The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, November 30, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 THE MYERS-LESTER CLASH. lIOTN l)|nml TH F. 111 111 H HI M I > l> % POINTED *1 NN >KH. Mr. Leslrr 4 ovxsent* l JMateiwetxt mid Hrfi'itiU lli t'nslllSMK I•• NN rlt- Inu Ihr Iritrra t the and lilfrmrn-llatl Hern I iml. h x urlnu 1n Kn'iirr AetlciU *f Ill* Franchise I'rllllnn lr M•*ll* II *■ Letter Poln f Owl fb- I hlef lib • lro*Hon Ist Mu xor Him Mr. I rlrr Nnorlrd In Hull* doilnii rarllca-llad •'! Word* About t lie Mitlirr Iwo Week* Ngo. I onddrrsllon of I rnm liUr* In Be* II ru in.‘.l \-%l We rl Myer#-I**'*#ter enxeutc In City Couiu'll \\ i in* • is\ r ight wh i >.* subject *f very gtifr.i, talk yesterday. Krli*ndt f Mr and other# interest***! In Ihr I * o}m • I lsn to White Hiu ff my that while hr may have limn impriidint, ho had just cause for provocation In the a Hit mb* iif the Mayor. They point to the fa* t that the White ItlufT road project If • * n t favor Mi scheme with Mr Lester f( years*; lout he ha* devote*! much time to working it up. and h i* been at o;.*lUr* exieime In the matter. That having finally, after much trouble, g*l lh* project In shap* ah* re h*- hel r**"n to lielleve that It tOiilil he* put Into •<** ful execution, be had i** n lnlk and und the su* *-s# of |he projvt tr- lungei* and by the apparent*> unreasons! ** delays of Council. Having reaeon to believe that th** Mayor was chiefly i iuiubl f**r lli* he tiel.iv*. and having ur:*d th* im* #*- #lty for a- lion ujon the Mayor, only to hr rebuff**! hy him, aid tiring unable to up tribute the Mayor'.* oiitluct to mything but personal piejudii*. he had felt Justi fied in writing tiie l* it era whi h arou-*#l the Ire of the M i >ot and furnish*-*! o sen eat lon for t\.un* II Wednesday night It I# point<*-1 out hy Mr L*it*-r’s friends tluit the paragraph l* winch Mayor M\ ere look special x < ptton was not Nib- Jec't !*> ih*' con r tr.let lon pi c* and ui**n M and 1 and iot reflect ilium hi* official u lion. I*ik’ simply |*olnt**d rail that It w *.*• h* liuHi hia first term u- Mayor and hi* present <*rm “that th street ratlnsft 1 monopoly #trtp|*cd Savannah of th*' brightest Jewel* ahe had tn the w *v of frare hi**" without offering a |witny ** rattirn,'* the all 11 a ton, it Is r4sltntl, toeing to Mr. Myens’ connection witli the mm- t railway < iunjony at the tin.*- **f th “strlpprtng" and not his previous and sub* sequent official count# *i Urn wth l.'ie city Mr lister, when #***-n hy a Morning New** reporter, at flrat declined i mik** any statement, saying that be hid been strongly advised hy his frlenls not to do so. for fear of antagonizing me ml arm of Founcil who mlgt* !*• favorable to grant ing the franchise dcsind by him and exther* After considering th* matter for s**me time-, however, he <t greed 4o a brief interview. "What have von to say* to Mayor Mv era' comment upon your letier to him?** h* was naked. “My letter *fe <k- for Itseif “he r* piled, “and any on* of common sense can s*-e that the Mayor has n*n been h*ne*t In his brttlclsm* If h* km not a director in th** I'trsMut rail >u*ft during th** tlm* that elapsed l*etween his ttr<*t term as Mayor of Havannah and his term, when so many of the fram his* a were taken from the city, let him deny It It make-* no difference whether he was llre*-tly or Indirect v fbianr tally Interested, so long as he was a party to the taking If he wa a dire* tor. m and his railroad accepted these franchise let him explain to the j>#*p.c of fSavunrwih what Is th** ettfferen • between his taking a franchise nr* a di re* or In an enterprise and my trying to get * franchb* f r an • nterprh* As to the re.-< ns, which inrtucn***d him to w rtt• th* ht:•r. Ml Ufttf Mid "Tht rigbH of a eHI/a-n to |*etltUm to the |owf** who govern. Is an old as our country It self, and the official who blocks, delays, or deprives lhat cltisen of this right stands condemn*-.! Nearly six months ago I (ittlttoned the Mayor and Akterm*n >f the city of Havaiiiiah f<r a fratiehl-*- and l-y s*tii*- uiikm*wn mi l m> shytous tn fluence that lMditlon has been In hi up from month to month ever adnee. •‘This fnushls*- would have hnmght t> HavanttoU *ae of the great* tsnterpris**s Stitt Havannah has ever Iwkl, an <-nter |*rlae that wotiht have brought s. cnl hutMlr*d thoufumd dollars of taxable prop* erty* to th* city of Havannah and the county of rhat ham, an enterprua* th\ would have given * tnployment and sup port so several hundred j>**o|*h . an enter prise that wouhl have developed (' county more than aty' *-nt-rt*rls** wlthtti Its limits to-day, an enterprise that would have connected Havannah hy an Heotr •* railr* a<i with many Industries that ar* now without means of tiansikortxtloii save that of wagons. * My lett r to the Mayor simply brings out the fact, that the unknown snl mys terious tnflucn* that has stco*l In the way of passing up6n my perltion lm- h*i pr**perly kxMh-d, and the only excuse that the obstructionist ho* to offer In h!<* own *tef*ns#* !