The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 02, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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12 P. T. FOYE. FIRST GREAT SALE OF HOLIDAY GOODS. FURNITURE Iron t I jO BniM 11l 60 B~li\orn flultM 835 00 ]iiui rn u SulfM 8&> 00 FIDO Pacing 17-00 l.lbrary ouit 85*0) WrUinjf Diati I <7 Hamn Hn|!* V' liMtttktb ... I S ■<o Katj> ll* k~ns I 270 RMtu f'fcalr* 1 3 'io T.b Sift .**) Parlor Chalrw $ 2 50 Id**rh*r Chaff* 13 09 Eaav <?hnlm S 7 20 Morrli Chair* S 348 Tsrki h V>u*ha 81* *0 Ft* .87' 00 l>ia9rc Tabla* - 115.00 DMtf Chair* .8 3-00 I-arjr*.* WarArrwbaa .81.**.00 Farny Kork*r 8 4 20 Hitru Cloaata .83500 Jlat Rank* 81*00 Baby 8 2.1£ Bubr Carrtc<vi 81100 lnUkl 2.tfu>l<Mim 81 02*: 90c Jkiiftf lams Mat tints 320 CMivr *<* Maitinr 15c Ingrain Carpets 303 Taptry Carpwta 62c Body llrugsaella c.*cp®ta . 8 1.25 Valret Omrpwtii 8 1.15 Axmlrutter OwpeLa 31 no 611 k T>amak 8 273 Praprrv I-'rlnpft 7 be I Tapin' O mi* 4c Window Hha<!*s ............ 84c 2*rc Curtains f&o Fine Mi mle f 1 SO Bmyrra Itufi 8 3,40 liable CovfTl 8 2.50 Tape.-try Screens 8 8.60 Greal Feducilon in Silks and Black Dress Goods THE DAY IN THE CHURCHES. METHODIST MINISTER* IHKFIMIA i'ok Ajurn (wnaßiru Rev. Dr. J. A.|.m Will Hreneh aat (.rare tliftrrh Thja Nomina *n*l ■ I timurlk ( hnrrli at Night. Illsbop C. H. lelwm XVIII Deliver the liiraißg Itrmua mi St. .Inhn'a, The Kevilml ul *l. John'* t holr U 111 He Held Ta-Dl(lil-tt the lavlua Memorial Will He ll*- it no a lerlea of Revival tertieea-leri leea to lie Held Ench Micht at tbe llulr Street Haptlvt 4'hnrch. To-d*y la t ye last Sunday before th*- an nus! me* tli it uf live 3ou:h (Jmrfit G.-n --ferenco which will be lied this y<ar a 1 CutfjHert, lr ginning Tree. 6 Al! <.' the MotbodlM minis (era who will attend h iv.i bean busy tor the past several weeks pre l*r.n* their re;>oria to tie submitted wb n She cotiferenco takes pi tec. Many *f them will apeak, to-day on the year's work wh! ti has on a who.* as far us Bavin tiah churches aro concerned. bn very •uccewsful. The ministers. R*4. Ed F. < o>k, Rev. llu oni An' Is ny, Rev. < t sgood F. < **ok. Rev. J. A Bmith. and Rev. W. 8. Heath will leave for Outhbort Wc lne djy and will be assy from the city until p cihtbly l>ec. 12 it la expected that 4h"y wl.l bo aoeompaJiled on their re um by Rishop llsedrtx of Kttioaa City who will to In vited io a<idi*-a a nuiil rally of a 1 the Epworth iaaa acre. Methodist. The services draco Chur-h to-day will be specially IntereMlng. A rally and reunion of the entire membership 1- desired. Rev. John A. Tliomp-**n will preach lh -ermon this momliqf at the 11 o'cloi k service, when the sacra mint of the lsjrd s Hi|iper will to. administered. The pastor, Rev. Osgood y, I'ojk. will conduct the evening service which begin* at * o'cl** k with a service of write. Be Ink the last Sunday tie fore conference, every member o urged very earnestly to be presold. The Sunday School will meet nt 4 o'clock The lu-t quarterly eonf.retice for the year be held at the |r***n age at JJ o'clock. The usual meellturs of the week will lie conducted us usual. The ft race Epworth l*engit enjoyed a r ,ml and literary nieeiln* Friday nlgM at the residence of Mr. J. R. Eason on Waldburg Bireet. Mr. W\ F. Hughes presided and Mr. David O'Neal acted • asi rrtarr The reports from th* various department# *av* evidence of an Increase In Ini reset and membership. Mr. George Beach, chairman of the en tertainment commute*, asutsted by Mr. jj O'Neal, hud arranged an tnferestlnk programme which was auccewfully cur ried out. The tofkc wus "Paul and Uv- Ingatone—A Contra*!." Papers were read by Miss Nona Clark, Mr. W. !