The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 01, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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>B *v ometM roTTow fa-tire*. . u Orleans, Nov. I".-“Cotton future* —*<)v ■ nominal April .. !> 2j9 9 ST'pS.® U*T .. 9 619 62 ~ .. 9 64(49.05 Dtne 9 *504*9 02 * July 9 :>tfi9ou y., ti .. 9 * OTTO A LETTER*. York. Nov. Srt—Murphy Or On iuy: ( , , tr* Liverpool since closing on 4he ,<1 \ ineed 1 -I*Vl on *po*. ml'Mltng up • K uture* clo*e<l higher vertec i further a.tvancc 4-4<l to-*tav; , : >'4.i nj, , 4 nearer nn.l 4-64-1 , >m month*. The atlvanc* w** non ,, , it„ heart- covering and rm.ill of , win* to better hurlne** in China. ,tv lew Iteing very much stranger , A | tel. a ured an active and frver here at about 12 point* higher . ..,r and I'i point* on Mrlng month*. , ,* usual the advance brought out . n* **l* However. Iher-- ** It*- , , ,t ge In price*. le* al bull* bought a f tely during the early part of the January advancing to 9 47c Tue , na* very dull tn the noon call, ■te. -lining 4 to 5 point*. H I’. Hentx Company of New v - rntan u* with the following flg , . , -miming the crop brought into f , jtee 1 will be 4.7io<nd and that ■it* the average for the part \ • year* on that date, which wa* .*0.70 ■t,t the yield will be 9.270 cm. If the alowect moved crop to Dec. 1"090,090 balee Ka*'ee moved ( i [>ec 1. MM. * 530.000 bole*. A ver i two year*. 9 2710.000 bale* While „ ~ He crop ha* been marketed very t . I t* one feature that ahoutd not • ked the crop wa* about three „ ite so the above figure* may not . • applied to tht* crop. The New , towil conitnue very hullt*h. that r to-day showing more strength a however, we did not fullv re. . . the Improvement In Liverpool. decline l extorted from that narrow Estimated all port*. V>,- • t 26.291 N"W Orleans exr>ecu t 7 kl to 9 000. again*! 10,000: xpect* t.vnorrnw, 9 000 to loom, a 12 911 -rk Nov 30 —Hubbard Rrn* * i , Paring the holiday In America I -rpoul market rt covered the de . f Mor lav, especially on the nearby , - wh< rV the same tactic* ns were . I t *ta*on of advancing the , . . ,?e deliveries were seen. Strangely phi- when the scarcity will be r ere If the crop should prove a tvs* lower. This combination . ill w of solution and our trw le . i me puxaled to determine it* mean 3he temper, in face of a larger tn mdvefnent than either last weak or is vetr. I* to await further develop i from Idvcrpool. bu* not to be si Manchester tUspatchea report n 1„ er demand from China than for aom t.r- . past Tran*nctlon* were on a limited . . the advance, aa naturally after •h. dav but the general Men was for a be!ter market tomorrow. 1t11.K1.1 COTTON REPORTS. ' • York Nov SO.—Comparative eot >ol . -iiki.i for the week ending to-day: N“. r. ifite t all I*. S port* dur- Itg r eek 253.V3 Ns. • . pie a* all V. S port* dur ing -am- week lest year 26.3.731 Total r- elpt* to thle date 5,35.3,251 Tic *1 receipt* to same date la.t -nr 3.017.217 Fxrv-rt* for the week 2"*,W7 !>• r .- for the same week last v. , r *208.179 To al extort* to On* date 2.347.838 7" l exports to same date last yaar 1 9*2.110 Bn k a’ aH TANARUS" S port* k10,72* Stock ill all I*. S. fsirt* same l ine last year 975.306 Pic k at all inferior town- 821 9<C feits'k at til In'erlor tonne same 'ms lift year 743.234 Btonk at Liverpool 44M,')00 stock at Llveti**.) rim* time list ir 791,00 fun k of American afloat for Great Ilr.tain 2*9.001 £ o’k of American afloat for Great Britain same t me las: year 140.W0 < ompargllvc diumsnt of n<s receipts all the porta during the week ending V' lav evening. Nov. S> 19rt> and during tl same week lasi year. 1909-01. 1499-00 <1 ilveaton . ....... ; l*,7>i3 34.749 N * Orica fl* j 12.390: ii.of.g Mablii . I 7.706 Savannah J 39.fi1l 2,3,466 f- arlcston j 5.36 H :’..49* 55: l ml!.girm | 4.n" '-'972 N“rWk | 13.012 13.991 Baltimore 1.456 2.094 New York I *.h<7 6 399 n | 10 291 5.004 In l.lphla | 7*2 1.475 •-> ■ 0..i | 7.746 i.( 4 Btunawirk 396 O.itkt vpnrr New* t 2.4*7 1.275 For* Arthur | 6,331 "Teal 25T<.969 171,445 'arwtive statcmrnl of net receipt* ' I Ihe (gift* from Sept. I. 1900. to Frt <l.v evening. Nov. 30, I9nn, anti from Sept 1 to Friday, Der. 1, 1*99 I lpt- since Sept. 1— 19ffWl 1*99-01 too m.m i - * Orleans 1R113.966 1.015.137 '<•ll* | 73.565 134.401 t"> ar.nah j 540319 (M 2.511 ■ •ion i it mm (OR I*l.l** 307 *37 N k | 1*37.3* 232.745 1 more I 15.061 53 *3* Y’ork | 31.312 39.1*1 i 71.**l 42.172 IGphia | 7.*77 23.031 'Oi-olh | 45.7*** 53,105* k • M.m 21.4a* Newport New# | 19.6*6 5.308 *' ' vnhur j ' 11.772 *1 2.353.2*4 3,**2,**7 ’•< of cotton at all port* Nov. 39, .cd on the same day of tne week U ' 4nr r "* MMH 1*99-09 s*l "r.e,ne ..TTT-. 307.241 401.011 "" j 241.457 267.577 ' • rr '’ ; 65.445 159.1)5 ‘t"n | 19.992 29.297 ; **toei .6H 12,549 | 23.772 4.1 4G ‘ 1 "tk | 49..1M 119 119 . ' '""tte j 20.391 12.367 ' ,l ....7.V *10.726 1.122.22S '•I 'TBR'j ro-rrtix report. nf fin. in,,, „i fhnnn by Ibc "tnleuient for Xntnnbrr, r, rl< ans, Nov. 30 Secretary tie*. "* Orleans Cotton Kxchange dMlt ‘#>l m-dav show* an Increase for ’ h In round figure* Of 109.001 bales I for November a< 1 T'T.d • 'M2S last yaar tniount of Ilia crop brought Into ; the three month# from Segytem ’V"' otnlier Inclusive, I# 299,00r> over >*m *ar. . r ‘.oveni*m from the first Of Heptem- November 90 Inclusive shorn - * rc >ll I nltetl States delivery porta ••vainer 5.019.R13 last year; over ► th.