The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 30, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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T HE fair is SAVANNAH'S. „ kJ MH %l. THINKS THE CITk . *N liiTt IT IK IT WANTS IT. Him Juit Itelursird From Atlanta, tt lirrr Hr Hail Conferences With |. r ,.,1,1rnt J. Tl*r •■ *hrr era of thr Emccnfler (oaiult ,,, ibr Slate Aiirlrnltaral Aorlr ,,_Thls C omnilttae IJerlde-e loir Will Mr Hrlil—Major )• | S f onal.lerlng thr Project. Meeting of t oinmlllrr to Me Held )B Moron on lire. >, W hen Place tt ill llr CUoora. . V rat every reason to believe that , , i State Fair will be held In Sa- M.,j CS. M. Hyala returned from >eterday morning. where he ha I . with I’realdent J I '.own and other members of the V e Committee of the State Agrl , ,ii (torteev. ptj, aJ* would not torment to gtv# publication th* exact view* of . i Brown and th* executive cotn sfll,<n on thl§ subject. but he did • he had every reason to feel en i ar.d that If the cittxena of B** rraily desired to have the fair . rr he bad little doubt tliat thle n could be gratified. ,re to have the loir here.** nM ,i “we must offer the farmer ,re eoint ihlwg o little bit better been offereddn the past forger premiums and nor ,nl we must offer *u h Induce %vill serve to bring to the city from this section of the state. The ro-operation of the rah* to secure th <Fturc*l 1 i vt* no doubt iimt th y lv do a.l In Ihelr power to briny i is of people to Savannah In hey will h*ip themselvap. un) M tint time help a city in which nave an llit*e%t, |jsf*ril premiums we can easily ~ n-.*h from very many count!** , . x licit from oy particular coun that the people of that county v m| toe fair in large numbers. W [■* to make th** fair a u**cees j- , i -f it it on an Illiberal plan. J • * tNonal iii n ion i Hint v, can tf'-r e M4II it. and want li rnoufth ,• the n* . .-fary guaranty*#. 1 <*m i i:t•*rty to My 1 told by , , .into rof the Executive Committee , .\^r! u;tm*• 1 Society, but. without % . y .H . oonfldorcc. I car. nay that t . ui.ii. ** I have received from th< >- . ii.ui are molt eru ouraKina. So fai - tir. lal (Mart of the matter ia cOf • nit <evs of previous Mate fair* t hi rated that there la no reason - m if Invest their mon. y to feel aUi T.icy will he fully repaid "1; m* to me." saki MaJ. Kyal?. it . time that the state fair should l * lin this section of the alate. For mm \ years it has been held in other aec lor -. In cities to whicti it haa be*n al mo**- mp -*!tle for rarmer* ami fruit *. *w• • s in hls section to send exhibits. -r: ly all the |roprleeles demand that thi- important portion of the state should it- jm rmanenfiy deprived of the o|*- I.i rity to diet day its product*.'* M ityals had a conference with May* v r> last night. <ii which he outlined ii * r*s iit* of his* visit to Atlanta and his t \*ral onferen*trs wtth President Brown * l • otner members of the Eexemntve ! • rr mlttee of the Agricultural Society, f. r are a number of other cities ire trying: to secure he state fair t r .. xi year. Prominent among t hosts are making this effort is Valdoata, w h feel* that It ought to hove another V*ldo*:a has erecte<i a number t * raiidiogr and as a state fair Is neces >■ o make these useful, the thriving ; city wants another chow. \ meeting of the executive committee v lx- held on Doc. 20, when the place of lei ling the fur for next year will he se- I -d MaJ Kyals Is the vice president o* t . society for this Congressional die tri t and a member, ex of th* ommlttcc. The meeting will be held in Wncon. i: probale that before this meeting 1* m effort will he made to interest people of &ivannah gcneial.y in the ' erpilse It is e that a mass i "•! t.k of i ltisens will be called and some c b; * a tlon on the subject taken, so ’ t the repreaeniativea of the city at the ii <n rnr* ting will be in a position to r ke to the Agricultural Society a defl i v pr<’( iiior. The proposldon will be th lines of those previously offered society by the cities which have e— the fair In the |*ast. vitind: tm \ \ I'Kdtmti. To m hit I o room n'll Interesllnjr Com - went on the Fool ln 11 t*nme. ■nmv Corromn. the local priie fight fT io has yet to meet his match iti 8a- Xtr h. was un interested spectator of v f>*hll g ime between Savannah and • onville yesterday afternoon at the ' • 'll park. An acqu.intance asked ’ ht.r what hr thought about lh* t'*-. to which Corcoran replied In a way ’ *.>uid accord thoroughly with views 1 < r ri ln of football: “Why, mine oft thing It." say uose* were punched, shins bnt cyes blackened, f.ices scratched *■ • dies bruised convinced Corcoran ’ • man can receive more punishment ‘ thill game than In a prize fight, uid he had wtnted to get on the li m*. if, but his profession was t him. He has hopes, however. ” i may be overlooked, a* he Is ' to burn the game. With a man t length and perfect physical con u the ?