The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 01, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 gfyc IHofning *%TIfU)A% . 11. I.MIU H 1. IfHHi. Kfilatartd ait cn BostoHß 9 it havaouli I 111 Hull MM. MW* | . i vi every day In the y ar, aiul M-r.eJ to subscribers In the city, or #©tit by m# at *0 coot a a monlh. WOO for |U inmlh*. and W-00 for ore year. Illi: %oic\i\t. NEUH, by mail, ix times m f**t*K • Sunday, three montl . |. JO, six ntonln*. on > ea r So 00. THU HEF.KtI M.h two Mura i week (Monday ar.d Thutala>) by mat., on* year. $1 00. Sutacriptiotis payable in advance U - n* t by money order, che k or rrgiat re l letter. Currency rent by mall at risk ot render. . Tianatent advert lemtnt% other than Ppaclal column, local or reading notice*, amusement* and cheap or rani * rluran, 10 cetila a line. Fourteen line* of •* '“ t> pe—equal to one Inch lo depth—da ’h standard of measurement Contract ratea and discount* made known on application a: business office Ordera for delivery ©f the Mom ng Near* to either resklene* or place of bustnesa can be made by mall or y *le phone No 210. Any tree* darity In deliv ery should le immM.ately repo-tel Fetters and t leer ame ahould ba ad dressed "MOR\l\f* M ws te tr.nih Ga. EHWRI nmt E, 23 P*rk Row. New York city, 11. C. Faulkner, Manager I.NDLI 10 m ADVLKTISEMENTS. Mom in are Oorgta Chapter No. S, R. A Id : Hoard of Koad i v>mmi*lon©r* of Chathem County. Special Kotieaa—PlaMerera' & Masons’ b ipplie*. Savannah Building Supply Com ptwy, Ship Notice. Hfr j.han A 00., <’on ejfmaest Official Notice In Howard lo As t*fnnrnf uf final Futile; Springs Water; Liquor Lloenaw; Arrears for Ground Rent; Fine Goods for To-day, !>rayton Grocery Company, flperlal No tice Samuel Reynold*. John Funk. City Market; Headquarter* for Cake Material; Notice of Copartnership, Ri\©r* a- Gtbbe*; B’©timer Pilot Roy for Charleston, Et&| A’ Gardner's. At Chang’*. Af Joyce's. Huatnesa Notices—Franklin Cigars; Rice, the F. W. Branch Company. Amusements— "Spider and Fly** Matinee To-day a? Theater; the Klimt-Hearn Company One Week. Commencing I tec. 3. Auction Sale—Bicycle Sale, at Ha van fin h Auction and Commi**lott Company s Steamship Srhettuio—> Merchants' and Miners Transporiwtlon (’omi*aiy’e Btewm er* to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Ford Raglan Invented the Raglan Over coat—Tha Metropolitan Clothing Com pany. Regal Notices—A* to the I’rotate of Will of Yesaks* Heoht, Iwri onel, Cita tion* from the Clerk of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County; Joseph W. WiUiamsc.ii of Bulloch. Bankrupt; Mar shall V. Boykin. Bankrupt. Publications—Christmas Number yf the Rodger Monthly. Reral Sale*—Promieaory Note* Judg ment a, Ktr.. firtate p. H. Ward,Deceased. The Rugmn R H. Levy A Bro. Cheroot*—Old Virginia Cheroots. R’hakey Yellow' Ratal Whiskey; I>uffy' Pure Malt Whiskey. Miners I Water—Himysdt Janos. Medical—Dr. Wllliittn* Pink Pills; Hood’s Hir*sparHla; Paine * Ojery Com pound; Ayer* llalr Vigor; Hoa tetter's Stomach Bitters; RydU Ptnkham Vege table PHls. Tutt’a Pill*; Wamw'f Safe; Cura Cheap Column Advert i*em# tuts—Help Wanted. Employment Wanted; For Rent; For Hale. Ix>*t. Personal, Mtscellaneoua. The Wpnlhrr. The lndi. at ton* for Georgia to-day are for cloudy weather. with rain In and southern portions fresh north to cart wind*, and for Fiaslern Florida showers, fmah north to northeast wind# The Roar* seem So ha Just about an much conqueror! aa tha Filipinos. The Chlcaro Republican paper* ara now Impatiently counting Ibe day* before llUnois will be rid of Gov. Tanner, who Is a Republican. A North f’ole expedition I* to start out from Quebe, ahomly. It la odd that this cold region should Infect so many per son* with a fever of Inquisitiveness. Com Paul wHI probably get a las* dem onstrative wrelcoma In Germany than ha did In Franca, notwithstanding there I* more reason why the Germans should sympathize with him. Tha Russian naval budget contemplates th* expenditure of s**.!'(HO for warship during tlia approaching year. Tha Czar may hope for universal peace, but It Is evident that he dors not expect H. In the near future. fiepew has improved ujon Bhak**p*ar*. He has revised Iho famous expression, •'Rom* men are born great." etc., to read ••gome people ara born rich, some fortu nate and other* In Ohio." That rovers the ground about as well as Ihe Hard of Avon did It. Julia Marlowe Is now producing a dram Wfixation of tha novel, "When Kn ghthool was In Flower.” In the book Mary Tudor sends a red-lrot message to her brother, the King, telling him, with several swear words, that she will never marry Fouls of France. Miss Marlowe objected to th swearing, and after some controversy the objectionable worda have been cut out It la alleged that young Phillips, of the f'hi ago corn corner, cleaned up $400,000 on l*i November ileal. The young Na poleon of the market Is said to have "tduehed like a school girl" when his friend* congratulated him upon hi* suc cess. He began hi* operation* On Oct. 27. and in thirty day* (queexed four tenlhs of a million dollars out of the market. The President la ,o fond of Attorney General Griggs, If Is mUI that he will find a rice place for him' In the govern ment service, where he will not have to abandon hi* profitable law practice. The belief now Is that he will he appointed one of the representative* of the