- Mississippi. Ohio and I’o ■ >ei, against >1.033 list “them mill taking*. exclusive of n Mimed at Southern outiort* “gainst 11b.350 last year. Interior ‘ n • xres* of thoae held at the com . tTirnt of the season 5M.350 against ,*•> v e r . These make the total , ! h" cotton cron brought Into the three months rtKlln* Nov. ' 151 against 4.319. MD last year. ~ ‘ n >-i - lnn*rs took durtn* the month >*‘mber 39t,1£l hales against 479013 j. " > r tncreastn* their total for the month* to 715.4i5 against 937,504 last *’ r *tn exports for tit# first thrta MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trada Building. Savannah. Private leased wires direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans COTTON, STOCKS A.Mi GRAIN. New York office. No. Cl Broadway. Offices in principal clil-e throughout the South. Write for our Market Manual and ! book containing Instruction* for traders months of the Reason have t>een 3,361 602 bales, showing an Increase over last sea. I eon of 375,350 Slocks St the wahoard arid the 29 lead ing Southern Interior market* on Nov St, were 1.464,719, against 1,7 V. *.*’. the me date last year WORLD'S t I*llll.K 41 PPI.Y. New Orle.ine, Nov. 80.—8.cretnry Hes ter'* statement of tin world * vl-lhle sup ply of cot ion teeue.l io-di> shows tin to *al visible to be 3.30 4> against 3 252.312 last Week, and 4.U64.3* last year. Of this the total of Amerl. an cotton Is 2.931.458. ugalnst 2.758.312 last w<ek and 3,49.*. 3*“ lust year, and of all other kltuls. Including Ktr.vp*. llraxll. India, etc. 524.U00. against IM HO last week. 569.00. last year. Of the world a visible supidy, a., above, there l now afloat und held in Great llrti aln and Kurotw. 1.575. mi. agninct 1 9*1.t00 last year, and 2 MS.*4l' yaar liefnm last; In Egypt, 155.<*\i. against 170.000 and ISf.nnn. i n India 171.000 ag.ilnst 190.000 ntrl 150.000 and In the Cmlcd Htatee. 1,462,W0. against 1,773.041 and 2,0811.000. tit Tl.otlK FOB t ftTTtiA MARKET. By F. A Roger* & Cos., Inc. Flgur** and tacte are concluf'v* evi dence. an.l eiatlstlc* show production de <-rasing and consumption In. rearing, while estimate*, thl* season. *how |iro ducAlon decreasing, also consumption ile creaalng Consumption Proilucllon. Bales. Bale*. Season. 1997-9* actual t0.tt3.000 II 216.y0 - - •• .. i ~4 ; 11.356.0 y) a tu.i. . • * IPshiil, estimated 10.40u.00b 9,90.(90 Bales. Splmlles In operation year 1998. actual 97 920.<4)f' Spit dies In operation year 1999. actual 10n.93u.000 Spindles In operation year 19flu. estimated 101,100.00) Vtalb.e and Invisible supply Sept 1. 1999 3.13V491 Vlalbl* and Invisible *upp.y Sipt. 1. i*Tl 1,4*0.000 Visible and inviainle supply Sept. 1. 1901. estimated 5V>"411 The census for 19(0 gives largely In creased population, and as cotton reads are worn throughout the wort*! hy the greater masses, and the number of spin dles In operation has been Increased II Is neither logical nor natural that con urr.ptton show* de.tcar. Instead of In i r-a tw in cppdwl.doi. to *!.— -i tnat .•oneumn tlon ha* steadily Increased In the p*t and In conrequence will alo Increase tnl tear, there has been advanced on* plaus ible theory and that Is that the Increased value of cotton good* will curtail their necessary usage. The theorv I* plausi ble, but not naiitral, and. In facs. the rmoll Increase In the prices of cotton rood* will not permit a tlirtallment of a primitive necessity upon o “mail an In crease In exitenwe per capita when the world I* generally itrospetnus and cotton goods are the cheaptet clothe* obtain able. Mr Nel.l tn making hi* estimate calls attention to his llber!ly In yielding all points qucstlonuole to the side of a great er crop, as a large crop I* necessary, and he, tit refnrr. wlshrw he cotud mak- It more. Allow Mr. Neill Is wrong rstt.nw hale* and make the crop 10i-i*oil baiee, even pernik Mr. Mlllson to b< Incorrect, and make consumption only l'),f"X<>V. a dlfferonce of 900,000 hale*, nearly one-tenth of entire an allowance out of the hounds of reason, we have prod u< ticn equalling consumption and visible supply Sept 1. 1991 atne ns 19>4. At the com mencement of ibis naason slocks were de pleted at hgme and abroad, mills v ere fare of raw material and a cotton famine i listed If making or conceding tut al lowance of lito.uo babe *ll produce a famine, tvhal will condition* A* If re.table catlmate* are borne out* The value of this year's cotton crop to the Mouth la t7s.t‘4wn". nearly .iw-hai of the crop ha* been mark, led and the pro ducer and holder of eotton I* in n p-ri* * financial condition The holder ipprecla atlng the fact that wp.nnerr have w.l ihetr manufactured goods for months ahead and that raw material I* short, will not sell al present price* when h- ran d-maud and obtain higher prices and I* In a financial condition to d* *o. It Is ob vious thut Ihe .Ontraot market* are heav ily oversold, that selling of actual cotton ha* been liberal beyond precedent; fhal Speculative and Investment buying ha* not entered the market, as has been the case heretofore, and that the technical |>o|. lion