• am, it would he materially Singeing m ght well he • I the forte of n team on which n I * tfater figured. MIIEKU % t litt V 9 IIOIIfIR. lb* \\nm |t*l*nned by Payment of •he ( Irene People of |12t1,2<1. J* is last night would have lost v f one of i4s horses, but for ! ‘ b .sion of the m inagement 10 ov, r 129 9b, for which an attachment "n sued out against the company. ■ t was brought about by the u?e i ;i us of a lot adjoining the show f *r the puriiose nf fitting Up Itj The lessee of the property • wit he had given the show no ' 1 ■ us* the lot. and that he bad waged by having fhe fen- e that id it torn down, and funh*r in * ’r>e fence mntertal had been used for -*1 Ills damage* he estimated at • fee* of the magistrate s officer *rvo.t ru* papers made up the re • r nf tho sum. M people were at flrat disposed - the payment of the amount but i*f their horses was seised und ' lie alternative of paying up or • *g *he animal behind. hey de te rd did. “come Heroes.** i hi mi viiß tub DEPrao irr. ' MP Jnp, llprlilrd (iialn.l thr < lallilrrn of Jinn. • Jury in ih cam of Eth,lln B and ■" A Jnrn >talnt th* Florid# Cn r.d PtnlntuUr Rallroid rurn*d • *' 1 verdict yeattrday morning. It w* 1 r defer, lanf. ■ rae has been occupying tha time J udge Norwood and a Clly Court Jury for the past three days. The plaintiff's were the minor children of a railway jn*- : ini clerk, who received Injuries In an ac cident on the defendant * line and after wards died Tne suit was based on the contention that these Injuries were re sponsible for his death. This the defen dant denied Tne case, it to said, went off on a rather curious point. Toe plaintiff* Him) alb ged In their petition that James was injur* 4 by being thrown against the letter > *<** and the floor of the oar. The evidence showed that he had been thrown against , one of the stanchions that support the I case*. Judge Norwood charged the Jury j that It must find that the Injuries hod 1 been inflicted in the manner tl.*ged in the |*tition One of the Jurymen satd that the Jury rou.d not reconcile the min ner of the injuries uliegt*! wri:h that proved. that the verdict for the de fendant was the result. The plaintiffs sued for flft.OOi*. Cilicia TEXT HIS PACKED. Hlfff Crowds at Until Prrfor inanees. The Alglit How < si Short. Bells & Gray have no reason to com plain of the patronage of ihelr show In Savannah. Probably 6 000 to 7.UUU people i witnr-sMsl the two per forma no es yester day. At the afternoon perform n. the tent was crowded to lie full capacity, but at night the crowd simply overflowed An and around the ien:. More people were admitted then coul I be comfortably ac commodated and u large number left without seeking admittance. It was Thanksgiving night and :he people felt i that they ha.l !> go somewhere. In the afternoon a very fair perform ance was given. Th** various tr-ipexe. acrobatic and other features, of which i the company h.s quite a number, were seen to good advantage and the crowd was well |x*uiMd. At night the perform ance was cut short, bec iu.v it was fear tl that aim- trouble wood ur wbh the crowtl, the management al leged There was considerable .complaint at the brevity of the performance, and b* a use some of Jt w* rc**‘ up to wha l! should have been. Had the uf:moon perform.mce b* en repiate*! in full the rowd would have had no reason to com* plntn. The show will appear toolsy in Charles ton. And will afterwards mak* a tour of he (’arollim and Georgia town*. Trea.-- irer \V. A Patrick said last night It is uncertain whether the sho* woull conclude it.- tour ut Bavantvih In Decem ber, or whether It warn Id continue on down the Florida at coast t* Key \W*t rd thence lo Cuba. spending • few- Wf*kt> here and returning to Suanmh *• Feb ruary for winter quarters. There doe not m oni to l>e uny .twurance of tin s.ow wltiteiinfe here. The slxe D no* what It was represent#!! to be. and Its wilder quarters will not lx a large affair at the most. % itn i on i,iee. Heynard nought His I reed on* by Two Exciting < hrtftcs. The most brilliant fox chase which has taken place In Chatham county In man) •a*on was pulled off yesterday Jt San I fly. It was a bang-up Job from start to finish. The hounds were keen for a run and the fox wmh the llvest thing afoot n Timnksgtving day. II•• was u beautiful. Uv r gray and sH tne pace for the dogs, starting ai H o'clock before get ling breakfast. For three solid ‘tours he ran front them “as hard is he could tear.” He *ed them through •ays. across field*. througn hroomsedge ind briars, into pine thickets and oak woods, through mud und water and ;nrough farmers' yards. The dogs iked it. and galloped In a hunch which might nave been covered with a sheet. The most of the time they were neck and neck, and It was a question whether the laurels belong'd to the Henry hounds or the Birdsong dog.