The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 01, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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HE CALLED ON HAY HlTl* UIMIMKU THE PA.VtM.t ('ANAL I ETI(. gave HIM COMPANY’S PRICE. (on CNMIPANY HEBMft ANXIOYH TO SELL. Tb %,lailalara(loa (Intrads n rr l.ihmlan (ami L*ialx(ton Ex rl.„lltr llrM'h *f the In i.nokril to, I<> Remove Obt*flr tlrforr Float Ac(toß la Taken. Mu) .raant'afnla T(MI)' l One l th , (lain Obatnelee In Ihr Way. VlMsiinKton. Nov. PreshVtU Hutiu \ Panama rVtnul Company, rail'd by arprlbtmrnl upon Secretary Hay U>-L*y *rd bad • lonr talk with him. touohma |n# P ro#r>*ct* of 'b<* Pad'"*' l <xiui! xs off'.- -vl by th* protHible legislation at tlir a p- ranching Coimresi. Th' Panama company has as yet made r c I*l tender of the property to the department. It has. however, pre to the Isthmian Canal Commission. ~ * leh Admiral Walker Is president, a • u. statement of the affairs of the com p,. „nd the oondltlona upon which It m.yht he wlllintr to fwsa control of Its properly to the United States government , event that the I'anama route s.iootd he chosen. The commission will irrliste M Hutln'a communication In s* repor • that Congress aid have before it material for exercising a choice of Us .wt us between the Nicaragua and the panama route. The Canal Commission la making a strenuous eflort to finish Its preliminary re ort Which, uo ar tlr.g to promise, watt to he delivered to the President to-day ft Is now said Iluat the document will be sent lo Congress as an accompaniment of the President s message and that mean while It will probably not be made pub lic. Will Press Legislation. Ii Is evidently the Intention of the ad ministration lo press canal legislation up on Congress earnestly and speedily from the very beginning of the session. II is expected that before itnal action -■an be had In the Senate upon the pend ing House bill providing for the eon stru lion of the Nicaragua canal the ex ecutive branch of the government will have succeeded In removing certain ob stacles which now lie In the course of the pending Hay-Pauncefote treaty, and If this later convention Miould he ratified the administration Influence w II be cast in favor of the pending lull. There have been several conferences of late between Secretary Hav on one able and Benors Correa and t'alvo. the mlnMera for Nl iragoa and Cos;a Rica, respectively, und n a believed that by way of anticipating action upon the Huy-Pauncefote treaty U’.e bases have already been laid for the treaties with (he two iMhndan republics winch would be necessary lo give effect in the canal Nil and lo secure for the I bi'rO States the exclusive right for the constructton. Hoof. IKHIOKLY Hl/.t-ID. He May Die As llesnlt of find Treat ment at West Point. Philadelphia, Nov. *>.—A special to the Press from Kriatol, Pa says: Oear I- Roox. a young man ;i years f ' age. lies at the [mini of tie ith at his home on Cedar street. Aiioul a year ago horn wns appointed by Congressman U anger in the West Point Military Acad 'mj. and the parents declare that the iMiing administered it that time was of ich an atrocious nalurr that the death of their son may result. , After the Iwtzlng Congressman Wan *cr S appointee was left in such a phvsl ■ il condition that he had to resign his radstshlp. It Is allege.! that tabasco mice was poured.down Hoot's throat, r-d was thrown In his eyes, hot grease poured on hi* hare feet, a tooth knotted out and fiendish operations gen erally indulged In. "The Rooc family have no hesitancy In declaring that the hazing received by Os tr Is responsible for ills precarious con dition. " < OL. JAMMU |). Dll tin DM AD. Me Wns < ollrctor nl Internal Hne no- In A Iruinln. Pe’ershtjrg. Va . Nov. to—Col James P Brady, collector of int. rtial reventi. for the Second district of Virginia, died here ! c- morning from the eomhlned effects neuralgia of the heart atsl Plight's disease, in the- .