The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 02, 1900, Image 13

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PART TWO. Adler’s. Adler's. Adler’s. Adler’s. Adler’s. Adler’s. Adler’s. Adler’s. KRIS KRINOLE’S ADVENT Brings Joy and Gladness Into Life. And we have made no little preparations for carrying this sunshine and happiness into every home in our city. The little ones, to whom old Santa Claus is a revered reality, will flock with eager delight to his local headquarters for this section of the globe. For there will be gathered at the BIG STORE such a grand display of HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS that the old as well as the young will be attracted and delighted. S!3.O(F LADIES' KERSEY BOX GOATS, CASTOR AND NAVY BLUE, MONDAY - - - - $12,50 APT CHRISTMAS GIFTS For tbe Full Grown Child. 25 c Books for J9c— ■ i lie Minuter." Birrlw T * n,.. ' COfellt. of J<e,ith." CorelU. v MI-1 ley." . N, Hector." We> mao. . N, \V [.INK OP OASIF* j>J.SO Books $1.15 . Mn. H amphrey Ward, i j Onil'iiua of the Black . * * 1.1 in the Bain," Stephen Crane T - [,.n T at Had No Turning." OIL. t I'arkar T < Ardtnal* Snuff TVut." Hsrtand. antleman from India. Tarktng.. t n. ! , beth In Her German Garden " KeJ Men of the Duak," John f i.rmore. #-'„t r North," Gertrude Aaherton. ! K-r ktan*." John Foa, Jr., . . ' .■ Itnmanee, by Grant Allen. Line o! 50c Books for 39c. '• t. •r tl Tommy," Barrie. 1 e m;m*i of Swum." Corelli. A ~ ,*r.,llj Sin." Grant Allen. S wers," Merrlman. . • I.ouis Sievenoon. Tl.. f rat Violin." J,*ie Fotherglli. •h. Bed Kobe," Weyman. r oir Invlalb James Lane Allen 1 o.' Anthony Hop*. ride of Jnnli O." E*erton Caetle. •a of Fortune." Richard Harding yf*" - C,-|ehrlty," Churchllt. . f [( iguee," Barrett. Slanunun," Halt t an*. A SANTA CLAUS HIDDEN ON THIS PAGE A Notions and Art Goods. NOTIONS. * ')' Silk Garter Webbing. In all col new designs, price, yard, •20c, 25c and 35c. 1 •' end B>e, the smallest kind for "ork and nidstir. very usrful, 10c. ■•* Shield*, feather welirht. best Klelnert’s, In different aiaea, 19g up. • rbone Casing, In all color*, beat ‘*::ty. yard. Sc. •* se Cube*, with black or assorted 1 warranted ateel Toilet ITna. ewen. c. Ira in wooden cabinets or paper • ’•< nssorted tdze, good quality. each. sc. $25.00 SILK LINED TAILOR-MADE SUiIS FOR S2O.OO~BUT THERE ARE BUT THREE OF THEM. Domestics and Linens. DOMEST CS Drc- * Print* r Apron Uingluiins ... *5 +*" On’ln* Flannel* _ Simpson'* Black lift ' Simjwon'* Second 111 l . w w V-Jft-dwi.le *0(1 finish- M •i Hum -v n nr Inch Females .... U(J ■■ I HI F.annel <1 Sheet, n*. SO© quality. ISo 1 • J Sl.eeiln*. 21.. qunjii jr ISo 1 Sheet*, made of Pepptrel. , ’" 1 39c Sheet*, made of Pepper* J. I - l*tds t9c nta.le Pillow Caaes. 42x3*. worth Mo ” linen finished, hemstitched • s 4*xM. worth 26c 190 nut..e t.<tn-tltche.! holster caae*. ■' ’#■ TVt • Crochet S|,r< ad*. 76c quality..s9c I, ,D£S, Keep Your Economical Eye On This Item for Monday: SILK ACCORDION PLEATED PETTICOAT $5.00 Portieres Add Crace and Warmth The Heim Mad3 BeaiTlfJl With Tlsm. in n HI 111 sis. iSatoannal) lUormmj 'avluq, Grand Toy Opening December 3d* —====THE CHILDREN’S HARVEST OF JOY.=====- <pil:> [' n, tl'i . . We have the largest line in th? city. Asa special: One worth $5.00, S3.IS Wash Sets’ Like cut, all fjv\ complete, at ?sc, 50c and si.oo. A Special lor Monday: One ai 10c per set ts =^'Z / ART GOODS. All-Silk Down Pillow*, large slae, with frill. 98c. Denim Pillow*. aH coloring*, full alae. rtgular price 55. 17c. Irlah Point Bureau Scarf*. Pillow Top* and Tabla Covers, full alae. line. China Silk and S-ttln Praperlea, finest" designs. Just out, (runt from 48c to 51.25 yd. Ktne Pillow Top*, with new aubjecta and fancy drawings. In different qualities. from 25c up. Dannlaon Crepe Paper, beat quality, 10 feet long, per roll, 9c. LTJENS. St-Inch Bleached Damask. 