The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 28, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 {Ejjr fflorning rV'fUiS. Il.rtiluc >■• Kniulmr ©•**•©•*>. u% \M.OU>im . Min Mill H ifc. 11HM K©g>*<*'®d at If ® Vo © i Ha\ann#h 1 HI, HOII M\4* Al %%b l |u tv cry Ut > In . > ti . ■•* * *r i to •Act • a: *0 rent? a rr.vfiih. W.t’O f r fix in iilh#, did l' -*J ( or* V Mr. '!•••: moh\i>* NEW .**, t> ov*l , MX t!rne 4 * vvitiioul Sanney U . > Une© mnnl . |l U. !x mouths, RA>. u* year It 'I Hi: uri KLY YCUI ’HO iM* I Unit (M ■: **i> 41.d Thu *•!*> ) X>> n • or* >* I v. .on> m t b> no ■ v 'Mer, ©hf k or r*f4 t 1 letter, luiun y ant by mtii ai flak c*f tender. Tranxiant aive rtlwmer.ti, other tun Fprrlai • oJumn, local or reading n U - tmuwmcnti end cheap or *#nt * m ' • 10 <-mh .ir.t Four!ten lire* o* • * t> p*—rquai to or eln h m dtl' h-4 " standard <*C mftrurenet t I'ontiac r% ©• and difommU mad® knosn or.*:h>r ll* I>U*lß- * Offl Ordoro frr ddlvtry of th M-m nc Newt to either re*lden©® r r il © o bunlne** can be made by mail * y thono No 21* An> ;rr* lr t l deliv ery should # Irr.rn® r i *4v !•’ Isttira erdl f< © and b# ci Arreted " Holt \I\C m:h* amah O 4 oitic e, n r.rk n* w. New York city. II C. F Lkr'r. Marager LVDLX 10 MW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meetings-Fast S!l ronsorvsttve Club. Second District Club; Clinton Lodge No. 64. F. and A M ; {Solomon'* Lodge No. 1. and A. M. 6p. 3,1 Nolle**— Rut# ard County Tay as, ’**•; Nolle* a* to fin.lnc of Cenlial of Georg., Kai.way ComtMny and fir**n fDramtiip Company • Warahouses; Clo- U k of Retail Merchants on Thankigivirg llay: Notice. Auguata HenM: Nolle* lo City Court Juror*; For Thanksgiving Dtn Drayton Grocery Company; l#>w l*rlr* on High Gride Trunka, Savannah Trunk Fa lory; Non. * lo tn* Public, I*. P. Mimui. Clerk of the Mrrket. Turkey* for To-morrow Ja*. J. Joyre. R-'ilp Notk *. W. W. Wtsmn. Agent. Consignee; An nouncement. M. 8. Gardner. ißuitnrn Nolle**—K. 4 TV Laundry. F.sium load Coffe*—Po*t um C'rwl Company. Cooking Otl—Wesson Odorlraa Cooking Oil Auction Btlao—Organa. Etc., by Savan nah Aurllon ar.<l Com ml mi ion I 'omptny.*. Q He* brook* at Tha at*r To-nlgbt, "Spider and l r ly." at The ater Friday ar.<l Saturday. Steamship Schedule— Halt more Bteam ahic Una. Ftnanrlai—Lewla A. May ft Cos.. New Tork. Malt-Nutrlr.ft—Anhetaser-Buich Brewing Association. lrijil Notice*—David Krua of Chat ham, Bankrupt. James H. Abta>tt of Ap pling. Bankrupt; D. C. Cowart of Tat nall. Bankrupt; K. F. Bradford of Chat ham, Bankrupt; Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Kata :e Pamela Fitxaltnmona. hMsawd. {Sign of the Beal—National BlscuM Com pany. All the Children Are Invited to VMt To day—Foy* ft Eckstein. Her*’* to You—Byck Bro*. flood Morning, Sir—Mutual Gaa Light Company. Whisky Bale—flichmond County Distil ling. Beef— laleUg's Eatrart of Beef Mineral Water—Hunyadl Janos. (Sauce-Lea ft Perrins Worcestershire Sauce. Medical—World's Dispensary Prepara tions; Lydia Plnkhum Vends'.l* PHI*. Hood's Pills; Hereford's Add Phoaphate; Cutldura Remedlss; Munyon a Remedlea. Ayer's Pills; f'astorla; Warner's Haf* Cur*. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet*. Cheap Column Advert Isemenla—Help \ttentrd; Employment Wanted; For Rent; Fir Bale; Lost; Personal; Miscellaneous. The Weather. Th* Indications f.T Georgia to-day ore for fair weather and fresh north So east wliwls: and for Fnstem Florida fair weal her; warmer In west portion and winds mostly fresh northerly. Benator Hanoi, It b wild, t* r**pon it>! for tn* defeat of Senator Pettigrew. Thut being true, there 1* still on opportunity for I'e'tjgrew to gst even, and at the aam* tlm* lo reruler a service lo the coun try. and It IS predinted that he Will do It. Benator Henna la much intere-ted in the ship subsidy hill that Is to come before the Sena'* early In Ih* session. The courtery of the hodv permit* any sena tor 4o talk a* long as h* pleases on any subject under consideration. It Is said that pe tlgr*w Is preparing himself to talk Hanna * subsidy bill lo death. Sleeping Lie of s Sunday morning has baeome popular In the town of Milford. Del.—that la. it 1* popular with everybody pit th* preachers nd the member* of the finano* committees of the chur, h board* They think that 100 fsw peopl.. get out to church. In order to arouse the Ist* *le p era In tlm* for church a novel pan ha* been devised. Squad* of singer* have been organised and Hie town divided Into rtHriets. A squad will b *nt into c icn district at 1 o'clock Sundav mornings and evangallatic song* will b* warbled up and down the atreeta. Should this not prove effective, the aqund# might try throwing half brick* through th* window*. Th* Senate f’ommllfe* on Fo-elgn Re. Ltlons 1* likely to have n large amount of moat Important work to do during the coming session of Rena-nr lie of Minnesota, who Is now at the point of death. It th# chairman of tnl- com mittee. In the event of Kenator Dtv * death, which t* aatd to he merely a quee tlon of a few hour*, or daye at liest. the chairmanship would devolve tipm Sen itor Henry Cabot Ix>dg* of Ma-sachusetts Senator lasdge Is th* fourth m> mber of the committee, tn point of rank, hut both Henator Frye and Senator Cullcmi, who precod" him. are chairmen of great com mittem. th* one of Commerce onl the other of Int*r*t#te Commerce, so that the place would fall to the Muss..chu#tts man. Setuitor Lodge I* m:i of the beat Informed and ablest men on tho Republi can side In the Senate, and would no doubt prove a Wot tby tuccamvr lo CJutir bmo Davja, n II 4\ Is IIFIIII 111 lilt. 11011 l<<>\\ 111- Th* ..