United Htates on the arbitration dour* provtdnd by th* Hague trealy. To accept this pines, a Washington dispatch says, would not Interfere with hi* business aa a corpora two lawyer. v HR YAY llhfl MFA THE EI.Et TUI!!. The country does not feel as mtirh In terest tn Mr Bryan* view* on pub. • urMinn* as It did tafore the rtecUon Nevertheless* the artkla In the Detemtai number of the North American Review in which he itoints out tie think* were th© reason* of hi* defeat. WiU at tract attention. lie nayMlat the ReptiMhan victory wa* due to monev. war and tatter time* lie mean* of course, that the Republicans had more rnon©y to sjvikl for election pur* than the Democrat* that the jeo pie were averse to a * ban,'** in the ad ministration while the country had a war on Its hand* and that they thought It ad\liable to "let well enough alone,** v lua flutes were good. In Id* opinion Ita prosperity argument was tha moe’ i** fern one < *t the Republh-ane in<i, uti le** It was the vast amount of money they had for ©ampa'ern purpose* 11* doe* no? think the election conclusive as far as the silver question fca ai< erfed In this omie. non ta say*. "When pros perity fails the gold standard will lose i*s charm" That would *©m to >• an tilimsfJoi- that hart tine - ar*- i*e ♦ .-sarv to jrt© the p-ople 10 regard the free coih ag< of silver with favor. Asa matter of fM the firm* were pretty tanl In !*:*> when th© Mlver ques tion wn* tha IcNUhr.g one before the own ir\ and yen the (eopl* refuse l ?o elect him on a fr©* silver platform. Mr Bryan tsdieves apparently that the silver ques tion wifi he prominent again In and it ta a fair Inference from what he say* that he wrlll ta a candidate again for he iKmoomtli' nomination for Piesidoßt. If he entertains the hop© that the l*©m oorati© prty will choose him as Its lead er again he will likely be disappointed. He has been given two chan©©*. the last one tnurh agam*t the judgmoiM of some of the able*? of the lhttKX ratlc leaders, and It I* safe to sav that he will not ba given another. The return* show thw? ha is not tne vot© getter that it wa* thought he wa* In many of the states he ran behind his ticket, being beaten ny toth gutarn.itor ai and congressional oa.rv dhtates of bis jmrty. No doubt the doctrine* which Mr. Bryan particularly stood for at the last elec tion will Is* In the platform of *om< par ty again—a party made up of Hllver Rc psjhllcun* and PopyUw’* i>erhaps—but all of the Kansas City d**,-l.irations will not be In another MemocnaM iwt onel plat form The indica4Jonw art* ttat the Demo. - rattle party, four year* hats-a. will artupt a platform tn harmony wdth tin* princi ple for which It wa> dtethiffutehed ta fer* it entered into adUences with the Ixjpubsts and Hilver HepiibHooiie. It 1* difficult to under*tand why Mr llryan doea rot momion allver a* otv of the cause* of Democrat!* defeat It wa**. In faot, tta main reuse. It may be that the reason he think* silver had no In fluence In twinging a tout the defeat >f the Democratlc i*arty Is that If It had not been for him there would have been nr* de< Ia rat ion for the fra© linage of silver in the Democratic platform ll© insmt. I upon * specific ueclaritlon for sliver. In fact, be k-t It l*e uiiderstool that unless the platform contained sitrh a declaration t. would no* aeesfg the |Mrty'© nomina tion ll** had already taeo nomlnalail by the Silver R* publicans and th* Populists. ; nd. tai< e. the Democrat* were htiltdos*’*) mt putting silver Into the platform It 1* beyond Question that the Democrat* would have conn* nearer tahyc victorious !f there had been n such decliratton in ttalr p’at form Mr. Bryan b * strong friends among the D*vno<-mttc I* udera, but. as far as we have seen, nwi of them lu>|o' t seo him the I>rmocratlc party’s candidate for President aga te Senator Vest, of M ourl. U by the leading Demo ratlc paper of ’ht< ago saying iat Mr. Bryan h no perpetual llceriw© a Devnoi ratio can didate for the preslden'y”—nd that "the Democratic partv ha* survived the retire ment of greater men. aikl that Without doubt it will survive his retirement.” \\ %VI l\ EiIINKtT. It Is stated that orders have been sent to Gen. Ma Arthur f the rebel'.km tn the Phlllwdnes muat be brought to in end bV R ,# * brat of May next, .and tho the w *r. from this time until it* close. must he . arrir.l on In the way that will prove the most effective. Heretofore ihe effort has been to gain ,h* good will of the Filipinos hv showing them every pcetalol© consideration. Their proper!} ha* been"'spare.l, and Ihe \il liges which have given ael and . omfort to ttsnee engaged In the insurrection have not beet* disturbed. For a year or more army office! in th* Philippines have ad vised that ihi* policy was only prolong ing the tear—that Ihe I’lllplno* believed i not we were itfr id of them, and henc< . as they were not suffering pecuniary losses, would oonilnuo it Indefinitely. It is also Stated that 111* lands are owned by person* who practically con trol those avho are rmplo.ed on t icm These landlords w int the war to go on •< suss they are feeding the army and ore getting more for their product* ihan they ever got Is-fore, and more than they would get If |■'.ire were <|e< luted. There fore they make their lihorei* act a sol diers and carry on gtterilla warfare. All this Is to be stopped. If the repot s sent out from Washington are correct The same sort of ta--ti . re to bo em ploye.! s have lasen ndopted in feoutli Africa by the English. No doubt the ad ministration will l*e severely criticised, but, all thing* considered, wdl it not be better to consider the welfare of our own soldier* In preference to that of ihe Fili pinos? If It l* our Intention to establish t> ur rule In the islands It will be the wls. r plan to hrtng the war to a clou a* quickly a* possible, even if h irshcr measure* have to In' •dopted Ilian those which have thus fir bc< n used In the conflict. Perhaps If the Filipinos see that we are In earnest, and that we have th* |w>r to make them fei I w hin w <r really is. r* • etstane* will .vase. Anyway. 