25c quality .20c St-Inch Turkey Red Demu*k, 25c qual ity ate **-tnch all-linen half bleached Damask. Tic quality ate 6-lnch all-linen bleached Damask. 75c quality ate All-linen Checked Doy lea. dozen Sic All-linen white Damask Doyllee. dozen Sue S-S all-Ilnen Napkin*. *! 00 quality TSc 3-4 all-Ilnen Napkins. *l-50 quality....*loo I .arse size Huck Towel*, real value 14c. 10c Turkish Bath Towel*, real value 70.... c Hemstitched all-Ilnen Huck Towels, real value *se ~35© Bureau Soarf*. size 1M54. fancy center*, worth 40c 2Sc S A VANN AH, GA.. SI NBA Y. DECEMBEK 2. 11MK). ~w' - — Cmsl x Paper Boats on Rollers We have this yar the Brooklyn and the O vmpia. Asa special we ofT-r the I> oiphin, worth 25c, at 10c. We have the 'PS best makes Of I S Magic L.m- N utoa> .it’d ’ in oor st- ck. For V*. / 1 ibis week we sue you lb $1 size lor 50c t'jib. Underwear and hosiery. laidles 1 all-wool Rlbb- I Oiw-lta fnlon Suits, button across the chest. In gray and ecrue, special t .55 Ladles' Ribbed I'nlon Sulis. special val te i/)c and Tic Ladies' F|eeiie-I,lred Ribbed Cotton Vest*, with Pant* to match She ladles' Fleece-Lined Klbbetl Cot ion Vesta, with ptints to mat -h Sue Children * FWce-Llned Hlblied Slceylng Garments, sizes from 4 to 6,3 fog HW. web -Hk I-adles 1 Fortune Ribbed Corsel Waist, dress fitting, spa- lul Sic Children 1 * German Ileel Ribbed Ilose, warranted fast black, high *p 1 ed ankl , spiked knee, special 19c per pair. 3 itlr for We Ladles’ Pine Ia k Cashmere Host, 2Sc, 16.- am! 50c pair. Infants 1 Pure Cashmere Ribbed Hose, In black, white, red, pink and blue, spe cial. Jic pair. £| Ladies’ Winter Coats ■ Skirts. & Swell Outfits at Ltttle Cost. jfij. "}■ <k Choice enough For any woman’s wear; made as model gar* ments are made; finished as works of art. See the sample J|jr\ offers below: \ Ladies' Tailor made Suits, broken sizes, black and colors, ft M some silc lined. Regular price S3O and $33, to go at 522.50 ht r i Ladies' Blouse and Coat Suits, all wool, Serge, b'ack satin trimmings, in navv/brown an<l Oxford. Coat lined, new flare skirt, up-to date styles. |\ Regular price $16.50, to go at SI2.SC^^M Ladles' I.lsht Or*y and Ozford. fiy front Reefer Suit*, double breasted. 2-button Coats, well worth **.so. to *, • ' I’ Ladies' and Misses’Jackets— Big Bargains at $6.50. Eleirnnl Kersey Jack t* for either laities or Mlrses. all • olor* end silk lined; worth *IOOO Vso *3 95. *7,50 end JlO.oi W ilkin* Sksrt* made of fine qunltty doub.e-faced cloths, correct weißht for winter. correct shape and correct ban*, tailor stitched an t Bare bottom, color* Blue, Oxford and Black *3 Stf> *7 50 and *IO.OO *7 50 Jio.fti .m l *12.00 Dress Skirt*. made on entirely new molele. Hklrt* that ezrel In shape and New Winter Fabrics, *7.80. *lO 00 and *12.50. *7 So, *lO 00 and *l2 .v Slk Skirt*, Fash-onabl* otylea shown her* are the envy of other dealer*. Will sell them et a li*hl advance above factory cost. *2.75 and HSO Part* F,unite! Waist*. Most of the Fashionable Flannel Waist* worn In Savannah are soi l here. We ere show In* more dainty etyi.* tn*n eny oth-r store. 6 BULL SLSk """S* Boys’ Drums. We have the / ' /\| largest line in \[ \!/ the city, and - a t prices fully 25 per cent, below others. See that one we oiler you at 10 cents. Boys’ Tool Jr I Chest. , A fu 1 E"'- u , \]p! Asa special, , 'J, 7 we offer you —- ; —one for 10c. TOY P'AHDS. , I. --Z Sd>' % o'ro } make, tvery one ik Iff vuuanhd pr led, at 25c, 50c P-HZHj J aou $! each. V Gloves and Belts. Indies* 5-c*asp Glace kid Glove*, in all colors, 75c. Boys’ Flaece-Llned Kid Glove*, ruc. BoyF Fleece llr.c l Kid CHovea. with Fur Top**. • a* f / dC. MtsM* FlH're-Un* Caiihmene Glove*. In brown and navy blue, 19c. Ijdifi' 15c pair. Children's Worsted Mittens. 