\Mh par of his age. |)ur- II g the Civil W ar lie wns colonel of the rx* third New York lteglment In lln --k s corps Since the war he lived con ■ a-aisly 111 Virginia, taking a conepi u ••us |virt In IS a lb-publican lead* l M- ... elecied lo Congress from ilie P*-- lersbur* district In IkM, and held the pn ■ ; ’- r n of collector of lnbrnal rrveii t* ti iee terms. He was reeommeiuk-d (or k- gadier general In the late f-'iwnJi-h war tv r;n Miles, on whose staff he had once served. K APPA MI.M A I'll ITEHMTI. Ai noal I onirntiun Held mid Arw llllii-s-ps Fleeted. Philadelphia, Nov. JO.—The Kappa Sig ma fraternity to-day concluded the buid ii-ss sessions of the annual convention •ffi the election of the following oflber ;>avid Fletcher Hoy. registrar of Cor reli ('Diversity, worthy grand mister: Frederick Neal, Denver. Col., worthy cart-l master of ceremonies; Dr. Itich srde.m of Ark.mans, worthy grand pro- Herbert M. Martin of 1 Hinvthe, 1 worthy gran.l stilt; Stanley M. Mar -1 of lianvllle, Va.. worthy grnrwl treos l,r'r - J Harry Covington. ICastmi. Ml ■ di’er-ln-chlef of the Cadeuus, and Georg* 1 ighn. Hot Springs. Ark , editor of ' Mslogue. Fastest Trotter bold. .w York. Nov. JO.— At the Kasig and Tipton auction sale of fine horses to-day ‘ r ” Abbott, holder of the worlds trotting “ *>rd, (2:081,), w„ soi.l for S2S.SOU The l-.tvhasei was F!r< Commissioner Joan J S-anneil of New York AAhy Powers Cannot Art. London. Nov. 30,-The Cologne Oazetie. n ,n Inspired article, reviews the reasons J* • h prevented tha Poweys from Inter *r'ng In the war In Houth Africa and de- Hr that these still exist and prohibit * r intervention. Money Wealed la Hn> lotion. Ifv of Mexico. Nov. JO.— The cotton iwnufaeturere at Puebla are proposing lo loan of S&txi.uvu gold in the lulled a.*it to ordw to buy raw cotton. MBBTINO OF THE CADI ALT. Seeretar y Hoot Told All Aliunt Ills Trip to i uts. Washington. Nov. JO-For the first time in many months oil the members of the cabinet were present at to-day’s meet ing. Much of the time of the meeting was given up to listening to Secretary Root'a account of his Cuban trip, vile described conditions as he found them and the alt uailon as he palmed it was recanted as generally satisfactory. Secre ary Hay explained briefly the new features of the Chinese situation which, however, were not of much imiiortance. It Is understood that one of the Chinese \leeroys lias been proceeding energetically against the Boxers punishing gudtv per sons and protecting foreigners and Chris tians. But notwithstanding his commend able course the same Information was to the effect that the Germans were not sat. Istled, and that they were contemplating a h<et..e movement agalns- him Owing to the death of Senators Davis and Gear, the President s message proba ble not be transmitted to Congress until Tuesday. “gres.s WALE* or PM IAT riAITII*. Acer England Manufacturers Having • Milt lluhlnna. Fall River. Mass., Nov. art—The sale* In the print cloth market during the week amounted to about 2S&.MW pieces, all odds regulate were disposed of during that 4 line. For the first time In months the sales for the week exceeded the regular produc tion. a promising sign of the prosperous business conditions which are confidently expected by manufacturers .Managers here *.>* that the manner In which primer* and converters are talking ha* convinced them that there I* a good trade in the South and the West, and that the next three weeks will see a largo Increase In sales Buyers will hy that time he compelled to renew their stocks, which have of late been depleted by con verters. The Ircrease In the price of cotton has given renewed strength to the print cloth market the pnsluction Is held on n basis of Jt, cents for all makes REPORT 0\ CIH%> PfUt'Dlt. Kprrlal Andttor Lnirshe (ioes Into Portlier Detail. Washington. No\ 30 —Tha report of Spcf'iaJ AiKlltor I .aw* he. who waa aent to Cuba bj the siecretar>' of War to make u supplementary Investigation into the Cuban (joata-i fraud*, tias been received at tur *ii iie%riurnA. Ii ssj maur liiie l to tiecretar> Root, and it wan announced to-day thai being .* corsildential report k will not be made public. Auditor L*w.he l*a* made another ro port for the Committee on Citbwn Affah*. o # which Senator ITatt of Con next ant h chairman. It ia a report for which a *pt cinl demand tray made by the Senate Committee Both of the I*awyihe report* are volumlnoua affair* They cover prac tically th* name ground a* that of Fourth AaM*tant Pont master General Brlatow'. but are even more in detail, and tt is ~| tha being drawn on strict treasury department line*, the list of Items for diMilloarance Is even larger than that drawn up by Mr Bristow HI IMM.Ii;* ARK %*KKD FOR. OfVieinl llrport l Mode of !.