1 witl not take long to fuel out whether there la rot more effective way than late >rt tuen tried to Impress upon Ihe Oriental mind that th* authority of flie I‘nMcd States must b* respected. •a 1 queathed to the ri - Nathan Wells, who died In Washington Ihe other day at the age of M 7 year*. "Ray your prayers, keep cheerful, cat heartily and take a hath dally," h* said. Trohably the ode-t man In the United States I* Noah Rnhy, who la an lorn to of a poor house In New Jersey. According to the Information, old Raby has dtwrrgard.d the that and the last section of Mr. WeHtf rule* all ot hi* 111% THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. DECEMBER R 1900. THE M7.K G THE AHMR If Mr. McKinley** victory had teen Kw .••weeping tha war department would r*> ark fot n* Isrgi an army as that for , which • t<t-l has been prepared. Mr. Hull. t* - airman of the Mouse t * .tnmrttte* oo Military Affair*, has had m ’ulk with Mr t.oot. the rat ary of War. since ta •tier’s return from f’uha. and It has been agreed by them that the war department*s army bid sha l ta ntroduoed and suppon . l by tta Military rommktet The ta rurtmeni* bill call* for an army of K?' men. That 1* so mar lu*sn men that It 1 w l ain the bound* *f truth to say that ir 1* tlie f*reeidens> policy to have in army of the Mic tndk ated by the Utter num ber. When tta people demanded W’ar with they had no thought about the ai ditiotul burdev.a winch they were pla< ing t,r. their shoulder.- They did not think that one of tta r. jits of that war would be a standing army about fouf time* toe s.xe of our army |rior to that war. \N bile the would not have deterred thm from their purpose it might have made them a Uttle less hasty In entering upon th© war 11 i doubtful If wc shall ever sae the army back to 27 000 men. ISvcn If the wir in the Philippine* should l* brought ?t* a close within the next fen* month* an army of not less than W.ow m*t> would h- requirett there for a num tar of y* ar*. T’ntil the Island* ty* brought into harmony with our law* and intfirutioi there will ta more or k-sa disturbances x>n:intially 1n rar<* c*f them How it %v! 1 ta he for* the Flllpmcß riH t* ready to ;•< *pt our rule in good faith, it is, of course, imposaibl* ?o pre dict with any degree of certainty. The Hpamarda never did suocced in • omplete,y pacifying the l*<anda. They had to k* p a good si*ed nrrny there nil the time, and I? la probable that we shall have to do the mnw thing for at least it ;-!< *f wars Tner# 1* no doubt that the armv i 111 wtll be th© or<Aioi for bringing he whole Philippine question tafor© emigre* \ ar.d It may provoke on© of the -t mamma h4e del sites which ha* ever takei place In Hiat body. It B certain that ?h< War Department’s army bill will not get through without u strong proteat fronvthe Democrats, MRk. M tsy s DIVORt i: g| IT. The entire country fe<-l* more or less interest In tta divorce * of Mary Ellx rtbeth Rea*-, the K • A woman who make* political ape- She h.t> visit ed presty nearly every state, ©nd thou sands of people North, Boutli, Hast and West have heard her sonortm* voice In support of various poli(i< al doc trine*. I* ha* bee,n quite a number of year* sine© she visit©d this state In company with Gen. Weaver, the Populist candidate for President, and talked to people who. at that time, thought that Farmers' Alli ances were going to all of the far mer* rl'*h. She was ttan a Populist. She had been :i Democ rat. Afterwards *he became iu, fusionlsl. ami finally she gave the Ibpiibli an party the benefit of her •■luqutnc*-. It must ta said for tar that •he ta.-- always tr><l to get on th aide wh. b she thought would ta tho winning • me. Of course she mad© mistakes, though in the last campaign *he got on the Hid*- that had th muncy and which won tta victory. ' Mrs. Rc.i-e'* divorce suit I* not the kind that bring* sorrow to the parties to it or <o those who know the parties Mr*. Lease w ints • divorce and Mr. Rea*,. Is willing. They are tired of each other. Mr. Lease sa> - that h© t tlr©d of boing known a* Mis. Lease's hu>l-aiwl. and Mrs. Lease I* tired *f tw-ing tied to a no body. Then fore, they both wII Im* hap pier when they are finally and forever K*par*ted. If seenv they were happy to gether until Mrs. Lease found out that *h had the fatal gift of eloquence, though she say* she never !**vd Mr. Lease from the day he would not let her take frmi hi* store an umbrella that had l>e©n left there bv a customer six month* tafor*. It w • raining and sh© only warned o use the umbrella for tt little while. She hal to go out in the rain. And thus was queue tad the little flame of love that wa* still in her heart At one or two pice* 1 r this state Mr* Leas© used rather badly ©n her first visit, but no doubt, having risen to fann . If not to fortune, since then, she harbor* no ill will against Georgians. 