• Hughes and Mr M. O'Neal. Misses lud lle and Abble Eaton and Mlea Nona Clark entertained with Instrumental mu sic After the reading of several In terestlnk -eleciom tli* leaguer* enjoyod Informal games. At the Epworth Methodist Church the annual review rally tvlll be hold at 11 o'clock Th* order of services will be oa follows: Bonn. "Blest Be the Tie." Reading and Prayer—" Joy for tha Church." Pa. IS. Mr. I. Rowland, gone. "W Are Building Day by Day.” Th# Bun day School. Mr. J. L Christian superintendent Duet. Mre. M. W. Kenned} and Mies Leslie Floyd. FOYE & ECKSTEIN Novelties Never Shown Before IN THE SILK STORE Now Drapery Silks and Silk and Wool Popelines. New Black Taffetas, Peau de Soie in All Colors IN THE DOMESTICS SS. New French Flannels in Polka Dots and Figures at 59c A Dainty Line of Printed Outings, very choice, at 12)jC IN THE NOTION STORE New Gold Belts, Gold Braids and Buttons, New Appliques Ladies’ New KufHes, Exquisite Novelties, New Silk Ties Pt* MEN’S FURNISHING Men’s Fancy Shirts, very nobby styles iQ bright fltfCL <ll 51-00 Men’s Silk Neckwear, dll the prevailing sbdpfs, 25c to 50c IN THE SHOE STORE „£*, Fur Trimmed Felt Slippers at 51.50. Slippers lul Lvcning Well “Ultra" Shoes, the Most Popular Shoe Sow Known, at $3.50 IN THE TOY STORE %SJL2iKS£. Toys and Games to suit all tastes! Specialties at 25c, at lOc, at 5c Dolls and Babies Ol all SiZtS and Styles. Beauties at 25c and 50c I"™. MILLINER PARLOR'“S ST Mrs. Golden has the Hats you want in the Very Idlest WrillhlfS Mourning Outfits Furnished at the verv shortest notice IN THE CLOAK STORE French Flannel Waists, Si Ik Waists, PeltlCOdtS, K iny Day Skills Jackets, Fur Collars, Plush Capes, MiSSfIT Jackets and Kcclirs I*™ FURNITURE STORE New Combination Book Cases and Desks, Oik and MatloglOV New Odd Pieces Fancy Furniture to Fill Every Want New Store, Broughton and Barnard Sts. Our official b<*ird and Ha work. Mr. F. C. Stone. Roll cull, Mr. W. H. Flfer, secretory. Song, "When the Roll I* Called Up yonder.'* (Juartotle —Mr F C. Btone. Mr. B. W. Bunin. Mr* M W. Kennedy and Miss Leslie Floyd. "Toe I** asU r and Ills Opportunity," Mrs <4 M. McLeod. Bon*, by rhtdr. Review of year's work, the pastor. communion service. Ron.sii -iion. Riv Dr. J. A. Thompson will preach al night. At Wesley Monumental Chur-h s>rvlce* wl.'l tv hl.| at II *>'. ,oik n. m . an I at p nx. o. -nriuoted !., R* y m p*. Cook the paator. ■The Sunday shoo! will met at 4 p. m The l pworth 10-ague deaot onal meeting n||| |i*> he and on Tu>'* lav n *:i, P in Prayer meeting and Blbie study, tt elm: dty at the ,im hour. a‘ and the Junior l.pnorth la-ague on Friday al 4 p. m. A* Trinity Church the services a* yj o. l- k will be In i <detention of Its semi centennial At night th' Sunday setio 1 Mno.lena.ry Society will hull t annuil services. F.|ilae|tal. At t*t. John's Church, Rev. Charles II Strong, rector, being Advent Sunday, there Will be morning prayer, sermon and holy eommuidon 11 o'clock, the Rt. Rev. Dr. C. K Nelson, Elshop of Georgia, will preach at the morning servlee. Sunday School w ill lx* held at 4 p. m , and even ing service a4 * |i m, the third festival of St. John's choir t night. At St. Paul's Church, Rev. J. L. Scully, rector, the services will he ns follows: Early celebration al 730 o'clock a m . morning pray, r at 10 SI; high celebration at 11; Sunday School at t p m., and even ing prayer at 8, At Christ Church, Rev. Rol.h White, rector, there will lie a service and ser mon at 11 o'clock a m , and t 8:lf> p. m The Bumlny School will Meet at 4 p. m. I'resby lerinn. Services will be bed at the lotvvtnn Memorial at 11 o'clock a. in. and >t 8 p. m.. conduct*-.! by the p. tor. ltev. W. A. Nlsbei. At the miming service of 'nst Sabbath In a e aiwreaat trial me* |ng M*s*rs. 11. C llaidcn ind C. M tjiiar icrrnan w.