15c pair. Fine Seal Belts, shaped or ene inch all round. 50c. Shaped Patent Leather Belt* W I‘•lent Leather H It*, finished with gilt brail 250 Ollt 11. It* with fancy buckle* Jsc Large, well *0 made Shoo Fivs, worth v / ■ .£fl y SI.OO. go 3Kr -’Ty-] Writing Desks, Like cut,with two blackboards on the inside, worth $1.50, go at SI.OO * Jr each. W. give vmi your liobo of the follow ing line, ll north 3„ , at lflr; White and Blue Enamel Table*. I’lnk nd Blue Enamel Cradle*. I’li.k and Blue Kr.umel Hocking and Birelght Chair*. Boy*’ I>rum Tewier Tea S-*. 1* p'ece*. Chtna Tea Se:s, 14 niece*. _ Ir.>n Train*, 11. ok aid Ladder, Tire En gine.. flump Cart* and Bank*. Wood Wiirh f-.ur pic. e*. Woolf Irony g li.nir.!* Fo.dlrg Bed",. Boy** T o! Cheat*. Bluffed Cat*. Ho**, Babbit and Chl.-k- , * Silks and Dress Goods. SILKS. Farxy ftllk*. In ftnvill flyire* and regular valu , r<*luctl to 35c. Hpeclal Nile of Urocad'd Taff* tna, In dark. milium arid light i-olor*, ): nu al.<l li.X qualities, reduced to 57 c. All 811 k Satin Luxor, made from a fine quality silk. In al. the te we-t shades, ohl roae. eriet-w, resadti green, lavender, ggr nel. turquoise, ya ■ m •! t, ivy blues, rt 1 •and to 98c. Black Taffetas (wear guaranteed), re -1 i . . L3I 75 c. Blark Taffeta 77 Inches wide, regular value 11.00, reduced to 85 c. MR ilf Hi The Realm of the Christmas Bonnet and Hat. ✓ Some “New Wrinkles” in Headgear Just Received. They W ill Prevent Wrinkles in the Brow of Beauty. Golf Hats reduced from $1.50 to 75c Ready-to-Wear Hats $2.50 to. 81.48 English Walking and Round Hats 81.98 atid $2.50 (Were $4.00 and $5.00.) Children’s Untrimmed Hats. French Felts, 48c, worth $1 Children’s Untrimmed Fancy Felts at 39c, worth double. Large line Ladies’ Untriuimed Felts at 4Kc, worth 98c Big reduction in Ladies’ Trimmed Hats—sls.oo, reduced to $8.50, 810.00 to $6.00; SB.OO to $5.00. DRESS GOODS. 3s-Inch all wool Ladle# 1 'Toth, very de sirable shades, 35c. 54-Inch la* die* 1 Cloth, all-wool. new Shades of rose, green, red, garnet, castor, brown, gray. 75< a yard, for Monday 59c. 4Mn<-h extra heavy Golf Cloths, double fared. SI.OO. Si-Inch Black pebble Cltevlol s()c 5K Inch all-wool Ladlea' Cloth 45-Inch Storm Serge 'Of 35c SK-lnrh Henrietta A Christinas Prize for Someone. Be sure and sec that grand 10-piece Suit of Furniture in our window, worth SIOO, which we started on /Thanksgiving last at $75.00, and which will be reduced each day $2.50, until the perspicacious and lucky person snaps it up at half its value. Don’t Let Somebody Else Get It! Polished Golden Oak Book Shelves. 2 shelves 74c Polished Golden Oak Book Shelves, 3 shelves 98c Fancy Golden Oak Book Shelves, 2 shelves 98c Fancy Golden Oak Book Shelves, 3 shelves $1.48 Large Fancy Golden Oak Book Shelves, 4 shelves.. $4.98 Oak finished Tables, 4 dozen only, at 48c Rory O’Moore Rockers $2.69 A Carpet for Christmas A Present Worthy of the Occasion. iiiiiiNwniin PAGES 1:: TO 24. Fine Footwear. Kl<l linn 1 Button ar*4 !#*<•*, in heavy of light turne! *>-!*. up lo-tlute Rtylci* and pJUfwns, |4.t© quality, $3.50. Patent !✓*.iiber and Kid Tip But ton and spring: hn :, il to 2, at 81.48. The famous lH NKKIi HILL SCHOOL SHOPS for MIHHI.H AND CHILDREN. NONB ItKTTLK. (’hJldrrn'ii I’atent Tlt Btttfon. OrnuiM iKxtgotw, Mild ui l aervteetkhto, I to 11, , 9Sc. Child's Patent Tip Wedge Iluttuh, |1 00 valua, sixes 5 to k. 7.5 c. Infants' Kid Button, Turn Soles, new amt pretty, regular 75c quality, 49c. M*n' Wi t*. Ha)* and Con gTw>*. In m!1 th# Ut*t wnd atyle*. and all th* new leathers. $4 *jo quality, thia Mil* $3.50. KB GCAItANTEL TO DO JCST AS WD ADV’BKTIBK. Hv our Xmas Slipparr for everybody.