1 rota hi v •he will h. down this way naalu • soon n* she get* her divorce, since she ha* divided to earn a llvit by rtlking There 1* talk In Washington, coincident with the return of Secretary Root from Cub*. It* fax or o* fortifying the I*l* of Pine* as a military and naval base. But has It over been settled whether the Isle of is American or Cuban territory? The Cubans have c.aimed that the island is a pan of Cuba notwithstanding it wa* not spe itlcally *o staled in the treaty ot Pari* Neither Congress nor any legal tribunal, so far ns tlie Information go©a ha* ever passed u|<on fh© / matter. It Is not tinllk* ly that the Isle of Pine* will prove a bone of contention between the new Cuban government and the govern ment of ihi* country. Ire Wolf Hopper ami "Dan" Casey at tained to© at aiiout the same time; Hopper a- a tomedlan and Casey as a taw* boll player. Each In a measure as sisted the flier lo reach "the top rung of the ladder in hi* profession. Some body wrote . poem. *'Ca*ev at the Bat '* which Hopper used lo recite with great i gusto ar.d sin ce** at about every one of id* performance*. Weil. lup on the lack let*, but p© o ** Casey has taken a tumble. Fntll few days ago he wan a street car conductor in Hing l hamton. when he sustained mi accident j which will probably c-o*t him hi> life. The yacht that I* to defend the Amer ica's cup against Fir Thomas Rlpp n * < hallcngcr ha* been provided for. but ha* noi >e? Iwen named. It 1* probable ih.l I the publi< will h*v a hand In the *!♦• . ! lon of her name, a* wa>* the- case of the i Columbia. So far among yachtsmen I "America" seems to be about the favorite name, though other* have been suggested. llt would seem to be about lime to get back to the original name, un-ier which th famous trophy was won. Tta Latin-American Cong re©*, recently ! held In Madrid, upproved by almost unan- I tnioux vote a recommend it lon for compul. • cry ©bltratlon for differences between , the Booth American republics. It will he i interesting to note what mean* th© parties | to me agreement will take to force court l tries In controversy to abUl© by ;he aw'utd [of court of arbitration, in ca do l not c noose lo do U voimuaril/c A smart young woman of P©nn*ylvaJila is showing how ihe "gentler *©x' may ta money.earners when they *©t itair head* In tli *a ilr* tion. T. • out.g woman tn question ha* establish* 1 what -he call# a "plum-pudding farm On the farm, a xmali one. she produces all of the Ingre i *nt* used In plum pudding ‘ utter, eggs, fruits, ©t —ex *pt tb- *- i r .in i the flour. At the approach of tr© holiday* •he combine* these Ingredient* into plum pudding* with her own hands and aells the podding* in one-pound t-. . • a profit able prke*. For the Thank giving holi day she *old more than l u*> pound* of pudding.-, and *he na- ord< r* for alrrKjst twice a* much for Christmas. Tta Women'? Huff rage Vosnclatlon is iiortly to bold a bosar in New York elty i The state ttiiMKlMlotl of lowa racsntly •b urrnlra I to make a e ntrnbxition to th© • • tern futa-tion, and upon a vote it wan I decided • a end a carload of }*>g* At i first it was proposed fhwi tta hog* should j t*e put upon exhibition along with tta other fancy w-cwk of tta basar. but upon j mature deliberation K was k*tormtnel to ■. i thsm to the Chicago stock >*rd*. | sell them, and forward tta pro- ceds to I New York. ! Surgeon General Btemtarg of the Ma 1 fine Hosp Hal Bart Ia *a>* that during the past year he ha* received no le* I than *Z*O comrnunlt atbn* from various ■j- irt* of the country *nr losing Vures" for \dlow fever. And. qu* -rty enough w • inf. of the*© communis kins came from ; *eetu>ns wher* yellow fever Is never seen. | and from ier*ons wbn <*ould not tHI y*l ' low fever from mump Certain French art critic* have deel*re 1 that Fofn Paul Krugwr is by no mean* *" homely a© many person* have been led to behave Meanwhile It 1* to be born© ui mind ttiat an art et*tj< <*n flial point < of beauty about a PEID> 1R —Queen Margheflta. mother of the pres ei.t King of Italy, 5* • devout Catholic tmd tor years has •Kvava, on <iorsl Frf • >*\s. rnad the as ■••nt of the famous H*nta Sc ala among th* humblest of her •üb]tc!. -—Rev Reginald Hebar Waller. Jr., who iia* Just taen ooc*eenstad Dpi scops I Bio op Coadjutor of Fond du La> Is only c yars oUi. arsl is on** * f the youngest tht bishop* of hi* ©hUTfh He gra-iu© r ©.l fr*-m t .;• University of the Bouth in I**’7. and In HttH srra loafed fr-m the Nasho ii * 11 ••• The*Jojrir 1 Ji*m:i*ry —Admfrers of B|dno** prqioe to photo graph the letter© existing In hi* auto graph. This ha* been suggested by the fact tha tta* important letter, "D In flnito." which wa* sold •? auction in I>‘A t*-> M Durand of Paris, >* ot prasent miss jug. -The opening of n new* cigarette fac tory- p'-em© to be *n evert of gre#it im portance In she City of Mexico Prexl •k xH DUez atH'iMlol sin h an affair I -<t month, anil nllre*e| gt*wt throqg of dk-tlngulshed guewts of the proprietors of the establishment. The pob e *ut m •Ire'-H (triform*, and a cim;>sny of infantry paraded. BRIGHT HII’S. —A lat-k of Faith—Mose: "Ah had man mbbtfs foot right !t mah |*> kst. and still she refused me"* Pete— "Doin be ronh. nlggah! Docs yo* r* kn yo’ know* tattah wha am g*el fo’ yo’ d*n dat rabbit’* f*ot dowf’-Puck. —Spring of Conduct -She: "What * it you like *o much about footlmll?" lie—" Oh. the vigoruu* exercise and the sight for victory." Bb*—"Nonae-iisc. you like the way we girl* pnise you whm it Is all ovf*r."