-re added to th** eldership, and Messrs. Charles }1 Chandler. F, c Debele and Joseph Martin were a :ded to the hnnrd of deacons. Th<#c . ffleers wl'l he Installed 111 tlirlr res|s>*ttve ofllces a' I I- morning s service. The evening eervle*- will hmgln a scries of serv|c* s lasting al*ui ten dtxv*.-Ttec. J II Patton pastor of ths Precbyo an Chi:tell nt 'Marietta art I reach Ssvannm on Monday and will preach • wee <-ach day during th*- ten day* th. meetings ar. ex pert e* l lo eomlnue. Mr. Patton Is young, able and m gnetlc. The service* will be held at 4 o'clock In 4he afternoon at the lent ir- t>n at the corner of Barnard ami Ander-on sire t* The evening services will s* ~t the laiw -lon Memorial at 8 o'clock. At the Independent Presbyterian Church, the pos'.or, Rev Dr. J V Fair, will conduct public worship at 11 o'clock t m , and at 8 p m. At the morning ser vice the lord's suptx r will be observed. The Sunday School w.ll meet at 4 o'clock p. m, and ths Cliinss mission and the deaf mutt class at ths tarns hour. Baptist. Ths services at tha Duffy Street B*r tlet Church will be conducted by the pas tor, Rtv. Robt Van Deventer. At U THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 2. 100a o'clock n. m. the subject of the sermon v 111 lie "The Divine Enduemenl," and at * p. m. "Prisnls-s" Ev in. etlstle servl -i will be held hi * o'ck i k each nlglii dur ing the Week The Sen or Hap la 1 uui.g People's Unb-n devotto- Hi meeting will be to ld at 10 n m. The topic Is Sp ruling Time and Taking Pains for Christ'* Tile Junior it. Y. P. U will meet itt 3 U p. m.. and tlw Bible school at 4. At the first Baptiat <*hurch, pnvtor John D. Jordan will conduct publl - worship at 11 o'clotk a. m and nt S p. m. Tlie taord's Supper will be n !mlnlt*r**l uft* r the morning sermon. Al nlglii ltie sermon w!d be on "Angels." and Mr. McCordel will sing "Angri Eind." l.utlieran. Al the I.uthernn Church of the Ascen sion there will be prea-hlng by the ins tor Rev. Dr. W. C S*yiuff r, at II o'clock . m. and at 8 p. m. Tho services In Bt. Paul’s Isilh'-ran Church will t>e comluri>'*l by the pastor Rev. M. J. Eptlng. Ths hours ore 11 .•'clock a. m. and 8 p. m . with Sunday School nt 4 p. in. Christian. At Ihe Chrlatlin Church Pu*!or W. F. Watkins will preach at 11 o'clock a. m o i “Workers Together with 0 .1" aid at 8 p. m Ibe Dftb *rtm ti In n erl ■ *if ' Tit Htory of a lost Son;" übject, "Home ward Bonn I " Th. Ch I lut End avor nwetlng will he heal at J:li p m. Hive den bo ruin n. There will be morning and ev. nlng s r* vice* at the Paik New chur-h. o duct 'I by the pastor, U< v. Alexan lor Henry, at 11 o'clock a. m.. and a' s> i. m. Tee aub Ject of the nmrnb g e rmon wl I l- "pi iy. or. ll* Nature tml Nr es.*|ty; It. Use end Abuse." The topic of the evcnlne . -ta wl.l he "The Fo t Tints . f t ■■ New \ . Kvldeti #s that we trw lvlng ul ■ • , . w dl>|gay*atlon of Irtilh will 1*- ,> ,-i Mlnkstera* %ss*i..