The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 29, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 DISPENSARY MEASURE DEAD. \\ HM.Ii r F %ll Kl TO LA ROE P # \Ol till n . ijnrndmrni in %lake ihf Mnittrr Ap ply |i \|| I nunllra "* * lrl K nni’krrf Hut. *d I hru th© Hill Died (inaair- UUnta llepnt Mill to I oni© I p-Oftiroiitlbr Bill Klll**tf !!•* •*rnu—l rgUlatarr to Take <• Holiday. Al |* r . , v, Th© W rigid di*pan- j... , xt * k M ti . th< *i*- ial ordtr for toxtM n • li.M-e, tak*n up th.s viomu K Uurtu ftcr tho Journal v* .* rc.. 1 n , . •; \f.* 75 * ©r*- :n fs%*T of th© V.i u fid 77 araSnf? it T > r., n-K over +£'!'•• ng to th© report of th© ui n favorable t> th© .f if..- Ml. Mr. Kelly of (iU, cm a V 4H' I to off*r 4n ainfndmrnt to ih* b. 1 after the r* j*ort of the comnd’t©© agreed to This brought on a lengthy argument. Snfnn coruet*ds*l tha* Mr K* .iy . uitl b- allowed to offer the am* Knerit > ho aa not well at*qu*im*d with the role*, of ah© Hou*e and <1 * not kno * *at lime t offer * • am*-i.imei.t bi ally there • an.* ’he >© *• and nay vote as to whether M Kelly !*♦ a. )cwd to introduce the am* ndmao*. ani after the vote had !•©©*■. ’ak**n. 1 and *' r ‘ in favor **f aoow r.g fie amondmmt to l offered r and were ag . net It. Tn© ai- ©ndm* m I' - “••• * rM of aJiow.n.- * ‘l* '• • ’ffe or.l. -oun 1* navlr.g c. i©> of *.♦/• InioUtaiiU, It aittSUM art* t ul tne - The hen .r-tntn>, ©i on h* a i "P tlor* f to. lairn* t . Mr U right m*. a etrng u;*in;*m .'g*.rM 11, nd M F©id*i of Utt’b. and Mr b.aion of Ful •>,. for *t. When the vote wae taken a* to whether or r.ot the amendment iboukl be adopted, i* •mod *) against the amendment and 74 to T n The vote on th' main question then put. whl h reeuitad In the bill bring killed by a vote of 79 li* favor of It And 77 again*! It A* i: did not receive the con* ptlttattonal majority, it *n* declared lost by the efeak^r. The Ho .m- ho adjourned until Friday morning >n amount of Thank*gl'ln* Ds> to-morrow. ItlNiiia In jun Hill. in next Tueaday the Atlanta depot bill wtil be mad© th ape< lal order of the day. The .ummlttee has submitted a favorable report on the question and the opinion b h©r© that there will b* cloaa vote when tne bill comew up for passage. o||Marri to I Hj*iier’s Bill. The Penitentiary <om ml tie© Is *ald to ha opp.H'd to the b| 1 of Turner of Ware to change the present system of working misdemeanor convicts and It is reported that ihe bill will be reported on adversely by the committee. <>*(-npu Ih > Bill Killed. In the S*nam this* morning the osteo patny bill w *.•* killed by a vote of IU to 1* The diicusfckxi of th* bill occupied the attention of the S* a:© ail the morning mg the bill and Sens or Kills ©as to V 1 ♦ Senate has slao adjourns*! un til Friday. There ere only about seventeen days mor* I*ft fer the l.wmker t this • elon. and so far very f*-w hills of a a I nature hove been pa**d The tax bi. and t i e *• • i .-r >1 -• i- :>r | natlor s bill have not >* • i* * n reporte.l to the House (.Hill IN H%lt ** < %\ on n Sniimn*' ( onrt l>--lire* th* I l. ollo* AI: Right. A 1 'ants. Nov :i-!fi d* Klon hands! du !• t i • Sup m** <*ourt thi Horn ing the re ent election held at Or.ffln I* legal, and tne lairroi>rm which had been clueed if a result of the election can b** opened again Tr.. result of the ejec tion wis very cb> • srvl th* ti k t won b> a ma jority o twelve vote* The Prohibition Ist contested the election on tne ground that the twelve vote* were Illegally regis tered ii.. - •* In wae 111-re for* void Judge U> uk m rf the Super <<r t’ourt S’is*a:ii©d th* contention and ds elded that 4jrifiin wa* dry. The ! trro* m-* were cUoed The ©ntl pTohlidti in men apfe* ~V.i tne iwae <o he Bui*renc * urt. however, and r. re v and the favor* '!•* decision to-day. All that will be n sary le tor the rimit’ltur to go frxan th* Supreme Oourt to t e 8- p rior I‘ourt. an*l t >• *.