*>•ul rt*|j*>rt of Mr. l>m +++ i’* 1 of th* Tr*tufy. •:< ■ ‘ • *i>m® things whwh th* sui • i c** 4-sl of comment f>r.* of • > 'm t* th® th*t hark lirr t.,ts *>? .i fc t k oftte**rs r* s tog* #r t-* fioo-I of lbs bnk* ifitl irhi i <h#j Of* rornf( H‘<l. Of rnur*' I k • of U nsl Imk9. th® only i .1 h : r. h* hs> wrytt ;iiir to do. iirwl n* dn not meitH that mH oft; i am 4 41* borr<*w*r VV nit h# m* 4rs* to fty J* #E t I>ar k <ll* r®* tor® ofh'-*r! tr. m • if * t.( K> fw-r ii..(t .<1 o ■ i is mon in- y U*.n th# Is®* {tt-rmit* 0. Ri u> havi*. In II. A >ear th*r* w*ff r * faUurei tbll I® * loin* to directors knii o?Tl * tit' failure* ,4ft y • *r nere owing to lonn to .1,1 to. v and orti *• r Th* rorr.; troi. r * airx trot on June If* It-* ,f th<* in tiff <iir* • lor* of r.4ll)nil .it K * i • iris 15* s%f )n<l*bt I. either .if* ti or indirectly, to th* Ranks, rtri i tt.. amowrt thi the**-* Xlr turn ®twi ♦ h,mk offi *-rs ai..i employes owed thr u,r VI .1 • !-• . 27 ♦ til Thi- rnoun’ tso* .rjftl fl >f t ♦* eitir* .ml *lo<k of i iti i . i ark* of t hr* rotifittv * Ctnuf.* i ... ;er lit of St.*- o|>in.on th-it iir* rr n I of?, ers ought r*ot to be per muted to hove o arm*' a sisr. of th® m of;, V of the banks. It is ui.doubte4ily | tr ie . * n,"‘i of th- ' luoi r u * If lit. but | hero are .m< of them iar 1 from belr x flrsl-elsss. It in evident tint dir or srd bonk \ ~• * would i-4 b® o many (abut*' due to loans to them. The < mip ! roller I of th. ofv.i tf n that th.s i of 1 **• n- !*bou.*l ioi iM* male f-xrept with ih® perml-• lon of 4 full bo srd of director*. Clearly lh*r® l* still room for Improvement In th tutlon* i Hi bsnktnir law® PRO*l*K< TA OK THE %l*. A niprems oflort will be nw'le to *'t the N.iirsfUi carwel bill thr>uj*h botu Houses of at the soesioa wlxioh begins next nvmth. It toady looks ®s if everything wera ready for the p.e-4*o of th® Mil As we h.ivr pointed out both poll first partlea favor It, and all of th coooassiuns by th® governments of Ni *a rifiin sn*l Costs lli k to ‘-anal companl®s bwve been (isrlsrcd lo be forfeited f**r noii eM,nplt®rvr® with the condition* alt ltl to t These gov**rnmmile *te ready to Aram th® I‘nited Htates all th® rtshia of wsv along five propoeel route vf ti® canal. Hut shout th® railroads, will they op|ioee the ranai? If th®y do thev tn.iy ®u< ®cl in (b is) Ida action a while on the anal bill. Ttu r® sr® eom® Indlrailons that they will do what they ran to def***t It lor tnatance. it i* raid that Acr®at IrHerests an* ut work to A®t Mr J. K Cowan, rresllent of the ItiUtlm<*re and Ohio llalirosid, eleoted to th® l’nlt®d State® Henate. In comp < ormneotw In th® btUlmorn Bun cn th® probability of hi* election. U \* stated that Mr. Cowen 1® wanted In th® H**n-te to help prot-'t th® rallrole aKsinet th® danlP*r with which they ar® threatened bv canal* A coup!** >A weeks aao Air. Coweti mad® h speech at a dinner of lb® New York Chamber of * ommtroi In which he objet tei to the t-rojeot of making a *hlp cunal out of l.'ri® t’aral on th® ground that such . canal wt>uld divert bueiness from th* railroads In tfiat psrtlculnr Ibslonc® hf* wna sp'.ikl;(t for the llaltlmore and Ohio r<M*d If th® Krl® canal were depceed suf fl* lenily to ai iommudste • htpii Baltimore would lose her Kiwin trad®, and th® Baltimore ®nd Ohio Hull road would lose a big percents#© of r btMrttMs* Hut If Mr. fV>w®n should th® I Trio ciml in th® Interests of call rood*, would h® not llk®ly optose the Nl>’arHg\a csnil for th© earn® reisons? It is tru®, of POWN) that it Is claimed that th# Nica ragua canal would not seriously Inter f.-re with the bimint-ss of the rullriM.ix, but railroad man****™ know letter than that. If th® rsllro.ids held their hu-lnej they would have to reduce rates Anally. It may !w> that railroad Interests .ir.