**. Both types of dogs w*ere represented In the chase. To the admirers of Henry hounds It wai* tin inspiration, while to lov *rs of the Birdsong dogs It w divine*. They pressed Reynard harder and hard er an<l forced him to his prick* He be ; can to tlmibl* on hi* track He flung himself into thick palms until the dogs passed and then slipped back on his track while It was warm. This Is an old trick of gray foxes, but it wax a lame trick to itv* pack Of bounds which followed Reynard yesterday. After runmng half of th** morning with out an interruption of any consequence the fox hid In the branches of a small tree, and while the hunters voted on cap turing him or allowing him to ransom films* If by a second chase*, the fellow re gained his wmd. And when he was shaken from the tree for the second run with several hundred yards the start of the dogs he flew away like mad wMh a brush as defiant as an angry cat's toil. The dogs ran him an hour and were (Tailed off. giving Reynard his liberty, "(O run another dny." I>r. Corbin's famous hounds together with the pups of Mr. Taliaferro of Virginia and Dr. Drake'# dogs made up the pack. The following g**ntlemen (comprised the hunting party: Dr M X. Corbin, Mr T. B. Neal, Mr. Z D Respess, Mr J. If. Fur her. Mr. J. T. Bhuptrine. Mr. Drake. Mr. Albert Wylly. Mr. C. C. Taliaferro. Mr. Davis. Mr. Brinkley. Tfi i a IXi W ITH THE POLICE. Was limber Hull as Ear as llnalnrs* Hhi Concerned. Business In police circles was unusually .lull yesterday. even for a holiday. Only seven prisoners had been sent to the bar rack* up to midnight, and none on any so nout< charge. A. M. Uraham and W. M. Rbhardsor. white, were rent In by Patrolman Guii foyle, charged with diaorderly eon.luct on the etivet, while against R chardacn there was tlie (urtlier charge of being drunk Chris Hankln. another white man, war sent In from Charlton street for being helplessly drunk Sarah Frailer, colored, locked up on the charm- of burglary. In the Reecr-lci'a Court yesterday there were only a few (titer, none of more than passing John Tuhenly, white, arrested the night before for being drunk, but who war released on tiond. failed to show up In court, and the police were given directions to re- irrert him on Bight. He bad not been found up to quite carlv tins morning. St. tnilrrn i innnnl lltnaer. The St. Andrew's Society will hold Its 81. Andrew's day meeting at noon to-dav at Its rooms In the Georgia Hussars Club The society's annual dinner will be given to-mght at the De Solo. Stork Visited Trinity Pnrsonmtr. The stork visited the home of Rev. and Mrs. Ilasrom Anthony yesterday Mother and son are doing remarkably well and the father received many congratulations. j- O STETTEBi H W CUIUATII * oriran* the er* * tlro t* THE MORNING NEW S: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 30.190(1 I can’t get wet in I the “In-cr-seal/VjF^* | Patent Package”sy^ /*\ 'I even if e^v * / | ered in a rain f/ /( l The "In-er-seal Patent Package" ■ / 5 cle. c* ilamp, dirt ami <ior. Keepa cri, Saltitu-s, k Bl'ruit, (Ira- I THEY DIDN'T GO TO DARIEN. MVASMH IJIM.F TKtl \\ I UK PIIB VKNTEI) III' A UK IVY KUO. Tntf on \l lilrlt Tb*> Hint *t,rteil IV n. Ttnl t p nt tile l*lnnf VUrtn IVknrrr. In Vmiil the l.lfllnu ”t the I’ng, Wlileli lllil not l.lfl—Tnn Itemiianed llunn the Itlver t ntll After T OVlork le.trriln, llorninu nml Then Itettirned to the t It,. Harien IV n. t nlleil Ip hy 'li’le plione nml Infornieil of the f litn.-o. (treat lletiretn Here Kapren.etl on Hot h Vitim. Tha Savannah golfer, did not *o to Da rien. Great dle|J!K>lnimtnt wat caue<'l on both side#, the Darien r> ayers regret ted the failure of tho Savannahlan* to put In an appearance for the TnanKj-glv tng match game as did the latter their Inability to puah their way through the heavy fog by which they were beset. Night Before last the tug on which the Savannah team were to take the trip started bravely on her way. Bh< got as far as the Blunt System wharves, where she had to tie up for the night. Such n heavy fog was encountered thnt it was im|!ie to see the UtKiele ot th- ts.w of the boat when one stood within a few feet of It. It was thought |s>.slble that the fog might lift and admit of the trip being continued. In this hope, tho tug lay up at the wharves until aftr 7 0v... u yt~ terday morning. 1> that time it was too late to lortllnue the trip. o swdly the team had to consent to the vessel pot ting about and returning lo the clly. On arriving h< re a telepliont If as sought and communt allon est.ihlisheU with Da rien. Then the tale was unfolded, great ly to tie distress of the platers of that place. The Sovannali men ha<l had time .nough to g' i over the dl-appolntment of the failure of their plans, but the shock <o the Darletl I tea was too sudden. It was some time before they couk. recover from the blow. It seems that the people of Darien had been looking forward to the game great Thanksgiving treat, and many of them Intended to see it. The Darlef; play ers wanted to know why the ftnvannnh inns did not even then rhirter 11 tt.tln .nd take toe trip. This was Jus! a little too weighty a matter for the Sovanmth lans. however, usl they Informed their friends that they were r.