•■ ol < rnlaer loaemlte. Washington, Nw 3’'.-The Navy De partment ha* received the following cah'e gram from Admiral Remey: •'Cavite. Nov, 30,-OfTlclal rep rt fr mi Guam Juft reeeived. Follow Ir.r men drowned. ICth: Joseph Ander.on. .oil |ia**er: J.icob Ueroy M haffey. ai prentt •*, fir*t ol.*.***; Oeo'g* Atibel. Miman; \N 1- Ham Krcdc:lek Davt*. flieman. nat cl.i**; Frank Bwan*on. coxswain. Two bodle* recoveroi. hut were unrecognlaa Ic. G>v- rnor rcp*>rt largcr cf * arvatl>n. iHMind.4 four. 3>/<v> hl*cult. !. 0* Migar. 20.000 fa It jX'rk, 20/0) ri * h!| U r destitute i stive* Rh 11 f end ly >ir cruiser? Brutu* to k ample ttoe for th* present. Newark, Guam "Remey." Re retarv Is>ng has directed that *he Mtpplie* l>e **nt. ÜbRE MIOT 111 MIST %hK. I {(* a rnne OfW*er W l**> Thought The y Hikl MonlilnerM. Ri hmmvl. Va . Nov. JO.-It now .l*v*t op* that Unit*.! Stat** Rev*nu* OflWra rhapwan an.l <i** of th* Virxlnta dlatrlct, who w*ro Khot in M*okl*nhurn .ounty. Ttiank*lvltiK Day. war* not *hot hv moon*him r* a* at ftrat auppoavA. but b> ■ni*toke by " po**<- o( r*v*nu oftlce;* ironi North Carolina. Both parti** .* n*l 10. at*.l th* *am* atlll. mi.| th* North Carokna party thouaht 1)1* Virginia party w*r* rwtumlntr moociahtn rrf, ;** |* ho; In th* wrtl an.t Chap man t* Aang*rou*ly. thoueh not n*'.xs*x tllv fataliy *hot in th* Ixnly RDOT'A BILL IA FAVOHBD. Il.iuar ( oniinllt*® lt*al* ( on*l*l*r ntlon o( Army 11111. Wa*hln*ton. Nov. *n.-Th* lion** Com met** on Military Affair* b.*in i-onil -*ratlon of th* artny bttl 10-flay, hav In* a* a hj*l* to* ht.l (viu-'h i> pri'iatr*.! In ilio War D*partm*nt. No dtflnlt* oeaclu *lon* wrr* r*a,-h*'l becaii** th* romrnt!- t** ha-1 not n quorum i>r***nt. but |t it* utvlrplMd that th* **ntim*nt la atrnngly in f*\or of th* maximum numl>*r of m*n okal for In th* War D*pnrtm*nt hl.l. In H**rotary Root'* m*a*uro prwl*ton it m ,4r fr th* r*tlr*m*nt of any oflt-*r who ha* b**n *ufr-*iid*'l from <lut' Thi* woul-1 apply to (*n. Kgan. i-ommlraary general I OATH AIT FOR AHMOB PLATE. .Arranuruirnt AAtlh Carnral* Com |,nat lla* Been *lned. Washington. Nov. PA—Th* rontraot with th* C.irrwl* Company for furnish ing a lartr* quanthy of armor plat*, un -o*r the agr**ro*nt recently announced, wa* concluded and figtied toalay. un-1 It I ,x|>.-. i-d that th* Bethlehem contract for etmllnr armor, will I*- signed to-mor row. Atramer lt*vor*l Atraaded. l/indnn. Nrv Jit - A Hamhn g new px p. r report* having rerelv and aK. ■* tha; th* German ahlp Flottbvk. <hip'. 9ch *- maker, whl-'h arrlvcl at Y- kocarra Nov. 18 from Fort T.impn, tat stand. I ant that her situation wi* ►ertou*. The r<- art t* -11-credlted. but It I ■ believed that probably *>n alight awldent h- - crur red from which the report ha* qrlaen Ml** Eoucnln XAnshlnaton Dead. Washington. Nov BA-Mlsa Eugeni* Washington, great-grand-nW* of* Washington, one of the founder* of the Society of Daughter* of the American He volution, ami president of the 80-'le ly of Founder* and Patriot*, died In thi* Uty this morning % Revolt lu It .mi manta. Bucharest. Rottmania, Nov. Jf>.—A rising of Moldavian peasant* against the n-w tax on prune spirits ha* taken place. The military have shot twetuj; men oud Have made many prisoner*. _ THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 1,1900. OUR WORKING GIRLS. HOW TO HELP THEM. Life to the moat favored V- not klwaya full of sunshine, hut in the average American (firl or w.iiogti who 1* obliged to work for hr liviwg and, perhaps to help others at horns life is often a heavy drug in consequence of illncsa. Women who work especially *hoae who are constantly on their feet, are peculiarly liable to the development of organic troubles, and ahould par ticularly heed the first manifestations, such as tmekarhe. pains in the lower lin|hs and lower part of the stomach, irrepulsr and painful monthly periods, faintness, weakliest., loss of appetite