|ntlnnj The Mlrdste-a* A tsoclatlen w I fie e* f rv. nw.rrow at 13 o'clo k it the Young Men's Christian Aiuor Lat.on*' MF.MIIItIAI. HUH VICE. Satannsh l*lue Mill Honor Its "Vl.setit Hrothrrs" nt Thriller. The annual n>em>r*! e v ee* of the “avsntiah l*odge .f E:ks w II p*- hell nv the Tlomter at 1 30 o'eloek thl, a: en o<>n The service 1* to be In honor of the "oh sent brothers," of the order In Savan nah. who have pisred away since ll* or ganisation here. The 11-4 of member* of He lodge who have pan *-.1 nwiy I* no 1 a <• g <*- bui It lneltid* s th*- name* of men who w.-re well known aid in th; . | The lls-t Is a* follows: C. A R* It/e. \v. R Curtis. A. C. Ulmer C. D. Itu sell, J. U. l.ane. ilemy Tty lor M S. u reman. George I*, cope. It. F. Burdell .1 l>. Ttesdweil, tlu* Fox. A J. II i bard George W. Alley and E. c I* ughtlc Tll services will b* el l*> .it and will tar hale address-s by M*. It, I, j nt . an: II"; \ u' \ - 1 s noun-e.l by Mr Cl. ng. wh I. M s a v all will pronounce it eneral eti ogy uiioa ihe objects and pu p se> of he K ks The stase of the Tne*ter w II ’ e dec orated end drs s' for ta oc salon In the opening and closing eremoi i-s of the memorial servl e which wll be In e* cordance with the ritual of the order he <m ers sn.l memb-rs of th* Savannah Hodge will participate. The sc-vices will b* on a mors elaborate scale than those THE MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT m now riu.i uiliitko a\d hVLHV ORDER wnx be ribUBO 4\n for- WAYIOKD OK THE DAY IT It EACH IB Ollt tl'OHi:. THIS STORE i i <\\ mm m:n akd HE MEVCIfFD MY BVEHT lI.\K OK t \HS FROB lI.L DBIMtTK ON UlltHU V VISITORS FROM THE (Ol MltY IRC WF.L CORK TO MAKE THIS THEIR VIEIIH|I AHTI.ItA. I adles’ Will I'Aiml Fiery Coarril encr Brow ld*l lor Thrlr Comfort. THIS WEEK Comforters at 29c Blankets at -54 c Outings at - 5c Wool Tricots 29c Cotton Flannel 5c 15c Towels at 1 0c Blue Calicoes at 4c A dozen Doilies 25c Red Flannels 15c Red Damask 19c White Quilts 58c Cotton Diapers 43c Men’s Collars 10c pro lou-ly hf-l l t>y th'e B i.anr.ah Ek The programme la as follows: Prayer Rev. W. C. Schaeffer. IVD. Hymn, "H.att Be Still." M'arren Miss Kenney, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Retsirer, Mr. Black, Miss Conway, Miss Allan, Mr. Price, Mr. Dumas. Selection Instrumental Mr 1/eon, Mr. WPgand. Mr Gulflri-la, Mr. Hemnieiiwmy Tliamtapsis Mr A Barden Green Vocal solo, "Eternal It.-st." ..Plccolotn tie M ss Stella Capo. Eulogy, “Departed Brothers,'' Bro. R. C. Coldlng s-'k*. "Abule With Me," •**..Fiddle Mr J. M. Black. Eulogy (Gen- r ill Mr. P. A Stovall llymn. "Rest, Spirit Rest." 110 k- Ml-* Capo, Ml s Kenney, Miss Conway, M s Allan, M * Taylor. Mr. Betsirer, Mr. Price. Mr. Black, Mr. Dumas. Closing c*-remor>is. Benediction, Tho armng -m< nt* for the service have la, n made by the Memorial Committee of He ly*U*e. r. fislstlng of M-ssrs. Tls.m --n I'. Thoms-m. 1.. J. Maxwell, J. C. Bhsw, Charles M irks. B. 8 l*#Vy and Gustave Kb sllng. MO/I.UV* I.F.HON ELIXIR. A Plenatml l.emrn Tuale. Cure* Indigestion, heads eg*, m.ilsrls. kid. • y disease, fever, chills, has of ap is tlte. debility, nervous, prostration, hesrt failure and sppeisll kls by regulating the Uver. 8 otn i. It, Bowels and Kidneys. vin/.l.F.v* 1.1:1108 El.ixin. Curisl me of lndig.eti.yn. I had suffered for ten years I bad tried almost every medicine, but sli falleal. Htnce taking Dmon Elixir I can eat anything I like. W. A. Gcifflth, j R.eveevlllc, 3. C. BHI/.I.EV* LEMON ELIXIR. Cured me of and h**irt dls *a.. after year# of suffering when a'.l other rem.-dlc-s and doctors lasi filled. N. D. Col", Beulah. 