The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 01, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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the undoing of a windcat. u,.i nil': unoe tkll* wh> mi. ItoLwVS MKB nHnr.SE. ,h- I■ " AH Hll*l 1 mil ■ llmilk* r from I nit Im mm In Henrcl, of llfil , Unf With Some Urlm i..r>ea Trouble Hrmn With .mrnkerl mill Lndrd With Lira. Ini rtrr. from tl Naw York Son. I \VI —There being no lantern In , tnp on Pickerel Lake. Fergy the I ad #-uck a knot of balaam pine In <>r a tree by and It can a I IHful lighl over the tall gate of ~ antch lie had mounted upon taro uprights to serve a* a table. The i .n, seated on an upended grocery ~.1 talen hla llah. his slice of light . I tn grease, had drunk a tin cu|i i k c ■ffec and Mas doubllnglv , g a yellow mass, thin and hard, ~ , y before him .•lieist,” said Fergy, standing , exploring the righthand pockd .. (rail* for crumbs of tobacco. said the other man ouestlon- A- one Interested In aclcntlflc re- I am glad to have my doubts re , I id concluded that It was a sec* , p.ilaeoiulc e g. It has antediluvian and a prehistoric smell. I had I to ship It to my friend, Mr. iik Henna, curator of ihe Mu , Lost Arts That Were Never Clark/ and Van Huren streets, -aid Fergy. "U's funny, hut I i•• any luck w hen there s chetso ,r. 1 told that gal at the hotel not ■ • cheese In with our grub an' th' . iik 1 jam my han agin we en I tn box Is tnat there. Don’ send tr'en'. Keep It an" hit a Injun You feller* w'at takes three r>‘ then hugs your entitle* an 1 i ur fr'ens moke me fayteeged Hit i a eri lietween hi* knees an' his it’ll fetch him I done my h' rn It though.’’ ■'iter man said nothing Fergy p|ek * nd ahve coal In ht* Angers, dan e.;> • tn his horny pa.m. deftly canted It of his pipe, sucked violently and never had no luck with chees* man Blandon r>', Winchester, In in i y sim* up here Ha's a banker n. at home Hired me fr thl'ty .I,' -aid he didn't give a pi~m sory w • "her he caught fish ur not Wat he wanted was res' an' quiet an' ,h' sweet w Ispetin's o' mother natur' an* btl • i't air I seen them folks afore. O'n -... they Kits tired In two day* an' vou sutler lug 'em back to th' hotel w'-re the - kin He lr. bed o' mo n.n's an' pay fourbl'Mird* at night on a table w'at . i was runnlr' a truck loal ed with railroad Iron acrot It. Oi' Blatt iiici t.oasomever. wern't that kind o" uai over. He were out Fr fee tn ■ shore staid with me Nice ol' man i•* wen ias) ail' peaceful an’ didn't look Ik' !,• were more'n half awake at no in 1 doan' undeistand IttJW he made b money. Billy Humes, 'nother guide. ' • were truth four billion <lol ar*. ' *■ . it it from a red-headed Injyaimv teller w at said he had a lm pe .rrv ..l In e h t ora childhood w'at k p him , in’ a liar. I never packed no -u h as that pack w'at I packel fr ol in. I packed It fom Bo>d's Hotel i r here very place— l 73 pitun’s 8 •jr es th' fust load an' 181 (bun's 11 i c* th' rtex' load 1 made two trip*. >•*'l J*4ro." V.p," said the other mm ptliHtlng a •*' i-r Into his agar to (ncreaia Its o ight. lo' o' it." Fergy went on. "were grub ,t he'd brought f'om Injyanuy. He were artful o' it 1 th.nk he mu*' a-kep' it th' bank vault. They wae 'nough ♦•I e’.ods to stock a store—canned •Is with w rilin' on 'em I couldn't read; In ver see nothin' like ’em before An ... .e' He was a cenosher ‘bout cheese. Had thirty dlf'runt kinds: ur, mebbe, .rty-one I learnt th' names some o’ 'em. ,-t not an if i could a-learnt th' namegt ail o' them cheese* f could go up to i Claude sltack next winter 'ajk to any French gal In th' bunch, •its is Were th' story begins: Fus' night In camp ol' tllandon took a Hi net an' broke open one o' his dry i -"la l*ox*-* Wot 1 had lugged itcrost th' 'rail an' took out a title roun' can an* t I' open with his knife an’ said: "Fer- we'll have a leetle Kom-em-bar*.' Ho '■ the s’uff on some toss' an' handed i to me an', air. she were good. We et f lh' can an’ Icf It settln’ on th’ table— *aa usin' this same tailgate we got now -tn went to bed. 