The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 02, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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MEMBERS LIVE IN “HARMONIE” til <l.lll SHOWS A\ ATTRACTIVE FOX SI OF SOCIAL LIFE. Knrnionlr < lab O Dial Inn Ivcly a llrbrrw oraallluß-|i( Hrmbrr • hip I* I oiuprlaad Almoal E>- laalrrl) l llahrm Ornllfura. ihr Club la aa Popalar With I utiles aa W Ith Orntlrmrn Because I l lir Drliaktful In lrrlu In in < ula I hat Arr Liven—llaeuionle la (hr ■ Blest hirliil Hub la tbr City lia rrrarnl OlNrrra ami Mraibrra. Harmonic Club Is thr Hshrew Club , ttannah. n<l Its affairs have been In nt condition since Se*H 2*. 11*3, „ , ihr followin*. then youn* men. met ‘ e home of Mr. M. Kelch for the pur* , f organ.xlrg a social club: B Kohn. Wolf, M Brown. E. Brown. E P. Walters, I. BouMon, L. Rem I Rich. M Isaacs, L. A Dreyer, rs. A Mayer, ,1.. Loch fallowing offlcers were elected, pro Preslilent. Mr. Wm. Wolf, vice pres- M: K. Kohn; secretary, Mr. P. V. --is. It was at once that the name uh be the Harmonle. At a meeting n Oct 1. ISA), the following officers . I Pres.ilent, Mr Wm Wolf; . -l'lent, Mr Lawrence Laptonan .r- r. Mr B-rnarJ Kohn; secretary. ! .lip Walters rst meeting of the club was hehi Andrew's flail, on Oct. 22, 1866. July he following members applied for , -ter of Incorporation: Abraham Kp. • . 'stavue Koksteln, Hlmon Uerta- THF, H4HSIOAIF CLfll. mu Jacob Kotin. Mi'hart Boley. Abra ham J Brady. Samuel Melnhard. Nathan Hw-.i E Hruwn, -\1 Brown, T. Brown H 1 ill, K C hen, A M Cuhcn L A Drvr U. Davloaon. I* I irialytitkl, 8 By. ein. . EltifKn. E Khrlich. >1 J' -a, A Frlede'her*, A Kellner. J F •! 8 Her*. M lanac, L. Kavton, M Ktana*, M Eowenthal, Jacob mn, Juacph l.ipp.-nan, 1.. LiUviuhnl A M' n H. Myei~. J. H. Mote*. K. Mi ff, I Iloh* K’dn. H J. Ilantman II (In h. H. Mi u.hard. M. Nftmark, H Roth’hlld. J Root, 8 Solomon. A. A. r lom n*. J Souihelm. P. Tlucnler. P, Mailer*. E A. Well, H. Wall, J Mem r',ck aid i’ Zuchurta* On June It, IM7. ihe club ai filml for a renewal of the char ter. In Aiifiist. ISM. fhe club bou#ht the building now occupied on the corner of tinea end Bull street*, since remodelled xnd Improved eatentlvely lie |reen in-in her? art: 1,. Adler. J. Belmnger, 8 l*el#lmer. A. Hera. S. Rlnswanger, A. M ft row ii. 1> A Pyck. M 8 Byck, C. 8. By k. H. H Cohen. N. J Dewald. J M ’•reytr J B Dub. E Er-kneln. M O. I hrlieh, A Ehrlich. B Ehrlich. Albert Ehr lich J R Elneteln. I F.peteln. M J Ep fcteln, A Fanil, 9. Fantl, Joseph Feret, S Ferst, L FerM, 1. M. Frank. E. >1 IYTFHIOR VIEW OF IIARMOYIH CUD. If T. Frank. Leo Krai k L. Fried, i Gar.ard J. Gazan, N. J. Gillespie, A i o-.ln..ui. l„ E. Grouse, J L. Uut- I G. Has*. L Hatmw, 8 llermau, '' 8 Hetman, C. J Herman, D. Hecht, M P Hlrach, M Heyrie, T 11. Havun. • Kiyton, M Krtuit. F. J Kulman, O. E mat A .'I. l>fficr. >! J-efllrr, B _ Levy, || Jatvy. B. 8 I-evy. L A. if If Leyser. C. Ltlleutnal. W. Ltll ■*' I. l.l(i;iman. Lewie Llppman, J. Milan, 11, H Livingston. J Loven- J Uui, II Meyer*, jj Melnhard, *1 Melnhard, U Mohr. G. L. Mohr. L R. I . Neuberger. M. Ptager, Joseph ■ helm. 1). J. Rosenheim. M li i I. N Schuts, M 11 richaul, C. mar., A Soielhr inter, M J Solo -1 A H. Solomons. Max 8*>!o- A £. Smith. H. L 1 -h. J. o. Smith. M. Scitwab. T rn, H Traub. A. Vetsburg. V. . irlihaum. K. A. Well. F A Walk ' L Well, M Wolf, J. Wolf. fit Its of the club at present are follow*: 1 ■ et.t- A M. Irfffler l'ri s. ient—A I’erst • tas.ircr—B Elrswanger •'.its—S. stern. ■ :..i*er—M. Solomon*. O a ■, D, A Byck, J. M. Dreyer. D. J. entitlm, E. M Frank i l> • > with the mrmbtrs of the Har • ie a* as the name of tha organization '•'it Ir.lloate. very harmonious, and r e-t-ndance is regular and fraught k * great interest. They have handsome ns. comfortably and lujyjriouwiy fur *•* in Ia certain homelike itmoa | sbo.i: the club renders It partlcu -1•* agreeable to ... memuers. Ladies frequently entertained In the rooms. • tsj in# popularity of the club with the Jewish belles of the city Is as area’, as It le witt) the gentlemen. Not only does the Hatmosil- Club enter tain In It* rooms, but 1t also ghee an nually a magnttl-ent