*•. that the promoter of this en terprise Is going to be finale laity bene fit art In some way 1 ask In th* name of common sensy and in the name *f ill that Is right and proper, was lh-r- ever a *uc **e*sful enterprise iliat Iwnellted the city or th** county that should iu>* Is* f som** h*-nelit to the promot* r or founder of the Industry ■’ If we were to shut down (o-da> every **nterprlse in the city of Havannah that Is operawsi und* r a* public franchb**. becaua the brains b* hind • ho-e .m* r. prlives had u** o fversonally benefited, our city wouhl he in .l.irkn*-- and we wou.d b** the laughing sto* k of civilisation " "Do ymi think \ur h tter to the Mayor will prejudt* ** your interesta In th*' mai ler of the fran* Ills* ? he Wits asked “I *k no?." Mr. Lester replied. “I lav lleve tin* Aldermen to he * fair mln*l- ! e*-t of men, ana that they will not be Influenced in their Judgment toy a iiffer erue of ojhmon l<twi.n the Mayor and my seif."' Mr wild that Mayor Myers waw tmataken if he thought that he. Mr. las ter, had not exp* ted The 1.-tieis to t* made public. He hoi written the letter* xgh the ex|eet:t?)on that tlv* v would l>- made public, he said, but a* knowb-dged thgff lie had not eX|s ted til** matter to be brought up at Wedm eday night s meet. Irg. Mayor Myers, when een said that It vas a mutter of indifference to hln whether Mr I*e*ter had any thing forth* r to say. “I dixubtless took him hy *trprl In having his letters read In Council, and then answering him as I did," he wild. “It was the only prop* r course for me •> take Had 1 Ist. i*d the matter, or liad J answered him privately, h** might hnv* bmught it tip ugai?st me later with the assertion that f had b**en afraid to answer his charges and Irnpltcaflans. Any further usefulness of ms letter on that line was s ot*-hed by m<* last itight. *'T ..-re was no r* iwn why Mr. Lost*— should have been given a hearing In the n inter * %ur i|,“ sai*l th Mayor • lie nad •** tandlmr there He had writ t*n m a letter t Mayor, making certain affecting me ••fflcially and per sonally, arid similar let ten* had been sent to several of the A1 b-rmefk I simply hal read bis ler>r to me and that to Abler man Horrigun. .nd then made my state ment Nothing further was rj#cw iry.arui this entled the nastter mo tar as I am con cerned The only explanation I can make of Mr Letter*! purposes tn writing such a letter.“ saW the Mayor, “was that hav ing failed to obtain what he desired In other ways, he thought he could accom plish his purpose by threats and hulldos (Continued on Third Pag* > >IVM tDHIHRb Till: I’KTI lll’J. nmera (lab's I \l* I hil*n Will t'lasr ti-mik nt The annual exblhitUai *>f the ftavanni.i Camera Club opened yesterday iifiertiwm • t the chih roovriM at Hull str***t u*l Park avenue. From 4 until 11 o'clock, th* ex ini'll lon hours, the rocmir wer** filled with va-Hors. In th<- afternoon th*y w* r* thronged The exhibition excels that <*t las? year, bath m th* nun h i *i.*l merit of the pictures. Tn* w •!.> of the ciub srtiKl.o, where the omj*tlt;*>n j*t tur er* exhibited, ware pried with t *ni in the rnaiu club ro m r* exhibited the firiso piripr*-s of a year ago an*l a mimiK'r of p.. tut* no: enti re*! in tuc prise contest. The members *>f the Bxhlblllon Commit - te' were at the c.u * room* alurkig th afternoon arid *v*-ntng to welcome tie* visitors. All <f the prime |H'ur*s Wire marked , aid ih*- visitor • ha* I Ihe opfNir t urnl y of • 'm;*iing their Judginint with that of : • * cn mh*r> of the im> in (h* award of ; prises Th* pi turn tiwit commanded the gr*at • it att* naion and *iu*rninr whi-h thr** wa.- tie* most xsnnvnt sic Mr. II (* l •* ii tur* Is t striking one An old . i*y-hlr*-d man Is holding a child li bb • ii**i the look of each hi tli*- other, almost r linking th* love *f m*l - <<i years and happv chiidho***). ' ih** subject whi*h % th* *r(lst bar sought t* depict ami wlii< h *** has b‘tie succ*-'sfiillv, both *• c m***ahtton ami Hi execution of the photogpiph. ili A Jergwr's "liotn** Htudy." wh;ri won •he pria- In (h genre c4ms. wms mu l . •irnir'*J Mr .1 M Johnston* x ' Hun *. among ati*- *nr l* wih li w. giv* * .* prominent place hy the committee, I.*- w gem of larsftsM .<|s- ih<*:ography. Mr. |Vrcy Hug*ten * view of th** cr rj*tor of th** Havannah Prsst off!**** is a meritorious jH. ture 'I iat If won the tir'd prize in the • rebbe* tuml an*! Interior clu.**, w i no aurprlsa. The making of pic tures of Interiors and architectitrwl ib- J Is is hoi by any means an a-*y bran*!i of phonography Mr. .I**rger*s enhirg*-*! photograph of a w. 11-known Hav inimh man Is an ex * ll**nt v\**rk Mr J b-|truyi) Ko|>s‘ |xirtrait **f i lady rwelved niu*'h praise. Mr F. C , llattey s enlarged iamte* **|m views tak [ *n by him In Newfoundland last snmm* r ; during the hunting exp*'*liiion by him **f. It. v (* II Strong and Dr. Van Mirrter. are striking pictures. Mr C. !•; t Yang** s Vrgument hi erh.irg*| pi • ; nir** of :* man and child In playful con versation caught the utt* riDon *f i!•* visitors at once. Ora* .*f ih*- nio-t Inter*-ting .u. l to many a dlfft* uli photngi aphb work is tt.e pa no rami** view *f th* Terminals,'* hy Mr lan Van Wage non Among o many pn ture-. all of them merl tori one. it u* *llfTh ult to h*s*rlh*' th**-' whb h attraried the m >st attention, out -id< of a few will' ll * v* ryone conceited to j b* the gents of the collection. The cluh bn.- * very r**ason to !*• proixl 'f the exhibition. in*| the crowd.