'lng 'bout 1 o'clock ! ’h‘ morntn' I was woke by the 'strang >f sweetes' music I ever heenl In my • r,' 1 uster be a tiddler myse'f. Ol' 1 i tort was playin' 'nother ktn' o' mu n his noee an' II made me so mad I c no over to him an' kicked him out'n blankets If they hadn't a-heen $3 a In It. I laid there an' llsaened tell I • ' road awake an' then T lifted my I an' looked Siltin’ by th' Are that mo* 'died down, hi* tall curled ov'r 1 '>i k an' a grin on hi* face like lh' s w< ar, were the blgges' wild cat I • r sec before ur sence. He was so big • I took him fr a young painter, an' 1 ' ere chock full o' cheeae. The empty were near him in' he were so Joyful • other ting. Look here! I heerd cats store then, an' they slngln' amt ■" <n' like Armalee Belle Smith's In F: '. w'at ktn set down at a melojun make you cry an' wush you was back inady agin, hut that cat laid ov'r t dee like a Ave-year-ol’ musky ov'r • ctiih I 4ove musb k. an' that were f k, but 1 don' want no wild cat# 1 whur I'm sleepln.' so I reached I’ii hunk to throw at It, when, whoosh! re gone. Ftir's It went, howsomever, Id ear them beaut'ful strains float i'k through th’ woods. If they’ll sing like that Wen I die an' git to ' ”en, I'll stay with ’em tell hell freezes ! <o|' or Hlandon 'bout It nex' mornin’ • looked at me an at lh' em'ty cheese n' .raked me w'at my slummlck was out'n. I tol' him It was made out'n •ame -ort o' maleerul as hls'n an' If it. like th' way I pulled Ihe boal. Mght pull It hlsre'f. He sail he tiinkin' 'bout boats, but 'bout ihe b r an' silm'lattn' effeck o' Kom-em ' t heese on th’ unlooiered Im.ig - flsh't a leeile that day an' dldn t nothin'. He w*r* lookin’ at me ' o' th' time an’ ev ry leetle w'lle he'd s how big that cat were, an' how •' 'tripes It had. an' w ether It'e tall r ' /-'irie.i over It's back ur on'y curved i lot o' dam nonsense Ilk* that . 1 to myse'f one time I'd glw th' ' ' leetle tarts' an' let him spatter •witty feet o' wattuh. Ml n* man an’ there wan S3 In It. night lie went to his treasure ches’ took out 'nother priceless ean o' 1 an'rays: Fergy. we’ll have a leetle tefort.' He sperad some on a piece o' • *‘ i ' 1 g ,v It to me an', sir. she were ” •'* ha'f th' esn an' then we • br*l It up |r, t piece o’ paper, ttgh'. w . it to bed. It couldn' e-tv*n 15 k 'en I heered th' song It eeerrc-1 il e It had s dla plnted note In It— , 'T ,oun ' sadness l|kf lift- aln' sr’at - •'itt r be 'iv mi I tier's gun, with th' n, * n an’ o forth. 1 took ftp an' lh ''at. lyin' on Its s'urmntrk an* *t th' coala with lit big eyes mgln' soft an' low. 1 sit on my all. •■n < rs'wl ov'r to lllandon an' yank J>y his gray w'itker*. 'Here,' J ’li". _ 'vou or lujyanny never wo*, jh' fu' man w'al ev'r said that Hed an' lived lo git away wllh I).’ •. 'ltalse up an 1 p*,), lh ,, t 1 !’ h * w yo*t on th - ear,’ says I. I •t'lghly hot at Blandon He raised • everlul-Uks an' took one look an’ says, PAINE’S CELERY COMPOUND Restores Health JgV Cures Indigestiun. Nerve Extras*- fk'iAJ.—- Han. Purifies llluod. J. M. olso.n, Machinist, my digestion was very bad ; I had palpitation of the heart, attacks of dizziness when getting f -vrjU/ \ up in the morning, and was in a generally run-down state, v ?aine’s Celery Compound makes me well, and 1 now use A ■ J h *x> purify my blood and keep me healthy.” £*■ You Can be Well Do you go home from work feel- 7 - 8S ing exhausted, with a tired head and Rffiw/1 an aching back? Do you wake up in BjpuH H&pSj the morning with dizziness, poor appe- gm tite, and nerves unstrung? Paine’s Celery Compound will restore your Um,\ health, give you nerve force, strength to work, and purify iTsE ONLY PAINE’S CEL Eff Y~C O M P~Q UN D . | wt.dlikr 'I ntv'r cxpeclfd him lo pay lh' (I.H)rtl Injurin' on thu; note, mu' cocnpun' Inters*' too.' ha my*, an' Ib'owrd u hi. Pore ol' man. It knocked him right otl n lh# thwart. I jumi-rl up an' pitched a buck#! o' natluh ov'r him .tn he eel up. wipin' hi* Wl-kers. Th' cat give ort leap thru look him forty feet three lnchr. let out a Anal bar o' the mon' loneoni. mualck I ever heer an' were gone. A he went he altin* hi* haid