*.,0 <i k*'* p r-* w.i hav© a |*erf*- i rigt.t to aga.n t*k up the aal* of liquor. The S ipr* me Court said that after the men had been register©i vote# were good. Ht niCD IN \% K9T VIEW. flrnsiui of Lieuf. Brumby Trsu ferred From Oakland. Atlanta. Nov. tt.—The body of Lieut. TTjomas M Brumby, hero of th© battle of Manila, now rests in West View Ceme tery. Two we it* ago the remains were taken from the grave t Oakland and transferred to West View and so quietly ws it done that only members of the family and the 'iedertukera were ©ware of t hang* Th* permit was laaued some *,m* 4go, but the relatives were de sirous of having the transfer made quietly and without <*remonlea. Just * little more than a year ago. Thomas M Brumby return©d to his na tive eta e and w*s ts orded all ihe hon ors th** a loving people could bestow up on httn Th* rhang© which has been made was desired by the members of the Brumby family and his r laHver w ho had felt cell ©d upon or the r rm**r sad occasion to allow* loving friends and public official* to tik of tht exerclsef i w. their wish that this I©*' ceremony should be a * tended only by thentselvs Th© mominteot which js being built to go over the grave will be* put In place within the ne*t two or three days. MBI BMMHH KB aWI II I rioyd founts to Hold an F.lertlon to Pe*llr on Bond Rome, tin . Nov 2* —Grand Master Max Meyerhardi of the Geiorgia Grand Lodge of Mason© la quite lit at his horm In this city While his sickness 1* gtv4ou* It will b© some time before he can attend ♦© his correspondence and other business. An election will be hold next Saturday to ietr-rmlne whether Floyd county shall if- *■ 17 in bonds so pay som** floating it. t tt*dness It Is necessary to get out l.Vrt vote* In ord. r to villdatt the bond Issue. That is the only thing that can prevent tn© carrying of the measure. t'lßiiMn Pm Notfi. Augusta Nov 7! —The Tech and the Davidson ! eg* football reams arrived In •ly for the TANARUS; ink -g. v iug cay on teat on th* grid iron to-morr*-© Frank M.Mleon /and Mias Minni* Weller b> t* of * vrdll district in this city. elot>' l to Houth ('arollna to-night and were married r> Justice Schiller In Hamburg. <*<• n- to < onicrrn••••, Beaufort, 8 Nov. 28,-Mr. 8 H Bodgent. editor of tn Palm**to Post, and Hev. A H K.irl* j* of ib ('’artoret Htreet llflh*"h*it f , hiir l here, j, .< yester day afterm*>n for 4'beater. S r\. to at tend the Hruiuul * <rifer©n of 4ne Mvth odlat Kpiacopa4 Church. South, Difficult Digestion That Is dyspepsia It makes life miserable. Its sufferers eat not be-ause they want to—but simply because they MUST. They complain of a bad taste in the mouth, a tenderness at the p.t of the stomach, a of puffy fulness, headache heartburn and what not. Hood • Sarsaparilla <*l red Joseph F Lain©. Flar.agar .Ky . ©h<* writ©* Iwa troubled with dyspepsia fur a nun.b©r *f yaars and took medicic© that did tn© no good. I ©a a ivi!ed b* fri©nds to trv Hood * Sarsaparilla which I did and it put my bow*] iq p'rfect aondltlon. gav© a© •Tr©ngth and rnax*;y and mad© uj© f©©l lik© a n©w parson ’* Hood’s Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise Beware of substitutes. Buy Hood's and only Hood's. MW IKI V tit l.vr IT M l.t %M (. W rdtfing f 'lla* C hance and Mr. Mnr|h> of \iiguata. Sylvan i G.i . Nov. Jt.-Mlsa Ira Vlr w* a (’h im .• of 8y v.*i t A Mr John Kdmtit. l Murphy of Augus © ©c;e roar rt- 1 #h. afternoon t r o’clock at th© Mefho*lUt Church. Th© church was rtanslaomoly d©cor*.-.| and th* w©ld.fu; a heautifu! and •rilllanl <*n- Itev A B Phillip* of th© First Christian Church, Augusta, perform©*! th© ImpresaAvs cere mony which md© th©m on© Mr J \V. Overtr©©t nd Mr J K Mart of Pvivania a. *©d *ji uahers for the occasion. Mr G©org© Gordon of \N'ayti©boro played th© wadding march and to Its Inapirlng strains th© bridal party entered, in th© following order Mi Fred C. Bush of Augusta and Mia* Did© Numialiy of Hylv anta. Mr Henry T Chmr© of Wiyn©#b >r> ar 1 Mb* Maym** Robert a uf MU!dg©v|il©. ( Mr Harry* H Thomas Of Augusta and Mia Nel'.le Mathews of Htatcabo.... Mr Joeish M ll©r, Jr. of A iguetrf and MBs <* •time i©n of Waynesboro; Mr. Georg© F. Ver dery Augu:a ©rvl Ml© l>**al© Chance • f Augusta; Mr Dh4* Ml l**r ..f Augitw a and Miss Beta Lovett of Mobley; Mr Clem I* Castleberry of Augusta ani M-as Annie May Overstreet of BvLanla; Mr Rjeraon Guess of Augusta and Ml a* E-- tell© Chance of Augueta; then ram© Mi*< Lillian Oliver of Fylvmnla. the mil of honor, and Mr II Park* Verd-cy of Au gusta. the groom's b-at man. Last cam * the fair bride leaning up n the arm of him who was to be her life * rompanl *n Th© bride ©ai* dressed in a be.