— ludlar.npoll* Journal —Enjoyment Worth the Punishment W lllie." -aid tt(e cl ler ‘•ister at the Ju : venlie party, "you’ll t** ill if you cat any more, and then you won’t b© able to go to school to-morrow ’* Well," m!.| Willie, with a sigh, "It * worth it Moonshine. —At one of the railway const ruction ! work* In tho vicinity of the city a Uonnn Catholic clergymen taken a great Interest | in the members of his flo k who are en- I gaged at the cutting. On Saturday he saw ; • *tie of th*tn entering u "pub." and hailed I him hut Pat simply looked and walked In. Waiting till he came out, the rev • rend gcntlftruin accoated him thus; "Pat, , didn't you hear me calling'*" "Yg, your ravrtnee. i did, but—but I bad only the price of one "—Glasgow Evening Times. 11 RRFvr nnntiAT. __ The Poston Advertiser (Rep.) say*; I "Those apologists who excused the Brit ish plan of conquest of th© Transvaal, on the plea that the only desire of the Brit ish wa* *o vlvlkac and elevate’ the Boer people, hove a rar* opportunity Just now. The chance Is dearly open to them to explain how* the present policy of starv ing she Bters a- *r©on * ntradoe*' and of destroying a I the farm- of that country operate* to ennobl* and to cultlvatw the iwopb of the Transvaal. Lord Kitchener is to take or destroy all food supplies, punish treachery by death or transporta tion, raze vll a gulttv of treasonable act* and destroy a' form* tn the vicinity of railway or telegraph cutting’ If this h* civilization, what is barbarism?*’ Tha New* York Journal of Commerce tlt and I **>.** "The Fouth ettll p3*shs##*i some advantage*. The climate make?* she cost of living lower than in New Eng.and. wages will probably be lower permanently in the Houth than In New England, but wages have auvaa.vvi within Hire© jtars and Uttar organizatton* are yet to be gen. ©rally established. Our correspondent Hnd* the quaUiy of the latar extremely goo*l The machinery I* almost entire.}* modern, be •*!*♦• the imiustry 1* new in the Houth. After due allowance I* made for these advantage* the fact remains that < a.(!ltloii- in th© South tend toward (•quality with tho.-#* tn New England, and the appreiietiMotitt lately felt along tin Mcrrtmac have little foundation." Tha Springfield tMaw*.) Repub. lan (Ind ) says; "Gen. ‘Joe’ Wheeler c'oncur* with Admiral Dowey and Gen. Ma Ar thur es to the character (f the Filipinos, who, he navs. are superior In cullur* to the Culaio It merely served the politi cal end* of the Republivun* in the late campaign to put our Far Eastern tv ird* on an intellr tual moral level with the Boxci* of China and the Ajuichi* of the Rojky mountains.” The Columbia iH. C.i State (Dem ) rays; "It will be renumbered to the credit of the bit© Senator C. K D.tvl*. that h* op p.>el the Porto Rican legislation and the Hay-P.iun* efote treaty, for both of which hi* party leaders stand sponsor. His i*o sit ion a* chairman of the foreign affairs committee made hi* opposition more Im portant. effective ami conspicuous, and wa* honorable to him.” Th© Washington Post (Ind) my?; "Bernhardt tickets ©re bringing fabulous sums, but Just think of what a **at in the Senate gallery will be worth when Teddy and THitnau pull off their flm hot-air i sketch." ( Auditor Wits Drat and IHi mb. A dial K Ht*v'er n Mr Brv*an’* running mare during the recent preeidentul cam paign. is a capital story tnder and a good yam lo*©- none of tt* virtue when he harpers* to ta paced m an embarrass ing pradicameot by lt telling, relate* tn* Chicago On on* oooaalon ta vru . riMk ng a rnp down *r© Otu o river on a steamixo* and was having difficulty in whiling awa> time. He met *©v ©rai | aus.-t-ngrr*. but wa- nta - mtereated in apyone until t* was Introduced to a wctl-dres-ed man at-iUt Jt. rr tieiNi sittlrig al u.e near the bow of th* boat. "How are vou. my young friend’’ said Bt©vei;*on warmly The >our.g r an returned the hatviahaka wdh * great enow of appreciation, but •aid twining Btavenaon decided to tell him a real * •*! Miory. He rotated ©r.e •( hi* beat, itirowina -’a* whole aoui into the word#, and th >oung man nmlled pleas, antiy hrv ugr.out When fie *iory was finished Mr. Stev eiiaon a*kt 1 one or two queßtkM* but the ymu.g man *©etn©d emtarnvaaed again and another ar-c<#??e n* told Tal© .tf- r tale followed until h* beat drew into Owens boro, K} Then tin > oune man got up. shook hand* pollu*y and wtthcmt a word walked on eb-vrt A f**w minui©* liter Stevenson said to another one of th© psissenger* ta had met That boy I vv as talking to Is one of tta moat lc-telllgeiM young fellow* I have ever There Ia great future before him." "Can you t .Ik m that language'”' tta other main esked in Mirprlta "What Infiguage?'