back an' Ii a reproachful look In hi* eye*, a* much mi lo <y: 'eilmme Kom-em-bare. ur don' gimme nothin'. That cal were a goeal .ike - me ptople. It dldn' eoa" him nothin' the fus’ night an' because he dldn' tit quite o eoorl ih' nex’ night—lt Mill cost n' him noth n —he had a kick coming "Nex' day Blandon were the ml'ales' man you ever see an' talked to me eorter re-iie-tful like. Ho were so busy thlnk in* 'bout th* eat he coukln' feeeh. an' we Ju*' pulled bout lh' lake, me takln' It easy an' him s.lmcln' langwtdge In <t fr'en'ly voice. That night we tried Mr Cat on groo-yare. an' we git a leetle tni ertashun o' four tldrlle* an’ a Ins* drum playtir the' 'Arkansuw Trav'ler.' Nex' night we give him e-dum an' I think he'd a-Jumped on us If I hadn' pulled a gun an' veiled at him to mo 'aay. "Nex' night ol' Hlandon he *ays to me: 'This Is an Int'restln' vls'tor o' ours.' says he. 'an' I Ilk# him an' his song*, but I'd ruther feed him on gold dolluhe out In (hid wlld'nees than my cheese*,' he -ays, Tr my stock's giftin' low an’ Gawd knows w'ere I m'l Kit any more,' says he. 'To-night Fergy. my boy,' he says, 'l'm *oin' to make him wush he'd a-kep th' simple ap’tltes o' his childhood,' he says. With that he goes to his box an’ drors out a can an’ glis to th' wlnnard o' me an' chopt the top open *Say. 1 lie* n in th' Chleager stock yards In Augu*'. I her n tn places were tty crick were dammed an' dried up an' live thousan' lon o' feesh lay rollin' In lh' *un: I been In wu* place* nur them, but 1 never smell no small like that smelt. I Jus’ git to th' oth’r side o' ol' Blandon, an' 1 aay I ain't got but one live to live an' one death to die on' I aln'l goln' to die In no such <ii graceftl fash'n a* that so long's they'* it gun loaded within ter. mile. I say. He lurfed and says he: 'This here * Lim-bug ger ' says he. 'an any livin' bein', man ur cal.' he says. 'ls goiter be eddycoted up to H.' say* he. With that he look a spoon an’ et ha'l o’ It an' !tf th' olher ha f tn th* can settln' on th' table." Fergy'* pipe having gone out. he put on another coal and meditatively sucked for live minutes. The other man. chewing tha ' end of hi# burning cigar, stared ai the .. r word Th* guile glanced at him > .|>-ways severa. tlm-a and once half turned toward hint a* If | expecting him lo speak, but the only re ward was continued alienee. Heaving a sigh he went on: "At 1# o'clock 1 was lyin' aw ike nn' I hrerd a long, sad mlwouw I looked In time io see th' cat hot-footin' |( away f om th' fire Fifteen lime* he tome back an' went away ag In before he cou!.l gli close 'nough to th' stuff to tackle I Flnerly he grilled hi* teeth an' jammed hi* note inter th' onn an' brought It out ag'in wlh a hunk o' that cheese atiekin' to It. He reminded me o' n ol' boox* fighter w ii’i got to kick hlsse'f to make hlsse'f take a drink In th' mornin'. W en he got his nose out n th' can an' mehbe a ta*' o' th' Lim-hugger in hi* mouth, he turned thirty-four back han'epringa one afl'r lh' other, an' they nev'r were no such soon'* a* them eoun's w't come out'n him. He howled. *creamed, barked, yap ped, eougbed. miaou wed. sobbed or chok ed. fluttered, spit ah' yelled, an' all th' time he were goln' ov r an' ov'r like one o' these here tlri w'eei# they touch olf on lh' night o' th' Fourth o July . Ol' Hiandoi. he *et up In his blanklla in' prayed. Th’ las' I see o' that cat he a rewoldwin' bundle o' fur, goin' through the tranche* twenty-three feet 'hove groun' an' gritiln’ swifter with ev ry turn. I holder laugh, "Ol' Blandon went rack lo Injyamy aft'r aw lie, an' lh' groun' roun' her .coked like It had snow.d em iy cheese cans. Now. m,s nere cat. more he struck that Kom-em-liara on th' fail) night, war j' a plain or nury wild cat. purty big IT hi# !