The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 01, 1900, Image 1

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the mornino news i- .I*. ■ • 1 ncortyra led tSSS f j il EHTILU Prl>V*nt. asking arbitration M ~<>Tl ATIOIMI WITH low MiAU -I,lls AHK rHuWWO. BRITISH LOSING IN EVERY WAY T , 7 ,. T •WH IVM.I M m T TAKI. *TKy* %T OSCE, ApMOlnlmr-t of KHrhrorr to .hr s ul , fomomtul !• €.■•<•* , h |,i Ik—ll l Hrllr.rd Hr la thr llluM *l-u. Hut Many Srit Trou|.a .Mil Hr Arrdr.l—Thr Mtuntlon In „l..u> la rttualu* Much In r I, Nov. JO.—To-morrow thr Bttli that thr govrrnmrtu *liuJ>l nations with Coraronndsnt Orn , ,iri Grn. DrWet, to brln* thr O.OSO As the Uorr Iradeni r n.. under* UM* the motive of an , n , s ;rc .'lorn thr military authorities. It „ , that the htlfhrrt civil ou i South Africa should beKln the if not Sir Alfred Milner, th-.-n , . . f justice of Cape Oolony, or even M llfmeyer. T .. treat financial Journal will lead , ~ j>io|M>al b>*an analysis of the ..., , • m South Africa, and Will s.y: ■ \v. ire loslna In every way. losln* I ond loslnit In trade. We aro ,rr-i our South African possessions ; ,UI .1 Into (treater and itrrater distress , n .t I , ,i|nieti Is (talnlntt around abroad ... are tnc.ipable of brlnatnir the , to a satisfactory termination.'• >1; "ary occupation will be alleged, and T - iil-t ili aver that military liarsn r < <1 l>e avoided and the Hoera be c mcllUtcd. If ncn like Bo'ha anil DcWet volun 1, liv ■ I,rrender and Mnd themselve* not .i t limit ua In the future.” Th? : will say. "I# there any good rea . 1 i a promise ahouM not he irtven f . in r<nd ih*-m out of the country Mr. ilnmn largest* that Botha nml De- j t i mid l<* Invited lo take seat* In | iiyplaiive council that will he ettah- j !<h.-. Tic cugg-eirllou Is worthy of ip- I il Tile Boer# should not be exclu t ,l ,v(*n fi'u<n the beginning. from any tt. it h hi: I* -'an safely be given them.” < liungi-s Kreul) tllseussed. Lord n, Pee. 1. 1:50 a. m.—There I* vlr l;.,:)y no fresh news from South Africa < - morning. bus the retirement of I-orJ WatieVy. the return of Lord Rol>eris. i-1 i,O of Lord Kltehenee *• supreme nnimunfl. occurring as I‘sv ;o simultaneously, are keenly dls >sili some misgivings . hearty ap j Is generally expressed of Lord }.'■ h r.rr's uppoin miin. It la felt that I' : -one i-.m cleor up matters In South y.\ i. he Is the man; ami It is nadlly '!r(1 that the task before him, f !i of n different kind. Is almost as r , that which L?rd Roberta i ■ i out Its .inn and Is calculate,! lo cue f. fuliiet scop,* i<> all of Kitchener's h nis as an organiser. T Post hints broadly th! the t demands of Lord Koheris for reln- I . :n. ms his me been compiled with i . nsisis that Ixjrd Kitchener's hands r - nut tie tied by any lack of men or k'ses. .11 say*: ■ einforeeuienis are withheld or tfe . i l.orJ Kitchener may he paralysed. *' ~i!i to the empire r.o i foresee. From 30.0D to 50,9 Vm n e refiulred." ■He editorials dwell with conslder < notion on the nation's debt of grat ‘ '• I lord Roberts, who has "suoeess- Ii doled us through one of the dark o hours of our history." Inenslness In tape Colony. ' : * 'ape Town come lndicai lone >f ■ is,ness felt. All military post, .*nt Capo Polony are being • • . e.ied Uloemfonteln Is now pre- I i (or any possible attack. ICjtua ■ are out and cutirds watch (he In the night time. Mines have •el the railway. Tho garrl ■ n the i smte river drifts are being k r. ased. same time measures are being isslst in :he restoration of order 1 eperlty. The Pretoria correspond ' the Daily Mail announces that "the are distributing oats and need 1 *o* • irnon* the surrendered Boer i nominal price*, without which aw would go unfilled for another !<ir • •'ITCIIPAkII IN POMH.IID. klsej, \pproves Ills Taking Place i Itoberis. cn Nov. 30.—The war offlee an • t lids evening that Lord Robert* • I over the command of the British Bouth Africa yesterday to Lord further announced that the Queen I-ord Kitchener'n promotion to 1 general, with the rank of gen fdb In command In Bouth Africa "111 PEACE IS DKL.HKD. *' r tllreil Milner Explains ns lo loath Africa. Town. Nov. 3r> —ln Ihe course of •'fiss to the Refugees Committee '-lay. sir Alfred Milner ndrnltted fere had been a general mlscsleu ** to the time when peace woul-l •rtsl. Guerilla ri|>eraiiorte. Intend* ih i the maximum of injuries upon he eald. were causing delay, finally pointed out that those lit -nig to render military service '•in, their own return, and that "tu-i refugees by Joining the voi le the Held. hellish Garrison llellesed. k , r *. Cape Colony, Nov, 30—Th. of Schwe.ter Reueke been re. S* a cohimn of troops sent from " beleaguering Boers resisted, bu' -even off h" her to Soon line at Perksn. si , Natal, Nov. 30.