and sleep Xhe young lady whose portrait we Wtss Fix* linesnme. lout Kocbcstcr, Ohio, publish herewith had all these symp toms, and in uddition Icucorrhoca. and wo* cured by I.vdiu L. Piukham's V• fcoAn hie Compound. First, she wrote a letter to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., descrihing her trouble, reeeived in reply accurate instructions what to do to (ft well, and now wishes Mrs. Pinkham to use her name to con vince others that they may be cured as she was. Mrs. Pinkham extends the same helping hand, free of charge or obliga tion, to every woman in Amer ica. If you are sick you are foolish not to write to her, it costs you noth ing, and she is sure to help you. Don't wait until it is too late—write to-day. OUR GREAT STOCK OF GOLD. MURE TH %X EVER W’TuRE 1IEU) ix i xitkii vrvrr.s. Trrnnr) \mr mm n* ff(7-l,liw,;i,'Ul, or ’M) l|nn 'llinii at llir € |e •if iRMb-Home of thr Unld Mr Id \galn>i Outidimllnß OrlillcsiM. Tmtinn 11m* llrrn *hlpv*inß M*ii) 'mull \*tr—4 ouiitry** 4*oll Mar Soon hr •I.MWMMNI (MH). Washington, Nov .10—The largest Mock of gold coin and bullion ever hrld in tha United gta’r* i now accumulated in the treasury atal Its branch#*. Thr total hai hr**n rial me stradlly dtr* Ingr thr whole of the present year iirxl the amount In now U74.kb.334. or hlkiim $76,- (H<o,ino irrratrr than it the dorr of The incrsnse up to June 30. was about s23,otf>,ooi>, Imt aincc that timr has b-'en aimut,'•> tor July. s..'oo.*'<o for Au gust, SUM*•/* tor H*'|** ml>rr, slv<M,‘*v for October, and $17,000,000 thus far lu No vi mlxr. The g-old is not oil direct prr#>sr4y of the Ur.itMl Btatrii, but i h*hl aaln*l out sLairiing: geld certiflcatr*. Thr amount of these, lear the amount in thr treasury aid it branch* 1 !*, was $239,7&&.80R Wednes day All the remaining gold, amounting to about $343.uu,u00 belongs to the treas ury as a part of the reserve fund of $l5O - or the free* fund cf IW/fo.ftO In the g*ncrwl cash. The influx of gold into the treasury corn*s jartly from the n* w gold from the Klondike *r*\ other mines, femi its refeni on I>* due to the pressure for currency, which leads to the acccptanc* of geld certificates and other paper money in preference to coin. The trenvtry has recently hern shipping -mill noire in large quantities to New Or leans and other points upon deposits of rold in the New York siih-trtnsury by the New York reserve agents of the Southern hanks. The gold supply of th*- country on the last day of 1K was estimated at $*®2.JM7.- 212. The esdnwtcd amount Nov. 1. IP*), w s $1.W9.f87.4f/7, nnd It is rrohuWe th.*t tin- report for Dc 1 will showr at least fI.IOO.WO®. MJC i IUTII> OF !*!•?.%BO %RD. Miilrfendarf Raya There ll Hrrm Xo Baltimore. Nov Ji.—J. William Mi.Men .k>rl and Robert C. Davidson, director* ol th* Beahoard Air l,ln* Rail* y Cominy. have returned from N*w York, where th*> allend*-! a meeting of the hoard o their company. Thi* m ating w* held on Wcdnesdav last. t>ut adjourned after a short session to meet it Un Thursday ru*xi Meesr* Divtdson nnd Mlddendorf pot tlvely declined (o .list us* the various ru mor* that have been cir uiated rf.-enily concerning the propoae.l greem*in wnh Thoma- l Ryan, whereby tlist gentie nun will dispose of hi* holding* In ste h.wrd ind Hoanok and Raleign and 'Ja>- .on and dimonllnu* hi* lawsuit* Mr Midd.-ndorf said that the rteabotird ■*Hu- Hon wa* perf' satisfactory to the dl iector A-kot ton vrnln* .t rumor shat th* recent advance In Seaboard *t.>'k* and bonds was clue largely to manipula tion. he aald: "If there ha* been manipulation In the nmuee 1 have no knowledge of It " The io* k* aid t*ond- of the company Were easier toola> on account of the ab sence of definite Information relative to th* statu* ot the negoilattooa with Mr. Ryan. v\\IXK * 4 %M 6 !4(vX^\TIOXMs. IP n ( n W ANimi XX ho < *rrl**l n Xo(s From s lihisk Mni. Columbia. H C . Nov. to —ln Bportnn hurg ml* afternoon the Hint of J., ttwiok of Wot-lrnff. for the murder of Mr*. Wllhemina r.