*u if .1 w hite ber.galine silk, trimmed In a. co; - dion pleating* of liberty al.k rvd applque. and carried a silower bouquet of brld© a rose* and ferns Th© maid of h nor w re i white trimmed in ■ biff- n. an! arrled yellow ehry anthem .m-. Tl© bride*a maids wefr drnaei in whit© or .*sn<)i> over al’k. ar.d carried ro*©* Little Miss Maid© Chance and Mias Bai lie Mathews were th© leui'lf 1 little flow er gills. Rsv A P PhlUlpw. of th© F rat Chris tian Churrh Auauk ii. I** -i f* w ani im proeive w*r‘*a |* rfortn<l tle eremony •ffilch mad© them one. The party then rqiilrwl to th© horn© of Col. T W. Oliver, un le of th© brld©. • her© a reception w m t. and until • o'<-.* *k Tht porlora and hall* of Col Oliver’s apt < ;ou* home were beautifully d©cor*t©d. mi delightful r©fr*shm©nts were served to the many guest At 0 .10 ih© party ~-fi on a special train for Auguatn Mr and Mrs Murphey will pass through, and will visit a number of points In the North and West before* returning to make cheir home In Augusta. Th© popularity of th© young couple wa* evln *d In th© many oat|y ©r.d beautiful lres©nts which they re *tv 1, srsi ©hl'h wer© displayed at th© house The bride la a bright and lovely spe lm*n of voun* womanhood and excels in raII those quali ties of h* ad and h©arl that go to adorn her sex Everywhere that ah- ha* visited she count* her friends and admirer* bv th* score. Th© groom l* well-known and sterling young bualn* mar of Au gusta. and la w ©II worthy of th© fair pri*© he has won. FI.OIIIDV* Ql %RA\TI>B. Order Uunfit Itrliiulnu ll to nn I'.ihi nl 11 Id nlk hi >ov. JM>. Fin . Nov. 28.—The Florida Prate Board of Health haa t*ued the folio* in* orV*r ‘To AU Concerned You are hereby In formed that the ‘active* or eummer* quar antine aeaaon of th*- at ae of Florida will terminate at midnight. Nov SO with the following exception*: '‘Non-4mmiHM*a from Havana and oth**r yellow fever porta or plves will be per mitted entry’ In Florida provided they po-- aeew a certificate, by the officer of the United States Marine Hoapltal Ser vice. In < harire a’ Havana or other Cuban l-ort. that the holder I api-*rcntly in good health and free from evidence of febrile rontaglor or Infectious dan*e. “Baggage, wearing aiu '.a tel nnl personal effect* from Havana and oiher yellow fe ver Infected porta or places will continue to be aterliUcd until further notice sold disinfection to be performed at the Cuban port of departure or ’he Florida port, of entry on arrival of paseengrr* “Joreph Y Porter. M P . “State Health Officer of Florida. ■ Approved: William B Henderion. "President State Hon | of Health.*' 111*1.1) tl* HI KfiGROKJ. Itnhtirra Trying to (let In Work \rmr %th*no. Athene. Ga . Nov —J P Cook a prominent farmer of Oconee county, was hell up by four negro no n yesterday about four mlh from Athrn>- Mr Cook on hlr> way to the -1 1 \ and had just p icd through Mitchell s bridge when his horse s reins were seised by negro and he was seised by two nun. one on each side of the buggy Mr Cook was armed arul iot nt the rnnn on his Wft side, wounding him He then turned and fired it tin- retreating Haute of tin- other ngio. it could rot teil whether he hit him The negroes* acelug that Mr Cook w.*s armed, fled. This is the Ihir.l attempt at robbery In that section in the las: wo montn* wiiODiiD i\ s\\ %i\wnono. (.room 71 dear* Old. |tr!de ihnut .%<>, hut Both llii|i|n . Hwalnsboro. Nov. Vest* May after noon. at the Park Ho*;-.