- of visit ors show*-.! Ih* lr apprccbith.n of what tin* ii*-nl*ers have *lon* The exhibition will ontlnue this uftemoon and to-rlight frutn 1 to U **'clock. turn l lh TO MKMT TU-Mt.ilT. Ilellexetl Hie %*•* < lonel *f fle First \\ 111 He < 01. \\ ||>. A meeting of the officers of tlie Firs- Infantry will lc held t*vnlght at the Heg iment *1 Armory. Lieut. Col. T S. Wylly, Jr., will preskb*. The meeting will be bold for the omsid* ratiot) of the vacan* dm existing among the fi*il officers of the regiment, an.! t*io material t hand from which they might he tlll Tiie offi* ers of the regiment ore n unit 111 th* view tfist tive colonel* y. ma le v.i* •nt by Col A. It Lawton having le*'n placed 111*o11 th** list of r*"tirel officers in state service, will be tendered Col. Wylly. it Is also believed that such rej*- rewnt tln will t' made to Cd Wvli> as to (bunonstrate to him conclusively, tl? li*- must accept. Apart from being the logicitl succt-s -**r to Col. Isi w ton bv virtu** of his rank, luw brother offlt'wrs agre‘ that he is *>miii< ntly qualified to ♦ It i- nrolble that MaJ It K Irt of the Third ltattult<>n. is comprised by tile Iturk** Light Infantry of Wa>tie*dsro tlm K*ll I titles of S’ it* I to Mild <h* Hrunswick Hlfl**tnen *f Ilninswick. will Is* su*'*!* , t| by Cpt (J A. (Sonlofft nt th# Ogtathor|M> light Infantry*. The out of-town <N>tnpMriia*, or two of them, at all events, have manifested their *l* sre to la*ve a Savannah officer fill the vacant majority, and Hu* local *f!lcen* *>f the r*'gmient h.ive agreed ujoti (apt. (Jordan as th*ir choice. Should In* trust with the indorsement of the out-of-town offi *-rs. lie election wrotild le assured < ii*t Gor don h s made an l*l**tl c mmutiding office! of th** OglethoriH'*, and the ability he has displayed as captain would be seen in his performance of his duties as major. \\ F.H F. WIJIDFII IKK! t|l IKTI.Y. Marriage of Mr. J. Howard Osborne ii it * I Vllss Fhtn Judkins. Mr J Howard Opliorne and Miss Etta Judkins were quietly married on Wednes day morning. The ceremony was p*-rfornw • and by K*v. (>g**| K. Cook pastor *f Gracto Methodist Church, at the residence of the bride's (wrenl*. Capt. and Mrs. J. 11. Judkins. After the ceremony Mr and Mrs. Os bome lefi f*r a bridal tour through Flor ida. They will la* a sent some w***>ks, **f t**r whl b tb*'y will r* ,d* at No. I>o3 Hol ton str*‘t. *ast. The w***bliitg was a very quiet affair, only th* tmnmlkite fain til* s of the con tracting parties being present. Itoth the young prop.* are w> II known and (wpular in Havannah. A tlolet Kvenlog \\< il*lliiu Mr. B. M Theux and Mss If A. Col lin! w*n* married iart night at 7 o’clock •it the home of Hex*. M J. Kpdtig. pastor of th** Ft. Paul's Lutheran Church, Al though the young people have I wen en gaged for sm*' lime tiie determination to h* married was reached quite sud denly, and carried out very quiet l\. not even the parents know ing anything of the matter until af ter the conclusion of the ceremon' Mr ad Mrs. Th* us will res de with the brl le’s mother at No. 112 Gordon *tre-t. west lid A FOHMFR t IH 4l>. wnrannab light Infantry Were Fn tertnlnetl In the Country. The Savannah light Infantry, one of the local colored mllitar)' com mands. were entertained yester day by thHr for mer rapt in. \N H. Royal at his lvni some four miles and half from the city on the Fkidaway shell road. The com icmy went >ut >n a ctir early in the Af ternoon. under command of Capt W N \N nil on The rank - were well tilled and all tiie men spent their afternoon very (leas antly. It wss 7 o'clock when the com mand reached it** armory upon the re turn to the city. I seful nixl Aovel. The new playing cards baaed by the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass’n. 6t Louis, Mo . are ns practical as the old style card with the added novelty of heroes' fa ea on court cords. 25 cents a pack. AdJres* Mult-Nuuinc THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER no, 1000. WAS A BRIGHT THANKSGIVING. IMF. IKll.lim 4.FAF.It %LI.I I %lx I A ADA AA'I %.i: <H IA **% \ \ AA%II I'ietty Aeurly I'arrylMwly lxno**k**l OfT for the tin*, or Half of It, iiiml All Seemed to Me llii xing fin Ihi | %ml* I e lime—i Nurriies In lle Mornlnu Rlirf UilliiiMtr *|iirl* In (lie %fteraon. AVlih llig 111 liner* Be tween, XlMfle I p tle I'rograniitte for ihr Dny— Hntn *|irt*Ofß Ajisat the Dm > lint *f the I Itx—t*Mil Order end 4*mml lloft*or I rex ailed and Tranllea l*r the Police Were Few last Thank?-*;* H - I>av of the Nln* - j tcenth (*( nla y %va * <*. ’#• ! I by Havun | nah In tie manner in which h*r j*eopa !ove to Observe therr h**!H>e. Tber* was prayer Ml -I ha- k i ►,* li 4he rftur* .• ■* In tie rnoriiiiiK. >< general hoiday (<>r almaat • v*r> >dy, j**rts aid r TANARUS fin of varloi, kind . and fi-asting and goxal cheer g.n*Tai.\ i Tho vv • ier wis in keeping v*th ii; j *lav, ar*l ii*dth'r i* hjwirt rn* n v? ' w*ii to i i*' und streams not the popk- w j.• # ji* * *ur* 1 ii *1 entertained ' tha dtv. l)*i any < t* complain on this ► *>r It was nn j*k .ti day for out U-r ;*<rt< t .ltd this wa • u;tnntel by t •* very large itt*r< Jn. .• at the foot bill gam In I lie in, | (hat i|p*n l i clretiM neorby u w*ll as ly the nimbr wlm went out into Jhe com -ry f*.*r tin* iav Thera must hav*- !