<u mode of money. A chartered special would cost Just a llule more than the team felt that they could pay- When "ll le ts" were found to Is' o(T. the Savannah golfers were determined to have a game anyway. They accordingly went to the link* of the Snvannah Ooir Oub, w lo re tin y were the objects of con ,nt, ruble banter attent their failure to get to Darien. Quite u crowd of golfers •re on ih. links, and all enjoyed their morninn'* play* fnet Tavern. Ilnttle t reel.. Mleh. Comfortablt* n< liberally manogcl o tela In small cities are rare enough. The old traveler In Michigan will taka anew lease on life w ien he knows of a in.slcrn. homelike resting l>! > ■' al Ha'lie Creek, midway between Chi.-a go and IntroP. ,iii,| on the main on. s of Michigan * ••>* tial mid Grand Trunk Railway*. Here it.* located th*- food factories of th* I'oe luni Cereal Company. Limited, the largec. plant of me kind In the world This ompany ha* built the Dost Tavern, which ,* ~a,dueled oy Mr B. F. Ciark, ■ wltlely growi and |k>pular honlfttce. The Tavern n . imlqu. .Hs name Many valua tde ir,.l rare articles of adornment hove been gathered n Italy. Auatrla. Germany. Switaerland. Franc- nd haigtand during the t rlodleal wanderings of Mr <’■ " lust, the chairman and chief e*. -alive olhe r of Hie Dostum Company, under whose charge flic Tavern h.,s b-en lullt. Hattie t.reek lie, in the meiet of the tvau :tfi!l lake reglovi cf Michigan, and ha* be come a favorite sojourn In lummer for f-outhein ond West, rn people There I* a rip.. homelike, restful charm about ih place, w.tli Its wile pavol eire.-ts lined wiin staielv owl trees, fronting lawna smoothly cropt.l and velv-:> Th* Ho ,un. Cereal f. mpmv s I . lories covei r>ary acr. * < < tm <■ .s>ern port on of tow i. wl.i-h is famlliatly referred to a* "L*o*- turovllle." or "The White nty. ' from the univetsai color of Ihe buLdlngs. This company fs exi"-ndt millions of dollarw In newspaper advertising, to mai' 1 known Ihe cmeiiet • of IVssiUm Food Coffee and Grape Jfuts breakfast feod. *e ue a result of the i übllc .y. people seel.- iag a change of hxallon nave been 'r duc.d to move here, until the growth has c,e*umed the proportions of a boom New buildings are seen on every hand and It is curren: report that there Is not an empty store, office or houwe |n Ihe city. If you would live In peace and plenty, Mve under the eaves of the modem newspaper advertiaer THE MYERS-LESTER QLASH (Contit 11 l f om 1 Ighth Page.) inc Mr Lester> uttltui* in this matter has l e n ftomewha r* nv* k * l< . Ai'out two weeks ago he cunn to rn> office nt the National Hank of Savannah ami ;ii *ltcil that I rhoiil k call a meeting of Council tmtmdiutely to take . tin upon hin |M tl(4on I told him that the matter w" ri:l in the HAnds <*f flu* Rtnrt and Lin- 4’(KTlfuitte* Hi and tb it li* 41 tl n could U Tik* i> uittii a i*ixrt w o* r* *lv- i from that oromfltei*. ||.- ini •* 1. urged and *v* n tb nfc.m*l*‘d that I elwxial *l* *‘ e d*- * hestcHl. and th* langung* Uf* I ie-am* 4 loud .h to h’ ovrTh**ir 1 by the emp oyes of me bank. When ite :i. u--l**n ren bed this I told Mr. Lexter that l d*-- c.itieti to have anything further to say to him on the. subje- t. and he left the office. Th! wax b* fore the aucua w hen tae ad \o* ite* o his petition were given a hearing. As that caucus resulted In noth ing definite I suppos*- Mr. Letter could iiot contain hm.eeif any longer" " wbl Council *i*> with the petitions for straet railway franchises now?'' Mayor Myers was asked. "We wdi resume consideration of the subject next week." be said, "but the matter will not nettled then. We will endeavor to agree U|*on a route and w hen this iji *lot- w*- will call upon the itigens affeetpd by this r**ute to give expression la their views. The map* which have been prepared try the city engineer slk>w‘ what 1 difficult matter It is to eel*■•* a rmito for another afreet railway. Th principal streets are aimtdy pre-empted. It As practicaHy Impooslbt# to put any ad ditional trucks on Bty fireet an*l It would bo Inadvisable* t* allow any more tracks around the market. When a rnuto has been agreed upon we will then take up the matter of compensation The tlmo w*< when S tvunmh w*- glad to give away street railway franchise*. That time has ja* s**d. New York acid other cltU*s once gave away their fran chises willingly, but now they are re ceiving handsome price* for them. The time has come fur Savannah to do like wise.