The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 02, 1900, Page 19, Image 19

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ILVATION of the south. •TTHtm COTTON Mil.l* THE K ,,, vote or THE trri ATiox. , ~„l U>K abroad mid HU Intprea , ... of I tie lulurr ot kli Country a ,i, r Sooth From a European I uIM-Prcacwl I'Hcm of C ot- Hill ||p Maintained nnd IhP l,.ih Destined to Sharp Or rally In < ountry'a Proapertty— UM ,I'. ( otton splnnrra Vrry Troa but Hava Frit the f oni ,,P(Hlotl of thr *“"*• j-vl Mr*. W. W. Gordon have Jul i to the city after nearly five absence. Gen. Oordon's severe the r ult of an accident by i . f lie horee while out riding last i .. it n. exsary for him to epend t, rm In <i cooler c.lmate, and h.< i pra tb-olly recovered from nmn he left Savannah, he de htmaelf a long holiday un hy buslmss cares, something Ii done for-year*. Mu Gordon left Savannah ■ > Mancheater. Vt.. aid month In the Green moun -1 they Railed for England. „ v a short time there and ,i : to the continent, where ~T jv .pent In the mountains of , Gordon, now being coni , , . . .i .l, their r.ext move tvaa to v spent three weeks, tak *lo !l "I'vl'lOf I f e i, ) (Jordon ha*l th© aatlufa©* N , . ten © ot the three grand „ ii v th* exposition manatr©- t . . k tural exhibitors from the r ~ , A.t..h I to W. W. Gordon , i ii for it* splendid ex iami otton. Of the thirty* ft . * * warded tor exhibit* of ► r t dm:* only three came io t the other prize# ro- I t .;ihern KaUwny Company ti. American Cotton Oil Company, frii) h i. *d that all three of thee* . i u South i he exhtbit •>- } i *r. w..if in the American depart* t ,i ■k i t rural prodiu'is not edible, 4 . ■*>■ ..’uti a complete display of Geor lai > r:.m ea Inland cotton. The fr > * - l ii include cottons grown on * >i.i ■/*!*'■ *’ the con at. IP r .g Varia. Urn. and Mr#, (lor * r '* a land, where- they opent a (-*• ti? - , . to London, where they m©<| • daughter, Mrs, Low. Oen k . .. it ten and ys .imonx the r n uh ' i I.,\.|kh>l tftfx) Mafic he *- r ; *t* <;ll the only attention It if i v‘ to Ftivines# during hi# ab* t- their return to this country. t am Mr Gordon vial tad th*.r !.s -ter, M R Wayne Parker, at i* .irk. N J Mr. Prk©r. by the way. t n ' t vi to Coivar-" for t ;th ? m it l hardly nacaaaarv to i that * fit r urn I# warmly wel tr I their many friend# in Bsvsn [j Gordon, when ween yesterday by a X * an i r- i eat ion and that r *. j leittiy he hud not taken s* mt • i fyreixo affairs wldch i warrant hurt in ex preset n* au r: aiiv opt time in the#** matters 6rr, hr r< turn* I to Ldrlhiml from Pari* r • r ds tif the iknr war bad iassse<l a i the I jaople sere so well sat. ir. w .h toe outcome of affairs in ajth !r they were sivirw aln ''t all and n to the *>itUaitloti In China |s idiiiiish atti'ude* u to ► * r st nattier. Gen. Gor l *as I . - prartloally M stated by I t t . print- They hoje -by their *l' pin iti --i of t'hina. and to . op n lo>r there, and in this to i* United States for N • s r- iu -i mas Gen Gordon ectid. ii r. -t.> ,i:. ii * f i. im while ai road, is* ii prosperity of Lngtand f :*iv i*i ti>e rotioo manufacturing k'" and t* if other the immense i iv ' - .or try js r. ikinx and *" i-..f. t ii. for the neor future. N*vw-.'hsint.dlnc her very expensive I* African war" sad (Sen * o.dn, f* i i'- to- 'ay ir. a \er> pro ! an i th- rot! m mjuuf uHur i>x rj U ••s|-*eclally so. Th- minufac r .•• r. &t id other lines made so r*i *• v fl’iriuß he yeirs Immedlat - j fr-. Uiir the war that t**ey could m'* A * ue r .< 'tlon In | oltts on account tfc* w.thout hen k more than f" aft. ted. effect of tne South 1 war **n Rnp and w** to p t in I % *-r h r.n> then on itiKl to knoc k thu id it i>( s,pecu atlve schemes So * try rvnmined dmod unaffect and. tr*. men and manufacturers beeam I ; - t-* mak sd ! ?’ The dividend* deela ed by fK. It h cotton spinr.lmr - omi antes * i h? prices at which their #t ck* ■ T-iored on the market ! ow she pros* ou otidUion of tht* industry.** er. Gordon said that the English eot- ? i• rs .l imit that the competition v- Southern cotton mills In the minu- Rur* *f oarse goods ha* proven a seri * ranter with them, and on this ue fc- *hev are not grieving much because •*iosinx of the Chinese markets*, j * £ /h*rn mills have been supplying i Oinese trade, they say, and the loss ’ f ‘i n that quarter will fall heaviest ’n*m The English spinners make fc * it 1 Cttlcutts the dumping ground lower grade# of tneir rnanufs - * and they practically entire >t the##- markets. r-if* of the temporary stoppage of ‘4rd for cotton gjods In China. Gen * convinced that the present • cotton will be maintained, and Southern planter# and manufao ♦ '•J the Southern people general,y. fr*mf>eroup p ruxi ah>'l of them. • hull y*ar." sa!i Gen. Gordon. *!’