8. C. MO7.LEIS LEMON ELIXIR. I have been a greot sufferer from *lyapep e.a for Hk-)tit llfte* n years, my trouble being my liver, stomach snd bowels, wkn terrible heudaches. Demon Elixir cured rue. My appetite !• good, and 1 am wcil. I hel taken a barrel of other medk-kie, that done me no good. Charles Olbhard. No 1313 Jefferson street. Louisville, Ky. MOZLEI'S LEMON Et.lXllt 'Veen me of entarg*sa irrrr, nervous In digestion on.l heart dlssas*. I was un able to walk up stairs or to do any kind of work. I whs treated by many physi cians, but got no better until I used Lemon Elixir ] *un now healthy atal vigorous. C. H Baldwin. No W Alexander street. Atlanta. Os. VIH7.I.EV* 1.1.V10N HOT Itltop* Cure ad Cough*. Colls. Hoarseness. Sore Thr**t. Bronenltls. Hemorrhage nn I all throat and lung diseases. Elegant, re liable. 23c at druggists Prepared only by Dr. H Moxley, Atlanta, Ga -ad. —Exdte.l Duly (en th# beieh)—Why Isn't something done for tht ship In dis tress? Why dan't torn* of you Chief CoastguarJ (hurriadly)—'We are do'.nc oil we can, madam, and hav# sect the crew a line to com# ashore Excited laidv (to her con-pan on)-Go and gracious. Matin'*, just fancy, the illy fellows were actually wsltlnr for sir wai Invitation.-Glasgow Evening Times. Tailor-Made Suits for Ladies Russian Blouse Suits in Navy and Black, Finely Tailor ed. Perfect Fitting. Elegant Materials, WJTC $19.03 HOW $6.49 SILK LINED JACKET SUITS Made of Venetian, Homespun. Cheviots in Black,* Navy B.ue,Castor,Grey,Tan,Beautiful Garments, $12.30 HOW $8.49 MISSES’ ALL WOOL REEFERS Nicely Trimmed in Braids. IJV n irked dOlil, $1.98, $1.49, $1.19 Misses’ Jackets Ol H.’dVJ K f>?y Cloth Wife $3.00, DOW at $1.98 Young Ladies* Cloth Jackets A Great Special made of Kcrs?V Cloth Cheap at $3.00. HOW $3.9S A Fine Variety tor Yonog Ladies at $4.49, at $6.49, at $8.49 Ladies’ Kersey Cloth Jackets A Strong Line, $2.98. $3.75, $4 98, $7.50. $9.98, $12.49 and up This Line comprises everything New and Will SDil dll tdStfS PLUSH and CLOTH CAPES Capes of Seal Plush, $193, s2.‘<B, $3.49, $4.98, $6.49 and up’ Cloth Capes. $1.49, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98, Also Coll tapes FURS, A PERFECT COLLECTION Fur Collarettes, -Fur B ias and Fur Capes, also the Popular Styles with Animal Heads. Prices ItO.H $1.98 up to $30.00 WRAFPERS AND HOUSE COATS Flannellette Wrappers, $1.23 h:Hd Sow 98c. Ibe SI.OO Kind at 69c Eiderdown Dressing Sacquji at $2.50, at $1.50, at SI.OO, at 75c Rainy Day and Walking Skirts U $2.98. at $3.49, -at $6 49. A Great Special, $4.98 Mercerized Petticoats, a Variety, frotq $1.19 to $3.49 Black and Fancy Silk Waists in Taffeta, worth $5.00, n'W $3.98, Peau de Soie Waists at $6.49 A SIGHTLESS SURGEON. THE XXOWK 111 HI.IBII OH. HOIIIdtI II Xlit 111 K HE I lilt 810. I *e the Eye* of Ollier* for Ills Hludlea—llllii.le.l. When n School Boy. by * lll*ebarae of Powder, lie llelrrmlnetl to Be of Sow.- fee In the World nnl Wter s (oorip lo n Hrtiool for the Blind Toot* I p the Study <>( Mrdirlne, t*r#<lnatltig With Honor*—Tliruuh the Itrntl. Inif of III* \*sl*lnnt* He Ke* p* I p With the Mini Advnnced vtedlcal Thiiusbl of the lny—lncident* ol III# Skill a* u Dlagnoetlelnn—Au thor anil After Uloner Speaker. Ill* I'eraonnlily. Chicago, Nov. 30.- A most any day st the noon*liour pas- rs-by In the down town dlstr(j>i of Ch -ago turn to look al a strange couple threading the bu*y cor ner of State and Washington street# A •lender, |*ile man. fastidiously dressed, makes his way along leaning on the arm of s dapper negro servant. The pale man carries* a light, gold-topped slick and walks briskly enough, bu: with a slightly heslitMlng rtep. Tlds l.