* "The mute language, of course. That tay i- tkwf and dumb " Well, ta la tta mo-t eloquent IlMener I've ever kn wn," said Akvaoson. bus h© talked to no other stranger* on that trip A Funny Mini'* Hrgftanftasa 1 worked like a mul© all th© tlm© writea Francis Wltaon in Bucc*-*e. an I ketl at It constantly. A* Andrew Car negie says. "Application Is Ihe thl c ” I kept at the j*am© thing, and it was bound to come Of course. I didn’t know* ihat that was hi* game, ion until ait-r 1 had entered the show business Had I known sooner how ♦ asy it was for mm to get rl* h—a* rich as he lo—l *hlnk I nhould have invested In Iron and ideal and probably put a little into cowl, not forgetting ice. However. I'm well sa ti tled to look back ami see that harl work and application I have m eroded wher* many others have given up. I tell you. that word "application” meaiv* much in ihi* feueines*. The tir-t view I hid of it was when a three-foo: slip-stick us*d to ta applied to m*- regularly from 3 p m to k.lO p. m. during a minstr- l After that 1 grew to the distinction >f a clog dancer, then 1 pined to be able to "say something" to the audience and An ally got to speak a line or two. Will horse* couldn't hold me after that, an l i quit n~.; U ,r.d ~ snut:! **- me part* Gh. well, there’s no u*© golnz into letail—l had to hustle and find y succeeded. Here 1 am working as hard a* ever ever}* night, trying to amuse my audience. Just a l.lttle Nervous. A N©w York w oman, little nccuetome I to traveling and nervous rather than oth • rwU*. foun I herself on the Empire Hr at* Express the other morning, bound for Buffalo. Leslie’s Weekly. Tta trni i id hardly passed Tarry town when th© ;d lady risked tta brakeman if there was any fear of an accident. "V*-, ma'am.' he replied. "Plenty of Par. but no danger " "Why?” asked tta anxious woman "Because every wheel hws a brake,*' was th#* reply. “Biii, sir.” she returned fearfully, “sup pose something should g-t wrong with •he 1 rake”” 1 "Well, (hen the engine could be revers ed. or a fres*iir* could b** put on strong J enough to keep the cars from slipping "Rut, brskemail,” sh© replied, with de*p anxiety, "supp le even that should giv way. v. hat would t*ecome of u* all then” "WV:i.” replied the hrakeflMtal slowly, u if weighing a momentous question with ill th© ©arc It deserved, "that, row atn would depend on the kind of life you'd 1 en leading.” < nughl In III* Own Trap. The recent death of Hlr Arthur Hulllvwn reAills the "Pinafore craze” in this *oun #ry. which was deep-seated and long last ing. relate* a New York correspondent It 1 related that tta words. "Wh it. nev •m ? Well, hardly ever." became a ratr'h phrase so prevalent that It Interfered wHh ordinary conversation and dlsturoed the gravity of courts in se-slon, of tagisia tures and even of pulpit orators who could not us© the word "never” without caus ing a ripple of merriment in the audl | cnee One eminent New York editor and i publisher, now dead, was compelled to for- I utd the use of the phrase in his paner on pain of dismissal He called hi* force to get ta r. "This thing or iirs." saw! he. "twenty Bmes in a* many article* In yesterday’s paper. Never let It be used again." "What, never?” chorused th© staff "Well, hardly ever.” replied th© wretch ed man. surrendering to the inevitable. At th* hlght of tin Ir successes Bullivan and Gilbert quarreled and the breach wa* , never healed. Wanted the Gate Opened. The Bishop of Norwich ha* perhaps more tories told of him than most Hish oj*s. says London M A I*. Off one oc casion he was 10 Isold a confirmation at a small town. and. arriving *v<n* time In • for© the hour for service, took a stroll. Hl* step* led him to the outskirts of the town and. passing h pteturesqu© cot* he stopp and to admire it. A pretty little garden separated the collage from the road, finished off with a nca* hedge and green gate. "Oh. please, sir.” said a voice from th* other side of tta- hedge, "would you open tb© gate for me?” This tta lll*hop at once did. Then, to hi* surprise. Instead of the Hny child he had expected, there .‘tapped forth a girl quit© big • nough to have opened the gate for herself. "An*fc w*hy. my dear." said Dr. Sheep shank.-. "could you not open the gate for yourself." "Plea#©, sir. because the paint's wret," said the eh.hi A glance at his hand tes tified to ih© Bishop hut too plainly the truth of her st.itiment. Took the Next lle*l Thing. A good story is told of a H otti-h sol di* r nt Bloemfontein who was Just re coverlng from an attack of enteric, says the Hootllsh American. One day ta sug gested to ih© doctor who ealh-d to sen him that ho would he grateful for a wee dr apple. "No. no.” said the doctor. "Do you know tht your stomn h is In such an ulcers*ed condition that a spoonful of whlsky would kill you?” Aw eel, sir." r?*plle?1 the patient. "I must Just do without It; but. doctor. Just conr.e up close to me The donor obliged. Ah. doctor." said the ->H t ,-r sighing contentedly, "yrr breath’s verrm refresh- In* r .Intllcr Unit* for an Excursion. course of my career in the police* deiwrtmenr I have eoir.e across anything more humorous than a letter recently received at tn© deteettvo headquwrtetw," mW Uapiain of Detectives Lohrer to the Cleveland Leader. "We ar rested a man wanted in a city not a hun dred miles from here and we wired the marshal fo rom * on**© and get his prisoner. He wrote us a letter and said: ’pleas# hold for one week. There |* wn excursion to Cleveland then and I ran g*f cheap rate*. Ikhi’c forget to hold him and *## about a cheap ticks; to her© v for my man." CHRISTMAS NUMBER OF THE LEDGER MONTHLY, 3 C 5 AUTHORS, 20 ARTISTS. Contribute to this'Number of the Great Family Magazine A grel*r quantity anJ morr Interesting reading matter than tn any periodical ut It. kind. Thl. number contains : 135 Illustrations. 