of cotton Is healthy and excellent for a steady and permanent Improvem- nt of value* Furthermore, the * will, of a necessity, have to meet holders' prlees In effecting a further betterment of the already solid spot cotton condition*, which will be speedily reflected In Ihe ctontracl or option mark#! To us Ihe conditions joint clearly to higher price* for cotton DRV I*ooo9. New York. Nov 30—Business In dry goods resumed after the holiday wlthcau change In general character Demand for rutton goods dull on th. spot, but fair older* otherwise. Blenched and coarse eolored good* very Arm. IJghi weight brown cottons aler> firm. Prlns cloth* quiet mid unchanged. Prime In moderate ik-mand. Ginghams ttrm Ldnen* In fair request and firm Burlaps scarce and prices tending upwards. XAYAL STORE*. Friday. Nov 3>l SPIRITS TURPENTINE—The turpen tine market closed firm to-day at 39. Th* opening whs steady at S9V with sales of 209 casks, and the closing firm at 39.-, with further sale* of 4Sh The demand through out thq week was fair, though It *4, at steadily declining prices The receipt* for the week were 7.4!) against 2.106 last year, and the exports 2.325. against 639 last year The exports went to New York 7.76 i’h udelphia 131. Baltlmoro 10. Inte rior 67. Hull 1.335 Ft"BlNß—Tlie roeln market was entirely featureless during the week. There were no chong*-- In quotation* The rc-elpts w.-re 27123, against 23.759 last year, and the export- 19.225 against !"14 last year Th-* exi>orls went to New Y'ork 2 X 5. Ph|t a.lelphlu 1.196. Baltimore 2.25*. Interior 96) Hull. 1.012, Genoa. 3.666. Pernambuco 2.534. ami Rlverpool 260 Quotations— At the Cose of the inaik'i to-day the followtng qudtafons were hul lettrmd at the Board of Trade: flplrlt* Turpitltlne—Firm at •'Be; sales of CO reek# hofln firm: sales. Rill. Fame Week R.tst Y*ar— A. B, C *1 1 *' W D%l K jc 1 35 M 1 TO fe 1 40 N 210 <3 1 45 W G * W H 1 65 W W 285 Same Week East Y'ear— Spirits Turpentine—Firm at 49c; sales, 551 cs*k# Roeln—Firm; sale* 1,920 barrels A B. C I 15 I ' p 1 15 K 1 70 1 M 5 M PI\AXCIAR. JOHN W. DICKEY. * stock and Bond Broker, AICIT3TA. 83. Write for List. I'HF. MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1000. f i m n ? & 0 1 2K W (3 2 ST| ii i m w w a on Recfipft rt( Week. [Spirit* Rotui {bunt wtfk 7,414 27.13 week la* yfar ....| IKK 3®,TW Kxporu iH week j 2.83* W.23T* Same week hut year j 63K 30.014 Movement ft— New York | 7; 3.865 Phlla*eiph|a j 1811 1.15* Httlumore j 2.2-’4t Inferior ; Hull I.Bft 1.018 ttonok i j k.'**w I’ern imlnit *9 | 3.634 l.iverpool | | 2?*i Total cxiiortt* j 2.82C* 19.2.”^ I(e*rl|il* miiil Morkt. Receipt ►. (iltlpmentß n<l from April i, 190. t<9 date, .rut to the corre !i4T*4liuc d.ite of Iwet year: IWklfhl fll-lrkN Rw;n tltock April 1. IM> 2 187 142 806 Received the week 7.414 27.12.: Hrceived previously 284 \fj Total J84.27* M.m fc^xporta— Fore Ifn 188 779 406 TtW New York 32.0 m *7.016 Coaatwtae ami interior ...... 41.063 3SI>H Total 2.8 M 726.718 Block on haifl thla day 34.447 141 074 1888-18uu Stock on hand April 1. 1888 38W 111.286 Receiveil thle week . 23.76* Received prcviuuely 88S‘ 3W W*8.617 total .286.487 J7.7ti KxportP— For elf n yn -84 44A.M. New York 31.016 12J 114 Coatwiae and Interior 33.4** 336.806 Total ~.20 M<i ftto VI Stock on hand 27.857 1*2.251 Charleston. S C., Nov. 30 —Turperrtlne firn 38 Hoe in firm unohanceil V\ ilmlnfton. N. C . Nov. 30 Spirit* tur pentine eteady. unchar\fe<i. rerelpta 64 Roaln firm $130(6135; reeHpte 436 (?ruda turjentiim rteady $' 2 receipts 122 T.v Arm. $1 58. receiptm 764 New Orleans. Nov. 3) —Rr elpt. roeln, turpentine. 121. Kxporta to Liverpool: Roe in. 1,00 tiarrele. n* **n *i,. MONEY" The demand keep* fairly Up with thr supply. , BANK ORKARINGS—Th# link eld*r lr,rv during the- i ant week wee lAlwi.- 35t* ofi. against 6<-'>Bol3'H for th** c rre -pondlng period Ust year and 12.1U3.337.51 t-f t l -* : : VuT. ....a i-i Sod wi .nan. Clearing* by Days— Saturday ....51.126.Mt 2> Monday I.2*7.<*t 72 Tuesday *911)9 21 Wednesday 1.119 46* *A Thursday Iloildiy Friday 1,175. S2 6. Total 15.dkr.35* 61 FOREIGN EXCHANGE Maike; barely #tendy * 'omm*r ial demand. t< ‘IS flxty iays. t so T , ninety da. 6)79%. franc*, Paris and Havre. -ixt> day# 521%. Hwlaa, sixty dayr 5 24*-; Belgian. 521. marks, sixty day- *l. ninety days. *3’ DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady; hunks are buying at l-l dls-ount and selling follows t2T. and under. hV pr - mhni 325 to |SO. 15c premium ISO to sl*-* j#- pD-mium. tioo to 630 250 premium; 6J to 11.00. premium; 11,001 and over, 77s- [>*r 51 premium Stnekt. Bid Aak. Augusta and Savannah R R l'®4 119' Atlanta and West Point ISO do * per cent certificates 10* Augusta Factory *2 55 citiaens* Hank 135 Chatham Rank HI Chatham R. E AI. Cos.. A 57 do do II 56 57 Haste and Phoenix Mfg. Cos. I**s 110 Edison 1 le. iric Ilium. C0.........107 11* Enterprise Mfg. Cos 103 flertnnnia Rank 131 fborgla and Alitstma 23 M Georgia Railroad common 21' 217 . m .1 T KiM Utg. Cos luO lOT luingley Mfg Cos 115 IJI M-rcbanta' National Bank 115 117 National Hank of Savannah 152 Oglethorpe Savings aid Trust ..111 People's Savinas and Roan 100 Seaboard, common 114 124 do preferred -■ 2* 30 Kcnthwtadein Killroul Cos 110 111 Savannah Has Right Cos 244 364 Southern Hank 157 15* Savannah Hank ai.