-Lord Robert* L due to arrive at Pb tormaiiitsburg, Dm. 4, and should arrive here Dec. 4. SENATE I D M MIMTIIY. Kruger Will l.rmr Paris To-day lu (to lu (‘nloKne. Dans. imously adopted a resolution uf sympathy with President Kruger in tae Name term* an the resolution of the Chamber of Dep uties of yesterday. Mr. Kruger remainel Indoors, engaged m consultations with hi* adviser* md re ceiving caller* until shortly alter 1 o'clock tide afternoon, when. aieorni*anled by Dr. lx* yds and the usual military en •ort. he call**) on M. FaUteree. pret*i*k?nt o. the Senate. The interview last'd ten min trtej*. after which Mr. Krurer returned to ha* hotel. He will leave Paris to-moriww t 10:46 p m.. by special train for Co logne. This afternoon Mr Kruger paid a fare well viol* to President LouUt. who re turned it. Air Kruger visited M. Deae banal. pres ident of :h* Chamber of Deputies, remain* ing w*th him ten mimMes. M Desenan**! returned the call. The clergy of the Church of the Sacred Heart of Montmartre will toll to-morrow at the moment of Mr Krugr's departure the famous Savoyard*-, the second largest bell in th* world. In memory of the Frenchmen who died In the Transvaal. w anted Tit ansa aal ij:t ix. I4err Herd>rk* V lew* f the (n --ventinn at 'l % le Hague. The Hague, Nov. 30,—During the course of the debate on the budget In the sec ond chamber to-day Herr Kerdvk. Radi cal. reiterated his opinion that the Netherlands ought to haw declined the honor of convening ,h* peace conference un!e* the Transvaal was admitted. He highly approved of the offer of the Dutch government to Intervene between the Tranavn *1 and Great Britain before the war .md especially commended the offer to place th Dutch cruiser Gelder land at Mr Kruger's disposal to convey him from South Africa to Europe. This act, he aald. had been applaud* 1 by the whole world. The remark- of Herr Ker dyk were greeted with loud cheer*. r\i*T. red ioiaw rktthis. He FuatMl the Rn*rs a Persistent and Obstinate People. Washington. Nov An -Gap*. Ctrl Reich mann of the Seventeenth Infantry*, who was detailed by the War Deimrtntcni to report on the o|x rations of the liner force* In the Sooth African war. has re turned no Washington to prepara hts re port and collate the inbxmation gath ered. Cmpt. Rei. liman's egparlence ws varied and Inter**-ting. During the month of Afarcb hr wu> with Gen. DfWti’a army. For several succeeding months, a* he himself expresses It, he ‘Shifted for him self." until after the fall of Pretoria, and then he J4n<*d the forces under Oen. LouD Botha, the commamlar-ln-chief. In the Transvaal Republic. With him mu h of thr time were the attaches from the RoMtfcnn, French. Norwegian and Dutch nation*. ‘lt Is difficult." <*apt Rdchirmnn said co-nigtvt in an interview with an Associat fl l*r‘ss rej'ortcr. "to foretell what the Itoers are going to do. \Vhe4her they will continue their desultory fighting or not Is a question that Is very difficult to an swer. Gen. Re Wet's motto was to figh; until our children grew up for independ ence, 11 ul It begins f0 look is If (he Doers might l>o work ng that way now They ar. a > rslstent, obstinate people, crude an l simple In Iltelr manners, tough ami strong as the hunters fr-nm Kentucky ami Ten nessee. and willing to undergo hardship*." CI.AIMs UtlhST SETTLED. Turkey Will Pay Tlirongh Construe (ion of n I ralpr. Constantinople. Thursday, Nov. 29—The opinion I* expressed In diplomatic elreles that the American claims arising from the Armenian massacres "may now Is- re garded as practically settled, as an trade providing for Ihe building of a cruiser In the t'nlted State* Is officially promul- Ks'llt’d.'* The qiif-nflon of the conwuUt# ot Hr poot remain* open. Jhe Porte persisting In Its refusal to grant an exequatur to I)r. Thomas H Norton. The moral ef fect. however, created by the preaenee of the United States battleship Kentucky at SmyrtMi In support of the representations of the American l< gallon t.ik--n In con junction with the se-tlement of the other claims, lends the legation to hope for an early arrangement of all outstanding dif ferences. AOT AO UIHI PARTICt I. All. state Department simply Wants Tur key to Pay I p. Washington. Nov. M.-No proposition has come to the United Biates government from Turkey looking to the payment of the missionary claims under tlm guise of an order for a warship to be built In the rnlted,Sii<tcs. Willie it Is hardly exi>ected that any formal proposition of this kind will ie forthcoming. It l" of course beyond Ihe power of the state department to pre vent or interfere w.lh any arrangemri l that the Turkish gnvernrmnt may cn c> Into wl'h Am. ri an shipbuilders an.l Individual claimants. The point Is. afier ail. to have the rlaiins paid and the state dc,*irtjjn ul official* are not very particular ajpffo the form in which the payment* are mad*. Nniyrna lllapatchea t ensured. londor. Nov. K).