- In this city. Mr \V R. Adams of Montgomery o inly and Mrs. M. F. Treadwell of tills place wre married. Rev. J. G. Harrison officiating. The groom 1* 71 years of * la the father of thirteen children. and lived with his first wife fifty years. H* stMixls well In his county, and Is said to bo In easy financial circumstance* The bride Is a bruit fifty years of oa* tfh* ha lived In this town for severnl > arid owns valuable real estate her* Their many friends wish tor them muu* huppl. Deis and prosperity THF MOUSING NEWS: TIIUHSDAY. NOVEMBER 2!>. 1000. VIRGINIA SECOND CROP SEED POTATOES. Iseans, I’eas, Tonintocs, Egg t’lant, And everything in Warranted Seed, suitable for market gardeners’ needs. Write for special prices. J T. SHUPTRINE Seedsman, Congress and Jefferson Streets. Savannah, Ga. J Nil, IKLI\ I HI IN l <LI MIIIA. Four Prlaoiser* lak© Prprrstr t Imncea for 'I heir l.ltmrtj. Columt-. . H r . Nov. 2f —Threw mad© a d©>p**rate atia< k *n J.viler Erwin f th* ounty j• 1 In this city last night While th© Jailer w *s lnap©©fing th© pris oner- Jumr-ed on him and attempted to te-ar him to Ihe gr .und. After a desperate light, two of me negroes broke by th© h*!l©r and * • ap 1. the otner ha kno'k©d down ©ever** tunes and secured None of (he four men had any weapon and the fightir g wa* wph their hands. Tlve In tent lon of th© prisoner* was to g©t the JaWer down and choke him or per nap# hr©*k his ne k. but being a very pow©rful man h© su reeded In preventing this, although considerably bruised. Ihe tt|| 1 um Itrtafol *oli r-4-aufoft, £. (*., N v. 3k —Mr. <> D i;ui r of N**w York L He lias r©. ©uiy pund.aac tr.* steam tug Cheytww fiOin th# I'rl'td tiisii# government for I * • Th# vested It n w tied up to dt* n or Hiy Mratt, viwrt *..© I# bljif over auied i ©peistory to l<dtig token to N w York Tho vessel under the tMune of th BriM and w*s built early tn t © k* • .t I regf. . '* ship yard in <’l ar ©at n. for tJV* I’hosphat© M.ning Company (Limited) of Bristol. Eng which concern was re pre served :ere by Mr Fred Brotherhood Tn© iirbiol was long r©gard©d a* on© of th© mus! powerful tow lioats in there waters During she war with Spain, a* the Cheyenne, she was attached to the mos quito fie* t In tne vicinity of Key West, I j® Since (he 1 ©eea’ion of hostilities she hf b©-©n our of ©ofnmis*l"n NNhat he Kleellwft f *a ( arollns Columbia. 8 C . Nov. > Bach vote bv a Democrat In this etat© Nov * noil th© state about f<o cents The election ©xp©r*©a were K2l.hnn. or ). BO more than the appropriation to ri hi; % rm.n in o*e bat. Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. AH druggist* refund the money If It fall* to cure F. W Grove’s signaturs Is on ©sch box Wr —ad. FINER AI, IN VITA Tt OBf. Mr Mooney find of Mr anl Mr* T J Mooney ar© Invited to attend tha fumcrai of the former from No ** Liberty a tract, *a#t. at S: o'clock this afternoon. OWEN-The frienl* and acquaintances of Mr and Mr* Frank T T>wen ar© re spectfully Invited 'o attend the funeral of their eldest aon Allen F. Owen, from their late residence 229 Gordon •treat, east, at 2.!> Thursday afternoon, Nov. 2S>. WHALEN The relative*, friends a: A . quaintof Mr Jamc Whalen a © reap© tfully Invited *o Mtfbl hD fine ai from N In n treet. at 230 O’ciO* k this (Thursday) afternoon SPECIAL NOTH'I3B - Buwanes Spring* < o . Suwmi e< Springs Fla.: Gentlem*i —I am pleased io say that 1 \.i* much benefited by a three weeks *o Joum at vour spring" When I went to your springs I was nearly run down with general debility, and w m suffering with my kdne>s. I was much Improved in tv-xh reaper is, and although 1 hive now been away from the springs two months. I still ft el iha banefleial effe* t* of the visit. 1 am persuaded that If I could have ©malned with you for a couple of month# I would have fully regained my former health. Yours rasper I fully. LAT TtA T IZLAR. U.Mckvllie, 8. C. All you ran drink for Sc at Livingston’s. gPF.C I %I. \OTIt K. Our store will be rl<*wl at l:k o’clock to-day- B. H. LEV* A BRO. lOTIfi; Atl Mfl* aitlnM th- Brt-.lsh steamship Holmlea. Jnnn l.uke. master. must he pre sented at our olttif by or before 1 an. this da\. Nov. ID. or payment thereof wlii be debarred J F. MINIS & CO. Consignees. I-HOI-O'* %L NNAWI.IK City of Savannah, (tfflp, Director of Puhllr Works. Savannah, Ga.. Nov. 24 ;9®.