•• Tlie clash between Mayor Myers and Mr. Igstrr has aroused more public in terest In the m.itter of the disposal of the remaining l r* * t railway franchtoen than anvifiing *l* *in e tha patltlona wre filed several months ago. The prob aUltty I* that when Council, announces Its readiness for . public hearing thers will be u numerous attendance. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. YVir >w 9ooth!ng Rvrup has been used far children teething It soolhea the chl.d. softens the gams, allays all pain cun** wind colic, at <1 Is lh* Wat remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a botila —ad Candy Esculetts Cures PILES or Money Refunded. WHY SUFFER? Sold un<!*-r Kuar;tnt<><* *t following itorM: Kowlln.kl'i, Jono'. llimhlc T'mplo, Kni,ht’>*. XV. K. Iteid'*. Marlow', C • v,. lanti'r. Donnrlly'i, ami W. A. l' Savannah, <ia. I.IITMAN lißos Savannah. Oa . an t *!\ K HEIM. Havnnnah Oa,. l*!aTibjtora J. D. WEED & CO UVAMAM, UA. Leather Belting Steam Packinn & Hose Agents for NBW *UK* MUIIIJLH ULLTLNG AND PACKING COMPANY. JOHN Ci. Ut TLKR, -DEALERSIN paints. Oils and Glasa. bh. D -*rw Blind* and Hul.ders huipl Plain an*l Decorative Wall Paper, Foreign and Do mestic Cements. Lim< PI inter and Hair. Bole Agent for Abtlnt Cold Water I’a ot. jj Congress ?tre* we*t. and 13 Ht Julian etreet. west. STOPPED 1 HE COU(iH. Prather's Tar and Cherry Coujtb Cure 25c. DONNELLY DRUG CO. Hot Air Furnaces. We make a specialty of repairing Hot Air Furnaces Your orders arid receive prompt attention. E C PAC’ETTI A SON. Phone ttl Ik' Whitaker. OLD NEWSPAPERS. 300 for 2& cent*, at Busbies* ones Morning Near*. CLAiilhtJ AuVcruiStMcftri •*EHAO*| Al.. Tin; M 1 1.1.10N AIHK iIANKFK" must < (o enjoy liU* millions, ’.he poor man must C to cam ami enjoy a- qnare n:eji |;. t r going to Dr K iloun, Atlanta *~C w .at Ftgtas (an do for your eyex Though not the only pebble In the spec tacle line, he may save you quite a few dollars, and make reading and working a pl* .mr* where now it Is a hard** Up East Broughton Hair. Jewelry and Shav ing Huiq>ly House. The place in Huvaiinxh f>r sold g. id "peotaeles at si.‘ Ai* per pair. REDDICK \DAMS DANCING ACAD rni\ - -**it the t’atholic iJbrarv Hah Friday v ulng. Nov it" Alniisslon <* tents, iadles free Raskin’s Orchestra B* ure your Invitations from She man agement . AD\ EBTIBKMENTB SKT IN CAP ITAIaS wild, BE PRINTED IN CDA* •IFIED ADVBRTIBBMENT COIA’MN FOR TWO i'KNTH A WORD NO AD VERTIBE M ENT TAKEN FOR Id: SB THAN3C THANKS* 11 VINO DAY WII.D BOON be here Sec Miller for a suitable table t* bold tha turkey and trimtn.ngs Dining taldcs. sideboards, tniffets, china closets, chairs to p)eac anybody 3t'T Broughton, r est. TRY HKTTERICi: B CANDY; POBI lively pure. .-ryM lilsed fruit aast' le*l 4.V l*ounl cherrl* s and g itger s.itne | | ... flue candy, piund 11" Htate. we-1. itOTV ADOPT YOfTR WINTER clothlnK'* I* t u- put li It sh ip .1 p* r mom It Sterling ITrs-lng Club. 1* Y-ft w TOP WIDE 1.1 K t THE M FROM Bpting uli Dairy, it e rich und pu:e. try It. I'NT 1 ‘IiQET TH AT MII.M.It sell.' dolls an i t\s <\*me n*i see our holiday ** rtmen* 2W7 Br* ughton. w. *t. HYACINTH AND NAB* ISSt S BPUI S palms r r plant; ut flowers and floral demons from *#Kh.g* Nurserv, opp*slte Catuo l C( m* terv J (lanlttcr, agent. 1- fir* uv iton streei, east 12 50 Full ART SvPARFB WHILE t •-( y last Big i" 't imoiit. ll grabs of srt equnrrf. rug , mats. | tor tie res. C. I* Miller, agent CHOICE LINK OF WIT.I/'W AND cobbler ** t< kr for lit hll iaygt Teeple e 317 Brmightts we-^t. I AM NOW I,OCA TED AT 414 WEST 14r*>ughton; ring up 11 ssl tt you want to have y>ur fur I ure moved or packe 1 for shipment or o rge 1 guarantee prices the an* its I do the work that'a given to ne A. S. Clnfll, . 414 Broughton slrest, west, matlresst s made to ortb r KENSINGTON FARM MILK IB UN •urpassr i for rtchi *a , delivery is per* f . phot e M.i HOW ADOPT' YOP It WINT R clothing'* let us put It in htp S p r month Sterling Pr* sslng Club. It York wr GO To HKTTRRioiI B KoR t’ANI'Y mint wafers, innarnoM w.f* rs; dellclo ! s for tin sick lletterlch s. 11* Hi He. writ. IF ITH Rt'Gß YOP WANT. YoP CAN get them heapar ft in M> l SlilU. II FOR WOVEN WIRE CUTS WHILE they las! C I* M.'ler, agent BEK MILLER FOR OFFICE" DKBKH. oflice tables, office malting, tiffice shades. 7 Broughton, west WHEN YOP SEE M'C.VLLIB' SIXTY inch 9!*-erni riuu, you wl'l buy thorn. Just can't help It. will sell In any quan tity. TKEPLE IH BHOtVINO A NICE LIVE of carpel; matting rug.**, shade-, lino leum. cheap*at in town "FI’RNITCRF MOVED WITH CARE." Is a specialty wish McGlills. “'M GILLIB LA 'E rCRTAIHB WILL beautify your pallor. FURNITPRE UFHOIArrCREDi MAT. tresses ren vated. antl<jue rurniture rej>o! Ifhed. furniture packed, and shipped in best manner. H- nd me your orders. C. P Miller, agent KIMB ALL'S ANTI - RIIEI'M ATIC ring every rheumatic ought to wear. J. Gardner, agent. 