—Nothing In regard tr the riled States battleship Kentucky U coming direct from Smyrna. The author ities there arc evidently censoring ail dl patches. THRIHItI HAH % FIRE. \\nm Soon Discovered and (|uleklv Bxtlngnlahed. U'#hlTncton. Nov. 30.-At 11:30 o’clock 10-l:iy Hr* h- ril.covcrcd on |H* third noor of th* trca.-iury d*pr#mcnl. It wa* cxtln*ulhc<l before criou dimase don*. The nre occurnsl In room o. umt by ihi- auditor for the Interior d*prmnl. It di-xtroyed and .inm.i|t*l eom* rary #u|)pit*# ucd In the office. The lo# lx xmall The cauxe of the Are lx nor deAntteiy known, but I# xupponed to have been either from *inun*ou .om or • defective Mon. on Max Leave of ibxeace. London. Nov. 1.-Blr Edmund J. Men ton the BrMifh mba#.adoe at Part#, ha* arrived In London on three day* leava of abacoce, on ipflvate bualueax. SAVANNAH, C.A.. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1. 11KH). THEY TALK IT OYER HIUTBLM %\ 4KMTON4 DIM l NN m;\\ lkcbutiox. WAR REVENUE AMENDMENTS. THEY HILL HOLD U\ TO THE i:\t K I'HORI CBM. They Do \ot Want ( I'nfrr Into a Vtfiiilnn of (lie Turin —l'-ltnM Will ll* Mini** t Have. Ml|* Sul*hi a Hill taken I p nh I ttflntslied lltialn-*s. Would IHii|ilNee tlie 4|oncr Hill, I ansi lllll'a tttntn*— It Mm> He lllapla*e<l. Wttfhingtou. Nov. 30 —There were a number of Republican senator* nr the ' cap! l to-d.\ and they were In Informal conference during the greater part of the time concerning the*> likely to come before Con grass during the ap proaching session. Among those who participated in these meeilngs were Senators Allison, cttalrman of the Committee on Appropr>a t<ms. Al drich. chairman of the Committee on Finance; Frye, president pro tern, of the Senate. Lodge, a leading member of th* Foreign Relations Committee; Flatt of Cannootkot, * member of the Finance Committee, and Hale, rb.iirman of the Coni mx te* on N ival AIT airs. Prominent in their deliberations were the contemplated atnendm. uts to the war revenue law. Scnutors Aldrich, Allison and Plat: were together for some time on this lauer subjects and had with them Representative** Payne and Dalsell f the Hons** Committee on Way and Aleunm. It wa s4hinl at the ik>s> of this tnU that the discussion had been on very general lines, and that as the House peo. pie had not comideled ih* lr measure and the treasury estimates had not been re ceived,. no ooncluwlon had lecn rta htJ So far as the senators exrres.d them selves the4r exj re>s.ons were favorable to making the revision so tltorough as to re. llev* the work entirely of the possibility of having it considered of a temporary • harncter. * They expressed the opinion that what ever changes an* to be made should be noide at the present session in order to prevent the reopening of the subject at *he next stsw-sion of Congr*ss. as they think that If the question should en tered upon at the beginning of a long -wes son an entire revision of the ’a!iff m.ght tx* attempt* and This they would avoid. Want Ilia Revenue Products. They also gave some indication of their views of thr changes to he mad*. In a general way favoring the removal of the -xtra tax from articles not returning a large revenue and leaving It on the more productive articles. Tie* tendency reem ed io tie against ony removal of the beer or tobacco taxes, and also against the re moval of the tax on exchange transac tions. There wa* also considerable discussion of the shipping subsidy bill, and It was made evident that there will be a stren uous effort to have this measure made the unfinished business in place of the Spooner hill for the rceu a lion of public a imlnltr'tp-n In th- Ph! I 11* cs Th.-re | s ild to lie no -leu -t row that thla submltuti ,n w ill hi atlessptod t li me, Ing of Ihe Commtlt e -n O er of Bu in***#, whl'h pr hahty wi 1 ,*• u- Mon day next, after th ■ atn rn-re I o th- Senate Senitor l-’rye is gl I g hs . *!>'- elal attention to tbl s je- t <n - •x --pressrs his and t- rm ratio cr wd t e bill as fast as pos Ible. All eriator* een s|s*ke of the Inutility of the Spoon r bill and said that for the pre-eti at *■ : no effort will nt .1 to leg! l-.te tl n. the line* suggested by tha* m.-tsure The f feet of ihl and Islon wll b- to I av the Philippine question >nt re y In th* hand* of the President. Mn> Displace t nnal Bill. If this programme , an he carried into execution the Nicaragua < an.-d bill will be dpnlared at lea*! temporarily. The canal bill Is only a *pec|il order and could not l>e used to displace unfin ished business except upon a v,*e or by general consent. With reference lo the canal bill there was manifest In the va rious talks some dls'wvtltlnn lo have It await action on the Hay-Pauncefote lr: Iy and the suggest cm was made cn Ihe part of at b ast one Republican leader that the canal legbdatlon of thi* s"""on *hould b,' cot-tin, I IO an auihorlxa: ion IO acqulr.