*;irooi. wn* begun. No ct.miuil case within a quarter of a cen tury h caused so mu-h utterest In tlwt count' No testimony w-a* taken to-day. th* court ndjournln* * soon as Jurv wa# secured Hivtnk* family ts wea.thy. lie slmlt- heating Mr*. Fearsort woo It eem* visited on friendly ;erm* lady n*rn her* Of Ida family, because she brought note to one of the call** from a young man of the town. He dan lew that the whipping imused death At least four phy sician* will testify. The voun* man In question I* in Text.* for hi* health. I.en l* %rrrtrd. Nsrhvillr, Trnti.. N’ci' I^il. formerly bookkeeper of the First Notional Bank of this city, charged In connection with Thomas Brady with defrauding the bank of MS.COO, arrived here to-night in charge of detective*. Lata loft here last AuflMt. _ LORD RAGLAN INVENTED THE RACLAN OVERCOAT. His soldiers were cold, and the ordinary overcoat interfered with their shooting. So he ran the sleeve clear tip to the collar and gave the world anew style. It is a most comfortable coat, but, unless tlie maker understands his business, a most uply one, The fit is all in the neck and shoulder. If you don’t get it there, the drapery is all askew. Here are Raglans from to $30 —as much fit in the cut of the fl 2 as in the cut of the S3O. But if you imagine the richness of thos- roughish cloths with the dash of the Raglan cut and the luxury of silk lining, you can see why men who intended to pay sl2 didn’t get off so easy. We arc very tempting this year. CELtBRATtO , jmf/s// m mu t m-mwiY Mum BY THCB£ST omsm HiH£W YORK. One Price the kii.i.iAt. nr nnniAAttA. \\ n > frtiM Trngril) !• I)rr||> H-grrt* frl hy %11. WsycroM*. (it., Nav. 3* —Gr**af mtsrsst iisn been manifested over th* Mwfui trrig edy of y<eter4sy. Ail our people 1 ihe h*l iffafr. nnd non- m>>re than tH*-• who |Kirti' l|>ri(ei m th** troub.- An eNr.y tr.;n r th*- r-main- of Hi* unfortunate victim of the trouble, Henry Robiiifon to Foikmoo, where they were •urie*l in the fiimilv |>lot, the Hide of hie brother, w !m. met • -irmi.u fate im <sl4 he on yeeterrkiy. Hie reven or eiaht >roJt)ere wer* preeeti! a the Intermen; lsH Utti (ilgnt warrants wen -lumi out fAr Sheriff J. . Deputy Sheriff Jee* Mi'GfLin. nn-l Foil* eni.iu Newton J. McUiellan, cn.irglng them wnh , murdering Henry Ktibloxon I The tvurranta w re served b> Conatnhl ,J. M Mathle All too men report r*ai> ' f r a oommiim* m truT. atm tlie sam* will bo h* 1 i i-m-now’ nnernini; wr 1> i o’clock The M* (*l-llhmp have * rii|*ioy• l Tnont*r A Hevnoldi* n*i Ijeon A Wlleon 10 <le j feml them The etste'j* sol hit or. Hon. John W Ben ; nett, will repren m the xtafe, anl in all protaibil tv the Kobim* ne will employ *l ! counsel i* him In the pros* eiution Henry Kohl neon leave* ,< wife . and seven children. !i the oktett ! ne lelng only 13 v* an* of age. |/| %BII.ITIK* lU4i >lll/I/IOX. tloooel*et*per llml t f Only $2 • t tlioe for Them. rhilNielphla. Nov U. Arndt K HotiPe keeper of Narl*ert. Pa . d‘.f liargd nA n voluntary bankrupt In (he United Stitee Dlerrl-X Court to-day with Ii iblll tie* of $2.K&1.fl 43 and a*cefh $33 It wa?* •fated that thirteen >car.- ago, when Houe*kee|>er wna —’ years •>( *'. *oine friends him to go on their Iwmd ill a gigantic eai.ite operation This involved the erection of wo houe* In Phil adelphia aid nearby rltjer He signed the iiereresry papers without thoroughly un derstgndins what h* wa- doing Af***r a while, miners changed ►** tun? ? > bur den of th* mortgages, nearly fell on hi- (ihmiSderi* The hoM*!- of (he morfgag** l*e*!ii proc* **llng' agalmn him •he judgm< n against him ar* hdd lv trust conifaNi le and * stales In various parts of the Unit* l Sates tt\i.\ i;mx t <xti:xti4>v Xlenaarea Taken for ItelinbllttMtlon of 1 Inti Port. fort Worth, Tex.. Nov. 30.-The conven tion called to consider mr.ns of rehabili tating tii*' port *>f Jnlvc."(on and protect ing it from storms such as hai of Kept. n, m here to-day with SCO deicgatc'- ami | fully 3.040 vlsborr. The resolutions adopted express grate ' ful recognition of Urn gcutneiiy of the | country In coming so quickly to the as sistance of he people and earnestly sir-* | licit further contributions to supply sx ledng wants. The resolution* urge U|*on Uonpr. de immediate repair nnd restoration •>( the port and harbor of Galveston o f.r as it wns Injured (> the re*ent s;nrms. KH14.K14 4.01X4. TO lit) 14 bIX'. (,frmsn) l %t In a Position to < It n n to, c Transvaal’s line, Iterltn. Nov 2** Th** i mnt ttint Mr Kruger-Is coming here Is discussed cautiously. It Is regarded us premature to predict that Emperor Will ism wkl receive him There is no appr**- , uoie sign of a puli.ic demonstration, and some of he papers warn the public to i beware of h policy of sentiment, pointing I out that Germany is not in a position to Change the 1 *c of the Tr.insvnai and de precating maniiestationa where likely to clyh wi?h the government’s policy. The t oI■*•!blow Revolution. Colon. Colombia. Nov. 3ft.