12 Broughton street, east. MG 11,1,1 B IB CHEAT ON UPOH. NETS, lace curia.ns. hammock* wster c*>o!err pi lows pDure-, stoves, bedroom suits, and furniture of every description. HOW AHOITT Torn WINTER clothing" let us put It in ‘hip . SI per month. Hir rlmc Prev ing Club. 1!* York, w IF YOU DON'T FIND WHAT YOP want where you are dealing, suppose you try Miller Ills assortment Is the l**t In town. 2"7 Broughton, west, FOR A PRETTY BEDROOM BPTT parlor and dining-room furniture, o < should go to Teeple'a. KENSINGTON FARM IS ON AN elevation in the country, fre* from city drainage Impossible for ml k to become contaminate 1. by Impure otlors; If you want pure Jersey mk, phon* 2345. De livery prompt; satisfaction guaranteed. MGILLIB MOVES PACKS. SHIPS and stores pqinoe and furniture, heat work only, no ‘ Cheap-John” prices—no "Cheap. John" Jobs CANARY BIRDS. GOLD FISH. WA ter gmes. Itone flour at 12 Broughton street, east BEE MILT.EB B NEW STYLES”* IN cerpeta. mattings, linoleum*, window shades Ail work done in flrt-**lass style. Get our estimate. 207 Broughton, west. M GILLIB SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna pat terns— fot D cents. TEEPLE CAN SAVE TOP MONEY ON stoves, st* el ranges, oil headers arid hoi st iff heater* 317 Broughton, w*at BEE MILLER'S NEW STEEL STOVES and ranges, oil henters, wool heaters, best make*, reliable goods. rMSonatde prices. 207 Broughton, west. ADVERTISEMENTS SET TN CAP ITALS WILL BE PRINTED TN CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR XJBSB THAN IOC. PMOTOtJII intv. FINEST PIP >TOH M* ST REAHOV nbIe prices; one with each l<'*en c*bl nete mounte*l ai a lovely Xmn and New Years card; I am making i exs-nal tun on ( ravon. p*mt-l and wntercolor in hand some frumi’N at very low’ prl es fo fh** holidays; s fine present. my t egmn* line of Irani* s, etc. Wlls*in'a Htudlo. 41 Bull street. MEDIC %L. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling >ou. call on me and I will give you relbl; I cure Ingrowing nails, corns and all of the feei without pain; charges reasonable; an glv* the bst ryfertncea In the by; pa tients treated at residences; orders eah t>* left st Livingston s drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 233. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. HELP WANTED— MALE. HALKBMEN WANTED TO BELL OUR goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade w* are-the largest snl only man ufacturers in *ur line n the world; liberal salary paid Address. <’en-P*x Mfg Cos., oflice. 2k Itoard of Trade Building. Savan nah. Ga. HELP AVAXTEI3—FEMALE. ADVERTISEMENTS BET IN CAP ITAIjB WILL BE PRINTED IN CI*A BIFIED ADVBRTIHEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTIBEMENT TAKEN FOR LES3 THAN 30C MSLOI ii.\ r w I9TBO, COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER AND office man wants position. r*vommuvi tiona given. Addreaa C*omi?etent, care Newt office. v\ A\T IS— Allarr.LL tMXU . WANTED TANARUS( poi: Row r.** WANT e*I to L*rr*<\v v* n th<*u-in.l dollars (IT (Vui for tum “t three \*ars witli th privilege .*r . . tig am.- *\ •ry w* B months Will k; ’• c culUtrrul **(>•• brick bio* k worth Hvc or six tin* ax much a the loan. Tli* pi. perty i- •'• lo *t•- 1 in one of the I* *t tow tv* in South (in r gia. Addmis "Hustnces," P O. Box Sk W aycroes. Ga WANT. J * T* I ON FI I; T mortgages. g*t pfxfla’rty .t *' t-er cc. t it H are o! W Wolsinr. -’4 liiyau --tr * city. IF YOt WANT GGOr AItLK. GET IT from Sprtntfleld Dairy. It's rkh. purs and w holt some. IF YOT' WANT A PLACE TO DPMI’ earth, dirt. ►and. manor en- fre< of charge. Just at city llmltv hauling \*r bad road wrlt(* or t* l*ph*ne B own Bros . corner Anderson and Fast Broad streets. ADVFRTIBFMFNTB BFT IN CAP IT A1 <8 WILL BE PRINTED IN CLAB >ll 1:t ADVERTISEMENT COLI'MN FOR TWO CENTS \ WORD NO AD VERTIBEMENT TAKEN FOR LE.HB THAN &C FOR rooms. NEATLY I * N I SMr ! • •onvsnb ncea 2*w Bernard sir* ,t. na • Liberty ’ ■ ■■ Foil HIM—HOI HKS. FOR RENT, v v*Mj uHIABLK lIdPBE N 217 \N tidburg street, cast between Ab room *i.t Uncoln, flisi * 4<* ord-r ami condition; everv convenience R!,-ht Mid t right tenant F'tate Ha!*>m*m Cohen, West Broad aid Broughton at reals FoR RENT OR HA LI THAT MAG. nifle* nt r— \ I* • • - on the *outhea**t < *iner of Gwinnett and Patnar l %t?.e'S I I) I I Roche FOR KENT. HER!DEN E BO DI'FFV. west, xlx rtnatm* d* ith, oDo D g r* sl.'*nfe c*n* r Bu i and ikodon . Ive i ' room C H 1 -*r-e t Knit HKST. NICC nWKt.I.INO SI I uatnil on cori'or; sls. Lin-*4n ami Ander son. D It. las * r FOR RENT. THOSE TWO FINK lioum v <►() Duffy tr**' t mar Llnco n |u-t •iri|l**l*‘‘l. with every unv* : I*m . n I modern improvement. Appy 31* 14 ynn I street, west. TO RENT. 221 AND r.'S BOLTON street, whst, thexo an- g>‘d houses an I location excellent Apply to C. A Mcln tire, 4Vj B ar*l of Trade llubding FOR RENT. HKVERAI. DESIRABLE r* - !• n.** ‘ t! >M ughl\ rrr *vated Apply A Wylly, ag* m. 12 Bryan str* <t, east i nit hi.