- a prora-rty right of iv for the canol Benagor Frve during the day was In consultation concerning the shlp nlng bill With representatives of the Mer chants' Association of New York, who urged duit a* the bl stand. It will he Injurious lo the ex,amt trade r*pr*i*ntattvM *f thr* New \ orK and Pacific fttenmchlb Uompany. who were also with the sen dor exprew- and th- opinion that unless full subsidies w-ie ,anted to foreign butli ships fhei wood be ops rated a: a loss S.-mtor l-'rye sad mat the bill was now In os perfect sha e a* seemed possible to get It. aid lit it he did not see the advisability of making any amendment A meeting of friends f Ihe measure will tie held In this cl v to morrow to consider these and other ob jections to the blll. ori'oxUD nv rm: hhewkM. Tliey Do Aot Like Ihe Plana fnr War llcvrssr Hclnctl*w- Wa thing 1011, Nov. 3h.-Uhalrman Payne, of the Way* and Meant Conmdtice. i*- xued notice# to-day reeaMing the prevlou# notice of a full committee meiltii* to morrow to consider tne bill for the re duction of the war revenue The reaeon that the committee will not meet to-morrow. 11 la stated, le hecaux* further Information I# desired a# to th* detirex of the Republican# m reference to thl# bill. Such feature, of the m*-i-- ure prepared by the Republican mniberi a- hove liecoxne known, have srou#-d con siderable opposition, on-l It 1* probable ihat a conference or caucu* of Ihe Re publican member# will oe held before a final decision i rex -he.l The greatest opp’xltlon that hi# de veloped cotne* from the brewlnr Int.-r --exi. and reprexentatlve# from dlatric.x , -I- ■ ufacl tired are milking xerioo* protei; again#' the action of the committee in no reducing the tax on beer. There xr, torn - other interest* which n.#-> arc mikli : proteats and Republican members of tire House have te'.egrophcd their frlende on tne Ways and Means Committee that they think the proposed hill ahould be changed The fact that the majority tn the pres ent Houm I* hut sixteen warns the R-- pubttean managers that a bili must prac tically he supported hy the entire IT .puhltcan mcuibor.alp Ui order tat pass. FEARS A CHINESE VICTORY. Lnilma >|ir tntiir Sees knaae Alarni luk Kiiiim lu the War Situation In the Orient. Ixxnlon. Dec. 1, 330 a m.—The H|>ec!a tor In a etrlkuii; article dealing with the Chinese crisit*. expresses the opinion that the most re. etii <4eveiopnu*nts ut Pekin foreshadow m Ohlntai victory over the al lies. ‘The quarrel hae Wen brought to the test of for<‘e." U says. * ond force on tha civilised side h* proved This rexult is tnalnly doe to the attitude of Russia and the United States If China *e tp**.* wath the payment of a sm.Y.I it iemnity and mMiiy promises on |siix*r, as e ems not uiuik* ly. slue** Gertxutny and Great Hritain may not Im* willing to Incur the expenditure and risk Involved in |**r- lii their demands. It will be equlv oiosM u x victory for China, for nothing has occurred which will convince the Chi nese that tlielr mighty Knipresn has been defeated or that Kurope van avenge any future massacres." The Bhanghai corn *sponderu of the Morning pod. wiring yesterday, says: "Deepite the cordial reception given Ad miral Seymour, ta** situation Is unchang ed. The Hankow viceroy refua**s to stop sending supplies to th** court unless the Nankin viceroy will also refuse; and the ■ utter, although he undertakes to send •o more arm-, -ayw he must continue sending supphea so long as the Emperor requires them. * In fact, ill our re me n*t ranees arm* ;nf t* a mo* rahle farce. We have no cour age to do more than to talk. In the Chinese theater here tha allies are repre sent'd by h sotler with an en>rmous mout'i who do* ** nothing btit t ilk utt 11 his ate* r is • n igil by de*'* pit at Ion." "The Jiian*M* consul here.' says the Shanghai correspondent of the Dally News, "acting tinier loot ructions from Toklo. hats withdrawn his assent to the consular proclamation forbidding the Im portation of articles used In the manu facture of war mntetiils. This action haa caused general surprise ft is rumored that the Chtnesf* are actively purchasing arms and ammunition and that the cus toms offi* tsK sre conniving at the pss * tge of false dedal ulons under uffi lal instructions." < *l. Vor-U la llmd. Rwlln, Nov. —A d|Vt'nMi from IVkln to thr TnMatt AnnMiu<*>a that Cos!. Yorrk. i-omiiieiiulrr of n (iitnuin umn, who wan reported to hr at thf* point of and ’nth In ( , onwjmHiw of inhallnir fum#* from i atova in hla bad room, dil at lll valbni on Nov. 27. 