*, hut wlih nothin' much th' matiei with him, but that fall we heered o' him In more way# than one Hi* n tur' was rulnl by excea* H,s conf' In human kin' were undermined, hi* mo ral'ly were a wreck, an’ he started out to git even with us all liecaum- a Irr. sponsi'ble o.' set o' w'isker-on-a-brne hud come In here an' led him astray. He go'- ter be a 'rogue, livin' by hlsself a an' r.ot 'seriatin' with no oth’r eats. We berm to nn' lawn* dear! aroun' In the wood* with they thoala cut. F’om lawna oe THF MOKMNG NEWS: KAHTHDAY, PECEMBEK 1. tooa wont lo calves an’ killed six fr Hugh lloyd In six nlghtg. Wen he couldn t git calves hed ,-ake lumbs ah' ftlli-growe-I sheep, an’ then he started lu on coi'i*. mi he kill'd a lot o' 'em Up to this time he hadn't nev'r tasted nn human blood. "One day. howsomever. .Ink Jl-Whlr ter. th lumber camp LTphone, *urt>i ov'r lh' trail on a sixteen-mile lope io Flflel' to git him a drink, 'cause he were dry. Goln' 'long he look out .i big spring knife somebody glv' him an' tried io open it lie beared a yowlin' bellin' him an' * nee he hadn' had lh' drink ylt, he ii leltle skeery. He cut hi* huger on th' blade and', as It bled .van'. he wiped his han' or. n bush an’ then begin to rat uo th' groun' like he were doin’ u hundred mile stum at ween suns 'Lone - come mi? hr're cat. eight mintis afterward ,m' 11 k< th' leave*. That settled It. Nex’ week ■< leetle boy wandered out'n FlDei' tic he aln’ never been heard of sence ' Fe-rgy paused Impressively, but got i o cxcla mation of wonder or horror or ularm, nor any Indlcwllon of Interest whatever "N< x' week a little gal wandered out'n Flflel' an' she aln' been heerd of sen e. N'' week n leetle boy wandered out'n Find' and ho aln' never been heerd of lance. Nex* week ft lettle wandered out'n Flflel. an '• "Get along! Get along! ' said the other man. "When did you become a census enumerator?” "This fcep' up.” said Fergy. undisturbed, "untell ev’hody In Fries ooumy was a huntln' that cal. but they never seen no sign o' him. Th' snow were on th' groun,' two Inches deep wen Baptiste L.i rolx come down the trail hea In' west'. Ha(>- llsle had been drunk fr two weeks tn Filler paiion.zln’ Mike Ilennessy s bar. W'en his money were all gone Ilennessy tol' him they were a lumber ramp elgihy three mile away w'ere he eould work hard an' git some more Whi th were proper, 'cause nol*jdy lot' him to go Inter Ilennessy'# In th' fus' place. Uapiisie, bein' drunk, 111 out thout 'pother word, an’ ns he come long he were flxln' up how to gli even wiln Ilennessy. 'Cause he were French an' not Irish nur English nur Scot h, lhl? scheme come to him: He stopt In th' trail ar.d pulled off his shoe an’ sock an' look out 111# knife. ‘I weel lie revanched.’ *ay* he 'I we*d cut off xe lar-r-ge toe an' hang eel on z* Hush. Rome day—some time—zal Henneas' come long an' see ze po' loe an’ say: Ah-h-h. I done wr-r-rong to ze po' Baptiste, he good fellatre. af h' all. I weel let jem know zc Fr-r-ratnchmon eee not to be een solted.' So he w’acked off his big loe an' hung It on a' an' limped on with his tight shoe full o’ blood, an' w en tea got to Boyd'# we put him In the guides' house an' kep' th" blue-winged goats f'om Aytn’ In an' bltin* him f r a week "That cat come long half a hour arter vard,' smelt th blood on' et th' toe That toe had In It beer, w .sky, brndy rum. abamthe. wine an' wood alkyhol— mos'ly wood alkvhol That cat went ’*•> an' laid down In th' brush. Nex’ day, h kin' out through th' mow fr • deer. I heerd th' ol' songs, woundin' out ov'r th' mint war's#. They was th' same, an' yet they w-js not the s.-itm Tney were wir, unelrthlv screech tunnln' 'long I under 'em an' I couldn't un'eratab’ It j W'en I got cluster I seen w’at th matter were. Th cat had the jlmjamc It was t • ngln' It* bee' song ar. It* worn' ?oug alt rnlxt up together, an now an' then It'd stop an’ throw fifty-two *otjpr#/i# lack erd and ferrerd*. Mem ry were giftin' lh' L-s' o' It Th" ol' n.ghta In Hlandan * j ramp was throngin' tick upon It. an' ll i were mtgln' in Its song and. mands f r all sort? o checss# rite ml nil I ought It ! hail Kom-em-b.ire, an' no ermlt thr-esh ' fV'r #ln*t to th' ntoon like m at that cal : s.ngt. Then It'd' run all th’ wy down ' through rok#-fort. gree-yare. c-dutn an ! so on to llmburger. an' then th' hand spring act'd start. I stood It all right w'lle th' concert were goln' on. hut when 'in* Hm-btiggi r iUp bcg'.nned I to k Hv,. , hots at It an nev'r ti !.