* not helping Mr fViwen to rch th® Sen ate, but there ar® riAtv® that they ar® Ami if they want him there may It not be because they are preparing: to make a strong tiKht naaliist th® Nicaragua canal ’ COI.OM IL It oil Ilk. In hi* message th© fSovernor called *h® attention of tho Legislature to th© Import much of making: provision for collecting ond prcs©rvlmc the Colonial rer<.rds of th© fiat®. Titer© Is a bill pend 11 A in the LogJid.iture. atil now U for. the Atproprl atlons Commute®, for hii app.oprl stion to provide th®-® record*. Th® only way they can b© obtained is by having ophs vn*d<* of th© originals In Isondon. Twice, at th® expense of th® state, copies of they© documents we*-© made, and In each Instan®**, owing to th® practice of im rmiiting them to be taken from the cus tody of th© :atc, they were destroyed Georgi* h row about the only one o f th* original thirteen cates without colonial record*. That *h© o cht to bnvs th* in there is no doubt. What It will rout to get them is problematical, but it will not i ost more than on former occasions, in all probability. Th© first time they were ob tained they ro*t |7.WO. Thu sum ought to be aulflc*rnt to gel copies again However, that Is a matter for the Legislature The question which chiefly Interests everybody :n Ih© slate, who has the lenu bit of ! slat® prld®. is that these records ought to I li* In th© archives of th© state, and there i <uxht to be n rule that they should not i tie taken out of th© state hoass. Nt only that, but they ought to b* insured. It Is true that the state Is hard pressed for means to rti®®t all of its obligations, owing to th© very heavy pension burden, but the appropriation commlttt* ought to >** abl® to r(juc®xe out som where enough to pay for having copies of th* .-** records made. ! The advanc© sale of seats for Par.ih ! Bernhardt s engagement in N-w York , will pr< .ibly break the record I’p ti .Saturday th* sal® hid aggregated mcr* i than fit** 00. 1 nd r th® clrcums |is assured that for every performance {•luring the five weeks Mm®. IT rnnar b will play to a house representing upwards of Her drasing iower - appar ently greater now than ever before. Winston Hpencer Onurchill. th® wr correspondent, is com ng to this country next month. Ha expects to lecture, and looks forward to a very gem rout r® ©p i’cn. And h© will probably not he disap (minted. Churchill ha* noble blood in hit veins, which insures him Isrg® audiences in Near York, Boston. Chicago and oilier cluci where they ilcopise kiagi. the MOHNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 28. I % U MtMM. TO HICIf ME*. In an address <®fore the fMucatlonsi A.uar © of N®w York or. Sun*h' nlgot \f * m H Hewitt of that city mad® sum* remarks w .< fi snould b® taken as ® v r *r.if by * h xu f n T ® aim ©f th- VaS , a a.®l A r - t© \* st poor pso * © to get xn ®d . :stoft— xn ©duration of *•© kind thi al l help them to flght th i**itl© of life. It *®®ma ths* the AV snea i in need of mor.®' wi h wi • • mry its work It is not ©s suceearfol in gstttng contrt* j hut terns from r. r m®n is It ought to be. I* wa* for f. *e m n tnat Mr H©witt in tended ht- warning Among other th*cg> h, ‘*l believe that in the twentieth j entury v\ u © now neer Its lawn, th® 1 *' t'>mmen talu*m will steadily grow 1 Ic-h ,* it I tn® ip.rlt of a.truism stronger. I • j © that th® rule *do unto j other* u - •• vi iiid •© others A unto you* w.!| more g f, i 'rally prevail than in all th© > ntune w o h have gone b®for® If 1 am m.j-taken In—if th© spirit i c,' >"omnt- rr; i*l grt ®*l ronJltUit* to ufow *trc t'rf-'hen th© Twentieth • cn tury w t witii*®! u mm imi ratai .yarn un- < paraiir.ecl in history. It Is only by th® distounter n®mg of commercialism and j *h' , i . g of altrui-ni that w** can tf' uu.ird ju-tif* projertyand liberty 'IT *r® if muc i truth in th® for* going i Ai*.d> la ©i| of the large cities of the j • ' .till v tlt®re P . spirit of unr® t •m* i the toibng rnii se*. There are among th" m many who ar® di<h©aiisfl®d b< .iu*e ! i f> w rich men have #o much t; I ti© gr®at majority of th© poor have j * little. In pi ipiirdon as th© il n make ib* lr fortunes greater and refuse to n.-- *i In ImtHoving tn® <ortli4on of th© pw>r and l g nor am. th© protection which tn©y • i ©>> from t.u® kv* run* ii wlii 1- re i *• The mas!**s have th© (mi dot and therefore th* t***®r to mak© laws that will strip the r. h of tnelr wealth, or at least n fiortton of tt. Th© rich men u stead add ng to their already great fortun ■* ought to h® distributing a large portugi of their Incomes among tho.*® who I®- ttrv© h©lp. It is better to keep down the 'lurit of discontent bv * generous dis tribution of wealth than to pursue a ••ours® calculated to increase It. Tn® very po*.r r* ad n>.taunt* t*i th® vast fortune* wbl- h are h. ing u umulat© I and they ar© not long in reaching a cosi ditfon of mind that pr©tvares them for drastic legi* atlon agHin*t th® rich. If they knew that a portion ot le.iet of th© it i-om©* from th®*© fortun©* wa* b **®d to lift tip th® struggling m.i-** the feeling toward* rich men would be far more kindly. MH. Illltvva I’HOOntMME. T her© has been ®d < > ontinu©s to b© a gta'at d®ol of speculation respecting the subjects dlscus.