111 m Uraly wi! Arrive in Pekin to day. I‘lt'll ott Iln tutlMirlty. Tarlß. N *v 3r> —A dl- Hitch to Hnras Agftv y from IVkln miyt The French min later (here. M Plol.on, la authorised. If all the miuUtr are in accord, to rl|fTi and ImUmJ to the Otlifie the pniposUiomi adapted hy the dlp!onuite at the i* indie capita), th wixh. u f r*- the ireieikAdon of the proposHlont, th* din pitch a l ie. they will probably under* ) frenh modirlcatlona. Ot II Ml %l* HI I,IT 1%. Iprrlal Iteport l Mntle to Ike Navy in in* rlmrnt. Nov. 30 -Ueuienant r*om mitmler W. 11. H. Southerland, the ofTl<*er in chance of the naval militia, ban made a special report to the Navy Department U|>oat the operation of that oncarduation during Uh* fat year. Twenty atater are shown to have an or gunlzid naval rnllita. r.xnprDing in ail 2C7 ofHceig and S.3OS petty ofTicsra and ei ltel men. The naval appropriation act allot, ted the sum of MO.OJO for the militia, of which 157.W0 had i>*en distributed among the tv\. it \ mute oi jpiniz itlona on J.n 1 last The Navy Department oalanel two vt-Fein for the practl e < rui ♦•* of the militia, the i'ralii. on the Atlantic Hiui the Michlkan oil the ( l*uk*a. Throunh lack of fa* lllile* ve*<ri f.>r the Pacifl*" l wi*e aot ajMlgned. *<’*)i.til.*, n from Itrunewlck, 0.*., Penn sylvanla N< w ronnectlcut. Rhode inland anl Maine tok abort eruiar* of liiiout a week's duration on the Prairie, and the orkanls.ition of Ohio. Michigan and Ililnoi** riMde pmeflce tripe on (he lake* aboard the Michigan. The*# crulae* developed a deal of energy, ability and x* il among the oftWrM. and a like efTi riency, together wHih a hlirh atate of dia* < Inline, nmong the enlisted men. l*i utenant Commander Southerland seta forth an army of fact* (o make obvious the absolute neceoaity of u national naval reserve, in ad*il!lon to the present mlUtla ory!*inUatioiM(. MMSEI XTttLHN I'll l#M M AIL. PnafaMee Clerk Made Away H llh n K.IKHI letter. New York, Nov. 91—Edmund J. Bell, aged 19. was s/r.i Ik tied to-day before I'nltel States Commix*, ner Alexarvk-r hy Chief Poatoffice In#p, -,-tor King ai.,| In spector Jacob*, charged with having rotdied the mail* of k'.titt. Bell made a complete cenfctxloii when arrested anJ It,tel wal\*d (.uunlaullon. He wa* h. Id for trial. The theft wa# a very recent one. and J 1 .13? In money wan ret-overed On Nov 2. tire I ufnula Natioi ul Rank, Kufauia Ala., sent a tegintered letter 'ont-ilning L Ml In t< ii. twenty and fifty dollar# hills to the Western National Hank In this city. The letter r-,,ched here Nov. 27. and passed through Bell's hands, lie It and took the money. On Wednesday night he waa aean by liai|ctor Jacott# oiieolnj, wine In a resort It wa# aJno known that he had made a very recent purchase of Jewelry. This mornfng lwi Bell left the post office he was followed by Inspector Ja cobs lie went to a house on the West Side In Harlem where h# called no a young woman and rema ned there for two hour# He gave her a diamond ring worth about I O. He wa# then followed home and artratad. When arrested th* hour* wa* search.-.! for th remainder of the money, and the 11,197 wa* found In an oid cJo*et. t Bar of Mrs. May brick. London. Nov. 3u -The nfll,dais of the United Ktate# nl>aa*, say they have not received any lntrucLon- in regard :o tak ing further step* f*-r the release frtan Woking of Mrs Florence May brick who I* under sentence of itnp-rlsoncnent for It fa un conviction of poisoning her hu band. Itiahoii ot Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne. In,. Nov. —Rev Herman Joseph Alerdln*. late ot Bt Joseph * ptr h. Imlla na poll*, wa* 10-thiy ronaecrat-d fourth Bishop of Um Catholic diocese ot Fort Waynk ANTI-VICE CAMPAIGN m:u voitii-w t omhitti:i: of fif teen APPOINTED. TAMMANY GIVEN A RAKING. ItßQt ENT TO M % YOU Wll.l. SOT Ilf l N ME 4SOY HILL Ininmu n t ommittee Alan Held a 'trrlhiß mill If Una Reported That the Elalith Hlatrlel Wa f lemt. Whi ll Hie H-|M*rt W• lleeelseil Klopatnek liilil n llllterent Story. Mia ICtiileiaee Will He Turned birr lu t apt. Titua. New York, Nov 30. Chari*** Btewart Smith, who was chair man of the rn nt meeting hld in tlie rooiiM* of the Chamber of Commerce to diiKXia* the existence uf Vice In thl* city, •ind who was aut hoi lie* I to appoint a committee of fifteen to formulate plai.a | for the eradication of the evils coinidaln ♦**l of. nppolntt*! the committee to-day. | The (‘Min**** are at* follows: James C. Carter, John H K* nae.i>, Dr. Felix Adler. Jacob H S hlft. John II lUu>a<les. Joel It Krhaidt. Alfred T I White, Chaties Btuugue Smith, George I Foster Peabody, William II Baldwin. Jr , Alexander E. trr. Adrian Iseiin, Jr . Rev. Robert T. Paddock. Frederick l. Tappen, Robert W DeFVoreSt. In announcing the committee, Mr. Smith Mi l : "We have, enough laws on morality, if they ar*- only enforced. We have e* o-igh laws to prevent theft In oftlc**, if they were only enforced In proportion to the (■opuiatlon sni the number of poilticuans there is as nun h theft In public places , now. as much official blackmail a* there was In the time of Tw**d. Ami > th * i*o{u.ation Is now so much a g**r trn stealings are. of course, mu h greater "There I-* a way to rea<*h this soil of thing, and it would be within the scop*, or the commit lee' h work to tpfoit.f an at torney mnl make certain teat c.