-■ Ia h it. 3Ti la?' * ght o' It I go’ It wir? go.n' tail f i# • otween th' hemlocks an' nuafcln' g •*! Urn . at that. "Now. this rat had eharlckter an stammy an' oth' thing# I eerri n temp r unce lec'rer talk 'bout on*t. You tnayn': b'lleve me, but ll got ov'r them Jimmie* an' braced right up. ll quit human blood nn' colt# n' aheep an' calvs# an' fawns I u*Hsr Lrr) • he??es a I'. ?cf- o' ehre## ! fom Boi’d's guests .tn’ leave ’em aroun ’ ip ih' woods, an' It wouldn't telch 'em 1 timk as much pride In thal cat# good ness a* If II ha 1 a' beer my own Chile I to!' ev'body bout It an' arsked 'em not to hurt It if It come up to 'pin an' slug: In pure gladness o' art. They said they wouldn't "They come a feller up here f'om Chi ta rger. a long p.ile feller with curls and knnrk-kner*. If# had otl h hike soot with yellrr stockin'# an' he lugged a ol' huffier gun some hody'd give him fr . Joke The o' this gun were &3 in' It mad. * roar like 7-t hypner'izwl hulls He write hl n*tn|t on thi regtst'r- this feller—an' I mejn'flzed It in two days It V were T Cam| t>f |l Wordsworth (‘olerl ige I’-rcy n>*#he Shelley Beach. - an’ Ihe wimmln guess they Ihorf a heep o' him tin' he were n (Ktl-k This Beach trseter i git 111 a leetle hoa-t on Dog Lake, dost to lh' hotel, an' float aroun' wkh hl> huffier gun aft' a stub o' pencil nn' a piece o' paper an' make rhymes w'sU he rt •*! lo th' wimmln at supper. One tiny, w en he were floatin’ roun' an' sertb hlln' i ■ ■ i ohm down to th' lakr to w itsith. Now remember ii ludn't ilrunk no ticker an' et no cheese fr pretty risara year. Jus' plain fiod .in' col' wal tiih an' regie r hotira was good nough Ur* It This Beach he blanged up tin' seen I* nn'. bein' akeered lo death, he flung up Ins huffier rimi an' abet both eye* tin' Pulled 111' trigger. N'at-rnlly. under them cirr jmatuni-us. he fore Ih' it's head off, "Now.” said Fergy. rllng ami |iolntliig a gr.nrleil foreflnaer >it his eompnnlon "Wat's th* rm-rl! o' IhaU*" "The moral.” said Hie other mas yawning, "Is: Never stesl from a Indian i bank* r." "It alnl." saPI Fergy. "The moral la: Lake wattuh aim no good fr northin' 'cep' feesh." Seoteli Terseness nnd Thrift. len Mai l iren al i London D'nnt r. In a dull Rcottlsh village on a dull morning ope i elghbor calle.l upon nn-#' cr. He wa* met at Ihe <1 or by his friend s wlfy. and th# conversation went thus: "Caiild?"—"Ay." "Gaen to be woely. I think.."—"Ay." "Is John ln?"-'Oh. ay. he's In." "Uan I see him ’ '—"No:" • But a wanted to ee,> him "—"Ay. bu: you cniwia see him John's deld " ‘ "DeldT -"Ay " "Stshlen ’’"—"Ay." "Very sudden 'Very sudden ” "Did he say onytlwng ahout a pot of green paint before he deld?" Missionaries t.oiuis to ( kina. Rt. Paul, Nov. '3o —Three Mefhorllet wo men mlselonarier were given a farewell reception al the Firs* Methodist fhur~h here and will leave to-morrow morning for San Francisco en route to China Ml*a Wilma Rouse and Miss Adeline Goe'z have been in lhi- country on furlough ar.d return lo their po-t? Msss Plumb Is m daughter of a missionary In China. Hav ing completed her rslucafton In Ohio ?h* givs out to continue the work hr father began. at. Intlrrs's llant|iii*t. New York Nov 30 —Th* 144th annua! banquet of the St. Andrew * Society of New York wa# held todllglll at IMm 1 co. Over 500 men were presam Andrew Carnegie, president of th# society, pre- Sided Many of the guests came clad in Rcolllsh Highland ten tntarcllc Kxprdlttoa. London, Not . 30— At the meeting of Ihe Royal Bin tety last evenlrat K wa* an nounced that the projected Antarctic ex prdttlon will start next autumn ami 'ha: the construction of veesel to be named Discovery had already been commenced at Dnnde' lieetae 1 Jewell I* Dead New York Nov. 38.— George H Jewell Is ■lead at hi# home In Brooklyn In hi? Afty-si ond >sr from smoker'# cancer of *i7- tongue. if waa formerly secretary of the Jewell lining Company. Advance mm Black blivets. PlMsdurg Nov The American Steel Compel - bar innoum ed an advanc- of 43 (g-r ion on black sheets, with • corra apondlnK adrar.