-cd by Mr. Br> in. Mr I own© hi a M Inihi'i nr ra* ir me©t ii sr in CM. ago th© o? i©r day. Koni“ of th© s|*eclain soot out from that city state that th *© thru leader* met to dl*cus! the question of th© reorganisation of the I© moo ratio (tarty, .and. In th® event *f th© present l.lrs of that jxirty kei'.g the control of ih*- jerty mahlnery. th© advisability tf organising another |*arty. It may le that they discussed th **e things. tut th© chances sr© that pretty nearly everything jipiM'arlns: in th© dis- Imi tehee a* to what actually t'sak p!.i •it th© meeting M m*r© g i. ■ - work. In one of the dispatches it 1* *tut© 1 that it is the purpose of Mr. Bryan and those who Hr© Hi-tlmr with him to hrlir Mr. Town® lo th® front n- a pr lien ui • indbJat© in i|. Mr. Towi®, it will I© rmvmber*ii, wa* nominated by th© Popu lists for Vice President, nd then stepped id© because h© was not a < ertul4* l * tii** I>©ix>oorats. 11® I* ©fill the leader of tti© remnant of the Hllver Rrx>ubiican*, and Mr. Dubois in u leader of tn© Popu lists. In th© dlf*atch rcferriM to It i* Inti mated that Mr. Bryan and Mr. Town© think that a party could lie form©*! o' Mr. Bryan's p* t* iial followers, the Pop uilsts. the Silver fU-publlcan* and the or ganisation known a* th© "Working lem ocrat* ** !r*. fhl* latter orirafnxa'ior. He r* arc about 100.'00 members, .ill of w\i.>m are ©nthualastlc admlr. rs of Mr, Bryan. It ! pointed out that there were a,- prehensions at th*- tlm© th© Kun a# 'Hv Convention was in s©**lan that be wouhl not accept the presidential nomlmttj4n >f th© I>©mocratP party if It did not italor hi. views on th© silver question, and the a—©rtion H made that if lie had decline I n* m'nailon he would have rcnialnol thi* candidate of the Populists and Silver li* publicans. Doubtless this aort of talk is Intend'd t > Injur© Mr. Bryan In the ©Ntlmatlon of hi© polfth •! friend*. Theie la no fo inda Ijon fr It If Mr Bryan hid declined th© nomination of the Do mo'ratio rariv at Kansas City it I* ©.if© to ay that be would not have be®n in th® pr©*l lentlal cont®*t. And II Is certain that he is not planning now to start anew party. 11© may he trying to hold hi* rtj on the T>©ror- * itic party, lie ha* n right to To that, but he is not Die man to desert hi- IKr;y when he flrwU that he cannot mak© its polities and- iv who -hill be ii* nom inees. It H • safe prcdlatlon that h© will be in the rank# of the democracy lour years hence. It tokos moia than thrre un.l a half columns of small tvpe In thn Nt w Orleans Picayune to name the horses that have already Non entered for the winter race* there, and 300 additional horse- ex creted on Ihoday that iho edition In ques tion wa- published AH of these hot - - ire thorotiishbrrd racers, and are attend" I hy a small army of Jockeys, trainers grooms stable-boys and ot'ier-, not to mention tho owner*. It Is safe to say that each of the several hundred horses will he worth |l."* to New Or e in- during the srason. Thu* the city wdl bo benefited by from a quarter of a mllll n to half a mll- I lion dollars hy Its race track during the i,eat throe m< nths. Hav innah mutht corn. In for a part, of thli ‘good thing" ne*t winter tf she would get to work at once and rc-establlfh her track and training i quarters. Mr. Zlmm©rman ©f ClnrinnMi. mho hem Mt©l> hail th® t*app!n©# to hecom© th© 1©r-trj*lam of th Pwk© of Manohffter. I ©in# on® of tho*® pennona mho dearly ’ love a lord, ia qu!t© wiilinK to overlook a ! of Manchester’s faulu and pay all of hla ! t*bts for th© ft Is fact ion of htivimr him j:n the family Nor dors hi that (the younjc man ®hall soli Ins hands mith I wfirk; he will have him enter UrLLh f>a;> itlcs 4.<i Iwtomp a "etaienman.'* What .i harvest Add Amerh a U for ih© im* (■overished aiml dUrtputabl® UvtiLl/. of Tu® G*fnnan Hehool Pi n of Berlin i •aid to t® working upon a pi n *'to make Ar 1 less itr • live tOi " It •* ids * *o intro Ia • ?h** most liberal li .i-n pos-bd© ir * brra*ny, " o 'ii tin ©migrant r odd i*t t.n 1 Am sl • ,ir* lu.wrty too Intoxicatit.gT' The move n • it Ia pntr.oii one. *f iouu*. but many will never i* lo rl.a Arnr. a In liberty and qual rights. No ii t itchy * (ii offer to al nun tli**. b.oad i iu/' f hip itr.d th© equall y of < pf* ft n Hy hat ar© freeiy given in thi* toun.ry America cannot be rxuil. *l* a r® liv* to th"** who lov© jrp ioin but Gemnny in. >t n.a*le 1 obnuxbiu* t: v who 4- pi.v the insiitutior.' >f royalty. The annoui.* em*nt is mode tnat Mts. I. ia Root Hurst, wife of Bishop Hurst of Hat land aft*l chancellor of the Am®rl ar f'rdv*r:. y |n Wa- .i . : -n wi.l y oS i # > r*f, ji r ;n pro ft -. s il op* ra in Paris i jop aid Mrs Hurt nr** legally P|ai i* *d, a* they hav© been for several years. Mr; Hurt l* under thirty year# of {•• while the Bishop i* ar*ut slxty-flve Ba* i* the daughter of a Buffalo millionaire i.<l r.a lieen living jn Paris t ii yle for ••♦ veral years l!