ha.l in the De fc>to. Its annual dance* are looked forward to wtth eagerness by all who arend and form a feature of the members associa tion in the organisation that is regarded by many as partlcuArly appropriate, as It waa as a social and dancing club that the Harmonle waa instituted SAVANNAH’S DOWNTOWN CLUB. Continued from Tenth Page. Butler. F i - Batley. F D Hlovtworth H M. Butler, K A Cults, G A Coscrs, <l. T. fann. H. C Cunningham. T. M. Cunningham. Jr., J. A. U. Caraon. J. Feme Cann. W. 8 Chisholm. W. L Clny. J B. Chesnutt, John D Carwell. C. C. Champion, F. H Clark. W. Cl. Charlton, llnrrta Cope. W J D-Kcnti-. A E. Hearing. F G. dußignca A L. Drum. W. D. Dearlng, R A Dennairk, C. K. Dickinson, If R Duckwnrlh, R. U. Erwm, R Elliott, a B. EJio” J* - ® Ellle. J M. Kean L. M. Ersklnc. Chas Ellis. R Falligant. P Freeman, E. P. Frost, H W Frost. A. G. Guerard. Jt . C. H Glbbes, 8! J. H tlrahani. J N Guerard. <; m Gads den, W E Grady, A M Glbbes. W I, Gignflllat. R Gordon, W. \V Gordon. W. W. Gordon. Jr.. W E Guerard. Cecil Gabhett. G. L. Germany. L. W. Haskell, C. C. Hanson. A C Harmon. R. M Hull. J. A. Hueer. G. 8 Herne*. Wright Hunter. R. Fi Harris. A R Hull, !!. H Mull, Jos Mull. Jno FI Hunter, K H. Minton. W. C. Hsrrrldge It M Hitch. J. C. Harris, A. D H.tid-n, W. P. Har dee. L. Hawkins. I>. F Jack. T. Nob> Jones, C. L Jones, J. B Johnson, M. W. Johnson, F. F Jones, E Karow. J. J Kirby W. I> Krenaon, J. M. latnc. K. 8. Lathrop. A It Lawton. W R. lseiken P IV MeMrtm. J F. Minis. John Mal!o*h. T Is Mlon* W W Mark all. G A Mrr *r H If Martin J F C My*r*. W. G. Morr*ll. A Minla, C. C. Martin, J. Monigault. I Mcnain. R R Moorr. A R Moor*. V Moies, J J M, J. J MrlYonough, Jr . J W MAlpln T H M’Mul*n. R J Nunn. .John NlP**f. W Owfii*. G W. ov**r P P. Of* v*ro*. T. L Owrnp E H O Vm nor, V' n P!ay*r. W N. Prat* John D. W. E. rmnlman. A P Pa m*r A Pop*. J. A Robert*. J Rtturrp, I fiimkin*. John firiwvrr. Jr . C. A Bn*ar- Fon, W. K, IM**viman. fi I*. Shottrr, John 8. Bohl*y. H. P. Bm*rt. J R Bh*kKm. A ByhraKß. W. U Starr. W H U S< hUy, W. B mi!lw*ll. H M Bt**j*. H D. Sfg\eni. R. G. Alrx Th** man. J. I>. T>ior. G. W n*<VmNn. O F. TrrinlU*. H 4}. ThompNon. J. G. A’an Miner, T. P. Waring. G H M a ring Jr. \V \\. WilUiim*on, W L M'llpon. T. 8 Wylly, 11. W*Wr. C R WoM*. Hy T William#. A Wylly. A P. Wright. F. C \Yll*ot>, John R. Yeung r TV'nA, G IV Rill|p*. H M. Com*r. J K f'ark F T Corner. J. T P*nt. J B nnckmorth J B Flovd. W T Gentry. J. K Oam*4t. H H Gilm*r. J. W Hugh*#. J F Han- W M W"" A > " B fV minor, I *. n MHrn, J. W. MiM#n<lorf J R. Folap. C. A. Palmer. W H. F.eas onts. W 8 Tlsott, R. D Wyily. J 8. Williams Honorary—R. L. Mercer. CUBES CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON, TRItl. THE ITUIAT Fit EE. It Is especially the deep-eeated obsti nate cases that B. B. U cures. It mat ters not If the doctors or patent medi cines have failed to cure B. B B. < Bo tanic Blood Raimi always promptly reaches the poison and roots out and drains It from the system, heals every tore or pimple, stops hair from falling out, and cures the disease so the symp tutus van never return. B. It B. cured K P. B. Jones. At lanta. Ga . of contagious blood rotson. had copper colored eruptions all over the body, offensive erpptlnnt. pimples, ex cruciating aches and (tains in bones and Joints, tolling of the hair, *orv throat, mucous patches. His troubles resided the treatment of she moat noted doc tors vet he was completely cured by t- n bottles of Botunlo Blood Bairn. (B. R H i, Robert Ward. Maxey, tia . auff< red from secondary' and tertiary blood poison, face and ihoulders a mass of corruption and sores, eating Into the skull bones; eleven bot-tles of B, B, B. completely cured him If you have ac*emu. cancer, scrofula, rising*, bolls, ulcers, then B. B. B. wt.i make perfect cure 1-arse bottles of B B. B. for sale by drugs!*!