- • In aalvaalied. -Tk opposition papers tn Ergiaml are basing their cry of nepotism against the Marquis of Ha.wbury on ihe fact that four member* ... :.s fami.y. |r. addliaiti to himself, are members of the new cab! net lie draws 4,Wn a year; hi# son. Lord Cranbourne. "11l get I' .W . Arthur ‘%.foi will g. ;r. - |Oe lid Ha four fb’.UUti; atel Lord Reiborne will g.-t ISI.M tn sdditfon to a Hits house J W. Low! her. who la re l.i ted to him by mar riage. Is sure to get a job worth not .-* Until 413,30.'. I*l*. VmthrU* Morj f llir lurlj !>*•%• In Ohio. Harve' Sutherland in Alnale#**. "Wh* r* oi •’ undereland* hoe pie In thr |l*l i* oi.n\ of ih pchil * .warning fvi iH*am> of aving. ax It wrrr. the bud tip of u 'lant crt>ing i* - way upward !*- ie tt r • tu!!. hard a lod* to Minltgtit and I the air. h un lvt.<dauda .im* ho* eontr kitxii* if pic' ha\. .i *ior> to tll. a p * r% f ; ti wo vh*> an appro "In the rarly day a of Ohio th*t* h vUi* sar |lr, pantr *a niaiia of Hour Jil l * ‘ t i!i *:n \ ltn gar *,e a*bb and iiiw* it*si pKaaant timaM and eugar ■ •( lin t null thi* uhi* Tnt’ii tr*.la • a i*- Mb 4ltki *; lot lo| .*4id not ion* iui if you ran, at this |Mr . .1 < ll M mad** p aii<i w > hll*l win W* m*> -i t tit* • n’ in t log ' hi*iii In th#* e lid • of th- \Vtoiii H. ag-rvr mini | It *-th aatt.rr* fi in (’unitvollcut, an am- Mftnu# hunbiirni and hU Noting wifr* 1 ha\ .*? rhltid thrni t.i#* old l*>lk at bom#*, U oeii.K tAmt th> *itl novr k-*k uiwi ih#ir fa • * roor* Thajr havo votm* #in* i*i.k i< g jiiriit*y In their covered eagi‘n to th* I iit Ufa *f Ohio to a homo in ide elidernei** The ar** bid un-lv goto Th* timber *B*.\. •it 11 ;•***! nig lie whtia th* ytiung moUier liu'.i'i* lot r.*t #• to mi In # u twilight ai.‘ •nultb at thr door #lll of the rude Cat -in It .■ ,i aufTl lent ihtltor from tn*- waailiwr, nut no rag arpet covarad •i* punch#''t flv>r to -ioihe the ev** with tie w*ft coloring, no pic tme* hung u|m*h i the mul*chtiU-'1 wail of log’ There wan no lark of fo*el t*• #* The virgin s* H, r.aver before turned by a pUiwehar**. unruight forth rMiouwlv Htaniim: nt hi* door, #h huabaial might kill wild tur key.** with hie r UIe There Ha game In l - iun de**i and muirrele. >eum wild •lu 'lm wood ptge.a.,- at i onra In a ktig B a * null tn > iighlv prized of a!) meat*. |**rk VN ltd herriee grew all about, and iiera nd lh*’re U(>eprung a tree paniod by Johnny Appl-i**ed, ragg#*>l. wi.d enthuei!v’, that he t aimont n leg*tidwry here* in Ida hrnafleent reeolMe to * attar far and wide over the n * ountry Mi** beet frull God gave to man. Them *p i>ienty to eat but when at kiet the more of fruit for winter wat exhaum •d. the aoul n kened at the plenty of [ mate animal fo*d "‘I *roah't 'ua* go twe cotild hev pie ' lack tiNetn we uaa t> git hack hun.' mg he the huthand " ‘Laral ak*‘i‘* I’rlah K nney! I ain't go* n* mortal thing I could make a |d? aoiit o*.*’ rotorte the wife ' No. I mo not I ain't 4'faultin' ye I I war unly savin' I wioalrt dwaw tot we could hev 4 pi* luck thm * uaod to git ba* k hum 'Twuuld kind o' eeem more luck livin'.* 'Then th wife falia to Idttng the end of h*i forefinger She plana, *lw nodi ?ate. O i. wunun of a tliceisand wonderful In van ion#.' Southing ha.- go< to glv, w .ien t' y t rain t) owe ite weight t problcnia Ua lit In this In*tame, a vliw gar pin. ‘ Goeh. Polly! Thii lr Pekin' goo*l* ex. 1 clatma the hunt and, wiping h * mouth with on*- liwr and w hile he hold* out the oilier for a thi id piece of pie. (Cro* kerv was scarce In those day*). Tl#en he epreads the new?- B> uarn! aivs he o the next man he tn* ei s, 'my Polly Ann med a pie f m day h fora ylatl klv *> the ali-firedest neat p'.e I ever et ' Mho' d* uUr the rrun that heats him Can't git nup-pi* tins t.nio o' >eT Prut s all gin ••nil ' •* By dam! she m*d it anyhow.' and he mu his Hie. ‘Smartest woman I ever e. Mel H ant o' vinegar, she did. T*ll : veo*. Tetohed the .