* are many r*s>on# why it There ts more money in clr n the first place. The permi#- * : . i! hanks to u r circulation by 10 cent. I# V availed of and In addition ‘ •• provision for establishing na • <*• whh capital of not leas than • <kt * a further increase Ih clrcu hM* no; the figure# by me. but lan statement shows the it - beak i wfMcy ftn olp '* J ' to orne. hing like PJfIO.UOXXP ■ _ 1 nv*r money of this kind b •., ever hid before, ('omtm r -1 4f * i*' lines in (be Nortk .r* ' * v * rv flourishing condition. The ]' r f be Wi #t, with their Urge * uni good prices, have paid off • Indebtedness! and are pll •* ir money in the bank** Money ’■ it Cbicsga, 81 lAnsls and t uiiin it is !n New York." • . • m, *t fln i some form of invest- ; •1 gr deal of it I# < omlng j ' ? ' gr*at deal ha# already come j I m\ i*e}f know of instances wh re i t,f Nnrthcm capital have been! U * ln Southern mines am! cotton / ; * ve that much more will '•d In the Mrv' ltne^ > ’ ' rdoti “Tne Bouthern cotton • ~ b* another period of de j * II> - cotton at 5 rents am! below. p ~ nothing but the cotton mi.l at ? ** which he can dispose of hi# i,l *' 1 ** v transportation ehargea. wy) g( lor bis , that will keep the p!rtntt*rs k \ r oaet state# from being; of bunitims. Th* 9 BoutMrn s to l*o the txickoone of ’ It. -I i g l hv day wuea every pound j of cotton grown in thes# states is manu factured by our own mills. •‘Now a# to present conditions the best English *-xpert ewUmatr the present crop at Um.m bales less than kst year’e. They further cstinmte that notwlthstan-l dx the falling off in tne China trw England wUI take just a# much cotton thl# year a# #h* did last. 4>ur own m b arc taking their normal supply. This means that the present price# of cotton will titcesearily be and that m'* decrease, if any, may be exited f.r wm* time to come "Another Important factor In the situ ation. ** raid Gen. Gordon. "1# that the exports of thl# country are so largely ex ceeding the Imports that th*re 1* * con stantly growing balancb In our favor. M hiK some of thia ts being Invested in foreign securities it means a large #;jr- Piu# here at home, which must And in vestment here ami much of which will And its way to the South. The outlook in decidedly encouraging.** G n Gordon said that while abroad he particularly struck with the immense advantage which America enjoys over her older rival# In her Immense supplies of coin. iron, agricultural product# and i iw material of every description This, cou- Ph J with h*r superiority In labor-saving machinery, gives her a superiority with ibla for the • kt to .G nten,). Kngiand*# industrial su premacy I# already threatened by her de creasing supply of of bring lag- it up from her deep m : .•#. This superiority of position i* one which i# likely to increase in favor of the states To prn*eriy appre, the greatness of this country, say* Gen. Gordon, one should go abroad GO \ BRA OH HIM, APPROVE. Uoinpatalea of the Fnnrth lte K im*nf May ll* Transferred to An officer of the Savannah YV*I n!e r Guards who has ju#’ returned frrm A - taw Cos). W. G. Obear, inspe tor general of th * Georgia State Trcops. wid e in that city and h?d a convers.dt n with him relative to the Mil th*t i# to make % the Guard# a separate and dis'-.r.ct battalion of heavy artillery. The osl.cvr said yesterday tltat CoL Obear had to i him tht the Governor fa\oied the ill and would do what he could lor it. The Guards may count upon the G>\ernor * endorsement of the bill. In view of th prospective depletion of the Fir#? Infantry, if which t • Qmr n iow i*.rm the H* ond Hattall n. to two tallc-nfr. C'ol Ob ar w s by *h om r whether the. E r.