<6 Trust 115 Sibley Mfg Cos. Augusta *4 Ik Savannah Brewing ... Honda. Bid Ask Char . Col A Aug let ss. 1W 10* 1< i Cfcat. A Oulf R R 5 per cent. Ist mortgage 102 104 i Atlanta city 4s. 1*22 1"7 Augusta ettv 4s. 1*27 10* I'® do 445, 1*25 HI ■io 7s. 1903 W do *s. 1913 122 Ala Mid 5s Ind'd, I*2* M A N lot', 1014 Augusta Factory. 6 per cent . 1915.111 113 Brunswick A Western 4s. 193* .. *3 *5 'C.R. R. A Hanking collateral ss. *t 95 jC. of O Ist molg ss, 19(5 F A A 120 171 ' C. of tin coii s*. 1*45 M AN.. ..9*4 TP* C. of G. let Incomes. 1945 51 52 do 2d Income* 1* 17 do 8d Incomes, 1945 * * C of G (M G A A Dlv.) 5a 1*47. J A J 7 9* C. of G fFiaton Branch). ss. 192* J A D *74 *4 City A Suburban B R tt 7*.... 110 ... f'olumhus City ss. 19*9 I*7 Charleston city 4s. 1900 100 I'd Fugle A Phoenix Mill* 1923 107 110 Fldlson Electric Illuminating 6s 106 Enterprise Mfg *s. 19f'2 102 Georgia Railroad 6s. 1910 116 117 G. H AF . 1945. J. A J 113 114 Georgia A Alabama Ist ss, 1*45 .101 in* Georgia state 345. 1930. J A J lto 113 do 345, 1915. M A N 106 107 do 44#, 1915 119 120 ' Macon city *s. 1910. J A J ....116 116 do 44*. uuar . Jan to* 113 j Ocean Steamship ss. I*3o. 104 106 Savannah city ss. quar. January l 131* 110 111 do ss, quar . February, 1600...... 109'i South Carolina state 44#, 19.13 117 11* Sibley Mfg Cos. 6s. I*o3 102 South Hound 5* 9*4 l'*>4 ft . F AW gen mt'ge *. 1*31.. 125 12* do .lo I*l ss. gold. 1931 115 117 do St. John Dlv., Ist ts. 1934 . 96 96 RtXk CLRIRim New Vork. Nov 3n -The total hank Clearing* t the prim Ipal cities of the t tilted Htates for the week ended Nov. Tt ware I! 753.744.057. sn Increase of 24 per ert a* compared with the correspond ing week last year. Outside of New Vork city the total clearing* were $575,114,333. an Increase of 9 3 per rent New Tork. Nov *V—Money on call steady at 3H714 per ceni. The last loan was at 3‘x per cent. Prime mercantile payer. 4>afir per cent sterling exehang* i.rm with actual business In hanker*' hills at s4Al*tJ4 OS'* for demand and 1t.111**fi4.514 for sixty days, posted rate# $4 32’* and 11.954. Commerelal lulls. $4 so**e4 SH4. Silver certificates. Mfldfr - Bar silver. MV. Mexican dollars. Mr. Ooseen ment bonds Irregular stats bonds Inac tive. anti railroad bonds strong STOCKS (91) BO9IMI lame Business Done But Activity Sot Maintained. New Tork. Nov. There was a lares business done In stock# again to-day, but the activity waa tio? well m dnta nr t throufhout the eewion The •urfa/'e in <ltca!k>nH were 4hi< the large early Ui?i r.ea • for • - unt. For in •taiH'e, the price* of Americana advancetl in London before the opening here. Thb " In epite of the n-netal hwvlnea of the l*>n<lon irarkr'. (hie to the iron**y market < ondltlonn and to the <ll* aura gin 4 new* from Houth Africa. Ilut after the oi*nt!£ here foreign ar hUrgge hr*-her# arete of etock* an 1 their e*Uee on ha ant # for t>-day acre cetitmted at 40.0(0 ah area The Infarenc.* I* prett.v pij n that Ui.ti ni •*arly al 'ance wa* cn Nea Yo. k twiying. while the r*t line Txm.lon. tratika toil* In thl* nuirket were t*n the *e! Ing aid** Tey hail little tnfluMiioH xi the price*, whl h am 1 10 the ln*et generally aftet the r Ntrage cpaia ion* ha.i cet*Mi. With he •■xceprion of acme lontun id large buying In aome jua rt**t# o' tue lailroid liet th' trading aa# rather languid te k e-' c •luring the latter part of the A firmer tendency of the mo • market and a riae In the al lo*n rate to 4S p r cent lat- in tie da\ were alec an influet* c toward deprwaelng activity Preparation for the n nthlv ►ettlemenf may have had e**metht?ig to and * with thl development hut th** t an*f. r 1 hrough the enh-trcaeurN t* dny of s4.’o* Art# to the tr>*wnor aug||eeta a of <lenand upon thle center for inferor oecsie whl* h would prove a aerlou- dram upon the money nwkH The foreoaeta of the weekly hank state ment Indicate a *mll change in the cash Item for the week paM The tut tr* <rurv hae ba.>rbed R. 711000 Including th** pume ileipoeited for tranefei to the Interior The riae Jn th* money rare thle afternoon 1* a pretty reliable Index of eom* Imp* r* men? In the •condition of the bimka of atork* were affected by tbit, but there we-e aufudantlal rat lire In * i*nl th cloatng w*mp Arm. but not al ihe heat In ♦he railroad Hat at of South rn an 1 Southoweatern rallr*"Mda were not h|v Arm lad by f'heeapeake ar>*l Ohio, which rot up rd closed at the top. The Chicago end Alton etocke rnee etrong'v toba ro atooka were rvegk on •♦'a withdrawal of importarrt fntareata. F*acld' Mall rewote.l .1% American Snwi’itii •took* were we.ik *u Iv on an alleged P'tx.lee? to orraoite an •■ppoi , |on bu thev milled atronirfy and l*-rd with ir <>i net g-rin* The downward co iree of Am aI gw maxed CYspper wg* checked after ai early do line and the at col: ha* a net gtln on tho tlay. The ex**! *t*ckp w-re r ther all dav, and ?her ahow chan* T **| l*cXh wav* The 9on 1 market wmm active nd p’rona with a notable demand fo Kaneae Tl Texan ft Bouthwo*terr., txcudhero TaoiAc. T’nlon TaclA-' and Rend ing Ifteue* par value s7.* Fllttwl State* refunding 2 and the f rigllfirnl. dftKftl Ml 14 and Hi# tew 4# n-l vance-1 nor '>nt on the I*F cal! The total fM'e# of efock" to-day were ■•e7<n hare At hleon. 