\ l *liv ii t t vi-.ut a. I.AIW.C \VAItKItOI Mi AND OFFICK Fttll HUNT. COKNMIt HItriCGUTON AND WKBT ItltriAD HTHKKTB, Frill M Kit! Y OCCI HIED HY TH li SAVAN NAH CAItIIIAGK AND WAGON CO. 11 F 8 VIA ItT FOIt HUNT <>lt BAI.F TH tT FI.F gain farm, four mll.-s ..n the Align*- i roa I llMivedl. containing two hu. -Ir.-I .ml three acres, fifty .-f whl.-h are under a high state of cultivation, theie ire on th.* place ihre<- dwellings two large earns nml packing shad, .i fine artesivn well; avarythlug In llrsi-i-ln-.-. nrd*-r, two rull roada run tliiougn the Imul I D. I*a- ICoe he . FOR ItKNT. ON TIIK OGKBCIIKE rood, between three and four.mile posts (tro’ley cars nearly lo two mill- po-ti I n.t In ha, from one aeis to one hun.lie.l, same can lx- bought In large or small lots on easy terms. C II laretl. ADVEHTIBEMENTH 81 T IN OAP ITAIa< wil l. UK rtIINTKD IN f'LAd 81 FI ED \DvnWTIBFMI-VT COLCMN Fi>lt TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTIHF.MENT TAKEN FOR THAN K". Foil *vi.k—hi:vi. iivrtTK. ADV fcK 1 181-dtKN lr> SKI IN CAf -11 AI.S Wild. IIK PRINTED IN CI.AB BIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COM.’MX FOR TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR IJCdS THAN SW FOR BAI.E. A EOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy terms, on N'lniii etre.-l, near East llruud. no illy intailon C. II Dorset! FOR HAM’. I/>TB ON NINTH STREET near E t Riond. no city Isi.-s, at tiiD , lollara , monthly payment*. C. 11. Domett. FOR BAI.E. LOTH ON NINTH. NEAR Bagt Rroad, Ml I-o '' h wbl svjo.. be a.lvanee.l to $7Tf. when a lot has been (wild for I can arrange to get a homa built. C. II Dor sell, RESIDENCE AND BI'ILDINO 1.0T9 for sale nil over the clly. Robert 11. Tatem, real estate dealer. No. 7 York street, west. FOR HAKE THOSE I.OTB ON NINTH street, near East Rroad. have oniy been sold lo ftr*t-cla* parti's, who will m.ike giaxl netghliors; and none other* can buy The term* are very easy and they are rhr itier than any olhrre In the vlrintty C 11. I tor-sett ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN CAP ITAUt Wild. UK PRINTED IN OLA 9 s!EI ed ADVKRTItBMRNT COLUMN Frill TWO CENTS A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LESB THAN *OC. Foil HAI.K— *IIC 1 .1.1. V V Kol . 80 V it KM, Tilt CULGII KING! THY It when your favorite remedy fail*, at 2at bottle a tiled to a gill of honey make* a ■pleridid mixture for Infanta and children Tien/.oin lIAI.M makes the hkin like velvet, for sale by diugglet or at lien rv and Abe room Per*se Drug Stores, Whitaker and Tavlor ill ret* FOR HALE. JCVENII.K TURNOUT, puny, cart and hamro -ompiMe Appty a: I.tike Carson's stalker, Drought.u. •treel. FIRE PROOF BAKEW V. B CARRY A line line of tire proof *afes In stock at *ll times The pertlea can see exactly what they are getting Our prices are a* low a manufacturer* *el, it, with freignt add ed. Parties Interes-e.l, who wish a go-*l lire proof safe, will do well to Inspect our stock Uppraan I! roe., l.lppman block, agents for manu'N lurers. SPRINGFIELD DAfRY 18 NOTED for having rich, pure milk; try It; you will be pleated. "turpentine LOCATION Fort •ale. 1* crops fleet year boxen; 12.00• a ras round timber, at I! So *iar acre I pee thousand boxes for leased timber; pl<- ty of timber to bo got; in five m4<a of ral's road; will give poswe-h n now or at . nd of ,ea*or> Ad.lnsu Huui and T.mber, <a a Morning News ADVERTISEMENTS SET IN ~OAP ITAIgt WILL HF. PRINTED IN CLAS -BIFIKD ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN FOR TWO CENTS A WORD. NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN FOR LE.-iS THAN Snc OLD NEWSPAPERS. 300 for 26 cenU. at Ruslnex* Ofll-. Morning New*. I.O*T VMi FOl VU. IViST. COLT REVOLVER. 41 CAM br<- doubln action, blue steel, fell from wagon between Helner’* bridge and I*l* of Hope. Return to Ge> L. Garmany, It llryan street, east, or Rarbee a- Kandy, lele of Hope, oral receive suitable re ward. LEFT ON CHARLES AUGUST* place. Thunderbolt. Nov It dnubl*-harr! • hot-gun. li toward If returned to 715 Meeting atrtat, east. TH AYER. BTRAYEITTdt STOLEN "l itri.M NOR lon pasture. Ogeemre road, one small black horse mule, blind one eye Re ward If returned. Thomason A Harvey. 410 Harris, west. ItOAHIIIAG. FRONT RooJAH GO*D liiiAHD. Tatitmll. third from liberty. FPRNIBIIKD It* M MH. FIRST-CIJUBB table laaar i 311 Jones street, east. ' 1 - 11l *IM •• %M l a, ADVERTISEMENTS bet IN CAP ITA laS WILL BE PRINTED IN Cl^\B . \|\ FOR TWO CENT# A WORD NO AD VERTISEMENT TAKEN KOR LEHR THAN IOC. I*l t MIIIAU. a*DERN PLUMBING. IT WILL HE to your interest to let me glv* you an ea rned. on >oir piumblng. new or okl wtrk. rrj i r k • spe iaty, as I am * pm* ' il plum •• r No g nee** v*rk to 'tiduc-r ;jfe Wiggins, ‘phone 107. Georgia or Bell ni'( (il % m s. VS E t.IVE Sol iTPfT(I irTIoMEBTIC or g(* * fit i . { rfe* t work, b oreal Uny lauiiii) l ass avt iiu* • •l.l' .<ll.