* for 11. with complete direc tion* for home treatment. Trial treat mini /re# by wrlt ng Blood Balm Cos. Atlanta (Ja. Describe your trouble and we will Include free personal roedicwl ad vice. Over 1,000 cure* by B. B. B. THF MORNING .NKWS: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2. WOO. IN HONOR OF TOMOCHICHI. CU B WITH I 111. IMM AS 1% THI: TO! AOBIT (NT Alla Will Aon ( nmplflf h Very Sucre- Inl Flrat Year ( It* KiUirnrv. Hwt than |:i.OUO Haa Kipendral I |M*n thr Drromtlon aid Pitting |i of thr lUailiflmr 4|uartrr Oc cupied b> thr t Ivi I*— *pceiM I lantrr talnmrnt for X| milter* and I .ndlea l I ailrr I oaialtleratlon Oflrrra ami Mrniltrrai of thr 4’luh. Th* Totnochichi la th youngeat of th • four social cud* of fiav.innah, hut tta membership la prolwbly larger than th it of any on* of th* othem ft ta e#enti*Glv a club of >our.g gentlemen, hut thrrr arr many U|on tta Hal who hav* reached th* ag* at which, In th* common .cc#p!anc* of th* word. th*y *rr no longer ronnje. though if It t*r true that a man la no old. er than hr feel*. thee* stme elderly gen tVmen are aa young aa the n*w*#t t#ar<l - !*•* Addition to the club life of the <*|tv Nam#-1 In honor of the chief of the Yarn* raw a. th* friend of Ogle horpe and th* whit* *<*tlera who Aral claimed Geor- I'OHOt ic hi riel ti. gla for a T >r *nnan*nt r©iony of Fnghirxl. ;h* club h* thrived and ftcuruthed. -mi th* nam* ll#*lf h* b*cm* lnlor**4l Bom douM* about ih** *t Art. .1* it wan thought it m.ght to urial** to impo** a d**Mgn* tion th* organisation lh*t might i** r*g*riied as a buil*n, but arreptan * Imp ahown th it ** doubth *hould n*v*r hav* b**-n felt. AVhan the nam* of th* old rhl*f wa* proposed th* Vfiuitewn •ugKeptrd tnat th* m*ml r* of th* <*lub might not Ilk** it at Ar~. Nit that, th* mor* they thought aboiit It. th' ruor* like ly it would hr to grow upon th*m To thin one of the wu* In th#' m**t,r.g r*> ilied th*i h* hojM-d the namr would n*v*r g*ow on .him It wan on Jan J. IF**, that th* Tomo chlchl Cluft <h'm; is*d though tho movrmeii* ili4 r**uit'l in it* f *rnetk had l***gun two or thr** ixoatlu iwfor* A numt>*r of n* young mm int*r**t* I had b**n tm-mi-r# of okl Ba\annah Yolui-'**r OuHnlh’ Club, nr.l th*y *ough to util x* B<>mr of th* mNt*iiNl of th. •Ipfunri >rK.4i!txat on in a n*w lub Th*v circulated ItetN Uiat w*r fr**ly figuwl. iid #uon rrunr- than a Inindr**'! w*t* IIOOM, TOMOTHimi fl-l A gathered together. < ratsnf seeeaalon- ti tleae names wre received after the first me.-ting, and It was not long before it was seen that the club would b-gln It* existence with more than Id member* ‘ \fter she Otganlsa lon whs effactsd. the list cant nurd to grow, and there are now more than Kb members The first tear of the htstorv of the club ha* a.most passed, and It ha* oeen an eventful one. Great success has b--n won by the ofTI ers and Beaid of Governor* and tnelr conduct of Us affairs has been >• emp.ary The magnificent quarter* that were established In the armory of the Ba vannah Volunteer Guard* were pra. ii. al ly bare wiisn the new club took cnarg,-. and the ta-a of fitting them up was be fore the officers. They were e,,ua. U> It and responded promptly ami tnost satis fa tori >'. A mural decorator *•> secured from the North, aid hi* work resulted In reception rwtnt of the .uo 'etttg trsnsvarted into tne handsomest ment in the city The entire suit of ..rg* and airy rooms was renovated and o rats.l and next In beauly to the reception room Is the smoking room. In which. In deference to the uid Indian for whom the lub was name 1, the eltecl throughout 1- Indian. Complete In every detull oi club purpose*, the apartmene* ar- ia< king in nothing. there being re,option purior*. smoking room, pool and dotard roonis. buffei library, writing room, commute* mom" and others, while tne stairways, passage* and general Interior arrange ments of the building are spurious. More than gl.wAi w*s expended by the cluo In furnishing and fitting up the quartet*, snd they easily les-i the other chins In their roominess snd adapsatlon to the purpose* lor whl n they are used. The membership of the c.uu is large enough to support It comfortably, and the financial condition I* excel.en- in* *u -easful ha* ths organ list lon been that those who predicted it* fsi.ur. before th" war was out huv. t>een t,rr, ed to a mtt that they are neither ,'rophet* nor tits sons of prophet*. Last night the House c<wnm:ttee made anew venture, serving a warm supper In the cafe This was