**• n >verai hundrc*l Isople at bo i wn*> *•(•( the Si\ In lt* ountr> Tn* outgoing fir**t * rs and i tiie morning trains *ont.iin*s| nunun-us | passenger# Ivound for. the outlying dls irlits. If the slaUKhterfsl at and th* tlsb i-nught b*ar nny (*roporti>n to t * umpl* preparations mad* hy th* r-i*ort>- men, as plainly evident* and i-> tl ii * piip m*.t, tin h ivo- muM huv* in rn ir* !ii**n *!oue. The fh*h are tmsl to liav* been lilt ing well and some of the hunt* rs brought '*a< k fill gam** hag*, istii it K iwv.ita • e ! that lh* woods an*l streams ir* n*t en ; ilrvly J* p*qulat‘i <4 the r< uit f yester- I lay‘s Ofudniight. * i holiday **lr • rly in the da> Many pie who the entlr* day v%. r- **n th* streets to s* • the circus ptrade and take in any other f.nm of nmu • mer.t litat might offer. I’n.l b ally n I the | .sin* places < |os#l h tw*- n 12 an*l 1 • lo* k. ami after tin latter hur the iLwntown section assumed Kunday ipj** aran. ~ which continued until (he later hours of (he night. Th* day seem* to have le* n remarka bly free of accidents am! casimlNe*. nn I it was not l *1 t h#*r t . rowds w*r- gen era!l> w* II U*hHv# tl and that tnerc wa I I!ttl? drunkenn* * or <ll*ord*r anywher* Kvtxryhody eeem*sl to u* in g-***! humor | and enjoying t .* day in a |r*ij**r spirit i*vrn the fool hail t rns did not get up s rap though they < arm* very tear K •■(we or twl** It w* iti many r* ono of th* moat Thank giving* Havannah has ever known. Just g** sou of holiday t*> niak • everyone f*l better and ii.ipj -l* r and that Ilf. la worth living .fter all, especially if ones lot be cast in Havannah. THE DAI IN THE f lit HCHEX. X Lwrar Nnmlirr of Ficnlera ll* l| Mtil Nil N\*|| N ((*‘ial***|. Thnnk'ifivli *; wax generally oh>*TVxl >estnnlay with m rvi- * " In a nufni*er of Dm t Tie- laryvst k * • rtn>c of the day wan at the union mcediuf of th ovanK*‘li'(tl church## ln’d at tin* Firm Priebyiftr-on Chur*-h. 8* rvlc*#** w-re eede bratrd aino at .St. John'e, f'*hr:m ( Bt. I'aill’H (lftal St Mi* a is, as well ant flu* Tnj4'i AJ k\u Israel, a; tii# l"l- of ILq* Churi’h, and at niKht. at the K|*worth Church. Al each htvl i- a gathfrlnr: was mat* th# j*rtH**‘**is to In* !*vot**l to worthy fhartiahh* i.usm while nt tho Hpi"t*j>.i Churrhw, In (( I Lti *ti t* t ■ tol .fti ii (here w**ro larg* offerings of fruit, ati.s ktioh things wh-cii w*r.* niiM UK tin* |*or **f th* parish* ,, aiwl other mi *h Inmttullor.i* At the Fir st I'reahytcrlan Chur* !i, the < rmon w a;#lo live red hy Rev Dr. W. C. 8* Imeffor. thiniKh r arly all of tho mini*- tcr waone oonj!r*" wero in th* chun k took i art in the rv.< *s The mu. elo wax furnish**! by tho choir of the l ir-t Presi ytenan Church. At n- irly all of tho church*# "|**‘*lai Thanksgiving niusit- wax given .>n*i uddtxi greatly to tlw* enjoyment of the serva-e*. The mtvlc # at Chriat Church was large ly atiemVa) The ii*-.*# nte*l a v*-r> pr* tty appearance, for tastefully arrang el In the chnncel, on the pulpit and tn the beautiful font, wore wheat. Linai t". orange**, apples and grape*- Th* • after the x*rvt(* were t iken lv th** In Jits of lh Society fxr distributton ammg tho |*oor of tho ivirlrh. H**v. Robh White -onduccwl (he per vice, and took for hi* text (he tlrst eeven vers* s of (he ninety-fifth pv.i’m. He said in part tlMit there was great cauao f*r thanks giving, for thin country wa# enjoying peg* •*, plenty und procjxerlty, no tarnin* r jHsnoHi liad com* within our bor der#, and th* growth of th* country h*l # ♦ Til W • now have wventy tu: *. “We fiave > .tu— • ..! tin* sj* ik* r. “to feel prv*ul *f our . #*>|*Ret e-in- Lilly f<r (h‘lr excellent b havior in China, where not only have they b***-n in** equals* of those i*f otiier and old* r natloi;-s. but have l rov .l their superiority. Our* iave n* been guilty of pilfering. “The caua* of the war,’* he continued, “la not on our shoulders, hui Is due t the gre*d of Germany, and the grasping m* asurew of (he Roman C'atholks. The epeaker then spoke politics. “We were tli a few we* ks he said, “th.d If one polilica) i*a?ty w*n. It w>uUi mean ruin for (Fits country, but.” he con tinued. “I Im Jlcv* thi- Duntry Is * >*v party; w .ire al for America. I favor extension of territory . md the spread of th* Goet * 1 in iho>< |.m*l we j** - He then (liscusn*!. at some length, (h* negr* qu "(ion, saying that the North was responsible for th** n* *tr* being h*'re, and that after they found (hat the col ored r< *• could not stand their cold win ters they said, "Li n free them "Ws of the Bouth.“ he continued, “are not given credit for what | dne to e*iu oat# them. 'Hte present gener itlon t- nvre vicious than thoe before rue war. I wou *1 diMfian hire nil |vofwle, black, wnite or yellow, whoa** votes can i**- |M>ught l‘.ui God forhul tf at w* should * xt< uilnste th*tn. w*- must continue t * raise t . standard of morality and appreiiatbxn among them. lie then dtorusaed tlve questions of the poor, he spoke of the rs.i_ * iuat ;om* whl* h have recently taken place. anl said, a> a rule they take place be- ause of the eorrui>tlon >f the rulers. Here he cited | 4le .ms* of Humbert. Speaking of this country he < ailed at tention to the trusts, saying that his congregation might not be affected by them, but the poor of :h# country would. *I do not b#Movo,“ said he, “that lag Is. lstion can control them; it must be pub lic opinion. As Americans, let us be thankful, but let us realise that all of (Jiese troubles can only be overcome by * l,rl*t. th* Rader and dir* ; r **f our af fair . \A A a % liA A | (H xPtHl’pdlßS. v|an > PartleA AAerr Oil Among I ** t lie red nnl Finn) Trltoew. T nnksalving D*> bin* !