—Beetled proi-o-utl- nil be received at this office until Friday. Nov 30, !. at 12 o'clock noon, city lime, to furr.lrh the city of Savannah with supplies until Dec. 31 liMU. All proposals must be mad- on <>fll>lal forma, which can be a-cured at thU office on and after dat-. Envelopes to h* marked 'Proposal* for Supplies." The city reaervea th right to reject any or all bid- Rid* to be opened In the presence of bidders. OEO. M GADSDEN, Director. HI V OM.V I HI- BBS! UIVUKM VLB. The best is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, made by Wheeler 4k Cos., of Belfast. Ireland, from the celebrated Cromac Spring* of that city. These* are th- property of * Cos. hence no other Ginger Ale menufeclurer In Ireland has those water* but them eelv-e The Wheeler Ginger Ale le made from pur- Jamaica Olna-r Root and not from Red Pepper as othera are: one ,e deleterious--the other Is o tonic For H-althfuln-ss and Pursy th* cels brnt-d Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale I* th# best. l.irrMVN BROTHERS Bole Soulhern Agent*. Savannah. G_ TIHVKMiIVIXti GOODIE*. Turkeys, dress-d or undressed. Th- heal lamb, The lies! beef The beat pork Tlione us. U7J. for what you -wish. SCOTT & DAVIS. In Market. P S —Brains, tripe, sw-elbread. eaus *-. spare ribs, backbone. SPECIAL .NOTH Ft. W- are now giving special attention to house painting, kalsomlnlng and paper hanging, ft- With a corps of only first class workmen and a competent super lni< dnent tv* can do your noils promptly and satlsfacsortly Get our estimate on anything In house decorating ;tn and save money. ANDREW HV N '.IV CO no visa BIECITBO. By the American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore. We are author ised to execute locally (Immediately ut. application!, oil bonds In Judicial pr.,- c—dlng lii either ihe state or United States Courts, and of adimnistnatora and guardians DEARfNO A HULL Agents. Telephone Si. Provident Building. irECUL NOTItB*. (Tty of Bavannah Mayor s OflW, Nov 77. l Whereas, ihe I’reaident of the*© t’nit©d ■W*’©* ha* •©• ajart a* a general thanks giving day. Thuradax Nov 2f and Whereas. It la eminently fit and proper that all persons in every (ailing of bur:- r©*s *hou and observe said day in a fit ard proper manner, and Whereas the paop © of this rltv and community hava much for which to ank an AI wis© Creator, now T v ©r©for© I. Herman Myers Mayor of th© rley of Savannah, do hereby Issue this my rfoAamatlon Inviting my feilow rlttsens to lay aside thetr secular voca tions on that day and to assemble at their r©spe:tlve places of worship ard give shanks to Almighty God for hla mani fold hteeatnjr* boett>w©d upon u#. Given under my hand and seal of th© •tty *f Savannah, this 77th day of No vember, 18X* HERMAN MYF.HfI Mcvor A feet W>| r. BAILEY. Clerk of 'ouncil. I NHIBITION OF A LADIES* PHAETON 1 hr llauiUomrst In the I tilted Stale* Th© winner of blue rlbhor. at the Horae Show now to be seen at Feeney's Stables, back of the theater. Mr Kohl H Frl„ *y My Ohartwlck Prfer Two Wh#lr ! an Hm. rue aa r- laliv for 1,41**. lhara t>*ln actually no hor nvo’lon. and a* tha amart ap i,ranc of my outfit wraa rco,nla4 !n --atantly. 1 drove In tha arena at lloraa Show, not only evldan'-ad by *h ,pplaun racalvad from th larc* audlanca. but by tha awrardln, to m of flrat blua rlbbor. LII’P.MAN BROTHERS Sola Aant>. Wholaawia r>ni**it FROZEN RICE BIRDS •chwarz'b rare. Grateat dainty of the aaasm. Oysters served In every stylo-prepared by tha mo*t noted rooks tn the South. Congre*. and Whitakar aireet*. Open Day and Night. NOW IS THE TIME TO t SE DETERSIVE ELI ID. It will make yoor old clothing look like new. .