the first of Saturday night suppers that are to t>e given In tha club Many of the members had been asking that this be nr.vie one of the fea ture* Of the club, and It I* believed that It will prove a very *u c*ful one li 1* reoofled that the House t’ommlt trv will also determine upon thtee or four dates during the winter when receptione to the member* and ladle* will b given. Th* ladle* night at the opening of th# club last Mar-ta waa so auccttaiful an event that It l* thought he p-i ukirMy of the club will be hlghtene.l If the rule of gentlemen only In the quarters can be oc casionally broken so such good effect Following are tha officers and commu te** of the dub President-Fleming O dußlgnnn Vice President—J W. Motte, Jr. Secretary—J M Roger*. Treasurer—W. F. Baker board <>r goveknorb Finance Commute*—John M Hogen, Pivls Freeman. A M Ball. Ruffet tVmmlttee W F. Otr, R O. Fleming. IV K Eete. Hotwe Commtttee—D C Barrow. 8 E. Tlieus, C. G. Anderson Ji Lii-rary Oommlttee —R M Hitch. J. J. Kirby, W. T. Hopklna. The members of the club arc as follows C. G. Atiderscai. Jr., R F. Anson H. K Anson. H. H Bacon W 1’ Halley. W. F Hakes, V\ F Baldwin. Henry Bald win. D. C Barrow. f\'i>e Barrow. E " Bell. A- M Bell I-ewls Bliss. H P n. Jr . J. 8 Bond. Joseph 1 Bond, 1 B* uton. H M Branch. C F Broug it< n, J. C. Burner. J. H Burner. ' I'tm bridge. J Ferrla Cgnn. J.,hn I> Carswell. Barron Curier,- J T Charlton. J N t'hunolm. Whitfield t'la'k Randall Clif <on. R M Cdburn, Rot-er' 1- Folding. ' 8 iVmnernt. Jr . George E Cope c M Craig, r H Clark E A Cults M Piffln, C G Pahl. M G Dearlng J M Dhoti, M. W Dixon, G. C. Driver, Fiein- ing G dußignon. H A. Dunn. TV. K Katfa. Is A Eaiilgant Ronart Falligant. ford Fa ml H U. laM 1 H F*ii XV r. FM h. R O Fleming. G*orge h>** ms.:, Lmu Freeman J mi'P I VV Fret well \V \\ Fret w ell. T \Y •'tilton, 45*. r#{e NT Oad*i*n. rn.i* Gom b|*. F VX Garden. Wi.liam Garrard Will .Ndi L. Oignl.llar. N J Gil.e-ple, J Ferrlen G*ov*r, Jonn A Grshani il*rvo> Grang* r. W R OravefK*t*. W L GravNon. A T 4 Green. J F. Hail*. fin*v* N. Harris L. P Hart, Jo**ph E Harty. W. T H*pkH. Joeeph W. F 8 Hindi*. R -M ILtrh. John M Hognn. Walter F H *n. M T Hopkln* \ K Horrook# F M Hull. Jr. W C. Huetoti John A Hutton. A J. Iv*p. N F Ja*k*<n. M A F. Job neon Walter T Johnpor A. T> Johi sum, C J Joaeph. R 8 K*nan J H K *;zr, .1 J Klrhv W. T Kr trht. 8 R Knott, J. F Koilork. F. 8 R Imi more, Wl'.iiam lairtlmore H H. Lattfmcr*. A A loawrenc*. J. Man*r t.iwtoct. Wad* H. J. P. I-** R M Lcpter. Y* TsM*t*r Little. H M I/>f* <r 4 , E. F Loved. Jr W W Madard. E C. Her er, A J. W J llm . p|*y. Jr. E MonerlefT* B T. Morg n. W. I Morgan. J W Mott# Jr., Herman i Myers C. L Myers. Shelby MyrFk Hen ri M, AI pin, W F BiTiU.fl, R J Mc- Daniel, • R Mclntyre, B. B Seal. ,VV C O'Byrne ( M Oliver. H P Os borne W W. (Wborne, W. IV Ott, H F. Owens. T M Palmer. M D. P*PV. F M Pspy, Jonn W Parker, K [- Pickering H L Richmond. F C Rbi’imond. O H Rivera Jr . F J Robinson C. H Rock tvell. J. M Rogers. 8m Ros*. Gilbert It Ross'.gnol. K O R' sle Walter G Bcho lef. f C Bchle), Jr . Thos Brre*en, W. > P 8 -nigas J G Beom*. .1 Simms. | George N. <tpr. a. VV IV. Stsrr. W R Stephen*. John J B*ephet). John Stod dard R G Steveete. 8. E Theui, W. T j Thompaon. Yates Thompson. Jr . W K jTrain R VandVagetien. H r. Walthour W I-. Walthour. I- C. West. J pear e j Wlteltst. K F. Whitcomb, W I>. Whit- I ney. P. f. Wilcox. H. E Wlls n. F P i Wilson. C C Williams, H R Woods, It. | w Wrentt. John II Wrlgtt: leaonaol ( Wylie. T 8 Wyliy. John R Young J I K Osrnett, Oliver T. Haeon if R n, m | ,*f. A DesNyuUions. H H Hr lien , 'hss j H Itai ks. W W ktmiMton. I M Wsvrr J P Walker If T linVk-r W T Glrwon’ Charles dulilrnr.n. Jo‘ it W (iod n m W. Palme, .lame- If Hul lvin, If li p. Twlggr If N (i llaher. JO - . Te •. man W It Chardin. H. H Ducksortb T K Bssbolv. Jo*r M. Th m- K 8. Trosda.l, Joel If Tuober. John K. Key, man Jam - M Govern. J, G. Bml h William H Prana. J. A. Hsrachtx-ck. Jr. Pharle- Mai rey B. R. Aon-t on.