-rs. The only trouble ha* been that th* complaint **f the individual cltisen has l e- n lgn*re i, but the (onunittee of Fifteen will be in n l-it!on to make Its r>'tuests felt. I have heard It said nut w* may roqmsl the Mayor to do something Well, as Tarn many Itself itdiniis that something shou.d !*e done, it would rot be an utireasonable request. *' ) The TnfitiiiMn) aide of If. The Tammany InvestUotion (*ommttee held a meeting fo-Uy at uhlch ihe auh commlttee appointed for the i>ur(soae of investlfrating th*< <*HutltUMis In Iht Big nth AiMmbiy Distri t and remedying them, rer.derext n long repr*rf on fh- re suit **r their work Tie •minittee reported that from Police <*fiptam Titus an*! o her *our*'ea It had learned (hat the dlatrlrt was c>eun, all the *!ie-*t*erly houses *n*l resort a which ns* I been complainl of having been closed. Wlttn the repert was finDlietl <’halrm*n Nixon Msk**l if any of (ie cltisena pres ent had any InP rmauon (o prase nt. l‘ul l\loisto k. •'hairniuii of a club re. vlitlv forme*! to ftrri'i out vice, Kave *ome evi dence which tended to set at nctukdit th* report of the sub-committee refMnlriK th** district clean. Kl'>|>siock gave the *>m mlttee the addresses of several house* of 111 repute which wore open tha night te fore. lie also told of dancing halls which were run a a "auaditl rlulw, and whore young boys and girls in all case* undei I.H, met and S|wnt tie evening and the better pan of the nikhr in ( hairnum Nlx>n sad tie- information given by Klopstock would lie submit!* ! to Titus I'lillrr Hoard *ald lo llne N|ppc| In vestigatlon. New York. Nun - . Frank Moss ha sent to Gov. Roostvei:. Mayor Van M'y k, tl*e xoiice Is-ard aid the district attorney i ommunloailonn regarding ttw* late negro rlota and th p>irt takn by the police, M[ie'UUy In the inveMlgadon ordered by the Mayor. The communication waa sign ed by W. 11. firooks, pr*skient of the ( , UilfiS' Protective !*'.*Kue, an orgatdS’i ttoA of colored |wofle. With each <x*n mun lead ion 1* s*nt a copy of numerous i witnesses' testimony of clubbings by ttie [H>lice during the riots. It rook* writes to the Governor that th lolire commission*rs have dlsoontinue-I their invest Ikat ion*, pigeonholed e#j*n plalnts against higher • fTl'dal* and have not preferred a r arge against a single ofDoor. The Governor Is asked to conskfor th* matter sent him So the end that b* m, take action The letters to the Mayor and the other officials cover the mmf ground t OM'IItMF.D TDK tCM'IAt Etl. Four Vallm of Philippine* to Be ttnoged for Murder. Manila. Nov. SO —(left. MacArthur haa confirmed the #enten.-e of hanging passed upon four natives recently convicted of murder It Llnguyen. The cm-limn--1 were members of the Gu-irdla de Honor, a band of assassin*, whose victims were kldnape-1 and boloed. They will ho hang ed Dec 71. The United Slate* crul**r Newark, un der orders to proceed lo Giittm to Investi gate the clrcumntance* of Up, disaster to the United Htate# auxiliary crutoer Yo*e mlte. has not yet nailed. The United Htate* transport tndlm.x. which, a* announced Nov 17. went ashore on the east side of the Isla de Polllo, off (he east coast of l.uson. wa* successfully floated and arrived at Ulnangonan sound short of coal. f'ZAH I* MIIM IMIHOVHD. Ills fondlllnn Weems to Promise Per tain Iteeerrery. Hi. Petersburg. Nov. 31)—Information re ceived through private sources fully con llrms the re>-en: favorable bulletin* re ferring to Ihe C*ar*# health. Ills Majesty has made such genuine improvement that his condition seems to promisa certain re covery. bMil. tMI'3 IrilMrs HKI.OH V VK. The New <#• bverape I'rlee ot It** 2-10. London. Nov. 30 -Subscription* to the new laaut of 0.000,000 3 per csxit. eg chequer bonds, repayable In 1906. to-day totalled up C 0.363.500. The tenders rang**! from *5 to IW. The average ptlc# was ip# 2-10. THE STRIKE IN TAMPA. Ty poa raplilrnl talon Refaed to Join lu. lint Strong LfVorts Irs Still llrlns Vlade. Tampa. Fla.. Nov. 30 For (he second Ilnto the Typography l l nlon (o-night le ckled not to join tbs general sympathetic strike now In progress hare. There was a strong effort iimuU* to get them out, ami they laid their cause la*fr*re the execiMlv** b*.rtl f the National Typo, graphlosl Union and receive*! an answer that their cause was iw>t sulfictent to strike, and that If they did go out they would get no tscognitlon. Instead of striking, therefore to** printers decide 1 to glv 10 ix'r cent of their wages to th strikers' fund President Hell of the Trades Asasmbly ivs*'rt ti-nik’h' Doit he haa I* n notified by in** Acn art can Fekmiion **f la*i**r Umii 835.01 U will I*** s*o hare iminwlLately to carry on the sink* Htrong efforts are being made (ivnight to get the *ar nun out. but they still refuse lo J.