—old In large bottlr* at Sir. SOI/OMtINA CO. Bull Street Store Open All Mght. HOT ATI FF STOVES. Call and aae what we hava to say about them. CORNWELL * CHI PM AN. ICS ongres* street, west. A GAME THANKSGIVING At Frank Dieter'*. Fin, Wet*m Turkey* Ue per pound, line Western Ducks lie. tine Western Geese and Chirk ana 15r. tines, Beef Rna't 15c. Lteve • .rderi* for Wild Turkeva. Duck*. P.,rlrldgea. Dove* and Deer. Sau mia a pecilty N B —l'*e F C. D. Turkey Slutting Nothing nicer. SALE OF STALLS. City Marshal* Office Savannah. U* . .Nov. 24. :*po. The atal.a In the market building will be offer-d for rer.t at outcry or, Wet nenday. Ihe Fifth day ot December. Ikon, at 10 o'clock a m. Parties desiring to retain their strips and renting by the year will have the pref ■ aranoe. but must be on hand and respond promptly By order Committee on Market. JOHN TOWER, City Marshal. SPECIAL NOTICE. Now Is • good time to select rose plants to plant In your garden. Come out and see them at JOHN WOLF S NURSERY. Oil and Anderson street* 'Phon* S4 BEf K MANN'S CAFE. 112-114 Whltsksr street EveGthlng up to date Game. Flih and Oyslsrs our specialty. Imported Wusrgburger Hof Bran on draught. Phone 720. FOR SALE. One 10-Inch Steam Shot Gun Feed, JJ feet long, one Hill Oscillating Steam Nig. gsr. * and lh-lnch cylinder*, only used about thirty days; on* flier and Stowell Gang Edger. with three saws, one full aet of Filer and Stowell Lai he Machinery, constating of bolter and gwng lathe saw mill, one set of machinery for making rosin barrel staves; slso a lot of Circular Saws from 18 to M Inches diameter, from the mill of H P. Smart A Bro. In Emanual county. The above for sale by VALE ROYAL MFC CO , Savannah- Ga. FANCY AND RR-PHNBBED Bit It K. We manufacture and sell all kinds of farcy and r-piessed hrlck. paving an.l building brkks Our common brick are Ihe best for building purpose*, being larger than other kilns make, and cheap er See samples and prices SAVANNAH Bt ILDING SUPPLY CO.. Congress and Drayton streets. roßr %ni i (. m it \w with ihli you can make your own a* li gives a brilliant while light of from 8) to I<*> randle pow er. at 4 cost one-fifth of cem per hour , CORNWELL Sc CHI PHAN. U* ongres* street, wesl LAND TITUMk Abstracts ot the ,ecorded land title* of Savannah and Coat ham county from the settlement of Georgia to date. Money loaned at low Interest on city real estate. A4J3CKETT A BECKETT, KODAKS and PHOTO. SUPPLIES EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES St.oo, that others charge $2.50. Save your life, save a trip to Hot Springs, by taking FRANK’S REMEDY^- Cures when all remedies fail. LIVINCSTON’S PHARMACIES, Bull and Congress. Branch .109 Bull St. Phone* 21 S. Phone* .M 2. BE THANKFUL AND SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West, • PHONE 383 %%ll klnknts. Ihe Only U City Show Coming to SavinDdh This Year. A Georgia lnstitulion —The Great Wm. Sells & Jas. H. Gray’s UNITED SHOWS Will aihlbtt a, tha toli-wln* puf' JACKSONVILLE ELA M mday. N" © VALDOSTA. GA Tu-a a N' -• JBftrP GA Wadnaauay. Noi S. lAVAVItH. THIRMIt t. V'V. *• Sno, (mur.tb Boiton and East Broai strati Ona Day Only Aftarnnrm and Evartne charkerton s c roa.y. x°y © in m%i(SS ROTH i> Jl*T BEFORE THAWK96IVISO hava a (rood look at your bueey, aurry, wa*t>n or tmrrtaaa and ara if you *',n't oall on u tyafora Thankaklvin* and *a lart atmtathine ou, of our lary. nn.l com piaia at.a*k that wi,l taka tha pi,,, a of your old ona, nd pmslbly prevent tonw ae.'tdam by utUng your y ehF'ia or harnaaa too long Otva thl* your a-tantlon COHEN-Kt’LMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON CO . Rallabla Vahicla and liarra.* Paa!<-r Wo rapraaant all nalt,bla Munufar turar*. (I'tX-ML ROTK Ht. OH ERR *8 84 OTC II WHISKY, This celebrated famous old \atto4 Highland Whi-ky is Imperiod dire-, t fr.*tn the distillery by us # This Oreer c* oich Whisky I* guaranteed to I© b<rtld abroad and is cor*ign and to u from tila?*- '•oa-. Scotland, and i* in bind In the United B'auit Custom House in this city. This grand Greer Scotch Whisky I* beautifully mellow aul mild to a degree and l soft to th palate as one could p.