21 A$ lc preferred 71.3P0. BaM'more and Crblo 5 Ah rhmptiik' and f>hlo. 4X am i>#nv*r p'*- ferred 6d*. Loulkvlll# .inl Nahvl! e, ll - m ; Manhattan 17 inn MeXrwnolltan Street Hallwav. S*nr Mlaaourl Paclfl * ♦>.•*o; New York 1 80 Norfolk und W9t*m. B.IAA. Northern PaclAc. 14.800, Northern Pact A preferred. 76A Pennr>lvania. 6<vx>; Rotdlng Are: p ■f *r red. fvofX>; f** !ule Sixtt hw ea't'rn pr' fer rod. 8.400. Southern PaclAc 78.1A* Rou'h epti Railway. 43 **; Southern Railway in ferred. lA7‘. T*nion Pa'iA* . 35.100; Aml g.imatel i ’opper s*.<**: Amerl an Steel md Wire, 17 American T*birfo 31 Brooklyn. !')*•' (hntin-tl Tu?*a o 0 k**. Peo; l ► Ga*. 21.8 0, Sugar. 14.1(W. Flilted State Rubber. 7.5*d. New York Stock US. Atchison P'S Wabash *4 dr. pref .. .. *l>. do pref ...314 Rati A Ohio .. MV Wheel A I. F, 10, ''an Pac. .... t#> .to 2d pref 2*4 •'an ftmi .. 5*4 Wise Cen. l'A, cnes A Ohio . 3*4 Third Avenue ..1144 C. 01. w .... 11V H A <1 pref *4% P.. R A Q. ... 1*6.4 N'ati Tula. ... P C.. I A R. .. 24 do pref 103*. do pref 57 Am Copier .. fv, C. A E I. ... 9* Rhtrnr Ex 135 C. ANw 137 American ex-sal V 16) C.. K, I A P. .1144 t nltesl Bta*s . 4t< C. C. C A St Welle .I*o laoul# .'s4 Am Col 061.. .31 1 *ol ' Sou ...... 7 < Jo pref 90 do Ist pref ... it Am Mulling do 2d pref .. 13 | do pref 244 Del A Hud 115 ’\m S A R 53% !.. R A W. ...162 I *9r> |.ref *74 I) A R O S',Ai Bplrtia .... 14 do |>ref . 7YV do pref 17 Erie 14 ;An Steel Hoop S' , do Ist pref . 40*, An pref 7*4 Gt N pref .. I*l4 Am 8 AW 13, Hoiking Coal .. 15 I .to pref 804 H.e king V. ... v> ’A* Tin Plate. I**i Illinois Cen .. I*4* do pref XT' lowa Cen J) Am. Tobacco ...10*4 do pref . 46 .lo pref . ...130 R E A W. .. 344'Ana. Min. Cos. t*4 do isref KM Hnrsvk II T .71 l*ake Shore ... 2104004. F A 1 52, RAN *44 Con* Tob ... 4 Manhattan R. . W, 110 pref 92>, Mat. St Ity. 171%'Fadsval Steel 4*4 Mex Cen 13 do pref 7*4 M. A St. R .. ot'i Gen FJtec 1374 do pref M'dOlumac Sugar 57 I Pa> 07.' do pref 101 Mobile A Ohio. 39‘, Intern. Paper .. 225, M . K A T 134 do pref 73', do pref tfi'ldiak Gas . .72 N J. C 14*' Natl. Hlacult . 374 N. y. C 142". do pref 9! N. A W 424 Natl do pref *OU do pref 93 North Tac 714 Natl Steel *•'.', do pref MS do pref 914 Ont. A W 30*. N. Y A B l** Ore. Rv AN 42 'North Am .... 1* do pref 7* Pacific Coast .. 54 Penneylvnnia - 1124 <3o Ist pref . s* Reading I* 1 * <V 2d pref .... *7 do Ist pref , 61 Pa. i/l • Mail 4>A, 3d pref HA, people's Gas .101 v Rio O W 72 Pressed 8 C. .. 52 do pref .. *44 <V> pref *> 81 LAS F 114 Poll Pal C 19*4 d--. Ist isrC 77 8 n A T do M T"' Bt R.. R ■ 15V do pref .... 116 do pref *7 Tenn. C. A I. .. 774 St Paul 12*4!1T. S Reather .. 137, do pref 1754’ do pref 75 St p AO. . 119 l’. S Ruhber .. *O4 Sou Pac 4*4 do pref *7*, gnu Ry 17S Western Cnlon . M do pref **S R. I A S '*, Tex A Pac. ... 1S do pref 634 t'njon Pac. ... 733,P. C. C. A Ht do pref *3', Roula 3'A Bond*. f R Jsrefg. reg do 4e *4 ex-Ini 1944 M. A O. 4s *7 do coupon . I*6 N. Y. C. Ist* .. .1096, F. S s. reg ...110 N. J C gen, 6* 126 do 3*. coup ... .lies No. Pac. 3a . . 7"4 do new 4e reg. 13*4 do 4s 1047|i do new 4s rou.l3*', N 3’- C A St R do old 4s. reg ! 4* 107 ex-In’ US N A W eon e m, do old 4s.* Ore, Nav. Isls .109 do ss, reg 113 <lt> 4s .1044 do ss. COUP 1114)0- 6. R. 4* .... .1774 D of C 3 65* 124'; do consol 5s . 11* Ate), gen 4s I'd', Head gen 4- >l4 do a.lj 4 *" H G W. Ist* **, C. ol 1! con. 5* 97 81. R. A Ir. M do 1M Inc. bid. 51 corned is 11*4 do id Inc. bid. 15 St. L. A Ssn F Can B<> indw 1"* general * 12* C A O. 44e .. i"l' 81 P consols ..174 do Se .. 1M Be. P. C. A P C. A Nw. consol Ist* 114 7, 139 do s 11*4 c. A Nw . F 80 pac. 4# *5 deb 5# 11*4 B R. A T. * 70 Chi Term 4 ..** 80. Railway ta 1124 Col. 80 4e *4 Tex A P. 1ata...117 D. A R. O. *.. I*#4 do 2nd* ........ *2 Erie Gen 4s 754 f Pa. 4e IMP* F w AD. c. jWabaeh Isis ....11*4 ists 77 do Jnde 1044 Gen Ele. i5...161 |W. Shore 4s •114 lowa C. tats ...11* Wla. C. late * R. A N I* 4* .MMi’Vg. Ceniurlea ...914 M K. A T. *nd 714 New York. Nov Standard Oil 7<kß7 7*5. Baltlmare Nov • -Seaboard common. II'.""' S . I pic • f. 1, '*■ ifjt; bonds, 4a. 7248724. , -SR- Southern Railway. Train* Arrtie and Pvpari Savannah on 90(1. Meridian Tiro*—On* Hour Blower Than City Turn • KftrAul* In hl(T*rt Nov 15. 1900 Read DOWN “Yo Itleeabt. “|f r£ad it. * No M c eni-ai TSi t N 13 Mpm 12 Jiam L\ Bevannah Ar 5 loam 915 m tKas’.rrn Time ) | I 431 pm I 29.11 Ar ll e kvlll* Lv 3 (dam! I iffl-m 6 oftjiin 6 am Ar Columbia Lv 1 -.-'-ni :1 2.-am 9 loiun 9 a-,tin Ar Churlotio I.v | 9 6t'.|tm it utrii 11 I4pn 12 2J|>m Ar tiraansliora Lv , 7 lOpni 5 Hun wvini Ar .rm. 7.7777 Nttrfolk .7. .7.7.7. Lvj S m Da .. .... i.v . all-in 4>M • : i-n Ci HI hniiord Lv U Otpm ll <m<ui 2 46*m 3 41| mAr 777 .77.7. £jri bburg ... "77 ‘ I.v 5 Mpm 3 *•• 4 Kam 5 15pm Ar Charl.x trsMll* Lv 3 WpmjlJ Wivn 7 Ssam I It pnt ,Ar 55 >*llln,toO Lv 11 lfrimi 9 9fluu 9 15am It Lnt Ar Balttmnra Lv n Thm S flpw 11 n*m HI m Ar l‘Ml ut.lpbla I.vj IMnmjSMpm 303 pm I. -I.tni Ar N- w 5 .>rk L> U UNm 9 35pm *W •: '••pm Ar Boston l.v|| 5 nOpm.W lent B 5 K TO THE NORTH AN!' 55*F.8T I' No S (*<mirtl Dim'> ,1 13 39am Lv ~. Savannah Arjl • tSiin (La*tar n Ttm.) 6 35atr ,Lv 'o umMa It' I 1 3*nm 9Mm Lv bparLinl.iirg L' ,6 15pm 13 l>m Lv A-h' villa Lv 3 *pm 4 pni i*r liot Hprlitg* L' ill *•■*> 7 >'bin Ar Knoxville Lv , 2Liin 5 10im Ar L*iuiK**at Lv] 10 IX>!'