* Robert B*i 'c>-k, A. M., M. D., and he Is going to the Uni versity Club for luncheon, or getting to his carriage to begin his round of after noon visits. Very few people, even among those who know of his great skill by rep utatlon. know that the man is blind Dr Babcock himself Is quite sensitive on the subject and nothing Initatc# him so much as to be pointed out a* a "blind doctor." Dr. liabcock studied m.-dietne in Chicago, New York and In Germany for eleven years and settled down in Chicago to practice his professbm To-day he Is one of the foremost authorities In the Unit 1 Btates on disease* of the heart and lungs Ills practice consist* In a large mensure In consultations as an expert with other physicians, and his fees are said to he larger than those of any other doctor In the city. Bllndne** has developed hi* senses of hearing and of touch to a wonderful de gree of acuteness, and It Is main!} by auscultation that he make* up his > ; i-. ment* In heart diseases. There are many anecdotes which show the marvellously keen car "T>-e be • p,, tration that I thick of row" *dd ail other physician, an old fiend f i. r rock, "Is one that come about lu In my own practice. It wa* j ve r m ,i._ sling affair Without .inc in-.. *; n. tine details. I may -ay that the onl slide metho.l of miking a* • by the ear. Dr. Bah o k was n K'-roie. at the time and I calird In ha'* . other doctors, hut without mc-c r .. -j At the last of our const it tl..n j> r p-'. .. k was avail# *> I told I•, .... ' torv of the case, aid he a*k. .| , rv f , w quest ton.- He never does ,i.-k m . i ;ia walked over to Ihe pat ,-nt i. ,| j,’ t ear ax.tlnst the man's ior.d , k i her was nothing to distract ! i* „, )01 , , wiiukl have heen the ws -*jih man Everything was black. .. , , 0 him The faces of Ihe q „ r , roed.-d about th* nervous young f. i ■ wt .,, , ' hung on what the d.ieto • c. r ‘ all Ihle was to Balwsxk as if | n)>( ' there. I cffuld Haute a ll tn. .m a/t-r ward In going ovei the case Crayon Dritvslna by Ear. •• 'Olv* me the crayon • he tail a f.- a moment or two of ilstenlnr "He took the blue chalk that w# alwy, use In euch cases and heg n to :nee on th* man'* h#ck the outline of thr'en. I larged faearL There, gentlemen, he soldi as lie finished a <ke:ch m •!■* rapidly thin I could l.avc dote 'there is th.- axe of . h. . Th. nsl, are In such • con- I. ii. aid tl; sand so I* likely p> occur.’ It.- jiui ... Ids Isi -and hurrbd away ■< If ;he In I lent Is en . ne r f tne nwist commonpla.e thing* In the world.'' i -r* Is m.'tlilng uncanny, but fas •inating In the Itaik of the blind man as he s a difficult ruae. His ryes . 1 f. . qi::. .-rs ind his wi.ol. bolv ha* the intense alertness hat comes wu*h concentrated mental ef fort. 11c maker he Inquiries much as nr.y phytslclan does, except that he make* f. wer of them, but looking on one get* the Impression of watching man work out a point In chess. There are no pe ! .-''llaritiea of form or of feature either to I Il*tr#et him or give him n slew. The fuc* arc the**- n<nv what do they indicate?" he seem* to he asking himself. T ti If the case falls under the catalogue of heart or lung diseases, he listens, list en.