-|>ot. It did ' • I want to know, aays tha other man. Admiringly And h* did The recipe **os 1 pass’ and around, and vinegar pe spread Ilk” I wild-fire to the southward t<> the people ! *hat call a pall a bucket and a t*aain a pan, and where tliey have a letter r broad enough an*l fiat enough to roll out |.|* t rust on iti of an enn rjrencv ncmmy of that d**ar soul that fire* di • oyered vtnegar pie; ye*, even vinegar |.|< It -elf lias passed *w ay. too. save In ilia r*t oilerti>*trs of the ohler iea|d. so -tut# •un I h*v*’ us*-d the name of HU'- i ay. but that was la •Huse I thought it sounded kind of Yankee, hut 1 slundd ilk*' know her real name, end where she ~l# rs . that I might tUtWI h*-ai<le that wred-grown hollow that wv *>nc a mound ahoxe her that I might read the money epitaph on hor leaking tombstone A Faithful Friend. M*klu*r I>ear. A Living Wife ll* hurlod here. • J should like to lav 4 posy on thit grave. 4 posy of ©id-fashioned single pinks 1 r>d phlox and ftwee: William flowers that she knew and liked lam sure she vsou.d know of it and **ppr* lai It. thougo aouKI r*rot#at it w i-n t worth while making a fuse about Yet I know tha*. - rie-how sie would fee*, that the hard .rn** s;.* had wlwn they were all d-wvn AN. h tin lever n' nger.' sh* an l Jeruahy uid l’ii*/i 1 hiking one day and Adonlram md the twins ch,lllng th* next day. and • ft*, rows go’ l*et in the woods, and noth* t,g listed g*>*jd. they were all so poorly, and the houae *x>ksl like <iUtr*ctlon l*e .luao. seem-like she hadn't Ihe amblnion ■ k* ep it picked uiv-that somehow .i at hard tlnu* w being made up io her low I just know she 1* the Good Pie not po much l*• cause She d|s*’OV red ihe vinegar pie, t.iougii that is mu* h, but b -ause I don't se* how the (iood .Man •on Id ever have the heirt to turn awiv onv woman that brought up a family in Ohio away back in tha *airly days.* M —ln Tarts of Fran> a they ran *e* f c*|y give wine away. Owing to tha big vintage and tha arclty of cask* wine is selling at 1 rent a4 quart at many vineyards in the Bordeaux district. KNOWS NO DISTINCTION llleh and Poor Alike Anlfer from Ca tarrh In This Climate. All observant phyatoten* have nottesd me iiormou* increase In catarrhal disease# In recent years, and the most liberal end en lightened have cheerfully given their ap proval to the new internal remedy,Stuart s i'atrrh Tanlets. as the must succestlul and by far the safest remedy for laiarrh yet produced. One W.i! known eatarrh specialist, na toon # he had made a thorough test of this preparation, diwurdcd mnalers. wash es and sprays ami now depends entirely upon Riuarta Catarrh Tablet* In treat ing catarrh, whether in the h#wd. thtot or stomach. Dr. Blfilell SI'S '.n patients wno had ,o*l the sense o 1 emsli entirely end sveu where Ihe hearing :ms tesun to be aflf> t ed from catarrh I have had fine result* after oni) a few weeks’ use of Stuart a Catarrh Tablet*. 1 can only explain their action tgi the theory, that th# clearaUig and anuaepUc properties of the tablets •lestroy the catarrhal germ* wherever found, because I have found the tablets equally va.uable lu • rrh of the throat and stom ie.i as mi nasal catarrh." Dr. Esiaatook ai# Rtuart'a Catarrh I Ta dels are • ipec,ally u- ful in m#al ca tarrh and ca arm of the throat, clearing the membranes of mucus and apetsllly ovr rcoming the hawking, coughing and expectorating. Any sufferer from ca arrlt will find Stuart's Catarrh Tablet* will give Irome- Itat relief, and being In table: form and phasant lo the taste are convenient and alwaya ready for u*e. as they can be. car ried in the pocket and used af any lime, as thev onlalgi no polno tous drugs, but only th# cleansing inttaepil- properties of Eucalyptus i>ark. QuaUcal, Moot root Hydra *t in. All druggists sell Ihe tabloU at 50 cents ior complete Ucalmvat. Strength f \ Vigor l J Mr. C. M. Scott, 1840 />ra *H* ' cheater Avenue, lUwton. Mjjm , /JW E hiw he Ircamc a etroup, hearty man •/ J/ •• About two year* ago I aufTared fr*im g**n- I era! debt Illy and I doubt If theie *• mivUnly ntnr* 1 utterly tnlaeraMe than I wna. I hat nollie or energy, rnd wasai iepreuied 9 luenlally us Iwm worn out physically. It u m a n> 1 at h.I tiiiueual for uie to H go to aleap over mg work Ii raa I witff S 1 1 ■ h.HuI. weary nor nervo • mi I retired at teu o'clock. Instead of going toaleep I would t©*aaui turn t well on into I the moruing. and when 1 awoke It waa w:thntt an> fecitnv . rcfieshed f or reeled. I bat ao much fieah that 1 got down lo IJU p< utida in weight, and I 1 had nodeatrv for f<KKI. I *• January a friend urged na to fry !