*' would rema n . r- ~inint of two battalion*, or fl.ut coit laniea. To thi# <‘**l Ob**ar replied hi tho regiment would be restore I t present strength of twelve rompwnl-* by th** addition of tho e ,*t Valdo-ta. Way* ci*> Quitman and Thom lavllle. Thi# assignment of Fourth Regiment companies to the First will be made to fill the vacancy that will be left by the withdrawal of the Guard*. Considerable pride in the Fir** Regiment ha# always been felt, and there U h disposition to fa vor it in any possible way The with drawal of other cofnimnte# from the Fourth Regiment would mean the dis rrung*ment of its present formation, but H i# understood that several places in the state arc seeking charters for military or ganizations. and it is believed that ib difficulty would be found in organising companies -tha' could l>e added o the Fourth Infantry in the place of those transferred to the First. In order to in sure the be.“t geographical distribution of the comiMantes, It may M necessary to m ik* a number of change# and transfer-, a# It i# not known that all the n w -om* paniea admitted to the er\*ice will be from the same territory- A MlStlOVi* tWIVKIISUtV. Rxrrfiwa nt Trinity Methodist t iiureh To-allt . The Missionary Society of Trinity Meth odist Sunday School will hold Its anni versary at Trinity Church to-night. The programme of exercise# is as follow# Processional song. No. 57, "JLike An Artnv We Are Marching " £ong. 1 IR, "Jesus Shall R' Ign.*' Scripture |e#von, creed and prayer. Selection by primary department. S*)g. No. 6#. "S**ed# of Promise." A missionary lesson by superintendent and part of school. "The Pawn of Modern Mi.-sion.** S-u.g. No. 217 The Morning Light. '* Re- ltation. "Call the Chi.dren," Georg * Hubert. S<>:ig. No. 5R The Harvest Call.” R(*citatlon. "What Will You Give," Frankie Crawford, Ha! tie Thotnaaton. Mattie Heidt. Sallie GiddlQgf, Eva slc- Wiliirims. Meta Truslow. .Song, No. 78, ‘ft Wo# S|X)ken For th-* Master." Recitation. “The Mites." by Lula Atchi son, Ophelia Smith, Jewel Morton, Saraij Miller. Address, pastor Song No. 25. "We ll Never Say Good bye." Benediction. lie fore tlir Recorder. In the Recorder’* Court yesterday the caae of Son Grant, charged with th© aa stuli made upon Patrolman Umbach the night before, was continued. Israel Htcks. charged with assaulting and beating Ella Johnson, was given thir ty day* on the gang. PROMPT ACTION. mmmmmmmmmmmm • Thorunshlr lorrn Err Form o( Flic. Th- Pjrramld Til- Cure ha. been pleasant eurprise to t.HiU'.in.l* of suffer er-. tw.-ause of the hiilant rrllcf It Klves un.| the prompt our- which follows its use, etui this I- flour without the use of opiates, cov-alne. narcotic* or |>oi sons of nny kind, as careful analysis shows the Pyramid File Cure to be wholly flee from any Injurious <lrus whatever. Hundreds of peop.o who ha.l almost !e --cl.lssl to undergo on operation, hellevinjr nothing else would cure them have been astonished to flt*l that a fifty cent bo* of the Pyramid was far safer, better niM more effective than an operation could possibly be. Tho Fyramid I'tle Cure o'.lays the In flammation and Intolerable Itching, re ducts the tumors, and by Its o-tringent properties rouses the enlarge,! blood ves -els to contract to n healthy eonditlott. A gentleman living in Cleveland relates hU experience by saying: "It affords roc unusual pleasure to odd my endorsement to tv hat I consider a really wonderful pile cure. "I was a sufferer from piles for years until u brother salesman told me about the Pyramid Pile Cure; It has cntlr. ly • tired me and I cheerfully recommend It." Mr*. t>. E. Heed of Al uiny says: T would not take |MM> and be (dace.l bark w.'iere I was before I used the Pyramid Pile Cure; 1 suKere.l for yeais and it bt now eighteen months since I used It and not the slightest trace of the trouble ha, returned." Mrs Hlnkley of Irdnnapoil was told by hei physician thnt nothing btu a surg; il operation, costing between seven and. eiyht hundred .kdlaie, could cure her us ahe had suffered fifteen years, yet even la si. h a case the Pyramid Pt.e Pure accom plished ti complete cure; she says: "I knew an operation tfoukl be death to me ami tried the Pyramid with very litre 'e am so en<hu*laslic In Its praise." The Pyramid Pile Cure In sold by drug gie., at tin v rent s for complete tr* ** - ttn nt and a It .ontalns or hther isiisonous drugs may be uses! with entire safety. No one nee,) suffer from pile* In any form, who will give this excellent prepar ation a trial. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 2. 1900. THE DOCTOR LAUGHED. Hut th# Unuia ii Ua* Frig h f r itrd. A phy#!?iai) of CoUmibu*, Ga.. rnthrr pok**l tun at a latty patient who Htatatm! #h© hiMl heart dl#*.