* Intently with hts ear to the back or to the chest. His assistant straps over the patient's pulse nn Instnimem whl h traces It- movements on charcoal-covered pape r and corrotjorates the evident e of the ear "Quick what do you find?" asks the | blind doctor as he gropes Impatiently for the strip T>? paper which Is of no use to . him until the *tud*-nt at hi* elbow ha* mnslated It for him "Quite right, I could hear It distinctly.” He noils as he turns .to the other physician and begins a ruphl dlacroel* In s low voice. Among stn.lcnts at the medical col leges the privilege of being In at "one of Babcock's exumlnadons." Is highly i prlxed All of Dr. Babcock's practice U carried on with the ld of assistants who read to him. make bacteriological analy ses and do surh work ss absolutely re quires sight. He speaks with pathetic di- .sir .cement of blind men In the med ical prof- sslon. What Dr. Ilnhrnpk Thinks of III* 4 tilling. "It I* the worst calling tn the work) i for a blir. l man." he *y*. “|nde*l to i day I believe t ist l: Is Impossible for. ■ tie without sight to study medicine a* ! p should Is* studied. Twenty-five years ng... tv.’on I begin, (he microscope was :itle u*. ' Surgery was not Indtspensa • • to medicine and not monv physicians t.iu.'hfsl :h* knife To-day everything le ■ hanged 8.-ar e|y # ill.ignosls but re quire* the ml. ro ,-ope ” "But you have achieved success.'• (** the "Ply that naturally rises to the lip* of tho— w-h.l hear nls |*.slmlst!e views "May de to." he replies, "but at what pri I am an o!.| man #t 43 and you - ■*' mv hair i, wtlte. Why, 12 o'clock a: eight anil € o'. I.x-k In the morning find me ulwavs at work. I never reet. My * '■Blunts are reading lo me and tran scribing notes for me constantly. From he time that I enter my offl-e In the In .rnNig IM til | leave |t nt night I am ke). | up to the highest tenskwi. 1 hid !! years of Ineessnnt study before I be. ghi to i>ta t|ce. I have to depend upon m. imagination, my Intuition for a thou eird things that .another man gets by ’ ' * " ’>' I think, that a very -trong imagination has hcijs-l me more any other one thing And then. ' • ,i*M* hesitatingly, "| don't look like a Tu and man Patients would lose cond. in me tf i gr.qssi about like tb av.i-g*. sightless min ” It Is true that Dr Babcock has nothing r tne ipxsiirane*. of blindness He Is a and o„„. man w)th lh „ of „ wrl ,„ ro hi r than of s man of science. III* • * *re One, large and hrowp. deep set under heavy ws Mis face Is color )►* sn.l his hslr and moustache are white lie walk* about his office slmost f t a seeirg man srd on Ihe street he Is xecompanted by Ms negro valet Dr. Bsbceck .a,.. , h , h))( no{ (akd up th# etudv of medicine because he felt any pa-tlcutar InctmaLon for It. He first thoush* of law and was discouraged by the difficulties that his friends set before him ''there are plenty of people to dlaoourage EMIL ECKSTEIN. UNDERWEAR Merino Shirt* .. :<> ChfcJren * Mcnno Pant* .... jfc. Children'* Merino Vests .... no Children'* Merino Pant* .... i> Children'* Merino Vei .... j- Chf.dren'* Merino Pant* ' Fleer* Ribbed Underwear .. - Ribbed Combination Suita for Children 3Sc *r.d ladlee' Fleeced Vent* n<- Ladies' Fleeced Veet* ;* ladles' Fleeced Vesta (a Ladles’ Fleeced Vests Ladies' Combination Suit* 49c. 75e, 9Sc, and 11.49 Ladles' Heavy Vests 49: Ladles' Rib Wool Vesta .... Tic Ladts*' Best Unlerwar t Ladle*' Scarlet Vast* TSo Ladies' ScarieS Pant* Tic Best Scarlet Me.Hc.ated ....fl 'd Fast Black Huae lho Fast Black Hm* 2to Fast Black llye ST-o F*f Black Hose 75a Ladles' Fancy Host 12V: Indie*' Fancy Has* 25a Ladies’ Fancy Hose (to Ladle*' Fancy Hose 75c Ladles' Black Qlovaa 25c Fin* Cashmere Gloves 15c Best Caahmere Glove* (to Infant# Knit Sarquea 25c Infants' Knit Mittens l£o Infanta' Knit Bootees lto Infane’s Silk Cars* 25a Ladles' Fasc.njilora 25c a blind man