© I©r©. j humiH-r ifr delivered at ?h© factory by I • h carload, and twenty men are employ*d | to w rk t' up Th© f-wj Itv rf th© plant Ih 500 trunks# a w**k, making it c*n© ##f th© larg©at far- I loru-fr n th© South B#*aide thle. ch©r© in • !)#• ther factory in Qerg'a. It Is at At | Unta. Tim Southern Trunk Factory turns out ! #runks ranxing In price from 23c to W % I Two traveling men ar© ©nt out through | ra© .uijoining fr-tates drumminw busineas. arid they have n very ucc#*eful. In a If. w it4#\s th* mnniifartur© of ©at caaen will I*#*gln her© Th© show aid sample I mum* And retail nture Is 314 an#! 336 | Brought# n. w* *■- Mr M D Lubln. proprietor of th© fac tory. 1 j will©-aw k* business man afi#i | .i- voie© hi*# wh-*!• tim© nd ©n4.*rgr>- to ! building up th© n#w ©nt#‘n*ris© Tbankaghlut s Liigas'i. Igognn glv# m notio© In our special column I 1 1>of his st ill will be open nil day Wql ! nrsday. and until 10 o'clo- k Thumlay mornnlg for th© purpose of supplying hi* ( wl.h ©v*-rythlng <*holc© f>r Thanksgiving from th© f rest, farm atvl .stream Among some <f th© btrds ar© | (*hoic© whk© nnd dark groir©. Send in a . • k **o as to h© t.-iiintifully supplt© Login. City Mar ket.—ot. ••It f nrftl Mr." "Grayhenrd Irok© up rheumatism on rn#.’’ says Mr ( has Thomas, the Jew rier on Whitaker -trect. “And nut m© In | hetttr health than I have enjoyed in a ; inn* tiin#?.” Take GrayFeard Pills for that dlxxv f- lli g- Lost H|'p*:i:e. and follow It up is ith a bottl© of Gray bean!. It I* all you n ed Res pens Drug Fo., sol© props. Sa vannah. Ga.-ad % l.r#Mt in < ooltlnu and l.nnrhefin Free Unity. Mrs. T' C Wlßon. r©i*r©*©ntir g th© Ar mour Packing Fompany. a lady proficient iii culinary art. will demount ni © to th© ladles **f Savannah th© c#d*'bri ? #sl cann* J #itips. jtork <ii.d Feans an 1 m©ats of A - #v Fo. Exhibit in lias# m* n( of Jack son. Metzger a# Co.’s big department store.—ad. \\ hat Is rrtterlMef It is i sure ( iir© for all -*kin urrfr It h. tetter, ringworm, ©ogetna salt rheum. © Never failfr. Nothing is “Just as good.” Don’t accept MUlaKltutes. Try anl you will i © #i vln • *l. n t .011-and* of others have If your druggiM doesn't k ©p B. -■•• i > in stamps direct to the maker. J T Jhuptrlne, Havannah, Ga., for a I*ts postpaid.—ad. fr#r#'#l Free Daily f# tlie l.nll© Frtxu fi!U a. tn. t# i. tn. Hot t*mal©fr soups, fork n#l beans and other fill a lea hy the Armour Packing Cotifiiany of Kansafr City, exhibit n bafrt-merit J.i ks#t>n. Metgger A Cos., corner Brought*-! an#| Whitaker frtre*t*.~*J, On© cor of elegant fire proof safes, th© tn-st In t\r land, arrived to-day at th© Baltimore wh if. Ail constat of an ag gregain weight of over thirty thousand pound** In ui:s r ar. safe* of all sixes, and ir© in t© b\ th* ceieorat##! Barnes Manufa* taring Fonipriny of Plttaburg. Pa , - toiigMtg to I/.ppman Bros Lippman Bros., wholesale druggists. Llppman b|o. k of this cit>. are the #>ril> < r.c©m it tn© Mate that carry o si x k of fir© proof -utes in store, and w will guarantee to -II them as low as a.