6 Pages of Fashions, |3Artjc|g< on Up-tO“ (Including Demorest Leaner Patters. | date Subjects. 8 Short Stories. 12 Departments of 2 Serial Stories. Usefui Information. 2 Poems. Alt tor 10 cent* a copy. For sale by all Newsdealer*. Or .end SI .00 lur a year', .üb.trlptlon and secure, tree ot nil coat, the beautiful three-panel l.ttMJliH MOM MI.V CALENDAR. Address ROBERT BONNER'S SONS, Publishers, Ledger Bldg, New York ITEM?* OF INTOIfcuHT. —The Chicago and Northwestern Rail way ha* tnstilutsi) an economical reform tn pencil stubs, r n*. lamp-wricks, etc., t;iat will probably >ave the road ©'*.(►> a year. Yet the economy of attending to trifles I* not always obvious. It is coni puled that a carpenter stopping to Pick up the nails hat fall from hi* apron \cme* more Um than the rail* are worth —Th© Saturday Review ends it* article on our dec don by saving "The only in teresting thing to th© impartial observer i- to consider tta manner tn which the lTwaldent will use his victory. The grew* est tribute to hi* cunning * a politic lan 1 h fourtd in the fact that there 1* also lutely nothing In h.s t*ast action* or ut t* lances to tell us This b.t o( sarcasm reveals a k©wn kt.owledge of Mr. McKin ley's character Mr. James Judge, an engineer of New c iwtle-on-Tjme. has invented a gun which, whatever it* practical value may ta. !* ectalnly anew and Ingenfou- aiqUca tion of centrifugal motion. Tta- contriv ance consists of r. disk so connected to an electrlr motor that It ©an ta revolved at an exceeding!y high rate of speed nuimo mtf gitrod*.i red nr ?* the inusjvi Of the Vi*k at the <>enter. and travel alou* speelsd>' arr*uget eurvwl chambens to the circumferetir©. seal from here are thrown with *r©at velocity through th© ba* #1 of tho but To* dkk It is < alnil will rotate at th© rat* of 12.#) revolutions In a mintrt? ond will eject buikst* from the muasfo of tta gun with an Inßlul ve a*, itv of 2.0f0 feet f*-r l Th© hulls* are spherical and measure 3-If o' an tn. Ii in diameter. —O. T’yemwray. tta managing director, an I K Yagl. the brewrtnaster. of tta Hap. r- ri Brewing Fonifan>. of Ja{ian. are in - Au r\. 1 arnlng new ltaxis In brew- Irg At t irst." Mr. Uyemwrav, we ha 1 hard work to got any of the natives to drink beer, and our customers w©r mostly forrtgnei*. The native* are clcsely wet Wed to their native sake, a light made of ric© print Ipally. but In whlc h th. r© Is 11 prr cent of oloohol ©nough to nvak© th© drinkers drunk, and they drink great quantities of it A the con sumption of beer increase* n Japan, the consumption of sak© decrease*, but our people ire a very t- mpentt* ra.-e, and aro rot much given to intoxicant* of anv kind. The drinkers of beer are largely In. r.-tis l?.g ev©ry and it would not surprise pi© tv see the cotmumvtloti much larger in the next few year*, for wher© tta Japan©*© once become taer drinkers they remain be. r drinkers. All of our taer. as l - the ©a*© w ith all taer brewed in Jap in. i- U,riled, and gml profit* are ma b* fr*>m It. W© htsvt r.o saloons, as saloot.w ar© m• i .wn in th"-, uti-rv. nd w© ©II tne Jobber mid to the consumer.” —On© of the feature* of the locomotive exhibit of the Pari* Exposition was a compound engine for the Royal Bavarian railway* constructed by Messr*. Maffel A Cos. of Munich. The locomotive Is com pound and articulated, th© axle* talng divided into two independent group*, each group b© ng driven hv two cylinders. The rear group is rigid with -th© boiler, while the forward group 1- flexible. The high pressure cylnder- drive tht aftrr group of wheels and by means of a flexible connection the expanded steam l* admit ted to the ©ylinr.-r* of the front group The forward part of the boiler Is support ed on a Jointed frame, fixed to the rear and rigid portion of th© main frame by mean* of a vertical hinge point between ihe tw*o groups of th© boiler Itself I* fixed rigidly to *hc rear frame, and in ord©r to prevent tb© forward fram© from having too great mobility, a pair of horl xothl check spring* I* introduced, which bear ugainst the support beneoth Ihe smoke-hox. The Advantage of this ar rangement l* that th© locomotive <-an run on track* w here then are curve* of small radius, and also on mountain roads with st.ep grade*. -Aflfr He* wonderful speed rerord e. tublished by the Brlush torpedo-boal-de stroyer Vi|er on Its trial trip, the qu-v. lion of considering (hr rrlntivr economy of the rlram turbine pic! ehe ri*> Ipro* eating engine faceomrr of Importance. The speed 'attained on the trUI mi 33 <G3 knots. which was eminently satisfactory, anti possibly cotilii have been exceeded On a three hours' run at 5i.119 knot , the Viper con-urn* and 3.55 lone of coal per hour, or lf.Mi pounds. and on the three liour.-t trial trip it 33.ttR knots the consumption * JS.ffiS pounds per itour. It I* not poe aihle nii yet to measure the power develop ed, but comparison may be made with the Albatross. n tlestrA.ver equipped with re. ctprocatlng engines. which hoe a speed record approaching that of the Viper and practically the same displacement While the Albatross was making a speed trial at the rate of 31 332 knots ier hour, she consumr-'l 17,474 pounds of coal, which can be compared with the 19 MC pounds used hy the Viper when at Si lit knots The 9>-knot destroyer* with reciprocating en gines. no a rule, coti-ume about 13180 pounds of coal per hour, this figure tv - ing the mean of forty.five boat*. —C. I. Woolley-, in the Electrical World, describee a curious |>heiiotnet'.on, which for a time rendered useles* a private telephone Installation, and almost 1- ' t,, a belief In anew sort of ghot. The line ran between a house and store. i out poo feet apart. "A few w.ok* ago the call bell at the house end of the line l*-gan to ring at Irregular Intervals, on I In .