In anything he unilrrtske sald the doctor. "I began to etud: me..: in sheer desperation, determined t do scimetTilng. aid I was helped I suppus* by tny ign. ranee of ihe obstacles In tt Way, ('nee I began I kept on doggi-lb detertnin**! not to be baffled. Dr Babcock did considerable dl** c Ir g In his sruderrt work and now hat many Instruments which II would seen Impossible ehat • blind man could lie has a r. raurksHc memory. Instance of ItemarUal.le Memnr. "I recall that when I grad a'ed f m medtoal college a few year ago " s\ - a younger physician. "Dr. Bibcock con dueled the 'quix' for our c'a*-. Di. Ii first .kiy an as*lstant cal.ed the r If over fifty names. The second day I 1 Babcock mount'd the platform and ca ed the toll from n-mo y terlnrdng the onler that he had hear) It an.l u t omitting n single name." Although he and o*# not took like a Mini man Dr. Babcock has the voice of :h* blind. He speaks like a man In the dar.. and his sentences fall with a sharp m - t.i dic sound, monotonously and wiiho tonal rotor. He ha* a nlml.le wit enrl ed by reading and Is a popular sfl- - dinner speaker. His lelk sp.rktx wt the efferveacenee of an Imagination * struggles for Its sustenance. His Enrli h is the force and purity that come, par - ly from study of classics, and pr Ir from the slmpdciiy of hi* life and th* • verity of his profew-Jonai labors Dr. Babcock Is married arm If hi* P"' faasional career may t>e fairly < alb strenuous hia family life Is resiful > happy. He received his education at if" School for tbe Blind In Philadelphia > hie medical degree# from the Chlo#g“ Medical College, and from the CoileX’ Physicians and Burgeons tn New York city. At she latWr place he wh* Oft* “• Ihe tea "honor men." who graduated w ' ‘ especial distinction out of a class of He studied his speciality In Germany < four years, always with an assistant ' read to htm. and aomeilmes more th one, for ho us-d to w.ik.- his a* i cre' 1 up at all hours of the nlghs with Inqic: on Ihe notes of a lecture or a dlagnon-i. He has written several short trentlsc medleal topics. Ills tutrents were 1 ■ of means and gave him every advantage of education und of travel. Another Great <st*htlr* Phyalela"- Dr. Ilsbaeki case t rem.irkah!' In that he began hi* studies when bdr I>r. Javal. the celebrate*! eye spsHi of the Borbonne la*l*>ntory at l'a r v ho has recently beer, promote.) to t highest rank tn the Legion of Honor p-rhapa the only other blind |*ra.t! >' phystclsn tn the wor'.d whose prof'- si career parallels tl#t of Dr Hubco's But the parallel does not extern! all *•* ihe line. Dr. Javal. who is N> year* ol • ho* been btlnsl foe but twelve years ■' continues hia work now by virtue of te • vast amount of learning he acqu red the use of hla own eyes. When Dr Ba eo*-k took up the atialy of medicine* was In darkness that he began lie his sight by an explosion of gun peso when he wa* a grammar school boy c • years of age A 11 Johnstcn --M. Ma>-br)ck. who has been rb Mayor of Ryde In the Isle of Wight better known a* Stephen A'Lims. song wrtter who eompo-cd am >ng “ ’ r things "Nancy la-e." He p* Ilk. wi- a bridherdn-tow of Mrs. Maybrtck. *;■ " suffering Dfe confinement for the mrrd r of her hue hand. —The Itmoceiv# of Childhood— Tt " (reading)—" Ar.d there was a man who sell among thieves." Lfttls Harry— " Where? Did h# get sent to th* Leplalstur#?"—Chicago Ttmes-Htr aM. —AM Amateur: Whst a mar,lll'ent Raphael you have there! Art Collector: Not bsd; but you w*: to see my Murillo, by ths earns artist LI Dust ration.