©r voi > 1* said to be of exceptional beauty, purity and strength. Many persons think t> It was her pas .on for must**, and th® f t that she coul | i.ot ir <iulg© it a# the wife of n minister, t led to their separation. S®mo year f ago in *'. Ifornla a sold er f th** nam* of Bl' k ni.urg. who had pre v lously borne a good reputation, received blow at the* ba<-* of the ♦'kull frum a tlrt-. ll® recovered Iron, the injury, but |hi memory and moral sea**® were gon I Prom tht um© be was a < mflrmed a I j hcorrig b|* thief. Re ently surg* on# of ih© A am® hi f'ountv Infirmary p-*rformed ri opera*lon on P. 1A h a*l aid removed a i :©ce of bone th.xj was pressing: on the •In. The man has *>a re covered h\ memory, ar *1 the .rs say that when h** g©tn finally well he will once more be an honest man. The women of ITnlontown. 0.. some time •go sugg*eled to th© men that there ought to b© fkavfd sidewalks n the urt t w Ir can't be acrompllshe'l,** *.xi*l th© man; “there Is n<> money for the |iurv>o*© and n*> way to raise any.’’ That put the '\©m©n ©n their mettle. They f rm©d i*n improvement a**ori4tion. hel l rnt- r dn tnents, and rahul a fund with walch pret ty nearly th** whole town hast been **ro vided with tlrsi-class )• walks of stone Th# men wry kindly unload*d tho ston* from th# cars for the women, ti 1 ableii them in placing It on th© sidewalks. Paris Is beginning to l© a liul© disap |Klnt©d with Oorts Paul K rug*T. lie Is not precisely wliat she sa Uxking for. fie would, of course, do for a tlm© a visitor from over who*© shoulder si © •*>uid mak** face# nt “John lki>!," but -h© really expected the visitor to h© in :*T<-*tirg. at least. it tran-plres, Ito.v ever, that oom Paul will i.ot even 11 t© !i©r fancy tmoking. All h© will pirtakr of is l*;l©l ®4g-. milk and bread. Paris h In-ginning to wonder if th© old Boer is afraid of her hotel charges. pe ii hon a. Th© n®iv police for the Archblsiiop of •anierbtiry will probably I>© ornip*twl by February next. Th© cowt Is i**lng defray ed out of the money realised by the sale of A<t i:nglon Pnrk. The Vermont House has evidenced Its admiration for th© dlstlngulah*d s*rvlce# of 'Hrigndicr General Emerson II LI scum. • native of Vermont, hy adopting a r*so ntion nuthorixlng the Governor to have Gen. IJseum # portrait palnunl at the ©x* pei © of the .- it© and hung in the state house. —A characteristic: story Is being told about Lidy H>b*-rii* aini her trunks, for whi h ih** soldiers now return©*! from South Afrn< vouch. At the h* of tn* ir;n*i*r! diflicuitles, m th© t©#th of fr*i® off! sals, si,© carried •• bug** trunks from rje Town ro Bloemfontein. Every on© wondered, every on© grurnb ©d. No n© but loidy IfyV;*©rts could possibly have #;• t a similar quantity and weight of luc jr.g® through. The transport of store® had hern ftoppetl for the time, thr, su !; tnd wound©*! lacked every comfort, i*is*l • >.-• who were not In the lioFpiial were | half •! irved and half dad Therefor?, w hen u f.i igue |rty wm tokl off to fetca *h - * eight m unt ilruMis trunks from Bloemfontein station sharp things were • -aid about “tho plague of woir.en.” But next da.\ wcvtn of the trunks were un- I *k© I nnd their content# dlstribut. i among the “Tommies.** The clever lady had snapped her lingers at rod tape, and aid smuggl'd comforts to the men in thi.- wav. On® small trunk contained her own modest w ardrohe. tt it it iat nnniiAT. The N®w' Orleans Picayune <Dem) say# "It lx th® H©pubd*-an party Unit has re nted nnd tn ilnt iln©d th© Democratic solidarity of the Southern stairs, until the Democratic party has been accused of b©- ’ r.g a sectional organisation, which i not J *ru© Th© Southern p*op)o have been driven into a condition of political Isola tion which Is the worst thing po-t-lbl* for ■ ili* in ami for th® Democraii titv. while It has prevented the Bepubllcau party | from huvlrg respectable representation j in th© Southern states. This is* a curious ocdltion of affairs, but it Is the real one." Th© Chicago Chronicle (D#m.) is Inclin ed to be p©*Fimiftic and severe. It say#: A glnnc© ai the roster of tho Senate— present and prospectlv©— will emphasise th© hope of p iiiiotlo American- that • c - ilofi of senators by p<>pular vote may liOt i Im* far distant. The Senate for Ih© next tour years will have In It vnor* “hired I men." n*< bloated vulgarians nr.d mo . • lownrlght Mm al than ever b* fore and ! that Is saying n good dal It Is t sp® - t• I© to humiilat© anyone who know s , what the Uni . J States Semite on e was.” | Th© Philadelphia ledger find.) says ! The scum of h wave travels on Its top, and th© s um of civilization is always on the forefront of th© wave by which II iuh<*s it> way Into lli© wilderness. Thi# ■ Is why the aboriginal Inhabitant# of n 1 country suffer so severely at the hands of 1 the first s t-*\xll©d civilized settlers, and • hi* i- why t:*e invasion of Alaska by gold ; ‘ inters is proving -o fatal to th* Indians ! of that territory. The New York Work! (Pern > says: “If I Mr. McKinley acta in the spirit of his { Philadelphia speech, and deals with th© new and grave problems* that he speaks .of as *tuo ©nailed for partisanship* on broad American lines—tho of th© con itltutlon —h® can yet add his name to the abort ind ► in Ing list of Presidents who \ r© not remembered as chiefs of their . parties but i# leaders of til© nation.” The Galveston New# (I)em.