*U 7 46.1 m Ar rinoinnatl Lv 4 *ot*in 6 00pm Ar Hi Lolita L' 9 *om 7 50am Ar LoutavHl* ■ l.t 3 Hum All trains arrive and deftr( from tnel'lanl Svelem Hialloli. THROIIOII CAR SERVICE. HD* TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY, NE55’ YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vaatt holed limited train*, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping 'r* beiwarn Savan nah and Ve York Connooi* ai sVa*Magi *n wuh Colonial K*pr*, to' Bneion Pullman Bleeping Car* between Chart die and Klrhmond and Charkuie and Nor folk Dining Oar* Berxe aU meal* between Savannah and 55'oablngion TRAINS 3& AND 36 DAILY. THE tTNITED STATES FABT MAIL Veetlbuled Itmllrd train*, carrying Pul'man Drawing Room Bleeping Car* n*tre*n Hivan alt and New York Dining Car* *erva all meal# between Savannah and 55'n*Mngtou. Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping C*i* belwren Savannah and Clnclnnall. Ihrough Aabevllle and "Tha Land ol t >e Sky. Por oomplete Information aa to rat*w erbedulea *!<- apply to F 8 GANNON. 31 V P & U M .1 M Cl'Ll*. T 31 SV. A. TURK, O. P. A.. sVa*blngton. D C S H HARDWICK At Gen'l 1 aa. Agent Atlanta. Ga G GROOVER. TVket Agent. Plant Bveiem Station JAMES FREEMAN C PAT A til Hull atreet Savannah Ga . Phone* 459 Morph, A Co’* Ulnel. Setter. New York. Nov 30 -The atoek market op. ne.l generally etrone and notably a live, there being only a tew eg. eptlona to the mnimuti irtttknrv <>( I“• i■ The**- were alt.vgether In the Indue:rial qmitt. notably in font mental ToLacco Amen .van and Sugai. t!e I * ' na*l ,eing unfavorably aff. ted by iei*.rt, of lroa|o' tiv* compwtttlon spe- lllat 1 v It teree* Him alna>et entirely .entered it' (tie railroad lie*. In wut Ii w. * • a i vimber . f tnaterlel adven e* The f. atur. ■ w t ....... ,n.. a . V.. ta> ctmoicrn • •wn* cvifnirni York fetdral. Cheeapr'ahe and Ohk., the \tchleon* and Otiiaylrinla The to. it tra.kton group waa not notably a.-tlve. l>u traiieartton, m that quarter were #ffe.'t*t at a generally higher level. People* <Si* wa* aotlvely .b ait al*ov* Wednesday'* figure* The lemdon quotation, foi Amerlean etoeka eltow.*l advance* whl. h ex ended to 1 point above W*itna*.la>'* final flguree which contrlbttterl no Util* to (he Initial tendency of the l.“i mat k.-t Foreign hnuoea were f Mrty active In thl* maikei. but on larth ,,f ,h, ‘ * u * . otmt. Sale* ot stock*. 66..2145 auaref MISt F.I.I.tNISOI 4 4IARKETS. Note -There .|Uot*llai are revlwd tally and are kept a* rear aa (wmalble in ,-curd wi'h Ihe pravalUtig Whiaeaa.. I -rice, tm. I*! quotwUtm* are not need V ben they d;,arree with the whole solera ak Imi a try and Northern I’milnce. POI'LTRY—The market la eteadv Quo tatlona Droller, 3ftpMe ,r iaitr. had .roan t.Yfiii,' three Ynurtha grown, i*>'i |,en*. fifvtl7s rooster*, •bflMtr; duek*. . geese. 75e|1 ><) Eli IS Freeh candled, 33*; cnl<f etorag - :>u3v. IM'TTHH The trmc of the mxrkc? i* firm Quomtion* \%>flrr crMimory. 24 .. , N•• w York xtxtc lixlry. lßflß< . extra Blglnx. 257136'* f*Ut.K&K Market firm; f*n v full rrriirp tor 2U to 11-priufitl • vxrufc; 2Rf|KHx>und xv*r*urt*. He. burl) 1 rgrtablc*. HUSH POT AT* K®— Nor them, $1 Bt> Mirk PAHHAOIMCIr hcx.l ONIONS—YeIIow. In Imrrxlr, 12. V, < rated, 80c, red. $2 w HrmitvlulT. liny and X.rntn. FROt'R Market steady; patent. HA), etralgh'. 63 9 f ’ fancy. 6173; family. 13 V MEAIs- Pearl, per trrel. Mi. 7": |uu sack. $1.25, city meal, per sack, )olte<l II 124.f 1 15; wulcr ground tl.l&'ul 174. city grim sacks. *1 20, pearl grits, lludnuta, per bar re|. 62.76; per eack. 61.224, sundry brands II 17481 *" *nk CORN—Market linn; white, Joh lota *fr , carload lots 6*c. mixed corn. Job lots *2.-; carload lots. 59.’, RICE Market eteady, stemand good fancy head, 6c; fancy, 64c. Prime 5 Good 44613* Fair 4 044 Common *4 OATS No 2 mixed, carload. 134"; Joh lots. STifll*! . while clipped, cars. 36c; job. 40c. HR AN -Job lots. 95c; rarlood lots. 90. HAY—Market steady; No 1 timothy. 9V; Job. 95c; No. 2. 90■ Joh; 45c cars. hnaar and I o*se. fIt’GAR Cut lo,f *l9 Diamond A 5*4 Crushed *24 Confeellesners A7 *1 Powdered S4I White Fairs C.l’4 XXXX iw'd . . r .i9 Extra C sj* Dranulnted 5 4'Oolden C no Cubes MAYelowa 491 Mould A 609 COFFEE— Mocha 2* c Prime Vo * lo^e lava 3* c Good No. 4 tf>4c Pea berry 14 c Fair No 5 . to o Fanry No 1 11■•F"Ordinary No. 6 *4c Choice No 2 Itdicfommon No 7 9 c Dried and B, aporafest Frnlls. A PPI.EH-Evaporated, 7t)7'*c . sun dried S'kftOc APRICOTB— Evaporated. 10c pourvl; nectarine* lOc RAISINS- I. R . 62 10; Imperial nahlnets 62 75; bxise. tf>-pouiwl boioa. *\ (k>ui.d PEACH KB Eva|*>rated, pooled, 174": unpealed. PEA HR— Evaporated 6, c llardonre and Itulldlng Aiipplles. RIME. CAt.CH’M I'RASTER AND f'ement—Alabama and tie irg a lime |n fair demand and sell at W> cents a barrel; apectal cabinet plaster 61.99 per barrel; heir. 406 c. Koeelile cement 6' 94A1.25; carload lots, epeclal; Portland cement, re tail 62.2*. carload lots, $j njer-j EFMHER. F O. 14 VF.BREI.4t. 8A VA V NAH—Minimum, lard sites. 