• *- T b* en recog- •* that of all others for sportsmen g< iHeal With va anl tk>g. Th* t . w.v r rif*l gam** s. a* n hoe progressed far * n*-ugh, as h rub by th# day for ti * w- * • r to be ■ **’. enough f**r nun an*l a eons!leratl*<i at Is indis . • Ui hunting <n th* other hand. .*>**• ha not t*een - J*en *** king that . am** i ? b*-*-n '“s-'at ♦r *l and rendered u * Taken ail in an, r** time { i.- t u • -• t- .nd th i iie lx(t**r •1 *y f November n<i tn* flr*t of hr * * rn .s r Yi*irnl.iy whs m no wipe behind for m*' 'i vnnkvgiving <kyw in the number of , rfkm* n wlh* to *k mlvantago o? tiie .-.■li F* if* w*nt -IT "ti l*’g Jaunt ■ • ■*. • .arg** am* lu-ar *n*l turkey furnish in attraction that Is strong in • •* i*r nmu l of the more enthusiastic -js*r f * ire-n ui and several parte s w**ro f>rrn f*i i *:r pursuit A !rt of ii day or iw. } .r*- Tii mk-s v a.g was the rule w.' i. i parti*-.-, .u i it may be i lomr re t ;■>■ return. Manv <*f in* -*** k ■ r* *f er -nialb r gam ho to- k th** cars l</r i*o(nt s*m* *hs 'i • i a ,iv (JiMill .i.’ *l v* - are r**tor4*s: to !-* il-ntiful In th** eouittrv thl- season hoi tn** • who like t > .-h*s* tn# hlrilx know t it i* * y * in b* found lit grxa’er abund *i *• (iu* farther m lik* city is left h hu *i ’N ••( there w* rv many wlm rod*- out iut* th** surroumling ■ • utry In vehici*-s * r ti|s*n tiie ears an*l r*tum.*l with folily g.'*d iwgs *! hh a *• t -on w icn winter Iron* bln with • rapidity nail niak-w glut the fwir. a lib lay I-.*.ik Walton. B{on meix on ti * s;e **ast have this advantage i ver tn. *. f tiie Interior, as fish have I biting n fresh water at tin s*-a son. A number *( pit ilea that were out it(*on the * ijii rv4 waters t* Ba n. I* v* ry good n • yesterday. I ADITA OAI llii It A A4iK. ( rpl. l one) ii*ml **erg(. **li*Mf AArre Ihe Afedal AA Inner**. Tiie Savannah Cadet- spent ye?*terdav .r .r ih<* rifle r.iror**. The rocnjwinv was un-br command *f (*;pt. J. T West, und t! re w* re f* r*\-!iv* officers and men It • ‘-••nt, l*e-ld* s s*-v* ral honorary ari l pay nit-mis i Tli. morning w is greatly *n joyeil, and the *o4dters rciurned In time **ul It: thipe t partak** of and fully ap picrial* th*ir Thank living dinners. Corp AN M Corn y was tie- winner of (he company medal, th** t om* at fr which was at the iViO, :t**. 500 and *'*•*> yard# rang*- Corpl. Coney’s victory means (hat he m*w lias both the *s*njany med als. tiial for shooting anl that for <he best drilled imin in Ih* Ca l. t- The bulla *•>*• medal w*n i> Hergl Frank Sloat li ii* s th* company medtl. Corpl Coii*> v\ * a yt-ar ii dti* s A year's du*>s a -r* als> r*vln**il ?• I’rlAvite C. K. Way, who .**•'►h| i)rs*t in the -e. nd class. an*l ?* I'r.vate l M Wildams, who ranked ';rst ji. tii** l drd • Ins- T:i* sliootlng utis *:* n* rn go***l -pi *• t f* t tluit the men had had no pr • !.<•* since the season f rill** practice eloral. Follow i* .■ or*- tip .- *r* a made by tle beat sloot*: First Class. L*i smo a*V) T*v. y.k* yd?. yis. tal ‘ *ornl W M Coney I'* :> 41 21 ldft Sergi W H Curve..2l 2*'t S**rgt A J Thorpe..l9 43 30 lnj ITI- W H Botwack 2l 21 41 IS l*q Bgt. 1! C. Hardy. Jr .21 21 4*l IN b* ITI (J B Elton ..IS 17 4*> 20 9f* •J. M 8. Cowan .20 17 M 30 ' *' 'h" C S af 17 17 42 15 91 Second C!a#:— 2 0 :v> r/n Total C R Way 2* 21 JR <u C. E R -rttreau 15 14 .11 (JO N. Frier# n. Jr IH 17 25 (X Third Class— -200 T> Total. F MWin Mm# 14 It 25 W. A S iund.-ra 11 12 2.1 J. B Harms 13 9 22 III\NKU.I\I%(. NT FORT NCKRVRN. Oiil(l**r X|Miri* l> file Soldiers Oc cupied (lie Dn>. Thank"giving w is pleasantly spent hy 1 he soldiers at Fort Bcreven at Tybee, by v.ii loin* outdoor amusemenfs. The main event >f Ihe day wa# a football game be tween Batteries F and C, widch the for mer w*.n after s vigorously contested mat* h. Ba.-k race# were run along tle breach, an 1 a g* neral g*>>l time wa# had, bo 1 h by participants and spectators. A i umber of visitor" went down to the inl and *lurlng the day arul enjoyed the en tertainment. lit I.I.I:T TVKIN FltOM > -4| I NI IK. The oftlcer \\ m* Itcntluu V'.iimllx I*m( Mshl. oml Mnj 4ef NN ell. Dr. K iv O'Horne and I*r. M. F Dunn • u • M*ft* .| yesterday in extra ting the bat: tNit h.c* been lodged tn ivcrolnmn M y 1 *Quad*'. since last Thur#*lay. when he wa# aivKleutally !*hot, his revolver being dienar*''*l by to the floor of the sleeping quarters at the barra ks. Tin- Fmll. a 41-calibre, entered the offl • ct r's left thlglt Just above the knee an*l p* net rated upw ird; It ja##*#l the entire length of his thigh, and i roslig the body. *dg***| jn t.-(• right hip bone, a# w.a and. uvi-rwl wiicn t * operation was |H*r formecL Mr. condition fr the hisr duty or two ha# been such that he need- l dmost >nst:int medical ait*nti>n. and ii frl* n*la were In consequence mu Ft wor ri* I. After the ba'.l hul b**en extracted. h*w*v* r. !*• is is relieved of the greater par of the pun. nr*! last night was rest ing easily, and give- .very hope of rapid ly improving. WOK KIM. FOR THE 111 II AM*. Dniiglifern of ( niifnlurncs lailt*>tin K (he Ntl of (he MllDary. The Diughtrrs of the Confederacy are .oniintnug their arrangements for die military biil they will give at the Guard*' Hall **fi New ITear's night. Cap:. \V. W Williamson has consented to act s floor manager, and a number of other gentle men w .11 "erv*' 1# hi# assistants It l- tiie h.