\ Kl: AM. COJ.r* TAKKN IN P, n.Hi* r..r 11. n J- W.lrj K. l> A Hl -can 4K SS ■ ,t?ik*t ,u ' >' 1-1 l( IIAHK (VAt.u I‘‘•l'*' l ' , '°* l r M.nrli ntul law |.rl •• will j,,,.... j.,,. m |^,r ■■•rd. TIIK RKSUItCINC ANTIHKITIP PH(f *'”Ss la the nwc Mli l.i !*.i to clean el*tbe don. . rs!% i . N. S<* • Ht*em Dye W<uk*~ Whitaker an i St 4 NEW DOMESTIC, WITH BALL bearings rn rjeal with your people Peiitoit \ Sou FOR FIBIIiNG i'ACKLE. N ETH. ETC., go to Cornwell Or Chapman. *.•% I 1 liot RLE YOfTRHELI-' ABOUT moving your furniture, relaying your car pets or matting Perry A ilenion wid re de v* you of all that trouble GIVE US A CALL FOR IT REPLA • W gfat* : gratx ix, k-ts. td*wetn Mil t *-n pan ony six* t*> your grates. A. (*. I’i I* • A Cos . Htntw an*l Jeffeia xi at reels; ikon*' HAVE Yol'H HOUSE PAINTED witn German ready mixed palm; entire satl‘fa li ii guarauteed. A lains Paint Company WANTED. ONE THOUSAND llPN gry people at the Southern Grocery Com pany. 11l Bsrnnid street •PHON! inrti F*R FOREST CITT lanindiy They will all for your linen Immediately WATTE INI' JFWEI.RY REPAIR- It n gl\i pei*v 1 S’tentian, t Ko h A Sylvan's, 4*. Whi nher LARGE AND NEW OF WALL Pj**r fust arrived; wll make prl es to Mult you Wlllf im Taylor. 141 Birnard NEW DOMESTIC RKIVIVO MACHINE tl* eh; twr*# machines In one Penl>n A Lit, WE AltF DYEING NOW BY THE neW omdye proves e e.q . mIIv ad.ip4**(t for ladln* tin* cr port an 1 iallor-m>de dre-ses. semi ua your wr*rk and you will lx* phased N* w York Hteam Dye Works. Phone M3 FOR HARDWARE AND TOOLS. GO to Cornwell A Chlpman’a WE SELL SEWER PIPE. Fl,t*K pip**, fire Clay, fire brick at lowest price*. Adorns Paint Cumpany, 104 Congress, west. PERItY A BENTON 130 STATE street, west, will move, pa k. eblp or atora your furniture at abort notice; also ren ovate your old mattrrr.see at little coat. llell 'phone 1124 IF IN NEED OF A BATHTUB. CAM* and * our ten-dollar steel *m anv-l ed; big value. A c Price At <’a. State ami Jefferson street*, 'phone St. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED CENTS ! in every dollar of your hanl-eorned hard cm h at the Houtharn Grocery Company, 111 Barnard afreet THE MOST UP-TO-DATE WORK IB b< l!g lurried oul by Forest (Tty Laundry. 'Phone 157?* GET YOt’ It WEDDING PRESENTS nt Koch A HytvanV 4k Whitaker They are l*eautlful AIH) * heap. FOR THE MOST SELECT AND largest oak of wall pa ner In lha city, go to Taylor. 141 Barnard BENTON A SON. WILL RENOVATE your machine And guurant*-a il. Beil new or old mac hire FOR RANGES AND BTOVB9. GO TO Cornwell At Chlpman GYPSINE IB THE BEST WALL FIN- Ish made Adiimw Paint Cos, Savannah agents 104 Congress, west NOW IB THE TIME To HAVE BEER roll* overhauled ami re*air**d. beer pumps and faucets of ail descriptions. A. C. Price A t’o„ State an*! Jeff#*rsofi str-e f s; ’phone 655. REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENSES by Investing vour herd-earned hsr*l cash w!th tha Southern Grocery Company, 114 Barnard street ADVKRTISKMrVT** PFT IN PAP ITAI /* wm.l. HK PniNTKD IN f'I.AH mriKH Anvr.UTIBPMKNT COLVMH Fi<u TWO A WORD NO Al>- VBRTISEMENT TAKEN FOR I.EHS TI! A V W NORWOOD'S BOOK. “MOTHER GOOSE CARVED,” Kr aalr at all NVwa Hianda In H,ivannah. LUUAL ISLK*. US IT KM ETATIX MAIIHIIAL.H HALE. I'nllMt Fiat'-, of Kaaiarn di vision H.utli**rn Mialrl<( of (Morula By virtu.- of an ordrr of at*r lamrd out of Ihr I nli.'l M.ut.‘a I,rlit Court for th- Moothrrn Ml.trht of Ovorala. on lha arvmtrMUh <fa> of Novrinlwr. 1900. notice la hrral.y klv. ii that I will *ll. <>y fmhile auction, for -.ah, on HrMay. (lie thlrtirih day of November. I!*,', at II o'ciotk a. m.. la fore thr Mualom liouae, at Kavannah, Ua , the Itrltlah latrk "lAaalr Murry," now lying at OorOon’a wharf. In Savannah riv er, ,at*ther with her tackle. i.|.rrl ami i M UH ,!l a.ili- !>• .1 Kt. x l a 1.1 lark, now atore.l in Ihr aarelmina of Jnric. tj Nelson, on Hlvrr atreet. fSW of atreet. city of Mavannah. In |WCtloii of vessel H lnvlte<l JOHN M IIA It NEE. I'nHxl Water Marshal. By CIIAHI.E!* J WHITE Deptuy Uhl lad Watea Mtonal. I.KUII. VOTICM. NOTICE TO DKHTORB ANU CKEMIT ons OEOROIA. I’HAi HAM rOI’NTT- Notlce la hereby given to all persona hav ing demand- .gains* I’aullne l-rvkoy, lain of aal<l count} de< m<l, to |reeent them to ua. properly mule out. within the time | r . e|beil I v law. so aa lo ahoar Ihelr character nn>! atnotmti and alt per son* Indebted lo eat I deceased are re quired to make Immediate payment to ua. rtavamuin. Ocl. at. Ilai. UEVVIH I.BVKOT. DAVID I.EVKOT. Ekecutora. NOTICE Tt* DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. OEOROIA. CHATHAM COt'STr,- Notlce la hereby given to all peraona having demands against Laiwrence J. Dunn, laic of aald county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so aa to show ihelr character and amount; and all persona Indebted to said deceased are requited to make Immediate payment to me. M F. DUNK. M D . Administrator. Savannah, Oa.. Nov. (, IMO. 3