61h.Sfdr II00; car sills |t2 306116.00; dim -ult sixes, |i|r., S'IS.Mi; ship etexk 6:*totl 16.00. aswn ties, j- <x)’. hewn ties 3.x Ile OIR Market steady, demand fair -lg nal, 4Xj.Vs , (Vest Virginia btack, 'ul2c; lard. s*c; nealsfoot. *sa7o'; mwchlncry. 1* OAc; linseed oil, raw. 7*4c; tsollei, 794": kerosene, prime white, 12 . water white. 13c: Pratt'e astral 14c; deodorl*d stova gasoline, drums. 114 c; empty nil barrel*, delivered. 5.V' BHOT—Drop. 61 50. B B and large, 1.7.1; chilled. 61.75 IRON—Markei very eteady; Sard*. !V NAIIA4—Cut. 62*> ha; wire. 62 65 has# BARBED WIRE—63 50 per 100 pounds. GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin creek ehot, 64M). half kege 6625, quarter kegs. 61 25, champion ducking, quarter kege. 62 25, Dupont and Haiard smokelee*. half kege. 6U.K: quarter kegs. 65 75, ) -pound, canisters. 61®. leae 65 per cant.: Trole dorf emokelees powder, 1-pound cans. 61; lt>-pound vans. 30c pound. Walt, Hides and Wool. BART—Demand ta fair and the market steady; ifcrtoad lots. 100-pound burlap sacks, 47c; IUO-pound cotton sacks, 41c; 116-|n>und burlap tuick#. 51(%< . 110-|x>und cotton •*af'k>. • 126-pound burlap *ack* HV: Ift-pound <xitton a* kx . invpmiiul burlap *<> k* fit H!IFK Murk#! firm, dry flint, l.ltyc; dry #Alt. 11V. Iffccfi 6c \V<Ol# Nominal. |Urnt* OfH9r*la, ,of NMitii buth and tla 'k wool. . Mack. IV. burry. 10- Wax Sic; laliow, . IWr wktru*. I rut Ir niil \uta. AITI.I'iH Northern variety. $2 r^> ORANUEH <Fla> $2 Wr:: t>? |> Mx pnPVPAwJAa *a- Hu-; to 7't*. 7c. 7*W to 80k. 6V*'• Bt*a 4 Pk*. Bc. i 80a to lH*. 6V HANANAB- $1 364)2 00 bunch LP7MONH Market ataady at $2 fit?. rOPOANI'TR $4.25 |*ei 100 PBANITTft-Ample Mack fal. demand; 1 t'inrkat firm, fancy han(l-|Hrk**d. Virjrlnla. |h r pound, tV\ hand-piokcai Virginia, XX (nm. I 1 * . N (’ real i*‘amit. 4< NUTS Almonda. Tarragona. 16y Ivlcaa, 16c; walnuta. French, lfcr. Naplea. 12c; 1 par ana, 11c; Hraslix. 13-. fllherta, 12c. aa aortad mi fa, 50-pouul und lb-pound boxxn. 1 12'ar. ( off mi lln * a l nu and Ilea. 1 BAOOINO Market firm Jut#. 2V* pound. k%t ; irM ifft-4 t V. amall lota. 2 iiound. 7%c; ara i#l nl bi(v;i)K 12V TlIvH Hi.iiidard. 46 pound, arrow, Urge lotf li no, amall lots*. $! 32 tin ••. llama iiiml lartl, I'ACON Matkxt firm, tr 8 c It aid**. 7V I’ S b#ll|xa, (Gant#m>. accord • rordtnfr t4i av* raff# Mx* ; I> H R#lll#a, $V (W>N?#rtii. *mokd (' It *Mx. B%c. HAMS Khxhi rurad, 11V<12V loARD- I‘urx, In tlaicxa. 8V: In 80- I (pound tin# and 80 imund tuba, BSc : compound. In tlcrc##. *4c; 60-|iound tin#, land 80-pound tub# iV 1 - Ml at ki.i, tuxii a FIRM Mackrrxl. Im If-barrels. No 1. ts. N.. 2. rOO No 3. $. 7r. kit a. No 1 $1 ♦; No 2. $1 1'; No 3. 85- Codflah. > 1-pound brteka. *V. S-|HHind brtck. •* ’ Hmokr'l hrrrln* |r imi. 1701 V Hutch hxrriiur. in kKH, $1.10; now mullcta, half | b.irrcK f.T 7*. HYRIT* Market quiet; tieorftb* uni Florila eyrup buylnx at 28U* ; aelllnf ' 22X/V# ; utixar houac a* lOfilftc. HONfcJI Fair demand; etrained. In bar* rein, tf/tjfii, gallon. Ill*rh wine# hnl#. $1 27. OCEAN FHKIRT9IS. COTTON -Savannah lo ltoaton per cwt 2.V. to New York, per ewi . 3M-; to Philadelphia, per hale. 61: Haltlmore II FOREIGN DIRECT Hr. m- n. ev . erixl. 4*V; Hamburg. 4*c; OeAoa. 53', Barcelona. 5.V: Manchester. 4f . Havre, 8k , Antwerp. 4<V, Revat, Mr; llctteidim. 4dr. Trieste. 5J INDIRECT Rlverpool. iXll*c; Hamburg 4b’; Gothenburg. 53 •. Rt'MREH Hy R.sll—Krelghta sb adv; In Baltimore and eastward. 64 50 10 65 75 |>er M. Including Portland RFMHF.H By steam-Savannah to Ha It Imorc. 65 w>; to P ft R or B and O. docka. $5 50; to Philadelphia. l*Hc ,e: rwt (t poundk to fuoti; to New York, s*• 50 iwr M. 67 21 to dock; llglitercd to Boston 6*50 NAVAR BTOREB—The market la firm; medium else vessels Kostti —Fork, fur orders, .la .! per barrel of 310 pounds, aid s|r cant, primage. Spirits. 1- 9d per 40 gallon* gross, and 5 per cent primage l.arge vessels, rosin. 3s; spirits 4- 3d. Htratn ll< tier 100 pound* 011 roam. 21V on spirits. Savannah to Heaton, and 1V on rosin and 19' on spirits to New Y'ork CHAIN, PHOVIIIOtta. ETC. New York. Nov 8 —Flour quiet aml somewhat easier m tone with the breaa in wtieat Rye flour dull. Corn meal easy; yellow Weetern, **c Ft vs steady. Barley qulei; barley malt dull Wheat—(Spot easy: No 2 red. 774'. op tion* had an easy opening with cables, hut rallied sharp.y on adverse crop news and good speculative demand. Subse quently thl* gave way lo an active re newal of December llquhlaflon. a tiled t>y news of more Mtnneapdis mills shutting down, and prices touch'd lowest point of the day: closed weak. '.*3*c. net decline; March. 79', May. 79c. D. ember, 7*'.. Corn—Spot weak, No 2. 45V . Old ions opened einady on light offering* but quickly turned weak on liquidation sup plemented by line weather, reports of large arrival md lower cahies; clos'd weak, 'i)4 lower: May, 4Ho; Der'ember. 431,c. . rials Spot quiet and steady ; No 2. 3*V . option* Inactive and weaker. Beef tsteady 'm m* tts et*- adv, lord easy. Fork steady Tailow rnarkrt dull. Petroleum dull. Rneln quiet Turpetitin* steady. Itlee firm. Rogai —Raw strong, fair refining. 3 5-1* . centrifugal. 9* lest. 4 7-W. nvvlasse* su gar. 3 11 - Ids-: refined steady. Coffee—Spot Itlo steady; No 7. Invm'e. TV; mlkl market quiet; Cordova. 