> rays: *‘lf 1 there was ever n people on this eorth who ! needed Ir* their Immense business th© nb | solute fic* .'onj of the markets of the whed© woe UI. the people of th© Unlictl States i; .iJ Just such adtautagv* al UUs Uui. ’ Lost Ills llrl. Th® other day, ataordtng to Spare Mo ment# a Lon said to a countryma: ‘Til bet you i '• thing you like you not tar* -impb' words that I ?'■*!! give you wifltit; forty “I*ll take mat on Now. then. What are they? * cr.e v* m.*n. • W. . h • **>• m.i id tn® Londoner, j as h© pul>d out Ids watch: lndon “L-o-n-d-o-n." “Watching * • W-a-t-ch-i-n-g " "V\ ror.g sa.d • © laondener "What "’ th© countryman, in ton*-. "I've th® word* you | gav# me correctly. Itn certain I m r.ot | “Tlm®*# up!" the Londoner as Id. trium- I phantly; why didn you .'P©U the word— | w-r-o-n-g?" < ruahrd. They were engaged, says Indon An swers. But they quarreled, and wa re too j proud to mak® it up. Both wr** anxious , to mak* peopi© believe they had entirely j forgotten each other. li© ailed a few days go at her father's | house to m© h© old gentleman—Oil busi- ] n *c. *f cours* Bh© answer! I the front i door bell Hal l he: "Ah. Miss Jepkln, 1 believe. Is your j fattier In ’ ' "No, fcir.“ she rep!l©d; "pa is not In st I pr* v, nt jj t , you wish to s-f him person- | ally?** "I do," was his r* feeling that I she was yielding; “on very particular I busin©##." And he turned proud ly to go away. “1 beg jour pardon." sh© cnlled of’er him, sot he r* . h©d the low* >t #:ep. “but "ho shall I say lulled?" Urskiir** uf It itlunii Nslnrr. "Talk about th© fruiiti#- of human na ture." s.iid .t w* il-krn>wn insurance agent h ording to th© Kui as City Journal. 'no on© hi< -o g io.l an oja ortuntxy to discover th* rn a an insurwr © man. An Incident o* urr -I u few days ago that *b<w*d me a side of a neighbor charac ter w hi* h I bad never Hi-j ’••*1 to . x- V fir© hr**k© out In hU hom- and. thi you know*, that n:a met three blocks to a telephone to report it. when there wa** a 'phone r ght in bis bou*© “I saw th© fir® soon aftr it s'arted anl rushed to give assistance Tt wa whlb belfAng to pa- k the thin* out that Id r • ov©r* <1 th© 'phone and turned in th® aiirrn. Now. it t ikes .a strong **retch of th© imagination to believe that the owner had forg* * en there was a tele phone In hb* lt©ujs' That he should ha'® a t®*l a* he dal undermines one's faith In people In general. “Think off: There 1 was sweating and endangering my hf© to save his property, while he was arixUnis evidently to have If burn Bitch ©ondiKq doesn't ©ncourag© one to ©xert himself for others " "By th® wav." intcrrupied a listener, "did auv of your ©ompames holl a pol icy on that house'’** Now*. >mi nr® nsking a l©adirg ques tion *’ replWnl th® insunm* 1 ® man. with guileless smile. “What I am saving l that tb* .ivtlons of that man are a mid commentary on human nature." Poll©© I’rotectrd th© fliihy. From an aftermath of stories an I Incl i lent# relating to th© entry A th© <"ltv i luaj rial Volunteers into London the Paris j Amcri '.tn M* eng.-r # corrisfund nt s --ct# th© following: I luring th* terrific man with a baby In her arms wa# care fully i rotirfr-l by th© police. They • isad • ’ '' • . • hrough Ut volunteer lin**s, h mountt-l officer bs k* l his horse an*l made a passage for her an in p ©t ar to4k h* r arm and tieposi ed her •n th* pavement, a shopk®ep*-r. faking pity on th© infant, lift*** t©r over barrier ami gave b*r a seat. Hr® stw th© pr - **x|on in comfort, un 1 when th© crowd had thinned sh© went her way. pro fi© in ii**r thanks. I hid wttne ’he • * ■-urret).iiid it had somewhat atartb and nu\ for 1 thought I recognised the bearer of th© infant, vyhen want up th ■ str* **t I followed her end ©poke nun • • loii.l Im-hln*l her. Hhe tunivl #nd I saw that my su pi don was correct, it wan Ml.*# , an American lady journalist. “Why. what do you ni* n by btlogin.? somebody's hub out with you on such a day as this?*' I exclaimed. "Oh, don’t give me awiiy!" ©x- Uiim**i th© lady of the pen. “I wa: t*l to >■•** the a' ow from the Mrc* t and to pick up copy for my tap©r and Urn afraid of big crowds becaua# I'm such a little tKKIy. I was wintering wht’ I should do. when I r©m©n>i*©re*l that an Kukli-h crowd 1# always tfvmpatheti to a woman with n baby. So 1 brought on a with me. and it ha# answered wonderfu ly well, I assure you." "A brildant klea!" I said, 'but what about th© Infant? Weren't you afraid of gettiig it killed” And woer© did you find a mother willing to let you have her child for such a d©-p*raf© pur pose?" "Oh, that’s oil right," exclaimed th© lady, with a twit kie in h©r eye. “This baby could rtJiiU a lot of squeezing. Look !