*albly wish, fh©r© is a nuttineas about it that Ir especially i>i © ng. We arc glad to let th* public pur chase a* sn.all quantity as they with, eve., one bottle, for the pur pose of tntr ducir-g th© beat brand of Scotch whisky extant LI PPM AN HBOS . Wholesale Druggists, Llppman * Blok. Bole Agents for the :r©<*r Distil leries. Gieagow. Bo©tland. an*! Dub l.n. lr'!an i. for ihe r 8. oich and Irish Whiskies 4 HBhOVATIML-kATTktIMGI HEN. OVATINU. Hair. moss, ticking. fiber, feathers. Our stock of new material aid manufac ,ea piuou.te etc up .o -at,-, cut reuo. valing and rtnukAt baa delightad many prominent reatdenla Ask your acquelnl at.ces Material sent u* is p. ked. steam ed. cleaned art mediated by modern ma chinery Making dole by mechant * We confine our wora to mattrene* and bed ding general!). We # 1 ti, king of a:l kind*, moss. hair, cotton fiber, feitbers. or any article needed in mattr s# line NATIONAL M.XTTnFHS AND RENO VATING CO Bell Phone lIM Ml Drayton street. BII* WANTED. City cf Pavannah. Office Director of I-übllc Works Savarren. G* . Nov 24. 1v —Hid* will he i-eelved St thla office until Frida) Nat M ISM it noon, city time for furnishing feed as fol lows. No. l Timothy hay. per inn pounds, best quality feed brer., per KkJ pounds: beet quality corn, per bushel: best quality mixed oat*. To be weighed at the city Ix>!. Envelopes to b* marked "Bid* for Feed.” The city reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Bid* to be open,,l In the presence of bidders. GEO M GADSDEN. Director ntn* nn im:n, Cy of Sevennah. Office c.erk of Coun cil. Nov 13, lX>-Blds Will be received at this office until Saturday. Dec l. at noon, for the following ammunition, stored at the powder magaxtn* ol the city of Sa vannah on the Ogeechee road. 13 cases Hotchkiss percussion shells (10 10-pound shell* to the case) lVs cases 12-pound cannlser #hot. The right le reserve,! t. reject any or ail bids By order of the Mayor W P BAILEY. Flerk of Council. Ttltl WAN To tit t> , ait I’l/rg. The only way So get your carpet* prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken care of for the summer, t* so turn the Job over to the District Messes.gcr at.,t Delivery Cos telephone J, or ceil at 32 Montgomery etreet. nod 4he> will make you an earl mete on the cost of the work Prices reasonable They also pack, move and store furniture and ptanoe. .£• M. MEDLOCK, Hupt. and Mgr, GKAPIIOPHON KS and RECORDS HI SINR#N NOTiriV. FINE OLD WINES. Th© ator© wHI be op©n till regvn to-day. If you have forgotten tha wm© order or come and get it. BTECIAL SHERRY, bottle 12* n MANZANILLA. bottle $i PLOROOO, bat!la sl:s MADEIRA (ol*D bottle fi 23 AMOROSO, bottle >1 Many other* a!w>. of all gral<* Fine hquor* ape iaitv. IH! S. I. HIM m.. Cor. Brougion and Whitakar. Phone* 78. Silver Services Single Pieces Spoons and Forks Pearls Diamonds Watches One of the largest and most com plete stocks in the country. Manu factured by Sam’l Kirk Sc Son Cos.. 106 Baltimore St., bast, Md. /JL ’W / ‘ HQu 5-7 \MuJ c 9oj/ Fl\t:XT ntIMKX. FINCOT LCNULi Onr (ionds nre Ihe Finest In the *oatli. U p nre the only Optlciun* In Savannah. Oar Work *bo|> u Our Girona Feature. Ue grind nil |r.-- •crlption nurk on th© premises ■■me day reeelTel. Repnlrltiu d*ne tvhlle yoa uslt. Eye* examined free. I)R. M. MHW All A ntl, Ao. 47 Hull Si. 4.a. I'honr 1 lilt. A SEASON FOR PRESENTS. Win(fr wedding* „nd Chrls'mas 1 ar* cm tha card. W* ar* prepared for them, with everything that could be W„n*rt in STERLING SIL VER DIAMONDS.etc. And wo propose to make It a point to savs money for pjrchaaars. in oompeu tlon with ali other markets. HUNTFiR & VAN KEUREN, JEWELBIW. Ul Bui! Btreat. SOLOMON’S ROASTEOCOFFEES We Roast Hourly. ni<\ LAOrATRA. JAVA MOCHA. Ar.y of th**# hlfn4f<l r- t‘trr<). HENRV SOLOMON & SON NOTICE. Cliy of Savannah, Offlcv Clerk of Council. ... Nov. H. 1100. All panic. dc.irtnß lo retail liquor dur ing the VMr will flu. , ht>lr appllca tlon. with ine Clerk of Council a ouce. *° the ain'' .