-. J , T. I* T’rl'e, Harvey t'rtKm, C J De l-oaeh John M r I-. F. f. Huhhell K p Bacon S A WII urn* J hn J Mur,, y, ; George F Armetr-n*. A L Bteree Hen v K W,sd. M D Papy. J. R Rstta 11. H. Martin, r A Marmelatein. and T. 8 i Phaalan How Ale lour Aerveaf ! If they are weak and you feel nervous : and easily "flustni’ed.” can’t sleep, and J rise In the morning unrsfretired. your inooi >s r---i fitrong nervn depend up on rich, nourtshti.g blood. Hood s harsa par ilia make* the nerve* strong by en riching and vitalising th* biood. It gives ssttet, refreshing sleep and completely curse nervous trouble* Begin taking it to-day. Nausea. IBdlge.Hea, are cured by Hood's Pllla—ad - lle- A fortune taller to'.d m >eater ' day that 1 arould marry you I bhe—Why didn't r-u pav a IHtl* more and go to a good on*’—l'-ck. THE ONLY MILITARY CLUB. Vl<MtN* M (Tfi|r( M.Y MIX HIM ITAHY AM) MM 141. | IFI Clwh t Our of lllaitnct ropularltt. Xtrmhrr* of lh* Troop Arr Mran of thr < lull, ond tifflcrri of •h* Troop* Arr Ofßrrr* of thr lull lino Hrrn l ormnl lor Aowip % r>r- % \ rrr ‘•ni-rr••fnl l*Mor It rmli • r tl Mnr> to Mnkr I'm i inr ii i | |mn thr i Inti’o t omlort ohlr 4)url*r*. Thr O*orgln ltuo*ro hov* fhr only mil itary cluf> in th* dt> At ©n* tltnr ih* Savonnah Vo.untrer Gunrit* c'onductfxl * very* po|oi!r club, but Ir.trrrot f*U*d om* two yr iro ago, und that I* ft thr IlitoNiri * thr only milli.iry cltih. They h*v* Mihirvoal *ttriiil uccr* %\lth ore antra i lon. ooUlitg what romr intlltnry tn*n h*\-* ronoklrrrd an cnlgm.i thr wav in m.ik* th* metal *nd military Itt* mix without dio'rr.|it to th* Itttrr and ohm Hton of a pnrtat club h.xv* aim onrulrn,t difTtruli, mixing mtlttary with mrUl ilfr without drtrlmrnt to the Uttrr. An unuruaDy happy and portal r-~wd 1 that of tivr HuwAarr* dub. whn* piooiMtit *om|anlon ran hi niiv ttmr hr f*> liwt and wh*rr It dr|||ilii<* tn* infinhrro to gutl.i-r for an h*ui * m . vinrnt In p!rint tnlri muror with frlen Ih l‘.irulrh*d tu plain. *oltt comfort, with u greater regard for Ih* *•?♦• i*f ita nn mtirrx than f*r any pte tontkMio <l|ppl4\ the llu'-oro 4 tub U one of great atimctlotit. *t • <f tta chief f**<- nirra la lh< l<*o4 I v< roi da from whl h th<* wruiorn Min |v Niitit .ff in th* ciu h u • <>n ttda vrrafMt.4 ntrm:*rr *f thr club mai hi* rr*n on any idr.i.-ant afternoon, wa’ch in* Hull atrrrt paaarnt-by and *nJov ing convrrrafton >rnong themrrlvra I'nlllir othrr cUlb*. the lluaaar* do not Hoar their itnorr lrat thrlr friend* In Tin: .F*tm.i\ in rial n the cili Their r!ub In open to r#*NM nt* who are not m*ml*rf when member* In troduce them Their ar* r*Ntrlrtlun* .• the muiih* r of visitor* * member shall bring Into the club, yei 1 . Irone .<! ru. f k*rlng ail v-member* oit Hat la peen In other d ,! be In lacking Now and • hen -luiitig the dnior ••neon lonovttiono af* introdu ed In th* dub that make its life till th* m.'te i-iedslng • uch, for in stance. a * mar of -ervlng . upr>er on Bnt urday evening* This eust'itn. it le un*b r (ool. wl.l Ih* Inlftkluc*#! NgNln during the pre**iif w lister. 80 . lopely **aori*i#*l ie the dub wrlth the GeorglH )(u*ear*. the famouw cavalry troop of BN\arnh. that •*) eaiUMtn of the troop. Mr Henry McAlpln, Is preei •l*nt of th* cnib It i piopof*!. h*>w*ver, to eeparai* th* two poeltlon*. the |*- rnaf dp of both being I#* exce**tve for the attention of a Nirigle Incumbent. fiUkine i*n y**r* go th* liiMNrp‘ Flub wap formed tn<| It b*** been very aue •*•- ful ever ftn.'e A large Miienini of money wn realised from a bixar that wan given at the corner of Ogfetnorpe avenue <,'! Whitaker street, and with thi* the hr*r i.n m 1 wh* 1 upon f* ciub* quar ter* which had Wen *1 private repldenc*. f r r f*' 'Lv r LQfifi . . v - y. .. '- V ' ' ’’•••• ~'.*. I of mafttns run. The quarters are admirably adap'ed for ub purpestes and also for the armory of th* Hussar* Th* following are the oltl *r* of the c-iui; President— Henry M-Alpln Vice President—P. A L Punmngbum. Becretgry—•teln Bryan Treasurer-Nathan Coleman Executive Commit!e<- h-n IV W Oer ],*, Mr. O. II Remshart, Mr L. J. Maxwell. Mr II Jensen. Mr W. W Htarr. Mr W. F Train. Dr. W W. Owen*, col P W. M< .drum Capt A. M-c Dut n. Pap' McAlptn and U*ut. unnin>- orn. *.