>v Thi* trouW** r* Giy cau4 by inju rt*# from th* effen'ta of coffw drinking. iw! in© n©rv # w* re *o .iff** *u4 that it gave her ©vrry imh atioii of hoari diwdw. Thi* 1* tru© of thotianl* of propl** who ir.* baity hurt b> iffoui© roffa •nil it i# un*t**r#toiKl that if gontinitcxt long ©r*ough, real organic heart di#©a#o 11 #©t in. 'Uh** ln !v r©f*rrM to abov t# Mr* C. V. Irvin, im B r.M. Eaat Huhlan.l. Uolumbu*. Ga. Sb #*iy# "! h* i br©n runring down in health for a number of y#r# aral *UNp©t id ihM oofTe© wma htming m©. hut could not g©t my ran arm to quit ir. My heart troubled m** so <hat 1 v * v* ry short of brraih, and cou’d do lltti© or nailing that required exertion. I had fearful nervous* ache* nearly ev©r> day, and wa* cxcead* iflxly narvou* with and Ki lly ronailpated. Th# doctor laughed at my i tca of troubb but knew that t tva# in a tteriou# condkkwi generally. Y*i nally ! w.# indu . l to quit coffee and tak* up l'oatum Food Coffee Thi# wa# about four month# ago and tho change ha* been wonderful. I fee! like another perron My h**.rt doe# trouble me at all. and th.* xtomach and nerve* are and. elded ly Improved My head doe# not give in** ih old trouble it did, while th© bowel# are r* ul.*r without any purga- v* a or rtvdb in* of .my kind "I en hardly expr©#* my rratlfl*atlon for ’b relief from PUffertng brought on by the u*e of regular coffee, and I can not think Boatum enough." - 1 '" * ———— (•LAX# i\|l #!•: II It \TIONX. For the t ninn Million Will ! Ilrnu n lf %rcllteet Mllhnrn. Mr Frank F Mil *urn, the architect of CharFtie, N C . who u* the fortunate architect in the contest for the Uhl'ai Fta*icn, ha# returned to Charlotte to m ike up working plan> and #oe,lftca tion# for the building He took hi# de sign# with him, and it i* expected that within th© next two week* h© will semi the Union Station Company th© plans and •pacifications. No t;ir.- will he lost nfier the receipt of th© pan-* Hid spC'-iflcatinn* from the architect. Advertisement for bide upon th© work will nt on-*© be mad* and the contract will b* awarded a* #o ns pos sible after the bid# have been turned In and conatdered It h* expected th*)t with in hix w< ©ks tb* actual work upon the West Brood eiieet elt© will have been iV>mm©ne©d and that the o*'cuf>ant# of th* me sixty dwelling* and store* that are now on the properly will have removed to other houses, a* the land will have to be c oared for the work to comm©new FR. IF\M>*\’* ('ONPOMTIOXB. Savannah l*rlet the Aalhar f Sev eral Mnftictal Prod net lon*. Rev Father Joseph M. Hennessy of the Savannah Cathedral of St. John the Bapt ist. has been devoting a portion of bis spare time recently to musical composi tion, the music of the sor.g. "In Memory of Lee." being among hi# product *ons. Father Henncaay ha* cultivated th© con siderable musical talent and ability with whi h he Is endowed by nature from hia early youth. In Dublin, ns a boy. !© stud ied the piano under Herr Phidppe and f >r Mnrsdi. for five years. These were both famous and widely known teacher# i their day. In Kngian t and Hcotlnnl. Father ifennassy studied the organ under Barnett, of I#a;dot), and Bennett, of t*. gow. lie ha# studied al*o under able it structor* sine* coming to this roan try. In 1870. Fathar Hennexsty* play* h number of in struments with apparently equal ease and skill. lie i# a living library of the fable and folk lore of Ireland, and he can t 11 lh.*e storie* with a violin about as well a# he can orally. THO UUKti: IM)I(TKI). Mrlntnah < minty Mnrd©rer* Held for Trial. Of the five negro©# from Darien who were charged with the murd**r of a write nun some three months ago and were ar rested and brought to Havnntah by De tective Stark, but subsequently taken back to M Intoeh county, two. Iverson, and Johnson were v#terday indicted by the grand jury of Mclntosh county. Iv.*r s n F charged with mur ler. md Jchn* *n with ledng an acompllce. T/i© men wi I I*© tried *t tli* next term of the court. HOGAN’S. On lha approach of ChrMman ora'* mind naturally lurna to thn vrxatiou, problem of present buying To get the proper thing for the least money I* what are all looking for. We will aeaial you in thl* matter by a few auggaetloos. Any of the following would b a autMtantlal. and yet an appropriate present for the| outlay of money. Note the bargains BLACK DRESS GOODS. Rlaek Popin Artnure, Satin Beige, Satin Finish Venethn. Silk Finish Henrietta. English Storm Serge, Cheviot Serge, ft!, g.ur Cheviot. Brlillan'.me. French amt I I many other good value, for 98c; was sl.3£ Kngil'h Storm Serge, all wool, pi-inch, to-day Me. English Storm Serge, M-lnoh, all woo*. 