*ln in the movement, not being affiliated with the other unions Oimi clgattimkcr bus been assaulted, his head losing crus he* 1 with # brl*k. He was idling a place made vacant by an Inter national man who went out Monday. No arrests have laen made. ALLEGED Ptl\w|i%\ Hr* Is Sa||osel (* He Rt-tlsv. Boses of Sowlti t ardllns. New York. Nov * rharge*! with ob taining money under fls pretenses, . man representing hims* If *•> Dr. William A. Ferguson, formerly of Galveston, Tex.. IS alleged t v tIM PSttCM <" ex-Gov. ALises of Charleston. H. . was nrtalgned to-day lef**re Untie*! Htat**s Commissioner Shields wal hekl In I*all 11,0(10 for examti>atlm <** Thursday tu*xt The prla* ner is aUI to l*ar a close re irniltlaiuv* to the notorious Houth Carolina governor of "carpet-bag" f me. whose record Is known In every pollc® hea*l (lukrters in the couatry. "Dr Ferguson" was arreste*! on Tries day last on complaint of Dr Jarman, who alleged tluit Ferguson had ewlndb-d him out of a small sum of money and ws* rontlmailly annoying him. Th* f**leral authorities wish to send him to Wash ington, where he la warned *n charge* of swindling Dr A It Hhands. of Wash ington, appeared against him to-day. HltK'N Mild* INI PATH II K. It Is Knon n mm the Hrettnd Will “f the Texas Mllllonwlro. New York. Nov M K. Harhy the jttrn >• representing Albert T Patrick 10-day filed In th# Hurrogate'a (dtairt what is rallel the “second wUI” of the Ita Texas millionaire. Wll lam Marsh Kc. This will makes number of scnall be qtie*ts to re stives and give* |2-VUinO to the M*llham M. files Institution of Texas Following these lsqu*tit the will ssy*: *T give, duvlae atul liequeath h* Ali***rt T. Patrick, formerly of Texas. *ll the rewt and residue of tny estate, real, personal and mixed, heretofore or hereafter ac crued and wheresoever situated " t'otinsel for execuiors of (b* 1W will mad#* a microscopic examination of the “second" will Doth (he will* are signed ••W. M. Rice," although there Is a re tamblance in lrth signature, the signa ture to the will filed to-day is said In be almost n for flmlle of signature* to th*> two cheek's presented for payment on the day on which Ttlee died, while the signa ture to the will *f I**i differs somewhat in regard to the formas lon of the Initial *M." VOTR IN NORTH I IRfLINA. Uajarltle* for Ihe Plßerrsl f’on kre*Niuen in That aisle. Raleigh. N C.. Nov. SO.-The Htate Can vassing Hoard to-day canva***d the con graas>nal votes and announced majorities as follows First district, John If Small, 9 134. fb,x ot.d district, Claude Kitchen. Democrat, 10.3jp; Third district, Charles R. Ttugnaa. D* mo rat. 1.W9, Fourth district, Kdward W. Pou, Democrat, I.f10; Fifth district, ISilllam N. Kitchen. Democrat. I.NM; Htxth district. John D. Bellamy. Demo crat. I.TSd; Beventh district. Theolore T. kluttx. Democrat, 5.33 J; Eighth dlstri* t, Spencer Hltk'uirn. Republican,; Ninth dstrlct. James M Moody# Republi can. 2.180 t tI.LEI) ON TUB OOVKENOR. % rstut Trleurapli Is leoklss f'r I’ro teetlon. Austin. Tex.. Nov. ).—Officer* of the Bmnhwcstern Telegraph and Telephone Company called on the Governor to-day for protection. The chief exeeutlve was atked to #end troop* to Ban Antonio to suppress rioting and keep the peece there. Il le understood flail the Governor has promised to semi slate troops or a com pany of Ranger*. This sppeal Is the result of Ihe riot yes terday at Dm Antonio, between telephone, electrical worker# anti the police. In which two men were kUhd had a PRIVATE ItBKEBKJIC*. President and Speaker Henderson Talked II Over. Washington. Nov *).—The President vnd Bpe.vker Henderson had an extended pri vate conference this morning. They took a long drive together, at which It I# un-# del-stood the programme for the coming se-doti ol Congress waa diacuased. The President had driven lo the station with Mr# McKin.ey. who left at 10 o’clock for New York, and upon hi* return to the executive mansion found that Hpeaker Hendcraon woe a wall Ing him At tne Prenl tent’* request, the Speaker enter and the carriage and they drove off together. They were gone almort an hour Offerrd I'oalllon In Manila. Bt. Lout*. Nov. Th* Po*l-Dl*patch to-day aaya: "Chief of Polio* John w Campbell of SI. Ixrul# has been offered th* position of chief of police of Manila, under the civil government now In course of formation, and tha offer baa been aocspUd." DAILY. Is A YEAR. .’Y CKNTH A COPT WEEKLY : TIMES A WEEK.fI A TEAR THEY STAND FIRM (Hvvr.iiv will >or acckob to t UV| VtISHfOY t|( >, WILL DEMAND A REDUCTION. vtiv rt r rut in own hrokkui in Noit i \ vv ah hi; |a. They Waul to l onaollalate The Sale f Varna and t.H a Hrdn<*tDi In t 4iHmlabis Fro at F1%% •* Fowr l*rr € *n(.