—The latest ad vices from Cartagena announce that the government force*, numbering 4.ou>. with artillery, now tourround the Idteral or In surgent forces at Copsgat, In the Ha ha a region of Bolivar. The Insurgents are un der the comtifind of Gen. Uribe, whose j request to treat for peace baa been re i dcctsd 4 v SAVANNAH- — nt:t 11.,1,1*|* OF AA.AAt MOAA. I lie, (A 111 tint,,' it Ilia Minnlsx at th** 4 nsterrnrs, WaycroNi. 4in.. Nov. Jft.—Rev. J M |.tor of Trinity Methodist ‘ lunch, will fiiHk* k md excellent showing for hi* church at the annual conference i.t xt week In Culhhwrt. Tin* rr|>orts made t* th. fourth quarterly confer*nor lndl n very lealthy Aoridiiion of the church, <>v* r 45.000 have be*>n rgi-rd dining the \ei*r for 01, piirpoAn* xnd all ussesementp have tsen met In full. The ImoK.- show ttiat I*V. members have U ( ii received Into the church during the year. • n t r f s on of faith, nisi 70 by letter A net gain of 13N (Hiring the ihre> years of his mstorai. h<T* tlier have been :ac tJdlthns lo th** • hurt h, mulllng the member* from 112 to I.’. .* net g.iin In three years of 321 A new s*, irl*k church w’a>* completed this year, and * mi -lon has (een organ, lied with 2J memhwm at Downing The last quarterly conference gave per miKfion for anew church hulkling at that place, and tt will le begun In a short time Trustees for this rw*H**rty were ♦l# t ted ns f* Hows <’ E Thigpen. W If Harrison, P*rry J Adams. J ! Hunter ;nl J II King Btewards aiul othr of j’.cers wen* el*t*d tv serve Trinity the ensuing year. Th- fourth quarterly eonferenee of the nrrt 'l* thcxllst Church will t*e held to night Th • * hurch will make a magnifl tent ahowlng I VpFt TED TIIK IXI% S&K*ITV. 4 (Miimittee Urw the l.egislafnre Visited % I liens. A then- G; Nov ,Y -A committee from the Hour* and Ben ate made a visit to Athens to-day to lns|Hi the University and the State Normal H* hoot. Twenty eight men composed tue *omml tee and they w*ere met nt the depot hy a commlt iee of dtlsen* in carriage* nnd were driv en Immediately to the University. ch*n cellor Hill and member* of the faculty showed them over the buildings and arour '- ,md egplainert to them the needs of (he Institution More dormitory room lik nea-'ed, and l Is proposed to build a n. v. library building In or*ler to convert on.* of the building* into a dormitory. The committee expressed themselves very favorably They were given an elegant luncheon at the A<heenaeum and then fiken to^tie Normal Hehool. TTiey return *.| to Atlanta this uf ter noon. • Ol It M%i:u HERE l/ORT. 4 nnird bj f apslslna of Kerry lloaf In X|**|*nne Hl%er. I->ksne Wash . Nov. V - Four lives were lo*: here to-night by the raprising of a ferry boat ft the Hpokane river Tne ferry D about two miles down the river. It was crossing the stream with eighteen workmen, who had ended their dev work In a construction ramp rwr the Great Northern * new iaidge. The men crowded to the ivrw and It was forced under the *wlft • urnt and the boat w.s *w amp and A t *h> men were thrown into the wa ter Five p v <m to short, and the other* rlimbrd on the rnpalsed boat. The wav* s ran high on I wnehsd four of them off to their deaths Un)irok \nn XHea. Waycross. fbi . Nov. > —Mr W R Teston of Coffee county has loratid in \%*jiycros lie Isis purchased two lots from Judge J H Williams and will erect <i $1,3.0 residence Rev \% II Thoms expects to attend the annual *>tifer. nee nt Uuthl*ert next Tuesday. He la the oldest man m the confcrr-itce. He will hr 91 next January. He ha been quite feeble lately. W II Hinson of Flinch county made Hi bushels of fine red yams on an acre of land a hie year J F.. MKVtmall A (”o have sold their turpentine huslne-s n*.