-on he referred to Council and action t iken upon .aid application before the eapiratlon of limit provided tor by ordinance. wm r nAiLwr. I Clerk or CouncU. LEOPOLD ADLER. J SO. h Pra.kl.nt, cl*?*' C a. ELLIS BARRON r AI -rrn Vic, Pra*ldent. Ar*!. Caihl,, The Chatham Bank savannah. ' M ill b* (ilaasad to racalv* ,h , of Marohantr Firm*, Individual* * and Corporatlona. Llharal favora agtendad. I’niurpaaaad rollaetlon farllltl^, Ir.g prompt ralutn*. SEPARATE SAVINGS OEP4RTMUI INTEREST COMPOUNDED ul v, LT ON DEPOSITS. ‘ Rafaty Trapoalt Rmaa and Vaults , rant. Corraapondanaa aollrltayd * The Citizens Bank OF SAVAXHAH. CAPITAL $500,000. Tranaiarla m Ganaral Hankla, nuaineaa. kollrlta A .'manta of IndlTlu„,, Marcbaata, Hank, and other Cor,*, rat lona. Collection, handled with aafe„, economy and dlapateb Interest, rompooudad qoortarl, alloyyad on depoatta In onr Baring, Drpnrtnieut. Bafety Deposit Boiaa and Btorag* Vaults. lilt tNTLEY A. nrVMARK, Pra.tdent. MILL* B. I.A\E, Vice President GEORGR C. FRKBMABI, Cnahlar. GORDON L. GHOOIT.iI, Asst r.,,hl, r . SOUTHERN BANK ut lilt alaiu oX Georgia f *pual Surplus and undivided profits Bv •, DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA Superior facilities for transacting a Central Banging Busln-u Collection* made on all oolnta through bonk* ,nd banker* Ar counts of Banks. Banker*. fclrrcT>r't and other* solicited Baf* Deposit Boiet for rant Department of Savings. Interest payabl* quarterly. Fa I S'erllng Eirhanga on London n snrl upward* JOHN FLANNERY. President HORACE A. t HANE. Vice Prefldant. JAMES SULLIVAN. Ca*hler. DIRECTORS JNO. FLANNERY WM W GORDON E A WFTII. W W GORDON. Jr, H A CRANE JOHN M EGAN LEE ROV MTERB. JOSEPH FERST H P SMART CHARLES ELLIS EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBY Ml Ml MCI CAPITAL, fiiOO.OOO. Accounts nf banks, merchants, corpora tions and Individuals solicited. Savings Department, Intareat paid quar terly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults fet rent. Collections made on *ll points at rea sonable rates. Draft* sold on all the chief cities of tbs world , g Correspondence Invited JuSKI'II D. WEED. I'reatdent. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice President. W F. MiCAL'CIT, Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK savannah, ga. Capital Undivided profits *• Th la bank ofTer* Its service# to corpvra tions merchant* and Individual*. Has authority to at* a* executor. ad mlnlMrator. guardian, etc. Issue-' drafts on the principal ci(li In Great Britain and Ireland and on ha Continent Internet paid or compounded quareriy on deposit* In the Swing’s Bepadm'"' Safety loir- for rent. HFINRY RM'N Fresldent. ORO V- TIEHEIIAN. Vice rredlrr.L JOHN M HOGAN, Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN Ass t Ca-h s- No. 1640. Chartered ltA -THE— Ha iiil it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, La.u/,1 SUrtPLUS *lo m UNITED 8 TATES DEPOSITORY. J A G CARSON. President BEJRNE GORDON. Vice Trealdent W M DAVAN’T, Cashier Accounts of banks and banker* mer chants and corporations received ur°n the most favorable terms consistent with gafs and conservative banking. THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. 15 YORK STREET, WEST. 5 PER CENT per annum allowed on deposit#, withdrawable on demand Interest credited quarterly 6 PER CENT, per annum allowed or. deposits of even hundreds, withdraw able at annual periods. GEO W TIEDEMAN. President. B H. LEVY. Vice President. E. W. BELL. Secretary. C G ANDERSON. JR. Treasurer lo NewsHflper lift For sale, a Forsallh Newspaper Fold*r; will fold sheet JfxC It la In good order price ECO It coat originally lUCO h' l we have no use for It end want the room It'occupies. It wtU be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Ga- The Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. ARE PREPARED To Make Loans On Reasonable Terms. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithograph'd nd printed atattonery and Wank booka iroM Morning News, Savannah, Ga