** Hli® gently raised th® Infant's veil I gat©*l at it- pla< Id f©a’tires an.l hur*t into laughter. The b.i y that tn* p*l,c© had protected, the* tri© volunteers* ofll er hal championed, that a British crowd lio! di vldcd to give a f• * |afß ig® to. th© baby for whosa sake, a ©>mp.itheti. shpke p r. had presented Its terrified mother with a two-guinea seat gratis*—was a doll. The First TlinnKKiiiiiK Bay. From th© New York Times. (BOSTON, I*ol. > Th© curs© of Fain was on th© earth; Th© leaden heavens frowned; The winter closed with cruel dearth Ami gripped tho frultl©>s ground. | Behind us roe® the somber woo*). Bef ore us stretched th foam— V thou-and leagues >f briny flood That sundered us from horn*. Tli© meager mussel was our meat; W© r *b 1 :h® squirrel's hoird; Our barren aleb* iene#th ©ur feet. We cried tho Lori. “Aron*© your souls against de^twlr," Tli© godly Wlnfhrop said. “And chuse day of fast and prayer For surely ll© who l*| “Our wanderings across the wav# Shall hear us when w® pl< ad. An l - ret Ii a mighty rm to sav*® Hl# people In their need.** Behold' when all \* leak and dre.r. And want a.-sails th® Dnd, How God <le!ighteth to appear To work with wond'rou- hand! For. even as we mad© to 1 al To on** that hunger***} sor© The utmost handful of our m*al, A shout gross from shr©. An hundred wa'chlng ey*# dscried Through winter's misty Th© goiel ship Lion breast tip tide With provender for . l Then Joined the v. I © of flr t and least A hymn of thanks to rats©, rfhr day of fa-ting clunk and to f®i#t. And prayer gave way to prMse. Ha. one® In ©very year we throng Upon a day apart. To praise the I-ord with feast and song In thankfulness of heart. —Arthur Gaitermun REFRESHING SLEEP. Horifords Acid Phosphate Taken just before retiring quiets the nerves, nourishes the tired and con fused brain end induces re freshing sleep Genuine Bwn name Hnstrosp'a on wrapper. BAD COMPLEXIONS Dry Thin and Falling Hair and Red Rough Hands, Prevented by CUTICURA SOAP. Millions use Cctiocka Soap pxclnsivcly for preson-inp, purifying, anti beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, ami dandruff, and tlie stopping of falling hair, for softening, whiten ing. and soothing red. rough, and sore hands, in the form of baths for annoying irrilations, inflammations, and dialings, or too freo or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes, for ulcerative weak nesses, and for many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily sug. g.-st themselves to women, and especially to mothers, and for all the purposes of tlie toilet, hath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion ran induce those who have once used it to use any other, especially for preserving ami purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and chil dren. C'cticcha Soap combines delicate emollient properties derived from Ccticcka, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingre dients ami the most refreshing of flower odors. No other median< i soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for preserving, puri fying. and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other for eign or domestic toilet soap, however ex (tensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. .Thus it com bines in Onl Soap at One Price, viz., Twenty-five Cents, the best skin and roniplexiou soap, best toilet and best baby soup in the world Complete External and Internal Troatment for Every Humor, Coßitatinc of CtrrtiTlU Sop, to cl.-anae th* *Un and clp of rratu and icalu, and tofu a th." thklvn-d rutiftr. L'OTirea! Ointment, lo ti,tom!y allay Itching and trrtlaUoa, and aootlM aml hv. . and I’eTli.eua Itaioi.vrsT, to coot and cleao*.- th blood Price, Tim S*T. tI.'LV or, Snas lit". ~O ttTmST. 60c.. UIIOIVIST, boe. bold throoitbout thn world. I'uTtli Data tio 1 ua. Coar . Suit Prop! , 1! eua. V. d.A. M Uot* tohava lkauu.'ul akm.Uair, and Uauda,"iraa. tferciiOfiis 8 Miners IfBDjporiolio!! Go Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Ticket! on Sal.' to All Point! North an I Flr.t-clBSs tl kPtK include meal" *nd berth* Savannah lo Jialttniori* aiul I’hlia delphla. Aeconiuiodatioiia and culitna uiuqtuM The of ihl. rnntpiny are ap pointed to latl from Savannah as follow! (Central Standard Time): TO BALTIMORE. D M. M11.1.l it, Capt l’eteri. THt'RS DAY Nov 11 a m. ITASCA, C.ipl H.llii|v, RATT'RDAY Dee. 1. 1 SO p. m. CHATHAM, "'aid. JameK, Tt'ESDAY. T *ee. 4. 4 I" m TEXAS, r’utit KMre4*e. THVUSDAT. Dee. S. 6 i* m. TO I’IULADEI.I‘HIA. HERKBHIRK. Cap*. Ryan, FRIDAV, Nov. 3 9 |> m ALLIXiItANY. Capt. Foster, Tt'ESDAY, Dec. 4. 