—SMithern vplnnrra fio mi Annual llttftlnea* of anil They Waul In (el (lie Heat They I an. Charlotte, N <*.. Nqtv N> Dr. John 11. Me Aden, prcrt*k*nt of Ihe Bout hern Cot ton H|*lnnrri‘ AasocMtlun, was to-lgy shown an article in the New York Com mercial of Nov. 2‘. In which tt wan In timated that tin* plan of the ussociatUMt was to • -one. titrate the saie of their pr>t uct in from mx t ten houses, atul *e*ura a reductbai of oommisstons from a 6 per cent, to a 4 per cent. bass*, lias been klil**d by (he refusal of eighteen of tho largest . unmt“ >on htiuses to agree io |h plan. After reading the irticle, he ma|*l that •the only truth in It Is the statement that no official communication ruts come front the iMtird of governors euice tiia lust meting." "Then the board of governors will not rt*co*h* from their oritrlnul |ositlon on Ilia cotM'entration question?" he was uefctsf. "N**." h- answered. "We have no rea son to b*% <l|s( mirage*!. With (!•* ex**ep tlon of a few mills that are controlled by Northern capital the members of the as sociation are now a** much In favor of the concentration and the reduction of the selling i*ominit*lons as they were when It was first proposed. They are standing to gether, as h evidenced by dal y ottununl cations from all over the Rmith. "The Houthern Cotton Spinners' Asao d.itkm Ineludea a membership of k*7 uiO and we do .m annual business of P's* •■s*.<fS We ar** strong enough • make the fight. nnl I*ll tell you this," he con tuitied after a pause. ' some of • he*a- days the Northern *omrnloslon men will waks up and fitni them selves oim of huslutXMi " "Is yctir association nw working thr*ugti the ape*dal ommlit*s?‘‘ "I • ann.*t answer that. I may say, however, that the je. l| committee was i*ofdHu*M| m the last meeting of the Board **f Governors anl Is busily engaged. Mr. W C Heath, the chairman, will arrive | b**re to-morrow for a conaultatlon with I them. "Your conttnuaPrm of the fight m-.nai J y* |< "111 eataHMaii your wn s**Ulng agencies, dortn'i II." "Yes. we will hove agenda* In New York Boston. Philadelphia and one some where In the Wea* It n we require a goovt deal of time to sure* nsfully put our plan* In operation. We are prr>-**eding slowly. The btielnetui of the Southern rnanufa* - turers la In a g*od cwmdltlon and we can afford to wait for some month" l*efor* .*•- mbllshlng our own agern e. We will not ' back down." Kill It MOfti: uti: DKAD. Several Vkire of the Injured at Saw I rssrlaro M 111 IHr. San Francisco, Nov. Si Four persons injured in the gins* works accident yes terday died this mrwnlng, making ihe to tal number of dead seventeen Beverai more of the Injured will die. The dead have all hern Identified. The injured now being v*red for In hoe pk ds or at their homes number eighty three. The manager* of the glass works state that II was Impossible for them to keep the people off their buildings. They dis claim all responsibility for the accident. Cornelius McMahon, aged 12 years, iHed at and County to-night, making the eighteenth Victim of the ac cident. His skull wo* fractured by hki fall from the roof of the glass work*. fit (he ninety or mure injured all are doing well with (he exception of five, who are not expected to live more than a few hour* longer, their injuries having been pronounced fatal. om Alt aa I* iiKtn. Passed Ann) In nn obecure Hows* In Paris* l.nlln (jimrfpr. Dublin. Nov. SO—A dispatch to th* Rvenlnr Mull from Pari* y* Oscar Wilde In (load. The dispatch addn that h expired In an obscure holt** In Urn Latin quarter from meningitis. and war receive*! Into the Catholic Church on hit deathbed. According to the Rvrnlng Mini's dia led ch Wild* died to-dny. Parle, Nov. SO.—Oncar AVlld* had been Uvdnit In a hotel on the Rue dr* Beaux Art*, where he had been known for Dov er* I month* under the name Mnnnmth. For mine' time he hnd been Indisposed. In October he waa obliged to su >tnit to a aeriou* operation, from the effecu of whlh he never recovered He died at 2 o'clock thl* (Friday! morning al the Mat non dti Pelrler. nn obscure hotel. In to* presence of tnrd Alfred Dought**. Pari*. Dec. 1.-1* Journal ay It I* ru mored that AA’llde dommllted eulchle. CdMPLtIST h IIIM TO SAAKH9. Ohleetlon to Atnnner of Handllna th* llalvealon I nod. Auaitn, Tex., Nov. -Information reached (lav. flayer* to-day from Braxorta and flalveaton countie* that there waa much romplalnt of the way In which tha flood sufferer*' fund wa* being handled hy the various committee*. It h* aatd certain section* have not received any re lief. U.iv flayer* to-day rave notice that he would not nllow any of the dlatrlcta any more money out of the fund now In hh bund* until full and accurate report ha* been made to him by all tlx; relief com mit lee*. nt AAR NKHIOI WI.Y II.U Author of the Dooley Letter* la llek With Pneumonia. Chicago. Nov. *o.—Finlay Peter Dunne, author of th* "Dooley" paper*, and for many year* an active newspaper roan of Chicago, la dangerously HI wit!) • pneu monia at Bt. Luke'* Hoep.ial. Mr. Dunne wa* taken 111 In hie apartment* In the Virginia Hotel, but win removed to tha hospital by the advice of hi* phjrxieiana.