*r Hybert to 1. V. M--Quabr of Manor. .Mr. Mct'onnell Will engage in the business in Florida Three young white m*-n were fined sls each for gambling by Judge J. B. Will iams, The fine* were |M Id. Ms* Vera Off lon has been elected as sistant teacher In the ouUi*rti Polytech nic Reboot. The Onsioso Cigar Company rerentlv organised here hoe ten men and eight I girls employed at preaeot, bug will in l tha lore# 0000 Boys’ Clothes. With all the fancy trimmings we put into boys’ clothes (boys and their mothers like trimmings) we never take anything away from the cloth or the making. Every suit is all-wool and made as well as your money will let us make it. fIQ Hen’s Colored Shirts sl. Men’s Neckties 25c. The shirts are stiff bosom Percale, worth $1.25 and $1.50. Fast and separate cuffs. Not a hit of droftMruf on Ihfm lo th*m lonic til***; not 1 how nnvwhrre, simply wrlDmutWi Hiruviih-and-throuih ccK*t*f!ttlilff htrt, hand Uun d**r#*<l. Yrwi nviy it** n pattern hrr** amt thrn* that you don't Ilk* (who Ilk*# Iho film* thing’), but thrm *r* ro many pattemn that everybody cxin onl th* ahlrl h* want* The neckties, 25c are from 50c silks. Mostly satins from a maker who sets the styles in such neckwear. Tecks and narrow Four-in-Hands. Men’s Gloves. Fine Kid, $1; genuine Mocha $1.50; Wool Gloves 50c. a H4ii.ii i vrri.r. xtkalj. Tkleves % lalteg m Itsnoli nml ffroir n 2141 Iliad, 1 iidinn *i*olis. Ind , Nov. .V A sjeclai to (tie flentlne! from I>gansport. says The sm*othe' and lMa*lesi cattle ever periteiraied in Indiana, was off lx mi'* fr>m R**nssalssr Hunday evening. A i unit dark that evening the thieves visited McCoy's ranch ai McCoys burg ind took ahouf 210 cnttl* These cattle were *||\bb-d up in droves, driven to t iv various (ednl k where ih thieves had fk**l th* M*n*ai to have cats in w.itilng, md sh p|e| to Chl< ago tin.l old .luring Mondgv Tuesday afternoon McCoy was isulfted of his l/*s unl after che king up found li.mseif the loser of sotnetlung over SB.Kg) worth of fine cattle. tOXXEXTIOX HU Till. 111(11 F. I'erllnrnl l'ullieMtlo\i on the Ere of Kruger's Departure. Carls. I*". 1 l*e J annsl this mortui < pi omulgates the conventions of The Hague |>*ace coiifcience signed July U. I*l*ll Beveral poix!*- note the significance ->f the putdlca'lon at this moment- Jour nal asys: 'lt apt* .rs to us of great Importance that these* *onventioßm are published on the mritmg of 31' Kruger's d*i>arture After declaring that h* is ready to ac**esit arbitration cml has |ims*c| come to Eu rojie to s • k mediation, hi not this an In dication of s reminder to him that he should not lose the hope* which were rais ed by the final ads of the confer**nee?" T M Mullnirr Xrws Antes. Tallah.issee, Fls., Nov. 3ft -Donovan E Hurlbursi, I’ A Howe, W o Hall. J K Partin, It 1.. Dean, Jr. and Van Dorn R llorlhuri arc new enlistments In the Or lando Rifles An open meeting of Tallahassee fjudge No. 10j. of the Fraternal Union of Ameri ca Is being held to-night ot Odd Fellows Hall. Hon. John I. Ilm lly of I Denver. Uol supreme se Vcsary of the order, I* deliver lug an address explaining the oh- Jeets and tiensfits of the union, after shlcq there will Ih music and refreshments On Thanksgiving Day the rokired Ma sons. mem *crs of Mt Olive l*odg< No. b. headed by a band, paraded th* streets In ngnlin. rtlng th*** Gtaml Master l Florida. J. 11. Dickinson of <Vla. and other ffrand ofllcets, to the new lodg bi.lldlng. where the corners’ione was laid with Impressive ceremonies Hon Wm H Reynolds, controller, sn.l Hon Ja- ft Whitfield, stat* left to-day for 4 nstthooches where they will make the annua! *>ffl> tl Insnectlo’i of th* Bt(* Hospital for the Insane First Lieutenant Elbert A. Frorrher of the Miami Rifles has forwarded his res ignation to Adjt. Gen. Houatoun. t.criiinii I.ises In Chins. Berlin. Nov 30 —The German kwses Hi China from typnold and climatic diseases genefally continue large despite seml cfflcla. dentals. The official dispatcher themselves furnish proof of the Inroads dt (he fever as they and illy announce the number of deaths. * Consequently volun (cr f*>r the Fiilna reserves art more end more scarce. tlmlrst* Anted for %9<*Klnley. Phllade’fhla. Nov 3ft Dlsfranrhleetnem