• m*-mh**rp of lh® club fo.lowji; Jenin* C H. F*. A*j->n. R A blanford. E W. llarnwe I W. II Be.iin g*r. It. P Rrookes, A Baumeyer M 8 ’luker, J. C. Hrtieti Hobert IlllJtietwn, F D. Bloodwortli, John M Bryan, C E. Brought.a .1 F Brook*. J M Blair, William F Blots, F. M B'Hner. W P. Ba dwln. Dr f C.>chran. Jam-* O. Cor nett H P. Constantine C. A. L Cunning ham, A H Care Luk<- Car on. W 11. Conn-rat. Jr.. L crigrrler. C 8 Ponneraf, W H conn era'. 8r P. 8 C'onnerat. Jr.. Char># M Craig W 8 Chisholm, J North Chisholm, J A Calhoun, ciiarte* D. foburn. A Gordon' *■ s. ** 8 Cos ding, f #rrn>-.’ A t'obnrn It M Coburn It V. Connerat John II Putter E. R t enant J A ti. Csrsc-n II D. !• I X Do-ig j. It J loa.ant W H. Danjel. II B Duckworth. D. Y I m y, Earle I usher, G E Dl kluaon. W T Dixon. Edward H. Idem- r*. John H. Dillon. J B Du- kwrorth, l-klward 8 Everett, c, C. Ely. W E F.ete* K. 8. Elliott. I.rn* t Eichhorn. B G Erwin. A 8. Elchberg. W G Ecks tein. J. C. Fleming Jo-eph Ferst, Ed ward Frost. O. Kn rytinl. T. M Freeman. J. J Feeley Char In F Graham W H <lads.|sn 8, J B Graham John W Gof den. Arthur (I. Gorton W W G'rdon. Jr., Blarn# Gordon. J B. fllovsr. T. N Haselhurst. Jr. George C Heyward. Jr.. Thorryas Hunlsr. t\ Vt' Hammevan W J. Uarty, JuacpU E llarty, Tltomaa M. liai p*r, F 8 Hi note*. O C t lev ward T f? Hubb*t V H Hugh**. Howard Hari. j H*gfi Harrii u . ,i ml *i v I I lot rocke \V. G Harris- n. H Hunter, l un.b ! Hull. R C Harrt**n. Fred A |lan*rham. J. W. Ilarpr. Waiter K Jon*r 11 J st*n ien. John H Jordan, <i NoNr Jonr, Chart** I> Kiinr. O Kay ton. J H. Ktnxir. C ft. Kealnofer. (Vordot Keller, Edward Karrow W d*Hruyn K'T*- J Kirby, A. R 1.-iwf n. F. G. Ig *ue Wm M Low. D. R Lnrulay. J, O Ijow (in y t* Long. R 1‘ Mot gin .1 *• t>h R M irtl t, Jr J W Moore, Emmett Mon n* f, 1.. r \|\ np. E II AhMiVtori. 4 l Mellon, I. J Maxwell, H Myrl k A K Moynello. I* M Wn A YUan*. \V Irvmg Morgan. J. I* Merrill*w J W M Intyre, Ji \v \ MriYulley, J J Mciv*tt< *gii Jr Henry M* \itpin. H II M i.* -I C. A Molntyr*. R J McDaniel. George M Norton. A' K Norton. R U .New? J G N*;*kwi T' YV Newton. Walter l' ott. \\ | oHr •ri Gt . rge W I'waiy M W (iwfni. R 8 Vurxe. II If Pmlon M 8 I rit hard R L l*rh iard Frank L. Pickering. On- I I*r*raWga*l, Arthur * 118 I Phimpa j I' Fro* •er. rl A Qunnto k Rotg lietnhler, W A Reeve C*. 8 Richmond, F IV*vvlanl. <• H Remahart h>itwtn C. Rvlh Allen Bwent. Gordon, J R. Biui*v, Georg* N Spring. \N \Y Ftnrr. Jr . .\ R M II B>goor Prol T Sno e>. * W Banev, John Btildar*l. F .V. strong. W X\ Nr.irr I A Smith. It II Smith. I SllverherK Kidred Bimkina. C. T>.* A V U Thr*m*r J F T g.iri II r Train. W 8 T'.*ofl. 8 K Then*. William * Train Ir T. If Ti .laferro, IT A Vonder Mo\ I' \\ Haon. I*. R Wylly. J D \\>*l. II Weber. <1 \ Wlill* Vi ! \lbef Wyllv It T Waller. Jr f>K\ vn E WoodUutm*. .lame* M Weal, f G White Jo tn H f Wright. E 1* Yt**i.r*. John II Young I\\ R AtiUw*ll ( L W. No*e, Nathan | < 'oleman WRIT POINT ORMOATIOIII 4 nnlmrl Uhlrh a 4 wdel aigns *n I iilrrlttK the Ififl*nn Balnhrtdg*. Tn 1 Morning New* 8 me aeeke ag*, in Nil aril'le i .!■ f-n-llns <ln asatr.s* th- vl-lotts -iHiid-r of ths Nsw Vork Bun, Ihe stalc ni.nt st m.i4 that a cadet, on snt-rlna Ih - l'i HM Sta<— Military A. a.I-mv st W-'St l-olnt, to b- -tln ktrd t-vr th- ,rw' by lha' Institution ol.tlKii—l hlms-lf •< an -Ish !•>cara pervi* for ih* governnieni. Tht statem*nt vxaa not per aonal knowledge of *h* fact, but from ex cellcnt authority. Your Fine Greet. Fla., fiunday corre- NfMudent chahenge*.! tn* accuracy of that wiatement and oiled we •video*# of 8* In . orre. tne* the resignation from th* army Inalde Ib* time-limit, of offircra who later won prominence and dlatlnctlon In thw great Civil War Mij Herbert, from hla frequent allu alone to XX ear Point and It* alumni, *how* n*f>l ruble familiarity within 4 Inwti tin lon arwi it* oper itlon*. but he erred when he rtkwllenged th* etwtement re ff>rri to. its th* fol.owing do# ument, frorn headquarter* direct, (dearly *tww* "1 , of the *tate of—. aged year*. m#ith*. do hereho' engage, with the 'oti*ent of my , that, from th* date of my admglon a* n cadet of th# Fnlted Htutcw Military Academy, I will se rV e In th* armv of the United Stats* for night >, art. unless sooner discharged compeleM authority. '* This