4 p. ni BERKSHIRE. Capt. Ryan, SATI'RDAY, Dec. 8, 7 p. tn T.cket oflUo No 11J Hull street. J J. CAROLAN. Aacnt. NEWCOMB COHEN, Trav. Agt. Savannah. Oh. AV P. TERSER. <i P A A P BTEFIiiVS. A. T M J C AVHITNKY. Tram. Manager, llenoral tifll .It..Timor.", Md. a a nbal i r m ru.A#o, Freaideav Viet Prealdaal I liKNsr Jr Sec y and Treat NEAL-MILLARD CO. Bnilders’ Material, Sasb, Doors aol Bliols, Painls, Oils, Varnishes, Class and Broshes, E(ULCERS' HARDWARE. Lime, Cement and Plastei, •sr a* Whilskst Strantn. utsma, ft. ABBOTT’S ; EAST INDIAN Corn Paint Curt* Corm. Buniom sad Wsrti i Sjxcdily sod Without Psia. , TOR SALE 8T ILL ORU66ISTS. 1 UPPM6N BROTHERS, I WhoUials Draggtati, LlppmsQ’t Block, Bsvaaasb. os. Wood Mosaic Co.’s Parquetry Floors Have ie* Lid In of th© com fort ihi® w>m* * in New York. It anl other cHl®* More • leanly and ©oonomicai than ©orfM Plain and fancy flK>i lai*l nnd pollened complete over old f!*.*>rs, m.ikiMK * s*lld and beautiful improve ment. li ivine a number of floor# to Jay In H.i vannah thi# mnnh w •in quote r}*®* flffiirtf Catalogue and ©a(lmat®s may be toad by <l*lr* , *'lng J M. ADA iiß, Box 342. Ba\#nnah, or 227 N. Charles Baltimore. Md CURE TOUWEIf! Jr I •*> f* 4(rli .. iti.rfci # /*• 1 “* I■•• har* -i, Itidtn.uiki o, §m-rf uaeaa4 u Irriui n or M<rati uc *• of morom ru ,i.t rrj*§. I“3I 7 l .6.1 c i Mina. g9U% Of (H'ltOOOU*. V \ P -*. /. | f r ** n i <f pltln wrtpjvf V V ./A I w.Mpr-; tr+p*,\ for #> f > "r a totfi*-*. $. *5. T *%v w Circular *■■ i r*u •* Hot Air Furnaces. W *nnk* a ppo. laity of rcptilring Hot Atr Kumgefp Your order* will receive prompt •ttentior K. C 1 ACETTI &* SON. Thone 641. 110 Whitaker. Empty Honslicads. El lIulaMM Uoiiknda fa. Ml. bj c. M. GILBERT & CO. Ocean Steamstiin Go. -pur— New York, Boston —AND— THE EAST. I’wiurfsr ftl • asln *k© comftirt# oi a modern hotel. Electri; * l n**x ©lied tsbl®. Tickets Inciu4 tiii'ui# aiai birth# abuurd ship. Fares irom Saraonaii Tt" NEW YORK-FIRST CABIN. C>. FIRST CAIUN ROI'ND TRIP*. 43; IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, lli; INTEKMi: dime CABIN ROL'ND TRIE, l-t- STEEIIAQE. 110. TO I4USTI IN—FI lIST CABIN. 4. UItST CARIN' ROI'ND TRIP, 3S tN -1 EIttIKDIATE CABIN. *l7. INTKRMI DIATH cabin round trip, La. STEER At IE, HI.7S. T fx|>r! aisamahips of till* Itn# ar *l'lH.inll i,, f rom Savannah. Central (th‘th) meridian tlmt", ai follow a: SAAANNAII TO NEW YORK. CITY OF BIRAIINUiIAAI. Capl. Uirj. THI 11SDAY. Nov. 29, 10:t h in KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fisher. THURS DAY. Nov. X), 10:00 a. m. TAI.I.AIIASSEK. Capt. Aaktni. BATUII -1"A Y. 1 Igc. 1, 12.00 m. CITY of AUUISTA. CapE Da**att, TUESDAY 1 tee. 4. 3:00 p. rn. NACOOf'HEE. Cart. Smith. THURS DAY. Drc 0. 4.J0 p. m. Kansas city, capt. p'nhar. Satur day. Dee. I, ( ")0 i> tie CITY <*K BIRMINGHAM. Capt Bc. MONDAY, I>-. JO. 8:00 p. m. TALLAHASSEE Capt Askina, TUE DAY, Doe. 11. 900 p m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Da**tE THURSDAY. Drr 13, 10 Oft a. m NACOO.-HEE tapt. Smith. SATUR DAY. Dor li. it jo a m KANSAS CITY. Capt. p'usher. Tt'ESDAY, Do • 18. 2on p m TALLAHASSEE, ""apt. Aaklni. THURS DAY. Dor 20, 330 p m. CITY op- BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Brrf. FRIDAY. Ito 31. 3:00 p m CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt Pa*g I. SATURDAY. Dec. 22. 5:00 p m. NACOOCIIEB, Copt. Smith, TUESDAY. !'• '■ 25, 7 3ft p m KANSAS CITY Capa Fliher, THURS DAY. Doe 27. 900 p m. TALLAHASSEE. Capt. Aiklnf, SATUR DAY Dor 79, 11:00 p. m. NOTICE Stonmahlp City of Blrmln*- h.mi will not carry i.esma-rr St im.-nlp CITY OK MACON. Capt S.tvieo, will ply Kotwoon Now York and Ilostta. on tho following nohedule: LEAVE NEW YORK FOR BOSTON (from Pier 35, North river, at 12.00 noon) Nov 21. 28. Dor 3. 7. 12. 17. 21. . 31 LEAVE BOSTON FOR NEW YORK (from la wn* wnarf. at 12:00 noon) Nov. 24. *>. Dee 5, 10. 14. 19. 24. 28. This company rwiorvos the rlarht to ■ hamco Us -ailln** without noth-e and without liability or accountability there for. Silllrias Now York for Savannah Te ■lav!. Thursdays nnd Saturdays 5 p. m \v. O BREWER. Otty Ticket and r soryor Aifent, 107 Hull afreet. Savannah. Ga E W SMITH. Contracting Frolrrht Acrnt Snvanrmh, Oa n G. THE/.EVANT. Agent. Savannah Ga WALTER HAWKINS. General Ar*m Trafflr Dopartmont. 224 W Bay troe*. Ja"*ksonvtllo. Fla. E II HINTON. Traffic Manager. Ka vannsh. Oa. P E I.EFERVE Manager New Dior 2’ North river. New York. N. T JAOuqrai A safe stul powerful remedy for functional troubles, delay, pain, and irregularities, is APIO LINE ~ (CHPOTC*UT) knreesafnllv nrescrihrd hv Specialists for P" rx.c. nf Wor n fr.rr i oo of ill>' • .r hy rail-. I*. O. Box sei. N Y. B LA MC ARP’S aasPCj j f * 7jW oi I r ANEMIA. POORNESS of ths BLOOD. CONSHTUTIONAL weakness, SCROFULA. Etc. X ne genuine unless iiyned ' BLA3C**i> AI.I. DRUGHtSTS .... E. FOIiaERA ACO..N. V.. Agent! for t . CNicMiartn i enotibH f ENHYROyALJLLS If 0 ... "R.11.f f. I Mt " ‘’.m —~~i ainßw. aiitiwaQm l^ 1 Lf iNdia tm Ma*l— P* 11 ! . (MMj Aw I>i**4*w* *