*p .f tne Daugrvters of the Confederacy to Imerewt ihe military to as great an * xt**nt 0* possible in the affair, which seem." certain of success. A num ber **f th** Civil War veteran#, n# wed .1* member# of the military, have agreed to do all they . n to aid the ladies, and "*'ne have already to work In their behalf. Fridiix ittil antuiilay. Twenty -FI % e Pound Himir Fan fa He (it Xl* ft NXXII X . Just received, 500 sugar cans, , to be given away Friday and Saturday to all pur* hasers of 1 pound A. Ar P. Baking Powder, 45 cent#. Every pound guaran- , teed absolutely pure or money refumled. 1 The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Com pany. 106 Broughton street, west Tele phone 616. —ad *lun!h Luncheon Served To-ila>, Friday, to the Ladies. “Chill Concerns." Frsolles end ho< to males. at demonstration of Armour Pack ing Company, in the basement of Jwclnon, Metzger Sk Cos., big department store, cor ner Broughton and Whitaker streets ad. NEITHER CROSSED THE LINE. FIMITHAI I. I. A %M. HF I AAI ITA ** A A \A- A All AA D J A ( III.I A 1 II noth Aides IMI led to Be ore—Team Work of the Florldlnno 4 oonler limloh* *l the Auperlur Indix I*l on I Flaxlng •* f AMxoimali v|'i—..***l l-'oolbuil AAenllier Mild n 4**Md I'lrltl Defensive AA or L of ll*iie lento Heller 1 linu ll Bllenslxe I'laxlttn Hull In JneUsoox (lie's Territory Most of the Time—Fum bles Ae**Miitable Illrectl> f**r ai xavnimnli'a Failure i< Acore. Hiatory rep*-at#d lisclf at the Bolton ir-et park y:o-urd iy aftertioon. w .* n Savannah aral Jacks*nvllk- football lev •ns mile ir.eff .(al effuris to f- re against • a h other. In Ja k-onvlllc. f*ur yearn ago. • like result followed * imi ur elTarti by ttoisui reph'sentlni the* two *lt kes. Dospite th** unfavorable circumstances attending th** gain** and numerous other aitracticr -. i t m rvc**l to draw Ii peoftl# of Savannah t*> other places, there was a g*ir*l rowd out at tli* fnirk w p-n Ih*- l*.ill wax put in |*l in A I Immp*;ivil (**-r --sons, -asily . and p*-r.aps inor*-, w c, .♦ 1 th*- game from start t* 11 nh or. 1 seem 'd to enjoy k Tho gam**, however, w is slow and un Interesting D- lie th* fa'* that Havn nnh outela ! an*l out played Ja ksotiv di al aim ht every lent, the local team xva utat>le to s ore. Tills Inability to M’*>r was dear \ du# to lh- want *>f pradic and tie w-ak i-.itn work of (he rtavan n.ihkms. The ie.m in* lul**i -* v*ral men wnn have played go- *1 football on col eg* teams in th* and who did w rk .vesterdny, hut the la* k *f practl* * an I ti,* <'<rns*qu* nt Iraibi Ay of t?, Sav.itmar, nen i g**: • . - ;li**r and w r k (*getlr*-! were reqofiiii k for th- Ir failuix t> - or* Tlir*e th* y won* with rt easy *1: tance of their goal, with tip ball m th*4r |> > - sens: • n. ii tare*- ttm* tiiey lost th** tali u fumbles and faded to cross the lln* The ahj-ence of pr<>i** r training <*• tin part of th* cav.inn.ih men wa- fnaoifest *d in their frequent ap|#als f*r wa’ r tuwl the practice, to whl* h they <••*111*1 to have l*ecome alL*o**i. *>f lyinir r an l tii field on ih* ir l*.*-k, without *ny e\ ;l**nt < i .Ullot) Titc Havannah rn* 11 oJg t i<* have se**r#d, and there was no a • plain . v uk<- T r their failure to and so. li was good football weather In winch the game w*s pim cd. and the gr"and wa In good -hap- Tber* wa no wind, and the air was Just s ifflclently <si nn*l lr,i'*lng to ins,.ir* th* ire ft * * their W*t efforts. Jacksonville won the toe- - and to.*k the ball. A Savannahlaii aught th*- l*n.l <-n th- punt end by n s-ri* s <>f t- k- tht -.u^i the line and runs around (he et i It w t carried to Jacksonville's tifteen-yard lln* For . few minute* ti ** twill H irg**d I•■*•*k and forth, dvv i>>. however, in Jacks m ville's territory, and then Havannah lo t i 1 because of a failure to make th** required five yjir*lf It was Jo k-ouvlhe s ..ili when (i.** whl"tl*- hi*-w for the *r 1 *f th. first half. Havai fiah show*-*! up ivest in defersiv* wotk. md the w. ur*rs of the or.'iug** an*l purple had iKt f* rnl it i*>***d hle to break through the Havannah line or g* t around the >'av uatuih ends. The 'ct-nd half xir dlstingui'‘hrd by faster and more interesting playing than was witnessed during the firs;. Havannah kl k***l off 10 J i ksonvine's thlrtv-yaru ine ami r PM.ihM the ball b eaus** of ihe Ja. keonville mens Inability to make ground. Then began Savannah's real and nearly I successful efforts for a touchdown. The j ‘ two half-hacks, Bertie anl Jam*# Sulll- ! van. skirted th*- Jacksonville end* for good gains and dußlgnon went through the tin** In fine shape and t* material ad vantage. By steady gain# the bail wa* urritii to Ju -k*mvii; ’# on♦ -yard line, ■•nd 10 ih-* Savannah rooter" it seemed a touchdown wa# assured. It booked as though nothing could "t**i> the onward movement ©f tiie whit, and Kue. In tiie twinkling *f an Iy* the sen#*.i- Ilona **f the sj**i tator- were changed from admiration to extreme wearlnvs*. Ther** wa# a fumble, a J.< ksonvllb- man f* 1. on the hai! and ih* hop*** of Instant vi - tory. that everybody had been cherish ing, vanished in a trice. It wax Ja 'kormvllle’s ball, and Moseley, the full-back. Ki k**l It lown the field The puns waa not a long on** ai.*J du- Blgnon eaughf the Fvill and atari, and U k with It The Jacksonville ends had g u down after the punt In good shin and good tins- and they nulled the Savannah full-back in hi# tra k". the bal' apprrsi to* il Jacksonville's goal. Berth* carried h for twen ty yards around Jacksonville’# right en*l und but for the Interferenre of the #oec t it.