940 12V- The market for coffee future* opened etetaly at an advance of lo to 15 points, and scored a fun her 5-polnt rise on local and foreign buying, the result Of bullish European rwhiee. email receipt* at BraxtUan port* and interior town* stea'Her feeling In the spot markets, and an absence of bear pressure. Rater th<> market turned easier following a severe relapse in Havre, and an appearance of selling order* from abroad. Trading was rather slow; rtotted barely steady at net unchanged price# to 5 point* Advance Total sales 2S.MW bag*, including Decem ber. lOc March, .*6**.4*c; May. She; July, *.M62<.*)c; September, 6.6506.7 c. Plant System of Railways. Train* operated by 9r)th merlfllan thaw* One hour etower than city time. In nffe l Nov #, twn All tiaina 1 Lv Savannah DiUly. Ar Savannah !>-' • n J 13 >• ii| Savannah 13 10 am 6 .a tin Mayen** | 1 i*> on * . i J. ke.uvlllc 19 15 am I’■ pin .. aid FMfl ,13 45 pm •ui pm , leant* | 7 .41 pm Bet ween I 3' i.r ~.. Savannah '3 45 am 5 lit .mi ... t'harl.-M>n 750 am 1 03 pr: ami E:na '6 63 pm Lv Urimewt. k Ar Brunswick lb tween 6 4h am Rnmewflck i* * am 9 pm j. ,|t Kvi pm I .. tinv i nah an.l |7 16 am 1 ll pm Connection- al I'ort Tampa with P*a- Imular an.l <>. td.Mai .samara laavms f". Kay 15 , e M.awlay*. Thurodayi at ts .t u i>i, Na m Fall at Ticket om. <•* for further Infor mation J. H. Pm.IIFMI’S. T V A . WARD CLARK, fl y Tt k*t Agent T>.' fbvto Hotel I'hone 73 B W 55 HENN. Faenger Traffic Man ager. Savannah. Ga. 0$ R 'h#glilla Fffectlve Rept tO. iB6O - airivc at and depart from Central Btatbin. WM firood. f•*• r * f fJteTty atreet Merlilian Time On# hour alower than city lime An l\ c Sovannah: ftavar.n*h: Mncon Atlanta •s *rn C.ivinr un. Mil.adcavtil** •• 00pm and al !ntarrm<dl*t* pi>tnt>| A'lfuita Atlanta! Athene \|<>ntX49ruerv. f*o-J •3 00lrn lumbua. Min u flmm Am- *6 00am 'xrlcua. Fufaula and Troy.{■ Ofprn l>ovxr AccommodAtloii |t7 48am 12 00pm <tUVtM l).(.n#r Trgln 94 lainm # Ddlly i .* la \ RKTWKKN RA VANN All ANO TYURE 75th meridian or B-ivtnnah city tlma UFA VIU SAVANNAH. Mond*> m4y <25 x tn Daily except Monday 9Jo a m Dally 300 p m. KKAVF TYDEE Mon#f iy only 715 a m Dally except Monday lft 35 a m DalH B3op. m. <'(Minorflona made at terminal ;alnta with all tralm* Northwest. IVaat and Boulhweat. Rle*ianx cal a on nljrht trafn# between Savannah and Auffueta, llacon, Atlanta and Hlrtnlnpnm Far lor cars on day train* between Ba rannah, Mmw atal Atlanla. For omdet4 Informoi lon. schedules, rate- and c. hiid tiorm m|4v to VN (i BUKIN Fit. f tty Ticket and erater A*;ent. !(J7 bull street, or W P MrINTTRF Depot Tick#! A#eat. J C IIAILK. General Fiseenper Agent F H HINTON. Traffic Manager TH FO. D. KI.iNK Oen Ruperlnfar.dent. fHvarna h, Oa. Double Daily Service The short line to Norfolk. Washington, Haltlmore, Philadelphia, New York sad (he East. ARRIVAL OF TRAINS FROM No. 27 North and East 6M) am No. 33 Denmark and local Bta- Ho"# 19 29 am No 21 North and Eiat 12 19 pm No 44 Jai ksonvllle and Florida,,, I 60 pm No 73 Monlgomery ami West 6 26 pm N" 74 H'lena aid le *1 Potnta... * 45 nm No. t Jacksonville and Florida,..ll At pm departure of trainb for No 27 Jacksonville and Florida . sn* am No 31 Ja kwnvllle arid Florida 12 1* pm No 44 New York and Eal 1 5* pm No. .34 Denmnrk and Augusta 2 65 pm No. 71 Montgomery and Weal 7 25 am No 71 Helena and laical Rtallon*. 6 At pm No lid New Y'ork and East 11 M pm Yfagnlfn ent Pullman buffer sleeping ear service to Wa-hlngton, Haltlmore Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tampa. Dining care from Savannah 10 Hamltt and Richmond to New York Buffet parlor car a Savannah to Mont gomery For additional Information apply to Ticket office, Bull and Bryan afreet*. Phone 21 Butter market dull, creamery, 19045 c; slate dairy. 164622 c Pbcese *!• adv. large, liBkOllc; small, HtfllV Eggs strong, state and Pennsylvania, JjfrMc Western regular, 2blJ24c Potatoesqoiet. Jerseys. 61 0U01.J74. New York 61 ar-ftl srv l<Ht| Island. 61 5001.76. Jersey sweet. 61 7502.75 Peanut# steady; fancy hand-picked. 43*0 Ic: other dome-tic. 4 - t'abbage eteady, Ixing Island, per I*o. t2.o9ft4.Sf) Freights to Uivcrpool dull, colton hy ■team, 20c COTTOk IBRD OIR. New Y'ork. Nov 2D—Cottonseed all nominally me hanged and barely steady, without noteworthy demand. Prime crude barrel*. 23'Jc nominal; off summer yellow, 31'f. prim* winter yellow. 37037 V; prime white, 25c; prime meal. fc*.<*4*96.6o. I lilt Bill 'I 4lt ti ).T*t. Chicago. Nov. 30.—Wheat wan dull. Da cetnber, having sagged on liberal r -celpta. absence of foreign d< maixl and other b-ar -I*h oonaltlers',lonr, clo-ed V' under Wed neasiay November - or.i urowed Hc an DquW-itlon and December viewed 4c down. On < l 'rS' d-t>ri'#ed. end prm vl*lone 24ft5c to ITV lower. The leading future# ranged a* follow*: Opening High**' Lowest.‘ loeing. Wheat. No. 2 Nov 70 704 694 44 De . ... k9\7" 7<H,0793 I*4 9%094 Jan ?Vi7o4 714 704 4704 Corn. No. 1— Nov ... 27 42Si M 264 *4 ,*ec 3M. 35% 25 35% May 364U3*'4 * 154 3r>4o Oat*. No 2- Nov 214 4 214 214 Dec 214 21% 214 3140X4 May .3% 234024 23% 23%0it34 Mesa Pork, per barrel s'ov .... .... gll S Jan ttl 95 612 06 sll 99 611 *9 May . 11 95 It 974 H 15 11 65 lArd. per 1® pounds— Nov .6 924 695 690 <96 Dec .. 90 6 974 * Jan .. * 774 * 62's * 76 g 77% May . 616 660 * *24 < *94 'Continued on BUth Paged 9