* manufarturer-# th© freight h<!l©*l hn w© have- sj© Fl arrangement fir mak ing special pri*- We .also have be-n furt afiing qu.te u kirge number of sil verware fir© prt.of ctiests which have given gr*t ■ itifrf i tloti Purchasers wno want anything ir ih© fir© proof safe line wJi do weii to - ui! oi Lippman Brua —ad. “Oravh#rd 1- t family undlcine with us.” said a prominent business man yes t©rda> Mv wif# takes It. and I notice **h© is enjoying better health than f.>r v*ara. Tiio children keep well by taking Oraybeard may be obtained at all #lruf •tores or write to ut for it. Respess Drug Cos., aole props . 6avannah. Ga.—ad. A Hlfh-Gr d© Institution for I.adlea Shorter College. Hon., Ga. Writ* for catalogue.—aU. 1 Two Popular SHOES. ELK ft • for Men. “SOROSIS” ■>o* for Women. POPULAR PRICE, $3.50 A PAIR. ALL STYLES. Missing Word of ? Much Meaning { It slips out sometimes and b sometimes it’s suppressed. It \ means much whether uttered / or blanked out. You know / what a tell ow feels when he i say#: C “That oil stove is/ filling the house with# smoke and odor.” S If he had come our way for | his oil stove he would never J have reason to complain in S words that can’t be repro- / duced. / I Our Oil Stoves ape the Best, a Cooking Stoves, ? Heating Stoves, ) Ranges and Furnaces. / Hot Stuff Stoves. Low prices around here one Congress street: Broughton ? street show goes into quaht-. t and cuts down prices. You'll ? find our prices the lowest. c WM. & H. H. LATTIMORE, ( West Congress Street. f ’Good Morning, Sir. Dirt you rnjoy that hath—with tha frosty ntmn*phprn chaln fchtvrr* down i your bsickbonr? Po you rars to r> |>oa< It? Or would you consider an offsr for Only $3.25 to make your bath ro*im an comforinblk ;• a pa Lie©. Our GAS HEATER at $3.25 fioefr th© work. It burn* m little gn. but it’fr a mightf heater. Order one thi morning. Phone 24t. MUTUAL GAS LIGHT COMPANY, 7 an*l 9 Congrefr* tire©t, went wm' ** AMIBKM!!!Tft. gftV/AN.N/AH rHfiHTkR TO-NIGHT. America’* Orealem Comic Opera Com©-**n THUS. Q. SEABKOOkE / g an > nt* superb ootnp-ny in #ha / f O? lali-at N. V. Casino auoCsa “THC KOUNDIvKS.” ALL-HTAR C AST— Iren© Perry. Will r Mandeville, Bertha \Vgtxing*T. Wlli 1 T#rrla, Jeannes(• Lowric. Jak** Bernan!. CrlNie Carlyle, Herbert C. Frippa. Humptuous New York proiuctlon in • • Ita frpleiKlor. PRICKS—3Sc. 60c, 75c. 31. an.l 31. M SAVANNAH THEATER. TWO PKRFORMoN' CS THANKROJV ING DAY—OIATINITE AND NIOHT The Popular KLIMT-HEAHN CO. Th© re# ognix©#! popular price amufremer t enterprise of America. 3L.000 Inveatt l :n frcenerv. roynltl# fr. © ectnca# *n-t m* nl ©fTetcg Preeentliui at matinee n night th© euccefrful melodrama, •origin ally produced by Mr. Charlea Frohmar. “The Fatal Card.’’ PRICES—NIaIit, lOt-. 200 and 30c. Matt n©©. 10c and Sik-. ChVANNAH TUI ATI' R TWO NIGHTS FRIDAY AND PATt'H PAY. NOV. Xi AND DEf\ 1. BARGAIN MATINEE SATTRDAY. 30c and Jic. M. B. LEAVITT'S Gorfeous ©antastleal Speetacla. “SPIDER AND FLY." Saata on aala. PRICES—Night, r.OO, TSa, 60c arid 3#°-