84 cent*. Horn-spun Cheviot, extra heavy. M-!nch. only *1.19. Black Cheviot Serge, all wool, only 49> . IS *. 1 la>.i i-' Cloth, splendid value for *1.00; Monday *tc. Bla. k Dtngondl, e.egant value for *1 00; only BLACK AND COLORED SILK. Black Taffeta, special for Monday 40- and 59c. Black Gros Grain, special for Monday 85 and II >. Black I’* n ,!c Sole, special for Monday !#■. *|..■'. and *I.SO. Novelty bilks, worth S9-; Monday 49c. Novelty bilks, 4-yard waist pattern, K<*‘ t'olore.l Taffeta, no shatle missing. Mon day 74c and s| • Black an l White Taffeta Monday 75c and Stic. OUR CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES and Brle-a-Itrac have in b<- seen to be ap pte lated. They tonelst of everything Huai would make a <le*.rable present for man. woman or child. Our Fur. Cape and Cloak Detiartment 1* complete In every detail. Just received a large shipment M Blanket* and Comforts at price* 1 1 vat will suit any >!*■ purse. Our superb lln* of lares* Trimmings are the awClest In the city. See them otl judge for yourself. We have again added to our Immense stock of Carpets, Mattings and the Bug Bepartm n<. wddrh makes It a* complete a* any In the city. DANIEL HOGAN. The corner Broughton and Barnard Sts. SAVANNAH'S CRACK STEPPERS. THRIIt M< <Ft |, ROUND OF Mil IIH H> lilt HU iIHH IT. Three < trlind* l(efuru<*tl Yr*terila> Fraiu the Jn*l*n% III© Reefing. \ll f ltt-at lit Hie IMnk f Trim. Northern llnrirnirn #|ient a l>t> llr ri‘—J. 11. Ilantl, fit** Nt*d %Y *(ern llr*eitta io \\ inirr 11l Nlable >f Tltoroujilibrt l* at ‘Phan •lfrltoli—‘Three Hm>* <f Ituve* In lirittin* \\ rrk. The b ivaunah stable* returned home yesterday afier a j*uccc.-%#ful < through the Bout hern racing <\t\ jM Be ginning it Atlanta igo. the stable visit<*l all the track- In Geor gia, Carolina and Florida. .Mr A. P Dnylc when seen ve*:er k*y, t-xprtiised himself * highly pit t- i with the n howl tig ma-U by hi# #tri!!K of pa* . r*. Irwiiti aid runner- Mr lxva • t tut v* ry few oft the stable* did a* well a# the H.ivannah honk**. Th© harnes# hor-e. n th© majority of their start*, were in -ido the money and ;he runn> w*i til able to hold Ruhr own anl ... many in stance* won find money from the track thoroughbred* of the big tr*< ke. I Three carlouU of hor** r* i urr ©*l from the Jackfionvtil© roces yesterday and all of the horees are now at the Thunder bolt track. | All of the Aavatmah hor**# lt>k re j m.irkably well af** r their five [ weeks of hard racing. Allercyane It* In srdendld condition and ha* much improved In spetsi and np pear.itu • Joel© B aithough i t having c first mone> to he; <p ii nj v th© diMiiw tioi) of hiving aiw.ty landed for a pl ce of the purs© wherever he aoi l down for a mce. Mr. Doyle hs * go*i race m.ire in Joei? H." and *mo de-tin *i t< mik‘ a good .icootMd of h. istd: cn ;h big circuit. Be**d* W ilk©*, who captured no f tb * prix**s in the - l‘w ring at th© Atlanta hore© show, wa© with th p rty a i bo two runner# Be*#i<> Abbott aid Ivll .*** The famous trotter •Pug” u > woe. I and the fr* dor-ail ev© ts thr >gh h H tit hem dr u:t. w. t # among th lure* hipped from Jacksonville and t © *g gr y trotter wa# ssijped b te m© to Baltimore ye#rerd*y ;ifte r no*n. Aiming the horsemen who 1* f f**r Bal timore wer** Frank Harm s. *h© *n\ * i of "Pug"; Col. Franklin Chair and J V. Kenneily. the ownei of t' f >t Bipphlre, The party were *nt©r an*d by A. U. Dovle lefore their departure George Haight I# here wif!i a #tring five, three troftc; **.! tw \nt **r# The Haight stabia * now at TTiundarUdt Mr I*t*%lf received a letter from the r.oted Western horseman .1 R Hand, in which stable room Is de*irl for the fa mous Western stable, which Include# tif t<n I borough bredw Th© hot>**s nr* ©x- early thl# week and will remain at th© Thunderbolt track for the balance of th© winter. Kevera! other stables are expected from Jacksonville It I# the Intention of Mr Doyle to glv a three d#vs' raca meeting during cuas week, and the racing public will have an opportunity of sewing *orr© *f t * le*t hor-ep in the country start in the different events. f(> tniITTKKS NOT N % lIKfl. I barter for Monwntent Will He '‘e eitrrd W!