of colleg. stiulents In eleven states and the removal of (his <l|sahllity Is the chief subject before the eighth biennial conven ticn <f the Amerl an Republican College League, which began here to-day It was claimed that the s*ud*ni vote ;>ra tt ally carried Nebraska for McKinley. —The rush of Immigration Is greater Just now than at any t me since 1*92. over having bean registered already this year In New York The p?esent lucres*w comes from Southern Kurcpe es e lally Italy. A railroad official says tne Immi grant traffic on western 1 ncs Is double wtiat It was a year ago. There D Ksa tendency to herd in the Urge cities. —Cuba will be w*J| represented at the Uan-Amerlcan eghlbHlon at Buffalo Oen. Wood has asked for plans of a b’.illlding to be erected there. This building will be In the Cuban style and evary ef fort will be made to give a One ditolay ,0i the rtaourvM of the Dland. AND Plain Figures. THE BUSINESS SITUATION. Ink at %*ri * or in \tm < ovrisi Rt NATINPAf 'mill. There %rr llnmlmrlti. Ilow fvrr, In fhr Meinll Tmdr—llualnra* In Iron nul Hrrl I onllnnrß C ollun lioiiil* Arr l-'lrmti llrM unit (hr o|M>nlNg In *prln* liootf* In AwNllnl \% III* l unllilmer - Fr lnri* nf fhr <*ratn Alnrkrt. New York. Nov. SO Rradetreet’ 9 to morrow will tmy: rimiilwj mnthrr iiikl holiday* nr* a •iMwlnok to retail rim) Jobbing distribu tion in mnny marketp but the K#firrl flotation in *thl a moet eottafactory one ami the iron aim) eteel, o l Itoirt nnt attoc. hardanre aml |imi*er iriike nr* ronpptc uounly wail *tt noted The industrial nit nation In al*o deaervlng *f not* because of tlm ntrlklnc atmanca of complaint nn to M.rnr * r nn to prndlni or future labor trouhlM While the volume of new order* In crude material rotiilnuo moderate whrn ion* inrnl with the rnormoiiH activity for sum* tlm* |wnt. huflnniß In Iron nnd pteel m nhadlrr. and nn a ruin, held bolter tn hand. 8011 them i*.v Iron ha* been nold heavily, •nd nn advance irom sll 25 for No. 2 is pr<llftn) for Pec. I. f>e*p|te n Plight decline In the twice of raw -(it ton. the of smaller ox port movement nncf rewl.sing try bonier*. cot, fon are. nn a rule, firmly held, and Die of PpMng tr*>e in awaited with confidence Toe one un*attpfac4ory feature tn cotton*. In fart. Ip Die depraa„ pion In the export branch. wMrh tendP to weaken brown gend*. Hleacbetl eottona of many grade* imve been advanced this week Silk* are rather plow of *ale. <nd let'em |wl< ft reduction* fall to stimulate buelnesp Heiatlvely the beet trade report* come from the Hauth avid fiouthwept. while the moat ha< kward are from pactlone of the ejipt, where iinpraponable weather la com plained of, and from peer lone of tha, pprtng wheat region which eufTered moat, from tha shortage In yield. The f* it nr* In the grain market thin week wap the carrying to a *ucr*paful . onrlufkm of the Novemtier corn cornar in Chicago Following the private *♦•- Dement of the Phorta at a haeta of VI cent* i huphel. came a drop to 41 centt. At New York the influence of thla cor ner—one of the fear pticrewaful corn cor ner on re or<V~wp to advance prices alightly. owing largely to the deflection of RUpplin. h'ailurep for the week number I*4. aa dgainet 21S iapf week. 177 In Dll* week a ’year ago. 212 |n Im. 2f*> in IW7. ate) 111 in !?>. , Cklruu llralnaae ( nnal. Waehliupon, Nov *#.—The chief of en gineer* at the War Department hna re ceived from (he Board of Kturlneere r** rently convened In Chlca*n two report* amhorlaed by the laat Contmi on thn converelon of (he Chicago drainage canal into a ahlp canal connecting latke Mlchl- Kin with the Mlaalertppl Theae reports will go lo the Secretary of War end !>• aubmltled to Congreea oon a* poaat l>le after It convene*. Slxry-aeven report* of nature, covering river and har bor improvement! all over the country will be aubmltled to Congreaa about Ihn •ame time. Tea tririai Killed. rolumbua, da.. Nov. SO.—Two men wee* killed Ihle afternoon at the dam beln* conairucted aoroaa the Chnttahooche* riv er here. The dead ara John T. Colwell, colored; Jtm*e Riley, colored. Football Player Head. |.owell Maaa.. Nov. *.—Louie Ollmoro of the High Schoool football team died to , rw iH 0< injurte* euatalnnd HI a tnw yeaterdny. 5