*rs, who hud cr*wd**l the fl*M. wou I have score* 1 a touchdown. Again 11 touch down wa# In fdgljt, but again there wo 1 needless fumble uni Sa\.nr ih I 1 ih* ; tail. At thi# point Jacksonville f*it in o • r.i I lien ih* only grotinl-galnlng play thot ►he had Her tackle# were b-th h*-v> n*-n and good men and lie and “tickles • a- k * play resulted aimosi tnvarl.ib v in good gain# With this *- the nrin l a jlmrelirg for e Jorn-onvl le arrbd the : Fall down the field ami Mill hchl It when | th** whlatle blew The halves wcue twenty und fffreen mln -1 me#, r* | ctlv*dy. They ougr.t t hav* been longer and hail they been ther s llttli* doubt that havannah would havr #core*l. With mor* t rn • tho vastly #ll - Individual playing of the Savannah tack# wou.d hav* b*#**n n.m>#t sure to have overcome their Joint fumbl**s and yielded 11 touch-down. Jui ksomllk* pus up a good, clean arti cle of fooiball. Its team w rk being \’* r\ much Liter than Hi\ nan s. To this team work of ti * Fl :i 1 an , In <o* n *tlon with Savannah*# unf>rtuna4e p'Ooenslty t* fumhl*, is ;#erllNtble (he Inability of the Havunnah men tor* r* With n r*- | practice and letter tralftlrg. Savannah would beat Jacksonville forty to nothb g Then* l#n t a dottht about 14. lilt.ll 5M IIOOLS III; NT LNNN TO Jiff. NVnn the I'ootftnll Game l> the Nforr •f 10 lo O. Th*- High School and the lgwton Cadet footlxail team# played a spirited game , yesterday morning In the Bolton Street l urk, that resulted In a victory for the High School by th* #cor of 10 to 0. Tiie game wa# witnessed by between ihr*e. *'r four hundre*! persona, among them being a great many of !h* player.-*' lady friends, ur.d ul** many of th* tea h • r# of the High School, all of whom lake an active Interest In the game The gam** wa# w*ll fdayed despite th** disparity in the #*‘<>r**. und l*c>th elevens show some very promising material with which 10 recruit future Havannah team#. Two 25-mlnute halve# were played. Play nu ; begun at 10 o'clock. Tu** Law 1011 hid the kick off bin tii* xtil w*fit to th* High School In short order, and th'y j managed .*> brtuking through tht.r oppo 1 nnt‘# line to g* * ton* ii down, all that j they did ei in th* hnif. a# Kehoe ; tr> kick goal. 11l tne second half the rime perform ance wa# repeated by the High ftchool. with the addition that they had the kick off. Th** Lawton# raffled near their g*>a; arul made a desperair effort to carry the bail nearer the center field, hut faded and A*iams was trlumphanGy forced across the line by the High School for their second touch down Cubbege. By the wood, and Strong each did excellent work for their team. The officers of the game were umpire. Mr Ormond B. Strong, referee. Mr. D. B Hud. linemen. Messrs. Tracy Hunter and William B. Spann, Jr >A HE Kbit PARK FATEAAIOA. 1 M<sse>trd That General* Aame.l "Jaekaoa" He 4 lininieuioraled. Th# Interest that has been aroused in th# proposed change of name for the Park Extension is very gratifying to Mr. (. N. Baussy, •* former Savaimahlan, now of Bain bridge, from whom the sug gt s<tion was received, aid whose letter t*> CW. Jordan F. Brooks instigated tie movement • that is afoot to bring about 1 t *• change. In a letter to a friend In this city Mr. Haii**s> wrote that h* trust#*! tm move rn* nt might be *uccf *ful. He has sug gested the name "Jackson guadrangle'* ■ tr.M best that bns occurred to him. as mm mor.itlvf of “Old Htckorv.*' Htor -wall ' ui>l (Jen. H R- Jackson# the latter a <Jis:iigulstod clt;*cn rn*i aol -i***r *>f Savannah Th* ram*- also would • •rv# as a m*n;**r. 1. of one of the early • J**verti*ors *-f Gforpl.i, Gen. James Jack ! -cn. Tv commemorative feature of the name ■ ' have expressed themselves, but it ie • : th*- iiddltin of “Quatlrangle" iv*. 11 and ie too cumbetwome. “Jackson Fiaza.’* “Ja *kson Place'* or “Jackson Pa rade" are counter suggestior.s. The sur -1 ui*** to i*e u.-ed would make the null* tat y < *le di ’inctlvely Southern, bo * .*•* a1; four ..f ti><*s m* ntl*)fted were distinguish*'*! Southerners T:, -e *r four prominent cltixcns have ►•n or will lie written by Mr. Ha ussy ■ i.k t lines .arul It is hy no means mpr* i'.i I * that they wall agree with h.m • throw th* :r inflti't) e toward the V - tion <>f designation for the park I‘xt* n i u that wall embody the n me of “Jack son . ** to in; read* ia jam tin. A\ ork *n the A|||| llmrn ( nntpnn >*• Anxvmlll Will Hr l*hrd. Mr. Charles .1 ll*ard said last night • hai b* * xiectj* the Mill Haven Lumber • 'ompai’.y'g sawmill lo lc In operation by I ’ • mladle of Januury. Work ui>afi the j buildu - for the mill is now* under way i 1 * tr tf ♦ line of the Beaboard Air Line where it crosses the river to Hutchinson's I* land. The frame of the mill will l>c 1 • 1 wt? ?dn a few day*. Work upon (he buildings will be pushed ii> rapidly a* po sible by a large force t n in*!- The company has mu h busl • i**’fore K au*l Is unxiotis to begin op • r.iuoiii- Mr Heard will manage Its af -1 : tin* In Havannah. nr.l has alrra<ly estab *l : * ■ 1 offi r* in the P air*! of Trad# build- HIS. l ull OF TIIK MIIIMUIT I Hum fra fed l.ectnrc lleneflt of Oglc lliorpe Hun 11 nirnt Fund. An illustrated le-.