■ very peculiar way It wjuld In nto t iases tap slowly and faintly at first, gradual.y in creasing. until, In a few moments. It was vibrating strongly. This wouli continue for a time, and then gr.idttilly subside, or In many eases suddenly stop. bom-tlme- It would be silent for hours, sometimes It would ring at short Intervals for hours, A thorough search of every Inch of the line failed to di "over any contact! with any electrical sources The "ghost/ - o whatever It wn was flnailyMrlwn away by the accidental discovery that wh> n a waterplpe ’ground" was substituted for a tra-pl|H- "ground" then In use the h. II Immediately reused tinging On the "ofr" side of Ixvth the house and the stotc at a distance of about go feet tun tw. of the principal trolley lines of Baltimore and the only explanation of the irouide short of a supernatural one. souk! Im plicate these In none gray. Ocean SteamsMo Go. -FOR- New York, Boston . -AND— THE EAST. L'ttnta.ed cabin accommodations Ad the romtoris of a nio<lam hotel Eiactru lights. L’neixcallad (able. Tickets tncluda maaia and bertha aboard ship. PasseaAer lares from Savanaii TO Nt\V YOKK-FIKBT CABIN, FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. Id. IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. IIS. INTERNE- I'IATI. CABIN ROUND TRIP, II V STEERAGE, *lO. TO BOSTON —FIIUJT CABIN. U.. FIRST CABIN MOCN-fi TRIP tt.. IN TERMEDI.tTK CAIItN. *l7; INTEBMP. DIATE d’Amv ROCND TRIP IB'dl S PEERAGE. *11.75. Th* xpr< .ti'am.hipa of this llna ara • ppolnn l ,o .all from Savannah. Central <th) merkllan time. a. follows savankah to sew vork. TALUAHABBEE. Capt. Asklns, SATUR DAY, I>ec. 1, 11-oo m. CITY OF ACGUSTA. Capt. Daggett. TI'ESDAY. Dec. 4. J;00 p. m. NACOOCHEE. Capt. Smith. THfRS DAY*. Dec. S. 4:*o p m. KANSAS CITY Capt Fisher, BATT R DAY, Dec S. 0 00 p m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Berg, MONDAY. Dec. 10. 800 p. in. TA I .LA HASS EE. Capt Asklns, TVES DAY'. Dec. 11, y.-po p nt CITY OK ADGI-BTA. Capt. Daggett, THT RBDAY. Dec 13. 10 00 a. m NACOOCHEE Capt. Smith. SATCR DAY. Dec 15. 11 30 a m KANSAS CITY. Capt. KWher, TOBSDXY. Dec. t. ; oo p m. i TALI.AHABSKE Opt. Aaklna, THCRS DAY'. Dec. 20, 3:30 p. m. CITY <l|- BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Berg. FRIDA v. Dec. tt. 3 00 p. m CITY OF ACGITBTA. Capt. Pag*'t, BATTRDAY. Dec 22. 600 p. tn. NACOOCHEE. Cnpt. Smith, TUESDAY. Dec 25. 7:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY, < apt Fisher, THT’RS DAY. Dec 27. 0:00 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Asklns. SATUR DAY. Dec , li no p. m. NOTlCE—Stcamahlp City of Birming ham will not carry passengers Steamship CITY OK MACON. Cap' Siv ist, will ply between New York anl Boston on the following schedule LEAVE NEW YORK FOR BOSTON (from Pier 35. North river, at li:00 noonl Dec 3. 7. 12. 17, 21. 2. 31. LEAVE! BOSTON FOR NEW YORK (from L to* wharf, at 12:00 noon, Nov. 30. Dec. 3. )0, H. 19. 24. 2S. This (Ntmpany reserves the right to change Its alliriga without noth-e anl wHnout liability or accountability thrra for. fallings New York for Savannah Tusa days, Thursdays and Saturdays 6 p. m YV G BREWER. Ctiy Ticket and J*e senger Agent. 107 Bull slreet, Savarmah. Ga. E W SMITH. Contracting Freight Agent. Snvannah. Ga Tt G. TREZEVANT. Agent. Savannah , WALTER HAWKINS. General Aren, Trafllc Depirtment. 224 W. Bay itree*. J n kfcnvllle. Fla. 1-? 11 HINTON. Traffic Manager. S*- vannah, Ga I’ E I.EFEVRK. Manager. New Pif 35. North river. New York. N. Y\ Mercftoms S Miners ifonsDortolioii Ba Steamship Lines To Baltimore & Philadelphia Tickets on Sale to All Points Norik sti West. I lift-, if tit krts Include meels * r ’* erthi Bavunnah t 4Hlumorf and Phi*** dtlphla. Accommodations end cuuise unequaled. The steamships of this company ars P* Pointed to all from Savannah •• folio** (Central Standard Time): TO 11ALTIMORR. ITASCA. Capt Billups. SATURDAY, Dee. 1. 1:J0 p m. _ CHATHAM. Capt. Jamee. TUEBDAT. Dec t. t p m _ TEXAS. Capt Eldre<l*e. THURSDAi, Dec D H MILLER. Capt. Peters, SATI • DAY. Dec. S. 7 p. m. TO PHILADELPHIA. ALLEGHANY. Capt. Foster. TUESDAY, Dec 4. 4 p tn BERKSHIRE. Capt. Ryan, SATURDAY, Dec f 7 p. m. ALLEGHANY. Capt. Foster, WEDNES DAY. Dec. 12. 9 p m. T.cket Office No 112 Bull etreeL J J. CAItOLAN. Agent. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav. Aft- Savannah. Ga. W P TURNER. Q. P. A A D PTEBBINS. A. T M J. C WHITNEY. Traffic Manager General Office*. Baltimore, Md Wood Mosaic Co.'s Parquetry Floors Have been laid In many of the com fortable home* tn New York. Boeton *” other cities. More cleanly and sconongcsi than carpets Plain and fancy A 00 ” and polls hoi compleie over old making a solid and beautiful improve ment Having a number of floors to Isy in **■ vannah this month we can quote rios flgures. Catalogue and eattmates may had hy addressing J M ADA_ts. Box 342. Savannah, or 227 N. Child** Baltimore, Md.