obligation is In the nature of a con tra t Modi. K the authorltlea of 'be Acad emy to edu- ate, cv h, board snd keepih-, -ant .luring ihr ol , ghite course whb-h 'he ~),!! ml c.iMracts for a time limit service aa hi* dt*. barge of his pari of the c-m(Mict. In all -’i-h corvtracts there are Imp'led If not < xpretutwl exceptions The West Point an borides would not ■ arry out the letter of the contract, If the -udet Is guil ty of flagrant violation* of the regulations .r Insilgs tea mutiny against the authori ties it the a- ademt A cadet guilty of ku h conduct would he summarily dismis sed, though he pleedrd the letter ..." th* ,on tract. In like manner an officer pleading Just and reasonable cause for his release, sub. mil* hi* resignation o the proper author!, ty In time* of pea s, especially when there |* ,i plethora of officers, the govern ment generou-ly re tnqulshes ft* claim upon such applicants. The matt, r of acceptance of such resig nation. however, rest* with the Prestdem and hi* war kemetary, end if the appli cants service are needed by the govern ment he must stand 'by hi* ob.tgutlon I? ti." author!'!, - .leeline to ace opt th* re-lg nation. O N Bau**y —Chief Purser, who rule* the Creak In diana of Indian Territory, I* a rich man and well edHeated He la a full-biouded Creek, but few would guess him to be an Indian to see him on the street. —The Duke of Norfolk, though a rleh man. I" not at :l urbane He dresees ratner like a prosperous farmer, and has heard of considerable length which he has trimmed. It Is said, whenever be hap pens to think of having that operation performed. GAME IS VERY PLENTIFUL •AVARVAM MDMDMtA IUVI.W. tm moot Nn nrim l np.anon OP ir.ARt. Th* Wwxanaali Hirer Hnnl Have 1 feioiun it (In •# P-rerr % arlefy of IHtek* and I'artlra 4 4u After Them Rally Forty and Fifty (traces a Hay Ant nu I naeually lnr tta a fur Nome f the lfn*k lliinlrr~Riiil nnt llov e %re Prraent In Abundance and the (•land* llohm th* 4 oaat TkrMigerf With lleer—4ne lluatev hhoi Four Her nit Than I* taa Hay. Nivann th atort*fT*en nr* revelling till* *eiy ti In a w. yin of Miootlng that ex* re- L bi-Mily anything In th* hietary of the pybt few year*. Almost every kin-1 of gam* I ei 'toUngly plentiful, and thoan who go out with a og and gun return with a full Uk Nothing In #pi*rt***n'* *p*- rlen. e for ifte pr tow >ej*r can parallel the |H. -*nt hi, i/ : i k and the num ber of them that nt being killed. R*- •i*T*y tb* prfcßxonnl hunter* nlmoat *v> •ry day wltnetea* a half doean part|*a •tartlng on a trip up the rival. aome p.>lnt from two to fifty mile* *wa> aa th* destination nnd tho Laughter of duck* th* purpoa* of th* vidt. rin* varieties that ever vialt Savveauih and vicinity ara all her* thi* y*ar th* c-invaabackw, teal, wtdegon and ..mar*. H|*>rf*meit tis count for the fact tha' th* flight of rturka la an heavy by that It ta du* In part to th* heave Hre*d of eummer duoka In t rva vIHflMy laet auen met ant th* tmrafevr*'* of mt> f ail klid*. up*m which th* migrator, duck* fre<l Fp>rtrm* n My til* euinnier durka tell the other* that there 1 much id eat In thU av ttou, and hav* Iwl th* nth*r here. It in no* for a himuitg ( mr<y If luiiig bat k to the city IWty 4>r fifty brace* f du- k* aa a result of tte trip Th* ft|mrt*men an tha 4h* <lu> k are <aa’lv foiitMl aid that 'beta le INtl* iraubl* in getting them tA*me to keep atiil arwl Khocd Mdralght i g cx*c** . nlal. hut with tli M r*4}UjKit*w ami noen* knowi *tge of the W4f*tWH\* about Tty* rlity a •AM'eaaful dav’a huikiing la e**ll> aaaured Quail arvl door* 4f* not leae plentUul thi* year than *rc -hake TtmnAaglvlrg lav *vervUdy In A*\a 11 rah who tonieil a dog and a gun and ever uaad them weill out for a da v s aliootii.g and dcful tale* were told of tm- tdrde ehwt w. re found ,md killed In many i*ea th*r.- wt til. fantlal *-\ i\< n- .f th* truth of then* atorlo* eupphed by th* I >ag etiinge of tjirali tliat Ih* aport.xioen | mini ly di^dayed On the rt< c plant aa ion* wlttg the river, from which th* crop h*ui b*-ri cleared, dov*a ar* f*-edtng in rtnvf- Horn# of th* Arid* ha\*> I*#• lal4d ami to inew the •porting owner* of tlw M*ld and their frienda Imv** regaaired. 