* They Nre. The fmr committeos of six that ar*’ to combine In th© committee of twenty.fou** for the formation of an OgWHborf © Monu ment Assoekxtion have not yet ltepn ap pointed. Action of the four patriotic or fion# that are to und>rtake th work of ad>ling to ’he fund* slroidy In hanl is awaiiei. Karh of the*# organl a tlon#, the Bona of the Revolution, the Daughters of the American Revolution the Society c*f Colonial liftmen and the Society of Colonial War:, la to name committee of #x. and, w hen all t.l done *O. the charter for the menurnen AKSociutlon w 111 be *ccur*l. Advertisement of the movement for tli© ©stahlbhnH itt of the monument ft* wUl* Mr. W . G. Charlton, president *f trie Son* of the Be • liition. ha* i© eftved a letter from an It-* lan sculptor of New Orleans who 1* dedrotia f d* -igning the figure. Thl*, however, wa# * u etrlppin : th* effort# of those interested in the ject. and th© writer was Informed that It would probably In* #om© time before ’he motemt’i t rta h and thif pha* Inter©#! in th© monument * h* m . how ever, continue# keen At the annual and li ner of the Bf. Andrew*# BorJety 1 li?hf 1e- COLORED DRESS GOODS. 54-Inch Ail-woo! Homespun Mr; regular price 75c. 58-Inch All-wool Homopun *1.00; cheap at *1.39 54-Inch Block Cloth and Venetian, all the leading shades. Sep’; worth *1.25. M-Inch Broadcloth, ail shades. *1.25; reg ular price *1.50. I Ladies' Cloth. 54-inch wide. 85c; worth *I.OO. Line of Fancy Plaids 25c find 19c. Black Astrakhan, 52-Inch wide, ail prices. j Blua Cheviot Serge, nil-wool, shrunk and sponged 3S-in< h wide. 89c. worth 7S<\ Blue Cheviot Serge, all-wool, shrunk and spongid. We, worth Jl.on Full line Bedford Cord and Basket cloth for children's Chalk*. *:.• and *1.25 Fancy Mixed Dress Goods In a 1 th* popular shades, 49. . worth >4 Noveby Bultltfg* Monday .17- : worth 5- 46-Inch Henrletla, all sha.Jee. 89c; would lie cheap at 50c. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. Bleach©*! Darnt#k 23". worth S3©. Brown laoom l-sma#k - * w rh 2 ’>o-lii*li H.e irh<i All Linen Daasask 49*\ 72-lnch Bieacbtii .Ml Linen Damask nt Gd rent#. Ax4o llrmm©-i Linen liiiek Towels 16©, regular quality. 3ixl Fringed Damask Towl 12H©; worth 13 cent*. lixl* Hrmnvl l.lnen Hu k Towel 10c. Thl# artki© wouki briny: 13 * ws#y. 42*M Hemmed i*‘n i Hu< k, . ial 22*4©. Yard wide Rblrting ♦** th© quality. <U>m j Brown Canton F.unu l at 6c. SSSB.SO. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. ggsß.so. SIO.OO, $8.50. siaoo. $3.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. 58.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. 58.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. SIO.OC. $8.50. SIO.OO. 58.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. 58.50. SIO.OO. 58.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO $8.50.®$ 0 J Suits For Little Money i or just one week we will sell a line of SIO.OO, $ll.OO and $12.0(1 Suits at 5J58.50. Also a line of $1 >.?O, $14.00 and sl>.oo Suits at These are all fresh, new goods just received, duplicates of lots bought earlier in the season, ob tained at a sacrifice to c ose out manufacturers' lots. If in need of a gooJ business suit at a bar gain price, here's an opportunity to obtain one at either sß.>o or SIO.OO, worth from $2.00 to s>.oo m ue. After this week they go at regular prices, as we expect to sell during the week as many as were bought at the reduction. eWig m' w i m M. DRYFUS, New Location, 111 Broughton St., West. $lO 00. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIQIOO SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO fore lest at the De 80.0 l> was .win .H wnen e r. .re nee t the mommte"l.* made by ->" of the speakers. Mi r M , diver Applause was sllolted '>y Mr Oliver** allusion to th© movement, and t „„„ vlaar -bat the as-eml. ed romp.ny gave It their hearty ind-.i-ement. I.OCAI. BF.KBOV 81- Mr John E. Foy of Egypt • * M j the PuUisllt. Mr W G Haynes of Atlanta Is a guest . rtf the Pulaski. Mr ,1 \V Young of At lonia i# %<*' y.f the P© Boto. j B Thomas Of Baxley I. registered ! nt the p roven. Mr v K Coleman of Ch.pley s a guest of the itoreven. M , v B Hie* ot Rlxville I" registered at .he Screven. Mr c A Brown of Macon la registered nt the Screven M,*, Bertha Harvey of Lanier is u.