-ture on the **l>and of he Midnight Hun” will h*- delivered at 8t John's Parish Hall on Thursday. Dec. at Kp. m Rev. B. P. Johnson will Ih* i th** speaker, and the lecture will le given for tlie iienefft of the Oglethorpe monu ment fun*!. lVroi ! observations in a tour extend < g* n, Norway. t<* th*- North Cape, through ttu* Ar ; < '-‘*an and White B*\i, to Areh rig*l. Russia. view's in Ire land and B<*ot:and, sublime scenery of the Norw** coast, mountains, cliffs, fiords, wan • rfalls, principal towns, customs, em ploy mer.t tru! rp, mu ranee of the people; visit to the Laplanders, glaciers, iceb* rxs nn<! the aurora bor.sdb. Eighty lllum - na*rl vi ws will Illustrate the lecture Ti.# price of admls.-i* n will be 25 cents. This Is AAlmi 'l lies Bn*r. Those who take Hood's Sarsaparilla for scrofula, ecxe'ma. eruptions. catarrh, rheumnirm or dysr*epsia. soy it cures promptly and permanenily. even nft.r all oth**r preiairiFu ns fa I You may tokc this m*-l.' tne with th** utmost confidence that it w. 1 do you good. What It has done for others yon have every reason to b h v*- A w ill do f T VOU. Constipation Is cured hy Hood’s Pills. 25c.—ad. llo( loniuleM mid Freolles. Fr* c to-day to the ladles, a Spanish luncheon. All questions answered suh stantially by an expert d* mon.**trator at Armour Packing Company's, now* exhibit ing In tii*- housefurnUhlng *leiHir(mcnt (hasementi of Jackson, Metxger & Cos, big d.panmnt store.—ad. ••II I urrd •!-. "Orybiird broKo up rhcumitlsm on m r." y* Mr Thomim, the Jfw . ..r on Whttakrr (street. "Aiul out me In belter heailh than 1 have enjoyed In a long lime." Tnke Qraybeard I’illa for that dlziy ft * .11 ft —1,0!*; appetite and follow It up t:h a bottle of Oraybeard. It la all you need. Iteai e* lrutf Cos.. ole props , Sa vonnah, Ua.-ad One rar of elegant fire proof safes, the I- -t In the land, arrived to-lay at the Hndimore wharf AH constat of an aa aro'.ne weight of over thirty thousand pounds. In this car are safe, of all sixes, and are made hy the calcbrate.l Harms Manufa turing Company of rittahurg. l a . oet..nging to l..|>|iman liros Idppm.m Kroa., wholreale druggists. Ltpisnan's block of this city, are the only concern In the state that carry i slock of tire proof safes In store, nn.l iv< will guarantee to set! them as low as he monuf.tctorers with the frelghi ,t<V.I as no have st*otai arrangement tor mak ing special prices. We nlen have he*n furnishing quite n large number of sll \(rware fire proof chests which have given great satisfaction. Purchasers wno n ll.t anything In the lire proof safe line will <Vo well to call on 1.1 ppm in lln*.—ad. \ll skin fits,a sc. t nreil tty a wonderful ointment called Teiterlne. "It is the only thing that gives me relief," wr.tes Mrs. M K. I.atimcr. Itlloxl, Miss, ahe had an llehy breaking out on h. r gin. It cures titter, salt rheum, and all olh r skin troubles, fits' per box at your druggist, or send the amount In stamps to J T. fihupirlne. Savannah, fit.—ad Freolles and Fltlll Fnnenrne. A dainty Spanish luncheon, served to day. Friday, by Armour Packing Com pany. Mrs. Wilson of Philadelphia rep rc-entlng and demonstrating the "Ar mour" spe.-laltlea, will serve the ladles to il.t\ with a dainty Spanish luncheon, from j 9: "a. m. to 6:30 p m. House furnishing ] department (basement) of Jackson, Meix ger A Cos.. Hrough!.m and Whitaker i sircets—ad. I’n it Id I ng's I'tppin Filter. This celebrated pure, apple juice cider, made In long Island can lie hud In |Jit j of quirt bottles, direct f om the manufac ture!*. with their own ut imp. at I.'p unan Hroe.. Itrugglsts, Fg\aruM||. Ua ad "Orat beard l a tamlly medicine with us." said a prominent business man yes terday. “Slv wife takes It. and 1 notice she Is enjoying better health than for y*ars. The children keep well by taking It " Oraybeard may h obtained al all drug j atores or writ* to ua for it, Respesa Drug Cos.. #ol props . Havannah. Oa —ad. A Institution <or _ Shorter College. Home. Ua. Wrlta for I catalogue.—ad. > STUFF STOVES. IT'S A CERTAINTY THAT Smilli's Chill Tinit "—H" —*■———————fc. ,n —i i in ne A TRADE MARK. WILL CURE Dengue, Typhoid, lnternli:!ent, Malaria. And All Form'; of Fevers. ALL DRfOOISTS SELL IT ON A GUARANTEE -Manufactur'd by— . COLUMBIA DRUG CO., SAVANNAH. GA SINGLE AND DOUBLE GUNS. LOADED AND EMPTY SHELLS. Hunting Coats, Vests, Hats, Leggings, Etc. [ID IIU S SB. Jl3 Broughton Street Went. Wood Mosaic Co.’s Parquetry Floors Have tN*en laid In many of the com* fort able horn* n In York Boston v r *| other Ciilfs, More cleanly and eeonnm ' than carpet* Plain and fancy floor * l'* sl and polished complete over old fi *'***• making u solid and beautiful Improve ment. Having a numlx*r of floors to lay In ft*- vannah thtp •:.h we can quoit flirures. Ca aJ .stie and eatimatep nny h* had by addr* v tnir J M ADAM ft Box 242 Srr annsh, or 227 N Ch *r!a* Baltimore Md Bone (¥3ea[ For Chicken Feed md Fertiliser. NITRATE OF SODA lnvaluabi* for "noms-mlx'd’ fert .'•* The cheape.Ht and most concentrated n the marker ft* nd for psrtlcu sis II %Y, CtR %l>. < OU KKKI). Hit I>. irr< • SEED OATS AND RYE T. J. DAVIS. ‘Phone S3. 11* Bay atreet, w*- ORANGES. Headquarters for FINE FLORIDA ORANGES FRUITS AND VEGETABLES o. kind.. BRED RYE. BRED OAT 9. HAT. OKAIN. FEED. FEtM R. CHEEBE. BEANS. P*a. Rice Straw. el<-‘ W. 1). 8 nikins Cos. iUIIEMHNTt. ava\nah r hebtb b TO-NIOHT Saturday M.ttlnee nn-l NIsM BARGAIN MATINEE SATERPAT. SOc and 25c. M. B. LEAVITT'S Oorftou. Fantaatlcal Spectacle. “SPIDER AND FLY." PRICES—NI#ht, *I.OO. 75c. SOc and OIL HEATERS. COOKING STOVES. WM. & H. H. LATTIMORE, \\ esl Congress Street.