'Hie d*vt- iMwrm to feed verv arly tn th* morntngrand when the light la yd wuk ami >tfy ertain. th* • laughter of the * Innocent*'* ha* fnv* ahootl’g *t>Joya <*rtaln ndvanbigw* over other forma *|*ort t the mini of th* !ioT-to* enthnajs* I* rp-aiinAn aa It <V*ea not *i tall th* l attendant up>ri f >tl >wli.g t * <iof to atsoot *jual! or ly! g In the maaVly br 4om of a U**' and waltum far tiv fllgnt of du k* iMi th* inland* a ng th* •o a ter* ar* llrfjurenda of and ar thlx year One priv thjT went out n Th ikaanlng ra tur ed to th* city wVh *|v An* *|ectin*n, four of wh h had fal *n h fur* ti * rIA* of <*n* cf th* a|**rt vn. n mloiie. FoOr <ta*r In one <lay I* a i* ord which )a rww mir* |Maa*d In th* r*<y nt ip*r!‘*ne* <f himt era In thU a* th*n of <h* c-iinvry. Ther* are rntpe. too. In abundance about Havwnnwh anal th* indAcatlnn* era Hum wood* <k, th* rarest of ih* game hVrda fhet peek Uveae latitudea. will turn up nexv month In K'at*r number* than for many yeara Indeed, thta part of th* state this year la a apoctaman’a elyalium For aovn* years hunting ahrwd the city ha# naK heen partlcuhirly good, or. If there <han*d to he an ahundanr* of on* sort of gam*. It uaually happenoal thag *ovvw o'her or other* were not anywhere to b* fmm*l. It Inw rarely happaned tha< all kind* of game have h**en *o plentiful and the aportanien *ft Mavannah ar* enjoying Ihemwelv#* and aupHvlng their table* with th* h*e* In th* land AAh) Hr Wmm Pleaeeal, When Hi* chtldren attending a certain prhool rvumt'lel after th* niimner hoi Idaya of* of th* teacher# aeked her Uttl* pup;ln If they were |<lea*fl to get back to school, aava Tit-HR# “Yrw *’ wm th* attnfjiit unaMmou* re sponge T**k ng the boyt InvlivldigiUy. th* taitch *r n*xl naked "Why are you phased to g*t back to pchc-ol ?** * Hecaiiae.** anawered tJ>* bright youth "I get a a bit o’ rest at *ch oi It* Hi* 'oil day a I Juat run* Herrin* all doyV* rave one reaan. aome another, hut It waa r*a rve t h • 4 t*> # bottom of th* cNaa to atartle the tearl*r "And now, Johnny. ’ aakl be- lady, jsj.,, i v -ur *ter <>n*o her knee#, "why u Johnny plea and'*' "Must I tell troof?" aeked J’ohnn' "Of isaitpe. Johnny. Now. why ar* yau plan ed? ‘ •R*caaj-.* 1 ain't, so thee*'.*' rapiled th* .ncorrlgible fir Mary a rnur*h. Balti more, of which ih* Rev. F Want D*nya la rector, ta being in •*•. and wl.l be *mm of Uw* An*t r*lgloi* *dinc*a in that city. KNOWS NO DISTINCTION lllrh and Poor Silk.' (! tram Ca tarrh in This lllmata. All observant pbysldMs hav. noGuod lha <' itu rease m calarraa. dssenaes lt racenl run, and tha moat llbstsi and en li*tteiie.l have cheerful. y theJr p- I>r<)V.l to the new internal remmly.tkmsrt a Catarrh TaMtsts, as the must successful and by far tha safeat renstely for catarrh yea produced One well known catarrtt speelaltat. as Stx.n aa lie nad ma-i.- a thor>aih teat of Gits preparation, discsnird inhalers, wash es and sprays and nos deprtwla entirely upon Siuart a Catarrh Tatnels in traat m* a-in th, whether In the htd. throat or stomach. Dr. Rlniell saya "In patients who had lost th*- eene- of smell entirely and even artere the tiearlrur ha beyun to be affect ed front causrrn 1 have he>l line results ufter only a lew seiti' use of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. I can only eStplsln their nrtkxi on th* theory that lha claanatac and entSMsptic properties of the tablets rleetroy the catarrhal (-rms wherever found, because 1 have found the tablets -uuaily valuable in catarrh of the throat <uui stomach os m natal catarrh." Dr Eta brook says St.uui's Cat arr it Ta.>.! me especially useful in nasal ca tarrh and ca arrh of tha throat, cleartna the m-mbratiee of mucua and apeedUv overcomiidf the hawking, coughing and expectorating. Ar.y auff-rer from cwtarrh tvlll find Stuart s Catarrh Tablet# will stve tmme dmt relief, end being tn form and pi.osant to the Usetc are convenient and alwaya ready for uee as they can b* car ried in tha pocket and used at any time, as they contain no poisonous drugs, hut only the cleansing antiseptic properties of Eucalyptus bark. Guatacol, blood root Hydra *t in. Ail druggists sell lha tablets at 60 cents i (or complete Uoatmcnk 11