*t Of the Screven. Mr P J Fnrlnw of Bldgeland la • riio-t of the Sereven Mr. K. N Tlnaley of Kramer I* regis tered at the Pulaski Misses lielmken and Khler# have re turned from New York Mr* B H. Jone* of Gsrnwtt registered yeaterday At the Pulaski Mr H T. McKinnon of Bcotchvllle la al the Screven. Mr I- p Hart left over th* Plant Sys tem yesterday for N*w York. Mr C. S lllrsh left via the Plant Sys tem yeaterday for New York Mr Le* Bov Myers left via the Plant System yesi.rdny for Montgomery Mr and Mrs. II B. Duckworth left via lhe Central yesterday for Augusta Mr* C C Freed and Master Sidney T reat will leave Tuewlay for New York, Mr G I-ang of Sandersvllle wa* among the arrival* at the Screven yester day. Mr John T Kelley of Allendale wa* among the arrivals at the Pulaski yester day. Mr John L Renfro* of Claxton wan among the arrival* at the Pulaski yester day. Mrs W O Hammond and Httla daugh i., Thelma of Orlando, Fli.. are visiting j i, ,it(v. * on Tattnall street. Mis chan Mark* will arrive from At lanta thl* morning, having fully rcov . trl from her recent Illness. Mr W B. Bridge* was among the pas- | sengers of the city of Augusta which sailed from New York Thursday. Mrs Homer Hopkins atvl little daugh I t- r left to-.lay for Tamp... Fla . to Join Mr Hopkins, where they will -i>eiid the winter. Ilev Dr. J. M Frost of Nashville, the , *. r ret ary of the Sundai S-hool Board of 1 the Southern Baptist Conference. Is ex- \ peeled to arrive In Savannah Sunday and ; may pr. ach at the Hrat Baptist Church. | Avery pretty home wedding which took place last Tuesday even ng was that of Mr Harry It Stoueks ami Mis Antic Ipiv, tho ceremony was performed by the Jt. v Ed y. Co.ik <f W. siev Montmcntal I liureh, at the reslden.-e of the bride's mother. Mr*. C. C. Freet, tit East Gaston street The parlors were very tastefully <!• .orrctc.l for the oceoslon. Many hand acme present* Were received. They Will te at home to their friends after Dec, 10, a< 317 Tattnall street. Smoke Frank*in (Tgwra nt all dealers. Try one, buy more, Franklin Cigar*. Ask for It. take no other, Franklin Clgatw.*. or Cigars, Franklin, the vholt - | sat.—at*. $8.50 and SIO.OO. SAYS HE'S A WRONGED MAN. I*HMF*aX Y% 11*1*1 AMS I.UK ALL THL 111. % 111; KOH FOIK.I'.H ORUKH# I I*o% IIAII. Aria now Irilcira Dim \e er G*l a Ont of Ihe ilonry nl I omiiil l tel fli© Ksrgprlra fr lle Henetlt of I'hoe tail—4 oiiit f y <lofters boo'l Hell©#© That Dsn \\ mm TliU ilut li <f Fool. I'hoenlx I slrn#i Tim I l!* el ftn lit© Foralna <f i n|t. IMllon’ft Mil an *>— ill- Hull Hi aril of Innoeeiil Men ll inu fon%lefed nmi Thl* In ilueeil Him to fet flut of tli© R). I lioenlx William#, th© former Court iiou#© mewengtr, whom Sheriff Bweeny arresisd on Friday, ekiimn to bf* a very rnu4 li injured man. jiul m>> that he t# being f>r *k| io l>ejir buril* us of nuspic icui ii**l endure ©burg©* of guilt for often#©# with which he wa# only remotely coti* cerne<l. Bhoenlx* in to© ©l.l day*, rut a wide swath in the colored nociety of Haivnnab, uml drcHiMfi with a neat detxuum which well jMM-nnm him. and of which he hlmneif % vs* exceedingly proud. Th© change that ha# come over him I# nimo#t complete, und with the good clothes h*3 u#*l to wear, muh of bis oh I aplomb ha# also dlßap* l>earHj. Ha huii Ashed and long***! lor o) stern out in Th under iolt river until hi© every garment proclaim# hie cading, • th© ffii a*i s*t wind hov, added a dark er tinge to hi# complexion. • A Morning News reporter had a talk with th© man at the jail on yaatsrday ami Pik,,!x tluu, made Ids |>rtetatlon of innocenc©. • If the orders for money to he t,k n from my salary •, forged, so fur as -h ‘f M. Do, > i.i.nii'f j had iirtthi ig to and. wit i them." he said. I needed ■ money ami Mr. Dono van refuse I io is-ue any furlb-r ord-r* for me Dan told fie tht Mr Do, ovan would iceuo the orde, f r him and off,-r --ed to |,*ie thla favor done for me I c. wrro e tip. order- end la , ~ ok them away wth him. When he hrought them back they were Itxlorse I as cor not by Mr Donovan ii .i . r ,. „ u ~ Ileve that th* sDna! ;,e . forverles "Inn afterward* .onfrr* and n>. a,! to Emanuel tlr.en. lull ff l„ offl •„ of the ah-vlff of th- City < om, that he ha l forae i Mr Ix,i<v„n'. mme" Phoenix confe .. It!„. Dan ■ ro llt< dat a.I by the transactions n! that he himself got all the money. He never “'*• '•■** •' explaining 1„-t why Dan h l been eo wlt n- to <, mml, .1 elm and yet r<‘,nain ron-rnt o enjoy .0 e ,t ,h • trults of the rnterprls- The .jn about the Court It *„•* oil say ,h,t Dao was ,1 g.e.l d.