>r. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale I ?*e*ple. I had prevloiialy tried many dlfTWrent klodn f r*um ill* and had B consulted three phyalrlana, but the little relief thev gave nm very brief, so I 1 was completely dlacouraged. My frieuda, however, lualattd uni 1 tried the I madid ne. I •• By the time the aecond box wa* begun there waa such e\ ident Improve ment tiat 1 continued taking them till the ninth box, win n 1 1. t tl. .* i wu entirely cured. I now weigh l.** pounds. Ttiere la no eigu of narvouaneaa, ! reef wdl and feel strong, uid am abie tu anjoy life oiitw more M . boot sia feeling a little run down a few weeks ago, hut she lm mediately beg* 4 taking Dr Wlillama link Piila for I‘aie l*e*>pleaud aha la expci ieuclug na aaiuu beaefioiai reaulla that I did " tsignad* C. M. B^rr. Or. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People Are told tn boaag rnever In bulk * •© cents * he*, or ati betas fhr $z ao, god mar *w had of all driigftata. or direct by 41*11 fruoi Da. Wii.lism* Mann in* 1 "Nruo, tvaeoectadr N.Y OUR STOCK OF Useful : Articles Is Composed Partly of the Following: PORT I EKES FOIL FOLDING DOORS. HOT STI FF STOVES. INLAID LINOLEUM* AND STRAW MATT INO A. READ'S ODORLESS REFRIGERATORS. * UPHOLSTERY O'(iPH AND LACE CVRTAINB BUCK’S STOVES AND RANGES. AXMINRTF.It AND VELVET CARPET* IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS. HHADEH TO ORDER A SPECIALTY. LEATHER LOUNGES AND ROCKERS. VESTIBULE LA' U. AND LACE I'ANF.LR IMFERIAL BABY JUMPER. MANTEL SCARFS AND CHINA BILK PEDESTALS AND LADIES’ DESKS. couch and table coverh KEROSENE OIL HEATERS. WILTON AND SMYRNA RUGS. ALL SIZES COMBINATION BOOK CASES. Theae are only a few ©f tha thing* we have. We have Juet what you want, and the quality and the price la alwaya right Our Motto, "Not How Cheap, but How Good.** In carried out all through the •tork. We want t© aell for CAHH. bul If you have not got all the rath, and your ref erence* are right, your credit will lie gn<*i for the balance. LINDSAYS MORGAN JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes Froai the moat relrhrated mauufnclaret-*, both llre-praaf and burglar proof aafrs aud vault donra. We carry an Immeaae atork of Klrr-pruof Safes. Oar atorh em brace a vrry elrgaat Itae from Tl to 4.15K1 pounds. Inclusive, single and double doors, aad m visit lo oar establishment lo In spect these flraanl infra mill he n source of mark profit nnd la alrnellon lo our frieuda. Thr prlee will hr aa low in any really Fire-proof Safe can he made, and our motto la Raallly and Safely of the drat import ance. •end or call on ns for further parttralara, rululoarue aud prli-ea. LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Ajjents for Manufacturers McDOAOUGH & bALLANTYiNE, V Iron Founders, Machinists, m 1 lllar ksmlth, llolle r ■>■• k r-rs. m* n■■ (a r-1 urer, ol stall,, i. I'll Hill! l orlalilr I i.mM.i ■ ' .-ill. 11l m>,l r..|, lliirmlfii. I oru Mill*. <t Mitt nml I'm.. l, |m, t l i.ll. .. TELEPHONE NO. 123. BRENNAN BROS* WHOLKSALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. UibAY ST kI.LT. W**L lOtihMilk W. ROSS GRAVENER, Manufacturer s Agent, RAILWAY ATI) MILL irPPLIII, J’rovtdant Dullaing, Savaanah, Ug of Fire-Proof Safes. fililf&SCMk These tiny C jptulet are tupe'art ta Balsam of Copaiba, Cubebso# Injecfionsami fmnjf ll CURE IN 48 HOURSV lV| tho tam diseases without! Inconvenience. 1 Z?wrrf/ff. | HAIR ft BALSAM ygL jkSZ'L Mi *l4 b***n ni half. H 1 ' MW*#*# • la*ui • f’.'Wh HR ‘' r*4 • to KMtor# dm l& v. 11*1# to 1U Touibfui Cos I r. Curt* w-r <1 •••*• X hair lae.jf. r. 4Me.*sJ|l mm I>r*n|i4* B Empty Hogsheads. Empty Molnanva Uosahenda tom Mia by C. M. GILBERT & CO. 7