-al >fa fo- I hot non, . f them credit him with *u h a liek of sense that would make the truth of th* atory told by Phoenix [Ci-d.'ile "l was concerned." Plioeolx uiknltted. "Ir the forcing of ('apt John R Dillon name to the note for I*o which I two! .•ashed at the Germania Bank All these other ord< r* were eomtng duo and I In tended to get the money from the bank and meet them a* they matured I though! I would bt- able to meet the note, when It became due. ami that Cap, Dillon would never know anything a!t It," Phoenix sahl tluat he did not actual l ,’ forge Cap! Dillon's name to the note, hiK was present wh.-n the forgery w.,- commltted ond felt himself responsible for It It Is Just possible tbarPboen x - moral sense l as become a iltt'e bit blunt, for he seemed t tb lie, ! hat lateauac the fergery had tmen dlscover.d and he laid beon compelled to give up the money he ntoured from the bank, that Havre wax i very Mule In thin transaction of which he ought o feel aaluimod. He Hill! ha nee on to (lie story (hat ho | •** wont muit of tho time since last M.iich, when he left Huvammii. In Now York, notwllbatandln* tho sheriff believes himself In fMMtfeaslon Ilf < Informa tion that Phoenix lan never he.-n moro than twenty miles from the oily for more than a few day* at a time. The man aays he left bteitiM he hut a •tread of tho • <grrln and of Jail, and that although ho knew him*- If to be lit no. ent of forging Janitor Donovan's name to the order* Ito yet not at all neiirol that he would 11 m la. made to autfer for the crime of another "I had been working In the Court Hottsa for ten year*." he aatd. "and half the men that were brought up there to tie tried uid they were Innocent. I had ee*n tts-m sent to the or the i* nileutiary Jut the name, and 1 thouithi that omc of them might lie Innocent really The great fear I hail of being made to endure lhl fata cauaed be to get rail of the way "During the time I was at the Court House, I had handled probably hundreds of thousands of dollar* for the . minty of fice™ 1 never misappropriated a cent of It. Till* trouble Into which I have got ha* been hrouffht about by evil compan ion* and bad associations." W tSTH TO nHT At; til*. Hat Hanlon la a tort of. **lla* llern** With Mu nno nl. I port*. Jack Hanlon of Philadelphia want* an other try at Tommie Corcoran of Savan nah At leant that 1* what he write* the Morning New*. Anybody who saw the recent light between Hanlon and Corcoran at the Theater will wonder what the Phil, ndripblan want* to go up against the Sa vannah lad for again. Hanlon hnd a good chance In the laat fight, and quit whan any man who wa* game would have been glad tu atlek It out. Hanlon derlarea h l willing to fight under term* whereby the winner will take the entire purse, but It I* doubtful If any Savannah lover- of the sport would care to ee him a* 000 of the principals In the ring again. Tom mie Corcoran I* all right, and can get their gums at any time, but Hanlon la a sort of back-number. OTHKIt rOOTUAM. tUTTEm. (•nod Work on Thanksgiving Make lineal Enthusiasts Anilona for More. Tha good work done by the Savannah football eleven In the Thanksgiving Day game with Jacksonville ha* encouraged the udnatrer* of the game In Savannah tu make effort* to secure other contents. What ha* been dona, however, Is only tentative and nothing definite ha* been aeeompl tubed. It Is rather hoped to secure a game With an Augusta barn. poisiMy for Christmas day. There h.e also been some inl> of ploying one or more game* with a team from the garrison at Port Screven. As said, however. the*e sug gestions ore merely tentative and M has not been fully determined that there will be any further games this year. Charged With Ingraney. W M (Turin. white man <l3 year* old. wa* sent to the htrtarltf yesterday by Patrolman MoCool who charges him with vagrancy and with cursing and using ob scene language in the presence of a lady. Garin resisted the >,direr, ami will have In answer for that also. Jim Siwinnon, colored, was sent to tho barracks by Patrolman C. N. Murphy on •he i barge of having stolen two gritw from a call car belonging to the Seaboard Air Lin*-. After breakfast, try a franklin 3c cigar. Ciggr.— ad 19 ;8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OG. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. 58.50. SIO.OO $8.50. >8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $8.50. SIO.OO. $3.50.